Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 14

Episode Date: May 25, 2021

Allegra joins Sergio in this installment of Ironsworn. Note: An error caused this episode to be mixed up with episode 15, which was released previously. CAST • Allegra • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EF...FECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, and welcome back to Iron Sworn Eye of the Storm. I am your humble host, Sergio, with me today by unanimous decision. I don't think it was unanimous. No, it wasn't unanimous, but we had a Twitter poll because we forgot to decide who was going to play next session, and Allegro won that poll, so here is Allegra. Hi. I'm here. I'm afraid.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Thanks, Vince. Vince left us in quite an interesting situation last session. That sounded meaner than I intended. I was really glad Vince was here. It was really fun. I love Vince. We're going to try to dig ourselves out of the hole that was left behind. Let me recap for everyone who doesn't remember.
Starting point is 00:00:45 So last session is Shana, a badass boxer woman who has kind of retired and become a blacksmith, went out on a mission with her forecaster friend, Ellie. They went out to survey ahead of the tribe because they were trying to get around the dragon layer. The dragon is in a corrupted frozen cavern and we wanted to avoid that at all costs. So the storm was moving east north and we thought maybe we could venture, and it was a hell of a trip. I think we learned last session that you don't have a character with one wits lead an expedition
Starting point is 00:01:31 in which every time you undertake a journey, you have to roll wits because it was one bad roll after another. But we kind of rolled with the punches. They got cotton quicksand. They got pop the shoulder out of place. Pop the shoulder out of place came across a fortress that was under siege. We decided it was dragon slayers versus dragon cultists. So we've established that Keha, the ice dragon has a little cult that has been following
Starting point is 00:02:03 them around. And eventually those dragon cultists came after Shana. They found this cart that the cartographers wanted them to retrieve. And while they're fixing it, the dragon cultists came upon them, they fought them back. But even though the cart was fixed, they realized that the tribe was probably being attacked by the cultists. So they went back, they fought off the cultists. Most of them were killed.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Some of them ran away. The dragon slayers decided to join us and kind of help out with the promise that we would help them defeat the dragon. That evening, the storm rolled in. The storm moved south and we kind of ended the session saying that we were kind of caught in the storm. I think after thinking about it for a week, I don't think we would completely be caught off guard by the storm.
Starting point is 00:02:58 So we should probably do some roles to determine just how bad it is, right? Yeah. Like, like, like they definitely have guards up. They definitely have people on watch. Like, you can't not. So let's set the scene a little bit, Allegra. You know, Ishauna has returned to the tribe, fought off the dragon cultists, probably goes and sees Alba and their adopted son Quinn and, you know, set the scene.
Starting point is 00:03:24 What happens when the alarm bells start ringing and we know we got to get moving now? Oh man, I think, I think Ishauna is going to like poke her head out the side and see if she can see the wall of the storm and if she can, she's just going to grab the most essentials and chuck Quinn out and grab Alba and just start booking both of them as fast as she fucking can. Yeah. I think her, along with much of the tribe, you know, kind of realizing they're scrambling, I think it makes sense for you to face danger to, you know, properly get out of here in
Starting point is 00:04:08 a timely fashion. So we're moving with speed and agility, it sounds like. So you're going to roll plus edge. Can I make an argument for iron? Sure, sure. I'm bodily carrying my wife and propelling my 10 to 13 year old son. So you literally like on each shoulder you've got. Like I kind of have the idea of like she's got one arm like wrapped around Alba's waist
Starting point is 00:04:35 and is like, has our kind of up and then like she's just got Quinn under one armpit and just like pushing him forward because she's got like big old hands and she's like, alright, you're tiny, we're going. Yeah, that makes sense to me, honestly. Let's then we're going to roll iron. You have convinced me. Let's do it with aggressive action. You are going to be moving.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Just full mom rage. Roll in with iron. Fire. Don't. Well, let's see. We get. Yeah, no, there's no reason for a for a plus to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:09 We get. Okay. On a week hit, you succeed, but face a troublesome cost. You are delayed. You are tired or hurt. You're dispirited or you sacrifice resources. I think either dispirited or sacrifice resources makes the most sense because we're leaving a lot of our stuff behind and it's going to get swallowed up by the storm.
Starting point is 00:05:30 So there's not really any way to go back to it. Yeah, but I also think like there's the danger of like the storms coming. I don't know if I'm going to get both of them out and that's scary. I think the the the the supply makes sense because I feel like a lot of the tribe will probably have to leave things behind. Yeah, we'll say that your supply needs to go down by one. Okay. Down to two.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And that's it, but you do successfully grab your child and your loved one and you start kind of booking it. This is going to be, you know, it's not just going to be a five minute trek. I mean, the tribe keep moving to get the hell out of here. Let's first ask the oracle, you know, how caught off guard is the tribe? Right. Let's what do you think? I think 50, yeah, greater.
Starting point is 00:06:26 The tribe was not caught off guard and has most of its supplies and the things it needs and stuff. What do you what do you think? I think I think that makes sense because I don't think I don't think like they were keeping a like a crazy eye out for the storm just because they just fought off cultists and they were kind of trying to recuperate but still keep normalcy. But I also don't think it's entirely unlikely either. All right, give me a D 100 roll and 51 or greater.
Starting point is 00:06:53 All right, things will be OK. Three one nice 71. So the tribe is mostly able to, you know, hear the alarm bells. They know what to do. They're trained to do this. They get up, they run and they begin traveling. Now, if we look at our map, the closest hex from the from that eastern kind of desert area would be this area that has that SV and that stands for the savage
Starting point is 00:07:22 village that I don't want to go back there. It was half who like was able to kind of create past it and didn't see anybody. But my shadow is shit. So so we're in that territory. We'll say that a couple hours have probably passed before people are feeling somewhat safe, I think that the goal of the tribe should be to reach the middle hex, which that MDZ stands for a magical dead zone. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:07:58 That's half also discovered. So I think we should undertake a journey. Normally, when you undertake a journey, you want to set how difficult this journey is, I think we'll just do one role to kind of determine the the the overall experience, right? Yeah. So you do have the tribe with you. So you can roll plus one, but you will be rolling with wits.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah, and that makes sense. Shana is not that witty. So let's see how we do. No, she's a she's a himbo. Strong hit. Okay, I must protect my fucking family. You reach a waypoint and choose one. You may make use, you can either mark progress or you can mark progress and take
Starting point is 00:08:49 plus one momentum, but suffer one supply. So just progress or progress and one supply. Now, the thing is, is that because this undertake a journey is kind of just a general, there's not really anything we can make progress on help tribe, forge new path around chaos, frozen cavern. You know, this is kind of part of it, but yeah, it's not really part of it. It's just like it's kind of moot now that we're we're going going back. Yeah, I think if you want, you could just take plus one of momentum if you'd
Starting point is 00:09:28 like to do that as opposed to that's yeah, I think that's what I want to do. All right. So so increase your momentum to six. But we do come upon a waypoint. Let's roll for it. Yes, because it's a strong hit, it's not going to be the savage village. Seven mile heck, so there's plenty of room. But let's roll two D 100s and see what we come up with.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I feel like half also was like, hey, don't go over here. True, yeah, and he's got enough like knowledge and he's got enough sway within the tribe now that he can be like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I saw these people were not touching that right now. The tribe is on thin ice navigating these waters here. All right. So we've got a an 11 and a 62. So for the action of this place, it is a break 72.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Sixty two, sixty two. Oh, sixty two. Family break or break family. It was a strong hit. So it's, you know, we don't have to think of the negative. OK, good. But this is a family break. Oh, maybe it's somewhere that like, like there's like a like an outcropping
Starting point is 00:10:41 or like a like a like a like a oh, like a what's the word? Gosh, ring of trees open field. The there's like a road for like a yeah. Yeah, that's like that's big enough that everyone can kind of like sit, take a breath, yeah, like gather ourselves a little bit. Yeah. And and it's and it's far enough. It's like on the edge of the hex where half's like, OK, like we should be OK
Starting point is 00:11:10 away from the savage village. Right. And and so everyone kind of like gets to take a take a break and like gather themselves, I guess. That makes sense. We were not able to really take a an evening's rest. So maybe now we can. So let's write camp.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're going to roll plus supply. All right. Oh, did my supply go down one little last time? It should be two right now. OK, OK, OK, OK, cool. Yes, it is a two. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:40 So roll supply supply to make it submit. OK, it's a miss or I can burn momentum. Yes. On a miss, you take no comfort and you pay the price or you can make it a week hit and possibly recuperate or something like that. I think. I think we have to make it a week hit. It's there's been too much too much.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's happened. We need a break. Yeah. OK, so we're going to make it a week hit. There's some of it goes on to zero or no, it just resets to two. OK, but you may choose one. You can either take one of your health, take one of your spirit, take one of your momentum or add a plus one to your next undertake a journey.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I don't. I think we will be in a way undertaking a journey because we do want to the tribe wants to get back to that center hex. Right. Um, some of your, you know, your supply is kind of low. My supply is pretty low. My momentum is pretty low. I so so it was health spirit supply.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Momentum momentum. Oh, health or momentum or plus one to your next undertake a journey role. So unfortunately, your supplies. That makes sense. Um, I'll say we'll take. We'll take a plus one to undertake a journey because every time it's it's a wits and it's a wrap. So we need as much as a whole bomb.
