Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 16

Episode Date: June 10, 2021

CAST • Caleb • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are back with some iron sworn and I am with Caleb. How you doing, buddy? I'm doing good. I'm so happy to be back. So happy to kill another character. This is Always a blast. Please. No here You know She's had a good run. Ishanna has been great to us, but it's time to die Ishanna might be the the cast's favorite character so far I really feel everyone's desire to keep her around. So I'm sure you're here to turn that around Yeah, I think that's why they brought me in here. We were getting a little too happy here and made a role play
Starting point is 00:00:36 We needed to make sure that we were sad for a little bit Well, we have brought you in on the perfect session to do that I guess I should recap So Ishanna is In a difficult place. She's trying to heal her wife who is suffering from some kind of lung disease She's having trouble breathing and the iron mongers have promised to help her find this Plant that can be found in marshes. It's like an air plant that when Turned into a medicine could possibly alleviate some of her
Starting point is 00:01:13 difficulty breathing and so Ishanna has agreed to help the iron mongers in stealing some black iron from the Cartographers one cartographer in particular. His name is glinn. He's an old cartographer. He is a botanist And he wanted you to take him to a forest that we named red crest And red crest is a infested Tangled wood full of big scary creatures and monsters and the trees are enormous like literally the second canopy The second level is is like its own um
Starting point is 00:01:49 Walking space you could walk, you know, like on the the middle tier of these Giant trees and so Ishanna and glinn entered and glenn glinn excuse me Ishanna promised to protect glinn as she goes in with the ulterior plan of also stealing some of that black iron So you went in and it was a little bit of a trek A little annoying having glinn by your side. He's kind of a mr. Magoo type But you managed to eventually find a strange kind of grotto where there were many individuals humans in these um
Starting point is 00:02:26 root like uh coffins almost like an astasis in a stasis of some kind And eventually in one of these pods and one of these uh coffins You saw black iron in the shape of a human and glinn said that's the person that's the person related to me um, I want to Pick out a certain piece but before we do that I'm very tired. I'm going to take a nap and that's what he did you guys made camp
Starting point is 00:02:55 And in that time while he was snoring loudly asleep Ishanna decided now was the time to try to get a piece of this black iron and She decided to break off a piece of I believe it was the the hand it was like just a solid hand or something to that effect somewhere and stowed it away in her back pocket And I think she actually tried to sneak away and leave glinn alone
Starting point is 00:03:22 But as she was moving It drew the attention of some nightmare spiders that kind of descended from the above canopy And that's when Ishanna had to retreat she retreated back to glinn who was now awake and glinn Uh was refusing to leave because he wanted a particular part of that black iron more of the thigh area and Ishanna was unable to compel him to get the hell out of there in time As behind glinn as he's complaining these spiders began kind of coming down
Starting point is 00:03:56 and getting ready to strike So with that in mind What is going through Ishanna's head and what is kind of the first thing Ishanna is going to do? I would assume you're probably surrounded If not four or five of these nightmare spiders Right, um, I think that her prerogative is to keep this old silly man safe You know, she has to steal from him absolutely For her wife, but there's no way that she's going to sacrifice his life to do so
Starting point is 00:04:32 um, so she's trying to finally, you know, trying Grasp him fully and run out of this place past the spiders as past as far as she can To get away from them with you know glinn Dragging behind if she has to basically, okay She knows she can't take on this many by herself I guess the most sensible thing then is you are facing danger and you're probably using your Iron stat. Let's look real quick to make sure that's Yeah, you can roll iron
Starting point is 00:05:07 When you use aggressive action strength or endurance So perfect that makes sense to me roll plus iron See if we can get the hell out of here Strong hit nice we're changing things here today folks. I'm only getting strong hits today Hopefully some of the the good energy from the other the other cast have Influenced your roles here On a strong hit you are successful. You may take plus one momentum. So increase your momentum to three And what does this strong hit look like as you flee the scene?
Starting point is 00:05:43 So I think she grabs them by the collar directly And structs them that they're getting that the hell out of here whether he likes it or not Um, and then barreling through like stiff arming throwing your shoulder forward and running through uh Uh past the crowd is yeah, they start to circle around her. She you know shoulders one out of the way and then just barrels I like that into the uh the growth The growth So here's the thing we are technically in a delve site. We are in an infested tanglewood at any time You can attempt to leave and on a strong hit
Starting point is 00:06:23 I would say that you could definitely if you wanted to attempt to uh escape the depths um, I think The the the I think that Go ahead. Go ahead. I just want to point out though that I Just want to point out we do this all the time every time we're together we do this I hold on. Let me let me just say that I want to point out that we have the vow of retrieving the black iron Uh from glenn it's a formidable task. We have four progress on it. So that means
Starting point is 00:06:57 We still have to justify getting out of the forest and getting back to the tribe Um, because you still don't have enough to really succeed Against this role right to complete this task. Yeah, so We can definitely escape the depths, but we'll still probably have to undertake a journey to return to the tribe Okay Uh, I think that she's got enough here to take back to her wife and fulfill that duty to get her cured It only makes sense to to buck out of this dungeon She's got enough to fulfill the duty of curing the booty
Starting point is 00:07:32 Let's go ahead and make a roll. Are you going to roll plus edge plus heart plus iron plus wits Plus shadow. I think this is this is still iron. She's barreling. I mean, she's running as hard as she can It describes it as fighting your way out, which makes sense Yeah, so go ahead and roll it and let's see what we get Oh, what did I tell you just strong hit today? That's it on a strong hit. You make your way safely out of the site. You may take plus one momentum so plus four and
Starting point is 00:08:03 describe this Heroine escape that is none the less successful It's definitely it's gone full action Action adventure movie where the spiders are moving in in a crowded, you know In tow behind her all those legs moving out Others are leaping from the sides and getting just close enough. She's kicking them off And still dragging a glen behind Her she has to like pick them up every so often to keep them away from the spider
Starting point is 00:08:34 I imagine like a peter jackson-esque sequence of like getting out of the forest just barely surviving Exactly what I was thinking. She's hopping on to branches and then leaping off and and getting back onto the path She has to dodge obstacles along the way. It's a mad dash okay I think that this is considered progress. You've gotten out of the of this Infested tanglewood So we now have five progress on our vow of returning this black iron But we now find ourselves
Starting point is 00:09:10 out of the forest But I would say enough time has probably moved or enough time has passed that maybe we should roll on the storm Track to see kind of where the storm is Gotcha Making camps out a few hours. Uh, yeah, you're just gonna roll a d8 and we'll see what you get Okay, so it moves west Which means we'll go right here. I think that makes sense um
Starting point is 00:09:46 the Entrance to the tanglewood that you entered from is from that single pine tree that I'm kind of peeing right now So I would say that you guys get out of the tanglewood Uh, and you can see that the the storm is kind of moving over the tanglewood and you are now in Lighter forests like you've just kind of got the storm to your back and there's a good chance that the tribe is is moving Um West they're more in this center what looks to be like a plane of some kind So you've made it out of the tanglewood. We still need to undertake a journey. I think to return
