Massenomics Podcast - Ep.80: The Return Of Tanner's Sack

Episode Date: October 16, 2017

This week, the guys get caught up on the week's action and take a look inside Tanner's sack. It's been quite a while since we've seen Tanner's sack, and it's quite a bit fuller and more spectacular t...han you might remember it.  Click the audio link above, or check out the video link below... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back for this week's episode of the Massanomics podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I am Tyler, joined by... I think I fuck that up every time. I am joined by Tommy to my left. Tommy, how's it going? Very good. And Tanner to the right. What up? and so hopefully now you should be able to distinguish all three of us separate from each other based on those very quick vocal samples 80th episode you should be able to whoa is it really really shit if you can't tell us apart by now we have we must have really boring
Starting point is 00:01:00 monotone voices well we i, we have been told at times that they can't tell the difference in any of the three of us, so... Yeah. And what was the one... Oh, yeah, someone also thought we sounded like Beavis or somebody sounded like... Ah, Beavis and...
Starting point is 00:01:12 Which one? One of the characters. I think it was just Butthead. But that mystery is still out. We still don't know. And which one is Butthead? Butthead's... The brown-haired one.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd take him over Beavis if I had to. Well, yeah, none of us sound like beavis but that's what we concluded that is that maybe we all sound like butthead a little bit or yeah yeah probably so we actually um if you're watching here i am sporting the tremendous freaking giant beer stein here we had the uh what is it october fest a local october fest was last night and uh i emceed the beer stein holding contest have you guys ever seen that i had not until i had not until you showed me um so what they do is you hold the rules i was
Starting point is 00:02:02 so i emceed the thing and I didn't really know the rules. But I also didn't know that by MCing, you were apparently also supposed to know the rules and be the judge. Oh. Kind of. I mean, you got signed up for a while. Because you're the one talking. Yeah, but my help wasn't out there calling all the shots. They were just hiding behind there. So I was the one there like, I guess you're out.
Starting point is 00:02:24 So I probably fucked everything up. But but anyway you got to hold this this is a leader to like this line here but they filled it all the way to the top so that any tipping or turning or spilling would fucking dump the mug dump the mug any spilling you're done bending your elbow like we give you like one cue to correct other than that you're done so it's a very uh pretty intense sport we had some of the finest athletes in the region show up for that so did you have to knock anyone out just for not uh yeah we had a couple we actually i actually had one in the women's division i had one gal right away who like just wasn't strong enough to hold it with straight arms so she gets out there and she's holding it out and her arms bent and it's shaking and i'm like you need to straighten your arm and
Starting point is 00:03:10 she didn't do it and i was like you need to straighten your arm and fortunately she spilled everywhere before because otherwise it was like i'd had to shut her down on on a technicality technicality but it was i gave her two three warnings. So how much did it weigh? It weighed like 5.8 pounds or something like that. So pretty heavy, actually. The women and men, did they ever go together? Nope. Women went first.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So what were the times? Do you remember? I think my wife won with, I want to say like two and a half minutes, something like that. And the men's was, I think, around three, two and a half minutes something like that and the men's was I think around three three and a half so the world record is like 20 minutes and 30 seconds that's just that's harder which I just fucking can't even believe yeah that's crazy could you imagine like just holding an empty hand forward for 20 minutes I did uh well I wanted to go and do it I wasn't
Starting point is 00:04:03 able to but it because you're weak yeah in the gym shoulder problems on Friday I did. I wanted to go and do it. I wasn't able to. Because you're weak. Yeah. In the gym. Shoulder problems. On Friday, I was just doing it with a 10-pound dumbbell. Uh-huh. You know? And it's probably different because the weight distribution. But even this, the weight is different. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And the handle, it's so narrow, too. So I don't know how it compares. But I just did a 10-pound dumbbell for two minutes. And when I set that down, I was like, ah. You know? I was like, what? And I had seen that world record or something like that and i was like oh my god that after doing two minutes that would be insane yeah that was just to hold your arm just like you said to your hold your arm out with nothing in your hand for that long would really really hurt your i mean
Starting point is 00:04:41 on the inverse if you think about it take take one hand, put it in your pocket, don't take it out for 20 minutes. Yeah, yeah. It takes no physical effort to leave it in your pocket whatsoever. And if you leave it in your pocket for 20 minutes, it would actually be, require some discipline. Yeah. You know, for a guy like me.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But, yeah, it was pretty cool. I just drank all the beer. I didn't hold any of them up. But, yeah, the men's, it was pretty cool. I just drank all the beer. I didn't hold any of them up. Yeah, the men's, it was funny, though. So Megan won, but she was, you know, a bit of a ringer. But in the guys, we had Ryan Anderson was there. He did it. He got smoked, but he was pretty diligent on the technique.
Starting point is 00:05:20 He was, like, chest straight forward, arm straight out. He has a little bit beefier arms and longer arms than most of the other guys there. Yeah, I don't think a muscular arm is beneficial. No, you just need a solid anchor point. The guy that won was probably, I'm going to say in his mid-50s, mid to late 50s, in about 5'8". Someone that's quote-unquote wiry, kind of a wiry person. Short, wiry, old man strength is what you need. You definitely don't need to be a beef house for that.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I don't think that's good. But that was a good time. I drank all the beer. So that was a win. Did you dress up in the cute little German guy outfit, Tyler? I did not, but I think I should. With your lederhosen? I think I should next year.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I would like to see that. There's actually not a store for that to be bought in. I'm a little leery ordering really specific things in these very large sizes. Listen, we're only manufacturing one of these, and so take it or leave it. At the Highland Games, they will sell you a kilt right on the spot
Starting point is 00:06:26 like that they'll get to yeah it's only like 200 is it sport kilt is that sport kilt oh really so they have like a vendor yeah there's a few different vendors and i think every year several people buy them yeah i don't know i gotta buy one sometime i'd rather be sweet to have i just i don't know i'd probably because what are... If we get them online, like $100? Yeah, you could get one for $100, but like a sport kilt one, that is a brand that's probably still cost just about $200. And they're nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:54 They're meant for... And so my thing would be I would want to try one on. All right. Yeah. I'll write the check. But there's some value in that. I think Ryan Anderson bought one doing that there. I have one that was made by someone that's really, really, really nice.
Starting point is 00:07:08 A gifted seamstress? Yes, yeah, yeah. By the way, they didn't make ones for me and Tommy again. We talked about this last year after the Highland Games that they should make ones for Tommy and I. But then neither one of us did the Highland Games, so it probably worked out for us. Is that a coincidence, though?
