Mayday Plays - Nighthawks

Episode Date: March 12, 2022

We're joined by Lex (@titanomachyrpg) to run the Caltrop Core game, Nighthawks. Aaron, Amanda, Eli, and Sergio are trapped on a sinking oil rig and must escape, or at least go out having a good time......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello world. Hello beautiful people. It's me Sergio, and we have a special treat for you tonight. Tonight we are running through a one-shot of a not just a game, but an entire system that one of our very close friends, one of our dear friends has created, written, produced, and we're just so impressed with it. We wanted to run it on our stream and show it off to the world. With me today is part of Mayday. We got Aaron. Hi, Aaron. You're actually above me in the stream, so I should look up. Eli is here. What's up, Eli? Hi, happy Friday. And Amanda. Woo, how are y'all doing tonight? See, energy, Aaron. Energy. Wake up. Smile. You fucking normie. Tonight, tonight we, this game that we are running is called Nighthawks, and it's using something called the Caltrop system. And our buddy
Starting point is 00:01:01 Lex, who is here. What's up, Lex? Hi. Is the person that created it, and we think it's awesome. And Lex, if you could just kind of explain to us the Caltrop system and what Nighthawks is about, and how we can play this game. Yeah, sure. I'm Lex. I'm Titanamacrpg on Twitter. I was on a call to see one shot on the feed, which was very, very fun playing the Seastriders. So the Caltrop core is a D4-based dice core that started as a joke between me, Eli, and our friend Maps and Quests over on Twitter. And we were just joking about a D4 dice pool game. And then Mappy said, oh, well, you could do each face of the D4 as a different result. It's like a degrees of success. It's not too out of the ordinary. That's like part of the apocalypse has three tiers, which is before it
Starting point is 00:01:53 wouldn't be that much different. I was like, okay. And so and then they, you know, because D4s are pointy, they're like, oh, we'll call it the Caltrop system. And then I later changed it to Caltrop core just for the alliteration. And yeah, so I went to go play or I went to go see if I could design with this like joke that we made. And I was like, well, there's I need something here. So I wrote down like what each one meant. And so like, one means absolute failure. You don't get what you want. And things get a lot worse. Just a regular old failure. You don't get what you want. But you're in the same position as before, you're not losing ground. That's a two. And then a three is a partial success, which is you get a success, but then things get complicated. And then four is
Starting point is 00:02:39 an absolute success. And you get what you want, and you get even more on top of it. And then I had just it was just like a little thing in the Google doc, with like a bulleted list. And I showed it to the friends and they're like, oh, this is kind of cool. And then I don't remember why I did it, but I did it up in like a little one page sheet that I got posted on Twitter, and people could just like read it and be like, see if that's something that people wanted to look at. And then right away, people were like, I'm making a game with this right now. Like it was sort of unreal how fast people were like took picked it up and ran with it. And that's sort of when I realized like, oh, this is actually like a thing. And I can either support it and like, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:21 guide a community around it, or I can just like watch the train leave the station without me. I've got those two choices. So I wrote up a longer document that sort of explained how to use the dice core based on things that I had read, because I'm also a new game designer. I started last year and I just I gave some tips to new game designers and made it really easy for anybody to pick it up and make a game with it. You can just like, you don't have to have any experience. And that also like it really took off. And then I recently held a game jam in December, and 92 games are made in six days using Caltrop core. And some people made more than one. People were like, I finished one already in the first three days of the jam. I'm gonna do another one.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Oh, awesome. Great. So now there's like over 108 games on itch that have been made with this core. I released this in October. It's it's absolutely mind boggling and everybody in the community has been so cool, so supportive and making really awesome games. Like, it's not it doesn't it's not a game on it's own. It doesn't do anything unless somebody picks it up and makes a game with it. So really, truly, like, I didn't really make I didn't make those I didn't do anything for those hundred games. People saw that and they picked it up and they ran with it. So like, every kind of game you could possibly imagine. There's a Winnie the Pooh game that you could play based on Caltrop core. There's a solo journaling game called her Odyssey. Shout out to Kaia. That's a great like
Starting point is 00:04:51 heartfelt journaling. You use the dice to like sort of affect what happens. I know Eli's made a couple of games with the Caltrop. Yeah, we looked up goblins. Yeah, Eli made we looked up goblins, which you can get on There's just every kind of game you could possibly imagine. I made I just tested last night a MetaBots inspired game I built on the dice core. And you could just it's really cool. It's really simple. So like, if you want more complex mechanics, probably not go go use Lumen by Hila RPG Spencer Campbell was a huge influence on Caltrop core. That uses D6's and has a little bit more crunch to it. Very, very good system. And I sort of that was actually one of the main influences plus reading Wander home, which is
Starting point is 00:05:36 all just tokens. There's no dice at all in Wander home, which another just a beautiful gorgeous game by Possum Creek Games, J Dragon over there. Just an absolutely stuff we I don't know if you all played it on stream, but you you have to it is so good. Well, the thing I like about the Caltrop core is that you have managed to like distill the mechanics of a game into the into the lowest number of as possible, you know, you just use a D4 for everything. And it really makes it simple. And I'm not surprised to hear that there's hundreds of games that or at least 100 games that have been created using it. So yeah, I started to play this one. Yeah, this so Nighthawks is the first game I built on Caltrop core. And I wanted it to be special for my first like full
Starting point is 00:06:22 game release on my own system. And I've always loved the Nighthawks painting by Edward Hopper, which is all over inside the arts in the public domain. So I just I just use that image over and over again, and different like orientations and stuff. And that's this that's the painting with the people in the diner and there's no door. And so there's sort of like, feeling isolated and lonely and like, what do you do about that? And so I've sort of put it into a game format. And so we'll together tonight, we're going to sort of build a diner together doesn't have to be a literal diner, it can be like any enclosed space, we'll make characters and decide on their relationships. And then we'll we'll play out these nights, whatever they whatever time period they might be,
Starting point is 00:07:08 and see if we can, you know, break through our isolation, or, you know, you could choose to not even try. And that's also, like, you can take that action every time. And that's something that, you know, you will, I guess, you can choose. And you will figure out if that's what you want to do for the whole game. If you don't if you want to be alone, you like, there's that's the thing sometimes you like, it's something you just can't break out of it. Like, there's a fully useless move in the game, which we'll get to. But people take it because it's like part of the story. So I guess we'll jump we'll jump into the game proper. Night Hawks is a game for three to six players. And you all will play lonely people what you do about it, if anything is entirely up to you.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Together, we're going to build this diner, which is where the entirety of the game takes place. But again, it does not have to be a literal diner. It can be just any enclosed space that invites loneliness. The diner will always have the inescapable tag. But together right now, on page six, we are going to choose two additional tags or more tags. If you'd like the last time we ran it, we played, we played the top. And together as the table, you all can decide which tags you want to add to this place, what kind of genre, like the text kind of sort of cover genre and vibe, but also the tags serve an important mechanical purpose, which is if we hit a sort of lull and we're not sure where to go next, any player at the table, not just the GM, can invoke one of the tags to make something
Starting point is 00:08:48 happen. So what last time I ran this, one of the players was like, oh, I'm going to invoke the low gravity tag. And so everybody woke up floating out of their beds, people are trying to like someone's like trying to cook for people in the kitchen, but like all the food is floating up above the kind of the can even be on the ground. And so that you do kind of create motion that way. And everybody at the table is equally empowered to do so. One of us has to have an inspiration at the moment for what kind of tag we can add to this inescapable diner. Yeah, which, which, which one of these does any of these jump out at anybody? We have extra small soundproof, new friends or foes, low gravity, mithril mine. Some of these like kind of just like set us in a
Starting point is 00:09:34 world like we go mithril mine, like we're all doors or something, you know, right? Yeah, I think, I think we should do soundproofing so that no one on the inside can be heard screaming. Very errant thing to say. But would soundproof also mean we can't hear each other? Like are we just screaming the whole time? That's not how soundproofing works, I think. You all of the Hollywood people, I don't know if that's if you soundproof a room, you can't hear people inside the room either. Eli, that's how it works, right? I mean, generally, technically with enough soundproofing, you can walk out of the world, right? Like you can actually hear your own. All right, so it's just it's soundproof against other people from the outside. It's like more of like outside noise. If
Starting point is 00:10:21 you want to do a silence, like a silence aura or whatever from somebody cast silence on the room, then that's also an option. No idea how that'll go, but that could be fun. I'm super into like the noir 20s, 30s vibe of this photo, you know what I mean? So like I whatever we are, I want to like embody this vibe, you know? Yeah. Soundproof. Losing power is interesting just because it's like an issue that is like ever present. But I don't know, kind of creepy too, like the power keeps going on and off. An oil rig. An oil rig. Yeah. No way. Yeah. What's the OO for? No, I'm thinking, oh, sorry. My writer's brain. My writer's brain is going all together. Like pick whatever tags and then maybe we can find a way to create one place that
Starting point is 00:11:21 embodies a bunch of these things and it'll be just really weird because it can get really weird and it's actually pretty fun. I do kind of like the oil rig idea. I don't see it on the page, but I think that would be an interesting one. Yeah, oil rig is totally fine. And we should add syncing to the tag. Ooh, yeah. We'll do it. We'll do syncing oil rig. Yeah, that's interesting. Or is it losing power? Well, losing power could be a part of it, be like the fucking Titanic. Yep. Yeah, if it's syncing, it's going to lose some power. Losing power, oil rig. So not soundproof. I don't know how you would soundproof. No, no, never mind the soundproof. Well, you usually, well, because the machines are so loud, there would be at least maybe certain
Starting point is 00:11:56 places that would be soundproof. Well, desolate places are in some way soundproof. True. True. It's just the sound of the ocean. No one can hear you when you're out there. Yeah, no one's going to hear you. Okay, this is interesting. And is this like more the mess hall than the diner? You don't know me? Like we're always perpetually. I imagine it could be the whole rig because like even if even like large spaces can be isolating. Yeah, on an oil rig, you're out in the middle of the ocean potentially. And like that's that's extremely isolated. So okay, the whole thing could have a you could have a mess hall area where people gather as well. Like you can pick out different places. I don't know the places on an oil rig. So you could just tell
Starting point is 00:12:37 me the place that you want to go on the work won't know any better. I want to go to the nursery on the oil rig. There's no children on oil rigs, I hope. I hope. Please God no, please no. All right, so our diner is is an oil rig that we said is losing power sinking. Yeah, and it's it's sort of we'll say isolated as well. I have this up in the shared Google doc on page one. I'll be working on page one on that dock and y'all can have the other pages. But we can always add more later. We can change them up whatever you all want to do. If something comes up and you want to just be like, Oh, I had this idea before and now it's going to make sense because this wild thing happened because we're made a role play. I absolutely
Starting point is 00:13:25 add that tag in and we can make it work. Gotcha. All right. So again, you can invoke any of those tags at any point to make something happen. And everybody will sort of rally together to figure out what that means for the story. So we're going to scroll down to page 10. And this is where we're going to make our characters. Making your characters really easy and night hawks because it's it's more about just prompts that make you think of a person that you that that is focused around the core gameplay mechanic of breaking out of your isolation. So um making your character consists of choosing a wound and then choosing a way they're trying to heal that wound. So uh choosing a wound for your character could be does not believe life is
Starting point is 00:14:18 worth living but wants to believe heartbroken, incurably nostalgic, uses humor as a deflection but wants to connect, hates God, the problem of suffering, longing for the next life. And obviously you can choose whatever you know whatever other thing you want. These are just ideas for you to you know pluck or change then and then we'll go with a way one way they're trying to heal that wound which is you know rushing emotional intimacy, substances, meditation, religion, just started therapy, romance, creating art, whatever it is that you might want to embody in this character. And actually that reminds me before we go into those characters because this is sort of where it can get intense. Definitely when you play this game you want to implement safety tools and for
Starting point is 00:15:09 for this game we'll just avoid some of the the rated r stuff we're not going to do. Hopefully there are no children on the oil rig so harmful children should not be happening. I guess if you have a flashback that's one thing but also don't don't hurt a child in your flashback. Oh damn. How messed up are we today? Amanda have you ever listened to our content? I don't know did you did you listen to today's episode specifically? No not today's episode specifically. You need to look. Baran was fine. Sorry spoilers for your show. Or is it a spoilers?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Well we won't do that. We won't do any of sort of assault like of the I don't know what the stream is rated but of the of the s-e-xual variety. Consent. We're not touching that. We're not touching that. That shouldn't be like we're just not going to be going into a nice wholesome sad time. Yeah wholesome sad time. Yeah just have some good good old-fashioned melancholy time. I want to feel good but cry at the same time. Yeah just get some feelings out but also if you have anything. 90s rom-com right so like a freddy prince junior movie. 90s drama. He retweeted me today. He retweeted you. He retweeted the rickroll spell that I made. Freddie prince juniors it's a D&D didn't know that. Yeah he really loves Star Wars fans.
