Massenomics Podcast - Ep.20: Our Favorite Follows

Episode Date: August 22, 2016

This week, we talk about our favorite online entertainment.. We cover our favorite lifters and coaches to follow, our favorite websites for technical tips, and some of our most NSFW conversations to Enjoy! Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this episode on Facebook... Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. I love things and it was fine, but... and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Of things, and it was fine, but...
Starting point is 00:00:32 The biggest one. Did you see someone kind of hating on that little deadlift video? I did. So let's actually start the episode with that. I want to talk about this. So we're here at Mastodonics Studio. And speaking of haters, we've got, we had somebody like jump Tanner's shit on the internet about a video of him doing the deadlift pyramid. And you can find it on our page.
Starting point is 00:01:03 That's just going to be under our articles. Yeah, articles, videos, or it's also on youtube or it's on facebook our facebook page but uh yeah it was just a fun video and it's hard it's heavy it's impressive it's a lot of reps and the guy's like well it would have been cooler if he didn't have straps to test the grip now now i'm all pro crossfit but that guy was like is all crossfit too it's like well come on man uh but he he also he said the straps would be one argument if someone just said well it'd be harder if you didn't use straps i'd be like yeah it'd be way harder if i didn't use straps i i agree that's why yeah I use straps. Yeah, exactly. The other one. Well, he said, I think it would have been cooler if you wouldn't have used straps and
Starting point is 00:01:51 would have even done like two less plates. And he said skip two plates. Was it two at a time? Was it skipping two plates at a time? I don't know. I guess to me, what I thought he meant is like, it would have been cooler if I would have worked up to 405 instead of 585. Is that what it was?
Starting point is 00:02:08 How is that cooler to anyone just doing four plates? And I just read it as skip two plates. He went from 135 to 315. Skip two plates any time. Yeah, it's like loading up two on each side at each time maybe. Either way, it sounds like a shitty idea. Well, I just don't see how it's significantly cooler. He did go on to like
Starting point is 00:02:27 other stuff, I think. We're not haters here. I'm hoping maybe he was just fucking around. I liked the comment, even if it was a little negative. It's like, oh, I'm glad we're getting enough comments that someone's bashing someone or has something
Starting point is 00:02:43 bad to say. Yeah, as soon as people start calling you fat on the internet, I think you've won. You know you're on the right path. I don't know, guys. Nobody's told me to kill myself on YouTube yet. I don't think we've quite made it. Well, I don't always. I usually get the YouTube notifications, and I don't always share those ones with you guys. I don't want it to hurt everyone's self-esteem.
Starting point is 00:03:03 All right, I suppose. How are you guys feeling today? I'm okay. I was a little beat up this morning. How about you? You know, I woke up this morning feeling like my body had been through a lot yesterday. I have a, yeah. Well, you also went wakeboarding last night while the rest of us watched you go wakeboarding. There was that. And then I think what really did it is we ended up going out a little bit, which wasn't anything too crazy, but the bar we were at, you know, you go wakeboarding there was that and then i think what really did it is we ended up going out a little bit which wasn't anything too crazy but the bar we were at you know it's a good i don't know mile and a half from my house and we just decided let's walk home like at two in the
Starting point is 00:03:33 morning that walk after the day yesterday of strongman wakeboarding running around and then you just walk home like that just really really did it in for me at that point so you probably woke up with practically like locked up legs i would assume you know my legs weren't too bad just my body felt run down and then my roommate talked me into uh moving a piano with him this afternoon which it's like yeah you're moving a piano you just have to assume you're going up or down some stairs and sure enough we had to move it up a set of stairs and moving a piano up like 15 stairs just makes your back want to want to quit on you that's what you get for letting people know that you lift. I guess.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I guess. I think we talked about that. I don't know if we talked about it on the podcast before, but don't ever own a pickup and let people know that you lift because that's going to be most of your request. It's a deadly combination of horrible favors you could ask for. We just get really good at telling people to fuck off that works too but uh yeah we by the time you're hearing this we will have already had the strongman competition but uh we we went out we got some pretty hefty strongman training in
