Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 17

Episode Date: June 17, 2021

CAST • Aaron • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here we are live playing iron swan eye of the storm. How are you doing here? I'm pretty good How are you doing? I'm doing swell. I I am with my friend. We're streaming. We're playing iron swan. It's it's it's hard to complain It's uh, I don't know if our audience can notice yet, but we do have a slightly different background The incomparable zikia We'll have to thank her for creating a new out kind of design for us. I really like it. There's more space for the map I have to look down to to talk to you, which is a little weird, but that's okay. I'm I'm happy that we can We've gotten rid of all that extra space and now we have the map to show off and stuff. So it's really clean. Yeah, exactly so
Starting point is 00:00:56 Aaron, are you ready to play some iron swan? I'm I am ready to clean up Caleb's mess Quite a mess it is in fact Let me let me recap for us. So everyone remembers where we're at so Ishanna is on this mission to get this black iron She gets it with this old man named Glenn who's a cartographer and they find themselves in this crazy Forest and a bunch of spiders almost eat them, but she gets them out as she always manages to do and on the return home they see a crater like a huge crater like maybe two football fields in length and
Starting point is 00:01:37 Glenn convinces Ishanna that we have to check this place out and see what it's about so they go down and they see that there are these kind of tunnels that go into the crater and they go in and They eventually come upon Like a ritual site and there are these what can only be described as cultists kind of performing Some ritual in front of an altar of some kind and there's this big chasm in front of that and Ishanna witnesses then performing a ritual that seems to bring somebody back to life or someone that is broken is kind of put back together again and Ishanna is convinced that she this could be a key or something that could help her wipe so she goes down to explore
Starting point is 00:02:26 Unfortunately her and Glenn are just making too much noise. They get caught by the cultists and They know that there is a staff that this shaman who is kind of leading this ritual Used to do this so she knows she's got to get that staff But she separated from Glenn and thrown in jail some kind of like weird makeshift prison That seems to be built in the ruins of something, but is also very advanced she gets out and Eventually, let's see. I've made some notes here. Ah, yes
Starting point is 00:02:59 So she's got to find Glenn and she comes into like a weird medical facility Where there is this a tomaton kind of going crazy. She runs over and like power lifts it and Surgery Roomba as you said earlier. Yeah, and she gets past that and she eventually finds that she is in this kind of massive path of destruction It was described in the in the roles and Caleb described it as like there was this thing there was some kind of
Starting point is 00:03:32 Creature or something big in the darkness kind of swimming around in the dirt And right just as she was kind of figuring out what to do. The cultists are coming up from behind With me. I'll let me tell you. I love things that can swim through dirt So that's what we kind of left things Also, by the way, she dropped the black iron down into the darkness. So who knows if she's there to retrieve it of course, she did and if anything now the most important thing is to Possibly get this staff and figure out how to how to cure her wife so we're left in a situation where you can run forward and
Starting point is 00:04:15 Possibly come in contact with this big creature who's kind of you know kind of swimming through or You can stay and deal with the cultists who are on your back. You know what? I mean, there's tons of cultists, right? Like we're talking on the order of dozens You know, we could make an oracle roll to determine just how many but I could say yeah Sure, if you if you think it's a pretty lot large number Well, I mean it's sad the way it was described. It sounded like it was it was quite a few. Okay, we can do it We can do a roll though. That's totally cool. All right I
Starting point is 00:04:52 Think that it is likely that it would be a large number. Why don't you roll a d-100 and if it's I think 76 or greater? then it's a It is not a large number. It's not like over a dozen or something What did we get so why do I not see your oh there we go 27 I think the 27 is a success Which really means it's a success in that it means that there are Yes, there's a ton of them. Okay, so yeah Spears torches. I know what what does this remind me? What is the status of like a Shana's companion, dude?
Starting point is 00:05:34 She doesn't know where he is right. He disappeared. Yeah, he was separated from her. We have an objective of Finding him and right now if we look at the sights tab We go down to the crater You have five progress in this site So at any time you can roll to locate your objective, but if you roll poorly Something bad will possibly yeah, and I feel like honestly if if a Shana is like find a cure for my wife Or let this other guy die. She's gonna be like fuck that guy that that's Fair last session Caleb was playing it like no I got to find this guy, but I agree when push comes to shove
Starting point is 00:06:18 It's it's got to come you know, I think like I would I would call that a secondary objective Okay, so so do you want to go forward or something else? No? I'm not I don't think I have a chance with with I mean maybe there's a chance away from the cultists Yeah, forward is away from the that's that's the way I want to go. Okay, so you're just gonna face danger What attribute are you using? Let me see face Dane. Let me go back to that summary Um Remind me what my options are you can roll edge and you'd be using speed agility or precision
Starting point is 00:06:54 You could be rolling heart and you'd be rolling charm loyal to your cult courage iron is aggressive action forceful defense strength or endurance Can I? Iron doesn't seem like it makes sense. Unfortunately. I mean as you're running It's hard to run in sand. So if we're saying that it's like it's kind of sandy. That's true like it or even for endurance Yeah, like you're running on a beach. Yeah Sure. Yeah, so can I do iron then? Yeah, absolutely roll iron and Let's see now you have face danger and I think you have let's look at your assets When you face danger you can add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit
Starting point is 00:07:32 So add plus one to this face danger roll Strong hey noise on a strong hit you are successful you will take plus two momentum So your momentum is going to go to four Obviously what this means is You do not income in contact with whatever this big creature is that left this path of destruction You're able to get to the other side Would you like to secure an advantage and maybe get the attention of the creature so that it blocks the way of the of the the
