Massenomics Podcast - Ep.24: State Strongman Recap

Episode Date: September 19, 2016

Big Joe doing what Big Joe does: Making heavy stuff look light! This week we recap the State Strongman Competition. We had a great turnout at the event, and some pretty tough competition. Find out ho...w the guys did, and how they're holding up after heaving all this weight around. Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this episode on Facebook... Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. The Okoboji and Hennessy episode.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Okay, everybody, we are here in Massanomics studio. Another late night edition. Late-ish, huh? That's how you know you're getting old. If you're an old married guy, it's pretty late. It's 8 o'clock. It's almost getting dark. This weekend, I managed to fall asleep at 8.30 and not get out of bed until 8.30 the next day. I don't know if I've ever pulled off 12 hours of sleeping in that way. It was pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:00:55 That's pretty much what I shoot for but fall short of always. I don't know the last time I fell asleep before 9 o'clock. That was when I saw what time it actually was. I was blown away that I was sleeping that long. We had a pretty festive weekend. We had the Strongman competition, the state Strongman competition down at the state fair. We kicked it all off with stopping at a restaurant that apparently is tradition that these guys stop at. And this was my first time there.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So immediately I was like why why the fuck do we come here because they're like well yeah the service sucks and then like remember shane was like remember last time we were here the the food was really bad well then we were talking about what to order and like well we've gotten the omelets before and they weren't very good and then shane's like yeah we got, I think we got burgers last year and those weren't very good. So I'm sitting there like, well, why did you guys bring me to this place? It's purely tradition. I guess, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Don't you feel like we would probably have to go next year? I feel like yes. Yeah. But it frustrates me giving them my money when when or giving them my money when i know they're so bad at what they do like you're not gonna be surprised you're a restaurant and you're not good at cooking or serving food i just want my nine dollars back but was the atmosphere what made it though there was when you roll in with a group looking like us like you do people immediately are like these people what are you guys doing are here for something did you guys get questions
Starting point is 00:02:30 yes actually a couple people just i don't know if they just asked or they just knew larry well they they knew from the strongman competition they asked him like oh are you doing the strongman competition again like they recognized him from doing the strongman competition there for 45 consecutive years but uh so then we went on and we went to the went to the to the fair we parked uh about seven miles from where we had to go and lugged our duffel bags through nobody carries duffel bags into a state fair so you kind of look like an ass hat yeah wearing gym shorts and carrying a duffel bags through. Nobody carries duffel bags into a state fair, so you kind of look like an asshat. Wearing gym shorts and carrying a duffel bag and a gallon jugs of water. Yeah, there's a whole lot of tight wranglers and belt buckles and tucked in flannel and shit.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And we're not quite that crowd. Brandon is that crowd, but he wasn't dressed quite like that crowd. Nope. But yeah, it was a lot of fun. It was a pretty well-run event. The events were different, like significantly different than ours. To where there was some shit that we really like didn't prepare for at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Which made it kind of fun. We also ran into like we had like a wild card competitor there that we did not know of and this is no one saw this coming yeah yeah nobody saw here i'll pull it up here um this guy his name is joe hutmaker and he's the biggest goddamn human being i've ever seen about six five or six six six five three ninety that is so much dude and yeah and he's tyler you just look regular size next to him you don't look like a fit high schooler skinny you look kind of like a trim high schooler yeah and eve looks like a little boy yeah yeah and eve's what like 220 of muscle of all muscle yeah yeah he's lean as shit. And I'm 295 pounds.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And you look kind of small. Like, Tyler, why is your upper body so underdeveloped? And all of a sudden, I look like I got a nice trim waist. Yeah, it does. It's like, geez, your shorts are just going to fall off. Have you been eating anything recently? So, no, it's actually funny. The guy that runs our crossfit gym derrick
Starting point is 00:04:45 he he mentions just mentioned something to me in passing on the way out the door he said yeah my uncle joe from chamberlain he's gonna be he's gonna be competing in that too i was like oh cool you know and he was like yeah he's kind of you know he's an older guy uh he's kind of a big guy and like and that was it like kind of a big guy. I said you, so I did text him when we were coming back. I said, you totally dropped the ball because I am kind of a big guy. So when this person-
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yeah, that's not even- Yeah, I'm a giant person. Yeah, like you could say someone that weighs like 200 pounds is kind of a big guy. Yeah, Tommy's kind of a big guy. Yeah, yeah. But this guy is- Joe is not kind of a big guy. Tommy's kind of a big guy. But this guy is... Joe is not kind of a big guy. I am an enormous human being
Starting point is 00:05:30 and Joe is 100 pounds heavier than me. Which means he is to me what I am to a 200 pound man. Joe was twice the size of Larry. Yeah, he's two Larrys. And Larry's kind of a big guy.
