Massenomics Podcast - Ep.213: The Rise of Single Lift Strength Events

Episode Date: May 4, 2020

By the time this comes out, Thor will have already gone after the big 501kg deadlift mark, but now Big Julius has said he's doing a similar event to attempt the 800 pound bench press.  Listen to hear... what we think of this new format for strength sports. Hybrid Performance Method: and use code MASS to save 5% on all programs Lifting Large: and use code MASS20 to save on Lifting Large branded products Spud Inc.: Texas Power Bars:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think. If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Social media, website, everything. Massanomics! Massanomics! website, everything. Massanomics. Welcome, welcome to episode 213 of the Massanomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. Your two hosts are back, of course, again. My name's Tanner.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And my name is Tommy. Awesome. Here we are for 213. We've got a lot of cool stuff to cover today, but first off, let's hear from our sponsors from this episode. All of our good, good friends, our close friends, our sponsors of the Mastodonomics podcast. Today's episode is brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you.
Starting point is 00:01:22 With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible use our discount code mass m-a-s-s in all caps for five percent off any training or nutrition memberships for the life of your membership visit hybrid performance today's show is also brought to you by texas power bars in 1980 buddy caps was on a mission to make the best bar possible, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house, had the best knurling, and was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, international, world, and massonomics powerlifting records have been set
Starting point is 00:01:57 and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of their legendary bars for yourself, visit Last but of course not least, our close personal friends over at Lifting Large. They did mention that they certainly are our close personal friends. I've been saying that the last few times and they responded saying yes, we did in fact have that Easter Zoom meeting. Validation. Our very close family of the Mastonomics podcast team.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Lifting Large has set a new standard for customer service within the strength world. They have live website chat support and speedy email responses. Lifting Large is home of the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper and they are always in stock and ready to ship. Mastonomics listeners can save 20% on all Lifting Large branded
Starting point is 00:02:41 products by using our discount code MAST 20 at checkout thank you sponsors here we are at episode 213 there's a couple really important things i i had uh on my mind right at the beginning number one is of course what everyone wants to be updated on is our road to 200 podcast five-star reviews so last time I think we were at 160 and we are now officially at 161 five-star reviews on apple podcasts so right that's that's the big way right right. So there was an additional one this week. We're within 39. And that one actually popped up as something I can read.
Starting point is 00:03:32 So I will read that review real quick. It is a five-star review, as it has to be, of course. And it's from Big Daddy Fat Sex is his name. Five out of five stars. And he says, I'm just here for the fat sex big daddy and jim related stuff that's it from big daddy fat sex uh pretty to the point but i can't argue with him on that no no he's he's just here for the fat sex i mean i suppose a lot of people are it's one of the big draws of this show yeah i mean I mean, I think that's one of the main reasons people like to listen right there. Yeah, so that was one of the first and most exciting things is we're up to 161.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And we've, of course, talked about what happens when we get to 200. And we don't need to remind people because it's such a big deal. No, we don't need to go. They'll also have to listen to old episodes if they need to figure out what happens at 200. Yeah, so we're getting closer. The other thing that several people asked me about, uh, or that, that messaged us on, on Instagram over the last week or two here is everyone wants to know more about the McDonald's apple pie. Okay. I am happy to report back. I do have some news here. And I'm not even joking. A lot of people want to know more about the McDonald's apple pie.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I did my homework this week. Okay, great. I mentioned it to my wife. She was good enough to remember. She luckily reminded me because I probably would have forgot. First of all, before I say anything, did I say the apple pie was overrated or underrated? I think I said overrated, didn't I? I think you said overrated.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm pretty sure, yes. I will now retract that statement and say the apple pie is, in fact, underrated from McDonald's. That's big news. It is big news. I went on a, I think it was Saturday night. I was making a little food run. And while we were out, we were not getting mcdonald's but we drove by mcdonald's and i said we have to go there or my wife actually made brought up the comment i said
Starting point is 00:05:29 yes we have to go there we went through the drive-thru got our one apple pie and did you share it uh she actually wanted a bite of it because she said she hadn't had one in a very long time but i was honestly expecting something that was like, like pretty crusty, not very good. And I was genuinely surprised. It was a good piece of dessert and I would absolutely get one again. Like it, it is like apple pie. It's,
Starting point is 00:05:55 it is a good piece of dessert. I McDonald's has that thing figured out. That is interesting that you actually, it was so good. It caused you to change your, your rating on overrated underrated. That that's big. That does not happen all that often. You know, it's the old saying when the facts change, I'll change my mind. And in this case, the facts changed for me. And yeah, I was, I was impressed. Anyone listening, if you haven't had a McDonald's apple pie, it was, it was funny too. Cause my wife was driving and she said, can I get
Starting point is 00:06:25 the apple turnover? Cause I think that's what I refer to it as. Cause to me, that's not a pie. It's not shaped like a pie. And she said, can I get the apple turnover? And they go, ah, we don't have turnovers, but we have apple pie. And so then, yeah, we got the apple pie. I was impressed. I would recommend it. Does it still come in the red cardboard sleeve? Yeah, I think the sleeve is actually green. But yeah, it's still the same. And it does have, I was surprised by this too, it has a baked by, their name, who baked it,
Starting point is 00:06:54 and at what time they baked it. So you know how fresh it is. Who was it? I can't even remember now. I should have paid attention to give him some props on this show. Someone that obviously makes a mean apple pie. Yeah. His apple pie skills are top notch.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I can say that. No, I kind of want one. I kind of want to try one. I still don't know. Like this time of year, I would like ice cream more. But in the wintertime, I think I'm going with the apple. If I want dessert, I'm going to go with the apple pie over ice cream almost every time in the winter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Yeah. That makes sense. And there, you know, they're a dollar. You could get two, three, four of them pretty easily and satisfy any urge you have. Was one of the kind of the appropriate serving size? What was it too much or too little? Honestly, it was, it was for sure. Not too much. I could
