Massenomics Podcast - Ep.88: Hugeness On The Go

Episode Date: December 11, 2017

This week, the guys talk about how tough it is trying to eat and train and travel at the same time. It ain't easy being large, and being large and hangry and stuffed in a middle airplane seat is even... less easy...  Our training, eating and sleeping all go to shit once we get out of our hometowns and home gyms, so find out how the guys try to keep it together when it's time to go out and see the world. Check out the audio version below: Or our super-hd video version:   If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2020.. Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's episode of the Massanomics Podcast. I am Tyler.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I'm joined by Tommy. What's up? And Tanner. Hey, everybody. How are you doing today? I'm good, Tanner. Oh, I was talking to those guys. But you're talking to us. Oh yeah. Talking to everyone. So we are here in the dungeon. It's pretty late night tonight.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Tanner you had a little something to get us moving to get us started with. What do you want to run down right away? Tommy and I just came from lifting tonight and I came directly here. I didn't didn't really have a lot of time to stop at home and eat or anything quick so I did the old run into the gas station and I just needed to get something you know I wanted to get eight slim jims yeah I just I snapped into a slim gym they're paleo but I wanted to find just get a little protein and a little little carbs in and I was like I don't I don't get these often but I was thinking on the way there I was like I'll get a muscle milk you know like you know that has some protein in it I think some sugar and I went to go I was going to buy one and I know they're relatively expensive but I hate for as
Starting point is 00:01:34 non-frequently as I buy these the sticker shock to that me for me was insane it was three dollars and 39 cents see I I've never bought one but but I was going to say like $2.75. No, $3.39. So with tax, it was $3.50 for 25 grams of protein in a little drink. Is that nuts or not? That's insane. Is that insane? You can get like two pounds of chicken breast for that.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Like a pound of ground beef. I'm just trying to think at the gas station though what protein bang for your buck like that ain't it because that definitely ain't it so i got some chocolate yeah that's what i was like well yeah i mean like i'll just get some milk i guess and i don't know that's 350 is just insane it is that does not make any sense a lot of people got to buy them yeah i didn't have to i don't know who those people are i don't have any friends or i mean we know fitnessy people maybe you guys know people that buy those i don't though no i know people that uh buy energy drinks yes yes energy yeah that's a whole nother conversation but i don't know people that buy muscle milk no but if you
Starting point is 00:02:40 told me if you told me the company was actually out of business now i'd have been like sounds about right. That was probably bound to happen. When you charge three times what your product's worth. I think, though, it's at the point where you can put the protein tag on anything and charge a premium. You can walk down the snack aisle of the grocery store and there's bars and it says there's a big call out, protein. And you look at the bar and there's eight grams of protein in a bar i'm like i wouldn't call that a protein bar or or make a point of saying it has extra protein there's not a candy bar out there that does not have protein in it right i don't know
Starting point is 00:03:16 like like reese's peanut butter cups probably have three grams of protein or something plus all those things are like dog shit mostly like like most of those protein bars if you compare them side by side to like a snickers the the the negatives are equal you know it's just they added like whey protein into the that's it yeah or they just didn't yeah and they're just advertising you know what i mean it's like it's like this is a carbohydrate bar yeah because there's some rice rice krispies in it you know right and yeah that's fucking i i i have a hard time like traveling trying to get protein in and even trying to go to restaurants like i guess i can i'll do a rundown like this last weekend i went to san diego
Starting point is 00:03:59 san diego ah saint diego yeah spanish for a whale's machine yeah we um we did uh i i interned at the uh strong fit seminar down there this weekend which was we'll probably get into that a little bit later but mainly traveling and eating is the worst fucking thing in the world because when you're big you have to eat a lot and so i fucking it's so expensive trying to eat in an airport so i try not to that's the most expensive yeah so what it was was i i but would you say the quality is the highest in an airport though obviously and the service is exceptional those ladies that work there are the nicest ladies i think they find the nicest women to work at those airport mcdonald's i think that the interesting thing about having a business
Starting point is 00:04:46 in which you're in the food service industry and airports is that it's great because you get to charge triple what you should charge for what you sell. And people have no choice. They have no choice. And also, nobody's checking Yelp reviews for the place they eat at the airport, which means service doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Customers can be mad. It will never cost you a penny if fucking all your customers hate eating there it'll never come back to bite you in the ass because the neck i've been to places in many of the same airports before and i get just dog shit service and i will then go back and i'll be like but i do really want a fucking meatball sub yeah so i'm just to have to go eat shit from this fucking guy who doesn't speak any English and is just mad at me. I walk in and they're mad at you. And you're just like, well, but I just want,
Starting point is 00:05:33 I thought this was what you're here to do. You just have to almost make your decision based on what you think people could mess up the least. Yes. And also the level of not giving a fuck is insane like so much Burger King got an infamous sandwich you were probably full the roll you didn't need to eat after that I got two actually oh my god did you eat that need to eat the rest of the days on your trip and did you ever go to the bathroom again I was it almost didn't come out of me so so robust but the uh i go in those things yeah they're like
Starting point is 00:06:07 they're like literally the size of a biscuit and they they fucking had i didn't even pay attention to the fact that that's how this works i go in order to they're not even busy um because it's like six o'clock in the morning you know i'm gonna order two of them and there is easily 200 sandwiches already made just warming up there and i was like oh god how long has this fucking been the case and is a guy gonna get here at eight o'clock and get one of those and the answer is certainly yes yeah you know i mean they just like come in early they make all the shit and then they just fucking like throw it in a bag they flip you off and then they fucking send you on your way and um like just like absolutely reprehensible service yeah it's crazy but so then we i got i had to eat that meal at the airport i and you weren't full for the rest
Starting point is 00:06:59 of the trip no matter of fact i had to eat as soon as we landed but uh then i get to um san diego we did our thing that evening kind of got situated and then first day of the seminar As a matter of fact, I had to eat as soon as we landed. But then I get to San Diego. We did our thing that evening, kind of got situated. And then first day of the seminar, it was kind of a rush getting there in the morning. So I didn't get to eat breakfast, which is a fucking problem. Things start running on. We've got to do a little moving. I'm on my feet.
Starting point is 00:07:22 We're coaching, talking, instructing, moving around, sitting. And then things run a little bit late and next thing i know it's like 12 30 so you're beyond the point of just you're you're not just worried that you haven't eaten not like oh i need to be eating like you're like starving like well you remember that's that's 2 p.m 2 30 p.m imagine that and so could you imagine not you had not eating dinner the night before until 2 3030 in the afternoon the next day? That's a stretch. And I was like freaking out.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Like I couldn't. It was getting bad. I was like, this has got to end or I'm going to start acting like a fucking baby. And so we got there and I got in the car and we ran straight to the fucking grocery store. And I just went. I was like, I want two pounds of roast beef, four of your grilled chicken breasts, and I got two tubs of mashed potatoes, like cold, you know what I mean? And then I got some other shit and some drinks and fucking,
Starting point is 00:08:15 and just like went outside, sat it on the back of the fucking car and just was taking slices of roast beef, cold, dipping it in mashed potatoes. Just grabbing with my hands scoops of mashed potatoes, twisting it up like a roast beef mashed potato bur just grabbing with my hands scoops of mashed potatoes twisting it up like a roast beef mashed potato burrito and eating it and i ate two pounds of roast beef that for that lunch and fucking a full tub of mashed potatoes and oh thank god so the next morning for breakfast i had four chicken breasts and a tub of mashed potatoes before i went before i went in
Starting point is 00:08:43 but trying to like, Jesus, like trying to stop at a gas station and get anything to eat or even restaurants. You know, that Friday night we went to this brewery that had food and shit. And I was like, well, I'll get the ribeye because there's basically everything else on there is like just cute little decorative fluff.
