Massenomics Podcast - Ep.27: Arnold, We'll See You Soon

Episode Date: October 9, 2016

Arnold is patiently waiting for the Massenomics crew to arrive... In this week's episode of The Massenomics Podcast, we had a couple elite Massenomics OG's over while we all booked our flights and lo...dging for Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus. It's still more than a few months away, but we're all pretty stoked about the fun that is to be had. Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this episode on Facebook... Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. So, Shane, you like lifting them?
Starting point is 00:00:42 We are here, almost live in the Massanomics studio here. We just got done ordering all our tickets, at least our plane tickets for the for the arnold this year um what is it five months six months away so we're a little ahead of the game here but uh everybody said you got to book that shit like like six months ahead of time or else your hotels and all that stuff's impossible so we locked it in massonomics is going to the arnold do we have a room yet then i didn't hear that yeah we don't have a room yet all the hotels were booked and we we found one like kick-ass airbnb and then the guy just sent me a message back saying like no for the arnold you got to stay five nights well the arnold is only three nights so they're just making you buy an
Starting point is 00:01:23 extra two nights while you're there instead of just raising the rate. So I passed on his offer. In totally unrelated news, we got an interesting voicemail on the Masonomics hotline. I'll just put this out here, and hopefully you guys can hear it okay. Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me if your gym has any of the whole body vibration machines. Give me a call back and let me know, please.
Starting point is 00:02:04 The number is... So, she sounds like a really nice young lady, but I don't know that she read much on the website as far as what we have. I mean, we have our whole equipment list is on the website. Right. The other question is, where'd she get the phone number? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:22 That is a really good question. That was my personal cell phone number. Oh, like tanner's got a gym call him and just ask him he might have one of those personal or those full body vibration systems if she was calling asking for a personal vibration machine do you have any of those personal internal vibration machines i mean sometimes when you pull a big deadlift i mean that's what she means i actually i did see those machines that they're talking about that i thought it was the old things that like strap around your waist and shake you like yeah that's what i'm picturing but apparently i just saw on like bradley martin's instagram there was like it is a imagine like like a stair master with the rails around the edge and everything
Starting point is 00:03:09 without the stairs, just a flat platform and just everything vibrates. Is that what we're getting? I think it makes you jacked. They were just using it on the video. I saw it was people just like leaning on the rail. You know, I can't imagine what it would do for your whole body just to be shook up. Well, if Bradley Martin's doing it, though, it's got to be pretty cool. Yeah, or it's totally fake. So when should we get one?
Starting point is 00:03:37 I feel like we might as well. We can't buy any new bars because we have all the bars. Oh, by the way, what's our update on the – We still don't have those. I think it was like three weeks ago we were like, yeah, they might be here this week. Maybe by the time that this podcast goes live
Starting point is 00:03:53 to the public, I'm going to stake that bet. So yes, we have those. They've been working really well. I'll say by the time we're at the Arnold, we should have them. Future self is loving the bars. So that's what's new as far as our game plan here.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I don't know what else we've got coming up. Everybody's kind of in a competition lull now. Do we even have anything coming up that anybody's doing? No. Why do we even have a podcast yeah we're not talking about nothing no no none of us have anything probably just the next thing would be the chamberlain meeting yeah in february oh i guess one thing i didn't do is introduce everybody yeah you better do that we got two new uh well ross has been here before, but I'm Tyler. Next to me is Ross Taylor. Yo. And across the way is Shane Kowashnik.