Starting point is 00:08:13 Cultists that are coming after you you're kind of sick it on them Um Yeah, if I have like I'm wondering I mean this thing's crawling around in the sand so I imagine It's perceiving things through like like almost like a tremor sense type of thing So I'm imagining if I throw something like really heavy in that direction Okay, so you like pick up a nearby. Yeah, big stone Can't get a shot of like pick up a big boulder over hand You can absolutely that direction you're gonna be rolling with iron to secure an advantage
Starting point is 00:08:48 Are you know no pluses to this right? So let's see what you get We can okay your advantage is short lived take plus one momentum. So momentum goes up, but How is this short lived? I think that probably Ashana just didn't throw it quite as far as she was hoping and then like the the you know Dune worm or whatever the hell it is comes up like a little maybe like a little closer than she was hoping for Yeah, you you walk without rhythm if you want to avoid that worm So I also think you know the cultists if they are down here a lot
Starting point is 00:09:36 They're somewhat aware of like this big fucking creature So maybe they you know kind of rush in but then when they see it kind of react to the stone They kind of back off they know about it there right and they kind of go a different direction So for now they are out of sight and you're kind of in a new area Yes ghost of Eli shy halloud the god Emperor worm Or maybe that's Lido. Did you read Dune Aaron? I did I don't I don't remember the worms having names The words is shy halloud is like that's like the name for just like the worm in general But maybe I don't I don't it's been like a it's been a couple years since I read it
Starting point is 00:10:14 I don't remember that but I believe you Maybe there are worms in iron sorn that can always happen. Maybe that's what it is But either way you secure the advantage You are alone for now What would you like to do? You're on the other side. You could delve the depths and try to continue to look for Glenn or you could try to locate your objective right now with only five progress on it So and then okay, so Glenn is one objective. Do I have an objective for the staff as well? Yes. Yes, I keep forgetting
Starting point is 00:10:51 Who I'm playing with yes you you can Right now if you wanted to you could you could change your objective and try to find the staff absolutely, okay? I just know That yeah, I just know what the Shana's priorities are. Yeah So I feel like staff if listen if she happens to the fine Glenn along the way gray But I want that staff right so here's the thing you have two options You can either roll right now to determine if you locate your objective Or you can continue to delve the depths and if you roll a strong hit you would mark progress
Starting point is 00:11:24 Would you give you would you get you closer a higher? I think I think let's play it safe. Let's delve the depths And are you rolling with edge shadow or wits? Definitely not shadow or width so edged So with Hakes you are trying to find wherever this staff was placed go ahead and roll with wits Okay, but I can burn momentum Yes, make it a weak hit You know what I don't think it's gonna be that bad over the taken okay on a miss you will reveal a danger roll a d-100 This is not progress also
Starting point is 00:12:13 48 okay, let me pull up reveal a danger Here we go 48 You encounter a hostile denizen Now we have a denizen's table If we look at our sights Right now we have cultists we have twisted automatons. I think we can now You tell me whether you want to put it under uncommon or rare we can put this sand worm
Starting point is 00:12:47 The sand worm I feel like I feel like it's not rare because it's so big in a relatively small space So unforeseen possibly I Would say on for yeah unforeseen okay because like it's present. It's present I think you know I think in honor of one of my favorite movies as a kid. I'm gonna call it a grabboid Okay, do you know what movie I'm referencing I have no I was gonna be nice nice life. Have you ever seen No, oh man watch tremors classic Kevin Bacon Okay, so so there's the grabboid
Starting point is 00:13:23 We can roll a d-100 right now either we come upon a cultist a twisted automaton or something else that we haven't come up with yet All right, I'll roll for it. All right, let's roll 27 which is a cultist Okay, so Um What is the situation here with a miss you come upon either that group that was following you or maybe just one cultist I mean, I'm on the other side. Yeah, so I it seems unlikely that it's gonna be the same group that was pursuing me Because they you know they turned tail and ran so I feel like it's going to be
Starting point is 00:14:07 Like an outlier or a straggler Okay, so It's a miss let's just decide let's ask the oracle is it more than is it under like two people or is it What's what's the right way to phrase this is it three or less? Three or fewer three or fewer Roll a d-100 we said 50 50. Okay 74 it is just one person Oh, it is just one person you got a success. It would be just the best case scenario, which is just great Um, can a shana run at that one person screaming and rip their head off
Starting point is 00:14:54 Exactly like that just you they like spot them run It's life down here in the crater. You're gonna enter the fray. This is a troublesome foe We'll say because it's just one person You are going to roll plus heart Music unders that's under okay Well that plus heart means just roll heart right you will roll just heart
Starting point is 00:15:23 But let's check your assets because when you enter the fray When you enter the fray the your path banners warned says bearing your banner You may add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit So you have to explain to me how you bear your banner So it was a little in that plus one. So okay, is it a literal banner or is it like symbolic? We've described before is like a patch on her on her clothing like you know an ironmonger patch or something Yeah, man. I mean she's just like she's no fuck's given. She's just running at full speed kind of like puffing her chest out ready the pounce
Starting point is 00:16:00 All right, you will add plus one to that enter the fray using I think you said it was heart Yes heart Miss that's not good. Let's see On a miss combat begins with you at a disadvantage. Your foe has the initiative. You're going to pay the price So roll a d100. Let's find out what that price is 36 the current situation worsens Okay, so you think like another cultist walks in I'm okay with that. I'm also okay with you Possibly what if harm what if like well, okay
Starting point is 00:16:50 So what if like a shot is running so fast and so recklessly with so much chest outedness? That at a certain point her foot gets caught on like a rock or something, okay? And she just goes flying face first into the ground. Okay, so You're you're at a kind of disadvantage You the next logical thing would be clash when your foe has initiative You Would roll plus iron, but where is this situation worsening? How can we represent the situation worsening? Yes, she's fallen over, but what is now like the kind of mechanical?
