Mayday Plays - Ironsworn Session 7

Episode Date: March 24, 2021

Lightning strikes twice as Allegra returns! This time, we flesh out our new ironlander; Eala and set her out on her first adventure. In order to help her stoic friend Servan, Eala heads out towards a ...small mountain range where Servan left behind a lost love in order to save them from a mortal wound. Will they find them in time? Things, as usual, don’t go as planned. This is an audio only version of our twitch stream for you to enjoy. This episode contains profanity. This work is based on Ironsworn (found at www/, created by Shawn Tomkin, and licensed for use by © Mayday Roleplay under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license ( CAST • Allegra • Sergio MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS • “Eye of the storm” original theme by Aaron A. Pabst IRONSWORN LINKS • Ironsworn ( MAYDAY ROLEPLAY LINKS • Instagram ( • Twitter ( • Mayday website ( • Patreon ( • Twitch (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, and welcome to Ironsworn Eye of the Storm. I am your humble host, Sergio. It is lovely to be here running the game Ironsworn, a solo co-op tabletop RPG created by Sean Tompkin. This is Episode 7, the second chapter, the beginning of the second chapter of our Ironsworn campaign about a tribe of ironlanders that are surviving in the only habitable place in the ironlands in the eye of a giant magical super storm. We just accomplished a chapter with one of our characters half, and now we are starting a new chapter. I am very excited because this episode I got to bring back a guest who is so nice, I had to have them twice. It's Allegra! How are you Allegra?
Starting point is 00:01:24 I'm okay, how are you doing buddy? I'm going to gift you the honor of having this title. You are currently the most appearances on Ironsworn as a Mayday member. That's going to immediately be disqualified once the next person comes on, but enjoy it. Yeah, thank you. I think that is just a technicality, but I will take it. And I am very happy to be here creating this new character. Just a quick turnaround. Caleb, last session. Let me not create it all the way. Caleb started it. Yeah, Caleb started it, and we're going to kind of finish, polish off this character and take him on a little adventure.
Starting point is 00:02:05 But let me do a little recap for us. So last session we were with half, and half woke up one morning and saw that his trusty buddy Char was nowhere to be seen, his hawk. So he had just escaped the storm, so he knew that something might be up and he's got to go find him. So he went out to look for Char. After traversing this, I forget what I called it, it was a wild tanglewood. Marshall. Yes, so he went through this wild tanglewood and eventually came upon Char up in a tree. And as he approached the tree, turned out the reason Char was up there was because there was a mountain lion just on the other side of this oak tree or whatever this kind of tree was.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And half did the only sensible thing and ran. Char was injured in this process of trying to kind of distract the mountain lion so that half can get away, but he did survive. They both made it out of the wild tanglewood and returned to the tribe, but something happened while half was gone. Edda, the leader of the ironmongers who we just thought was lost to the storm, had in fact made it out. And they were like horribly mangled with iron, like one half of them, like debilitating them so it was hard for them to turn their body. But nonetheless, they accused half of leaving them in the storm and there was a trial, but fortunately with the help of the historians, half was able to clear his name and he is allowed to train the storm bird, which he plans to do, along with coming to learn more about these pillars in an effort to bring the historians and the ironmongers closer as opposed to pulling them apart.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And that's where we kind of left him and we switched over instead to a new character. This character's name is Ela and she is an honor-bound, rock-slinging, ritual caster who wishes to find her parents who were exiled into the storm when she was a baby and she has grown up in orphan within the tribe. She has three bonds, Vesna, which is a fellow orphan girl who is kind of a junk collector, a little bit of an eccentric and who hopes to find something that will one day bring her favor within the tribe, so she's not such an outcast. And there's Servin, the hunter, who I added, thanks to Un Angel Verde, one of our viewers, had this very good suggestion. Servin, his face is just an iron mask, like he can kind of talk, but I like the idea of like he's not able to express himself in any way. Hey, Parker Woodley, subscribe for two months. Thanks, Parker Woodley.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Thank you. So yes, so Servin, the hunter with an iron mask for a face who is determined to find a lost love who was lost to him in the storm. Oh yeah. And then finally, the last bond is Adon, the manipulative, the manipulative, am I saying it right? I can't even tell. Manipulative? That cartographer who raised Eda wishes to restore their relationship, but mostly to keep gaining knowledge about her power. So there's this kind of manipulative shaman cartographer named Adon. So that is where we left off.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Raise Ela, not Eda. Ela, Ela. Yes, thank you. I'm sorry if I said Eda. Eda doesn't matter. So we are beginning with Ela. We've already established that the storm is heading west. Let's talk a little bit about, you know, I want to get a vibe check with Ela, like what's Ela about? I got to be honest with you. I just want to throw this out there. I want a real enchantress from Suicide Squad vibe. Do you know who I'm talking about? The enchantress from Suicide Squad?
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah, I, to be fair, I didn't watch Suicide Squad. You're better for it. I want to pull up a photo of her. I just like this. I like this. I know what she likes up like the hair. Yeah, I just thought it was a really cool design. And I think this is obviously super over the top and probably not appropriate. But Eda is a she's she has powers. She's a she's a shaman of some kind. And I think that I think that it would make sense that she, you know, have some kind of vibe about like in that direction.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah, I feel like she's definitely got like a super loner vibe. Like, because her her main connection that she had for most of her life until, you know, more a little bit more recently was very manipulative and like very much kept her in the dark. And, you know, like they wanted something from her rather than just like caring for her because she was who she was. So I think that's definitely driven her to be slower to trust and very much more like not not fully standoffish, but more, more reserved. So you're saying she's a little goth. Little bit. Little goth. Okay. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I mean, is she somebody that would even have like bones in her hair or like little trinket? Is she that kind of goth or is she just more like a reserved, you know, I feel like. Again, she has powers like go either way. Yeah. Oh, what if she what if she keeps her like her spell components like braided into her hair. That's cool. Or like wears them around her neck. Not necessarily like full on bones, but like maybe there are a couple of bones and then maybe there are some like specific flowers or like specific plants.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I love that idea. They're like she keeps a little pouch of moss or something. Yeah, absolutely. So the ritual that you have is called ward when you walk a wide circle sprinkling the ground with salt role plus width. So it's like this kind of ward that you're creating. You can use salt or you can use flowers or you can use moss, maybe whatever she has. Like they're all valid. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah. Okay. So I dig that. I wonder if she's like, if she's like settled in her like within herself enough that she's like, I don't need salt. I can use whatever the hell I want. Like as long as my intent is there. Right. That's what that's what really matters.
Starting point is 00:08:40 All us chaos magicians know it's all about intent. So I love that. I think okay, but you do like this, like the kind of, you know, enchantress vibe. I'm just really much more like shadowy and like not, not much of a people person. Not much of a people person, but clearly able to make friendships. She has at least two very strong friendships with Vesna and servant. Okay. So set the scene for me.
Starting point is 00:09:09 First of all, I'm going to explain to you that if you look at our map. We are in a kind of valley. Let me. Yeah. So what you see is that there are mountains to the north, east and west that kind of do like a semi circle. And then there's this kind of hilly, a foresty area area that is the center. And that's usually where the tribe lives. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:33 So we see to our right, you know, to the north, we see this huge mountains, a kind of set of mountains, I would imagine. And then to the south are more foresty regions. And right now we're kind of in hilly terrain. And we're hoping that we don't have to go through those mountains to the north, northeast and northwest, but set the scene for Elis first day. We know that her most recent vow is to help servant. So what does that look like? Well, I'm sure servant has like a very vivid memory, one of where he lost this, this love. But two of like, I'm sure he has like notes even or some kind of like definitive marker that he knows that they're, they're close.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Or, or, you know, this wouldn't be this wouldn't be a thing that they're trying to do specifically now. So I think she's probably like sifting through his notes and trying to line up like landmarks and like timelines. And even even like weather patterns because because as we said, like the weather that comes out of the storm is the weather that it was when it went in. Right. So like, maybe she's trying to like match up what are weather patterns or like the like views and vistas. Sounds like to me she's trying to secure an advantage which makes total sense. Yes. Let's let's roll it and see kind of what we find out about securing an advantage.
