Mayday Plays - Godzilla: King of the Cosmos, Ep. 5 "Seeds of Dissent"

Episode Date: February 3, 2024

Last Flag has met the mysterious Dr. Serizawa only to learn he, too, cannot be fully trusted. Still, they need his insight to understand how to hack the zero beam. The squad completes their downtime a...ctivities just in time for the rioting Prostasians to assault the zero beam. Last Flag suits up once again to defend the array or risk releasing space! Mayday plays Beam Saber, a Forged in the Dark game by Austin Ramsay. Starring: Sergio @surgettrpg as The Storyteller Darryl @Mr_DarrylDorsey as Ty "Judge" Walters, the Officer Allison @InsightChecked as Carol "Brain" Worth, the Scout Zakiya @zakthedrak as Cebi "Ruse" Russo, the Hacker Caleb @ginsbergsong as Roosevelt "Mayor" Freeman, the Ace Special thanks to; Austin Ramsay, the creator of Beam Saber Original theme by Maseru Sato Arrangement by Tomoyuki Minagare Godzilla is a registered trademark of Toho Co Ltd. Mayday Roleplay makes no claims to it and does not profit from any commercial items using Godzilla's likeness. The views and opinions expressed in this video are our own and do not represent Toho Co Ltd. We offer this content for entertainment purposes only. We've got Mayday merch! (t-shirts and stickers) We offer a bunch of art, music, and "behind-the-screen" content on Patreon:, including access to our discord server! Listen to us @: Apple Podcasts:…ys/id1537347277 Spotify:…73ec867215744a01 Soundcloud: @mayday-roleplay Our socials; Twitter: Instagram: Website: Thanks for your support!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As I'm sure you're all aware, I am in a kind of prison cell. What more could you offer me in exchange for more information? Well, I think you said the solution with the problem. You're in a cell and we're not. I know what it's like to make something beautiful and have the government take it from you. And beyond exterminating humanity, I think we can be your eyes and ears. I could use eyes and ears. Perhaps you'd be okay with me installing cameras in your mecca that way I can see what you're up to.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Is that too much of a burden to ask? I don't care. Yeah, I'm cool with it. I don't believe that Godzilla was always this way, the way that we know him now. At first scientists believed he was an ancient dinosaur mutated by the radiation of the 1950s, but he's proven to be much more than a beast. It is blasphemous to say, but perhaps more than mortal. I believe Godzilla's purpose has been subverted.
Starting point is 00:01:18 He began as one thing and is now something different. What exactly I still am not sure, but the process led me to the zero beam. And if you want, I could instruct you on how the zero beam works, and how maybe you could even construct one of your own. After all, the original intention, if the zero beam is brought to 100% capacity, it is meant to destabilize the target. You could have the death you're looking for.
Starting point is 00:01:54 If you're the one that built this beam, perhaps you have, and I don't shy away from being someone who's more intelligent than myself, that's why I'm an officer. I recognize the ability in others and I allow them to do what they're good at. I would like to ask, what do you think their intention is with bringing him with us? And I kinda look at peaches and what I ask that too.
Starting point is 00:02:19 But it's not an accusatory. It's more of a, I know you probably had this thought too, because we tend to be on the same wavelength. Dr. Sirozawa kind of leans back in his chair, and you know, you can see he's mulling over the different options, and he says, I think the most obvious choice
Starting point is 00:02:42 is probably the most likely. They're planning to use him in some way. We're traveling to another planet? I don't know, maybe they hope to use him as some kind of defense system. Oh, I thought power source. A power source isn't a bad idea. I know scientists who are trying to look into power in Godzilla as well. Or drawing power from him.
Starting point is 00:03:04 My second and because I feel whatever I say is safe within your indifference which I can hear in every noun and syllable of your tone and because I actually trust four of the people here, I say my second is that perhaps the summit has a few gelates amongst them as well. Perhaps that is a hypothesis, nothing grounds, nothing permanent in that thought, but just a fleeting moment of wonder. The doctor does lean forward and he can tell
Starting point is 00:03:44 just from your language there's this rebellious tone and he says, well, any way that I could assist you in getting what the summit deserves, I'd be happy to assist as much as I can in this space. Information and intelligence is mostly what I can offer. Well as I stated before, Doctor, I pride myself in recognizing the skills of others and utilizing them where they need to be utilized. But this is not my endeavor. I turn you over to the actual smartest of the group. Well, one of you all- I was gonna say, I look at Brain.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Brain is looking at you. I did have a few questions. Thank you for that judge. I just had Pat, Pat Roosevelt on the shoulder. You think this thing is a curse? You, you think that Godzilla was made for our crimes? Like some sort of plague against our people? That could be one theory I've certainly molded over. I can't give you an exact answer. I don't know yet. There's never been enough time to study him. Once they discovered my weapon, they simply forced me to see it to completion in a different way. So I only have conjecture about it. Your guess is as
Starting point is 00:05:11 good as mine. Well, if Godzilla was to punish the world for dropping the bomb, and what happens when we drop Godzilla? What happens when we turn him into a bomb? What comes next? Some kind I'm not entirely convinced it works that way, but I see where your head's at. I don't know why, but I just hate the term Zilla for some reason. It seems dumb and tacky and probably shouldn't be done. The Japanese always refer to the monsters Gojira. My great, great, great, great, great grandfather killed the first one. The first? The first? I consider it the first one. I have a theory that maybe, I don't know, maybe there was a breeding ground underwater.
