Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 18

Episode Date: June 26, 2021

CAST • Amanda • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here we are, playing Iron Sworn Eye of the Storm. I am your humble host, Sergio. Thank you for joining us. With me is the amazing Amanda. Hi, Amanda. Hi, how are you, darling? I'm doing great. It's good to see you back on Iron Sworn. Can you believe that we, it's been three rounds of this, of six people, one at a time going through and playing in this story. My gosh, 18 sessions. Wow. Okay. That's, it's a little on the bonkers side. Okay. It's, I was going to say, it's been a minute since I've done it. I was like, I was kind of catching up. I'm like, what did Aaron do? What did everybody do? Why are there deaths? It's, it's been a, it's been a wild
Starting point is 00:00:46 ride for sure. Um, for those of you who might be new to us, uh, we are playing a kind of modified Iron Sworn campaign where we are part of a tribe of maybe a hundred people who are caught in the eye of a super massive magical super storm where if you enter the storm with enough time, you will turn to iron. So the only safe place on this planet as far as we know is the eye, which this tribe has been kind of living in and surviving. And we have a character that we've been following named Ishana. We had some before there was half. There was Elah who unfortunately met her demise in the mountains. Uh, and there's been Ishana who has been trying to solve a big problem in her life, which is she has
Starting point is 00:01:39 a beautiful wife named Alba who seems to be dying of some kind of lung disease. Something is weakening her, her ability to breathe. She used to be able to sing beautifully and now it's been taken from her and they have a son named, uh, Quinn. So what has last happened is that Ishana was bringing an old cartographer named Glenn back from the woods and they came upon this crater, this huge crater of the ground. Glenn had to explore. They explored and they discovered what appeared to be these, this old ruin, this old, um, building of some kind underground where people were a kind of cult was experimenting and Ishana with her own eyes witnessed them bring someone back to like heal them. And she thought, I have to,
Starting point is 00:02:37 this is how I heal Alba. Um, she got caught by these cultists that were in here worshiping something, eventually got freed, eventually found her way to the layer of the shaman who was using a staff that had been used to kind of do this ritual. And he appeared like a ghost. Uh, we eventually kind of decided that he was almost like a hologram, but Ishana stole the staff from him, ran, but knew that she had to come back with Alba to heal her. So Ishana went to the tribe and immediately went to a cartographer friend named Katanya. Now mind you, Glenn got left behind. Glenn did not make it with Ishana. We have no idea where Glenn is or what state he's in and Katanya was not too happy about that. So she refused to help and it being Aaron and Ishana
Starting point is 00:03:35 being desperate. She knocked Katanya out. She punched her and took over her shoulder and ran to her hut where she got Alba and Katanya on like a cart and her forecaster friend Ellie caught up with them and helped Ishana take these people back to the crater site. We rolled and we actually learned that the, the entire cult had left the crater site and were now on their way to hunt the tribe. They're going after our tribe. We didn't come across them, but narratively we know that it's happening because when Ishana comes back to the crater, there was no one there. They set Alba down in front of the altar in front of this strange altar and Katanya tries to replicate this magic, but it doesn't work. In fact, it was a miss and we kind of ended the session with saying
Starting point is 00:04:33 that the entire building, the structure, everything underground began to shake violently. Yeah, that sounds about right. So that's kind of where we left things. Now, Amanda, I'm going to pose to you a typical Irlander I think would be in this situation and would think to run. Am I correct about that? Absolutely. Now, my, the only thing I'm kind of hesitant now is, is Alba. If Alba is like on the ground and all that and also how far along in the ritual are we? If it's to that point where we're racing against the clock, I think because we're so close to possibly healing. I know this instinct is to run, but I feel like Ishana is, this is her wife, I'm just saying. They made it this far. I think we may have to push it to see
Starting point is 00:05:32 if we can go ahead and complete this. Interesting. So I will say that, you know, you got a certain amount into the ritual, something was happening, but ultimately it failed and some kind of negative outcome came out, which was that the whole place started shaking. Now, I like your idea of Ishana possibly pressing them and saying, we have to keep trying. We've got to try again. I think at least one more try. Because who knows, this whole place might just suddenly sink or collapse or something. Well, let's be for real, but because they're already weak. I mean, I'm trying to think of a couple of things. Okay, we're going to grab the wife and I'll haul it and I'm already going to be slowed down or because we could die that way, or we could at least try
Starting point is 00:06:20 and I'm going to go for the gold. Okay, we're going to go for the W. We're going to at least try, at least try. I feel like one more and if we, then oops. Well, let's, let's figure out what we want to do. I got to move my Delta Green books out of the way first. You're like, and all the death and destruction. Get that out of the way. Let's see what makes sense. First of all, my immediate thought is maybe we have to face danger, but really last time we tried to heal. We made a heal roll and it was a plus wits and it didn't turn out very well because already Ishana has pretty low wits. So we could possibly face danger, but that means we'd still be rolling plus wits. Okay. Otherwise, we could try to gather information, but that's also plus wits.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So we're taking a risk. Damn. I was like, it's not plus heart. At least I have an edge. Let's see because for heal. Yeah, if you're amending your wounds, you can roll plus iron, but otherwise you roll plus wits. Damn. I have three in iron. Yeah. Damn. All right, now we got to do wits. I'm doing it. Okay. So we are going to try to heal. Is that the idea? Yes. Okay. You're going to roll plus wits and I believe last time we allowed you to add plus one to that as a modifier because Katania is performing it. She probably has higher wits than you and that's why we're giving you that plus one. So let's see what happens. This could decide everything. I regret everything. Oh, no. God.
Starting point is 00:08:06 On a miss, your aid is ineffective. Pay the price. Oh, I made a wuss. Yes. Yes. The shaking does not stop. Alba is not healed and we can definitely say that that time has been wasted. Let's roll a d 100 though and see what our pay the price table says. That's that's fair. 88. It wastes resources. Now here's the thing is Shauna does not have any supply. She's at a plus zero on her supply. She's at a plus zero on her spirit. She only has two health. It wastes resources. Can you think of something other than time? I mean, I honestly think you might have to endure harm as things are falling. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So things are getting worse. Yeah. The building is shaking harder. Okay. Why am I doing this? I'm going to hurt myself. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I notice certain like, let's say a couple of things like there's some rocks coming on the way. I'm going to go ahead and block it so they can like the way I'm going to see it is like maybe there's a good chunk coming towards wife and healer. So I'm going to go ahead and get in there in between and I'm going to take the like the brunt of it hopefully on like my back shoulder type thing. Yeah. So I can at least get it out. Okay. Yeah. You're going to endure harm. Yeah. That's fair. Which means that you need to roll either your health or your iron, whichever is higher, your iron is higher. So roll that iron and let's see if you survive this. A weak hit. On a weak hit, you press on. So you are going to lose one health. Your health is going
Starting point is 00:09:54 to go down to one. That's very fair. Okay. But you are able to press on nonetheless. Nothing worse happens. Things are not getting any better. Alba is no closer to healing. The shaking is even getting worse. I think that Ellie and I think that Katania and I think that even Alba would be saying, Ishauna, we have to run. We've got to get out of here now. I know. I know. And although Ishauna is currently corrupted and her corrupted, her corruption shows up in a kind of recklessness. She has little self preservation for herself. I don't know if she would have little preservation though for her loved one, Alba. No, no, if it's like, I think, yeah, because if they get hurt and they saw that and they're like, we got to go, we got to go. I feel like especially if she's like
Starting point is 00:10:46 adrenaline, not thinking clearly, we made it this far. I think we may try one more time. Really? Yes, because it doesn't make sense. Because if you think, because also if she got hit also in the shoulder near the head, she's not thinking clearly too. I like that you are sticking with what the character would do. She's freaking out. It's got to work. She's past the point of doing it again. Here's the thing, Amanda. I think Ishauna has to compel her allies, specifically Katania, to stick around. I think they're going to try to run. Okay. Okay. Because I can't perform any healing with this stuff. You can try, but you're not going to have that plus one if Katania doesn't stick around.
