Massenomics Podcast - Ep.200: With Special Guests Dan Bell, James Strickland, Jona Leo, & Tyler Stone

Episode Date: February 3, 2020

We finally hit episode 200! That's 200 straight weeks without ever missing a new episode.  This really was a special one for us.  We popped they bubbly, then had to relive some of our best memories ...with some people that have helped us along the way.  We chat with ATWR holder Dan Bell, raw bench monster James Stickland, equipped bench monster Jona Leo, and former Massenomics Podcast co-host Tyler Stone. Hybrid Performance Method: and use code MASS to save 5% on all programs Lifting Large: and use code MASS20 to save on Lifting Large branded products Spud Inc.:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:15 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics! Yeah, if you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, everything. Masanomics. Yeah, if you don't follow Masanomics, you all do it. Social media, website, everything. Masanomics. Welcome, everyone, to episode 200. Two-hondo.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Of the Masanomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. So we've finally made it to 200. That's a lot of nothing. Your favorite two hosts are back for 2- zero my name is tanner and my name is tommy well tommy we made it to 200 it's the it's the 200 pound we did what we did what could it be done and unlike every other time we've said this we actually have something today we do have we've kept it we've kept it a surprise for a while now yeah so it's exciting or a secret i should say yeah so this is this is exciting it is um but we're not getting to that yeah we're not gonna get to that we're still it's still a secret though we're gonna we're gonna we're not gonna get to it that's still uh uh in
Starting point is 00:01:18 a few minutes here we'll get to that to the biggest surprise but first before we even get into that a word from our sponsors of the show that helped get us here to 200 oh oh you know i messed it up yeah there we go today's show is brought to you by lifting large lifting large is your one-stop online shop for power lifters strongmen highland games athletes crossfit athletes and anyone that lifts iron visit today there's free free shipping on any orders over $60, and 99% of the orders are shipped the same day they are placed. Today's episode is also brought to you by Spud, Inc.
Starting point is 00:01:54 The goal of Spud, Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you.
Starting point is 00:02:23 With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible make sure to use our discount code mass m-a-s-s in all caps for five percent off any training or nutrition memberships for the life of your membership visit hybrid performance method method. DatCam. So those are our sponsors there. Yeah. Do we have something to celebrate 200 with? I think we have a lot of things to celebrate. Should we both take ours out at the same time? We could do that.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Okay, I gotta take my headphones off too. When you say both take ours out at the same time, you're referring to that we're gonna finally show everyone our penises. Well, that was the reveal for 200. There's the secret, everyone the secret everyone you got it okay just a second while we uh get our penises out so tanner i got this lovely bottle of bubbly here i got us i also got us something else to commemorate the occasion uh i see it's in a koozie so that's most important i also have glasses with koozies on them so we have what i mean what is it that you have there am i this is a fine because it doesn't look like a la croix this is a finely aged bottle of and Brut California champagne. Spamonte.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah, yeah. With fresh notes of pear and lemon. Didn't want to give it all away, but you know it now. Oh, limone, I think is how they pronounce it there. Pamplemousse and limone, I think is what they were trying to say. Brut, is that like the cologne then? I'm pretty sure it tastes similar. This is actually going to be the,
Starting point is 00:04:06 this might take a good 10 minutes just opening this damn thing. I'm not even have the tools in place to do it. Brute, your father's cologne. Like, do you remember your dad having Brute? Oh yeah. I feel like I do too. That and I think everyone's dad.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I think so. And there was another, there was a deodorant my dad had that I feel like is just such a dad deodorant, and I can't even think of what it was now. Rightguard? Not Rightguard. I've had Rightguard.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It was a clear gel, and I can't remember what the hell it was. You know, something that when you put it on your armpits, they feel wet instantly. Like the worst trait you could ever have in a deodorant. Yeah. Ooh. You know it's a good champagne when it has a screw tab on it. Ooh, it still had a pop to it, though. Still a little pop to it.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I think we caught that on audio, even. Wow. Well, it doesn't really smell good. I'll give it that. Is that good? Well, there's one glass of fine bubbly. Tanner, there's more where that came from this might do me just wait just wait i just had to get get the uh so cheers cheers wow
Starting point is 00:05:14 i mean champagne's fine i've never like really thought that champagne is like good have you um no i don't like it i've never been like oh yes we get champagne like at a holiday or anything no i does anyone really like it first of all i don't really know anyone who's like it's the holidays we get to have that bottle of champagne yeah i guess i'll have a new year's i don't know it tastes all right though it is fine it is fine being in this uh massonomics deadlifter koozie it tastes even better i know that it is cold so it's got that going for it now do you know what this is with before you look at it i have because it's
Starting point is 00:05:51 not really in a can i have a slight idea i have a slight idea do you want me to say what i think it is i mean you can go ahead and uh you can you can take your guesses if you need to but i think it's perrier isn't it the uh this is not being in a typical can kind of gives away, gives away what it is, but this is also a celebratory beverage. We got so many liquids on the podcast today. That's a sparkling water i guess yep you know what's funny is probably here yeah probably two years ago i would have said well this is disgusting and dumb and now i drink i'm like oh this is this is totally refreshing it's kind of good isn't it i've never i've never had one
Starting point is 00:06:40 before oh have you had one um no i think my wife has these around sometimes but i don't think i've ever been holding on yeah yep carbonated mineral water per year yeah not bad at all no flavor not much less flavor than a la croix though no flavor slightly less flavor than it is good though it could be a real trick you could almost hand someone one of these that drinks la croix and be like what flavor of this and be like ah is it a flavor or not plain yeah yeah clean well there is pure pure is an option you could almost get tricked into thinking that has a flavor doesn't hurt when you just drink some champagne right that's that's true the palate is not cleansed yep it's all about the cleansing of the palate all right so that's our celebratory beverages wow all types of beverages so with with 200 uh i mean we there's a thousand there's 200 things at least we could talk about as far as memories of making it to 200 but is there anything
Starting point is 00:07:41 like quickly that stands out to you it's uh we don't have a ton of time because we have some important things we have to get to do yeah our cutoff is like we have about four minutes yeah to start but is there anything to you that really sticks out as some of the uh first of all just the fact that we're at 200 that seems impossible i think i've said it multiple times on the podcast i thought there was no way this would make it past 20 episodes right like and why why would it why should it have if you just go by the odds the odds are it's probably not going to make it past five or ten or whatever and even 20 you think about 20 is almost a half a year like that's a good run but uh so the fact that it's going that long we've gone through you know we had tyler don't have tyler now we've gone through a few
Starting point is 00:08:27 different formats with things right uh it's taken us i think probably about 150 episodes to really find out maybe the way we want to do it i think yeah which is true and which it took us like three years of evolution not saying that this is right either and i think this is going to be i think this will even change some more but yeah this is kind of in its current format this probably starts around episode 150 ish right i would just assume a little over a year ago probably that's probably about right yeah so we've yeah we've had some we had different locations multiple locations in tyler's house we did a few at the gym one time yeah though just fun to think that's been we did even that now that's been a while.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Even that now has been quite a while where it was like you, myself, and your brother. We set up some boxes in the gym. We did some at my old house. Now we have the spot here. A lot's happened. We did a couple, one or two, in my backyard.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Yeah, we did that too. I forgot about that. And of course the guests you know when we used to and we used to tyler flew cross-country multiple times to get some guests to canada yeah and even to other countries to to get some guests uh so yeah it's gone it's got a lot or we've traveled too you know we've gone to uh we've uh done one with nick tylootkey yeah and uh so that was a long time ago that was a very long time ago years ago yeah we we traveled to sioux falls we had jonah leo yep we uh got dan bell at the arnold so we've we've that format doesn't really exist now but we've we've just done and tried a lot of different things and it's been kind of crazy thinking back that
Starting point is 00:10:02 like saying those out loud it's like wow we really did back that like saying those out loud, it's like, wow, we really did do that. It doesn't even seem like the same show. No, it doesn't. It doesn't. But it's really has just been one continuous thing. You know, it's just no really one huge change over that time. It is the perfect like definition of small incremental progress. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I'm not really sure what we're progressing towards, but it's progressed in some way. You can say that for sure yeah the biggest uh like individual because i was just talking about this with my wife before i left then she said oh it's 200 really that is crazy to think and i said yeah that is crazy and kind of the coolest uh thing memory that i'll have of the podcast which is not even specifically the podcast but uh this was back when we were recording still in tyler's basement and also we used to record upstairs in tyler's house yeah i kind of even forgot that and the way upstairs we did the main floor the basement and the way upstairs oh yeah three locations yeah we did three locations in his house i forgot about the way upstairs too
Starting point is 00:11:00 that was maybe 10 episodes maybe probably not okay but that's not what i was talking about it's when we were in the basement which that's where we probably spent the most time there i think i think in that part of the studio area um we were recording an episode i don't know what i don't know what night of the week it was i know what day of the year it was it was april 3rd 2018 we just uh like we're just literally finishing recording. And my wife called me and said that she's on the way to the hospital and I need to stop podcasting and go there now because she thinks that our baby might be coming. So, and we were literally like just finishing and I was like, well, I got to go like now, you know, usually we'd sit around and maybe talk for a while. I was like, I better, I better go right now.
Starting point is 00:11:45 It sounds like there could be something going on. And, uh, you know, I went to the hospital and we, uh, our daughter was born not that night, not until the next morning, but we were in the hospital. You know, I, I went from recording the podcast to the hospital. Yeah. I drove to the hospital and didn't come back to like, you know, the next day or something after our daughter was born. So I'll probably always remember that. Oh yeah yeah that's i i don't know if you've
Starting point is 00:12:09 ever told me that before yeah you probably haven't i probably i don't know yeah that's i'm not sure if i've actually talked about it though maybe back at the time you know i would i probably talked about it on the next podcast episode or something but just like that it spends almost two years i don't remember if we talked about that even, but I will never forget that. Obviously. Yeah. A cool memory. Oh,
Starting point is 00:12:28 it's very cool. So I was thinking, well, where is he going with this? That he knows the date of a podcast. That's pretty big. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 00:12:34 that's now I know. Yup. Yeah. And that, because her birthday is the next day. That's how I know. Plot twist. Your relative was our doctor. That was the plot twist uh your relative was our doctor that was the plot twist
Starting point is 00:12:48 wow so that was the one note i had but do you think we should dive into what we're going to dive into here i think we should i think you should spool up what we're spooling here okay um so maybe maybe yeah get that going okay and uh just just give me the signal when we're good tanner and i'll pump the volume okay so guys this is uh you could say this is the start of season three of the massonomics podcast it starts this very moment and uh this is uh i think i think oh i don't want to give it away too soon. Oh, what's that noise? What's that noise?