Starting point is 00:06:07 No matter where we killed Godzilla, he would always show up again. My great-grandfather using the oxygen destroyer, others other weapons, always out of the water he rose again eventually. So you're saying this is probably the son of Godzilla? So you're saying this is probably the son of Godzilla? Judging by the fact that Godzilla's appearance hasn't changed much, I don't know. I don't really hold a lot of merit to that theory. Just an interesting one. It's like I said, he's a curse. Or a ghost.
Starting point is 00:06:37 He came from the water, but it might not be the same one. They could produce a sexually. He's like Christ. He sent here for us to pay for our sins. More like an antichrist. An antichrist. Thank you. I forgot that word existed for a brief period. Words Christ.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Some sort of reverse Christ. I think Carol herself just to the side says, I told Roosevelt I liked him. No. I tried to hold it together through all of my dumbass quips and it was reverse Christ that got me. That's Lady Gaga album. For sure. Okay. So we'll take those plans to the zero to the zero beam if you got them. The plans to the zero beam? Hmm, I don't have access to them.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I have a completely perfect memory so I could recite to you. What are you looking for? You want to find weaknesses? I'd be good, yeah. Yeah, virtual the better. There really aren't many. The summit made sure to add as many redundancies as possible You'll have to be at the zero beam to control it There'll be no way for a hacker to hack it from a distance. Well, you're a smart guy
Starting point is 00:07:58 You probably put in like a secret button. Nobody knows about right button nobody knows about right? Did he? If someone would like to make a fortune roll you can. Or a flashback. Welcome to playing to the Stars. There was a back door into the system. A flashback? Somebody else's flashback? I don't think I'll count. Somebody else's flashback. You did think I'll count somebody else's flashback you did what if we were just in the background like the hell's that got the fortune roll will be too
Starting point is 00:08:34 die and you're going to pick the lower number and obviously I'll say a five or six means yes Yes, he did. This should be Ruz's. Terrified. Okay, we'll do friendship and and robots. They have themed dice. Five and a six, maybe two fives. He does admit to having a system set in place. Let's see, what would it look like if anybody wants to chime in as to what this, you know, weakness would look like. I don't think that he would make it a weakness to the structure. I don't think it's an easy way to destroy it. It's maybe an easy way to shut it off. Yeah, I think it's like backdoor software. I think he's a really smart,
Starting point is 00:09:25 shrewd guy. It's something he only envisioned himself using. A kill code. Yeah, a kill code. I think narratively it would work really well if like, Ruse had some awareness of like that level of technological mind had an awareness of it, but you'd have to know it was there. Yeah, because I feel like no coder worth their salt wouldn't make a way for them to destroy their own thing just in case someone else got a hold of it. Yeah, yeah. Fair enough. I think it's pretty airtight.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It's just one quick like shitty firewall. And maybe it has something to do with his great great great grandfather that killed the first Godzilla. Like maybe the Kill Code has some connection to that event. The code is go Jira. We just felt that just just a different spell. Actually, I will take it. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:10:15 So yes, that's what you learn from Sarazawa. OK. So Sarazawa, excuse me, doctor, I got another question. You don't mind many questions from you Yeah, well, I'm kind of doing some soul searching lately I'm you know, I'm trying to find my place in the world and whether that's killing Godzilla or you know Except in the world is the way to you know, we're coming. We're coming our way I'm also accepting things the way they are. Yeah, it's kind of shit, but it's the
Starting point is 00:10:45 only thing you can do apparently. Sarazawa, do you know who took over the project after you? Who's building the next bomb? Who's turning Godzilla into the next? I mean, name directly. They got to have a lead scientist or someone in charge of the project. The summit forced me into its design and its construction, and then it took it over from there. So I will say that summit scientists are the ones that are in control. There is an entire command that is in charge of the array itself, and no one has control over it unless they are there.