Starting point is 00:11:31 What weapons do I have on me? You've got your fists. Damn it. That's what Ishauna could do. She could punch. Like a clenched real horn. So you can either try to roll with heart to pacify or barter with them or you can try to roll with iron and threaten and incite them. Damn it. Well, because they're also really hyped up in the moment. I don't think they're going to go for compassion. They're going to go aggressive. And I would say like, think of it this way, kind of grab by the shirt collar and like really get them into the face. I'm like, do it one more time. Like, like, like almost like, I won't go for like the neck or crunch. I'm going to go for the like do it one more time and I'm going to be threatening on that. So.
Starting point is 00:12:11 All right. Roll plus iron. And let's see how it turns out. You're good at iron, fortunately. Nice. Strong hit. Do what you want or they will share what they know. Take plus one momentum. So you can increase your momentum up from, I think it was four, make it five. Okay. And that's it. So. I threatened to crap out of them. And they're going to stick around there. I feel like this is our last shot. I almost want to say maybe Katania thinks it's past the point of no return anyway. Like this place is about to collapse in some way. Well, if we're going to die anyway. You are going to roll plus widths. Here you are trying to heal again. Unless you would try, unless you'd like to try this in a different way, you can try facing
Starting point is 00:13:08 danger. Okay. Let's think. Try. Either way, you're going to be rolling plus widths, plus one. Well, then it doesn't matter. All right. Then we're going to heal again. We're going to attempt to heal. Roll plus one, plus widths. Your lowest score. It has plagued Ashana from the beginning. Let's see how you do. It is a weak hit. I know it doesn't work as way we want it, but at least it's not a fail. On a weak hit, your care is helpful. If you have the wounded condition, you may clear it, but you must suffer minus one to your supply or minus one to your momentum. We can't do supply. So we will do momentum. So momentum goes to four. But it is helpful. We have a vow that is extreme, which means we're only going to make half progress. Actually, it's even less than
Starting point is 00:14:09 that, right? Because if it's two, one, half, half of half is just one. So we're going to make that much progress because I feel like Alba wouldn't be instantly cured, but she might go into like a stasis. She might kind of fall asleep and go into some kind of slumber of some kind. Okay. Yes. I can go. Yeah. Because we're not yet to that point where we can definitively say we cure Alba, right? That's very fair. I can agree with that for sure. Okay. So this happens. She seems to be okay. Maybe there's even a protective bubble that comes over her that rocks fall, but it doesn't seem to hurt her or something. Oh, I love that. Yeah. Like a little bit of like a little don't, would it only be over? Huh? I think just over her and the platform. Like
Starting point is 00:15:07 there's like a little platform that we've put her on and now it's kind of protecting her. Maybe the platform is kind of like awakening or like starting to get more active and there we go. Now, my question to you is we've really pressed our luck in terms of staying here. I mean, does the place collapse? Does the place change in some way? I think we're just going to need to face danger. I agree. But what's our objective? Maybe our objective is to, I don't know, get to safety or get to... Well, it's kind of, yeah. Because I don't know if Ashauna would actually leave the side of Alba. No. It's more of like keeping the heel. It's more about keeping Cantanya there. It's, does that, or I'm trying, is there any outside? How about this? Maybe Ellie
Starting point is 00:16:08 can go and do a scout and see what's happening. See if anything's changing. That's yes. I like that. Okay. Because we haven't done Ellie. Yeah. Yes. I like that. I think we need to gather information. That's fair. We're going to roll plus wits and I think you can add plus one because Ellie is definitely going to have more wits than Ashauna. Yeah. She ain't the brightest bulb. Let's see. Get up. Wow. We get a strong hit. Strong hit. You discover something helpful and specific. The path you must follow or action you must take to make progress is made clear. Envision what you learn and take plus two momentum. So that momentum is going up to six now. Yes. But we've discovered something helpful
Starting point is 00:16:59 and specific. It's either something to do with the shaking or actually getting the healing. And I think it has to be one of those two things. I feel like whatever we can do to kind of, I don't know if it's the altar, creating extra magic to calm it down or honestly a way to effectively use the staff to heal or unless you got something and you're not getting cooking. What about, so it's something helpful and specific. What if Ellie was able to get a better view of what's happening or a better understanding of where they are? Okay. Yeah. I'm just thinking like Ellie comes into a space and coming out of the ground is where they are inside of and the dirt is dropping beyond these see-through windows, for lack of a better word, but I don't think
Starting point is 00:18:08 Ironlanders have windows. But nonetheless, as if they are coming out of the ground that explains the shaking and sunlight is being poured in through these see-through walls that Ellie is seeing. Yeah. Okay. Now, here's the problem is that Ellie realizes, okay, we're rising. I don't know if this is going to stop or not. She's probably going to run back. Am I wrong? Oh, Ellie would probably run back. Explain what she's seeing. And then what is the move? Oh, okay. Alba is stuck there. They're in a, let's say, like a healing trance, coma, stasis, whatever. That's Alba. Shawna ain't leaving. It's honestly, I think she's going to probably like, we got to go. This is not right. We got to go. And it's, I do think Katanya is, I think honestly, I think this is where they're going to dip out.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I feel like they're going to, I feel like those two are going to dip out. But Shawna will not. That's my feeling. I think it's likely. And we could ask the Oracle just to make sure, because Ellie is close friends and Katanya is a cartographer who is a scientist and probably finds all of this very intriguing. So let's ask the Oracle, right? Very scary at the same time. I think it's likely that they would run or do you want to do 50-50? With how, I feel like this is like the first, like you said, they are rising. That is something they have not seen or experienced. So I feel like it could be something to do with the storm. We don't really know. So I think as intriguing as it is, it's one of those OF. So honestly,
Starting point is 00:20:16 I think the first instinct is to get to safety first and then kind of. Okay. So then 51 or greater, they stay. Interesting. 51 or greater, they stay. Roll a D100, Amanda. And let's see what fate has installed. I mean, it must be a pretty terrifying situation. I even imagine like the interior begins to light up in weird ways, like glyphs and runes are starting to light up. I mean, it's really kind of intense. It's an experience. So Katanya and Ellie make a run for it. Right. I do think Shana is going to make sure. Okay. So she's going to grab the staff. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:04 If anything, she's going to grab the staff. If they're going out, I don't see a problem with her even just like escorting them out. Yeah. Because I do think she's not going to leave. She's not going to leave her wife there, especially if she sees that it could be helping. Yeah. I think it's important at least that Shana sees them out, has the staff to just make sure they're safe. I do think though, we should put this out there. She would probably say, I'm not going to leave. I'll be back, even though they're erratic, look after Quinn. Because I do think, because I do think if,