Starting point is 00:16:35 You heard it here first. I'm the Mayday. But so we won't do any of the big stuff but also if there's anything that you don't want and you don't want to say right now you can DM me on Discord or in this OBS chat. Also if something comes up and it's your feel bad about it and you don't like where it's going put an X in any of the chats that I am looking at which would be the OBS Discord and Twitch. You can also use a yellow light red light system so you can say like you know if it's a yellow light I'll take notice and sort of steer the scene away. If it's a red light we'll just drop it and there's it's not going to be even an issue. You won't have to explain why we'll just move on. But yeah so that you know especially for a game like this where you are
Starting point is 00:17:22 purposely tackling sort of harder issues of mental health and feelings of loneliness which are you know there's a lot of overlap between those areas so you know just make sure you take care of your friends is all that's that's all it is. Take care of your friends and communicate. All right do people have an idea for their characters wounds and and the and their methods of trying to heal wound for your character or make your own okay so anybody want to speak up before me? You're uh who's number one go first. You're number one. Thanks guys thanks guys. Okay so all right so we're working on an oil rig or just we're on an oil rig. I would imagine like when I was thinking diner I was thinking I might want to be somebody
Starting point is 00:18:15 that works at the diner so maybe I'm working in the mess hall um and I had this idea of like you know I'm looking at the image of this like lonely diner late night and I'm thinking maybe my character's wound is they they are maybe they're a people pleaser or maybe they're desperate to please and because of that they've gotten burned a couple of times and so maybe their way to heal it uh is to kind of isolate themselves like I don't want to expose myself to people who can hurt me kind of a idea does that will that work? I it sure can okay so so my character's wound is they're desperate to please and the way they're trying to heal this is they're trying to work at the weird hours of the night to avoid people and obviously being an oil rig. It's sort of
Starting point is 00:19:14 sort of the temptation I think right is what you're saying is like when someone shows like when you're feeling really crummy and someone shows you like a crumb of affection it feels like the world and so like it you can't resist that and so you want to you want to kind of isolate yourself because you just keep getting hurt by that but you also can't stop yourself from you know trying again so I think that yeah that can work we'll see how the other characters will react to that and you can absolutely do something like this because we will also be working on character relationships after this so how you are connected to the other people which will likely create ways to interact even if you're actively trying to stay away from connection um yeah I love that
Starting point is 00:19:59 character uh come up with a name and some pronouns Sergio and we'll you'll be set to go I'm gonna roll on a table and see there's four names in the world roll a d4 oh that's right I rolled a three but I don't know those four names who's number who's number three who's number three in the duck uh me that's me you have to name Sergio's character okay well I gotta name Sergio I'm the worst person to name people because I rolled I rolled a three so you have and you're number three so the thing is like you have to give you can give him the weirdest name now yeah just give me whatever name give me like a Hawaiian name I want like a good Hawaiian name your character's name will be Eli because that won't be confusing at all no no no wait wait let's come over the
Starting point is 00:20:50 name because it will be confusing as hell no I know um how about give me like five second can I have five seconds five five no three two one two and a half just say the first one that comes in your head now mark all right mark haha I prefer to go by marky mark but I will definitely call you marky mark all right who wants to uh tell us about the character next or ask any questions oh we could ask Sergio questions oh no you can ask me questions about oh okay I thought you bet I thought you might be gonna ask Sergio questions I can't stop doing that it's not part of the game though got it well I'm number two and by the rules we've established two comes after one yes mathematics we established that rule we made that rule we made that rule tonight yes the more you
Starting point is 00:21:53 so okay um at first when you started explaining everything I thought you said that one of the wounds was you hate scott but then I realized you said you hate god and what do you hate scott erin what is scott to you what is scott is that the favorite genre of your exit of your ex or whatever so now you hate scott I think you made it a reason yeah yeah no I I now I now realize this is a serious game so we'll do something real we can do but the core will be some realness but it gets it gets really good it gets goofy for sure I'll do I'll have like um an addiction to gambling and the way I'm trying to heal it is with more gambling because I'm convinced that the big score is just right around the corner that will solve all of my problems for you backyard gambling on
Starting point is 00:22:50 an oil right yeah I mean when there's nothing else I love it I'm just playing like Liars dice on Davey Jones's ship yeah yeah it's our international waters Eli anything goes I have only one follow up and you don't have to answer now but in uh as we move forward what did the how did the gambling start is my only question who um I think it started I was on my honeymoon I recently come into a large amount of money that we inherited from my new wife's dead parents who died one day before our wedding and I gambled it all I took it all to the craps table was convinced that I could double our money because some guy in the elevator came to me while we were in Vegas on our honeymoon and said hey man do you want to weigh the triple your cash and I was like yeah sure I want to weigh
Starting point is 00:23:44 the triple my cash and the next thing I know I knew I was homeless destitute and divorced are you sure the way of healing isn't the the stories you tell along the way all right so very cool that's actually a pretty legit good healing of like you're just always recounting all your wild gambling stories uh the year is 2069 nice nice uh no we can do it we can do it modern day or we do 40s whatever it is uh great so there's there's another character down Sergio's number three or Eli's number three Sergio number three um I think the wounds I'm going to pick is uh both hard broken and incurably nostalgic and I'm healing my wounds through creating art by making little paper cranes because I don't have to talk to people I can just give them a little
Starting point is 00:24:49 paper crane and then we'll call it a day hell yeah move on that's like yeah people that shit happens in this game so much and I love it it's like just a little tiny like tiny things although there's a lot of big things too in the play chest uh they were doing a uh a sci-fi one and it was losing power low gravity uh something else hurtling through space uh and it was a literal diner inside the space station and one of the players was like oh I fixed this panel thing and we were like oh what is it you know it was like oh this is in case we just want to like open the airlock and just end it real fast so big things happen too that was shame by the way Eli that was just that magic rpg you know the people make the very fun like fat like the very fun like setting for 5e uh no
Starting point is 00:25:40 yeah so the thing that always happens this is like everyone insists that it has to be an actual diner and it's always it's twice has been like hurtling through space losing power I think all three times have been losing power uh two of them were spaced one of them was sinking in the ocean in like a big like off of a of a undersea lab or something oh interesting and but people always insist that like we first of all we have to be it has to be a diner second of all we have the only way I'll be vulnerable is if our characters are probably gonna die at the end of this that's every time well we are sinking so yeah you're supposed to get us here we won't follow see yeah you were like oh there's a mess hall it's like it's the mess hall and now it's probably
Starting point is 00:26:23 gonna be it's gonna be all done up like a real diner and it's losing power it's sinking yeah they did sinking on the other one too so there's there's certain ones on here clearly like some parts of the list are are much stronger of a draw than the others yeah yeah they're just something more evocative about them or something and there's that urgency of like oh it's gonna end right so I have to figure out how I want to navigate that but yeah so that is so we have Eli making paper cranes nostalgic and heartbroken no we have to pick names for each other right oh yeah yeah for Aaron and Eli through Aaron roll a d4 this is not part of the rules it just happened so we're gonna keep going let's do it oh oh yeah part of the rules now I rolled a one a one that means
Starting point is 00:27:11 Sergio gets to name so I get to name Aaron's character and Aaron's character is a gambler sunny I'm thinking sunny yeah what's his like his like his like uh you know nickname because there's always like sunny fast hands Jenkins or something like that right right right sunny no thumbs sunny no thumbs no no thumbs no thumbs sunny no thumbs no thumbs I love that I got them cut off for counting cars it's like looper when I just like yeah they get you uh okay you like would you roll on your oh I got a roll I rolled a three so that doesn't count okay oh I rolled a one okay that's Serge Serge that was me so what now I have to name Eli too yep yep yep Sergei I just gotta do a lot of the work these the rules Eli's making cranes
Starting point is 00:28:19 your name is uh uh uh Henrietta oh just god awful I love just terrible name all right that poor child yeah if you want to come up with a nickname because you hate your name yeah just call me Henry oh it's cute okay Amanda yes okay my character I am going to go with um maybe not so much uh not so much hates god but hates religion okay I would yeah so I think you're you're you're a mod on our atheism on reddit moderator it's uh kind of there we go let's uh like I but here's a thing because it ties into I want to say uh though they hate religion I'm going to go ahead and do meditation uh so and um yeah so we're going to do meditation and also kind of like maybe
Starting point is 00:29:25 some stimmings that like repetitive cool so yeah so you're kind of like a Sam Harris type of like you know reject the the spiritual kind of uh you know uh mystical stuff but you're you but I mean like you know because like meditation is is from religions and exactly so they're like it's pretty cool they think organized religion is bullshit that's the problem because how can you how can a person dictate to another person what is good or evil hell yeah so roll a g4 we're gonna have somebody name your character all right uh oh no that's me uh Eli number three uh I was calling jones I don't know why jones that's your name though dig it yeah it is a very like noir name too like jones jones love it okay so we have our basic
Starting point is 00:30:28 sketches of our characters and uh the last thing we'll need to do before we start the game is we're going to create connections between them so if you go to page 12 of the pdf you're going to uh choose another character to have a connection with and uh I'll read out the list in a moment but uh let's just try to make sure that everybody gets at least one you can try to make sure everybody gets like two that's that they've done that before in other games where uh and and like just jot it down in your notes so that you know how to relate to or how you what you want to guide that that uh relationship so uh I'll read these out for everyone and of course you can make your own first is we used to date uh I have a crush on you I've seen your face in my dreams once a
Starting point is 00:31:16 year every year of my life our families met when we were on childhood vacations I was your waiter once and I feel you treated me poorly you were a past life of mine we used to be in the same guild in an MMO uh I'm your rival I'm your guardian angel we've never met before this but I already dislike you we've never met before this but I already want to make you smile so those are just some like prompts so clearly you can get a little mystical with it if you would like depends on how what's what sort of story you all would like to tell in the charity stream last time they chose like you were a past life of mine and it was a really interesting like it's sort of blurred genres and stuff it was really cool but y'all can uh you can make stuff up too I'm curious to hear
Starting point is 00:31:57 which ones jump out at you I think the past life thing is kind of fun right I think for your character too especially because it's like you're doing the meditation you don't believe in organized religion but like there's some sort of like there's something there maybe that's something you'll you can address with another character who uh you know what I feel like uh Marky Mark could have been something of a past life like I'm like hmm we've we've met we've definitely been we've linked up in some way shape or form okay okay if you're okay with that sir yeah absolutely yeah you don't have to do the weird like temporal thing that is that thing that bullet implies but uh if you want to do something similar to that like some sort of like like soulmate
Starting point is 00:32:46 however you want to play that or however you want to yeah maybe I was just in your past life in some way or part of it hmm cool um does anything jump out to anyone besides that we can we can kind of like everybody choose one and we can like sort of patch up any holes that happen along the way I don't think my character would admit to having any rivals uh let's see Eli remind me what your deal is uh like my wounds and stuff yeah wait no I can just look at it I'm sorry yeah I make paper cranes I got one I got one so for my character um you know I was there I was Eli's waiter once like on the on the rig like I was in the in the mess hall right and they were they seemed to be a pretty shy person but I construed that as they
Starting point is 00:33:47 don't like me or they're angry with me or something like that so uh you know I felt that they treated me poorly by not you know uh love bombing me the way I always want to so that's uh that's my thing with Eli down cool here's what I think what do you think what you got I think I think you Henry is really into folding paper cranes now you'll notice that I have no thumbs but I need to be able to use a rivalry no it's not a rivalry it's I want to make you my protege because you're talented with your thumbs and I can't use mine anymore so I want to teach you how what do you do in the spring what do you do what do you do for a living here what do you want he pushes one imagine he pushes one button you do in the spring