Starting point is 00:10:21 to um The tribe so Let's continue with this vow and let's just do an undertake a journey roll. Does that feel right uh smart? Okay, I think I think glenn would be quite annoyed that he did not get what he wanted Um probably complaining the whole way about how useless you are I Let's go ahead totally fine by me. He's he's just a living puppet at this point for me I I will continue to drag him by the collar if I have to okay, so let's uh roll plus wits
Starting point is 00:11:01 And you can add plus one No, you can't add plus one. I'm trying to think if you have a bond with you and you don't you don't have a bond with glenn So just make a wits roll Uh We can't we can still hit Uh, you reach a waypoint and mark progress but suffer one supply. So we will increase your progress You are going to suffer supply. So you're now at zero supply Uh, which means you are unprepared. Uh, the condition
Starting point is 00:11:31 Just doesn't allow you to make certain moves. I think uh because of that But also we reach a waypoint. So once you roll 2d hundred and let's describe this waypoint Got you What you got you got an 80 and a four I got 80 and a four, okay And Okay, so if the locate if I switch them around it's a um It's an empty waste or it's a It's a remote coast
Starting point is 00:12:29 So either I think yeah, but but a coast doesn't quite make sense right now Yeah, that's what I was thinking is that we we came upon the empty waste, right? Uh, huh. Uh, so it's so it's an empty waste You know, although the hex itself would indicate that this is a forest I mean, maybe it's like a burnt forest or it's a it's a forest that you know, it has lost a lot of its trees Yeah, I was thinking like a crater maybe like something happened here Interesting where it used to be a forest, but then something plummeted to earth or uh, you know destroyed this growth and now Nothing grows here. That's very interesting. Uh would
Starting point is 00:13:10 I I think glenn being the kind of scientific minded would certainly be interested in this Would a shot of fight exploring this area or? Um, I think that we feel pretty safe from the spiders and the storms are catching up to them And he's very upset with her. She's very annoyed at having to listen to him Drone on and on about how she's ruined everything. So she's gonna give him a bone and There's some exploration here. I think I think we can totally do that. Okay. Um Should we make this a delve site or should we? Uh, uh
Starting point is 00:13:51 Just kind of have one role to determine kind of what what what the outcome of exploring this place is Um I think that depends on on how close this might attach to one of our objectives Which we've got find a way to alleviate the cure True and we find marsh or swamps to the plant Right. Do we think that maybe glenn is a botanist? This is a waste Maybe there is some element of water or or a history of it. Okay. Um, I think it would make Who makes sense that maybe this this
Starting point is 00:14:29 Crater might have some water in it So so maybe is shana and glenn have this You know fire strike moment of maybe the plant is here Um Not getting her hopes up but glenn being interested in the area is enough She thinks well if I can find the plant without having to steal that all the better can give the hand back Um, so I I think that's the route we go and I think uh delving in would be the option
Starting point is 00:14:59 Okay, so I'm thinking about we should just create uh this this site I think so too. We have uh some themes and domains Um, I'm looking now at what kind of feels the most appropriate There is Cavern, but it's not really a cavern. There's a ruin crumbling legacy Uh, there's a sea cave, but that doesn't feel right There's a treacherous pass Uh, there is strong treacherous pass might do it. Okay
Starting point is 00:15:34 Uh treacherous pass usually over high mountains, but we could ignore that And there is a theme of ravaged time disaster or strife have taken their toll in this area Right, so that makes sense That's what I'm thinking. Okay, so let's let's build this real quick. I think maybe there's like a big A big crevasse or something like a uh, uh, fissure and maybe that's where the water sits Fill the crevasse Uh, all right, so we are all right, so let's go to our sites tab And red crest remains but we're gonna add a new one
Starting point is 00:16:12 Uh, the domain is going to be a pass of some kind The theme is a ravaged pass And let's kind of bust out the details. Um We can roll for the name of this or we can kind of decide right now that it doesn't have a name or it does have a name You like have the iron landers ever come across this place before? I think this is new or at least uh, fresh enough that we haven't found it this pass in the storm So, uh, I think we're coming upon something either unnamed or we should roll for it. Um Let's
Starting point is 00:16:52 I'm worried that a roll is going to be like totally weird and inappropriate. So, you know, it might be like dragging something or other So maybe we just oh, yeah, you know, so maybe we just call it the uh, the crater Yeah, the crater. I like that. All right. So we're at the crater. It's a ravaged pass. We need to decide how difficult Um exploring this place might be Let's go with, um formidable okay, um that is good and then Do we want to decide
Starting point is 00:17:29 What kind of denizens are in this place? I mean, we really had no absolutely nothing about this place. I'm wondering if maybe we Wait till we get a clearer picture Yeah, let's wait for now and then once we sort of make some decisions about the environment as we go along Maybe we can fill in who's stuck down here. Okay Uh, uh, Eli makes a good point in chat of saying the waist might have canyons. So maybe there's yeah cliff faces or And then of course she does her usual worms giant worms. Yeah Okay, so so let's hold off that on that. We've decided already how difficult it is. I guess we just need to delve the depths Let's see what this initial
Starting point is 00:18:10 Delve the depths role does for us. Um, let's see here Uh, are you moving with haste with stealth or with observation? I think observation here. I think that I'm letting uh Glyn take some of the leadership here as he's the one interested And I'm letting him do a lot of the grunt work. Okay. Um, so go ahead and roll plus width Okay Our beautiful width score A weak hit still doing good though. All right. So on a weak hit, uh, you're gonna roll a d hundred
Starting point is 00:18:51 Okay, and then I will tell you the outcome 77 Choose one you can either mark progress or you can find an opportunity Hmm, let's uh, let's find an opportunity. Okay, roll me another d hundred 17 The terrain favors you or you find a hidden path I like the hidden path. Uh, you know, I I think maybe it delves deeper into the the crater Um, so like actually goes underground
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yeah uh, I think there's always a view of the surface and sort of the the Greater rim of the crater at all times. It's not like we we have ground over our heads Right, right, but it is going deeper into whatever impacted and created this Okay, and like just kind of visually like is it how big is this crater? Are we talking like we can't see the other side or is it I'm thinking football stadium size Yeah, I I think maybe two football stadiums. Okay, uh, that's that's in my mind. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:20:14 I think that's reasonable. It's a chonger, but that's reasonable. Yeah. Yeah, okay All right, so we we see glint see some some caves Do you want to roll to determine whether these caves look man-made or or or like just random? I think that these are I think that these are are Half and half if we can make a a concrete decision without the roll sure in that The openings were created by the crater itself whatever hit this whatever caused this and then the
Starting point is 00:20:50 They took those passages created by the crater and then made man-made tunnels like like i've been Something's been at work here since the crater hit So I think glinn immediately points out like this this was made by iron lander hands, you know, he's he's already noticing the The the strangeness of the design of these caves Okay, cool. I think that is Ishan is not making a lot of uh Attention towards what glinn is giving to her, but she's she's real fixated on that hand. She has Okay, so we start going deeper in leaving the crater behind us. Uh, do you light a torch or anything?