Starting point is 00:21:50 because they're erratic, they're very intense. They have the recklessness, but it's almost like they're so close. They're not going to quite give this up yet. So I do think hella high water, they're going to try to see this through. But if they're leaving, they're going to be like, especially like Ellie, like watch Quinn. I'll be back. Just watch after Quinn and then they'll take the staff and go back. We are going to escape the depths. This is for Ellie and Katanya. You will not be escaping the depths, but I assume we're escaping with haste, with edge. Absolutely. Okay. So you're going to roll plus edge and we'll see how your allies manage to escape successfully or without some
Starting point is 00:22:36 kind of complication. Okay. All right. Just straight up edge roll. Let's see what we got. We kit. We kit is good. On a week hit, you find your way out, but this place exacts its price. You may choose one. You endure harm, endure stress. You are delayed. You leave behind something important. You face a new complication or a dentist and plots their revenge. It's left something behind. They left these two. And from my understanding, it's not like they're friends. They're like they're, especially with this tribe, it's like you are so tight in the community. I feel like this is extremely painful. Okay. So we're saying that the three of them kind of rush to the closest exit they can find.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And there's this, maybe this tear or something or, or maybe it's just a door that's open. And they can see the ground is starting to move away from them. And it's now or never that they have to jump off. I have a question. Go ahead. Oh, go ahead. I was going to say, maybe a shot. It kind of pushes them out too. Possibly. Now here's what I want to know. Does this thing rise up into the air a little bit a lot or a hell of a lot? I think we can ask you possibly. I think that I think that's an Oracle one. Okay, let's go ahead in. What do you got? What do you think? Let's, let's, uh, we have to like get rid of a choice. So it's either it goes up only a little bit, like it's just hovering a little bit. It goes up like into
Starting point is 00:24:18 the atmosphere or it goes up like out of the atmosphere. Oh, maybe this is just me because I feel like with all that rumbling, I feel like it is, it's good. Yeah, you're right. Slow. I don't think we would been out of the atmosphere. I think we were going to, it's going to be like a like that kind of thing where it's building up speed. Like think of it like it's building up if we're going to go faster. Does that make sense? So, okay. So, so you want to say that it's moving slowly? Yeah, I would say yeah, because the way I, because that's what we're kind of like what we saw, correct? It's like, it wasn't like boom. It's like, it's, so it's kind of like the shaking from what I understand. It's like, like the, it's going to go, but I feel like it's the longer you
Starting point is 00:25:05 stay, it's going to pick up faster, faster, faster. Okay. Okay. Especially the less air there is if you go higher and higher. Yeah. Let's do this. We're going to roll three D hundreds. The first one is for low at low in the atmosphere. The second one is for like in the middle of the atmosphere. And the third role is going to, is going to signify the highest atmosphere and the highest number of those three is where it will land. Does that make sense? Okay. So just roll a three 100. Three D 100. Let's see what happens here. All right. So we have a 72, a 35 and a 21. The 72 represents the lowest part. Oh, oh, okay. It represents hovering, you know, maybe just a couple dozen or maybe a couple hundred feet off the ground. Yay. Cause then they'll survive. Cause I
Starting point is 00:25:56 was worried I'm like, if they too hot, they ain't going to live. Well, I feel like they probably would have jumped out, you know, the moment they got to the door, the earth is probably only maybe a dozen feet away or something like that. It probably jumped off. Yeah. Like it's kind of like this role is determining where this structure kind of comes to a stop. You know what I mean? Okay. Okay. So I would, yeah. So in just a matter of time, Ishauna standing there sees, you know, the ground, maybe a couple hundred feet away, but the ship is no longer rising or the structure. I mean, I guess we are kind of saying that this is like a ship, you know what I mean? I mean, so if we want to. So it's this, it's this floating structure. I imagine all this
Starting point is 00:26:39 earth and debris is kind of coming off of it. It's come out of the crater. Okay. And Ishauna is in this situation where she's in this place that seems magical to her, but could also be described as a ship. It could be a derelict ship that was left behind either accidentally or on purpose and was found by Ishauna. Whatever staff she was using somehow brought the ship to life. I think that it first off, thank God they're like kind of not the smartest like person. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Because I think they'd be having an existential crisis at this moment. She, I don't think she's figured all this stuff out. Oh, no. She's just like, oh, that's high. What's going on? And then like, no, like glad to see the buddies of friends off.
Starting point is 00:27:37 She said her thing about the sun. She like, taking a second to be like, okay, don't care. And then goes back in. The release gets away from seeing that. But that is. Yeah. Okay. So here's the situation. Let's hear it. It has become a little more stable. We're on a ship that is completely empty except us and our wife, Alba. But we are without our son. We are without the tribe. And I think last session we established that the storm is not far away. One of the eyes of the storm. So either you land this thing, or you try to get it to the tribe, or you try to get it out of the storm. Either way, the storm is still going to affect it if we just sit here. Okay. Okay. Okay. So with that in mind, what do we do next? I think
Starting point is 00:28:31 okay, they're thinking, and let's say they like, they see the storm, right? Oh, shoot. Did Ellie Catania or they like, they, we can't see them or did they already take off? Like, I mean, there are a few hundred feet down. I would imagine you can see them, but they probably look like ants or something, you know? Yeah, I'm going to, if the storms come, I'm going to feel bad because I don't want to. Well, I would say I would head towards the tribe. You would want to head towards the tribe, which means you have to try to figure out how the ship works. Honestly, my first instinct is to go back and try to heal the wife to be very honest. Okay. That's the first thing I'm thinking. But then the secondary thing is,
Starting point is 00:29:16 if the thing is coming and they need to get out, then that would make sense ahead in the direction of the tribe. Now, the whole thing is, is that Ashana just barely understands what's happening and like barely would even know that she should be able to control what's happening. You know what I mean? Exactly. So if she went back to her wife, I think it would be obvious that there's not much that can be done without better understanding how this place works, right? They would have to explore because she's in her weird little medical thing. Yes. Like coma. So at least we know she's safe there currently. Alba? For now. Yes, exactly for now. Ashana might need to continue exploring. Now, if you look on,
Starting point is 00:30:04 what are you thinking? No, no, no, you're right because she doesn't have, she doesn't know what she's dealing with right now. So she can't make any. So if we go to the sites tab on our character sheet, there is the site, which is the crater. We have five progress on that. We could attempt to gain a little bit more progress. And in doing so, maybe find more of a room where this place can be controlled or something. You know what I mean? Absolutely. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, let's go ahead. Let's do that. All right. So we have to make a couple of changes. I think because there are now no cultists here, I'm going to make it a dangerous place, which means we can gain more progress quicker. And we don't have to worry about cultists.