Starting point is 00:17:34 Disadvantage do we do we Increase the difficulty of this enemy making him a dangerous enemy Maybe we reveal that he's actually a very skilled swordsman or something like that Well, if he just like like she like she trips and he just starts like doing crap McGar or something Okay, so he just We're going to let me real quick go to progress I'll add a new this this cultist who went from troublesome to dangerous and
Starting point is 00:18:09 They are okay. You're gonna roll plus iron Real quick. Let's double-check your assets. Make sure there's not a clash. Ah, yes when you clash against a brawling attack So you will add plus one to this iron roll that you're going to make. Okay Come on We can here we go weak hit You inflict your harm, but then pay the price your foe still has the initiative. So you are able to Under progress we are able to make progress against this foe But you will have to pay the price roll a d-100
Starting point is 00:18:59 64 it is harmful I Yeah, yeah, I think you're gonna have to endure harm. How is it harmful? I'm almost imagining like Like the guy runs up like grabs a shana by the hair or something like picks her up and slams her into the ground Okay, okay, you are going to subtract your health by one and then you are going to roll either Iron or health. I think your iron is higher. So you're gonna roll iron is higher Shawna is not doing great in the health department at the moment I know if you roll well, you'll get that point of health back. Oh, you did roll. Well, you rolled extremely well
Starting point is 00:19:43 It is a strong hit with an opportunity. It's like a critical success. Oh, wow So you're gonna shake it off. Your health is gonna go back up to one Back up to three back up to three important Yeah, I always forget to explain this you can either go back up to one or you can embrace the pain and gain one momentum out of this It's how low with how low the health is I think probably probably take the health. All right, so you You do it you This is with an opportunity
Starting point is 00:20:17 I mean, I think it's fair if you just want to gain the initiative if that's all you know kind of you that you want out of this Yeah, cuz I'm almost imagining like Okay, like a Shawna rolls out of the way Kicks him in the back of the knee knocks him to the ground to epic struggle ensues. Gotcha All right, so because you are now having the initiative you're going to strike you're gonna roll plus iron And this is a straight roller, right? Let's look at your assets Well, I guess yeah, I don't see strike on here, so I think no For now as it's only the ones that have checkboxes, correct? Yes, okay
Starting point is 00:21:01 So it's a weak hit we hit you inflict your harm but lose the initiative So under progress we're gonna go another two that's for progress we have now on this cultist But it's his turn he is gonna clash with you. You're gonna roll iron plus one Come on strong here. Good. All right, you inflict your harm again, and you can either choose Choose one you do have the initiative you can also choose one you either take one momentum or you inflict an additional one harm Oh, I would like yeah, I want this guy dead. I'm inflicting an additional one harm. Yeah, just so we're gonna go up to and Then up one more Can we say that a shana just like rolls on top of the guy and is choking him like Homer Simpson does Bart
Starting point is 00:21:58 He's even making the face We'll go up one momentum so your momentum goes to six and One two three four five six seven that's seven progress you can either choose to end this now or you could try to make another strike or Basically, you'd be ending the fight If you want to do something other than strike I Think I gather I think I got a chance of finishing finishing him off So I'll try that I'll try to end it. We're gonna try to end the fight You're gonna roll 2d10 and we hope that it is under seven at least one of them
Starting point is 00:22:38 All right, at least one is under so it's a weak hit on a weak hit The foe is no longer in the fight they are killed out of action or whatever, but you must also choose one Either you endure harm endure stress The victory is short-lived. There's collateral damage You pay for it in some way your mark for vengeance Well, I imagine that a shana is pretty stressed out Probably all like I think marks for vengeance also makes sense like this call it seems like the type to hold grudges I
Starting point is 00:23:19 Enduring stress probably in the moment makes the most amount of sense. It's like this is this has gotten way out of hand You know, it just started as a little exploring and now she's having to kill people So let's have you endure stress. You're gonna lower your spirit by one and then What happens if you reach zero spirit? There's a condition Let me look here. There's a condition called shaken. I think that affects The gameplay like right now. We're unprepared because we have zero supply and that means We can't make anything that has to do with supply rolls
Starting point is 00:23:55 And I think our momentum is also at nine We're not able to get to a full ten because of that But anyway, enduring stress you're going to roll Either heart or spirit. Did you already lower your spirit? I did okay So it's gonna be two no matter what Give it a roll and let's see what we get We kit hey on a week hit you do press on so You're not able to bring that the spirit up any higher, but you're kind of you know maintaining composure
Starting point is 00:24:31 Here we are after just killing somebody We're still no closer to finding the staff or Glenn What are we doing? Are we are we delving the depths? Yeah, let's continue. Let's continue delving the depths roll Uh, uh, I assume you're rolling with edge Um, that is uh the stat you rolled last time roll with edge and let's see what you get Strong hit finally finally on a strong hit you delve deeper You may mark progress and find an opportunity so on our uh, bubba, bubba. Let's go to the site
Starting point is 00:25:13 Uh, we will mark one progress. So now that's six progress Uh, but we will find an opportunity. So roll a d hundred 59 59 a clue offers insight or direction Well, that's handy. Yeah, so some kind of clue. Maybe it's on the dead cultist offers insight or direction Uh, what would be on somebody that might offer direction a map would be obvious, uh a compass a Key I imagine that like I doubt it'd be a map because I'm sure they know their way around Yeah, though, maybe maybe like I don't know because we crossed like the
Starting point is 00:26:00 Uh Worm infested area So maybe they have like a chart inside and like a less chart inside Maybe we're on the less chart inside So maybe they have like a cursory map that they've started to draw or something Okay um, and then How does this bring us closer to our objective? I mean, obviously
Starting point is 00:26:19 best case scenario It's like signaling that there's some kind of secluded area that perhaps glen or this staff is in If we're looking for the staff then we're really looking for like, where does the shaman lay his head? You know what I mean? Yeah Yeah, like if they have like a Like an x that says shaman here that would be that would do not disturb shaman who rests right here between these hours Yeah, uh, you know Look, I mean, this is what we've got so far
Starting point is 00:26:48 So if you want we can try to gather information and see if it doesn't you know concretely tell us where to go Okay, let's do that. Okay. Let's gather information. You are going to Roll wits, which is not your best, uh stat, but let's see. No. No, it is not. Yeah, let's see Uh At least this isn't like a life or death there. Uh, and it's it's a miss But I can burn momentum and get a weak hit which I think makes sense to do I don't know if you can because I think we already we already burned momentum, didn't we? I don't I know I did it because I I had the opportunity to but I chose not I remember now
Starting point is 00:27:29 So yeah, if you want to make it a weak hit Let's do that The information complicates your quest or introduces a new danger envision what you discover and take plus one momentum Uh, so your momentum is going to go to two It should did you did you put it to one? Yeah, I hit burn. Okay. So whenever it resets it just goes to two Oh, so so you hit burn and it put it to one. Yeah That's interesting. Maybe it's because of the unprepared condition either way. Maybe either way you're going to go to two