Starting point is 00:08:59 But was the ribeye even big then? The ribeye was like a fucking nine ounce ribeye. Yeah, that's what happened. It didn't say how big it was. And I get it. And it was like a fucking nine ounce yeah that's what happened that didn't say how big it was yeah and i get it and it is like a half inch and then you're like well shit now i spent 25 and i still don't have anything it's like 35 and i was like oh at least and we're from the midwest where like if you order a ribeye it is a fat fucking ordeal like like they take we take pride in how thick of a steak we're gonna slap slap on your plate. So you're thinking, well, I've got to spend $30, but at least I'm going to get the...
Starting point is 00:09:26 I'm going to get the big old thing. It took me four bites, and I had that thing down, and I was still hungry. And that is what I ate until 2.30, or you know what I mean, 12.30 the next day. It was fucking chaos. So the next morning, we stopped at the grocery store, and I got a half gallon of Fair Life milk another tub of mashed potatoes a pound and a half of roast beef and then some breakfast snacks and so that got me through till lunch and uh but thank god but that's the thing i've never figured that out when traveling like you know we did it like
Starting point is 00:10:00 remember coming back from the arnold we stopped after we landed, and we go to that fucking truck stop, and it's like, Jesus. Yeah, we can get pizza. You could get full, but that's all you can get. You're just going to get carbs and fat. Yeah, it's tough. I don't know what. You're in that dilemma every time, and I'll find myself, I'll walk back and forth in the C-Store like four times
Starting point is 00:10:21 between the refrigerated items and then like the little hot area and like no matter how many times you look at it the things don't change you're like well i guess i'll get this cold packaged bread deli meat sandwich that it looks like it has a lot of but it's like how does that bread sit in there for like months and still be bread and also it's sitting next to an egg salad sandwich that's been there for a month. And I don't know if you've ever made an egg salad sandwich and taken with you to work, but that doesn't work. The bread becomes like a pudding.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And so I don't even understand what that bread is. It's like 70% styrofoam. I don't know. We had, yeah, that's, I think a gas station get by with guys like us, if they would just have, like, prepackaged one-pound Oscar Mayer sliced deli turkey. Yeah. Because that would be my go-to most times. I'd be like, yeah, I would just grab slices of it and put it in my face while I drove.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Like, give me something. But, yeah, that's, I don't know. And now that, so I still, like like I was eating the whole time I was there and all the CrossFit folks that were around there were like astonished at how much I was eating. I'm just walking around eating roast beef out of a bag the whole day. And it's like, and they're like, geez. And like, and I still lost like 11 pounds over four days. Cause there's a little bit of water, but I was way under eating.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Even with the croissants, which is though. Even with the croissants, which is. It was probably wearing like the people's CrossFit aura was wearing off on you. The CrossFit energy made me fall. That secondhand CrossFitting was getting to you. I tried to deadlift a little heavy today. And that was the first time I had gone to deadlift heavy in really a few weeks i've kind of taken a couple weeks off it and uh yeah that was not no bueno so i was like but i was like fuck just flying and stuff
Starting point is 00:12:15 in general yeah that sucks like yeah drive or driving a long time too if you go drive a whole bunch of them you're like all right gonna kill this squat workout after a six hour uh plus sleep right so so we flew back and that one night yeah and there's no sleeping in front of a plane and the other tyler who i was with is like six three 265 270 and he's in a middle this is a plane that has some of the least leg room i've ever been on for like a full-size plane and like I'm dying and I'm like spilling out into the lane or into the aisle and he is stuck in a middle seat so we're flying from you know our time back home 2 30 in the morning until 6 30 in the morning just fucking crammed in there so that didn't help either but then I had to drive three hours through a blizzard and ice storm
Starting point is 00:13:01 welcome back after having been awake for 36 hours and i was like nodding off while driving on ice and it was and then sometimes you think like maybe i should just crash yeah this is i've had a good run life's life's been okay i mean i've got insurance yeah like just crash and pretend I'm passed out and make them like carry me home in an ambulance. At the very least, I can then like fucking catch up on my text message on the way home. But no, I would say the experience there is pretty neat. I have a little bit of an interesting story that ties us into that a little bit. I don't want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:13:44 It doesn't sound like so um as soon as we got to the the first day we were kind of getting all set up and and the six of us that were kind of interning there we're kind of assessing who was attending and then the guy i was with is like a big olympic weightlifting coach and he's like and he's like he looks over he's like dude that's coach bergener and so mike bergener is like i kind of call him the godfather of american weightlifting but he's the guy that they basic crossfit basically sought out to build the crossfit weightlifting certification the program you know when the snatch and clean and jerk is
Starting point is 00:14:20 like he's the one his methodology is what is built into instructing that in crossfit he's been coaching for probably almost 50 years now 45 50 years and it's just the fucking biggest og in the world of actual weightlifting the sport of weightlifting um that there is as far as i'm in america he's just he's the dude so he's there and i was like fuck. And so I tried not to fanboy too much. So I just kind of walked by him. And I was just like, hey, Coach Tyler. Nice to meet you. That was basically what it was.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I kept it pretty casual. It was just a grab. But I didn't want to go like, hey, can I take a picture with you? Because then you're done. Then you're that guy. And we've kind of found that kind of going through what we've done with some of the cooler people we've met. You're better off just hanging out with them. And you'll get the picture eventually.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah, I was going to say, towards the end, you'll still get your picture, but it's a cooler picture. I'm going to get a lot more. It's like, no, we're friends now. I'm not just like a… So then after maybe an hour, they kind of broke out into the deal. And I'm kind of walking by as people are moving out. And Coach Bergener kind of looks me up and down and he goes geez you don't miss a lot of meals do you and I said not a one man and then uh and then he he kind of stopped and he goes you know you kind of remind me of a
Starting point is 00:15:36 young Donnie Thompson he said you know he said you know who Donnie Thompson is and so that totally opened the door for the whole conversation I was like do I fucking ever and then I went on to the you know and he was like I got the bow tie I fucking conversation. I was like, do I fucking ever? And then I went on to the, you know, and he was like, I got the bow tie. I fucking love it. He was like, I was talking to him about that sand dune stepper. Cause he has the, his Mike's got his like coach Berger's got his, I don't even like call him Mike. I just call him coach. He has his, uh, like geezers gym in California there where he has a bunch of like old timers that come up there and he trains them. And it's just a bunch of old guys talking shit and lifting weights and shit.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And he got that for some of the guys that can't run or do impact stuff and talked about Donnie when he was younger, and I talked about Donnie at the Arnold and some of the stuff we did with him with some of their products and fucking how he's just the fucking nicest, funnest dude to talk to in the world. So then I like totally having a conversation with coach bergner like that wasn't like do you remember when you did that that was cool yeah yeah and um and then and so so then the rest of the the rest of the weekend it was like
Starting point is 00:16:37 you know it was like just having casual conversations and the other guys were like i kind of know donnie th. I haven't heard of that guy. I kind of stayed behind. He was like, I've met Donnie Thompson. There's not a CrossFitter there who fucking has a clue who Donnie Thompson is. So that was great. And I was wearing my Pioneer powerlifting shirt, which is probably why he went the Donnie Thompson route.