Starting point is 00:13:27 What's that noise? What's happening here? What's happening here? Hello? How's it going, guys? Can you hear me all right? Can you introduce yourself? Hi, guys.
Starting point is 00:13:39 My name is Tyler Stone, and I am in no way currently affiliated with Mastodonomics. My name is Tyler Stone and I am in no way affiliated with Mastodonomics. So Tyler, we were just telling the listeners that this is the, we have a big surprise. We didn't let anyone know what it was until you said hello right at that moment. No, no. Oh, no shit. So there's been no buffer as to what's going on right now. Nobody knew we were calling anyone and nobody knew we were calling you. So it is a complete surprise
Starting point is 00:14:06 to the audience at this point. Oh shit. You still have everyone in shock. You can say anything you want right now. Oh man. I just want to say hi guys. Perfect. So what country are you in right now? I'm in Vienna, Austria right now.
Starting point is 00:14:25 We'll be moving to Amsterdam here in like six weeks. So that's move number two. The freaky deaky Dutch, right? The freaky deaky Dutch, man. It'll be wild. By the way, guys, it was really funny. Just as I was leaving, I think Masonomics had become basically
Starting point is 00:14:47 a podcast that had ripped off a lot of beer logos right? No I don't know what you're talking about there you do the podcast with less people and now you rip off more beer logos and some other things but it was actually pretty funny here like
Starting point is 00:15:08 this shit like my masonomics shirts aren't funny or clever or interesting they lose their cultural impact in europe yeah like if you don't know what fucking bush light is yeah wait wait wait you mean to tell me bush light isn't big overseas believe it or not no no it hasn't quite made its way they'll be cultured someday i guess they don't know what they're missing out on do they yeah that's why we had the revolution i think yeah it was for one of those reasons it was something like that i had a guy even said like when i was first here, he was like, what's the deal with that? I mean the shirts and they just say lift. Like, yeah, we get it. You lift.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I was like, well, that is like, it is also kind of the point. But like you're missing like the most important layer was the only thing that makes it interesting. You know, I think the deadlifter one, the Budweiser style one, that's about the only one here that people even recognize because there would be some in Austria where it's not even Budweiser, it's Budvar. It's the Bavarian Budweiser brand, but it is a Budweiser product.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So I think that's the only logo of those that carries over so yeah that's explains why you haven't been shipping that many shirts to Austria I still get amazed when I see any order go overseas and it happens oh probably one a week at least oh he sent a couple to uh South Korea in the last month South Korea popped up today and I was thinking who the hell in South Korea? The real goal there is to get one into North Korea. That's exactly what I thought when I saw that. You just have to assume they're trying to smuggle it across the border.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Tyler, do you want to tell us what time it is over there right now? I almost don't want to. It's 3.39 in the morning. This is normally when you start your day then, though, right? Not even close, man. Since I sold the CrossFit gym, at that time when I was coaching, I was just by requirement a crazy early morning person.
Starting point is 00:17:19 4 a.m., just had to be out the door by 4.30 every day. And as soon as I sold the business i like it was like 10 o'clock like yeah every day and now i still like i'll sleep in between nine and ten it's the fucking greatest thing i ever got back was getting to sleep past past sunrise yeah that's always a good thing uh so i guess if anyone's listening that, you know, has jumped into our podcast in the last year and a half, they might not, you know, know who you are. Yeah, Tyler was, when we started the podcast, it was Tanner, Tyler, and I.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yes, for the first how many episodes? Probably one. 120-some or? Yeah, I think 100 or something, yeah. Yeah. Because we had just got to 100, and we were going to do a. You eat 100 chicken nuggets and then
Starting point is 00:18:08 I actually was a little bit inclined today to like I should just go get 200 I was going to ask you that if you thought you could go through 200 because you seem pretty confident about 100 chicken nuggets it's easy to be
Starting point is 00:18:24 confident about 100 and not be confident about 200 it was uh it is uh yeah but but anyway the part of the other deal is mcdonald's in europe is really expensive oh uh like in not everything but some of the things don't make any sense right so it's like the mcchicken it's still like a dollar, kind of. Yeah, yeah, it's right around there. Yeah, you can get a chicken sandwich for a dollar. Yeah, so my buddy went in and he got... Tyler, since you've left, McChickens have gone up to $6.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Inflation's got pretty wild over here. It's the trade war. I went here with a guy and it was, it was three, three euros and 80 cents per McChicken. He got two McChickens. It was like almost eight euros, which is basically $10, which is not a value proposition that I'm willing to fucking engage in. No way. I don't want no part of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So McDonald's isn't really convenient or cheap for me here where I have to take the bus and it's expensive. Yeah. Can you fill us on on what the toilet situation is in Europe? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So for the most part where I'm at,
Starting point is 00:19:33 my toilet in my house is the same ones that I hate about the toilets in Europe. We're like, well, if you sit in your toilet in America, you shit and you shit into the water with a whole right. You push the button, it just floats in the water with the whole right you push the button just floats in the water and then it goes down here like i would say at least half of the toilets
Starting point is 00:19:51 at least between holland and here at least half have this setup where the boat the hole where the water goes down and the water floats is like right towards the front. Like it will be close to you if you're standing up. So when you sit down, there's just this elevated tray. It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense. You put your shit on this like glass fucking shelf, like a glass plateau. And then it sits there just, it's in the air, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:22 like a dog shit smells different. Yeah, yeah. And I think the reason it smells so much different is because it's there just, it's in the air, you know, like a dog shit smells different. Yeah. Yeah. And I think the reason it smells so much different is because it's not just in water. Well, it's definitely not because of the dog food. No, our diets are mostly similar. Yeah, true. And so, and so, so yeah, so then you just sit there and it just piles up. So then you get up and you get to inspect your pile or you can see if it was so impressive
Starting point is 00:20:45 that something like made its way into the hole you're like wow i really you know i covered covered both territories today and then you gotta click a button and then it just just blasts it all down off the thing but it's really inefficient it's really fucking gross and i don't understand it it could be worse i could have to like i don't know wipe my ass with my hand or something some people do that I've only heard and I also think that those people are being over dramatic because I don't think that it's like you're not actually doing
Starting point is 00:21:16 that are you like everybody has a toilet maybe like 50 years ago someone had a setup like that but you're living in that house you got toilet paper. That's fucking. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:21:29 I feel like I learned something today. Yeah. Yeah. The more, you know, do you have any other European insights you want to share with us before we let you go? You know,
Starting point is 00:21:40 I don't know. The weed in Amsterdam is not as good as they say. Really? No, it's all played out. America, it's the one thing. So is it still good, but just overhyped because it's hyped so much there? It's not even that good. I think what happened was it was good 20 years ago when we were like kids,
Starting point is 00:21:56 and you're like, oh, it'd be so cool when marijuana's legal. And then Americans got their hands on it. Exactly. And what we did is we Walmarteded weed and we turned it all into like four loco and like you know like here it just doesn't quite add up so um i wouldn't make a special trip to the netherlands for the weed uh well now you can basically just visit your neighbors now i don't know what i'm doing this march i have to get into the culture and the scenery and all the other things. Like a loo gear. Like tulips and stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah, tulips and French fries and mayonnaise. What's your favorite Mastanomics shirt ever? It's, hmm. You have almost all of them. it's hmm I think deadlifter design is the is like this simple pinnacle it's like the closest rip off also
Starting point is 00:22:53 you know what I mean but it's also like the most universal I just think it's so cool but also like there's some value in the shirt fit too I actually really loved the huge like shirt But also, like, there's some value in the shirt fit, too. Sure. I actually really loved the Huge Life shirt and the thing.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I thought that was dope. I'm wearing the Huge Life shirt right now. Are you? Baller move. But that one in, like, a fucking, like, super athletic fit would have been nice. It was a weird one that was just a little bit big, kind of. But I think that shirt that was like almost painted on tight that's the fucking jacket
Starting point is 00:23:29 all right that's style tips by tyler yeah yeah yeah and also you should not be taking style tips or travel or drug advice so or maybe toilet advice, though. Toilet, though, definitely. I'm your guy. All right. Well, Tyler. We've got a call.
Starting point is 00:23:52 We've got at least three other people that we're going to visit with here today. You haven't told the other people. No, we haven't spilled the beans. You actually don't know either. Yeah, that's kind of bullshit, too. You're going to want to listen to it. They're people that uh you you know and would like this is you guys you know what tanner means by that he was like tyler they're all definitely more famous not necessarily in the world of massonomics none of all right i'll give you that i'll give you that
Starting point is 00:24:21 none of none of them have been on the show for 120 sometimes. I'm going to be honest. This is going to be out of 120 some episodes. This will be the first one that I listened to from the beginning. Yeah. As you leave here, what I wondered if you could do is
Starting point is 00:24:40 you know how at the end of the show you always used to do the rundown? Will you give us one last rundown? Oh, shit. Do you remember how at the end of the show you always used to do the rundown will you give us one last rundown oh shit do I remember yeah yeah yeah okay so well that's going to do it for today everybody make sure you head on over to
Starting point is 00:24:56 there you can find our shirts hats gear we got the lift flex flask we have all the other the lift shorts I don't have to say anything more about the lift shorts We've got the Lift Flex Flats. We have all the other things. The Lift Shorts. I don't have to say anything more about the Lift Shorts. Make sure you click subscribe. Make sure you follow at Massanomics on Instagram. You can follow Tommy at Tomahawk underscore D.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And I'm Tyler at Tyler Beffinstone. I'm going to get one other plug in. Make sure you follow us at StrongFit1 on Instagram. And the StrongFit podcast for me on YouTube or everything else. It's been a pretty cool project. And Julian pretty much drags me into deep water every day. So it's been pretty wild. It's actually, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:25:33 It's like I went from when we started, it was the, you know, the strength podcast about nothing. Yep. And then I end up with this brilliant French dude. And now I have like the strength podcast. It's about like the most complicated shit. Yeah. The opposite. It's got to be an extreme.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Show prep. We still do as little show prep as we did with massonomics. Like pre-show. That's pretty impressive. Except we're going in and he's like, he's like, okay, so today we're going to address like the functional mechanisms of
Starting point is 00:26:04 lactate and the sense of self. I don't know enough to disagree with you. That's pretty much what the conversation Tommy and I had right before recording this one. Those are our latter topics for the second half of the show. Yeah, we might get around to that if we have time. Awesome, fellas. Well, it's been a pleasure, man. Everybody who's listening, thanks a lot for checking everything out.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I hope you guys enjoyed it. And, yeah, see you guys soon, man. All right, awesome. Thanks, Tyler. Take it easy, Lemon Squeezy. That's right. Wow. So that was Tyler Effenston E.