Starting point is 00:11:05 So let me pull up that move. You are probably trying to roll with insight observation expertise. You're going to need to roll plus wits. All right. What is the what is the plus in Elis wits? Two. Okay. Good.
Starting point is 00:11:28 All right. So she's pretty witty. Yeah. Let's see. Modifier none. Complication. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Interesting. We begin. Cowabunga it is. Cowabunga. So on a miss. This is not just a miss. This is a miss with a complication. So it's like a critical failure.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Okay. On a miss you fail or your assumptions betray you pay the price. Now, I think that the first step of this to me is that this long lost love that servant is looking for and noses in this area is got to be in the worst possible area. I would imagine the mountains. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm like, cause he wouldn't have gotten stuck otherwise.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah. Yep. And I think that's, that's her assumption too. And I think let's pay the price. But I think we might want to include this as like she was left behind in a particular place and we might be delving in the, in the near future. But let's pay the price. Go ahead and roll a D hundred.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Okey dokey. Okey dokey. Eli's already upset in the chat. I know. I'm sorry. It causes a delay or puts you at a disadvantage. Okay. I think that so go ahead.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Go ahead. If you have an idea. So if it's in the mountains and we're assuming he's, he's lost somewhere in the mountains. Yeah. Maybe, maybe I've been looking at like the wrong mountain. Like I, like I got the, like I got the map kind of skewed wrong. So I was assuming it was the furthest East mountain and really it was the
Starting point is 00:13:21 furthest West. Right. So all the, all of the like calculations and assumptions I've been making have been completely wrong. Okay. And like I don't even know if I can just reverse the math that I've been doing it. I might just have to like start all over again.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah. I think like you realize you're completely wrong. So basically what it is is we don't know what we're walking into in terms of weather, in terms of, you know, things that we know about these mountains, that kind of thing. But on top of that, I think there needs to be a risk, a big risk here. That is that the time it's going to take you to get there and get up the mountain is going to be right on that precipice of the storm is going to
Starting point is 00:14:03 pass, right? The storm. I think it's, I think we should at least say that maybe we choose the center. Maybe that center hex is where we need to go. Yeah. And if the, if the storm keeps moving west, we might be in trouble or south, we might be in trouble. North will be okay.
Starting point is 00:14:23 So we're taking a big risk. And I think just because of the complication, we might want to add a threat to our endeavor and that threat could be the storm or it could be, we just, we don't exactly know what. Like maybe if the threat gets to 10 before we do, before we accomplish this vow of helping servant, maybe it's a mountain line. Maybe it's something, you know, something else, not necessarily the storm, but I like the idea of this.
Starting point is 00:14:52 We've rolled so badly that there is going to likely be a threat if we don't accomplish this in time. Okay. So we're going to open up your character sheet and under serving, we're going to put a threat. Go ahead. Okay. What if, what if the threat is like, we have to get to him fast or he's
Starting point is 00:15:10 going to, like he's going to die cause he was in such bad shape when, when they let, like when he got left there, what if it's like, if we don't, if we don't find him in time and if we don't like, it's over. He's just like, we have to get to him to help him. I love the idea that he had some kind of mortal wound and they actually decided, you know, this is a story that's serving would be telling you on the way or something, you know, as he tried to mumble through his mouth and he can't move.
Starting point is 00:15:38 But, you know, he would tell you the story of, you know, that they were, they were injured and that it was actually best to leave them in the storm in the hopes that he could come back with medicine. So yeah, that's probably what he's packing too. He's probably got a bunch of, you know, salves or something to stop. Different kinds of medicine. You want to decide what exactly is the wound. Hold this isn't such.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I, I, I'm trying to, I'm trying to think of something that's like life threatening. If you don't nip it in the bud, but something that is also like manageable by something like a rattlesnake or something. Okay. Okay. So he's got a poison. And like we have the, like the knowledge and the poultice is for it.
Starting point is 00:16:17 But if we don't get there in time, it doesn't matter. This is great. Servants lover dies before we get him the antidote to his poison. I'm very sad about this already. Okay. We're, we're really setting us up here. So, okay. That is our vow.
Starting point is 00:16:34 We've updated it with a threat. Did it just disappear? That's weird. Let me see. It said unknown on my side. So I'm typing something in. Oh, you're typing in. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Go ahead and type it in and just type in a servant's lover dies of poison before we get them the antidote. Yep. If we don't get him in time to get him the antidote. Okay. So we have failed to secure an advantage. I think the only logical step is that we then undertake a journey unless you'd like to do something else.
Starting point is 00:17:12 No, that makes sense to me. Yeah. She starts at full supply and spirit and all that stuff. So that's nice. Okay. So you are going to undertake a journey. You are going to, here we go. We're going to decide this is a formidable journey.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And we're just going to kind of lump it under this vow here instead of making it its own thing. You're going to roll, let's see. So travel, each segment of your journey, you're going to roll plus wits. If you're leaving from a community that you share a bond with, which I would say you do, you can add plus one to that. Okay, cool. So it'll be wits plus one.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Wits plus one. That's one. Let's see. Oh, no. We may have ran out of luck in chapter one and chapter two. It's going to be a very different kind of story. So, oh man. On a miss, you are waylaid by a perilous event.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Pay the price. Roll me a D100, Allegra. Okay. Yay. Oh, man. A 43. 43. This seems more correct to my luck.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Honestly, last time I rolled too well for me. This seems more correct. Parker Woodley sounded the alarm. Shits going down in Iron Sworn. So it says that a new danger or foe is revealed. 50, 50. It's a actual like living foe or 50, 50. It's like a hazard or something, huh?
Starting point is 00:18:57 Okay. Okay. Roll a D100. 51 or greater. It's living. You said D100. Sorry. D100.
Starting point is 00:19:08 51 or greater. It's something you rolled a 39. It's not living. Okay. So it's not. It's a hazard of some kind. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:17 All right. Let's decide. Let's decide either. Like a location we come upon. Let's do, yeah, let's do something like that. What if it's like a, you know how when you're, when you, when you go past mountains and there's those really like sheer, like.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Yeah. Slide. Yeah. And so we're, we're trying to climb up this mountain and the only thing that's there is the slide. Only thing there is the slide. Or the, like the quickest way to get up the mountain is going to be the slide and the way around it is like it.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It goes the wide right way around. And it, it seems like it takes like the longest route up the mountain and it doesn't incline very sharply. I think that's a great idea. It adds to the idea that we're, we've lost time. We're losing time. We're right on the edge of time.
Starting point is 00:20:05 I think what's going to happen is that you should. Subtract one. Spirit from. It's like so disheartening that it's taking so much time and, and we're just not making the progress we were hoping for. She was the one that was like looking at the maps and like, I can figure this out and then she was wrong. So that's just got to feel really shitty too.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Now here's the thing. We'll call this an indoor stress roll because that's kind of what needs to happen here. So because you've taken some stress, you're now either going to roll spirit or heart, whichever is higher. I think your spirit. Spirit is still higher. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:45 So roll plus spirit and let's see whether you succeed or fail with that. Okay. Ooh, an opportunity. You succeed with an opportunity. Um, on a strong hit, you're going to shake it off. So your spirit is going to go back up to five. But you are going to, well, actually you can decide your, if your spirit is greater than zero,
Starting point is 00:21:08 you can either suffer one momentum in exchange for one spirit, or you can embrace the darkness and take one momentum. I feel like, I feel like she'd embrace the dark, like, yes, the, the like, the, I, I fucked this up. So I'm going to keep us going. Okay. So, so you're not going to add spirit. I don't put it up.
Starting point is 00:21:31 It remains at four, but you can increase your momentum by one. Nice. So, uh, this is very good. Uh, it's an opportunity. Let's roll on the opportunity, um, chart here. I know that it exists,
Starting point is 00:21:47 but I don't know exactly where it is. Uh, let's see. Okay. Let's find an opportunity. Roll me a D hundred. All right. Roll that D hundred 14. A 14.