Starting point is 00:16:57 He knew I would know who he was. But, yeah, that was really cool. And then I got to, you know, he kind of like saw before he left, even he kind of sought me out cause he kind of ducked out a little early and he sought me out and said, Hey, it's really nice to meet you, man. While things were going on. And I was like, Hey, can I grab a picture? And so then we kind of, we, so I got to, that was really cool.
Starting point is 00:17:16 That was like the highlight, but it was really cool having him and Julian going like, you know, he's there like asking questions, to learn the stuff like he wasn't there to like like bust balls or like challenge the system he was like there to get information and it was really cool seeing the guy who's been coaching for 45 years like still learning because i see a lot of people who've been coaching for three or four years go like listen guys i fucking know what i'm doing and um yeah so that was pretty cool I mean CJ from who owns Invictus was there and had like I think 9 or 10 of his coaches
Starting point is 00:17:50 attending and so there's games athletes there and it was really really pretty kick ass so but god damn people don't eat very much was there any games like people that not anybody you'd probably know not anybody so not like the one of the five listen hey how about you try him
Starting point is 00:18:12 brooke wells wasn't there and none of the icelandic chicks were there so so who was there even yeah there's others a bunch of small people oh ben, Ben Smith. Was he there? No. If he was, he was being so boring that I didn't even see him. Nobody could even tell. He just fades. He's so gray that nobody could tell. He could have been there, but he just would have bored you to death. And Ben Smith, I'm sure, is a nice guy. Interviewing him would be pretty taxing to get any good material.
Starting point is 00:18:44 You know what I mean? You know how the media kind of works now? It's like you're going to ask the questions to try to get any good material you know i mean like yeah you know you know how like the media kind of works now is it's like you're going to ask the questions to try to get somebody to say something inflammatory yeah so you could be like listen i need you to say rich froney is a bitch so they're going to ask questions to get him there to be like ben smith says he's better than rich froney that's going to be the headline that gets the traction and he will just never give you that ever so there's just never anything interesting out of him yeah he's so wholesome like he ben smith's never gonna tell you a story
Starting point is 00:19:11 my family yeah he's like you know just hang out with my dad my brothers we're training stuff and like i coach people and he's never gonna tell you a story about like the time he got drunk and smashed windows out of a car you know just for the hell of it and spent the night in jail you know like he's got none of those right but speaking of smashing windows out of a car i'm just kidding okay no like to know about that but uh yeah it was it was pretty cool but now i have to try to get back to lifting weights or i'm gonna get problems small. But strongman competition in like six weeks. Yeah, did you get signed up?
Starting point is 00:19:50 I saw on the – I just printed my form. Yeah. You're not doing that one, are you? Probably not. I'm leaving my – if my bicep and shoulder felt good, I'll do it. Like I'm – Are you leaving it open? Yeah, yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:20:01 It just depends on my – like i did uh i picked up 100 what i'm worried about is the atlas stones with my bicep gotcha i picked up 180 pound atlas stone the other day for a couple times which is really good progress like i wouldn't have even thought about doing that before and uh it did not feel too bad but the next day my bicep not in a bad way but was like very lit up lit up like really way more than it should be but it's headed in the right direction i'm kind of guessing i won't be able to but it's i've i want to like i definitely would like to if i if i'm able i'm not gonna do it then if there's like a decent chance that i feel like i could hurt myself again with it because you're kind of gunning for that power
Starting point is 00:20:41 lift to meet the next yeah i want to do that. And then I talked to Big Brad Neitzel, and there's a strongman in U.S. strongman competition in Fargo in March. So when I found that out, I was less bummed about this probably not being able to do the South Dakota one because I was like, oh. Give you a little more time. Yeah, like timeline-wise, that might be more doable for me. And the events were similar and everything too, and he was talking about doing it. So I was like, oh, that might be more doable for me. And the events were similar and everything, too, and he was talking about doing it, so I was like,
Starting point is 00:21:08 oh, that'd be fun, I guess. I'd still know at least him doing it, and I might be healthy. So I'm kind of thinking about that. Because he'd be in the same weight class as me, too, so it'd be fun to, you know. Touch your wieners together. Our powers combine. So which one of us is supposed to, like,
Starting point is 00:21:23 wiener tip opens up and accepts the other one? It's science. It's how babies are made. So is Megan doing it, too? Yes, she is. And then I also see Big Jake the Snake has signed up for it. He'll be in the middleweight class, so whatever that. I think under, must be under 242 or under 220, one or the other.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Did we get any word? Is Big Dylan going to do that one? He hasn't signed up yet. We need some super heavyweights. Is there any other ones yet? Not that I've seen. And I suppose Jacob isn't doing it because he's probably putting it on. I don't know why he wouldn't, though.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah. I think Tim is the main one that puts it on as far as I know. I don't know why Jacob wouldn't. I didn't know if maybe he was hurt last time. I mean, I don't know. Yeah, I don't though. Yeah. I think Tim is the main one that puts it on as far as I know. I don't know why Jacob wouldn't. I didn't know if maybe he was hurt last time. I mean, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:09 He was kind of hurt last time, actually. He was coming back from a knee surgery or something. Big Jacob can beat some. Probably not going to beat Big Jacob.