Starting point is 00:13:18 All right. So, you know, let's just talk a little bit about this make this camp this evening. You know, we've just had a kind of a harrowing experience. We're kind of we've kind of backtracked. I don't know if the tribe really sees backtracking in the same way that we might like they're just trying to stay alive. Right. So, but they're in a kind of interesting area.
Starting point is 00:13:40 We have a lot of different things. We have these mountains to the south where we were. That's where, uh, ELA famously went to go, you know, find, um, rip, corrupted ice reach there, you know, to the north. We know there is that dragon. What's the what's the CI on the on the erupted ice reach? That's where we saw the the stone tower and all that stuff. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:14:09 So, you know, is there anything said to the wife to the kid? You know, I would imagine they're probably pretty shaken. Yeah, I think I think Sean is just in like management mode of like, OK, is is Albus comfortable? Is she like, I'm sure she's had like felt terrible this entire time and been been having a really rough go of it. So just like taking care of her, making sure she has water, checking on Quinn and like looking him over and making sure he's not hurt
Starting point is 00:14:41 and telling him how proud I am of him and how well he handled that. And like just like just trying to keep them both safe and happy and like close. And I would imagine the tribe is is obviously having like an emergency meeting to talk about what to do. Yeah, I think the most sensible thing is everybody wants to return to the center of the eye where it's safe, this this middle hex here. I'm sure half, though, he is not our main character right now, probably warns them it's a magical dead zone.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So a ritual casters would be, you know, useless and that kind of stuff. But it is the the safest thing. So I think that is probably a decision in the morning. They're going to venture in that direction, right? Yeah. OK, so it's going to go from one hex to another. I think we might as well create a. A journey, undertake a journey. We'll call it troublesome.
Starting point is 00:15:41 We want to get to the center hex, the magical dead zone. And make sure the audience can see. There we go. And, you know, we also have these dragon slayers, too, who who originally, you know, wanted to go and fight the dragon. Are they still with us? Yeah, a part of it, they might want to like return into the storm or something. Yeah. If they were if they were in the fort, I feel like they would want to go back to the fort. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Let's ask the oracle to see if the dragon slayers decide to keep coming with us. I think it's I think it's kind of unlikely. Unlikely. Yeah, I did too. It doesn't seem like impossible, but there's I feel like there's a chance that a few of them might want to. But overall, roll a D 100. If it's seventy six or greater, they do want to return to their thing. No. So I guess they're wait, hold on.
Starting point is 00:16:47 If it's seventy six or greater, I thought it was seventy six or greater that they would want to come with us. Well, generally, seventy six or greater is yes. So yes. So so maybe you're right. Maybe I was saying it wrong. If it's forty, it means that they don't want to go with us. Yeah, because then they wouldn't want to go back to the fort. All right. So so even trying to reason with them, it just doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And they say we we got a head back. There is a small sliver of that hex that they could enter and not be affected by the storm. But yeah, they're going to be turned to iron going back to the storm, but that's what they want to do. Yeah, I feel like I feel like the Shana tries to like thank them for for helping, especially because she pounded down the door and was like, hey, get the fuck out here. And was the one that dragged them out into it.
Starting point is 00:17:33 That's right. She did have some coarse words for them. I think she definitely is like, hey, sorry. But appreciate it. All right. So we're undertaking a journey. This is kind of the whole try. But, you know, let's let's think about it from kind of a Shana's point of view. We are going to roll plus widths.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And I think you can add plus two plus because of the previous one and you are with a bond, which is the tribe. So all right, should hopefully be good. It's like rolling iron, but also there's a chance I will fuck it up. We get good enough for me. That's good. Let's see, on a weak hit, you reach a waypoint. You mark progress, but suffer one supply.
Starting point is 00:18:19 So I'm going to move your progress up to three. All right, I'm going down to one supply. All right, you have one supply. So let's roll 2D 100 to determine the action and theme of this waypoint we reach. We have a 66 and an 84. All right, you want that 84 for the action or the theme? Um, action. Sure. For the action, it is follow 66.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Follow is community. Follow community. The community. I think I think that that to me, that sounds like they're all, you know, coming together and working together and working as like a like a full community to be like, hey, this is the way we should go. Like this is this is what's going to be best for everyone. I think even with all of the
Starting point is 00:19:21 disagreement between like the cartographers and the ironmongers and like the forecast, like everyone, like the disagreement that everyone has, I think at the core of it, they still want everyone to survive. And this kind of tumultuous last 12 to 24 hours has kind of brought them all together and it's making them work as like a team more than they usually do. OK, I like that. And this hex that we're in is kind of a it looks like there's trees and a little bit of like mountain.
Starting point is 00:19:50 So maybe it's a little hilly. But the point is maybe they have to kind of not single file, but maybe they have to kind of bunch up a little bit more. So they're kind of following each other in rows, you know, kind of traversing through some of this area. OK, great. So they do that. That is progress. We've got three progress.
Starting point is 00:20:09 We just need about three to six more to kind of complete this. Yeah, let's continue to undertake a journey unless you'd like to try something else, like secure an advantage or gather information. Hmm. I feel like. I feel like Ishaan is trying to say it. Pray it.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Play it pretty safe right now because she's she's still just trying to keep Quinn and and Alba together and safe. So I think I think undertake a journey is probably is probably still the most the most that makes sense. You're going to roll plus wits plus one. Oh, right. Because I'm with the community with the tribe, you're going to be rolling plus one. All right, another weekend.
Starting point is 00:21:01 So same thing again, your supply is going to go down to one, but you're reaching down to zero. OK, so do set to one. We're going to mark progress. It was already at one, so supply is a zero now. We have none supplies. Thank you. OK, let's roll to the hundred to determine.
Starting point is 00:21:22 All right. Roll to the hundred. We have a fifty one and a sixty six again. OK, so I guess flip the sixty six to the action now. OK, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to read from a location and a location descriptor. Oh, cool. Oh, for the sixty six, it is a valley. And fifty one is a protected valley.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Protected Valley. Oh, that's so nice. What is a protected valley? Who is it protected from? So so we're in the we're in the hex. That's the the savages. Technically still. No, no, no, we haven't. Oh, we haven't reached that.
Starting point is 00:22:09 We're undertaking a journey to get there, right? Right. So this valley is protected. You rolled a week hit, so it wasn't a miss. So, you know, it's it should be something positive. So I don't think we come upon these savages, but what else? Well, you know, do you want to roll to see what kind of randomly is protecting this village?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, let's roll for it. I like I like rolling for it. OK, let's do let's see. OK, fifty one or greater, it's human. OK, not fifty one or greater. It's like maybe something else. Yeah, cool. Roll the D hundred.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Let's see. Seventy two. OK, so it's something human like could be humans, could be elves, could be something along those lines. We have a nice triant this time. We could. We didn't roll for we didn't roll to achieve something other than human. But oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:23:16 We could. I'm fine with just kind of going with something you're into. Let's let's say maybe. Oh, maybe there's some there are some like savage village or defectors. OK, all right. They're they're they're kind of like just making it out on their own in the in the valley. OK, so kind of.
