Mayday Plays - Godzilla: King of the Cosmos, Session 0

Episode Date: January 19, 2024

Mayday presents session 0 of our beam saber mini-campaign titled GODZILLA: King of the Cosmos. Enjoy as Sergio guides his players in putting the final touches on their characters, their squad, and the... lore of their world. They also cover their lines and veils, the basics of playing a forged-in-the-dark game, and what to expect from the narrative. Learn the origins of how the squad came up with their name, Forward operating base, and beliefs in one another. A super informative session 0 that will lay the groundwork for one of the most memorable games of the year. Starring: Sergio @surgettrpg as The Storyteller Darryl @Mr_DarrylDorsey as Ty "Judge" Walters, the Officer Allison @InsightChecked as Carol "Brain" Worth, the Scout Zakiya @zakthedrak as Cebi "Ruse" Russo, the Hacker Caleb @ginsbergsong as Roosevelt "Mayor" Freedom, the Ace Mayday plays Beam Saber, a hack of Blades in the Dark, all about mighty mecha robots and the jockeys who pilot them. The year is 2024, and since the '50s, mankind has been waging a losing war against the titan known as GODZILLA. Generations of fighting has left the earth a scarred and irradiated wasteland. Humanity's only line of defense is G-Force, a team of highly trained jockeys piloting massive mecha against the atomic tyrant. Now, during the final days of humanity's plan to escape their dying earth, the mecha squad known as "Last Flag Planted" will be tasked with a mission so important it may hold the fate of humanity in the balance. Subsequent episodes will be released every Friday and Saturday through January and February! Special thanks to; Austin Ramsay, the creator of Beam Saber Original theme by Maseru Sato Arrangement by Tomoyuki Minagare Godzilla is a registered trademark of Toho Co Ltd. Mayday Roleplay makes no claims to it and does not profit from any commercial items using Godzilla's likeness. The views and opinions expressed in this video are our own and do not represent Toho Co Ltd. We offer this content for entertainment purposes only. We've got Mayday merch! (t-shirts and stickers) Thanks for checking out our channel! We offer a bunch of art, music, and behind-the-screen access on our Patreon; including access to our discord server! We started as a podcast! Listen to us @: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Soundcloud: Here are some of our other socials; Twitter: Instagram: Website: Thanks for your support!

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome friends to session zero of our Beamsaber mini-campaign titled Godzilla King of the Cosmos. I'm Sergio, your game master and with me today is an incredible cast of role players and together we will be assembling the final building blocks to our Beamsaber game. I'm gonna go ahead and let the players introduce themselves and where you can find them. Hello, thank you for having me. My name is Allison or Insight Checked. You can find me on most social platforms, distributed now widely across the Internet. My pronouns are she, her, and I'm really excited to play with y'all.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Hello, I'm Darrell Dorsey. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at Mr. underscore Darrell Dorsey or somewhere doing weird stuff on Twitch at Darrell sucks at gaming. My pronouns are he and I also am excited to play this game. Hello, I'm Sikia. You can find me everywhere it matters at Zach the Drak, ZAK, T-H-E-D-R-A-K. I make everything that you see happening here and other cool things like art. There it is, I make art. And I believe that's all I've been asked to say. Hi, I'm Caleb James Miller, you can find me on Twitter at Ginsburg's Song. You can also find me here at Mayday and everything that we make.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Most notably, I run our Vampire the Masquerade game called Vegas by Night, which we're looking to produce a second season later this year. So hopefully you can drop in. And I'm excited to get started here. I'm really excited to kill Godzilla. Impossible. Not gonna happen. Well, I mean, you know, the whole thing about beam saber and these blades and the dark games is you guys do have a lot of control over the narrative. So the entire narrative is kill God's Ella and it will happen. We said it now. So we're shooting for session one, Ed lizard. Like let's wrap this thing in one of his own call it done. I'm sure that's exactly what will happen. Well, we are going to be using the game system beam saber, which is a hack of the forge in the dark system. If you've ever played blades in the dark, then you will be able to follow along just fine, but if you've never played blades in the dark, that's okay. This is just a kind of great little mechanic system that threads the needle between narrative focused gameplay using flashbacks and we also implement
Starting point is 00:02:31 clocks that gauge success and failure and there are some really cool funnabilities that all of the players have that make them feel like in blades and dark skilled criminals and in Beamsaber badass mecha jockeys. In Forge in the Dark Games, players have just as much influence, like I said, over the narrative. So naturally I had to employ four other players with killer game master instincts. Today we are going to be introducing the characters, making some connections between them, and then choosing our squad playable. It should be a really fun session zero to get to know who we will be
Starting point is 00:03:10 going on this epic Kaiju sci-fi action adventure with. So what kind of beam saber game are we playing? If you've noticed my shirt, I have a little mechagotzilla there, Godzilla's in the shadow there, but anyway, we are playing a Godzilla-focused mecha game. We won't be using Beam Saber's Vanilla setting, but I believe the setting that we will be designing today will work as a dramatic replacement. I want you all to be thinking Godzilla meets Mad Max Fury Road and then they have a three-some with Pacific Rim. Does that paint the right picture? Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:03:52 It's a little hot just thinking about it. So what is this setting? Let me explain. It is the year 2024. And since the 1950s, mankind has been waging a losing war against the radioactive menace himself, Godzilla. After some atomic testing woke him from the depths of the Pacific, he has been on an unstoppable rampage ever since generations have been living with Godzilla. If Godzilla's been there, you can bet it's now an irradiated wasteland, and if humanity has fought him on that spot, you will find only a desert of glass remains.
Starting point is 00:04:31 In time, the economies collapsed, the nations ended, and society changed. Our story will take place in the west, where the refugees of North and South America have rebuilt a city deep inside the Rocky Mountains called Altotopia, pun completely intended. In our desperate bid to find a way to stop Godzilla, Altotopians devoted themselves to advancing their military might. When we learn Godzilla fed on nuclear energy we abandoned it. In its place, King Fusion energy and advanced
Starting point is 00:05:06 robotics. Large mechanical all-terrain vehicles dubbed Mecha were designed and piloted by trained jockeys. While the Mecha battalion dubbed G-Force is regularly set upon Godzilla, mission objectives for decades have simply been to keep him at bay because there is no stopping him. You can distract him, you can thwart his movement, but best case he tires of you and retreats back to the boiling, poisoned oceans he calls home. Keeping Godzilla from precious Altatopia has always been the win. In time, these mechapyletz-known as jockeys became like celebrities, especially the ones who came back from facing off with Godzilla more than once. Our story centers around a squad of four jockeys left to defend Altatopia in its final months
Starting point is 00:06:02 of enacting the Great Plan, a multi-generational goal to move humanity off of our dying Earth and migrate us to a new planet. This great plan is led by the military oligarchy known as the Sun. And these guys are your bosses. Our four jockeys will be participating in a pivotal moment in human history that may define whether the human race are able to finally defeat Godzilla or be destroyed by them. This is Godzilla King of the Cosmos.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Does that excite you guys? You feel like it's the kind of game you want to play? Fucking hypes. Oh, I'm so in it. I'm gonna kill this damn lizard. Yeah. Everybody's ready for war. Well, let's talk a little bit about our expectations and our tone, and we'll get into a little bit of our safety discussion. You can expect lots of mecha violence.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Like I said, Kaiju violence. Human violence if you get out of your mecha, and the usual types of themes and imagery found in a dark action in sci-fi setting I'd say this is kind of a light R more of a PG 13 rating We have discussed our lines and bails off camera for this game So I won't go into detail here about it But for everyone in our audience you can be sure that if it's in the game It's because we have agreed to it at the table Even though the setting has some high stakes, I cited Mad Max as an influence and obviously
Starting point is 00:07:30 humanity's fate hangs in the balance. I asked you all to make rather epic bombastic characters that fit this Kaiju genre, and I think it's time to meet you guys now. So I'd like you to give me your call sign and then walk us through your history, your tragedy, and what your opening might look like. Amazing. So yeah, I'd like you all to meet Carol, Dream Link, worth. Some people call her Brain Link or Brain. The Dream Link is like her preferred call sign. Which will respond to brain. Carol is an older woman in her mid fifties.