Starting point is 00:26:44 You know, if I had to complain he did miss one part of his rundown if you would like to send us money or send us money yes that was the one he missed i did forget actually all of the other parts uh he was really he usually had that one in there anytime if you want to you know send us money or you know send us money yep that one was always it but that was a pretty good rundown for not doing one for uh for several years a year and a half probably yeah wow so we got our first guest our first surprise yeah our first trip down memory lane is complete right um that was the first stop in our tour that was our first stop should we should we uh head uh hop on the bus number two i don't know why not.
Starting point is 00:27:25 We're just going to keep the train rolling. Now we're just going to play some of our favorite songs we've heard over the past year, right? Our favorite songs. Tanner has his phone plugged into the aux port, so we're just going to play some songs we like to listen to. And getting guest number two spooled up here. It's going to be really disappointing when...
Starting point is 00:27:48 Hello, Jonah. Jonah? Yes, sir. Like Jonah Leo? Are you the one from The Whale? Well, technically The Ark. Oh, yeah, okay. What's up, fellas?
Starting point is 00:28:03 Can you introduce yourself one more time for the guests here? My name is Jonah Leo, and I'm an IPF World Bench Press Champion. And better yet, I'm a South Dakota resident right along with these Masonomics dudes. Amen. There we go. All right. So, Jonah, we haven't had that many guests on the show over the last,
Starting point is 00:28:27 uh, 200 episodes here, but I was, was Jonah the first or the second? He was maybe the, was he the first? He was the first. Yeah. I think you were the first guest that we ever had. And I don't know what number episode that was, but I'm, I'm thinking off the top of my head, it was about number 30, something like that. So it was about 170 episodes ago, but I'm I'm thinking off the top of my head it was about number 30 something like that so it was about 170 episodes ago but I I just so probably three years getting close to three years ago but I wondered what you remembered about that Jonah when we uh recorded that episode with you well well first off the reason you the reason why you probably haven't had more guests on is because you probably couldn't find any more sketchy living rooms. We have them, man. We did.
Starting point is 00:29:11 The listeners probably don't know. We recorded that episode in one of Tyler's friends' living rooms in a city that none of us live in. So it was like we're just showing up at a house and recording an episode. A house that none of us have ever been in before. I'm pretty sure you guys put in some double D batteries and then push the record and play button at the same time on your boom box to record the episode too. Yeah, it was our fancy. We brought our fancy equipment for that one, I think. Only the best.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah. We pulled out all the stops for you. We did have beer, though. I do remember that. Oh, did you? Okay. I don't even remember that, even. You know, I remember it somewhat, but I know we got a good picture where we're out on the lawn giving some flexing.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I do remember that part of it. you forced me and my training partner at the time, Phil, to sit on this love seat that really was probably classified as a really large chair, not a love seat. Yeah. Yeah. That was right. That was correct. Yep. It was kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah. So you mentioned it, IPF World Bench Press Champion. How many times have, what is your little bit more bio on that how many times have you competed at worlds and that that sort of thing well this spring will be my 10th trip uh the first two years i did not medal i got to i think i got a fifth and an eighth and then since then i've won uh won four opens world, and then I took silver the other, what would that be? I'm at nine, so obviously six years. No, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:30:51 My math is bad. Three and four. So I got three silvers and four gold is what I got. So yeah, it's been pretty fun. Four IPF Open World Bench Records, one Masters. And I'm just getting older, man. You keep those IPF championship medals like right next to your Masonomics t-shirt collection in your
Starting point is 00:31:15 trophy display case, I'm assuming? Well, I technically have all the medals all stuffed together in a koozie. A little koozie. I technically have all the medals all stuffed together in a koozie. A little koozie. There we go. All right. That's how a champion does it.
Starting point is 00:31:30 That's fair. So how's the training been going lately? What's been happening with that? You know, it's been a little rough, fellas. I'm not going to lie to you. We moved out of the city of Sioux Falls, which, for those of you who don't know, is the largest city in South Dakota, about 190,000 people. I was 10 minutes from my gym at the time, and we moved out to an acreage about 25 minutes from town. So getting to the gym is a little bit tougher, a little bit shorter time. time and uh so to combat the problem i built a 63 by 42 shed on site and i'm gonna start uh
Starting point is 00:32:11 filling that in with equipment and start training here in which after it's completely filled in and pimped out this coop guy from this uh he is not he is not invited but training's been kind of rough but uh i'm still hitting the numbers i'm still hitting the big mates uh i don't know what else i can say about it it's i think we all have a low times and high times in our training and if if we can keep our low times from getting too bad and then capitalize when the training is going good, I think we all become successful that way. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And you did say, too, for your new space,
Starting point is 00:32:58 you're going to have too many plates. You're going to gift us some of your York plates then. That was the plan? There's no such thing as too many plates. You know that, guys? Well, but York ones. I thought you said you didn't want those ones, right? You had too many York plates that you needed to get rid of.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Well, I'm up to 84, and I think I got my hands on about another 20. Do you? Wow. So you must know a guy then. I know some people. And you know what's really bad you know you're infected with the york plate disease when i go i'm i'm helping coach midland university out at collegiate nationals in pennsylvania so what do i naturally do go to facebook marketplace see
Starting point is 00:33:39 what's available while you're there type in york pennsylvania and then start typing in york plates and it's like paradise out there oh of course the motherland yeah i'm i'm really thinking about renting a box truck and making it look like i got a whole lot of stuff coming home prices are probably cheaper too because everyone's like well we got saturated there's york plates everywhere we've all got yorks oh yeah I mean it's it's like South Dakota and meth I mean it's just everywhere so we're on it yeah we are on it what what about Jonah the other thing I was thinking about too is uh I think we probably had podcasted with you first but you also put on some big pretty big meets here and you've done the state state ones for South Dakota a few times.
Starting point is 00:34:26 And then you've just did bench press nationals and that sort of thing. But do you remember anything about the massonomics guys when you've did a couple of those first state meets that we all were down there at? I was wondering who these guys were showing up with all these matching t-shirts. They got pajamas to go with it. No, I still remember the crew coming in you guys were laughing always having a good time and i mean you gotta have a great time when you're lifting like that so yeah uh i do kind of remember tommy i still feel bad about this we were all lined up at the
Starting point is 00:34:58 convention center and had a men's and women's weigh in lines. Yeah. You remember this, Doc? I remember. He's in the men's line, and it's just flowing Goldilocks hair, you know. I walk up, and I'm like, hey, women's line's over there. I don't think he was too amused. Yeah. It was fine. You know, it all went over just well. I have hair jealousy, you know. Everyone does.
Starting point is 00:35:25 It comes with the territory. But the meats that you've put on, you know, Tommy and I can speak from experience. I mean, they're just about as cool as a powerlifting meat gets as far as the lifter experience for sure. Yeah. I don't know what you, outside of some of the meats at the Arnold Arnold I don't really know what's better than that right no it's run super well the production values there uh it's just all the amenities you need as a lifter it's an amazing setup and venue that you have so what's your secret what's your secret sauce for that secret sauce is uh number one I'm very anal retentive and everything I do
Starting point is 00:36:02 so like does that mean you plan like starting the week before or usually when I'm very anal retentive in everything I do. So does that mean you plan starting the week before? Usually when I'm loading a truck, I start calling help. There you go. Really what it boils down to is I'm a firm believer that you have to create that experience. So if my entry fee is set at $75 or $100, whatever it is, do you need to give that money back to the lifter, whether it's awards or a DJ or Gino or whatever in the event. So ultimately, I can show you. My buddy Brad Slining gives me a hard time to have spreadsheets for everything.
Starting point is 00:36:39 But I can show you in spreadsheets, there's mini meets where I'm like eight dollars in the black at the start of the meet yeah right uh to where i i really make the money that i'm going to take home off the gate which if you have good production like that state meet you guys ran we had a four to four to one lifter uh spectator ratio that's like that does not happen especially you know a south dakota state meet you know in sioux falls it was pretty crazy i think a lot of big meets that get hyped up don't do that i don't think so either yeah what we had we had like 442 people pay that day coming in and i know we had another at least 50 volunteers with midland university and everything else they need to throw 110 lifters in there. And I wasn't charging coaches either back then. So that was a 700-person room is what it was for a South Dakota meet.
