Massenomics Podcast - Episode 3: Do You Even Eat, Bro? Pt. 1

Episode Date: April 25, 2016

Massenomics Breakfast of Champions  In Part 1 of our "Do You Even Eat, Bro?" series, we cover our own nutritional habits. This week it's all about the big guys. Tanner talks about how he stays hug...e, and Tyler talks about how he got less huge. Tommy's path to hugeness will be the focus of next week's Part 2. Give it a listen. And don't forget go to iTunes and give us a 5 star rating.  Stay strong.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. All right, you're live from Massanomics Studio, Massanomics Podcast. I'm Tyler. Next to me is Tanner.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Hey, everybody. And across the way is Tommy. What up? Okay, so today we're going to talk about food. Mainly we're just going to talk about what we eat. None of us are doctors. We don't even pretend to be doctors. So this is just kind of like what we do, some things we've found, stuff like that, stuff we've learned.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Your email does say Dr. Kyler Solman. That is true. Yeah, yeah. I actually do claim to be a doctor. I've been lied to for so long. But I certainly am not. But like all of us have either come a long way or, you know, are, you know, working on it. So it's kind of best to learn from somebody's experience instead of just kind of trudging through the wrong direction for forever by yourself. So to start out with, I guess we're just going to kind
Starting point is 00:01:25 of go through a little bit of what, what we eat in a day. Um, a couple of us, you know, Tanner and I both are probably larger than the average person for sure. Um, you know, I sit just a shade under 300 pounds. Tanner, where are you at now? I'm six three about 270 275 somewhere in there yeah so depending on the day it could be a five pound difference but depends on the shit yeah the day or how how recently he was at the toilet um so i think uh you know so so if when we're telling you like what what tanner eats like if you're trying to lose weight maybe that's not uh the diet to get on but if you're trying to get stronger and maybe that's not a diet to get on. But if you're trying to get stronger and you're having a hard time gaining weight, you're having a hard
Starting point is 00:02:08 time putting on muscle, like you might as well start there. Like, you know, if you're eating half what Tanner eats and wonder why you don't get big, why don't you eat, eat as much as he eats and then see what happens before you just decide that it's impossible. But, um, let's just kind of run through Tanner. Like, what do you do? You know, let's just kind of run through tanner like what do you do you know let's just go through like a what you eat in a day just a generic run-of-the-mill day i don't care if we say food quantities or how much specific protein or whatever you do yep i'll i'll tell you kind of what i do and then the the reasoning behind it and my reasoning like you said we're not doctors mine's not very uh scientific but
Starting point is 00:02:45 uh i can kind of explain why it is that i do what i do uh and just a average day or almost every day my breakfast is exactly the same and there's a lot of routine in everything of my eating it's it's all routine and it's all similar repetitive shit uh but morning breakfast, it would be, I usually have five whole eggs, four egg whites, so kind of nine eggs, uh, and then a cup of oats. And then inside of that, I throw in, uh, usually a scoop of some flavor, flavor of protein powder, uh, probably a couple tablespoons of peanut butter, and then some sort of fruit in with that usually a whole banana or a handful of strawberries that's my measurements are usually like a handful very very scientific so that's probably definitely enough to make you full you know like yeah you're full when you eat breakfast for sure yep that and then i guess
Starting point is 00:03:42 on top of that i always have i usually throw spinach leaves like because my eggs i just scramble them so i throw spinach leaves in there i don't really count those as anything like the i don't like vegetables that much so anyway i can force myself to just yeah just throw them in with the eggs and then then i usually have a i always have a meat source too so bacon or sausage sometimes turkey bacon sometimes regular bacon just depending on how fat i feel like i am how much of that uh i usually have three or four strips if it's bacon you know i usually have more turkey if it's turkey yeah then i have more it's like two large ham yeah yeah yeah so so that's a normal breakfast and i i eat that at about 6 30 or 7 a.m do you have any idea if your calorie count on that and i don breakfast, and I eat that at about 6.30 or 7 a.m.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Do you have any idea of your calorie count on that? And I don't know for sure what that is. I'm pretty positive. See, I used to track everything in MyFitnessPal. This was like probably four or five years ago. I did that pretty religiously for about six months, and at that point in time, I had it down pretty good. I knew my calories pretty well. I don't know what that is, but i had it down pretty good i i knew my calories pretty
Starting point is 00:04:46 well and uh i don't know what that is but i think it's over a thousand calories i would say yeah probably for sure yeah that's it's something over a thousand i don't know what it comes out to be but i should probably figure out what it is so you don't you don't you don't specifically track your your protein carbs right now and you don't really worry about that no i don't track it but i i have before and i think that gave me at least a an idea enough of an idea and an understanding of what i'm eating and what's in it as far as the macronutrients too and that that's kind of where i've been at lately is i i track pretty specifically what i eat for carbs protein um i usually kind of just let the fat fall where it falls. But I think,
