Mayday Plays - Orbital Blues Crew 1 - Ep. 2

Episode Date: April 4, 2022

Orbital Blues Crew 1 - Ep. 2 by Mayday Roleplay...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, welcome to MDRP 105 MDRP, your soul sound of the frontier galaxy. My name is Eli and I'm here to tell you an orbital blues. Why don't we just get into it and regale our intrepid renegades and some new faces, some old faces, starting with Vince. Hi, what's up?
Starting point is 00:00:21 Hello, I'm discount Caleb Miller, also known as Vince. I'm here to play Leslie Lady Hall. Serge. What's up, guys? It's Serge. I am playing punch. Yeah, Zach. Hello, I'm Zach and I'm playing rebel Stokes,
Starting point is 00:00:40 AKA DJ Stoked. And last but not least, Amber. What is the number one? Hi, everybody, I'm Amber and I am playing O'Neal Bridges, also known as O' Bridges. Amazing. Well, today's sponsors for Orbital Blues is brought to you by Triggs Bounty Boards.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Triggs Bounty Boards can be found everywhere you travel at every desktop depot and terminal. Keeping you up to date with the latest bounties, you might want to find. So seek out Triggs Bounty Boards where you go. Returning for our sponsorships this week is also Conglomo Shipping, where their Drive 9 canines bring you precious cargo
Starting point is 00:01:25 throughout the frontier galaxy. So put your precious cargo in their paws. And last but not least, our patrons at Patreon. If you help us by supporting us at Mayday, you can join us at Patreon and your support helps us continue to make awesome and amazing content for you every week. Keep a weather eye on our socials as we finally return
Starting point is 00:01:50 with Orpheus as well as Night Black's agents, as you can see Vince is back with us on the team as our scheduling is getting back to it. Is there anything else we need to announce, introduce? I don't think so. No. No? I mean, are Doom to Repeat ensuing?
Starting point is 00:02:13 Maybe. Yes. Yeah, we are rolling out our final finale episodes of Doom to Repeat, which will be dropping episode 20 next Friday. So stay tuned. Episode 20 is going to be fun. Well, if that's all it, we might as well get started. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:02:38 So when the gooddest boy left Ortega's gold hands pawn shop at the end of the South Strip, Ortega takes off his long big spectacles and begrudgingly sighs because favors are rarely fair. As he goes into the back where he sees Luciano Parazzo and Jubilee, at the same time, Tony Parazzo up in the high baller Casino returns to her office
Starting point is 00:03:09 and behind her desk is a wide variety of screens of every camera throughout Reno 12. She sits down and starts to look at it. Meanwhile, Francine de Bois begins to pour several glasses of liquor as happy hour begins to roll out at the Viper Bar as the sun begins to set. Lady, you find yourself in the usual predicament staring down the barrel of a derogatory pistol
Starting point is 00:03:42 with an unwavering gaze of Jubilee staring at you. In the final moments of golden hour as the sun begins to set in the West, all of a sudden in the background, a door pushes open as Luciano Parazzo stumbles out into the back alley, crying out in pain as she's been shot in the leg. And the only thing you can hear is the staggered steps of O-bridges as they walk out with a punch.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And, Lady, what do you want to do? You're staring, you hear that. Actually, first, roll me a savvy check. You're close enough to Jubilee to notice a few things. Sure. That will be a four, oh, an eight. I'm sorry, it's an eight. An eight, oh, that is a success.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Even better. Heck yeah. Yeah, you're staring at Jubilee and you notice that, first of all, the gun that she's carrying is very beautiful. It's got this very old inlay on it. It's a very nice, sleek pistol. The other thing you notice is that she's got beads of sweat
Starting point is 00:04:59 on her forehead and her gaze is continuing to stay on you, but you get the feeling that she wants to turn around to the scene that's happening right behind you as the rest of the crew stumbles out into the thing. But she's holding that gaze on you. What do you guys want to do? Luciano was crying out of pain.
Starting point is 00:05:23 He's like, what the fuck, man? You fucking shot me in the goddamn leg. And then his gaze narrows when he realizes who it is. His O is standing there holding their pistol out and his expression sinks a little. And he's like, I know you. Well, I know that if it looks like he's trying to run, Ponch is going to try to stop him.
Starting point is 00:05:46 But you two would also see that Jubilee has lady at gunpoint on a surprise. But I think Ponch is too single-minded to, he's like, somebody told him to like stop this guy from running, so that's what he's doing. Okay, cool. I do have one of my items. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:06:09 One of my things is I have a bite and it is a melee stun attack. So if I hit him, I think I can stop him in their tracks. Yeah. All right, roll me, roll me attack then. All right, here we go. Attack, normal. I got, this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:06:29 What does that mean? She'll roll 20 to the audience. I got to choose too appropriate. So I have a four, a one, and a four? Four, one and a four. Am I missing? I hit the attack button. Yeah, no, that's right.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You take the two highest and then the other, the third one is the damage. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's how, yeah, that's how attack works. All right, I was confused about what you're doing. Yeah, so you roll three dice. I forgot myself for a moment. So yeah, four and four.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Four and four, and then take one damage. Yes. Okay, cool. So yeah, you succeed. Like Luciano's like, you know, he's shot in the back of the calf. So he's kind of a little bit incapacitated. He's like crawling essentially through the dirt, trying to get himself leveraged enough
Starting point is 00:07:12 and then you just jump on top of him. I'd like to think I bite that shot leg and I'm just like holding him in place. Yeah, so you bite down and you clamp on to it. And it's like, you hear just crunch around it and it's like a squirt of Jess's blood. Actually, everybody roll me a blues check because that's just gruesome.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's fine, that's fair. Still at the counter, am I okay? Yeah, you were fine. That's what I was going to ask her. Where are you actually? Well, everybody's rolling blues checks. I think I was still convincing the person that works there that Luciano is my sugar daddy.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Uh-huh. So working that angle. But I heard a gunshot, so I'm going to try. Yeah, I mean, you were in the middle of that fray when like, when Pong and Bridges just jumped over the counter and ran through the back door. So you're just essentially standing in an empty shop right now.
Starting point is 00:08:02 You hear a gunshot, you hear commotions in the back, but you're just, you know, waiting. I don't even think the guy came back. You're just there alone. There's a beat of just like blue screen and then she starts making her way stealthily towards the back. Are you going through the back room
Starting point is 00:08:19 or are you going to go all the way around? Back room. Okay. Eli, remind me how to do a blues check. Yeah, that was my question. Do, do, do, do, do. Roll 2D6 and an aggregate. Yep.
Starting point is 00:08:34 An aggregate of zero. So I got a 10. I got a five, so I gained one blues. Okay. Yeah. So if you seed over eight, you get a blues. If you are under seven, you don't get a blues. I rolled a nine.
Starting point is 00:08:46 So you get a blues. We're all getting blues. Hell yeah. Yeah. And even, even you lady, you notice that like, as Luciano's now crying out his pain is like, you can hear Pong just like doing that thing, the dogs do like shaking a toy, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:02 and this man is screaming that she's getting more and more uncomfortable with the situation. But she clicks the back hammer of her pistol because she deems you as the biggest threat. So she doesn't turn to see this commotion going on behind her at all. No. I mean, you can see that she's trying to keep her attention,
Starting point is 00:09:23 but it like she wants to look back, but is not letting her sight off of you. Okay. Yeah. Lady just kind of very coolly looks at her and says, lady, you might want to kindly get that gun out of my face. You might want to kindly call off your dog. I don't think that will.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I don't have anything to lose here today, my friend. Seems like you have a whole lot too. Nor do I. You see this here shotgun. I'm going to feed it to you, barrel first. We'll see. Oh, what are you doing? You got you got two situations going on.
Starting point is 00:10:11 You have Lady on the down on the barrel of a gun. You have Paunch subduing Luciana Parazzo. I think I mean, I'm going to slip on either way. Something's about to go to blows. It just depends on which one goes first, right? So I'm going to slip on the brass knuckles with tango engraved on them. As like for some reason, born to fly by by a few fighters,
Starting point is 00:10:45 it's just going through my head, you know, like it just. It's happening. So it's shit's about to go down. We're it's shit's about to fly, whether it be bullets or fists, but we're going. So I was going to squint their eyes and like crouch a little, you know, ready to spring. It's slip on the brass knuckles, intimidatingly, making sure that at least one
Starting point is 00:11:13 of the folks catches that Clint of the brass knuckles. So. Kind of almost sounds like I don't think they say anything. Yeah, intimidating or something. Lady. Yeah. I'm going to count down from five. If that gun ain't pointing down by the time I get to zero, I'm going to have my friends there rip your boyfriend's throat out.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Let's roll initiative. Let's do it. Boyfriend. Boyf, boyf, boyf, boyf, boyf. Oh, fuck, wait. Roll D3 and that's seven. Four. Four.
Starting point is 00:12:02 A two. Oh, no. What? Oh, punch. I had a four. Oh, well, yeah. And Stokes will just add you into as you get to the fray. OK, rule before you're you roll before.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Oh, Jesus. Who's the savviest of the squad? I have one. I have two. You're already engaged. True. Yeah. Yeah. If you want me to go first, it's fine. Yeah. So punch will go first, followed by Stokes and then lastly, lady.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And then let me add. Oh, OK, one second. What's the craziest thing I can do? Right. I mean, I've got this guy's hand. I don't I don't think is I don't want to lose them. We did want to have this guy, right? Oh, yeah, just hang on to him. Yeah, I think we need him alive.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I think no, I don't just want him alive, but I don't think we need him to be. I mean, that's your that's your choice. Well, that's a very, that's a very G.M. thing to say. There will be no consequences for your actions. What are consequences? I don't know. I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Is that a new P.G. or P.G. consequence? Oh, shit, I'm frozen on Twitch. Oh, no, I'm not. Never mind. Well, I was like, what a face to be stuck on. Oh, man. So. All right. Up versus Jubilee. Oh, oh, I'm dead.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah. Because she has a surprise on you, lady, and knows that you're not going to be able to react on your round. She's going to turn her pistol and she's going to aim it at a punch. No, she's no. The fuck no. Death to Jubilee.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Cool. Yeah. Jubilee just signed her guy, Day in Death, warrant. I'm an equal opportunity here. She's about to. All right, man. That is not the goodest boy. Punch. Never got six.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Oh, she shoots. She misses. Oh, thank God. Oh, I don't have enough to. I don't have enough in the pool to make a success. So as as punch, as you're like ripping into it, you hear like literally right above your head, like you feel like the tufts of like the longest parts of your scruff. I like to think there's like a little like satellite,
Starting point is 00:15:20 like pin or something that just like gets shot off. Yeah, something attached to my visor. Yeah, just lightly, but enough to get your at least your attention as you just see a smoke and barrel of Jubilee as she clicks back the hammer of it and she says, I will not miss again. You're right. You won't. And she kind of moves around to kind of gives a better point advantage trying to get closer to Luciano,
Starting point is 00:15:51 but also realize that she is kind of flanked in multiple places. That will be her turn. Punch is actually your turn. Good. Punch is, you know, he's got the visor on his face and it goes from like saying something like pet me to just like big, like digital eyes, like, oh, I think I think in the heat of the moment, worried that this person will fire on him again.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I think he will drop Luciano and he's going to run at her and he's going to pull out from his jacket pocket this dog churrope. And he's going to just like he's trying to hit her hand to hopefully knock the gun out of her hand. I want to disarm her if that's possible or just deal damage. Uh, yeah, yeah, roll an attack and let's see what you get. OK, I'm attacking her. Normal attack, a five, a six and a one.