Starting point is 00:04:48 What's up? Big Shane. And then the usual, we got Tommy. What's up? And Tanner. Hi. So we have a lot of dude in the studio today. But yeah, so we got all these people in here to talk about apparently nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Figured if we got more people, we could just bounce things off. Shane is pretty stoked about going to the Arnold because him and Arnold are going to get an apartment together. Oh, yeah. We go way back. I've been following you for years. Shane has probably watched Pumping Iron. How many times do you think you've watched at least part of Pumping Iron?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Well, I know a couple years ago I went on a streak at work. I would, you know, I got the two monitors and I would sit there and probably about three o'clock, you know, before I went to the gym, I'd start watching it on one side. Actually, I wouldn't even have to watch it I'd watch it so many times I would hear it and I would know exactly what's going on And so yeah I'd put that on and get all psyched And get ready to go to the gym
Starting point is 00:05:56 And then annoy everyone with quotes from the movie All night long Probably about 10 years straight Would you watch it just about every day for a while? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Every day at work. To finish the day at work, it was on.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Then they took it off YouTube for a while. Really? Yeah. It came out on Netflix, I think. Oh. So then it went off of YouTube. Yeah. So that kind of got out of my routine then.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Was it the version that was in like 10 parts when you watched it on YouTube? Yeah. Yeah. That was too much work to watch it like that. What was your favorite scene from Pumping Iron, do you think? I think my favorite scene. It's like picking a mom to pick her favorite child. Yeah, there's so many.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I actually like the scenes when Louie's working out with his dad. I want to beat him. Yeah. I'm like, whoa, wait, I want to beat him. He's overhead pressing like 275 or something like that. My favorite is when they're back in the pump-up room and Arnold's telling Louie to quiet down.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I'm lifting Arnold. It's supposed to be like a church. He just kind of picks on Louie all the time. Poor Louie. They're in the back of the bus and they're trying to stand up to seem bigger than the other guy. They keep standing up more and more. Lou's dad just has a total crush on Arnold.
Starting point is 00:07:20 You can tell the whole time. What about the breakfast scene? I do like that too or he already called his mother told her he won she said congratulations on him what does he what does he tell him his loose timing is all wrong because yeah yeah another month or so he would have been in shape but then uh i'd be that much bigger so So what the hell? Let's get it over with. That was the thing is I didn't realize until I had seen that movie
Starting point is 00:07:51 how much shit talking goes into that. I just figured it's a sport where it's all just dudes trying to be bigger than everybody. So I would assume that you'd just leave some of the... The work is done, I always thought. But yeah, dude talks some shit in that movie. It's great. And before I had ever thought, but yeah, dude talks some shit in that movie. It's great.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And before I had ever seen, like before that, my impression of Arnold was like the Terminator and you know, all these movies like that, where I just assumed he's a guy that probably doesn't have a whole lot of charisma or can't really talk. Yeah. And then you watch him in pumping iron.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You realize like this guy is like, has everyone mentally owned. Like he knows exactly what he's doing. He can talk his way in and out of everything. Yeah. There's a reason he's a goddamn superstar. What about Mike Katz? He's one of my favorites too. Is he the one that they took the shirt from?
Starting point is 00:08:36 And he was pissed off about that? Was he the school teacher? He had the crazy hair. What kind of hair? Who was it? waller said he only he only had one pose and and uh even what did he say that he looked like he looked like a giant spider yeah yeah so we've got uh so do you give pumping iron two thumbs up or yeah yeah five stars two thumbs up it Yeah, five stars, two thumbs up. It's probably the only bodybuilding movie that's probably really great.
Starting point is 00:09:16 So did you watch Generation Iron then? No, I've actually never seen that. It's not bad. It's all right, but it's not nearly as good as Pumping Iron. No, have you seen it, Tommy? No, I still got to see it. It's on Netflix. I mean, I would's yeah it's i'll probably watch it again at some point in time too but it's it's not it's not pumping iron yeah it's too like i don't know it's it's a little too arty and and plus like the guys are so fucking huge now that it's not like like
Starting point is 00:09:43 arnold looked good and was huge yeah but like when you're talking like who all was in that one there's phil heath and kai green branch war and all these guys that are just like goddamn cartoons yeah um your average person that's into fitness probably would want to look like arnold schwarzenegger but i don't think you know your average person doesn't even necessarily want to look like you know kai green or you know like that oh god who was it that said that said you know like nobody wants to fuck jay cutler you know like you look like that nobody's trying to fuck that guy you know like you want to stop short of that for sure if you're looking for sex appeal because it's way too fucking huge what's what's the guy's name the man whose arms exploded uh greg valentino you know he says what when you know i know this i know i don't look good i know