Starting point is 00:08:16 She's got short blonde hair that keeps going from shorn to growing out and frazzled to shorn again. She has a scar, pretty prominent, that's across her nose and both cheeks from where her visors slam down into her face midface area during a training accident and so it's just kind of like a large divot there. She's very twitchy, she's got kind of restless mannerisms. Offensee chewing on a toothpick. Offensee, like her signature is rolling up her sleeves and then immediately rolling them back down again. She is obsessed with Godzilla. I would say that is her primary quality
Starting point is 00:08:59 to the point where you'll see her collecting number of Belia. She draws him on everything she owns. She also hates, so it's like a very love-hate relationship, except the love comes in the form of slight obsession, and the hate comes in the form of trying to kill him regularly. So on the field, you'll both take a brain
Starting point is 00:09:22 or dream link as your call sign. Yeah, I feel like if there's a superior, if there's like a log book of it somewhere, Dream Link is the my little pony virgin and then brain is just the unfettered. This is actually who she is call sign. We honor cutie marks in this game. We're just going to say that. Oh, crap. that. So, you know, we have the initial impression of her. What is her history, tragedy, and opening? Yeah, so her tragedy, I'll start there. It happened when she was younger. So her entire neighborhood
Starting point is 00:09:58 unfortunately was leveled by Godzilla. Single footprint. They thought they were safe, they were pretty inland, and there was a nearby retention pond, and one day the surface was quaking, and the water levels rose, and found his way in the middle of a cornfield, essentially, and leveled this small, at the time, inland-ish town. At the time, Lindt-ish town. At the time Carol was young, she you know picture her running out to see this large foot stomping down on her and
Starting point is 00:10:32 everything she loved and happened to be just fitting right in between Godzilla's toes just exclusively her looking up and seeing that foot move away and her tragedy is she lost everything that day. And so ever since then she's been searching for revenge. However, ever since then she also finds herself oddly connected to the beast and so her history, let's see. History would basically be what happened before the tragedy, which isn't necessarily something we have to go into, but your opening would be something like what is kind of the opening image, what has gotten them to where they are today as a member of GeForce? Yeah, so she
Starting point is 00:11:21 believes that she that day was spared due to her psychic connection with Godzilla. And ever since then, she claims that she has some sort of psychic link or a believed or registered as emotions. Kind of she tries to convince you she knows exactly what he's thinking at any given time. She'll be doodling and looks up and you know, let's you know that he's just passed wind somewhere over the Pacific. So yeah, Carol rides the line between people not believing her and kind of riding her off, but there have been some weird coincidences where some people wonder. She dreams of Godzilla regularly and that's where her call sign comes from and that she kind of believes
Starting point is 00:12:05 that she has these visions of the beast. Love it. Yeah, so maybe you're part of your opening is that you're you were driven to get into GeForce to be a part of it and to get close to handling Godzilla. Yeah, definitely. She believes it's she's not sure kind of how the link is There to help or hinder her, but she wants to use it as a weapon So she absolutely tries to leverage it that way Considering what a natural disaster Godzilla is I bet they would monitor his farts, you know because I mean a bad enough Downstream could take out a whole continent, you know, it's over Allison, thank you for being the guinea pig
Starting point is 00:12:46 for this opening you've done a wonderful job. Could you cite what Carol's current drive is? Yeah, so I have a small one and I have a big one. I don't, can I have multiple? Yeah, I think so. So the small one is she has to do these weekly ruse tests. I don't know, you could probably speak to what those are. I feel like they're kind of like psych e-vals in a way.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Basically. And so she really wants to pass this next one and go on on this mission. It's important to her. She has gotten a little bit down the rabbit hole with some of the things she says during the test. So she's really been practicing to keep a hold of herself and during this one. She was benched I think a couple weeks ago because she was just saying this like off the charts wildly problematic stuff. So she's really hoping to pass this one. Like did Carol get canceled or we just
Starting point is 00:13:42 talking like things about Godzilla. To the point where they're like, they're like, Carol, we know you've done great things. Like we know that you have sometimes been able to locate him with like a 50-50 ratio and we really can't scientifically prove that you can or cannot talk to, you know, link with Godzilla, but like, please stop. We like this stuff. Yeah, please stop. We like this stuff. Yeah, please stop.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Slayerful. This is good because it does play into the lore of our world, which is that there are factions that believe Godzilla is more than just some kind of atomic monster that there is almost a religious component to it. So your words could definitely bench you. And so I like this idea. And maybe this will work as an opening image when we actually play our game is we meet Carol as
Starting point is 00:14:28 she's about to do that Ruse test. Amazing and then yeah her bigger one is of course probably whatever wants to kill the creature that took away her what she considers an alternate life. So, sure, maybe in another quantum university we're happy. Yep. Okay, I love Carol DreamlinkWorth. This is so cool. I think that's where we'll stop with you for now. We'll come back to you once we've introduced everyone else. But let's go right to Daryl. Daryl, can you introduce your character? Give us their call sign and talk about their history, their tragedy, and their opening. Yeah, so I came up with Thai Walters, his call sign is the judge. A bit of his history is that
Starting point is 00:15:18 he was actually living in one of the last bastions outside of these these big of the last bastions outside of these these big basically out to I can't pronounce it out to Tobia out to Tobia. Yeah, one of the last like one of the last little holdouts from writing essentially where it was purely out of hubris at this place did not join out to Tobia and a little bit of that is the reason why he is the way he is while he was there he was still pretty much operating a normal job as what is a kin to a lawyer as much as log in order
Starting point is 00:15:56 goes in the world corrupted by Godzilla and his tragedy would be that that cubress came before the literal fall of his law offices in which Godzilla just made his way through crushing his law office and he was in the building at the time like along with the other people in his law office and he was the only, like, along with the other people in his law office and he was the only survivor.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Like, he... He survived purely by a stroke of luck and the fact that he was the most in shape of the group. Like, he was the youngest lawyer there, so he actually took care of himself. Like, it was him and a bunch of literal fat cats. Damn, here. Maybe a bunch of law books saved you. They all kind of created a cave like, yeah, he was in a filing room and the filing room saved his life.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yeah. I love that Godzilla just said, screw maritime law. Get him a faster. It was just, it was a lot of other things, but for him, it was, in his mind, specifically, oh, he came at me and I don't like to lose. I see. So, that was our tragedy and then how do we open with Ty?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Because of how great, I love Allison's just now and just who I know tied to be. He is a manipulator. He's a he's a game player. He would definitely want someone like her to stick around because if it gets him closer to him getting a little bit of that petty revenge because this pure patty is it's not hatred, it's not like, oh, oh, I need to get my get back.
Starting point is 00:17:49 It was like, I was in that building. And this person's been 50, 50 on whether or not they can find them. I'm one of the last people here in Alitopeia now that's a jockey. I need her to pass this test. I think he would definitely be trying to grease the wheels behind the scene.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Oh interesting. To get her to make sure she passes no matter what happens. Like, yeah, she's been cramming, but little does she know I've been like waiting in the winds. It's like I like her and I need her. Who do I have to bribe? I would also like it if Carol thinks they share a bond like soul survivors of their own tragedy, but she doesn't understand that it's pettiness for you. And so like really things that you share the same deep emotions about your losses. So you're saying tie is a spiteful hater. That's what it comes down to. Yeah. That's so good. There's a running theme of haters in the script. Hater that's what it comes down to yeah
Starting point is 00:18:47 There's a running theme of haters in the screw Yeah, I mean Godzilla definitely attracts a lot of haters so it makes total sense There's also a running theme of all of our tragedies being Godzilla step down guys I'm really worried because in two characters. We're gonna learn somebody else got step down I think kept stepping laughing on us. And we didn't know. Sit out. Through session zero, we will find nuances between these tales, I believe. She was like, oh shit!
