Mayday Plays - Ashoka: Precious Cargo Parlay

Episode Date: August 25, 2021

Mayday answers all manner of questions about Ashoka: Precious Cargo...

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Starting point is 00:00:30 We're doing it. Let's do it. We are live. Yes. Hello. Hey, welcome to me. We'll play Happy Friday, everybody. Happy Friday. We're all gathering together because we miss Ashoka and we just want to talk more about it. So we decided this week, especially this week, especially this week. It's been a long week for us, but we're all coming together to to hash about our 12 part episode of Ashoka Precious Cargo. And I with me is, as always, my friends from Mayday. Say hi, guys. Hi. Hi, everybody. We collected questions from around our Patreon around our Twitter space from our friends who have come to know and love the show. And yeah, should we just get started? Yeah, can we start answering these? Yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'll just throw up the first question then, which is from seems like Emily from Patreon. And she asked, can you each go through how you came about creating what inspired your characters for Ashoka? Who wants to go first? Shall we roll for it? Yeah, you'll roll it out. We don't know what the numbers represent yet. Well, I guess like if I'm looking at this, the layout screen that we're currently showing to our beautiful people who are watching us, Zakiya's one, I'm two, Amanda's three, Allegra's four, Caleb's five, Erin's six. Oh, I thought we're gonna just roll D20 instead. Oh, we could do that too. Four. So that's, oh, that's me. That's Allegra. Um, Shodi, um, I don't actually really remember
Starting point is 00:02:42 how it came about. I think I, I knew I wanted to be a cast or at least a little bit because I tend toward Marshall just because I get nervous with spells and feel like I'm gonna like mess something up. So I was like, okay, no, this is I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna go. But then of course I crossed with Rogue because I wanted a little bit of, um, a little bit of assurance that I can do other things, especially because Shodi is a little bit afraid of their abilities. Um, and so I wanted them to have like a little bit of agency outside of the magic that they're sometimes nervous to use. Um, and then I chose, I chose Wild Magic because I, I think Wild Magic's fun and it's cool and the chaos is great. Uh, I like making my DM stressed.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And, uh, I didn't ever get to a subclass for Rogue because I just had two levels in it. And I chose Goliath because I, I'm, I'm very not tall in real life. And I desperately wanted to be tall. So I decided I was going to be the tallest person on this team. Um, yeah, that's kind of, that's kind of how that came about. Um, and then I, I talked to Eli about like backstory stuff of like, okay, or Goliath's a thing in Ashoka. And then the idea of like the school that they went to. Um, and the, so it was another kind of backstory thing is like they aren't Odinao or Sasani and they were kind of an outlier. Um, but obviously they don't like Sasan now because of everything that happened with the school they went to. So, yes, someone else talk now.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Who did you call? No, no, no, you go search. Rad, actually, I had thought of having a warlock that is like tied to the sea before I even met everyone here at Mayday. I wanted to create this thing. And I did like the idea of it being a turtle. Uh, so when Eli brought up the campaign, I was, oh, this is cool. This is a chance for me to use this warlock idea I have. So I wanted something very sea related and there wasn't anything in the, in the player's handbook. So I said, can I take these two homebrews? There's a Kraken warlock and there's a, uh, a dragon turtle warlock. And I said, could I throw like a couple
Starting point is 00:04:58 of these things together? I wanted to have a swimming speed and that kind of stuff. And thank God, Eli trusted me enough to be like, all right, I don't know if this is balanced, but we'll give it a try. Um, and really all I wanted to do was I just wanted to play the Silver Surfer. Rad is just the Silver Surfer. And I really, um, Eli, I don't think Hamukepa was kind of part of the bigger lore yet. So I really was excited to add a little bit to the world of Ashoka with Hamukepa. So you really are. You like even have your own Galactus. Yes. I serve. I serve. I totally got Ninja Turtles from it. I did not. Sure. That's the most obvious reference. And that's definitely a reference, but it's not the main reference behind Rad. Either worlds. Yeah. I just
Starting point is 00:05:51 like the idea of a, of a chaotic good warlock who had a lawful evil patron warlock. There's so much fun. There's so much flavor to them. So I know I'm going to somebody say, Caleb. Yeah. Okay. I like that popcorn. Okay. So for anchor, a lot of it was, uh, merit fatigue. And I nearly say Delta green fatigue, but it really was merit fatigue. I was coming off of playing a character that was so rooted in insecurity of not knowing of not understanding of not seeing. That I wanted to play someone that was capable and felt strong and knew what to say and knew what to do. But I also fell in love with this concept of Sasan versus Odinau and what it means to come from a place you do not respect. What it means to be a part of something that is inherently evil.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Merit is a story like that too, where it was he is coming from a root in toxic masculinity and this idea of merit based societies of being powerful anchors the same way. He comes from a terrible fucking place, but he's a good fucking person. And so I wanted to embrace that. And I had been watching a lot of old samurai flicks. I had been playing the game ghost of Tsushima around the same time. And I was falling in love with this idea of man, nobody plays the fucking samurai subclass of fighter. Like I never see it. And I have no idea what it does, whether it's actually viable. And I wanted to give it a try. And so I ended up coming up with this idea of like, well, what do you do if you come from this terrible place and you find somewhere that actually needs
Starting point is 00:07:38 your help? And, you know, it came about that I put together the order of ballast. And that became this idea of finding a way to deal with your home without glorifying or celebrating it and embracing the new one. So it was a lot of like, how can I play something entirely different? And dad jokes. Zach, I want to hear about Kenny. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. So as always, something really heavy and then something really stupid. Because Ashoka like read so quickly as like this, this campaign is about just super chill stuff, like deconstructing colonialism, lighthearted fun, that kind of thing. So I wanted to make a character that like, had no idea where the fuck they came from. And it never really comes up.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Like an Asimar cleric kind of lends itself to writing a lot of like heavenly lore. And it was like, no, she like, she has no sense of history. She's just kind of vibing out here. And maybe that'll change. Maybe it won't. But sort of like what what happens to a person when they don't know where they come from? And how can that like affect their personality? And she doesn't really give a fuck about a lot of things. I mean, by the campaign that changes. But like, a lot of that is that. But also, I really love Kenny Ortega. So I still am so floored that I did not know she was. Yeah, they were a fucking ASMR until we finish. Yeah. We found out about that. I just sat like in my apartment all day staring at the wall. I was blinded by Kenny like that whole scene
Starting point is 00:09:38 happened. And I still went, oh, that's a funky cleric. That's exactly the experience that I wanted that I was thinking about. It's like, when you connect your like your history and all of the shit clicks together. But until then, it's like, okay, right, girl, cool. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I won't nominate Amanda. Okay. Snowball came like similar to Caleb, where I was just like, I felt like Boomer was a lot and loud and very like in your face, not at all based off of me, because it was just the easiest thing to build. So I was just like, all right, let's just go ahead and do something almost the exact opposite. I was like, what if I have someone who actually thinks before they do shit?
Starting point is 00:10:30 So that's, and I've always wanted to play a dragon. I don't know. I was like, I want to play a dragon, but I don't feel confident enough to do spell casting. So I don't want to do fighter. So I thought I just I monk didn't realize there was a lot more mechanics to it. So I spent like a whole two weeks just reading it nonstop. And I was just like, Oh, this is cool. And then I decided to do like, kind of a darker kind of person where it was just like, they deal with like, kind of like, they're more neutral, but it's like life and death. And they don't see death as the enemy. They're just like, that's just part of life and all that kind of I was like, that would be an interesting take on something that I just, I don't know, I didn't see anything like that. I thought
Starting point is 00:11:10 it'd be like a different kind of character from what Boomer was, because I would think it'd be very interesting if Boomer and snowball were just ever in the same room. Nevermind the dragon shit that would blow her mind, but it would be like, huh, tell me more. Like just like, just think that'd be very interesting. And I named it after my puppy. I just wanted because I knew that snowball. At one point, that's my whole dog's name. Oh, okay. I was going to say, you named it dog snowball, but I know Aaron and I'm like, this guy's going to do something where he just butchers names. And I'm like, how can I get him to say snowball? I'm happy to oblige. So I think I should just go ahead and lead it off. And Aaron,
Starting point is 00:12:03 tell me about trig. Oh, um, so trig, trig was an adventure league character I did for a while. And when I first moved to LA, I did like adventure league. I kid you not three, four times a week because I just had nothing else to do. And I came up with trig for like an avernus campaign or something I think. And he was a little more like subdued then because I was with strangers and I was kind of shy. But like, you know, like I had some of the crazier elements started to pop. But then when we were doing a shoka, I figured that pirate cowboy fit into a pirate outlaw cowboy, pirate outlaw vigilante cowboy. Can you continue adding hyphens fit fit really well into a shoka? And then I was watching Archer
Starting point is 00:12:58 and I was like, what if Archer was a cowboy? And then and then that was trig. My favorite thing though is like Aaron sent me an actual like audition tape of trig. And that was my introduction to trig was like one, like a 30 second video of his whole just like trig. He's like, can I do this? I was like, yeah, wait a minute, was this like Aaron like posing with guns? What was this on? I remember, I think it was just just this full accident, just like going just saying the craziest thing. I have it somewhere buried in our conversations. Put that in the discord at least. I believe I was I believe I was dressed like a cowboy too. Did a full remote LARP and didn't tell me.