Starting point is 00:28:02 and um Let's envision what you discover. So what is the danger? What is the complication? in finding The where the uh the shaman might be located Oh, maybe there's got to be like, uh, like I don't like Like a minotaur or something on the way like a like a labyrinth with a minotaur Of something like that. Okay. Maybe us and there's shaman Maybe ashana is like following the map and it takes her in a direction and she finds herself
Starting point is 00:28:34 Maybe amongst more automatons. Remember we had these twisted. Yeah, maybe there's one such as a in the shape of a minotaur Hell yeah, that is waiting. Yeah Let's say it's like it's like a minotaur like made out of surgical instruments So it's got like scalpels for You're you're reminding me of the the shrike from um, uh, what is that science fiction book? Uh, Oh god, I'm I can't believe I'm forgetting the name. Anyway, um Yes, uh, let's do that. Uh, so you find yourself in this situation with the minotaur You know that on the other side is potentially the shaman. How are you getting out of here? Are you getting through here?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Oh, um I feel like I would say sneak around it, but I don't think ashana's got a good chance of that being successful Yeah, it doesn't have that good. Yeah, so You could try to secure an advantage of some kind Yeah, I think that ultimately I want to use iron whatever way I can Okay, um, well if you are securing an advantage using iron, you're going to be using aggressive action forceful defense strength or endurance
Starting point is 00:29:51 Hmm, I would maybe argue that we can Ask the oracle is there like Some kind of weakened structure that if we were to Hit it or put pressure on it. It might collapse and fall on the minotaur. Yes. Yeah. Yes. That would be that would be great. All right, so 50 50 to be the most fair 51 or greater. There is some way of securing an advantage 69 every episode we get 69 that is
Starting point is 00:30:28 Good because that means there is a way to do this. So you're going to secure an advantage using iron Um, are you just like running up and like punching the wall like how are you doing this? Maybe there's like a like a pillar or something And ashana being like the meathead that she is she just runs up at it and starts like punching and kicking at it You know, it's like old and crumbly and shit Sure, so it's like it's not hard to structurally compromise and then she's going to try the lower the uh I'm trying to think of a surgical pun to work in with minotaur, but nothing's coming to mind
Starting point is 00:31:02 Uh, but the there's a sergetar sure It's the sergetar She's gonna She's gonna try to lure it in. Okay, and then um Wait, does does she have any rope? Oh, we did establish she has some rope. Yes So i'm thinking she ties it around the pillar gets to like a safe distance and then she's like, hey, buddy
Starting point is 00:31:29 To try to draw him in and then once like, you know, and then once he's like in position We could just pull it We crush the minotaur. Okay, so let's roll uh plus iron And let's see what happens Come on. This is a hell of a plan Opportunity another critical success with a strong hit with an opportunity You gain advantage. You can choose one. You can either make another move now and add plus one or take plus two momentum Uh, I feel like this is going to be a pretty crushing blow to to the sergetar. So I'll take I'll take the momentum
Starting point is 00:32:10 Okay, go up to in your momentum I think without a doubt the the plan works you you trick it into coming close just as the giant pillar comes down and smashes it turns it into Just a bunch of broken parts And you are able to get to the other side so Um, do we want to roll to determine what the room is that we're coming into? Hell yeah, okay roll 2d hundred and let's get a location descriptor going See 2d hundred
Starting point is 00:32:44 Um, it's an 84 and a 62. Okay A ruined 84 Spirit ruined spirit or a spirit that is ruined or a ruin of a spirit Um, you know feel free to extrapolate what you want from this. We are like yeah, go ahead What if the shaman? Is a ghost I mean a corporeal ghost that can hold staffs
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah, why not? I mean, oh sure like uh or uh, yeah, I mean spirits can like some sort of telepathic spirit that is um Well, what was it hot? What was the other what was the other word? I don't know what what what are you going for? Uh I don't know. I I'm sorry. I'm asking you for for what was the the two words that were um that come up from that came up from the or okay, so, uh Ruined spirit ruined spirit ruined spirit. Yeah, so he's a spirit that can hold the staff and he's really sad Yes, okay, cool. Okay. I think it's interesting I think we have to explore why this ghost is able to hold on to a staff, but we're gonna go with it and
Starting point is 00:34:11 So so is so we this is the you've kind of explained him. What about how does that relate to the space? Um, is this like where maybe it's like yeah, maybe it's like his grave or his um Mazel I guess it'd be more of a mausoleum. Yeah, it's indoors. Yeah All right, so so let's determine whether he's seen us or not. Um, we did make a lot of noise So I think it's likely that he would be aware of us, right? Yeah, okay 76 or greater and he it hold on. Let me just confirm. I'm doing this, right? Uh Uh
Starting point is 00:34:49 Since it is likely It is likely he has heard us then 26 or greater and he has heard us roll the d100 Let's see what you get I think I have an idea 59 59 That means that it is likely That he has heard us. So he's probably waiting for us when he when we come in um
Starting point is 00:35:21 You know A ghost who can touch things And is sad and it's ruined. It's making me think especially with the fact that we're like in a What appears to be like a technologically advanced space What if you know through ishanna's eyes, this is like a sad ghost But what if it's like actually like a hologram or something like something that is able to Like maybe this is like, you know, some kind of Engineering room or something like that where it like charges, but it can walk around the area
Starting point is 00:35:57 But it and that might explain how to corporeally react or you know interact with things interesting The point I like it right but the the point is though What do we do with this, you know, is this is he aggressive towards us or is he Kind of interested in talking to us I don't know. I feel like it could be other one. All right. Let's do a let's do a 50 50 51 or greater He's friendly. So roll the d100 Wow
Starting point is 00:36:31 He's not friendly um He knows we're here Uh Are we going to talk to him or are we going to fight him? I think that he probably has the staff and he's probably not going to give it up without a fight um I feel like a show and I was like, hey, give me that staff and then she charges
Starting point is 00:36:54 Yes, okay. She's gonna charge to try to grab it. Um I think entering the fray makes the most amount of sense although you could argue to try to either secure an advantage or We try to make a battle roll which is like to to do one objective, which is to like get the staff Yeah, because I think the I think my I think the battle plan here is grab the staff and run because I don't think Ashana knows how the killer goes Uh, when you fight in a battle, but it happens in a blur envision your objective and roll
Starting point is 00:37:27 So we know what our objective is. We want to get the staff. Uh, you are fighting Uh in close The only thing she can do to overpower or you can try to trick or befuddle that's using shadow Otherwise, you're going to be using iron. Yeah iron. I'm I'm definitely going to go with iron on this one. Okay. Um roll plus iron and Let's see what she gets See I don't get anything special for entering the fray right for battle. No, right. Yeah We Hit okay, you achieve your objective, but not without a cost
Starting point is 00:38:06 You can either decide what it is or we can pay the price I will pay the price roll d100 Let's see. Hopefully we get something good here 37 dirty seven the current situation worsens You grab the staff, but maybe when you turn around that group of cultists that had been chasing you Oh, no, right. They're there. They're there So you can either try to go through them Or you can try to find another way out or you can try to engage this this parlay with this ghost