Starting point is 00:11:23 OK, OK, so it's no one man. You don't have like a, like a, an evil reverse Sarazawa out there. Well, that would be a good scientist, wouldn't it? Yeah. Well, it's very rare that someone is so self aware that they, that they are a prick. All right. That is actually mentally healthy. That is a shock.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I kind of like him for it, honestly. I'm kind of digging his vibe. I think when history shakes out, I will be proven correct. That humanity needs to go away, to make Godzilla go away. But there will be no history when we're dead, because lizards do not keep it. So what point are you making here? Either way, the summit does not allow any system as important as the summit to be
Starting point is 00:12:13 controlled by one man. That's why there's a committee. So we just kill those 10 people. Don't say that out loud. What? Oh, there's such a weird joke to make out loud. Peaches, are you laughing? Peaches is very kind of perturbed by the conversation. He really hasn't had a lot of time with you all to discuss the things you've learned and your kind of intentions, certainly with your new status.
Starting point is 00:12:40 But Dr. Sarah Zawa says I'm almost positive this room is bugged. Cool. Well, that's it. That was a weird joke to me. It came up when we were in the field and we were like, look at that group of specifically 10 people that we just killed that were bad. Listen, it's me. They don't listen to a goddamn word I say. I am a gun to them. I'm Godzilla to them. I look forward to you all on your next mission. I'm going to have four screens to watch and enjoy. I do hope you all survive. I did establish that I do have a bug detector
Starting point is 00:13:23 with me too. Can I just ask you one more question, Sarah? This one's just for the road. A little trick-and-treat for me. Please, I have all the time in the world. In your plan, were you going to kill yourself? Were you going to wipe out the entire human race? Or were you going to stick around and watch the whole thing to see if you were right? That's my question as well. Humanity exists within all of us. Even the individual. We're all special, and I believe connected to Godzilla. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:51 As if we have a mark. Carol's eyes haven't stopped dodging from window to window this whole time. You mean you can see it too? See what? I meant it in a metaphorical way. No, I'm good. Do you know something that I don't know? I don't.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I'm an idiot. I can see Godzilla's dreams. Aw shit Carol. Fascinating. And what have you seen in those dreams? She looks to the rest of the group when people ask her direct questions. Often she checks in first. She's learned a few lessons.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Have I found the bug yet? If you pull it out and you start using it, yes, you can tell that within the ceiling lighting units, there is probably a bug. Yeah, yeah, I go for that. You're gonna disable that bug? I don't disable it. If there's any music system in here,
Starting point is 00:14:49 I put it directly next to it and I turn that up because if I disable it, someone's gonna show up. All right. Yeah, he's still technically in jail. You all have to kind of huddle together, but I'll say he's got a little futuristic radio that you can blare. We're playing Godzilla by the blue oyster cult.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Yes. And, you know, Sarah Zawa like at this turn is just now so intrigued. This is the most interesting thing that's happened to him in weeks. And he's just enthralled to have you all there. What's Carol's eyeballs are kind of rotating around. She's so nervous, but they keep locking on to Ruz. It's can Can I... Can I...
Starting point is 00:15:26 Can I share? I think Ruse is going to try to step between them and whisper, I don't see why that would be a problem, but this man does not care if we live or die. I feel like Ty is moved, like after finding this. He allows him to have this conversation. He stays close enough that he can kind of hear, but he's closer to Peaches now. And I feel like he and Peaches are just pinching the bridges of their noses at the same time,
Starting point is 00:15:54 at this just... Hey, Roosevelt's my boy. But sometimes I forget his lack of tact. And just in that moment, I'm just like, I knew this, because there was no way I didn't assume that this room was bugged I was about to say right before you said that Caleb. I stand for bugs Ten people kill ten people You know, I mean we're technically the crew that they would
Starting point is 00:16:28 send to take out people, take out the people that say that type of thing. Hey, I mean, if they thought I was worth anything of the half the shit I said, they would never give me my new job. Carol is thoroughly ignoring the Roosevelt's situation right now. And she has her head bowed near Ruse. And she looks at Ruse with the look of someone that really trusts the opinion of the other person.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Sometimes when I tell people my dreams, they get weirded out. Carol, your dreams are weird as a, but I don't think they're wrong. Thanks. Thanks. She whirls around and kind of gives a little like to give herself some courage. I believe in you. And then looks at the doctor and says, I dream about Godzilla all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Right now he's sleeping, but I've seen so many things. I've seen the mark, the mark of those who survive. I know what his farts smell like. He hates Wednesdays. He's got one really long tooth in the back. He's got a little frill behind his left ear hole. Dr. Sarozawa interpolates all of this data into an empath fascinating.