Starting point is 00:23:38 So describe. Yeah, describe the the coming upon these people interacting with them. So I feel like they know like the way that the the the savage village works. And so they've they've kind of found a way to hide themselves within the within this in this little valley. I think they've kind of like made their home within like, you know, how in valleys there are like big old rocks that have kind of come down. I feel like they've kind of like hidden themselves within those rocks.
Starting point is 00:24:10 In a safe way that doesn't, you know, if there's a storm or something that they're not going to get crushed, but I think that they're like they're really they're very like hidden and well. Well, obscured, but they're like kind. Yeah. Do you think that they leave the tribe alone or do they interact with the tribe? I feel like. Maybe maybe they interact with like one or two.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Like like there are there are people who are kind of scouts or lookouts who who know that they're not from the village. And they're they're kind of like checking them out. OK, so they go. So like one, you know, an emissary and ambassador or something goes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they seem friendly enough. If a shana comes with them, we could attempt to gather information or something like that, otherwise the people come back and we're like, oh, they're nice enough.
Starting point is 00:25:07 But they didn't really know what to say. Yeah, I don't maybe. Oh, maybe maybe we can we can check in with them about like, hey, do you know anything about medicines or anything that might be able to like help my wife? Ah, OK, interesting. Yeah, I think that's a great opportunity to try to advance the the vow of helping your your dying wife. So yeah, let's gather information with them.
Starting point is 00:25:36 You're going to roll plus wits and you are with the tribe, so you can add plus one. All right, one. And it's a complication. Oh, no, I mean, your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest. Pay the price. So very quickly, roll a D 100 and let's just see what the price is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:08 We can kind of determine what that is. That's a 60. 60. It is harmful. So a part of me thinks that maybe what the complication is is that these aren't. These aren't necessarily. Well, they're defectors, but maybe they're like currently on the run. And maybe that savage village is kind of looking for them. Yeah, and we could potentially run into them.
Starting point is 00:26:41 It is harmful, implies that they could attack. Yeah. I almost think what we need to say is that the tribe needs to somehow prepare for the worst, which is an inevitable confrontation with this with them, right? Yeah, I feel like I feel like they like she goes to ask about, hey, like, do you know anything about medicines? And they're in the process of like throwing all their shit together and being like, we have to get out of here.
Starting point is 00:27:11 They're they're looking for us. They're they're close by. And they're kind of like they don't even really hear the question. They're just like, yes, but we have to go. They're a little they're a little manic. Yeah. OK. So the tribe knows that these savage villages are somewhere close, hunting these people. I feel like they would request some of their best warriors in the front.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Yeah, like Ashana to help in case they come across these folks, right? Right. OK. So I think I think Ashana is going to go to Ellie and be like, hey, keep an eye on my wife and my kid while I go talk some shit up. While I go to the front lines. Yeah. Oops. OK. So they're going to go to the front. They're going to continue journeying.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I think you're going to undertake a journey or face danger if it if it's that inevitable, you know, I I feel like given that it was a complication, it's pretty inevitable. So I'm going to say we're going to face danger mostly because I want to face danger. Yeah. And I'm almost thinking you could just enter the fray, which is a type of combat. But maybe we can still get out of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Let's try to face danger. How are we doing this? What what attribute do we think we need to use? I I'm I'm leaning towards a heart or iron because she's just like pissed and ready. So she courageously goes to the front of the line. Yeah, I think she's sick of this shit. She's like, all right, it's been it's been more than 24 hours of shit going wrong
Starting point is 00:28:53 and my kid and my wife are back there and I'll be goddamned if I'm going to let anything fucking happen to them. Exactly. OK, so let's roll plus heart. No modifier, modifier. We can we can't. That's good. All right. On a weekend, you succeed, but face a troublesome cost. You are delayed.
Starting point is 00:29:15 You are hurt. You are dispirited or you sacrifice resources. There are no resources to sacrifice. Oh, yeah, interesting. You could definitely endure stress as this is, you know, stressful, kind of moving through this area. Yeah, I don't feel like she's gotten a whole lot of rest. I don't know if they've like actually come to blows yet.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So I don't think health makes a ton of sense. But I think I think it's just like the stress of it is, you know, like building and building and building. And you know how when like you just you felt like shit and you've been so high strong for so long that you're just like on edge and everything makes you like jump and you feel just insane. Yes, I feel like that's where a show is at right now. OK, so I think that you're going to reduce your spirit.
Starting point is 00:30:05 OK, and really what's left is for us to undertake a journey. We need to. Yeah, we have six progress in this whole trying to get to the hex. We just need another three and we'll feel confident to end this. So you're going to roll plus wits and you can add plus one. OK. Let's see. Good. We can we can we can. OK. You reach a waypoint and mark progress, but suffer one supply now. What are we doing? We have no supplies here.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Let's see. There is. I love watching you switch books for this. It's so cool like I have this tome and this tome. So unprepared is marked when you are at zero supply and out of supply. You and your allies share the same supply value. But if you are unprepared, you cannot increase supply. For example, let's see. Encumbered. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Doesn't really say what happens if you're already. At zero zero and we. Hmm. Suffer one supply. So what was that? What was the other part of it again? Sorry. So it's a weak hit. We suffer one supply and you can mark progress. Make progress. You reach a waypoint, but you also suffer one supply. So what do we how do we do this?
Starting point is 00:31:37 Can you go to negative? No, you can't. No, I think maybe we just reduce your momentum. That would make sense. Yeah. So your momentum goes to one. OK. And we will mark progress. So that is a total of nine progress. What? So fast. Yeah. Well, it's it's it's only a troublesome journey. So we make three progress every time.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. We go through. So let's let's decide our waypoint. Two D hundreds, please. All right. What the location is that we come upon. We have a seventy two and an eighty three. All right. Let me I always lose these damn. There we are. Seventy two. A lake. A lake. OK.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Eighty three. A corrupted lake. Shit. A corrupted lake. OK. You know, we could interpret this as like a lake that is. You know, like run off from that. Yeah, it's like a still, you know, like it like it's not drinkable. It's not potable water. Yeah, it doesn't have to be like mold corrupted.
Starting point is 00:32:55 No, no, no, no. So yeah. You know, what is it like when the tribe comes upon this this corrupted lake? Oh, man, I think I think when they come up to it, I think the smell hits first because you know that, like, you know, when you hit bad water, it's it's a very, very distinctive smell. And I feel like it's just still in a way that water shouldn't be. And so I think they can see like the like rainbow film on the top of it and the the plants that don't look quite healthy.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And like maybe there's like a fish bobbing in it or two. I was actually thinking because this is the savage village's territory, there could be a couple of bloated bodies. Yeah, probably. Yeah, or like it's or like it's like it's where they dump things that they don't use. So it's just like ref like surrounded with refuse. And, you know, like you said,
Starting point is 00:33:51 bodies and and just things that are not useful to them anymore. I think we have made enough progress that you can now roll 2d10. And as long as both of them are under nine, we will complete this this vow of getting the tribe back to the center hex. All right. I'll turn our favor a nine and a four. So that's a week that is reaching your destination on a week hit. You arrive, but face an unforeseen hazard, envision what you find.
Starting point is 00:34:30 We can ask the Oracle. I feel like there is this maybe maybe maybe we'll see. Let's see. There is like a like a village scout that's just like patrols the edge of the magic dead zone and he sees us. OK, I think that's I think that's legitimate. And I think that gives us an interesting challenge.
Starting point is 00:34:52 So we make it. But, you know, as Shauna does see this kind of savage scout, they probably have, you know, piercings and tattoos and they look pretty fierce. And they see them dart off into the woods. What are we doing? Are we going after them? I'm going to get them. OK. There's they're going to send people after us. Hell, no, I agree. They probably will.