Starting point is 00:13:50 What I love about that is that's just Aaron training trying to get like photo evidence that he was allowed to do this. In case it came up later. It was insurance. Yeah, it was insurance. I'll also point out that I wrote a computer program that do trig levels. I knew it was too good to be true. I was like this is like perfectly built character. It is possible. It is possible within the vanilla five year rules to get seven attacks. And I found that way. Well, it's not like I can do with every turn, you know, you get the one like you can only do it once in like a short yes, but it's still seven attacks, which is how how did they allow that to happen? Darling, you figured it out. I just hope I just
Starting point is 00:14:46 hope that Wizards of the Coast changes some rules because of me. That's what I was going to say. That's how they allow it. They weren't thinking of the Aaron contingency when they were 5e. That's what the change you see in the world means. Yeah. All right. So, Aaron, you were the last one to answer. So, why don't you ask the next question? Do you have the questions or no? I got. Okay. It's in the chat. Okay. Second question. Yes. How did everyone choose their class character builds? What backstory went into character concepts that never came up? That's our motto. The excuse to get out of talking about things. Alright, so answer it, Aaron. Oh, well, I guess I kind of did. I a little bit,
Starting point is 00:15:53 I answered the first part. I came so I had I knew I wanted to be a battle master fighter and a ranger because I thought that that fit that fit like the sharp shooter cowboy thing really well. I didn't want to do like a gunslinger or anything. I kind of like the crossbow cowboy concept. So, I knew that and then I wrote this big lawnmat lab script that basically just chewed through like the ranger and the fighter class and just picked the optimal ratio of battle master to ranger. And that's how I did that. Backstory elements about trig that never that never came up. He was from he's from a little he's from a town called nowhere. Way out on like the bottom right hand corner of the map. And I really I really wanted
Starting point is 00:16:42 someone to ask me where I was from so I could be like nowhere. That would have been a long that's obviously why you name a town nowhere so that all of your population can say that incredible. Alright, so pass it on, Aaron. Who's the answer to the next one? Amanda. Oh, okay, we'll go back. A character class billed monk way of the long death because I wanted to be a spooky bish this one. I wanted to deal with death in this one. Everyone wants their turn at the spooky bish wheel. This family loves the spooky bishes. And also I kind of looked ahead. I just want to get to the part where I can like touch people and like necrotic damage happen. That's where I was just like, I want that. Okay, that's billed backstory. Backstory. Snoopy.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Eli came up with the best character for snowball to have a connection to, which was like a part of their order. And I can can we can you say the lovely name please? Oh, uh, no, because that's so good. I cackled so hard when I saw this. And it's very on point. I really like I really like the monk because I haven't had a chance to play it and I got to do a one shot so I built it and it was like, Oh, fuck, you know, why not? So you put this monk that you created for a one shot as a character that is connected to snooval. I just built the character for a shoka and just utilized it as a one shot because I didn't I haven't played monk before yet. So I wanted to run a monk class. But yeah, but it ended up becoming and we'll talk about it soon.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Nice. Sorry. All right. Who got me? I can't remember. Was it like, Oh, Zach, go, go, go, go. Oh, okay. We're gonna go backwards. Boy. Okay. Yeah. Kenny Ortega is a musical man. He almost exclusively does musical movies. So I had a dumb thing at the beginning where I was going to try to work in as many high school musical songs into her speech as possible. I'm so glad I fell by the wayside. I wish you'd done it. I would not have done it. It's on her intro packet is like she's going to try to bring as many as she can. There's a reason why. Sorry, my dog is being a good boy. He's just so excited to hear all this great Ashoka behind the scene stuff. You know, that's your turn. Yeah, he. Gee, I lost my train of thought. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:19:50 We were talking about your build, your class character build. Yes, cleric is a comfort class. Always, always. But yeah, there's a reason why she doesn't work where she worked before, like why she's traveling. And we never covered it. Maybe we will. Okay, back story that will come out later on. Keep your secrets. It is also music themed slightly like one of the character names is just a song that I turned into a person's name. And I cannot wait to talk about it, but that's it. Someday we'll. Oh, shit. Are we going backwards? Whatever you want. Okay. Okay. Well, like I said before, I was watching a lot of old samurai flicks and playing samurai games. And so it just made sense. Also, I knew that Aaron had already took the cowboy archetype.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Oh, because you're like about to do a cowboy. I was so close to doing a cowboy that I had originally planned for when we were a million years ago going to do an Everon game. You both do know that we were in a like a South Pacific theme. I don't know what it was. It was like, I don't know. It just made sense. I was like, ah, the one white guy plays the cowboy. It's probably cowboys were not very many of them were white. Thank you. That is not at all what I'm trying to say. I'm trying to say playing to the spaghetti Western stereotype of what a cowboy is, right? Clint Eastwood character. I'm not
Starting point is 00:21:41 saying like an actual cowboy. That's what anchor is, is this fucking weird archetype of the lone soldier that wanders into town and fixes your problems. And so that that was the inspiration for the subclass. And then backstory. Oh, well, he had an old crew and he lost it. And hopefully that comes up eventually, but bad people from there. And, you know, he had to come to Oda now somehow. I feel like we were brushing against that, but we never quite addressed it in game. We really were. Let me tell you, when those ships started to show up right before we went in that portal, I was sweating a little bit. I was sweating. Who's left? Leg? Leg. Me? Yeah. Yeah, class. So yeah, I kind of touched on class. And also I'm realizing, as you guys are
Starting point is 00:22:43 saying, like it's a boomer fatigue and merit fatigue. I was having a little bit of tuck fatigue, too, of like, I have to be in charge of things and I don't want to be in charge of things anymore. Yes. I don't want to think I want to have head empty, no thoughts, soft, giant. And then I guess backstory. What can I, what can I say? Oh, Kenny, the person that you, sorry, Zakiya, not Kenny. We're in a shoka mode right now. Yeah. The guy that you had drowned himself had been after, had been going after Shodi for literal years. He was from the school that they ran away from. And he'd been like coming after them because they're like, they were a pretty big asset within the school and within like Sasan. And so he was on that ship. And I
Starting point is 00:23:37 bamped back into reality, saw him and was like, fuck. And then you had him drown himself. And I wrote in my notes, go hug Kenny as soon as you can. And I never had a chance to go hug you. But it was in my, it was in my head of like, go hug Kenny. And it was also, also like they, I talked about their dad who I never was going to refer to as their dad. And then I said my dad in character. And I was like, Oh, I guess I'm going to call him my dad. Cool. This is something to unpack later. And, and I guess maybe I can go back to him. I don't think I can go back to him now completely, but like, it's less dangerous for me to go back to him. So that's, that's cool. But who knows? Who knows? I have other things to do. Rad, Jesus, Sergio.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Yeah. My character build, I just, I just like, I don't really like to multi-class because it really annoys me when I don't get the, that thing that comes at the next level, but I've already multi-classed. So I just always stick with, I went 13 levels of Warlock, whatever level we were at. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I desperately wanted to be at level 13. But in terms of his backstory, I'm one of the lucky ones of us that my backstory was kind of brought out and kind of, if, you know, it feels like there was somewhat of an arc for Rad, who knows what he's going to go into next, but I, I don't have too much backstory. It's a shame we never got to meet my tribe, because I don't even know what it would be like. But, um,
Starting point is 00:25:14 yeah, like, you know, most of my backstory was, was, was talked about and dealt with in the first half of the campaign. So it was fun. I don't know what multiple Rads would be like, but fuck that. It's going to be a shrimp family. So good. So good. Dude, it would be so amazing if we could see like all your cousins and your bros. Right. That would be great. That would be fantastic. It would be a good time. I, you know, um, somebody once said, like, as a DM, you should try to get past all of your players like character motivations, like those basic like thrusts for their narrative. And Eli did that for me. And I've never had a DM really kind of do that for me. So I really appreciated and enjoyed it. Like, Oh, this is what it's like to write out an arc for a character.