Starting point is 00:30:55 There are still twisted automatons. And there was a grab void, but I don't think that I don't think that made it on the ship, unless it did. There was a big old, big old worm. Wait a minute, you did grab woods from tremors? Yes, I mean, at least that's how I described them. Oh, yes. Maybe it's still in the ship. Maybe it was something being carried by the ship or something. Can Kevin Bacon come by and be a hologram? I may tell you something real quick about these things. Well, maybe that's what the shaman looks like, a very shamanistic looking Kevin Bacon. There we go. So, okay, so that's another person that we will put. We're going to put Kevin Bacon, shaman as a very common sight. Okay. Oh, thank you. That's the first thing that maybe we can do.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Maybe we can return to where we last saw the shaman and ask of them help us, help us figure out what to do. Let's do that. Okay. We go back to him. How has his room changed before it was just kind of this dark room? What does it look like now? Well, I think because you like, I think everything's a lot more brighter now, because if you think about it, if we're up in the air and you said there are things like windows and all that, let's go ahead and like fill it out. Let's make it like that same kind of design where we can actually see, maybe we could see practically a lot more of just like a big view and suns coming in and we can actually see a lot more details that was previously hidden. And I would imagine the view would be incredible for Shana because you're
Starting point is 00:32:28 literally looking hundreds of feet in the air. You know, something no iron lander has ever done before in our world, right? No, she's not seen that before. I think that we would return to this shaman, this hologram, and we might ask them, we might try to compel them to help us because they they were aggressive against us the last time. Maybe they'll like us because we have the balls to jump start this thing. Maybe. And they were just chilling in the goddamn ground. Maybe. I'm just saying they were just in the dirt. Maybe they'll be a little bit more lenient. I think you have given a good enough argument that I will give you a plus one on this on this compel roll. That's a very good argument. So are you going to charm and pacify? Are you going to threaten or incite or
Starting point is 00:33:22 lie and swindle? It will all determine the type of roll you make. Heart or iron, basically. Yeah, it's one of those because I don't. She's still like running around, but also I would say like maybe in a little bit of awe and a little bit of reckless. I'm trying to think like a chaotic like it's one of those that I don't feel like they're going to threaten at this particular time because if you think about it, they're like what they don't really have any cards against them. I mean, they don't have like things that they can they could just be like, I need your help. Like, right? Like it'd be, I would say very direct kind of on the firm side, but also like, I don't want to, it'll be more in the heart,
Starting point is 00:34:09 but I would say like honestly, they're like, I don't know what like this, but look what I did. I'm asking you please just help me out with this or like, I don't know if this helped you, but you help me like if you think of it this way. Roll plus heart plus one and we will see how you do on this compel roll. Come on. Come on. You know you want to give me a hit. Wait, wait, wait, good vibes. Good vibes. Good vibes. Here we go. Oh, now hold on. Let me double check this. I'm going to burn that momentum though. You are at plus six and you could burn it to make it a strong hit. Is that what you're going to do? I think I will because I want to guarantee this. They'll do what you want or share what they know. Take plus one momentum. So your momentum is going
Starting point is 00:34:56 reset. Let me reset it. Burn it. There we go. So it goes up to one. This is because you are without spirit and without supply, but they will do what you want or share what they know. I think like you suggested, what happens is that like this ghost, this hologram, is happy that this happened because maybe there's like a reset. Maybe he was like stuck, you know, in a certain way, unable to do anything with the ship, control it in any way. Well, if it's a hologram, let's think of it this way. Now that you had a physical being, I know they had cultists and all that, maybe because, I don't know, we did something that the cultists weren't doing. Maybe the cultists were keeping them there while we kind of just, while we were just like, yeah, we took
Starting point is 00:35:47 the genie out of the box. They kept me captured while you released me. Exactly. I imagine this hologram is possibly a representation of the ship's intelligence, you know what I mean? Like it's, this is how the ship communicates with Eshan or whoever is piloting the ship, you know? Oh yeah, absolutely. And it's like, oh, finally. Like we can, it can now do its job of like, whatever it's. So this is a strong hit. What do we want to know? And, you know, the thing is, is that we need to, I think the obvious thing is we need to learn how to either move the ship and or heal Alva. I know. I know. I know. It's one of those two. It's like, I can, can I get a double, like a two for one special really quick? I mean, I did get it up in the air.
Starting point is 00:36:40 It was a strong hit. It was a strong hit. So I mean, it is a success. I think that it's not crazy to learn both. But here's the thing. Let's, if you were in Ashana's shoes and you were like a caveman and a, what's the age of bronze age, you know, type of person, you wouldn't know how to pilot this thing. So they don't care about the ship. They care about Ashana. Let's heal the wife. Even if the hologram like gave you specific instructions, it would still just be like, you know, touching things and not really knowing how to maneuver things. I think we all know where we're going. Like, look, buddy, I ain't the brains. I'm straight up bronze on this. Let's, they're barbarian mode. Let's just go ahead. You're right. Let's heal the wife. That's the first and foremost
Starting point is 00:37:28 thing. And hopefully we will be able to get out of this. So here's the problem with that is that first of all, I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to lower this, this vow of curing Alba to formidable. And the reason is because then it's going to move a little bit faster. We will have progress. So we're halfway to getting another full box. But the problem is, is that we can't roll on a three or we can if you want, if you want right now, we can say that you make progress. You've got three full check boxes, but you're probably going to fail at fulfilling this vow. We will, which is there. If I read to you, doesn't necessarily mean, well, I mean, it could anything can happen to be honest with you. But if you fulfill your vow,
Starting point is 00:38:15 and it's a miss, your quest is undone, envision what happens. And you basically have to restart a new. Oh, no, that's no, it's going to go with death. And so what I'm trying to say to you, Amanda, is that I think the ship can say she's safe. She's stable, but we're missing something because our vow was not able to be fulfilled yet. Let's go with this. Okay. They need Ashana, they need her fit. Like they need someone physically to do because if even gosh, because if this is like the hologram or there is something physical, I feel like there had to be a reason why that you have to have a physical being do something, whether it is pilot or power supply or something that that's the reason why the ship doesn't take hasn't taken off or
Starting point is 00:39:12 done something already. So it's kind of like you help me, I help you. So maybe let's say the Kevin Bacon shum and needs them to do something with either power, because maybe it's not stable, maybe it needs something or there's I know why I know why. Yes. What do you got? It's underground. It was literally in a crater, which means it crashed to the ground. It's a derelict ship. It has holes in it. And the only way to get out is to pressurize those holes to seal those holes. And the only ones that can do that are the iron mongers. Oh, yes. Okay. So that means we have to go to the track. Exactly. So oh, okay. So this is great. So we've made progress on this vow. Alba is stable. She's at least stable. She's not going to get any worse. But he can't be she
Starting point is 00:40:08 can't be healed probably because there's something that the ship is missing, maybe a type of power or a type of plasma that is meant to heal. And that last healing that that a shot of witness was the last of its power, right? Oh, and let's think of it this way. If there's holes in this ship, right, then it's probably taking more power to deal with all the damage. So it doesn't fall apart. So that's where it's like, I can't even heal. I can't like I could but I got a divert power everywhere else. That's brilliant. I love that. I love that. Okay, so so we have a situation where the objective is clear. Shawna needs to patch up the ship in the hopes that it will be able to divert power back to healing Alba and possibly do the impossible, which is rescue
Starting point is 00:40:59 the tribe and possibly get out of the storm out of this damn storm if she can learn how to maneuver the ship, maybe find somebody in the tribe who's better at it than her. But nonetheless, right, and that actually would be off. That's how they would like, well, I can't because of this and they're like, Well, I have, I have people I can we can help. Yeah, help us. And we can like it's kind of like I would say even though a shot is not the brightest bulb, they're very there. I would say their conviction to be like, no, no, like this, you help us, we can help you. Okay, I love this. They can say that's how our tribe works. We each help each other. Here's the thing. Yes, is this ship big enough to hold 100 plus people?
Starting point is 00:41:46 I kind of think it would. Well, you would hope it would be, but I think but I feel like we're going to roll for it, but I feel like we would. I think it's worth rolling for it. I'm going to show the audience. You aren't able to see it, but I am showing the audience the the Starforged rule book. If you haven't noticed by now, we are attempting to transition from Iron Sworn to Starforged. We watched the Kickstarter for Starforged and we just thought it was so cool. And we thought how fun would it be if we could somehow over the next couple of episodes, I think we've been doing it since the last the first this last round. Yes, every player has been kind of dropping little hints getting closer and closer. And here we are. We are in a really
Starting point is 00:42:34 interesting Starforged setup, a premise of these people escaping their planet. So let's see if we get in that direction. But what I wanted to say was I wanted to show something about, hold on, I just lost my train of thought in an announcement. No, no, it's because it's exciting. So so we have to, Shana has to learn how to control the ship or she the ship hat can do it itself. I feel like the ship, if this smart enough, especially Kevin Bacon, I'm just calling it Kevin Bacon. We're just going with it. We're referring to the artificial intelligence as Kevin. Well, we could call it cave B. If you want to like he could just I am KB. I'm KB. I like that. It's KB. So KB, I feel like would have the intelligence to do that stuff. But if there were like, I need you to hold
Starting point is 00:43:24 this down, like, I feel like they would like, maybe light up anything, like if it was a button, like press that, that, that, it would basically be like a Shana just following along. What needs to be done, but it's going to be mostly controlled by KB. Okay, the first thing I think we need to determine is how likely is it that this ship is capable of carrying all 100 people now? That's fair. It is a big ship. But I think we should at least make a roll for it. I don't think it is likely that it can carry all 100 people. I think we can do now there is a I'm trying to pull up the the rule book because there is the description of different ships. So let me see if I can pull that up real quick. Okay, 55 is where the vehicles. So I'm thinking like a very
Starting point is 00:44:16 small theater, you know what I mean? If you ever been to a very small, either community theater or something like that, where they just barely but you could fit them up. I'm like, I could stack them. I didn't say it was going to be roomy, but let's see what we got. I think that on average, ships can only like it the way Starforge kind of is set up is that it only handles so many people. However, there are examples of bigger ships that can hold things. But I think we need to just figure that out. Is this a really big ship or is this kind of a smaller ship? Let's start with, okay, we'll be fair and we'll say 50 50. The ship is big enough to hold more than 10 people. 51 or greater, it can hold more than 10 people.