Starting point is 00:37:31 So I'm pretty proud of that. It creates something people look forward to. For sure. Yeah, absolutely. As lifter, I mean, in South Dakota, we're a little bit limited of our options for meets that you want to do unless you're willing to travel more. But even if that wasn't the case, that would be the best meet that anyone has the ability to go to within even a reasonable distance. It kind of almost like it spoils you and ruins it for you because you held that as the standard in your head. And it's an unrealistic standard for 90 plus percent of
Starting point is 00:38:05 people but that's just what you get used to and you just want everything to be like that well you you hit the nail on the head because i struggle with it myself going and like i'll go warm up on whatever garbage a guy you know it's a meat let's competition that's why i do it but i think today's lifters have become to the point where they kind of want that pampering you know they they need to have this uh er rack or leco and they got to have this and that where and the old school guy in me kind of i don't like that yeah yeah because you should be able to travel and lift anywhere anytime but it's just not this day and age so you just got to make it happen the right way well at least you're aware of that a lot of people i feel like would be like nope this is how
Starting point is 00:38:50 it's always been done yeah yeah when so when are you putting on the next one that's the question i was i was really looking at something this spring uh for just like a push pull kind of a novice meet get people involved but i'm just gonna hold off i'm taking august 29th is gonna be one it's gonna give people in the usa parsing world plenty of time before raw nationals to run another short cycle uh nebraska had a vacancy and one of their meat directors so they typically had a staple august meet so i'm actually just kind of taking that meet over and going to South Dakota. Cool. There we go.
Starting point is 00:39:27 I got the venue set up, and I don't have Gino. Oh. Is he going somewhere else that weekend, or what? Yeah, yeah. He is. I forget where he even said. No Gino, but I'll have a DJ. Got another announcer lined up, and I don't know. I need to find some
Starting point is 00:39:44 personality. You can't replace Gino. No, that's tough. That is really tough to replace. Yes. Yes. He is who he is for a reason, you know?
Starting point is 00:39:52 Yep. Hey, he's got, I don't know if you know this about the man who pray shoot me for telling you, but he has got an, he's got an impeccable memory, like unbelievable memory.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Yep. After bench nationals, we're watching watching a movie we're talking like 1976 jaws right in in the like least anticlimactic point like boring parts of the movie and he would look at the tv and he would just quote like three four lines to the t and i'm going all right either he's watched this thing a lot but then we switch to another movie and he did the same damn thing he's really a remarkable human being he really is he loves doing that
Starting point is 00:40:31 pirate thing and kind of he knows what he's doing yeah oh yeah he's absolutely a genius but anyway what do you guys got going on next Arnold is the next stop for us are you gonna be are you gonna be there this year at all for any reason i'm just coaching okay so you're just yeah yep
Starting point is 00:40:51 i don't know if you guys even pay attention but easton schuster you know oh yes yep he won the arnold last year yeah we wasn't i don't know if we got to watch him last year it must have been the year before that we watched the year before yeah we saw we saw him do the bench yeah yep so he's doing that and then natalie richardson another one of my clients she's going to be lifted in the pro american on that sunday okay uh so i got two lifters going and uh that should be kind of fun so i'm just going out to coach and hang out and i've never done that i typically try to avoid avoid people in crowds uh that's not the place to go that i know that i know that for sure i i've actually just come to the fact that I'm going to drive there though
Starting point is 00:41:27 we did it last year every year it's delayed every year flights cancelled it's just no I can tell you that driving is also not that fun it's one of those drives where you go like 18 hours and the scenery doesn't change
Starting point is 00:41:43 we'll probably be pretty pretty well tied to our booth the whole time but yeah you have to make sure if uh and at least stop by there so we can talk to you when you're there absolutely we'll swing by all right awesome unless uh easton doesn't win then don't bother showing up we don't yeah We don't want to talk to losers. I like his chances. I'm just letting the cat out of the bag right there. I like his chances. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Anyway, once again, hey, I appreciate you guys for helping out with that bench national. Those guys who got the shirts, I see them wearing them all the time. That was good stuff. Yeah, that's awesome. I'm glad we get to be a part of it. And any meet that you got in the future, of course we want to be involved in that in some way or another. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Are you going to take any of my suggestions ever to heart? Because most of these Mastodonics listeners probably don't realize that when I'm walking through Fleet Farm and I see a logo, I'll take a picture of it and be like, hey, you ever thought about this one? That's what I was going to ask you before you got off the call here is what do you think is your favorite Mastonomics logo or Mastonomics design that we've got so far? Here's the thing. I love strength. All forms of strength.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I mean, i respect everybody and what they do everyone thinks that just because i'm a bench guy i'm in love with it uh-huh uh but i do like your bench heavy shirt it is pretty good that is a very one of the most popular ones yes yeah yeah followed closely by deadlifter that was good yeah uh the short the short so all the shorts yes i mean i mean i've category of their own i i actually stood outside hybee this year and had my own kettle uh for salvation army during christmas season raising money to buy to buy lift shorts and i still couldn't raise it well there's always next Christmas. Well, I got to figure something out to get a pair of those.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Big borrow steal. You know what's next, though? You need to do a pair of lift, a pair of lift kilt for all the Highland Games guys. There we go. That could be something. I don't know who's going to be able to afford it, but that's even more material. If there's dudes at the gym nowadays with hoodies with cut-off sleeves and man
Starting point is 00:44:12 tights, I'm pretty sure you could sell kilts. I think you're probably right. If someone could figure it out, we could. Yeah. Nice. Anyway. Thanks for letting us bug you for a little bit. We'll have to get you on here again now that we're calling Yep. Nice. So anyway. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Well, thanks for letting us bug you for a little bit. We'll have to get you on here again now that we're calling people. Well, this is a, this is number 200. We'll for sure. See you by the next,
Starting point is 00:44:33 by the time I 300 or 400. Yeah. Yeah. 650. Maybe let's just sell. Don't hold out. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Good to have you guys. All right. Thanks Jonah. Wow. Another one on Thanks Jonah. Wow. Another one on the list. So that we started with Tyler. Yep. Co-creator of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Yep. We went to Jonah, our, what we think might be our first guest ever. And also meet director for many meets that we've done. Director for many meets. IPF. I like how that the IPF bench world champion is like comes after the last thing
Starting point is 00:45:05 that we're saying yeah like that is obviously the most important thing but um someone we've got to interact with multiple times and take part in his meets and know that he's an awesome guy yep and uh this is fun so far this is fun yeah we're 45 minutes in already well that's what i was gonna say do we have to do any uh advertisements before we uh i'm glad you said that because you know i would have forgot about that whole thing yeah don't forget about that that's what makes these calls possible makes the world go around otherwise we'd have to call collect yeah that's still a thing anymore can you still make a collect call remember how much there used to be commercials on for that yeah yeah all the time right yeah there was what was it uh there was two big companies and i cannot remember but they had
Starting point is 00:45:55 commercials on tv all the time well and it like their phone number wasn't like call collect or you know i can't remember there was two of them i cannot remember what they were and they had like crazy ads yeah yeah uh simpler time today's show is brought to you by lifting large lifting large sets the new standard for customer service within the strength world get email responses in hours and not days they now have a live website chat support available during the weekdays so you can get advice from a real power lifter with actual platform experience. Ooh, that's handy. That is very handy.
Starting point is 00:46:32 The Lifting Large team wants to help you achieve new PRs in the gym and on the competition stage. When you're ready to try single ply and come to the dark side, give them a call. Lifting Large is the home of the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper, which is always in stock and ready to ship. Massanomics listeners can save 20% on all Lifting Large branded products by using discount code MASS20 at checkout. That's M-A-S-S-2-0 at checkout to save 20% on all Lifting Large branded items, just like those ground lock deadlift slippers. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Place your orders at today, and you can follow them on Instagram at That's liftinglarge, D-O-T-C-O-M. The Massonomics Podcast is also brought to you by Spud Ink and the Fat Tricep Strap. Going after that vascular forearm look? I think we all are. Yes. This strap is the thickest and largest of the Spud Ink strap arsenal and will help you get that pump you're chasing.
Starting point is 00:47:32 The Spud Ink fat tricep strap is the largest, thickest strap handle they have ever made. The fat tricep strap is designed to build your forearms and make everyday exercises like pull-ups, face pulls, and push-downs excruciating. And because it's built from a nearly indestructible nylon webbing, the strap will last a lot longer than your grip ever will. Check out Spud Inc. and the Fat Tricep Strap online at And this episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. and this episode is also brought to you by hybrid performance method if you've been training without a coach and have been looking for a competitive edge remember to check out hybrid performance hybrid has 15 different strength and fitness programs covering everything from
Starting point is 00:48:15 powerlifting and strongman to gymnastics and general fitness all included in one training membership that's not all hybrid also offers one-on-one personalized nutrition coaching that uses lifestyle habits and a flexible approach to shape your nutrition plan around your current lifestyle instead of turning your lifestyle upside down in order to support unsustainable habits that only work in the short run the way most programs do. If you're ready to take your training, nutrition, or both to the next level, use code MASS in all caps for 5% off membership to all programs for the life of your membership. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:53 And thank you to our sponsors for being around for this ride on episode number two, Hondo. I hope we keep all these ones up through 300. Yeah, I hope so. Well, should we hop back into the old conversation machine? We got more people to get to here. See which way the wind blows us? Speaking of big bench presses.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Oh, did you have something to add to that, Tanner? It's coming right here. Is that another phone call I hear? Oh, what is that? Is that what that noise is? Are we calling someone again? The third phone call? Do oh what is that is that what that noise is are we calling someone again the third phone call do we know a third person do we really know three people to call in one night hello this is james james james who uh well aka swim hack aka first comment aka lift short
Starting point is 00:49:39 mambo i mean you know you name it whatever that those are some titles that have to a name right there is some titles. So, James, you are live on the Mastodonomics podcast as we speak. How does that feel? Oh, my goodness. It doesn't feel quite as good as these lift shorts, but it's a close second. It's probably a third to first comment, but it feels pretty good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:01 So that is something I wanted to discuss right away. You, I believe, have the crown for undisputed world champ of first comment. How does that feel? Well, it's very humbling. And I accept this award on behalf of all of those that I have greatly stepped on along the way. There are some secrets that I won't let out of the bag. That's what I wondered if you're going to give away all that or not. I think you do have a secret. I don't know if you're just saying that. I think you do have a secret because you are onto something. You know, there's a group of at least one or two handfuls of people out there
Starting point is 00:50:33 that any given week, they're pretty seriously trying to beat you in that. You know, like they're taking it serious that they want to win. Well, okay, so I'm only going to put one tip out there and you know they're all listening right they're all listening right now is the problem so i know and in fact there's a very good chance that this week if you just look scroll down to the comments right now as you're listening to this you'll see my name number one there's a very good chance of that i mean unless i'm no longer here on this planet or somehow I'm benching or something, but even that, I mean, first comment takes first
Starting point is 00:51:10 place priority over, I'm sorry. Yes. Um, but the, the one tip that I have seriously, I mean, I, my fingers are still hurting all day long, like five hours worth of just working out my fingers and first comment, first comment, first. I mean, it's tiring. It really is. Sometimes I just want to sit back and watch everybody else. And I've done it a couple times, but it doesn't feel good to lose. I mean, second place is the first loser.