Starting point is 00:26:03 It was really cool. Uh, and then is that everyone? Is that everyone? I think that was everybody. Okay. So you're the last one. So you could ask the question. I get to, uh, I get to ask the question from Ladybug, our friend on Patreon. They ask, were there any character friendships or alliances that popped up while playing that were unexpected for the players? I'll start by saying I was not expecting to, well, I wasn't expecting to piss everybody off and I wasn't expecting for Kenny to hate me as much as they did. That really bothered Rad. And, um, I think I actually realized as I was playing the character that Rad is just desperate for acceptance. Um, so I just kept playing that up where he was just constantly
Starting point is 00:26:59 trying to impress everybody. A very kind of, you know, immature thing, but I was like, this is just who this guy's starting out to be. Um, alliance. I knew anchor and Rad would get along. I'm not surprised that Trig and Rad didn't necessarily get along. They're kind of two opposite ends of the chaotic spectrum. Uh, I was kind of surprised that Snooval and I got along and made a surfboard together. Speaking of Amanda, what's your thoughts on that question? I will say I did get a little jealous and brushed off as soon as Alexadon got in the view or that rabbit and I'm like, um, excuse me, why are you trying to impress them? I've been by your side. I did not like that. Um,
Starting point is 00:27:47 um, I, I'll, uh, to be very honest, uh, Snooval doesn't really have a lot of friends. So it was very kind of like, yeah, interact a little bit and they may have come off awkward as fuck, which was like me in middle school. So that's what I was looking to, uh, I will say I, I, I, adored how Kenny freed Stavals. Yes. That I remember a very, I was just like, oh, that's amazing. And I was just like, that was just very organic natural. Rad, I would say, I think I had, I think I asked my God, if you're like, do I like this guy? You're like, like, all right, I'll cover his ass. So I was like kind of protective, but like, she has like a very good respect. I would say she's very amused by trig. She thinks of him as
Starting point is 00:28:33 like a puppy. And I think there's a couple of times I just hold you and I say, you literally scruff him a couple of times. That I would say, but yeah, no, all like familiar, kind of like, like it's weird because she, I would say she's still trying to figure out what like friend is. Like how do what? Oh, do we just sit on a boat? Do we talk about it? Like you saw her, she tried to cook and try to do things. May not have always worked, but yeah. Okay, let's see who is Caleb. Go ahead. Yeah. So I was on the negative side of the spectrum. I was so excited for for anchor and trig. I did not see us coming into such conflict at the end because up until that moment, it was pretty close.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Like I really enjoyed our dynamic of anchor was just sort of letting this guy figure out whatever he was going to do. Do your thing, build your boat. Like I'm going to protect you. You're going to protect me. And we were both sort of gelling on that. And God, it just broke my heart to have that moment at the end. So that was definitely like a right cross unexpected alliances. I know that we were already pretty tight in in doom to repeat, but I didn't think that anchor and Kenny were going to get along as well as they did. And then they had that beautiful moment in the forest. And that's one of my favorite parts of the season is both of them sort of ironing out what identity is to to to the both of them. And oh, I love that moment. And I also
Starting point is 00:30:13 thought, you know, we had a lot of great moments of mutual Sasani and hatred between me and Shoudy. I think that was needed. I totally saw the rad and anchor working together. And that that was no surprise to me. But I think Kenny was the big Wow. Oh, man, this is happening. That's really cool. Let me think. Let's go to Aaron. Aaron, what are you thinking, man? Oh, I don't think there was any like for me anything like unexpected. I knew that I knew that people were I knew that people were either going to hate Trig or love him. And there was going to be no in between. Yeah. And I don't I think the thing that was weird, I didn't expect Trig to have so much like conflict with people. Yeah, that's what like I I do think even like there was like I think about halfway
Starting point is 00:31:03 through when we were like on that island or whatever. And like shortly after shortly after the bear napping. I heard like I heard the like the angry words coming out of my mouth. And I was like, wait, what's happening right now? I think but I think otherwise everything went about as I expected to do. No, I will say I didn't expect Trig the not like rad so much that I really wanted I really wanted Trig the like rad. I think I think I think Zakiya hasn't gone yet. Oh, yeah. Okay. I don't know. I think yeah, the surge you touched on it the sort of like heat that Kenny brought to rad that was entirely like I was not ready to hate rad. But the breaking of the contract was like, that's kind of right. Right. That was that maybe put you over the edge.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I felt like because you've probably been double crossed before but yeah, yeah, that was that was literally the only like, okay, fine, fuck this guy. But after that, I wrote in my notes, I was like, you got to fix this really quick, because I felt so bad. I felt so bad after my sweet son just like dogs in the chat dogs in the chat. Let me see. I think I like to the sort of and most of it actually happened off mic. But the relationship that shoddy and Kenny have as the teens on the team is my favorite. Oh, yeah, Suval, the Golden Team. Absolutely. I think like when you said Suval is a really good friend, Kenny is on the opposite side of the spectrum in that she also doesn't know her friend, but she's super like
Starting point is 00:33:21 willing to pretend as long as it takes like first people braid each other's hair and give them coins for it. I know this one. So yeah, that I wish I had more time with trig. But it was a lot of just like watching like I feel like Kenny, Kenny cares about trig by watching him before he does something bad and telling someone else. Yeah, there was a lot of I didn't really start thinking about Kenny and anchor until a lot of combat where because like anchors mechanics work really well next to someone and you would be like, well, anchors going to find Kenny and be there and be like, you keep being here. Should I start paying attention? Yes. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's it.
Starting point is 00:34:18 All right. So ask the next question, Zakiya. Yes. Number four. Yeah. So it seems like Emily from Patreon asks who was your favorite NPC besides Braun? Because that feels like cheating. She is cheating. She's the best. And I agree. That's our kid. Non-veron. Favorite NPC. I don't know. The Lexidon, which thanks for this, Eli. That was actually one of my favorites, to be honest. Vasul. Vasul's cool. Great. I'm gonna be terrible and forget his name, but the sea captain that saved us. Betty. Anchor had like a big crush on that, dude. I had a crush on rain. It's like rain's cool. She's super neat. I want her to stay around. Oh no. I like that. Poor, poor nanny. That got grilled to shit. And then died and then she fucking
Starting point is 00:35:25 No, wait. Are we talking about the nanny at the very end? We're at the very end. Yeah, very end. She just got it. You. That was like 20 minutes of grilling. And then it doesn't even work out. Like it's for fucking, for what? This poor woman, this poor, elvish woman that comes and she's like, I'm going to take care of this very important Air Genasi child. And she comes into the room and there's a Goliath and a golden dragon just standing there berating essentially. And then she dies in the only attack ever on this island that doesn't exist. Well, you know what? It happens. Sometimes she's not cut out for the job. She didn't take, like she didn't protect our kids. So like. Or she died trying. Better her than the
Starting point is 00:36:14 do it. I got one more. I don't even know if it counts, but Hamu Kappa was insane. Oh my God. He's, he's, he's memorable. I feel like I'm going to probably steal him if I ever do something like a, like a pirate campaign or something. It's a pretty evocative because I had talked with Eli for a long time about, you know, I imagine it is like a turtle so big that like, you know, you just assumed it was like an island and there was probably stuff growing on his back and stuff. So it was just really evocative and cool. And Eli came up with a name, I believe, and a bunch of other cool stuff about it. So I, I, Hamu Kappa was very memorable for sure. Yeah. And he's in our future. I can feel it.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Battle of the gods. I got to feel like we're going to, it's going to be like Clash of the Tynes. We're all the mini players, but then we'll see like above. There are a lot of gods in this campaign. We got to kill a god. We got to kill a torch queen. Got to destroy a navy. There's a lot of shit, big shit for us to do. Hey, yo, fuck this fucking thing. We got to find also like people who are right now pieces or something. So we have another one from our good friend Lex at Titanomaki and they ask, y'all's chemistry is instantly obvious, but you hadn't met in person yet. How did y'all click so well? Was it just because you had already done arc one of doom to repeat? Man, I guess we'd all, I mean, not all of us at that point. We'd met sort of in person once at
Starting point is 00:37:52 the like the old audition and then, but also we spend, if we don't talk to each other for a day, it's weird. I think we genuinely talk both individually and as a group to each other each day. Like it's an insane amount of communication where it became instantly known that we were going to be friends besides working together, you know, right from the back. At least after the fame. After the split. I keep going back to when you get a bunch of people in a room who all effectively want the same thing. They have similar goals. It's just like you put, fortunately, we all get along personality wise, but sometimes even then when you might clash with somebody, you still kind of put that stuff to the side to focus on whatever you're working on. And thank
Starting point is 00:38:46 God, we're also a bunch of people that we like to get along with and have fun with and stuff. So it was a combination of it was right from the beginning and also, yeah, I do think doom to repeat helped. We certainly broke boundaries amongst each other. You know what I mean? So I mean, like above all that, we're just a bunch of fucked up nerds. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was through the heart of the panoramic. So any social interaction was charged. We're like, yes, let's talk about anything. Anything. I think because we did even before we even recorded doom to repeat, we had nights where we would just get on zoom just to get comp because I remember we were trying to get comfortable put stuff in the past, but also kind of just like be fun, you know, drink our
Starting point is 00:39:35 concoctions and all that and just play stupid games and just that really helped. I felt like because doom is a very heavy subject. That's a very heavy fish this season. Half of it. Oh, this season too is rough, guys. He's going to be great. This is really PTSD in action right now. Go ahead. It's really just a really long conference meeting. Season two will done. My is like infinity war done. Fuck you up. Just FYI. But my therapist knows Sergio by fucking name. Save it. Save it for the arc to wrap up. I also think part of it was that we did. I think the arc of D2R helped, but the one shot we did
Starting point is 00:40:28 before that that was also Delta Green was so because that's the first time we all got to play like together together, just us. And it was and we were fucking idiots during it. Like we didn't we didn't play smart or anything we played because we knew it was going to be a one shot and it was me fun. And so it was so like nice to feel that and then go to doom to repeat where we think and we're like analyzing and we're cautious and everything. And then to come back to this and kind of get back to that idea of, okay, like the first game we fucked around, let's fuck around a little bit. And like it still was really important to us and we had a lot of stakes in it. But like it was still, it was a lot more fuck around than D2R was, which I really liked.