Starting point is 00:22:17 And those are like his Atlas Stones and everything. Yes, exactly. He knows the tricks. It's like they're his implements and he's really strong. Like, I'm not saying because they're his implements and he's really bit really strong like i'm not
Starting point is 00:22:26 saying yeah because they're his implements he has he's also really strong and they're his i was i was saying i probably wouldn't beat him because he's really fucking strong yeah and then it doesn't hurt but it's like the atlas stone that he made and takes care of i'm like every week i'm like pretend strong for a super heavyweight like i'd be I'd be strong if I was a middleweight. But I am not real strong for a 320-pound dude in the sport of strongman. So the events there are there's an overhead press medley. That was the first event. And they change like whichever one is last.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I think it's the axles last. The thing you do last, you do it for as many reps as you can. Yeah, so I think it's log, then dumbbell, then axle. So do you know what your weight is? Yours is 300, I think, for super heavy weight. For the log? The log and the axle. Probably, yeah. Because my weight is 275 for the log and the axle, and I think super heavy weight is 300. My problem is going to be the dumbbell, I think. I don't know how to practice it. Yeah. Do you remember what the weights are i think mine's 150 so i would guess yours is like 170 yeah something like that yeah i messed around with it doing just single
Starting point is 00:23:36 arm dumbbell press just with our dumbbells today but the tricky part is once you go big enough like they're really are you know the dump style dumbbells we have they're really weird and they don't sit no they don't sit yeah so do they have an actual circus dumbbell for that i have a circus dumbbell for it and i don't just titan hasn't released one of those yet no they haven't i need to get one now i at least get a week or two with it but no they haven't but so that's that's a tricky one, but I don't know. I guess you just do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Well, it's also interesting, too. Like, how do people do this in play? Like, we're pretty fortunate. We have a lot of stuff. We have a lot of stuff. And we still don't have that. A lot of the basics, really, even. We got, i'll tell
Starting point is 00:24:26 you one note of note too i'm gonna tie this into like kind of the traveling thing is it's very interesting how little there are for like real strength gyms in big cities even like we have a pretty fucking legit spot in the middle of nowhere here yeah and in vegas literally the best the closest like power gym i found was brandon allen's filthy power gym how big was that place it's probably a little smaller massonomics smaller oh really wow yeah it's smaller for sure huh yeah i mean it comparably square footed but it is definitely smaller that's crazy i mean there's there's there's square footed but it is definitely smaller that's crazy i mean there's there's there's one monolith yeah one i think but are they above ground they are above ground there's there's two two benches one how do they make how do they make a make money at that place
Starting point is 00:25:18 i don't think it's a profit yeah i mean i think it covers itself yeah he probably gets to put as little in his pockets but yeah that's, that certainly is no way that's what's keeping the lights on at home, you know? No. I don't know what else he does, but, um, but so. Smoke Shweed. Smoke Shweed. He does that pretty publicly and often.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Weeds, sponsorships covering the rest of the van. What a tremendous light. But he, um, but no, there, I mean, there, I mean, it's a cool spot. They got, they got one deadlift platform, a leg press, like a newer version of the style I have. And then there is a set of dumbbells, the monolift, one smaller squat rack, two benches. I think that's about it. And they do have lots of the right equipment, the right bars, though. It's all the good shit.
Starting point is 00:26:00 So it's a bomb-ass place to fucking train, for sure. It's just not very big. Not that you need. I say this a lot of times at our gym like every time we get something new it's like we definitely nobody here needs this to get stronger no not at all it is fun yes it is that is the whole thing it's it's fun at this point which is i mean but they're at at this point that we do not need anything else to get stronger. No. That can't be your excuse. It's not like, well, we don't have, I don't know. Well, just for proof, like look at guys' Instagram, like Mike Tashir and like Bryce Lewis. Like they literally have a barbell, a bench, and a rack.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Right. And they're – Some of the strongest guys. Top in the world. It's like, yeah, you don't need that stuff, but we like to have fun. It is fun. Yeah. It is fun to get the stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:42 You know, it's like, yeah, you don't need that stuff, but we like to have fun. It is fun. Yeah. It is fun to get the stuff. Yeah. We've talked about this, I don't think, on air, but we just got our homemade version of the belt squat in the gym. Yeah. And it's been getting used a lot from what I've seen so far. One of the benefits of having an engineer and some guys with some metal skills in the gym, right?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yes. Yes. Having an engineer is beneficial to avoid maybe purchasing a $3,000 belt squat. Like, when that's not a feasible option, making it. It is a fucking robust piece of equipment. It is. Yeah, trust me, I carried it. Was it in one piece?
Starting point is 00:27:19 No, we had to take it into two, which taking it into two pieces. Meaning you pulled the shaft and bearings apart? Yes, yes. Fuck that. But it was like that was our only choice because it was just me and ryan anderson and we were like well that's not going down like just we will die yeah the one part that really surprised me is a lot of most gym equipment the like posts that hold the weights is a hollow tube yeah this is a solid steel shaft it is engineered to be able to hold 1 000 pounds
Starting point is 00:27:48 worth of weight turns out with even no weight on it it's not that easy so yeah did we did you ever take the luggage scale to see what what it was i wouldn't it wouldn't it wouldn't go high no it's heavy on its own yeah we would need a more robust luggage like uh i wonder if we can take here's what i think we can do we can take maybe i'll take because we don't i don't care if mine breaks i have one at my gym a like medical scale yeah yeah but you could take it and you know where it rests down onto that one pin when you bottom it out yeah if you take it off and let it bottom out yeah and we slide slide the spot that you stand on in between those two things. And then we can see what the empty weight is.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I don't know if we just brought the scale out of the bathroom and I just put the belt around myself and stood on the scale. And then subtract your weight. Yeah, like that should at least get you in the ballpark. If it will go that high. Yeah. Because most of those scales are going to top out at maybe 350. I think there's a 350 or 400 or something like that.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Well, we're probably okay. We could find someone in the gym that could make it work. I would say I don't know how much it weighs, but what I was trying to do is compare to what it feels like, comparable to weight on your back in a regular squat. And I think just the no weight added on it, just squatting the thing is like squatting 185 to me. Yeah, I'd say pretty close to that.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Because if you go into it completely unwarmed up, like the first time I was like, oh, I'll throw this on and stuff. And then I was like, well, shit, this hurts my knees. This is hard. You don't just throw it on and you're like, oh, I'll just bang out 20 and get loose here. No, it's nothing like if there was an empty leg press machine and you just went on and started extending your legs. That's what I've noticed is you do have to, you can't just kind of chill out like a leg extension machine
Starting point is 00:29:37 or a leg curl machine, you know, sit around and, like, get a good pump. You actually, if you're going to go relatively heavy, you kind of have to prepare to squat. Like it is just like you have to get ready to do a squat, which I mean makes sense. That's what it is. But in my head I was thinking it would be a little more like, oh, I'll do these and get a pump, you know.
Starting point is 00:29:57 And that's what I thought too. I thought like you'd be throwing. I thought, oh, it's not no load on your back. Like to feel anything, you're going to need four plates on each side. Like I thought you'd be loading it way heavier than your squat and four plates on each side would be a pretty that would be doing work yeah um i have a hard time getting in and out of it yeah i gotta squat down quite a bit so it's like imagine doing your squat workout and then starting and then and then in your reps you have to then i mean but you have to unrack it at half your squat workout and then starting and then and then in your reps you have to then i mean
Starting point is 00:30:25 but you have to unrack it at half your squat yeah so you squat all the way down get down into there and then unhook unclip motherfucker i need like a fucking quick release like grenade yes that's that's what i get like tanner is really good at clipping in and out somehow he just like goes down and he's just like in and he's out, and it's no big deal. I can get it in there pretty good, and then when I'm done, my legs are tight, and I'm trying to just wiggle those things through, and it just feels like my legs are cramping up on me. Yeah, and we don't have the right belt for it yet.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It's been ordered. Yeah, that should make a difference. Because that belt, what we're using is the reverse hyper spud ink strap, and it works. It doesn't look that much different, but from what I can see about the actual belt, it will feel quite a bit more comfortable, like less pinching and stuff around it around you. I used the first time I use it,
Starting point is 00:31:16 the belt with the chain. Yeah. Yeah. You can make that work. I've done it too, but that thing sucks. I did, except I was really concerned about what was going to happen to my penis yeah like it caught in between the chain links you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:31:28 like because it got heavy it was difficult and getting it in and then trying to get it out or get it and it was just like there's and it's pinching me yeah and fucking i'm gonna get my wiener stuck in this thing and like it made me very nervous that's made out of a really like cheap material yeah like it's like not plastic, but kind of plastic. Yeah, the spud ink one that should be coming. One thing about that, though, is something else, too. I ordered that spud ink belt on Cyber Monday. It wasn't on sale.