Starting point is 00:04:38 yesterday we had a whole whole big group of guys and we hit it pretty hard um went well everybody's getting like way way better every day that we yeah that we do things so tanner's kind of regretting getting the implements out and having us all practice because everyone's getting better and better everyone's nipping at his heels so but anyway we decided today we're going to talk about some of the things that we've been uh you know kind of like some of our favorite resources online from just fun Instagram accounts to follow or cool websites, lifting-based things, basically the type of shit we look at when we're supposed to be working. Obviously, at the top of this list is going to be Masonomics.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Damn it, that was going to be my first one. I was going to lead it, do a long lead that's what's gonna be my first one i was gonna lead it like do a long lead into it and then just tanner tanner tanner brought in a whole bunch of notes and that was actually the only thing he prepared that ruins my day but uh but yeah massonomics is the go-to for everything strength so obviously check out our facebook page um all of the above go to the store buy some stuff what else we'll hustle you pretty hard at the end of the episode too but uh one of my favorites actually is uh squat university and i think uh i don't know i don't i don't even know
Starting point is 00:05:57 how i found them or what the story is there but um i think i stumbled across them on instagram and their instagram is is awesome anyways um because you get everything in pretty small like you know easily digested pieces but it's squat underscore university on instagram um and dr aaron horshig is the guy's name and uh yeah it's just gold from like the mobility stuff to movement practice. They'll do a lot of neat things where they'll just break down somebody that has really good squat technique and they just kind of point out what's awesome, what you can take away from it.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And I really dig it because frankly, you don't get to see a lot of people squat, just moving around. So if you're trying to absorb thing you know absorb absorb good information this is the place to do it at for sure they do a good job of pointing out uh good technique versus optimal technique versus marginal technique you know like some of the subtle differences and yeah and and it and it's not one of those things where it comes out and it's uh you know it's not overly sciencey there where it comes out and it's not overly science-y. It's always like meant driven towards application, you know.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And you can kind of see some of these like, you know, he's got stuff on here where like back position, being upright, being a bit, you know, lean forward. And some of this stuff is just really, really good. It is all very technical, but very easy to understand like you said it's for how in-depth they go they make it very kind of relatable and yeah i started following it since you brought it up the first time and i like their stuff and a few other guys at the gym have brought it up to me like oh do you follow this squat university thing and i'm like yeah it's good i don't know i don't know his background or really anything like that other than i think he's a pt but i feel like i've seen that if you if you go to this the website squat like it's amazing the
Starting point is 00:07:50 the it's so in-depth there's so much stuff here i mean you can go through just ankle and you can like you can click on ankle and there it'll be just piles of articles on ankle mobility um ankle in the squat you know ankle warm-ups um really cool so i i couldn't recommend that enough i don't know what more we can say other than that's like if you are trying to work on your squat or even starting like that's a that's a good place to start i gather his background is olympic weightlifting i think so there's a lot of that based on some of what i see yeah yeah and yeah because there is a lot of like. Probably just based on some of what I see. Yeah. Yeah, because there is a lot of overhead squatting stuff and snatch catch and those types of things.
Starting point is 00:08:32 What else do you got, Tanner? Matt Wenning, I think, as long as we're talking about ones that you can do a good bit of learning from. I like his. And I guess I'm kind of talking about Instagram, but anyway you can follow him on instagram he does a good job he'll kind of just talk into the camera for say 30 seconds about a specific point that he's been getting asked about about quite a bit lately and
Starting point is 00:08:56 you know he trains conjugate or he's from west side background and there'll be a lot of that in there so even if you don't do that a lot of it's still pretty interesting or pretty informative not quite a comedy account no i was thinking about that the other day that's a guy that like really takes his shit seriously yeah like it's never it's intense yeah he did have one post on there the other day that was was pretty funny though because uh at his gym that he runs apparently there was a guy that was supposed to be back from like a trip or vacation and he was supposed to probably be in there benching that day and he kind of did this funny video where they had him recording like these three guys get matt being one of them gathering around like to spot this guy yeah and you couldn't really see the guy on the bench you could just see the weights on the side and stuff like that and they hand it off and like as they're lowering it down they like zoom