Starting point is 00:41:11 D&D just lends itself to that kind of fun, you know. I was going to say revivifies a third level spell. You don't lose your entire shit when you cast it. It's really, it's fine. It's like guys, we made this into like Fast and Furious mix with Pire to the care of Dan. We drifted, I was like, we made family god damn it. So good. Lex at Titanomachy also asked, how many death gods are there and who is the most powerful Eli? Mine. Or drop us. There are many death gods. Lemos was kind of one, no? Lemos is one. Lemos is the type of death god. You met Taka, which was the Wulravion death god. And then Neval had, what is it, Kelenbor is a part of the monastery of the eternal scale and
Starting point is 00:42:06 who they definitely serve. But there are a bunch of death gods in there. In terms of like strength and power, I don't know. I would say Lemos is probably one of the strongest ones. I would say Kelenbor has its place. It's like, you know, we haven't really like tested that yet. So you need to have an all out, a show, a god war. No, no. My god's better than your. Why are there so many death gods? Is it just kind of? I have a just a multifaceted like fascination with death, I guess. And I believe that there are just different sides of it. And different ways we respond to it. So I feel like there are different gods, you know, different cultures also have different aspects of how gods are represented. So I wanted that like
Starting point is 00:42:57 to call came out of a different campaign where my dude was a zealot barbarian who was that's where the finger came into the rituals and stuff like that. So that's where to call was kind of built out of that. And that relationship with like war and and and dying like valiantly in battle. But it's involved brought Kelenbor in as a form of like looking at judgment and how people are are weighed their like their life is weighed by their actions and choices and their and their nature. Lemos is something much deeper, much interesting about like how we respond like to death and like, like the pain and suffering that comes before it and after it and having is you know, it's a powerful motion that would bring something to like sentient life. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:48 so that's kind of why there's so many and, you know, I'm an also an asshole and I don't like to just have people debt saved. So, you know, so I might as well find an interesting way, make it make it a little bit more interesting. They didn't want rad to die also. So, you know, and I was ready. Ironically, Lemos came out of something from an earlier campaign with a different warlock turtle. So, um, and like the goal of Lemos and all of that stuff came out of something different that was integrated into lore that I was really glad that we could bring it up. I was actually hoping one of you would go in, go and die. So that was, I wasn't trying to kill you, but it would have been great, you know, and I'm glad it just worked out. It is close. I remember
Starting point is 00:44:38 to die and I was like, oh, you were super close. No, it wasn't good because I ran, took the deal. Snowball was it. I'm like, I was already prepping. I'm like, okay, I played a monk. What else could I do? I was already ready. Yeah, yeah, the scoop, the scoop was great. The scoop was so such a good moment. Wait, you like, can I ask something? Sure. In the last episode, I got like, bamfed for an amount of time that I don't know. And you said there was a thing in the distance. Was that also Lemos? Yeah, I was going to say. In my head, no, that was a celestial snake. Oh, that was something different. We'll get into that later. You want to talk about it? You want to talk about it now? Of course it was a celestial snake. I have a question, too. So, death has many gods.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Are there any other domains that also have a bunch of fucking gods behind it? Like love or I don't know, but you guys, you guys haven't really explored stuff. There's definitely a lot of ocean gods, I would say. Just because that's this natural, like there's Telolo, which you guys have met. That's one of their acolytes, the storm birds. In the second episode, there are definitely other gods like that. Yeah, there's a bunch of shit. So, on this train of thought, Meg, I believe, is a patron of ours. Hi, Meg. She asks, was Shoudy's creepy wolf mask supposed to link to Lemos later with Rad, or did that just work out? Yeah, I mean, I just threw it in there as one of the tables for the Fang Festival because the Fang Festival is about paying
Starting point is 00:46:23 tributes to gods and Lemos exists in the world in some tiny ass corner. But it wasn't necessarily for Rad. I didn't anticipate Rad, per se, that arc was going to happen. That was something that came about us playing this entire game. But I left it there just in case. So, somebody rolled it, and it was great. It was just, I guess, a little foreshadowing, and it kind of worked out. Works really well. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, Snooval, Amanda, why don't you ask question six, I think? No, no, I'm sorry. Number eight. Number eight, Lex from Asked. Did anyone have a backup character or character they had trouble deciding between versus what they finally chose? That's interesting. I was Rad all the way. I'll be honest, I wish I was smart now. I was
Starting point is 00:47:26 straight up Snoovy. It takes me like a million years to come up with a character. You think I'm doing two of them? Before I knew Trigg existed, I had that cowboy concept. And then... You could have done two cowboys. Yeah, but then I would have wanted to write something into being connected to you. And part of me wanted us to have that stranger effect. And I didn't want to steal your thunder, either. But I'm glad that you did, because I would have never found Ink, or if you hadn't made Trigg. And Trigg is the way better concept compared to mine. Mine was bear. Bear. A bear with guns. And then in replacement in case of Ink or Died, I really fell in love with this concept that Eli has that elves don't exist, or they do when they're trapped behind this. And
Starting point is 00:48:27 you guys know how much I fucking love elves? We do. We all know where. We do. We know. I wrote a replacement elven ranger that I was going to shoot at Eli and be like, please, please. Let me have a big old butt, please. That's what it says right under the description of elves in the player's hand. Really sorry that me and Sergio made that a part of your elven. We saw those claps cheekin on the island when we got there. Allegro, why don't you answer number nine? You mean answer number nine? Yes, please. All right. For the players who didn't stray, this is from Lex also at Titanum Mackey on Twitter. For the players who didn't stray from the path in the sultry forest, what do you think your characters
Starting point is 00:49:23 would have seen if they did? Well, who didn't stray? I don't think Rad strayed. I think it was just me. I didn't stray. I don't think I did. I don't think I did. I think it was Rad and Trig. We're the only two that didn't stray. Oh, wait, no, I did. Not Trig. Okay. I was like, shit, what did I do? I don't think so. I don't think so. I tried to avoid that tree. Where? You came after us. Three of us. Oh, yeah, no. Yeah. Yeah. Well, if it'll be Snavall. Yeah, Anchor. I don't know. I feel like this is more of an Eli question to be honest, but I feel like I would just probably see my family or my tribe or whatever trying to convince me to stop what I was up to. That's what I think I would see. I was worried that I would either see my family, probably
Starting point is 00:50:18 one of my brothers, or the fucking queen again. I thought that might be a possibility as well, because I don't know. But it was also centered around what you wanted, right? Like, I was going to say, what are the rules of the tree again? My mind's working. No, I mean, you guys didn't. There was no rules. You guys were seeing things like things you were missing, things you were remembering. They're part of your memories and stuff like that. Oh, it could have easily been that. And then if it was a positive thing, it might have been my father again. But we did see that moment in the dreams, too. I think it would have been like people who've been kicked out of my order.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Spice. Yes, nobody didn't like, there was some dumb choices in the past. Oh, by the way, I just got to get this off my chest. Since when did I become the more intelligent one of that whole party? I was like, my second biggest stat is intelligence. And I'm like, Oh, but wait, I have Zach and I also have Sergio. Okay. I learned very quickly. I was just like, Oh, no, I'm the smart one. How did you think I felt when everybody turned in a character sheet and I looked at the one stat? It was intelligence. It's like, Oh, books in the ocean. No time for years. Like, I just, you know, I wanted to go the whole season without having to correct anyone. Feel like I achieved that, thankfully. Caleb, why don't you answer number 10?