Starting point is 00:10:31 this looks terrible when i go to the to the bar no no chick wants to look at me the guys push their girlfriends out of the way like what the fuck man like it's just dudes that are interested in people looking like that no women yeah so shane is uh about as big as all those people yeah right i fall a little short to that but um so what's everybody looking forward to um come come the arnold trip here what's like your one thing that's your for sure thing ross i really want to go watch the cage yeah when them all them guys lifting the cage what is it sponsored by muscle i think or animal animal and i guess i don't know that might change i don't know i think it was the animal cage yeah
Starting point is 00:11:16 it has been for a few years i bet they'll still no i bet it'll be the animal cage again still that's pretty so i was there last year and the stuff in the cage was like they must have like their own schedule and shit because it just goes on and on and so i'd be by there and there's just like some average joe in jeans benching 225 and then like i would hear a little bit later that then somebody else squatted a thousand pounds what the fuck when is this how is they announcing this but uh yeah you'll just hear you you can find the animal cage on the expo floor because you'll just hear like slayer loud oh yeah and uh that's my phone going off isn't it okay mr here i was like what the fuck you guys we're here we're trying to record a podcast turn your damn phones off um what about
Starting point is 00:12:06 you shane what's your uh what's the big what's your big draw this year aside from meeting arnold yeah that's what i was gonna say that is gonna be my number one mission to get within i'll be happy if i get within 20 yards from him yeah but i want to see him or whatever it takes to meet him um but i i mean i enjoy all that stuff you know the power lifting the bodybuilding the yeah you know any anything to do with fitness yeah the nice thing with the expo there is you can sample as much protein energy and pre-workout and bcas that you have no idea what's on the label they just have like fucking like they have the stuff like on tap and i just can't believe there is too like there's that many people that are into fitness that are just gonna drink
Starting point is 00:12:56 whatever you hand them like i had no idea why do you want to drink pre-workout just to walk around for 10 booths are you gonna sample pre-workout just to walk around for 10 booths are you going to sample pre-workout just to be in a crowd of 50 000 people on an expo floor like that'd drive me fucking crazy um the building will fill with protein farts by about halfway through the day and it gets pretty gross um it's a we're used to that don't yeah it'll be any different tommy what's uh what's, what's your big draw this year? This is a strictly ping pong trip for me, so I'm pretty fired up for that. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I think all that, like the bodybuilding stuff would be cool. I've never seen any of that in person. Powerlifting stuff too, and then the strongman stuff. I think it'll be really fun to watch because, because everyone gets so, so pumped up for all that. Yeah. The, the strongman stuff is, is nice because they do it like both on the big stage where the bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:13:52 thing is. Plus throughout the weekend, it just goes on, on the expo stage too. So you can just like kind of just be there while they're throwing shit around up there. It's pretty cool. So only the final is private.
Starting point is 00:14:04 The re or is in the, you know, the extra paid thing. The rest is all public which is sweet um tanner what's your plan i guess i'd have to say i'm looking uh most forward to sharing a bed with shane that was the first message that we got and the deal was like i i sent a i sent everybody a message guys about the uh the airbnb the apartment we were looking at renting or the house and first thing shane says is well cool if i get to get to bunk up with tanner we we like to you know take it as a challenge to see if we can both fit in a small size bed. In the same bed. We might just have to have wrestling matches to see who gets the super shame.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Everyone's going to be fighting over it. I'm, several things I'm looking forward to seeing, but I think, you know, the strong man, seeing some of that would be pretty awesome because those are some huge weights that those guys are doing. But other than that, maybe just the chance of running into some kind of random power lifters that actually aren't famous,
Starting point is 00:15:13 but yeah, they're not. Yeah. Even at this Arnold festival, some of them probably aren't famous, like for the majority of the people there, but I follow them. So maybe in passing run into a couple of people,
Starting point is 00:15:24 you know, going and seeing like some of the YouTube guys, you know, would be kind of cool to see too. Yeah, there's kind of people everywhere. And there's only a few things going on in the powerlifting stuff at a time, so they're all just kind of out and about, you know, checking shit out. I remember seeing on videos of people posting, like Pete Rubish is just walking down an aisle,
Starting point is 00:15:45 and there's people walking by him, not even knowing who he is. Right, right. Like, well, Jesus Christ, guys. I actually did the same thing with Jon Jones last year, the UFC fighter who was just walking down the hallway, and nobody fucking caught it except for me. I was like, wait a minute. That's somebody.
Starting point is 00:16:02 That's somebody. You knew because he was black that it was somebody. Somebody really athletic. No comment, Tanner. You're baiting me. But I did just get confirmation, guys. We did get accepted to that apartment we rented. The second one.