Starting point is 00:07:46 have easily ate a second one. I don't know if it's probably not the right thing to do, but I could have easily put down a second one. Yeah. Yeah. So there we are. I don't know. Do you think that finally puts the McDonald's apple pie to bed or do we need to come back to this in the future here? You know, it's maybe put to bed for at least an episode or two, but who knows? Maybe people have some other things about McDonald's dessert that I don't know about or fast food dessert in general. If anyone has fast food dessert recommendations, I guess,
Starting point is 00:08:16 I would love to hear them because I've been pleasantly surprised by this. So maybe there's a whole world of fast food dessert out there that I don't know about. They'll just have to limit it to fast food dessert that exists in our small town right right right uh the other thing that i thought of was that we there's a listener to the show and i won't reveal their name in case they're not they're not supposed to divulge this uh this level of information but they have a connection of someone that works for pepsi that gets access to early flavor releases of buble really that maybe we uh once we're back to do we haven't done what's in the can for a
Starting point is 00:08:57 while because we haven't been in the same room and that's kind of a in the same room segment that we do very much the same room segment but maybe that we could even have the potential of getting our hands on some early release flavors for what's in the can. I would gladly be a tester for that. We can start a Buble Garage Gym review Instagram page. So that's something for us to look forward to here in the not so distant future probably.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I like that. I already know that every one of the reviews would say stronger flavor than the LaCroix variant. Someone sent me a clip on the Joe Rogan podcast here. Must have been on a very recent episode where they were talking
Starting point is 00:09:43 about LaCroix a little bit and they didn't even know how to pronounce it he's like is it lacroix or lacroix really wow what is it yeah yeah so he must he must be taking a page out of our book he probably listened to the massonomics podcast and uh said oh they seem to have something here with this look all this lacroix talk I'm sure that's really what it was he definitely listened to our podcast so Joe's a fan he is a fan and uh maybe we'll have him on again sometime when we have guests yeah yeah and the fine folks over at LaCroix you know they can pay us even more than what they do right now he's asked us a few times about being on his show but it just really hasn't worked out great for us yeah you know with this coronavirus thing travel's been tough so maybe after that we'll get something figured out i know we're pretty high on his list over there but yeah someday someday
Starting point is 00:10:34 uh we had do have a little more follow-up from last week though tanner and that was there were there were a few questions that slipped in at the end that it would be unfair of us to leave these out. So just quickly, we're not going to spend a whole episode on this, but we are going to spend a few minutes here. Someone said last episode, it should have been called Askonomics. Ah, that is pretty good. Pretty good, yeah. Pretty good. Very good, actually.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I can't remember who said that, but credit to you, whoever said it. Yeah, that is good. Ask. Pretty good. Very good. Actually. I can't remember who said that, but credit to you, whoever said it. Yeah, that is good. Yeah. Uh, PP dot mono underscore said,
Starting point is 00:11:11 just wanted to thank you for the stickers and notes sent to me with my banner. Thumbs up emoji. We, we send a stickers and notes with pretty much every shipment that goes out. Try to, I actually hand write a note for every order that
Starting point is 00:11:25 goes out there's a couple exceptions a few of our banners ship direct from the printer so i don't get an opportunity to write a note from those but every order that is shipped from massonomics headquarters uh has a note written and amazon prime doesn't do that i can tell you that no god no but jeff bezos might be the richest man in the world but he hasn't amazon prime doesn't do that i can tell you that no god no but jeff basiles might be the richest man in the world but he hasn't figured out how to do that part yet nope we got customer service coming out the ears over here next question from c fisher underscore lifts he said is a 1 000pound deadlift at sub-200-pound body weight possible? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:12:09 I was going to say no, but then I forget that at this weight, people are sumo deadlifting and doing really crazy things. But also, under 200, though, I don't know. I don't think that is. Under 200, unless, okay, okay. There could be some weird thing where they use the big, someone really manipulates the 24-hour weigh-in to get to 199.9. And then crazy plates, and then 24 hours later,
Starting point is 00:12:37 they're back up to 228 or whatever they walk around it. I guess maybe in that case it might be possible, but. Could Uri Belkin do a really extreme cut and get to like... I don't think so, though. I guess I was going to say yes, it probably is sometime. But I don't think we'll see that very soon at sub 200. I think you'll see it around like 220, 240. Yeah, I think in there because what's Jamal Browner?
Starting point is 00:13:02 What does he weigh? He's 242, maybe 275 class you know i think he weighs about 250 240 something like that could see him get get close kaylor's done 950 yuri's done 970 but i don't think we'd see any of those guys do it at sub 200 i'd yeah i have a hard time thinking that one would fall anytime soon so yeah i'm gonna say is it possible maybe anytime soon i don't think so i agree i think that's the right answer miles the huffman says did the money grubbing capitalist mentality begin before or after the lift shorts you know that's just something you're born with i think that's better been, I think so. The lift shorts
Starting point is 00:13:46 just kind of really emphasis, just really highlighted it. It really, it was a tool for us to really bring it out and put it at the forefront. And instead of like, it's nice because we don't have to hide that we're that way. Then it's just like a big, it's just who we are. Yeah. Right. Right. You know, it's like those people that just say like, I'm just an asshole. So they, they just tell people you don't have to apologize for it. It's your excuse to be the worst person in the world if you just say that that's what your character traits are, right? Yeah, as long as you bring it out right in the beginning, yep.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yeah, it gives you a free pass to just be however you want to be. Exactly. Eric Boomershine says, what has been your best-selling item and what has also been your worst selling item? Well, best is an easy answer. We know that for sure, right? It's the lift.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I'm wearing it right now. It's the lift shirt. Yeah. Yeah. That's just the perennial favorite. It's kind of by a landslide. Even how long has the lift shirt existed? Three years or?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Probably. Yeah. Something like that, I would say. Yeah. And it's still our best-selling item i mean lifetime and like kind of a lot of given months it's right up there with the top stuff you know new things are obviously really popular when they come out new and we yeah there's surges of yeah there's surges of other things but yeah the the lift shirt is pretty timeless isn't