Starting point is 00:21:30 Yeah, yeah, I think there's a torch light and ishan is keeping it close and making sure that glinn stays close Because she now knows that he doesn't listen very well Why don't you you can either delve the depths again? Or you can make up some other move if you'd like to uh, secure an advantage Or or something like that, but delve the depths is the next most reasonable Yeah, let's delve. Okay, uh, are we moving with haste stealth or observation? I think that now we're in territory that's man-made that glinn has given this warning or at least this observation Uh ishan is a little more on her guard that we're in the dark and we're going into a location that
Starting point is 00:22:14 You you can't see the sun nearly as well as you could you know a couple of minutes ago So I think that she's using caution here. Okay. Well, she's going to be using stealth then her. Yeah her Second lowest stat go ahead and roll plus shadow Okay All right miss all right on a miss you are going to reveal a danger Let's go to that. I think go ahead and just roll a d100 for me got you Now things start getting interesting. Okay, it says check the theme card
Starting point is 00:22:53 um Go ahead and roll a d 30 Forward slash roll d 30. Let's see what you get I realized last session that you can do this. Okay. Yeah You find a blocked or broken path Oh Maybe it comes to a dead end, but maybe it Maybe it's broken in the sense that it's like a chasm like a like a bridge that's kind of broken
Starting point is 00:23:25 And maybe yeah, maybe you just have to face danger to get to the other side Yeah, you know what I think would be interesting is I think maybe it like It choke points out it bottoms out into this hallway and then ends on a man made door of some sort Whatever made the tunnels constructed a passageway here And ishanna not thinking opens the door and it opens into this Broken down passageway this this bridge to the other side that's fallen through on the other side of the door So she has to grab glen and push them back to make sure that nobody falls over into the the emptiness But I totally what you're saying like
Starting point is 00:24:05 There's an obstacle to getting to the other side. Okay. It's a jump or a rope or whatever we're gonna do We need to solve the the missing pieces So there's no other Visible way of going and it does seem like there is another side So it sounds like we're going to risk facing danger to get to the other side Right. All right. Go ahead and face danger. Uh, Let me remember this is Well, it depends what stats you're using agility
Starting point is 00:24:34 courage forceful defense deceptions stealth trickery expertise insight Would it be insane to think that ishanna would have some like rope on her? I think you would yeah, I don't see why you wouldn't So my idea is that maybe You know after some discussion with glenn where glenn it ensures that this could be something you know, maybe glenn half promises that's something like
Starting point is 00:25:02 the Uh, plant she's looking for could be down here Yeah, or he implies that like the technology of whoever made this maybe has something, you know He's he's trying to play up the science side of this Right, right. Whatever's down here, you know, maybe it's more black metal or maybe it's something that they created that could save your wife Whatever it might be And after that conversation, she begrudgingly is like, okay old man, we're gonna humor you She checks the the supports to the the sort of
Starting point is 00:25:36 Upper canopy right the you know looking at the rock outcroppings of this canyon Crater that's been created on the other other side of this door and she looks for a good hold or Uh, you know a place to to rig some rope. I see Anna shana being you know as clever as she is and who she is she elects to sort of grappling hook over to the other side and then Swing them to the the other side of the expanse. Okay. Love it. Let's let's do it. Um I guess you are You're facing danger, but but but what I guess we're still deciding on what stat you're using what attribute
Starting point is 00:26:17 I was thinking strength, right because the the power of Tossing the rope over there correctly and then swinging, uh, their weights across and I I would argue that it's still like Throwing a rope requires agility more than it requires strength. Okay I I I hate to be the dm here, you know what I mean? But it's like a situation where I just yeah, no I just don't see where where strength like Besides like like, you know dwarf tossing glin Is a more strength based kind of thing than like, you know, agile Lee trying to tie a rope Right so so are you okay if I ask you to make an egg roll then
Starting point is 00:27:01 I am I'm worried about it. I'm okay. Forgive me if it goes bad Oh, that is not gonna go bad. Wow. This is a strong hit. Okay strong hit. You are successful. You take one momentum Momentum goes to five and yeah describe describe what it's like I just before I describe it would like to describe to all of you that in my head as he was asking me Do you really want to make this edge roll? I could hear each of their voices. I could hear the discord messages popping off I could I could hear them calling out to me sunday before we record about how
Starting point is 00:27:42 How much of a piece of shit I am that I let her die. So that was my hesitation So I think she you know strings it up over to the other side with this fancy knot that she learned growing up and it strings just perfectly onto the The daggard edge of one of the rocks off the side She grips glen before he can even complain about it happening and he kind of grunts his He's pulled into her. She grabs the rope and swings her whole body and just about Tackles herself to the other side Landing on glen and picking him up and you know dusting him off on the other side