Starting point is 00:16:22 We're there. The second one. Do they ask? This is Airbnb, right? Yep. Do they ask demographics of who is going to be there? We said five Hispanic females. No, they didn't say.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I'm just wondering if someone here is like five, six guys all weighing over 200 pounds there for a fitness show. They'd be like, eh, maybe that's not what we need. Yeah, we're going to hope it's a soft check in where they just send me information for the keys and don't look at us. But, um, for me this year,
Starting point is 00:16:52 I'm kind of looking forward to seeing, I think, I mean, I was there last year and saw lots of stuff, but I missed all like the biggest, heaviest shit that was on Sunday for the weightlifting stuff and the powerlifting. Um,
Starting point is 00:17:04 some of the big, big stuff was Sunday. All the heavy hitters were Sunday and I was gone by then. And then I wasn't there long enough to check out any of the bodybuilding stuff. So I'm kind of looking forward to that this year. I've never even seen any sort of bodybuilding show, let alone like, I don't know, where does this rank as far as like number one or number two? Number two. does this rank as far as like number one or number two yeah and this probably borders the you know it's probably i'd say not far behind the olympia right i'd say yeah it's i'd say nowadays it's probably you know about a horse apiece yeah same guys will be there yeah yeah besides phil yeah phil has a little problem with arnold he does arnold's called out the
Starting point is 00:17:44 how the new physiques he doesn't like them or whatever. And so Phil will never be at an Arnold. Just like the big belly? Well, yeah, he just doesn't. He thinks they're getting too big. There isn't a lot of aesthetic in the way some of those guys look anymore. Yeah. And if you see some of those types walking around there, you're like, Jesus Christ, they're not that tall.
Starting point is 00:18:06 So they're just mountains of men that are like 5'11", 5'10". I don't know. How tall is Kai Green? Not 6'2". He's probably under 6'2". Yeah, I don't know if any of them are hardly 6'2". I have to find it out right now, guys. How tall is Kai Green, according to my cell phone?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Five foot eight. Jeez. That's not very tall. No, so he's a small person. In one fraction. Except for the muscles and all the other things. Five feet both ways. Totally fucking enormous.
Starting point is 00:18:41 He probably is, I guess, if he's walking around in a t-shirt, is about as wide as he is tall yeah i bet he is well that's those guys clothes like clothes don't fit yeah very similar and except for shane six three yeah just think how wide he is we call shane the black kai green oh shit so do you think uh do you think there's anywhere around there that we like that we could all get a lift in somewhere sometime when we're there i suppose i don't know there is things like if you follow like some of the youtubers yeah that's i mean like i'd have to lift with us yeah there, there'd have to be, like, a lot of people. You know, you'd think there'd almost be, like, a cool, like.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Like, I think you can go pay, like, $15 and go lift with, like, somebody like Mark Lobliner. Yeah, yeah. He's Tiger Fitness. You suppose we could just show up at Westside? I do not think you could get to just show up at Westside. Louie probably hates that. Yeah, I bet he hates that weekend.
Starting point is 00:19:49 He has a bunch of asshats. He probably has guards on duty at the door like, no, get out of here. Wandering around like, can I get a t-shirt? Goddamn kids. Yeah, mad because everybody shows up on their cell phone wanting to buy t-shirts, take selfies in his gym. Is Rogue actually in Columbus?
Starting point is 00:20:07 Yep. Yeah, they've got – they put together like an enormous rig last year for it. This fucking – all this towering steel like 30, 40 feet in the air for their booth. It's just a nice booth. They have a bunch of just equipment you can fuck around with there. But – and they had some meet and greets i'm interested to see if they'll have some of their if there will be a time this year when they put because they sponsor um thor and brian shaw so i'd be interested to see if they'd actually get
Starting point is 00:20:36 them on a meet and greet slot at some point during the weekend when they're between between events another thing would be we got to go to the slingshot booth to see like silent if you if it would even be possible to see you can you can get there that's that's one where there's a fucking line yeah there's a line um yeah and plus some of those things like if you go to that booth there's a chance you might wait get to the front line and like mark bell might they won't even like when i when i went there was towards the end and i was just gonna buy um a couple hip circles to go because they had them marked down quite a bit um but when i get up to the front there's
Starting point is 00:21:10 a bunch of people i don't know yeah yeah you know yeah and then they were sold out of hip circles so i wasted 20 minutes of my life in that line thanks mark but uh but yeah it'll be all right usually the downtown gets pretty pretty crazy so did you go out last we did we went out the the first night we kept it pretty low-key because we had basically been traveling for like 36 hours by that time um but the second night we were like yeah fuck it we're gonna go out and we um after some things got done in the evening, we went out and just started drinking and went out on the town. Did you see a lot of people around that looked like they were also there at the Arnold? Yeah, kind of. We ended up in this bar where, I don't know if you guys know this, 50 Cent is out of money now.