Starting point is 00:19:14 No, specifically it was a tale, it was a tale whip. It wasn't a story. Yeah, that's the difference. It was a tale. We all pick different parts of the body that Godzilla used to ruin our hometown. I called I called to jam She called the to jam Darryl called the tail There's actually a really hilarious moment in a Godzilla movie where Godzilla is walking by a hospital And there's one girl with her leg in a cast and she's watching Godzilla walk away
Starting point is 00:19:40 And he disappears from the window Uh-huh. She's she sighs and then his tail comes in and smashes the hospital and destroys it. It's amazing. That's incredible. All right, we've got Daryl and we've got Allison. Let's move on to Zach. Zach, talk to me about your jockey. Okay, my character's name is Sabie Russo.
Starting point is 00:20:04 They, then, they are a hacker. Okay, my character's name is Sabie Russo. They, them, they are a hacker. Their history is, they were a sort of activist, specifically around Ark, which is basically in the game like sci-fi illusion magic that's used in like, mech fights. Like holographic magic, or excuse me, holographic technology. And yeah, you guys as jockeys use it to pile at the mechs.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Yeah, so that that's their whole bag. They've always been very, very good at it. But they used, there's a type of thing in the game called, I can't remember the name, but basically it is like an effect that happens when you are overexposed to it, and they found a way to use that to create a way to monitor stress levels for pilots and voluntarily trigger this to help them recover and gain control over an environment. They used this strategy, they sold it to the military, as long as they were kind of on the team and sort of marketed it as the Roo's test.
Starting point is 00:21:12 So that's them. I love it. I love that you kind of added this elements to the world, helped add some lore building. Obviously now all the pilots have to deal with Roo's tests and staying sane and fighting off, whatever kind of paranoia that could arise from lack of sleep or too much stress. Talk about the, what is Sebi's tragedy and what kind of brought them to GeForce? Yeah, so their tragedy is that this test was super popular, but it became used to sort of,
Starting point is 00:21:47 This test was super popular, but it became used to sort of, like if a pilot had failed the Ruse test, the government or whatever the association they were a part of kind of had the permission to do whatever they wanted with them, because they were kind of a useless pilot, and that has led to a bunch of corruption. Their tragedy is being aware of this, trying to stop it, and it not working at all. The only thing that they were able to do is sort of break this news, like leak it, and it didn't, I don't, it's done sort of makes success there. But they were immediately cut from their own project and like lost clearance, and they're kind of in the middle of nowhere now.
Starting point is 00:22:20 But you're just too damn good of a jockey, huh? Because obviously they you must be so good they bring you into GeForce. Yes, so in this time, um, my character is a, they, they get really into rock climbing. I will say Godzilla didn't step on them or or. Yeah, this is, save, save you might actually be one of the only ones that is not particularly obsessed with Godzilla. Yeah, they're like, I have never seen Godzilla. I've heard it's very scary. I work with people who know that for a fact, but they are really into rock climbing
Starting point is 00:22:58 and have sort of combined the two by climbing mechs and like uploading these. Like, have you seen those videos of people walking through trails and they like you can buy those videos that's what savey does now is they climb mechs and sell these as like V.R. AR experiences and like upload them to a server but that's their opening to find them with like a GoPro strap to their head and they're just climbing old mechs pro strap to their head. They're just climbing old mechs. But their drive is to eventually delete the Roo's test from existence and or get revenge for the troops. Can I leave that open to interpretation?
Starting point is 00:23:36 I love it. Amazing. What is a Savi's call sign? Oh, Roo's.. Ruse. Love it. These call signs are cool. And then last but never least, Caleb, why don't you talk to us about your beam saber jockey? Okay. So I'm playing with the playbook of the Ace. And his name is Roosevelt. Call sign mayor, Freeman. His pronouns are he, him, but he also goes by freedom. He is, like is that his, his gender, or just freedom? He slash dumb. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:24:18 He was a former NASCAR driver where he was a 14 time winning NASCAR Cup legendary driver and he was conscripted into GeForce because of his lovely piloting skills and on a routine scouting mission, ran into Godzilla and survived. And in a very vocal press conference, he talked extensively about how well he survived and how he essentially beat Godzilla. He moved on from this point of view to go back to his hometown of Moose Creek, Nevada and become the actual mayor of the town, where his call sign comes from now. the actual mayor of the town, where his call sign comes from now. He retired to politics,
Starting point is 00:25:06 and essentially retreated from piloting and from driving, only to have Godzilla exact revenge in his mind. And originally it was his foot, and but that's been taken, so Godzilla headbutted Moose Creek, and destroyed it effectively eroding it into the Western Sea and setting Moose Creek to the ocean. I am now assigning Godzilla's headbutt as a level three of damage. That's your tragedy is that it was headbutted by Godzilla is that right? Yeah, and eroded to the scene. And so Roosevelt came out of retirement,
Starting point is 00:25:48 took the call sign mayor, joined back up with G-Force, took his Ferris D'Lane Model 2020 Hasselback B12 car from his NASCAR days, used his engineering ability to retrofit it into a newest generation neck and has sworn through his drive to take his car and drive it through Godzilla's fucking face. Now from a mechanical standpoint he is looking for retribution against Godzilla in the form of a fair death for either him or Godzilla. Because in his belief, Godzilla took Moose Creek personally after watching his
Starting point is 00:26:31 press conference. He was watching his TV down in the bottom of the Pacific and saw it. And heard me talking shit and took Moose Creek to me. Did you combine Ricky Bobby and Megas XLR? Maybe? I doubt that... I think it worked so well because the second you said your call sign is judge. It only makes sense to know the body.
Starting point is 00:26:58 It only makes sense. The mayor and the judge. The mayor and the judge. What? So we've got your call sign. I'm just making sure we've got our tragedy and the judge. The mayor and the judge. What, so we've got your call sign. I'm just making sure we've got our tragedy and the opening. So, I guess your opening is you join G-Force,
Starting point is 00:27:13 rebuild Trimek. What might be the opening image if we were to start our game? I think, I would you like to be seen. I think it's another press conference. I think that rather than being offered a Ruse test, I think Roosevelt foregoed it completely. I'm not doing that shit. Give me a camera. And he sat down in front of, you know, as many cameras as he could. And basically, like Babe Ruth is calling his
Starting point is 00:27:38 shot. He's like, hey, this is it. I trained up. The car is ready. God's ill as fucking dying. Let's go. Yeah. Peace out. I love the idea of the car is ready, God's ill as fucking dying. Let's go. Yeah, peace out. I love the idea of the car being like the beating heart of the mech, you know what I mean? Like you see the bumper just in the middle of the chest. Yes, absolutely. You can see like the entire front of the car makes up a lot of the outside of the mech. And it is of course NASCAR sponsored.
Starting point is 00:28:04 There are all of my sponsors across all of this as well as the national flag, the mayoral flag of Moose Creek Nevada running off the side and an American flag pierced into the back of his mech. Gorgeous, like a drape, like a show. Like very annoying big pickup trucks that drive around Southern California with the two massive American flags flying in the back.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And you're like, how is that safe to drive with? That's what I'm rolling with. Got it. Okay, so we have defined our drives along with all of our characters. Let's build some connections between everybody. One of the ways we do this is we talk about what your beliefs are about each other. Some of you have beliefs about each other that are correct.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Some of them are completely incorrect. But I think it's time that we go one at a time in the same order starting with Allison. Let's have you say what you think is Carol's belief about Roosevelt, Ty and Sabie. I think that Carol, I alluded to this earlier, but I think that Carol, like, trusts Ty implicitly because she sees them as having a shared trauma and frequently tries to bond over this with tie to what she believes is like a successful bond. Yeah, you really think that you guys have something there because you're both survived? Absolutely. Gotcha. She sees the mark of God's El Anio Let's see for Savi
Starting point is 00:29:53 Is a common knowledge that Savi created the Roo's test? I would say so. Savi's got to be a kind of mid-level celebrity in Altatopia. Yeah, yeah, I think that their face was out about it enough, like even if they don't like to talk about it, it's no. And do they make it clear that they're trying to, like, that they don't, they would ultimately, they would delete it if they could, or how close to the chest did they play that?