Starting point is 00:35:15 So just full on tank, charging off into the forest after that bitch. Let's see. How do we do this? You are going to probably face danger or secure an advantage. Yeah, I now is if I'm going by herself or is she going to bring Ellie along with her? Um, I feel what was our can I ask it? Well, your bonds, bonds, I wanted to run myself with Ellie. Ellie is a forecaster, so she's a pretty good ranger and, you know, hunter. Yeah, I feel like I feel like I'd bring her with because I feel like she would like want the
Starting point is 00:36:04 the the the the praise that would come with finding the finding that that person and like keeping the tribe safe. So I'm going to be like, hey, we're going to fuck this guy up. All right. So let's first face danger. Okay. You are rolling either what's that are using speed, agility, courage, aggressive action. Let's look at our assets here. Face danger.
Starting point is 00:36:39 When you face danger or clash against a brawling attack. This isn't really that when you enter the fray that's going to be coming up. Let's just say face danger without any kind of advantages. You're going to roll your iron. Let's see what we got. Just like Trent. Oh my God. No.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Oh boy. Okay. On a miss you fail or your progress is undermined by dramatic and costly turn of events. Pay the price. Now we can either roll to pay the price or we can come up with what's obvious. Yeah, I. What is obvious to you? That is a complication.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Okay. I don't like making things sad, but I'm going to make things sad. So, so we're barreling head first into the forest after this person and we run into an ambush essentially. There's more of them, right? Yeah, more than one. Well, here's the good news. There's let's ask the Oracle. Is there more than two?
Starting point is 00:37:45 Two. I think it's. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like. Yeah, 50 50. Okay. 51 or greater, there is more than two. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And we'll just say it's like three. That's the case. 46. So there's just two of them. There was one kind of waiting out waiting for the other guy, right? Yeah. So I feel like I feel like the one guy like ran and then flanked off to one side. And then as we're going towards him, the other one like pops up behind us.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Did they clever girl you? Is that what you're saying? Yeah. I'm saying the clever girls. Okay. Unfortunately, I think what is obvious is you're going to enter the fray. Correct. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Now you do have a path called banner sworn. When you enter the fray, bearing your banner, add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit. When you burn your momentum while carrying your banner in combat, take plus one momentum after you reset. Okay. So keep that in mind. So you're going to enter the fray. What is, what is my banner? I don't think I ever understood what that was.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Well, I think we know. I know I'm like, you are an iron monger, right? Isha is an iron monger. So she probably has some, you know, image or, I mean, it could be whatever you want. It could literally be like a banner that she has on her back, you know, like how the Japanese samurai, remember how they used to have like flags on their backs and stuff. It could be something like that. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:39:11 I feel like she has it like stamped on like a piece of her clothing. Like a, like, like some kind of crest that she made up for, for the iron mongers. And then there's like a little bit for Quinn and Alba because they're her like big things in her life. And like, maybe she's, she's got it covered with a cloak or something. And she like, yeah. You about to be banners sworn. Let's go. So you're going to enter the fray with a plus one.
Starting point is 00:39:42 First, we have to set the challenge for this combat. So let's real quick go. Well, we can erase this center magic hex thing. We're going to say these savage village scouts because there's two of them. It's a dangerous. I think it's dangerous. Okay. Yeah, you too.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Now that we've said that we're going to, if you're facing off against your foe, you're going to roll. But if you've been ambushed, you're going to roll plus wits. And you did say that you were ambushed. No, it makes that makes sense. You're going to roll plus wits plus one. All right. And it does make sense that I would roll it. It tracks.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I'm just sad about it. It's a miss as I expected. Okay. Here we go. On a miss. Combat begins with you at a disadvantage. Obviously you're going to pay the price and the foe has advantage. So real quick.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Roll the D 100. And let's see what the price is. Oh shit. Things are getting dicey here. 50. A new danger or foe is revealed. Let's say my immediate thought is these savage village scouts. And the foe has initiative.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Meaning they get to go first. Yeah. So you are going to clash. When a foe has initiative and you fight them in close quarters. You're going to roll plus iron. Yes. Good. Real quick.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Let's move on. I'm going to start with the foe. I'm going to start with the foe. I'm going to start with the foe. I'm going to start with the foe. I'm going to start with the foe. Yes. Good.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Real quick. Let's look at your assets because. I think I have a plus one. When you face the foe or clash against a brawling attack add plus one. And momentum. Okay. So you can roll iron plus one. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:41:45 This is what Ishauna was built for. Oh my fucking god. This is what Ishauna was built for. And we cannot roll a good dice. Oh boy. Okay. On a miss you are outmatched. Punch things.
Starting point is 00:41:57 You must pay the price. Roll another D hundred. Bitch. Oh boy. I don't want to kill. I just want to be happy with my wife. It forces you to act against your best intentions. It forces you to act against your best intentions.
Starting point is 00:42:16 So what is the scenario where these two savage villagers and a wolf coming upon you and Ellie forces you to act against your best intentions. Either you have to what do you think. I think our best intentions are to like catch and beat their asses and don't let them follow us. Yeah. But I think knowing that we're outmatched makes us retreat huh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Like we have to turn back a little bit. Okay. I don't know if we go all the way back. Yeah. So you guys are or even like call out like turn back enough to call out for like reinforcements. You are returning. You are calling back but they still have the initiative. So they are going to continue to harass you.
Starting point is 00:42:59 You are going to clash again. Roll plus iron. Just a plus one. Hold on real quick. Let me see. Yes. You do still have plus one. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I want to punch something in the fucking face. Hell yeah. Hit. You inflict your harm and choose one you have the initiative. You can either take one momentum or one additional harm. So I think I get a momentum for. Yes. Hitting.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yes. So I'm up to two and then so I can take momentum or I can hit him again. So I so I inflict time already and then I can either add momentum or inflict time again. Yes. I'm fucking frustrated and I want to hit him again. Okay. So you have two progress. You inflicted one harm and now you've inflicted another harm.
Starting point is 00:43:52 What does it look like you're running away but then some opportunity appears where you managed to get them a little bit. I feel like I like she. Oh man. So I think either either they're focusing on Ellie or there's a there's like a rock that I can duck behind really quick and as they run past just like clock them. Nice. It was like gauntlets like he was talking about.
Starting point is 00:44:17 So it's just like a cling. So you managed to knock one of them maybe the other two maybe the wolf and the other guy are distracted by Ellie or something. So you're right now you're one on one with a guy and you have the initiative so you can strike. Yep. Let's see once per fight when you risk it all you may steal initiative. Nope.
Starting point is 00:44:39 That's not what we're doing. Or you could try to battle which is kind of a kind of wrapping up this combat quickly. I think probably a strike makes the most amount of sense. Yeah. I think so. All right. Let's look at your assets. Do you have a strike strike.
Starting point is 00:44:57 No. Okay. You are rolling plus iron. Okay. See how you do. Do I have any modifiers because I don't know that's just. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Okay. You inflict your harm but you lose initiative. So. Okay. You managed to get a couple of another good blows on this guy but they're tough. They're wiry and it's now their turn. So they are going to clash with you. Please roll iron.
Starting point is 00:45:29 This was the one I have a plus one on. Yes. Okay. Strong hit. Yes. On a strong hit inflict your harm and choose one. You may either inflict additional harm or gain momentum. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I think. Right now you have four progress on this formidable enemy. So if I hit him twice I'd be six. It would be five. Right. I think I want to do the harm and then take the momentum because I'm I like I feel like the battle rage is like clarifying a little bit in the in the sense of like okay you got like your your one like big hit out of the way now
Starting point is 00:46:19 play smart so you can finish this. So you are going to get that momentum because of your your asset so you can increase your momentum. And I increased the the the progress. Let's say that you kick this one guy's ass and now there's two left. There's the other guy in the wolf. So you go after them to try to help Ellie. You have that one down and I'll ask you have the initiative.