Starting point is 00:32:00 It was just coincidentally. We hauled in the belt squat the day before, and I was like, well, shit, we got that now. I better get a belt for it. I ordered it on that Monday. It's been 10 days since then, and it hasn't shipped yet. Maybe they're going to surprise you, and they'll put the tracking info in tomorrow, and it will also arrive at your door tomorrow. Actually, that's what happened when I ordered last time. I've had that happen with stuff before, too.
Starting point is 00:32:23 But that's just too long. It is a little on the long side. And I also, we've got two new barbells coming. I ordered them on the same day, Cyber Monday, because it was a big sale on those. And those, 10 days later, still haven't shipped, too. And I think that's, like, too long. But I suppose there's that much of a flood of orders. Yeah, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:32:43 It just got cleared out. But that's too long. I ordered some shit, too, for my gym. too long but i suppose there's that much i'm sure it just got cleared out that's too long i ordered some shit too for my gym and like shit that they certainly would have had in their building you know what i mean like and they um i got one package like five days later i was like oh cool cool and like nine days after i placed the order i get this this email, your package has shipped. And I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:33:06 that must mean it's here. Cause like I have the, whatever the UPS thing and the FedEx thing where like, um, I, anything that's coming to my address now through them, I'm verified. So like I will get tracking information on anything that's coming to my
Starting point is 00:33:20 address through them. So it'll tell me when it's going to arrive, what day. So like you have a package coming tomorrow. It's like, oh, fucking dope. But it's just like your package is shipped. And I was like, okay, that must mean it's in my driveway. I run home and there's nothing in my driveway.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And I look a little closer. It's like, no, no, no, they just created a label to send me the item. Nine fucking days later, it still hadn't left Texas. I was like, you motherfuckers yep and that's a different i'm not gonna shit on any company but that's a company that messed up my first two orders but it was during the hurricane down there so i was like well it took a long time and then they sent me the wrong shit and then they had to replace it and then they sent me then that shit took forever and i was like well i can't complain because there's a hurricane.
Starting point is 00:34:07 But I should have. Right. Because apparently that's just how they operate. Yeah. And these are both companies that I really like, so I'm not wanting to complain about it. But how many days do I wait until it is like, okay, I get to complain now. Plus the barbells you bought are really expensive. Right. Well, I spent $1,000 on two barbells.
Starting point is 00:34:23 So in that situation, you're kind of like, I would like to have those. I mean, at least let it get out the building in a day or two because you got my money right away. Right. Yeah. So at this point... It's like, are you taking my money and going and buying steel? Right. Yeah. Because I think you should be a little further ahead of that of cash flow. Right. I'm excited about seeing those, though, the duffalo bar and the uh new generation power bar both i'm i um i did use for the first time the actual duffalo bar had you ever no i never have okay so so what did you another deal so i was
Starting point is 00:34:57 down at um forge strength in sioux falls fucking sweet spot guy those guys are really really really another shit um like all their people move really well. They do things the right way. Is that a CrossFit gym? No, no. They do kind of many different personal training. They do some group classes in the morning and evening. You'll see a group of them at powerlifting.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Oh, yeah. I remember seeing it. That's why I didn't know if there was a CrossFit component to it, too. There's a general kind of functional fitness. They really don't do Olympic weightlifting. It's more like powerlifting, kettlebells and movement more than anything else. So, and they're, they, they really is a place where they really do shit. Like they just were really good.
Starting point is 00:35:34 They do their shit. I went there to like learn from them on some of the kettlebell stuff that I'm just not that well versed at. And it was, I've already, the things I brought back in two days i was like jesus i fucking i was like how did i not should have done this sooner because they're solving problems that i've had with some people for a long time it's been it was great anyway um he had the real duffalo bar there and the difference is significant in that you feel like the the buffalo bar that we have is a little tricky and keep it on your back like you feel like you lose it oh yeah because that knurling feels cheap if the knurling and the the that is probably one of the as far as
Starting point is 00:36:10 knurling goes one of the worst bars it's a $50 fucking like walmart bar like knurling it's it's bent and and it also is a is i think even longer and but there's more of a straight end to it yes meaning it's straight when it's in the rack kind of so that or it'll float under so you're not actually going to dump it to one side or the other like ours does um or the i have the buffalo at my gym too because frankly the buffalo is cheap yeah it was like 180 bucks one right for that price it's like yeah i didn't realize it was that cheap it's ridiculous even the versus the duffalo on like the best sale i've ever found it's still two and a half times the price of the buffalo yeah but this knurling is bananas it's good it digs the fucking and and this is i never really have worried about the center knurling on
Starting point is 00:37:01 a bar when i squat i squat high high bar, and I just don't. Maybe I got traps. I've never worried about it. I've never had a complaint or thought that one was better than the other. Except it's tricky keeping that Buffalo bar on my back, especially a high bar with more vertical torso. And on the actual Duffalo bar with the D, it's probably if I'm not enunciating very well,
Starting point is 00:37:27 this all sounds like I'm saying the same words. Why are they saying Duffalo and Duffalo over and over again? With the Duff bar, the knurling digs in to where it fucking almost hurts, but it ain't going anywhere. And the whole thing feels like a real machine. It's exceptional. And so I think it's got a little bit more of a curve. and i think it's a little bit longer and it is i would say much much better
Starting point is 00:37:52 yep and um i probably can't say enough good things about it i think we'll do a uh comparison review of the two because there's not actually not a really good one out there that's comparing the two in a review so uh look for that and also i think we would maybe do um because the the new generation power bar that we got from them is a 20 kilogram power bar so and we've all been very very happy with our rogue ohio bar bar so i think it'd be interesting to do a comparison between those two too yeah yep And see where that stacks up. I mean, cause that one, you're like, Oh, this is awesome. But is this other one that much better? And you're down the road too, to kind of see where it's at.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Cause that is the big thing. The big selling point is just that it's like unlimited lifespan is kind of what they're selling you on. Right. What was it? The numbers he's throwing out about the tensile strength of this fucking new bar is like 10 to 20 times what else is out there. Like it's fucking, I'm just like, how much are you people like planning on? Like that stuff is engineered for a person who can squat 5,000 pounds.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Right. Yeah. And jump at the top and then drop it. Yeah. You know, like onto like one fucking steel rod in the middle. Yeah. It's just fucking crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It'll be, and the knurling is what I'm most excited about. The way that they put, you know, you've seen where he puts it on the lathe and he doesn't say what kind it is, but it's a Texas power bar that he presses against it. He puts his knurling against their knurling and his knurling just. Shines up. Cuts their bar. Yeah. Like literally like his knurling just shines up their bar yeah like literally like cuts out a crescent out of their bar and i don't even understand how it's possible no does that make sense it's made of diamonds i hope it's made of diamonds because