Starting point is 00:05:27 you know, there, I stopped, I only use the fitness pal stuff when I'm preparing my meals ahead of time. So that way, I know that I am on target. But that's kind of just to set up a, you know, the learning process for me to get used to how many, you know, how much I should be eating, you know, what that should look like. And cause I think if you do have to enter every single food item, it's a huge pain in the ass. It's unsustainable. You're not going to keep doing it. So it's just. For anyone to do it for a little while though, isn't a bad idea. Yeah. You'll know how far off the rails you are for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yep. For sure. So that's a, that's a big, big breakfast. Yeah, it was a big. What time is that? I like eating, so that's no problem for me. And I really like breakfast food and eggs. I love eggs. So all that's easy for me to do.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And what do you do? What do you have for liquids with this? That's a good point. Just as important as my eating and my routine is with that, my drinking water routine is just as scheduled and regimented pretty much. And I basically never drink less than a quart of water at a time. Like that allows me to keep track of it. And I just slam it, you know, I chug it. It's like, so I wake up in the morning. And I just slam it. I chug it.
Starting point is 00:06:43 So I wake up in the morning. The first thing I do, I do this with my breakfast there. I slam a quart of water. So then before the day's even started, because I'm shooting for two gallons of water every day. So that's just, I do that eight times and then I'm there. Which is enough to like, I think there's a lot of people that hear two gallons of water a day and go what the fuck are you saying because i actually just read a deal through on some facebook ad here this week some article somebody wrote where they drank up they made it sound like they drank a whole gallon of water a day for a month and it was like this huge experience for him and it was like he was peeing all the time and he could and and you know my target i specifically hit no less than a gallon
Starting point is 00:07:25 of water a day yeah now if but the problem is if i don't try like you said you drink a quart at a time because if i don't have a one gallon jug with me at work just sitting there it's got to be full i won't know if i got it in and if i don't if i'm drinking a little here a little there i can go way way way off track yeah um so that's a lot of damn water tanner yeah i pee a lot you know at work i'm sure they're like god that guy goes to the bathroom all the time are you are you drinking very much like do you have coffee in the morning too that would be my next thing so that's my breakfast is there juice with breakfast nope is there a protein shake with breakfast no i throw protein powder in the uh oats is there milk with breakfast nope is there a protein shake with breakfast no i throw protein powder in the uh oats is there milk with breakfast i throw a little bit of that in with uh the oats too but
Starting point is 00:08:13 not very much so really the only liquid at breakfast yeah it's just water yep yep that's actually the only liquids that are ever in my diet basically are water milk and like black coffee yeah you know i don't drink pop i don't drink diet pop or anything like i mean i'll have i haven't had a pop like a soda in probably five plus years like even one like even like a little bit of one i just don't i don't crave it though even so it's not i don't care. I haven't had a pop that didn't have booze in it in a year, for sure. But, yeah, and that's interesting, too, because I don't – same deal as when I started trying to clean up a little bit. I basically – yeah, I drink water, and that's about it.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah. I'll drink some almond milk not because of any health reason where i choose almond milk over regular milk but because almond milk is fucking delicious i've never i've never had it before i don't know what i'm missing the there's a little bit of a trade-off because you got i i really like the regular flavored almond milk so there's a little bit of sugar they also they make it is it sweeter is that yeah they make an unsweetened almond milk it's not as good it's because that's just almond water is what that is but it's good it's a treat i got a fridge full of it we'll get into some here at the break but yeah i don't know it's good it's like when you're a kid it's my chocolate milk you know
Starting point is 00:09:40 okay it's just good a tall glass of almond milk is on point as far as I'm concerned. Well, so then let's talk about meal frequency then, Tanner. So you crush a pretty huge breakfast. And how long is it before you start eating again? Then three hours, three, three and a half hours I would eat again. And I don't know if you call it a meal or a snack. A bodybuilder probably calls it a meal. They kind of call everything a meal. But I just call it eating again.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So that will be at about 10 or 10 30. I'll eat again. And that can vary what it is, but a pretty typical day would be a Greek yogurt. And I throw peanut butter in there because I eat plain Greek yogurt. And if anyone's ever had that before, uh, not going to set your world on fire. That's for sure. The first time I, i guess that's a funny story i used to think that plain meant vanilla i in the world of yogurt exact same thing first time i read greek yogurt this is supposed to be healthy yeah i was like i get played i'm like oh this is gonna be a real turning point in my life and i eat it i'm like what is this what type of trick is someone pulling on me here yeah plain. Plain does not mean vanilla. Plain means fucking sour cream, basically.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah, yeah. And actually, that's something we'll use as sour cream as a replacement. Yeah. So that's what I do. I don't know what the measurement is. I buy it in the big tubs, and I eat about a fourth of it at a time. Do you have a fridge at work that you keep? Yeah, I take it.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Your own personal mini fridge? No, no. It's kind of like my own personal large fridge. So that's what I'll have that with some peanut butter in there, a couple tablespoons of that because I like peanut butter, and it makes the Greek yogurt bearable. Always creamy, never chunky. I'm chunky.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I'm always chunky. We're done. Okay. This podcast is over. Even extra chunky. I go with the chunky too. Get a little more in there. Brand wise, I can do it all though.