Starting point is 00:07:24 You have a point there. If I had a kilt that some nice lady made for me, I'd be almost obligated to participate. I heard the numbers were down this year, and I believe that's because there was no mass-nomics representation at the event. I would assume that the fun levels were down for everyone too then.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Significantly down. You know the fun levels were way down without us. Is there an amount of fun that's had there at least at ours without us um there's a category of fun but we bring it to a different category it's a less interesting and more appropriate i would just say when we're not there they're getting exactly what they're expecting yeah like with us you know we bring that x factor us, there's a few comments and stuff made that. And there's also the occasional like thing where they're like, wow, didn't think you guys would be able to pull that off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Yeah. Oh, these morons are really doing it. But yeah, that was kind of the really the only thing that went on for us this weekend. Was there some big shit in the news this week at all? Not really. I guess we could backtrack up to, you know, Ryan. He had mentioned that the reason he lost was because he was the only one who held his arm out in spite. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:40 But it kind of goes to the old philosophy if you ain't cheating you ain't trying and speaking of cheating and trying super hard let's segue bam uh segueing as good as a mall cop uh ricky gerrard crossfit games athlete finished third at the CrossFit Games this year. So he was on the podium, tested positive for banned substances, and is banned until 2021. Did someone feed him a wheat brownie on accident? Yeah, he didn't eat fucking paleo. So he's banned from the CrossFit Games until 2012?
Starting point is 00:09:19 From any official CrossFit competition. So that includes the Open, Regionals, and the Games. Until when? 2021. Can he go to a CrossFit competition. So that includes the Open, Regionals, and the Games. Until when? 2021. Can he go to a CrossFit box? And he will smash motherfuckers. Yeah, for sure. He can still work out in an affiliate gym.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Oh, yeah. There's literally no structure for that at all. Yeah, you would just do that. But the interesting thing is he actually so up until now the way have we talked about crossfit's drug testing stuff i don't think so i don't really know anything about it let's get into this crossfit's drug testing structure is basically a total fucking sham can i tell you the one you know about it and i don't really know about it, but I'll say the one thing that I've heard before is that it's – and you can correct this if it's right or wrong.
Starting point is 00:10:09 It's just what I've heard through maybe social media is that they're not busting any of the high-name people. So people think that they're just picking and choosing who they want to bust and when they want to bust them. And it's not – they don't use WADA or USADA or whatever. And it's not, they could be, they should be stricter than what they are now. And that's what I've heard, that they're not busting the people. Like, they're not going to bust Matt Frazier, not saying that he is or isn't or whatever. So the way it is, turn that side, let's check the tag there. So the way it's set up is that right now they do testing,
Starting point is 00:10:48 and I believe they test the top six finishers at regionals, meaning you go through the open, you have to qualify for the games before you're ever going to see a drug test. Then you're going to get tested again at the games, and that's kind of about it. So, one, you've got a pretty solid heads up. I don't believe they have much for random out-of-competition stuff. It's not like you, because they don't know who's going to show up
Starting point is 00:11:14 and make it to the games this year. So they're not going to test the 3 million people in the open. Or 300,000 people in the open. They're not going to run around knocking on doors. And I don't blame them for that. But the way it is, is the even contractually, if you read their drug testing policy, it says in a roundabout way that the third party company is going to administer the tests. They will determine what the results are. will determine what the results are then they are sworn to secrecy and will communicate that only to crossfit hq not to the public not to the athlete not to anybody else so when someone fails
Starting point is 00:11:54 a test let's just pretend rich froning fails a fucking drug test at the crossfit games his last year then they just he fails the test he gets sent back back to hq and they're like and it is legitimately in the deal is it it's at their discretion what to do with it they decide what the punishments are they decide if they're going to do anything if they're going to do nothing if they're going to say something and so you're just kind of on the they're probably not just hiding things or putting things out there that are good. Would you sabotage your own image? Hypothetically, if it was Rich Fronning or Matt Frazier and they tested positive, what is CrossFit going to do?
Starting point is 00:12:30 That would kill CrossFit. It would bury it. They'd be like committing suicide. So the only reason for that clause to be, like if you truly wanted a clean sport, though, you have to remove that clause. It has to all be USADA. It has to come in. It in it's got to be random they fail a test they go immediately public and the terms for punishment are established right away up front and um that's not the case here so
Starting point is 00:12:56 basically up until now it's been like a couple masters people here that would get caught on like you know just using trt because they misunderstood you know the t there is no trt exemption i don't believe and so they fucked up um there'd be like a couple people off a team you know some random person in masters coming out of the masters qualifier but like that's that's it so this is the first time I believe anyone who is even at the Games, let alone a Games podium finisher, has tested positive. But then he kind of goes on to say that maybe there's a little bit of a witch hunt here for any number of reasons. But he said he was taking the same supplements at regionals,
Starting point is 00:13:39 which he tests positive for SARMs. I guess I can find out the whole list of what it was. Let me find out real quick. Tested positive for Testolone and a beta-2 agonist known as Endurabol. Both substances are specifically named as a banned class of drugs in the CrossFit Games. substances are specifically named as a banned class of drugs in the crossfit games um but anyway he said that he had um he like i was taking the same stuff at regionals and passed the drug test or nobody said anything and um the interesting thing is how long it took for this stuff to come out too like they waited until the weeks passed and they get the fully edited cut version of the
Starting point is 00:14:24 crossfit games like recap on CBS. They have him on the podium. It's a clean podium. You know what I mean? They don't want to have that out before that comes out. So the timing is sketchy. I also had heard that one of the guys that I think it might have been Vellner, one of the guys that got moved up.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, who got wasn't fourth and got third. Patrick Vellner. Is that a Canadian guy? Yeah, another Canadian guy guy so it's fraser fukowski and then velner so fukowski and velner both canadian fraser technically which one's the skinnier taller one of the fukowski yeah and fukowski is an interesting guy too we should we'll get into him at some point in the future um because he does not really doesn't really train crossfit for like six months out of the year he trains bodybuilding and then just ramps just keeps his conditioning in check and then dials up crossfit shit so he's not getting crippled by volume but uh anyway garage statement i'll run through this really really quick here i'm gonna i'm gonna skip the things that are boring but on the pursuit of becoming all i could be as a crossfit athlete
Starting point is 00:15:25 i have obviously taken the rules and boundaries to the very edge i look into and researched and was willing to dabble in ways where am i in ways that could improve my performance legally and within the rules with no intention whatsoever to be a cheat i was taking the same supplements at the games as i did at the regionals therefore i didn't feel that i needed to change anything he said i thought i was legitimately competing within the rules with no unfair advantage over same supplements at the games as I did at the regionals. Therefore, I didn't feel that I needed to change anything. He said, I thought I was legitimately competing within the rules with no unfair advantage over others. But after further investigation, testing revealed that I failed positive and I received a test for SARMs.