Starting point is 00:22:10 The terrain favors you or you find a hidden path. Ooh. Oh, maybe, maybe when they'd, um, when they'd gotten stuck in this, in this mountain area, uh, they'd taken a path, like they, they carved their own path up the mountain. And like that was very specifically theirs and servants. Like maybe, maybe it's, maybe it's still there.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Like maybe it hasn't been, you know, ruined by time. And so like she and serve and look for where that path is and they find it. Like maybe it's overgrown a little bit, but he, he's like, there it is. There it is. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Uh, uh, Eli says secret tunnels. I think that's exactly what we're going for here. Overgrown tunnels that they, you know, move the, the, the Ivy over to reveal and you can hear the wind howling down these dark, dark tunnels, which they know are going to get them to the spot quickly, but are also, we don't know what's inside them. Questionable.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah. Yes. So that was, um, very good. Uh, we are going to, let's go back to our character sheet here under our vows. Uh, let me track here. Uh, because we had one miss where we were rolling plus wits because we were trying to what undertake a journey, right?
Starting point is 00:23:26 Okay. Uh, we were trying to secure an advantage. I think that was the, that was the miss with the complication. Oh, that's right. That's right. Okay. So because I'm trying to keep track of,
Starting point is 00:23:37 we should have added, um, two check marks for our, we're going to do, we're going to do one check mark, I think, uh, because of its, uh, difficulty point is, is that one check mark, but then we get one formidable, we get a full check mark for that last opportunity that we got. Okay. So we are continuing on the quest. We are going down this tunnel.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I think right now facing danger would make sense. We don't know what's in this tunnel. Right. We'd like that. That tunnel's been there for ages. Yes. We like the torches or do we stay in the dark? We, we'd probably like that.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Like we're trying to get somewhere quickly. We're not trying to, we're not trying to sneak our way through anything. I think we'd like the torches. Okay. If you're moving with speed, then I need you to roll plus edge. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Maya, this isn't bad. This isn't bad. Ooh. Another opportunity. Hey. Excellent. Cool. On a strong hit,
Starting point is 00:24:34 you are successful take plus one momentum. So increase that momentum. And also I'm going to, um, increase the, the progress on this vow. Nice. Um, take plus one momentum. Okay. So talk to me about what,
Starting point is 00:24:51 what it's like going through these tunnels. Um, on a, a strong hit. Yeah. So I think the tunnels are, um, they're like very earthy and kind of soft and the, like the,
Starting point is 00:25:05 I think the walls are more, more stony than, than muddy, but the ground's really muddy. But I think it's also hasn't rained in there for a while. So it's very like compact and it's pretty easy to traverse. And they're since, uh, servant and, and his lover were the ones that made the tunnel.
Starting point is 00:25:20 It's probably, it's probably pretty, um, pretty straightforward. I don't think it's anything twisting or turning or anything like that. So I think they can just like scale through it pretty quick. Okay. Yeah. They make good time on it.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And, um, do they get to the other side or is it long enough that they possibly come upon something? Um, they rolled really well. Okay. I think it's a pretty long tunnel. Um, so it would make sense that there's a,
Starting point is 00:25:47 there's a chance that there's something in there that they come across. Let's, let's ask the Oracle how likely do you think it is? Yeah. Um, I give it 50, 50. Okay. Go ahead and roll in 51 or greater.
Starting point is 00:26:04 There is something other than just long tunnels in here. 49. 49, a new danger. Well, no, I'm sorry. I'm rolling on the pay the price. I was like, wait, what? So 49 means no. 49.
Starting point is 00:26:19 There's nothing in here, but, but long, boring tunnels and eventually, uh, I assume they come out to the other side. Is it, is it into the, to the mountain? What is it like on the other side? Um,
Starting point is 00:26:32 I think they've fully like past the slide. Um, and it's like, I don't think they're, they're too high up the mountain, but it's getting up there to the point that like there's, there's different kinds of wildlife and there's different plants and everything. Um,
Starting point is 00:26:46 I think it's, it's, it's a new, like world of naturey things that she's not entirely aware of. I mean, this is like a, like a decent size mountain range is probably snow on the mountains.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I mean, how often do iron landers, right? You know, in the normal iron lander game, this, this whole place is supposed to be kind of covered in snow, but I, I, I like the idea of it kind of being a little bit harder to come across when you're in the middle of a giant magical place.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah. So yeah, so they kind of come out the other side. We still need to continue our journey. I think an undertake a journey is, is required because we are not going to, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:27:23 the end of this vow is not just finding the guy, but also kind of returning home. So we need to make a little bit more progress before, before I think we find him or, excuse me. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I just revealed to the entire world how I sneeze. Okay. Let's, let's undertake a journey. Go ahead and,
Starting point is 00:27:46 you're going to roll plus wits. Strong hit. Nice. Geez. Okay. Back in the game. Everything's turning up. Amanda.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Don't say that. Don't say that. Don't say that. That's going to, it's going to come back at the worst time. On a strong hit, you reach a waypoint. If the waypoint is unknown to you,
Starting point is 00:28:05 envision it or ask the Oracle, then choose one. You make good use of your resources or you move at speed. So let's decide what we come upon here. And I think it's worth rolling on it. So let's roll in the action. Yeah. I think it's okay.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Why don't you roll on, roll to D hundreds and let's see what we get. D hundreds. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Okay. Okay. Okay. There you go. Oh, Jason. Uh, 91 and 87. Okay. 91.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And 87. Okay. The delta green in me is still afraid of high numbers. I'm trying to look at some other roll table books that I have. To see if there's something like a mountain, Mountain underground jungle. No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:57 No. Okay. Let's do it on our trusty. Uh, Iron Sworn book. So 91 is escalate. 87 is endure. So to escalate the endurance to escalate,
Starting point is 00:29:13 to endure escalation. Um, escalation. Yeah. However, this is meant to be positive people that came to forces. Oh, I see. I see.
Starting point is 00:29:25 But like on the other hand, the steps could be like, like instead of having to forge a path through the through the natural everything and through potentially like snow, as they get higher, maybe there are like steps that have been built in by Iron Landers of the past. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Interesting. Makes me think of a, if a like monk monastery in the mountains or something like that. Is that what the steps are leading to? Potentially, maybe potentially. Maybe, or maybe that's what, um, his, his love or like looking for,
Starting point is 00:29:54 maybe they were just trying to find a like an ancient temple or something. Sure. Now, now remember, Serven is kind of a, we said not necessarily a bounty hunter, but somebody who will often go out and retrieve people that are
Starting point is 00:30:06 lost and things like that. Um, let's think about exactly how we came upon this place, but let's kind of better define it because it might be something where we end up delving it. Um, let's see if there's a move. Cause I think there's a move like discover a site.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Um, do we want to do this right now or do we want to continue kind of making progress? We know that we found the stairs. Um, I think, I think this, the temple they were searching for was like the end goal.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Like maybe there were people in the, in the tribe that knew about the temple and they were like, Hey, Serven go, go check this out. And his love was like, we're going to have a hike with you. Like we can have a hike date day.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And then that's kind of how it all, how it all like went down. Yeah. Was there, they were and like Serven probably feels a little bit guilty about it because he's like, he's used to the danger, but he brought someone else into the danger. We hate when our hiking dates end up with lost loves.