Starting point is 00:17:49 You should continue to exercise these abilities. What is the feeling you get from Godzilla? She immediately thinks of all of the words that she said to Roosevelt, to Ruse, to Thai, over the years, all sorts of negative words. And just like in the Ruse test, the first thing that pops out of her brain is not the thing she was expecting. And she says, family. Dr. Sarah Zawa smiles. My theory is proven true as the days pass. I'm curious to see what the next move is with the summit.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I would suggest you follow your orders, and when it feels appropriate, act against them as long as you gain something, or as long as there is something to gain. If something is to be learned about Godzilla, it'll come in time. Be patient. Patient. Okay. I'm only 55. I got time. I didn't mean to do this. Captain Tatt. Hell yeah. Captain Tatt, Carol. It's a Tatt 55. Please visit me again, won't you?
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah, maybe. We may be court-martialed in a second, so. If we survive, I'm sure. You have one more downtime activities, Zack, if you'd like to use it. I'm just gonna talk about the roost test. I think cuz it's it's directly related to my Drive oh yeah, it's directly related to my drive. So it'll right I Want to start making people basically think that we need to make changes to it And if I can get them to sort of open up the project again, I wanna get in there and do what I gotta do.
Starting point is 00:19:28 What of the downtime activities on page 220 do you think works for this? Kinda feel like a long-term project makes sense to me. You could try to, I would argue maybe a manufacturer where you are trying to manufacture this descent. Yeah, I would say manufacturer or like reverse schmooze. You mean anti-schmooze. I'm sorry, anti-schmooze.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yeah, we could do a schmooze role. Say what your pilot does to improve relations with a faction, in this case, kind of diminish the relation and make a fortune role using an appropriate action. I think now that they're so close to these other pilots, they start asking them if they had problems with their Ruse test and saying that we almost didn't pull it off, because, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:18 Brain almost didn't make it. Yeah. You're gonna roll 2D and choose the lower number. Let's go, baby. Three. So if you roll the one, if you roll the three, you're going to have one dot, we'll say out of four. OK, that's fine. That works for me. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:38 You you sow the seeds of dissension amongst the rank, bringing up those topics about the Ruse Test. Some folks give you glances, you are the person that invented the Ruse Test, but you are fervent about it. So those are your three downtime activities, who would like to go next? We could all go to the bar thing, since it seemed like we all wanted that scene and then whoever has the most stress which I think it's actually just both of you guys you know you guys could get the benefits I wanted to yeah I wanted to use schmooze it's both cut loose and schmooze those were the two I wanted to do because specifically and I think it would the schmooze part will
Starting point is 00:21:27 Go towards my drive of making sure my crew is okay Specifically I want to get that last meeting of the recording that just happened Yeah, I want to receive that A combination of Well cuz peaches was in the room and I think because Carol very much said Peaches on the recording before I had a chance to put the bug next to something to block out.
Starting point is 00:21:56 So I feel like he would be into making sure that that's not found, but also that's the first portion of smooth and obviously this will depend on how well I roll it. I want that part deleted but also I would like a copy of any other meetings and recordings that were that were held in this place. I got too comfortable with these chuckle heads and I forgot to do what the thing that I normally do. I've been doing nice stuff and I forgot how mistrusting I can be. So let's do our cut loose first. Anybody who feels like they need to reduce stress.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I want you to tell me who is it that you cut loose with? It's usually one other person and you can roll dice equal to the number of ticks in your connection clock with that pilot who is joining you. Three. Okay. So you're going to reduce three stress. Um, anybody else rolling cut loose? Uh, yes.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Carol will cut loose with the group, um group for dice purposes with a tie specifically, although I would like a chance to talk to Roosevelt. Sure, yeah, that's not a problem. I think I'm there, but I'm not cutting loose. Okay, fair. Three stress. Three stressor removed. Anybody else cutting loose or no?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Can I cut loose? You cannot, unfortunately. You spent your downtime activities. If I cut loose? You cannot, unfortunately. You spent your downtime activities. If I cut loose, does Ruse get the benefits? No, you do. No. OK, well then. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:23:33 OK, those are you that cut loose. I want you to add a tick to your connection clock with those people. I think we'll just go with Ty and Carol as the two connections. Carol believes that Ty is paranoid and here's voices where they don't exist. She's not sure about that ceiling bug. Doesn't believe it. Seems a little barfetched. While I still believe that she truly, like, now I actually have seen some sort of proof