Starting point is 00:22:00 He's bankrupt. I heard that. I heard that, too. So he was pimping some that i have that too he was so he was like pimping some vodka brand in this bar and there was uh in the back room of the bar it was like sequestered off and there's all these like 22 year old girls in line and then a bunch of bros and like so this guy comes up to the bar and talk it's like what i'm like what is going on back here there's a cardboard cutout of 50 cent at the front of the bar that people are taking
Starting point is 00:22:28 pictures with and then there's all you people lining up to go to the back what's you know well 50 cents is going to be back there's like oh is he having like a concert because fuck it i'd go you know i'd go through that i guess you know that'd be fun but it was no he's just gonna be back there. And they were selling tickets. It was like $30 to just be at a party that 50 Cent is at. But your best bet would be to take a picture with the cardboard cutout up front. Did anyone shoot him?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Nobody shot him. But I did try some of the vodka that he was selling, and it's fucking disgusting. Did it taste like vodka? It tastes, no. Like 50-cent vodka? It tastes like medicine. But, yeah, so we went out, and we partied quite a bit. The street food in Columbus is pretty good. That's something we'll have to.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Do they have a food truck? There was some guys pushing around carts and shit and they're cooking like cheese steaks and all sorts of good shit off there so yeah it's kind of a good point you bring up is like you know me and tanner and ross we kind of like to eat that's true yeah what yeah and you you know you're you you kind of how does that work how are we gonna do this we ain't gonna just drink protein yeah no protein samples of pre-workout i would assume that every morning instead of us having to hunt down breakfast we're just going to cook a huge ton of eggs at the apartment eggs and meat and potatoes and
Starting point is 00:23:56 just have a pile that's we're probably going to need about 60 eggs a day a morning i mean trying to do the math and probably a few pounds of bacon or sausage. The grocery store will probably be the first thing we go to. And then lunch will probably be something we just eat downtown. And dinner, I would assume, we'll go back to the place and either grab something on the way there or what. But yeah, it's the one thing that sucks about being in any, like downtown anywhere is your ability to like grab a quick meal that's not $25 kind of goes out the window. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good concern, Shane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Maybe we should, should we just carry on some cheap South Dakota food? Yeah. Like anywhere Tanner and I go, we usually have our meal plan first. Yeah, we have to mat. Anywhere Tanner and I go, we usually have our meal planned first. Yeah, we have to map. We went to the bodybuilding show in Minneapolis that one time, and on the way there, we were planning out.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Mapping out. Yeah. Where's the nearest buffet? Right. We've gone to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally before, and our main concern is where we can get a breakfast buffet. Not just breakfast, but a buffet yeah because otherwise you go and they give you like this one little plate of food yeah yeah and it's like hey this is a good like one fourth of a breakfast but where do i get the rest
Starting point is 00:25:18 of my breakfast it's 10 o'clock and i'm hungry that is that is a little weird too because you're you're moving around the whole time too. So you're like, yeah. If you're like me and you eat five times a day, 10 o'clock rolls around and you're standing shoulder to shoulder in a crowd full of people, you get a little cranky.