Starting point is 00:16:55 OK, right. Am I reading that right? So I'm dealing her one damage. Yeah, so you have the choice of whatever pool you want to put together to make the attack and then whatever's left over will be how much damage you deal. Well, OK, a success is considered a six, right? Or no, an eight and above is a success. Oh, so then I have to. Yeah, I'm going to have to just combine the five and the six. And I'll I'll even forego that one damage if I can guarantee disarming her.
Starting point is 00:17:20 OK, sure. Yeah. So like after that, that bullet like ricochets off of you, you it's almost like an instinctual just like, you know, protect oneself as you just like rush into Jubilee. And she tries to click back the hammer to like pop off another shot. But it's you're fast enough to like just whip out that chew toy and you just smack her in the wrist and she fumbles the gun. Pawn shall play that just smack. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah. As you knock it out and then she, you know, she is simply is starting to go and dive to try to retrieve her gun as you you capitalize on that. Anything else you want to do or can do? No, that's OK. Stokes. Yes, you've probably by now have at least gotten to the back. You'll probably need all of your movement to at least get through the shop,
Starting point is 00:18:11 the back of the shop and out the front door. But you'll least come out to the front door and see all of that. You've heard another gunshot, but you're seeing Prazo on the ground, Pawn's engaging with a blonde haired woman and everybody else following suit. What do you want to do? If I if I'm close to Pawn's and Jubilee, can I see that like the gun has fallen and try to reach for it?
Starting point is 00:18:41 No, you're far enough across the way to do anything. No, no. They're they're a little bit further from where you're standing. OK, then I'm going to who's in trouble? I think no one's none. No one on your side looks to be in trouble. Now, at this point, I mean, Leslie isn't the healthiest he can be.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But yeah, Leslie's hurt hurting. Yeah. OK. Then I'm going to put myself between Luciano and Lady and try to basically make sure that Luciano doesn't get away. But she's going to be looking at Lady like we did this already. This is what I was saying. This is why we needed a med kit in the first place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And that's just all in one look like and then grabs Luciano. OK, you're wait, you're going to grab Luciano. Yeah, I just want to make sure he doesn't go anywhere. OK, I mean, he's on the ground bleeding, crawling on the floor. So he's really kind of incapacitated right now. OK, then no, we're we're doing tourniquet shit then. For Lady or for Luciano? For Luciano. OK.
Starting point is 00:19:58 So yeah, I'd rather not die, but your next lady. If you want to heal Luciano, you can. You will roll me a. So this is how healing mechanics works. Let me pull it up. You're going to roll 2D. I believe 2D six. OK. What the hell is my.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Yeah, you're going to roll 2D six and add your savvy. All right. No, you just roll me a straight savvy check. Oh, sweet. OK, that's an eight. That's an eight. That's a success. I will roll a muscle check to see how. That's a seven, so that's not a success.
Starting point is 00:20:44 So I will roll one. OK, cool. So you're only giving Luciano one point of healing back for the damage he caused. She takes the like foot of bracelets on her arm and just takes three and rolls them from her hand to his leg and rolls them up his leg to stop the bleeding.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Brilliant. Yeah, and he's like he's like like trying not to like cry out of pain as you're doing that. Yeah, just shut up. What the fuck are you doing? Yes, lady, it's your turn. Yeah, so now that I'm no longer on the wrong end of her gun, I see Stokes has Luciano.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I'm going to just stroll right on over to Jubilee and press the barrel of my shotgun to the back of her head and say bad idea. All right, all right. Next up is Luciano. He's he's, you know, he's hurt. He's sweating now, like, you know, what you do when you're starting to get into shock a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Oh, yeah. But he hasn't really kind of after punch finally let him go. He doesn't he doesn't keep his gaze off. Oh, because he's like looking at a fucking ghost at this point. And and he sees them with the knuckle duster and and slowly approaching to him and he's like, I know I know what happened was a bad thing. And I know why you're here, but I promise you
Starting point is 00:22:37 killing me right here and now is going to be the worst fucking idea you ever do. I guarantee it. You're all right, you're all right. You're you're one of the seven sons. I remember you. I remember the first time you ever came to my bar like this, please, please. Like I have some reason. Reason doesn't exist for the likes of you.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I wasn't the one who did it. I was in the one who called the dog. You were the one who took that job in the first place. Like it's all in the cycle. And I'm here to break that cycle. Luckily, you're lucky that I'm not breaking your face at the same time. I don't have enough bracelets for your face. She doesn't have enough bracelets for your face.
Starting point is 00:23:35 So wait, is it it's my turn in the order? Yeah, it's about to be completely that completely escaped me. I'm sorry. It will be your turn because he's essentially just trying to get you to not to kill him. Pontius is probably just like playing soccer with the gun, like keeping it away from Jubilee at this point. Oh, I love that.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I think I think I have the brass knuckles on. And I think instead of, you know, I'm going to let I'm going to stare your laugh just for right now because because we've already taken such lengths to keep you alive. But I swear to God, one step, one pinky toe out of line and that will not hesitate. And I think that's like an intimidation. Yeah, roll me a savvy check.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah, or actually roll me a muscle check. That would be more intimidation than. Oh, fuck, that's the thing. I don't have stats in. Oh, oh, OK, but it's still Nate. So yeah, I mean, he's he's he kind of puts his like shaking Lee like his sweaty shaking the hands. He's like, we'll be cool.
Starting point is 00:24:57 We'll be cool. I'll be cool. I'm cool. I'm cool. I'm cool as ice, baby. What? What do you want? Then why do we start there? I want you to stop whatever shit that you're doing, causing all these fucking issues, killing people left and right. Unacceptable.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I'm just I feel like you think you think just because I carry the Parazzo name that I'm just a bad, a bad person. I'm not. You still have influence. Yeah, sure. And do you know what I've done with that influence most of the time? Help little renegades like you. Most people think I'm a friendly person around these parts. Now, I know, I know, I know the bigger picture.
Starting point is 00:25:57 But killing me would be a bad time. I'm not killing you. OK, OK, OK, I'm not killing you yet. Yeah. Punch, who has already forgotten why we are even chasing these people in the first place, looks at looks at lady and is just like they are on our team now. For now, for now, I'll pick up the guns, just start twirling it
Starting point is 00:26:19 and now I am yours. Things with it. Who is this man to you? I mean, she looks at you and it's like, isn't it obvious? Pretend I'm dumb. Luciano and I go way back. For friends, I guess, of sorts, maybe more. He's trying to get me off planet.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Sounds like he's trying to get you off more. Luciano, this year, this year, a woman means something to you. And he's like, he's like, yeah, more, more than you'll ever know. All right. You behave or we paint Reno 12 with her brain matter. I said, we're cool. It's not like we're doing that. What was a blues check, everybody?
Starting point is 00:27:22 All right, let's do it. That was a group. That was a fucked up threat. That was a fucked up threat. This is 2D6, right? I loved it. Yeah, 2D6 plus your grit, seven or less. All right, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:27:36 So we know what's my grit. I gain a blues. That's an eight. Yeah, you lose my game of blues. I got a five. So I don't think Amber or I gain a blues. Amber, you do not gain a blues. I'm at five.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I think a meadow wise, we should be turning Luciano in, right? We're turning him over to do what? Yeah. Yeah. Yep. So Pawn, he aims the gun at him, like not. No, he doesn't have the finger on the trigger. He doesn't know how to use a gun and he just aims it. Is like, he just sees everyone else do it that way.
Starting point is 00:28:12 It's hilarious. And he says, stand. Hey, Stokes, you got more than bracelets. We can borrow. I have so many. It is literally full. I love that.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Do you? Sorry, where? Where is Lady like hurt? Lady was clipped in the shoulder. Yeah. Oh, that's going to be a little bit more difficult. So you're on the armpit, huh? Yeah, it's going to be really uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:28:39 But you just hear like the click, clack, it's going to your arm. Yeah, well, it's not a solution. I was going to say, why don't we use those tie up our two guests? Oh, I mean, we can try. I'm down. That's this is not how the ritual works, by the way. Usually I know bracelet candy sharing is much cooler
Starting point is 00:29:00 and much more intimate, but that's fine. I appreciate your sacrifice. Thank you. And she raises her bracelets to bind people. Roll, Stokes, roll me a savvy check and Lady, roll me a muscle check to see how efficient this healing will be. It's a 12.
Starting point is 00:29:22 That's a five. Roll one D three. All right. Boop, that's a two. Awesome. So you get two points of heart back. Oh, all right. Nice. Nice. Thanks, Stokes.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Of course. Um, someone said something about getting off planet. I did. Why is that such a big deal? I mean, you can't you just like catch a bus or something? Why is it all of this? It's just. Luciano pipes up and is like because because Jubilee killed
Starting point is 00:30:03 Casey Parazzo, my brother, and I need to get her off planet before Tony finds out. Oh, snap. Oh, that's not an issue with you. The whole brother murder thing. Like my brother's a lot of things. And he had it coming. I see.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Same could be said for all you Parazzo's. So you're the good one in the bunch, I guess. Is that I guess he's the one in love. Thanks. Yeah. All right, let's get them. Why don't we get them back to the ship and figure out our next move? OK.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Cool. So you guys help Luciano Parazzo up because his leg is badly injured to the point where he's probably not going to be able to walk any time soon. Jubilee goes reluctantly and you all clamor into your broken down alchemy, you know, and you head back to Shippy. And I like for a leg.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Damn. Cold water. Amazing. And you go to. Yeah, you go into Shippy and and you I assume close the door. So what do you want to do now? Well, I'm guessing this complicates things. What do you all what are you thinking?
Starting point is 00:31:50 What are your thoughts? It sounds like we need to believe gone. I don't think. Well, actually, she might be pretty valuable in a sort of bounty collect in sort of way. But love. He just like gestures towards them. You use her as a means to get the Parazzo's here.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Lady's love. I know, I know. Paunch, what's love got to do with it at this point? We have deadlines. We have things to do and party to plan. We don't. I personally, I don't. I mean, I'm sure you guys have done the work and know your love languages and all that, but I do not care.
Starting point is 00:32:41 If we at least help lady, not lady, lady, and I point to the to the other lady, go away, at least, at least they can see each other again. What do you think, oh, I really don't know. I'm really conflicted because I want to see that guy's entire family gone, period, wiped off the face of the earth. I mean, but that's just my petty revenge. Well, ways I see it, right?
Starting point is 00:33:16 We got two folks here who both sides of the coin want to see, right? The Vipers, they want, they want Luciano. The Parazzo's will most certainly want Jubilee. Yeah, the plan was to get them both in the ship, wouldn't it? That's very true. I mean, you got both of them here now, right? Right. And the Piazos want you. Right. Unfortunately, can we do like a trade?
