Massenomics Podcast - Ep.93: The TB12 Method

Episode Date: January 15, 2018

This week, the guys dive into Tom Brady's new and allegedly groundbreaking training method, the TB12 Method. Tune in to learn about all the wonderful and reasonable and totally not ridiculous stuff makes Tom Brady one of the best of all time at standing in place and throwing a ball.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's episode of the Massanomics Podcast. I am Tyler, next to me is Tommy.
Starting point is 00:00:36 What's up? And across the way is Tanner. Howdy. Now that you've figured out exactly who we are based on our very different sounding voices someone said uh messaged and said that i'm uh that you're the beavis or butthead oh really one of them yeah whichever one we were talking about yeah yeah and i can't remember i wish it's i just remembered it right now it's been a while ago so i won't be able to find it conveniently who said it but so that mystery might be solved by yeah was it beavis or butthead? I think it was Butthead. None of us have the high enough voice for Beavis.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Beavis is the blonde-haired one? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Butthead then for sure. I don't like that. I think we should come up with better analogies, like silky smooth pipes. So this week we're going to start this week's episode by diving into one of the many super stupid fucking things that we're finding.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, okay. Let's give it a quick... Can we give it a fair shake? We have to go through the pros. Can we start off with the New York Times best-selling training method? Okay, yeah. Let's start it with that.
Starting point is 00:01:40 This week, we're going to dive into the New York Times best-selling training method, the TV-12 method. TV-12? What is TV-12? That is Tom Brady, who, in case you guys are wondering, while he has had a very long and fruitful NFL career,
Starting point is 00:01:57 probably one of the least athletic people in the NFL. You've seen him run. Have you seen his combine footage? And isn't he, like, he has something really like just like goofy. Like he's wearing like jean shorts or something. There's something weird about his outfit because I remember seeing that footage.
Starting point is 00:02:19 So, I mean, if I had to build the ideal athlete, Tom Brady is not the athlete, which would – a quarterback who's good at quarterbacking, yes. Yeah. But literally any other thing that requires athleticism i would probably model on literally anybody else in the nfl yeah yeah i would too like there'd be a lot better places like no doubt he is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time might be the yeah maybe even like totally there's an argument for the greatest brady run a sub six second 40 yard dash honestly see i don't think when he jumped more than four feet it's his physical i don't think he has like a physical
Starting point is 00:02:51 stat sheet that would impress anyone which is why i don't understand why he's selling fitness i think it's because he has longevity and now you have longevity you're an expert in something i think i just wonder if old tom brady didn't get up to his ass in some fucking weird debt that we don't know about. Like he had some real estate deals that went bad. Or that he knows that certain people in this world will worship him and will buy anything that he does. Such as free shipping on $175 orders on $50 beanies. So that's only just like a couple, You only have to buy like a couple beanies to meet that requirement.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Before we get into the actual meat of this, let's look at just the store, the things that he sells. Because actually, when we get into the 12, the 12 thing. I was going to say, yeah, so we should probably tell. So Tom Brady has developed a book
Starting point is 00:03:41 called the TB12 Method. In case you didn't know, TB stands for Tom Brady. 12 is his number. Tuberculosis. 12 is his number. Also, the number of principles that he has that he guides his athletic career. That's really convenient.
Starting point is 00:03:53 That's weird, right? Yeah. Do you suppose when he picked the number 12, it was because he had these principles back then and has carried them all the way through, including these products that just got developed with the book? Yeah, I'm assuming the reason for 12 Principles is just pure coincidence and not that the fact that it made a great marketing plan to have –
Starting point is 00:04:09 What if he only had eight? Well, you guys are quite sure that he's been applying these for all his seasons of the NFL, right? That's the only reason he's made it this far. Like he's literally used these and these are the reasons. Well, he did say if he would have started these earlier, he thinks his career could have been better. Maybe he would be able to run and jump and change direction.
Starting point is 00:04:31 As far as I know, based on just what Tom Brady's acumen is, you might be able to think well, throw precisely, and have fast eyes. Is that what all these 12 steps mean for fast eyes? Yeah, I know. I think you should dive into the method first, though, Tyler, because a lot of the – go to the very top there where it says method, on the very top of the screen. We're at the website if you guys want to really get the firsthand look at this stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I mean, aside from, it's probably like the second best website. So this whole training program kind of comes under fire right away because it was developed by Tom Brady's trainer. I think his name was Alex Guerrera. It's something like that. And he, if you do some research on him, has been in trouble multiple times for claiming to be a doctor when he is not a doctor. He has also claimed to release or he also had supplements on the market that he claimed could cure cancer and I think stop concussions, if I remember correctly, both of which not true either.
Starting point is 00:05:28 But this is who Tom Brady has had as his longtime trainer and has taken up to be his partner in the TB12 method. And with that, the first method or the first principle of the TB12 method is pliability. And you might say, what is pliability? And that is the question everyone asks with this stuff. And the more you read about it, you kind of don't get an answer. Is that a term that people that actually are intelligent about training use? Do people use the word pliability?
Starting point is 00:05:59 I did a very mild amount of research on it. I did the due diligence massonomics research on this stuff. We thought about it. Yeah. And that might have been it. Looked for a few minutes. You guys know how to do this. You can look into this.
Starting point is 00:06:11 But someone was talking about how they did some looking into, I think it was like over 600 strength and training articles for the word pliability. And they only found it come up once. So this first thing doesn't seem to be based in any science, but what their mentality here though is that muscles get too hard and hard muscles are delicate. So you need to lengthen and soften your muscles before and after physical activity. And then right from the website, it says without pliable muscles, you can't achieve long-term health. Every athlete needs to find a balance between strength conditioning and pliability. And the balance will change
Starting point is 00:06:48 based on your age, sports, needs, and goals. So here they talk a lot about... Let's recap here. What you're going to see here, this image, though... Tom Brady's 10-inch bicep. It's Tom Brady and his 10-inch arms, and he's, like, modeling it with a hand. Apparently, is pliability smallness that's what my definition of pliability is based on what i'm seeing here he shocked himself that
Starting point is 00:07:13 his arm is that small he's like what is this thing he's looking at his arms going i am a professional athlete define athlete their uh their methods for pliability seem to rely a lot on um deep tissue massage but it's not just any deep tissue massage there's some kind of special massage and it also involves like some contraction and this muscle mind connection um you know do your science you'll you'll you'll it'll make sense and one of the things that i read in like a basically an article that just shits all over this was that the like all of this even when you read the chapter on pliability they don't tell you what to do how like there really isn't anything spelled out it's just like make sure your muscles are soft and yeah that's what a lot of the reviews of the
Starting point is 00:08:02 book that i saw were like was actually said you can't really get a takeaway like okay i got done with that chapter i don't know what i really just read or what i'm supposed to do but um that's probably the method to their madness well but also though if you look though there's a button underneath the pliability section here that says shot pliability and this also goes into the um i believe one of the cornerstones of the tv12 method. Is that you can buy the shit. Which is you can buy our stuff. And when it comes to pliability, they have three tools.