Starting point is 00:52:00 Sure, sure. Let's take a look. This is our buddy Lex again. I love you deeply, Lex. You are the thembo of the TTRPG community. And we're going to make that title stick. But they're also very smart. Incredibly smart, but they called themselves a thembo and they're trying to make it stick. We got to assist where we can. Yeah, Caleb's just helping out. Yeah, I'm doing, I'm doing my civil duty. How different do you think the campaign would have been if someone could speak? I think about this shit all the time. I'm so happy none of you picked any of the elemental languages. I'm so happy. It's so good. I honestly think it adds so much to our relationship for Ron that we were able to form that much love out of a lack of communication. Like incredible. I would not have
Starting point is 00:52:53 it because I had tongues near the end. Exactly. And think of how much we sacrificed as a group, just so we could love that kid every like, like make sure that they were loved and taken care of like so many spell slots where we were just like, burn it. We got to talk to her. Yeah. It's our baby. It's not like she was an old kid. You know, I mean, like I feel like, I feel like even if she could talk, I don't know how different it would have been because she's like, what, four? Four. I mean, three-year-olds have ideas and opinions. But like you get those ideas and opinions without them necessarily saying words you can understand. I think it was actually smart of Eli to do that because had Barron talked, Barron probably would have been like,
Starting point is 00:53:38 I want to go back to the frog or who, you know, those people who are dead. And then it's us for an hour deciding whether we listened to Barron or not. You know what I mean? So it's, it was a very weird words. Right. Right. So the brilliance of the campaign was it just, we, there was no thinking to be done. It was a very clear cut mission. And it was a blessing that you couldn't speak our language. I think it says so much to her innocence in the end too. Like there's such a theme of that in her. We loved her because there was nothing that had ever hurt her yet. And we got to be a part of that. Like even in that language barrier, there was that safety and innocence. I, Barron is one of my all-time favorite things we've ever done. Yeah. And we didn't even do it. We just talked to her.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Yeah, exactly. Next question. Next question. Number 11. Who wants to answer this or state this one? I'll do it. All right. Go for it, Allegra. Lex, again, our beloved thembo. I will, I will also follow Caleb's lead. There we go. Civil duty. If you hadn't spent so much time in the Rokewood, where do you think the airtime would have gone? Good question. Eli, Eli, what did you want to happen, I guess, also? Actually, that's a great, yes. I desperately tried to keep you all out of the Rokewood. I've come to, I will, I will say, I have come to find that in all the campaigns I've so far ran in Ashoka, we somehow end up in the Rokewood. And it's a long day that we spent. At first. Yeah, it's a bunch of islands. My hope was to spend more time in Wallraven
Starting point is 00:55:18 with everything in that forest going on. I was hoping to spend a couple more times in that, but you guys wanted to resupply. And so we went into the Rokewood. We technically did. No, we just never got there. You never went to, like, civilization courts. You guys just ended up on random uninhabited islands. Yeah. But yeah, the thing about the Rokewood was, like, it would trigger stuff, like, stuff with, especially with, like, rad. It was like, okay, cool. Well, that's where we're going to go. So I was pushing us towards Wallraven. It ended up in the Rokewood, but I think it was fine. I think it worked out for the best. It was a really awesome story that ended up coming out from spending a lot of time there. But I thought you were prepared from the
Starting point is 00:56:07 beginning. No question to take us into the Rokewood. It's a testament to how well you handled it, because it felt pretty natural. I mean, as a general rule of thumb with this group, if there's anything you don't want us to do, you should just assume that we're going to do it. Yeah. It will be the first thing we do. Yeah. I mean, I showed you guys a map. You had a map that had a red line that showed you that showed you going around the Rokewood. Again, to Wallraven. We should go to the main city. This is what happens on the Smarter character. Okay. One of us said in the Discord that they wanted a shopping episode, and that's where it fucking is. Yeah. Yeah. And they never let you shop one day.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah. Also, Rad was nervous about the Rokewood. As soon as they brought it up and Rad was like, I was like, okay, so we will live there. We will build a home. We will start a family in the Rokewood. How weird would it have been if we just got there and we were just like, you know what, let's not drop her on off. Let's just let's just build. Yeah. Let's just let's just make a life. That would have changed a lot of things. Just six moms. Yep. That it becomes a sitcom. Which I'm not against. We could, Erin, my mom, my mom's listening to this, Erin. And she texted me and she goes, when's the shoddy and trick buddy cop movie coming? I don't know, but okay. We could work on that. I feel like that buddy cop movie is going to be a
Starting point is 00:57:51 lot grittier than they give on. That's just you guys showing up to a college and killing everyone looking there. But doing so with a smile. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Eli, why don't you read question 13? Cool. This is from Trogren from Patreon. And he says, what is a guilty pleasure that every character has that wasn't shown in the, in our episodes? Oh, guilty pleasure. Rad really doesn't have a lot of private guilty pleasures. I think he surfs, he eats squid pies and he just kind of does what he wants. So I don't know if he has any secret pleasures. Does he like telling the guilty pleasure even if they had him, he'd probably watch him. But he wears himself on his sleeve. So yeah. Define guilty.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Well, it sounds like you got an idea. Oh, the glass figurines for trade, but those were known. That was no. That was like episode one out. I guess like, I guess like he sort of tried to keep it on the DL, but not really. I don't think he was smart enough to realize that people would think that was weird. You know, I don't know. I think I think Triggs guilty pleasure is being nice. I think I think he thinks you should just kill everybody. Trig offering shoddy to hold Jeremy after episode eight wrecked me. Um, when I was writing the order of the ballast, I wanted like a lot of balance to these people because they are what they are for so long. And so that was part of what painting came out of that
Starting point is 01:00:00 and him having that artistic streak. But I never got to bring it up. I thought that maybe it would come along naturally and never did. But anchors a singer, he can sing. Oh, word. All those nights out on the ocean, you never sang for us? Yeah, like I think he was waiting, like he is never the first to do it. Like he is never the first to do anything. He waits for the invitation from someone else. So he was hoping that someone on the crew was a singer. Maybe if we had a bard. Yeah, it's kind of a little piggyback. Besides the obviously sweets, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. Yeah. Uh, Naval can dance. So it makes sense. I think I did a subtle thing where like in the very first step where
Starting point is 01:00:51 was something like that. And it was just like something because remember sounds very sensitive. So if it's very common soothing, it's like kind of allows Naval to like extend with her body out like that. So and also I figured she's very high in decks, very light on her feet and with her hands. So basically she's she can dance. Oh, we have to do that. Yeah. Remember she got a very long braid. She likes to whip that around every now and then. In chat, we've had a request for a karaoke episode. We want you to listen to the show. You don't want to hear me say it. Yeah, I made a karaoke is you're not good at sitting, but you do it anyway. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I made a once you read question 14. Oh, sorry. I just want to say it's super quick.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Kenny's a thought. I mean, she's thought it because like she's an actual doctor. But part of like her unique practice was yes. Like she has like a clinic that is a like the cover for the clinic is a club like a dance club. So she's used to performing surgery under like that's why when you said to do all likes to dance, I was like, that's perfect. But yeah, no, party scene is like it's essential. We need the the suicide squad of all of us getting fucking down in the club before we die. I had a big, big party rave thing. So that'll be that's gonna be fun. Eli like seashells. That's their big thing, which isn't like even there's something.