Starting point is 00:33:45 Oh, well, I know we're going to portray them in the end. That's clear. But maybe if we present them with something more valuable, Jubilee, maybe they'll ease up a little. You know, maybe just an idea. Maybe we just offer up Jubilee first. So that way, the last thing they see is oh. Oh, that's a great idea. So party become trade.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Yeah, it's a trade party. Well, it's trade, but. I mean, we're probably going to kill them all, right? That's the plan. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Get the high score. There's a lot of them. I want high score. But I don't know how with all that, all of them at once, unless we pull up shipy.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Well, we're going to turn them in on each other so they would destroy each other. We wouldn't have to do anything. That would. Yeah, like a Romeo and Juliet kind of rumble. Good point. Yeah. So then so then maybe we we intact, he wouldn't say antagonize. We make them. Are you sure? We taunt them. We tell them.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, we have both. Well, why don't we? Yeah, let's see. We don't have to bring them back to the ship. Why don't we find like a nice neutral location, right? Crattle them all into the same enclosed space and blow it the fuck up. Oh, I was with you.
Starting point is 00:35:16 We we are the neutral location shipy and shipy. So that's fair. That's fair. All right, country. If you want a whole party in airlock, then we let them all out the airlock. I don't know if our airlock is big enough to house a party, but I mean, you're a cargo ship. And so I was going to say, it's a cargo ship.
Starting point is 00:35:41 It doesn't have to be everybody. It just has to be the big people. You know, this here's an idea. Maybe we don't have to blow things up. But with the airlock, lock them in. Do we have like any kind of noxious gases or something that maybe they don't have to know what's killing them?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Well, listen, we need to burrito and we have not. For three of Reno 12. Well, me. Well, we savvy checks. Hey, we are really old machine. Thirteen, thirteen, eleven. No, just the three who are originally from Reno 12. Did you roll, Zach?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Oh, yeah, I got fourteen. Oh, yeah, one of you guys. You guys know that noxious gas is something that is some that, you know, a guy, but they're back out in the badlands. Oh, so if you were, if you wanted something of noxious gas, you would have to try to get it from out there and go back. All right, two options, right? So here's the thing, we hit orbit,
Starting point is 00:36:55 or at least we hit a certain altitude. We decompress the air locks and knock them right out, clean out. You know what I mean? I mean, after a certain point, they're not going to be able to do much once we start flying, so which one we lock them in there? That's option one, option two. We go see our guy about a horse. In this case, noxious gas.
Starting point is 00:37:11 We knock their asses out before we even take off. I don't think it hurts to have both prepared. You know what, I, you know, I don't, I don't disagree. Let's do it. Let's go see him. What are you guys going to do? Fly faster. If I fly shipy there, can I get out of the dock? I know that my ship is a little.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Oh, no, you're going to the Badlands, which is where you guys went to get credits earlier in the the earlier in the day. Got it. Oh, earlier in the day. That was all today. Yeah, all day night by now. By the time you guys got jubilee and stuff like that, the sunset. It's dark now.
Starting point is 00:37:50 OK, what should we do with them to? Bring a whip. I mean, I can knock them out. I was going to say, they're definitely not going anywhere. And I don't like them just kind of walking around our house. No, I can brass knuckle them. Keep them with the bush. That might be a little fucked up.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Just a little bit. Hey, we have a spare cargo container anywhere. Like put them in a crate. Put them in a crate. All right. In a crate. That's a great week. Together. It's a great love.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I love the way you think. Punch in love. I like the way you think you're a good, best good boy. Good boy. So you're going to put them in a high score on romance. High score on romance. Yeah, we're going to put them in a crate. No, put them in a crate. OK.
Starting point is 00:38:42 You're sometimes you've got to create a close crate. So close crate step. I'm good. I poke two holes on the top. They'll be fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, make sure it's not like an airtight crate and we'll kind of just blow, blow, blow, blow.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Yeah, I mean, they kind of don't have a choice at this point. So you guys hobble Luciano in there. You guys put put them both in a crate and you kind of lock them in or secure them. Yeah. You kids don't have too much fun now, you hear? Well, OK. Before you do all of that,
Starting point is 00:39:17 because that could be something that you guys do. It is nighttime. Are you guys going to attempt to try to meet somebody in the middle of the night or are you guys going to try to do this the following day? I mean, if we have for the party, because you guys know that the party is going to happen later in the day tomorrow, right?
Starting point is 00:39:34 So we know we have the time in afternoon. Yeah. Well, I mean, I certainly don't want to incur any kind of penalty if we stay up all night, but right, right. All right, yeah, well, yeah, maybe save it for tomorrow. OK, first thing tomorrow. How long would it take to get to the bad lands from where we are?
Starting point is 00:39:51 Like driving? It'll be just a couple of hours for where you need to go. This particular person is not too far out of town. OK. All right, in that case. Yeah. But even if you guys are not going all the way out to the bad lands, then the night is yours and you could do anything you want to do.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Well, we have a party to prepare for. We do indeed. OK. How do you guys want to prep for a party? Ponce, roll me an observation check. OK. I rolled an eight. As you guys are like hanging out, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:36 and night settling in, you can kind of hear faintly in the distance the sound of like like booming music going on and it kind of peaks your your attention in your ear. Does it look like it's coming from outside the ship? Yeah, it's definitely coming from outside the ship. You would know that like by now at this hour, like the clubs and the bars and stuff are starting to get are starting to open. Yeah, and all this getting ready for another party is
Starting point is 00:41:05 way more boring than an actual party. I think he would be kind of antsy at the door of the at the of the ship, just like, are we done? Can we go out and do something? I mean, we're we're taking the night to prepare and you want to go party. Yeah, you hear it. I hear it. I like your style, but we got in at home.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, you you guys good, maybe Miko. Oh. That that worries me going by yourself. I mean, you had a man's leg in your mouth today. You did. You did. You still got it on your fur. Yeah, my teeth got some leg leg right here. You can hear the music going.
Starting point is 00:42:02 You can even hear a little bit of the crowd in the distance. Listen, we know that tone. I just like sit like annoyingly on this side. Listen, I understand the call of the party more than anybody else on this ship. I probably let out a sad howl. Once I get this playlist together, maybe we we go out just for an hour. OK, DJ, you have to play your music louder than their music for me, then.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Play it, play it just like you're dancing. She like takes off her headphones cranks it all the way. OK, OK. That's the only thing that keeps punch from running as long as he can hear some music and he can dance and stuff. Take a blues, Paan. All right. It's not quite the party you want to be at. Yeah. This is maximum focus for punch.
Starting point is 00:42:59 So what all do we need to do to get ready for this thing? I mean, do we want to like decorate? I think we should. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Get some blues. Yeah. So that's what you're going to spend your night doing. Yeah, that's it. Decorating.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Well, do we get a caterer thinking a theme? Yeah, this is all really exciting. Stokes doesn't care about this. What's the color scheme? Are we having a balloon arch? We should put a balloon arch around the seams of the airlock so they don't think about, oh, that might be a door that opens. Smart, smart, I dig it.
Starting point is 00:43:37 High score punch. Won't that also affect the balloons in some way? I mean, they'll just get sucked out. When it opens. OK, cool. It's like that'd be a good way of knowing when it's time to sort of open the door for the balloons to start. Oh, when you mean when we get up and take your brushes up?
Starting point is 00:43:54 Yeah. Oh, what a good idea. That's not a bad idea. All right. OK. Hey, Paul, I promise you when we get put this whole nest in this behind us, we're going to find the biggest party in the system. We're taking you there. He just hit my life and just dancing.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Well, I guess I'm fine, but thank you for asking. I mean, yeah, I mean, I hadn't seen any of the Parazzo since the Seven Suns. Yeah. Evaporated. Do you have anything to do with any of that? It's just the Parazzo's in general, you know? I mean, they, yeah. Yeah, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Thanks, lady. I appreciate you. It's good. Yeah, I mean, literally, that's the thing that gets me up in the morning is just knowing that there is potentially a day where the sun will rise and no more Parazzo's will be on this. Be here. Worthy objective.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Mm hmm. But how about you? How are you holding up? All me. I'm good. Most fun I've had in a while. Yeah. Plot and revenge is extreme fun. It is exciting. Shit. Listen, I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:45:36 It's a good time. As long as I don't lose any of you. We're good. It's fair. Yeah. I can't can't go through that shit again. No, no, no. It's enough. It's enough for a lady.
Starting point is 00:45:55 It's enough for a lady. I don't like feeling feeling sometimes. So let's I'm all up in them. Let's decorate. Ah, yeah, let's decorate. You know, the dreamers decorate to mask our feelings. Yes, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Y'all got streamers. Yeah. Take a blues. Take a blues. Oh, shit. I'm just going to say you're doing all of this while basically a tech rehearsal is happening. Yeah, exactly. Lighting cues just going on and off and changing.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I'm hanging a fucking piñata from the from the rap. Yeah. So a couple of hours are going by. You guys are, you know, loaded balloons, glass and music trying to prep for this this party. Eventually, like punch and stokes. You guys are towards the back and stuff like that with the bay doors open. You would see like some, you know, like the you guys are a better for terminal and, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:57 at this hour, like some vessels come and go because, you know, people are coming in to go to the nightlife and hang out and stuff like that. So you see this like really fat, flashy, kind of like small, like two man crews or like kind of pull up is blasting music on their own as you guys are like finishing setting up and stuff like that and out pops like two two people who are who are like dressed for club wear and stuff like that. And they're like laughing.
Starting point is 00:47:21 It seems like they've already been a little buzzed from the night and stuff like that. And they notice like you both, as you guys are prepping and planning. And one of them calls out to both of you and she's like, Hey, do you guys know a fun place to go to party? Oh, fuck. What do you guys want to do? I don't hear this yet. And who does hear this? He was yelling at you.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yeah. Oh, fuck. Yeah, me show you. And I start kind of waddling towards them. Oh, God. I'm showing real quick. So I'm showing where they go. Oh, this is. Oh, it's the call of the party. It's so strong right now.
Starting point is 00:48:06 The call party is not a responsible one. I unless Stokes stops him, I think he'll like lead them towards where he knows that all the partying is going to party on this land. Stokes wants to go to. Oh, this is such a bad idea. You know what? You know what? Paunch, let me go with you. Just, you know, buddy system.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, party. More party. Smart. Buddy system. I leave the the equivalent of a post-it on the side of the door that's be right back. Stokes. Yeah, verb. Yeah, verb. Paunch, take a blues.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Because you know where to go to party. Where do you want to go? There's several places you could go back to the Parazzo's place at the High Roller Casino. You go to the L Ray. You could go to the Viper Bar and Grill. You could go where would I know would be the most trouble? Like would just like like there's going to be a bar room or something.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Definitely. If you're looking for a fight in a good time, that would definitely be the Viper Bar and Grill. If you're looking for some fun flashiness, either the L Ray or the High Roller Cafe. So I mean, Paunch is looking for high score on good time, so he's going to go to like the wildest place. So the Viper Bar and Grill we go.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Yeah, I love it. High score. Incredible. I love it. I love you. It's always a good time. When you go to party and Paunch heard, where can I fight? Right. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Are you guys taking the El Camino and taking them with you? Or are you guys letting them get a ride and having them escort you out there? I'll offer it. OK. Sure. Yeah. They agreed that you all like squeeze into the front of the car as they turn the car on Elvis Costello's pump it up starts to play and you guys punch it and you just head towards the Viper.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Paunch punches it. And you head out to the Viper Bar and Grill. And by the time all of that happens, like Lady, you would have turned around to see that like just like a single balloon is still like floating up to the top, because that was the last task that was being done. But like jokes and and Paunch are gone. What in the same? How are those kids doing?