Starting point is 00:08:32 A vibrating foam roller. For $200. A vibrating ball for $150. And a performance mat for $80. The performance mat is a yoga mat. So we have an $80. But it's trapezoidal. No, I think that's actually just the angle oh yeah yes it is it's just erecting it rolls up when you draw yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:08:51 yeah um the interesting thing is so we have just basically like a six inch round like mobility ball that vibrates now my question is same thing with the foam roller. Could you or could you not just lay on a thing that vibrates with a regular old foam roller? Or does the vibration... That's my first question. Is the vibrator really the deal breaker in this thing? Is that the difference between a $200 foam roller and a $30 foam roller? In this case, yes. That thing better vibrate like really, really, really well.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Pleasure you in ways you've never known possible. In ways that only tom brady can imagine so yeah that's the first uh foray into the store is we have our well i'm in so far yeah well and if you buy that 150 vibrating ball and maybe add a beanie in there you will get free shipping at that point because you hit the 175 that ball for free no it's been 25 more dollars um pliability is definitely the missing leg of my performance training because Because you hit the $175 on a qualifier. But they wouldn't ship that ball for free. No, it doesn't cost enough. Pliability is definitely the missing leg of my performance training because I'm certainly not focused on the pliability. How pliable are your muscles? Here's the one thing.
Starting point is 00:09:55 There's a lot of people that would say, yeah, a hard, stiff muscle. Yeah, you don't want a stiff muscle. Yeah, we get that. And foam rolling. Except for the one. Foam rolling has its place and donnie thompson even goes into some kind of realms with this with his body tempering but i at least think that some of that is kind of based in science a little bit or at least it has proven based upon like doing a thing that will like if you're going to do that it should be to enable you to perform in your sport yeah just like arbitrarily pliifying your fucking
Starting point is 00:10:26 muscles because if he can make up words i can too yeah so it seems like this is their take on monetizing active recovery yes and as active as foam rolling is i guess you could say we got tb2 up in this bitch yeah so what's the second principle here tyler holistic and integrative training nothing works in isolation. Everything we do at TB12 is interdependent, and we believe that a holistic approach works better than a divided one. The body is one system. Treat it well.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It's the only one you have. So by the picture of this one, I can tell that you're supposed to go swimming. I guess. I think reading this one, see, again, it's so vague. What does that mean? I don't know. It sounds like, from what I've read, there reading this one, see, again, it's so vague. What does that mean? I don't know. It sounds like, from what I've read, there's some things, again, that they keep talking about, like the mind-muscle connection,
Starting point is 00:11:10 you know, that bodybuilders talk about and all that. And, again, it kind of gets into the bro-sciencey realm because it's kind of hard to scientifically put, you know, quantify some of this stuff. So you just kind of have to take it. You say it's harder that it's not pliable. You know what? It hasn't been pliable yet that's the problem pliified so that's just like whatever yeah the body needs to work i guess you can't argue that yeah the body should work together
Starting point is 00:11:35 work your body as a system that does make sense it's kind of like saying drugs are bad and then next balance and moderation in all things. We subscribe to the precept of balance and moderation in all things. Too much of a good thing isn't a good thing. Too many bad things are just plain bad. Well, Tom, we agree. And I don't understand why he's not selling any products in that regard. He apparently doesn't think that too much money is a bad thing or else he wouldn't be on this adventure.
Starting point is 00:12:04 He apparently doesn't think that too much money is a bad thing or else he wouldn't be on this adventure. Next we have conditioning for endurance and vitality. Conditioning is about having the energy, endurance, and vitality to perform the activities you love in a healthy, pain-free way. Good health is about how you feel. We've been educated around how we look, but feeling better, that's the key. So how do you condition in order to feel better? And do you suppose he actually spells out a plan for that in the book i'm gonna go with a hard well they might not because i also noticed there are some coaching certifications you can get for this so maybe if you go to the coach's clinic then then you might be able to know the ins and outs of that
Starting point is 00:12:42 yeah so i don't really know what that again yeah conditioning is good for endurance yeah you should condition for endurance and vitality whatever that is um next we have this this one is one of my favorites this one's my favorite it's one of my favorites when i caught a glimpse of the price of the bands that they're selling so we have no load strength training that's already the dumbest thing I've ever heard. The function of your muscles is to protect your bone structure and support the acts of daily living. You should train to develop the optimal strength
Starting point is 00:13:13 to do the job your body needs to do while limiting the load, especially the overload you put on your joints. Now, literally... Yeah, everyone knows you can't get stronger if you're overloading. Yeah. Overload will ruin this. If you ever, ever overload, you't get stronger if you're overloading. Overload will ruin this. If you ever, ever overload, you cannot get stronger. That is literally the way your fucking body works.
Starting point is 00:13:31 There is no way to not approach overload and get stronger. It doesn't work that way. You know what? I think this argument will be settled in 20 years when Tom Brady has his own football team and has the whole linebacking court doing banded work all day. They don't even have a weight room. They just have bands.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yeah, so with this, though, this is another one where you can get a glimpse into the shop here to buy something. We've got Tom Brady. He doesn't do regular push-ups or bench. He does bands around his back and does push-ups. So we have the shoulder performance kit, which is basically the little crossover symmetry bands. For $150.