Starting point is 00:15:02 it it is absolutely so yeah and and we've also had a lot of variations of the lift shirt is pretty timeless isn't it it is absolutely so yeah and and we've also had a lot of variations of the lift shirt now we recently came out with the white version but tank tops black on black yep um a lot of different lift i mean that's the lift shorts which have become their own thing we're just we're a stem off of the lift shirt obviously you know like yeah but it is still the lift it is the blue lift shirt is the the number one right i mean like we've sold a lot of blue lift shirts over the days we've put in a lot of orders for those i was just looking at that the other day actually because we needed to need to get some more coming and it's uh i was kind of staggered by the number of lift shirts that we've ordered since we started ordering them yeah yeah that's the number one least popular like that one's a little trickier to answer just because if something's not popular we just don't really order it again right some that did a that
Starting point is 00:15:56 sold less than other ones were like at at the very beginning we had like the massonomics is numero uno shirt we just yeah we didn't have near the following we have now. And also, people ask about that occasionally. It pops up and people are like, oh, are you ever going to bring that back? Yeah, I was going to say, and that's what's tricky about that is that we never kept it along or we didn't keep it around very long. So if we had it today, I still think we'd sell them. Yeah, I think so too. We don't have those things in stock anymore so it's hard to say and that's what we we're trying to be better at is if something
Starting point is 00:16:28 doesn't sell well we just all right like let's discontinue that there's no use putting money or putting effort and time into something that's not popular and we've never had anything that we couldn't sell like some things they just taken took a little longer to sell and then we just don't reorder them for the time being but what I guess I would say one that I thought at the time would have sold faster than what it did. It still did just fine, but was the Carhartt Curl Hard. Yeah, that one did surprise me a little bit too. Yeah, it wasn't as popular as some of the other designs that we did.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And to me, I always thought it was really cool. I mean, Carhartt, I think, is brand or you know it's just a very specific look and I I always thought that was cool and it just didn't sell as much as I thought it would have uh in my head yeah that that I think I would answer that the same way too as far as something we were hyped on and thought was going to really do well yeah and i as of right now are we do we even have any in stock maybe one or two maybe we've got a couple we might be almost sold out of that there's a few in a couple sizes i think i know we got like a few sizes left that one other product that just as of late sells like crazy that we're both a little surprised by is uh the crispy boys banner is like our moat like is way up there with people which we can we cannot
Starting point is 00:17:46 keep it in stock yeah with the garage gym thing going on but yeah we can't keep it in stock is we just keep ordering more and just it keeps selling out faster and faster it does it's crazy it's really it is really cool it's a cool item and it's big and long and different and really colorful and but it is very very popular yep uh the next question here from uh matub lifts would you rather sweat mayonnaise or shit softballs and if this is a hard-hitting question i don't know what yeah i think i would maybe rather sweat mayonnaise just because it'd be less painful, I think. Yeah, that's TMI.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Like for anyone that's had hemorrhoids before, I imagine the pain would maybe feel something like shitting softballs. And that feels real. The. That does not feel good. And if I would compare it, i would certainly go sweating mayonnaise just because just because of the pure pain factor well i'm glad we got that figured out yeah yeah uh cecile flarity underscore 410 says do you like nutrition plans smiley face if they come from a hybrid performance method using our disc five percent discount code uh uh, M A S S and all caps. Yeah. Otherwise no thanks. I got
Starting point is 00:19:07 it covered. Yeah. Yes. Uh, nutrition plans are in general though. One of those things that I think you should just watch who you're getting them from. Um, if it's part of any, uh, multi-level marketing thing, don't, don't get those ones don't do that yeah um otherwise nutrition plans like yeah a plan of any kind can be good just yeah careful what you're paying for it and who you're paying it to and to me it's like get some even if you're it's i think it's good for some people but get some of that stuff in check just from common sense stuff that you know first of all and just try that for a while like if you're way off the rails just uh start implementing some common sense things first and then depending on your goals like i think it's something once you get that under control maybe to jump into like i don't think
Starting point is 00:19:54 it's a cold turkey thing where you're like i am a fat shit eating like dog crap all the time for 10 years because i don't think you're gonna stick i don't think you're gonna follow it like i think you need to get start making some figure some things out on your own and a couple basic decisions and then transition into something like that if that's the goal you want to or if that's the the path you want to shoot for but most importantly do it from hybrid performance nutrition and use our discount code that is the number one takeaway here uh jim.riley.427 did you ever think massonomics would become what it has my answer would be no no yeah no no definitely not i mean we kind of talked about that that uh uh was it mass is that it didn't say massonomics versus did it yeah okay because i was just
Starting point is 00:20:45 thinking of the question okay well this is well this is the thing is i don't know if he's saying massonomics versus or is there a mass because instead of putting the c in massonomics there's a v oh it's a v oh okay okay is either way the question he's probably just saying massonomics i guess then you're right he's probably just saying do we think no and i think we answered that by like when we talked a little bit about how Mastodonics started is, um, no, no, no, because it wasn't even remotely. Like when we first started out, we weren't even going down the time if we ever knew how we were ever going to make any money, but we have found a way to make some money, and I'm not sure if I ever really, you know, I didn't really, yeah, or certainly didn't know how it was going to happen, you know, so I would say no, no. And if he was asking about mass dynamics versus, which now that you say that, I'm sure he's
Starting point is 00:21:41 not asking that, that'd be kind of an oddly specific question. Oddly specific meme to be concerned about. Yeah. But still, the answer to that would be no. The very first one of those was a little different even. It was Huck Finn versus Jujimufu. Yeah. Yeah. And looks slightly different.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You'll figure out a way to make the format even more popular. So you're right. Right. More ridiculous. Scott Dodd says, can you send me two 45 pound plates? Scott has been very creative with his plate loading in his garage. Yeah. He's been hanging stuff from his deadlifts to hit PRs and hanging weights with yarn.