Starting point is 00:25:36 But there is, Subway will be there with like $9 six inch subs for sale. Will Jared be there? He's pretty busy. He is busy. I mean mean he's got a lot of time on his hands just not out and about uh the the sturgis motorcycle rally though you know it's the i guess it's the biggest motorcycle rally in the world i would guess yeah what what shane and i discovered the best the actual best place uh in this biker rally to find breakfast is at churches. Yeah, really?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah, like the churches put on the best breakfast. Those little grannies love Tanner and I. Yeah, they do. Oh, did I bring you another plate? Look at you two. You guys need some more pancakes. Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:24 We have, I've never done it, but maybe we could just leave the house that we're staying in and just walk to a hotel nearby and just walk in like we're staying there. We've thought about doing that before. I've never done it, but it seems like there's almost no way you could get caught, right? I'd like to say that I've never done that before. But you've done that before? I have too. almost no way you could get caught right i'd like to say that i've never done that before but you've done that before i i have to you guys should elaborate on that a little bit did you do it together or is this just like a thing that you guys i just did that um this summer yeah i was at uh a wedding and you know just like that situation where we're probably more worried about eating than your
Starting point is 00:27:05 average person is so for breakfast maybe there's like a box of donuts around and people are having coffee and stuff and i'm like well this isn't gonna this is not breakfast for me you know i need like meat and eggs and various things so i was driving around and I Googled and found a Qdoba because locally we have breakfast at our Qdoba and it's good. Which? Did you hear that no longer exists? September 25th. I got it yesterday.
Starting point is 00:27:35 It was the last day that I'll be able to get Qdoba. I think today, September 25th, was the last day. First of all, why did that happen? I never had it. I just heard it was really good. It was good. It was legit good. My question is why did that happen? I actually never had it I just heard it was really good It was legit good My question is, is that seasonal? Or is it like no more?
Starting point is 00:27:52 So whenever you guys went Was there ever a line? No, the only didn't seem like it I was like the only person in there every time I think everyone I've talked to Says that same thing Which is part of why I loved it so much If you go to Qdoba for lunch You're going to be there for And that's, I think, is everyone I've talked to says that same thing. Which is part of why I loved it so much, too.
Starting point is 00:28:05 It's like if you go to Qdoba for lunch, like you're standing there for like. It's a half hour in line. You miss that five minute window of beating everyone and you're in line for 30 minutes. Yeah. But no, their breakfast was legit. So you looked up for Qdoba. Yeah. And then I was like, oh, so Qdoba breakfast isn't everywhere apparently because this place wasn't open yet and their hours were no breakfast.
Starting point is 00:28:24 isn't everywhere apparently because this place wasn't open yet and their hours were no breakfast so then i was trying to just find a diner and i was using like whatever app or whatever pops up on your iphone to look for places and i found a diner and i went there and this was on a must have been a saturday or a sunday morning and their days of operation were just monday through friday which i thought was weird uh and then at this point i was just driving around then just driving trying to find something and i drove by fuming mad yeah and i this was in rapid city where we've done the state power lifting meet a few years in a row that we we stay at this place and they have a good buffet breakfast and i drove by and i saw the adoba hotel out in the corner of my eye and i was like i know they have a good buffet breakfast and i drove by and i saw the adobo hotel out in the corner of my eye and i was like i know they have a good buffet breakfast so they don't i don't think they really
Starting point is 00:29:11 sell the breakfast you just always get a ticket when you're staying there so i walked in and uh the guy asked me you know if i had my ticket and i was like well he asked me if i had my ticket. And I was like, well, he asked me if I had a ticket and I said, no. And he asked me, uh, if what my room number is. And I said, I'm not sure. And he, he ended up giving me,
Starting point is 00:29:36 getting me a spot. And I asked, then after you'd kind of served me, I asked, can I just pay with cash? And he's like, well, we don't really,
Starting point is 00:29:44 really do that i was like okay so she just got a free and i was already sitting down at this point in time so i just ate and what's funny is in that area downtown out there too is there's like kind of a lot of homeless people and i'm surprised that they don't have a policy of like you can't just come in here and eat yeah like you'd think they'd have that tightened up a little bit but he was a little annoyed by it yeah not enough to concern you yeah yeah I at this point you know it's again another time when it's like 10 in the morning and I hadn't really eaten and you know I was like I could see all the food there yeah food right now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:27 So that was the time I did it. So was yours this morning? It was probably about five, six years ago, but I did it for like a month straight. I kind of want to hear more about that. I'm assuming times were tough, right? Well, I had to go to Minneapolis for work. It was a month-long project. They were trying to set me up so I would maybe eventually move there someday. So they put me up in Extended Stay America or something like that,
Starting point is 00:31:01 kind of apartment-type motel deal. It totally threw me off my – because I have a routine when I go to Minneapolis too, you know, I know where to eat and I know what, you know, so it totally threw me off. But the good thing about it was where I normally stay was just across the street. So I was scheming in my little room one day and I'm like, okay, how, and their kind of breakfast was, you know, eggs and sausage and bacon. I mean, really good. So I'm scheming in my room. I'm like, well, what if I go over there and act like I'm, you know, coming in the morning, but that'll look kind of funny. Like I just come in the door in the morning, go right to the, right to the buffet.