Starting point is 00:14:08 $160. $160. Well, those come in a cinch bag, though. Wow. One of those free bags that you get that you don't want. At anywhere. Yeah. We have the TB12 Pro Looped Band Kit that comes with not one, not two, but about six bands for 150 and you have gray red blue and black
Starting point is 00:14:29 so and comes with a bag uh the basic looped band kit with just three is 80 the tb12 looped band startup kit that comes with tom brady's custom protein some weird water squirty thingy those are electrolytes we'll get to those that's what plants crave so the book and the protein are worth like a hundred and some dollars yes and there's a couple extra bands thrown in there oh okay we have the weighted vest which is 140 does it come with... I want to know. I hope it comes with the weights. It has to come with the weights. Wait, a 10-pound or 20-pound? Mild weights. Very.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And, like, I'm going to go out on a limb. This looks, as a CrossFit coach, I see weighted vests from time to time. Guys, don't fucking buy this at all. This is a piece of shit. There's no fucking way that you can do anything in this. It's garbage. It's a waste of money unbelievable 140 for that too uh you have the agility ladder for 80 i would like to get a really really nice like super weighted vest that you can go really heavy with yeah that'd be good that's a good tool like more than 20 pounds or i have a couple guys that have the rogue ones that basically you they you put in huge steel plates that drops in,
Starting point is 00:15:48 in the front and the back, and they're pretty sweet. It borders on actually being body armor, even though the plate specifically says this is not body armor. Maybe crossing into the realm of overloading, though? That's where I would worry about the weight. Maybe stick with the 10-pounder. Don't get into overload. But what if the 10 pounds is even more than you've done before? That's where I'm worried.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Stick with the bands until you're strong enough. We have a 5-pound medicine ball. Please tell me they go heavier than this. Well, if it was heavier, though, it would probably cost a lot. Oh, we have up to 30 pounds. How much is the 30-pounder? Yeah, how much is the 30-pound medicine ball? Because the 5-pounder is $90.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I don't know what a medicine ball costs. $140. That's actually like. I don't know what a medicine ball costs. $140. That's actually like, I don't know how big. Yeah, that's not a terrible price for what you pay for those types of things. But I don't know if it's good. You have to assume it's better than Rogues, right? Certain. Because they don't know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I wouldn't buy a Rogue one just because they're way more expensive than the ones I got that are fine. And then we have the Performance Mat again, another $80. 80 bucks i like it well at least this is working for tom yeah what method or oh yeah the no load strength train okay so now that we know how to have the perfect body from not lifting weights so that we can all look like tom brady with 10 inch arms he did look way more jacked in that push-up picture than i picture that he actually i don't think tom brady looks jacked in real life that's i think that's a little bit doctored possibly anything that reduce and next uh number six promote anti-inflammatory responses in the body anything that reduces inflammation in our bodies including proper hydration healthy nutrition maximizes pliability
Starting point is 00:17:18 and accelerates recoveries to avoid self-inflammation, whether it's in your mind, body or spirit. Well, that's weird. So here, I think the big thing that they're trying to promote here is hydration. They even go on to make claims that if you are properly hydrated, you can't get sunburned, which has been disputed by science as being pretty much not true. That's a soft maybe. Yeah, we don't know. But they just go on to say that I think Tom Brady attributes a lot of his success in life to the amount of water he drinks. And, again, no one's going to say, like, yeah, you should probably lay off the water.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Like, that's not bad advice, but I think they maybe take it a little too far into how much he attributes to his water consumption. And I would say the absence of or the desire to totally eliminate inflammation. I do know that in recovery of injury, inflammation plays an important role. Like you don't like I'd be curious to hear. I kind of know Professor shanz's take on that and he would have been a good guy to have here for this people that uh overuse uh any inflammatory yeah non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like uh uh don't heal yeah because it's it's it's well that's your body that and inflammatory that's your body's healing responses to that what he's
Starting point is 00:18:44 talking about here would be chronic inflammation you know caused by dietary Yeah, that's your body's healing responses to. I would assume that what he's talking about here would be chronic inflammation, you know, caused by dietary things. And that is, I guess, but. Well, and just the drinking water is a good, I mean, of course. So Tom Brady wrote a book in which one twelfth of the principles is that you should drink water. I think he does go on to just say like how
Starting point is 00:19:03 he does drink insane amounts of water um oh actually he even does have proper hydration as a separate one coming up but two chapters in that first part uh you know what i think we i think we'll touch on this one later so we'll keep strolling along here number seven promote oxygen rich blood flow the blood that flows to your brain is the same blood that flows to your feet no shit you guys uh and everywhere in between it's not the one from the as though as though they don't as though your blood teleports um the more ways you can foster the circulation of oxygen rich blood and 100 muscle pump function full contraction and relaxation obviously again without overload uh in every part of your body the better so the more
Starting point is 00:19:47 your blood flows the better you are so that's good yeah i don't even really know what this chapter talks about but based off of that i would say it's talking about how to get more oxygen rich blood meaning just blood? Yeah. So next we have proper hydration. Drinking enough water every day, preferably with electrolytes, because if you've seen Idiocracy, it's what plants crave. It's essential for muscle pliability and optimal health. And there's Tom Brady.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Stop hydration. You can buy a case of water. Very daintily drinking a glass of water. A small glass of water. Yeah. So yeah, hydration. What do we have here? We have a jug of protein. For $54.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Do you know how many servings are in that jug of $54 protein? Let's find out. This is going to hurt my feelings. I think it is 20. Yeah. One pound. That is one pound for $54. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:20:42 That's the price of, you know, that's five pounds would typically be... Oh, it's also un. What the fuck? That's the price of, you know, five pounds would typically be. Oh, it's also unflavored, so joyless. But also, is this a hydration tool? I think this is more about supplementation. This is more about Tom's. It's more like the easiest supplement to sell someone, probably. So this is Mio. So, yeah, now we have the electrolytes which is a 15 bottle
Starting point is 00:21:06 oh ph balances your ionic trace minerals so this is another big thing in this is uh and they i guess it probably ties more to the nutrition side but when he talks supposedly they're really big into the ph balance and your alkali alkaline levels and uh we've even touched we've even touched on this in the show of uh before about people talking about how you need to balance out your system and it's like well but your body holds itself to such a tight regulation like if you start changing your ph you're gonna be in big trouble what is that that people drink hydrogen peroxide like hasn't i've seen someone say that before like take a shot a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to which is like poisonous i don't know it's just and now he has a nutrition package nutrition chapter and i assume that's there's a picture of certainly not any meat
Starting point is 00:21:57 so yeah this was the interesting thing about the nutrition option it says uh you should eat as much plant you know plant-based food as possible which no one's gonna argue with that plant-based food great um but then it goes on to say uh you should avoid carbs sugars and fats at all costs basically which means you eat just protein like are you gonna get 2 000 calories a day off of just protein no i think that's why tom brady's small and slow and makes his living standing in a pocket throwing a ball taking five step drops yeah uh yeah i don't know that's a great way to not have to be strong for sure i am certain that tom brady does not want his fucking offensive line eating that diet i'll
Starting point is 00:22:44 tell you that yeah if you look there's look, there's a lot of protein. There's plant-based protein bars in there that have a limited shelf life because they're plant-based. You have some, I think maybe even some meal plan options. Oh, look at this. Of course, protein bars, TB12 Crunch, grain-free granola snacks. This way you don't have to buy groceries. You can just give all that money to Tom Brady. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:23:08 The nutrition manual sold out. So next protein. That's why, you guys. He doesn't want you to eat all plant-based stuff. And then when you need extra protein, you just yeah his protein principle number 10 is so much overlap with all of this there really is there's like two there's actually six steps he just needed to make it 12 because that's number and yeah we're back to the same thing 54 bucks for one pound of 21 servings uh that step eight that you guys were talking about
Starting point is 00:23:45 reminded me of something that I've been meaning to ask you guys about. Do you guys really think that hydration is important? Tanner, I was waiting for someone to bring this up because hydration is one of the most important things to me. It's actually, I would say it's one of the most important things to Tom Brady. He wrote a book in which three chapters are about hydration. I think it's a thing with guys that go by the name Tom. They know the importance of hydration.