Starting point is 00:09:50 out yeah and there's no one on the bench and like your boy never showed up yeah yeah that was the first funny thing i've ever heard him say or do on there actually um and a funny one that we've gone over many times on here if you're not following uh tom finn that's huck finn barbell on instagram you need to be um we don't have to go into much detail other than tom tom's a freaking riot to follow and and you really need to chugging beer getting beers poured on him while he's dead lifting uh wearing roller skates wearing roller skates while he squats you know bench pressing in a moving vehicle all of the above so huck finn barbell that's your boy tommy you got anything um i'm trying to think of something really something more unusual but like i gotta go with the classics you know like
Starting point is 00:10:36 pete rubish like that one's just the number what did he have a week ago i think he's deadlifting 905 or something for a double or something double or something? It was something stupid. And the numbers that guy has right now are just crazy. And it's getting to the point where every week they're getting bigger too. So those are always a lot of fun to watch. Yeah, at 245 pounds body weight too. Yeah, it's just nuts. And the intensity he brings is crazy too.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Another one of my favorites is dan green when uh when he you can tell when he gets in a kind of in the cycle of a tough training block like he just will grind through things like he might hit it's not unusual to see him like hit a squat and the first one just be an absolute grinder and think oh yep that was a tough one and then he'll do two or three more and just keep keep grinding away i don't know how he does it but it's uh it's cool to see the numbers that he can throw around out there too another one i dig he's an olympic weightlifter from russia so i'm gonna go out on a limb and say he probably doesn't pass very many drug tests but uh but dimitri klokov and on instagram he's klokov d that's k-l-o-k-o-v-d um he's
Starting point is 00:11:50 basically a total wild man he does uh you know he's strong as shit does all sorts of crazy stuff but he does uh just you know he'll do like i think he can like pause snatch like 405 pounds like where he pulls it up to his knee he's wearing just socks we'll pull it up to his knee and then we'll just fling it up overhead you know i think this video we got here is him 245 kilos so i don't even know how much that is 500 ish pounds you know jerking it like it's nothing so um but klokoff's crazy he'll do stuff like uh like GHD bench press where he'll get in the GHD backwards like you're doing a sit-up. And I think he had like 225 pounds on a barbell then on his chest.
Starting point is 00:12:33 And he's bench pressing while he's hanging off the thing. Mostly, everything that he does should have like a do not try this at home disclaimer. One-arm snatches. And he's he's a riot he's an absolute crazy person so uh that makes it good for a good instagram follow for sure i don't know that i'd take a whole lot of training advice from the guy but uh but but he's a he's a riot i'm going to go with Bud Jeffries. I've talked about Bud before, but I, I always, I always can't not talk about,
Starting point is 00:13:09 talk about him because he's so worth following. Bud does a lot of unusual things to say the very least. He's really strong. And I, I don't know what state he's from somewhere in the South. I don't know if it's Florida or, or where he's from, but he does a lot of like training in his backyard and it's odd rock lifting and he's and it looks like he's just got big heavy shit laying all over yeah rusty old in the woods yeah it's just it was just there it's been there forever forever. I've had a little back and forth with Bud.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Talked to him about a few things on the internet. Honestly, when I first came across it, I thought it was a little bit of just a joke. But he's seriously strong. Yeah, he's strong as shit. And does crazy stuff. There was a video of him doing the splits and handstands on like a paddle you know stand up paddleboard in the water um but yeah the first time i saw i was like this i thought maybe it was just somebody messing around and uh not only is it pretty serious it's actually like after you watch enough of it holy shit that's really some of it's really impressive yeah
Starting point is 00:14:20 some of it's like the splits thing still got me I have the first time I saw a picture of it. I thought it was a Photoshop thing. Like I, again, I thought someone was messing with it. And then I saw that there's a lot of pictures of it. So, yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:32 I mean, he's got to wait close to 300. Oh, I'm, I would think so. I'm sure. Yeah. The fact that he can do the splits is pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And all of his stuff is like, not, uh, I mean, well, what's his, his website is what an unconventional and it is hashtag an unconventional he does that pretty normally and uh really is all of it is unconventional
Starting point is 00:14:51 like i've never purposely does nothing conventional yeah like i don't i don't think he does a single push-up the normal way i don't think i've ever seen him just squat um which is cool more power to him he did tell me he is uh he was a former uh competitive power lifter and he had back squatted over 800 pounds because uh in that article that we had out a little while back uh top 10 power lifters that you're not following that you should be i i had to put him at number one and he's borderline a power lifter but he he does you know he used some powerlifting disciplines for sure. He's number one. It's way too entertaining not to follow him.