Starting point is 00:22:23 It looks like. Yeah. But, you know, 45, 45 those are those are like gold right now so i don't know tanner i don't want to pay for shipping for 90 either yeah or uh pay shipping for 90 pounds uh yeah so that might just be uh you know i'd just be out of luck on scott yeah and then the uh the final question here and this was also from scott he said how is tanner's knee and tommy's back doing how's your back doing you know it's doing pretty good i have read the back mechanic well yeah we'll probably do a little more we're going to kind of do an episode a little more on that like yeah we actually yeah we are specifically soon yeah we'll we'll make some notes and go in that more in depth here and we did talk about it probably briefly the the Stuart McGill's work yeah a hundred episodes a few years ago yeah
Starting point is 00:23:10 yeah we'll we'll revisit that but I did read the back mechanic I have been doing the McGill big three for probably close to a month now and then on top of that uh it also you know coincides with the time that the gym has kind of been shut down. So between those things all together, I think, or actually, I have also got a new office chair that was significantly more comfortable and significantly more expensive. I was going to say probably significantly more expensive. Oh, God, yeah. But I think just all those things together are making a difference.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I'm not lifting, so it's hard to say how that transfers to that. But I feel like for the first time in a long time, I'm on a positive trajectory with that. Yeah. Even though you're not lifting right now, that's got to be a positive, even for the potential of lifting in the future. One of the first things he talks about in his book is he calls it a virtual surgery and he just says yeah the reason a lot of people get better after surgery is because when you have surgery you're not yeah you're not allowed to do stuff for yeah four to eight weeks and he goes most people if they just whatever they had a problem with instead of going to surgery, I mean, different things are, you know, broken bone. I mean, that's different.
Starting point is 00:24:27 But he said, especially with back surgeries is a lot of times is if you just took four to eight weeks off, like you had your surgery, you're better off anyway, or you'd be in the same spot as if you maybe did, or even better than if you did have surgery. So I'm lucky enough that I kind of have two things going on is the recovery and the virtual surgery process. Right. Yeah. That makes sense. And how about we Tanner? Oh, it's going great. I'm actually really super excited about it now. Like my lifting is go my it's, it's starting to feel better all the time. Like my, my squatting is feeling better all the time. It bothers me. I,
Starting point is 00:25:00 I know it doesn't bother me at really at all. I just notice it less and less and I have weird feelings in there less and less. It's not really painful anymore at this time. It's still something I feel and I notice, and I'm conscious about it all the time. Even just when I get up from sitting here recording this podcast, it'll be stiff when I walk away just from sitting for an hour. It'll be noticeably very stiff. It's been a year since I heard it not a year you know it's probably been 11 months since surgery so it takes a really really really long time like for to come
Starting point is 00:25:31 back from acl uh surgery repair i do not recommend doing it if i do it again if i do it again it would be like mentally so demoralizing for me that like i yeah it would be borderline like the end of i mean i think i would get back from it and stuff but it would be an enormous hurdle like anyone that's had to do it twice i feel bad for them because it would be it would be a challenge for me yeah i was gonna say i've noticed your lifting videos in your garage and you've been putting your sets and reps down and it seems like things are just i mean not going back to where they were but no it seems like you're uh it's on the right path where it seems like you're only down like a step now instead of right like 10 yeah it is it is honestly like that and like my sets like like my squat the
Starting point is 00:26:18 biggest thing is my squat like that's always my big thing like even prior to this is how my squat feels if my squat's feeling good i'm like oh this is awesome i know training is going good and it's it's just going the right direction i'm slowly adding more weight and it's just feeling good and becoming less a thought in my head i think more about just the squat rather than my knee as it relates to the squat and adding more weight and you know i'm still probably you know 75 pounds off of like my working weights when I was, you know, at my strongest, but I'm also, I still, I weigh 25 pounds less still. So I'm like, if I can continue to get stronger at this lighter body weight, I'm like, God, if I, then if I, if I wanted to get my strength back to that level, if I just gain weight, you know, it'll probably kind of do it. That card's always there. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:27:08 It's nice to know that that card, I mean, and that is the thing. It's like, oh, I want to get stronger. Okay, just pack on some pounds. I know it works. But it's like, it's super exciting for me right now because I'm just getting strong. You know, I'm just kind of getting stronger all the time now, even though the weights aren't where they were. I don't care because I'm going the right direction now and it's like almost yeah and it's almost more like when you first start lifting like that's the kind of progress i'm having and i'm also not like pushing the limits that far so there's like always more
Starting point is 00:27:40 room to do more because i'm not going i'm never going to like a hundred percent and then like well now what do I go? Where do I go from here? You know, there's always like at least 10% more in the tank. So I just get to keep, keep doing more and it's just, it's fun right now. And it just feels good. And like, since I've been lighter, almost like the surgery, you know, since almost like the virtual surgery, I mean, it was actual surgery and it forced me to do lighter
Starting point is 00:28:05 stuff for so long. Things just feeling are feeling better right now. And like my squad is just feeling better. Um, so as I'm excited about that and that's a win and you know, right, right. The weight still aren't as much, but I'm almost more excited now at these lighter weights than just prior to me hurting myself when stuff kind of felt like crap a lot of the times and like things are just feeling better and i i think i i really am optimistic now that like within the next year within a year i'll be able to do a power lifting meet at some point in time and that's what i really want to do i don't know that i'll still don't know that i'll do any strongman again because that's what i feel like yeah like I'm getting older all the time
Starting point is 00:28:46 and I think I'm more susceptible to that sort of like uh ligament tear or that sort of thing but if I think really think if I just stick to power lifting I'd have a chance to really do some more and I don't know you know if I'll the first meet I do if I'll have the best total I've ever had or not but the way things go I feel like I have the possibility even if I didn't first meet I do, if I'll have the best total I've ever had or not, but the way things go, I feel like I have the possibility, even if I didn't have a PR total that at some point in time here, I could even have a lift or two where I could hit a hit PRS, you know, where to me, that would be exciting. Even if, uh, even if I don't put together my best meet ever, if, if still in my life, I get to do a lift or two where it's more weight than I've ever done before
Starting point is 00:29:26 that would be pretty fun for me where I'm like ah ha ha so you know and like it'd be so satisfying you'd be like this literally took years to get back to and I you know and like I used to have a ac problem in my shoulder and my my that's that's what I was gonna ask you because I haven't heard you say anything about that for a long time has that been fine oh I think uh between my technique and the way I train I figured out the exercises that really and between the training volume and and the variations that I do I've really got that figured out that that seems I'm really optimistic on that too where especially on bench if I just keep at it and keep progressing and then even eventually put on a little more weight if i want to i really think on bench it's where i could get