Starting point is 00:39:36 it's expensive but yeah yeah it's but i will say we were talking about this kind of before you decided to buy it tanner and i was like i've never wanted to spend six hundred dollars on a bar and i was looking at thing and i was like man i was like i might just buy one to have that be mine the one i have at my gym yeah just like this is mine now yeah and uh but then you'll see someone out like uh nobody is doing doing like rack pulls well no or i'd see somebody dropping somebody grab it and use it with an empty bar and they're dropping it yeah i would use my shit i have one pretty nice olympic weightlifting bar that i kind of just gave over to you know the class stuff just because when we opened up that it was like i needed everything i could but like oh the the the things that have been done to that bar i was like that's where like all my olympic lifting prs have come from that bar like
Starting point is 00:40:33 motherfucker yeah and i see i saw somebody dropping it empty many times also they'll unload it by pulling the weight off the end just let it fall yeah and then i've also seen that bar with just five pound weights on the end and then the big steel clips on the end i've seen it just getting dropped from the waist with that and then dropped so bad with it that the clips then hit my wooden platform clips they hit my wooden platform and then take a huge gouge, inch wide gouge out of my platform
Starting point is 00:41:07 because they're also not aligned on the fucking platform and then move over and do it. And well, there's about 14 gouges in the rubber
Starting point is 00:41:16 and I'm just like, I'm going to take this fucking bar and I'm going to put it in the closet. Yeah. And it just, but I don't want
Starting point is 00:41:21 to blow up about it and you just have to kind of calmly explain and collect through the whole group. Like, hey, if your bar's empty, maybe just totally don't fucking do that ever. Please. I've seen our nice Rogue Ohio Power Bar.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I've seen someone, what do you call it, where you shove one end of the bar into the corner and then little plates on the end of it. Like doing some bent rolls. Bent rolls, and then you grab one of the metal uh cable attachments and put it yeah it's like that's what i said i was like that would actually be the worst part any other bar they were using what the rogue ohio bar like you know the bent over roll where you put uh one end of it in a corner or like into a landmine thing and then put one of your metal
Starting point is 00:42:05 V attachments and put it inside the bar on the knurling. I was like, just use anything else for that. Use a deadlift bar. Use any bar. Just don't use that one. Find the shittiest looking bar to do that with. We have a few shitty bars
Starting point is 00:42:21 around. We have all these nice ones, but we have a few shitty bars around. When you say shitty, it's almost more old than anything. Yeah, right. But I always encourage, if someone's going to do that or a rack pull on the metal or something, it's like, just use those, like, ones that nobody cares about. Yeah. And on the topic of bars here, Tanner, you kind of recently did some maintenance on this weekend, didn't you? Yeah, I did a little, you know i i wiped down for uh chalk pretty
Starting point is 00:42:47 regularly yeah on the nice bars or you know use a a nylon brush for chalk but i actually got like the oil out and you know took like 30 minutes a bar of scrubbing them and oiling them and getting the oil off and uh they really it's just like a nylon brush. That's just the benefits of being a wealthy gym owner. You got the free time to sit around and do that. You make that kind of money, you can put in that kind of work. That's right. So the Texas Power Bars, we have two of those, and they've been put through the ringer.
Starting point is 00:43:19 They certainly don't look new anymore, but they looked a lot nicer again after I did that. And when you said it, we went over and kind of gave them the inspection. And it was like, wow, I didn't realize these things. I thought the knurling was gone on these things. Yeah, the knurling really felt rejuvenated. It was a lot finer again all of a sudden. It was getting to the point where it just felt like there wasn't.
Starting point is 00:43:39 I mean, there was still a little bit of oxidization kind of filled in the knurling. Well, and then just all of the chalk in there, and I'm sure dead skin. Yeah, but that really, really fired it up. So I did that to the Texas Power Bars, the Rogue Bar, and the Deadlift Bar, and all of them, when I got done, I was like, oh, I want no one to use these now. Like, quit getting chalk in these. Plus, they just look good, too.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah, they do look really nice. You know, it gets all that chalk, so they're just black again. Yeah and like the Texas power bars even though they're heavily used it gives them like a nice patina to it I guess. Which 99% of the people that go to the gym could not care less. So like the average
Starting point is 00:44:20 person would look at that bar while it's a fully good and functional bar that it looks well it's just used. Yeah. A little of coating on it, and you'd be like, I don't want that one. Yeah, like what about that silvery one? Yeah, right. Give me that silvery one with the fake chrome. So what's the actual oil you use for that? 3-in-1 oil is what it's called.
Starting point is 00:44:40 That's the brand name even though it's 3-in-1. Just oil is all it is really? Yeah, just oil basically. I think you could use a number of things. But you've got to be careful. Obviously, when you get done, it's oily. There's no way around it. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:53 So what I normally would do then is if I went to the bar and Tanner had just cleaned it for many, many, many hours and it was oily, I would then take a bunch of chalk and I would grind it into the bar so that I could hang on to it. Like as a public public service announcement never ever nobody ever apply chalk directly to a bar or you will get fucking punched right in the gut there is no good reason to do that it doesn't make any sense it wrecks the bar the the the chalk draws the moisture draws in moisture and will cause it to rust but even more importantly it takes away the benefit of the knurling it fills in the knurling so that it
Starting point is 00:45:33 does not do its purpose anymore apply certainly use chalk on your hand or your back or whatever if you need to but yeah it does not help to because really bar. Because really at that point, the chalk is almost to just get moisture off of your hands. Right. Just so you can have dry hands on knurling. Right. And I also understand putting it on your back for a squat if you want to do that. Even then, I would also say it's almost not necessary
Starting point is 00:45:58 unless you're like over 500 pounds. And even then, probably, yeah. In strongman competitions I put chalk on every part of my body all the time that's okay right yeah that's what you're supposed to do
Starting point is 00:46:10 I mean chest back shoulders biceps arms forearms legs groin
Starting point is 00:46:15 what's that for I actually like to if I have my warm pants on I like to take the chalk and pull the warm pants on and just crumble it yeah
Starting point is 00:46:22 gotta keep everything dry it's better than freaking medicated ointment um and so did you have any complaints about it being a little greasy someone commented something on instagram but i couldn't tell if it was a joke or not so someone said uh i was dead lifting 540 with the bar and it slipped out of my hands and they said it wasn't because i wasn't strong enough it was because you oiled it up too much so then i went and used that bar the next day and it was not an issue so i think it was a joke okay and if not or it was simply a matter of so no but even within a couple days later the the oil feels basic, you know, is all but gone for this part.