Starting point is 00:28:22 That is great. Um, I want to make sure we're keeping track of this Let's see. I'll say that that was a Strong hit you have made progress within the site itself Let's continue then so you're going to delve the depths Unless you'd like to do something else to continue to explore Go ahead. No, I'm good. Let's delve If you remember, I think it's a
Starting point is 00:28:54 either an edge A wits or a iron roll. Let me double check that Uh, yeah edge shadow or wits, which of those three would you like to use to get through here? Um, let's use edge. Okay with haste. I think that Yeah, yeah, she's trying to make it quick and Find out a way through here. Gotcha a weak hit. All right. We can't uh roll a d100 Uh-oh, I think I lost Caleb Let's uh, wait to see if he comes back
Starting point is 00:29:33 This was bound to happen at some point But that's okay. We'll figure it out. Let's see I'm sure it's just a matter of him needing to restart I'm back. Oh nice All right, I I hear you. Do you hear me? Yeah, I hear you just fine great See me off on switch too. Good. Good. Good. So, uh, where were we? We were making a roll, right? You made a weak hit roll Yeah, go go ahead and roll a d100 Okay, to see what happens with that weak hit roll
Starting point is 00:30:09 For oh, I keep Ignore that One thousand I do that every time I play A 47 a 47 you are going to mark progress. We are going to Uh go to your site and increase it again So we're making some progress. We're going in. I'd like to imagine you're going deeper and deeper down into this strange place We can continue to delve the depths
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah, let's keep doing it. Let's do it. I mean I almost always escape these damn things I always get here when we've already delved and it's time to leave I'm gonna I'm gonna put someone else in a position to die this time. Yes, you're gonna spam this uh this one move So let's go ahead. Are you still moving with haste? Uh, yeah, all right, let's continue with edge roll with edge. Yep I Will hit go ahead and roll another d100 awesome. This will determine the result 76
Starting point is 00:31:17 You're going to take both of these you are going to mark progress and find an opportunity Awesome. So under sites This crater we're going to go up and then also, uh, I think for find an opportunity roll a d100 Okay 92 You are alerted to a potential hazard or excuse me. You are you are alerted to a potential threat So we're kind of coming upon what could be the first denizen or or a denizen of this place um
Starting point is 00:31:58 So far the architecture really hasn't given us a clear idea about what is going down here Yeah, um A potential threat doesn't necessarily have to be something that's alive But we should decide that we come upon some kind of space and and Something is in it. Do you want to roll maybe on the action and theme table? Yeah, let's do that. All right. So roll two d100 Okay, first one will be action second one will be theme And let's see if we can extrapolate anything from this
Starting point is 00:32:31 So an 83 and a six. Okay support safety support safety Hmm support safety Or if I switch it around it's swear religion
Starting point is 00:32:51 Swear religion is where interesting to me is a little more interesting than support safety This is like this is like the safety room of the dungeon Well, I was thinking that off of that alone. Maybe the crater You know being this is not the most civilized environment in the world You know, we still are a tribal people. We haven't quite reached higher civilization Maybe there are some zealots down here that worship the crater Um, and maybe this is our first or something in the crater something that
Starting point is 00:33:28 Maybe their abstract concept of whatever caused the crater I like and maybe the the words are swear religion. Maybe you come upon like a ceremony like, you know, uh, uh, Uh, what's the second Indiana Jones one called? Um, oh temple of doom. You know temple of doom Calima exactly you come upon some kind of ritual going on With people that you didn't think were here We we had the like same exact idea because I was just about to describe Like I think there's like a ritual circle far far down. So like once we've gotten passed onto this bridge and we tackle on You know, maybe, uh, we keep going forward and we find an edge that gives us perspective down
Starting point is 00:34:18 And it's this big domed out half circle area that has a point of precipice down deeper into the the cavern And I think we find a group of people in in spooky, you know, uh, rovid Yeah, and there's Exactly in hoods and they're staring off into the precipice into the the dark Uh, sort of cliff down there, right and they're they're chanting into it So we hear the the echoing of the sound off the cavern, uh walls as it it's deeper into the crater Okay, I want to make a roll to determine like
Starting point is 00:34:55 At this point any sane person is like we got to get the fuck out of here. This has nothing to do with us But at the same time I feel like maybe there's something happening with this ritual Whether they're just swearing somebody in they could be swearing in somebody as a sacrifice too Uh, can we make a uh an oracle roll determine? Is there something happening that is so Supernatural that we have to continue exploring? Yeah, let's do it. All right. Love that. So it's pretty likely, huh? Yeah, do you know totally a roll for this? I I want to make a roll for it. All right. Well, how about this?