Starting point is 00:45:03 So we're starting, you know, on the extreme end first, can it hold more than 10 people? I think it's or in fact, we'll say likely. Or did you want to do another like D 3d 100? And then we could do that again? Or it was kind of like, I just pulled that out of my ass to be honest. Oh, to be fair, we'll say that it's likely. So 26 or greater, it can hold more than 10 people. All right, let's do it. D 100. Oh, barely. All right. So it can hold more than 10 people. Can it hold more than 50 people? I think that it's 50 50. Let's go. 51 or greater, it can hold more than 50 people. Oh, all right, fine. We come to the beautiful conundrum of while Ishana is trying to figure out how this thing works. She learns from KB that the max that can fit is 50 people.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Ah, oh, okay. This isn't totally a loss because there are going to be a lot of people who don't want to get on this thing. Really think about like, especially if they're like the really religious and they believe that the ice storm is about about that life. So I think that Ishana is going to take that info and it's going to I it's they're going to be like, Hey, this is this is a this is a problem for smarter people for another time. That's fair. That's fair. That is that is that is a debate that is above her pay grade. Okay, so now let's get to the next challenge, which is we need to learn how to control this ship. I kind of feel like it'd be cheating if the ship can just kind of control itself. Well, especially in its damaged form. So that's where that's where I'm kind of
Starting point is 00:46:58 thinking like, maybe that's where KB is like, you have to hold this down while I or like I'm like like the most basic dumb thing. Yeah, it's a very strange Kevin Bacon impression, Amanda. You have to do this one thing. You have to do this. I'll figure it out. I'll figure it out. Next round. But like at least like I feel like KB will do a lot of maybe a couple other things, but I do think Ishana is going to have to help. And if Ishana fails at something, it's not going to maybe be catastrophic, but it's going to make it harder, especially. Yeah, a ghost of Eli in our chat says a tutorial. And I guess that makes sense. You're either gathering information, facing danger, or trying to secure some kind of advantage. I'm not really sure. I think
Starting point is 00:47:49 gathering information makes sense. Okay, that are secure and advantage, which is like helping this ship. Now, now you're right. I would agree that secure and advantage is a possible role you can make. You're trying to assess the situation, make preparations or attempt to gain leverage. Which one? Which one can I use for iron? Well, if you're if you're moving with aggressive action, forceful defense. Yeah, damn it. No, it's with great haste. I would make an argument that you're using charm, loyalty or courage as you are just courage, this thing with full courage that it might work, right? Yes, 100%. Yeah, I agree with that. I think you can roll plus heart, and I think you can add plus one because KB is helping you. Oh, KB. Come on, KB.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Hopefully KB is with us. Do they or not? Okay, Ishana is a dumbass. Maybe Ishana done messed something up. And also, if there's damage, maybe electrical thing and they get and they can get hurt. Let's not try to ground this thing just yet. No, not grounding. You fail or your assumptions betray you, pay the price. Roll a D 100. Let's see if the pay the price could clarify for us what happens. Yeah, that's 35. Dirty five. That is the 35. Sorry. 35. The current situation worsens. I'll give you an example of what I think this current situation would be worse. If we want to get our son and some of the tribes people back, it would be worse if the ship somehow went higher
Starting point is 00:49:38 and you couldn't figure out how to get it lower, at least for now. Oh, yeah, it's getting, let's say they're trying and it's, yeah, you're right, they're getting higher and it's maybe like not controlling like kind of like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, like bambi shaking legs, jittery, bad, not grounded yet, but not good. I even think it would be cool like I imagine in my head, the ship like starting to move and it drifts like into the storm and like hits the wall and like skids along the wall and then starts to move again. Can we Tokyo drift? Can we Tokyo drift this thing near the damn storm? We Tokyo drift along the eye of the storm, but find ourselves just higher. We're higher up into the air. Yes. Maybe in the
Starting point is 00:50:30 direction of our of our tribe, but not any closer to them. So. Oh, what if we actually, that was, that's what made it worse because we kind of skid on the storm a little bit. It kind of helped like that KB had a course correct and unfortunately got us higher and there we, you get where I'm going? Yeah. We need to either gather information or we just attempt to undertake a journey to get to the tribe. I feel like we're going to have to undertake. Gather information would make on a strong hit, you would I think have a plus one, you gain plus two momentum and you do discover something helpful. So we'll say that you wouldn't have any kind of disadvantage. Oh, gosh. I'm trying because she's not that bright. Not that bright. You would have to make
Starting point is 00:51:19 a wits roll to undertake a journey. You would also have to make a wits roll. Okay, that's fair. I mean, it doesn't hurt to gather information. I think you're like at least try to understand. Okay. Cause after that kerfuffle of mess up, let's say they're going to, Ashana is like, okay, wait, what am I touching? Like she's trying to gather like what things are so she can at least better comprehend so she doesn't do that again. Okay, you're going to roll plus wits. I think you can add plus one because KB is there trying to show you the way. Come on. Come on. Let's see how you do gathering information. Don't make me call Earl. Let's go, KB. Let's do this. Oh, no. I don't understand anything. Like KB is trying to tell me things and
Starting point is 00:52:17 I'm like on a miss your investigation on earth's a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest. Okay. You're going to pay the price or if you can come up with something. Did they find out that not everyone can get on the ship yet? I think maybe that's what it is, is they find out, oh my God, like even if I can go, I'm not going to be able to safely. Oh, like I think like Titanic. You know what I mean? Exactly. Oh, ouch. Now we're going to emotional drama. I wanted like the mummy drama of just blowing shit up, not like choosing who lives and dies. Exactly. Exactly. Oh, that hurts. Let's roll a D100 just to make sure the pay the price doesn't inspire us as well. But I think you're on the right track that that's what they learn is,
Starting point is 00:53:10 oh my God, there's not enough room for everybody. The current situation worsens. Yeah. I think that's obvious. Shawna knows that when she shows up, she's going to have to, you know, tell the tribe, there's 50, only 50 people can come with me. Yeah. 34. So at this point, I don't think we have much choice other than to undertake a journey. Yeah. You're going to roll plus wits. Oh, God. KB, come on, man. KB. All right. Let's get a hatchery. Let's very, let's see. Normally we would decide how hazardous this journey is. I don't know if I really want to worry about that. I think I think we'll just make one undertake a journey to determine how this journey goes. Okay. Ghost of Eli wants us to eat into space, but that would kill a Shawna and that would ruin our narrative.