Starting point is 00:38:51 I don't think the ghost is going to be on my side I'm banking on the fact that he may also not be on the cultist side possibly So I'm gonna go running in search of another way out. All right. I think you're going to try to gather information Uh, unless you think like securing an advantage might be better I don't I don't think so. I think I yeah, because we don't know anything about the layout or what's beyond this chamber
Starting point is 00:39:22 Anything so probably gather information. All right Uh, I just lost my place. Here we go Which I feel like is going to be a wits roll, but it ends. Unfortunately a wits roll Yeah, uh, the staff She'll the the the the the staff doesn't have any kind of wits buffing ability Well, um, we could we could make that determination. Uh, I think um If you want to roll 50 50 51 a greater it does 50 50 on that. Okay. I'll take that. I mean, it's a weird Magical staff that seems to raise people from the dead. I would assume it probably
Starting point is 00:40:02 I'll take I'll take 50 50 on that. It's an 83. I I yeah. Yeah, so so we'll say that whatever this staff is It bestows plus one wits to your next roll hacked For now, we'll see the odds are against ashana, but we'll see We could Okay, which is the best I could have hoped for. Yeah on a week hit the information complicates your quest or introduces a new danger Invisual what you discover but take plus one momentum So there's gotta be
Starting point is 00:40:37 Yeah, there's gotta be like Like she finds an elevator Or something But Maybe The cable to the elevator has been severed So it's like she's got to like do like a rope climb. Yeah. Oh wow. Yeah. Okay. Okay um
Starting point is 00:40:58 Let's So here's the thing We've technically located our objective And we never rolled for it. So I think we need to do that real quick. Okay, uh to just kind of Make heads or tails of this because this might change things a little bit look real quick. Let me Pull up all right Roll 2d10 and we're we're gonna want to get
Starting point is 00:41:29 Uh, let's see what the number is Six under six at least one of them under six No, okay Yeah, so Artemis your objective falls out of reach You have been misled about the nature of your objective or you discovered that this site holds unexpected depths So I I'm kind of boning us here because like we've already We've gotten past a lot. Maybe maybe the objective
Starting point is 00:42:02 Remains to get glen back and glenn just isn't gonna make it. Yeah and glenn just isn't gonna make it right now Um, so let's let's ignore that what we do. Well, let's ignore what we just did. Um We've Found this elevator. I guess we're just going up it, right? I think as shawna can handle a rope climb I just realized I shouldn't do that onto it, but yeah No, I was like I was climbing I was climbing a rope and it wound up being a little bit Oh All right, we're going to now. Here's the thing realistically
Starting point is 00:42:43 I think we need to face danger and if we succeed on facing danger Then you can escape the depths which means you would automatically be able to get out of here But let's just make sure you can get away from all this crazy nonsense You're going to um face danger. You can add plus one. You're not really using a brawling attack though So I would argue it's just iron by itself. Okay At least it's iron Come on Fight your way out
Starting point is 00:43:17 Strong head nice You make your way safely. Uh, hold on. Uh, what what are we doing? We're doing face danger Yep, so many books here we go, uh face danger on a strong hit take plus one momentum And you are successful. So you get out, you know, you climb up you get out of this elevator shaft Uh, and you're on some new level some higher level And now it's a matter of escaping the depths and let's see What comes of this? Uh, so when you escape the depths Uh, you can either
Starting point is 00:43:54 Find the fastest way out Uh, steal yourself against the horrors of this place and roll plus heart fight your way out Keep out of sight or retrace your steps using wits I feel like retracing our steps isn't an option at this point. Um, you're pretty turned around Fight fighting our way out seems pretty par for the course true Uh, it's either it's either fight our way out or we just happen to stumble across like the the way out you know Let's let's use iron
Starting point is 00:44:25 You're she's certainly ready for a fight if she has to come against one Okay, let's see what we get Come on week it week hit you find your way out, but this place exacts its price You are either going to endure harm endure stress You are delayed you believe behind something important, which I think we know what that is You face a new complication when you get out of the depths or denizens plot the revenge I Well, so glenn was already fucked so that doesn't make kind of was already. Yeah, um
Starting point is 00:45:02 Sorry glenn Um I mean stress we kind of already I feel like with the stress angle kind of already was played out Um, I like a good revenge story Man, she just she just showed up out of the nowhere She killed one of their dudes and she stole their ship the staff. Yeah the staff, which is important um, okay, she gets out and the
Starting point is 00:45:28 cultists are somehow Able to know that you're out Maybe that maybe we even you know in a cutaway. We see them kind of tracking her as she gets out Um We found this in the in the Southern Hex on the map right in this kind of field. Mm-hmm. So now that she's out Talk me through what the logic is here. You would still have to get
Starting point is 00:45:59 Your wife and bring her here to use this thing Oh really so the staff it's not like a Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you can but it seemed like it had to do with the place as well We could roll to determine that Uh, yeah, yeah, if we haven't established that let's roll to to determine that I think 50 50 makes the most amount of sense. Yeah. All right. So 51 or greater. You do not need to return to this site come on
Starting point is 00:46:30 Come on. That would be really inconvenient. Yes 40 you do need to return to this site to complete the ritual something about what is going on here Uh, so the dark powers that are here Require so I imagine That's really inconvenient but I think that then the next Like I should obviously a shot is not just gonna come back without any issues
Starting point is 00:46:56 So she's gonna need some help So remind me who was glenn associated with again glenn was a is We don't know if he's dead, but he is a cartographer And you were doing a favor for the cartographers by bringing him to this forest And then you got mixed up with all this. Oh, no, they are probably not gonna be happy with me Yeah, both the cartographers and the ironmongers because the ironmongers wanted some black iron that you have lost So You know, let's let's look at your bonds. You have catania who is a cartographer
Starting point is 00:47:33 Uh, who you have kind of befriended There's quinn who is your son. There's alba. Who is your dying wife? And there is ellie who is a forecaster friend of yours um So, uh How old is the kid the kid is real young like uh, uh, not fighting age, huh? I think he's like, um, you know, he's the boy in uh god of war Yeah, with you know without the magic powers without being a demigod
Starting point is 00:48:03 Well She's gonna need some muscle to come back So I kind of feel like the forecaster. Well, maybe the forecasters would be a good place to go looking for that They're a they're a hearty buncha buncha folks. Sure. I mean and in particular ellie who is a forecaster Would probably help you you have a bond with her. Um You know I feel like it's gonna be a more than a two-person job though. I feel like I feel like this is we wipe the cult out or bust Well, you're you're gonna have to try to convince