Starting point is 00:05:47 So Joe comes walking up, and it's not like he's just a big old fat guy. And Joe looks strong as shit. And after talking to him, he'd power lifted apparently for quite some time. Really an interesting guy and a guy we'd really like to get on the podcast sometime if we can meet up. But he was a riot to be around but as soon as he walked in we all pretty much went right away like well fuck apparently second place is what's going on here because he's he's built like like an actual strong man yeah he's huge long arms he's the biggest guy i've ever seen like in person you know lifting and yeah that's athletic and physically active you know because i've seen i've seen some 400 pound people and
Starting point is 00:06:33 they don't look like joe yeah i've never been worried that they were going to beat me in a competition that didn't involve cheesecake i was one time in the middle of the competition i was sitting there next to dylan knutson who, who Dylan is 275 pounds or 280 pounds. And like 6'1". Yeah, and he's got big arms and a big chest. And Dylan turns to me and he's like, look at that guy's forearms. And I was like, yeah, we're not small guys. We have fairly large arms, and we're just in awe of this guy's forearms.
Starting point is 00:07:07 There was 11 people competing, and 10 of them were just in shock at how huge Joe is. Well, that one picture you had that had Larry and... All of us, yeah. Or no, which one? Over one more, right there, yeah. It's like, who are the two middle schoolers in larry and jake are big guys you know i mean like jake and then larry and they it literally looks like someone let their kids hop in the picture with you guys like so if you see how big i look or and that's i look next to larry and then you
Starting point is 00:07:42 snap to the picture of me standing next to Joe. It's fucking terrifying. But Joe, so the way it went, first event was kind of a fun deal where we had never practiced it. We didn't even touch them before the deal started. But you picked up stones. I'm going to probably mess up the numbers, but it's like five stones ranging from what about 30 to about 50 pounds yeah yeah throw them over a 12 foot 12 foot high thing um and it was for time and like not as as fast as
Starting point is 00:08:16 you get yeah yeah yeah did anyone get through all of them yes joe and tyler me and joe got through all of them jake and jake did jake snuck it in at the end. Yeah, he did get the fifth one. Yeah, he got the fifth one, yeah. So what was the technique there? Between the legs? Yeah, between the legs and throw it behind you. But nobody had practiced that at all. So I think for the people that, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:35 Tanner had a bit of a rough go with that one. Yeah, I screwed that one up pretty badly. And Tanner had, like, enough stank on him when he was throwing them. I was throwing them too horizontal. Yeah, so he just... Oh, you weren't getting them up over your head. No. Just fucking smashed the barrier. And and i had no and i didn't you can't see watch it yeah so every time i'd throw it i kind of like in my head i thought it
Starting point is 00:08:53 was going over enough on it yeah and i was and but i didn't really know what was going on and i was i was trying to go too fast too you know i wasn't taking my time and but that's something that you know knowing now if i was to do it again we'd probably we'd probably practice it a little bit yeah i would think we would yeah um it was uh so it was one of those things like a couple people went because this was the event that established the order for the rest of the day oh okay so that's what it kind of fucked tanner over that it was something caught him off off guard. I did shit bad on it, so then I was first. Going early the rest of the way.
Starting point is 00:09:27 So a few people went, and then Joe comes out, and I hadn't done anything. So Joe comes out, and the first couple rocks he throws so fucking far. The crowd is in shock. They're all impressed because he's so huge and strong. But the crowd, when he just that first rocks were just flying to god it went 40 feet yeah and 30 foot horizontally yeah and then tour they had to move shit for some of the other events it was like bouncing and hitting equipment for the other events like it was going so far yeah to where like you know i was like well i'm across this field do
Starting point is 00:10:01 i start moving yeah and uh and and he flew I think he did kind of the same thing as you on one one stone where he did smash the barrier and then have to throw the last one like twice um so then I have to go next which I should have got used to or eventually had to get used to but I went out next and just was like, so apparently a human being can throw them all over. So I knew that was possible. So I just went and like the first one I threw up, you know, I had never done it before. So I threw it up and I looked and oh shit, it went over. And I grabbed the next one.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Well, so did that. And they just all went over. So I ended up getting all five and beating joe by like four seconds yeah something like that so i was like no shit i'd like because that's a guy that was better at throwing those rocks than me for sure like if we were to throw those for distance or height he's got it for sure you think he ended up having to throw one twice i think he did or or he fumbled it coming up or something because he even mentioned that too that. That was kind of what... I couldn't remember. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:06 My memory could be failing me. But whatever it was, I snuck past him on time. So that was good. Because I think I wouldn't have done near as well had I gone before him. Because he pretty much set the bar on a lot of events. So then I ended up going dead last for the rest of the day. So they kept that order for all of them. So they didn't change it for the rest of the day.
Starting point is 00:11:32 So I was dead last the whole rest of the day, which means if you have to follow a 390-pound crowd favorite who comes out and then – And people just ooh and ah just when he walks out. The thing was is he was – he'd come out and he would best almost everybody's mark. So by the time he's done, the crowd is just like, fuck yeah! And then they're like, and Tyler Stone will be up next.