Starting point is 00:54:06 So no, that is not what we're going to do. Not yet. Okay. So we're going to make an undertake roll plus wits. I will allow you to roll plus one because you have this communication with KB. Hold on. If I get a third miss on KB, I'm just saying, homeboy better shut down for a little bit. That could be what's wrong with him. He might be malfunctioning in that way. His intelligence is not fully up and running. We're adding layers. We're just adding some flavor to this. Okay. Okay. I'm scared to even touch this button. Let's do it. Wait, did I go through? Did you add plus one? Oh my God. How? How? How? I did not let this thing is cursed. I'm so sorry. What is this? Three. Three misses. Three misses in a row. I think that KB is not fully operational.
Starting point is 00:55:03 The ship might not even be fully operational because it's diverting all of its energy to keeping it, you know, floating. I think probably the best case scenario. Are we going off course? I think that it goes off course, but it ultimately kind of just like crash lands. Like it just kind of like slams to the ground. It's like skinny. Like, are we going to crash completely? Are we going to hit like the tree lines? Are we going to like? Well, we are in a forested area. If we're kind of actually, I don't remember. I think we're kind of like in this, if you look at the map, we're like in this field area. There's a field to the south. Oh, okay. So let's go ahead and heading towards the center. Let's go ahead and like
Starting point is 00:55:50 if there's like a little bit of that grasslands and all that, that I'm seeing, let's go ahead and okay. So post Tokyo drift, things got worse, messed it up. KB is not totally operational. Maybe it's a little rusty and all that. And all of a sudden it's kind of like going, like you can see the power is not dead, but it's going dramatically. And that's where you're now going. And then we're going to go ahead and skid to the ground. Okay. We're going to skid to the ground. Ashanna knows that the only way to get this ship up and running is to seal the holes in the ship. The way to do that is convince some ironmongers to come with her, which means having the discussion of bringing at least 50 people or not from the tribe. So she's going to head out in the direction of the tribe.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I think the tribe would have seen this strange sight and they might even meet halfway, right? Yes, because not only aren't like the cartographers, they're always by the eyes of the, I feel like birds and ravens would have been like some shit just flew. They already saw it happening. So I feel like maybe not everybody, but definitely that first wave would have come out and been like investigating what the F. Ashanna goes after the tribe, there's probably, yeah, like you said, a group of people who meet her, she explains the situation. The impossible has become possible. I have found a way, I think, to get us off, but we have to get people to fix this thing, right? Like a boat like the cartographers have. They go to the tribe and they describe this.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I think like an air boat. I feel like that's how she describes it. It is like a boat that goes in the air and that's the best way. I feel like they could describe it. There's no time to sojourn. There's no time to rest and recoup. No, we got to go. I think that you either need to compel the tribe into doing what you want, which is that only 50 people come with you, get on the ship, heal the ship, or do you have a better idea? No, I feel like because if time is of the essence and they don't, they're not comprehending, I could be like, I can get, or be like, just give me 50 volunteers. Therefore, I could have people who would want to go and try. Okay, but you are deceiving the tribe by doing this. What you're welcome to do. You're
Starting point is 00:58:30 welcome to do that, but you are deceiving them and you would have to roll plus shadow to do this compel. Oh, they're dumb at this. They're whore. Apparently they're dumb and they can't lie. Who made this individual? Possibly the worst character going to go into space with, but Aaron did not make this character. Aaron would have made like the like shadow would have been three. I think Eli created Eli. Why'd you make this like very dumb him? Because she's great for the iron hands. No, not so great for space travel. All right. No, this is cool. Okay. Okay. First of all, is Ashana lying to the tribe? Is she obfuscating the truth from the tribe? The answer is no. I think there would be a big kerfuffle and there would be other roles that we
Starting point is 00:59:20 need to make. I don't remember. She is in a kind of corrupted state. Oh yeah, for haste decisions. She's just like, yeah, she just wants to get Alba healed. She's not really thinking about her own safety. Yeah, we're going with line. I would say we're going to go ahead. They're going to keep, they're going to omit the 50 and they're like, oh, okay. They're like, just give me like 50 volunteers. Therefore, you know, but and you could say like, she would say like, to anyone who does not want to go near, that's fine. Just give me like 50 strong individuals who want to help or just like volunteer basis, but they do want their son. And and also they want possibly Ella and Katanya
Starting point is 01:00:17 to join if they like, I think if that's the, gosh, role plus shadow. Yeah, this, you know, there's just no other way around this. And I don't even get help. You know what, watch it. Go ahead. Let's see how much I mess it with your weakest stat. You roll a strong hit. They'll do what you want or share what they know. Take plus one momentum. Okay. Momentum. That worked. So basically, I can't have KB on. I'm just saying you, you convinced them to do what you want, which is that 50 ironmongers or, you know, you know, some pull that out. I think the marathoners, the cartographers would want to come. I think that ironmongers would want to come. Yes. I would say mostly cartographers for sure.
Starting point is 01:01:11 And it sounds like you are able to get Quinn to come as well because of strong hit. Yeah. Cause then I could just say like, whatever, it's my son. Like he's even 12, but he's strong and able body. He's small enough to help out with all the other little bits. Whatever. They buy it. They buy it. They are unaware of your ruse yet. No, they, the whole tribe does not go with you because I was going to say that's what happens on a weak hit or a, or a, or a miss is that they just all go with you. Right. So you bring these folks and you explain to them that there are some holes that need to be patched. The ironmongers. The question is how do we do this? How do we fix this situation? Okay. I think,
Starting point is 01:02:02 okay. So anything on the outside that's very obvious, I would just be like, just start like some of the, I would say some of the ironmongers that are very much like me, Ashana, you know, not the brightest of the bulbs, just start them on any quick, like obvious patch jobs on the outside, what they can, what they can do. And I would say bring Quinn in with some of the, I would say some of the cartographers who I assume are much more intelligent. I would say if there's a, if I know someone like that, or I don't know is who was a, was Ellie a part of that? Ellie is, she's definitely a friend of yours. I mean, does she, is she part of the 50 that came back with me or no?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Let's roll to the side that 51 or greater, she is. Okay. Okay. Let's see. New. Oh, no, what'd you get? I got 15. 15. Okay. So yes, she's not with you. Well, she was still walking. Oh, this looks all right. Sorry, girl. I tried. So I'm looking at the Starforged moves. Yes, please. There is a recover move called repair. When you make repairs to your vehicle, envision the situation and roll. If you make your own repairs or direct a companion, you roll plus widths. If you obtain repairs from someone who is not an ally, roll plus supply. You have a zero in supply. I think the only thing you can do is roll plus widths. Oh, god. Now, here's the thing is that with enough time, well, I mean, it could just end in disaster.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Let's look, we're in the eye. We have time. We're not, we're not at the edge. You're not at the edge. It may be slow. It might just be slow. And also, you know, let's see what the, let's see. Let's see what mess I get. Let's roll. And what happens is if it's bad, we'll say the storm is getting closer. And now you have to switch focus to getting the ship to move again. Yes. Okay. Go ahead and roll plus widths. Let's see how you do. Okay. We can. Okay. Okay. We can. So on a weak hit, let's see, on a hit, you gain repair points as appropriate to the situation per the table below. Additionally, you may sacrifice resources. In the field, a weak hit is one point. Send repair points as follows. Okay. So now we're, now we're getting into like the actual rules of Star Forge. So
Starting point is 01:04:55 I think that because this is a weak hit, we start making repairs and it's working, right? Like things are going well. But it's working. But we can see time is not on our side 100. Like, I don't want to say, like, because I know if it was a miss, it was coming probably very close. But maybe we can see that. Hold on. Let me see what you come up with, because I don't want to make it worse for me. Well, I think you're on the right track. And I think that what we need to do is just kind of decide how much more we need to repair the ship. Ah, there you go. So we've gained one point of repair. We'll say that the ship has, I'm trying to pull up the assets, actually. Here we go. Let me go to the Starship assets. Here we go. So there's a total of five possible points
Starting point is 01:05:44 for the ship. And we'll say that we have two. I think we need at least one more for the ship to be able to fly. Okay. And not, you know, get crushed under its own weight if we go into space or something. You know, it's sealed. That's fair. So with that said, we would have to make another repair role. But I think we have to face danger first. Okay, let's face danger because that might mean that the storm is either moving with us or against us or something like that. Okay. Go ahead and you have to choose what you're going to be rolling with. Do we also question, do we want it on the storm or do we want it on the ship itself? Like maybe because we're dealing with electricity a little bit? Like do people get hurt doing that? We can decide that once we find out what the results
Starting point is 01:06:36 are. We have to roll with wits, though, because we are using our expertise, insight, or observation. We're not really using any other stat unless you can justify it. This poor woman using her poor, non-smooth, it's like she has a smooth brain, y'all. You could say that she's trying to roll with edge where she's trying to roll with speed and agility and precision. She's trying to make this go fast. So if you want to roll with edge, I'd allow that. I mean, I'm doing it if you allow me. Go for it. It's a weak hit. It's a weak hit. You succeed, but you face a troublesome cost. You either suffer momentum, harm, stress, or supply. You cannot endure stress or supply. Yeah. So it's either harm or
Starting point is 01:07:23 momentum. Let's go ahead. Well, no, my health is bad. So let's go ahead and just, let's go ahead and drop momentum. Okay. Momentum goes to one. And basically what this roll means is you're able to move the ship and it does not get caught by the storm. Now, we've been talking about the storm. Let's roll a D8 to find out what direction the storm moves as it's probably been, you know, a day or so. All of this nonsense happening. That's a three. So that's southwest. So that's going to be here. The storm is starting to move into more like planes and stuff. The mountains and the forest are kind of being left behind. Technically, because we landed in that center, like, I'm assuming around those planes area. So it actually kind of like, it's moving.