Starting point is 00:30:09 close to um doing as much as i've ever done before someday that's awesome but i i'm still i don't even care like i i don't my expectation is i need to do a power lifting meeting within a year and if i don't have a pr total then it's a loss it's like if i go can go do a powerlifting meeting within a year. And if I don't have a PR total, then it's a loss. It's like, if I can go do a powerlifting meet and keep progressing between now and then, and set some numbers that I haven't done in quite a while, I'm like, ah, that's a win. And that, that almost resets the table for then eventually maybe doing another one down the road where I'm like, now I just need to beat those numbers. And I think that I'm, uh, you know, and then I'm excited about that so kind of give me gave me a chance to reset my expectations and be excited about weights that maybe i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:30:53 have been excited about before and now i'm like oh it's kind of like a new new pr you know like because it's been so long since i've even done a power lifting meet that it's like a new victory all over again yeah and the whole thing with this is doesn't it to me it seems crazy like and i think maybe the belief is changing a little bit but for a while it seemed like there was this belief that people hit their real peak in their like mid to late 30s yeah and that just seems like almost craziness now i think the injuries are so tough for when people get that old. That's the limiting factor. If not for injuries, I feel like that would definitely be true
Starting point is 00:31:32 because it is honestly just time and slow progression over time. But it's the injuries that limit it. Had I not torn my bicep, hurt my AC joint in my shoulder, and torn my ACL, I mean, it sounds stupid, but had I like four years almost right yeah yeah basically it's taken three or four years had i not done all those things i'd be really strong right now like i would you know be way stronger than i've ever been before but because i've done those things and had those setbacks and i'm just using me as an example because I obviously know my own history but I think that's really true I mean that's what happens to people that's what keeps people especially when you look
Starting point is 00:32:11 at those really high level power lifters from reaching that uh potential that they have as they get older you know I think that that's really the limiting thing it is it's that injury thing injury and then just the the I think a lot of people, the monotony catches up to, you know, it turns into a, okay, I've been doing this for 10, 15, 20 years. Like, I don't, I mean, it does turn into almost a mental exercise more than anything is right. Can this still be exciting? Something I've done multiple times a week, every week, right. Decades. Yeah. And that's that. Right right and that is what i'm experiencing experiencing right now because i'm i'm 33 now and i've been you know like the first strongman competition i
Starting point is 00:32:53 did was like in 2011 which is like nine years ago so i've been lifting pretty serious for over 10 years and competing at some in some way for nine probably and right now i feel a little rejuvenated where i'm like ah i'm just so excited about my lifting in the gym even though the weights aren't there yet it's just uh mentally more interesting and you know just where i'm actually excited about it and not like oh damn it i gotta yeah and my train and i think this is just such an issue for so many people like the younger you are the dumber you train train almost like you could almost just, that's just a blanket statement. You just get smarter as you go. And right now I've, I've just feel like I am training better
Starting point is 00:33:36 and more efficiently where it's just as is working better and I'm hurting almost less and just has me excited for, uh, being able to keep going on that path. But yeah, that's the thing. Like I'm 33. You know, within two years, I'll be 35. And that's kind of, I think like, oh, if I could string together, you know, and do a meet within a year and then maybe do one more year after that or something, I could potentially do more in a lift than I've done before. And that would be an exciting goal.
Starting point is 00:34:04 That's a great goal to have at this point for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I think people have to be realistic about that too, and not be like, well, I'm 30. I mean, not that it's impossible and I'm not discouraging people from having those goals as they get older. Cause it is certainly possible. If the most you've ever deadlifted is 500 at the age of 30 probably not going to be doing 800 by the time right right right unless you know there are some factors if people like just training age if you've never if you you start lifting at the age of 30 and that helps because you don't have the wear and tear you know like yeah since i've been training like that for over 10 years you know i've i've have over 10 years of like not missing the squat bench and deadlift outside of it.
Starting point is 00:34:49 You know, it's outside of the, these couple of injuries. So someone that just, we've seen that with people that have joined our gym that maybe jump into it at 40 and. You know, string together five years where they like have nothing but great progress. And then at 45, they're the strongest they've ever been before but they haven't lifted for 10 15 20 years somewhat untrained state when they started right right so training age is an important factor i think but that's a long-winded answer for that question was that the last question that was the last question okay so i guess it was it was fair to have a long-winded one for that one yeah we're gonna hop into some sponsors now today's show is brought to you by texas power
Starting point is 00:35:27 bars buddy caps first started lifting weights in the late 60s and began power lifting in the mid 70s at the time he was working for image barbell building gym equipment around 1976 a local machine shop started making olympic bars for them calling it the image bar in 1977 image barbell became champion barbell It was then that Buddy started looking at the bars with the intent of changing them for the better. In 1979, Buddy bought his first lathe to begin addressing the known issues. In 1980, his passion, drive, and purpose now had a greater mission. Buddy set out on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he had ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born.
Starting point is 00:36:06 It was strong as a house with the best knurling and was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, massonomics, international, and world powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of their legendary bars, visit Today's show is also brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large sets the new standard for customer service within the strength world. Get email responses in hours, not days. They now have live website chat support available during the weekdays so you can get advice from a real power lifter with actual platform experience. The Lifting Large team wants to help you achieve new PRs
Starting point is 00:36:46 in the gym and on the competition stage. When you're ready to try single ply and make your way to the dark side, give them a call. Lifting Large is home to the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper and it's always in stock and always ready to ship. Massonomics listeners can save 20% on all Lifting Large branded products by using discount code MASS20 at checkout. That's
Starting point is 00:37:05 M-A-S-S-2-0 to save 20% on all Lifting Large branded items. Place your orders at and you can follow them on Instagram at That's Lifting Large, D-O-T-C-O-M. The Massanomics podcast is also brought to you by Spud Inc. and the Deluxe Cable Handles. Built to be bomb-proof, the Spud Inc ink cable handles feature a six inch long steel handle with a textured rubber coating and come with large spring clips for attaching to cable machines bands chains or even suspension straps strong enough to take whatever you throw at them the flex and flexible enough to be used for dozens of different exercises the deluxe cableles might be the only handles you will ever need. Check out Spud, Inc. and the cable handles online at
Starting point is 00:37:55 And this episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. If you've been training without a coach and have been looking for a competitive edge, remember to check out Hybrid has 15 different strength and fitness programs covering everything from powerlifting and strongman to gymnastics and general fitness, all included in one training membership. That's not all. Hybrid also offers one-on-one personalized nutrition coaching that uses lifestyle habits and a flexible approach to shape your nutrition plan around your current lifestyle instead of turning your lifestyle upside down in order to support
Starting point is 00:38:30 unsustainable habits that only work in the short run the way most programs do if you're ready to take your training nutrition or both to the next level use code mass in all caps for five percent off membership to all programs for the life of your membership. Thank you to our sponsors. Thanks, sponsors. I record this from sitting in my basement and every time I always have the thought that makes me want to yell, like, mom, the meatloaf.