Starting point is 00:11:55 The announcer's got a special nickname for him by the second event. Yeah, he's like the big man from Oklahoma. And then he was like, and Tyler. So what was the next one, Tanner? The press medley, I think. The press medley, yep. And that featured the axle press, which is a thicker axle than we're used to. I think than most anybody's used to, really.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Was that the same style, like ladder, kind of like how we had done it? Correct. No, no, no, no. Not like what we did. It was five different implements. Oh, it was. So the first thing you had to press was a 146-pound rock, which I think everyone there pressed that.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Not particularly difficult. But it's still like there was a – I wouldn't want that rock to be heavier for that event. No, no. And then the second event, which was the lightest implement of all, but was up there with most difficult. Some people really struggled with it. It was a barrel, so like a 55-gallon barrel.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It might have been a smaller barrel. It was a little smaller. It was like a 40-gallon barrel, but about like 30% full of sand. Yeah, so it weighed about 140 pounds. Yeah, but the weight is all sand. And so there's nothing to hold on. There's a half-inch lip on each side of it to you know to hold on to is that how you had to do it yeah and you couldn't you couldn't do like like sometimes you see keg presses where they can
Starting point is 00:13:14 be on the high side of the keg with one arm and all you had to do is just get both arms extended with it wasn't that way you had to be underneath underneath it with both so if you weren't underneath it it didn't count and that gave a lot of people fits yeah getting it to to your chest a lot of people could get it to their chest but they'd have their arms all over the fucking thing yeah and then they couldn't get their arms underneath it just couldn't get under it and the sand like it as it was settling it would be very wobbly and it's you know and you're trying to hold something that just wants to rock back and forth anyways so it was it was tricky for a lot of people both both of us got that we got that pretty well pretty well not near as easy as joe joe all the rest of it rest of us kind of set it on our laps and got our arms underneath of it and uh got it up and picked it up to our chest and then worked our hands underneath of there. Some people just did it more quickly than others.
Starting point is 00:14:07 But Joe literally just grabbed it by the lips of those little half-inch lips on the ground from the ground and just like... Picked it up and turned it. Just straight overhead. Yeah, it was crazy. And you thought, why didn't I think of that? Yeah, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:14:24 When he came off, we were talking about it. I was like, what? You made it look, it's kind of like people that are golfing, and they're like, well, yeah, it's just way easier if you just hit it in the hole on the first shot. That's exactly what it is. He just grabbed it and, okay, on to the next and dropped it. And it was a log.
Starting point is 00:14:39 The log was lighter than we're used to. I wouldn't be surprised if we see that heavier next year. For any of us that have used the log before, I mean, I thought that was easy. Did anyone struggle with it even? Maybe a couple of the new guys. It was also like if you really battled that barrel for a long time, people were getting tired and their shoulders were... One of the guys that had a tough time with the log,
Starting point is 00:15:03 it was really you could tell because he had never i don't think done much cleaning whatsoever let alone then with a log because he was trying like a one knee down oh get it up and then lunge it up technique which i guess at that point we knew that tired though he fought the barrel if you're that tired whatever you got go for it you know whatever you can use to try to move the damn thing is is but uh then the axle though is normally most axles are two inch axles yeah and i think this is like two and a quarter or two and a half maybe and um and it's a bit of a sloppier fit because it is kind of a piece of pipe that's cut and then stretched and then pressed over a barbell so it's fucking just you and joe both have enormous hands and joe has enormous hands even by my standards
Starting point is 00:15:53 and he and neither of you he's still over under grip yeah neither of you over double overhand gripped it yep correct um but everybody you know you got it i think probably quite a bit easier than you did last year yeah i i kind of had the continental clean down at least somewhat that it it that's what i did i did a continental clean i think only the three of us you got press you've got it and larry oh well yeah larry got it too and he just didn't get the barbell yeah and he okay yeah you 're right eve yep but eve got eve got the barbell. Okay, you're right. Neither did Eve. But Eve got the axle actually, I think. Again, just as easy as he had last year.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Larry's was – he had a hard time I think with it last year. And this year he come out and just fucking grabbed that son of a bitch. He just worked it. He willed it up there. Yeah, he really did. Like only Larry could. And he gets it to his chest he goes to press the thing and it stops
Starting point is 00:16:49 and almost fell back down on his head but he just grinded it was probably like an 8 second press and there was no push to it he just grinded that fucking thing up that was a pretty big one and then after everybody else went, then Joe comes.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And Joe just fucking ran through that thing. He cleaned it like... I'll show Tommy the picture of it. To his face. Yeah, the axle, it was not even... It could have been just the bar from what it looks like as easily as... I would have a hard time just cleaning a bar that high. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:29 He's like catching it out of the air. He flings it up and throws it about two foot off of his other hand. Yeah. He just switches his grip and grabbed it. Is that two 25 or what? Yeah. Something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah. Two, two 15. Really with that, it's the diameter of the axle that's really making that even, but it's just thrown in the air so easily there it's the the diameter of the axle that's really making that even but it's just thrown in the air so easily there it's above his head so we actually saw somebody some one of joe's people had recorded video of of him running that event running through it and he just you know
Starting point is 00:17:58 because everybody had struggled with some point or another you know and and he he went through all of them like it was nothing but i was i had to go after him so i kind of knew like that he did actually a fair amount of just walking and taking his time to set up between the two so i kind of thought i could get through the all five or six but i didn't uh i knew i just had to hustle them transitions and it would be okay so i i did get through all of them and i beat him by beat him on that one too by a few seconds i think the crowd may not paying attention to the time if they would have just watched joe and watch they're like oh man joe killed it but i feel like a lot of the events were that way yeah because everything honestly everything just the way he did things
Starting point is 00:18:41 the way joe was absolutely the strongest man there. But the events that he didn't beat me on was really because he went first. And I was like, okay, well, fuck. You have to do everything, Tyler, and you also have to do it fast. By the time he was coming up, the only thing he had to worry about was if he did everything, he beat most people. Yeah, that dude is a beast. And what was next? Was it the barrels?