Starting point is 00:46:44 You can either find them and strike at them or you could try to secure an advantage of some kind which would give you a plus one on your next role. Okay. I think I. I think Ellie do we think Ellie's holding her own or does she need. I don't know. Let's ask the Oracle. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:04 All right. So how likely do you think it is that she can hold her own between a wolf and a another dude savage villager. Okay. Well she's a forecaster. She's pretty fucking tough. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:18 But it's a it's a wolf and another and a dude. So I feel like unlikely. So a 76 or greater and she is holding her. Self her own pretty well. Okay. Let's see. 71. Oh she's I feel like like she's trying but they're they're they're gaining
Starting point is 00:47:40 on her. Okay. So they basically probably you know pinned her somewhere or they've got her cornered and you kind of come upon the scene. Then I think I don't think I don't think I would think to secure an advantage. I think I would see my friend in danger and just go. So you're going to just go right into it.
Starting point is 00:47:56 So. Yeah. Let's see. You could try to battle. Which would kind of wrap this up a little quicker. Because. And the fight is a progress move. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I don't think we're quite there. Okay. So so sounds like you want to strike. Yeah. Roll plus iron. No. Strong hit. Nice.
Starting point is 00:48:31 This is what I was built for. You are going to inflict one harm and you're going to retain the initiative. Does the asset say anything about strike. No. Just just face danger. Okay. So your progress goes to six.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I believe. Yeah. Go real quick to here. One, two, three, four, five, go to six. And you still have the initiative. Cool. What are you doing? I I'm still I'm still fighting them.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I'm I think strike is still. Okay. Hold on. Can you remind me what battle is? Sorry. So battle. When when this battle happens in a blur, envision your objective and roll. If you primarily fight at range, your role edge, if you're fighting
Starting point is 00:49:21 depending on your courage, your role plus heart. So you choose which stat you want to roll. And then on a strong hit, you would gain plus two momentum on a weak hit. You achieve your objective, but without a cost on a miss, you're defeated and the objective is lost. So this isn't necessarily to bring the fight to a close. This is to have like a certain objective. Like I want to get rid of the wolf or I want to maim, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:43 the guy or something. Can I can we try battle? Yeah, sure. What is your intention? What is your objective in this battle? I think my intention in this part of it is to to get rid of the wolf because I feel like that's like, like, I think we like the two of us can take a dude, but I think the wolf is like an unforeseen kind of added
Starting point is 00:50:06 danger that we weren't prepared for. Okay. And then what stat do you think would be best for that? Either harder iron probably. Okay. I mean, if you're just looking to come up and bash the dog for the back of the head, iron makes sense to me. Yeah, I think, I think, I think it's just one of those moments of like
Starting point is 00:50:25 drop the shoulder and just pile drive into the wolf. Got it. You're trying to overpower your opponent. So role plus iron. Let's see how we do. Good. Good. On a weak hit, you achieve your objective, but not without cost.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Okay. Price. So roll a D 100. It is a one. Oh, interesting. Roll again and apply that result, but make it worse. That's such a dick move. Like, hey, do it again, but it's worse this time.
Starting point is 00:51:00 If you roll this result yet again, think of something dreadful that changes the course of your quest and make it happen. Okay. Roll another deal. 62. God damn. It is harmful. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Well, I think I was going to initially say that like she gets kind of like nipped by the, by the wolf. But I think, I think in like in the struggle, the wolf like clamps down on her arm and just like doesn't let go. Yeah. And she finally like bashes it off, but she's pretty like pretty bloodied and pretty, pretty wrecked. Oh, it's just, it's like the same arm that she like dislocated your
Starting point is 00:51:35 shoulder. So it's like stub luck. So it's not all the way out, but it's partially out and it hurts like a bitch. I think because it's twice, you need to reduce your health from five to three. It'll go down to this is technically, it's not really a progress move. You have, you have eliminated the wolf, but we still need to make progress to
Starting point is 00:52:00 finish this. Even Ellie, you're facing down this last savage villager. Right. What are you going to do to bring this battle to a close? You could try to end the fight now, but that would mean rolling 2d10 against your six. I don't feel comfortable with that. I think it's, I think it's just continuing to strike unless there's
Starting point is 00:52:20 something else. Let's, yeah, I guess you do still have the initiative. It doesn't say anything about losing the initiative. Um, yeah, let's just strike. Roll plus iron. We can't. Okay. You inflict harm, but you lose initiative.
Starting point is 00:52:45 So it makes sense. It goes up to seven progress, but now they are going to fight against you. Now they are going to clash against you, but once per fight, when you risk it all, you may steal initiative from your foe to make a move. When you do, you can add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit. So you could attempt to strike at them while they're trying to strike at you. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:10 You are going to turn the tide. You may roll iron plus one. Cause clash. Hopefully. And actually. Yeah. No, no, just plus one. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:24 We're turning the tide that, and that, that's where you're getting that plus one from. Okay. Okay. Yeah. All right. Come on. Another weekend. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Uh, let's see. You will take plus one momentum on the hit. Nice. And you will inflict your harm. So that's now eight. Nice. Okay. But you lose the initiative.
Starting point is 00:53:47 That's okay. So I saw punch in my face. Yes. I'm going to take plus one momentum, but they, they are going to clash against you roll iron one more time to see what happens is they get a plus on this one because it's clash. Yes. Yes. Nice.
Starting point is 00:54:03 One day I'll remember all the rules to this and it'll be great. Yes. It's a hard to remember. We hit again. Okay. Uh, you inflict your harm, but then pay the price. Your foe still has the initiative. Uh, the good news is, is your progress is real high as soon as you get the initiative.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Roll a D hundred. Let's find out what the price is that you are going to pay. This is a little bastard. Yes. A friend, companion or ally is put in harm's way. Fuck. So Ellie's. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:37 He, he like gets Ellie on the ground and is like going after her. Okay. Maybe even stabs her once or something. Yeah. Nonetheless, he still has initiative. Um, we're going to clash. We're going to clash again. Yep.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Cause I'm trying to get him. I'm trying to get him off. Yep. You're trying to get that initiative. Yeah. You're going to roll a strong hit. You have plus one. Plus one.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Oh, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:16 On a miss, you are outmatched and must pay the price. Okay. You're going to fall unconscious. You know, maybe they like at her and she falls unconscious. Just backfist knocks her out. Yeah. All right. So what's next?
Starting point is 00:55:29 What are we doing? This is kind of wiry. Savagery is, you know, is looking. Yeah. What are we at? We're at a, we're at, are we at a nine? I want to have the initiative. You have to have initiative.
Starting point is 00:55:45 So you've got to take it. So I, what, what can I do? I don't, I just do it. I mean, basically you're going to clash with them again. Yeah. What's he doing? All right. Roll another plus iron.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Oh man. So he's like, he knocks her out and I'm just like, like, wide stance, low, ready. Finally. You inflict your harm and you now have the initiative. Let's say you take plus, you're going to take plus two momentum because of your asset. And you are now at a 10 actually.
Starting point is 00:56:20 So let's end the fight. You're going to roll 2d10. And let's just hope that they're both not 10. And eight and a three. That's good. That is a strong hit on a strong hit. The foe is no longer in the fight. They are killed as appropriate to the situation of your intent.
Starting point is 00:56:46 So describe to us how you bring this battle to a close squeeze. He's like got Ellie on the ground. She's unconscious. I'm like low. And I think he's going to try and like swing. And I'm going to just duck under and like pick him up and knock him into the ground and like hit his head on a rock. Nice.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And then like one more punch just to be sure. You hear the, the, the crack of the skull and you're like, yeah, I'm pretty sure this person's done. Yeah. Okay. Then I'm going to set my shoulder back in place and pick up Ellie and try and get back to the tribe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I think that it's easy enough to return to the tribe. Let's just face danger once because you are wounded. You know, you're not in the best of health. You don't have to carry somebody. Yeah. Okay. Let's just face danger and see just how difficult this is. You are going to, I don't know, I guess you're, I guess you're using
Starting point is 00:57:48 aggressive action, strength, endurance. That's iron. Yeah. That makes sense of just like you got your shit rocked. You got to keep going. Yeah. Roll plus iron. We can.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Okay. You succeed, but you do face a troublesome cost. You are either delayed and you're going to suffer momentum. You are hurt. You are dispirited or you sacrifice resources. There's no resources. So I think it's either moment like it takes a really long time to get back because we're hurt or we just like get worse.