Starting point is 00:15:31 It's too good. If you're like us and you just kind of nerd out on watching people lift on the internet all the time, he's one you have to follow. That's Bud Jeffries, spelled just the way you would expect it to be spelled. What do you got, Tommy? Anything else? John Hack. I really wasn't too aware of him.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I knew the name, but I didn't know really much about him until this last IPF Worlds worlds a couple months ago here and he was throwing around some pretty crazy numbers since then and that's when i first found him but then uh following him since then he has just like he'll he in the course of what a month he's putting on like 50 a 50 pound pr like on his deadlift and And weighing like 190 pounds, he benched like 475 or something. Just stupid numbers that don't – Yeah, his bench is insane. Yeah, and it's the same thing. He's deadlifting in the 700s, squatting in the high 600s,
Starting point is 00:16:34 and I think he's like 20 or something at 190 pounds. Just an absolute freak. That's awesome. Yeah, he's – yeah, it's impressive just especially at that low body weight that's what's yeah there's a lot of people moving a lot of heavy weight on the internet but it's really tough to see somebody that's light doing those types of things we were talking about that the other night actually it was last night about like bench pressing you know it's not uncommon to see you know like a skinny guy that can deadlift way more than you would expect yeah like you
Starting point is 00:17:03 are yeah we were saying you get these freaks that you have these skinny guys that can deadlift way more than you would expect. Yeah. Like you were saying, you get these freaks that you have these skinny guys that can just, for some reason, deadlift 600 pounds. Yeah. Sometimes not as much. You might have someone that can just squat quite a bit, but it doesn't seem like you get these skinny guys that way. 190 and can just bench like mad bench,
Starting point is 00:17:20 400 plus pounds. Like just that one is such a rarity. So for someone to have a crazy good bench along with the other two lifts too is it's awesome to see yeah tanner's blowing snot rockets in the studio today allergies going on or something like that i was wanting to hold off on doing that but i didn't know if it hasn't been so is it the cats or the dog i don't we'd have had oh no no no it's like outside i was mowing the lawn before this and i was doing man stuff yeah doing some bad shit gross my allergies were like work i you know that's what i tried to
Starting point is 00:17:51 tell my wife is she wanted to make me do it and i it's the last thing i wanted to do honey i've got allergies you're just gonna have to take care of this um one one follow i really like on instagram is reynolds strong um i believe it's Matt Reynolds and, uh, they, the cool thing he does on here is he does lots of, uh, um, basically like just, it's like just free information, you know, and it's all condensed into that less than a minute Instagram format. Um, but yeah, he's, he's really good. He'll pull on, he has videos like, you know, the three criteria for getting strong, what exercise to choose, how to do it, the reasoning behind it.
Starting point is 00:18:31 It's all set up with subtitles, which is brilliant, so you can just watch it instead of having to turn the sound on if you're sitting in the living room and not paying attention to your family. But no, Reynolds Strong, that's a solid follow. Matt Reynolds is a guy I found on a do a barbell business podcast and he's a he's a really interesting guy and he really really knows his stuff so um so that's a home run i follow quite a few different uh strong man and strong man related things on there that i like and a few that everyone would be aware of would be brian sean half thor bjornson and i like following those because uh like right now we're leading up to the 2016 world's strongest man so and they post quite a bit of their training they all i think
Starting point is 00:19:16 they all purposely don't post the numbers everything that's going on with the numbers like that they'll even say like i'm not i worked up to a heavier pull but i'm not going to post that uh but i like seeing what they're doing leading up to the competition and then uh another another one that competes is uh terry hollins he's british and he's a pretty good follow he can uh like this kettlebell toss that they're going to be doing this year it's like the keg toss for height only it's with huge kettlebells and uh you say huge what are we talking i don't know what the weights are i might have to half thor's been working with them too and i've seen brian shaw doing it but this terry holland's he i don't know if it's like a 70 pound kettlebell or what but there's a few videos and
Starting point is 00:20:00 pictures of him doing it where the bar is like 15 feet in the air and he's throwing this thing like three times i mean it's like 45 feet in the air like it looks just and his comment would be like uh this kettlebell throwing seems to be going okay and it's like this picture and i don't know if the angle plays a part in it too but it just looks insane like he's like sending them into outer space so and he posts quite a bit of his training, like more than these other guys. So that's kind of why I like, like following him. Uh, but then starting strong man is a really good one. Uh, and their website is starting strong, but they, uh, they talk about anything and everything strong man