Starting point is 00:24:14 So from one Tom to another, I know what you're doing here. What's interesting is Tom Brady here is drinking out of this weak-ass little glass. Oh, my God. What is that, like 10 ounces? That's at best. It doesn't even look stylish. And what happens if it gets knocked over with all the intense physical activity that he does throughout the day? And do you think he even sells those that have the TB12 brand on it?
Starting point is 00:24:36 Well, but I mean just some different logos and color options to match, like, people's personal taste. Their wardrobe. Do you know of anything, Tanner? I was trying to think of something uh is there anything my tongue uh let me think about oh right here the uh flex flask by massonomics you know that looks like a pretty serious hydration tool yeah it's 41 ounces uh if you're into step eight of tb12 this would probably be a key. If you're into spending $150 on three bands, we'll sell you this for like $200. Or you could just buy like five of them for that
Starting point is 00:25:10 price. But in all actuality, you can get one of these from our store for $25. It holds 41 ounces, double wall, stainless steel, vacuum sealed. You can even put your wacky Tom Brady electrolytes in there that's true that like the amount that comes in his little bottle would probably last one serving of this well then you can give more money to tom but uh ours actually comes in three different designs here's our uh probably our most world famous we can wear your lift design and then what else do we got we got the straight og massonomics logo the m in black and white and then we have the we don't have it here with us but we do have the massonomics huge life logo the newest up-and-coming massonomics product yeah and that's available in black and white as
Starting point is 00:25:58 well if you buy that one you're able to kind of get out in front of uh you know what not that it's a bad thing but everyone knows this at this point. Like, that's a good thing. I look at that as a positive. Get that to fit in with the crowd for sure. You're going to be a loser. You don't want to look like a shithead. But you should get the huge life one so that you can be cooler
Starting point is 00:26:15 than the rest of those other people. Yeah, definitely. So maybe Tom Brady, maybe we've been going about this all wrong and shitting on Tom Brady this whole time. So that's just one of our steps. We have 11 other things to sell you here today, too. Well, we have like 36 steps because we believe in going bigger with this. To be huge is getting super dope hats and such.
Starting point is 00:26:35 That reminds me of the hats that we sell. The TB-12, the Tanner Baird 12. Yeah, we'll sell ours for $50 if that's the going rate. Anyway, go to You can get the Flex Flask. If you want to go to, just don't. Did we get through all of them? No, we didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I just saw a really good opening there. Next one. Like Tom Brady completing a pass. Saw a good opening and had to take it. All the way down the field. He got that because of six because of step 11 brain exercises neuroplasticity is all about generating and regenerating neural connections well would you actually say neuroplasticity is all about the proper buzzword in your apps or whatever you are promoting yes okay easily yep
Starting point is 00:27:22 um what about neural pliability? I think that's some kooky shit. That was probably the 13th one. Which happens only when we train our brains the same way we train our muscles, which is by not overloading and keeping it small. But if you wanted to, there's something called Brain HQ. Can you tell me a little bit more
Starting point is 00:27:41 about that? There's a whole thing. Is it free? Brain HQ. Honestly, I bet a little bit more about that? There's a whole thing. Is it free? Brain HQ. Honestly, I bet it is because he's doing this whole thing out of the kindness of his fucking heart. Oh, it's an app for your phone? Okay. Learn more. Do I learn more? Yeah, let's
Starting point is 00:27:56 learn more about this thing. How many pages do we have to click on here until you finally get to the bottom? Now this shit's going to pop up in my Facebook. point at the bottom first click now this shit's gonna pop up in my facebook you oh yeah yeah you've been infected by tom brady well me and giselle both uh it's not loading but uh from what i have heard the uh the the brain the brain hq is an app for your phone i believe it's 12 dollars a month or like 14.99 believe it's $12 a month.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I think it's like $14.99 a month. Or $15 a month. Or I think you can get it for a whole year for $95. Which is more than Netflix. And it's fun little activities you can do to keep your brain limber and moving. But also, if you are into science, I think you could do a little bit of research and find out that things like Brain HQ and whatever those other brain apps are haven't been shown to really have any correlation to. I think you probably would be.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Like an increased intelligence. Increased intelligence. Performance. But you'd be better off maybe reading a book and learning. Yeah. I think they say most benefits that you might pull from it tend to be placebo so keep that in mind when you're paying 15 bucks a month for his brain app that's a really good point though that time that you're using to do that you could just learn about you could read about a topic that you're interested in or even like find a movie about it or Or even maybe just buy a Sudoku book for $3.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I just do it out of the paper every day and it's free. So the final one, which kind of seems like they could have piled all this together. Brain rest, recentering, and recovery. The body and brain need rest, recentering, and recovery via sleep, meditation, or other balancing techniques that encourage the right mindset and recovery innovations such as tech-enabled sleepwear. I'm guessing that's going to come out for sale soon. I don't see it.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I don't see Tom Brady's tech-enabled sleepwear yet. Do you think he's wearing lipstick in that picture up there of him sleeping? It kind of looks like it. It's probably some special gloss ball that holds the moisture in. So, yeah. So there you guys have it. So what do you guys think? How much money are they making?
Starting point is 00:30:17 How many people are on board with this? Well, given that he's Tom Brady and he's on the Patriots and it's a fairly it's a successful team and a large market team i would just think there's a lot of people that um there has to be a lot of people buying this stuff i know those people the reason i found out about this is because someone i have on snapchat had it on their story that they were jacked to get this book and i was someone you have someone i have whoa and like, oh, I've got to look into this thing. What is this all about?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Did you know that person well? Not really, no. I've also seen this person talk about the importance of getting to a pretty heated Facebook argument about the importance of your blood pH levels. And then someone started sending some science-based articles, and then they said, well, you can't trust that. And it was that whole thing. Do you think we have any listeners that are hearing about this? You know, statistically? That doesn't sound that bad.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I was going to say, statistically, we probably have at least one listener that's bought this thing. I think if they're into our thing, that they are aware enough that they're – even if they don't care, if they've just had our podcast on in the background enough times, they probably know that this is on bull. And this has even gone on. The funny thing is, in my own words, that on here there's this article of the trainer,
Starting point is 00:31:35 how he literally has to, he had to put out an article this month defending himself because of all the fire he's coming under. Yeah, he got blasted by ESPNn and supposedly he's causing a lot of turmoil in the patriots organization but the important thing is if you're tom brady you're a pretty rich person you have a lot of people trying to get you in their corner you know what i mean so you can be a wacky kook of a trainer but if you can just get tom brady to trust you you're set for life which is you can blow smoke up you can blow smoke up Tom Brady's ass all the time, and as long as Tom Brady's feeling good
Starting point is 00:32:09 and the fucking gravy train's still moving forward, like, Tom Brady will still kick you 20 grand a month to keep him fucking drinking electrolytes or God knows what. Yeah. And then, like, this guy's just set. This guy got made for this. Yeah, he just got in. He just stuck his hand in Tom Brady's back pocket
Starting point is 00:32:28 and just hanging the fuck on until it all melts down. Something that reminded me of just an interesting aside is I heard about when Dennis Rodman was big with the Chicago Bulls, like, you know, 94, 95, 96, when they're on their run, winning three in a row, and he was there. He was obvious. I mean, everyone knows about Dennis Rodman and his
Starting point is 00:32:45 shenanigans and partying all the time and stuff but there's a story about uh this was one of one of the training assistants on the for the bulls at the time that uh they basically the bulls assigned him rodman was hurt and the bulls were on a long road trip. And so Rodman was back in Chicago still. And they assigned this trainer to stay with him and, like, essentially babysit him. But Rodman, like, took this guy under his wing. Just taught him the ropes. Yeah, and, like, private jet flying. They're like, do you want to go to a NASCAR?