Starting point is 00:50:42 God damn. In the wind. Shit. Does O see the post it now? Yeah. If you go like it, you see like Lady like complaining. Well, I'm going to see this post it now. They hobble over and grab like the post it note from from from the wall. And it's like, well, they said they would
Starting point is 00:51:09 burb. I don't quite know. What I know where they burb to. I mean, you and Lady would know that like that means that they've gone to. Yeah. Fuck off. Would I be able to kind of write what Lady? I'm assuming Lady would know enough about Paunch at this point to be able to make an educated guess as to what the likely locations would be.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Romy, Romy, Romy, a savvy check. 11 11. OK, yeah, you you got to you got a vibe that like that Paunch usually hangs around either the Viper Bar or the High Roller, just because there's just the two packed places to have the most parties. All right. Well, if I know Paunch, she'd probably either want to go to the Viper Bar or High Roller. So.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Want to take a field trip? Go see if we can find that now. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, no matter what happens, we're in for another fight. Yeah. Shit. Do we have like rations like like something that's not like a full blown meal, but like something like a protein bar kind of?
Starting point is 00:52:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We have travel rations. I'll grab a couple and I'll toss them in the crate. I'm say you kids, be good. We'll be back. It's fucking terrible. Horrific. You go out and you realize that the El Camino is gone.
Starting point is 00:52:49 But I but. Oh, is the other car there? Oh, so has the sedan. Oh, yeah. The party of the sedan. We go to the party in the fucking sedan. Yes. Absolutely. Which place do you think you're going to go first, though?
Starting point is 00:53:10 Probably the probably the Viper Bar. What's what we what we which one is the loudest? The loudest would be a High Roller. Fuck. Then we go to High Roller. Yeah, we go to that's like the main like that's like the center place where everybody goes. Yeah, yeah, we'd go to the High Roller
Starting point is 00:53:28 because Pontra's all about hearing that music. So if that's the loudest. It's a good guess. Excellent. Yeah. It's the loudest. He can howl the loudest there. Right. It's just get lost in the cacophony.
Starting point is 00:53:41 It's the most logical place. Yeah. Well, you get in that sedan. Roll up in the Corolla. You like crank it and it's my car a little bit. But it but it finally kicks on. And you guys make it off your way to the High Roller Casino. And that's a good place for us to take a quick five minute break.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Because it is eleven. Yeah, it's eleven now. Ten thousand. Time is more than you're having fun. Sure does. Stay tuned. We'll be right back. And welcome back to 105 MBRP. Your soul sound of this frontier galaxy.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Last off we left off a punch and oh, oh, no, punch and stokes. I'm sorry. I'm getting my folks confused. You guys were heading off to the Viper Bar and Grill with two random strangers you met at the Buford terminal. That's right. What are these people? Is just a guy and a girl. Yeah, a guy and a girl.
Starting point is 00:54:38 They're dressed up in like clubwear, you know, they're kind of flashy, kind of sparkly, you know, like hair done up, like really bright and gaudy clubish makeup. Yeah, they just look like a bunch of like kind of like rich folks looking for a good time and, you know, carefree enough to just willingly ask strangers to take them off to a place to party. But you guys eventually would roll up to the Viper Bar and Grill.
Starting point is 00:55:08 There's like rows of like biker bikes out front. And there seems to be like a lot of like bumping music going on on the inside as we get out of the car. If they're carefree enough to just let some random strangers drive them, punch is going to see if he can like reach into her purse and grab something, pull something out of her purse. Oh, my God. OK.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Um, roll me a roll me a savvy check. Savvy. OK. Yeah. Savvy, that's a 10. That's a 10. OK. I mean, literally just like the first thing I can feel, I'll just pull out. Yeah, because you guys all like clamor cramped into the small space of that El Camino is like a two seater, you know, like people like do that. And I've been charming them just like, you know, laughing alongside.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yeah, there's like, yeah. And like, she's actually like sitting up against you. So like her purse is like literally right there. So you just kind of put your like just like wiggle your fingers. You're positive there and grab something. What do you grab? That's a great question. See what I got.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I'll roll something key to the city. Yeah, the key to the city. A new weapon. You grab the juiciest bone you have ever seen. You definitely will grab a handful of credits, probably at least like 10 credits, because it's a slipped in a in a in a disc. I like that. It's going to be gambling money. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I'm just going to look really quick if there's something fancy you could have to because that was a nice, a nice big roll. Yeah, that's true. Where's my table? God damn it. Do they have a nice thing? The roll tables and the orbital blues? They have like a little they have little equipment. Little equipment.
Starting point is 00:57:10 We're seeing those and stuff like that. It's really fun. I want to see if there's something cool. Just completely on impulse, like has he he likes these people, but he also just likes doing random things like this. Likes to steal. Yeah, you find the classic sixty four gigabyte iPod.
Starting point is 00:57:33 I mean, like that'd be pretty good. Yes, you find. You just the other thing you pull out of it's outside of that that 10 chip card was a like it looks like a compact. Like like a mirror compact. Yeah, it's just like a little disc thing. It's like what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:57:55 It could be opened. OK, that'll certainly hold his attention. But that's all you know. Yeah, OK, but you take both of those and you slip a slip in your pocket. Cool. So you all get out. And and just head straight into the Viper Bar. Mm hmm. Yeah, Bounders
Starting point is 00:58:17 recognize clocky both. I give you guys a nod as you guys walk in. It's it's packed tonight. There is a several members of the Reno snakes in here. Several just random people from all parts of Reno 12 or beyond and it's packed like people are dancing on the dance floor. There's a small rock man going on and it up top on stage and it's just going lights are flashing.
Starting point is 00:58:46 It's pretty dark and there's just a lot of bodies in here. What do you guys want to do? Drinkies, drinkies, everyone drinkies, and I'll I'll go to the bar. Drinks. Probably or I'll probably use the 10 credits to get a round of shots for everybody. Yeah, you go over there. You weave through the bar.
Starting point is 00:59:10 You should you get like, you know, you knock elbows. And the person you see as you slap down 10 credits and just yell out loud, like. How many people are you for four shots? The person that turns around and looks at you is Francine DuBois, who's manning the bar currently. And she clocks you. Puts four glasses down and pours your shots.
Starting point is 00:59:41 To good shit, I'll just do a shot. Yeah, she would see that. She'll she'll pour herself one and not she'll knock one of those glasses back and then fills them. She doesn't say anything else, but she she has clocked you, gives you a nod and allows you to take your drinks. I'll let Stokes worry about that.
Starting point is 01:00:00 The punch is going to probably lead the girl to the dance floor and start like. So you're not even going to tell. Are you going to tell Stokes that you saw Francine DuBois? Are you just going to? Are you just going to hand offering them? Did I see DuBois earlier in the day? You I mean, you didn't see DuBois earlier.
Starting point is 01:00:20 You would have seen DuBois. The last time you saw her was when she initially hired you guys to take those that that bag of credits. If she hired us for a job, I'd realize that. I probably point out to Stokes like, hey, boss is over there or something, but yeah, I'm going to be watching punch anyway. Yeah, so I'll I'll figure it out.
Starting point is 01:00:41 But yeah, Francine seems to be preoccupied with the bar, but she clocked you and she clocked you, Stokes, as punch hands out rounds to everybody. And I guess you guys are going to go party. Yeah, I think one of the dance floor. Stokes is the person that's shouting over the music. No, I'm a DJ, right? And just like over another person performing
Starting point is 01:01:08 to just anybody around and like air drops her like SoundCloud to anyone who has their air drop open. Holy shit. There's there's a reason why she's not booked. And it's because of shit like this. Take a blues for that. That's that's so sad. It's not party behavior.
Starting point is 01:01:33 All right. So you guys kind of get lost into the crowd and start partying with these two strangers that you've met. Meanwhile, a raggedy sedan finally rolls up to the to the High Roller Casino. And High Roller is like you can hear the the the buns, the you know, the oosh, oosh, oosh of like of party music going on in the inside,
Starting point is 01:01:54 but it's a little bit more of a classier establishment. You know, the High Roller is supposed to be kind of like the oasis in the middle of a desert kind of situation, you know, where people are supposed to be going to. So you pull up where like there's like ballet. Are you? Well, how do you do this? Are you going to like park somewhere off to the side and then walk into the casino?
Starting point is 01:02:12 Are you like pulling your sedan up, getting like ballet service and like, you know, walking into the casino? Oh, oh, absolutely. Looks at the ballet and says, yeah, I think we're going to make some fucking ballet park this. OK, I've got the credits. And so they drive up to the ballet parking and, you know, throw the keys at the ballet and say, take good care of her now.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Yeah, he take the guy like, you know, catches the keys and stuff like that. And you guys walk confidently in the way to go for something like this. That's right. Roll up like we own a joint. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, when you when you walk in, though, you know, there's like whatever those roundabout doors, I don't know what they're called.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Oh, revolving door. Revolving door. Yeah. Revolving door. I don't know words. So yeah, you walk good. Walk through those revolving doors, you know, into the lobby area. And it's like, like beautiful, you know, like super ornate, like those red velvet carpets, you know, you know, very intricate,
Starting point is 01:03:26 like wood carving stuff, like very swanky, like mirrors on ceilings, shit like that, you know, chandelier up top, you know, a lot of class care and a lot of classiness and a lot of money was pumped in to making this look swanky. You know, if you go up this like the grand stairs, you can see like it goes open to this like the floor of the casino and there's like several people dressed up, you know, a little bit fancier than most people. Rolling craps, you know, shooting dice and rolling slaps. And then you can, you know, you following the trails of like the bumping music,
Starting point is 01:03:55 you know, that's, you know, another part of the casino to continue on. And eventually you like open up into like a giant like rave going on. It's just a big old party going on. You know, there's a DJ music, you know, there's lights flashing, like it's just fluttering lights. What do you guys want to do? I actually want the observation checks, because there's a lot of, there's, you know, various shit going on.
Starting point is 01:04:22 See what you clock. Oh, and lady got a six observation would be, oh, shit. I don't see it on. There should be a straight observation roll for you. There it is. I'm sorry. I'm just I'm just blind. It's fine. It's fine. We don't clock anything.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah. The party's too good. The party's too good. It's loud. It's disorienting. It's it's like not for you, especially lady. This is not your scene. It's not a scene. I was just going to say, this is not a scene. You are you are uncomfortable with the fact that this exists.
Starting point is 01:05:00 And oh, like, you know, you you enjoy a good party, but like this is not also a lot. You know, it's too flashy. Like it's hard to see faces. It's hard to to see what's everybody. You're just seeing various like still frames of motion of people and shit. You know, but are you guys going to keep going deeper into this this area to see if you can find your friends? Well, what's the game plan?