Starting point is 00:20:41 related, you know, they'll, they, they have they have a shop you know they sell a bunch of stuff and equipment uh also but they're good like um for the world of like strongman news or what's going on and yeah in in that world they they cover everything there's just not a lot of that on cnn there's not a lot of it really anywhere so that that's a good one i like that one i've got one that's uh it's this guy his name's paul castaneda and i think he's like i believe he's like a crossfit trainer but uh what he does is i've heard him on some other podcast but his uh on instagram it's kick ass tanada and all he does it has to take him all day but he basically just stores and makes up his own memes so it's basically a meme account but it's all like crossfit or weightlifting stuff and it's it's it's hilarious i can't describe any of them to you you just you just need to go um there is
Starting point is 00:21:41 one here we'll go to which is uh has the guy from uh what's the movie the the somali pirate movie um with tom hanks you've never seen it it's not a very interesting movie it's tom hanks on a boat getting yelled at but but i was like oh castaway cat wrong one uh forrest gump yeah but it was uh as the guy standing there looking and says look at me i am to coach now and it's uh when someone was shitty form jones might joins my gym but uh no kick-ass tanada it's a it's a it's a damn funny account i definitely recommend following that one how about uh leanne hewitt yes leanne is the gal who i had talked about probably numerous times because she she squatted 550 something when i was at the arnold and she was 15 or 16 years old at
Starting point is 00:22:35 the time um she'll be featured on a list tanner do you want to talk about that yeah it's uh when we put out that uh top 10 list of male power lifters that you're not following that you should be we got quite a few women on there that said uh where the hell are all the women at so we were like well we actually asked that question everywhere we go we didn't know where they're at either i've never seen them at the gym um but no so we got kind of inspired to put put together a list of, uh, top 10 female lifters that you should be following. And, uh, spoiler alert, Leanne is going to be on there as one of them, uh, along with
Starting point is 00:23:13 nine other pretty, pretty bad-ass women. Yeah. And we got some, we had to get a little bit of help on there because we weren't terribly familiar. Um, who did we talk? Was that, uh, Marissa Endo you had hit up for some, for a little help with that article. Yep. She gave me some advice and about, uh, another, another juggernaut sponsored power lifter gave me a little advice. And there's actually about four or five women on there that,
Starting point is 00:23:35 that helped me out, uh, let me know who they thought should, uh, deserved a little bit of cred. You know, when we did the list for the male power lifters, it was like, deserved a little bit of cred you know when we did the list for the male power lifters it was like we're not exactly like the definitive voice on the subject so it's not like if you didn't make our list that you're not good it's just like we didn't know about you yeah we're just enthusiasts that spend some time trying to figure out what's going on across the board yeah so there'll probably be a second list of men coming eventually too yeah because there was some hurt feelings i think and some of them probably deservedly so i don't remember one of the guys looked like a legit badass that we totally dropped off the list there's probably a couple there was there's like 10 of them like i could i could make a look we could yeah we could
Starting point is 00:24:16 do it again twice over probably and that's a conversation i had with one of the guys you know he he benches like 550 and i don't know deadlifts 800 and all these other crazy numbers. And he brought up several other guys, but he also brought up himself that maybe he shouldn't be on the list. And I'm like, oh, yes, he should be. But there's so many freaks out there. And part of it is also... Are you interesting to follow? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 It's not just if you're strong, but that's another criteria of the list is if it's interesting or funny. Yeah, you can be strong, but I don't want to see pictures you mow in your yard. Yeah, exactly. But so we should have that list. We'll probably have that out by the time this episode airs. So you can go to, roll through our articles. You'll be able to find that on our Facebook page as well. So, um, yeah, Leanne is, uh, I think she's, I don't know much about her background, but I, I believe that she has