Starting point is 01:08:20 We can say that it's moving, but we're like, okay, that doesn't mean we have forever. We're going to attempt to make another repair roll this time plus widths. And I'll give you a plus one, because the whole tribe would probably become aware of this, you know, like a lot of times, I think it's impossible for only 50 people to ever come see this thing. We can't. We can't. That's great. We can't. We'll say is another point. We'll say that the ship's hull is sealed and we feel safe. Now, here's the problem. Everybody gets wise to the fact that there is only room for 50 people. The photographers are convinced this is the way out. There's people that are going to want to stay and people that don't want to stay,
Starting point is 01:09:15 but there's going to be turmoil over this. Let's make a roll to kind of determine what the outcome is. We could roll to see what the general disposition of the tribe is regarding this. I don't know if that really helps us. I feel like, well, it's a little weird because they're like within the factions. That's where I'm like, I do think the majority of the cartographers, maybe not all of them, but I do feel like, especially like 85 plus, maybe 90% of them would be like, no, this is the best way. Like this makes sense. The ones that would probably be reluctant are probably they don't honestly have a fear family. Historians, I don't think would want to leave because if you think, well, maybe like half, maybe like some, I mean, it's a chance,
Starting point is 01:10:10 it's a chance to escape. So let's just ask the oracle. Is it a tumultuous kind of decision-making or is it relatively easy? All right, 50, 50, 51 or greater. It's cakewalk. I got a hundred. I got a hundred. I got a hundred. The people who see this ship just instantly know whether they want it or whether they are repelled by it, right? That is okay. Yeah. Yeah. I think that without much, without much issue, the tribe calmly and collectively says, look, some of us want to go. Some of us want to stay. Maybe you can find a better place for us. Maybe, you know, who knows? We might come back. Maybe we can come back for us. But if there's only 50, just 50 of our best people will go. Yeah. And you'll try to find a home for us, right? Or try to find a way out of here.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Right. Cause also I do feel like not everyone from every, like not every talk, maybe some would have to stay. And I think many would be realized the ones that are going to go, they don't even know if they're going to survive. So that's why they definitely have some people staying behind to always keep track, keep their history going. It's like we can't, it's, it's too much of a risk to risk everybody too. So that's why 50 are best that volunteer for it. So yes. I think it makes sense now that the more that I think about it, that the tribe is this well oiled machine where they know the difficult decisions they have to make and the sacrifices that need to be made. And this, instead of fighting about it, let's work together about it.
Starting point is 01:11:55 We'll send our 50 best and we'll go off. So I think the final challenge for us, Amanda, is to get this ship off the ground. Okay. I think what we should do, I'm looking now at the moves is, let's see, as Mikey B. Sitfrogsit says, this is the way we're going to let's see, when you trailblaze around through perilous space journey over hazardous terrain or survey a mysterious site, you are going to undertake an expedition. So give the expedition a name and a rank in terms of its complexity or difficulty, then for each segment of the expedition, envision your approach. I think we're going to make one role to kind of determine just like where we end up. I think
Starting point is 01:12:46 eventually KB would teach us how to fly, how to go up. Actually, if we repaired it in how we already many like minutes ago, whatever we kind of how we established is we reason why it wasn't working is because KB was malfunctioning because of all the damage. Now that we repaired the damage and we have the people that we are bringing on, I feel like this is like the best case scenario. So we're going to go ahead and just determine our. So we are going to move, we can either move with edge with shadow or with widths. No, we're going with edge. At least I have an edge on that one. Which means you would be moving at speed. So you would maybe describe this as like you just hit the throttle, you know, I would say we got the people on. I have my wife, my sons with my wife,
Starting point is 01:13:41 this and that. I am sad about that. But I also know that it's like maybe because I don't want to linger. It's either what is it like shit or get off the pot. We're going to do it or not. So they're just going to go like punch it. All right. Roll plus edge. Punching it. And let's see how your roll comes out. Don't miss. Don't miss. Don't miss. Wait, did it go through? Hold on. It's a weak hit. It's a weak hit. Okay, let's see. On a weak hit, you reach a way point, envision the location, mark progress per the rank of your expedition. But this progress costs you. Either you make a suffer move, or you face peril at the way point, envision what you encounter. So we succeed. The ship takes off. High, high, high above the sky. You can now see finally the
Starting point is 01:14:38 eye of the storm in its entirety. And it's probably tiny compared to the massive storm that just covers the content of the iron lands, right? Yeah. Higher and higher and higher. Mine boggling in a way. You're just like for these iron landers. Absolutely. I assume many of them are having difficulty, you know, taking us all in. We're in the upper atmosphere to space. Are we in the black part of space yet? I think we eventually get there. Yes. Okay. So a lot of people are kind of going through something at this particular time. If you really think about it, because you're right, because they think of it as an airboat. So they in, if you think about it in their mind's eye, the sky is blue, right? Or gray or whatever the weather is or wherever you're at. Now we're in
Starting point is 01:15:25 the darkness of space. And now you're seeing this ball of a planet. I think this is kind of like, oh, how do we get back and also like how to. So maybe that's the, the peril that we encounter is that only a Shawna and maybe not even a Shawna, everyone is having difficulty kind of wrapping their mind around this. And perhaps many of them are paralyzed and useless for a certain amount of time as they just, you know, imagine shooting a caveman into space and how tough it would be for them to kind of adjust to that. I feel like that you would have some, you could even have some people even pass out. Because also if you're taking, think of it this way, any kind of g-force or, they're not used to this. It's like from a physical kind of point of view. It's, yeah, I do
Starting point is 01:16:14 think like some people won't react well, like just like with nausea, this, some people are just kind of just stone cold quiet. And then you have others that are just in complete awe. But honestly, you're, they're not really pro, they're kind of just standing there like dumbasses, if you really think about it. So they're not, I don't think they realize what they agree to. Right. I'd like to, it obviously, it's going to take time for everyone to make this adjustment. And maybe, you know, they don't valiantly rock it away. They're now stuck in orbit, mentally trying to come to terms with this. I'd like to find out, go ahead. I do want to throw something out. Yeah, go ahead. What if, oh, this could be interesting. What if KB had an objective?