Starting point is 00:48:38 Whoever is in the tribe to do that if you'd like to I think it's gonna be I think ishan is gonna try to make the whole tribe issue like hey, we gotta go get glenn back Come on. Let's let's let's go get glenn and also this other thing. But you know, but it's glenn. It's all about glenn Gotcha. Gotcha. All right. So I think Though the storm is moving in whatever direction it's moving. We can get to the tribe easy enough I don't think we need to undertake a journey for that We get to the tribe and what's the first move? Um, I would start with the forecaster friend
Starting point is 00:49:11 Always try to get some somebody on board Either the forecaster friend is in town or not in town because normally they're on the edges of the storm Right, so we could choose to not go to the the the town not to go to the tribe and try to find out Oh No, it seems that we should go go go home. We don't have anything We could argue that you could maybe send a bird to ellie. That's what I was that's what I was thinking. Okay. No, all right um Let's just kind of determine what the outcome of that is
Starting point is 00:49:44 Let's say you send a bird to ellie and saying, you know, meet me in town or something like that um How could we do this let's make a I think we can test our bond I think that's a A good one, uh, bubba bubba. Let's see Or is it Here we go When your bond is tested through conflict betrayal or circumstance
Starting point is 00:50:11 You will roll plus heart. So you're going to roll plus heart and um The outcome will determine whether ellie wants to help or not Plus hearts, okay Hold on just one second while the character sheet reloads. Okay, that's all right Okay, hearts remind me. Okay. I see it. Here we go. Yeah at the top rolling heart We can that's great Your bond is fragile and you must prove your loyalty envision what they ask of you and do it if you refuse
Starting point is 00:50:54 Clear the bond and pay the price. So we don't have to think about this immediately But ellie is going to do it, but she's going to ask something of us Okay, okay In the meantime Because it'll take time for her to get to town or whatever. What are we doing in in the tribe? Um, hmm, let's see. There's got to be like a um I mean one obvious thing is you've got to bring alba with you Right, she's got to come to the site with you. So it's right in you and then
Starting point is 00:51:31 ellie is right show up Yeah, well, right. So yeah, so the wife wife wife was going to come along for sure So then it's uh, who else do we try to convince? I feel like I'll I'll start with um With the cut the glenn you said glenn was a cartographer, right? glenn was a cartographer and you have another contact named katania Uh within the cartographers. Okay, then I'll probably go to katania and be like Oh, no glenn got lost
Starting point is 00:52:02 We were in this ruin that he really wanted to go to of his own volition and he just happened to get separated through No fault of my oh no. No. We have to go rescue him Okay, oh no Uh as mr. Bill would always say oh no Uh, are we going to compel katania or are we trying to test our bond with katania? I think we're trying to test their bond with glenn I think compelling her makes the most sense Okay, so you will roll are you trying to
Starting point is 00:52:42 Charm pacify barter threaten or incite or lion swindle If you threaten or incite you're rolling plus iron, which is your best attribute, but you're gonna be pretty pretty rough with katania I don't want to be menacing with katania I feel like that's I feel like that's a quick path to burning a bridge Maybe several I think um Okay, yeah, you know, I'm saying all of that, but she's gonna be a little menacing while she does it, you know She's gonna be kind of flexing
Starting point is 00:53:20 At her a little bit. I mean, let's be honest Uh katania could be all that's standing in her way between curing her wife, you know what I mean? So it's like yeah, it's time to get a little a little threatening. You know, we got to get this done, right? So you're gonna help Len whether you like it or not You will roll plus iron And let's see How you do hopefully you do well You've got an ally to go with you on the trip. Oh
Starting point is 00:53:45 a miss They refuse Or make a demand which costs you greatly Pay the price regardless So roll a d100 I mean definitely definitely ashana will go to the Yeah, ashana will pull out all the stops See here 94
Starting point is 00:54:07 That sounds bad. It forces you to act against your best intentions It forces you to act her response Forces you to act against your best intentions. What does that mean? She says no Probably like does not like that you're threatening her Probably does not like that glen that you've effectively failed your mission I'm gonna kidnap her It forces you to act against your best intentions, which I yeah, like
Starting point is 00:54:43 What if it what if what if ashana just kidnaps her sure? Like okay right Okay, so How do we do this? Also, I mean let's think about this. What is the reason for kidnapping her? What advantage do we get? Because she would still be unwilling even when we brought her to like another location, you know
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah, but like hey, we're saving glenn. This is all for glenn She's gonna wake up nonetheless like concuss I'm not trying to shoot down the idea I'm trying to justify what we get out of this like maybe maybe katanya is a is a spell user of some kind She's a ritual caster of some kind and we could use her abilities or her knowledge I mean certainly once we've kidnapped her no one else is going to want to help us You know, I think that's enough where like if we bring katanya She might be able to figure out how to use this staff
Starting point is 00:55:39 To heal alba, right? Yep, because I don't think ashana can figure it out around her own. Yeah, that may and what is um, so this um now Ashana's wife is sick. What kind of sick like weak sick or like she has like a sickness of the lungs She she she's a beautiful singer, but has become so sick as of late that she can't even sing. She's like always out of breath So she's not something like that, but it's just like we haven't been able to figure out what's wrong with her Right, but either way, she's not gonna be much help. No, she will definitely be pretty useless Right. Okay. I think that if you're trying to kidnap her you should attempt to face danger
Starting point is 00:56:20 I'll face the danger and and if it goes wrong you might be entering the fray As you are assaulting a major member of the tribe So face danger is just a d100. Uh, no, you are either rolling with the speed agility precision charm loyalty aggressive action I think probably aggressive. It's definitely aggressive action. She's just honking her over the head and you can use plus one to this plus iron Ghost of Eli is not happy in the chat about this. She's like what? We're taking this in a very strange direction but She is desperate
Starting point is 00:56:59 We can't on a week hit you succeed, but face a troublesome cost You either lose one momentum endure harm endure stress or lose one supply which you cannot do that I'll take the momentum dip Okay momentum goes to five This is bad because you haven't even had a chance to sojourn You haven't had a chance to regain any supplies
Starting point is 00:57:23 Your health is not up. Your spirit is not up But you do manage to conquer out and you take her out What did you what what are you suffering momentum? Okay. All right Who does anyone see you on the way out? Should we ask the oracle? I think yes. I because obviously she's going to try but she's not she's not sneaky. Okay Let's Say, I think it's likely god damn it. You rolled it too fast. My finger slipped. I'm sorry. That's okay. That's okay Let's say it's likely that someone will see you
Starting point is 00:57:59 But you just rolled the 25 which is under the 26 26 or greater someone would have seen you so No one sees you as you slip out. Thank god This is crazy I think it would be a very elaborate situation where you like put alba and katanya like in a cart or something and then Get on your way Is there any way that I can like weekend at bernie's her where I'm like doing?
Starting point is 00:58:29 I mean We could possibly face danger because it was a weak hit um No, the oracle said nobody sees you So you get out Maybe even ellie what it is is like ellie sees you and you both Work together to move the cart that alba and katanya is on and you get out of the village and and obviously ellie's like What the fuck? Why is there a passed out katanya here?