Starting point is 00:25:15 kind of migrated to doing some Olympic lifting as well. And it's like, yeah, I think she competes Olympic lifting and crushing that also, which she's up to 17 years old now she's 17 and she had a high she squatted more than that 551 she squatted like 579 now or something like that i quit but i came across when i was looking into these women i came across uh a woman that has squatted 599 raw in just knee sleeves so that's pretty crazy yeah it's all It's like embarrassing as a man that there's women squatting so much more than us. Yeah, not just a little bit more, like on par. That's like almost 200 pounds more than what I can squat. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:26:00 One of my favorites is a guy, he lifts through, he's one of Travis Mash's guys, is Evan Rutledge. Now on Instagram, it's one of the best Instagram handles ever. It's girthbrooks6. But Evan's a guy that kind of like lifts the way that like is really nice and really fun to watch. He lifts angry. He slams shit around. His setup is actually in the living room of his house so it's all like right that's his fireplace that's his fireplace is
Starting point is 00:26:30 right there and he's that's like fuck it he's got banners hanging up and squat stands and he's uh snatching right in his living room clean and jerk in his living room but the dude's strong as hell um lifts angry seems like an angry son of a bitch and And he is just a, he's a blast to watch. So I had never noticed that that was his living room. I always assumed it was his garage. Yeah. That's what I thought. I'm going to guess that it's probably like the basement that maybe has a
Starting point is 00:26:55 second living room that doesn't use, but, uh, the guy's super, super strong. And, uh, and I really,
Starting point is 00:27:02 uh, really did. I don't know how I found him or what but he's pretty popular now i don't even know how many followers he has but um 20 000 so a couple more than massonomics so for now for now we're coming for you girth um you guys got anything else oh i got one i don't know if very many people are familiar with it or not, but he does quite a bit of lifting. He's pretty jacked, and he's been in a couple movies here lately too.
Starting point is 00:27:33 The Rock? Yes. And actually, you ruined the punchline. I was just guessing because I thought, no, he won't. I was going to say, I think he did a little wrestling in his history. He's pretty motivational. But yeah, The Rock. And I see he has 62 million followers.
Starting point is 00:27:51 So I guess I'm not the only one that. So The Rock has like 80% of Instagram follows him. Is that, I don't know how many people are on Instagram. Who has the most followers? I mean, he's got to be like top. Is he like top 10 or is he like top 100 or you know i'm googling it right now yeah like i just taking a guess i'm gonna say the kardashians are way up there the the rock has to be like somewhere up like he's gotten so famous over
Starting point is 00:28:17 the last couple years okay so on monday well this is in march though selena gomez has 69 million followers and just beat out taylor swift i don't know so the rock isn't far off of that we're talking that's five months ago yeah the rock's been making moves yeah there is 170 million people on instagram selena gomez has 93.5 million now okay yeah as of this so what how many people are on instagram okay so this is a little bit dated so i'm gonna go keep we'll just keep the ratio at whenever this thing was done it's in 2016 170 million people on instagram at this time 86 million followed selena gomez wow 83 followed taylor swift 76 million followed ariana grande beyonce's got 75 million kim kardashian 75 justin bieber 72
Starting point is 00:29:18 massonomics with 71 million that's uh that's fucking crazy so the rock is probably he's at about 60 you said yeah he's 61 so he's probably like just under in the kylie jenner kendall jenner somewhere between the jenner's that's which is a real shame well that's i mean they have done considerably more than the rock though because, because Kylie Jenner... As far as beating your face on TV all the time. Well, and I mean, Kylie Jenner, or Kendall Jenner, she's accomplished so much. You know, The Rock, he's only the biggest movie star on the planet and one of the most popular professional wrestlers ever and has one of the best physiques. You know, what could really catapult him is if he came out with his own line of lip gloss.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I think that would really take him to the next level. And none of that's going to put him above justin bieber no no no way the beebs got some hits you know so that's a real shame i didn't i guess i know who selena gomez is but i didn't know that she was like to me more popular than i feel like that went to bed in my first 20 guesses not even close i taylor swift makes more sense to me yeah and beyonce i could believe taylor swift is taylor swift like a really interesting instagram follow because even that like i don't get that she would have that i don't follow any of those people so i can't even i mean i keep pretty good tabs on justin bieber are you a believer i believe so hard i just get blown away when you go on like the discover page
Starting point is 00:30:45 and you see one of their photos and it'll have over a million likes on it like and and like right away too it's a lot of engagement yeah well i mean we don't get but half that here at massonomics on a good day so there's a couple quick ones i wanted to go through uh one is a mash elite performance. If you want to, if you dig like Olympic weightlifting, this kind of where they kind of pool together all the guys from Travis mash is, you know, lifting team. My favorite on his is Nathan Dameron. He's a 94 K lifter and this kid's just strong as hell. Here's him jerking 428 pounds.