Starting point is 00:31:06 I know all about that. So we are going to, let's see. Um, we have found an opportunity. It's a strong hit. What did I say? Cause I've already forgotten what you are able to do here.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Um, Oh, so we can decide either we mark progress, which I think we probably should, uh, mark progress and take plus one momentum, but suffer one supply. So do you want to increase your momentum and your progress,
Starting point is 00:31:32 but minus one supply? Yeah. Or just mark. That makes sense to me. Okay. So subtract your supply. It should go down to four. And,
Starting point is 00:31:43 um, we're going to mark progress on your vow. We found this, these steps that are going to make it easier that we know is leading to the temple that, uh, servants, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:55 lover was lost in. Let's decide servants. Partner's name. Right. They got to have a name. Yeah. I'm sure as a name. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Roll the D hundred. Let's just kind of decide that. Yeah. I always mess up the way that you're supposed to do. There we go. Mm. One more time. Dive it.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I put it in the wrong order. There we go. Okay. Three. Three. Categin. Categin. Oh,
Starting point is 00:32:29 servant and categin. Servant and categin. Sounds lovely. Um, okay. So, uh, we.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Go ahead and write his name down. Yeah. Under his details. So, okay. So what's next now? We've done well. We have done a,
Starting point is 00:32:48 we found a way point, which are these stairs. We start climbing up them. Uh, what's next? We can continue to undertake a journey or we can face danger as I would imagine these steps, although they help us traverse.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Sometimes there's absolutely no sides to them and you're just like facing the cliff side. Right. So let's face danger. Yeah. I'm sure they go there more slides like that. Uh, are you facing danger with a speed and precision, aggressive action,
Starting point is 00:33:17 stealth or trickery, expertise, insight or observation? Hmm. They're probably being careful. So I don't think it's going to be iron. To be fair, he says we all know stairs are dangerous.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yes, exactly. We all know that. Um, hearts are mine. Your heart is your strongest stat, but the only way you could roll with heart is if you roll with charm, loyalty or courage. I don't know if you want to try to pull that out of your hat,
Starting point is 00:33:55 out of your beanie. I mean, I think that would, I, Hey, I think, I mean, I feel like he was never seen, he was never been like this high up. So it's,
Starting point is 00:34:09 it's very, cause I, I think if I'm looking at the map correctly, most of the area they've been in has been planes or forests. Yeah. Yeah. For a while. She's,
Starting point is 00:34:20 she's climbed anything significant. So she's, she's even like fighting like some jitters, some, some height. Yeah. I'm like, yeah, like altitude sickness kind of like weirdly getting in there,
Starting point is 00:34:31 but also like a little bit of fear. I'm sold. Let's roll with heart. So you're going to roll plus heart. All right. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. On a miss you fail, oh, or your progress is undermined by a dramatic and costly turn
Starting point is 00:35:00 events. Pay the price. Give me a d hundred. eleven and I'm you are separated from something or someone. That's what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Like, like he's, like he's leading the way and he's totally fine with it. He's, he's been at this mountain before. Um, and this is the first time she's been up anywhere high. And I feel like she gets close to the edge and her foot slips off
Starting point is 00:35:20 the edge of one of the, of the stairs and she kind of throws herself back. Oh snap. Toward the other end. And just like full on has a panic attack. Just has a panic attack. Servant doesn't notice because the, the big old helmet goes over his whole head.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And so like, I feel like his hearing is probably a little mucked with because of the blockage. Uh, and so she's just losing her shit. Oh my God. And when she looks up, servant's gone.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's serving that falls. Or is it the she that falls? No, like, like, like her foot slips off the edge and she almost falls, but then she kind of like pushes herself back. I'm trying not to die.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Is my main thing. I think that we should ask. Oracle who it is that falls because. A part of me thinks if he, if he's been up there before, let, let, there's a complication. I was saying, like he kept,
Starting point is 00:36:10 he kept climbing after like, like he doesn't notice that she almost falls. Okay. And so he, like he's walked past. Gotcha. Regardless. She's got a fall.
Starting point is 00:36:20 This is a complication. Yeah. As bad as it gets. So, so not only does he not hear you slipping and falling, he doesn't hear you. So not only does he not hear you slipping and falling. He's kind of making a corner,
Starting point is 00:36:31 but you slip out of sight. Now. I think you can roll a. Either. I think. I feel like you could roll another face danger to see if you can. Grab on to something or. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:52 This is a complication. So you are going to lose your connection with servant for the time being. You're going to have to catch up with him. But how badly are you hurt? Where do you land? Yeah. I think this. Requires a face danger role.
Starting point is 00:37:05 So go ahead and roll again. Honestly, you're just rolling with agility and precision. I would imagine you're just trying to grab on to something. You're trying to do something. Yes. So roll plus edge. We can't.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Okay. All right. Better than a, than a miss on a week hit. You succeed, but you're going to lose some cost. You may choose one. You are delayed. You are tired or hurt.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You are dispirited or afraid. You sacrifice resources. What do you think makes sense? I mean, getting hurt would make the most sense. It does. Yeah. So, so you are going to endure one harm. So your health is going to go from five to four.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And just describe to us what, what, what, what, how does she endure this harm? I feel, so she's like falling down from the stairs. So I feel like her foot slips off the edge and she tries to like pin wheel and catch herself. And she just gets like scraped all the shit. Is she kind of like, I don't think it's, I don't think it's as steep a slide as the other time,
Starting point is 00:38:08 but I think it's, it's enough to like, she's not going to die, but it's not going to feel good when she gets up. I think there's like bruising and like a bunch of just like scrapes. Okay. So we're going to, we're going to all over anywhere to not cover and maybe like, maybe like her, her, her like trousers get ripped at the knee
Starting point is 00:38:25 or something. Her, her witchy outfit. So let's endure harm because of this. You are going to roll either health or iron, whichever is higher. Health is way higher. Yeah. Health is way higher. Good.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Strong hit. On a strong hit, you either shake it off and your health is you either lose one momentum to gain one health or you embrace the pain and you take plus one momentum. Your momentum is at a five right now. I like the idea of embracing the pain. Yeah. Ela bleeds just to know she's alive, huh?
Starting point is 00:39:04 She's going to, she's going to, she's going to let the, let the pain like fuel her and like, all right, you, like you're stuck here. Like he is like, like Katagana. So if you don't, if you don't get your ass up there.
Starting point is 00:39:14 All right. So increase your momentum to six, uh, but you are not going to, uh, but that's it. That's it. That's good. So you, you are, you are okay. You find, you know, you kind of slide for a while, but you are able to slow yourself down and you just find yourself, uh, like on a cliff side, uh, that's just, you know, it's going to be a more difficult path to scale, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Okay. I think there's like a handful of trees and like roots for like handholds that she uses to like slow herself down eventually. All right. So, so what's next then? How, how do we proceed from here? I mean, it's either, it's either the, the, the danger one or the, uh, undertake a journey one undertake a journey. You could try to secure an advantage and by doing so,
Starting point is 00:40:00 you would gain a plus one to that next role and that might get you to, to serve in quicker. Yeah. That, that makes a lot of sense actually. So if you're into that, let's secure an advantage. How are you going to secure an advantage? Using what skills? Okay. So I've fallen down this slide. Can I still see the stairs? Do you think? I think so, but they're probably pretty high up.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Pretty high up. Yeah. Um, and I would assume eventually a servant would recognize that you're down there and he's probably trying to figure out what to do. But for the moment you're on your own. Uh, I think, I think I'm just going to try and take, take this like thin narrow path that I've, that I've landed on and try and just edge, like edge my way up slowly and like slowly and methodically. All right. So you are taking your time.
Starting point is 00:40:52 You are, uh, I, it sounds like you're trying to use your expertise in your insight and your observation. You're, you're, you're rolling plus width. Yeah. I think so. Okay. Go ahead and roll plus widths and let's see how you do to secure an advantage. So as you see, you rolled a weak hit, but you could burn your momentum and make it a strong hit. Do you want to burn your momentum now or do you want to leave it for a little bit?
Starting point is 00:41:21 What happened? Can you remind me what happens on a week hit? I'm still on a week hit. You're going to succeed. You're going to take plus one momentum, but you are not going to be able to add plus one to your next move. So on a strong hit, you'd be able to add a plus one to your next move. Along with a couple of other things. Um, I think, I think I'll burn it.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Okay. You get a strong hit. I think getting back to him is what's important. Absolutely. So, um, you're going to make another move now and you're going to be able to add plus one to that. Okay. Explain to me what happens. Clearly you're able to get, clearly you're able to make progress quickly. Right. So I get away from like the rock area and it gets a little bit more tree branchy, rooty, like that kind of, um, rock side or cliff side.
Starting point is 00:42:13 So I think it's easier for her to like find hand holds to like pull herself closer to the stairs rather than trying to just go up a sheer, sheer cliff face. Um, yeah, I think, and like, like, like holders rather than just nothing. Sure. Uh, so it becomes a little easier. You get closer to serving. You make some progress heading north or up. Do you want to face danger and attempt to kind of get back on his level? Or do you want to, um, undertake a journey and kind of continue your way but just separated from, uh, serving? Hmm. I, oh, should we have marked a progress against the,
Starting point is 00:42:57 I think I'm trying to think where we should have marked progress. It's been successes so far. Except for when I, there was the complication when I fell though. There was the complication. Yeah. I think right now we're like resolving this. I don't think I think the next move or two will probably determine whether you make progress. Right. Okay. So I think either undertaking a journey or facing danger will, you know, determine that. Which one do you think is more appropriate? Like facing. I think she's, I think she's trying to be smart about it, but she's also like really wants to get back to him because like she wants, she wants to help him.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And this is like, she, she keeps causing problems. So she thinks if she gets up there quicker, like it'll, it'll resolve itself. Yeah, absolutely. So with what attribute do you want to roll this with? Hmm. I want to say heart, but I think I already cheated and used my, my gutsy. I'm gutsy and I'm going to keep going because I care. Card already. I think it's probably wits again, trying to, trying to be smart about how she goes up and just like find the right handhold and find the most direct path. We can, we can decide right now if we can roll 51 or greater, it's hard. Meaning like there's not as much to climb here, but, but it's the closest she can get to him.