Starting point is 00:58:25 What do you think? Both are valid. Yeah. It's, to me, it doesn't matter which one, which, whichever one you think is more narratively makes sense. I think you're going to be bleeding profusely, right? You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:45 I think, I think, I think the, the, the hits of health is makes the most sense because like, I think in her mind, she's like, I got to get back. I got to get back and got to get her back safe. And I'm like, regard for herself is utterly gone and just like plow forward, keep going, keep going. Oh, why am I dizzy? Why is the tribe? I got to keep going.
Starting point is 00:59:03 That kind of thing. Roll up, reduce your health to one and less, excuse me, two. I'm sorry. Okay. I was like, oh no. That's what I should have said. I was like, shit. And because you would have theoretically lost so much blood, I think that
Starting point is 00:59:21 it's likely that you might pass out by the time you reach the village. Yeah. I feel like I pass her off and I'm like, good night. Roll a D hundred, 26 or greater and you do pass out. Oh, an entire 100. Just 100% guaranteed that when Ishana finally reaches the tribe, she just collapses onto her knees and falls forward and people rush to you. And it's time to take a break for, for Ishana.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I think she needs a little bit of rest. Yeah, for sure. I think that we can sojourn. It'll probably take a couple of days. Oh, for sure. Right. So let's sojourn first just to kind of determine, you know, what this rest looks like you are going to roll plus heart and you can add plus one because you are
Starting point is 01:00:19 within the tribe. All right. Heart plus one. On a week hit, you may choose one. Okay. You can either clear a condition. For instance, you are unprepared. You could clear that condition.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Oh, hold on. Whenever you sojourn and score a week hit or miss, you may claim the rights of hospitality warrant warranted by your title or lineage. If you do roll all dice and then add one, if you miss your. So, so do I, do I just roll? I'm going to re-roll plus one. Plus one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Cool. What did you roll? I'm sorry. Can you remind me? You rolled heart. Heart. Thank you. And then plus one.
Starting point is 01:01:06 And you share a bond actually too. So we'll say that your action score is seven. So it's a strong hit. Yeah. Very good. On a strong hit, you and your allies may each choose two from within the categories below. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:20 So we'll say you can either clear condition, recover or provide aid. Clear condition would be like getting rid of this supply thing. Yeah. Recover would mean that you could take plus two to your health or plus two to spirit or plus two to supply or plus two to momentum. I think I want to, I want to, I want some supplies again. All right. So you have to clear the condition.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Of being unprepared and your supply is going to go to plus one. Nice. And then what is the next thing you want to do? So I, so I get two of those. Did you say or just one? Yeah. You can choose another one. Um, then I think.
Starting point is 01:02:01 So there's like larger categories, which is clear condition, recover and provide aid. And within those, there are, you know, subcategories within recover. Yeah. There's taking two categories. Yeah. There's take plus two to health, plus two to spirit, plus two to momentum or supply.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I think. Uh, health or spirit makes the most sense. Um, what are your, what are your thoughts, Serge? It's not good to have low health. Uh, I feel like you would have spent most of your time like bandaged and,
Starting point is 01:02:34 you know, trying to fight off whatever infection might be. Yeah. I think, I think health should be increased to four. Cool. So should it be. And,
Starting point is 01:02:46 and, and what is the recovery process for a Shana? What does it look like? Uh, I think that kind of stuff. Yeah. I think she, you know, like comes to. And is like being bandaged and like.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Is a little disoriented, but then remembers like everything that happened. Uh, checks on Ellie. Make sure she's okay. Checks on Quinn and Alba. Uh, and, and like,
Starting point is 01:03:14 I feel like Shana is like a shitty patient in that she's like, I have other, I have other stuff to do. I can't recover. Everyone's like, sit the fuck down. Yeah. And she's like, huge. So it's really hard to get her to say so,
Starting point is 01:03:28 but eventually like, I feel like Alba is like the only one that can be like, sit down. Don't go anywhere. So, so you recover. Um, it's going to take a couple of days.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Let's say it takes. What do you think? Three or four days? Mm-hmm. Probably three or four days. Probably three or four days. Yeah. The storm is going to move twice.
Starting point is 01:03:49 So let's roll a D eight and find out what direction the storm is moving. The good news is that the tribe is safely in the middle. So they should be able to. Maneuver. But let's, Oh, did we make it to the. Yes, we did.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Yes. Okay. Cool. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Nice. Um,
Starting point is 01:04:17 a three, three, uh, eight, seven, six, five, four,
Starting point is 01:04:25 three that's Southwest. So it's going to move. Uh, how do I do this? I'm going to keep going in the same direction, but a little West. That doesn't make much sense. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:04:36 This is the hardest part is when I move south, when I move like the, the, not the true directions, it's hard to like, like half a hex down and half a hex sideways, maybe that's kind of it right there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:51 So that's Southwest and let's move one more. Roll another D eight as it's been four days of rest and we move every two days. Again, three interesting. Uh, so same direction again. Down and over.
Starting point is 01:05:09 So we're kind of in new territory. Uh, the good news is that the storm is heading south, which is kind of better land to be, to be around. So we're now in this center hex, which I haven't really determined what this, uh, light green with little specs means.
Starting point is 01:05:26 What, what do you think that means to you in terms of what this territory is like? I feel like it's like a planes, like a really like a wide flat open plane, planes and maybe there's, there's like rock outcroppings and stuff like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Or like, like cops as a trees, but nothing really like foresty. Yeah. Pretty light when it comes to the trees. Yeah. Uh, awesome. So, so we're kind of a new territory. We've moved away far away from the, from the dragon and from that savage village.
Starting point is 01:05:53 So when a Shawna comes to, we're definitely in a better place. Yes. So with all of that said, a Shawna is good enough to kind of get up and walk around. And, uh, we can, I think we can remove this, defeat the dragon cultists cause the,
Starting point is 01:06:12 they've left us. They're, they're frozen. Right. They're gone. We want to alleviate Alba's illness. We want to help the tribe forge a new path. Um,
Starting point is 01:06:23 So I don't think that one really applies anymore either. Yeah. I'm wondering if we have to forsake that vow. Um, or if we just, uh, roll to finish it. Uh, let's see. When you renounce your quest,
Starting point is 01:06:39 betray your promise or the goal is lost to you. Uh, The goals, I mean, the goals technically kind of lost to us cause it's back in the storm. It is, but it's not like a bad thing. No.
Starting point is 01:06:55 I think we just need to fin, we need to just fulfill this vow. Like, Yeah. We didn't get where we wanted to, but we got somewhere nonetheless. Right. So you have five progress on this currently.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Mm hmm. Technically you can roll 2d10 right now. And even if it is a miss, it's not the end of the world. There, there might be a new complication of some kind, but let's just roll 2d10 and see what happens. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Little unorthodox, but let's see. Okay. And so we hit on a week hit, there was more to be done or you realize the truth of your quest and vision what you discover. Then mark experience because this was a formidable thing. You are actually going to gain two experience.
Starting point is 01:07:44 So it's going to go to four. Nice. And we can clear this. We can clear the menace. And, you know, what is the more to be done or you realize the truth of your quest? What do you think that is in regards to, you know, forging the path for the tribe?
Starting point is 01:08:04 So it could be as simple as a shot. It should not be the one. Yeah. I definitely think it's one of those moments of like self self reflection and being like, I'm not cut out for the leading of path things. I am, I am a, I am a protector. I am not a, a, a leader in that sense.