Starting point is 00:33:20 Or, like, this guy liked NASCAR. And Rodman was like, all right, let's go. And he called his jet, picked him up. They flew therear and rodman was like all right let's go and he called his jet picked him up they flew there and it's like on the way there he's like uh do you want to drive the porsche or the lambo and he like flipped in the keys for whichever he chose but it ended up going on for like two or three years that this guy was just like rodman's dude yeah just like bro and and i've heard him talk about it how he said it was like the greatest time of his life.
Starting point is 00:33:45 And he was just basically a random guy that got to ride along on that for those years. I thought that was kind of funny. Just being in the right place at the right time. That'd be cool to be that guy. Much like this guy. Probably make a lot more money and not do it. Tom Brady got that death stare through them weak-ass arms of his. The most important question, though, Tommy, what do you think of the logo?
Starting point is 00:34:09 It's okay. I think it's confusing. It is confusing. Here's my confusion. It honestly looks more like a T13 than a 12. You've got to break it below. He doesn't have a graphic design guy like you. Not everyone can afford that in the budget.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah. I think they also have a, from what I hear, there is a TB12. What is this? TB12 or 13? 12. There's a TB12 training center. There is a training center for this, too, where you can go and all good things happen. And it seems to be another source for the Patriots of political issues within the organization and favoritism.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I see that he's going with the red and blue, white and black color scheme. Yeah, much like a team that he plays for. Oh, we're going to find out what all this has done to Tom Brady's physique. Tom Brady, athletically super average. I mean, he's not like obese or, you know, he's just like. But like, I think that if a guy really owns his nutrition to the point in which you should take advice from him, he probably should look a little better than that. You would say if you saw that, just if that was just a random guy you'd be like yeah get your probably he might like go to
Starting point is 00:35:28 it i would have been like he probably played sports in college would be my i would say no i would i would go as far as high school yeah because this was him after college yeah that is that's sad yeah so do you guys do you guys want to play devil's advocate with this thing now? Yeah, so what are the positives? How do you explain how long he's been in the league if this stuff doesn't work? He's a fucking champion. So this is the deal. We've kind of talked about this in other things before,
Starting point is 00:35:58 but people who are, like, really good professional athletes who are gifted either athletically or just tom brady has the will he's a gamer right like tom brady's the guy if you give him the fucking ball he's gonna fire it to the guy who it needs to go to and he's gonna you know he'll take a lick he'll take a hit right to the fucking face in order to put the ball downfield there may or may not be ball inflation issues along the way but but that doesn't mean that he is, like, should we take his advice on fucking real estate too? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:30 No. Have you seen his real estate portfolio? It's actually better than mine, I'm certain. So maybe. But some of these guys, they get this way because they are gifted, they have the will, they have all this. And I'm not saying Tom Brady doesn't work hard, but it seems like this is so far out.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Like Tom Brady's athleticism and overall health is not the reason why he's still in the game. See, I think this is because his... If people were to point out the longevity, I think you're looking at the wrong... Position. The wrong things here. Like, yeah, you can't take a running back or a linebacker.
Starting point is 00:37:01 They're never going to have longevity because their job is to basically get murdered every single play tom brady does not get touched is the besides like the punter like the least touched guy on the field you know and well he he missed an entire season due to injury at one point in time but a lot of like the one time he got touched is just luck of the draw though there's no like when you're playing a sport of football there's no other like you can't this is the luck of the draw to a certain When you're playing a sport of football, there's no other way. This is the luck of the draw to a certain extent that he hasn't got it. He's also been blessed enough to have the luxury of having a fairly decent offensive lineman to protect him throughout his career. And an organization that was competitive as an organization the whole time,
Starting point is 00:37:42 both because of him and also because they were were competitive they weren't you know they they didn't have to rebuild they had to keep a line there to keep them intact and i just i don't know i don't fucking get i got to find this uh this other quarterback here oh peyton manning he maybe should have applied this principle but peyton had a pretty long career. Yeah. Let's talk about someone possibly less athletic than Tom Brady. Yeah. But I'm trying to see. Here's in the NFL for this guy here.
Starting point is 00:38:14 James Harrison's been around a long time. Do you think he's followed this? That's more impressive. So I would take athletic advice from James Harrison, whose job is to kill or be killed. Well, and he's a freak in the gym. Like, he's strong as hell, you know? Yeah. If Tom Brady was selling quarterback training advice.
Starting point is 00:38:28 It makes sense. It makes perfect sense. Absolutely. That guy probably obviously knows. I feel like one of his principles would be have the Tom Brady sixth sense. Because there's some of these things you just can't quite pin down. It's like, play football for 30 years. And then you will know how to handle the situation.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Yes. You find an article here? I just want to throw out somebody else who had a very long career. 1998 to 2015. So we have 17 years in the NFL, Matt Hasselbeck. Yeah. I mean, just because he was a backup for 90 of those years like i don't know he's i'm certain he's faster than tom brady he might be in the same ballpark but like but it's one of the yeah i just
Starting point is 00:39:18 i just don't think that they're right it's like his longevity in the league you know granted brady's won the rings and such, but his longevity, which is what he's selling, he's not selling his championship rings here, but his longevity is based upon the fact that he didn't get hit either because he was not quite good enough to start, which I think is the best. That's what they should be selling here. You want a long career in the NFL to be good enough to get in and not good enough to fucking play.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah. Like a perennial backup. Hold a clipboard. The backup quarterback is also the most what typically the most well-liked position position in uh nfl anyways because on a poor team everyone's always rooting for the backup quarterback so you're one of the most beloved and if it's a good team they gotta like you because if the good guy gets hurt like they really need you to hold it down for a couple of games. But, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Tom Brady's getting a little far out of his realm of expertise as far as I'm concerned. And I don't think this is even him at this point. I think it's a trainer, and then there's a bunch of moving parts that know there's money. A bunch of marketing people that are like, yeah. Well, he didn't come up with any. Do you think he came up with one of those 12 things?