Starting point is 00:44:25 So there's a risk or you roll with wits where you are trying to find those roots and those outcroppings that are going to make it a little easier. So roll 51 or greater and we're going to roll with heart. All right. We're rolling with heart. There's almost nothing on the sheer thing, but you know, this is the closest you're going to get. So roll that plus heart face danger. Let's see what we get. And I get plus one on it because I burned. And you get plus one.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Let's see. Oh, yeah. Success. It's a critical success, critical success with a opportunity. I don't know what's wrong with me today. So we, that was a face danger roll, right? So on a strong hit, you are successful. Take plus one momentum. So our momentum's going to three. Nice.
Starting point is 00:45:16 And it's an opportunity. So you get up there, but what else happens? What, what other opportunity we can roll for it? Or if you've got something in mind. Let's roll for this one. Okay. We are going to end up rolling the D hundred. And let me pull up the find an opportunity.
Starting point is 00:45:36 35, 35. An aspect of the history or nature of this place is revealed. Hmm. I wonder if in the process of like getting you out, it didn't reveal to serve in something like there's like a hidden part of this or something. You know what I mean? Yeah. Maybe. Oh, maybe, maybe catagons left him like clues.
Starting point is 00:46:03 And there's like, like, there's a very specific bandana that he had or like a, like a necklace or something that he left for, for serving to find him a little easier. Interesting. And maybe, maybe as I'm climbing, I see it and I grab it on my way up and, and bring it to him. Like, does this mean anything to you? Interesting. Definitely mark progress, which I've just done under our vow. Does this mean that Cadigan left it behind because this is where he was and he's been moved recently or that he is not where he originally was? Or is this just back in the day he left this clue?
Starting point is 00:46:45 I feel like he, I feel like maybe he climbed like he, he sent, he sent servant away and then he climbed to like a location that he thought would be more advantageous for a servant to find him in. So he, he moved a little bit from where servant assumed he was, and he left clues behind to be like, Hey, I'm this way, don't, don't worry. Gotcha. Gotcha. I'm in the right direction. Cool. Cool. So we've marked progress.
Starting point is 00:47:18 We are four out of 10 on this. Either we're going to come upon that temple or we're going to come upon Cadigan. We still have some while to go for progress. So do we want to again undertake a journey or do we want to discover a site? What, what are you thinking? Um, I think, I think the site would make sense because maybe, maybe like Cadigan knew that they were close to the site. So he, he was like, I was here. I moved this direction.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Keep going. And maybe, maybe servant takes that to mean like, okay, well, if he went anywhere, he went to the temple. Gotcha. Gotcha. So maybe, so there, I think they're, they're discovering the site. So let's discover the site as well. Uh, we are going to make a discover a site role and let me pull up what we have to do. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:19 So we're going to kind of create this place. Uh, when you resolve to enter a perilous site in pursuit of an objective, choose the theme and the domain which best represent its nature and give it a rank of difficulty. So let's go, uh, in your, in your character sheet to sites and we're going to add a site here. Um, this part's always fun. It, first let's decide how difficult this place is going to be. Um, okay. I think for the sake of, you know, kind of brevity and stuff, we should keep it to either dangerous or formidable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I, I think, I feel like it's so far removed from, from everything and it's so kind of remote. Uh, I think it's pretty, I think it's pretty dangerous, but like you have to want to get there. So it, it's not crazy. Right. Okay. So we're going to call it dangerous. Remember also that we can leave a site at any time. This is more just like in our heads.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Is this an epic dungeon or is it just like, you know, a little shallow place? Yeah, exactly. So if it was formidable, it wouldn't necessarily mean that it was, you know, impossible to, to defeat. It's just going to take longer to kind of get through all of it. Um, right. So we'll call it dangerous for now. Uh, let's, if you're returning, we're not returning. Then we're going to, okay, but we need to choose our theme and our domain.
Starting point is 00:49:46 So we decided that this was trying to pull up the cards here that I printed. Uh, this, let's find the theme. Let's find the theme for this place. Um, uh, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Roll a d10 for me. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven corrupted. This place is tainted by dark magic. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Okay. So it's a corrupted something. Let's roll the domain. Uh, one, two, three, four. 10, 11, 12, D. Roll me a d12. Alrighty. Nine.
Starting point is 00:50:31 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Ice reach a frigid landscape formed a frozen seas. We can reroll that because I don't know exactly unless it's like a frozen lake. That could be cool. Like, like a, like a, like the, like a mountain oasis instead of a desert oasis. A corrupted ice reach. Or like maybe there's a caldera. What's that in the, there's, it's like a, someone's going to rake me over the
Starting point is 00:51:06 culture to find this wrong. Um, but like usually calderas are really big and they're like either craters or like pieces of places where volcanoes were, um. Oh, I see. And there's like a little island in the middle. Yeah. There's not always necessarily an island in the middle. It's just like, there's like depressions like that and they're,
Starting point is 00:51:26 and then so maybe there's just like, maybe, maybe it's all like snow melt that's packed in here, but for, and then frozen. Interesting. I like that idea. It's a corrupted frozen and melted and frozen. It's a corrupted ice reach. Is there a, is there a, what's here? Because obviously our idea of a, of a monastery is going to have to evolve in
Starting point is 00:51:45 some way. Yeah. Maybe, maybe it was like a, like a, like a. Like an ancient temple that, um, got left behind and kind of forgotten. Um, up on the mountain because it was so hard to get to. Um, and so other, other people who maybe went to the mountains for reasons of like escaping the law or escaping. Other kinds of persecution have kind of like reforged as their own.
Starting point is 00:52:22 You're saying that there's people currently living here? Maybe. Maybe. Okay. Somewhere. All right. I certainly liked the idea and we have played around in our, in our session zero with like having people who have like just like been lost to the storm.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And yeah, it makes sense that maybe there's people here. Um, like maybe they've left, maybe they haven't, maybe they have cat again. Maybe instead of a, yeah, maybe instead of a, because my question is why did the iron landers even know about this place unless they could have seen it in the distance or they knew about it in tales, you know, is it, because I'm thinking like maybe there's just like a fishing village or like a
Starting point is 00:53:07 village like on this, on the lake kind of a thing. That would make, oh, I like that actually. Okay. So there's some kind of like movie. There was some kind of like settlement there. Yeah. Um, I'm still, I'm still trying to figure out the corrupted part of it. Well, obviously something corrupted it.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Um, we've established that the iron pillars can sometimes corrupt people. Um, we did establish though that the nearest iron pillar is not anywhere near here. So it would have to be something else. So let's, um, let's roll on the settlement name. Okay. Let's roll a D hundred. Let's see what we get. 18.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Um, okay. It says here, if you roll a 15, it's, there is a man made edifice. What is it? Why is it important to this settlement's history? Um, go ahead and roll another D hundred to kind of determine it. Because there's like a nested D hundred role. Uh, that's stone tower. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:26 So this place is called stone tower. And maybe in the middle of the lake, there's a stone tower. Maybe they're like iron storm deniers and they're like, if we have an, if we have a stone pillar, the, the storm can't hurt us. Like this is our, this is our logic. Interesting. So that's how we know about them that the last time we were here, they defected the, these, these, uh, deniers defected and they went into the mountains.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Right. And then maybe serving and categin were like helping them get there or something, making sure they got there and, and, and, and categin got stuck in the storm. Okay. So we're going to call this place stone tower. Um, what is the objective to find categin retrieve categin? Yeah, we're so, we're so on categin. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:22 So we're trying to retrieve him. We're trying to find him before he dies of the poison. Uh, the theme of this place is a corrupted ice reach. Um, this place is tainted by dark magic and a frigid landscape formed of frozen seas. In this case, a big lake. We've decided that it is a dangerous thing. We finally need to decide what type of denizens are going to be here. So what are the very common denizens?