Starting point is 00:51:37 That's not that you hate. It's not that you love winning. It's you hate losing, right? And what I really hate is losing to my wife sitting next to me actually speaking of the reigning champion i i believe mrs swim hack is the reigning champion as we sit here today am i right or is that last okay yeah no that that's right she is she beat me by 11 seconds wow double digits we don't slip in. We don't want first comment to come between a marriage or anything like that,
Starting point is 00:52:08 but I guess it means it's important. We have it in. We had to have an agreement. We had a lawyer shot it up and everything, but we are not going to let that break us up. It won't happen. If anything,
Starting point is 00:52:24 it does cause some tension. Um, but the lift shorts keep things straight. So just knowing you're sitting on a gold mine, it makes you sleep a little bit at night. Money, money and short solve a lot of problems. It's, it's like, you know, gold bullion and gold coins used to be the currency that everybody would like, you know, they don't want to put money in the bank. Yeah. Lift shorts is where it's at. I mean, if you stock up on your lift shorts, even if it's just one pair, I mean, you're set. Yeah, that's sound financial advice. You can trade a man if there's an apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:52:54 I mean, I'm sure I could get a, well, I think if I got about six pair, I might be able to get like a seat on one of the SpaceX flights. But I'm working on it. I think the last time I checked, that was the conversion rate. So I think you are right there. It's somewhere in there. It's like 300 million or something. It's somewhere in that range.
Starting point is 00:53:13 So I guess we didn't really talk about it, but give people a quick background on, I think everyone that listens to the Mathsonomics podcast knows who you are already and is pretty well aware of what you do and everything. But give people a rundown on your lifting real quick, just in case there is anyone out there that doesn't know. So I am known mostly for my bench press. I thought you were a total lonely guy now, though.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I'm trying to be. I swear I'm trying to be. guy now though i'm trying to be i swear i'm trying to eat and uh but i started powerlifting officially just over five years ago which is kind of strange because i still feel like a beginner but um i came into the sport um not knowing anything about powerlifting somebody just said hey you got a 600 pound gym bench you know i was i was basically the larry wheels of the time or you know johnny harris is a guy that's coming up right now. You know, these guys that seem to be coming out of the woodwork out of nowhere and then competing and doing these crazy, either all time totals or all time bench or whatever. That was me five years ago. So I didn't know what I was doing my first meet, which it's still humbling for me. I mean, I know a lot of guys, it's,
Starting point is 00:54:24 it's a lot of weight and it's, it's a lot of weight and it's, it is a lot of weight, but my first meet I did like 474, but I was chasing a 600 bench. So to me, it was like, I have a lot to work here, but it took me about two years of official powerlifting to actually solidify a 600 pound bench on the platform. And that's kind of what broke the mold. Everybody was like, Oh my goodness, who is this guy?
Starting point is 00:54:47 And it was very humbling because it kind of made me as a power lifter. And then I started going, you know, posting these lifts and people were like, yo, what's your squat? And I'm like, covering my mouth up,
Starting point is 00:54:59 you know, and my squats were high and just, I didn't put any work into my legs because being a swimmer from a past life, I never had to work legs. I just did bench. Of course, even now, you go to a gym, what do you bench? Somebody says, how much do you squat? What's your total? Unless you're a powerlifter.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I just worked on bench all the time. I was really good at it. It just came natural. I had very little injuries even up to this point. So I was able to progress really, really rapidly. And a lot of that, most of that was drug-free. I mean, that's something a lot of people will ask me. I'll just be straight up honest,
Starting point is 00:55:35 is I was able to get to a 600 raw bench on the platform drug-free. I didn't even know about anything else. And so, you know, when I started doing the total stuff, I was, I was very humbled of course, because I'm competing against guys that if they're benching 600, they're probably totaling, you know, a lot more than I was, uh, you know, 2000 plus two, 2300, whatever. And here I am trying to squeak out a 600 squat, which is nothing bad. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but compared to a 900 squat, it looked really silly in my flight. Um, you know, a deadlifting, you know, six, maybe 700
Starting point is 00:56:10 and then all of a sudden bench flights would come and it's below everybody on the water. So I was like, geez, what is going on? Yeah. So, and so that kept me humble. Uh, I mean, I think I'd come from pretty, pretty humble beginnings and upbringing anyways. I'm not a real flashy type of person. I mean, I'd love to show off like anybody else, but I was able to show up on the platform and perform and bench and be like, okay, this is really cool. You're a superstar mean, but I was feeling the embarrassment. It'd be like somebody showing up at their first meet, you know, and they just don't know what to expect. That was me pretty much every time I'd step on the platform for anything other than bench. And it just drove me to want to get better at those lifts. And here we are a couple, couple of weeks later. And I think I'm, I'm trying to hold my own. and I think I'm trying to hold my own. Those numbers keep climbing. Yeah, for sure. I think that speaks for itself a little bit too. You mentioned your first meet where you had that 474 bench and everything. So I remember that number because you have been on a Mastinomics rookie card before,
Starting point is 00:57:16 so I remember that number as I was making it. You've also been in a Mastinomics versus post before. Which of those do you think is more prestigious of an honor, to make the Mastinomics rookie card or to make the massonomics versus that's a tough one if i had to say like the verses would edge it out just slightly only because i i don't i don't know if i've seen as many verses as i have rookie cards and i may be wrong on that but it just seems like i don't see enough of those compared to the rookie cards. There are more versus in existence
Starting point is 00:57:49 than there are rookie cards, but versus has been around longer. And I would agree still, even though there's more versus, I think it's more prestigious to make the versus than it is the rookie card still. Just because there's a whole nother element that goes into that than what goes into a a rookie card i would agree with that yeah well and how many let's just put
Starting point is 00:58:09 it this way how many people know who king of the hill is or what king of the hill is right and if you're in a versus against that i mean you can't beat that i'm sorry you just can't exactly i mean king of the hill is more popular than i I don't want to say all of the verses because I don't, I can't really quote them all, but you know, a lot of those verses are against other people, which aren't near as popular as King of the Hill. So I think versus hands down, let's just, I do really like your, I do really like your verses too. I think that's a good one.
Starting point is 00:58:42 That's a winner. So there's some that are winners and that I think that's a good one. That's a winner. There's some that are winners, and that's a winner. It is funny because I didn't know about King of the Hill until after somebody made fun of me and said Strickland Propane. I'm like, what the hell are you talking about? And I thought it was because there's actually a Strickland Chevrolet dealership about 30 miles from where I live, and I've been teased about that or, you know, people, Hey, you know, I wanted Chevrolet from you. I'm like, what the hell are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:59:08 Like it's an inside joke. It's not funny with me. And especially, I mean, if there's two other people and me, it's funny to them, but you're talking to me by myself. That's not, you gotta explain the joke. It's not funny. And they tell me, and then finally it was like, it's a show. You don't watch it. I'm like, Oh, let me check it out. And then I got to kind and then finally it was like, it's a show. You want to watch it? I'm like, oh, well, let me check it out. And then I got kind of hooked on it. It is good. We've been, you know, this is episode 200 for us.
Starting point is 00:59:31 So we've been doing a little bit of reminiscing about the greatest hits in the massonomics catalog here. And I do have to tell you, James, you have one of my favorite massonomics discussions of all time online. And I think it stemmed from an actual first comment video someone said um uh damn swim hack beats me again oh i know tanner you maybe remember the conversation better than me but you said something about someone said oh i was at the pool and you said no excuses uh bring like a ziploc bag or something you had to cover your phone you had to cover your phone and the other person said wow that really is a swim hack like that's an actual swim you remember that i'm sure don't you i i remember that yeah yep that was funny the one that i really liked the most was when and by the way tommy i've never
Starting point is 01:00:24 really said this to you like in person i definitely will at the arnold's so you know i mean it but dude you and i have so much in common it's not even funny like a lot of the stuff well our bench we both rep 500 really easy on the bench i'm gonna teach you everything you need to know you're gonna be you're gonna pass up tommy in a heartbeat before you know you're gonna be repping with one arm. But you call a lot of BS on stuff, or you'll talk about shows, and you're like, why do people care about that? That's just marketing.
Starting point is 01:00:53 I hate this. And I'm like, dude, I'm the same. I watch commercials. I'm like, why do people get sold on this crap? This doesn't work. Yeah. It's hilarious. You've got to take a step back and be like, all right,
Starting point is 01:01:05 what's really going on here? Most people can't do that. Yes. And I get it. I mean, that's, that's part of the, you know, we won't even go off on that tangent, but I get that. I mean, some marketing works obviously, but like I'll watch somebody making a cheesecake on TV. I'm like, I got to go get cheesecake or whatever that restaurant is.