Starting point is 01:08:31 I think you're spot on with that for sure. So we have kind of a, you know, a, a new, a new chapter here for a Shawna. We could try to find a new vow and new, a new quest for Shawna or try to kind of pursue the, the bigger vow of helping Alba. Yeah. You can roll up a new character. What, what are you in the mood to do? Um, I don't want to, I don't want to roll a new character yet.
Starting point is 01:08:57 I like, I think, I think we should, I think we should hang out the Shawna more. Um, I would like to go talk to the, the cartographers because they have, you know, they have all the information. They have, they're kind of like the information hub of the, of the tribe. So maybe I want to go talk to the, I think. Uh, building a relationship with a cartographer with the purpose of trying to find information to help Alba.
Starting point is 01:09:31 That makes sense. Uh, so you're, you're going to be asking about, you know, uh, uh, salves and, and, and things that might help with a week long. Yeah. Okay. This would be considered progress towards finding the cure for Alba's illness. And what, what kind of a move do we think this is? Is a, a gather information, a compel, um, a forge a bond.
Starting point is 01:10:00 I feel like it's forge a bond because I don't think she's trying to like intimidate anyone into anything. I think she's genuinely going into it with like a heart of like, I just want to help my wife, help me help my wife, please. So when you spend significant time with a person or community, uh, you stand together to face hardships or make sacrifices for their cause, you can attempt to create a bond. So this is going to be over the course of maybe a couple more days of like,
Starting point is 01:10:30 Hey, I'm a little bit of, you know, I want to be indentured to you to get into your good graces kind of a thing. Right. Yeah. And I think, I think there might, I think an issue might be that she is an ironmonger. And so there is that like. And there are not on good terms.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Yeah. You are going to roll plus heart. Okay. And let's see how you do. Let's see how we do. Let me also say before you do this, you have four experience that you can spend at any time. Well, okay.
Starting point is 01:11:04 So what does that mean? So if you spend two experience, you can improve a current asset or if you spend three experience, you can gain a new asset. Ooh. Yeah. So you could improve two of your assets right now. Could improve too.
Starting point is 01:11:20 So what would, what would that look like? Well, let's see. You can, you know, check any of the boxes that you like. It does say under empowered, when you forego your title or lineage and forge a bond as an equal, or when you swear an iron vow, you can add plus one and take plus one momentum. I kind of like that.
Starting point is 01:11:43 I like the two. It works with what we're kind of trying to go for here. Of like, of like dropping all like the pretense of being like this, like badass brawler and like coming to them. And it's a very like human person. Yes. Yes. I don't know anything.
Starting point is 01:11:57 You guys know more than me. Yeah. I'm a big dumb dumb. Yes. Please help me. Okay. So we're going to, we're going to do that, huh? Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:06 We'll spend two. Yes. It's two experience. Yeah. So we'll go down to have two experience to use if you'd like to. Okay. Um, I think that's what I, that's all I want to do with that for now.
Starting point is 01:12:23 So you've spent two experience. Yeah. Looks good. So now, because you have selected that when you forge a bond, you're going to go plus one with your heart. Nice. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Heart plus one. Let's see what we get. Ooh. Nice. Uh, make note of the bond. You will mark a tick on your barn bond progress track and you can choose one. You either gain plus one to spirit or plus two to momentum. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:55 So do we need to have a new bond or we haven't created the bond yet. We will create a new bond. So we can, you know, it could be a current iron monger, excuse me, a current cartographer that we know, which I think, uh, in half's case, that was Ed, Edda. Let's take a look here. Ed is kind of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I don't know if I would be down with Mona was a historian. Okay. Vella was a four. Oh, wait. Mona's the historian to the ones I want to talk to them, not the cartographers. The historians. I forgot about the historians.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Sorry, historians. I mean, the historians are kind of more like record keeping. The cartographers are kind of the scientists of the, uh, Oh, I guess that's true. I mean, if you want to justify the historians, you certainly can. Oh man. I just forgot.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Historians is my problem. Um, I feel like, I feel like it could go either way. Let's stick with the cartographers because we can create a new cartographer. So we're going to increase your bond here by one because you've gained a new ally and we're going to add a bond. Uh, do you want to roll for their name? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Let's, let's roll for that. All right. Roll the D hundred. Let's see what we get. I'm bad at fantasy names on the fly. 44. 44. Uh, do you, do you want to find out their name or do you want to find out their
Starting point is 01:14:30 disposition first? Disposition first. Okay. Uh, uh, their disposition of a 44 is suspicious, which makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah. They're suspicious of you. Now let's roll another D hundred to find out their name.
Starting point is 01:14:54 95. So they are suspicious of your loyalty, but 95 is Katanya. Katanya. That's a good one. Yeah. Katanya. Uh, they are with the cartographers and. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:14 So, so this is our new bond. They're suspicious of us, but nonetheless, uh, through proving ourselves on a strong hit, uh, we do forge a bond with them. Yeah. I feel like they come like multiple days and like, and I'm like, look, I'm not, I'm not trying to like fuck you guys over. Yes. Let's, let's roll a D eight again to see where the storm moves.
Starting point is 01:15:38 See. Eight. It's going to move true north. So we are now here. Okay. So we're going back into some. Yeah. Lightly wooded areas.
Starting point is 01:15:49 All the weird stuff is to our northeast, but we're so far still in the clear. Yeah. It becomes a little more woodsy here. Now that you have befriended them, are you going to try to compel them, gather information? What do you want to try to do? Um, I think I, so if we forged a bond and I think, I think compelling them to like tell me things.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Is that what I want to do? Tell me your secrets. Please tell me things. Now, if you attempt to persuade someone, which is what a compel is. Oh wait, I take it. I take a plus one for spirit and a plus one for moment or is it or, or a plus one. Are you saying because you're, you're a bond? Cause I forged the bond.
Starting point is 01:16:38 You're going to take one spirit or two momentum? Ooh. I'm going to take one spirit just to like make you everything you've been. Sure. We have to serve our OCD tendencies. Uh, so patterns. It's not really OCD. It's just patterns.
Starting point is 01:16:53 If you want to persuade them, you can compel them. Or if you're just trying to gather information and this and your, your bond would give you a plus one on that gather information. Yeah. I feel like compelling seems very like kind of like that would kind of go against everything I've been trying to like do by like just coming to them and being like, Hey, help me. So I think compelling sounds like you're kind of being shady about it. So you're going to roll plus wits, but you will have that plus one.
Starting point is 01:17:26 All right. It's a miss, but if I burn momentum, it's a weak hit. So I'm going to burn momentum. All right. You burn that momentum. So you go back to two. The information complicates your quest or introduces a new danger. Envision what you discover.
Starting point is 01:17:43 You can ask the Oracle if you're unsure, but you will take plus one to your momentum. Okay. So back up to three. Um, so what do they tell you that complicates things? Well, I think like, like an obvious one is that they don't know anything, but I don't know if that's maybe, or maybe they have to point you in a different direction. Like maybe, maybe this is where we have to like, they're like, I don't know, but the historians might know like this. Like you might get like bounced between sources, maybe.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Possibly. I would also say maybe they do know of a plant that when burned, you know, helps alleviate, you know, breathing problems. You know, I'm thinking of like an aloe vera or something. Yeah. But that plant is hard to find or that play is only in a certain place or something like that. Yeah, that would make sense. So that way we have some kind of progress, but it's not perfect. Yeah, I that that makes a lot of sense to me.
Starting point is 01:18:49 The idea of it of it being hard to find. Okay, so we decide that it's a plant of some kind. And how do we how do we make this achievable in some way? First of all, I do think that this is a little bit of progress. So we are going to mark half progress nice on this because it's an extreme goal. The progress is only done in half. Yeah, right. So you have a plant that you have learned of.
Starting point is 01:19:23 You know that it is either rare or it is hard to get to or something else. You know, do we want to ask the Oracle to kind of define it better? Yeah, let's let's let's do that. So let's see. We could. Is it just like not a common plant or is it in a weird place? All right. So so let's just do 5050.
Starting point is 01:19:55 It's either uncommon if it's less than 51. If it's 51 or greater, then it's just in a certain place that is difficult to get to. Okay, let's see. Okay, 69. So our favorite number. I think we get that almost every session we get. That tracks for us. I know Vince definitely got a 69 last session.