Starting point is 00:59:02 And you explain the situation Now now we're getting why ellie is possibly asking you if something you return because now her neck is on the line, right? Yeah, for sure. Okay, so what is a realistic vow? That ellie would demand of ashana to complete for her If we look at ellie Second in command who's been overlooked for advancement amongst the forecasters Uh, she would like to
Starting point is 00:59:33 Move up in the forecasters. We described her as a snarky car salesman um So what do you think ellie would ask of? Our friend ashana I mean really it seems like all about how can ashana help her advance In some way it seems like like maybe there's maybe it's like um I don't know how the forecasters like merit system works
Starting point is 01:00:07 But maybe like she needs to get like a go into the storm and get like a thing To like move up the ranks and the forecasters or something like your own quest to go on that the ashana has to agree to go help on Okay, so we'll we'll say for now We owe a quest to Uh to ellie And uh, we'll figure out what that is and we'll decide how difficult it is Um, but in the meantime We are returning to the site
Starting point is 01:00:42 Now we have this uh, this vow of retrieve black iron and steal it from the cartographers and glint the botanist. Um I kind of feel like we have to forsake this vow. Wouldn't you agree like we've completely Drop this yeah, and if even if we didn't forsake it, it would be like a total hail mary to to complete it at this point When you renounced your quest betray the promise or the goal is lost to you Clear the vow and endure stress Um We are going to clear this vow and why don't you roll? Uh, so first of all your spirit's gonna go down to one
Starting point is 01:01:26 great love and stress is Uh, here we go you have to roll spirit or heart your heart is higher so roll plus heart Miss oh no Oh, no, oh boy. Okay on a miss also suffer minus one momentum Your momentum is gonna go to four If you are at zero spirit, you must be shaken or corrupted Uh, but you are not so you will instead roll on the following table. You're gonna roll a d hundred, please
Starting point is 01:02:05 Better hope you roll for fifty one a greater 29 You give into a fear or compulsion and act against your best instincts. I guess this is all part of the crazy plan of stealing katania and going back to the site Yeah, things are really not going well. Yeah, ashana is like super frazzled super stressed But she's got an attempt to save her her wife in this situation. She's put everything on the line to do this Now here's the last thing I think that she hasn't spent enough time
Starting point is 01:02:43 Where we should roll for the storm to definitely move But I kind of want to roll to determine what direction the storm is moving And just kind of have that in our back pocket for if it takes too long Sure. Okay roll a d8 and let's just see What direction the storm is currently moving Six six so eight seven six it's moving east Um Which is
Starting point is 01:03:11 Good and bad The the the hex will probably end up being covered. Let's see if I do the math here It'll be something like this which is actually not that bad So I think I think just for the the sake of narrative, um Tension we'll say that the storm is moving east But that hex is still in the clear But now like the storm is right on the edge of that hex, right? Uh and the window
Starting point is 01:03:45 Yes We return to the site. This is an actual move Where uh when you delve a site So here's what happens. Um When you return to a site It's in here somewhere and I'm determined to find it Discover okay. All right returning to a previously explored site a site may prove too perilous or whatever reason we leave it um
Starting point is 01:04:20 If you later return Uh you can you can use the existing progress But not all of it to determine how much progress remains We have a total of six two four six roll uh 2d10 And take the lowest value and you will erase that from the progress Okay
Starting point is 01:04:44 That's a seven I only rolled the one here comes the second And a one one so your progress is only going to go down to five That's good It's very good. You return to the site this massive crater I assume you're going to go kind of in the same direction that like the original hole that you first entered Yeah, now hear me out. Okay, so we established that the cultists Are um plotting their revenge. Yes Which I interpret as maybe they're tracking ashana back to camp. Okay
Starting point is 01:05:23 What if there's a chance That while they're they're heading back to towards the camp to try to catch ashana While ashana is actually going back to the to the crater, which probably they're not expecting What if they're not even there because they're trying to hunt her down? Sure. Uh, do you want to? Ask the oracle and are you implying that they possibly find the tribe? Is that the thought you're going? Yeah, okay? Yeah, how likely do you think it is that that's what their plan is? I don't know. I mean that like I know that they were deaf and I think it's really just a matter of the timing Like would would ashana potentially like catch the window that they're
Starting point is 01:06:03 Not that there aren't they either aren't there. There's fewer of them there Uh or something because they are they're trailing her back to camp and they they just happened to miss her I just I would love like a role to determine kind of we can either We can either just ask the oracle and say that it's I guess what we're asking the oracle is does ashana see the cultists kind of do we cross paths with them Before we get to the crater, right? Yeah, because that would I yeah, yeah The hexes are big. They're about seven miles
Starting point is 01:06:38 So I don't think that it is 50 50 I think it's actually kind of unlikely that you would do that, right? Right, so if it's unlikely you have to roll 76 or greater for it to be true. So roll a d100 76 or greater and you will come across or become aware of it 29 so no so so it's happened it certainly is a great idea It's certainly something the cultists might do but ashana is not aware of it So she gets to the crater she goes inside And she comes to this altar, right?
Starting point is 01:07:17 I don't think it's worth delving the depths. I think you know where you're going We get down to this altar where there's a massive chasm in front of it, you know, you you sit alba down Where you saw the crumpled body before Catania has woken up by now and is not too happy but is aware of what you want her to do I would argue you need to compel catania To follow through and try to see if she can figure out how to help you Okay, right. So, uh, if you're going to compel Oh
Starting point is 01:07:56 You are going to either Charm or pacify threaten or incite or lie or swindle what? Threaten where we're we're we're we're we're threatened with tears in your eyes. Do it Roll plus iron and let's see what you get Okay, we can't on a weak hit. They'll do what you want and you will take plus one momentum But they do ask of something of you in return Uh, does it necessarily have to be like a vow? But
Starting point is 01:08:31 What if they want the staff? Sure, they could want the staff If I figure it out, I get to keep it Seems like a fair trade. Sure. Sure um So now that we have convinced her to do it we've got to Determine whether she figures it out or not
Starting point is 01:08:52 um She's casting a ritual or she you know, it's it's it's effectively like a ritual um You are Because here's the thing you have a vow which is to find a way to alleviate alba's illness um You only have two progress because this is an extreme vow the thoughts of being able to do this is really difficult We could right now fulfill this vow
Starting point is 01:09:26 You will likely fail it which means there's some kind of crazy compl complication um, but Just because you fail it doesn't mean it doesn't work hmm There's just going to be more cleanup to do there's something. Yeah, something some complication You know In fact, let me read just to be fair. Let's read what fulfill the vow means Uh, here we go