Starting point is 00:38:57 That thought always comes through my head. Is it Chaz? Is that who? Yeah, I think so. Old Chaz. The meatloaf. It is a classic one yeah it is also the fact they don't make movies like that anymore you know they don't make movies anymore you do got a point there they they actually do not release movies anymore uh should we talk about a little bit of lifting stuff? I think so. Not too much. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Just a little. Yeah. He were, there was a little bit. Yeah. What was first on the list here? Let me, let me get to the list,
Starting point is 00:39:31 Tanner. It's so big. I got to find it. I know we had Thor on there. We did have Thor. That is correct. What's we are the date today is the 29th. So by the time this comes up,
Starting point is 00:39:43 I think the second, this, this, this upcoming weekend as we're recording. So when this comes out, he will have either done it or not done it, I guess, right? Those are the two options, either do or do not. Yeah, there is no try. Yeah, to get our Yoda in there.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Do you think he will be doing it? So that's the question we have to answer, right? will people will know if we're right or wrong at this point do i think he's going to deadlift 501 kilograms is the question because the other thing is now he said a couple things and i don't know how serious he is about this he's like well maybe if i got so many twitch subscribers I would try 520 on my fourth attempt. Oh, really? And I also heard maybe if he got a million YouTube subscribers, he would try 530 on his fourth attempt. So maybe the question is, what do we think will happen in general? And I think he'll get 501.
Starting point is 00:40:39 I mean, the last video that came out was him doing like that 1,040 or whatever it was. And I know it's still 60 more pounds to go to 501 kilograms. But barring any injury, that was about as easy as that could go, right? I think he's going to get it, the 501. What do you think? I think he's going to get it too. Yeah. I have a hard time believing that he's going to go for more.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I would prefer to see that, but I have a hard time believing that he's going to go for more as i would prefer to see that but i have a hard time believing he's gonna actually jump it rather than just chip it i've heard a lot of crazy rumors too about that he's gonna retire like this is gonna be it and he's gonna retire from strongman after this and but a bunch of stuff so we're like i don't know what's what's real and what's not at this point, but a lot of stuff's running. Also, he said he weighs like 455 pounds right now. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:41:33 It's huge. Oh, man. Just a monster. Wow. Yeah, that's a lot of person. Do you think he'll – yeah, we don't know. It's too hard to tell. But I guess if it's just a question of if he's going to get 501,
Starting point is 00:41:47 I think probably he'll get it. I don't know. Then the question is, if he does get 501, is the next person that come along, are they going to do 502? Because at that point, that's not even exciting anymore, I feel like. No, it would be cool to see him do like 510 or 520 or something because that really puts the bar to a new level. 501 doesn't really put the bar to a new level per se.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yeah. After that, it's almost like the next exciting one is like the next person to do 1150 or something. Right, right, right. Because there it's a number that seems like a milestone of some kind. Right, yes. Because there it's a number that seems like a milestone of some kind. Right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:32 So, well, I mean, by the time you're listening to this, this is all a moot point and you all already know what happened. Are you going to watch it on ESPN? I'd like to, assuming I don't have anything going on. Assuming I can make it work, I plan on it. I don't have ESPN, but I think I'm going to pay for a month of it just for two reasons. It actually works out great. And I also really want to watch the Michael Jordan Last Dance documentary. So I'm like, oh, I can buy a month of it.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And I think maybe the first four episodes of that are out now, and there's 10. So maybe if I paid for a month of it, I could catch just about all. Catch it all. Yeah, yeah. Double up on that. Right. Have you watched that at all? I haven't just because still i am still in sopranos mode i am on the last season of sopranos though so oh damn shortly
Starting point is 00:43:10 here i'll have to move on to something else but shortly here i'm gonna have a baby so i guess that yeah maybe that might change that too i don't know yeah yeah i think it probably will a little bit i'm sure i mean there's still also time where you just, like, there's TV watching time anyways, but it makes it more difficult that, like, when you and your partner, like, don't get to, you and your partner don't get quite the same, like, all right, now it's time to sit down and, like, watch a show, but there is still TV watching time.