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah. Barrels, Brandon Cole, he come out right away. He was first, I think, at that point. No, Troy was first. Troy tore a bicep on the first one. Yeah, we had one guy tear a bicep. Really? Yeah, not good.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Ooh, doing what? Picking up rocks. Really? Yeah. For the ones to throw? No, the heavy rocks to load on barrels. Kind of like an Atlas Stone event, only it's natural rocks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Which normally, and I think the fact that it is natural rocks probably kind of sets you up to use your bicep more. Oh, yeah, sure. And so you kind of give up on that rock-loading fundamental where you don't bend your elbow, stand it up, and get under it. So it makes it easy when you have your hands on the thing to try to pull it to you. And off there goes a bicep, unfortunately. So then Brandon come out, and he just smashed that event. Brandon ended up winning that event pretty decisively.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah. And that was doing what with him? Just loading him on the barrels. Oh, okay. They were, what, like 225 to 270? 270. I think they said 300, but I don't think it was. Yeah, I don't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Ended up being for sure. But Brandon crushed that one at first and nobody nobody bested that score no so um what was the next was it that fucking tire yeah then it was the their tire yeah they're just a heavy tire heavier than our tire for sure but there was no mud so our event was plagued by the mud yeah um this one so actually i got a little bit further than i did in ours i think you come up a little bit shorter yeah because i finished ours and i yeah but that was mainly just because the tire is heavier yeah that i couldn't finish i felt like i did get well on this one but it was just the tire is heavier you know so i left like 25 feet short or something and uh and then big joe come out and
Starting point is 00:21:05 just fucking took his time but just flipped that tire further than he had to you know what i mean there was yeah there was a mark to beat and he he yeah just paced himself and made pretty quick work of it so joe ended up taking that and what was what was next uh the tire pull and tire drag was that was that right after that one yeah yeah so that was an event that we didn't do any like we really didn't even know what it was going to be what it would be like we we heard the read the description and had a lot of questions but basically we had to sit in the giant tire and then they had chains wrapped around this was a three or four hundred pound tire i think it was about 400 pounds 400 pound tire just laying flat on the grass and you pull it with a long a 50 foot rope you know yeah yeah i saw the video yeah so you pull that thing to you and then you'd get off
Starting point is 00:21:56 of it and there was like towing straps that you'd get to the other end throw it over your shoulders and have to drag it to the other side i thought that was a fun one and it wasn't tiring it was yeah like anything that doesn't make me like after the actual tire event anything that makes me not have to throw up one guy actually did bow out after the the tire event yeah there was another uh kind of a i don't know his name i don't remember his name he was a kind of like a bodybuilder type he was big big freaking kid i'd say it's six foot six one 260 yeah of muscle like a lot of muscle big quads big biceps i think he probably and i think he i had heard you know he's a strong lifter a good even a good power lifter but i don't think he had done any sort of
Starting point is 00:22:36 this functional training and any um and it goes to show how difficult it can be because you know at his gym wherever he lifts he's probably like one of the strongest guys there yeah and he was um, and it goes to show how difficult it can be because, you know, at, at his gym, wherever he lives, he's probably like one of the strongest guys there. Yeah. And he was kind of finishing toward kind of felt bad for him. Cause he was like really, really,
Starting point is 00:22:53 really, really struggling with the events. And he ended up just bowing out. And, um, after the tire, I think everybody wanted to quit. I kind of felt like that too.
Starting point is 00:23:04 But, uh, so we, we did that event and, uh, I think everybody wanted to quit. I kind of felt like that too. So we did that event, and Brandon come out first and just fucking farm-styled that thing, and he kind of set a pretty solid mark that I think then Joe passed, and then since I was last, that's a tough one because you don't see like a – there's no clock running. Yeah, it's hard to tell how people were actually doing. And everything was so close. Everyone was within five seconds of each other.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So you just like, you just go as fast as you, it was like a 35 to 40 second, you know, event. So you just fucking rolled. And so I ended up sneaking away with that one too. What was after that? Then it was Farmers and then the deadlift. Was that the last two? I think so. Are we missing anything?