Starting point is 00:47:06 So, yeah. I think it will help them last quite a bit longer with that being done on a relatively routine basis, though. And now you just have to, once a year, get the file out and clean up the knurling. Just file in every little peak. Yep, exactly. Just get like a wire brush wheel with a grinder i am worried about the first time i see the new uh kabuki power bar the 500 bar someone like here's the deal doing something i think what you need to do is you need honestly you need to get another
Starting point is 00:47:39 wall storage thing you need to hang that up and you need to have the duffalo that power bar you need to have the robo higher bar you can have and you need to to have labeled for what each spot is and then you need to have a sign above that says listen bitches just like this just like a full conversation and it needs to seriously be listen bitches don't fuck with these ones these are literally for squatting yeah pressing and deadlifting yeah no accessories no dropping no fucking around just like like these are more expensive than what your membership will cost you for two years each one of these bars don't you fucking dare a whole paragraph yeah and then everyone's like that's too much yeah they're just gonna hashtag
Starting point is 00:48:26 TLDR the Rogelhau the Rogue Bar almost just lives on the bench though that thing really very rarely is not on it it actually surprises me when I look and it's not on that bench it's there all the time
Starting point is 00:48:41 it's awesome so that's bars bars on bars i love them i love bars yeah i mean it's pretty obvious yeah i do like i mean you spend your free time oiling them yeah you spend all your money buying them i do and every time i get another bar i'm just thinking about the next bar that i really want. Where are we at with bars now? I want...
Starting point is 00:49:07 He still has wants. I want the Elite FTS safety squat bar. That's kind of the gold standard, isn't it? So that probably will be the next bar that we get. Because I want... I like to have the...
Starting point is 00:49:22 Our safety squat bar is good and everything, but I just want, like, the best version of that. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Where do we even get the one you have? That is an Omni Fitness product. Oh, gotcha. A Minnesota company.
Starting point is 00:49:34 It's made in China, I'm quite sure. And it is not a bad safety. It is actually pretty nice. I've never heard any complaints about it, but I just want the Elite FTS one. Yeah. That's badass. Yeah. We do, I don't know if we're to that point or not but just don't let me forget we got a cup i got a couple things we actually we about are at that point okay um one of them here i'll get to it i gotta find the guy's
Starting point is 00:49:58 name and he he he made sure to tell me he tried as hard as he could to get his actual review on apple podcasts and he said he tried several times and no matter what he did they would not um they would not take it so i don't know but what what he ended up having to do was uh dm it to me and he said hey i can't get this through but it kind of feels more from the heart that way. But would you read this on air if I send it to you here? Well, certainly. So is this now anyone can DM you anything and we'll read it on the air? No, see, he even screenshotted how it's five stars.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Oh, yeah, there's five stars there. So how he was trying to, he did screenshot it. And this is from Scotty Smith. And he gave us five out of five stars, theoretically. Scotty too hotty. And he said, better than an English breakfast. Ooh. I never had an English breakfast,
Starting point is 00:50:49 but I know for a fact that this podcast is better. Great people, amazing information, and super serious sack feeling. Smack an ass and hit some PRs. That's from Scotty Smith. True fan. Another thing, we're almost up to 50 reviews oh really on apple podcast 55 stars reviews well because we don't get to read them all like i don't know they
Starting point is 00:51:14 every third that comes in for the number or every other 50 of them actually show up as readable the other ones let's do some research see if we can dig into that stars and not leaving the comments maybe oh yeah that could be it too yeah maybe that that could be but there is one here that showed up uh that i can't read but so point being we're getting really close to 50 just two away you out there listing is going to be number 50 i think we should also not tolerate mediocrity and we need to have some sort of a thing that we will do when we get to 100 reviews. Yeah. Let's think on that. You guys
Starting point is 00:51:52 out there in audience land, maybe if you have any ideas of what sort of some sort of contest whoever leaves the 100th review could win all of your old underwear, Tyler? No, I was thinking more like something the three of us would have to do oh okay in appreciation like eat an entire big mac on air or a croissant which
Starting point is 00:52:14 we could go do the like the three pound burger challenge thing right down the road here oh yeah i mean we could just do something silly like that. Yeah. Not the eight-pound one that I did that one time, because that seems unmanageable. Yeah, that's excessive. Okay, I got our next five out of five stars. Title is Strong, and this is from Strong underscore AF. So is that strong as fuck? I'm thinking it's strong as fantastic.
Starting point is 00:52:42 As friends, maybe? Strong as friends. As friendships? Strong and friends that's what it is and mr mr strong said i don't know what a deadlift is and i laugh when they reference the snatch or clean and jerk one of them sounds like butthead again most importantly they have some pretty sweet merch and seem like they know what they're talking about why aren't you listening already i like anybody who listens to this and goes these guys seem like they know what they're talking about but listen i appreciate where you're coming
Starting point is 00:53:17 from but you're wrong we have no idea yeah far from it um that's awesome strong underscore awesome i love the butthead right anyone i always like it goes way i always like it because it's one of them we should touch on what that is like so maybe we just need to start saying her name before we always talk just so like one of our first uh one of our first reviews it had to be one of the first ones right yeah yeah it was early on but it was like it was like one of our first reviews it had to be one of the first ones right yeah yeah it was early on but it was like it was like one of the first off they all have super boring bland voices and then it was like and also one of them sounds like butthead and so this dude draws back on it like basically 48 reviews later which means he's a fucking og yeah the other question is have you
Starting point is 00:54:04 been with us this whole time and not left a review until now? Or maybe he just got on board and got caught up. And did his research and found out. So we'd like to hear from you guys which one of us sounds the most like Butthead. I hope it's them. Yeah. I feel like it's me, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I couldn't pin it on anyone. Like, I honestly, if you said take your best guess, I couldn't pick one. I don't know either. I'm hoping it's Tanner. Well, I was going to say, it's like the saying is when you look around the room and you can't pick out the person who sounds like Butthead is, it's yourself. That's kind of where I'm at, too. I'm only thinking it's Tanner because he's kind of where i'm at too i'm only i'm only thinking thinking it's
Starting point is 00:54:45 tanner because he doesn't like yeah wildly exaggerate his voice very often yeah it's so maybe that would be it it also is different when we're here because we also hear our own voices on not through the thing yeah so i i wouldn't know yeah listen dudes if you ever record yourself talk and listen to it it's fucking embarrassing oh yeah yeah thankfully i'm mostly over that yeah i actually just don't listen to them that it took a couple episodes in to get used to that even just sitting here talking this part of it hearing your voice was like oh yeah but now it's just like yep that's a dude talking i'd be like there's something wrong with these microphones. The sound guy fucking sucks.
Starting point is 00:55:26 We should also get suggestions of what should happen for our 100th episode because I think this is maybe 88 or something. Holy moly. We're only three months or so away from 100. We're closing in. Yeah, what do we do? What do you think, like hallucinogenic drugs? It'll be a 24-hour episode. 24-hour live feed. Yeah, what do we do? What do you think? Like hallucinogenic drugs?