Starting point is 01:01:22 I got to go there right now. But, and that's marketing. But, um, I think the funniest thing was now. But, and that's marketing. But, um, I think the funniest thing was, and I don't remember which episode this was, but it was, you guys were talking about something about one of my lists or one of my videos that I posted up and there was a troll going after me,
Starting point is 01:01:37 or you had mentioned that I must get this a lot. And it's like a daily thing. And you were talking about, you know, just how, how people kind of interact online and how there's just like thing and you were talking about you know just how people kind of interact online and how there's just like i'm going to tell you everything about your your life your lift and give you all the advice that you need and you'll you'll be fine and i was just
Starting point is 01:01:53 rolling for like a week and i just played it over and over again i think i even reposted that clip because i was like people need to hear this yeah right right like you don't even know the stories yep it is really funny to what people will say online and then in person um that person when they see you instead of being like that they're gonna be like oh man it's so awesome to meet you like buddy yeah you're so you are a big dude you know just like in person people aren't like that like how often in person do you run into someone that's going to say something openly disrespectful or mean to you? Like that rarely ever happens. Put it like this. I don't like, I take everything online with a grain of salt, but I don't, I still don't trust it. I mean, I've got a family and I've got to protect myself and my
Starting point is 01:02:40 kids and you know, I just, there's some crazies out there so i'm constantly looking over my shoulder and just being in a defensive mode because i'm like okay i told this guy he better meet me at the gym if he wants to talk shit i'm looking for the guy in the gym i'm like come on in brother you know he's gonna do that in the middle of my bench set you know hey watch my back bro so it's like but nobody does that i mean it's just it'd be stupid to do it anyways, but it's funny how people will just literally go back and forth and lose their shit. It's like they're out of control over just you saying you're wrong. That's not what I agree with.
Starting point is 01:03:16 And they're like, what? No, man, the world's going to end. It's just hilarious. The other thing I was thinking about is we did the interview with you, Tommy and Tyler and I in the cage would have been two years ago I think in Columbus right would that be two years ago now that would be two years ago and I double checked my facts on this one so I've been officially following the massonomics podcast for a hundred episodes that that's what I was going to ask so so when we when we interviewed you there,
Starting point is 01:03:46 I know we didn't have near as much of an Instagram presence as we do now. And, you know, probably not near as many people listen to the podcast and everything. Did you have any idea who we were or what massonomics was when we came up to you in the cage? Cause I don't think we would talk to you ahead of time at all. You know, I know I followed you and everything, but, or, you know, we followed you, but were you aware whatsoever of what we were? Yes, but it was kind of vague. It was a little bit like I had probably heard a couple things or seen a couple things or seen a logo somewhere, and it was definitely not very familiar with it. But then as soon as I was, I started listening right away, kind of going back and forth.
Starting point is 01:04:25 As a matter of fact, just for the record, I have second comments on your very first episode. The first YouTube posted episode of the podcast. Okay. Yeah, when you were sitting in your chair and you kind of did the little spin around and you said, all right. Oh, the first Mastanomics. Yes, yes. The first ever Mastanomics YouTube video. The first ever massonomics YouTube video. Yeah. It wasn't the very first video posted.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Cause that was like workout videos, but it was like the actual first official, Hey, this is massonomics being launched. Yes. And that's, yes. And that was probably, that's probably at least a five-year-old video. You know, what I would recommend to people is not to go back and look at that. It is pretty funny, though. Just to go back, if you want to get a little nostalgia, every now and then, once a week, go back to like, scroll back as far as you can go and just start playing with them.
Starting point is 01:05:16 It's like, see what you can find out. Those guys had no idea what they were doing. One other question. Honestly. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, no. No, no. mine's completely unrelated
Starting point is 01:05:26 to that so well i was gonna say that's literally my motto and like people ask me like the success in business i mean obviously you want to have a plan you know this stuff like that but is as with anything that i've done that i've been successful with i've literally just kind of faked it till i made it yeah and that's like the story of my life, like my web design business, my power lifting, my swimming, my everything that I've been successful with is just like totally random that I just was like, Oh, I'm going to figure it out. Just kind of how I go. And you know, you end up being passionate about it and going better and better. And you look back on some of the, like Tommy, I'm sure you're the same way you look back on some of the old website and you're
Starting point is 01:06:03 like, Oh my goodness, what was I thinking? Like, oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah. But that's the thing though. Like if you don't ever look back and be like, Ooh man, I was not very good. Like you're obviously not getting better if you don't look back at your old stuff and be like, that wasn't good. You know? So I think that's always a good sign when that's happening. And we were talking about it right before we even got going here is that, you know, it's taken us, we feel like 150 ish episodes to even find our voice and to figure it out,
Starting point is 01:06:30 like how we're doing this whole thing. And, um, you know, we're doing some phone calls here and this is something completely different for us too. So this might even be a new Avenue. Yup.
Starting point is 01:06:38 It's cozy in this little box right between you guys. It really is. I know you guys can't see me, but it's, it's really, I feel like you're sitting between us. That's lit up, man. I'm right there. box right between you guys it really is i know you guys can't see me but it's it's really i feel like you're sitting between us that's lit up man i'm right there i can feel it it's funny how you know exactly what uh where like we're actually looking at the red button when you say that
Starting point is 01:06:56 so so i'm i'm like maybe what two inches over from kaz or something like that yeah yeah just like that pretty much. What is your favorite, I was kind of asking the other people we've called on this episode too, what is your favorite Mastanomics shirt that you own? That I own? The Yeah Buddy shirt, just because it's blue, it stands out, I mean, right
Starting point is 01:07:19 off the bat I had to pick that one, but I am very much interested in getting my hands on whatever i had to do the og logo but red on the black that you were in on the podcast like oh yeah i was like that looks so familiar i'm looking through my closet like there's no way i have that but if i have it it's cool but no that doesn't even exist in anything larger than an x there's only three of those ever in existence but that might be something we have to... Yeah, put on the list to bring back someday.
Starting point is 01:07:47 We could get that made in a 3X. Correct me if I'm wrong. I think that should be a special Arnold edition, just a cage edition. We do have some stuff coming for the Arnold, though, over here that will probably save a few things for you once we see you there. That's a good point, too.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Are you lifting in the cage at the Arnoldnold here in march then i have that um yes i will be there at well i'll be there on friday i'm trying to remember what time it was i don't want to quote it and be wrong but basically friday afternoon i'll be in there with thomas davis and it were both he slated to go obviously I am planning, still planning on doing a squat bench deadlift medley. So basically an AMRAP of each one, 700 squat, raw, uh, sleeve, and then 600 bench for, uh, for, uh, reps and then an 800 deadlift. But I am training right now. So it's basically a 2100 total taken to the next level. Now, it is going to be somewhat,
Starting point is 01:08:51 I mentioned this on one of my YouTube recaps earlier today. I was actually filming it, but if something comes up where the squat and deadlift end up messing up my bench training, or I think it's going to, because this is kind of where I'm pulling out all the stops for the 700 run. If I start to think that those that's going to, because this is, this is kind of where I'm pulling out all the stops for the 700 run. If I start to think that those aren't going to,
Starting point is 01:09:07 if they're going to negatively affect my training for bench, then I'll back those down and I'll just either not do them in the cage and just do my, my normal bench workout, which probably at that time will be mid six hundreds for reps. Uh, and then I meet shortly after that, but whatever it is, it'll be a show in the cage. So I'm sure with TD, if it's Benz only, it's not going to matter anyway. So we'll have some fun.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Yep, for sure. Yeah. And then you'll also, you're going to stop and hang out with us a little bit too, keep us company sometimes, aren't you, at the old Masonomics booth? Yep, I'm going to come over there and take a couple naps and maybe put a hug pin on my shoulders this time.
Starting point is 01:09:42 I don't know, we'll see what happens. Perfect. Yep, that's what we want to hear. Now, we have one or two other calls that we still have to make, but before we hang up on you and go to the next one, is there anything else you need to talk to us or tell us about, Big Swim Hack? You know, just keep doing what you're doing. I mean, I know it sounds like it's funny, you know, and it doing what you're doing. I mean, I know it sounds like it's funny,
Starting point is 01:10:06 you know, and it is, it's entertaining. And at the end of the day, it's, it, it's not a podcast about nothing, but it is in a way, but it's cool because it's, you don't necessarily have to, I tune in, I put in, I freaking watch and listen to every episode. Now it's kind of a thing where I'm going to listen to the whole episode if I haven't listened to it already by the time my binge day rolls around on the way to binge workout. It's like the perfect time. And it keeps getting a little longer.
Starting point is 01:10:34 It does. We'll warn you, this one's going to be long. This will break the record. I'm going to have to listen to it like 10 minutes every day for a week to get to the whole thing. But seriously, keep doing what you guys are doing. The support is growing. I mean, I love the inside jokes and you know, it's, it's, uh, it's inspiring.
Starting point is 01:10:54 It's, it's inspiring. It's refreshing to see a different take than so much seriousness, which is fun, you know, things are fine, but there's a lot of BS out there and this is just kind of refreshing to just be like you know it doesn't always have to be so serious it can just be fun and good time and you guys are making money at it right now which is amazing so anybody that's listening to this go to the website right now and buy something it's all i mean what the lift shorts you may not be able to afford i get get it, okay? It's the wealthy.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Nobody drives a Lamborghini for no reason. But go and buy the Pinto on the website. Give us what you can. Give us what you can. Yeah, or just donate. I mean, just figure out a way to throw some money at you guys and keep the podcast rolling. Because if they want to support me and my lifting, they can do it through you guys kind of in a virtual way surrogate way so if you guys keep doing your thing that i can keep doing my thing and we're all happy or if you just want to burn swim hack to the ground just donate to mass anomics and they'll
Starting point is 01:11:54 figure out a way to do it i mean there we go and also i would tell people to make sure to uh i think they're probably all following you on instagram if you're not do that but make sure that you're subscribing to your YouTube channel too. Yeah. Um, I know you have, I know you, yeah,
Starting point is 01:12:09 both places swim hack. Um, I don't do anything else because it's too much. And I'm sure when Instagram finally burns to the ground, which I'm sure someday it will, let's hope that, let's just hope that's not soon. Hopefully not soon.
Starting point is 01:12:23 I mean, wouldn't be good for a lot of people. But that new algorithm sucks. I think it's kicking us in the balls a little bit. I think it's kicking a lot of people in the balls, yes. We have statistics to prove it. Something has changed. I've heard many people comment that same thing.