Starting point is 00:40:24 Do you think anything? And I think maybe some of those things have gotten stuffed down his throat by that kook trainer he's got. Well, in hindsight, he probably pitches some of those things now. But I don't believe for a second that Tom Brady's like, hey, I should drink fucking salt water or whatever it is this shit is. So I just, yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me. But that's our take
Starting point is 00:40:45 on the tb12 which is uh definitely go buy yeah so so uh basically in a nutshell five out of five stars would recommend to a friend yep tell a friend and uh buy their shit yeah and you can use a promo promo code massimomics to get uh 15 off everything full disclosure we are an affiliate if it doesn't work uh i need you to call tom brady directly tyler is almost uh tb12 method certified here so pretty soon it was as easy as my crossfit level one there's isn't there 12 levels though of the certification process a thousand bucks a piece yeah don't eat my hat we got a dog in here again just holding it down he's gonna hair up your shit but uh yeah so i don't know what is there anything else like that that you see getting thrown out there so what this makes me think of is when you see like
Starting point is 00:41:38 really high level athletes toting things that really don't seem to be based in science. It also reminds me of the endorsements you see with high-level athletes with like I think Herbalife has some soccer players, maybe some basketball players. I don't know. Or even like Rich Froning with Advocare. Yes, and it's like, Jesus Christ. Okay, yeah, I get it. You had to get some money, but like Rich Froning just at peak Advocare
Starting point is 00:42:08 when he was winning CrossFit games left and right? No. If he took protein shake, maybe. But people get on that Advocare shit, and they get like, well, I've got to take the whole thing, so I'm going to do the 30-day deal, and I've got 40 different products to fucking take over the course of this. It's just dog shit. I would rather just, I guess, spend my money with a company that's more concerned with my performance and not how many of
Starting point is 00:42:28 their products i'm selling exactly you know the other thing i think is interesting as far as like just just money grabs is what you see out there in the world of lifters which is people who are really good really talented lifter or just a personality that now sell programming yeah that's another one and you know that like if you're buying bradley martin's fucking arm program bradley martin is not writing that and sending that out there are people out there if they're selling a program they're super intelligent because there's this yeah there's the misconception that you have to be strong to be a good coach, to be a good strength coach, which is not true at all.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I would say that's why I would say don't take advice necessarily from the highest performing athlete. But with the Brady thing, I guess, again, we're shitting on his athleticism. So we're beating this around either way. But he's attributing his credibility to his longevity which is whatever but that that's no different than someone saying i squat a thousand pounds now let me tell you what to do but i'd be like well who taught you how to squat a thousand pounds who coached you through that because it's no different
Starting point is 00:43:39 than saying like bill belichick probably not a very good fucking football player right now or for the last 10 years and i don't think he really ever was and yet i don't know and yet a really really really good coach yeah you know yeah one of the best look at most nba coaches you know the best nba coaches are not hall of fame players same thing with guys that used to play in the nfl um you remember um what was the guy's name he coached for the Niners for a while, Hall of Famer. The black African-American linebacker for the Chicago Bears. Mike Singletary. Singletary, yeah. And he couldn't get a fucking team to do what he wanted them to do
Starting point is 00:44:17 if his life depended on it because he's a guy, as a coach, your job is to rally the other 90%, not your 10% who are just going to go out there and cut someone's head off for you. You got to get the other 90% not your 10% who are just gonna go out there and cut someone's head off for you you have to get the other 90% on board and he couldn't do that because he was in that 10% he was like well I don't understand you should just go out and fucking kill yourself and you should be better than everyone else kind of naturally a little bit that's just what I do yeah and so usually a great athlete does not translate into a great coach. That's not mutually exclusive, but that's why I always – but you see it now on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Everybody who's strong will sell programs. Or any girl that almost has a six-pack has a program they're selling. Just a program itself. A program, I guess, you probably can't fuck up. But they're certainly not writing it but but coaching there's some where i believe they are doing the coaching and there's others where it's like man that guy ain't answering them emails i know that guy can't even hardly write yeah they're right yeah well if you want a program just google there's a thousand programs
Starting point is 00:45:21 out like well if you want to pay for a program email email us at We'll charge you. We'll take your money. Yeah. I mean, give you a program. But coaching, on the other hand, if you're looking for good coaching, that can be found, and that's valuable. You know, there's a value to that.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Have you guys done any of that, any online coaching stuff through anybody? Who do we know that has? Thick Nick did through uh matt winning matt winning he was pretty satisfied with all of that wasn't he for the most part it was expensive i think he had his ups and downs like there was some that some things that worked really good for him and some things that i think he probably drew some things from it but ultimately decided not to continue he didn't continue yeah yeah but i think uh but i would say he there's value of the experience for you know know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And it's like anything else. It just may not have been for him, too. Right. Any remote coaching is hard. I couldn't imagine having to coach somebody hands-off from a thousand miles away from two videos a week. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And with that, like, you got to make sure, especially with this Tom Brady, this TB12 thing and with online coaching, like seek someone out because they are an expert and they are knowledgeable and they are like using scientific principles or something to try to find out or give you a reason why.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Like not don't just like fanboy over someone and be like, that's the person for me. Like, right. Because there's a big difference there. Like you got to you got to have a little bit of a I mean, you got got to be critical with this a little bit, put some thinking forward. Speaking of critical thinking, I don't have anything to say. Did we ever talk about our bar situation,
Starting point is 00:46:57 how we have them now? I don't know if we did, but people would probably want to know. A formal announcement. Relax, everyone. We did receive the Kabuki Strength Power Bar and Duffalo Bar. It took well over a month. We've had them a couple weeks now.