Starting point is 01:05:24 Because you get them back to the ship. Yeah, he's going to he's going to yell over the crowd because it's probably super loud. Let's stick together and try to find that fucking dog. Is this the type of seat? Is this the type of scene that that punch generally would like something like this? Yeah, the louder, the better. Oh, God. Yeah, I said the same goddamn thing.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Well, off we go. Yeah, you guys weave through the crowd of people and like you're bump checking people. It's like, you know, everything people are paying no mind to you to this. This is such a common place, but eventually. Oh, because you guys aren't really able to like look at anything. Eventually, you kind of like bump into somebody and when you look at who this person is, he's wearing like a suit, a suit that's usually worn
Starting point is 01:06:23 by people of the Parazzo family and the Parazzo enforcers. It's one of the guns who is like looking at you, looking at you both. And he's like, we'd like you to come out to the office, have a word, yeah, I have a drink. I'm sorry, I can't quite hear. It's it's so it's so loud in here. I don't they want to have like any goes in like he puts a hand on you.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I mean, I I just I just broke up with my partner. It's a little too soon for me to think be thinking about that. I just met you. He's like the guy's like just, you know, he kind of grips on a tighter and he's like a word outside. He's trying to like shuffle you both out of the party. Are you guys going to try to do anything? Are you going to go with him?
Starting point is 01:07:26 I'm going to I'm going to follow O's lead. Does does does O look like they're they're kind of pulling back? No, that is if, you know, O is not necessarily welcomed in this part. Oh, I think you were supposed to bring you were supposed to bring to Tony Parazzo and you have come to the Parazzo's main place. Oh, oh, I made a huge mistake. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Oh, what do you want? Oh, did they take did they take a shotgun? They know they didn't disarm you. Nobody has confronted you. Oh, no, until this point. The shotgun is too loud and is probably there's too much likelihood for collateral damage. So just time it just time it on a big base drop.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Right. Right. Well, I mean, that's a scatter shot. That's going to you're going to hit some innocent party dollars. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. That's so I don't know. OK, I was going to pull my boot knife and on my way up, cut the inside of his thigh so he starts bleeding out. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Ready for that. I want to bring a knife to a gunfight. Did I roll it normal? OK. Yeah, I will strain. Oh, yeah, that's a six and a that's a six and a two dealing four damage. Whoa. Oh, fuck. Hell, yeah, let's go. Yeah, I mean, really talk about disrespect your surroundings.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Like, there you go. Disrespecting around. New piece of PC. The the club music is loud. And and just boom, you just see bits and flashes and lights and stuff like that. And you just see like instinctually, like as soon as the hand goes on, oh, and he kind of grips it tight and tries to like pull to like go. You just instinctually boot knife, click, like, you know, kick stab this dude.
Starting point is 01:09:23 And he just goes down into the crowd with enough, you know, as I mean, there's so many bodies. So he's kind of getting shuffled amongst the crowd now as he falls to the ground with enough time for you guys to kind of move, start moving and disappearing. That's what you try to do. I reach out for for O's arm, hand, whatever I can grab. And we just start booking it for the exit. Yeah, they like hobble after you.
Starting point is 01:09:47 They can't really run. Got it. Yep. They have a gun like operation checks. I like think that like the the bodyguard, like his body falls in a way with the audience that they just start like wave, like, like, like. Carrying this body. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. He's what is it called? Surfing audience.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Surfing. Oh, that's a seven. Seven. Oh, and nine for O. Yeah. OK. Yeah. So you guys are you guys are going like, lady, you're just preoccupied with like head down, I'm a head to the door. Meanwhile, oh, you're kind of like, you know, being dragged. So you have a little bit of time to like look.
Starting point is 01:10:35 You're clocking that there are two other guards who seem to be slowly trying to intercept you guys or looking out for you guys. They haven't quite clocked you. Actually, we don't. Oh, God, we're going to John Wick. No, they haven't quite clocked you. I have a feeling that punch would not enjoy these vibes at all. OK. Meanwhile, Stokes punch. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:11:03 Yeah, you had a round with your friends. This rock band is going on. And you see one of your previous employers who you haven't fulfilled your obligations to has at least clocked you and has yet to do anything about it. What do you do, though? I'm going to go find punch. It's it's been about an hour.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I think we've had our time. Right. OK. Ten more shots and then we go home. Ten more shots. No, we have to go now. Kind of go now. OK. All right. Yeah, I think he'll come along. OK. So we start making our way towards the exit.
Starting point is 01:11:41 All right. You're going to roll me observation checks and take a blues punch because the party won't stop till I walk in. I've taken blues for not going to a party for going to the party. And now leaving a party. I'm rolling a check. Right. Five.
Starting point is 01:11:59 We both. Can I exert myself? You may exert yourself. OK. I'll just read. If you fail, I might. OK, that's a four. OK, so that's an eight. That's the one with that four. OK.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Um, yeah, you know, you're starting to get nervous. You know, it doesn't seem like anybody is like in the general area. You know, is like watching you or looking after you and stuff like that. But, you know, you still get that vibe that, like, something's afoot. Maybe it's time to go like we should not have ever come here. It's kind of jet. And as you guys are both making your way, you know, Pontius having to, you know, Pontius distracted because he he wants to say goodbye
Starting point is 01:12:43 to the two people that he met, you know, because, you know, they're they're not going to love you guys. We're like best friends now. So you're you're slowly dragging punch out. But as you kind of like heading towards the door, you clock that there's like a couple of bikers that are now kind of circling and like checking out your guys's El Camino. We might have to have another high score moment, Pontius. Where? Where?
Starting point is 01:13:11 You see all them sort of by the car. How many people is it? Two. OK, cool. Then that's not too bad. Just a mini game. Yeah, they're like they're at the doors of the El Camino kind of looking in, like checking the tires, kind of just casually sussing it out. What do we do?
Starting point is 01:13:32 But you guys probably hit the threshold of the door, like to the front porch, because this is kind of like a old building structure that they've made out of bar. I scare them away with my teeth. We'll we'll try we'll try sugar first and then we'll then we'll go to vinegar. Sure. OK. OK. I pretend like I know the making model of this car, of this El Camino and just say like, yeah, that's a twenty seven oh nine El Camino. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:14:04 Are you talking to me? No, I'm talking to the creepers around the corner. Rovia, Rovia Savvy check. That's my job. Eleven. Eleven. Oh, damn. Yeah. And as you kind of yell that out, both of them kind of like straighten up because like they were caught off guard from somebody doing that and they kind of like, you know, step away from the car
Starting point is 01:14:30 and they're kind of like like trying to pretend that they weren't like, you know, you know, like doing that thing. You know, they're trying to side step, wide step, but like from right behind you, you hear somebody go, yeah, it's a beautiful classic car. And you turn around and it's Francine Du Bois standing right behind you both. Yeah. Punch is just like still going along with it. So he's like running his fingers down the car.
Starting point is 01:14:56 He's like, yeah, this will shipy go fast. And he like slaps it. Wheel shipy go. Wheel shipy. Yeah, Francine, Mr. Du Bois. Wonderful to see you on this completely uneventful night. She's boss. A word, maybe for you, go.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Of course, we always have time for you. My office in the back. Come on. If you don't want to have it outside, it's so nice and cool and full of witnesses. I can drive us in our wheel shipy. Wheel shipy every time. Every time a better place to be. I'm alone, of course, back into the party.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Back into the party. So Francine Du Bois leads you both to your backup. This is not far, you know, it's a quiet little tiny space. You know, it's got a lot of, you know, knickknacks and papers and shit, you know, like crates of booze that is kind of like used to half as storage and shit. And she kind of takes her, she kind of leans up up against the desk and looks at you both and she's like, I was expecting you to see you guys a couple of hours ago.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Well, before happy hour, well before this, where have you been? Where are my credits? Where are my where's my where's my trade? Well, we don't. Because you wouldn't come here, both empty handed and trying to enjoy in the revelry, right? Party, yeah. I score a good time.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Good time. Of course not. We don't like to go too hard in either business or pleasure. So we we were do I still have those credits that I stole? Yeah, you would probably still have it in your back pocket unless you took it out while you were at Shippey. OK, great. We had to we ran into some a little bit of heat on the way out.
Starting point is 01:17:19 But don't worry, the work is done. We just we just have it in. We had to separate for security purposes. And she puts out the 10 credits. The rest is coming your way. This is just a show of good faith. You weren't supposed to bring me money back. You were supposed to bring me the item that they had.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Where's the item? Oh, it's the watch, right? Yeah. Do I still have it? Yeah, you're wearing the watch. Yeah, I want you to get off unless you guys took anything off. I don't think I ever took it off. So yeah, I would totally like hand it to her. Sweet. OK, good.
Starting point is 01:17:57 OK, so you're going to give her the watch. If I have to, yes. OK, so you present the watch and Francine's like, you know, gives you that look. You hand it over to her. She kind of like observed that she opens the watch head and inside you guys can see that there's like a tiny like electrical chip attached to it on the inside of the inlay.
Starting point is 01:18:25 And then she snaps it shut. And pockets it. Oh, I need them. Good. Well, it's forgiven then. I was worried that you were misstepping here. Speaking of which, I sent somebody out to actually look for you. I was hoping that you would all be here. Where is Oh, isn't their name?
Starting point is 01:18:53 They ever come by? Back on Chippy. Oh, there. So you've met them. There's they didn't come with you. Interesting. They're our best friend now. Why wouldn't they come with you? Hmm. Well, we we met new people and we took them here for good time.
Starting point is 01:19:15 That's yeah, I mean, yes. That part's true. But yeah, no, we're trying not to didn't want to crowd the place exactly. But don't worry. You'll you'll see them soon. You'll see them very soon. Well, why don't I get the boys together to give you guys
Starting point is 01:19:37 the booze as promised for the trade done and transaction completed? We settle business and you can go on to do whatever you want to do. You want to do the trade now for? Well, you guys came back with the walk and gave the walk and action for and you were supposed to get a booze from the Viper bar for the ladies. Yeah, let's go ahead and close out. Yeah, that'd be great. Stokes, we should do more jobs when we get drinkies in the end.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I want to agree with you. There's nothing that I would like right now more than to be drunk. Oh, no. OK, so the. They'll start beginning to load up the El Camino with several cases of booze that was intended to be used for this party tomorrow. What are you guys going to stay here? Or is it?
Starting point is 01:20:33 No, I think I think I mean, I assume Stokes is definitely leading this. But I think we're heading back to the ship. Yeah. Oh, we didn't fight anybody, but that's a good thing. There'll be enough of that. It's OK. All right, so you load up with you drinkies and you leave behind the Viper bar in Grill, completing your transactions
Starting point is 01:20:59 with French Piscine, Du Bois, meanwhile, Stokes and Oh, and Lady, you are trying to get out of a tough situation. You see two Parazzo goons are trying to make their way to end the day. They're trying to make their way to intercept you, but you are a little near the door, but not quite yet. Roll me savvy checks to see if you guys can be sneaky enough to get by. I rolled an eight. Well, it's an eight. Oh.