Starting point is 00:15:55 To be clear, they were taken in tablet form and nothing was ever injected. As if that makes a difference. That's not the... Wonderful, you chose liver toxicity over upsetting... That's not a test. Some sort of image. But anyway, he goes on and on and on. The interesting part, though, is...
Starting point is 00:16:15 He starts kind of calling people out without calling anybody else out. He said, I have unintentionally fucked up. their evidence has proved me guilty and i will own my actions for the rest of my life i hope the crossfit games continues to tighten up their testing procedures and enforce the same level of strictness to all other competitors like they have to me and they as they continue to strive towards a legit drug-free sport it's tough to be on the receiving end when i know and have seen other top athletes in the sport intentionally outsmarting the system getting away with it and ruining the integrity of the sport so with a statement like that you have like so you said that you have seen top athletes doing
Starting point is 00:16:59 it i'm assuming that in his mind the clarification of top top app, I mean, he knows their fucking names. Yeah. So then let's hear it. Yeah. Like you're done. Like your career's over four years, four or five years at this point, you're done.
Starting point is 00:17:13 So get yourself that Jose can say, can say, go book money, man. Like, let's do this. Yeah. In my opinion, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Let's hear it. Let's get the dirt. Cause otherwise we just think you're lying is the way I look at it. Like, just like, well well everyone else is doing it to you you know so be the be the bad like really be the bad guy now and just tattle on everybody because well for real because they also fucked them all for cheating too like uh-huh you know it's not so just let's do it yeah let's do the dance get it out there open what the truth
Starting point is 00:17:41 shall set you free like the court of public opinion, like I said, what I hear is that people think that a lot more of them are doing this. Is that what you would guess too? Yeah, for sure. Like not to say everyone, it's probably not everyone. And I've had a few people ask too, ask me like, well, I mean, if he did all that
Starting point is 00:17:59 and only finished third, like what about the people finishing first and second? And there's something to be said for it. However, like Fraser and Fikowski both are such outliers like genetically what they are doing is so far out there to where like let's just pretend matt fraser was on steroids like if he wasn't matt fraser is more than two or three percent better than everyone else yeah he's destroying everybody so like if he's not he should stop yeah and win a clean one just to say he did too yeah that's like he's not a little bit better than everybody else and i think when you're looking at a sport
Starting point is 00:18:36 like that where your genetic potential is pushed so far yeah a little edge is a little edge and that's important but he doesn't have a little edge he a little edge, and that's important. But he doesn't have a little edge. He's destroying people. I mean, there's nobody even close. The best of the best of the best, they're not comparable. No. It's just Ray Williams in powerlifting, he competes in drug testing, and he's better than the guys that take stuff, like a lot of them. People say the same thing about equipped, too, though, like Ray Williams.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And it's like, yeah, but let's remove ray williams the equation yeah right exactly like he doesn't make sense with everyone else you know yeah it's like well i mean you don't have to be seven foot tall to play center in basketball some guy did at one time it's like yeah but he like worked really like you can't if you're 5'10 right let's and uh but anyway like that i thought that was interesting and i i'm interested to see and how how that goes because um frankly i think the one crossfit has to actually turn over their drug testing if you want to be an actual sport well yeah you want to be a real boy you got to wear real boy pants and they're getting to the point where they really are starting to blow up like yeah we're talking significant prize money online and significant
Starting point is 00:19:47 exposure and publicity even that or don't drug test or don't drug test at all yeah like that's the show either do it right or don't do it exactly so that's that's the kicker there don't kind of do it yeah and then if you weren't kind of doing it i would retract my statement as saying well fuck those other guys for cheating those other guys are cheating right now because they're in a sport that's drug testing. Nobody's going to go to a fucking... You're not going to go to an APF meet
Starting point is 00:20:14 and be like, what, are you guys doing drugs? Get the fuck out of here, cheaters, because everybody's doing it. You could say that if someone fails at a USAPL meet. You fucking cheater. That's where I. You know, you could say that at a, someone fails at a USAPL meet. Yeah. You fucking cheater.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah. Right. So that's where I'm coming from in that regard. Yeah. But anyway, that was, that was some interesting, interesting news.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So Ryan Anderson, I know you feel like you got screwed, but I don't think that old dude was on the sauce. He's just genetically superior. He's just far genetically superior to Ryan right now. He's an outlier. So Ryan, Ryan got beat by the Matt Fraser of holding beer mugs.
Starting point is 00:20:52 But Ryan, I think I bet that guy at a party is just like, Hey, how's everyone doing? Don't mind me. Give me some space. Cheers everyone. But, uh, I'm all out of good segues now, though.
Starting point is 00:21:09 So what were we moving on to next, guys? Well, should we sack it up? We haven't sacked it for a while. We're 20 minutes in. We can talk about your sack. You guys had something else you were going to talk about. Oh, or do we want to do that? Maybe we'll show you that.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Okay, let's do that first. All right. by the time this airs everyone will see this and know what we're talking about but is this going to be well you have your phone on you right yeah i'm just gonna i'm just gonna send it to you on your phone here is this something i should put up on the screen um like if you emailed it to me i could do that would that be the way to do way probably yeah okay what to what email to me at dr tyler stone at ladies that's where you can find me just kidding megan um if you're listening megan's always listening so it's what's the exact email address again dr d-o-O-C-T-O-R Tyler Stone. How do I dial in the old hotspot there? Yahoo.
Starting point is 00:22:14 You know it, buddy. Yahoo. Tommy, while we're stalling. Yo. Last night, was that your last wedding of the season? Oh, yeah. Dude, what the fuck? This wrapped up. I was talking to Leah the other day. Was it this weekend up uh i was talking to you to to leah the
Starting point is 00:22:25 other day when she was it was it this weekend it might have been a lot no it was before last weekend's wedding yeah it's like no we're gonna be out of town for a wedding it was like guys did uh i did four and five weeks so you could say i'm a road-tested warrior here yeah do you think they're all do you think they're all gonna last statistically, only about half of them are going to. My favorite thing is if it's been a while since I've had like a year in which I had a lot of weddings, but I do like to recap the year and go see who the survivors were. In order, which ones are going to get divorced first? I'm not qualified to play that game just based on the fact that some of these people I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:23:04 So I'm just there as an acquaintance. Well, definitely put them first. Those are my favorite weddings to go to when you don't need to. You know, they have their ups and downs because you don't feel like you have to be really social with anyone. No, no, I don't have to talk to you. It's like, well, why isn't he talking to anyone? Oh, he doesn't know anyone. It's usually the other way around.