Starting point is 00:43:40 It's just not as convenient probably as before. Yeah. I mean, like, how would you know though tanner right i wouldn't what do you know that is pretty exciting though it won't be long now at all yeah by the time this comes out we are under a month so and really you know what you know i mean that's the the target date i suppose it's it's i think our last baby we had a couple weeks early i think it's not not crazy that could even be in a few weeks then. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:08 That's kind of the scary part. Yeah, yeah. Oh, what have I done? There's no going back now. I know. No, it'll be exciting though. Yeah, it will be exciting. Other lifting thing is, so there's been all this debate regarding how legit is Thor's lift.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Well, now to add, you could say some fuel onto that fire is Julius Maddox is now going to be going for 800 and 800 pound bench under kind of the same conditions that Thor is. Right. Not same conditions like at a gym in Iceland, but same conditions like where
Starting point is 00:44:46 it's world's ultimate strongman is going to be basically sponsoring a bench yeah a Julius Maddox bench only and when I say bench only I mean only Julius Maddox will be benching at that right if you want to call it that yeah the powerlifting versus strongman is also a different twist though i think because julius is a bench only powerlifting competitor like strongman has more differences in their competitions versus the way powerlifting is like i think it's easier for them to, I think it's less controversial in the sense of powerlifting than it is in strong man,
Starting point is 00:45:31 because they could cut, I I'm sure they could get WRPF to come in and be, uh, sanctioning this meat, right? Totally. That's probably going to happen. Like,
Starting point is 00:45:40 I don't, I have no reason to know that or anything, but I could, couldn't you just see them doing that, getting WRPpf to come in and they're like sanctioning the event and like at that point how different is it if he because he's not competing against anyone in anything he does anyways like i know and when he goes to a meet he's he's only ever competing against himself exactly and then so okay okay he's a bench only competitor so the only thing that would be different now is that he's not in a flight well you could be a bench only competitor and be in a
Starting point is 00:46:16 flight with a couple people right and and at that point they give you you can't say well it's the you don't ever know what's going to happen at least by usapl rule books i would assume most you're guaranteed a minimum of like what right seven minutes or something eight ten minutes between lifts right so so that's the only thing they could do is give him more time between lifts maybe but they could just say this is like up front to to kind of maybe nip that in the bud is say this is how long he's getting between attempts 10 minutes's getting between attempts, 10 minutes or something between attempts. And it's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:49 So many federations are so loose anyways. A federation could literally make up rules and be like, okay, yeah, that's fine. Well, and you find me the federation that Julius Maddox is going to come lift in, do a bench-only competition. And when he's getting ready to go for his third attempt, it's going to be the last bench of the day. And he says, ah,
Starting point is 00:47:07 give me five more minutes. Who of them at that time is going to say, no, get your ass out there. Like you're on the clock. That would be the only one that would be, but like, and of course he doesn't lift.
Starting point is 00:47:20 He's not going to be lifting there of the federations he would lift in. They're just stoked that he's going to be there trying 800 pounds you know and like yeah like they're gonna if he takes three extra minutes to put on his wrist straps and like get psyched up they're all gonna allow like and he doesn't want an hour break you know like it's gonna be disadvantageous at a certain point right you know i just i just don't see what the difference is, especially when it comes to powerlifting. And if there's judges there, I start to wonder, what is even the difference here? What are we even talking about?
Starting point is 00:47:55 Yeah. The Julius one, I don't care about it at all as far as the rules go. Like if you're a drug-tested athlete, there's a different set of rules. And then if you're not a drug-tested athlete, there's a different set of rules. And then if you're not a drug-tested athlete, there's literally a thousand other federations that people pick and choose what they want to be in based off of the rulebook. And I guess it doesn't matter to me.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It's fine. I'm excited to see it, and I hope he does it. The other key difference is Thor is looking at breaking someone else's record that set the record in a certain circumstance Julius already has the record and in is in a league of his own like I think he has the record by miles right and like no there's no one to be upset you know there's no one to say hey that's my record you're stealing it in an unfair way everyone I think everyone's just like like what there's nobody, there's nobody that doesn't want to see that.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Like, you know, Eddie Hall doesn't like this thing. And Eddie Hall fans don't like this thing. And maybe some strong men purists or people that believe in certain things don't like this thing. I don't think there's a power lifter that doesn't want to see Julius Maddox do bench 800 pounds.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I just find me the person that's like, nah, I don't like what they're doing. I would say that's a crazy person because I just want to see how far people can push this thing. Right, right, yes. So that's what we got on Big Jewels.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Big Jewels. I also think that's pretty much everything we have for lifting related news to uh to share this week so well uh you might be excited to hear this we do have an overrated underrated segment for today's show a special one for episode 213 yeah i i would just note that last week's I was surprised that on the Instagram poll, boneless wings came in like close to 50,
Starting point is 00:49:47 50. Really? It did. How like, wouldn't you guess that that would have been like kind of overwhelmingly overrated? I, I would have, but I have also heard people use this justification is that you get more meat
Starting point is 00:50:00 with boneless wings. It's nothing but meat. Less screwing around. Yeah. It's easier to eat. You're getting nothing but meat. You're not having to fight with bones. You're not paying for bones.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I have heard people justify that, but I still don't believe that is the right answer. They're still overrated, though. Yeah, right, right. Okay, so this week's topic, number one, overrated or underrated, bagels. Bagels.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Do you know how they make bagels tanner uh bagel machines i think they use but it's just it's just the biggest bagel bites they didn't fit in the bagel bite bag that's how bagels are made yeah because the original bagel was bagel bites and like the the bagels spun off of bagel bites it was it was an improperly made bagel bite yeah that's how a bagel is made isn't don't they boil them isn't that how a bagel is made it's boiled that could be that could be i now you mentioned that bagel bites has been a topic on overrated underrated right but i don't think bagels has been so here we go uh i'm doing a very quick search for us here how are bagels made well okay from a purist and traditionalist
Starting point is 00:51:11 standpoint a bagel is a rounded yeast roll with a hole in the middle uh it's first made by cooking it in water very hot boiling water for one or two minutes to lock in flavor then it's browned in the oven oh gotta be one of the only breads that's made by a process of boiling right yeah that must give it its distinct uh rigid outer crust that must be it chewy inside as far as whether they're overrated or underrated this is one of those that I'm pretty indifferent on, but I also don't mind a good bagel every once in a while. It's by no means part of my regular eating, part of my regular diet,
Starting point is 00:51:54 but I think a bagel, a good bagel can be appreciated. So for that, I'm going to say it's underrated. Okay. A little insider tip for anyone that goes to the black hills to rapid city they have a a local bagel shop there that we usually uh visit most times we're there and they make some uh meaty bagel sandwiches that are really great some bagel breakfast sandwiches that are pretty much every time we go we have to go there and uh get some breakfast sandwiches and really good really good stuff when it comes to just a straight up bagel are you a cream cheese guy tanner