Starting point is 01:02:56 What was the inspiration for that name? That was the most unique name. You know, Karen just rocking and quietly say, Jody like seashells. That's, well, I love you, buddy. I don't really know. I I was just like sounding out. I when I'm alone in my car or if my partner is not in our apartment, I just talk out loud to myself and say different words. And then I was I was doing that one day. And I said shoddy. And I was like, ooh, I and I was looking for a name for shoddy. And I didn't have one for them. And then I was like, okay, this kind of this kind of works. And then I was like, what's a D and D name? Like what's a D and D way to spell shoddy? And I was like, X has to be in there. And it has
Starting point is 01:03:44 to end in an I that's so was it maybe like before or after you were listening to a song maybe that had that no, I genuinely I fucking hate that song. I deeply despise that song and all that was the objection. Did you see it coming? Yeah. No, that's that's like it's that thing of like it sounds cool in my head. I'm like, yeah, this is a good name shoddy. Absolutely. No one's going to fuck this. And then all of you are like, shoddy is like a male and I was like, I hate everyone. It's not even a long, ah, it's a show. Did that make it into the show? Right? That whole joke? Eli, did that make it in? Oh, yeah, totally. I just don't want to be talking about the audience is no idea what we're referring to. I mean, I said that multiple times. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I
Starting point is 01:04:36 ever said it right once. No, none of you did. Every time we did combat. Zowdy, shoddy. I was like, shoddy. It's not hard. It's just shoddy. You're just looking at it too long. I still sing it in my head every time. Every time. I hate you. I hate all of you. All right, Amanda, once you try question 14. 14. Ah, chief from Patreon. Has anyone asked the one item the character needs on a desert island question yet? We have not. It's a good one. So let's enter though. What is the one? Anyone have an immediate answer? Trig is the Jeremy. It's Jeremy for Trig. It is Jeremy. It is Jeremy. It's not the crossbows. It's Jeremy. See, for anchor, I've got two answers and that's if I'm with all of you, I'm bringing the club
Starting point is 01:05:29 because I know all of you are picking things like Jeremy and someone needs to keep us alive. But if I'm alone, I think anchor takes his, his sash and his paints. I mean, he couldn't live without this stuff. Similarly. Oh, sorry. No, I was going to ask him, Sergio, if it was his surfboard. I don't need to bring my surfboard because I can make it out of a tree on the island. So I'm bringing, I'm bringing like a way to make squid pies or something. A little portable oven. Fucking rad in island and in air fryer. Legra. I like.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Oh, okay. I like Kenny's little file cabinet purse is a lot of pocket we didn't really get to. I have plans for those pockets, but it has everything. Like probably their notebook, we never got to it, but it was one of the items that Eli had me like roll for and it was, it's like a notebook that contains all of your dreams, like everything you dream about is written in that notebook. So it's that and then that that notebook also has the feather and the, the feather that relief that was a feather in there too. Those items were really cool. I don't even know how many of those we got to see throughout the season. Did we see you guys actually pulled out of them like a couple of times? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Rad's potion. I used mine. Yeah. I mean, I think I had like a, I had a little twig that did a thing that I forget. A twig with trig. I gave, I gave Rad the eye. Oh yeah. You had an eye? Yeah. That eye. That glass eye that looks at magical items or the powerful object. Yeah. Okay. You guys actually used a lot of, not the actual magic items I gave you, but the trinkets. Hey, like, why would we do that? Why would we use the useful thing? I don't know. I mean, you guys used the elemental ones, but like the cards we didn't get to use anymore. I cannot believe that we went through an entire game and we had someone else pick the deck of many things. Oh yeah, the worm cards. It's not even the deck of many things, but
Starting point is 01:08:17 But the thing is, as far as we know, they're worm cards. Yeah. Yeah. So was it a variation of the deck of many things you like? It's, it's just, it's like the deck of many things, but it's, it's a, it's a magic item card that you can pull. I call it the deck of strange familiar. It's, you can get a random familiar. Oh my God. When you pull, when you pull the card, you could have used the familiar. So for 24 hours, you'll have a familiar for whoever pulls the card. And that's why the, the one night came out because they drawed from that, that table. We were so terrified it was going to kill us. Yeah. I was so worried. I thought it was the deck of many things. I wanted no
Starting point is 01:09:04 fucking parts. That was like, I thought, I thought we were going to pull a card at the universe was just going to stop. Yeah. I found that like new players to D and D are really all about from the cards, but I found that seasoned people from D and D don't trust any form of deck of cards. Well, cause I kept thinking, I'm like, yeah, Trig would be the first person I'd give a deck of many things. That is the first person because he'll pull fucking anything. Hey, you know, so I have a question about the lore. Eli, it's more about narratively. When we were on that island with the honey guide with that bird, what did we run away from? There was something on that island that we didn't find. Something made those traps.
Starting point is 01:09:52 What was on there? Well, the, the honey guide itself was a piece of lore that I found from watching some stuff at work. And it was about, and it was pretty like on par with like the fey and the ropewood is a very strange place. So many islands would have points to the, to the feywild. Okay. But there were also, yeah, there's also just people that live on random islands. So there were just some ropewood people living on that island that made a trap. Yeah. I feel like you're really sidestepping what was on that island. You're just like, I mean, you guys just didn't go far enough into like trigger what would have been there. But why, why can't you stop at that island? I can't even remember. You guys were trying to resupply after the swim. Right. Right. So you guys were just
Starting point is 01:10:41 trying to get some stuff, but like the, the lore with the honey guide itself is that if you don't like give a piece of the pie or like say like, thanks, it's going to start leading you more towards ill instead of good. Yeah. So Kenny never said thank you. Kenny never like gave a piece of fruit or something to it. So it got offended from the hospitality. Yeah, it's funny. I think I just asked if I knew it and then that's it. Yeah. I think maybe it's a side effect of Delta Green, but then I think of every game we've played in, but we're not a very like trusting group. No, we don't trust shit. Like I feel so bad for that rabbit because for a good four episodes, I was going to kill that bitch for no reason. I was ready for that rabbit to be dinner.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Second one. Like up until that anchor had been so trustworthy event, everyone, but he blew the whistle and immediately like, oh, I'm going to kill this bitch. Like that was it. Like wild, wild. Caleb, why don't you answer question 15? Sure. This is from Emily, my lovely partner, which team would win in a bare knuckle fight, no magic, no weapons, the Delta Green squad or the Ashoka. Oh, come on. They have a half giant, a turtle man and a literal dragon. Like there's no way. Wait, if this was a debate, an intellectual debate fight, then yes, I would give it closed so fast, though. It would be like 30 seconds and trigger be like, all right, here we go.
Starting point is 01:12:33 It doesn't really go crazy. Unless it's like repeat, though, it's the same. Like doing to repeat folks also score up super quickly. Not like half of us can't fight, but we still score up just like I think I think it's like an intellectual Lincoln Douglas debate ends in nuclear war with either of those two groups. I think the only pro that perennial has going for them is that we are very hard to kill. We're just cockroaches. That's the only thing and that that they'd be beating the shit out of us for longer. They would tire themselves out trying. I mean, like we got a zippy one in high. Yeah, I'd be the last one. The last one standing. I could do this all day.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Aaron, why don't you ask this last question also from Emily? What would each member's high school superlative be? And to be clear, that's like most popular, most likely to succeed. Now, my high school didn't do that, so I might have to think extra hard. Yeah, most likely to be in jail succeed. That's always a terrible one. Like my dad got that in his high school superlative. He's not in jail. He's a wonderful man. I just think that's funny. That just popped into my head. Shouty would be most likely to have a family, I think. Yeah, have like children's most likely to
Starting point is 01:14:19 turn into a fucking barrel. I literally came into this like I'm not going to deal with kids, like because I always have like a soft spot for kids with all of my characters and I was like, this time it's not going to happen. I'm not going to like care about kids. Two seconds later. And then you like gave me a four year old children. This is also after a year of me not seeing my little sister who was seven at the time. So I was just right for like, oh my baby. Yeah. And you're also seeing Shouty in a very like specific moment. I think from the way they're built, they would have been a lot more feral if they didn't have this four year old to protect. That'll be fun to see. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:15:07 But I also like the idea of having a family because it's trust. Is there a most likely to be the subject of a date line episode? I feel like Kenny would be most likely to be successful or like, you know, with the whole contracts thing. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Most likely to see. Yeah. And it's a one it girl boss. Because I think I think if County went to high school, I think I think they would be one of those kids in high school that carries like a briefcase full of papers around instead of a backpack. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. Slams it on the desk. That click click. Yeah. I think Rad would be most likely to retire early maybe. I feel like the last clown. Class clown works too. Yeah. Class clown is really good. Rad has strong ASB
Starting point is 01:16:04 president energy. Like you don't have to be good at your job. You just have to be really like likable. Yeah. Now that you mentioned it, like I'm reminded of that movie election. Remember when when the weather spoon was running against that dummy and he was just like a really nice guy. I feel like that would totally be right. Exactly. I feel like Snooval is like is like the looks like a cinnamon roll isn't a cinnamon roll, but it's look like they could kill you could actually kill you, but also as a cinnamon roll. Most likely to go pro. Most likely to go pro. That's good one. Yeah. Most likely to I think because they would do like most likely the most likely to be a doctor. Right. I think
Starting point is 01:16:48 honestly, I think anchor would be the most likely to be a doctor. Oh, anchor give me anchor gives me doctor vibes. I like that. I was also actually most likely to move out of the country. I know. Yes. Most likely to end up on a GQ magazine. That's anchor. Oh, that's true. Anchors got that hair. I'm saying. He's a good looking boy. Hot doctor on GQ. Caleb, where on the where on the the raft did you keep all that conditioner? That was some natural baby beautiful flowing all natural oil, baby. One of the posts of my hair care routine. One of the posts on the ship is hollow. It's just you think all those vials are just paint? No, fucker. That's a shampoo on the side.