Starting point is 00:24:06 that there is some sort of connection by the fact that Godzilla didn't flat out just kill her, took a moment, I believe that this crisis of faith is making her a bit more chaotic unto herself because where it was just oh I got a connection with Godzilla but now it's got to a point where someone mentions a word that they kind of said in passing and it almost caused an entire attack just now it's gonna get in the way of my drive which is make sure that they're safe yeah maybe you have a new belief that Carol is sensitive or Carol is fragile. Carol has become more fragile.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yeah, we also, since we're on the two of you, let's get to your scars. I forgot that because you maxed out stress last session, you are stressed out, which means that you are going to gain a scar. What's important to understand is that if you suffer the repercussions of this scar during a session, you will gain XP, or two if it happens multiple times. So usually it's a word or a phrase or something that can remind you of what this scar looks like, but it's a new element to your character. I think Carol actually got it right on the head with Ty is paranoid in his mind. He was always paranoid, but now
Starting point is 00:25:27 it's become he was always more secretive about it. Like it was just like, oh, he walked through a room and with his detector and we'll just quietly do it. This time he full blown in front of everyone just reached up and grabbed a bug and just put it next to something. It didn't explain anything about it really. Oh god, I've started down a weird rabbit hole with this character that I didn't think I was going down. Have fun, Ollie. That's the great thing about TTRPGs. So are we all already now, dude? Carol, what about you? What scar do you think she gains?
Starting point is 00:25:58 I think Carol is distrustful after the surprise explosion. I think she'll be a little wary, more wary than she was before. So besides trying to act on these scars to gain XP, the other thing you have to understand is that at the end of every downtime, you're going to gain one stress for having a scar. So what you might want to do is you might want to spend before the end of the downtime activity, you might want to spend a personnel or a material to cut loose again, because you can do it a second time. Just a narrative overview flavor. I would like to cut loose again and spend a personnel. I wanted to just do a Roosevelt scene where we go back and forth and trade
Starting point is 00:26:39 stories about like the worst thing you've seen Godzilla do. And like as they drink drink it like gets progressively more Bombastic and farfetched love it love that you can roll one D because you have one connection with Roosevelt That's a six amazing you lose six stress. Oh, I needed that think that great drink buddy It helped there way more than you were expecting. And I think I would spend one personnel, and I would do downtime with Ruz. Nothing so as deep and like, oh,
Starting point is 00:27:15 connecting over Godzilla, just karaoke. Just karaoke in the trophy room. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Just wow. All right, we're keeping karaoke. Ty, you also have one connection, so go ahead and Just right. Very OK. Ty, you also have one connection, so go ahead and roll one die for it. That's five. You reduce it by five.
Starting point is 00:27:35 But both Allison and Daryl, I want you to really just make it five for Carol, four for Daryl, because you're going to gain one at the end of the downtime activity. Give me a new belief about each person that you were hanging out with. Roosevelt's all right sometimes. Like she's firmly on the side of he can be okay. I'll take it. In the new, more paranoid state, he feels like he can confide in a lot of these theories,
Starting point is 00:28:10 in a lot of his conspiracy theories with Ruse. And I think that's basically like all these weird theories. I feel like Ruse is the person he could go to about them because they've already been saying, hey, this isn't a good, these aren't a good people anyway. It loses the person that when they get drunk starts nodding like this. And just like anytime a pilot has ever told them anything like during their like research, they're like, yeah, that's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And I saw it and they did it and it's real. And that's the whole night is just a lot of support, regardless they don't know what they're affirming but they are affirming. I know that Ty also wanted to do some schmoozing. So if you'd like to make a role for schmooze, you're gonna use one of your action roles that you think is appropriate.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Combination because I did mention peaches would probably want this taken care of as well. Instead of sway, I think I'm going to kind of throw my weight around and use command because I do have three dots in that. That's five, three and two. OK, a five is a success. I'm going to say that it's a success with a slight complication. I'm going to say that you are able to get the footage.
Starting point is 00:29:29 You throw your weight around in the security center that has access to this this bug. And you're able to get that audio. The slight complication is there's a chance in your throwing your weight around and ordering people, it may have become more apparent than you wanted it to, that you were doing this to collect information. So there's a chance the summit knows you threw your weight around, but not exactly why.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I'm okay with that mystery. Okay. As long as they don't hear what I said or what was said, and as long as I got the information, the whatever meetings as well, I don't need them, and I don't need them to know why. I just need them, hey, I got power. They do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Anyone else? I've got a few. The first is I wanna do some enhance so that I can pick up that new quirk. That new quirk is going to be dangerously explosive. That goes hand in hand with my second bit, which is I'm going to continue my work on the God, parentheses, Zilla, killing weapon, which I may be renaming the reverse Christ killing weapon. And I wanted to spend some time developing the next part of that. I want to say, though, that he's very conflicted in this movement. He's almost lost the zeal that, you know, brought him about.