Starting point is 00:31:43 So you like walk down the hallway or something. Yeah, exactly. I come in the door and I went back behind the desk and by the elevators and kind of stood around for about five minutes. Check some text messages. Yeah. Yeah. Dink around on your phone and then you come back out like you're just coming from your room in the morning.
Starting point is 00:31:59 And yeah, I did that for a month straight. Was there, was there ever like any question raised at all? No. Nobody said shit. No. Yeah. I also don't think those people care. Why would they care?
Starting point is 00:32:13 They're probably getting paid. Yeah. And they're literally giving that food away anyway. Yeah. I wouldn't even bother talking to somebody about it. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I haven't done that. I got to step up my my game it's a lot easier than a guy would think and if you think about it like how many like 11 diner breakfasts is you know how much does that save you over the course of a month in a month yeah three or four hundred dollars well i i was pretty much living there for free because they paid for my food and everything. But this was like way easier than going to a restaurant and sitting there and not getting enough to eat. I did not expect you to say a month. A month straight.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Yeah, I literally did it for a month straight. On the weekends too. So we'll start a little uh life hacks section now and this will be the first entry into it life hacks of how to get a lot of food like when you're in binds my my favorite like food hack still is get up and go to the grocery store stupid fucking early in the morning like six eight o'clock in the morning and they'll have especially on saturdays or sundays where they have so much like meat that they take out like any of that that doesn't go they mark down to get gone you know as soon as possible and i'll get like i'll get chicken you know about half price per pound you can get some steaks and stuff like that those get
Starting point is 00:33:42 a little questionable because you can like see they start looking a little fucked up so but it's up to your discretion but that shit gets marked down like like right away and i'll go there and just just load up and uh that's how i save all my money on my meat my grocery store life hack is just beg and plead with your wife to go without you to go and not make you go. Our deal is my wife will go and then I'll carry it in. And then we will both put it. I'll help her put it away. It's a good deal. I'll do it where I had, my wife was gone a couple of weeks ago and I had to go buy,
Starting point is 00:34:17 I don't mind grocery shopping by myself. Cause I pick what gets bought always anyways. So even when we went like yesterday, I go pick all the food while they go get all the house stuff and we just meet at the checkout but my wife was gone and i had to do it so i go there and i uh i get everything bought go through the deal pay for it and all of a sudden i was like well fuck i normally drop the cart off with her and she loads the conveyor belt while me and lincoln go we'll
Starting point is 00:34:46 look at the video games and then we come back and she's ready to go so i had to do all that shit take it out to the car put it in the trunk bring it home and then i had to bring it all in by myself which usually you know half that work is shared and i brought it all in on the counter and the table and it's all over the place and i did what I normally do which is then sit on the recliner and like 10 minutes later I was like fuck this isn't gonna put itself away and Megan's not gonna be home for two more days so uh yeah doing all all of it by yourself sucks pretty hard but I don't mind buying the groceries but I'd be okay if I didn't have to do anything else with it do you guys all do the thing where it's like, it requires hundreds and hundreds of bags before you'll make more than one
Starting point is 00:35:29 trip with the grocery bags when you get home? Like. In the name of saving the trips. Smashing bread. Ruining all your fruit and everything. Just like, I don't think you could get enough bags on your arm to actually make it too heavy to carry
Starting point is 00:35:46 I don't think so when you get the gallons of milk when you need fingers instead of just arm space you have gallons of milk, paper towels, and toilet paper it just totally throws the whole thing off it would take half as long just to grab a quick drink
Starting point is 00:36:02 because the big big things of toilet paper are two hands, no matter what. So that costs you like 50 bags of groceries that could have been brought in on that trip. And then I notice I'll still do the same thing of loading all of my groceries into my hand. Like one load because I have to go back and get the the uh like toilet paper paper towels whatever it is but I'll load all the groceries in then go back out and be like oh I have like one hand to carry like I I could have split that up into two trips easy yeah that's the type of real world problems we deal with here at Massanomics guys it's hard out here on the streets but uh well that was all I had today which was nothing shane was there anything else