Starting point is 00:23:23 He's like, why is that guy talking to everybody? Why is that guy's pants off by the punch bowl? Listen, he's having an awesome time. I don't think we should get in the way of that. Did it go through? I don't know, Tanner. I'll also text it to you here just in case we want to use that as plan B. Get this moving.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Maybe I shouldn't have done actual size. Maybe I should have done medium. Oh, is it you that messed it up? You're blaming it on me? This thing demands quality, though. That's kind of what I thought. Listen, with a podcast, I've got it here, so it's just a matter of having it.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Did you open it on your phone yet? No, I haven't. I really want to be fully surprised. I want the camera ready. The suspense is building for what is this? What are we sending Tyler? That's what we really haven't. Is there any guesses?
Starting point is 00:24:10 Does anyone have any guesses for what Tyler's getting? Oh, shit. Right when it comes in, I fucking refresh it. There it is. There it is. All right. It's an image. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Oh, this is for the audio-only listeners. If we were to rate this image, would it be? 10. Well, what about PG-13? Oh, this is for the audio-only listeners. If we were to rate this image, would it be... 10. Well, what about PG-13? Oh, no, that's appropriate for all. PG. Oh, okay. But for those listening, go to Massonomics on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:24:39 It'll be posted there, and this will be about a week past, so look about 10 posts back or so and you'll find this uh it's the best is this a thing that you can like did you make this from scratch or is there like i made that from scratch did you? The things are catered just to him. Yeah, you have to read all the things. Was this on purpose, the incomplete word complete? I actually spelled that wrong and I forgot to fix it. I forgot to write complete correctly.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I kind of like the irony in leaving off the last E and the word because you've spelled the word complete incompletely. Yeah. So, so what we have here for the people that can't see is we have a cover of, we have a muscle and fitness cover here and on it is Shane flexing, which is what Shane always wearing his massonomics, his numero uno shirt and across the top of the magazine
Starting point is 00:25:46 it says Arnold fans special edition. See the biggest fans on page 104. Then we have the muscle and fitness logo and the first little teaser of what's in this magazine is the gym spotter checklist. They better be from Selby. The joke there is that's where Shane comes from originally and he always says you always need a spotter from Selby the joke there's uh shane that's where shane comes from originally and he always says uh always you always need a spotter from selby which nobody else is from selby anywhere so
Starting point is 00:26:12 it's kind of the irony and then and then we get into we get into the the meat of the magazine and the first real real uh headline is let's get serious with three easy moves which really caters to what shane does which is getting serious what do you think with three easy moves, which really caters to what Shane does, which is getting serious. What do you think the three easy moves are? You know, that's for him to know and us to find out. That's why you got to get the magazine. I also like the next one, which is big arms. Get ready for Wiley Beach.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Because you got to look good on Wiley Beach. Which is our, for those that don't know what Wiley Beach is. It is like a pond lake. It's a man-made pond, yeah. But guys, here's the deal. If you're not from here, we have really intense winters. And what happens is the geese come and go from this area. And this water is very, very stagnant all the time.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And once that water, and that water is also open before a lot of water. Because it's a spring-fed fucking lake or some shit right i don't know yeah it's science anyway um so what happens is the geese tend to stick around for way longer in the end of the winter and then when they come back they all like live there and shit there yeah these shit like the size of like my fucking finger size poops fucking tons of thousand of them and it's all in that fucking lake it's part of like a migration route yeah so it's just getting hit non-stop hit by i think bazillions of fucking i believe that is the word i saw published in the newspaper they've actually
Starting point is 00:27:38 they've actually closed that lake it's been a couple years but they closed that lake from time to time due to like really nasty high bacteria content. They're like, get your kids outside of there. The goose poop levels are a little too high. You should know not to go in here, but we're just going to tell you in case you don't know. But I did find out that you're allowed to bring coolers and beer to the beach. And you can just post up there, which sucks that the water is so bad because that's so close to my house. So that's the joke. What a tragedy it'd be so close to my house. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 00:28:05 so that's the tragedy. Get, get big arms for Wiley beach. It's the complete guide to Instagram posing secrets from the expert, which I'm assuming the expert Shane. Yeah. Um, then we have 25. We brought in,
Starting point is 00:28:20 we brought in Bradley Martin. Then we have 25 ways to watch pumping iron which i showed someone this photo last night and they said i'm sure shane knows more than 25 ways to watch pumping iron well he's done it probably 100 times so i we got it we've we need to get him to lock down a number within within 100 but i bet he's seen Pumping Iron many thousands of times. He used to watch it every day. Every day, yeah. And some of those days might be more than one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I don't doubt that at all. Because it's an eight-hour work day. Yeah. And then, RIP, where is Coach Hot Dog? I don't even know if we should put Shane's Snapchat out there. But at some point, we'll get permission from him. And then we'll really make him famous. But anyways, he's made it.
Starting point is 00:29:09 After all these years of training, he's on the cover of Muscle & Fitness. I am so glad I saw this now. Yeah, so this is obviously getting made into a poster and going down to the gym, right? I don't know why not. That's actually a good idea. That's a really good idea. Yeah. I mean.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I specifically designed it very high quality so I could. There's no reason not to. Yeah. That's a good point. It should probably just go on the wall. We actually should just put it on the wall and not tell him. And then he'll just walk in and be like, what the hell is this? He's like, oh my God, that is awesome.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Yeah. So that might as well. By the time you're hearing this, hopefully that's awesome. Yeah, so that might as well. By the time you're hearing this, hopefully that's happened. Yeah. That's fucking tremendous. And we'll have that on Instagram and Facebook too. I like that a lot. A lot. It's the little things.
Starting point is 00:30:00 The riddle things. So, Tanner, it's been a while since we've had a gander into your old sack imagine how full it's gotten in this i bet have you like have you had things in your sack and then emptied them a few times oh i've been saving it up for jesus like today so it's all right the excitement has to be so it's going to come out pretty easily do we need to close our eyes? Next time it'll last longer. Yeah, close your eyes and hold out your hands. Okay. This is my favorite part. I'll put it in each of your hands a little bit. Do we have to wrestle for it?
Starting point is 00:30:33 Oh. Oh. It's cold and hard. Yep. I have the inside track on this one. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I like this a lot, you guys. If you're audio only, you're still wondering.
Starting point is 00:30:46 What we're looking at is a prototype. Right now, it's one of a kind. The only one in the world. It's in product testing mode right now. I'd like to test a few of these. And so should you. So what we have here is a 40... Is this printed or etched?