Starting point is 00:23:49 I think that's it. I think that's it. Farmers carry was a little lighter than ours. I don't know. Something about the grip. Nobody did as well as they... Yeah. And I don't know if also because it was just towards the end of the event
Starting point is 00:24:01 versus being at the beginning of the event. Were the implements kind of the same style as what you guys were used to. You know, I think the height actually of the handles was pretty close. It was pretty similar. They're longer. They're way longer. They're like a little more awkward maybe or something. The weight's further apart.
Starting point is 00:24:16 So when you turn, like carrying it straight I think was fine. If you had to carry it on a straight shot, you could go for as far. The turning, it really wants to pull around your body because these are probably like imagine ours all our weight is only four inches thick on each deal whereas their weight extends like 14 inches yeah so you turn and that fucking thing just bucks yeah and it takes a lot that it's almost hard to tell what the farmers carry when you turn whether you want to actually try to. Do you even try to correct it with your hands? Or just move and just let it shake out? Right.
Starting point is 00:24:54 But, yeah, I mean, that went pretty well. You and Jake had the marks to beat. And then, well, you had it. You edged Brandon out by the bared four-inch. Yeah. That's why I told him the four inches saved the day again. Four inches saved the day again. But then Jake come out and just barely snuck past you.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah, yeah. And Big Joe had a bit of a rough time with that i don't know if he's set up wrong or something but he he he dropped it like a probably like 50 foot short of some of the other guys and on the farmer's carry it really your initial grip i mean there if you don't grip it quite right there's no second chance you can't like like shake it yeah one hand back too far one hand forward you're just off so i think that was the case because based on his hands and forearms and just how generally strong he was at everything else, I'm certain that he had the ability to win that event.
Starting point is 00:25:56 But yeah, so that set him back a little bit. He was pretty much finished in first or second in everything up until that point. And I think he had like eighth in that yeah so um and then i i carried a 200 foot on that one so i ended up winning that event and then we went on to the deadlift which see i had to guys i had to do really well on all those other events because i knew i was gonna just shit the bed on the deadlift so how did they do the deadlift so the deadlift was 405 pounds and it was just one minute max yeah which is actually i don't know what the trade-off would be because i don't know what that's like for you guys that got almost 20 reps but it's probably
Starting point is 00:26:38 good that it was last even though there was all that other shit like you didn't want to push that hard and then go do a tire or something yeah you know yeah i don't like just my personal preference i don't like that many reps of you know it's just like so tiring how where were people ending up on that one larry had done like a couple people did about 10 larry had done well i guess i did 17 because brand Brandon would have went first so Brandon did Brandon was like nine or ten and then I did 17 and you know I Brandon was the only other person to go at that point so I I did about as many as I could but you know I took a lot pretty long breaks in between mine you know just because I was tired and you know if I if I had a number to go for I probably
Starting point is 00:27:22 could have shortened my breaks a little bit and just pushed harder. But and then Jake got 17 and he actually got his 18th also. But then right at the last minute and then drop the barbell, which drop in the bar from the top. Your rep doesn't count if you don't. You have to set it all the way down. So the poor he intentionally dropped it or. Well, just like in the excitement and like you know there's a crowd of people screaming and you get you get the bar you get the bar up and you grind out your fucking 18th rep and everybody knew that
Starting point is 00:27:54 was the number to beat yeah not loud yeah and they get gets it up at 18 and the crowd goes nuts and and it's time and then he drops the barbell and turns around and we're all like oh fuck and he got all the way back over to us like he you know he thought he got it and and, and then he drops the barbell and turns around, and we're all like, oh, fuck. And he got all the way back over to us. Like, you know, he thought he got it, and we were like, you dropped it, you dropped it, and he's like, oh, no. But we told him, like, we all know he got 18. Yeah, so Jake, if you're listening, you have 18 in our hearts. But, and then what else?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Eve went up and he did 20. And I think he could have gotten more probably, but I think he kind of knew what. He stopped at 20. He just stopped at 20. I figured he was going to do 20. I assumed that's what he would do and stop. After that, no matter what, that's just so tiring to do.
Starting point is 00:28:46 20 reps. What are you trying to prove after that? Any more than 20 reps and it becomes CrossFit. I think Joe did 19 or 18 or something. Yeah, he was close to getting Eve. Did he run out of time? Did he put the bar down? I think he went to full time.