Starting point is 00:30:23 I think they play that pretty close. Like they're here on like luck and wishes. So I think that'll happen very later. So maybe Carol wants to like learn from you, like learn the tricks from you. Like I almost picture her like someone who doesn't laugh at me later with the technology or something, trying to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And, you know, like, someone that just got on Facebook kind of an energy, you know, like, I'm trying to figure this thing out, and you know it quite well. And every time she comes close to failing it, she's like, I think I just, yeah. I don't know if that was quite the right way to say it. So maybe she looks to you for information, like insider information. Um, for IT support.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yeah, like IT support, but like also with respect, like she can't figure out why people think she's unfit for service. And you know. I do, I do. This sounds like a Sabi's cool slightly psychotic and trying to learn how to use their well. Yes, that's the energy I want. Okay, so then your belief is that that Sabi can teach you something unique about piloting your your mech. Yes. Yep. And then I think with Rude's about... You know it's interesting. I forgot to mention in her opening. I did have a note
Starting point is 00:31:56 here that I think maybe her skills. What I'm quote her skills with a psychic link to Godzilla may have taken her down the path of like being a private investigator or something and it is unclear it like almost like a Sherlock a lot of intuition a lot of you know trying to figure things out It's unclear. She's good at it or not, but she that that is her like before she was a mech pilot history So I feel like she has some subtlety, even though she deeply feels this link to Godzilla. She feels some subtlety about it. And I think she'd be off put by Roosevelt's blatant challenge to Godzilla.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Like she equally hates it, but she's like, you're going about this the wrong way. So she finds Roosevelt a little bombastic in his approach. To say the least, geez. Yeah. So, Carol believes that Roosevelt is going about it the wrong way. Yeah, like as a wrong approach. Yeah, good head on your shoulders, good energy, but like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:32:58 And the car? That's a bit weird. I heard Guns Elephant. I heard Godzilla fart. But that I know. Yes, almost like the more normal things in this context of Carol, like, communing with Godzilla's farts. Yeah, but she can't understand it or it seems ludicrous to her. And then she proceeds to say something even more ludicrous.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Do you feel of the three of them that you have a stronger connection with one over the other? Probably Ty, right? Yeah, I think Ty I would consider myself having the strongest connection with but you know, Sabi. I don't think Ty really understand. I feel like Ty doesn't have anything to offer me, like to teach me. I just feel like emotionally connected to Ty. I feel like maybe saved. I'll like come to save me for advice. So it's close in that regard. All of this to say that you have one for tick clock for each one of these relationships. On your second page of your character sheet. You'll see other pilot names or where they can go at least and you will make a note that because Ty is closest to you,
Starting point is 00:34:13 you have two clicks, two ticks out of four and with everyone else with Sabie and Roosevelt you have one tick out of four and all of you, all of your goals, should be to try to communicate with each other, interact with each other because at the end of every session, if you've successfully kind of prodded histories and tragedies and openings from each other, you gain XP from this interaction. So it's worth having these moments of getting to know each other, whether it's good or bad. All right So let's move on to tie. Tie give me out your beliefs of your other pilots Forgot to say this I'm using the officer playbook. So
Starting point is 00:34:55 Tie has a habit of viewing things from a tactical point of view first So for Carol at the forefront it is the thing of she has shown an ability a connection to Godzilla, and that'll get me close to the goal of getting my get back. Secondarily, she has shown a closeness to me. That does break through a bit of the sociopathie that he has developed in his head has a lawyer like it's like with Dexter says no I can't I'm fond of her. He has a fondness for Carol that that he is not willing to admit but he he he he he would be sad if anything happened to her or something close to sure it does sound like though you have a bit of a leaf that Carol can get you to your drive goal.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yes, yes she could. Love it. Um, with Ruse, this goes back to what I was just saying about where we would be starting out. If she, if, excuse me, if they are the ones that created this test that we all have to take, just by his very nature, he would seek out the ones that created this test that we all have to take just by his very nature. He would seek out the person that created this test and opened order to try and cheat this test every single time.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I believe that they are the type of people that need to survive Godzilla into this new world that we're trying to create. They're the actual good people that we are fighting for Gotcha, so so there's almost kind of a CB's on a bit of What's it called the platform or something? Yeah, yeah pedestal big yeah to you and your eyes, okay great. What about Roosevelt Roosevelt? your eyes. Okay, great. What about Roosevelt? Roosevelt, uh, I was messing with Caleb about this earlier. I think Roosevelt and I are just bros. Like, just a brown down. I was just like, I, I, I, I've missed into Caleb just like this in glorious bastards meets, uh, Pacific Rim type deal where like, I'm Aldo Reyn and he's he's Donnie. Yeah, Roosevelt is my guy if I need like if I can't physically do something like if it's a actual physical fight
Starting point is 00:37:12 I know somewhere out of the out of nowhere Roosevelt is gonna join that fray They have knocked out everybody for me if I can't do it like so it sounds like you have like kind of an Unshakable belief in in Roosevelt that he can do no wrong. Because I believe he truly is the ace. I'd shoot like, I want him on my team because you'd, I need him on my team. Like, I know if everyone else fails, the ace is probably going to come through at the end of it.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Love that. To remind you all that beliefs can both be kind of made to be proven true or incorrect. So maybe if Roosevelt doesn't have a good day of roles, which very rarely happens for Caleb unfortunately, me or maybe he drops the ball and it affects your belief in him. So let's move on to Zach. Ruse, talk to me about your beliefs
Starting point is 00:38:06 about your fellow jockeys. Okay, I think immediately like when you were describing Carol, I was like, Sabie's bought into absolutely everything you're fucking saying about Godzilla. Sabie doesn't know enough about Godzilla to even dispute that, like sure. It's good to have somebody on the inside. We can't even control that.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I don't have the science for that. So good for you. I believe everything you say about that. Ty, I think we were talking about being like that we had done shifty stuff maybe at one point in the past. And I think Sabie knows that sometimes you're full of shit, but I think they believe that you also have
Starting point is 00:38:51 that military literacy that they don't have. So they are actually looking to you for most of this mission. Like, I think we have the same thoughts about each other. How do we translate that into a belief about tie? I think that... I'm not exactly the same thing. I think Sabia believes that that tie can...