Starting point is 00:55:51 I think obviously the former Ireland is right. Oh, yep. Sorry, it's time to medicate my cat. He's fine. He'll be able to handle it. Don't worry. What's a very common denizen that we can have here, these iron landers? I mean, obviously the, the, the, the previous iron landers, the, um, the stone,
Starting point is 00:56:11 I guess stone towerians. The, the stoners. I'm going to put iron labor defectors for now. Uh, we can decide what we want to call them in a moment. Um, what are some common denizens of this area? Um, I think there's, there's probably also, um, hawks and eagles, owls, raptor birds. Okay, we'll put raptor birds.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Um, another very common one might be bears. Bears, yeah. We love putting bears in our denizens list. The bear. Um, another common one that might be dangerous would be like mountain lions, right? Yeah. That was what I was thinking too.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Okay. What's a, what's a more uncommon denizen of this place? Giant goats. Ooh. The elusive giant goat. What about just giants? Ooh, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I forget we can do that. Yeah, absolutely. Um, something, at least one other thing uncommon. Um, something that might be dangerous. Now this place is corrupted. So maybe there's some kind of, um, some kind of like hybrid creature. Something like a magical creature of some kind. Huh.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Yeah. Um, I just thought about a snake or bear with snake legs. That's what bit categin. Yeah. The, um, the snare. Not that. The snake bear, the snare.
Starting point is 00:57:53 The bake. The bake. Oh God. All right. I'm going. Uh, You don't have to make that a real thing. It is now.
Starting point is 00:58:02 It is now. All right. So finally we need to choose a rare thing. Maybe this should be the rare thing. That should be. Maybe rare as in like something even more powerful than the bake. Like a, like a sentient, you know, maybe there's a sorcerer.
Starting point is 00:58:19 That's right. Yeah. Sorcerer would be super rare because we're up in the mountains and it's snowing here. Right. A tree and sorcerer double it up. A tree and sorcerer. A tree and sorcerer that, um,
Starting point is 00:58:35 And maybe that's one of the reasons also why the, the iron lander defectors came here to find that tree and sorcerer who might help them. Uh, Finally an unforeseen. Enemy. Something that is totally out of left field. Let me look at.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Here. Like all of this hasn't been. Uh, We can do something like a dragon. Dragons live up, uh, Up there. Up high. I do love a good, a good dragon opportunity.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Okay. So I'm going to put a worm, Which is what is in, uh, In iron sworn. Okay. So we're good. We've chosen our site. We have entered it.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Now we're going to delve it. So first of all. Set the scene. What does this place look like? They come up over the stairs. They finally make it to this enormous plateau where there's a lake visible, maybe beyond it. Something, you know, village.
Starting point is 00:59:25 What's here. And what is it? Why is it obvious that this place might be corrupted? Um, I like the idea. Uh, Uh, Uh,
Starting point is 00:59:37 Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh,
Starting point is 00:59:45 Uh, Uh, Um, I like the idea. Of Um, Um, Um,
Starting point is 00:59:53 Um, Solid. Yeah, Um, Um, Like, Like, Not necessarily spores, but you know how, like the, like the terrible Webby, like gray, white mold.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Um, And they. I feel like it's kind of what might be it. Kind of seeped into the ground around them and the people and it kind of just like. Has taken over like the sides of buildings or, or, um, Like it's creeping up the tower. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Yeah. So that the tower at the center of the leg, you can see this dark mold kind of growing all over it. And you see it in whatever vegetation is up here. Uh, yeah. When you do eventually come upon, um, this kind of, Oh, at least when you can get close enough to the village and see, you see that it's kind of, it looks like it's rotting. Right. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Okay. So, so we're going to this, uh, we're going to delve the depths, I think here, because we're now, you know, Categans here somewhere, but there's also dangers lurking about. How are we delving the depths with haste, with stealth, with intuition? What are we doing? I think it's somewhere between haste and intuition. Um, because, you know, we're racing against the clock, but we also like, I think, I think when Categan and Servin took the people up there, they're like the, the corruption wasn't as, um, The corruption wasn't as evident.
Starting point is 01:01:30 And so as time's gone on, it's gotten a little, I saw Aaron's snake like comment and attracted me. Uh, so I think the, I think the corruption's grown and they, maybe they start out going quickly and then slowly transition to like, Oh, something's wrong. Yeah. Once they see the mold, we need to, we need to move smarter, not faster. Okay. So then let's roll with wits, roll plus wits. And let's see what we get.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Strong hit. Nice. Strong hit. You delve deeper. You're going to make mark progress and find an opportunity. So under sites, we are going to, uh, because this is dangerous, we're going to make two progress here. Um, and you're going to find an opportunity. So roll a D hundred.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Let's find out what that opportunity is. What's your health situation? 86. Okay. 86. This area provides an opportunity to scavenge, forage or hunt. Or you can take plus one momentum or you can do a new action now and add plus one. Those are your three options.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Okay. I don't think there's really any need right now for us to hunt or scavenger or anything like that. Yeah. Taking plus one momentum would be nice, but that's not. Yeah. I don't know if you want to hunt anything that's up here with all this weird mold. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:15 No, not my, my mentality was like hunt is in like search for rather than. Oh, oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. So you can either take plus one momentum or you can take plus one to the next roll. And if you succeed, you'll gain plus one momentum. Taking an action now with plus one is probably the most sensible thing. Yeah. That's what I was leaning toward.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Okay. So we make progress kind of delving this site. What is it that brings us closer to Cadigan? Do we start searching the home? Yeah, that would make, I think that would make the most sense, like, like trying to peek in windows or just, just find, maybe find somewhere that's, that's uninhabited at the moment. Maybe the people are out.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Maybe there, there's someone else, but just, just searching any, anything we come across. I think we're just peeking in and ducking back out. Okay. I realize Nila has no idea what Cadigan looks like. True. Yeah. And you know, honestly, like we would expect there to be those iron lander defectors. Do we see any, or are they completely missing right now?
Starting point is 01:04:34 So I kind of like the idea that potentially the, the mold and everything has kind of grown over their eyes. So they can't see. Oh, and they're like, their eyes are kind of white. Interesting. Maybe not everyone's fully corrupted yet. And maybe there are some people that it's just like covering one eye or it's just covering the part.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Okay. So the strong hit is that you get into the village. There's nobody around for, for a second, you think it's, it's abandoned. But yeah, when you start looking into those windows, you see people like, like maybe emaciated, but their eyes are completely black. And they're just kind of like sitting there. And as long as you don't know, they're white though, because they have the, they have the mold in their eyes.
Starting point is 01:05:18 So it's white. So they, they don't see you. So as long as you stay quiet, nobody has noticed that you've arrived yet. And maybe that's when you start noticing people kind of stumbling around outside and stuff. But we have, or maybe they've even like designed the streets to have gravel on them so that it's really obvious when you're on the street and when you're not by feel and the sound. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:39 So I think there's a lot of stuff like that set up around town by like feel and by sound that makes it easier for them to get around, like, especially once they realize that they are starting to go blind, that they that are like starting to lose or like get clouded vision or whatever it is. I think it's very like, like the town is set up to have like alarms of like, okay, if you pass this point, you know where in town you are and you know what direction you need to change. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Yeah. And that's maybe something you start to pick up. But all right. So what then we can either continue looking for cat again, we can try to possibly try to parlay with these people because they're going to be the fastest way to know what the hell is going on. Yeah. I'm always very nervous about talking to people in general.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I mean, you know, they do seem to be part of this corruption in some way. Who knows how they're going to. Yeah, but we don't know if they're if they're like with it still or if the if the corruptions got like, eaten up into their brain. You could try to secure an advantage and maybe get one of them sneak one of them away and try to question them or something. Yeah, that that I like that idea of just trying to find one person who's maybe maybe like someone I don't want to I don't want to go into someone's house and be like, Hey, we're
Starting point is 01:06:58 here. Help us. No, but maybe you see somebody wandering around outside. Yeah, I think someone outside. Okay, so you're going to try to secure an advantage. And I think you're doing it with stealth, but let me see if you can do that. I think you should be able to. Yeah, with with stealth, you're going to be rolling plus shadow, unless you have a better
Starting point is 01:07:18 idea. So I know the shadow is not your best asset. Shadow is not my best. Roll with heart and say G. Williger, Mr. Could you help me with Mr. Yeah, I I pulled that move too many times this game. I'm not going to I'm not going to force that move again. I think I just like dexterity, right? There's no.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Well, with dexterity, you'd be rolling with speed, agility and precision, which I could. I would say that that's valid, but you might make noise. Right. I think. Yeah. Shadows, shadows where it's at, I think. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Go ahead and roll that. And I think I have a plus one from from the previous. Thank you for remembering that. So roll plus shadow. Plus one. Oh, man. Strong hit. Strong hit.