Starting point is 01:17:51 You remember which is which though? No, does anyone from Mayday have any other questions? Because we've just answered all of our friends questions. Thank you guys for sending us in. Also, that's rad. Thank you so much. Yeah. Good. Also, this is a question, but I think we can all thank Sergio for ruining the word rad for us. Absolutely. I'm going to admit I did enjoy going what's that? What's that? Every time somebody said rad. I think that every time like in the in like the discord chat, somebody puts like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle up every time somebody says rad. I was hoping that someone in the campaign would try to pronounce my full name, but none of you ever tried. I was so scared. What was it? Was it
Starting point is 01:18:41 rad? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that would have been pretty good. It's just about say you with an Irish accent was sucked ass though. Hey, even I wasn't really trying it. You want to try right now, Allegra? Oh fuck, hold on. Come on. I think there's a whole episode. I forgot how to do my accent. You want to do it right now? Yes, cool. I do want to I do want to ask what did you guys at the beginning of the first episode? What did you guys expect you guys were going to do? Because I did mention we were going on a delivery mission. But what did you guys think the precious cargo was going to be? I thought it was going to be like literal like like things like important documents or like war like treaties of war or something. So so I thought something similar. I actually thought we were like
Starting point is 01:19:29 those okay so in the the two towers Lord of the Rings, there's that big fucking fight at Helms Deep and one of the orcs runs by with like a fucking caravan of explosives and the other one's got the torch. I literally at the beginning of the campaign thought well maybe that's us. Maybe we're like a suicide mission. We're going to take some bombs into the Capitol and blow the place up. I thought that maybe we were being recruited to take on Cessan. So you were you were saying you're saying that you thought we were being indoctrinated as terrorists? Yes. A little bit. I mean if you've watched all of season one of Ashoka, maybe we made ourselves careful. Triggs, you and I at least will shortly be terrorists. And if you've seen the one shot, you're all wanted souls. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:19 We reached that conclusion without the indoctrination. Yeah, we manifested it. You know if you think about it, the Mandalorian is the basic premise. This bad batch, the latest Star Wars is basically the same thing where they have that Omega character. It's a great device having this living thing you got to take care of and it was smart on your part to make it like a cute little girl as opposed to some grumpy old person or something. I needed something that was worthy enough for you guys to not just take and run. All of you had proclivities to take and run. I don't think any of our characters wanted a kid long term. Oh no. By the end. But also we all wanted the kid long term. I fell in love with it too because one of I think the first time
Starting point is 01:21:11 in that very bad game we never talk about but we always talk about the very first thing we all bonded over was adopting that fucking NPC that was written for us. It was the first thing that we did that like win against the story and everything. Which was also the only fun thing we ever did in that. Exactly. We adopted a red cap like one of the last games we played too. We did do that. I gave us two kids with a lot of stuff. And so then when we got to Baran I was like oh shit this is the most us story in the world. Like people who never expected to be together but do it over a shared love and a realization they have a responsibility. So good. So how many people actually were invited to this quest? Yeah. I was it. Trick wasn't. I stole my my thing. Oh so did I.
Starting point is 01:22:06 You what? Yeah. How many people stole their letters? Three right. Well technically I didn't steal it. Technically what I did was looting. You stole it from who? I was led to it. Okay. Because I have a ship installed of the summons. Am I the only one that was asked by me? I think I may have been asked too because I don't remember anything. No if you you you plucked yours off a ship that you can't. Well that explains. Okay okay. That explains the the the art that Zekia did with all of us together because it's all those moments where we like find those letters that's really interesting. Yeah. Wow none of us were really uh I think even I think Treks is even him standing over a field of bodies. Correct. Yeah. So there's like an alternate timeline where they never killed and stole these
Starting point is 01:23:00 people and I have a completely different group of people. Yeah. Technically. Yeah. To be fair Kenny didn't kill their person. They were running low on paper, stole paper, turned it over and realized that it was an invitation. That's. I just uh I just saw in the I guess this is more for like a podcast but I just saw in the in the chat so all of this started with mail for us. I am not agreeing with that statement. I know she did not. It was it was led to her. That's how it's defined. It came by it honestly. The rest of us not so much. I have a follow-up there. I have a follow-up there. And I was told to take it. If you guys took these letters what was the reason for your character being like yeah I'll go do it like. The money. Money.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Money. Just the money? No. I was told. I need to get out of where I was so I did it. Trick thought it would lead him to some bad government leaders. I got you. That's right because the first step is like how do you like the people here? Do you want me to kill that guy for you? And I think that was every new place we got to. Hey do you want me to kill the people in charge? Yeah. Kellenbor actually told me to do it. So that's where when he says it I do it. So you had God on your side. Oh by the way I did that with all of you by the way like I would constantly DM Eli and I'd be like what do I see? Do I if do I save or kill or do I take
Starting point is 01:24:43 him out because if I'm told to kill you I will do it. So that's where I was constantly doing that and a lot of times we like protect, protect, protect. I think there's one time you're all like you had the longest response. I kept thinking it was not like what are you doing? Yes or no? Yes or no? Question then Amanda. Yeah. What were our scales? What did we look like? Because Eli would she told me. So for were they like descriptions of what they were? Yeah there were descriptions for a second. Yes. I need to hear this. Oh no. So remember Brad was like I couldn't see but there's something there. I mean Eli in the podcast did there was a few times where you asked out loud and
Starting point is 01:25:32 you got some kind of response. Yeah I think and unfortunately sometimes I would forget to say it and that's where I would just quietly and then I was like I got to start saying it out loud so people would put the fucking twins. But I asked on everybody on everybody what was their scales? What do I see? Tell me if I could trust you or if I couldn't. I always wonder. Yeah that's why like for Brad I was told to protect. I was just like instant I will look after him and then that was where it started to hurt when he left because I was the first kind of friend I've ever really made that wasn't. One of my favorite moments is finding him on that beach with Trig. Trig trying to cover him up. Trig going out to make turtle soup and finding the turtle. He came back with a
Starting point is 01:26:24 turtle. I think he was going to go get a turtle. I was going to go get a turtle to try to cheer you up. And you did. I found our turtle. So this is what I sent to Snavol. I said for Shodi the scales tip towards good. Her scales kind of glow like a metal fresh out of the forge and on that scale itself is an embellished branded P. Anchor has primarily leans towards good. There's a hesitant teetering to the scale more of a penance and a confliction as if one is trying to atone for a past grievance. Trig while there are more coins leaning on the good side you have a sense of honest good to him. His scales are leaning towards the bad and it seems like it's forced that way. Kenny was a bright good leading scale. The scale has a divine energy surrounding it that
Starting point is 01:27:21 manifests is in a golden hand that seems to be constantly adding coins to the life end of the scale. But it doesn't change its positioning. And Rad was she does not see a scale. She didn't see anything but instead Snavol feels that something is watching. Dude that's so fucking cool. Wait so the scales do good and bad and life and death? So the way yeah it's kind of like the scales indicate a couple things. One if they're a good soul like genuinely even if you made mistakes it could still tell when someone is like a genuinely good soul compared to not. And I actually when it comes to life or death I always ask I have to ask the question do this person need to transcend or do they need a crossover. If the answer is yes that means I must have them face just judgment
Starting point is 01:28:14 no matter what. So if it was Trig and everyone tried to stop me unfortunately it was either I'm going or Trig's going. But most of the time no that's where it gets nervous sometimes because if I have to I'm going down that path and most of the time it's no. So can you tell when we die? Sometimes it can be an indicator. Okay so it's not like this this dude's got two weeks left. Okay okay this is how you're gonna die. But if Snowballs been fucking holding out like you better fucking tell us if we got two days left. I even if so I wouldn't say it because then that's that's on your brain but I don't want to know. Would you really want to know. Me Caleb I'd want to know. Okay let's say Caleb or Anchor yeah. You can ask Snowballs like you tell us when we die and