Starting point is 00:35:32 Maybe we don't have to roll to determine that something supernatural is happening, but maybe we it's what to define it Yeah, so we can either roll on the action and theme table again Or we can see with the mystic backlash, which is kind of like a magical table. Maybe that'll give us some insight I I like the idea the mystic backlash that just sounds cool in general Roll a d100 and let's just see kind of what it tells us We are working with that Nice Mayday's favorite every session we land on 69 at some point. Oh, this is perfect. You are tempted by dark powers So something is maybe
Starting point is 00:36:17 Coming up from below or something is tempting Someone who is being sworn into this religion Well, you you know what I think would tempt or maybe in the in the in the in good faith of the 69 It's just a big orgy I It would be pretty tempting. I mean Maybe that's open on the periphery. Like there's a couple of people, you know, joining in They're like rimmed out. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:36:44 That's not even part of the ritual. They're just having a good time. Okay Um, I was thinking uh to tempt ishanna Maybe it is something that the the ritual this chanting whatever it might be whatever this is accomplishing There's someone in the center being cured Of something love and so This ritual is is swirling around this person in the center and they're chanting out into the darkness
Starting point is 00:37:13 And then something, you know a gust of wind or something from that darkness comes back And breathes into that person and all of a sudden You know, they're they're feeling better again. They're in in vibes with life again I'd like to imagine it's like a like a body that has been crumpled and damaged like clearly somebody dead on this altar And they you know, they come back to life. They're exactly Yeah, someone someone got elad and now they're Bringing her back, you know, so now with this proper
Starting point is 00:37:46 Motivation for ishanna to stick around What do we think the next step is then? Um, I think the next step is trying to secure a direction to To that location so that ishanna can find out how she can do the same thing so She's either gathering information. She's maybe securing an advantage Usually that's a little more related to like getting a jump on somebody or someone. Yeah, but if all you're trying to do is just trying to get down there I think you would be gathering information to try to figure that out
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yeah, and now would we go during the ritual or would we wait long enough that we see the ritual end The orgy ends and everyone kind of leaves the area I think we we definitely have to wait until the ritual is over one for the information of like How can ishanna use this for herself? She's trying to make as many notes as possible because then She could take this ritual back to her wife at at home and make that happen for her um And then also, you know, just just to ensure that they're out of the way when we go down there You don't want to run into all these people disrupting orgy because that's never a good scene
Starting point is 00:39:01 All right, so final complication then I think that There's a switch of some kind that makes this stuff happen I think it should be in the form of like a staff or uh an item Was that item left in the room or did a shaman or somebody take it? We could ask the oracle To possibly determine Let's do oracle and let's make it 50 50 because I like yeah I like both so 51 or greater. It has been left in the room like on a on the altar or something Ah
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yes, all right So things are a little more complicated the the leader of the ritual You know clearly using this staff to summon something and bring this man to life takes it and uh and and leaves the the chamber But you know That this chamber is is the source of of healing for for these people these cultists Right, and if I can get that staff Yes, then I could take it back to the village So real quick. I want to update this. I would say under our crater location
Starting point is 00:40:08 A very common denizen would be a cultist. No Yeah, okay All of that said Let's gather information Uh, you are going to roll plus wits um, okay If you want glens help, I will allow you to have a plus one But if you roll poorly glenn is going to make things a lot more complicated because he's kind of bumbling around with you
Starting point is 00:40:37 Of course. Yes. I'm going to take that modifier. Okay, so you'll add plus one to your roll Even with that plus one it's a miss On a miss you fail or your progress is undermined by a dramatic and costly turn of events Now if you can think of something go for it, otherwise we can pay the price and maybe better to find what what happens Let's pay the price. Okay, roll a d100 I got no clue here My first thought was oh glenn falls off a cliff Nobody likes when I make those decisions
Starting point is 00:41:14 You you are separated from something or someone Oh So maybe glenn falls off a cliff Now it doesn't say that glenn is dead No, no could I mean maybe maybe either there's a trap or maybe the the cultists hear you guys and descend on the room and separate you I mean, I like that. It's a miss. So maybe you are taken into the custody of these people or something I like that. I think that maybe we make too much noise and glenn's talking about the staff and Maybe he's thinking about where he may have seen it before or he's never seen it before and he's even more interested because of it
Starting point is 00:41:57 I keep telling him to keep his voice down And and he just can't contain himself Nearly falls screams even louder and all of a sudden there's this league of cultists with you know Spears and daggers coming through the hallway and they take us into custody. I think that's great. So so they separate you guys They take you into different places. Let's roll To determine kind of where they take you in the in the thing I mean, what would be obvious is a prison, but maybe there's a there's something about this roll 2d 100 Let's kind of determine the
Starting point is 00:42:32 The action and theme of this space Or let's see Let's see what we get here 14 and 29. Okay So It's 29 So under the domain and theme I have these features of these places and one of them is a winding mountain path Maybe it's just a winding underground path
Starting point is 00:43:01 and a um Traces of what was lost In the ravaged area traces of what was lost um So maybe it's a holding cell, but it's like some place that clearly has Ruined or something I think it's like maybe they made it into a holding cell, but originally it was advanced uh bizarre technology or or or um
Starting point is 00:43:32 Architecture that is unfamiliar to the area because we've sort of established that this place Feels otherworldly like when glenn was saying oh, they may have something down here that no one's ever seen before right I like the idea of this being a place that's constructed of Brand new material and so these zealots have used that material to fashion whatever this used to be Into a holding cell. Okay. Got it. So so as shana is held in this place She sees the unusual architecture You know iron lander architecture that that the tribe comes across is normally like stone and and basic stuff But this is something else. It's like metal or something
Starting point is 00:44:12 It might as well be all made of iron or at least her understanding of iron And it's glowing in like engraved runes that that have like a bioluminescent quality to them um and at points the There are a lot less Seams I would think then than traditional iron lander uh architecture sure a lot less rivets and Function points or connections. It all feels very Almost like domed out. Okay. Okay. Yeah, it's like a circular type room as opposed to just like a square room
Starting point is 00:44:49 Exactly. All right. So we're in this place. We got to give uh ishanna a chance to kind of make some progress here Uh, which by the way, yeah, that wouldn't be progress because that was a miss. So never mind So the point is is maybe there's a guard in the room With his back turned to her or something like that Um, what's the next most likely step? I think we gotta we gotta break out and find glen. Yeah, um, I think that You could either secure an advantage
Starting point is 00:45:23 Or just face danger to try and um, you know finagle something but but securing an advantage would If you rolled well would give you a plus one on your next progress move Which would be like face danger Okay um I think that I'd like to secure an advantage Against the guard. All right. What uh, are you using in terms of your stat?