Starting point is 01:08:11 You are securing an advantage, right? Yes. I think so. On a strong hit, you gain advantage. Choose one. You may make another move now plus one or you may take plus two momentum. So, you know, it depends if you. Also, maybe what we should talk about first is what do you, what insight do you gain from
Starting point is 01:08:36 this person? So you successfully separate them from everybody. You don't make too much noise. You kind of got him pinned up against the wall and maybe, maybe it's someone like serving, serving remembers. Maybe it's someone serving remembers from taking them up and he's like, Hey, I'm back. Yeah. And the person's just like, who are you?
Starting point is 01:08:54 You got their mouth, but they don't seem to be able to see you. You know, they're just kind of looking blindly and what do they tell you? This is a strong hit. So they probably tell you something useful. Yeah. So, so they've just been, if I remember correctly, it's been pretty recent that the storm rolled off of them, right? Pretty recently.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Yes. Okay. About a day. Then I would say, okay. So if, if Katigan's there, he's. What you could do is you could gather information. You'd have a plus one because of that strong hit and, and we could probably further illuminate. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Let's do that. Let's gather information. So you're going to roll plus wits and you're going to add plus one because of that success. Oh boy. All right. You've been rolling either extreme successes or extreme failures all night. No middle ground. So on a miss, your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth
Starting point is 01:10:07 that undermines your quest. One is that Katigan is somewhere like difficult to get to such as the stone tower. Yeah. They, that would make sense to me. They're like, right? This is like the center of their everything. And if he's dying of poison, like the way to stop him from dying of poison is take him to the stone tower because the stone tower affects is everything in the stone tower.
Starting point is 01:10:31 I see. I see. They left him there and then, and he's like, do not worry. He'll be fine. He'll be fine. You know, the stone tower will heal him, but we know better than that. So, okay. Do, is it important to find out what is happening to these people?
Starting point is 01:10:51 Or maybe this complication implies that he, he's talking such mumbo jumbo that it's hard to discern what is going on here. Yeah. I think, I think it's, it's, it's to the point that he's talking so like in so many directions and in so many circles that we get that he's in the stone tower and that's it. Like nothing else he's saying is really coming through for us or is making any connection for us.
Starting point is 01:11:15 And I think, I think there's like the danger of him going off and being like, there are people here and everyone's going to, everyone's going to kind of take that as a, as a threat. Okay. So we know where we need to go, the stone tower. What are we doing with this guy? What does my ward do? Ah, your ward's very interesting actually. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Let's see. Your ward is likely to trap a foe within the boundary. So you would have to roll an oracle roll. I think you'd have to get above a 26 or something. But if you do, you could trap this guy in the ward. I think that's just stuck with us. No, he'd be stuck in the circle. Seems like smart.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Oh, now here's the thing. It doesn't keep them from shutting up. It's a great idea. So can people be knocked unconscious in this game? Like claim unconscious damage. Yeah. I think you could either. Let me see in the, in the combat moves.
Starting point is 01:12:17 You could either try to strike or to end the fight or. So my logic is I have inflict deadly harm with a simple stone with my slinger. Could I, could I be good enough with the sling that I can like precision knock him. And, and knock him out with like a, with a, with a well placed stone. My answer is yes, but it's specifically for the move. Enter the fray. I guess if we enter the fray, we don't have to say this is a troublesome enemy at best. So I think you could just enter the fray, which would, if you succeed,
Starting point is 01:12:59 you'd gain three progress. And then you could try to end the fight, which would actually I'll say this, if you hit a strong hit on enter the fray, we'll say that you knock him out. Otherwise it's a little more complicated than that. Yeah. Okay. So you're going to enter the fray. You're going to roll your, let's see, face off against your foe plus heart moving into a
Starting point is 01:13:27 position against an unaware foe, roll plus shadow, or if you are ambushed roll plus width. So it's either harder shadow. I, so what, what is it if, what, what, what, how, how do I do heart? I know with shadow, it was an unaware foe. Like if you just straight up attack this guy, or if you try to do it stealthily, you roll plus shadow. So you would just be like, sorry. It's like concom on the head.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Yeah. I don't even think that I would try to do it stealthily because he's, he's, he's already distracted by, by whatever. So there's really no reason for me to try. And he doesn't even see caught in his own world. Yeah. He doesn't see anything. So roll plus heart and let's see what happens.
Starting point is 01:14:10 All right. Strong. Nice. Nice. On a strong hit, you are going to take plus two momentum. You have the initiative, but that doesn't matter because we've decided that on a strong hit, concom out, he just drops to the ground unconscious and you know that you've bought yourself. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:14:30 10 minutes, an hour. Who knows how long before he wakes up. And then I'm going to cast the ward around him too. Ah, interesting. Okay. Let's see if you have to roll anything for that. I don't think you do. When you walk a circle, which, which I think might be a combat move.
Starting point is 01:14:46 There's something about creating a circle, draw the circle. But that's not really what we're doing. Yeah. It would be a move. It's not listed there. You're going to roll plus wits and let's see how you do. All right. Back to summary wits.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Okay. A weak hit. On a weak hit, let me go back to the asset here. On a weak hit, you can choose one. Your ward is likely to trap a foe within the boundary. So we're going to say you do it. But I'm going to decide in a moment whether you succeeded or not. Let's just say that it happens and you feel like you're good.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Right. Like rolling a mediocre, you know, alchemy roll or something like that. You think you did it. You think you did it, but we'll find out for sure. Yeah. Like this is probably fine. Yes. So what's the first time I've like hit someone in a while.
Starting point is 01:15:46 I feel a little guilty. Yeah. Cadigan's impressed even though he doesn't show it on his face. What's the next move? What are we doing? Heading for the stone tower. Okay. I think we should delve the depth.
Starting point is 01:15:57 I think that's our... Since we are still in this place. So you are going to roll either with haste, stealth or intuition. What do you think? Also probably, I think haste because we're trying to like, there's a double, there's a double danger now with, he could get corrupted with the, with the mold and could also... Makes sense. So let's roll plus edge to see how you do delving the depths.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Strong hit. Nice. On a strong hit, you delve deeper, you will mark progress and find an opportunity. Now under your sites, I did mark progress because of the information you got. Actually, was it a complication? Yeah, no. So you didn't mark progress, but I will mark progress now. It was a complication.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Yeah. I'll mark progress now because of the strong hit for the location. But on a strong hit, you delve deeper, mark progress and find an opportunity. What is the opportunity we find? Is it something outside the tower? Is it an entrance of some kind? We can roll a D100 to find out if you wanted. I think it might be a boat to get us to the entrance that we can see.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Like, like there's like a little dock right next to the door and we find a boat that someone has left there. Love it. To get us across. Love it. We get across. I think it's easy enough to get across. Now that we found the boat, I just think we need now another roll to get into the tower. So either we need to gather information or face danger.
Starting point is 01:17:42 What do you think is more appropriate? You've got to find how to get in, right? Right. I think gather information makes more sense. Okay. Let's roll plus widths and see what we get. We get. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:59 On a weak hit, the information complicates your quest or introduces a new danger, envision what you discover and take plus one momentum. So roll. So add plus one to your momentum. And we have to envision what we find. So we get there, we find the entrance, but what's the complication? I mean, the obvious one is it's locked and there's a, like there's a key we don't have. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:18:25 I think that's pretty logical. I was thinking maybe there's somebody in there besides Cadigan, but you're right that that seems like the more immediate issue is that it's locked. What do we do? Do we try to find another entrance? Do we scale the stone tower? Do we want to ask the Oracle to see if we see a window or something? Ooh, that could be good. Or are I was going to say, can people in this, like, can my friends do things?