Starting point is 00:31:07 He got his first step done, which was putting those spokes into Godzilla's back and keeping them there. And he's hoping this next portion will fit to whatever grand design he had has in his head, which hopefully I can reveal next episode. But he's losing hope, right? The whole time he's thinking, God, well, if Godzilla is reverse Christ and he's losing hope right the whole time he's singing God well if if Godzilla is reverse Christ and he's here for our sins then me killing him that's just proving them right and if he dies then we died if we're all
Starting point is 00:31:38 intrinsically linked at the hip and if I'm his sister then how the hell does anything make sense and he's just smashing shit together, trying to develop the next phase of the plan. So I think I have to roll in that long. Yeah, you're going to make an engineer role in your highest result. We'll determine how many ticks you get on that long term project. What it? I have a six, six and a two. Wow. Well, that is a three progress.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So it's three on top of what you had another two in your long term project. Yeah. OK, so that's five total now out of, I think we said eight. Eight. Yeah. Can I do it? Another long term project. Can I just double down on that's the only other thing I would be doing? Yeah, I don't see why not. I have a critical two sixes. Yeah, that's a five.
Starting point is 00:32:30 That's a five success, which I believe puts you there. Yeah, yeah. So mid mid traveling through the stars. And I'll and I'll argue that like Sarah Zawa is now like installed in your cockpit You know, he's probably talking to you You know instructing you how to improve your ability and what you find is that your ultimate God? Zilla killing weapon your your reverse Christ killing weapon is very reminiscent of the zero beam It's just a a maxed out version. It's a version that doesn't have a middle ground
Starting point is 00:33:04 You know a middle okay, you know, a middle. Okay. It goes straight to 11, which is what was the intended consequence. Got it. And like the work says, you are extremely explosive. That works almost perfectly with the other thing I have designed for pulling up in the next episode. So I think that works perfectly.
Starting point is 00:33:23 And yes, I think that now the deus is like, you touch it wrong. And the whole thing is going to fucking go. Well, let's hope you don't go to a mission at the end of today's session. Would never go. Um, Alice and any last downtime activities? Holy moly. Um, well, first of all, there's so many great things happening here. I just love the idea of Sarazawa and each of our mechs and like guiding us He's now the little devil on your shoulder. Yeah. Yeah. So to do the enhance for the quirks
Starting point is 00:33:54 I just fill those boxes no roll correct. Yes, you're able to add two now I'll warn everybody you're about to experience a mission and if some if nobody has any Leftover downtime activities, you won't be able to gather any information about the mission, if that matters to you. I can reserve one for that if we need it. I totally forgot. Not about that, we ought to do that. No, I just reached the end of my track on the quarks.
Starting point is 00:34:20 So does that mean I gain a quark? If you've gone to the end of your enhance, you gain a new qu. Yep, I'm there. And what what is that new quirk? I think given all of this, I think she would have the ability, like, because she kept her to get out of her mech, she'd have like surround sound system installed on the outside so that she can perhaps use some of her personal abilities that involve speaking without getting out of the mech. That's totally fair. She got burned, literally.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Yes, exactly. All right, I'll put Goldy surround some. Okay, I will say that if you guys do want to spend personnel points, you can do some gather information if you want, since you have that. Let's, unless anybody has anything else they want to do, we're going to transition into the mission portion. The Stratos suddenly falls out of sublight speed. You feel it in your bones and your body. The alarm sounds indicating that something is wrong.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Over the Cogniz dream, you hear the public announcement. Prostation forces are attempting a breach of the Zero Beam Array that houses Godzilla. The summit reassures us that G-Force will ensure they do not succeed. And you know what this means. You rush to the briefing room that it is built specifically for GeForce, and it is you and it is another squad that call themselves the Kaiju Killers. You enter this kind of briefing space and there is a half-man, half-cyborg named Commander Yozer. And he is beginning to pull down the screen, turn on the projector,
Starting point is 00:36:03 and start going into the explanation of what's happening. There's a very high energy of, this needs to happen quick and we need to get out there. Commander Yosur says, Four Prostation Mecha Squads are currently inbound to the Zero Beam Array. The Elysium has cut communications with the Stratos, and we believe it is their intention to board the array, take it over, and release Godzilla. Your mission will be to rendezvous with the array and assist squads Alpha and Beta, which are currently holding off the enemy. We must hold the Zero Beam.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Any questions? Who would have foresaw that people would try to do something with God? Yeah, the Kaiju killers are kind of giggly in the background. They're like, what do we expect? The prostatians have been protesting for days now. Can't wait to shoot them out of the sky. Left a big gun in space. That should be easy, right? Commander Yozor says, last flag, you're Charlie Squad, which means you're leading Kaiju Killers
Starting point is 00:37:07 and they'll be your Delta Squad. Alright. Welcome to hell. Happy to be here. And they kind of tag along as you all run to the Hanger Bay. Talk to me about what the plan of attack is. Before we make our engagement role. What do you hope your plan will look like?