Starting point is 00:45:53 Or your attitude? I think I think I'm gonna muscle them. I think I'm going to try and get them to the bar Uh, you know get them as close to where I am as possible and then get them in a headlock or something Okay, try and you know Muscle a weapon off of him or something like that manhandle Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I a part of me feels like there's a compel role required to get them close to you. Is that does that sound? Totally agree. Okay when it goes wrong. I will blame you That's what I'm here for folks. So go ahead and
Starting point is 00:46:29 You are going to I guess you're trying to convince or charm them into getting closer to you You can also try to threaten or lie to them I think threaten Honestly, might be it says threaten or incite. So maybe you try to incite him to get closer You just poke you or something roll plus iron Oh, sure We hit not bad. I don't we hit uh, they'll do what you want You can take plus one momentum
Starting point is 00:46:59 Uh But they ask of something of you in return. I think that he This cultist is a weirdo. I think he wants to like cut runes into you or something like he's coming close to hurt you You know, right? It's like uh, almost like a probing situation or like uh, they're prepping me for the next ritual Exactly exactly, but you he does manage to get close enough to you where you could try to Secure an advantage Perfect. That's that's a situation make preparations or attempt to gain leverage So I guess what we'll do is if you succeed on this you successfully get them in a headlock and then we'll just ask you to
Starting point is 00:47:42 Maybe face danger or make a battle roll to kind of just determine the outcome. But anyway, let's have you Choose what stat you want to roll with. I guess it was iron, right? Yeah, all right make that roll Oh boy On a miss you fail or your assumptions, but betray you You are going to pay the price. So if you'd like to roll the d100 To see what that price is Not good, let's see A 98 a friend companion or ally is put in harm's way or you are if alone
Starting point is 00:48:24 You currently are alone You could somehow think of a way that glin could maybe put in harm's way, but I kind of think you're just going to have to endure harm is as you try to get him in a In a headlock, but he manages to kind of poke you with a with a knife Let's take it. All right. So you're happy with it You're going to endure harm. What happens is you have to reduce your health by once. You're going to go to two Oh, and then you are going to roll Iron because it is higher than your health
Starting point is 00:48:58 It's strong hits you shake it off. So your health goes back up to three awesome Or you can embrace the pain and take plus one momentum But your momentum your momentum is okay right now. Yeah I'm gonna keep the health. All right. You shake it off. You are okay. Um, let's just say that this is A strange but but combat nonetheless, right? Like you're almost like fighting between bars or something I think you need to enter the fray Yep, this is one person. So we'll say they're troublesome. So it's probably not that hard to defeat them
Starting point is 00:49:37 but go ahead and If you're facing off against your full roll heart moving into a position roll shadow ambush roll wits I think you're rolling plus heart Okay, or I'm sorry. We can just do battle. It's probably too late now. Huh strong hit. Let's just go with it Okay, strong hit. You're going to take plus two momentum and you have initiative So you're going to go up to eight. This is great. You're starting if you wanted you could do a battle roll Uh, when you fight a battle and it happens in a blur envision your objective and roll if you primarily
Starting point is 00:50:13 Uh fight depending on your courage allies or companions or roll heart if you fight in close To overpower your opponents roll iron. I think iron is probably the most iron. Yeah, yeah So roll that Obviously our goal is to like incapacitate this guy I'm gonna burn momentum for a strong hit. Sounds good on a strong hit. You achieve your objective Unconditionally, you're gonna take an additional two momentum. So you're now at max momentum And Yeah, we'll say you're okay. You're at max momentum
Starting point is 00:50:43 Which is nine because you're unprepared because all right zero supply that that explains that But anyway, what does it look like when you take this guy out? So I think he goes for this cheap shot in the kidneys And ashana is powerful enough to move out of the way. It's just the right moment. So it doesn't take any vital organs She scrapes it off elbows is armed to the side and then get some trapped in the bars And snaps his neck off of it immediately and just tosses him aside like he's a fucking rag nice Nice not too far though because he has keys on him, which you're able to I assume. Yeah get off So you are free of this strange
Starting point is 00:51:23 Uh thing I'd like to think that even the key like isn't even shaped like a normal key It's like a it's like a just like a random shape or something Yeah, I was thinking it was like a like a fork prong almost like three longer Uh connections that don't even have key Rivets on it or anything like that and it's like a Almost like a rectangular shape that's as big as your hand. Yeah, and maybe like it doesn't even go into anything It's like like you just put it up against the the surface and it like unlocks it or something Exactly. Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:56 You are free. You are somewhere within this place. You don't know where What's the next logical thing delved the depths? Yeah, yeah, I'm looking for glinn. I've got to find that staff. Let's delve the depth Okay, so your primary objective is to find glinn or to find the staff Oh That sucks. Uh find glinn. Okay. All right Uh, you are going to delve the depths now. We have at least like a like an objective here Um, are you rolling with haste with stealth or with expertise?
Starting point is 00:52:30 With haste with haste you're gonna roll plus edge Uh, I'll keep well If I burn momentum, so what happened was is you burned it last time so you are technically at two Oh, oh So this was just a weak hit Gotcha. Okay. Uh roll a d100 Watcha Uh
Starting point is 00:52:59 Nine Rolling with haste you are going to mark progress but reveal a danger So you can uh under sights We can go from Did you already mark progress or no No, I haven't marked any progress. Okay, so I will mark progress on our site. We now have four progress in this crater site But, uh, we're going to reveal a danger. Let me find that page Here we go. Roll a d100, please. Okay
Starting point is 00:53:38 67 You face an environmental or architectural hazard I'd like to think that there's like some kind of weird Trap like an architectural hazard like built into the architecture. There's some kind of trap or something Yeah, um I wonder what that would look like Uh You want to roll action and theme to see what it might look like. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that'll give me some inspiration for
Starting point is 00:54:09 Give me two give me two d100 rolls Sure, and let's see what the action and theme say Actually I'm gonna do a location descriptor and a theme. So the theme is 80 health 85 Peaceful Peaceful health. This is not what I was thinking. It is a weak hit. So it's not like a guaranteed dangerous thing
Starting point is 00:54:41 But you come upon something peaceful and health related If we don't like that we can do Uh Change and fame that isn't very helpful either fame change I just figured a theme for a location And we got health and peaceful I mean, it could be peaceful in that it's empty doesn't necessarily have to be serene. It's just an empty peaceful place You know, there's nobody to bug you
Starting point is 00:55:17 But right to do with health Um, I think that maybe we are in like a Like a medical facility of sorts for the zealots or or or maybe it's a part of that old architecture as well Um, that's like half in and half out of the crater Uh and broken into the sides there um And I think that maybe there's some sort of machine haywire in the room