Starting point is 00:39:29 that tie can maybe maybe tie is the only leader appropriate for this mission or something like that I think so yeah I think it's the right amount of like shifteeness and actual likeuse, the mayor. I, I don't, I think, I think I believe that. Yes. Do you believe the hype? I don't, oh, that's really, that's really tough. Let me, let me, let me look at my description. I mean, if, if Ty tie in and Roosevelt are bros, I need somebody to think a little bit less
Starting point is 00:40:08 of Roosevelt. Yeah, I'm like, oh, that's right. I'm like, oh, that's right. Okay, okay, that's good to know. Carol, there you go. Yeah, I just, I just think after, no matter what, after this is all said and done, the history that needs to be known will be told by the mayor
Starting point is 00:40:30 Not necessarily the truth, but the way that this needs to go down. I think the mayor's got it We don't even have to talk about it. So history will be told by the mayor. You're saying yes That's like the fortune that you got in your fortune cookie Your written will be your history will be written by the mayor. Oh my god. The mayor writes the history. OK, intro to Hamilton just start to play with the mayor. I was younger than you are now. Not exactly sure what this is going to look like,
Starting point is 00:40:56 but I'm here for it. I'm mess. And I'm here for it too. History will be written by the mayor. It's what I'm writing. Sabie, because it sounds like Carol is maybe your closest connection or that you kind of feel the most, or do you feel Ty is your closest connection? I-I think maybe, Carol, only because I feel like if I-if Carol's like, this Roo's death is coming up,
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'm gonna make that like my focus because I'm like, oh shit, that's fucked up. So give yourself two out of four for Carol's connection with you and then Ty and Roosevelt both get one and then Caleb. Caleb wants to talk to me about your beliefs about all the other players. So when it comes to Carol, I think that Roosevelt wholeheartedly believes Carol is the best way to locate and defeat Godzilla. I think that he has no perception of how much Carol dislikes him, but like hearing these ruminations around GeForce, like, yeah, I heard they got a girl. I can just locate wherever the bastard is at all times.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I got a user so I think that Roosevelt sees her as like this ultimate weapon that was sent by like Aaron of Destiny to guide me to sacred purpose and so Carol's like the answer to him so I do think that he leans on like a can you smell them you know know, like, I think that- What are your Godzilla-I-C? Yeah, what are your Godzilla-I-C? I do think- Do you know where he is? Like, Carol is not used to that kind of belief
Starting point is 00:42:32 And so, like, for a moment, she takes to it like a flower to the sun And then she sees it's rose about and she's like, oh, shit! Yeah, that's where I think I am with that. So, belief is that Carol is the secret to taking down Godzilla. Um, for Ruse, I think that, um, Roosevelt really misunderstands what the Ruse test is supposed to be. Great, good. And he is a man who violently needs therapy. But refuses to take any sort of Ruse test. So he's like, I'll just go talk to the guy that invented the computer.
Starting point is 00:43:09 And so Ruse is like back door therapy to him, whether they really offered it or not. And so when Roosevelt has complex thoughts, which is not often, he's going to take those complex thoughts to Ruse and just sort of talk at them and then be convinced it was the best therapy he's ever got. And be like, oh, thanks, champ. See you next time. Good. That's where I'm at there. So you believe Sabi is a great form of therapy. Just talk on her.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Yeah, I believe that Sabi is the only way that I'm gonna process anything in my mind. Peter Parker. I'm gonna go to Doyle mind. Peter Parker. That's a guard oil. And then with Ty, I think that Roosevelt is like full-goon for a tie. Like he is like, you know, the guy who follows you. You're that new captain America in the winter soldier show. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:00 He's like, eh, the boss never does anything wrong. Because I think that Ty is his legal legal counsel and he's an idiot. He should have never been a mayor in the first place. You should definitely be in at least one or two kind of legal battles. And so I think that there's, you know, many times over the years where Roosevelt has said something completely off the cuff, you know, but never should have said to the American people. And then he had to have this long conversation with tie where Ty was just like I'll take care of it But you're fine. It's gonna be fixed in the morning. And so I think his belief is that Ty
Starting point is 00:44:36 Ty Can only can do no wrong. Ty can do no wrong to me Always has the best idea in mind for me. And I think that could easily be like a positive and a negative, because God who can live up to that, but also Rose of other show and love with this guy and what he's done for on me is like fiercely loyal. I very much picture him as like just an attack dog,
Starting point is 00:45:02 a really good hunting dog. And of course, tie would love that because a dog doesn't ask for much outside of being fed, you know? That's where I'm at. I love all of these connections, unless anyone has any other input, I see Zach, you mentioned you wanted to ask a question of Roosevelt. Oh yeah, what's Roosevelt's ice town is?
Starting point is 00:45:24 Oh, like his big like political blender? Yes. I feel like he made like a strong petition to make NASCAR like the country's national sport. Okay. And in doing so, like disparaged other sports and basically was like highly against baseball for years and went on like long, ranting di diet tribes about how baseball sucks shit and just had every
Starting point is 00:45:51 professional sports organization against him for years. When you have a limited amount of space the way Alta Topian's do is baseball the best game to continue or would like equal ball or car. Okay, I don't know what's the national sport of Altatopia. Yeah, it's gone. It's something we can decide now. I mean, handball. You got to play it inside. Handball is pretty good. Sometimes in the dark. Ultimate frisbee.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Or what's something that like replicates Godzilla in sport form like that's what I'm thinking is like It's like a trying to like like like trying to climb the tower or something Yeah, is it hide and seek it might be hiding? God it's hide and seek I didn't see Like that ultimate where they have like parkour dudes doing their best. So ultimate tag in the dark, you have the fluorescent lighting
Starting point is 00:46:50 on the armor and stuff so you can see people. Yeah, and someone is like Godzilla in it. Like they're in big bulky armor or whatever. Yeah, and each team has to like try and tackle it first or something. All right, ultimate tag is now canon. Good. I love all these connections.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I think what is left now is to go over a couple of notes. One of them is that you guys will be gaining XP, the more that you play into your drives, express your history, your tragedy, and your opening. When you struggle with your beliefs, both in other players and of yourself, if you gain any scars and if you use your quirks, which will define in the character playbos. There will be one or two difficult moral decisions
Starting point is 00:47:38 that the group must make throughout the game. I want to encourage you all to play up the interpersonal drama as you debate what the best move is for the squad, but remember it's about the game. I want to encourage you all to play up the interpersonal drama as you debate what the best movie is for the squad, but remember it's about the squad. We're all playing together, so let's not be too factional in our roleplay. Think about your favorite sci-fi or your action films, they are usually succinct and they are driven by the actions of the main characters. As a note, your mech sizes have been doubled from what is in the book to deal with the fact that you are so much smaller than Godzilla. A light
Starting point is 00:48:12 sized mech will be 60 feet in height, a medium size will be 90 feet and a heavy is 120 feet in height. Godzilla, however, is over 250 feet tall or 80 meters. And I suspect that I'll have to use both feet and meters as Roosevelt will refuse to use the metrics as well. Yeah, there's no way in hell. I don't know what the fuck a kilometer is. I'd like to imagine your entire thing is custom-built, your HUD display
Starting point is 00:48:40 and everything inside your mecha, because it's all like metric or excuse me, imperial Every mechanic on Altatokia hates working with me in any facet because I need on the spot conversions. None of it talks to each other. They're all running maps and running PC games. Yeah, exactly. You're the one guy running Android. So all of your mecha should serve as some varying level of field controller.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Your weapon types should effectively control Godzilla on the battlefield and with good roles they will succeed. Bullets, explosives, that sort of ordinance does not have as much effect, so you need to be creative. Some examples. Maybe one of your weapons is drone swarms that can't be targeted by Godzilla's atomic breath and mass. Maybe you have mazer cannons, which I described to you
Starting point is 00:49:33 as fusion-based energy beam weapons that do seem to irritate Godzilla more than typical weapons. Theoretically enough mazers could destroy Godzilla's body. Oxygen destroy your weaponry, most effective where water is present. You could create something like an absolute zero ray that freezes and then breaks the target apart on a molecular level. Make sure to get creative, feel free to give your weapons elaborate dazzling effects, but
Starting point is 00:50:02 they should always be geared towards distracting or immobilizing big G. Speaking of Godzilla, any actions taken against Godzilla will always begin from a risky position. And with poor roles, it could easily de-escalate into or escalate into desperate positions. But the only way you can have a controlled position against Godzilla is if you are using an ability that your pilot or your squad playbook calls for, for you to increase or improve your position, or you spend stress to improve your position. If you are unable to resist and attack by Godzilla's atomic breath, it will deal an automatic level 3 damage.
Starting point is 00:50:45 You can attempt to resist it, but it will be knocked down to level 2. His tail and full body attack will cause level 2 damage, his claws, teeth, and any smaller attacks will cause level 1 damage, and of course we establish that a headbutt will cause level 3 damage as well. You will be rewarded for your tactics, and you will come to regret rolling poorly if you get too close to Godzilla. He is lethal. Does anyone have any questions about Godzilla? His mythology, how he works, the mechanics behind him.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Godzilla doesn't talk. That's it. Godzilla does not talk. Whether he communicates through a psychic link with Carol, we will find out. In one movie he did talk, the American dub, and it was really dumb. He talked to another monster. He was like, hey, go check out what's going on in Japan. It was really dumb. But that was the 70s. OK. Is Godzilla the only Kaiju?