Starting point is 00:36:46 you felt like you needed to cover oh let's see here we're gonna have to have shane on again let's do a shane expose yeah how uh you you came to mastonomics gym you had been lifting at another gym before how long had you been lifting at the other gym before you switched? Boy, that had to be, I think, 12 years or so. I was there for a long time. Ever since I've been in Aberdeen. Old habits die hard. Everyone there knew you.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Same time, long and nasty breakup. Yeah. Everyone there knew you by name. Yeah. I tried to kind of sneak out of there because i felt really terrible but i went there on a sunday i actually lifted you know on our gym and then i went there on a sunday uh afternoon to cancel and uh the lady that was there is a really nice lady and i came in the door and i'm like oh i didn't want her yeah i thought it'd be a college girl who doesn't know me. Not her, no. And soon as I came in the door, she knew somehow she knew.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Well, because you had not been there for like two days in a row for the last 12 years. So when you're not there for a week, everyone's like, oh my God, did Shane die? Does someone need to go check on him? Guys, I heard Shane got cancer. I mean, you were just even not there on a Wednesday the other week, and we were all pretty worried about what was going on. I'm going to be switching up my workout here after this week. So you'll be different days?
Starting point is 00:38:17 I'll let everyone know. Yeah, because we all talk about that one day when Shane wasn't here. Hashtag never forget. So did you have to, was she pretty heartbroken when you broke it off? Yeah, she's like, oh, no. She's like, I think I know what's going on here. And she went under the desk already and got the paperwork out. Didn't even ask me.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Is it because you showed up without your gym bag that could be part of it yeah she's like this guy yeah no i had my coming to use the sauna i did actually have my gym bag because i didn't have my uh sweet locker position you know at the time because i was still new at the new gym. And yeah, she got the paperwork out and didn't even ask. That's good. I felt bad, though. You just want to throw a more embarrassing thing out instead of just owning up to it. Like, yeah, I'm super poor now.
Starting point is 00:39:22 There's not someone else. I don't have any money. I just don't like lifting anymore I'm gonna retire I'm gay and I got AIDS I can't come anymore so I'm just gonna try and get fat now yeah I'm giving up on life
Starting point is 00:39:43 so well I think that'll do it for today guys anything else for now? I'm just going to try and get fat now. Yeah, I'm giving up on life. So, well, I think that'll do it for today, guys. Is there anything else for now? No, I don't know. I'll do it. So make sure, guys, go to iTunes. Leave us a five-star rating. Please go to
Starting point is 00:40:03 Check out all our content, articles, videos there. While you're there, check out the store. Buy some gear, shirts, articles, videos there. While you're there, check out the store, buy some gear, shirts, hats, banners, all sorts of good stuff. You can scroll to the bottom of the page at, sign up for our email newsletter. Go to YouTube, subscribe to our channel. Don't forget to like Massonomics page on Facebook. And we can keep you in the loop on all the cool stuff we're doing. You can find us on Instagram. I'm on Instagram at Tyler F and stone.
Starting point is 00:40:29 That's Tyler EFF. I am stone Ross. How can they get ahold of you? You can find me on Instagram at Roscoe, 28, 28. And Shane, how can the world get more Shane? You can find my lifting schedule. Hanging up. Hanging up. Hanging up in the gym. Tommy, what about you?
Starting point is 00:40:52 You can find me on Instagram at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner? I'm on Instagram at Massanomics. Or you can also actually find me on Ask Jeeves. Just ask Jeeves, how do I find Tanner from asinomics and if anybody has any full-body vibration machines we are in the market we're not looking to pay a lot for shipping so hopefully you can deliver that'll do it for us today thanks for listening everybody and stay strong see ya later goodbye you just heard the Stay strong. See you. Later. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:41:27 You just heard the Masanamics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcasts, stay strong.

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