Starting point is 01:18:53 Because I feel like he's stronger than me. So could he, like, could serve and, like, try to break the lock? Okay, sure. I think that's totally logical. Yeah. I think. That's going to make a lot of noise. It's going to make a lot of noise.
Starting point is 01:19:09 I think a face danger roll makes the most amount of sense. Or you can try to strike. A strike is a move where, you know, on a strong hit would say that you are able to break in, but a. I like the idea of face danger because we're, we know we're being loud and we know there's like, there's like eight different kinds of danger right now. I think you're rolling with aggressive action, forceful defense, strength or endurance, right? So you're going to roll plus iron, but I think because it's serving and not you, maybe we'll give you a plus two. So it's a total of three. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:52 That you're rolling because he is definitely stronger than you. So roll iron plus two and let's see what we get. It's wrong. That baby. Come on. Oh, you got it. Gosh. All right.
Starting point is 01:20:06 It's all going to come crashing down and I'm very afraid. On a strong hit, you're successful. Take that momentum up by one. So you're going to go to seven and I think, yeah, very, very easily. You know, he kind of looks around once and then uses his big frame to bam, like burst the door open. And it is loud, but it's only once. Right. So like that could be explained away by any number of things.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Who's to say? Um, what do we see? What's here on the first floor, I guess. I think it's just like a spiraling staircase. Okay. That just goes up and like kind of like a lighthouse, how there's a room at the bottom. And then you have to go all the way up to get to where like the lamp is. Quite cruel that they would put him at the very top of this stupid staircase.
Starting point is 01:20:53 I feel like he would naturally yell cat again. Are you here? Oh yeah. He's definitely. I think he's, I think we're getting close enough that he's getting a little more reckless. Let's, let's roll a D hundred fifty one or greater. Cadigan responds or there's some kind of response. No, there's no response when he calls out.
Starting point is 01:21:15 All right. So this is, this is the only logical place you guys start running up the stairs. Right. The next logical move is either face danger or gather information to me. Let's, uh, it's, I mean, so I imagine the tower, like the base of it has like the mold on the outside and as it gets higher, the mold gets less. But so I think we already had to bust through some of it. Okay. And I think that the mold is like seeping through, like through the cracks in the outside to the inside.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Okay. Um, so I want to say, I almost want to say face danger. Let's do it. Let's face danger. We are going to roll, um, at this point, you're probably just trying to rush to find him. You're rolling plus edge again. Yeah. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:22:22 All right. Come on. Make this interesting. Yeah. All right. A week. You succeed, but face a troublesome cost. You are, you are either delayed, hurt, dispirited, or you sacrifice resources.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Um, I think, I think servants just like calling like cat again, cat again, cat again, and just trying to get any kind of response and there's nothing. And as they go up and try to climb faster and more desperately, I think, I think, um, I think ELA trips on the stairs a little bit and might endure harm. Okay. Slip back a few and enter harm. Clumsy ELA is going to endure some harm. So, um, you're going to subtract your health by one and go ahead and you're going to endure harm, which means you're going to either roll health or heart. I think, let me check here real quick. Um,
Starting point is 01:23:19 I think last time was iron. Yeah. Health or iron. I feel like I was on them stairs. On them stairs. Stairs are truly our enemy. That is true. Our biggest enemy here at Mayday is stairs.
Starting point is 01:23:30 So let's roll either plus health or iron, whichever is higher. I think your health is still higher. Health is still higher. Strong hit. Let's keep going. On a strong hit, you shake it off. It's higher than zero, which it is. You can either suffer one momentum and gain one health or you can embrace the pain and gain one momentum.
Starting point is 01:23:51 We're embracing that pain, baby. All right. Go up to plus eight momentum. But on the strong hits, you slip and fall. And I imagine this time, Cadigan is, or excuse me, servant is not distracted and he grabs you and he perhaps saves you, huh? And pulls you back up. It doesn't even look back. Just like grabs, reaches, pulls.
Starting point is 01:24:13 But now you're like the rolled ankle stings a little bit. Yeah. And now you've kind of pulled your arm or the arm or something, you know. Yeah. Have to like ram it into the side of the tower to get it back into place. We're almost to Cadigan. We're so close. We just need another strong hit on one of these roles here.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Let's do a probably another face danger or gather information. What do you think? I think the molds lessening as we get higher and higher. Yeah. Maybe we finally make it to like, like some kind of floor or something. There's some, some, right. And so we're, we're trying to find information to see. Let's delve the depth.
Starting point is 01:25:00 I think that makes the most sense. We're going to delve the depths and you're going to probably with haste still or with a different skill. Yeah. I'd say. Shadow or wits. I think servants getting pretty desperate as, as we continue up this tower. So, so we're not thinking we're not being terribly quiet. Roll plus edge.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Oh, boy. This is what we like to call a episode closer. This is amazing. So first of all, let me pull it up here. I knew it was going to fall apart. I knew it was going to fall apart. It's a fucking complication again. We're going to reveal a danger.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Let's do that. Which means let me just make sure it isn't just rolling on. The denizens table here. Find an opportunity. Reveal a danger. Roll a D 100. 70 to a discovery undermines or complicates your quest. I have a question.
Starting point is 01:26:18 A discovery undermines or complicates your quest. I have an idea. What is it? A discovery undermines or complicates your quest. You guys reach the top floor. You are searching. Like maybe there's actual rooms and you're like kicking them open and you're finding certain things. But finally you kick open a room and there is Cadigan, but Cadigan's eyes are covered in white.
Starting point is 01:26:46 As he has also contracted the terrible affliction that seems to be plaguing this town. That makes sense, right? Yes, it does. I'm putting my foot down. That's a good complication and it's a good place to bring our session to a close. We'll find out whether they can save Cadigan in time. Whether they can get out of this crazy, corrupted ice reach. But that was a great episode, Allegra. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Oh my God. I'm so stressed. That was so fun. Thank you, sirs. Man, everything was going pretty good until the end there. Frick. Is there anything you want to say before we bring our session to a close? You know, I am very emotionally invested in Elon. I'm so sure you want to promote something if you want right now. That's all I'm trying to say. No, I know. I know you are. I'm just very emotionally invested in Elon now.
Starting point is 01:27:56 And also serving in Cadigan. I just want them to be happy. No, you're going to actually get sick of our two faces because Sergio is joining me tomorrow to do here as you should know. We are talking about Boudica, an ancient Celtic warrior who fucked with the Romans. So she has my vote for badass. Yep, it was a lot of fun. Check it out. Yeah, it's a great time. Also, our favorites are not favorites are words. What are words again? I don't know. Episode three of Ashoka will be up on Friday. We'll be hanging out here on Twitch at 4 p.m. or most of us will.
Starting point is 01:28:35 I will probably still be at work, but I'll try and jump on for a little bit. Around four o'clock to listen and chat in chat. So yeah, come hang out with us there. Come hang out with us tomorrow. Sergio made a super cool build. I made a super chaotic build. It's a good time, y'all. But thank you so much, Serge, for having me on again. Oh, before we end, we have to do the ritual of rolling a d6. We're going to ignore a two for Caleb and a four for you. Should we just roll a d4 at this point?
Starting point is 01:29:08 If there's only four people there. Roll the one. That means Amanda is, if she's available, going to be playing Illa next session. So we'll have Amanda on. I'm very excited to see Amanda play a more reserved character. Yeah, and play a spooky bitch, too. That'll be fun. Yeah, I mean, we kind of got that with snowball, but true, true. All right, very cool. Thanks, guys. Thank you to Parker Woodley for subscribing. Looks like somebody else subscribed, but I missed who it was. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Guys, we are friends. Yep, we do this to entertain you and we're only able to do it because of your Patreon and your subscription pledges. Send us a friend's let other people know about us and we're going to keep doing this kind of fun stuff. So we will see you on the next Iron Sworn. Have a great evening. Bye. Good night. You You
Starting point is 01:31:19 You You

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