Starting point is 00:34:43 I'm just a I'm just a working Joe I don't know what I do I just show up and I collect a paycheck you like you just gotta grab something that's called embezzlement just show up and take money but it's a job okay all jobs are valid embezzling money from a corporation is valid thank you for being so brave Lex all right so you're teaching me the ways of I've tried to convince you to let this is this is like scent of a woman but just on an oil rig I I don't know what that is but it's scent of a woman is is a movie with Al Pacino where he plays a blind guy that like kind of like tutors or like you know takes another kid under his wing or something yeah and he like you can choose however you want to like however your character
Starting point is 00:35:36 feels about the way this guy's trying to teach you to gamble don't you feel about that but yeah I think that's a it's a fun figure and that's funny as fuck yeah Amanda you have a mischievous look on your face or is that just your face don't even worry about it Amanda has what we call resting mischievous face every time I look over at Amanda it's another face and I'm like that's a lot of information for me to handle it and I don't buy it and I just don't have I just can't process the information fast enough I have another connection for me I think with Sonny my character Mark is he reminds me of my my father who I could never please so my father lost a thumb he only lost one thumb but it reminds me and so I think I'm gonna constantly
Starting point is 00:36:26 I'm not gonna take the I have a crush on you but it's like I have like a like a I want to please you kind of a thing yeah for sure his name was uh what is it one thumb that was his middle that was his nickname and this guy's two thumbs so it's actually it's actually an up it's an up it's an or no thumbs so it's a zero so you kind of just you know you take what you can get it's the next the next best thing exactly I think I think with Jones I'm gonna do uh I've never met before but I really want to make you smile because I feel like Jones is like an intimidating person and I can't confront that kind of energy so I'm just trying to find a way to connect with this person RBF face resting bitch face all day yep but like inner peace though
Starting point is 00:37:19 you well yeah neutral yes all right uh who who who else would like to choose one I have two now I am oh uh I I'll do one for Aaron where I see like this guy and just like going on a downward path so I want to try to be a and also yes no thumbs so I'm gonna like act like kind of like a guardian angel and be like if he needs help with certain things I'll be like I got that cool nice um this when you did this it looks Aaron it looks like you were doing like Wolverine claws but it was just but it was just hands with no thumbs that was the whole that was it excellent uh does anyone else want to establish another connection or would you like to just move on into gameplay because you can add more than you don't have that doesn't have to all be
Starting point is 00:38:13 equal it's just sort of whatever is up to you I think you at least have one for everyone cool heck yeah so um we are going to have onto page 14 which explains night hawks happens in nights each night can last an hour a full evening or any amount of time you want every night uh each of the players will choose one of the actions on this page and try not to take the same action two nights in a row but it's not a hard rule the first rule uh first action you can take is daydream where you'll narrate a scene that plays out in your head and at the end of it you'll gain one token and so the the tokens uh are represent d4s once you gather you can gather at any amount of tokens using the actions that will go over in a moment uh expend those tokens you'll take the highest roll
Starting point is 00:39:05 out of the pool and then uh that will sort of determine what happens next the next action is reach out to another character which is initiate a scene with one or more other players at the end of the scene you'll roll one d4 minus one if the scene ended positively you'll gain that many tokens and if it ends neutrally or negatively you'll lose that many tokens you cannot have negative tokens ideally you'll decide together how the scene went but typically the player on the receiving end on this action will you know they'll get to have the final say um there's also the withdrawal action which is the useless one i was i was saying talking about earlier which is you neither gain or lose tokens what your isolation diet takes down by one which uh we'll also talk about that but
Starting point is 00:39:54 it's basically your health and it's just a d4 and uh it takes up and down to just to keep track of where you're at emotionally um and so people do take the withdrawal action because it sort of makes sense for the story as it's as it's progressing it clearly has no mechanical benefit and is in fact a mechanical detriment uh but it's there it's available for the story what my character would do look it's all about how do you want to tell the story about your isolation and you kind of have to have a withdrawal uh move there for these people sometimes you just can't you know sometimes it's just like too much uh and then the final move is keep going which is how you spend your tokens you'll call on your connections with others to attempt a significant move toward happiness
Starting point is 00:40:37 whatever that means for you choosing this action allows you to expend any number of your tokens rolling that many d4s your highest number will determine what happens next and we'll go to page 16 which has a modified version of the caltrip core table that i have in the srd still has the one two three four but they also have corresponding token amounts or sorry isolation die you know values so if you get a one uh your isolation die will take down by two if you get a two it'll take down by one if you get a three it'll take up by one and uh if you get a four it'll take up by two um and then you'll narrate what goes through your character's mind based on the results so sort of a prompt for you to uh explore more of the inner life of your character
Starting point is 00:41:28 the isolation die is a d4 and you could either choose for it to start at two or you can roll it and see uh where it lands and just use that as your health to track your health or your quote unquote health um and you can just choose how you want to do that when the die hits zero you lose the ability to reach out with your heart temporarily you lose access to the reach out to another character action until you can get your die back up to one or higher uh or another player uses the reach out to another character action on you so that'll restore that for you if someone reaches out to you um if you incur a success so if that's a three or four while out of four on your isolation die you can give your result to another player replacing uh a next role of theirs
Starting point is 00:42:17 and then you want to play out a scene with them just to justify how you're transferring that sort of overflowing kindness from from your character to theirs and the game ends on basically when we decide it ends we can do it naturally based on when it feels like the story has come to an end we'll narrate an epilogue for the characters we also have optional ending rules if someone wants a more concrete ending which is if everybody hits zero on the same night or everybody hits four on the same night two very different outcomes but that's also could be i could see someone going for an all zero run of night hawks or an all four run if we if we hit alt zero we know we sync with the
Starting point is 00:43:06 oil rig we sync with the ship you get all four and get out of here all together yes that's a cool well i have a question uh in terms of uh if you allow this i have a different kind of d4 do you have you ever seen this kind where it's like a little bit of a round d4 uh so that that's allowed right i can use that yeah guess what this is i didn't come up with a name no spiky boys only i didn't come up with a name so i don't have any attachment to it i'm i'm using a d12 that's done up uh it does one two three four three times oh that's funny and they've got these little sharan ganas uh graphics on them uh and so i mean let's let's let's be honest the d4s just don't roll well those celtron feels feels yeah you look oh it looks like you like drop for a
Starting point is 00:43:50 second in response to what you said it's fine now it's fine now you like but it was just like a moment uh i'll i'll i'll say is the d4s are the satans legos the satans legos gee that is a good one i'm gonna use that okay so really the the only thing we have to decide is how long do we want each quote unquote night to last we can do an evening and you can just do day by day which is sort of more natural than a 24 hour like clock that you kind of just take every hour but if you have any other ideas it could be a week long you know you could have it go on for a long time i mean i'm thinking like we're basically just like we find out our our oil rig is sinking and like we send for help and we're like basically just waiting for help to come but it's going to
Starting point is 00:44:44 take a couple days or whatever you know so we're just roughing it in the meantime maybe we'll only come out at night maybe we sleep during the day and they could do that you could do sort of you could have them you could have even each action represent how you're spending the whole day or in other times i've run it i've had like they've everybody met in the diner in the evening and during the day we i'd be like well how do you spend your day and and you kind of do it that way but amanda would you have an idea i was i was gonna like just piggyback off you surge it's a kind of like like maybe in the daytime that's when we're on the drop because we can actually see this is 1920s before losing power so like at night we have to be back in and yeah yeah and we can
Starting point is 00:45:25 like take our breaks and stuff and we have time to interact yeah i like that right right and it's losing power too so it's like exactly so it's like to save as much power that's why certain parts of the ship we can't go to that's why the mess hall is and maybe another couple spots but yeah maybe maybe the mess hall is where like the emergency power is is sort of that's the the only place where it's all rigged up or at least in a place big enough for for people to gather um yeah i love that so uh well you'll have sort of like your daytime gubs we don't have to uh go through every single daytime period we'll mostly be focusing on this sort of fraught uh evening time as everybody meets together in the same space how's that sound yeah i i i think i have an idea to start so cool um
Starting point is 00:46:15 remind me again i basically just have to announce an action what action i'm taking right yeah you'll just tell the table i'd like to do this action and then we'll just go from there i think i'm going to hold on let me go back to you can also sort of if you want as we're kind of both as we're starting to get into the story proper describe where you're at in the scene or sort of uh like let's place ourselves in the space of the mess hall like where your character is in relation to the other characters uh if there are any uh mpcs that you want to interact with uh it's i have nobody's taken that choice yet but i can run that since we have a gm um okay but also we can just it could be like there's just randos and really focusing on y'all's thing that's also those people
Starting point is 00:47:00 we don't have there's only four people that work on this it's a modern rig computer engineers look we either go or we don't we've accepted that reality so i'd like to think that you know it's like nighttime while i'm serving dinner to everybody right so i'm you know handing handing trays to people and uh uh what did i name him uh sonny sonny is kind of coming up and and when he starts when i start giving him food i'm like you know in hush tones i'm like hey sonny uh listen you know with the whole you know the whole ship sinking and stuff um i uh we're kind of running out of food and all but i do have two live uh chickens left if you wanted to maybe i don't know maybe hold a little cock fight later uh we could uh you know invite
Starting point is 00:47:55 everybody and uh well you think well you think just because i'm a gambler i'm okay with animal cruelty that's a bold assumption of you the make uh uh oh i mean no i'm not running on food i'm against animal cruelty too i just i just was like you know i i always see you rolling dice and and begging everyone to to to gamble and stuff i just thought it would be a fun thing to do on our last night's possibly alive if you know we don't get help well i guess we are running out of food so if we need to supplement our stores survival of the fittest is a good system i think i i i was gonna have to just put them out of the misery anyway but yeah you're right you know what on second thought we might as well have some fun with it oh another mayday real play thing where you just harmed hurting
Starting point is 00:48:51 animals i was gonna say erin how how to be fair i'm the one that introduced it but i was literally like first action we just started playing what is it what is the the the one thing i have access to that he can gamble and i was like oh we're gonna have a chicken fight but you know here's the joke these are chickens these are not actual cock so like they can't they're not going to be able to kill each other like they're not gonna have the bar this is not going to end with one of them killing the other two chickens in a yeah it's gonna have to be like a race or something that's very funny word i'm too immature it's not about the chicken thing it's just the fact you guys just take all the time i'm a 12 year old inside sorry oh you thought we were gonna have that kind of a cock
Starting point is 00:49:37 i i got i got very i was like whoa right out the gate i have sergio and erin they'll go pretty far if they like tag each i was like what's happening i don't know animal things more extreme than the alternative but but i think that's maybe part of the conversation that i have with sonny is i'm like but i realize now these chickens aren't actually going to kill each other maybe we have a race maybe maybe they wrestle each other like what what else can we do with these chickens to gamble all right yeah you're on i'll put i got i got a hundred dollars on the scrappy little one do you have a hundred dollars do i have a hundred dollars yeah sure i got a hundred dollars i believe you i believe you all right so we'll we'll tell everybody tonight at midnight we'll
Starting point is 00:50:27 we'll do it or hell yeah cool cool i'm cool right out some potatoes for me i don't have any thumbs to pick up oh of course whatever you want sonny here here's extra thank you slobs mom i'll go sit down now all right so i i guess i now roll the d4 then to see overall how that went yeah so that was your reach out to another character you'll roll one d4 minus one that was a positive interaction hopefully i rolled the two so you'll gain one token for your pool okay gotcha so i add just one d4 put it next to my my counter my isolation die basically yeah you just have like a little pool of the d4s that you'll have available to roll you can spend any amount of them when you take the keep going action gotcha excellent i think we should the