Starting point is 00:52:28 i know i'd rather just have butter kind of or maybe peanut butter i i'm not big on cream cheese in general that much oh for me it's the it's all about the cream cheese yeah i don't really like just a plain bagel that much i I guess, is what I would say. A plain bagel? Or are you saying like the flavor plain? Or just a bagel with just one single topping? Just a bagel. I like the bagel sandwich is what I'm in it for.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Okay. Overrated or underrated? Autocorrect. Autocorrect. I'm saying every day, all the time, autocorrect autocorrect i'm saying every day all the time autocorrect is underrated as a person that gets i think most people listen to this get a lot of emails sent to them but i mean i see a lot of people send stuff where if it wasn't for i mean even autocorrect still can't fix some of the stuff that i get occasionally and i'm just thinking yeah if that if that's the
Starting point is 00:53:23 what made it through with autocorrect i don't even want to know what made it through before, you know, autocorrect winning. But though there is one thing though, and this occasionally happens to me on my phone. I have an iPhone where it just, it's like, it just is autocorrect everything wrong. And it, it drives me insane when that happens. And I don't know if it's just, there's like days where I'm just that bad at typing on my phone. But yeah, when it's like autocorrect can't read your mind ever the right way it drives me not i'm sure it drives most people nuts but autocorrect yes is absolutely underrated uh you could also make an argument though that it's overrated because it's making some people really really bad at writing yeah oh i believe that that's true that it almost makes
Starting point is 00:54:05 it so you don't even need to remember how to spell you know it's just like i don't need to know how to spell anymore like it does it for me well how often do you write with a pen and pencil not very often i usually type i'm usually typing on my computer you know it's for me outside of outside of like like getting like drawing like quick sketches for my plans for stuff. I almost never actually write, write words out. I usually do some notes at work, but not very often.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Yeah. It's, it's, it's just weird how little you actually use pen and paper now. It seems like. Yeah. The, the thing that really makes me feel stupid when it,
Starting point is 00:54:42 when it happens, when it comes up is when you know, you don't know how to spell a word and you can't even get close enough for the autocorrect to get you there. Yeah, just autocorrect can't save you. It's like, nope, still don't even know what you're trying to. You are so far off on those vowels in those spaces that we don't even know what word you're after. And that's also super frustrating because like, how can I be that wrong? There's no way I'm that wrong. Apple doesn't know what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Right, right. So what did you say you said? Yeah, you said. I said autocorrect is underrated. Okay, this one, you might not have a great answer for it yet today. We might have to revisit it. I certainly don't have a great answer for it.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Overrated, underrated, Ozark or Ozarks. I'm not sure what the i've heard a lot of people hyping up this show yeah it's an ozark or ozarks i think it's just ozark i think okay i'll give you a first answer right now it is ozark not plural singular there's just one yeah i've heard a lot of people hyping the show up i hope it's not one of those that people are hyping up just because people are hyping up and that it's actually good. According to Google, IMDB gives it an 8.4. Rotten Tomatoes is an 81.
Starting point is 00:55:54 That means anything? I don't really know. But I honestly can't say. I guess maybe I'll say underrated. I don't know. We'll probably have to revisit it in the future at some point in time. Do you think you'll watch it someday? I wouldn't be surprised if I watched it someday.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I just don't know if it's on my list of next four or five shows. Yeah, right, right. So by that, it means it could be delayed several years. I don't know. Well, you are just getting to Sopranos. Yeah, I still got, you know, season six, this last one is like 21 episodes. So I still got some work to do here. Okay, last topic for today, overrated or underrated hoverboards?
Starting point is 00:56:41 Hoverboards. hoverboards i hoverboards that is one thing that had a huge hype spike and like fad spike around it and his just died out completely so yeah i think hoverboards are overrated i think most people would agree with that too yeah they had their they had their moment why do you think that is that they didn't stay like are they just not that fun or not that practical? I just think it was just one of those hot gifts for a while. I don't really know. And then there was the whole thing of them catching on fire and exploding. That was, I think, a fairly common problem with some of them.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah. And also, are you really going to go around town in one of them? It's not really a mode of transportation people are going to use. Right. It's impractical around your house i think for most things too so it was just a really weird device i'm not getting on board with it until hoverboard actually means what they were in back to the future once that's what a hoverboard is hovering yeah once that's what a hoverboard is then i'm then i think hoverboard sign me up for that i want to try i want to do that thing right that's what i want because these are kind of posing this is not a hoverboard to me if you grew up watching back to the future that's you know
Starting point is 00:57:53 it's like over glorified uh rollerblade wheels is pretty much all these things are yes right okay so you said overrated on the hoverboards i did did. Well, that wraps us up on overrated, underrated, and of course brings us towards the end of our show. Make sure to give us one of those five-star review on Apple Podcasts. The Road to 200 is still well underway. You can like us on Facebook. Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube and get in the race for first comment. Heated race every week.
Starting point is 00:58:21 I'm sure as people are listening to this, there's a heated race for first comment on episode 213 right now. Then stop at our store, Buy all our new stuff. The shorts are restocked. We got shorts back in just today as we're recording. By the time you're hearing this, maybe not. They could be back out of stock because there's going to be some serious demand for them.
Starting point is 00:58:45 That's not just overhyping and joking around. They are probably going to sell out pretty quick because we're out for a while and a lot of people have been asking about it. But that does include the lift shorts, the lift shorts 2.0, and the red deadlifter shorts. So snag those. And our two new shirts, the white lift shirt and the white PBR shirt. The white lift shirt could damn near be sold out in some sizes by the time you hear this too. So check that one out and see if you're lucky enough to still snag one.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Get on it. Also, let's hear again from today's sponsors. Today's show is brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and to help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at
Starting point is 00:59:35 This episode is also brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. Use our code MASS, M-A-S-S, in all caps for 5% off any training or nutrition memberships for the life of your membership. Visit Today's show is also brought to you by Texas Power Bars. In 1980, Buddy Caps was on a mission to make the best bar possible,
Starting point is 01:00:09 and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house, had the best knurling, and was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, international, massonomics, and world powerlifting records have been set and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of them for yourself, visit Today's show was also brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large has set a new standard for customer service within the strength world.
Starting point is 01:00:34 They have live website chat support and speedy email responses. Lifting Large is the home of the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper, and they are always in stock and ready to ship. and they are always in stock and ready to ship. Mastanomics listeners can save 20% on all lifting large branded products by using our discount code MAST20 at checkout. Thank you, sponsors. Thank you, everyone, for listening to Episode 213. Tommy, where can they find you on the old gram? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Right on, and you can find me at Tanner underscore Baird. But more importantly, make sure to follow Massanomics at Massanomics. See ya. See ya.

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