Starting point is 00:29:01 He took a break or two in there too. He moved so fast on the first 10 that we all just kind of figured he'd take a couple of breaths and bang out 10. But I mean, once you get that fatigue, it's pretty tough to like do another. Yeah, once you're getting up there. Even as you get past 10 on a deadlift. That's the number for me. Like I did 10 fairly quick and then it's like i gotta take a break like i can't like 10 is yeah what do you do if you go to failure how much does that cost you yeah you know physically that's so yeah um jerry
Starting point is 00:29:36 was it jerry right the other guy from chamber he uh he come out he had kind of some back issue and he got he got three so i kind of was doing trying to do some math in my head about like where i needed like assuming that big joe would get first or second in this event um and he come out and did it i just knew he was near the top and and i i knew darn well i wasn't going to get 10 reps like i wasn't going to get you know the two guys that dropped out so i finished ahead of them and so i so I can maybe finish ahead of this guy with three or four. I, so I'll, I'll shoot for five. That was kind of my goal. So I got five and then I just stopped cause there was no point killing myself to get seven or eight when it just wasn't going to matter.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yeah. And, um, truthfully we had no idea what the, we didn't know what the finish, like nobody really knew because it was pretty close. Cause I had such a bad finish on the deadlift and me and Joe were so close on all the other things. And, uh, so it was kind of all up in the air until they started, until they started announcing it. But here's the deal guys, the, the tiebreaker. And I was very certain that, that we were near a tie with the
Starting point is 00:30:46 math in my head that the tiebreaker is a sumo wrestle. Now, if I fucking tie against 390 pounds strongest dude I've ever seen, Joe, I will just beg.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I would just beg for a coin flip. And he kept joking about it. Like, huh? I think we're getting close to that. I was like, God damn it. I cannot wrestle this guy.
Starting point is 00:31:14 That is the craziest tiebreaker. Right? Like now put yourself in my shoes. Like you work really hard and you win some events and you come through and you're tied for first at the state strongman competition and then you have to go get fucking ragdolled by this guy just look like a real bitch so i was not looking forward to that um but when they announced that eve had got third and then joe had got second and i ended up getting first so that was a kind of a pretty cool did they say
Starting point is 00:31:40 how close it actually was then yeah i ended up first to second was like six points, and second to third was like four. Okay. Did you see what it was back out? Because Tanner, you were fourth. Yeah, Eve beat me by two, and then Jake was behind me. So you were basically like one or two deadlifts from Joe away from Ty and Eve. Would you have sumo wrestled for that third place trophy?
Starting point is 00:32:06 No, I kind of have, especially not the third place trophy. That's always been the tiebreaker, and I've always said, I'll probably just let the other person have it versus sumo. But, you know, maybe it'd be like I would not ever sumo wrestle Joe. No, right? But maybe if it was between Eve and I, I would do it just because I know I'm not just going to get crushed by someone that weighs 150 pounds more than I do. If Joe hand-checked you in the ribs. You might not have any ribs.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Like it turned to powder. Yeah, like your sternum might become a part of your spine real quick. So, no, it was a lot of fun. That was pretty good. It was a little hotter than we expected. But the crowd, pretty big crowd. I don't know. How do you suppose it compared to ours?
Starting point is 00:32:53 I'd say a few more people, but not a pile more than what we had. No. I was trying to say. And you guys had decent weather, too, though? Yeah. The weather was good. A little breezy. If we'd have had that weather at our event it was good a little breezy if we had that weather
Starting point is 00:33:06 at our it would have been big we'd probably be on top of the world right yeah people would still be talking about it other than us people who don't have podcasts and didn't put on that event would still be talking about it but no it was uh it was a good time it was a lot of fun we had uh you know nobody we had one injury which we were kind of surprised with our event that like we were fortunate that nobody had nobody had anything but yeah you know bicep tear is kind of a kind of a pain in the ass injury if you're if you train it's kind of a long road so so that that kind of sucks but um it kind of is a common strongman injury, though.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Yeah. Yeah, I would guess that that's probably the most, wouldn't you think? Yeah, I do think so. What's the most common powerlifting injury? The shoulder from benching or torn pec? I mean, bicep tears are fairly common. I think they say that's one of the most common deadlift injuries. Over under deadlift grip, people will tear their arm.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I think they say that's one of the most common deadlift injuries. Over under deadlift grip. Oh, yeah. People will tear their underhand. I think that's one of the most common deadlift injuries, actually. Yeah. What else? Yeah, shoulder back stuff. Isn't that one of the reasons why some people are not huge fans of straps, in that it allows you to load more? Isn't it the straps that allow you to? It's the underhand that is when it comes.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yeah. Isn't it over? I wish I could give credit to where I saw that, but someone was saying if you do the over-under and you have straps, that you end up... That you end up being able to put such a fucking load on. I don't understand
Starting point is 00:34:35 the point of over-undering and using straps. To me, I don't really get that. I have seen people do that before, though. The only reason that that might make sense is that when you're pulling max effort, if you just do pull over under, that it's just a comfort thing. But I don't know. The only time I ever used straps was during our car deadlift.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I probably shouldn't have just like, well, throw them on now because everyone else did. But I was like, well, I don't know. I didn't really feel like I was going to lift it anyway, so maybe these would help. But I've never – see, I've got big mitts, so I've never deadlifted. Worried about that. And been like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:35:08 my grip is really costing me some, some poundage here. But, um, you guys use them when you, you guys use straps when you actually. That car deadlift was like the second time in my life I'd ever used it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Ever to. I do, uh, on and off. It just depends on how my calluses and hands are feeling. I, I usually don't ever use them if I'm pulling singles. But if I'm doing multiple sets of five, sometimes that's when I'll put them on. And it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I mean, it comes to the spot like you know you can hold 405. Yeah, and my grip has never, ever, like on my, if my grip was ever, I felt like a problem on my one rep maxes or you know my heaviest pulls then i would probably worry about doing it but it never is so yeah i'd you know my grip's not going to be the problem one thing i noticed coming out of this competition too was like the weight on the farmer's carry made a big difference like i wasn't near as beat up in my upper traps as i was during ours but i could tell from that rope pull like i i my actual big pull always came from my right side and my