Starting point is 00:31:24 He's kind of like the young future he's 19 years old and just moved some some big weight he's a real badass so nathan dameron 94 is him but mash elite performance is kind of a place if you go to it you'll be able to see kind of all of the uh mash performance lifters and they do some pretty cool things. And that includes girth Brooks, uh, Mr. Rutledge. So, um, also for Olympic weightlifting, Jared Anderton, um, he's a guy that I'd gone through for some coaching and programming online a while back. Um, for technique stuff, he posts videos probably every couple of days, which is like a detailed break breakdown of like the technique while with video voiceover of it so um really really sweet information that you can't get um especially if you live live where we live
Starting point is 00:32:13 there's not a lot of olympic weightlifting coaches so you kind of got to hunt down that information on your own and he does stuff where he'll you know kind of speed it up pause show you where it's right where it's wrong, and it's pretty cool stuff. Did you have anything else, Tanner, Tommy? I don't have anything too interesting. Do you have anything off the beaten path? Oh, too high. We can go way off the beaten path. Hood clips.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Actually, I've really gone into some farther corners of Instagram here. Actually, I've really gone into some farther corners of Instagram here. This one actually isn't too far out, but I enjoy the absolute dumbest internet humor, like to the point where people make memes that intentionally make them as bad as possible in Microsoft Paint. The one account that does just an amazing job of this and kind of trolling the internet in general is Versace Tamagotchi. He's just done some pretty awesome things. And the cool thing is he's kind of always mixing reality and fakeness. So you never really know
Starting point is 00:33:17 if he thinks he's posting actually real or not. I don't know if you guys remember JNCO Jeans from way back in the day. So they're making a comeback and somehow he's sponsored by them i don't know how um and he managed to put together a thrasher skateboarding like sponsor me video where it basically consists of him smoking cig smoking weed putting his middle finger at the camera just like as a joke and that's his actual sponsorship video for jinko g it's just it's just dumb stuff um
Starting point is 00:33:45 he makes he has just like he'll do dumb things like he had one a while back it was uh the caption on well he started he started making making t-shirts that made it look like smash mouth it was like this hardcore band out of southern california and he started selling these smash mouth t-shirts and uh i mean it just took it's like smash mouth san jose crew xx something and it's just stupid stuff and he listed like no i'm not making this up it's my birthday and all i want to do is open up the fucking pit yeah smash mouth live in concert uh he likes to give a lot of shout outs to four loco he has a website where he sells gear and the name of the website is so that should put things into perspective a little bit um who's
Starting point is 00:34:32 that dan bilzerian yeah he he does absolutely hate dan bilzerian so he likes to troll him in the biggest way possible he he has uh uh you could say infatuation with the Kirkland most generic white old guy shoes you'll ever see. He calls them Kirk boys. Somehow he has a connection with John Mayer and John Mayer was wearing them too. There's just, he has a lot of pretty awesome things. I could go on.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I actually listened to a two hour interview with him and there were some pretty amazing things he's done. One of which is making a fake Whole Foods account for the Whole Foods store that opened in Silver Lake, California, which is right by LA. And people thought it was a real account. And then he started to turn it into a thing
Starting point is 00:35:15 of how wolves were basically attacking, or coyotes were coming down from the mountains and attacking customers and people were getting all concerned. And it turned into a thing of how he said he hired hunters hunters to take care of like hit that slipknot one that is i don't know if you guys it's just the dumbest thing you'll ever hear this isn't from him he just reposted this but it's like a disney channel sing-along of slipknot and the first night we heard this thing we no lie watch this video probably a hundred times it's so stupid so he's got some pretty awesome stuff he has a shirt called it says edm everyone dying from molly so there's there's some real real gems in there
Starting point is 00:35:58 nice nice i've got uh i've i've got one off the beaten path one as well this is i'm looking and i'm like this is definitely not safe for work and if you're offended by penis basically dick drawings don't go to this page but it's it's porous walker and that's porous underscore walker his website is the porous and the guy what he does actually he just doodles funny little dick pictures basically and but he actually sells them on his website so you can buy like he'll just make it put it on instagram and then sell the original for like 50 bucks and and like so you could buy this picture here of just a dick and two balls wearing football jerseys and stuff that one is just a dick out of a roller skate like that's all it is
Starting point is 00:36:53 very colorful roller skate with a dick hanging out the top roller blade roller blade but um it's it's all it's it's all just the funniest shit you could ever imagine, as long as you think that farts and boobs and wieners are funny. That guy's shadow is penis. So the Porus Walker is just, I can't describe it enough. You need to follow it and do yourself a favor, please. There was one of them where, God, I just, there's so many that are so good, I can't even describe them to you because it'll probably get us kicked off the internet.