Starting point is 00:11:37 It all pretty much tastes good. I don't even want to talk about chunky peanut butter right now. I hate chunky. It's like eating gravel paste. I'm not into that at all. Like a bag of nuts. Exactly. We're going to move on.
Starting point is 00:11:53 It's going to get contentious in here. So is that it? No, that and then a piece of fruit of some sort. I like those little tiny oranges. I don't know what the hell they're called. Clementines? Yeah, I think that's what it is. So I'll eat like maybe a couple of those or another banana or an apple and then usually like a string cheese or some almonds and you know like a fistful of almonds so that would
Starting point is 00:12:16 be what i eat around 10 or 10 30 and then i i also have another quart of water at that point in time. So now I'm up to half a gallon on the day and that's at like 1030. And then I wait, I eat lunch a little later than since I just kind of ate at 1030 there, I usually eat lunch at about 1245 or one o'clock. And that varies more than my breakfast is always exactly the same, but lunch depends a little bit on like what the wife's cooking. And you have to plan ahead because you take your lunch to work. Yeah i i have a little bit of a commute to work so i bring my lunch every day so we have a freezer full of meals for myself that are just waiting there for me and i grab whichever one i want for that day and you know each one probably weighs about a like i can measure oh i can measure mine in in weight probably is the best way and each one probably weighs about a like i can measure oh i can measure mine in in weight
Starting point is 00:13:07 probably is the best way and each one probably weighs about a pound uh-huh and uh it's usually it's always a meat base like that's my requirement with my wife you can make whatever you want as long as the base and the largest quantity in there is meat at least 40 40 meat yeah so a lot of time beef chicken or pork like it's an even split between the three i'd say and then some sort of carb source with it it could be mashed potatoes or brown rice or white rice i don't give a shit between the two or whatever it is i you know so i'm not too picky it's just gotta it's gotta be a large quantity and it's gotta be meat and have a decent carb source and that's about all I care about for lunch. And it's got to keep you full a little bit.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I mean, you can get the same amount of calories. You could eat a couple Snickers bars and be there too, but you're still going to have to eat. So, yeah, that's kind of pretty similar to what I do too. It's got to be meat, a lot of carbs, but as long as you keep it clean, you can still eat a ton of food. So you're not always hungry. For sure. If you're trying to stay on top of your shit, being hungry is not the way to do it. No, and I'm rarely ever hungry. There's got to be something odd going on in my life to where I'm like, man, I'm pretty hungry right now. I haven't eaten for a while. It's got to be a pretty not typical day for that to happen.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And then do you have a pretty similar afternoon snack then? Yep, afternoon that, you know, about 3.30 or so. I guess with lunch I have another quarter of water, so then I'm up to three quarters of a gallon. And then at 3.30 or so I'll have another quarter of water, so that's my gallon by about 3.30 in the afternoon. Do you have a quart container? Yeah. That's what I just carry around with me all the time. have another quart of water so that's my gallon by about 3 30 in the afternoon container yeah
Starting point is 00:14:45 that's what i just carried around me all the time i actually had to wash it the other day because it had been like quite a while see i did that same thing you just use the same water bottle just keep using this and it's yeah how long have i gone without sterilizing this object in any way i wiped my finger around like on the inside of it a little loop and I was like that looks kind of green like on my finger. So I got that good and sterilized but yeah I use that all the all day long you know that same thing basically and then but that afternoon meal or snack whatever you want to call it will be about the same as that earlier one you know usually I usually have almonds or some sort of nuts then and maybe a string cheese again.