Starting point is 00:51:18 camera probably follows sonny back over to the table uh i really want to know what what's going to happen next i'm gonna sit down right across from henry etta and i'm gonna i was i was gonna talk to henry etta and i'm gonna say henry etta you know you got such marvelous hands some might call them magic cans there's a lot i could teach you how to do with those hands if you were so inclined henry is not even sitting across from you henry's like lounging over the tire tabletop and like hanging off the edge and like with their head like upside down and they're just kind of folding a paper crane while you're trying to pitch them this um and isn't really paying attention to you and just keeps keeps making cranes also one more thing is going to the next
Starting point is 00:52:21 one could you put a spoon in my in my claw i can't pick it up because i don't have a thumb could you just kind of like thread it on in there i'd really appreciate that so he hasn't learned how to use the thumbs yet or how to use his hands yet the thumb injury is recent no i'm trying to i'm trying to create engagement here don't help me like like i'll like flip up like halfway just so that i can see like make eye contact and a little kind of roll my eyes sit up and then try to wedge the spoon in between your fingers so you can help you're welcome i imagine the rest of your fingers are also not in good shape feels like probably they're like like weird angles and and shit yeah can i ask you something yeah what you got
Starting point is 00:53:15 for a person who really likes fingers and hands you don't really like to take care of your own what's up with that well you know that's kind of a long story you see back in 1968 i was running i was running some some craps out in an alley in manhattan and i accrued a very large debt to a man named spicy joe spicy joe worked with the local mafia and well you know long story short i took a little lawn paying my bill and there was a running involving a baseball bat my fingers were the balls my fingers were the balls surgery you lost your you lost your finger so you lost your fingers by a bat well that's how your fingers that's how these ones got broken this the thumb's got cut off in the casino in las vegas several years ago why do you bet your fingers
Starting point is 00:54:16 oh i didn't bet my fingers the fingers are what happens when i keep talking to people like this so are you saying that if i follow down your footsteps i'll end up like a fingerless man if you work really hard yes salesman wasn't your first job was it huh i i gave it a try for about five years didn't work out i actually wound up owing money on the commissions your boss ran over your fingers yeah they always target your hands that's how i lost the function in this one see look i can only move this about 15 degrees here well okay well i'm gonna go get dinner before it gets cold um i'll see you later thanks for putting a spoon in my hand
Starting point is 00:55:10 i think that's the refrain that rings out in this very quiet cafeteria because people are sad about maybe dying and it's a thanks for putting a spoon in my hand and i think we follow henry uh oh before we do that uh what action would you call that i was trying to i was trying to reach out to you like i do not think it went well i would say neutral at best yeah luckily you're at zero token so you can't lose you have nothing to lose here so nothing to gain either you can't get anything but at least you know sonny's living in his own world and is having a good time question mark i got my spoon man that's all i need okay uh henry what's what's henry gonna do we don't
Starting point is 00:56:06 have to necessarily follow the sequence in chronological order and we don't have to like do a one take thing what's what is henry gonna be doing i think that's um i think i'm gonna join the the lunch line or the dinner line um and then i think i'm gonna notice like jones just like just out in space doing their thing and i'm gonna do that weird thing where like i'm not saying anything but i'm slowly inching closer hoping to not be noticed so that i could put a paper crane on their lunch uh tray discreetly all right yeah yeah i'd probably be like zoned out to be honest jonesi would be zoned he's like peeking up and trying to discipline here can i can i actually like roll to see if i see it i always want to see like you can you can
Starting point is 00:57:07 decide however you want if you see it or not you can oh i see it i did it yeah i see it what the look around how many people are here because if none i'm gonna spot you kind of skedaddling really quickly there's there's like other people here for sure oh yeah but like they're not smooth about it no there's it's probably like i don't know 30 people in here i don't know how much in a way how many people work on an oil rig i gotta go i press the back down with sonny hello again
Starting point is 00:57:52 who's next what who's wait i thought you were no that was me that that was it i was just i just wanted to give you a crane and leave and hide and run you could confront me about it if you like but i'm i ran away i thought you were having a scene with erin like you were oh no that's why we were watching we're like what's happening now just everybody being so excited for somebody for like their fellow people to do it's like so wholesome and then nothing happened it's really okay so i think that's all we can we can say that do we see do we think that's positive amanda how does your character feel about this is this a positive or a weird thing like what's no i would say it's a positive thing yeah the character is like okay they like it cool
Starting point is 00:58:41 so give me that one d4 minus one eline that was a three so minus one would be two so you gain two tokens so your pool your little token pool very good and we'll i guess the we'll still we're still doing the same take it's a one take and we're gonna go we're still stuck on um we're gonna be on johnson's face now as it sort of turns away from from sonny and henry like all right and then back to you what's going on i'm gonna take the crane and i'm gonna kind of smirk and i'm gonna put in my pocket for a second and i'm going to approach markie mark and uh oh hey hey jones uh or uh yeah jones hey you you want some more mashed potatoes okay do you mind just a little bit more
Starting point is 00:59:36 you do a great job with it hey did you uh did uh did sonny tell you about the big chicken race that's gonna happen tonight there's a chicken race gonna happen for real oh oh he didn't tell you oh i thought i thought he was excited about it um anyway i just got i yeah i just ran in from outside so i didn't see oh but i'm sure i'm surprised the news didn't travel faster but that's okay tonight i'm planning to have a big chicken race uh for for sonny because i know how much he loves the gamble so thought that would be a fun thing for everyone to just kind of you know camaraderie if i with together that is very morbidly beautiful that's that's very morbidly beautiful i like what you that's yeah i mean no one's gonna there's no chickens aren't gonna die
Starting point is 01:00:22 they can't they're not gonna fight it i mean if the chicken if we die the chickens are gonna die anyways i'm gonna cook them tomorrow so they are dying period but oh so i figure we have to be the chicken you know yeah it's yeah it always sucks to be the chicken or the chicken was reincarnated from another life and that's his punishment oh you you you believe in that kind of stuff i mean who i i would i would say i'm open to it it's like it's so massive and it's so big and sometimes it's hard to put the words you know you get it yeah i i guess you're just always talking so much shit about religion and stuff it's interesting to me that oh yeah no no because people suck ass people yeah suck let's well like that's if we're gonna get into it in like i don't
Starting point is 01:01:08 get yeah hold on everybody just chill so listen how did that book just land on the ground it didn't it was written by man and man is stupid so yeah jones you you you remind me every time you walk in the uh every time you walk in the lunch line i i know the story yeah it's crazy yeah that's the kind of shit that goes through my brain but i will go to your chicken fight no awesome that now chicken run chicken chicken race yeah chicken race chicken run yeah chicken gosh see uh do you have a coke and soup do you have a coke a coke oh uh yeah hey yeah for you for sure for sure like just a little bit slide i i know that i don't have a coke so i'll i'll like i'll look for something i'll probably take a sprite and like add some cocoa powder to it or something and that's and
Starting point is 01:02:03 that's what i give you it's like here you go look at that let's go i'm gonna be like last i want to awesome thank you be like you know walk over see you later friend see you later uh while while i'm passing the the table with sonny and uh henry i'm gonna go ahead and take that crane out of my pocket and like place it right by henry be like this is really cute thank you and then i'm just gonna go ahead pick it up again and walk down and just sit at another table freak out internally screams internally just because i'm in that mood mashed potatoes in faith uh uh jones he's gonna go ahead and do a great 90s hair flip walk guys and just kind of do that slow movie wink and then just get into my mood mortified so cute so just we love it we'd love
Starting point is 01:03:09 to see it um would you describe the interaction you had with uh marky mark as positive neutral or negative well i i kind of see it as it's between neutral or positive because it's like just wanting to kind of like i'm trying to you know get in his circle he invited me to the chicken run chicken race so i'm actually going to say like cool and then i i knew i nailed it because i saw like henry i was like yeah i'm on a high on that one too yeah i think this could be this could be a positive thing so roll that uh d4 minus one uh two two so you'll gain one token that you'll be able to spend i think uh have we have we gotten has everybody taken an action i think so and just and just to clarify we rolled the two so the token we gain is a two right you'll gain no it's just like that's
Starting point is 01:04:07 how many d4s you can you'll you'll bank essentially gotcha gotcha so if you if you roll it you you can you will take a minus one because you can roll a zero on that and that will if that happens we'll we'll talk about that it's not a special case but it's fun role play um yeah so that's the the number of tokens you get is the number of d4s you can uh you can grab to roll on the keep going action so where do we think the camera goes next what's is are we gonna just fade out to the chicken run i like the chicken i like the name chicken run because the movie was i love that movie on as a kid um can you can you can you remember any character names from that movie because that'll be the names of the two chickens i can google is rodney one of them
Starting point is 01:04:56 rod that's as it is now rodney is one chicken that gets no respect rodney okay give give both of the hens male names yes yes rodney edda rodney rodney how about rodney and spike rodney and spike name for the conspicuously missing spike on these chicken's legs we have rocky we have ginger babs oh i like babs bunty bunty bunty babs and ginger oh i remember bunty bunty was like the all right it's coming back to me now so i think i like that we can we can play out the the chicken run together you all can like sort of narrate how it goes we could make this another night mechanically if you'd like and then sort of it's another sort of social situation where everybody's back together and seeing like how you all navigate that so that you can take some
Starting point is 01:05:58 more actions if you want if you want to just like play it out that's also fine how would you like to proceed i mean in the sense of the narrative it would be a few hours later and i don't necessarily mind like making each night like a chunk of hours because yeah like the oil rig is not going to stay for days it's going to sink eventually like within a matter of hours we have maybe 72 hours yes yeah exactly that's good point yes so yeah for sure so we'll count this as a new round start thinking about like the actions you want to take we don't have to keep the same order as last time but if you want to we can do that i feel like this marky mark did sort of arrange the chicken run or i came up with the idea so maybe uh marky mark can take the first action if anybody's okay with that
Starting point is 01:06:44 all right so i can either daydream speak to another character withdraw or keep going so when you keep going you call in your connections with others to attempt a significant move towards happiness choosing this action allows you to expend any number of your tokens rolling that many d4s your highest number roll determines what happens next okay i i think this is i mean this took a lot of chutzpah from uh from um marky to do this you know he's really putting his reputation on the line with this chicken race so i think he's going to try to keep going he's going to try to like you know be the ringleader of this and you know my biggest fear is that if i roll poorly then there's some kind of like supervisor or manager that's really what the hell
Starting point is 01:07:25 are you guys doing with the chickens and i get in some kind of big trouble so i roll the two so i have two d4s so i'll roll two d4s to roll the two so that means you would have one token okay all right because you were all one d4 minus one to determine how many tokens you received all right so with one token yeah so this is like this i think the one token represents the risk here because like oh sure marky marky was really putting himself out here right and so there's a lot on the line that can go well a lot can go wrong and one d4 is sort of like that's the only chance to get i roll the one one oh my god so let me ask you did you roll to see what your isolation die started at or did you roll i chose it just to be a two okay has everyone
Starting point is 01:08:12 else chosen two we should all choose what our isolation die starts at yeah you should let me know what they start at uh if you just wanted two is sort of the default or you can choose which number or sorry you can choose for it to be two or you can roll it sorry two i i take two take the two okay cool knowing my luck yeah so you rolled a one did you say surge i roll the one you roll the one so we will reference the table and that means your isolation die will take down by two which means you are at a zero uh and we can we can narrate that out uh after this but that means you've lost your access to the reach out to another character action until you can get that number up or you can get that number up to a one or like a non-zero positive number