Starting point is 01:17:01 And because we had, because it's a weekend, we, we did this, but even though they're like, oh, we're, they're passing the storm, they see the storm, but they keep going higher and higher and higher. And they're not like, oh, we can just go anywhere. Does that make sense? Now the ship is like, okay, I helped you. You now have to help me, even though I didn't have the, even though I didn't heal the wife yet. So I still owe Shana something. The ship like goes back into whatever directives or objectives it had when it crashed. Right. And now it has what it needs, which is, it has a crew. A crew. Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing, Amanda. I want to figure out two things. The first thing is, is the entire planet covered by this storm? We have theories that maybe it's just the
Starting point is 01:17:52 iron lands that it's, you know, there was a way off of the iron lands. If they could just get lucky, how likely do we think it is? I think it's likely that the entire planet is covered. I always envisioned it that way. Do it. Yes. I honestly, I, if it's as f'd up as what I think it is, even though I know we're looking at this graph and it's like, we're just seeing a little bit. We're seeing outline. I think, because also if they see it and they see if it takes over everything, then there's really no point in going home or at least going there. Yeah. At least returning there permanently. Right. Or it's like they may have, or at least this is not a suitable place for them to live. Maybe the new objective is they can't stay. We're Battlestar Galactica.
Starting point is 01:18:41 We're doing it this way. We have to find Earth, sir. Okay. Roll the 126th or greater, the entire planet is covered in this magical super storm. I want it to be magical. Super storm. Magical. 60 it is. It is. So, you know, as the ship just continues to move away, Ashana just watches in horror, realizing it was doomed forever. There was never going to be an escape besides something like this, right? Yeah. So I think that's, and if there's any other people, like she, maybe because she was the one that is there piloting a little bit or is been the one, the forefront on this, like is the first one to say it like, there's no point. We, this is not livable or maybe KB actually kind of even does an analysis
Starting point is 01:19:32 and explains it in like a holographic way of like this planet blah, blah, blah. Well, that's the next thing I wanted to figure out, which is does KB know why this planet is covered in a giant storm that turns people to iron? I don't know. I think it's likely that he would know. Yeah. So roll at the hundred. 26 or greater. He knows why. What's going on on that planet? 28. Yes. I think KB might say there's a storm on that planet. Well, maybe that's something we save for, maybe that's something we save for a session zero with the whole crew because here's my thought. No, I agree. I agree. But KB knows. KB would know. KB does know. So what it ends up being is we'll reveal that soon. We'll reveal that. But I think this is a good place to stop with the
Starting point is 01:20:35 iron sworn kind of viewpoint of this story because we are deep. We are deep now into a starforged story. We've gone from a magical super storm to now probably some kind of scientific experiment storm, right? Like there's no magic in Starforged. Well, I guess there can be, but it's just you could explain it away with technology, right? It's like an artificer. I am taking like magic is just science not explained yet. Exactly. You can have both. Why not have both? Okay, we will possibly have both. The next time I think we do iron sworn, excuse me, the next time we do Starforged, we will have a session zero with the entire cast of Mayday where we will flesh out this place that we find ourselves in. It's not just a planet. It's not just a continent. It's an
Starting point is 01:21:35 entire galaxy potentially of other people. Starforged is very explicit that this is not just an empty wasteland. There are other humans, possibly other intelligent life. So we've got to understand the context of why were these iron landers trapped on this planet? Was it for an experiment? Was it to test them to make them great warriors or something to put them under extreme stress? We've got to talk about all that with our with our crew here. Or yeah. Oh, oh, what if it was destroyed? Well, it's full of resources too. What if someone literally created a whole freaking storm because this plan is part of a solar system of galaxies, but it has like a whole bunch of resources. So one, I'm literally coming up with drama in my head, y'all. I'm like, oh, they destroy this
Starting point is 01:22:32 and all these poor people are just suffering because of this empire over here. I don't know. We'll figure that out. You make a good point. Maybe some kind of intelligence created to hide something on that planet. You're right. And it just so happens that people are surviving on that planet. Yeah. Okay. So we find ourselves at the end of this. We're going to next time we play, it'll be session zero for Starforged and we will continue with a Starforged mechanics mindset, seeing the world through the lens of science fiction to possibly figure out what has been going on with our iron landers and the strange iron lands. I think that magical creatures in space in space. I don't know. I like I kind of want to translate a Shauna into a Starforged character,
Starting point is 01:23:26 but maybe we wait until everything's been discussed. Maybe there's a time jump. Yeah, possibly a time jump, because here's my thought is that we have at least 50 other possible characters. Oh, absolutely. We could begin the next Starforged session with a different character who knows a Shauna, but isn't a Shauna, you know, we're transitioning, maybe transitioning, but maybe we stick with a Shauna, but we could turn a Shauna into a Starforged character very easily. I think this is a great place to bring it to a stop. Yes, I'm going to stop. How do you feel, Amanda? I was stressed because I was getting nothing but like misses and I'm like, well, what's I'm going to die? Everyone's going to go. I'm so excited to see how this happened.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And it's I love how it's only half. I got my kid. I unfortunately left my friends behind because they didn't want to go or they just didn't make it back in time. So there's still like real consequences to that that really do hurt. And also Albus is not safe yet. We don't know. Maybe we might fix that. We don't know whatever, but it's so cool how we just like, and we're going straight into space. Y'all, I'm so excited. And I like that we've been able to kind of continue the narrative. It still makes sense. It's as crazy and wacky as it always is with us when it comes to like fast and furious. All right, they're going to space soon. So did we. It makes sense. Sure. Well, if you guys enjoyed what you watched today, remember Starforged is out. I think you have to
Starting point is 01:25:02 support the Kickstarter to get the preview edition of the game, but we are going to be using that preview edition to play it. And then eventually we'll get we'll get our hands on a hard copy. But we thought now that the game is out was the perfect time to make this transition. Awesome. Thank you guys for following us during the Iron Sworn story. Maybe we'll return to the Ironlands. Maybe we could always go back to those 50 that were left behind, you know, the story doesn't have to end. Exactly. I do think that should be that's something we should discuss with the main everybody, but I do think that should always be a huge objective of we got to get everybody else. So there is maybe one more role that should be asked. Mikey B. Sitfrog Sit asks, did any other
Starting point is 01:25:43 PCs make it on the ship? Our PCs were half. Oh, and I think that was it. Let me look at our here. I love half so much. Is it likely that half would have joined us? Half was courageous. Also, yeah, because he was like a really I just remember him being like determined. And I think he because comes the storm bird comes with him. If you remember, yes, I'm going with that. Okay, 51 or greater. He comes with us. Come on. Let's find out. Oh, half decides that staying back and protecting those 50 that were left behind is the best is there. Can we roll for the storm bird? No, that's not going anywhere without. I had to shoot my shot. But you know what? That makes sense. It totally does make sense that
Starting point is 01:26:43 half would stay behind to protect the protect the tribe now that there's less people. Yes. So all right. Well, that's how the cookie crumbles. I don't think we need to roll for who the next player will be next session because we're probably going to have a session zero. But that's a great way to end it. Guys, you can find Starforge. You can find Mayday at You can find us on Twitch. If you like what we're doing, you can support us on Patreon. You can also support us on Twitch if you want to do that as well. Thanks for anyone who is new coming into this. And we look forward to doing some Starforge next session expanding our universe. All right. See you later. Thank you.

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