Starting point is 00:37:36 But there. I'm amazed how many of these are on Instagram. I don't understand that nobody's flagged these at all. Other than that, maybe it's under some sort of like artistic protection, you know, like you can kind of have like, like a nudie sketch drawing, like with boobs or something,
Starting point is 00:37:52 I suppose. They're typically tasteful. This is not, this is tasteful in the way that it is. That one is a dozen, a carton of a dozen eggs. And like one of the eggs has been replaced with the head of a penis. The old pink egg yeah it's uh it's just i like that tattoo on there what does this say here it says
Starting point is 00:38:14 if you rule number 7417 if you're reading this then you have to go get a penis tattoo on your penis whether you have one or not that's the rule so i just yeah and i'm the guys was really really really prolific in that there is tens of thousands of these things on there and every one of them is really really really funny um one of this is a cartoon drawing of a harmonica with boobs hanging out of it. And it says, if your harmonica doesn't have tits, then it's not a real harmonica. I think I've heard that before.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Words to live by. That's an old Chinese proverb. So Porus Walker, it's my man. Tell him Masonomics sent you, for sure. Someday he'll be an official sponsor of the podcast, I hope.
Starting point is 00:39:05 We'll commission him to do some artwork. Do some logo work. I can only imagine what he'll do with our M with an arrow. It would be a penis. Tanner, did you have any wild cards? No, I'm so boring. I follow my friends and then people that lift. And not even most of his friends.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah, mostly just if my friends lift, I guess. And if they don't lift, they're not really your friends. That's true. Well, I think that's going to do it for us today, guys. Is there anything else we wanted to cover? That's probably about it. Could we tell them about the change to our shirts? Have we ever talked about that?
Starting point is 00:39:44 Oh, we haven't. it could we tell them about the the change to our shirts have we ever talked about that we have it yeah yeah as of for sure the time that this is uh this has been out we're gonna have shirts that got the new uh tommy you're probably a little better describing this than i am new and improved t-shirts um we took the classic massonomics logo t i believe we call it the ogt yeah stepped it up a notch we now have uh a special little massonomics tag inside the shirt screen printed on you don't have that long tag hanging rubbing on your neck so we have a added level of comfort and uh there's a special little message in there too so it's uh you're gonna have to buy one yeah you really gotta buy
Starting point is 00:40:19 one but it really adds to the uh like the customization of the piece really feels like something special now and it's a lot better than having a tag up on your neck when you're trying to lift and work out anyways. So yeah, they're pretty sharp. They look good. It makes us seem really, really professional. That's the goal, making that illusion with everything that we do. And if we sell all these, maybe we'll make a 3.0T
Starting point is 00:40:41 or it's even something better. I don't even know what that is. That's incentive for you people out there. yeah i don't even know what that is but that's incentive for you people out there something i don't even know that exists yet yeah i couldn't imagine a shirt being better than this so so we're just trying to be as professional as possible here at massonomics after 10 minutes of dick conversations so um well that'll do it for us today um make sure you go to go to the store buy yourself some shirts some hats all sorts of fun stuff please go to itunes make sure you give us a five-star rating go to the website store we already did all that youtube youtube go to the youtube go to the
Starting point is 00:41:17 youtube massonomics on youtube massonomics on YouTube. I'm Tyler. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. N. Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone. Tanner? I'm Tanner. My ICQ number is 8654-1320-19876. And you can check me out on Instagram at Masanomics. Tommy? And you can find me at Tomahawk underscore D.
Starting point is 00:41:42 That'll do it for us today. And thanks for listening. And stay strong. Later. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics. And make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanomics gear.
Starting point is 00:42:04 From your friends at Masanomics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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