Starting point is 00:31:02 That is laser etched. We're pretty advanced to the point we're using lasers now fucking lasers laser beam laser b so we have a 41 ounce vacuum or double wall vacuum sealed stainless steel water bottle double walled stuff so this is the good shit and it's not the brand that uh it's not that that that name that people might know. Not the Sasquatch brand. But, you know, we're also not charging the Sasquatch brand price. Right. We will next. But what we have is a pretty, in my mind,
Starting point is 00:31:34 sweet-looking water bottle with the Lyft logo laser etched on it. And it could be coming to a store near you soon. It looks pretty awesome. Yeah. Like, even the white. I didn't know white wouldn't i didn't know how i dig the white either yeah but like seeing it it's like man have we done have you done a black one yet either not yet but i think that'll look pretty sweet i think they'll both look pretty awesome like i was surprised how good the white you know like that wouldn't be the my number one choice is there is there a bigger one even that you can get laser etched? Because I have a 64-ounce one like that.
Starting point is 00:32:08 We can go bigger. Except I don't know that they would make that coated so you can etch it. Well, even if it's not coated, you can etch the – Yeah, if it's silver, they etch that and it burns it. The etching looks black. It burns it black. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:21 But the thing you start to look at is making these suckers affordable for people. Oh, really? Yeah. But the thing you start to look at is making these suckers affordable for people. We found one here that I think we can sell this to you guys affordably if you so choose. If you want to look like one of the cool kids. Basically the coolest kid. We haven't exactly produced them yet and aren't selling them yet,
Starting point is 00:32:43 but I believe we'll be able to sell this for like $25 or less, maybe less than that, which is a pretty good... Considering awesome it is yeah yeah it's i mean just a little shaker cup runs you like what 12 bucks right right and this isn't just a little shaker cup no far from it this is this this is the real deal yeah it's that looks really freaking cool though yeah tommy do you have like a huge swelling sense of pride every time you see that logo on something you're like that came out of my fucking brilliant brain it gets me a little excited so hit us with a message or something if you think you would buy this
Starting point is 00:33:14 yeah that's about it if you would buy this slide into the DMs at massonomics I would buy this I would buy it and I'm not even gonna have to pay for it buy it so hard I will buy it I'd buy it. I would buy it, and I'm not even going to have to pay for it. Buy it. I'm going to buy it. Buy it so hard. I'm going to buy it. I'd buy it. I'd like that a lot.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah. Is that all we got in your sack today, Tim? That was it. Well, that was disappointing. Yeah. I mean, it was great, but I expected more. I expected there to be more. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah. What else went on this week? I see... There was something. I don't think we talked about it on the – we didn't talk about it. I've talked about this with guys at the gym. But Kevin Oak, this was on Kevin Oak's Instagram, not Larry Wheels, but he's talking about Kevin and Larry.
Starting point is 00:33:58 He's talking about those two collectively in the post. The Boss of Bosses meet. Boss of Bosses 4 meat is coming up soon which is uh ran out in california by jesse burdick is the meat director for that meat and it's a big meat um i'm pretty sure both of those guys have done it before i know larry they both did it last year or wait well is it not a record breakers yeah sorry not boss of bosses record bosses just yeah yeah yeah that's my bad. Record Breakers. I think maybe it's not number four, but the Rebock Record Breakers meet.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And anyways, there was some scuttlebutt where Kevin Oak was calling out Jesse Burdick because they didn't get invited. Like Kevin and Larry didn't get specially invited to the meet this year. And Jesse's thing is it's not an invitational. Anyone and everyone is invited to come. And Kevin said, well, I saw you invite someone. I saw you in person specifically invite someone. So he was upset that he didn't get a personal invite yeah a personal invite to it and
Starting point is 00:35:06 he called him out on instagram and jesse responded on there and wasn't uh a jerk in return but he just said everyone's invited to this meet that wants to do it yeah but there there's there's quite a bit of back and forth in it and then like that uh joe sullivan guy he won uh the u.s open heavyweight this year or got second or whatever he like came in calling out kevin oak and there was a bunch of big name guys in there that were like going at each other back and forth just all the drama was happening yeah it was like really dramatic but really yeah from what i saw i if i if i was to pick a side i would definitely side with jesse burdick on the whole thing because i don't understand what the like where you'd yeah interesting yeah and i i had seen this a little while ago and i didn't read
Starting point is 00:35:55 into it a whole lot but um i think his argument or kevin oaks argument was that i didn't we didn't get invited to it and jesse came back with well it's not an invitational but i think his then kevin oaks response was well but it's also not open to the entire public and like they both i think kind of either finished in the top or won their weight classes the year before records yeah so i think like the expectation was like hey come back to our thing and i don't think they got that and they might have felt slighted for some reason so maybe there's some reason I don't know what the enough about it behind it but maybe there's some motive that he doesn't actually want those guys there but if you're running a meet wouldn't you want the best for sure you would assume and I feel like this is one of the few meets that
Starting point is 00:36:40 kind of pays out some okay money maybe but I all in all i think it's a just another silly little thing like again for a sport that like has 10 000 federations and uh you know like a meat put on by yeah it's again it's just it's like who cares about like why is that uh how is that an argument worth arguing over yeah pretty much so not um our dude chris weist yeah was that today yesterday yesterday 805 beltless yeah oh really i missed that one 805 deadlift beltless oh clean pretty clean looking lift too yeah i'll share that so people can see it uh jesus and what's he weigh uh i don't know what he walks around at but he competes in like the 275 so two under 275 it's a it's a fairly lean 275 yeah yeah yeah he's a fucking truck yeah yeah i'm pretty sure he'll should be dead lifting close to 900 pounds pretty pretty soon that's that's
Starting point is 00:37:45 pretty crazy me and him both he's only 22 years old can you imagine that no yeah like what your average 22 year old off the street out of yeah pennsylvania pennsylvania yeah but if you've ever seen warehouse gym on uh instagram it's i don't know It's a big gym out there in Pennsylvania that opened relatively recently. And he doesn't train out of there normally, but I don't think he's far from there. Gotcha. But, yeah, he's from PA. But he's hoping to get in the cage this year. I would think he'd be a good candidate for it.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Have we got dates for the Arnold yet this year? I don't think they're out yet because I looked a while ago. I would expect that we'd get some sort of press package too. And it's weird because last year I thought, didn't we buy tickets like in August or September? Maybe I'm wrong. The dates have to be out, don't they? They can't be like... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:36 We've just been maybe busy. I thought I checked a while ago though and I didn't see where the dates were. I just assumed you guys knew about it and if I didn't hear anything from you guys that nothing was happening but you know we bought our tickets long like they announced the dates but we didn't they weren't even open for press credential stuff until like a really long time so you know i mean that that didn't get sorted out until closer to it so maybe uh yeah march 1st through 4th 2018 wow we probably should do that soon huh if only we had a way to come up with the money yeah if maybe people would buy hats and shirts and stuff and these water bottles when they and then you can come visit us at the arnold
Starting point is 00:39:18 would you recommend people go to the arnold um Yes. Would you say just so they could eat at that nice Polish restaurant stand? Honest to God, yes. I still, every once in a while, think of it. Yeah, I had it both days. And I still, every once in a while, think about it and like, that was really good. Just fucking cheese and meat and sauerkraut. Just all wrapped around each other and then smothered in some type of.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Covered in soup. Yeah. I liked that place Covered in soup. Yeah. I liked that place, the whole thing. Yeah, it was like a... A warehouse of food stands. What would you call it? It was like a... I wouldn't say co-op, but just a massive common area where there's like 20 different...