Starting point is 00:37:32 I feel like Ty would personally not try it. He doesn't want to go out of his way to kill too many of the Pristasians simply because if they had been rioting for days, there's probably not without reason. Probably Ruz's fault in some way, shape or form. But, but that's few casualties as possible. Quiet. So you're suggesting just kind of take a defensive position and fight them off.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Yes. Let's try to get back them back, get them back to the way they are till they cannot use their mechs. And then when they are out of their mechs, we take those people in for questioning. And hopefully I can use some of my weight after the fact to make sure that not all Prostasians
Starting point is 00:38:16 are treated unfairly due to the acts of these few who have done something here. There's some skronkkin A-holes in every group and not every Scronkin A-hole is representative of other Scronkin A-holes. Fair enough. Now that's a bumper sticker. Yeah, so true.
Starting point is 00:38:36 As you leap into your mechs and the cockpits are closing, you can hear Sarazawa over the intercom say, "'This will be your first time with unfettered access to the beam. A good chance to sneak inside while the combat keeps them distracted. Way ahead of you. I think uh Ruz is in full hacker mode. The like multiple like uh displays they are they are ready even though I think it's just down to one passcode that they have to enter when they get to it But they are like so ruse is suggesting that this is part of the plan. Yeah, and I'm gonna I'm gonna hack the gun
Starting point is 00:39:16 What's our plan once you get the gun going? What are we doing with it? I Probably break it. And then Godzilla's free in space? No. Well, I mean, I guess if we break it, he's either free or he's stuck exactly where he is until someone fixes the gun. You're intelligent enough to understand that the machine would be turned off and Godzilla would theoretically be free of the hold Now, I don't know if he can swim in space. We haven't even proved that he can breathe up here, which I'm still against
Starting point is 00:39:51 I mean, we maybe turn off that gun find out he's dead but He is alive and We let him free with the gun I'm just worried he's gonna be a little upset with us. There's so many different types of radiation in space that I'm afraid that we might have just super fit the super being. No, I still like hacking the gun because I like most things that don't really have a good answer to them, but I don't know what comes after we do that.
Starting point is 00:40:21 There's something to be said about leaving something at the back door in case when you want to use it. I was going to say, that's the last result. If anything, maybe just make it harder to get through if you're not me. That's true. Felt with it a little bit. Because here's my thinking. I think we need that gun hacked, but I think we got to know
Starting point is 00:40:38 what to do with it first. So if we get the answer now and then have the question later, I don't think that's a bad thing Okay, put a lock on the lock To be clear this battle will happen in zero G in necks It will if your vehicle is unable to fly we can say that you are able to kind of drive on the The the beam array itself on the the the beam array itself you're just not able to have like a 3d movement and the Gotanga will take you to the the beam array we could also tie each
Starting point is 00:41:13 other together I mean me me and Carol can fly yeah I don't think I explicitly stated that I could fly but I do have boosters like my blinding boosters is one of my quirks I think that just inherently makes me able to kind of fly. I just wasn't doing it. I Have a rope I fixed it kind of it's fine It's fine. I could use that to tie us if you guys want. I think I do need to be tied to someone well, maybe we got a hack and we got a slash team. And, uh, you know, we do have an entire other team with us as well as several other company
Starting point is 00:41:51 mints that will be along with us as well. So they'll get distractions. I don't think we want those f***ing knowing what we're doing with the array because God knows they'll go and snitch. They'll say some stuff like, oh, they said said they were gonna kill the ten members of the summit no no they won't that that footage never happened to no one and no one ever said such a thing yeah none of that none of that exists I don't know man I'm pretty sure I do know Rosamelt I do know no one ever said that sentence and there is no recording of it ever happening listen your honor I'm on your side man I'm just saying we can't have No one ever said that sentence and there is no recording of it ever happening. Listen, your honor, I'm on your side, man.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I'm just saying we can't have those follow us to the array because then they'll know we're doing something hanky. And you do know that there there are two G squads currently at the array, but they got to be on team slash with me and we got to make sure they don't see hack going that way. I think it's a good idea. And can we maybe use the the momentum? We're traveling through space right? So maybe I kind of like this idea of like a space ballet with everyone flying around tied to each other with a lot of momentum and if we don't want to see something we just we just swing them around the other way. Yeah, I don't really understand it but I like it. There's good vibes there.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Okay. How about this? I'll leave y'all to those and I'll try to instruct everyone else to as safely as possible make sure the Prostasians stay out of the way. You can certainly assume the kaiju killers are going to be focused on stopping the Prostasian I will try to assist in that portion and I will leave more nefarious things to those of us who are more adaptable to them because I admittedly don't adapt amenable to them because I am not the type of person that goes into systems. So it sounds like me and your honor on team slash and Carol and and ruse are running up a team pack