Starting point is 01:09:57 If you fulfill your vow and miss Your quest is undone envision what happens and choose one Uh, you either recommit clear all but one filled progress and raise the quest ranked by one Or you give up and you forsake your vow or We just decide something completely out of the blue Well, shana's never gonna give up on that vow Okay, so is this the time to fulfill it if it's not then we have to find some other role
Starting point is 01:10:29 To determine. Yeah, what are what would the other options even be? I mean, we can face danger We can we can make a heal role when you treat an injury or ailment you roll plus wits Um, that makes that makes a certain kind of sense. It makes a certain kind of sense I just think like we're healing with Quote-unquote magic that we don't understand So I feel like we should face danger and if we succeed then we can heal. What about that? Okay? Yeah, that sounds good to me. All right. So here's the thing. It's katanya who's doing it I would argue she probably has pretty decent wits
Starting point is 01:11:09 So she's using her in expertise insider observation You're gonna I think you have to roll with Uh, uh, shana's wits, but you can add plus one This makes sense, right because you have an ally doing most of it Okay, here we go. Not ideal like but it's I feel like this might be a wind up being a life or death role for a shana possibly We can't on a week hit you succeed, but you face a troublesome cost You suffer momentum endure harm endure stress
Starting point is 01:11:50 Or that's it Um, I mean go god. It's definitely stressful. Okay. I think yeah, which means that a shana's spear That's gonna go to zero. Yes. I'm crazy. Yes, but let's endure Uh, stress and what you have to do is reduce that spirit to zero But roll heart because that is higher Then your current spirit if you roll well, you will get back that spirit If not something bad happens Um, then roll heart you said yeah
Starting point is 01:12:20 Things are getting interesting. Oh, they just got so interesting miss. Okay on a miss. Um You're also going to suffer one momentum your momentum goes to four But If you are in zero spirit, you must mark that you are either shaken or corrupted Would you like to know the difference between the two? Yes, I would let's see. Um Uh, let's see I gotta look up in the thesaurus here or whatever the hell Uh shaken
Starting point is 01:12:57 37 If you are shaken, you may be marked when you are zero spirit and failed to endure stress You are despairing or distraught and need comfort to recover You cannot increase spirit because you are shaken or If you are corrupted Um Your experiences have left you emotionally scarred
Starting point is 01:13:22 Uh Let's see. You are the threshold of losing yourself to darkness. Hold on. Let's go to page 95 Uh, this explains it in more detail Uh, buh buh buh Of course to pay the price courage fails. Hold on. Let's see Uh, okay Uh becoming corrupted page 38 Yeah, but it's already
Starting point is 01:13:51 Uh Banes are okay, so okay, so this is a bane. Banes are permanent. They forever impact your character through through A momentum penalty Uh, if when you are corrupted envision how this impacts your personality and motivations You might struggle with a new compulsion quirk or fear. You might even bear a physical supernatural side of the corruption If so, what is it? so Permanently
Starting point is 01:14:19 Your character cannot raise their um Their momentum to 10 It's permanently no higher than nine If it we you haven't chosen yet. You've just heard the two different versions. Are they shaken or are they corrupted? God, this has been such a lawn like crazy dark twisted thing for shana I feel you don't get out of something like this without being a little fucked in the head
Starting point is 01:14:46 She's she's gonna be corrupted. Nice. You are corrupted Uh, what what what is this corruption? How does it affect her? We could argue that it's not like, um I mean, it could be like anger issues or something or it could be like this weird magic Maybe affects her maybe she's hit by like dark magic and it affects her in some way, you know I like I like that I'm thinking that I'm thinking it's probably that and that also has an impact on her personality as well
Starting point is 01:15:18 Okay, and how does it change her? I think she's going to get a little bit. Um A little selfish a little selfish A little maybe a little selfish, but also I would say maybe just more like reckless You know like, um I think her um her instinct for self-preservation is going to take a hit Uh-huh no self or little self preservation All right, we've finally gotten one of these cool
Starting point is 01:15:49 veins and burdens um But it's working the the ritual seems to be working It's time to heal or attempt to heal Our beloved wife alba. Um Again, you're gonna roll plus widths and I will say that you can add Let's see. Hold on one if you are mending your own wounds. Never mind. You're not roll plus widths plus one And let's see if this is any better
Starting point is 01:16:20 Here we go cross our fingers Oh no Artemis your aid is ineffective Pay the price now Let's roll it, but I have something in mind But let's just roll to see if the pay the price kind of matches what I'm thinking roll the d100 Ghost of Eli is freaking out in the chat
Starting point is 01:16:50 63 it is harmful That that's what the pay the price says now it could still be harmful, but I'm thinking As good as Katania is at the knowledge she has it's still limited and she attempts to Do this attempts to use this staff attempts to use this space And it's working for a minute the lights are you know things are glowing glyphs are glowing but what if The whole place begins to shake violently like
Starting point is 01:17:22 Something is coming undone something is breaking Something is going wrong, and maybe there's even you know things that are falling from the ceiling What do you think of that? I like that Let's just endure harm to see how that shapes up Uh when you endure harm You have to either roll Well, first of all reduce your health by one And then I think you will roll iron because that is currently the higher stat
Starting point is 01:17:53 Okay, okay Let's see what you get We can't be on a weak hit you press on so although Your health has gone down, so we'll say that you do actually get hit by something You're for the most part able to dodge it, but I think this is kind of a good place to bring our session to a close And we'll good luck. Amanda. Yeah, we'll figure out what the hell Is happening what can be done?
Starting point is 01:18:21 And how do we get out of this? But you know we risked it all but as of now it doesn't look like Alba is any closer to being healed She bet that journey probably took a toll on her too I mean, uh, yeah, and not to mention is shana is now corrupted and unprepared and you know very close to death She is she's beat up She's got two hit points left. We've got katanya, ellie And alba with us. We don't even have our son. Oh my god
Starting point is 01:18:57 And we oh like I swear fucking everybody a favor now. Oh man. This is This is rough. This yeah shot us in a hole Well, thank you, uh erin for uh bringing us here narratively. I think I cleaned it up. I think I cleaned up the mess I think I did You cleaned up one mess and started another but that is how Uh iron swan works Uh, that was a lot of fun. I hope you had some fun, buddy. I did um
Starting point is 01:19:26 So, okay, so the only person left is amanda. So next session. Amanda will be with us. Let's see what she can do Um Anything that we should talk about or plug before we wrap up today. Just the normal stuff Yeah, ashoka on friday ashoka on friday heroes. You should know tomorrow at 7 p.m Ashoka whenever the hell we feel like it Hey, you know, that's the problem with post production is it's tough and sometimes you got to extend a little bit But we're we're releasing them. They are coming out and we're excited All right, okay, cool. All right, cool. So thank you guys for tuning in. We will see you next time
Starting point is 01:20:07 Remember that we have a patreon if you'd love to subscribe to us That's a great way of showing us that you support us as well as becoming a a member on twitch Whether it be subscribing or just uh becoming a follower of ours, but we thank you again And uh, we'll see you next time

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