Starting point is 01:12:41 We're probably just not funny anymore, I guess. We finally played out the lift shorts. You't have to set your game up you have to do the the lift shorts 5.0 well you know it's coming someday hopefully let's go uh well we we appreciate having you on here we will have you on again here um probably fairly soon but we'll stay in touch on that and get you on again and uh get you on for an overrated underrated segment a special swim hack edition oh i'll be ready all right thanks james all right see ya all right y'all have a good one see ya all right number three should we do it we knocking them out. Should we go into the finale? Let's do it. We're already at the hour and 13 minute mark.
Starting point is 01:13:28 This is our last caller. This is our last caller. He's waiting on us. We can't disappoint. Caller number four. Only number I would know from Aberdeen and South Dakota. Wait, I know that voice. That's the only number you need to know from Aberdeen and South Dakota. I mean, it's one of you need to know from Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Starting point is 01:13:45 I mean, it's one of like 100 numbers from Aberdeen, South Dakota. I'm sure, yeah. I was going to say. All right. So, yeah, we haven't told anyone who we got on the phone here now, so you better introduce yourself. Oh, good evening. I'm Brandon Allen. on the phone here now so you better introduce yourself oh good evening i'm uh brandon allen
Starting point is 01:14:05 oh hey guys this is daniel bell and you're welcome that's it good night you know you probably could have just rolled with uh brandon allen the whole time i think he could have and there might have been half the people that might not have known that you were full of shit through the whole thing. I'm not stoned enough for that. You're not saying that you're not stoned. You're just not stoned enough. Right, right. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:14:37 That's awesome. We heard that you lift some weights. Is that true? Oh, I've done it a time or ten. I'm really getting good at that 12 12 ounce curl though that's that's the only lift that really most important lift of them all yeah you guys even have my wife saying crispy boys i smack myself in the forehead every time she says it she's learning. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:15:06 What was the big total? What's the number that you put up? That's the big... We better just bring that up here first right away. 1142.5. It's 2518.7 pounds. The biggest raw powerlifting total of all time. Ever.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Ever. So you're better at powerlifting than anyone else has ever been at powerlifting. I mean, that's just a fact, right? Well, I was November 23rd. I mean, I don't know about right now. Sure, sure, sure. I had a good day. I had a good day. I had a good day.
Starting point is 01:15:49 What was the last bullshit comment I saw someone say on one of our posts about that? Someone on Instagram, they were mad because yours didn't count, only Don Reinhardt's did. I can't remember what all the reasons were, but there was some reason that yours doesn't count. I don Reinhardt's did. And what was, I can't remember what all the reasons were,
Starting point is 01:16:05 but there was some reason that yours doesn't count. And I don't even remember what it was now, but just so you know. Yeah. Are you, are you aware that yours doesn't count? Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:16:14 good. I wish it didn't. So, so does that after having the all time world record like that now, does that make you want to train harder and break it again? Or is it kind of like, man, I did it. Like, that's kind of that. I kind of done what I needed to do.
Starting point is 01:16:33 I didn't really publicize it the way everything went that day. But I definitely know I have more in the tank. So that's what's, like, kept me really hungry. So that's what's like kept me really hungry. And through like all my training partners and like just like, you know, like Ed and like some of the other guys I really look up to. And they like critiqued everything and watch my YouTube video and watch the meat videos and stuff like that. They're like, without a doubt, you got twenty six hundred in you. And I'm just like, you guys are stroking me pretty good right now. But, you know, twenty-50 would be cool.
Starting point is 01:17:07 I just wanted to be untouchable for a minute because I know 25-18 is not. That's the scary thing, though. It's like one good meet-away for a lot of guys right now is the crazy thing about it. Oh, exactly. But, I mean, I was also in their shoes, too, trying to knock on that door for two years. You know, just making everything come together on that day is another story. Dylan Hellriegel and a few other guys, I'm just like, $2,500 is no joke. Like, it sucked.
Starting point is 01:17:37 The whole part of that, like, last three weeks and then meat day, it was just tough. It was really tough. Yeah, yeah. So, I mean is are you calling it is 2600 in the book someday um i'm gonna tell you right now i will have 11 six and nine on the bar at the kern six and nine i like those numbers when is that uh it's april 25th that's not that far away no no we actually um starting prep uh this week kind of i mean i got i got to do some other stuff i'm going to be lifting the cage this year and uh do a little charity event it's gonna be fun we're really doing a five on five i'm on uh
Starting point is 01:18:19 stephy cone's team here go against rob rob paul and other people. Do you know who else is on your team or what the matchup is? Yeah. It's weird. We're so stacked. It's ridiculous. It's Jamal Browner, Steffi, and then Bryannie.
Starting point is 01:18:39 I'm horrible with names. I think that's her name. She's from Oregon. I think she's close to 5 name she's from oregon okay like five i think she's close to 585 but uh yeah she's on her team and then uh and then me yeah so all like all five of us all four of us uh we have to do like one lift each well oh man uh hoist the waist chris waist i think yeah chris yeah yeah yeah guys got hook gripping 880 like nothing i'm just like oh Chris Waste, I think is his name. Yeah, Chris Waste. Yeah. He's got a hook gripping 880 like nothing. I'm just like, oh, my thumbs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:13 I think he's doing conventional. Jamal's doing sumo. I'm doing back squat. Stephanie's doing high bar. Brandy's benching, I believe. But it's like our highest total versus Rob Hall's team's highest total. And like, and we'll donate a bunch of money to the charity that we choose. So I was really pumped about that part of it.
Starting point is 01:19:33 And you guys picked the Massanomics charity, right? Oh, I believe that was the last team we went with. Yeah, exactly. Perfect. Hey, on your last, on your world record meet on that last deadlift on your third deadlift did you consider at all for a second do it going up and wait oh i would actually i threw a temper tantrum in the back room because my second one oh it was like i mean it was crazy it was it was so stupid yeah i wanted 900 so bad but and i still do like i still i'm still pissed
Starting point is 01:20:06 about it but i'm glad i went with 881 that had to have been such a tough call at that time though because you know to lock in the record or to do when you know you can do more i mean out of the exactly exactly that's why i don't know I went over strategically with, like, with my plan for that day over and over and over the entire week beforehand. And, like, also thought about those scenarios because, yeah, everybody that's a power lifter knows, I mean, you don't always have the best day. So, yeah, I was going to my head. But I went in the back room and threw a fit. And then, like, Trevor and Daniel Tinoagero like trevor joffy and all those guys were like just lock it in just go 881 and i'm like you guys are right but i still want to
Starting point is 01:20:50 be a 12 year old so it was a good call i actually got the meat director wrpf you can have a fourth attempt no account towards your total or whatever so i asked him beforehand i was like can we just put 900 on the bar i just want to pull it to say that i pulled it like this is more for pride for me than anything and he's like yeah cool but then on my third one i ripped two calluses off and i was i was like no i'm gonna go get drunk exactly exactly you know you might be the have the biggest power lifting total ever but we were in a competition with you one time where we saw you got beat by a little skinny kid do you remember that competition i'm pretty sure tyler and i talked about his 900 pounds sub pr after that too yeah
Starting point is 01:21:38 i still talk shit to him too so that's whatever so for anyone that doesn't know it was a pizza eating contest that we were in with dan and then there's some ringer that showed up and uh probably weighed 150 pounds yeah yep and got his glass of water and started dunking his crust in the water and yeah yeah so gnarly i still remember that like it was yesterday that guy he still does competition stuff i followed him on instagram yeah i've seen him on there before, too. Fangirled him a little bit. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:22:13 So, Dan, you somewhat, I mean, in the last year or two here, you've left the Midwest. You've left the Midwesterners behind. You've became a Florida man. Don't say it like that. Florida man headline. What's been the biggest adjustment going from the Midwest to Florida for you?
Starting point is 01:22:35 I knew going into it, last summer was going to suck. And it did. I'm not going to lie. The humidity was outrageous. But then the start of November, all the humidity was outrageous but then like the start of november all the humidity left and now it's like sunny and 70 every day yeah so yeah so like i literally walk outside take the dogs out every morning in just my shorts and so like but the biggest adjustment for me was was the weather and then i it was just so it's so it's almost still so weird to me, like waking up and being like, I'm not freezing right now. And I don't have to go shovel the driveway. We do that for you.
Starting point is 01:23:15 It's so funny. I give all my friends shit. Like I was home last weekend for a family funeral. But then like before that, I always go back to the airport like literally 30 minutes from my house and it goes right to two airports in between home and like i was there multiple times over the summer and i'm just like pointed everybody's shovel like snow shovels i'm like i never have to use one of those again like ever so nice so nice this is oh go ahead no sorry about that like the changes or anything like that like
Starting point is 01:23:48 it wasn't too bad like i noticed like it was hot but like having to make any adjustments or anything like that the gym i got down here they welcomed me with open arms which kind of expected that but like the training crews like at first we're like nobody really knew anybody but now like everybody was just like a big family and it nobody really knew anybody but now like everybody was just like a big family and it's it's been really welcoming like i don't think i would have received that there in illinois where i was like even then i was traveling two three hours to go to a gym where i had other people or people i could count on the spot and stuff like that but here it's literally 20 minutes down the street from my house it's beautiful yeah that's awesome that's
Starting point is 01:24:23 probably that's probably a big unexpected one you would never think that going all the way across the country that you'll just have a like a home gym waiting for you right oh exactly exactly there's so awesome people there too they're big name guys i mean a lot of a lot of them are gear but there's a lot of raw guys too they're another they're just killing it so it's yeah i didn't expect it but it was i gotta say it was a definitely a saving grace yeah that's awesome we this is our 200th episode and part of what we're doing is kind of reminiscing a little bit about old past shit that we've done and uh one of the ones i was thinking about with you when we recorded the podcast episode with you at the arnold that year we uh you know you came back to our little Airbnb. Do you remember the walk
Starting point is 01:25:05 through that park? Like that 10, 12 block walk you had to make after lifting? Of course. Every time I get out of breath, I think about that. That was awful because Tyler and I were trying to have a normal conversation. I'm like, hold on, let me kiss my friend
Starting point is 01:25:24 first. I almost wanted to fake tie my shoes. I just wanted to kiss him a couple times. But then you're like, bending over to tie my shoe ain't going to make me feel much better either. No, it didn't. Oh, yeah, that was funny. That was good.