Starting point is 00:39:58 20 or 30 different food little mini restaurants. Yeah, yeah. It was awesome. Which was the shit. Yeah, I don't know. I really liked it. You had options, but I'll be going straight Polish for three or days there that's all i'm gonna we are gonna just stank that airplane i'll be going back to the one where uh this where shane got the exact same thing i liked that that was my favorite like he literally got the exact
Starting point is 00:40:22 same exact same size i think everything broke don't fix it i would you know about the arnold as far as for a recommendation the arnold is not a thing that's for everybody like i don't think it's a lot you can't one even if you're super into strength sports and we were there with a purpose so we were out kind of like on the prowl even a little bit and like even that was fucking exhausting and also boring yeah if i was there just purely as a spectator it would be one day one day yeah that's and you're done um but there is stuff to be seen the whole three days but like one day in the expo no more and then you realize it kind of almost pulls back the curtain and you realize how
Starting point is 00:41:01 magical rogue makes things that things otherwise video otherwise aren't and like how you realize how the animal cage should is almost like the warm-up cage that has five five big lifts a day yeah yeah which those things are all awesome but but that is they're in person awesome in their amazing little clips they can make on youtube it's the perfect format for that. But in person, it really takes out the magic of it. And you're jammed by people. They only have one set of a five-row bleacher. Meaning, unless you're my height, you don't get to see in it unless you're the first person. Unless your nose is on the cage, you don't see anything.
Starting point is 00:41:40 And that means you have to stand there for two hours watching people warm up before the actual thing. Before you get to not see someone lift. Yeah. Yeah. And that's not to say anything bad. I mean, I would love some like VIP shit into the cage would be the bomb. But like, yeah, being that's the deal is I forget that these people have to warm up.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah. And they do. Yeah. And they do it. They do the hell out of it. Yeah. they're like they should in my opinion if i i don't know i suppose you want to have it be in the same environment same rack yada yada yada but like i it would be cooler if there was a warm-up area
Starting point is 00:42:16 like that you could they could have they could have twice as many lifts that are less impressive going on in the cage get more guys in there um fill your hours with more like crazy awesome shit um maybe half the lifts won't be as awesome as your top half but like they're still pretty cool but yeah there's a lot of time spent watching nothing happen yes and it's like anything you know you see something from a distance and you think it's the shit you guys you're like oh it's like going to a baseball game like you're like oh man the magic you know i was a kid we went there and the smells and everything and it still is cool and i think you should take your kids to baseball games sometimes in their lives but you go there now and you're like wait this is
Starting point is 00:42:59 three and a half hours long this is this is. There it is. And you also forget that. If you're lucky, you'll go to a game where the ending score is zero to one, so you don't see anything. Yeah, and even if you see an average game, it might be like three to five. Yeah. You're like, great, eight things happened today. I'm a sports fan, but not a big baseball fan,
Starting point is 00:43:23 but still the most exciting things for me at a live baseball game is like when they do the mascot races like they just tripped like that is pretty funny like we went to a braves game and they have this guy like that wears a full body red suit and he races someone every home game and he's like this guy must be like just shy of a you know like some former uh olympic sprinter or something because they'll they they go around the uh what's that gravel the warning track so they start in like right field of the warning track and go all the way to left field and they give the competitor literally like a 50 percent head start like start at like center field and they start at
Starting point is 00:44:07 the same time and this dude like tracks them down like they're in quicksand you know so like that type of stuff is the uh yeah just the sideshow it's the freak show part of it right right that stuff's pretty entertaining yeah i uh yeah the arnold was was very much like that for me both years and i still will go again i think we obviously we're going again this year i don't yeah I uh yeah the Arnold was very much like that for me both years and I still will go again I think we we're going again this year I don't know what
Starting point is 00:44:28 circumstances would come that we wouldn't um but cause it was just too good I mean we we're not gonna not go we got to do a ton of cool things
Starting point is 00:44:37 yeah so now we gotta do start looking into flights and uh and uh Airbnb and all that stuff now it is getting to be about that time. But as far as the Arnold goes,
Starting point is 00:44:48 and actually flights were what they are. They're not cheap. But once you've paid to stay there, as long as where we were, it was walking distance. It wasn't a terribly expensive experience. No. Because we went through and we all threw down and we ate one big
Starting point is 00:45:05 cheap breakfast every morning yep that's the way that's the way to go you have to could you imagine if we're forking over 15 bucks for every breakfast plus we have a car so trying to figure out where to even go get yeah yeah eating somewhere you maybe don't want to eat and that costs you an hour and a half of your time outside of which it's tough enough getting eight or nine of us wrangled right out of the house and so at least you can get the cooking and eating done while we're we like getting people tommy i get it you gotta blow dry your hair yeah that's what i do but um yeah i'm kind of looking forward to it this year again i think it'll be it'll be the shit yeah we'll have to figure out who who uh
Starting point is 00:45:40 who we're going to target for podcast guests because I think we can get a number of different people. I know. Probably going to just go straight for Arnold. Arnold. I think that'll be the Arnold cast. We'll have to just book him. I'll text him. I've never heard Arnold on a podcast before, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Probably not. I probably haven't shown this on air, but when Barbell shrugged, they were going to have Arnold on, and they did a whole deal. They had gotten an appointment made, so they had their camera people ready. It they were going to have Arnold on. And they did a whole deal. They had gotten like an appointment made. So they had like their camera people ready. It wasn't going to be a whole hour, but it was going to be like time there on camera. So I don't know the details of how much, but he basically like totally fucking stood them up. Like they waited in this little conference room with hundreds of other reporters,
Starting point is 00:46:22 had their little stations set up for their that arnold was going to come running through arnold rolls in like two hours late um spends like 15 minutes with two other groups and then just left and they were like they like burned an entire day while it would be cool for us to have arnold two things what are we going to ask arnold oh when what i'm thinking is i only want to give shane a mic and let you do that and it would just be uh hi do you remember when you did that that was pretty cool but can you picture arnold on a podcast being open or no like natural about anything like he would just say his life. He'd be the salesman politician that he is. If Arnold had never gotten