Starting point is 01:09:00 or somebody else reaches out to you and that's when you'll get that that action back got right now you cannot you can only daydream withdraw and you can't keep going because you don't have any tokens left right so yeah so that'll be for the following night got describe how this goes describe how this goes yeah i just think it goes as poorly as possible like i've been watching eastbound and down recently and like when things that happened poorly in that it's just so hilariously bad so i'm imagining like you know it's just like slow motion me like just the in the center of attention and we start the chicken race and you know we still need these chickens to eat you know i'm worried one goes over the side of the oil rig
Starting point is 01:09:39 and you know the supervisor or the the head honcho of the oil rig sees this and you know just screams at me and just berates me in front of everybody and and you know i just i i'm immediately uh literally my concern of like you know people hurting my feelings is is you know happening right now right i think um you know the the the next worst thing is after he's done braiding me i turn around and i and i've peed my pants and it's just like really as uh as embarrassing as it can be for our old marky mark yeah sort of worst case scenario are you telling me that one of the chickens literally ran off of the edge of the oil rig or it slipped off everyone was making too much noise and one of them just flew you know flew off the side and it's now like floating in the water
Starting point is 01:10:29 yeah they could probably get fished out but that was gonna go get there eventually yeah we're not going that fast i might even think that they might even throw me in the brig or something uh you know it's just yeah you can tell me how you want that to play out i i think i'm probably told to at least go to my quarters until uh until what's it called until you know the pickups arrive yep yep that makes sense for that role that hell yeah surgery on which of the two chickens went oh i think it was ginger babs is still so i think i think i think what i'm doing is i'm just like on the on the sidelines watching the chickens race i'm like go ginger go ginger go ginger i have all my money arriving on you
Starting point is 01:11:21 oh no i've lost everything again again why does this always happen to me because you keep doing the same thing we're right by you mother excellent in 2018 oh okay i was betting on the ponies in Atlanta Georgia and something similar happened i had a mill cool i had a cool mill resting on a horse named downtown pony and he ran into the stands and murdered half a dozen people um hold up sonny sonny um have you ever thought that maybe stop gambling you know i thought about that once i went to i went to two back in back in 2016 oh okay this will have been in the spring of 2016 i went to exactly two meetings of gamblers
Starting point is 01:12:23 anonymous oh which ended in tragedy when i got into uh when i got into a match of knuckle bones in the bathroom closet with a meth doubt hobo there was a there was a narcotics anonymous meeting going on next to him and what's the end of that story at the end of that story is i wound up spending two wild months sleeping on the streets in portland oregon you're getting some fans in the chat i love it i gotta say uh sonny i um i'm gonna be on you know what sonny i got nothing to say i can't no that's uh you know i think this is a good night to call it quits uh yep good luck with that said i i did just lose all of my money can i borrow five dollars please
Starting point is 01:13:15 here come with i'll be like pulling it out and be like will you try to at least relax with it with the gambling i'll give i'll try to make it i'll let you to not gamble and i will give you a thousand dollars oh you son of a bitch you have a deal there you go darling bye oh yeah yeah but you got other things by the way you don't okay i'll trot off with the five dollar bill in my teeth i'm feeling that would have happened if your character had thumbs anyway so i i think so too um what action was that you tell me i think i would start it out i was gonna start it out there's like a daydream but i think it wound up trying to i think i wound up trying to make a connection with amanda's character yeah i think
Starting point is 01:14:13 that was like a reach out to another character almost or did amanda do that to you it's i was just reacting off of like we would be right there yeah and then he kept going i'm like okay yeah sure uh yeah it could be yeah if you want to give me that d4 roll i think that's positive that was that's like a friendship you see because if it was a daydream it would have not been positive because i lost all my money but now that it's a social interaction you can okay so i roll a d4 right you can never gamble again to win the thousand dollars i rolled a one damn you gained zero tokens and tell me why that is you had a positive interaction but the tokens sort of obviously represent a resource yeah an internal resource i don't
Starting point is 01:15:02 want to tell you what that is for your character but how's that play out in sumi's head so let me tell you what happens i'm returning to my quarters my quarters with the five dollar bill still happily tucked between my teeth and i'm going to the vending machine to get myself a nighty night soda and then right as i'm about to approach the vending machine i sneeze and the next thing i know the five dollar bill is lodged in my windpipe several chaotic minutes ensue and i'm giving myself the heimlich maneuver on a steel chair that was left out in the hallway easy to do if you have thumbs keep going continue yeah and then i lean into the chair and then i do the heimlich maneuver so well because this is not the first time that this has happened that like spew vomit just all over the
Starting point is 01:15:58 hallway and then i gotta like spend a spend a while like cleaning it up only the discover that by the time i'm done cleaning up the mess that the five dollar bill has dissolved in my stomach acid and once again i am faced with the reality of having lost everything that is a one that is a that's the one if i ever heard it i'm so curious about your stomach acid well you see there's a story behind that too it increased it gave you superpowers it gave you stomach acid it was the one with the catalyst um all right well whoever's not gone yet can tell me what they want to do uh i just love y'all to to go ahead and and do more for us go for it i think i think
Starting point is 01:17:01 because jones gave henry some form of attention that they didn't want um they're gonna withdraw this round and while this whole chaos is gonna go they're like in some rafter somewhere just like lounge with like uh with like this is like paper cranes just scattered about and they're just sighing discontently while chaos is just going on below them your character has spent more time laying down than standing up uh and that's very funny to me yeah this is my aesthetic yeah it's just like if they ever do characterize just like everyone's standing and then you're just like on the ground laying there all right cool so i just want low-fi art yeah low-fi art just chill beats to brood and make paper cranes too chill beats to sink in just sink into the atlantic with
Starting point is 01:18:01 yeah so you're isolated i will take down by one uh and i think we have um a minus character left right uh yeah this it's going to be kind of short because i said i was going to uh my room right uh and i am but i'm going to stop over in the laundry area steal someone else's like trousers because homeboy pissed his pants and i'm gonna go ahead knock on i won't say who would be like i'll just be like hey you don't have to come out but there's some pants for you okay it really sucked it didn't i'm sorry about ginger don't is that you yeah yeah yeah it's me oh you said you have pants for me yeah yeah clean ones clean ones oh thanks yeah i hate when the the water just kind of sprays up and splashes on your pants like that you know
Starting point is 01:18:55 right that's only what happened so absolutely because i saw that spray yeah yeah i just yeah i don't know my crotch region is just like a magnet for that i don't know but here we go yeah thank you thank you so much um gotta be honest i didn't think anyone was gonna come check on me i really appreciate it it's just like you were just trying to boost morale all right shit sucks and what like mr dickhead is just taking things way too f and far okay you're dying bitch the rest of us too i mean when when i got hired on this thing and i saw that his name was mr dickhead i was like there's no way he's gonna actually be a fucking dickhead but yeah he's such an ass see this is why karm exists because there's no fucking way someone named dickhead would actually be a dickhead
Starting point is 01:19:44 just saying but just just be honest with me like henry sonny they think i'm an ass huh they just must think i'm such a dummy huh no i mean i mean i'm not in their head but i don't think i don't get that from you get that vibe no i didn't get that from them but i did you get the vibe that like i'm coming out cooler because of tonight or oh no you took a real big hit oh see look uh they gotta understand like i i'm trying not to be a nice person being a kind person because i know i appreciate the the brutal heart wrenching honesty yeah it sucked um but you know think of it this way we're gonna how i felt yeah you are going to die so who gives a fuck about tonight but we're gonna be rescued what do you mean i'm gonna die well that's the worst case scenario look that's
Starting point is 01:20:37 the worst case scenario right because if you died then it's not a problem but if it if we're rescued you don't have to be on this thing anymore and just transfer and no one will know the story well do you think that if we do die will you die with me like you want to die together oh that's like best friends you know like jack and rose but just without the whole you know new drawing sketch thing you know yeah unless you want me to do that i'll draw you i'm not a very good i mean let's if you have to kill well that's up for negotiation but we can just spit hands shake on it i promise i'll kill you first i'll shake your hand wait a minute is that not what you asked
Starting point is 01:21:32 i'm sorry i misunderstood i thought you said you oh i just realized but how are we gonna do it are we like gonna like try to choke each other but that's not gonna work but are we gonna try to like just jump and swim it i don't think i can choke you your neck is a lot bigger than my hands but yeah i can hold you under the water whatever you know it's a very peaceful death apparently the thank you for the consideration uh i'm gonna think about that a little bit so but the thing still stands if maybe thank you well just just put a good in good word for me and for mr dickhead maybe i can get out of here you know before the rescue shifts are coming one like one way or another it's either gonna work or it's just not our problem anymore oh you're very stoic about this okay
Starting point is 01:22:20 oh i am high as fuck okay i have been so high since this news came out i have i have been dealing with existential crisis and that's when that epiphany came to me and i realized especially meditating when all that it's either going to be fixed or it's just not going to be a problem all right thanks for the thanks for the very uplifting talk uh thanks jones happy to help i think i was like i'm like oh we got to talk and connect and then i like that was weird but they are not of mine they're kind of isn't this the situation where they're kind of giving me a die or something yeah this your this is sort of i think this is like net positive we'll call it a net positive um i mean finding somebody to die with is definitely a net positive if anything i would be
Starting point is 01:23:16 like if i got anything i could just like pass it on to him right so what this is this gives um surges character marky mark the ability to use the reach out to another character action again because you reached out nice nice um and uh amanda why don't you roll one d4 minus one for me okay and oh no i got a one got a one on the die so you got a zero what is going through jones's mind after this interaction like clearly it was a positive one but why do you not feel you know encouraged by it because uh oh jones uh jonesy will like back in their room is uh even though they're putting on that front it is it's still like the shake maybe we'll have like the room shake a little bit the powers flicker and you can hear like that the metal kind of like that and you
Starting point is 01:24:07 could see them like just taking that sound like they're trying to meditate but the sound so loud that you can have like it's easy to philosophize about it but when you're like actually facing death it's pretty fucking dead literally having a shaking almost panicky tech kind of vibe so it's like they're trying to do exactly yeah that's so good no that makes so much sense i love that um i think that sort of wraps up the order has everyone gone sorry i think everyone's gone for the night yeah yeah you like did you go yeah i withdrew that's true all right i the last time i ran this i kept skipping one player and i kept forgetting them and i'm like so paranoid about doing that again i think that the night wraps up um let's say everybody sleeps or at least attempts to sleep
Starting point is 01:24:53 i imagine it's a little bit difficult um when would you all like to be in the same place again your breakfast or is there something someone wants to do in the middle of the night how do you all want to go about this i'm really liking the idea of this all kind of happening in the same night kind of a vibe so like we're like we're getting to the witching hour you know three four in the morning we're tuning the violence because yeah yeah yeah it's thinking it's happening yeah exactly maybe it's like it's getting slightly a little bit worse and the power is only in the mess that's why or at least for us maybe there's like one of the rooms maybe there's like the look i don't know how oil rigs work so don't at me i don't know water in the staircase but there'll be water in like one of
Starting point is 01:25:36 the lower levels i think i think that's probably and that's that's sort of like we're like sort of invoking this sinking tag that makes a lot of sense and then also obviously affects power situation and all that stuff so it's sort of like an immediate hit to morale where there's like there's water in places where there was not water before i think henry would definitely be down there i i'd like to think that henry's like a mechanic or something like that it's just trying to like solve problems and then comes and stumbles on this like stairwell that's like taking on water low-key panicking um i think it's i think i'm in a daydream here though since i'm just like kind of like stuck in place
Starting point is 01:26:20 and i think i'm just gonna try to remember about like a better time where like going to the beach or going to the water was like a fun experience like about to jump off like a cliffside for the first time and that like rush before you like jump into the water um and i'm just trying to do that to like ease and calm as i'm like fidgeting in uh in places i'm thinking about it yeah i think that's all cool is there any like specific memory that your character has that like represents you know like the the memory that's emblematic of this of these like beach days or whatever like um i think it's like probably the first time they'd like climbed up like this rock face and stood over the predipus and like jumped in jumped down but this is like not one of the yeah but like in this