Starting point is 00:43:51 now if you could get some kind of Scronkery through towards the Towards the beam because you said there's two squads at the beam already Something to just kind of distract them? That would be helpful. I mean they are going to be distracted by four squadrons of Prostation Mecham. Okay, okay, so it's there they're coming on two sides. Okay, great, because I was I was worried about. I can cover you though, Roos. Okay, good. And if anyone asks any questions, I will simply state that you are making sure that it is impenetrable to the prostations And that'll be the story that everyone tells and believes. Yeah, I would not say anything about how you're hacking into that shit
Starting point is 00:44:34 That would not go well Yeah, no, I would never mention the 10 killing of the summit either again ever. That's done Done done done done no killing the summit. No hacking the bee. Would anyone like to make a gather information roll using a personnel supply point or your last downtime activity? I will use a personnel if no one is opposed to it. Yeah we have to because I forgot I used it for my Godzilla vibes earlier. Can we specify what it is we're trying to gather information about? What avenue of this mission or anybody that's involved?
Starting point is 00:45:13 I would like to know how much the Prestasians know about the beat. Sure. What's their motivation? I'm interested in that. Sure, that's a good one. Go ahead and roll a Fortune roll. You're going to roll the two die and choose the lower number. We'll just make it a, I'm sorry, we'll make it a one die. So you're able to just roll one die
Starting point is 00:45:31 and tell me what the result is. This is me or Ty. This is whoever wants to make that gather information roll. Go for it Ty. It's hot dice. Beryl is so afraid of his dice. He's doing well this session. Yeah he is, He is. That's a five. I think a five is a good role. And what you come to learn as while you've been busy working on your Mecca, talking to Sarah Zawa, kind of enjoying the amenities of this new status that you have within Altatopia, what you come to find is that it's actually been since we left the orbit of Earth, Prostasia has been profoundly upset about the appearance of Godzilla in orbit.
Starting point is 00:46:09 They proclaim that they were never instructed as part of the Great Plan, that this would be an aspect of it, that Godzilla would be taken with us. This is news to them. They performed many protests on their own ship, the Elysium, and it looks like it has escalated to the point of being a political matter. The Prostasians are trying to make the decision for us about what should be done with Godzilla. That's the vibe you're getting.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I agree with the thought process, but not their methods. So I have to go against it in this case It's it's easy to deduce that Letting Godzilla loose out of this thing will be much worse than just leaving him in it for now Yep, time for that engagement role. Let me ask you the following questions. Is this mission bold? I will say yes, you are subverting What the summit wants to do with you and you're kind of setting up this backdoor. Does the mission exploit the target's vulnerabilities?
Starting point is 00:47:10 Yeah, I'll say so. It's under attack, distracted. I'll say you get a dive for that. Is the squad receiving external support for the mission? I would say no, but there's an argument to be said that all of these G4 squads are... I'm gonna say no because they're not gonna actually help you do this. We have Sarazawa? I think that's worth a die.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I think that at best he would be helping you kind of, you know, root through the systems of the array and stuff like that. Are there other factors affecting the mission? You can take a D for each benefit or a minus D for the hindrance I Think it's only fair to give you a minus die because of the intensity of the upcoming battle I mean you may be able to sneak around but there's still a chance of getting like you know the odd laser shot in your direction or something like that Yeah, and the arrays got to have like crazy security for the inside. As it does, yes, exactly. I think that's all worth one die. So what is that? A total of two die or three die? Two.
Starting point is 00:48:14 So you're going to make an engagement roll with two and the result will determine whether you, what kind of position you'll be in. Who wants to make that role?

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