Starting point is 00:36:12 fucking right like whatever is around my shoulder blade was just smashed for a couple days now so uh because i don't do any pulling i don't know like have you do you have you done any like i've never done that before i guess sled pulls or anything like that i've never done that ever before it's kind of fun i don't know it'd be that was a fun that was a cool i thought that was cool and having never done it before i wonder like how a guy would load that you know like because i i almost think that that probably wasn't heavy enough or for near long enough no because that's it was so it was fat it was a sprint event yeah we were to train do that to that to like build strength or muscle like we'd want a shit pot heavier weight
Starting point is 00:36:51 than that yeah i think so too but uh yeah it was cool that was a that was i'd say that was the funnest one yeah that like nobody had like a really hard time with it like the stone throw was over the deal was kind of fun but like it sucked watching like people would struggle larry had a bit of a hard go at it too but it wasn't it was just because it was different and we didn't know what to expect that's i think that's something if we practice that a little bit you know those of us that struggle would be able to get better at you know just being used to i do wonder if you think they'll do that one again. He was a bit concerned with safety on it. I can see it.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah, I talked to a lot of people that were concerned with the safety on that one. Because honestly, if you just tripped backwards and landed on your back... You're going to die. Yeah, basically. I mean, unless you're Joe and you throw it a quarter mile down the fucking road.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Stick one hand above it and just grab it out of the air. But, yeah, I say but-ah a lot, don't I? I feel like that's always my thing. But-ah. Yeah, when you talk in a podcast, you find your tics pretty easily. You'll have these verbal crutches you always fall into. I say you know all the time. What's yours, Tommy?
Starting point is 00:38:07 I don't know. I'm not sure. Tommy just ignores us and doesn't talk when he feels uncomfortable. There's probably some podcasts I've said you know, I don't know, 50 times. I probably had some more in the beginning, but I feel like I tried to notice those, and I think maybe I might have just blocked them out of my memory. The reason I maybe haven't gotten any better is that I don't go back and listen to them i may even be getting worse i have no i have no feedback but uh i think i think that's gonna do it for today do what else
Starting point is 00:38:37 do we have anything else we need to cover um no i just wanted to like i had an idea of something we should do in a future podcast, and I just thought this would be the perfect place to discuss it. We're all going to sing. Well, maybe we'll get a little feedback from someone here. Are we going to sing an acapella song? I hate it when you guys ruin my ideas before I get to say them. Boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:39:02 A really beefy barbershop quartet with Joe in it also. No, we should pick a topic. Tommy and I had discussed things like this a while back. We should pick a topic, like a lifting history topic, either like the origins of the squat or the origins of the bench press. We're doing a Highland competition soon. Maybe like why those events are what they are. Get educated.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah. And we all, like all three of us separately research a little bit of it and then come together. And, uh, so this is, this is where Tanner comes to me on the air and it's like,
Starting point is 00:39:41 Hey Tyler, because everyone's listening, you can't say no because you don't want to do a bunch of what we could do is in like three weeks we never heard anything just be like that turned into a lot of work see how we're not yeah we know i do like it yeah that's a good idea actually and it would probably save our audience from listening to us just talk shit for 45 minutes every week too yeah we it's's definitely something we should probably do. I definitely wouldn't want to do that all the time,
Starting point is 00:40:06 but once a year we could do one of these where we do it. Let's not set the bar too high. Tanner's that kid who's like, teacher, do you mind if we do a report this week or something? And everyone's like, shut up. No, I like it. I think the Highland Games one would be a pretty cool one. Yeah, and that's probably got a pretty cool one yeah because coming up and
Starting point is 00:40:25 that's probably got some pretty cool history but behind it you know why do people throw a telephone pole and yeah speaking of research i had uh there's this podcast i listened to that is not at all on the scope of what we do at all but it's called like those conspiracy guys and so it's basically like just conspiracy theories but actually rationally well thought out and thoroughly researched stuff and they don't ever like try to prove or disprove they just present all the shit and then at the end they're like i still think there's a chance or they're like i definitely think it's bullshit and they just lay their opinions pretty cool podcast but their fucking podcasts are like once every other week and they're like four and a half
Starting point is 00:41:06 to five hours long whoa and they're like meticulously researched and planned out and i just can't believe that that's a thing that people do i wasn't thinking a lot of work i i guess we weren't even sure what we were going to talk about a few cool lines of trivia yeah i still i wasn't thinking meticulous or well planned out. I was just maybe. Ladies and gentlemen, our five-hour Highland Games research special will be coming soon. Will this come out before the Celtic Fair? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I got to sign up for that, don't I? You just sign up for that on the day of. You just show up. No, you just show up. But I have to have a kilt. Well, you don't have to have one in your first year. But it is a you just show up. But I have to have a kilt. Well, you don't have to have one in your first year. But it is a lot cooler.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I feel like I need to have a kilt. Is there a local place where a man can get a kilt? You can buy them online. Tanner's mother-in-law. Yeah, my mother-in-law made mine. Really? But it's like the most difficult thing to sew.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Well, that sounds like that's a her problem and not so much a me problem. That's a good point. If this comes out before we have done that... Otherwise, it won't matter. It'll be in retrospect. No, that'll be good. That's something we'll look forward to.