Starting point is 01:27:07 kind of situation you wouldn't want to be doing that um but it was like if you felt effortless and free and it was like a moment like straddled in time it's nice hell yeah i love that so you'll gain one token from that um what does everybody else doing this sort of the like are you waking up are you did you just not go to sleep something like this is sort of like yeah witching hour time it's it's it's that like bleary eyed moment of that we're like i'm still awake and i hate that but i can't go to sleep uh you know i think i kind of have to daydream too because i i spoke to a character in my first round the second round i tried to keep going failed miserably i think i think i need to try to daydream and i'm probably just daydreaming now you know like i tend to once
Starting point is 01:27:56 i make a new friend i just obsess over them so i'm thinking about uh uh me and me and jones's life after this oil rig and how much uh how much we're just gonna have the best time once we get landside yep all the i what's what's the first thing marky mark is gonna like ask his friend jones to do when they when they get saved um we're gonna go uh uh you know we're if we're in the atlantic we're probably not too far from florida and i'll probably take him on a banana boat right if they've never been on a banana boat that's pretty great we're we're both like in a rubber thing that just like bounces up and down on the water it's really quite stupid just the the worst possible i just think that's what my friends want to do with me is going for sure for sure i love
Starting point is 01:28:49 that so yeah you'll gain that token nice um who else who wants to go next well i think that i also will have to take the opportunity the daydream and you know really losing that five dollar bill it reminded me of this time back in 1998 it was a hot summer in chicago illinois i was there taking a series of improv courses when i briefly considered changing courses from being a professional gambler but likewise it also ended in tragedy as i began betting on the outcome of the improv groups and my predictions were were very we're very off and i lost everything on a i lost everything on a second city performance uh just even colbert that's a unique amul that son of a bitch still that son of a bitch took all of my money that's
Starting point is 01:29:54 why he's living in that nice house in new york now and i'm stuck on this oil rig yeah that's exactly the reason i love that this daydream included losing money just even that's excellent that's great um excellent so you'll gain a token from that that's that's that was easy that was easy um this feels like the uh this feels like the part of the of the musical where everyone's like singing to themselves and daydreaming yeah and then there's just that one one refrain that everybody's like right so you know you know will we get off this how many words ryan with rig i guess we're gonna resolve all of them oh fine now dig wig dig rig trick rig also i i going back to mr. dickhead i like to think that
Starting point is 01:30:56 it's actually pronounced like mr. dekeed but everyone just calls him mr. dickhead uh and he just says he can't fight it anymore because there's just no point no one's gonna say it right we just call it to his face yeah yeah he can't do anything about it it's one of those things where everybody started doing it and it's just like you can't fight the tide jones what's jones up to um because oh now i'm down oh well i can't withdraw because then i'm going back to because i'm already at zero so it's either yeah withdraw well you're you're at zero tokens right yeah because your isolation die is still at two is that oh you're right yeah the isolation dies what uh chervins that that's what he's off of
Starting point is 01:31:42 withdraw okay oh okay fair uh i could say ooh uh they're daydreaming i'm just gonna steal everyone else's idea this is like the dream this is the dream song the dream is that part of the musical yes part of the part of the musical um i am going to because i the the that all that noise and i'm calming down and i've finally been able to like kind of meditate so kind of breathing seeing if i can remember my past life or just trying to really kind of remember that philosophical stuff they'll be like okay even if so there might be the other life and then it's like oh i wonder what what it's like wonder how many lives we uh i know i know him from somewhere and it's like your brain over things instead of meditating
Starting point is 01:32:32 yep it's the opposite of meditation you're trying really hard yep that's what they're doing did we just create x on the musical yes we did i don't want that on my conscience yes we did we better get all their money they have to give us all the money now do we're sorry hey erin you want that studio all right i think everyone's gone now right yeah everyone's gone i think the rest of the night will pass uh yeah go ahead and uh you take that token so now everybody has a little bit of a little bit more resources yeah um what's everybody doing with the morning so we're gonna move to that next chunk of time did anybody go to try to get some sleep did anybody just stay up and and daydream
Starting point is 01:33:26 and then walk up to the the mess hall you know sleep deprived oh yeah when you sleep deprived for sure yeah i think we're all kind of sleep deprived at this point because like if there's like if there's like uh parts of this this oil rig that have water in it like we're basically at the water level um i honestly i feel like mark uh though he is a people pleaser he's not an idiot and a part of him's like i don't know if if help is coming i think i need to convince people to like build a raft or something like we need to survive um we can't just wait for these boats to come i kind of i don't know i kind of want to do another keep going like another attempt to like rally everyone together yeah to do this i only have one d4 so hopefully i don't roll a one
Starting point is 01:34:22 because i am still at zero technically at my isolation die huh right you're still at zero but you do have you have gained access back to that all right here we go hopefully i roll a roll a two a two so there's no minus one or anything so it's a two so it's right so this is the two is uh your isolation die is going to take down by one but you it's a zero so you really have nothing to lose i i feel like actually you tell me how this plays out like you're you're trying to get people together to do something actually but what happens yeah and because you you've described a two is a partial failure so like i don't necessarily get what i want i think maybe like i think maybe uh mark like brings it to attention like it's like hey guys have we considered this and like you
Starting point is 01:35:10 know mr. dickhead's like shooting it down like don't worry they'll come uh but you know i'm i'm trying to rile people and some people are like kind of starting to come to my side but i don't think you're like i don't think the decision has been made to do it i've been able to convince anybody yet yeah i think that makes a lot of sense where like it's it's sort of that neutral failure like it's it's okay people and in fact that's almost the way i'm reading it uh almost a victory that in itself that people were like listening to you at all um and like after the very embarrassing evening you had um and look i'm not just marky mcp pants okay i have ideas yeah you didn't have to say that out loud i'm just i'm just acknowledging the elf of the big
Starting point is 01:35:56 wet piss elephant in the room okay i well uh sonny get him he's embarrassing himself sonny get you know marky all of this talk a rafts has me thinking about this stint i did in tallahassee florida in 2002 all of course naturally we didn't want to be there anymore and of course i was out of money having spent it all and having losing it having lost it all before so what we did to leave is we robbed an oil and an oil refinery and we took a bunch of the barrels and we lashed them together with natural reeds that we found in the swamp and used them to set sail to dallas texas sonny's got the right idea though we got barrels we could employ well we got tons of barrels so many barrels the problem we just have to dump all the oil out of it and then use the float
Starting point is 01:37:03 i don't see any problem with i mean the oil came out of the ground it's natural i don't see the return from once it came yeah it's exactly how oil spells work um um yeah no look guys do you want do you want to die or do you want to be able to float away i i mean i'm going to be like i think it's just the three of us that kind of back you because it makes sense because i do i don't think the barrels a good idea because that sounds dumb but uh there's a lot of other things here life as i'm sure we can make a raft out of like the door titanic but we all get to stay on it the doors are made of steel i i really don't suggest we use those i imagine there's a boat who's the mechanic here if there were boats we would have
Starting point is 01:37:51 left by now Henry Henry you're a mechanic yeah yes you you what do you got yeah Henry can you build us a boat real quick and i'm gonna get close to Henry too like closer i'll take a step back i think the issue is that you you there are like life boats or whatever so like if it sinks you'll be stuck there but if nobody comes and helps you'll are still done so right like and or maybe there's not enough of these boats to get everybody back to land that's not enough life boats it's not enough life boats yeah but there's there's there's probably enough but it's probably not like speed boats that can get you back to land you know it's probably just like boats that things that float in case this happens so it's it's not a way out it's just like it'll solve your problem
Starting point is 01:38:44 for a little bit but not forever yeah everybody's crowding around Henry i'm like everywhere all we need is for purple we just need four people to part of the conversation where you regale us with some of your mechanical genius Henry's gonna run out of this crowd well that that seems like her her mechanical genius just dipped um maybe she had a really good idea yeah maybe well i was we on her way to XO um would anyone like to either assign an action to a thing they've already done or take an action you know do move the story in in in a way with your character none of this has to be like your turn per se like i love the freeform roleplay so go ahead anybody can go can i just say i
Starting point is 01:39:50 was doing the same thing that Sergio was trying to do okay yeah for sure so um how many you're taking to keep going action so you can spend how many over tokens you want um and you'll roll those that many d4s and take the highest uh roll on that fantastic so that would be one d4 and i roll a three a three so your uh isolation i will take up one uh and then i think that sort of represents how how is Sonny rallying or rallying to um how is Sonny getting people to listen to him i feel like that's a story no way story no way another story i'm boring them into action with my long story so they don't want to be here anymore and are therefore more motivated to build the raft yep that that tracks that uh how about how about Jones or uh Henry i think Henry
Starting point is 01:40:59 this round would have probably taken a negative speak to another character since everybody was pressuring them to you can take an action on your own like as you go off like maybe maybe you go to a daydream or something too that's an option but if you think that's the way like you can absolutely do that yeah because i if not then i'll just withdraw um and i don't want to withdraw so i rather i rather take an l all right go for it uh you'll that that's just like how many tokens you'll lose if you roll that one d4 minus one i rolled a two minus one so only one token loss so um how many did you have or how many do you have now i had two um and now i have one gotcha i think um once this sort of like panic subsides of of the whole like very overwhelming
Starting point is 01:41:52 social uh interaction what what is going through Henry's mind um Henry's just panicking because now that like dying was not on the table yet at the end of nigh was not on the table yet for them but now that people are sowing this kind of descent into the last bit of people um i think Henry is starting to feel that like no one is going to come for us and like we're just on a we're just on a rig that's slowly sinking in the middle of the ocean yep these are the people i have you wouldn't want to be with made a role play on a deserted island that's different um yeah that makes sense uh jones what's jones up to okay uh saw Henry run off so thank they're getting mixed signals okay uh and honestly i would be like we do have to try
Starting point is 01:43:01 we gotta like try to get like extra help maybe like do we just do it without dickhead and i'm yeah i mean if dickhead wants to die i'm not gonna stop dickhead from dying he can go in his own boat but i think we we build a boat with maybe some paddles and we just do what we can if it's like insurance i think yeah i'm gonna like let's let's like try to see what and then go around and build these raft things with barrels barrels duct tape some of it i don't know do we put plastic bottles like we'll take a little if there's boats we should just take those boats well i heard barrels i thought i know i was in a panic and that was my initial idea i okay i realized it's not good for the environment even though it's gonna sink into the water anyway so
Starting point is 01:43:53 i think at this point jones is like oh god what did i do but it's like not bad it's just like oh my god we were like too dumb ass it we must have died together multiple times we always die together i think this is i think we are gonna fulfill oh my god we did a self-fulfilling prophecy that's a mind blown i'm gonna get my stuff i'll meet you back at these boats wow i literally predicted my own death oh at least we'll die together die together and as i walk away uh that ended positive more positively than i expected yeah uh hell yeah that's a very fun like eureka moment so go ahead and roll that and add those tokens to your pool um and i had two tokens so i roll two
Starting point is 01:44:53 oh so this is you keep going yeah yeah yeah so roll or you can roll one if you want but you can roll two if you can roll any any amount that you want rolling the two go bigger go home what's the highest one a three a three okay your isolation diet takes up one i think this does make sense like you're sort of like you're you're doing the galaxy brain where it's just like you're starting to see a lot of these connections in the universe and um yeah it's like i'm having like that moment where it's like so amazing it's awesome but it's like holy fuck i need a minute yeah holy shit they did their own death if that's the case so that's why they're like holy shit that's very cool um i think as you all sort of gather you're like