Starting point is 00:15:29 You know, it's not a ton of food, not a ton of calories there, but just, I don't know. And that eating all day long, like I do, you know, the multiple meals things, I don't think you have to do that in order to reach the size goals you do. You know, that's a common thing in bodybuilding. I think it's where that started. A lot of that is bodybuilders have to eat every two hours or three hours. And as a powerlifter, I don't think it's as important, but it's the easiest and most convenient way for me to be.
Starting point is 00:15:59 That's what I like to do. That's the reason I do it is because I like to do it like that. You know, I like to be able to eat every few hours or so. Plus, it would be overwhelming to have to eat that much in one sitting. You know what I mean? If you ate your breakfast and your morning snack at the same time, that would be… I couldn't hardly. It would be too much.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah, it would be too much. So that's why I don't think for nutritional timing that I have to do it the way I do it. It's just what I like to do and what works out for me. Yeah. So then what about, do you eat anything again like pre-workout or? Yep. Is your eating, now is your workout days, is your eating schedule different in the afternoon versus non-working out days? Up to this point, it wouldn't be any different yet. You know, it would basically be exactly what I've done so far, um, whether I'm lifting that
Starting point is 00:16:51 day or not lifting. So, so far it wouldn't be any different, but then the rest of the day would change a little bit on non-working out days, because if I'm lifting, I usually lift around 6 o'clock. So I just ate at 3.30, but I feel like I need to eat something again by the time I get there to go to the gym again. So I'll have a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk, something like that. In my head, I'm thinking, I'm going to the gym to squat 500 pounds. I need to have more fuel in the tank, so that's what I'll do. But if I'm not, it's not training day, I wouldn't eat that meal. I would cut that out. So then post-workout.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yep, post-workout. Everyone talks about the timing window or the nutrient timing window, whatever that is. And I don't know if I gave a crap about that or not, or, you know, I don't know if that makes a difference with my body or not, but I, I eat pretty, pretty close after I get done working out. Cause that's supper time at our house. So I, I come home and, uh, we eat then and it would be a, a meal that's meat based again. And it could vary depending on what we're cooking. You know, a lot of times it'd be something on the grill.
Starting point is 00:18:10 There's a pattern here. Yeah. As long as it's meat. So we would throw that down and quantity wise would be similar to what I eat for lunch. And I usually have a protein shake with that too. You know, and my protein shake would usually be I don't know a couple cups of milk and one or two scoops of protein and then I have another quart of water there and while I was at the gym I had another quart of water
Starting point is 00:18:37 so I'm uh that finishes out my two gallons when suppertime there. And that would be about the last time I eat. Unless I stay up later, then I'll eat again at like 10.30 or something. Because I'm like, ah, damn, it's been a few hours. Like I'll have a little something again. The urge comes calling. So that would be a typical day. And I don't know what the calories comes out to exactly. But based off of when I used to track, I think it's like 5,000 is a right around 5,000 so give or take uh what exactly I eat that day I
Starting point is 00:19:11 think it's you know four to six is probably a pretty normal day four to six thousand calories that's awesome yeah yeah I hit about 3,000 and but I'm i'm kind of i'm trying to lose some weight still i'm trying to like you know i have i have like the worst combination of conflicting goals right now this is like i want to get bigger and leaner and stronger and more mobile and jacked and tan and you know all at the same time yeah so it's uh it's a bit it's a bit of a, a bit of a process for me. So, so I'm kind of eating, eating a fair amount, but I eat, I eat a lot of mass. I keep it pretty clean, just keep the calories low, but I eat a lot of mass still, you know, I go through about, you know, I'm a little bit heavier than Tanner, but I go through, you know, every meal I have is about 75 grams of
Starting point is 00:20:02 carbs, 65 grams of protein, which is basically, which is basically my breakfast is half a dozen eggs, basically two white potatoes, and four ounces, five ounces of sausage. It's a hefty meal. I do the same thing, a mid-morning snack, about the same size, same type of stuff. We're pretty similar. I think your quantities are just a little bit higher a little bit higher than mine and it's probably just the difference in what we're trying to do because I'm not trying to lose any weight like if I was like dang I am probably a little too fat or a little fatter than I want to be right now I would have to cut some things back there but I right now I'm okay with it and my main focus is strength