Starting point is 01:29:09 we're like sometimes. I really want that to come up. I want that whole conversation to come up of how that works because I've been wondering the whole whole game. I'm surprised no one asked how Snowball can read. Well because remember oh yeah there is a very interesting way that Snowballs had to read. That hasn't occurred to me. There's also like so much there's so much I wanted to ask you guys that fell to the same sort of thing we didn't do to repeat where it's like fuck I've known you people for like a week. Yes we will get past that eventually. Yeah I mean we've spent what like a month together at this like yeah a full summer. I think time jump a little bit. So we can get to level 13 for some of us. There's so much in that time jump. Say there's the trial.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Oh man just that's what I would love to do yeah. Who knows what we're gonna do for season two. I don't I really I don't want a time jump because I want to have done something before we see Buran again. Like I want to be able to come back and meet Buran and actually say something we did in the podcast in between. Like we fucking tackle the kingdom while you were gone and now you're a fucking 14 year old. What the fuck. Kenny still has sending right. Yeah. Okay good. I was just gonna say what talk to her. Oh yeah. We got to send like newsletters. You're a teen and you're six moms that you haven't spoken to in like seven years. That you probably don't even remember. Oh we're not letting her forget us. It's gonna be funny it's like that magical
Starting point is 01:31:00 barricade made it like delay a little bit so it's always like maybe a year later. No. We have to send like really specific advice when we're guessing at what ages she gets to. It's like this is how you make friends. Listen. We don't know the worst. Yeah we don't. We don't know. Stay on a boat with them for two months. We can't give a kid advice. She's our kid. You can give her advice. Not good advice. Pretty well with her. I think Buran's one of the best things we've ever accomplished. Awesome friends. Mayday. Yeah I think he's raised her well. That's great. So what we're saying is we're ready for adoption. If anyone has any agencies they'd like to. I have a question for everybody. Since you're talking about adoption now this is a different type of connection. Does
Starting point is 01:31:53 anyone think that there's going to be future possible ships that happen with any of the Ishoka crew? Yes. You're asking and you know the answer is yes. You. Anchor entrain. Are you talking about like relationships or like dragons? I'm talking. Dragon turtle for sure. Or golden dragon. Let me just pull up my chart that I made of everyone's ship names because I made it. I was hoping like or Zach would have something ready. Zach and I would go back and forth mid game being like oh there's goes dragon turtle. Oh there goes golden dragon. Which one is golden dragon? Like halfway through so many episodes I would get a private message from Leg going you guys should kiss you. That's normal. It's very normal but it was like triple the amount we got during Doom to
Starting point is 01:32:54 repeat. Actually I did not know that. I gave them a lot of jokes when I said those. Yeah oh it was one it was never like a forced thing but it was the funniest shit in the world and nine times out of ten I was like maybe. Yeah no I do. There's a couple of them that I'm really proud of. I did everyone's combination with everyone except for me because it made me nervous and scared. We'll cover that end of the spectrum no worries. We'll take care of that one. Sort of my favorite names and it's not about real like realism at all but I think Shodian Snooval's ship name would be Greyscale. I'm really excited about that. Shodian Trigg would be Big Shot because Shodian's big shot. Oh my god I want that so much. Shodian Anchor is Iron Giant because Anchor.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Iron Giant I love the name but I'm sorry Caleb that can't happen. No no I don't think I've ever thought that I don't think. No Trig and Rad is Shellshock. That's pretty good. That would be a rough ship right there. That's some fucking Anx. That's a crack ship. That's a multiplication table you've got or is it. It's a full chart gang. Keep telling me I'm going to know more. Oh my goodness. We've got to hear the others and then once you've gone through all of them you need to tell us which one you think is the most likely to have. I'll do it super quick super quick. So all of Anchor's ships with Rad it's Radcor. Trigg is Weighted Arrow Snooval.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Did I say Dragon Jail or Dragon Tail? We talked about Iron Giant. Rad ships with Anchor and Rad or Heavy Turtle. We talked about Shellshock. We talked about Dragon Turtle. Shodian Rad I think is Magic Turtle. Trigg ships with Anchor. Tranker with Rad or Jail. We talked about Hot Shot and Big Shot. Snooval. Snoovanker. Snoo Rad. Travol. Bracestale and Golden Dragon. Shodian is Xanker or Xanker or Xanker. So I think Rad and Shodian is Shaan. These are just power couple names. Shodian and Trigg. Obviously I was getting tired because Shao Wrig. Shao Wrig? You know how that's Shao Wrig. Shao and Shao Vol. Oh, Shao Vol. Shao Vol. Like Shao Vol. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wow. And then that's it. Well, an incredible thing to bring our
Starting point is 01:36:10 two clothes on. Amazing. Wait, wait, wait. Most viable. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Most viable. Who is the next couple of the year for the superlatives? Who's going to be the class cup? Yeah, you're at the class couple. Dragon Turtle. Dragon Turtle. Dragon Turtle. Dragon Turtle. This guy has shown no interest. I'm sorry. Are you kidding me? Did you listen? Did you listen? You didn't watch? This is origin. You know, it's real. What game were you playing? When you told Rad you were angry with him on the beach? Broke my heart. I see what Amanda's saying. We're okay. He's going on the anchor or Trigg. Okay. All that talk about the Ladybug says he told you to make a surfboard. Surfboard. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Honestly, okay. You got to understand. Remember that little cross scale we made? And where we put our characters. Remember how I put like, like, snowball, like in the opposite corner? Really? Only one in that corner. You don't need to understand friendships. What do you mean she's going to understand like flirting or anything beyond that? Y'all crazy. I think you're both like that. I think that's why you may not have seen anything from Rad. I don't think Rad has any understanding as a sexual being or romantic being. He knows squid pies and my big turtle that those are the two things. Big turtle that...
Starting point is 01:37:50 I like the energy that Karen brought to huge golden damage is the same energy Amanda brings to thoughts and prayers. Yes, it's a beautiful thing, it's a beautiful thing. You know what, fair. Very fair, you know what? Thoughts and prayers, baby, thoughts and prayers. You know what? Brann on, that's all I'll say, season two. Alrighty, Eli, take us home. What's left to...
Starting point is 01:38:19 Hold on, we have to give our big and our big fun announcement. Go for it. Oh, oh, me? I said we were gonna do it and then no one else is doing it. Oh, we're wrapping up. Let me read ghosts myself. Erin has given up the ghosts, as it were, to say that we in September are going to begin playing Orpheus with Vince from Black Project Gaming.
Starting point is 01:38:52 You will have all seven of us as players and Vince running Orpheus. Orpheus is in the same world as Vampire of the Masquerade and the Werewolf game and all of those games that I'm not entirely familiar with, but I'm very excited to learn about, where we will all be spooky ghosts. It'll be sometime late September. As we said, Vince from Black Project Gaming is going to be running it for us. You can see him... Sergio, you're running a one-shot shortly? Yeah, next week we'll be running a one-shot with Eli and Vince and a couple other folks.
Starting point is 01:39:28 And the cool thing about our Orpheus campaign is technically our goal is to run the entire arc. I think there's six of them Vince has explained. So, you know, we are committing to trying to, for the next year and a half, get through this Orpheus campaign. No one has ever done it before, so we are looking forward to taking that trophy. And we hope to have an amazing game. We're also looking to introduce you guys to Vince. Those who don't know him, which was silly if you know us and don't know Black Project Gaming,
Starting point is 01:40:04 that seems insane to me. You should fix that. But also, we may be doing a little stream next Friday with Vince and a handful of us, whoever's available. Just pretty chill games, friendship, and getting y'all, getting y'all used to seeing an eighth face here. Exciting stuff. And as always, we have our weekly Twitch streams with Aaron at the street from Monday, Sergio and Starforge on Tuesdays. Like, are we back with Heroes You Should Know?
Starting point is 01:40:38 It'll be back sometime soon. I have weird family stuff going on right now, unfortunately, that may or may not affect it. I will keep you guys updated as I am, but don't worry, it's not gone forever. We'll be coming back very, very soon. Check us out on Fridays. We're going to be doing more stuff like this, playing games, doing random one-shots. We have a couple of stuff coming up in the future, so check our Twitter. And if you like us and want to keep supporting us, please join us on Patreon.
Starting point is 01:41:08 We got a Discord and some awesome stuff where, actually, running a thing right now where we have stickers, and we want to give you a sticker. And if you want a sticker, come and join us on Patreon. Look, there's stickers right there. Look how beautiful they are. They're so nice. You notice I made it like in the background. Yeah, if you join us by September 22nd, you'll get one of these awesome stickers and stuff like that, so come and join us on Patreon.
Starting point is 01:41:31 And all your contributions continue to help us. Keep making awesome content for you. And I think that's it, guys. Thank you. Yeah, I'm funny. Yeah, follow us on Twitch and stuff like that. Wherever you want to find us on your podcast, you can find us there. But yeah, other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed the rest of your Friday.
Starting point is 01:41:54 And we'll see you guys soon. Good night, guys. Good night. Good night. Good night. Good night. Good night. Good night.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Dragon.

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