Starting point is 01:45:40 getting the ships ready i think as soon as you're like all right it's it's ready to go you hear this like excruciatingly loud groan of the of the rig and the structure starts to move significantly very fast i think um oh dear where would where would henry is would henry come back around to try to help with the boat or is henry where's henry henry would have gotten themselves together of like slowly come back like yeah so you it's sort of this like big run there's like clearly it's go time there's the the the the structure is is going to sink completely into the water um and you just have from your moments for everybody to get on you've i assume you've tried to get like uh marky mary probably has like some food that you've gathered from the mess hall
Starting point is 01:46:36 maybe everybody grabs some food uh you hear the commotion of of all the other people on the rig rushing to get to those boats your boat is a little bit uh quite a bit more ready and you've probably i don't know how it would work with uh paddles or any sort of motor i i i stole a um like a good quiescent art and i'm using that as like an engine to run up the water but but like as i as we're watching the rig sink uh uh mark just he suddenly has this epiphany it's like i left babs on the rig oh no oh no oh no oh no she's she's chicken of the sea now chicken of she's big too at least her and ginger will be together in heaven now i thought you were going to say hell for a moment but all chickens go all chickens go the heaven it's a well-established
Starting point is 01:47:31 fact or they're just kind of just like very basic spirits that will just go to the next level stay in limbo they'll get to the people next yeah now you know they're chickens now that's like you gotta go up to like cats i think okay i would like there to be like maybe one or two nights left because uh i just i like the idea of like if i can't if i can't get my isolation die up we agree to the beginning zero means death so i might not make it sure yeah i think i think there's only a few rounds left until we decide does help come or not and you all will just decide that together um so we're just on a boat now yeah we're on a boat and it's going fast and you've got a nautical themed pejamine afghan that's i'm on a boat done in spoken word style
Starting point is 01:48:27 that's my that's my cover um yeah so uh i think uh uh i don't know how dark i want to get i think people got out like they're prepared for this or at least prepare like you've done drills before like a pie it like a pie everyone's gone we can apply we can imply right in a pie the only the only boat that didn't make it is the one that put the tiger on it they all got eaten they all got eaten you know all of this talk about boats reminds me of a really interesting story the year was 3000 bc i was in i was in mesopotamia betting on the tiger races and when wouldn't you know what i came along with this guy named noa and naturally i just lost everything because i bet on the ron tiger yeah wait wait wait so 3000 bc is that the name of the hotel or the casino
Starting point is 01:49:26 because you see okay i'm just sunny or anyway saying you're an immortal long story short i wound up having the wildest bender i'm gonna i got him to wrap up that's how you that's how you make it knows ark is the best food 30 days and 30 nights of just pure drinking i mean the cook from the titanic was drunk that's how he survived is that i did not real that yeah well for some reason like he didn't get into shock or something yeah but he was blitz drunk interesting and i'm like that's so fucking brilliant he might as well if you're gonna die you might as well and then if you're like it's all full poisoning whatever and then if you make it you make it and you don't have to remember the hard part exactly remember so for
Starting point is 01:50:24 this scene here's what i'm thinking i'm at zero isolation die i have to try to raise that and it seems like the only real way to raise that is to either speak to a character or to gain a token through daydreaming so i'm gonna speak to another character and who would i speak to to try to gain some positive um i think i would probably try to relate with sunny like sunny we both had the idea to um get get into the boats first you know great great minds think alike right yeah kid say you got thumbs yeah yeah i'm surprised you haven't noticed yet i got thumbs just like just like henry i use them to cut the onions and stuff that's really impressive kid have you ever thought about putting those thumbs to good use how how how could i put them to good use
Starting point is 01:51:30 is there is there a hole in the ship on my shoulder i can't reach i don't have it i don't have thumbs of my own to get them can i use my other fingers too i don't need just my thumb yeah it's mostly i mostly want the thumb though i want to know what the thumb feels like against my skin it's been so long songs this makes you like me more i'm all for it that's some good thumb all this is i feel like we just discovered a new category of some kind of thing that i'm not aware of and i need to process this new achievement along to give you a thumbing uh uh slash mayday roleplay uh for more thumb if you want more thumb related content Zach's gonna draw our thumbs another thumb is the thumb tier we should do that where where
Starting point is 01:52:25 Zach draws our thumbs and then the patrons have to guess whose thumb it belongs to y'all want thumb pics no we're really reaching yeah i think i think like even though uh for no reason at all uh marky is like that like quickly losing life like he's quickly just dying faster than everyone else he's trying to just like his last moments he just wants sonny to to say that he likes him yeah that's heavy oh and that requires me to roll the d4 yeah sorry i didn't mean for the dramatic pause i just i don't know forgot what happened we went from thumbs to this thing really fast and i love
Starting point is 01:53:12 that for us i roll the d4 minus one i roll the one so i gained zero tokens this marky mark is just having the roughest go of it he rolls oh my gosh as long as i die with people liking me don't ever forget me and i think it's also cool though like clearly marky mark is is having a rough go of it like in the like internal thing but like something in him clearly is like continuing to try because like you as the player are continuing to try right and there's something really you're like well the only thing i can do to like move forward is this thing like i don't have any other choices and i just have to i have to try this um and i just think that's really cool so what else uh who else anybody have ideas you're on the bow i
Starting point is 01:53:59 guess you have a paddle paddles and some food i i assume this is a very small boat so i have to watch i have to watch this something happen and i just look at it for a second just like you know like oh good luck she said the thing she said the thing and then uh i'll just go like around to like the other side of the boat with jones and like help them like paddle the boat to try to ignore what i'm watching you paddling to avoid that shit i mean that's all we can do at this point that's what i'm just it's a i mean but it's like did we were did we get a compass by the way i think i think you're generally people are seaworthy we don't we don't need no compass because i'm like well it's
Starting point is 01:55:00 probably oil rig the water's probably choppy it's not like we're going anywhere we might as well just paddle just to distract ourselves from the thumbing i i learned in boot camp you just have to raise your thumb up to the sky and you can measure the oh sorry sonny i didn't mean that was uncalled for i just just i learned when i was younger and we and now we've gotten into thumb related humor all right we're we're gonna die here aren't we jones jones is a great perspective on it right we're all we're just all thumbing around um i'm sorry i you set it set up and you can't like if we are gonna go would it i just rather would at least die laughing wait did you guys hear that i thought i heard a thumb
Starting point is 01:55:50 oh i look at jones if you don't kill him i will hey marky mark you know what my favorite favorite uh fairy is thumbelina nice nice i'm gonna just go off the boat myself for these puns oh gosh you know what holiday i miss having with my family tell us thumb's giving that is a reach all right we're done we're done i was you all haters that was great for the way from the lord's light every day the turn was so good though because we were like oh this is when we're like this is gonna be a serious thing i know just fully yeah that was such a good that was like such a good joke i mean uh you gotta be honest that joke was thumb oh my god so do we got any emergency supplies or anything we sure do
Starting point is 01:56:55 yeah like we got a flare gun yes all right ladies and gentlemen i'll kind of like plop the i'll kind of slide the slide that the flare gun out who wants to make things interesting the gave is russian roulette all right the flare gun there's different probabilities there i think you're what is that called what is that called oh i'm sorry is that insulting sunny too far i'm sorry why you gotta be snapping in my face i was trying to get some kind of jerk do you want me to answer that no not particularly small but um you're not a dickhead that was dickhead dickhead but that was the name of the big man yeah you're all right you're good you're you're getting better because i haven't seen you
Starting point is 01:57:55 gambled until this very second but you know i'll bear the day's rations to whoever puts the flare gun to their head who lives i mean we even have rations like that i'll go first should should we tell them there's only one chamber in that thing yeah um you know what let him figure it out but if he pulls the trigger there'll be this very bright hot flare in the middle yes it's not gonna kill him it's just gonna it's gonna kill us it's gonna kill all of us not if we just turn it back on him you're all right can you not play with the flare gun so what you what what what you don't like those odds do we have a sweet in the pot a little no we just know the actual odds it's not good it's not good this is you'll you'll definitely
Starting point is 01:58:50 lose everything on this round no i feel my lucky breaks right around the corner no uh this is the one i can feel it just one thing though what i am going to need one to use to pull the trigger for me use your toes well see funny story about my big toes you see back in the back in the winter of 2016 wait do you have those or are they gone to i had a layover in salt lake city utah in which i was you know sports betting is illegal there but i thought i'd go try my hands at the at the at the uh you know at the olympic proving grounds you know up there in park city and i was betting on the i was betting on the ski jumpers anyway long story short i lost everything the next thing i know a couple of a a gang of wandering lds
Starting point is 01:59:49 ruffians was breaking my toes because i got into them with what did you just did you say a gay what a gang of morons lds i'd be like no i'm gonna try to make him i'm gonna make him uncomfortable because i just want him to stop no no no no i was doing i'm sorry in character i was doing character you'll be like what why would you say that that's so mean da da da da maybe you should be quiet thank you long story short i can't hold the trigger with my toes i i think erin i think you should like roll to speak to a character if you roll poorly like one of us agrees to okay let's do that i think at this point i'm mostly talking to a man
Starting point is 02:00:37 does character i rolled a one no nice just gave me a note would gladly pull the trigger for you this was a speak to another character so you get zero tokens and you can definitely play it how you like well i think that's entirely up to amanda at this point no let's go for it right you're gonna execute sunny is that what we're saying right i'd be like uh debating honestly i like my odds you like the odds okay that you okay i'm gonna take the flare gun there's an extra share of rations in it for you come on whether you're waiting for i'll put it in some kind of jerk help was never out of line
Starting point is 02:01:34 and then i'm gonna pistol whip him across the face they shut the fuck up it's only been like a couple of hours lose your shit two days from now not within 10 hours and i think i pass out it's quiet for the first time in 10 hours i was not gonna shoot him jesus what year is it it's 2022 i just don't i just don't know you very well jones so like that could have definitely been on the table you know what that kind of hurts that you would think i would just do that but it's just a casual observation from someone who casually observes i mean you have the right to your opinion i don't really yeah okay anyways yeah i always
Starting point is 02:02:34 like hearing his stories but oh question um was it you know that band uh that that rock group uh thumbs and roses yeah i had to i'm glad i'm glad we're dying together because you at least have a i'm trying to do levity okay we just had mr dumbass asked me to shoot him with a flare gun what the fuck was that gonna do except give him a sunburn it's quite um it's quite and then he's got a lawsuit on me no what's it called you know quite quite zen like of you you're handling it very well uh no i think we could all admit i've lost itch i've come what may it's but it's not i haven't crossed over yet but it's like i'm like i'm am i going to or am i not that kind of annoys me
Starting point is 02:03:36 but not like like you don't have to like drown me like we're we're cool with that like what will happen will happen yeah yeah by the looks of it i think i think i'll be going first uh jones henry's gonna withdraw and make more paper cranes this is too much i'll go by mark you mark or you're lying down right yeah yeah probably okay i'll just kind of be like sitting by it'd be like there which is all laying in the bottom what move are you making then what move are you no it's just that it's like a comfort i know i think that's like what is that reach out to another character that sort of reach out just yeah but we're not gonna have a huge scene it's just me kind of just being like there there uh ila what's your isolation diet right now
Starting point is 02:04:21 uh it's it's zero zero yeah it feels bad to be in this situation that there's no way around it tires straight sometimes quietly in a corner whoever a couple of people have selected like official actions who's left that would like to um flavor there or you can do another thing i think everyone has gone this round right right i think so okay i think um who all has tokens left i have one token i don't have a token i actually have three tokens oh okay so i think we're reaching a point in the story where we have to decide where where it ends right that's how it feels because either we can't just key to one scenes in the boat i mean we could i guess i'm not gonna tell you