Starting point is 00:47:13 This was over the holiday season. Yeah. And that's exactly why they took so long. And they had big sales. I wouldn't imagine it would take that long if you ordered one now. I would think. It was just starting to turn into the mystery of when are these just gonna magically show up here yeah what uh what are your thoughts on them tanner what are your thoughts tommy well i haven't used maybe talk about the duffalo bar okay yeah i can't talk about the duffalo and i
Starting point is 00:47:39 never used the bow bar either yeah the duffalo bar in comparison to our you know not cheaper brand buffalo bar or bow bar is i mean it you can it's a world yeah you can just just look at them like the craftsmanship on it looks really good yeah it's and it depends on what you really need or want like i'm not saying to go out and buy a 500 500 or 600 bar just because it's really nice i mean if you if you're a person who has one bar and this is gonna be your second bar and buy a $500 or $600 bar just because it's really nice. I mean... If you're a person who has one bar and this is going to be your second bar, I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Like maybe get... Because how much is a regular bow bar or the buffalo bar? $220 or something like that. The quick thing is it... It's over twice as expensive. Yeah, is it over twice as good? Probably not. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:23 It's a lot better, but you don't get twice the utility out of it. No, but it is. I would say it is a way better made bar. It'll last you longer. The knurling is infinitely better. It's actual knurling. Yeah, infinitely better. The knurling on the Bow Bar, the Buffalo Bar, is a fucking toy bar.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah. It's like Walmart cap strength, like Dick's Sporting Goods, shitty, shitty, shitty but it it you know it holds up to you know i don't the buffalo bar we both had our squats on those fucking bow bars and it's held up to you know i'm sure you could put well over 700 pounds on it and it would there wouldn't be any issues with it but it doesn't stay on your back as well the buffalo bar with the knurling sits better on your back and stays there more adequately i have and it has a little more drastic of a curve yeah more of a curve and then because of that it's less wide yeah and it has like a little bit it actually ran actual flat
Starting point is 00:49:16 and well i think it actually goes up yeah so where the sleeves are it does go up meaning you don't have the trouble of loading it like i at least on the rack i squat in where it's going to shift over and dump the weights um so i do like that loading it's a lot easier it seems to sit on my back a lot easier my one complaint is that just like i can't i have to actually my pinky is on the sleeve on it now because because of that difference it's there's not as much room between my hand because i grab outside the rack yep and so there's not as much room it's not quite as wide as the buffalo bar though yeah so it's just not quite as wide there um so but that is what it is i mean it still feels good the buffalo bar always felt like it was going to dump down the back yeah like i really i ended up
Starting point is 00:49:59 really assuming yeah a much more forward position on that than i normally would just to keep it on your back but the uh but the duffalo really feels good i mean that's a nice looking bar it's it's a better bar it is one of the coolest looking bars in the gym i will give it that for sure it just it looks good and the the power bar i really haven't used it much i i deadlifted light with it one day and that's all i've done with it but same way it's you can tell just by looking and feeling it that the quality is yeah you know as high as anything my biggest surprise with it is so the closest comparison we have to it in the gym would be the rogue yeah ohio power without the ipf spec ohio power power bar and uh the biggest difference there is the rogue bar the knurling has way more of a bite
Starting point is 00:50:47 to it like it's a really really aggressive knurling on the on the rogue bar whereas this bar the knurling is really nice it's just it's a finer not as aggressive knurling and i think you're talking about how chris duffin said he's holding the most weight he's ever held in his hands with this and at first i thought like that doesn't even seem possible there's not enough bite to keep it in your hands but then i also thought like i'm not a guy i've never held i've never held 600 pounds in my hand you know i've never held 700 pounds in my hand i can see how if you get up high enough that that really aggressive knurling might be more of a problem a hindrance because because it's just ripping stuff
Starting point is 00:51:22 so it's totally possible that someone out there i'm sure listening has more of an insight on this that that's slightly less aggressive aggressive knurling is like the perfect mix for really really heavy deadlifts the little bit i did deadlift with it i just thought the knurling it was just different i don't even know how to describe it but it just feels it's a little bit different yeah i Yeah. I don't know what the word, the word I keep using is just finer. It's hard to say. All in all, I've heard people say that they like it better than the Rogue Ohio Power Bar.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And I've heard people say that they actually kind of prefer the Rogue Ohio Power Bar in comparison to, so. Yeah. Which is actually probably a good reason to have both. Absolutely. You know what I mean? But,
Starting point is 00:52:04 or, or if you can, if you're're on if you're on a budget maybe then the it's get the rogue one that's a couple hundred dollars cheaper you know just but i mean for us to have both yeah we have some people that prefer a and some prefer b and they both use the really slim collar you know that's like is it even an inch across it's small yeah so like that is a thing. If you have a wide rack. In our setups in the gym, I hate squatting with both of those bars because it doesn't give the plates enough clearance from the rack.
Starting point is 00:52:32 And the rack that you squat in is the widest, too. Yeah, it is. Do you squat in the white one or the black one? Yeah, the white one when you first walk in the door. So, unless you have the most perfect straight step back, your weights will hit on the rack coming in and out and throw you off. But just something to think about depending on your setup. Bench, though, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:53 I love it for bench. I use it for deadlifts, too. It was great for deadlifts. It seems really nice, too. And, again, the quality is top notch. Also very expensive. Like you're certainly going to pay for it they probably don't have that uh that rogue scale of uh economy of scale there where they produce thousands of bars or they can maybe bring that price down a little more some people i know would scoff at
Starting point is 00:53:14 how expensive it is thinking that it's overpriced and you know with what our situation is with uh massonomics gym it it's oh it's okay for us to get that. And it's not, uh, you know, it fits into our budget. Yeah. And it makes sense because we have a lot of people that want to use stuff like that. Well,
Starting point is 00:53:32 but I do understand the point. Like if you're just at home in a garage gym, yeah, you might not need to spend $600 on a bar. if you were trying to make a living out of massonomics gym, it'd be like, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:42 we don't need this. Right. Right. But also the workout place you go to probably has machines that cost thousands of dollars that get used less than this bar yeah will for sure so i don't know i i'm a i really really do like the duffalo bar i won't use the bow bar now that the duffalo's around right basically right um and that's probably going to be the case forever yeah i would say they're definitely premium products um if you have your own garage gym i totally would understand never buying one of them um but yeah if you have the
Starting point is 00:54:18 option to i don't think it's a bad if you if you have money that's like just burning a hole in your pocket and you like shit that's awesome, it's fucking awesome. Yeah, right. You know what I mean? It's no different than someone driving an $80,000 fucking Escalade. True. Dude, why'd you buy that? You could buy a fucking Ford Focus for $15.
Starting point is 00:54:34 You could have a fleet of Focuses. But this is awesome. And that's all you have to say. It is awesome. And this bar is awesome. Escalade's pretty sweet, too. It's hard to argue with that. Well, I think that's about all we've got through for today.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Is this episode 93? So we have just a few to go until 100. Did you guys have any 100th episode ideas? I had one. I see what you guys. I haven't come up with anything yet. I haven't even thought about that yet. I think one of the two of you for sure would think that this would be a funny idea.
Starting point is 00:55:05 The other one of you, I'm not sure if you'd like the idea as well yet or not. But I've never seen Tyler without a beard before. Oh, that's not happening. He could shave his beard on air. Yeah, yeah. That won't happen. It could be the shaving of Tyler Stone, episode 100. Especially because we have to go to the Arnold, and I cannot look like that.