Starting point is 00:55:48 Uh, and that's the obstacle we're running into is it, you know, there's there's lined with Uh, everything you'd assume out of a medical facility even as far as far goes is that you know You've got cots and things for people to stay in and yeah in the center. Maybe there's this metal I'm picturing like sawblades like like, uh Surgery machine. Okay. Okay syringes and sawblades and uh, um, you know Nived equipment that's just gone completely haywire and whatever it was meant to do originally It's it's gone completely the cogs are gone the clockwork inside of the machine
Starting point is 00:56:30 Has been broken down so much that it's flailing uncontrollably around the room and so this weird mechanical beast of sawblades and surgical equipment is uh, sort of room budding around the room In the way of the exit. Gotcha. Gotcha. I like that. I like that. It just gives us a little obstacle to get past Um, do we want to ask the oracle? Could we just bypass this room or can we try to go through the room? Let's let's do it. All right. So 50 50 51 or greater There is like like we're basically standing in a hallway that can we can just go explore somewhere else and not go down this room
Starting point is 00:57:13 All right. No, this is the only way through so I think facing danger makes sense Yeah, and how are you facing danger with what attribute? Uh, I think iron because I think as shana's gonna try and pick this thing up from the bottom Oh flip it. Nice. Just toss it on its side so that That she can get the the pokey parts away. Gotcha. Gotcha. Uh, so she is going to engage it Go ahead and roll plus iron and let's see what happens here Strong hit nice on a strong hit you are successful take plus one momentum. So you run up to this thing you you flip it up And it's now kind of buzzing and worrying and trying to correct itself
Starting point is 00:57:57 But I would say with a strong hit you're able to kind of get past it Without having to engage it too much. I think also you've just created a new denizen um, let's go down to A possible common Denizen might be automatons of some kind. Yeah. Yeah, uh, twisted automatons or something like that Twisted automatons. I like that. Yeah. All right. So we have these twisted automatons and cultists that we could run into Let me just add one more line of them since they are relatively common And
Starting point is 00:58:35 We are going to continue the delve the depths Yeah With what stat? With uh, let's keep going with edge With haste basically because she's trying to move as fast as she can to get to Her boy before he ends up as another rich. Got it. Go ahead and roll a plus edge Oh, shit, man. Oh, it's a miss. Let me just quickly check. I want to check to locate your objective what you have to do um, because
Starting point is 00:59:06 Roll the challenge die and compare your progress. Okay, basically when you want to complete this dungeon You would locate your objective I think that on the next find an opportunity roll We can just say that you possibly find glen because that's probably just too far down the road, but um Yeah, this is this is not good. You roll the miss on delve the depths You're going to reveal a danger. Go ahead and roll the d100 Okay 58 58
Starting point is 00:59:38 find The page Here we go. Uh 58 You face an environmental or architectural hazard. I kind of we always get this I want to get the other goddamn things and reveal a danger. You want to just roll again. Just fucking roll again It's our game. Yes. I'm sick of these architectural hazards. No The dice want us to fucking come upon another architectural hazard That's hilarious. I'm I'm kind of scared to refuse them
Starting point is 01:00:15 Um, we have to at this point. You face an environmental or architectural hazard. Well, let's look at some of the features here um winding path Uh snow field glacial rocks, uh, a river a waterfall, uh Forgotten care and c-a-i-r-n. I don't know what that is a bridge an overlook um A path of destruction an abandoned dwelling A path of destruction Is
Starting point is 01:00:45 So cool. Let's go with that. All right. I'm thinking When we introduced our ritual, right? We introduced the idea that they're doing it into this precipice This cliff side that goes into the abyss and that they were chanting off the walls Obviously if you're going to chant into the darkness it's something something's got to be there to hear your chanting. Sure So I think Maybe there's something still in this crater and whatever it is left a huge Uh chunk of this area missing completely Uh is so badly and so recently that maybe there's still an active hazard from what was caused
Starting point is 01:01:24 Uh, I'm thinking a fire or arcs of electricity or whatever The ground could even be loose like where we I think the most logical thing is she needs to face danger to determine Whether she kind of stumbles into this or not exactly. Yeah Uh, you are what what attribute are you using to avoid these dangers? Um, I think if we're talking about loose gravel and getting across this path onto steadier ground She's going to go for this big running leap once she realizes that this area is not safe to stand Okay, sounds like you want to roll plus iron I sure do. Okay. Go ahead and make that roll. I've learned my lesson. Don't roll with things. You don't like
Starting point is 01:02:05 We kit on a week hit you succeed, but face a troublesome cost You are you either suffer momentum endure harm endure stress or reduce your supply, but you can't do that So it's only three options I think it's it endure stress. Okay, and Stick with me on this. This is my reasoning. I think the leap goes well is shana is a physical being she's incredible She's buff. She's beautiful You don't get a wife like that by just being some slob, right? Yes, so I think the I think the leap goes well, but I think on the other side
Starting point is 01:02:43 She hasn't realized just how recent this path of destruction was and whatever this is Glides past that destruction again We don't get a look at it Just a glimpse like a clover field glimpse of like chitin or or something of that nature, right? That passes by the area like it was nothing Uh, I think like the phantom menace when you have the there's always a bigger fish moment Yeah, it just glides right by right and I think that
Starting point is 01:03:14 Ishanna has an opportunity to watch this massive thing glide by and the stress of knowing She's in the fish bowl of a bigger fish Is enough to scare her into getting out of this. Gotcha. Gotcha. She's making a sanity test is what it sounds like Yeah, so you're you're going to endure stress. You're going to remove you're going to lower your spirit to two Okay, and then you are going to roll Heart or spirit either way they're both plus two. So it's the same effect We'll see which let's go with heart A strong hit nice on a strong hit you shake it off so you can go back to three
Starting point is 01:03:53 awesome And That's it. You you are certainly disturbed by what you saw but you are able to maintain your sanity and kind of press on At this point I guess delving the depths is still the most logical thing that's just to try to see so now let's see let's look at our site here uh because You have not held a strong hit in a little while. So we really know don't have that much progress again for progress You could if you wanted to try to locate your objective
Starting point is 01:04:25 But there's a very high chance you are going to roll poorly and miss and therefore there will be a complication meeting glen I cannot risk complications right now. We need to delve further. All right Go ahead and delve the depths If you're if you're rolling in haste then go ahead and roll edge A weak hit okay Let's look here We hit a roll of d100