Starting point is 00:51:48 Is he the only Kaiju you have ever seen? OK. This is a very kind of focused, it's more like reminiscent of Shin Godzilla, where there is one monster, one mythology, as to whether more show up, we will see. And like in a lot of God's Delafiction, he's either one like noble beast.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Like I am, you know, I have complex thought, I have complex ethics. And then in some he's also like intelligent. In our like interpretation of him, at what we've seen and known of him, do we know him to have motive? Or if he is he big Liz? He appears to be intelligent in the sense that he has learned after decades
Starting point is 00:52:32 of fighting GeForce. He knows what you look like. He knows what to anticipate when you show up. He is mostly a savage animal, but after so many decades of him, after studying his path across the earth for so many decades, it does clearly seem to be some intent in that almost every major metropolitan city on the planet has been targeted by him, and all that remains are the places where he can't reach basically in the mountains. So there is very much a targeted personal attack by Godzilla. I think Ty would definitely have like a Pepe Silvia boy just tracking this. And then correlating that with whatever Carol has said to him just pins on the boy with
Starting point is 00:53:21 whatever. And like in terms of us, are we as a squad brought together specifically for Godzilla at the like instance of this? Is this something we're going to get into or I don't know if this question makes sense here, but like are we Godzilla killing squad number one in your dreams, your Godzilla killing squad, because as I've established for several generations, he's been unkillable. But you are a part of GeForce,
Starting point is 00:53:51 which is specifically focused around Godzilla. That isn't to say that there are mecca being used for commercial or private reasons. Maybe businesses might have mecca to move things around, but your mecca are designed to fight Godzilla. Okay. Could I possibly change my drive slightly? Of course, that's what the session's here for.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Because I think it came off more as I want to kill Godzilla for getting back at me. I want to get back, like, kill him for crushing my building. I think it's more so because of my level of penniness I want to spike him. And if through all of the research I've done with Carol has told me, if it looks like he's going out of his way to destroy humanity, the best spite I would be able to get is to ensure that our plan goes forward and that's getting us off world to out of out of whatever the hell he's
Starting point is 00:54:53 doing. And for some reason a giant bomb goes off and a flashback I planted a giant bomb that implodes the planet and therefore destroys all things that Godzilla wants and wants to take over. I'm okay with that. That will cost that bridge when we get to it. But I don't think mine is purely to just kill Godzilla. I think it is to spite him and what better way is to get the people that he's been killing off the planet. Because once to be clear then is the drive just a spike Godzilla or is the drive to see the great plan succeed? I would say to see the great plan succeed is my actual drive.
Starting point is 00:55:37 So let's move into our final phase. I just want to talk a little bit about gameplay. Remind you all what gameplay looks like. Oh yeah, go ahead Elsa. Sorry, just one amendment to my drive to. Um, I wanted to defeat Godzilla as my big one, but specifically use my psychic link for a reason. Like, find out the reason that I have this, what I consider to be this ability, um, and use
Starting point is 00:55:59 that to defeat him is specifically my, my preferred Like, what's it all for, for Carol? Come to understand your psychic powers. Yep. So let's just talk about the gameplay and then we're going to build our squad playbook. The gameplay is typically broken to two sections. There is the downtime activities where you guys can make roles to do things. You will always have three downtime activities. And then there will be the missions.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Usually a soul session will be broken up in those two sections. When you want to do something in the game, you make an action role and then we discuss what the position that you are in is and the effect if the role succeeds. If you fail this role, you can try to negate the consequences at the cost of filling your stress meter. As a warning to anyone watching this game, if you are here to learn how to play the game, please be aware that we are all new to this game, and so some of us might make mistakes, including myself. If we get a rule wrong or do something that is mechanically not what is written, we
Starting point is 00:57:01 really don't need to hear about it, we're just trying to have a good time and we're trying to use Beam Sabre as a system to tell a fun story. But as we begin our game, I will kind of talk about position and effect and all the other abilities to help our players make their decisions. So let us build our squad playbook. First, we need to choose your squad's patron faction. In this case, I think I've kind of made the decision for us in the world building that you work for an oligarchy, which is typically a group of people who are in charge
Starting point is 00:57:35 and they have absolute say and nobody can kick them out unless they mysteriously die or something like that, which the summit is full of stories like that. The summit, which is this oligarchy, is usually full of military types, folks that have moved up within either GeForce or the government of the summit. Let us open up a squad playbook and decide what kind we want to play. We have a few options. One of them is the Consulate, there is the Frontline, Logistics, Mechanized Calvary, Profiteers, R&D, Recon, and Redacted. Of those, the ones that seem to make the most sense are either Frontline, Mechanized Calvary, maybe R&D, or we could try to make one of our own.
Starting point is 00:58:26 To do any of them speak out to you in particular guys? Can I make a pitch for Redacted? Okay. I mean, Redacted is like off the record, you know, running team, right? It says execute a successful accident, disappearance, murder, or ransom operation. I think that maybe we could be the team that was like the long shot, the like G-Force,
Starting point is 00:58:57 well maybe they're right. We have all these special circumstances, especially one where we think there might be a psychic link. So in my mind, I'm thinking back to like, in the World Wars, where like, you know, both sides were like, well, sure, we'll throw some money at people who are making bat bombs and checking if wear wolves are real. Maybe we're that redacted team where they're like at their last run, they're like, maybe Carol's got something.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Maybe we were following the psychic link, maybe they're gonna kill Godzilla directly, like an assassin hit job. And this is our big secret operation to see if that psychic link is real. I do think Redacted would work for the story that will unfold because you will be asked to take on a particular mission
Starting point is 00:59:44 that would probably be redacted anyways. There you go. Do we all like this idea of redacted? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's amazing. So we've chosen our playbook.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Is it safe to say that we wouldn't have the same celebrity status as some of the other jockeys? Well, I think that you can still have that celebrity status. I just think that the parameters of the mission will be redacted. Right? So it might be sold to the public one way, but you're actually doing something else. If that makes sense. We are going to create a NPC who is a direct superior to you all.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I need you to come up with together. Somebody who assigns you the missions who is typically your go-between between you and the summit, someone who you will interact with often. I have a list of context just by proxy of my my playbook. I have Lavender a strong fixer, Henry a more realistic bodyguard, Peaches, a corrupt officer, and Virtual Alloyal Pilot. Because they're varying levels of officer. I think, I think Peaches can possibly be it. Peaches is good.
Starting point is 01:01:02 We're here because of Peaches. There's a probably an actual name and I just called them peaches. Yeah Yeah, yeah, why are you why are they calling peaches? Come on, man Walks way eating a eating a big ass peach. Yeah, exactly. So we have our corrupt officer who is kind of our liaison You know, feeding us intel making sure that we're getting done, what we want to get done, not necessarily what the summit wants. That's cool. I mean, I like that it could introduce a conflict even at the higher level with the summit. That's really neat. Okay, got it. And maybe peaches is higher up than tie in some way, some connection in the bureaucracy.