Starting point is 01:21:36 But you roll. Oh. Oh, I haven't. OK, observation, you said savvy. Savvy, savvy, sorry. Oh, the 88 she kicked in hard, but we got an 11 normally. Nice. OK. Amber's 88 she kicked in hard, not O's. O's is fine.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Yeah, you guys are like, you know, you fancy the crowd. You're trying to weave. You're trying to get avoid them detecting you at the last moment. Like one of them finally clocks you. But at that moment, like the lights just kind of like go so bright and it just like washes through the whole audience. And it's enough light from all this darkness to be a little bit blinding. But you take an advantage to just
Starting point is 01:22:21 book it across the rest of the way and at least get to the door and out back into the casino. Roll me observation checks now that you guys are there. Roll them at against the odds because you guys are slightly blinded from this transition of light. Got it. Oh, against the odds. OK, let me re-roll that observation then.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Oh, OK, still an 11. Holy shit. Rolled even better. What you roll, lady? I rolled a 10. I don't think that's right, though, because it's 3d6 and then drop the lowest, right? You're supposed to drop the lowest. Yeah. Yeah. So let's let's let's try it again.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Yeah, that's just 2d6. Yeah. There's an against the odds. Yeah. Oh, OK. So I rolled a 10. I dropped the highest for so seven. OK, yeah. Yeah. Lady, you're like blinded by this light as you're trying to come through. But, you know, through the the door, because, you know, this is definitely not your
Starting point is 01:23:24 fucking scene, but yeah. But you, oh, you have like those shades that you have. So it was kind of able to kind of block your your site. So you're able to kind of walk through a little bit with better site. You're noticing that like they're not trying to disturb the nice quiet casino revelries that are going on outside of this club part.
Starting point is 01:23:48 But you do see that there are, you know, security guards and goons, like seven of them starting to kind of like pick up radio chatter, starting to like do that extra like look around and stuff like that. Are you guys going to where you guys want to go? Are you guys going to go back out the front door? You valet parked your car. Yeah, well, shit. Yeah, the kitchen.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I guess through the kitchen. Yeah, we check to see if you can find a kitchen. That's a nine. Not against the odds. Not against the odds. Thank God. OK. OK, it's a little better. It's a seven. OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Once your site gets kind of like your eyes get adjusted and simply you're instinctually lady like looking for an exit door and that, you know, you kind of like turn around there. It looks to be like a service entrance down a hallway that you guys are where you guys are standing. So. Hey, yeah, what's up? Sir, a fire alarm. Yeah, there are fire alarms in here.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Yeah, since you rolled a high enough observation check, like as you're like looking down the hallway, you do see a little box. I'm a bullet. Hey, do you know so much? I go, you run you run by you pull it down. All of a sudden, you know, the sounds of like alarms go off through this whole thing and then sprinklers just go, the sprinklers turn on.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Yeah, yeah, they start going. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Going to those surroundings. So yeah, roundings. And then I assume you guys are heading through the service and yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Cool. So you do that. You go down the service entrance, you know, eventually you find, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:43 the kitchen area and stuff like that. You kind of book it through the hallways and you're pushing chefs aside trying to get out of the way. Roll me an observation check to see if you can find your way down to the the garage. OK, there's several like hallways and stuff. OK, that's a seven. Someone. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:26:09 You're going to fail if somebody pushes it. I'm going to push. I can spend a heart to reroll D6, right? Yeah. Yeah. All right. All right, so that's a five plus a two. So say I'm still not enough. Shit. Shit. OK, I'll I can push. I'll push. OK, so we hold on, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Wait, wait, wait, wait, let me. It's OK. You guys are going down the service. You guys are going down the service entrance. You know, you go a couple hallways and you you reach a kind of like a dead end. You guys turn around for a moment. You go down this other hallway and you
Starting point is 01:26:51 find two Parazzo goons who are looking like they're observing and they clocky both and they they are charging towards you. You have a choice. You can either try to engage them or you can continue going down one of the halls and we can roll another round of observation checks to see how well you fare this time around. They armed. They're closing in. All right. All right. Observation.
Starting point is 01:27:16 All right. Roll an observation check, both of you. Got it. Yep. Eight. Oh, three. Oh, no. Woof. Hold on. But I got Nate.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Yeah, that's nice. Proud of you. That's such a good answer. That's such a good answer. I love it. Yeah, jumping. Yeah, you you you call for O to just like keep going down this hallway and you're able to get down, get towards like stairwell that leads you what you
Starting point is 01:27:56 hopefully is going to be the garage area of this place. So you're going down the stairwells and you're going fast. You're not paying attention. You're you're kind of looking around trying to find the next door as you guys kind of make one corner, you hear the sound of a gun and oh, you get clipped by Ricochet of a bullet because you're not paying attention because you're focused on like walking like stairs can be a little bit of a difficulty for you, especially going super fast with the way the function of your of your leg.
Starting point is 01:28:23 And it just ends up like Ricochet clips you on the side as it grazes off your arm. You take two points of damage apart, but you guys are still continuing to make it. And finally, you get into a garage area, but it's just rows and rows and rows of cars and you gave your keys away. So what do you want to do? Hot water. I'm going to hot wire the fuck.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Yeah, hot wire the car. OK, not the nearest car. That's fine. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I'm going to the nearest car. I'm sure. Yeah, I just like use the brass knuckles to fucking punch open the window to like open it and then fuck the glass. And yeah, just hot.
Starting point is 01:29:13 Only life on the edge. Just sit in the sea like, yeah, yeah. I got metal up to my ass, so it's fine. That's fair. But my shiny metal. Yeah, you sucker punch this glass window of this this nice fancy looking old school car. And yeah, you get in.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Roll me a roll me a savvy check to see how well you're going to be able to hot wire a car because it's possible. OK, I'm going to cover. I'm going to cover them while they're doing that. OK, that's a 10. It's a 10. OK, yeah. You you you rip under the you ripped underneath it and you just start quickly stripping wire and you're just like, you know, you're doing that thing like that.
Starting point is 01:30:05 Tat, tat, tat, tat, trying to get it to start and finally tats it right. And it just turns on you twist the twist the wires together to get to keep it in place and you guys, you know, lady slides into the backseat and you guys are screeching out of this out of this parking lot. You guys are on a bottom floor, so you're going to have to make at least one turn around and get up. But you also as you guys are peeling out can hear other cars starting to go. You don't know if that's just general valets.
Starting point is 01:30:38 You don't know who that is. But you are barreling out the way. Oh, roll me a mobility check for this small vehicle. It's going to be an army of valets who are like, give us back. Yeah, yeah. You don't have a way there is some mobility. It mobility. Just roll me a D 2 D 6 and then add to a plus two.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Because that is the stat of a small car. That's a 10. That's a 10. Yeah, yeah, you do a nice quick you Tokyo drift through this parking lot as you get towards the entrance and you come up and like this ballet like moves out of the way because he was standing in the middle of the driveway as this like this car just like fume up onto the strip and just starts peeling out and heading. I assume back to shipy or where do you guys want to go? You know, you've just fucked up in the Parazzo's place.
Starting point is 01:31:34 And yeah, where do you want to go back to shipy? Back to shipy. Oh, I was going to say. Should we go to the Viper Bar? And bring the Parazzo's to the Viper Bar? Yeah, fuck it. Start shit. Yeah, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Let's do it. Fuck it. Fuck it. What's the worst that can happen? They kill each other. They all kill each other. Well, they're just goons after you, but we'll see. OK, yeah, we'll need another mobility check then. Oh, Jesus. We're seven shit.
Starting point is 01:32:13 Well, can I spend a heart to push it? May exert yourself if you like. OK, all right. So that all right, so one more to these six plus two. Oh, it's one more D six. Yeah. OK, one of your D sixes and use that towards your pool. OK, cool.
Starting point is 01:32:34 So replace one of your low dice. OK, so the five great. Yeah, so the five will replace that one. And now get me up to an 11. Oh, yeah, beautiful. Hell, yeah, great. Yeah, you you you punch it, you just keep driving. You notice that there are at least two cars behind you of what looks to be at
Starting point is 01:32:53 least three men in each vehicle. But you're moving fast enough to keep out of pace with them. You've heard a couple gunshots go up, poo poo, but it seems just rick and shay off the back. It doesn't do any residual damage to you. And you guys are. That's it. That's this actual sound that we hear. Don't I will say lady takes the butt of the shotgun and knocks out the rear
Starting point is 01:33:20 window and just kind of kind of sets up with the shotgun ready to start just pumping rounds at these guys. Hell, yes. I'll give you that. This car is gone. Oh, it's it's done. So fuck this car for the person to come back for their car and it's not there. Oh, I was going to say, is it Luciano
Starting point is 01:33:39 Pratt's car or it's just a random valet card that was in the garage? Well, they can have they can have my sedan. Fair trade. It's not even your lesser or equal value, honestly. Oh, yeah, it's alright. We are invoking the most sacred right of finders keepers. Ah, that's how it works. In fact, be weepers.
Starting point is 01:34:10 All right. What was that attacks? Oh, I wasn't I wasn't going to start pumping out of me. I was going to pump anything until until they if they get to like if I can see the logo on the grill, like I'm going to start that at the engine block. Awesome. Awesome. Then one more round of mobility checks for you. Oh.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Hell, yeah, that's a 10. That's a 10. Yes, beautiful. Ah, yes. Punch, for me, for me, a savvy check, because you guys are driving down the road. Yeah, just drive past it. That's like an umbrella academy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Well, I will deny, so I will probably see them. OK, yeah. You guys are you guys are driving back home to shipy because you assumed that oh, and oh, and lady wouldn't go out. They're going to be on the ship. So we're you're just going to come back with good times in the camp. You mad at you if you bought the drinkies back. If you brought the drinkies back.
Starting point is 01:35:16 So you guys are both in the in the car enjoying the rest of your evening. A little buzz. But then on just the tip of the horizon, you just see one car, right? One car's headlights and it's moving fast towards you guys. It's fine. There's enough on the road to, you know, to share the road. But then you see like two other cars right behind them slowly, you know, and the closer you guys get together, the closer you realize that you're
Starting point is 01:35:42 starting to see the outline in the face of oh, behind the wheel. As you guys are both just driving past each other and you guys look at each other. Yakety Sax is playing in my head. I was thinking the Benny Hill theme. Yeah, I think as soon as they zoom past us, I like follow with my eye line and like lock eyes with stokes. Like, we know what's happening here. Yeah, you know, you also know that the two cars
Starting point is 01:36:16 behind you look like Parazzo goons in the back and stuff like that. And they're high tailing, chasing straight for the Viper grow. Will we end up behind the Parazzo's or in front of them? If you guys are cool, yeah. With your high with your mobility check, you were able to kind of zoom out of the way because they're both kind of now hogging the road and was going to push you guys off if you rolled low. But with your savvy, you kind of roll over,
Starting point is 01:36:41 but able to turn around and be behind them. If you were to you, we'll give chase. Cool. Yeah. You turn around and you give chase. Now we have this like diamond formation of like oh, and lady in the front. Pong's soaks in the back squished between two Parazzo goon cars. Let's roll initiative because this is a little bit more complicated than than I anticipated.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Cool. Do great. Double ones. Dose double man. God damn it. So Lady two. Stokes two. Oh, oh, two. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Oh, I got three. I rolled a four. We all rolled like shit. Wait. Oh, yeah, I have to add something to that. Right. Yeah. Do you? It's great. Is it great? It's a D6 plus. No, it's it's savvy.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Savvy. OK, so yeah, three. Then I rolled even. I mean, you would think my initiative in roll 20 would count it. Wouldn't it? Let's see. Four. Good. Yeah. It does. It does. It does. So the original roll stand without four. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Oh, the new one. Yes. Then I'm a two. Oh, two, two, two. Great game. It's all good. Oh. Who's the saviest between? Oh, Stokes and Lady. I have a one.