Starting point is 00:55:46 It'll be a 24-hour episode. 24-hour live feed. That'll make one, like 100th episode, that'll make one year exactly, right? Not necessarily. We've been doing it for a year now. I can't believe it's been a whole year, 100th episode. Just once a week and you hit 100. We were at episode like 50-something and Tanner's like, here we are.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Or it was like 40-something. He's like, here we are, six months in. Yeah yeah that's what i should have said i'm like wait a minute let me yeah go back to this i was like tanner i think that's yeah we do that yeah we do this once a week yeah that's about right actually so in in in there is a bit of a it's cool because you get to celebrate them both really close to each other. But there's actually two things with the podcast, two landmarks. And one, you celebrate the hundredth episode simply because you get into triple figures.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Yeah. Then there's the actual 104th episode, which is two years. Yeah. That's almost six months. Four episodes is almost six months. So the nice thing is, is you have two episodes within a month that are like.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Total landmarks. You're going to draw people in. Where you make a lot of money. Yeah. I think that's how it works. That's the thing. It turns out I've done some research, and the money doesn't roll in until you hit 100. And that's when you get kickbacks.
Starting point is 00:56:59 It's like an investment. It's just been compounding this whole time. I actually have. What was on the PowerCast? They were talking to talking to the people from was it iron radio did you hear that one i haven't listened to it yet one of the things they were talking about was that like they just they just have like a a paypal deal and they're like hey if you want to donate like to the podcast just give us money they do that uh every episode yeah i listened to we should we should do that and then if you want to give us money just like click the thing and just give us money. They do that every episode. I listen to them. We should do that. And if you want to give us money, just click the thing and just give us money.
Starting point is 00:57:27 That would be awesome. And we'd be friends. Yeah. That's one of the reasons I'm friends with you guys is you pay me. You could click through our Amazon link stuff. We've got to find a way to get that more, like, less than just through that one article, though. Well, you can click on the bow tie article, too, now. Oh, did we get all that done?
Starting point is 00:57:45 I think we should just be able to post a link onto the actual side page or something. And it's also in the band bell article. There's some ways you can support us. So yeah, if you would like to purchase through our affiliate links, hop on over to Mathsonomics. We'll make that more easily accessible
Starting point is 00:58:03 at some point in time where you can really support us. We just have to figure it it out yeah fun fact there isn't like a laundry list of people telling you how to do this thing there's no everybody has podcasts everyone and their fucking dog has a podcast yet did has anybody ever told you like hey this is like how you do it no no it's not out there you just fucking have to start and then figure it out and what percentage of podcasts exist that don't make any money like yeah 99 yeah 90 something i mean like the we do make money but the podcast itself doesn't no and we i mean yeah not us and we but i make money we mean we produce there's money we just don't get any of it yeah and we by make money we mean we produce money we just don't get
Starting point is 00:58:45 any of it and we're not what the fuck are we doing if I didn't enjoy hanging out with you guys in my dungeon this wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:58:55 certainly a great investment we would not have made it three months or however long six months yeah this is six yeah I can't believe
Starting point is 00:59:03 this is six months today so but we are kind of nearing the end we should hustle this here Six months. Yeah, this is six. Yeah, I can't believe this is six months today. But we are kind of nearing the end. We should hustle this here. So we've got, guys, we talked about this in the past, but we have the Flex Flask. Tanner has the white lift model. One of six varieties.
Starting point is 00:59:19 We've got the lift in white. We have the lift in black. We have the new. This is the only product as of right now that has the Massanomics huge life logo on it. We have that in white, that in black, and then we have the OG Massanomics logo in black and in white. And really, all three designs are awesome, and they're awesome in each color. You fucking just need six.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Awesome things. Basically. Basically. Yeah. I mean, I don't know what else to do, but buy six of them. You know, keep all six for yourself. If you have someone in your life that likes to train, buy them. Six of them. Don't be a dick.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Don't give them one because what if they like the black one better than the white one or vice versa? So take somebody that you love. Buy them six Flex Flasks. Those will all be able to be found on That's a good investment. I have. Very good. Three of them.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I travel with them all the time, and they very much so look like propane tanks to the X-ray machine at TSA. So it's also a great conversation starter. The key, guys, with with these if you're traveling with them take them out of your bag and put them in the fucking bucket as it goes through because they will definitely be digging in your bag if that's in there um what else we got to hustle today guys um so you can get that at in our store you'll also be able to get our shirts that none of us are wearing because we're really good at branding and hats he's wearing a this is a can't buy that special edition you could but you're gonna have to ask really nice yeah um then we've got uh all our articles
Starting point is 01:00:57 and videos are there also go to forward slash massonomics make sure you subscribe to the page subscribership is just skyrocketing right now i don't know what's happening if you've seen it it's getting ridiculous we are literally i say we're probably knocking on mark bell's door pretty soon yeah the fact that he hasn't called us to offer to fly us to california to be on his podcast it's almost insulting at this waiting at this point i don't even with all of our accomplishments both it's almost like we're on and off the platform in and out of the podcast studio. It's become so awkward between us that now it might just not ever happen. Because there's this animosity that we can tell he's feeling.
Starting point is 01:01:35 And we don't know that for sure. But the fact that he hasn't asked us on, I think just means he's threatened by our fucking meteoric rise. Anyway, that's what we do. Let's turn the mass holes loose. I think y'all need to contact Mark Bell and tell him he needs to have the Massanomics guys on the podcast. Should be commenting that. Because they are fucking – they are really interesting
Starting point is 01:02:01 and mostly unaccomplished dudes. Flood his DMs with pictures of Tyler. Maybe pull back on that. But anyway, that's what you can do for us. If you've already left us a podcast review and you're like, how can I help these guys? Get Mark Belzier and ask him what's his beef and why he hasn't flown us out there yet yes to
Starting point is 01:02:26 hang out in the slanger mansion so well maybe he's waiting for episode 100 though he is a smart businessman podcast yeah share cast i mean when you hit 100 you get like in in the club you know so right now they're like oh they're not quite in the like yeah they're still not sure if we're gonna make it yet they're all i'm assuming that's when apple sends us like a diamond plated microphone button yeah or something yep a youtube play button they're like listen i don't know it's close enough yeah like we got to give them something the fact that they haven't realized to quit by now. Jesus Christ, they're still doing that. Listen, I don't know. Just send them a Facebook icon.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Let's see. We've got the, I think that's about it. Make sure you follow us on Facebook. All of our articles we'll first kind of publish through there. That's kind of where we share everything through. Instagram has really been popping. We're, I would say, Mike O'Hearn-esque. Help us get to that 2K.
Starting point is 01:03:32 By 2K, he means 200K. Yeah, 200K. So make sure you follow us on Instagram. I'm Tyler. You can find me at Tyler F. and Stone and Tommy. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner. The Masanomics Instagram account.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Hold on, say that again when the camera's not shaking. The Masanomics Instagram account. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. All right, sounds good, guys. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear.
Starting point is 01:04:09 From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. I'm going to go.

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