Starting point is 01:01:43 and tie in some way, some connection in the bureaucracy. I like that, you know, maybe Peaches is part of their undercover sting because this mission is, of course, off the books. Maybe Peaches was a lot deeper in cover than even Ty knew, and then that mission came down and was like, hey, I got the big one for you and Ty, you're my man. You know, I'm looping you in. They needed a team and you guys were who we wanted.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I also like the circumstance that maybe they got us this big, you know, Kill Godzilla, you know, the mission of a lifetime, but they did so under the predication that they're gonna get some of theirs too. Like maybe there's something else that they want out of this. So like we all signed up because we want to take down Godzilla. Peaches maybe signed up because they want something a little extra
Starting point is 01:02:32 off of that to play into the you know like corrupted official. Yeah. So something that the summit does not want. Yeah. I think there should be like some sort of fundamental conflict there. I mean maybe it's they want to gain a position within the summit and the summit just doesn't want that. Yeah, yeah. And if this mission goes correctly, they have no choice. But to be like, well, fuck you, it's the leader of this last mission. It would look very weird if we did the promotion that the next
Starting point is 01:03:04 year up is to be a part of the SEF summit. Yeah. Yeah. I think they know whatever we do is going to be done extremely loudly. So we're going to get to the squad's reputation in just a second. So, all right. So, we have a direct superior, Peaches, who is the corrupt officer who wants to gain a position in the summit and is using you to kind of gain that
Starting point is 01:03:26 Cloud and obviously helping you in that in that in turn. Because we've chosen an oligarchy or because an oligarchy is the obvious choice, I want you on your squad faction playbook to put one dot in personnel and you will gain one trust with this You put one dot in personnel and you will gain one trust with this employer. We'll say it says that you gain it after every mission. You'll gain plus one if you succeed, but I'll say that you already have one or that you start with one. So the personnel goes up to one and your trust tick goes up by one. Then we are going to choose a reputation for the squad.
Starting point is 01:04:04 When you reinforce your reputation on a mission, the squad marks XP. And as the squad gains XP, you gain more room for personnel, for abilities, things like that. The squad's reputation should be a word or a phrase that the squad already embodies or strives toward, but does not directly speak to their competence. For instance, skilled is a bad reputation. Try daring instead. And the squad gets expi at the end of the session by living up to their reputation. So, Zach, what was your suggestion for the reputation? Oh, I said that we were gonna be very loud, but I would also submit extra. Yeah, I love extra. It's got to be something weird, you know? Like we are the off-color choice.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Yeah. How do you, I don't know, the off-color choice is a little hard to... Yeah, yeah, I just, in terms of... That's what we got to shoot for. I think extra is close to... I mean, basically wild card is kind of what we're referring to. Wild card is very wild, but... Chaos group. I kind of like the idea of leaving the wild card is kind of what we're sorry. Chaos group.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I kind of like the idea of leaving the wild card team down as everybody leaves the planet. Just leave them down on the planet to cause a little problems as possible. Okay, so we have chosen our reputation as wild cards as you succeed through missions and you try to live up to your reputation, you will gain XP as a squad. We've chosen our playbook. We are going to choose a forward operating base. Now, I think that our forward operating base, when we begin the game, is usually pretty weak, but I am going to make it a little bit stronger. So I just see a title for the forward operating base.
Starting point is 01:05:45 So I'm just going to say we just have to come up with the concept and we can run with it. You have the resources of the summit at your disposal so it can be totally way cooler than maybe the game wants it to be at first. May I make a suggestion? Yeah. There is a famous ship in Godzilla called the Gotengo. It is basically a submarine with a big drill on the end of it. That is bizarre. It would be cool to have like the Gotengo come out of the ground and you launch out of it and face on against Gotzilla. Yeah, I really call about that. Yeah, that is...
Starting point is 01:06:25 No, just the... What happens? It has a track or just inevitably fuck up what it's parked on. Like... It looks like it flies. Yeah, we can say that it flies too. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Because in the new one, it's got like jet engines. Yeah, I love that. And I love the idea of it like docking into the side of like a cave mouth on Altatopolis like we land it into the side of this big hangar. I think that'd be awesome. I love that idea See I was gonna say the the die guns on from Gurren Lagun, but this one's better the die-goonson from Guren Lagann, but this one's better. But it's better. Okay, like this one better. This because the die-goonson is a literal mech that has a forwarding stash on it, so it has legs and walks, and then it just has basically the same thing
Starting point is 01:07:15 that planes fly off of as it's base. I do want to, I just feel like there's something in the drill that shouldn't be so when it's like it's like I don't know if that's like the washroom so that's sort of uh it's where the laundry is done all the laundry is done there yeah um absolutely now added to the lore laundry room in the drill portion laundry room in the drill portion. Thank you. So, okay, so we're going to use the Gotango and you know, we can decide, I think we're kind of deciding now that it can either go underground or maybe it uses underground to get up to Alotopia and it can also fly if we wanted to. We are going to choose two squad abilities. If you look at the redacted abilities, there's a couple of them. Normally you get to choose one. I'm giving you two to show off a little bit of
Starting point is 01:08:09 experience and because it's fun to play with toys in our games. Let's talk about what ones look attractive to us. Okay, so we have deadly each pilot, may add plus one action rating, two hunt, prowlal or struggle. Yes, a dire needs due to hard one respecting contacts your employers understand the necessity of what you do. You can choose not to lose trust from breaking R.O.E. related to the treatment of civilians and enemy soldiers, a bio-solvent squad has trained special application of a topical solvent that quickly dissolves dead flesh. No traces. When you keep an operation quiet or make it look like an Train special application of a topical solvent that quickly dissolves dead flesh
Starting point is 01:08:49 No traces when you keep an operation quiet or make it look like an accident Ooh you get half the rep value of the target rounded up instead of zero Sponsor when you advance to advance your tier. It costs half the supply points. It normally would Predators when you use stealth or subterfuge to commit murder take plus one die to the engagement role When you use stealth or subterfuge to commit murder, take plus one die to the engagement role. Vipers, when you acquire or craft poisons, you get plus one, I don't know, we can make poisons. You get plus one result level to your role, and veteran choose a special ability from another squad playbook.
Starting point is 01:09:15 So obviously, a very focused on doing dark dirty things, kind of playbook. I mean, I'm immediately drawn to sponsor. I feel like it'd be great if NASCAR stuck with Roosevelt this whole time. And God, that secret redacted squad is sponsored by NASCAR. The beautiful thing about that is every sort of piece of supply we get from them is still sponsored. We only drink like NASCAR monster energy.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Oh, that's so good. I love that Alice. If he's a seed We like un-greek the the mech so it shows that NASA is all over it That's our magical girl transformation I think that's rocket. I mean if you six if you successfully keep the operations that you will be going on quiet, it's a good way to gain some some rep. We do. No traces with it says quiet. Does it just mean we don't tell anyone what we're doing or we literally can't be loud on said mission? No, no, no, I think it's like you just don't reveal what you actually did. Oh, yeah, I think we can do that. That's a big fun. It's more of a social, you know, benefit. I think that would also be like a lot of fun for this group because we are so inherently loud
Starting point is 01:10:38 that I think it would create really interesting situations of seeing us try to be quiet. I do like that economy. Yeah If you just want to choose something that is actually useful in combat deadly seems like a good one. It's really good too. Yes I Think sponsor for sure is where I'm at. I love that idea I don't know about this second though. It could be fun to look at veteran too and see what we could pull from something else I've got a yeah, I put a vote for deadly and veteran just a It could be fun to look at veteran too and see what we could pull from something else. I've got to, I put a boat for deadly and veteran just to look through other stuff.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Definitely veteran. Yeah, that's my boat for the other two outside. A part of me kind of feels that if you do settle on a different, if you choose veteran you go with a different option for squad playbook you might as well maybe play that squad. Yeah, very true. I mean, I'm fine with so sponsors, such a flavored one that maybe deadly is just a nice boost for our stats. Yeah, yeah, something especially with that play.