Starting point is 01:38:08 I have one. Maybe two. OK. Go go first. And then Lady N. Oh, you can decide who goes. So especially as you guys are. Or actually, you guys can go together since you guys are both in the same car. Yeah, we'll do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:20 So. Car chase, car chase, car chase, car chase. We had like 10 car chases so far. Now we have the fight. This is good shit. You get the fight that you wanted. Sorry, one second. Let me do math. Don't say it.
Starting point is 01:38:46 I'm in the same boat. I don't do numbers. Math is dumb. Now, ideally, we'd want Vipers upset with the Parazos right now, right? So we can get away and they can be distracted. OK. And we're not in, I don't know who's car we're in, but it's probably someone who's cool with the Parazos.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Vipers or the Prazos. Pons you up first. Oh, what? Yeah, we're in a Camino. That's like ours. Oh, no. OK. Is it ours? Yeah, it's ours.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Yes, yours yours. Yours is a different one. Ponch, you are up first. You are tailing now between two Parazos goons. They're slightly ahead of you. You can roll a mobility check to because we'll do cars on on your round. You can roll me a mobility check to see if you catch up to them or at least
Starting point is 01:39:40 maintain speed or fall behind or I'm sorry for you as a savvy. What do I want to do? I mean, I definitely want to keep up with them. You'll still have an action on top of it, but you also need to roll for your car. And the mobility is does it is a modifier of two or what? It's savvy for you because you are a pilot. OK, so you're savvy. That's right. Thank you for reminding me.
Starting point is 01:40:03 So savvy is an eight. Savvy is OK. Cool. Yeah, you let me. Cool. Yeah. You're gaining speed on the Prazo vehicle. So you're you're pretty close to bump being bumper to bumper. All right. I don't think there's much more I can really do besides like just getting a position where if Stokes is going to do something,
Starting point is 01:40:22 they can do something that Stokes. Yeah. Is there anything you want to do on top of that? Are you guys just going to maintain pursuit for now? Yeah, I think the goal is just to get as close to them as possible. And I can't really hold. Can I hold an action? You can hold an action. Sure. OK, then I think
Starting point is 01:40:43 she has a gun. Yeah, I think she's just going to have the gun ready just in case. Yeah, is that is that your plasma plasma? No, she OK, so she has the plasma. Forge towards the porch. But I don't want them to like that's like a really identifiable weapon for me. I see. I see. So just make sure you're using. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 01:41:07 Oh, and lady, you guys are both in your car. You guys are leading. Oh, roll me a mobility check for your vehicle. So two D six plus two. Oh, that's six. Six. OK. Oh, yeah. You you are you are trying to book it. You know, you're using your your.
Starting point is 01:41:35 You're trying to push this floor. You're pretty much floor to the ground and it, you know, but eventually you just start, you hear one car just like bump up against the back of it as one of, you know, as they're starting to get crashed into you, you guys are both like very close to each other. You guys are all like slowly. All you guys did was slowly make a tighter formation and now you guys are just bumping cars with each other sandwiched. Is there anything you want to do, though, on top of that, now that they're bumping cars,
Starting point is 01:42:03 you know, you starting to see, you know, guns being pulled. They're close enough to make some reasonable damage. Anything you want to do, either one of you want to. Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm shooting. Yeah, shoot, shoot. I'm a fuck them up. OK, rolled attack. Let's see. No modifier.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Submits. That's a seven. Damn. Damn. Can I exert on that? If you want to exert, yeah, I'm in your exertions. So I'm at a three. I'm at a three heart. Yeah. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Just want to know where your heart's at. Yeah. So that's an eight, so I only do one damage, but. OK, so yeah, you you you it's dark. It's hard to see you're bumping up and down on this dusty road. You try to pop off a shot and it it doesn't do any significant damage. It like sprays up across the top of the the car and takes out. Yeah, it takes out the the side mirror,
Starting point is 01:43:06 but it doesn't do enough for them to waver away from it. Oh, is there anything you want to do with your action? Because the the drive role was separate to you. Oh, so is there I guess you can either use your action to continue to try to move yourself forward or you could try to do something else up to you. How close are we to the bar? You're one check away from the bar.
Starting point is 01:43:36 OK, I'm going to try to punch it to the next check and then. And then I'm thinking of something interesting. So yeah, I'm going to just continue. OK, so so your next turn, you're going to do something interesting. So roll me that no mobility check to try to get yourself closer to the the Viper bar. Hell, yeah, nine, nine, nine, yeah. Yeah, after that bump and after Lady pops out that shack on the car seemed to kind of like back off just a bit enough for you to kind of punch it again.
Starting point is 01:44:03 And you guys are able to make just a little bit more room in between you guys as you can start to see the Viper bar just like starting to close in on distance. Yeah, it is Parazzo's goons up next. They're going to shoot off because they don't like to be shot at. Who doesn't? OK, do do do. Awesome. So they pop off twice on to your vehicle.
Starting point is 01:44:44 I don't like that sound. And I don't like that sound. They both deal three damage each, which is six damage total for a car that does not have a lot of body for it. So as they do that, you finally hear pop, pop, pop. And as their back tire just goes out, roll me another mobility check. Oh, to see how well you handle this tire being popped.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Oh, shit, hold on. I don't be really sure if I killed Caleb's character. There are no real drivers. Well, I've only 12. Nice. And yeah. So, you know, you're you're like, you know, kind of like in baseball when you're like trying to slide to the finish line,
Starting point is 01:45:33 you know, you know, you see just the the Viper bar and then you hear the tire go and you hear the car slowing down and you're starting to lose control of it. You kind of just like hard turn the wheel of the car. You kind of baseball slide just at the entrance of like where the parking lot would be for the Viper bar as the Parazzo cars are now also having to kind of move out of the way because you were the front car and you guys are all like pretty close. Punch also will me a savvy check because cars are going to be roughly stopping very quickly. Savvy check.
Starting point is 01:46:08 All right, that's a 12. Excellent. So yeah, all three of the cars like the two Parazzo cars try to like, you know, separate and try to round around to avoid oh, suddenly stopping in the middle of the road and you punch to are able to kind of weave around and now these three cars have now entered into the main like parking area of the Parazzo. I'm not the Parazzo, the Viper bar and that
Starting point is 01:46:32 commotion is loud enough for like members of the biker gang to come out and see what the fuck is up and they see two Parazzo cars in the parking lot with you guys kind of in the background and it's going to start some shit. But what are you guys going to do? Because punch are able to kind of like turn around, pull up next to oh, and lady who are just kind of all the cars have come to a stop, huh? Like we've all kind of like skidded into this parking lot. Parazzo's are going to get out to try to have a manual window.
Starting point is 01:47:03 I'll roll down my manual window and say, uh, uh, gang war, gang war. Oh, and that's enough for like, you know, the Parazzo games are coming out to address YouTube because they didn't realize where they were at, given that they were pursuing. But the moment you start yelling that and they turn around and realize that they're in biker territory and now that the bike, now that the Reno snakes have now come out,
Starting point is 01:47:47 they're not turning their guns to them because now they're like, you know, in the middle of it and shit starts popping off. Like people are like, people are starting to fight guns are going off. Are you guys joining this fray or are you guys getting the fuck out? Definitely not joining it. Getting out. Yeah, we'll get out. We'll get out.
Starting point is 01:48:06 I was just, I mostly just wanted to park my car in a way that they couldn't get out. So they do get a couple of shots at them, but that would put us at danger and I'm not going to put soaks of danger. So I'm just going to get out of there. OK, yeah. Oh, oh, and lady, you're getting out of this, this car. I mean, that that car is still in the middle of the road, the one that popped tire. And you're getting in the El Camino and you're you're dipping.
Starting point is 01:48:30 No, yeah, I'm getting the fuck out. OK, I mean, I was going to break check on my next turn. But this is a little. Yeah, the way you think. Much too. Um, so, yeah, after after Ponchiel's egg or in things pop off, lady. And oh, you like get out of your car like you're dodging bullets. You're trying to, you know, you just ricochets and all of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:48:51 And you're like getting into the car. You drunk in the back of the El Camino and you guys just pull out and drive away. Oh, turns around. You know, sneaking out is very irresponsible. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You two could have something. We snuck out.
Starting point is 01:49:16 We did. We snuck out. We got drinkies. We did get drinkies. We had a trunk full of drinkies, but we left a note. Y'all just disappeared. We find you guys on the side of the road being chased. We were looking for you too. We said we'd be right.
Starting point is 01:49:33 We'd burb, burb, burb. I don't know what the fuck that means. Let's be right back, lady. God damn, that's what that means. Yes, we were being right back. Oh, shit. Well, fuck. Yeah, fuck.
Starting point is 01:49:53 We went to the high road looking for you. That's what those guys were. The their parattos, I guess they caught when the lady I slashed the dude's junk off and we ran. Sorry. Well, he put hands on. Oh, I they clearly weren't going to take no for an answer. So I'll give him gave him a little something to remember by.
Starting point is 01:50:17 You neuter somebody. Oh, no, I'm deaf. You said you took the doctors here are very good. So I know you know that from experience. Does our plan change? Does our party change tomorrow? I mean, I think you guys know you guys know that the prozo like goons and stuff
Starting point is 01:50:40 like that do often show up at the Viper Bar like that too. Well, when things are or things are slow up at the casino. So it's kind of business as usual. Yeah, it's not uncommon place. And as far as you know, nobody is nobody knows about the death of Casey Pirazzo. So just in rumor, but not in like actual like the prozos are out gunning for people. I will say at this point, ladies probably not looking great.
Starting point is 01:51:07 I'm at a three heart. So I could see like maybe the gunshot wound kind of opened up a bit. He's been bleeding a lot more pale, just kind of breathing a little heavier. When you get you to yeah, we need to yeah, we need to get to shipping now. Luckily, we have the rest of we have the rest of the airlock set up. So we don't need to do anything to set up for the party. Good job, O'Neill. Low score.
Starting point is 01:51:42 You died. You guys carry on to the night and eventually drive up and pull up to Shippy Shippy. And you guys go inside and help you help, you know, help lady and ladies. Kind of, you know, hard breathing, sweating, you know, bleeding from the shoulder. It's it's a little bad. And you guys sit him down at the couch, try to assess it. And as you guys are kind of getting your bearings, you kind of hear from this crate.