Starting point is 00:47:07 into politics, I think Arnold would be an awesome dude to have on a podcast. We still won't turn him down. But in numbers of podcasts I'd like to listen to, if Mark Bell had Arnold on, I certainly would listen to it.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I'm also certain it would be the least candid interview that he's had in a long time because arnold very good at dodging questions he doesn't want to answer yeah look at you you look so good well he could legitimately mark bell could say hey arnold like you remember when you pretty much very openly admitted steroids and all this stuff and like like, like he could get into that, like a real conversation about the sport. And I think that somehow Arnold would juggle that around and they would not be having that conversation. That's, and that's like the stuff you'd want to ask him,
Starting point is 00:47:55 you know? Also, I have either of you watched generation iron two. I watched it this week, new one. And I talked to it about some guys too. And they said the same thing. And it's like, well, it's about lifting and it's on Netflix. So I watched it this week. It's a new one, and I talked to it about some guys, too, and they said the same thing. It's like, well, it's about lifting, and it's on Netflix,
Starting point is 00:48:08 so I watched it, of course, but it's okay. It's not as good as the first one. It's not. There also wasn't a lot of, like, I mean, I was glad that there wasn't a lot of, like, hype up for the disappointment of who won or lost. Yeah. Because that on the first one, I was like,
Starting point is 00:48:21 I don't care who won or lost this thing. Right. But it was still pretty good yeah kai green he talks and you're like the hell are you talking about even like yeah like you have to purposely be weird like can't you just you guys remember we got so we got from the press stuff for the arnold we got some like appointment like do you want to meet with kai green and part of me was like yeah and the other part of me was like no like that's you know how weird like that was for a movie yeah and that was the most like
Starting point is 00:48:52 correct he could come yeah like get the fuck out of it like i can't ask you anything and especially since the last thing i want to ask kai green is anything in depth or serious yeah so like all i would all we'd be doing is fucking around and i don't know that that's no i don't think he like oh you think he fucks around no you think he's ever told a dick joke no he's always like it always has to be so like uh passionate uh motivational almost you know like thoughts become deep things yeah yeah it's like what the hell do you talk like a normal person ever anyway kai green big big fan i asked what you had for breakfast this morning what i had was all the things i was going to need to make myself powerful
Starting point is 00:49:35 today okay i i my favorite parts of the show was when rich piano was on there honestly like yeah and what's funny is that was done edited edited, and released before Rich Piano died. Yep. And when you look at it now, you're like, wow, they actually really gave him a lot of do. Yeah. Like a lot of do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:52 It was crazy. Yeah. And you can tell that it was completely done before he died. Because even at the end, there was a shout out to two other people that had died. Yeah. I thought there was going to be like... Oh, no. That movie was made, filmed, edited, cut, done, two other people that had died. Yeah. I thought there was going to be like, Oh, that was, that movie was made,
Starting point is 00:50:05 film edited, cut, done, released before rich piano died. And the fact that it came across that way, it was like, yeah, they fucking really just dug the guy.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah. Like, which was cool too, because that was the piece that was missing. I did like that part because I think that was missing a lot from gender generation. Iron was the YouTube social media stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yeah. And that's's 90 of that industry now oh right and it's like they and they talked about that too how a lot of like you can be uh that call column yeah yeah yeah guy that weird handsome looking guy he's like weirdly handsome weirdly handsome yeah where you're like dude what are you like i'm like am i gay now he's so good looking i think i'm gay now but he had like he's like a figure personality he has like two or three million instagram followers him on you know on stage either like no he had never that was the first time he ever competed and he already had like three million followers he's just jacked. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:05 But then they talked about that quite a bit, the dynamic of how they're both important. And if you want to market yourself, you really have to. You can't just no longer in bodybuilding can you just be good on stage and then be marketable and garner sponsorship and stuff. You have to have a social media presence because that's where the value is. Before, they could be in a magazine. Now the magazines aren't worth anything. Yeah, it's like now it's social media.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Except for this month's edition of Muscle & Fitness. It's a collector's show. Yeah, yeah. But I did think that part of the episode of the movie was good. And the Rich Piana thing where he basically wasn't, I mean, in the way back was a competitive bodybuilder. It wasn't a good one. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And just now was like the biggest thing in the fucking world. Like I still can't get over at the Arnold. What? That opened my, like I understood he was popular, but I didn't realize he was like the most popular guy at the Arnold. I will say for certain too, he was the most popular with the least fit people. The oddest but that is just straight up fans yeah straight up fans that's what's interesting it's like not everybody that's a fan of the fucking patriots plays football right yeah so who do you think's gonna fill that void at
Starting point is 00:52:15 the arnold like that who's gonna get that prime corner spot where it's like hashtag massonomics we looked up the booth wasn't that like a two hundred thousand dollar footprint it probably was because he had that enormous backdrop and stuff like hanging from the ceiling yeah that's insane rogue has to have like the most expensive oh yeah that's not even a booth that's like a it's like a fucking it's its own little campsite yeah yeah it's insane i don't know but that's in columbus too so yeah right that's uh and they're also like sponsor everything that's there and yeah i wonder if there's got to be some sort of uh that there isn't directly that much cash changing hands for that because of all the coverage because
Starting point is 00:52:56 they're sponsoring the thing right you know right oh i feel like half of the reason they aren't what it is today is because of rogue and all the marketing. And the fact that rogue is in Columbus. So what you have now is this massive financial, one big entity. That's a huge financial anchor is, is interesting because the production is always really high then. So what you have, what we had this year,
Starting point is 00:53:17 which you didn't have the year before was now rogue was in on all the powerlifting stuff too. You know, they were in on the strong man stuff before. But now they did the stuff for the stage, thef stage they've got the equipment now and yep so they had like all that cool videos from the powerlifting stuff all the cool videos from the strongman stuff plus their booth and so you have like this really expensive highly produced shit now that's all there and and it's all at home base for them so i mean it makes
Starting point is 00:53:46 sense for them but yeah i mean it's not like elaco's coming in right doing that shit you know a bunch of swedes gross i'm just kidding big fans of the podcast the swedish swedish did masanamis just take this crazy anti-swedish stance um anyway um i think that's about do we have anything else we had to spit out today i don't think so what about reviews we there's one out there but but uh i can't can't check it out viewing it yeah i was having trouble sending it so i got an iphone and i fucking was going to leave this review oh yeah because you probably