Starting point is 01:20:21 All right. It's somewhere that is hard to get to. Okay. Is is that somewhere? Like mountains or is it within range? I like the idea. Go go go. It's just hard because like if we set it in a particular hex, it's like we have no idea
Starting point is 01:20:43 if the storm is ever going to go to that hex. Yeah. It should be something a little bit more common. Like maybe it has to be in a certain kind of place. Yeah. Like a like a specific kind of swampy area. Yeah. Like it or it has to grow within a certain other plant in a swamp.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Like, like, you know how, you know how in like in trees sometimes there'll be not holes and then dirt and stuff will fall in there and seeds will like grow out of it. Like air plants or whatever might grow on trees. Yeah. Okay. Maybe it's that kind of thing. Like an air plant that grows on other trees and it needs to be kind of marshy land. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:22 So that's what we'll do. So whenever we travel with the Shauna, if we come upon land that reminds us of marsh or swamp, we know, okay, this might have this might have it. This might have it. Yeah. Okay. How do we record that? Yeah, I want to make a note of that.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Maybe I'll just in her box, I'll say find marsh or swamps to look for plants. Yeah. That's what we have for now. Okay. So that's that's that's progress. That's something that's good. What is a Shauna's next move? What does she want to do next?
Starting point is 01:22:03 Um, she has been neglecting her job for a little while. Yeah. I have, I have been a little bit distracted. Um, yeah, I think, I think she's, she's probably going to go and try and try and gather some iron, like keep that, keep that job going and keep that, that, that, that place within the, within the, within the tribe secure. Okay. Uh, you, we could attempt to test your bond with the iron mongers.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Your bond is tested either through conflict, betrayal or circumstance. Um, that could be interesting because I'm talking to a, a car, a car. Yes. Yes. So you're going to roll plus heart to see what the iron mongers think of you. All right. No modifier. We kit on a week hit, your bond is fragile and you must prove your loyalty, envision
Starting point is 01:23:07 what they ask of you and do it. Okay. If you refuse or fail, you will pay the price. Oh man. Okay. So. So first of all, you've, you've been gone for a number of days. You know, you went on that quest and then you came back and then I got hurt.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Yeah. So, so they're like cartographer and it's weird. Right. So it sounds like you're going to need to swear an iron valve for them. So they are going to ask something of you. Yeah. Um, what? Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:41 It could be something within the tribe. It could be, um, you know, Hey, we need you to, uh, find out what the cartographers are up to, or we need you to, uh, help us forge some black iron that we found. Or. Oh man. I think we can roll a D hundred, you know, to ask. Can we roll a D hundred? I feel like I'm going to, let's do the action in theme table.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Roll two D hundred. And let's see if this helps us at all. 95 and a 51. Learn is a 95. Okay. 51 is stranger. Learn stranger. Learn about a stranger.
Starting point is 01:24:28 And about a stranger. This does kind of track with the whole like, you know, get into the cartographers and. Yeah. I think that's. Oh man. That's going to be tough for her because it's, it's like, it's like at odds with her, with her wanting to be in with the cartographers to help. It's like, they're like conflicting, conflicting vows almost.
Starting point is 01:24:52 The, the leader of the cartographers, I think is the, uh, what was his name? We had the guy that's like almost completely made of iron. The iron profit, right? Yeah. He's pretty strange. I don't know if they want you to somehow. Like get in the contact with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Yeah. Maybe. Okay. Okay. Okay. Maybe it's, maybe it's one of those situations of like, Hey, get in with the cartographers. Yeah. And then, and then, um, it's like, okay.
Starting point is 01:25:25 And then maybe she's going to try and find like a way to. Bridge the, like bridge the gap. Maybe maybe she's going to like in her, like for herself now. I'm. I don't think the iron mongers would care about making bridges. You know what I mean? They just want to amass power. I feel like the, like we have to quantify this as a vow.
Starting point is 01:25:48 And I think it would be something like, you know, steal something from them or learn something valuable from them and report it back to us. Yeah. Or, um, Learn stranger. Maybe. Maybe, um, Maybe there's a cartographer that has like a ritual power.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Yeah. That maybe learn strangers, like, like get one of them on our side, you know, have somebody switch aside. Yeah. Or maybe, or maybe they have like, uh, the iron mongers know about like a, like a, like a source of black iron somewhere in the vicinity and they want me to go like find out where it is. I think that is a totally legitimate, uh, quest or vow.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I just also remember that it is Shana is not the best one undertaking journeys. So it could, I mean, we could totally do it. Learn stranger. Oh man. Maybe, maybe someone within the cartographers knows that there is black iron that belongs to them within the area and you've learned of this. And maybe the iron mongers are like, go and help them, but we want it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Yeah. Oh, but that's, that's still, I feel like that's still going to go against my like, I need to have an in with the cartographers or do I really need an in anymore? Exactly. Exactly. That's a, okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Yeah. And that's what we'll do. So how do we quantify this vow? What do we say? How to retrieve black iron and steal it from the, from the cartographers? Yeah, I think so. Retrieve black iron and steal it from the cartographers. Let us swear an iron vow.
Starting point is 01:27:56 That is a move that we can do. Uh, where is it? You are, you do have a bond with them. So you can roll plus one, but you will be rolling plus heart. Okay. Opportunity. Good. Good.
Starting point is 01:28:21 On a strong hit, you are emboldened and it is clear what you must do next. Take plus two momentum. Nice. So momentum goes to five and it's clear what you must do. I would even argue that the iron mongers, the iron mongers say like, if you do this for us, we will help you find this plant or something. Yeah. That might have your back.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Yeah. I think that, that makes a lot of sense to me. Right. So that just gives you even more of a motive to, to do it. Yeah. Okay. Or like, or maybe even they, they were like, we know the plant you're looking or like, we know what it might look like.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Yes. Like they might have extra information that I maybe didn't before. Either way, your bond with the cartographers is probably going to be short lived as you inevitably go to undertake this journey. I think this is a good place to bring the session to a close. Uh, next session we can go and, and find this black iron. But, uh, yeah, I think we got ourselves out of trouble. We got into trouble, got back out of that trouble.
Starting point is 01:29:26 It was a good session. So stressful. So much fun. Yeah. And Shanna is still alive and we are a little bit closer to helping, uh, her lovely wife. Yes. We all know, we all know I love wife.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Any iteration of any character I play. We all want to protect our waifus. Well, Allegro, thank you for joining me this session. Thank you, sir. I love, I was playing with you, dude. Absolutely. Thank you for keeping the, the chaos going. Uh, we're at the end of the session.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Is there anything we need to plug or talk about before we close? Oh man. Uh, we come back with a shoka at the end of this week. That's right. Yeah. So, so, you know, I didn't say it to be any of this session, but this is all prerecorded. So this is not live, but, uh, uh, Wednesday you will have a guest as well.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Right. Yes. Wednesday is a key and I are going to talk about Chepsoot. Nice. The Egyptian pharaoh queen. Interesting. She's super cool. I love how much history there is to sift through.
Starting point is 01:30:29 I've gone down many a rabbit hole on my research. I have too many notes and I'm still not done, but it's great. It's going to be so cool. Chepsoot's dope as fuck. That's awesome. So we have that on Wednesday and then on Friday we come back with the shoka. We're all very excited for that.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Yes. Yes. Yes. But, uh, thank you guys for tuning in. Uh, remember if you do love our stuff, we have a Patreon or you could choose to subscribe to our Twitch. Either one would be a lovely way of supporting us. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Uh, we'll see you next time. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We have to roll. That's right. Thank you. Thank you. Roll a D6. Let's find out what's going on.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Who the next player is. A four. Now, if I remember correctly, it was, uh, Amanda Caleb, uh, Aaron Zekia. So I think Zekia will be with me next time. Yeah. Cool. Yay. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Thank you. Good night. Bye. Bye. You You You You
Starting point is 01:33:29 You You You You You You You You

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