Starting point is 02:05:24 but generally speaking like either help comes or it does not come so this last round everybody you don't have to do an official action but if you have tokens left you can take the keep going and just expend all your tokens to see what happens uh you can uh attempt to do anything else you would like but this is sort of like last call how are we and then once last call is done i think we'll have a better sense of do we want help do we just do we think help comes or not oh okay uh so i think to start mark again even though it's only been a few hours he's like withered and looks like it's been days uh his shirt's open he's got a full beard um and uh i think he probably like because uh jones is close to him he's like almost like scooped up in his arms in their arms and and
Starting point is 02:06:22 mark says jones i have to tell you something right what can i tell you a secret yeah of course my name's not marky mark it's it's john but but sonny called me marky mark when he first met me and i just i didn't want to disturb him so it's just everyone just calls me marky mark but my name's not marky mark oh i just wanted to tell you that oh so and you just allowed everyone to call you that for how long i mean i just i just didn't want to ruffle any feathers and everyone seemed to like the name so i just kind of went with it well i mean i don't like mark that's why i call you marky mark jones like but like how about it what would you like to be called now what would you like me to call you call me bruce like bruce wane i thought bruce cambell but bruce wanes better
Starting point is 02:07:23 jones one last thing if i die you can eat me okay i give you permission as my friend i promise you i will not do that no i'm giving you permission to eat me i don't want no because i feel like first off i like remember we're gonna go together or not and i don't think that would be a good thing for me to consume you i'm either gonna be cursed with some like folklore well i mean if you want to die so eat me and choke on me like maybe that's how you go i think oh wow you're probably right i would choke on you i've been told i have really nice legs so maybe you can eat those there's a lot of meat on thank you i always try to keep them in shape but all right it's hard on a rig all right i'm gonna try to speak to another character
Starting point is 02:08:15 i think i'm gonna i'm trying to i'm trying to keep him from killing himself basically because i can see he's like really losing it so i'm trying to keep it light with him like yeah for sure okay d4 uh minus one i roll the three so that's a two okay but it's but i still lose one technically huh what do you mean like like i don't gain a uh on my isolation die doesn't go up to one does it right but you do you do gain the choke ends and i think uh if you would like since this is we're wrapping up go ahead and if you want to like wrap that i'm going to try to literally try to keep going yeah literally try to keep going just so we can see um how this happens well i rolled a one and a four and i'll take that four hell yeah so that that takes up to two
Starting point is 02:09:02 right two to isolation die so you were at zero you're up to two i'm back to where i started back to where you started right could mean something if you wanted to mean something oh it definitely means something i mean you know i i i think in reality i don't think um mark's relationship with any of these people is actually like going to last or be of any real consequently at least at least that sergio's thinking that so too just is like he's still alive it's it's sort of like no i feel like marky mark has gone barus has gone on a journey by himself yeah this whole time like like a lot of things happened in his brain and everyone's like like not really like it's like okay it was really embarrassing it's kind of funny but also
Starting point is 02:09:49 like we're all in this shitty situation like i feel like bruce's interpretation of everybody's thoughts has gone through a whole world and when really it's not really changed all that much is my interpretation of that yeah thank you for justifying a very silly uh decision it's kind of it's i think it's like playing this game makes me want to do that with an overwork because i'm just like oh like that makes it could be goofy but also we can make meaning out of this really oh sure interaction um i don't want to like impose that on anybody's characters but that's sort of my reading of of the events that i've been able to watch tonight like it's it's been very fun to watch you guys all play so that's sort of my i'm like the audience
Starting point is 02:10:30 like oh this is the symbolism when it's the writers just like no i it was blue because i like blue but okay yeah so i think there's there's that that's a great and we'll all sort of wrap up like one final thing once everybody is gone who would like to go next i mean i have the least amount of tokens so i can go next you have zero right you have zero and you're on zero and your isolation die or how many tokens i have zero isolation dive but i have one token okay so i'm getting one of my shark if you don't roll it so i think like all of this like continued dread has finally caught up with henry and henry's gonna you know gonna freak out a little gonna do what everyone said i was gonna do um so like they're like on the paddles and they're
Starting point is 02:11:29 just like desperately trying to just like we got to get back to shore we got to get back to a better place we can't die here not here not with them not like this not like this i want to die with people i like i can't do this i love that give me the give me that spend that token i roll the four and a two so the two right you know to take the higher one right take the higher one then yeah i think that makes sense with what you've just narrated like i gotta i gotta get the hell out here this is not how i go yeah so i'm just trying whatever i can to get us closer to and their isolation die goes up by two right yeah so it goes up to two now so oh so back it's back at you uh is henry thinking of people that they actually like on shore like is that sort of the motivator yeah
Starting point is 02:12:26 henry's thinking about like the people that they left behind uh and wanting to desperately get back to that because it's much better than being on this rig it's warm and safe and there are people with thumbs and that's all that matters y'all have annoyed each other into wanting to live yeah yeah spite and just absolute contempt for your around you amanda did you do you have an idea i'm gonna go into a daydream that's what i'm realizing what i'm gonna probably do well you can so you can just spend your tokens and you can narrate it like a daydream if you would like or if you don't want to spend those tokens that's also fine but since this is sort of like the final final call just want to give you the opportunity
Starting point is 02:13:15 to spend those you don't have to you could do a daydream in like the epilogue if you would like because it's like a i think because yeah because at this point they're seeing everybody's like morale's gone to shit this one's doubt and it's kind of like bumming them out so they're kind of reverting to a comfort in their head and rewatching the mummy the 99 mummy with brennan frazier as we do as we do and they are literally they're at the part where they entered haman octra rick stole americans tools give it to evie they're about to go down yeah like that's like that's how that's what's happening they're gonna do the mummy and the mummy too so jones is canonically bisexual is what i'm hearing apps a fucking movie and in fact they made the third movie after they're
Starting point is 02:14:09 done with two where it gets even better hell yeah we don't count the red dragon we don't count it so you will have four tokens which is just fun to for you to have now um this is all like a thing it was like yeah i know for sure things turning up jones y'all bummed me out so i was like all right i gotta put the mummy on at least i got these tokens absolutely got these tokens and the way this is shaken out means that our friend no thumbs is has taken the final action of sunny no thumbs old sunny no thumbs it's gonna be your final story you tell you know everybody i said as i careened back to consciousness just that momentary lapse of consciousness reminds me
Starting point is 02:15:07 all of this all of this talk a doom and gloom reminds me of a very interesting story that i just remembered it was february of 2008 barack obama had just been sworn in as president and i want to remind you of something that he said to all of us now of course i had just lost everything because i had been on the cane winning the election you have my attention just so you know and i just want to remind you of a certain something the mr president barack who said obama told us which is yes we can wait was that obama it was obama yes we can yes we can survive that was actually very coherent of you that was good yeah hey sonny yeah hey sonny yes you know you know you know how you say all the time that you lose everything
Starting point is 02:16:07 yes ma'am was it worth it well you see you did do that to yourself when the next big score is right around the car oh there it is it's always worth it you just have to keep believing all right i bet you a chicken sandwich that we do not get saved caught it you're on i'll bet you everything eyes got nothing that's why i did the chicken sandwich i got i got this shirt on my back no you keep that are you sure oh yeah you're gonna get some bird well all right then plus they're staying under the armpits just saying that's where the good luck comes from actually that's where all the good luck goes so if you maybe were you know did laundry
Starting point is 02:17:11 a little bit more often i haven't changed my shirt since 1975 and you don't and i ain't about to start now and you've been losing since then so it's actually a curse shirt but if i take off the lucky shirt now i won't get the next big score man life sucks right i think here um as this conversation sort of i think it fades into music i think that conversation goes on for at least four more hours and oh yeah just a loop of like but but you've lost everything and then i think the title card comes up at the end it says the next big score by mayday will play or no way it just the next big score will be an avengers end game it's i was gonna say it's like the end question mark this sport will return the avengers will
Starting point is 02:18:14 return i think well we all ended we all ended with uh at least two isolation die so i think we probably live but we probably like maybe spend another day or so in the water but yeah yeah i think i think the uh it's sort of is this like rye optimism that that the story presents whereas just like it's sort of hopeful but also nobody and nobody likes each it's very post-modern like nobody likes each other that's how we do it it's like a it's like turning the game on its head right of like it's it's your connections to other people that help you keep going in this case it is the connections between other people that help you keep going but the nature of the connections is absolutely upside down and like just it's it's sort of this perfect um like dry comedy
Starting point is 02:19:08 version of the game which i actually like have i've not seen that before with the game it's very fun uh and like that's very cool um does anybody have anything they want to like you could do a ps post or mid-credits scene post-credits scene uh anything you want to do here i i'm so sorry guys i have to say this i really do think there should be that like post-credits scene put some song from forest gump playing as they like kind of find us but like you can tell like we're all just like we're just worse for wear or some shit like that he's gone crazy drawn something or no no i just think that we should be a slightly bad shit crazy and it's not from like the it's not from dehydration or not having food it's just from being around each other yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:19:57 we are so toxic with each other just you you're all looking like you've been out at sea for a lot longer than you have because the war just everybody is so sick of each other well that that was a lot of fun uh lex thank you for running us through that thank you lex yeah no thank you for for i i did not expect it to go this tone which is very fun i love being surprised and yet obviously i love y'alls rp and stuff love to run it again if uh you know if kaleb zack and leg can make it as well that would be wonderful um and yeah thank you for wanting to play my game and asking me to run this for stream i'm i'm very uh it is a game i'm really proud of so it's it's great to share it with people and actors that i really respect and uh yeah thanks so much if those
Starting point is 02:20:49 if those folks in the chat wanted to check the game out for themselves work if they find it that'll be uh my itch site which uh is um and i don't know five permissions to put links in the chat yeah no definitely through through links in the chat please um and then night hawks will be one of the games they're probably slash night hawks if you add that we'll probably do the thing um there might if if if you can't swing that it's like four dollars and 44 cents if you can't swing it let me know and i'll throw some more community copies copies on there uh and check out the other stuff that i have on that site as well a lot of stuff is is pay what you want including caltrop core so you can pick up caltrop core for free and make your own game tonight
Starting point is 02:21:36 if you wanted to like stay up for like another hour you could write write a whole game uh i've heard of people writing a game with it in like 15 minutes uh makes sense it it's super super accessible and it's free and if you like it you could come back and give me a few dollars if not that's fine too uh other games there and other like other dnd stuff as well but uh yeah that's mostly what i'm about uh and i appreciate everybody wanting to just as i really enjoy this game playing it and all that stuff well we we certainly enjoyed it and and thanks for for running it for us i mean you know we we like running games with with other folks from the community and and you've always just impressed us so much with how much you you output you you have so much so many cool
Starting point is 02:22:20 5e supplemental ideas and now this caltrop core so it's it we're always impressed by you like so thanks so much for running for thank you there's no quality control so i just i just put everything out there hey sometimes the best stuff comes out that way you know when you have no filters well thanks everyone for for checking us out thanks for hanging out with us especially the the east coasters that are with us uh we will see you next time oh one last thing uh shout out slalando for making us a really nice overlay yeah lando else in the chat for lando else in the chat for lando's uh if you want to commission lando to make overlays for your own twitch streams you can find him at star killer lando on twitter um or you can see him hanging around play nerd allies
Starting point is 02:23:02 and stuff like that he's not modding often there um but yeah thank you lando i appreciate it thank you elie for making sure we dot our teeth and cross our eyes all right guys we will we'll see you next time bye bye

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