Starting point is 00:54:36 know yeah and i was like hey i got this extra account let's do this and so the the if i remember right the review was like something along the lines of the title was like, is this thing on? And then there was no... I typed it in like, just seeing if this fucking thing worked. And then I clicked submit and nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:54:58 And it just left me on that screen. See, I can tell the number went up. We'll take a number too. Yeah. We could... Guys, I can tell the number went up. We'll take a number, too. Yeah. That's the problem with that. We could, if you guys wanted to leave us some reviews, though. Guys, we went to the point in which we were leaving reviews on our own podcast now, which is pretty sad. Pure desperation.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Yeah. So, definitely hook us up with that. I mean, or should we play hard to get? Yeah, don't leave us a review. Let's go the other way. Listen, I mean, if you want to leave us a review, leave us a review. If you don't want to leave us a review, don't. I like it when you don't leave reviews yeah whatever you know doing that reverse
Starting point is 00:55:28 cycle we'll treat you shitty no matter what so deal with it keep keep telling the people about the podcast though and sharing things about the podcast the the the listenership seems to be climbing pretty steadily right now so whatever whatever's happening out there keep that up yeah keep on telling your friends i think it's all those spam bots i bought um to download by the way guys there's someone i know i'm trying to go into a place with which i can't give away who this is but just tell us the first three letters of their first name there's someone i know and i'll leave all of that out but very surprisingly to me had like almost 20,000 followers
Starting point is 00:56:07 and I was like what in the fuck and I start looking into it and then I'm like well let's just see what that translates into from an activity standpoint right oh yeah and I look into it and it's like each picture has like 25 likes. A video would have like 40 views. And I was like, oh, you bought followers. Like you actually paid money to get that too. I see that too with people that have 5,000 to 10,000 followers and they'll get between 1 and 200 likes on a photo. And I'm just like either all of your followers
Starting point is 00:56:42 or a good chunk of your followers are fake or everyone hates your stuff. Because that's like a what? A 1% engagement rate, basically? Really low for Instagram. I came across it on YouTube, too. A person I was following, and they had like 100 followers, and were getting 50 views a video. And then in the course of like two weeks
Starting point is 00:57:05 their followers went from like 100 to a thousand really and they're still getting 50 views on a video and like still like three likes on a video and it's definitely and like there's no traffic no commenting on any of the videos and no more views no actual activity i was like oh they definitely paid for that yeah like because there's no other yeah it wouldn't grow you don't get growth without like you don't get organic growth i mean i suppose too like there's a way you can like you can like cheat your way to some sort of i mean everyone everyone's trying to do it now because you could like play that game and hope every day throw some sort of viral fucking words and content type content out there hope something
Starting point is 00:57:45 catches but like we're just kind of doing it the way we're doing it yeah i don't think we're fucking up no we have good engagement like yeah and everything's growing yeah yeah but yeah it's it's interesting to see yeah so we've never paid for we've never paid for uh not a single maybe we should start yeah what's your guys's going rate i think well what i'm wondering let's go the other way let's just pay maybe we just think that the the people we have that do follow us really like us so let's just have them pay us now you're talking now we're talking yeah like on our online store you got to pay money for people to pretend to like you, or the people who really like you can just pay you money. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:26 I think we're onto something. Yep. So anyway, so don't make us pay for followers. Follow our shit. Just make accounts and follow us. Yeah. If you make five fake accounts a day. That's like what Wells Fargo got in trouble for.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I mean, they're a bank and they can do it. Masonomics, hashtag too huge to fail. Anyway, make sure you follow us on Facebook. Make sure you like us there. We can also be found at There you're going to find our store. You can buy hats, shirts. Is anyone wearing anything?
Starting point is 00:59:04 Tanner, your hat is kind of for sale, but in a different color pattern. You can buy this in different colors. Tommy, do we have any of those for sale? No, we sold every one of them. Ha, suck it. You can buy all the other stuff we have for sale there, though, including, hopefully, the new liquid holder. Liquid holder.
Starting point is 00:59:22 It'll hold solids and gelatins as well. Gases, too. Seal it tight. It's a container. I guess you can put anything in it. There you're also going to find all our articles and videos, all the really in-depth content we create for you every day. What else do we got?
Starting point is 00:59:40 We've covered Facebook. forward slash Massanomics. Subscribe. We're getting a lot of subscribers, which is, which is good. That's coming along. All our videos from last year's Arnold are going to be there.
Starting point is 00:59:51 So if you want to decide whether or not you should go this year, take a look at that and that should settle it for you. We'll see. If you've never watched the podcast, every, every podcast episode is on YouTube. So you're going to watch. They're on the verge of winning awards for their editing and filming techniques.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Have we won any podcast awards yet? Have we been nominated? Not that I've seen. Can we nominate ourselves? We could. Well, actually, we didn't make it on a,
Starting point is 01:00:17 yeah, we did. We did make it on a list. We did make it. There's a list. I mean, if you just want to go ahead and just Google search strength training podcasts, and there might be a list out there somewhere.
Starting point is 01:00:25 We are on that list. So, yeah, we've won awards that we've given to ourselves. That actually probably the website that made that is probably the best website when it comes to that. They deserve awards. They deserve. They're the real MVP. It's the oldest trick in the book. If you can't win something, just make your own thing where you can win.
Starting point is 01:00:44 That you can win. It's kind of like with our strongman competitions. Yeah, it's exactly like that. Well, listen, we should just put on our own, and then we'll win that one. We're going to start putting on swimming competitions that only we get to win. We win swimming competitions. We're only accepting 10 entries, and we got 10 guys. We're going to do math competitions and not let anyone else back see we're not dumb
Starting point is 01:01:07 one of us has to get first so uh that'll do it for us today though um make sure you follow me on instagram that's tyler f and stone tyler eff i n stone and follow tommy at tabahawk underscore d and jenner the massonomomics Instagram page at Masanomics. I like that. Solid delivery. All right, thanks a lot for listening, everybody. We'll talk to you next week, and stay strong. You just heard the Masanomics podcast.
Starting point is 01:01:37 With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at massanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet massanomics gear from your friends at massanomics studio home of the world's strongest podcast stay strong Thank you.

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