Starting point is 00:20:45 so i want to be as big as i can to be as strong as i can you know within certain guidelines or without getting overly it's just fat is just a an idea in my head of how fat i think i am it doesn't necessarily matter what the scale says or anything like that but just just the eye test of being like ah that's probably enough i can cut this you know and i've experimented different things like that like maybe i won't eat my oats in the morning you know i'll cut that out and see if that'll make me a little leaner uh you know i won't eat these bananas like i'll eat something with less sugar you know because i eat a lot of fruit because i don't care about sugar and carbs and stuff like that i just i just care about foods that I think are like, I like whole, like real food.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And I, otherwise I don't care if it's a sugary banana or stuff like that. You know, it's all, I just justify that it's good, a good for you food, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I think, um, that's another thing that a lot of people, you know, I have a hard time like listening to something, you know, oh, you eat. That's a lot of fruit. Well, that's an awful lot of sugar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And it's like, well, I mean, if. If people don't get fat off of eating apples. Yeah. It's like, oh, I gorged on 50 apples and I just gained 30 pounds last month. Yeah. I can't stop. If the amount of oranges i'm eating in a day is what's making me fat then i just need to work hard yeah for sure so yeah that's kind of what i
Starting point is 00:22:11 what i think too is you know you just eat the most like legit real food you can when you when you when you're in control you know and that's that's the key for me is like most of the meals most of the meals most people eat are like i'd consider boring meals where you're just it's just you getting some food in you while you're on your lunch break or you know just trying to get and you don't got to eat like a goddamn king like not you know like why does everything have to be such a great treat all the time not everything is delicious yeah like a lot of times i'd just be eating like ground beef with some sort of seasoning or flavor on it and rice on top of it. I was talking with some guys at the gym the other day,
Starting point is 00:22:51 and that's the key with trying to eat clean is you've got to figure out how to up your sauce game. You've got to find a way to get some sort of sauce or condiment that's not super shitty for you. I'm big on Cholula. Cholula, yeah i i go through a lot yeah it's like chalua except it's like a dollar for a bottle versus like the three dollars i'll do i'll do like uh frank's red hot mixed with greek yogurt which is really legit yeah because it's a little bit creamier than just putting like a dull hot sauce on it. That or I'll do red hot Greek yogurt
Starting point is 00:23:30 and like the ranch packets. Okay. You know, you mix that in there. It's a little tangier, but it's clean. It tastes good. It mixes up the texture because chicken and rice gets old when it's your fifth day in a row of it, you know, so.
Starting point is 00:23:43 So you've lost a lot of weight on your what you're doing now right i mean how many pounds over how long a period of time i'm down now probably like 63 pounds and it's been like one about a year yeah basically a year almost to the day um is there like a specific number you're shooting for at this point not anymore so now i'm kind of going off the actually we just i'm kind of trying to get off the whole scale routine. I still weigh myself every day just to – it's a data point. But we went through and did like body composition analysis and we went and met with a nutritionist a while back. And we've been doing the really kind of diligently preparing our meals ahead of time for probably three or four months now.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I'm really, really on point with it. I went in and I didn't get scanned. I wish I would have done it in the beginning, do the body composition when I was 350 pounds because that would have been sweet to see the change now. But I went in and did it. When I did it, I weighed in at like 290 pretty much 290 ish and uh and i i don't remember what all the specific markers were but when i got
Starting point is 00:24:54 done eight weeks later i went and rechecked in and that was this last week so it's been eight weeks i hadn't lost a pound and i was getting i was really worried i was going to go in and she was going to say time to start pulling some calories off then pal because this ain't working um but sure as shit same weight um I had dropped three percent body fat gained five six pounds of muscle lost 10 pounds of fat um so that's good now now I'm at a point where I'm just going to try and work that instead of having to worry about the scale so much as I can worry about. I kind of got into the whole thing just because I wanted to look better. And now it's kind of leaning towards performance. But I don't want to be the big old barrel chested, fat bellied power lifter either.
Starting point is 00:25:35 You know, so, you know, I some point you can you can try to have it all. But yeah, so so that's kind of where i'm at with it now is i'm kind of trying to turn that corner from like trying to drop weight to actually just performing um because i think now my weights is something that's pretty easy to maintain it's not killing me sitting at this weight and i can i can probably pull some pounds off if i needed to but but uh yeah well that's kind of where tanner and i are as far as the uh you know the the big guy diet stuff um we'll come back next week we're gonna talk to talk to tommy about what it's like being a little guy trying to get big so the struggles yeah so thanks for joining us here
Starting point is 00:26:20 at massonomics and we will uh you can get a hold of me tyler on instagram at tyler f and stone you can check me out on instagram at massonomics and you can find me at tomahawk underscore d so and hit us up at buy yourself some stuff buy it all exactly and uh we'll see you next week see ya later you just heard the Masanamics podcast with your ears you're welcome check us out on
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Starting point is 00:27:03 at Masanamics studio home From your friends at Masinamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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