Starting point is 01:25:42 That was hilarious. The most thing I remember about that uh podcast uh it was actually the the little rape uh rape couch you guys had the air magic in the middle of living room yeah i thought yeah i remember you saying something about taking tommy to that later or something if you guys i was ready to pet that hair yeah there were some comments made. Yes. She guys took, like, the curtain off of the window and laid it on the manager, like a little decorative throw pillow, too. It was so homey. It was so homey.
Starting point is 01:26:16 You know, when you have, like, 12 guys in an Airbnb, you got to do what you can to make it feel at home. Spruce it up a little bit. Oh, that's so funny. I think Megan was probably the only reason you guys decorated whatsoever. That's awesome. Yeah. Dan, do you know
Starting point is 01:26:36 what they say about a carpenter who builds stairs? Oh, dude. I don't even remember what time it was when I sent that to you. But you messaged me and i'm literally sitting there of course watching the office as much as i can for a night like just gives it the boot or i thought they were and he just he says it and i'm just like you gotta be shitting me i rewound it then recorded and sent it to you i loved it i was like oh my god, I had no idea. Always a step ahead.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Yeah, always thinking one step ahead. Oh, so gold. So gold. I think I was like 10 beers deep and I'm like, I fucking love you guys. Awesome. Well, I think that's going to wrap us up. We've recorded this. You're the fourth person we called.
Starting point is 01:27:25 We also had Tyler on earlier this episode, so you'll have to listen to this and see who did a better job, you or Tyler, on the podcast. That funny bastard. What's the time change for him? It was 3.30 in the morning for him talking to us. Good. He's dedicated.
Starting point is 01:27:44 That's awesome. I appreciate you guys. You guys keep doing what you're doing. I love the over-under. I love even the podcast. You guys make my whole day, my whole week so much awesome. Hey, just a second. Are we going to do an over-under?
Starting point is 01:27:57 I mean, we have Dan here. Yeah, Dan, do you want to do the – we'll ask you the over-under questions this week if you've got a couple more minutes. For sure do you know the rules dan i've heard them a handful of times okay so you do know the rules okay that's good okay i i won't go over the full rules with you though but um the idea is that we ask you these questions and you have to answer with either overrated or underrated you don't get to not answer and your answers can be as long or as short as you want them to be you have your druthers on making those decisions you have your druthers feel free to think out
Starting point is 01:28:35 loud yes okay and and i do have a list of them but i didn't know at the time we were going to ask you so i'm thinking of a couple of of specific to you off my head. Topic number one, overrated or underrated? Jordan's The Shoes. Oh, man. Underrated. I had to. I had to.
Starting point is 01:28:59 I'm such a fan. I had to say underrated. If I said overrated for that, it would have been such a shame because I have 45 pairs of them. And I'm such a fan. I had to say underrated. If I was said overrated for that, it would have been such a shame because I have 45 pairs of them. And I'm trying to remember. I believe we saw a picture on Instagram a few years back of you. Weren't you like a ball boy at one of the games at halftime? At the bowl, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:16 All the fields, all the fields. Yeah, 96. Damn, that was a good year. That was a good year. Yeah, that's like the year. How did you get that connection? That was a good year. Yeah, that's like the year. How'd you get that connection? I won a contest on the radio in Peoria,
Starting point is 01:29:32 and it said you had to be like 13 years old, and I lied through my teeth. I was only 11. I was like, yeah, I'm doing this one way or another. You were probably the size of a 15-year-old at the time. Oh, exactly, yeah. I was a grown-ass man. You had a beard. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. old at the time oh exactly yeah i was a grown-ass man you had a beard so on air jordan sneakers you're saying underrated though you got to say underrated okay overrated or underrated all-time world records
Starting point is 01:29:58 you're an asshole. Overrated. Really? Coming from the man himself. The man with the record. I don't know. I'm still a normal dude. And everybody asks me,
Starting point is 01:30:20 how does it feel to be the strongest man alive? The strongest power lifter of all time. I still have to get up and go to work every day. I't know like if it changed that it'd be different but um no it's cool it's great but you gotta stay hungry that's power lifting yep awesome so overrated on uh all-time world records okay tommy do you have any specific for If not, I just have a couple other ones here. I do have one for you right now. Overrated? Don't say LaCroix because I hate that shit. Don't say what?
Starting point is 01:30:52 LaCroix. We're not going to give you that one then because we know it. Overrated or underrated? Monoliths. Oh. Overrated. Oh. Overrated. Overrated. Yeah, I'll say it. I've locked squats out.
Starting point is 01:31:12 Whatever. I can't say that. From a safety aspect, they're safer. Yeah. That's it. And coming from a person that squats over 1,000 pounds pounds regularly that kind of means something you know for your average person it probably doesn't matter that much if we're
Starting point is 01:31:30 going into the gym squatting 500 pounds and safe or whatever you know it's just not that the level of danger is a lot lower but when you are you know squatting 800 pounds plus that often i mean that's actually a real concern for someone that's doing that so it's fair yeah right right definitely and it i mean of course there's always i've had so many people say oh you get 20 more out of a monolith and i don't believe that i don't see that i don't believe you still squat at the end of the day you're still still squatting. Right, right, right. Yeah. No, you just got to be a diversified lifter.
Starting point is 01:32:10 If you're not, then you're making excuses. That's the way I look at that. All right. Last one then. Last topic of the day. Overrated or underrated? George Foreman grills. Underrated, definitely.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Definitely. I wouldn't have got through college if I didn't have a George Foreman grill. That's kind of the thing, man. See, the problem was, though, whose job is it to clean that drip tray, though? You might as well just throw that away and get a new one once it fills up.
Starting point is 01:32:41 After about the third time, you just throw it in the trash, don't use it all day, just fold paper towels and put it fills up. After about the third time, you just throw it in the trash. You don't use it all. They just fold paper towels and put it under there. That drip tray turns solid white inside from the grease. Like a block of wax. Never cook fish on a
Starting point is 01:32:57 Jordan 4. Horrible. That's awesome. You guys rock. Well, Dan, thanks for letting us bug you for a while make sure uh we'll probably be tied to our booth for a majority of the arnold but if you get any a chance we'd love to have you stop by for a little bit and yeah of course check it out so you guys are over by the guys again so yeah i'll definitely be there for sure awesome right on all right thanks man thanks dan keep Thanks, Tinker. Talk to you later.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Our last guest of the day. The big 200 bash celebration. We've gone on quite the trip today, Tanner. We have. We went to Austria. We started in Aberdeen, South Dakota. Jumped to Austria. Austria.
Starting point is 01:33:45 Came back stateside to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Then we went to Texas. A Houston area, right? Yeah. I don't... What is... His address is not Houston. But it's the region. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Yeah. Yeah. I'll... Maybe Katy or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's right, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:34:02 Okay. That could be right. Anyways. And then because we didn't spend enough time in the southern area we had to hop on jump across the gulf to florida florida man so we went a lot of places in this we did we did so this was 200 and what we alluded to coming up to 200 was that we had a change coming up and what we did here today we had callers on the show. That was the big change. I don't think our plan is necessarily.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Yeah. We're not going to do, we're not going to become the interview show. No, there's enough people that do that. Um, and right. We, we probably don't have anything to add to having an interview show.
Starting point is 01:34:37 There's just the markets cornered there, but, um, we're going to have some, we're going to have some fun, some fun calls, some guests dropping in, um,
Starting point is 01:34:44 periodically for, for, for small parts of episodes. Yeah. have some we're gonna have some fun some fun calls some guests dropping in um periodically for for small parts of episodes yeah not every episode is going to be a telethon like this one was either where we're calling people to all the time but it'll fit our style like just like what you just said that we aren't going to be the interview show but we i think have a plan to uh fit it into kind of what we do get some input and engage the community a little more. So there'll be all types of fun things coming up. Well, and just like what James was talking about, how we are what we are. You know, we take a lighthearted approach to it.
Starting point is 01:35:15 And we don't want to interview someone for an hour about in-depth. About keto diets. Right, yeah. Like, that's not, like, it's fun to call these guys like what the guys that we call today and just uh ask them funny questions yeah yeah that fits in better with us i believe yeah and i have more fun doing that anyways yeah you know that's the type of phone calls i want to be having and i think uh this was we have not we barely you know you tested this once or twice prior to us actually recording here today.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Yeah, so hopefully these phone calls all sound decent. They did. I mean, we can kind of tell on our end. We can hear it too. Yeah, we hear it. Tyler's was cutting, but he's in Austria, and I imagine there's some. Yeah, we had to use Facebook Messenger to give him a call. So these other guys should be what you would expect that audio quality is going to sound like, I think.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Yeah, yeah. And I think. Yeah. And I think they were all very passable. I don't think I got taken out of the moment. No, I don't think so at all. And then the other thing, this is our last episode. We're not going to continue to record. That was it, guys. Sorry. Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:36:20 Anything else to put a bow on 200? Masonomics! You know? Gino said it best what else can you say man that's what it is now it's like this was the excitement and now back to the grind for the next hundred until we get to that mile so we can start season four that's right uh thanks to our sponsors for this episode uh this show was brought to us by lifting large lifting large is your one-stop online shop for powerlifters, strongmen, Highland Games athletes, CrossFit athletes, and anyone that lifts iron. Visit today. There's free shipping
Starting point is 01:36:52 on any orders over $60 and 99% of the orders are shipped the same day that they are placed. Today's episode is also brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget,
Starting point is 01:37:08 and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition and body composition related or both hybrid has a program for you with dedicated and experienced coaches and eat strength and fitness discipline you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible make sure to use our discount code mass in all caps for five percent off any training or nutrition membership for the life of your membership visit also thank you to tyler jonah james and dan on this one
Starting point is 01:37:49 make sure it was dan no it was it was that was that was clever though i like that very good that was very good uh make sure to follow all those guys on everywhere that you follow those guys follow us on everywhere that you follow us on tommy what's your uh you can find me at tomahawk underscore d and of course follow the official massonomics instagram page at massonomics we'll catch you next time for 201

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