Starting point is 00:55:24 We'll just wax you down from Medito. But yours probably grows back pretty quick. Yeah, but we would be starting from a very... Actually, that's not happening. I was actually surprised. I looked at the... We could start a donation account. Like, what if we got enough money donated?
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yeah. If I was literally... Like, if we hit $50, would you do it? Oh, no, no. You would honestly... $55? For me to go clean-shaven, I don't think I would do that for less than a couple thousand dollars. That was true.
Starting point is 00:55:48 I look like a fat teenager. I was going to say, I was amazed when I think I was just looking at that photo in the gym of when we moved the gym. Oh, yeah. And you have just barely a beard there. Yeah, that's like what I'll do. You always look like a different person the first time I see you. I was like, oh,ler tyler didn't really have a beard before like to me in my mind you've always had this beard yeah yeah and then you look
Starting point is 00:56:09 at that well every time after you first shave when i first see you i'm like jesus who's this guy like he looks like a loser it just cuts it's just like if you came in and had a you know a buzz cut it'd be like are you the same person i know or is that a trust yeah it's like you have to start overbuilding your relationship what about all those times we had together do they not count no i uh like like i would i would i trim it down but i never go clean shaving yeah and i trim it down i'll take like a number four and i'll buzz it all down and that's like what you would see there but i do that like a few times a year yeah you know yeah just Just because I can't manage tidying it up. I let it get out of hand, and then I take it down.
Starting point is 00:56:50 It's kind of like that one time Larry actually went clean-shaven. And it was like, who the hell are you? And since then, he hasn't been clean-shaven again. So, yeah, that one's not going to work. What about Tommy shaving his head? See, that can't work. Let's do both. Why didn't you pull me?
Starting point is 00:57:05 Cause I've had this longer. I'll do both things. You guys each do the one and I'll shave my face and my head. No. So we're gonna have to start with something different. Let us know your ideas. Yeah. If you guys have ideas for what we should do for our hundredth episode,
Starting point is 00:57:20 let us know. That would actually be the best way to go about it. Yep. Um, yeah, I don't really have any good ideas we should also though ever with the people requests we should say thank you for uh people getting after kaylor woolham a little bit he did did finally kind of admit to wearing that lift hat every day of his life he posted uh on his instagram story posted a picture of the hat
Starting point is 00:57:42 and said that uh i don't know what he tagged us or something in there and uh then in his most recent post he was bench pressing wearing the hat and he tagged us in that also so that paid off kudos to I know Big Brad you out there and that's the first one that comes to mind that uh said something could work yeah are we sitting with Google or uh podcast reviews oh I was just, I was just going to check that. I meant to check that on my way over today, and I forgot to, so we'll see if my phone works. Is the counter still so high that iTunes has trouble keeping track of it?
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yeah, it's continually moving. Has it rolled back over to one again? No, it's not working right now. Yeah, it's rolled probably back around to like 52. We've broke a million, and they reset you. you yeah i'll see if i can pull it up yeah mine says can't connect right now so it's doesn't like me dungeon but i assume we have 51 ratings okay well that's that is correct that's the most recent yeah so we haven't hustled for that for a while because we probably realized it doesn't matter that much and 51 is a decent number if you click on it it uh looks pretty good but it really does
Starting point is 00:58:49 matter so if you could leave us a five-star review we would really appreciate it and leave us a an interesting comment along with it and we'll love to read it on air yeah i like that we're on a streak for there there for a while getting a lot of good people on a hot streak people were lighting that thing up let's bring it back yeah i don't have uh yeah i think we're like did someone did you read the bowling one have we got that one on air yeah yeah yeah it's a good one okay all right we'll move on i went through i couldn't find anything i was reading some of the old ones i forgot how good they were yeah so be like those old step up your game guys so um but that'll do it for us today uh make sure you go to there you're going to find our
Starting point is 00:59:35 store you can find the massonomics flex flask in six different designs colors styles uh you can get all of our hats shirts including these super dope crew neck that uh tanner's got on uh what other hats do we have none of the ones that we've got but uh on are available for sale but there's a lot of cool ones all the cool ones all the cool a lot of ones with this logo yeah with our massonomics logo uh we got shirts hats banners the lift banner the weekend warrior banner is taken off it's back in stock again, but it's probably not going to be in stock again for that long because we're down to a few in inventory again. So it's a good price for a pretty cool banner that you can hang up in there.
Starting point is 01:00:13 And they are showing up in the greatest gyms across America. Basically, yeah. They're surfacing everywhere. Yeah. So make sure you check all that stuff out there. You can also find all of our articles, videos, and all the other good content we put out. Make sure you go to forward slash massonomics. Make sure you subscribe all that stuff out there. You can also find all of our articles, videos, and, all the other good content we put out. Make sure you go to forward slash massonomics. Make sure you subscribe to the channel.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Um, we still have videos from last year's Arnold that I know y'all haven't looked at yet. Um, and you better check those out cause we're going to hustle pretty hard at the Arnold this year again. So get caught up on those before we drop all that new shit on you. Um, Facebook, like us on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Help us get over, next 1,000 mark. Yeah, we've got to get to 200,000. It's going to be a big number here. So get us over 200,000 followers on Facebook. It's important to us. We're within like 100, so it could happen by tomorrow. So once we cross that hump, I'd like to get that done before we get to our 100th episode. It would be nice.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Get over 200,000 followers. I'd like to get that done before we get to our 100th episode. Yeah. It would be nice. Get over 200,000 followers. Yeah. So then if you need to get at us with any business stuff, if you want to send us money, sponsor the show, send us money or also send us money,
Starting point is 01:01:14 you can send us money to Do we accept Bitcoin yet? No. We only take real money because we're humans. Okay. You mean I can't buy drinks at the bar with Bitcoin? You can try. I'll just get you one sometime.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I owe you one from that last thing. Yeah, that works. Speaking of that, guys, I got the Airbnb. Oh, yeah. So if you guys want to get me a drink or maybe pay me for that. I thought I told you I would get you a drink sometime. Is that how that works? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Fuck. Yeah. Anyway. I thought we were on the drink sometime. Get you like a croissant which in the airport or something. I'll be set. They have the double now, by the way. Double croissant which.
Starting point is 01:01:49 But that'll do it for us today. You can follow us all on Instagram. I'm Tyler. You can follow me at Tyler F. and Stone. That's Tyler EFF, I am Stone, and Tommy. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanny. The Massanomics Instagram account at Massanomics.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Alrighty. Thanks a lot for listening, everybody. We'll talk to you next week, and stay strong. Later. See ya. Massanomics Instagram account at Massanomics. All righty. Thanks a lot for listening, everybody. We'll talk to you next week, and stay strong. Later. See ya. Massanomics. You just heard the Massanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Massanomics, and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Massanomics gear. From your friends at Massanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet massanomics gear. From your friends at massanomics studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Thank you.

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