Starting point is 00:42:14 What else do we have, guys? Anything else cool? Cool. Tommy had his, what was it, Okoboji and... I went to Okoboji for the weekend. It was really festive. And I it, Okoboji. I went to Okoboji for the weekend. It was really festive. And I survived. Okoboji and Hennessy.
Starting point is 00:42:32 That was not me, actually. Hennessy was... That was the other DeFay. Hennessy was the other one. Okay. So, oh, I did watch Stranger Things this weekend. Did you watch that yet? No.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I made it through. Did you get through it? It's a fun show. It's a this weekend. Did you watch that yet? I made it through. Did you get through it? It's a fun show. It's a fun show. Yeah, watch it. You have to, going into it, you have to know it's like a sci-fi fantasy type thing and you have to accept some.
Starting point is 00:42:55 It's out there. It's good, though. Yeah, it's really fun to watch. Ryan had recommended it to me and I had heard a lot about it before I finally, like, I watched it and I had one episode left to watch today and i started watching it yesterday which meant i spent six hours last night watching stranger things which i'm a little bit ashamed about so now i just said it to everyone who listens to this podcast
Starting point is 00:43:18 so maybe that's not the best way to keep secrets it's it is it is good though yeah it was it was it was it was great um i i also would like to to rename that the nobody gives a shit about barb show fucking barb goes missing and they don't fucking do anything nobody says a word they're like what about barb her mom doesn't look it was more like file a missing persons report the whole show is looking for missing kid and fucking barb goes missing So Barb is also under 18. She is a kid. Yeah, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:43:48 I did think that. I think I even, when I was watching it, thought, what about Barb? Well, yeah, she's gone. Yeah. Yeah, but no one's talking about that at all. It's kind of hullabaloo over the one kid who they already had his fucking funeral. I don't want to give a spoiler alert but no it's good so uh now that i ruined that show after recommending you to watch it definitely go watch
Starting point is 00:44:12 it oh no i don't think that gives anything away so i think that'll do it for today let me get my handy dandy checkout sheet here um make sure you go to facebook make sure you like the mass and omics page on facebook please go to itunes make sure you like the massonomics page on Facebook. Please go to iTunes. Make sure you give us a five-star review. I'll go to the website Go to the shop, buy some sweet gear. Um, go to the bottom of the page, sign up for our email newsletter. Um, what is it?
Starting point is 00:44:37 YouTube massonomics subscribe. Um, now we're down to Instagram. I'm Tyler. You can follow me on Instagram at tyler f and stone tanner on instagram at massonomics and blood type is a negative not the universal donor but tell me what's your blood type um i'm an oh the one where they call you non-stop once they get you oh no i don't donate blood
Starting point is 00:45:06 because they make too many phone calls i i feel this like moral obligation to donate blood because i am the universal donor and i i'm really good about it listen to you i have this very this very pure blood so but uh i used to be really good about it and now it's the uh the point where it's just like i feel like that kind of interferes with my lifting. And so I just keep getting put off. No, it's actually a lifting day. I'm so bad at doing it now. And I actually think the last time I did it, I think I was listening to one of the podcast
Starting point is 00:45:37 that had Jason Kalipa in it, I think. And he talked about how his daughter had cancer. And so they started doing a blood drive. And I was like, I feel really guilty now so I made an appointment that day and gave blood I think like the next day but yeah because you're like mad at all those assholes who call you all the time but then you're like
Starting point is 00:45:53 little kids need blood that's basically what it came down to and then since then I've backed off again but yeah the fire has died Tommy how do they get a hold of you on Instagram? Instagram you can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. So slide into Tommy's DMs and ask him for some of that sweet, sweet O negative blood. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:13 So that'll do it for us today. Thanks a lot for listening, and we'll see you next week. Later. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears ears you're welcome check us out on facebook find us on instagram at massonomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet massonomics gear from your friends at massonomics studio home of the world's strongest podcast. Stay strong.

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