Starting point is 01:04:54 okay 58 58 Let me make sure there we go Okay, so edge on a 58 you're going to mark progress. So that's awesome So you are getting closer and closer to Getting to your objective. You don't have five Uh, let's continue to delve the depths. Uh, I guess if you're still moving with haste roll plus edge Sure, I am
Starting point is 01:05:26 I miss Let's see. It hasn't shown up for me. There it is. All right. I miss on a miss. You're going to reveal a danger I think you are going to just roll a d100 awesome I 96 Roll twice on this table both results occur if they are the same make it worse So no two d100s and both of those are going to occur
Starting point is 01:06:00 30 and 97 Check the domain card and 97 is If they are the same result as it roll twice more on this table Both results occur. So like I don't know if you roll another two times. Let's really quickly check the domain card Excuse me the theme card For a danger roll a d30 real quick Gotcha
Starting point is 01:06:27 This might get kind of crazy. Let's see Always me man 23 Denison's seek retribution Woo denison's secret retribution now We still need to you roll the 97 so roll twice more on this table roll another two d100 So now three things are going to happen from this table 27 and 87 Check the theme card again and 87 a resource is diminished broken or lost
Starting point is 01:07:02 One more time. Give me another d30 roll Okay Oh God 19 Echoes of a troubling past. So Denison's seek retribution. There are echoes of a troubling past and um What was the other one uh
Starting point is 01:07:27 I destroy a resource destroy a resource A resource is diminished broken or lost Take it away Caleb. What what does this look like? I mean, I don't even know. I mean the only thing of value that is shana really has are those like iron gloves that she has to punch people with Um, don't say that out loud. I mean if you want to have something else if you can justify something else No, I can't think of anything else. Um, so, you know her shoes, uh her her her rope, uh, you know But but but but again, what is the broader picture here denison's secret attribution That one's the easy one. So I think right
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah, the zealots have found out that she is broken out of herself And they are are coming for her like I I think on the other side of the the chasm that we just jumped um There there's a group encroaching on them with You know spears or or something of the like ready to throw at a shana as a shana, you know Stealing herself against that monster, right? um Echoes of the past
Starting point is 01:08:41 I think what happened here has to do with whatever that beast was that just Strolled by okay, so I'm thinking You should play uh crash bandicoot Yeah, yeah, so you know like Every once in a while they'll drop crash in and then you get a little bit of an intro And then this big giant fucking thing is chasing you for the rest of the level, right, right? I think that the cultists are coming one way and then that giant beast is coming the other and so as shana's running
Starting point is 01:09:16 Through the destruction of whatever this beast is causing forward and then the cultists are coming from behind And she's just caught between a rock and a hard place I think i've realized also what the important resource is that is lost. She has black iron on her Maybe that oh, maybe that drops. Maybe that's Maybe that was taken from her by the uh the faster the cultists I think here's the thing I don't want to give it to the cultists and it's for a Caleb reason And I always come up with these and I think they're great until it happens Um
Starting point is 01:09:54 So I think that if we give the metal to the cultists, it's too easy to get it back I think the metal falls off into the fucking chasm. God bless. Oh my god. Okay, because Now it's so much more important to get that staff off of the cultists fair fair. It becomes so like Equally important, right the metal falls down just as the cultists come through Just as the monster wreaks havoc and ashana realizes If I have any chance of bringing my wife back to life It's with the staff that's that's down there Or my wife back from from sicknesses with the staff down there
Starting point is 01:10:35 And in order to get it I have to go through both of these things Yeah, she's thinking all of this as two tsunamis are coming at her Exactly. I can't think of a better place to bring our session to a close. Caleb. Can you? No, I can't because I don't know what I would do anyways. I was just about to say I don't know what to do from here. God bless. Yeah, we're we're gonna have to leave this We're parachuting out of this episode To leave this for someone for next time speaking of Let's roll to determine who is the next person to to determine what's happening. So let's see. We've had
Starting point is 01:11:11 We've had you we've had zakiya. We've had allegra I think we've had Eli. So we're just amanda and erin. I believe so just roll a d4 evens amanda odds erin It is my boy erin I honestly was thinking the best person for this situation is probably erin It really is like this is catered to erin He's gonna have something that he pulls out of ashana's ass that is gonna end up Seeing him it is already chaos. So I cannot imagine how he's going to break the barrier on that but I know he will
Starting point is 01:11:49 Well, it's gonna be insane. Good to know. So next week it will be erin with us if he can make it Caleb, thank you for another great session Thank you, man. I love this so much I always get to come in and cause some real bad trauma and then leave and and wait for my next curtain call Just just peace out for the next time By all nobody died this time. So thank me for that. Well, um, that was a great session We will see what happens next week. Uh, Caleb, is there anything we need to bring up? In terms of promoting or plugging
Starting point is 01:12:26 Uh, just that ashoka is still coming out weekly We've still got a few episodes in the tank there and you know, that's quickly coming to a close Episode nine is friday Episode nine is this friday. It's a great one. There's a great little anchor moment. It's one of my favorites of the whole season Um, and then outside of that, uh, you know, just keep keep abreast of everything We're doing show up for the twitch streams and and get excited for doom to repeat like i'm so excited because We're recording right now and it has been the greatest experience in the world It's it's always fun to be back for sure
Starting point is 01:13:01 Oh, it's so good that in session one, you've got Sergio making me look up deep sea mines and scuba technique. So It's all very good. Well, um We will be back next week with more irons worn guys if you like what we're doing remember we have a patreon Subscribing to us on twitch is also a lovely way of supporting us Uh, happy pride month everybody. We're we're just yeah happy pride. Yeah Uh, so thank you again if in case no one noticed i'm wearing a hidden gms t-shirt This is our buddy at hidden gms. He has a podcast. He's had me and elie on Very nice guy named nick who does really cool content. So I figured I'd support him today
Starting point is 01:13:43 And you have a shirt on too, right? Yeah. Yeah, I absolutely do Uh, this one is by dungeon glitch on twitter and it's the bisexual tiefling vibes. I thought it was great for for uh For pride day and I wanted to represent. I love his designs if you're looking for good d&d clothing That doesn't feel like d&d clothing. I you know, sometimes you get those shirts that are so brazenly nerdy You can't bear to wear them in public These are totally different everything i've seen on his his design page has been something i'd wear in public That's great. Something i'd love we we need good design in in the world of tabletop gaming. So that's cool. We do
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah, all right guys. Well, thank you and we will see you next week. I guess Yeah, bye guys. Thank you

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