Starting point is 01:11:34 And then especially in strategic with deadly. Especially just with an ace at an infiltrator. Definitely. Oh, I'm neglected to mention, I think I'm like very, I'm like 90% sure I'm gonna be a scout. I really like the I feel like it fits her her vibe a little bit better. So we've chosen our squad abilities. Let's choose some upgrades. Normally you just use two. I'm gonna allow you to choose three. The squad upgrades typically on
Starting point is 01:12:03 the playbook but two of them are automatically filled. In this case, under training, insight, and prowess have been filled, and then you guys can fill in three other ones. These can be used in a narrative manner the way your abilities can, where you call upon some of these different things. For instance, maybe you want to have very special pilot weapons, or maybe you want to have an FOB that is hidden. There's a whole bunch of different options here. Personally, like motor pool for obvious rows of outreasons. I think it'd be really cool if we just had a whole garage
Starting point is 01:12:40 of different mechs and, you know, a vehicle for every aspect. I think there's a reason, like, save you would want that as well. Because, as a, as they like to pick and choose different pieces and put it on their back. Yeah, and if we're NASCAR sponsored, they gotta send us the cars, man. For the experience. I will also submit Hollow Grid because I feel like if we're doing Ruse Test Tutoring, that's what it's gonna happen in.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Yeah, I feel like some weird fun scenes can happen in there. Yeah. Yeah, are we thinking of Hollow Grid? I'm thinking of that room in the Star Trek that they could make into fucking anything. Yes, I was thinking about the room in community because I haven't seen Star Trek but that's exactly the community room is the Star Trek room so we're good. Okay good. But yes yeah hologrid. All right so the Gotango has a hologrid. So a first level motor pool means you pay half the material cost rounded up when procuring
Starting point is 01:13:45 new vehicles. At the second level, the squad and its cohorts gain access to load three temporary vehicles for free. So I will interpret that as you have whatever vehicles you need outside of your mechs and you pay half the material cost for new vehicles. And that will really only happen if you, if one of your mechs are destroyed. Well, then, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:14:09 I like the flavor of that, but maybe not the mechanics. Well, it's a, but we want like a garage, right? Kind of just like a, okay. Yeah, I mean, there is the workshop. Yeah, it's just like that. Hack lab. The trophy's room.
Starting point is 01:14:24 The trophy room. That's mine. That's the upgrade I wasted, or just having a trophy's room on a planet where I'm bad at things. I'm honestly down for it. Yeah, that sounds fun. All right, we'll waste a bit of it. It'll be a Great go to
Starting point is 01:14:46 I'm not doing that. Let's see. Let's see trophy Oh, no, it does you get plus one rep per mission word of your accolades earned or collected gets around your boldness boosts your rep in the military That makes sense like us perfect sense. I will say that what that would That makes sense, guys. Perfect sense. I will say that what that would translate to is you could probably more easily trick the higher ups because they trust you more than other folks. So if you're just looking to undermine the trust that you've built with the summit, that's what you would want to do, for sure. I'm willing to take that throw away
Starting point is 01:15:25 joket her to something beautiful. And that's the spirit of RPGs right there. That's there you go. We have a trophy room and a hollow grid, anything else. Yeah, so I'm going back and forth between the book and the read-only sheet, but I saw quality pilot weapons, see vehicle weapons gear, like just kind of that basic things that we'll be bringing with us and using. Do we want to upgrade those? Your vehicle weapons are better quality in addition to quality bonuses from the squad's tier and the fine descriptor. The quality bonuses. Oh I see. So it would basically it would probably improve your position more often. OK.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Or lessen the costume. I'm going down to that. And it would go in line with our pick one role play throw away. And one strategic thing we could actually use. The best of thing is I've been looking at the same thing. I was in the entire time, and even then, I still was just like, the trophy room.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Well, I like the idea that every major conversation and role play moment we have happens in the trophy. See only a place we hang out. And the trophy room is really just going to be like, remember this battle where these people survived? Because there is no one's beating him yet. Actually, I'll take that back. I'll take that back. In the lore,
Starting point is 01:16:45 Godzilla has technically been killed. I don't know if you guys read the extended lore, but Godzilla has like been decimated where they could not find his body, but he does always come back. So maybe in the trophy room, there are a couple of instances where Godzilla technically was wiped off the planet, but he always comes back. Now that biosolves looking good now. Yeah, right. We killed him and then just make sure this data trace. No. The other one I was looking at was some sort of like tunneling or...
Starting point is 01:17:22 Oh, secret routes. Yeah, secret routes sounded cool as well. Just like a little edge for us but I think that has a little bit more personality to it. Okay so it sounds like secret routes inside the prowess, trophy room and hollow grid. We've chosen the reputation of wild card. We will choose our factions, goals once we begin a mission. Finally I'd like to name the squad. What is the nickname or the call sign or the just kind of the common known name for our squad? We've got to think of what we all have in common. We're investigating the the
Starting point is 01:18:06 psychic link. Yeah. What were you saying, Ruse? No, I was going to say, Ruse, mayor, the judge, and dream link slash brain. Just our call size, but we call it together. No, no, what are they all of the comments? We thought of nothing nothing it was just our names Streamlink team B. Yeah, exactly I like the thought that we're like The last plan we got before we give up Yeah, yeah, like this is the last resort like this is this is the end boys This is it this is it. Yeah, yeah, like this is the last resort like this is this is the end boys. This is it This is it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:18:49 Something that has the spirit of that. I don't know what but like if this don't work We don't fucking know we're leaving like that's that's the spirit How how short or long do we want this like does this one? Do we want to sound like an album name or just like you want it to sound like a cool Faction name like a cool squad name because like in my head This is probably a follow-up boy album or something but last flag planted kind of came into mind Very very emo, but it's very emo It's very very emo but it's very emo
Starting point is 01:19:31 I am in the world is ended. Let's believe the world is ended. Those seas are boiling if there's a time to be emo It's now that's the album cover. It's the last flag the boiling seas all around Godzilla and shadow in the background and you all standing in poses What if we call ourselves last flag and it's short for last flag plant that sky good assinance? Yeah last flag Incredible last flag is the name of our redacted Squad planted. Yeah, and that's like our cap places We finished something we're like We only whisper it so nobody truly nobody knows the fuck we're saying Blanted planted planted planted they just killed Godzilla they keep chanting planted
Starting point is 01:20:18 That's one of the flags on the back of a roast dog Jack is actually the last flag. Oh, we're gonna put it in Godzilla's chest. Oh, hell yeah, hell yeah, we are. Last flag plan to go in Godzilla. Right there. Okay, now hear me out because does Roseville's mech, I know the cars in the front, does the car carry through the back? Because that's a license plate. Absolutely. Yes. Great. Now it does. Great. Absolutely a license plate. All this is amazing. The squad advancement is something I want to talk about to end our session because to advance the experience of the squad, you can do a number of things. You can take one squad XP for each of these items that you manage to progress.
Starting point is 01:21:04 One of them is face off against challenges above your pay grade. I would consider Godzilla one of those to reinforce your squad's reputation or to gain a new one, making you some XP, and then to express the goals, the drives, the inner conflict, or the instincts of the squad will also gain you XP.
Starting point is 01:21:22 There have been a lot of great prompts so far to, I think, point out what really makes strong role play and what makes stories interesting and they all award XP. I think that's awesome. Are we going to go through it at the end as a checklist and just kind of assess as a group what we didn't accomplish or how does that work at the end of a session? Yeah, basically at the end of a session we will take five minutes before we wrap up to talk about all right what what did you explore in your character what did we explore as a squad did we hit these goals and I'll have them listed to remind us and we will mark XP accordingly and remember that there is your XP and your squad can also gain XP so you know I was excited to come into this. Now I'm just ready to play this damn game with all of these great ideas.
Starting point is 01:22:09 This is so cool. I think we're gonna have a great time. Folks at home, I hope you enjoyed this. Please stay tuned for the actual episode. Thank you for joining us. If you like this kind of content, please make sure to check us out on Patreon. Make sure to like and subscribe wherever you listen or watch us as that really helps us with the
Starting point is 01:22:28 algorithm gods. Thanks for watching, players can't wait to play this game with you. Yeah! Let's flag! Let's flag! Oh god, Zilla! Last flag for life! What? Last! That's all we have. We all of our bags have the tattooed over home. Yeah. you

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