Starting point is 01:52:19 I could probably help him if you want. And it's like. I could probably help him if you want. Yeah. Are you a doctor? I've had I have experience. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:52:39 You're going to see Stokes is going to put, I guess, how big is her wrist? That's probably like two inches of diameter through the like air hole. It says. If you do anything other than sew this man's flesh together, I'm going to rip yours apart. You understand? Yeah. That's like a threat.
Starting point is 01:53:02 She's like, she's just like nauseous. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm in a crate. You know, yeah, you're in a crate. You'll be put into a slightly smaller, different crate and underground. This goes sideways. Keep together. Fair enough. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:53:18 She spins her hand back on and opens the crate. I love you, too, Stokes. So yeah, Jubilee gets out of the crate and she kind of sits down next to you, lady. And we're going to roll. No, roll me a muscle check. You bet. All right.
Starting point is 01:53:42 That's a six on the muscle check. And that is a nine on the savvy check. So roll me a D three. You got it. Cut that again. That's two. That's a two. You get two hit points, hard points back.
Starting point is 01:54:06 All right. But yeah, so she begins to kind of try to sew out the wound because you've already pulled the bullet out earlier. And it's just me trying to maintain it. And but like as she's like kind of. Yeah, I get it. As she as she kind of like tries to clean out the wound, she like uses some like a little bit of alcohol, try to clean it up.
Starting point is 01:54:31 But like there's a lot of damage. And even though she's kind of sewing up, she's like, it's like it's going to leave a bad scar and it's not really going to heal right at this point. That's all right. I appreciate the help. This is a listen. Why don't you bring your boyfriend out here? We got to help.
Starting point is 01:54:51 All right. Well, could you help me? I can't quite lift him up since he can't walk. Oh, fucking hey, hey, Paul, can you get that boy out of that? They're great. I'll scoop him up. Yeah, he is not looking good. You know, he's sweating.
Starting point is 01:55:08 He's you know, his leg is tourniquet, but you know, he's taken a loss of a lot of blood and he's just hanging in there, but he's heavy breathing. Well, fuck this guy. Miss Jubilee, we got some supplies. Why don't you patch them up? OK. Well, she does that. Yeah, she's sitting down next to him.
Starting point is 01:55:26 So in that up as you guys have this conversation. Casey, are there any love laws between you and your family? What? Casey's my Casey. Sorry, sorry, Luciano. Any love laws between you and your family? I mean, honestly, these days, probably not. I mean, I mean, family's family, but
Starting point is 01:55:46 they're more important things. You kind of like it looks over to Jubilee. That kind of matter right now. Well, you like to help her in the gates. That's what you said, wasn't it? Yeah, I mean, anybody who's come through Rena 12, who's come by the high roller bar. I've always been a friend.
Starting point is 01:56:06 Jubilee, you run again. I'm a lounge singer. All right. Sorry, light bulbs. All right, I'm going to level you too. All right. We're going to kill the Vipers and the Parazos. You want in?
Starting point is 01:56:32 Does it get us off planet? Yeah, yeah, I can see off planet. Should we take you themselves? I mean, if you can get us up to Suttler station, Suttler orbital, we could probably take it from there. But if that's the price and the ticket, we'd be willing to help you. All right. Here's the plan.
Starting point is 01:56:56 Plane A, we go see a guy about some gas out in the Badlands tomorrow morning. We get everybody here, use US bait, use O as bait. As soon as they get in the airlock, we gas a shit out of them, take them up into orbit, drop them off. The gas don't work. We take them up into orbit, we decompress the airlock, they pass out, we drop them off. That's it.
Starting point is 01:57:21 That's the plan. I think it's a pretty damn good plan. I mean, there's a there's like a party agenda. But no, that is a big party. What drinkies? What drinkies? Many drinkies and smokies. Wait, OK, I was going to suggest snorties, but, you know, that works too.
Starting point is 01:57:44 I mean, you got to get the prozzos in somehow. So I don't know how you seem decidedly dubious about this plan. Who? You jubilee and jubilee Luciano. I just know that my my sister is tenacious and isn't going down to the fight. And I mean, even if she agreed to this party, she's got something planned. I mean, she sees everything in Reno 12, I mean, everything.
Starting point is 01:58:17 Yeah. So, you know. I'm open to suggestions. So I would, I mean, I don't have the suggestions per se, but, you know, I just know that she's going to come packing and she's not going to go down without a fight. I've known my sister to tear apart the whole entire galaxy to get what she wants. All right.
Starting point is 01:58:41 It isn't too much. She can tear apart 30,000 feet in the air in a big metal box. That's a very good point. Oh, but we do appreciate the warning. All right. So I guess tomorrow we see a man about some gas. That's it. Tomorrow we see a man about some gas.
Starting point is 01:59:04 And then we bring all interested parties here to Neutrogram. Where we betray them. Yeah, yeah. High score and betrayal. He's. What's your name? So. Is there anything else you guys want to do for the rest of the evening?
Starting point is 01:59:28 As you guys kind of wind down. Yeah, I suppose we should sleep. Yeah, yeah, I would love to restore some heart. Yeah. I could use a little too. I'm sure. OK. There's nothing else for you guys to discuss through this evening as you guys
Starting point is 01:59:47 kind of saddle up in your usual bunks and corners to rest for the evening. Yeah, you guys go to bed uninterrupted. You can hear the faint sounds of the casino life going on in the background and the gentle music that kind of strays off towards early like three o'clock in the morning into like a lull of silence before the next day. But you guys wake up right in early. It's pretty cool.
Starting point is 02:00:14 The sun has yet to really rise. So it's this nice like desert, cool, crisp air going about. Sun's kind of purplish and pink as it's starting to rise in the east. What do you guys want to do? Are you all planning to go out to talk about this man in the gas, including injured Luciano, or are you guys going to plan to split up? How are you going to inform the Parazos and the vipers that you have what they want to entice them to come back, come to this party?
Starting point is 02:00:43 How do you guys want to do that? Yeah, we should probably split the party to say it. Well, we we don't want to lose sight of Luciano and and Jezz or what's her name again, Jubilee, Jubilee, so they have to ride with us. Send one with one group, one with the other. Yeah, maybe. No.
Starting point is 02:01:06 And then. Yeah, so I guess we just go to each respective place. And inform them that we have what they're looking for. If they want to do a trade at our neutral gathering tonight. Who's who's got the best working relationship with the gas guy? Good question. Well, Sabi checks the three of you from Reno 12 to see who's got the best relationship with this guy, because you guys don't know.
Starting point is 02:01:39 That's a nine. That's nine for Leslie. And for Leslie. This is the same dude that I get my smoke machine. Oh, yeah, word that explains. Yeah, you got to smoke. Perfect. Stokes, we're going to hide the gas in the fucking smoke machine.
Starting point is 02:01:55 Yeah, yeah, we are. Absolutely, we are. All right. So this is Stokes's contact. This is Stokes's contact. This is my smoke guy. So I think I think let's let's do because we've been rolling pretty good. But since Stokes, Pong and Luciano to go to the gas guy, because if we bring
Starting point is 02:02:17 Luciano to go tell the Parazos that it's not going to go well. So we'll send those three to the gas guy. Lady Oh, and Jubilee will. Do they know? Do they know that? I'm going to the problem is they don't know that Jubilee is responsible. Or as far as you know, you don't know who's responsible for killing Casey Parazzo, we don't know that yet.
Starting point is 02:02:39 So we want to keep her safe. So maybe just send Jubilee and Luciano with you to what do you think? Stokes, I was going to say, should O be going to the Parazos? Oh, fucking point. Yeah, you guys fucked up. Not again, like you two personally fucked up the casino. So you can send somebody to the gas man who's not necessarily a contact or you can go messily back to the Parazos place like you did last night.
Starting point is 02:03:04 Don't apologize like a fake apology. Like, hey, you know, we want to make it up to you. Apologies go well in the frontier galaxy. Absolutely. I still yeah, I feel like maybe. Is that sarcasm? I can't tell. You'll never know. OK, all right. So I think Stokes definitely needs to go to gas, man.
Starting point is 02:03:28 Yeah, I feel like O should come with me because it's yeah, that yeah, there's a lot to apologize for. Yeah, yeah. OK. Owen Stokes, Paunch and Lady and then we'll send Luciano and Jubilee with with to the gas guy. OK. Cool. So yeah, you guys split up. Hmm. You only got one car now.
Starting point is 02:03:55 Oh, shit. That's right. Is there any way I could have got you for it so you guys could try to run another car if you want to run a car if we don't return the first one. Well, that was an O's name. That's yeah, that was my name. Yeah, lady will try to rent a rent a car. OK.
Starting point is 02:04:20 Cool, cool, cool. All right. So you buy another shitty beat up sedan. Yes. It's like a yellowish color. Gross. Disgusting. Um, you guys get into your cars. You go your separate ways.
Starting point is 02:04:40 Uh, wait, I'm sorry. Who's going where Stokes and O is going together, right? So yeah, who's driving the car? I assume you guys are taking the sedan because Paunch would want to keep the Camino, right? Yeah, I don't usually I'm sort of a person that gets driven around. So I'll yeah, I'll drive. I'll drive.
Starting point is 02:05:05 OK, so. Oh, oh, Stokes and Jubilee and Luciano, you guys all pack up into the sedan. You guys head out to the Badlands and it's taking to take you guys a couple of hours to make your way out there. You're out going out and go out and meet a man named Gator Gator. It's wonderful. Gator loves to live out in the Badlands, but he's a smuggler of sorts and usually carries varieties of concoctions that he
Starting point is 02:05:37 makes up at his own place, you know? And even when you guys eventually get there, you know, he lives out of a trailer, you know? And he's got like tarps and tents and stuff like that. But you see like bubbling like jars and containers to like old plastic, like yellow tubing and stuff like that. And as you guys pull up this old like skinny to the bone man just comes out with like a red hat and just like stubble and you like spits on the ground.
Starting point is 02:06:11 Yeah, that's Gator. And he looks at you and he's like, ah, my favorite DJ, what can I do for you? I love to hear when people say that. What's up, Gator? We need sort of both kinds of fun today. We need some regular smoke, smoke, machine smoke, and then some. Maybe death drop smoke.
Starting point is 02:06:40 Death drop smoke. Yeah, like start stroking his beard. Let's let's see what I got for you. Like take season six. Let's get sick, man. Meanwhile, Paunch and and Lady, you guys roll up to the High Roller Casino. As we're jumping there, Paunch is like,
Starting point is 02:07:08 Lady, you think when we run Reno 12, Paunch can be in charge of good times? Post all the parties. I love that idea. Yeah, let's make it happen. OK. We even create something. Paunch is party town. Hey, I like that.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Paunch, party town, Paunch, party town. OK, let's do it. I'll pull up to the spot. Are you going to valet your car? No, just going to pull up and say to the nearest bouncer. Is there a bouncer out front? Yeah, there would be like some guards and stuff like that. Yeah, are you guys even staying?
Starting point is 02:07:53 You know, just going to roll up and say, you there, sir. I have a quick word with you. Yeah, the guy guy gets up. He doesn't like he stands off to the distance. He's got his hand on his on his waist, his gun. He's trying like he's leaning into like look to see who the hell that might be. And he finally recognizes the both of you. Before he does anything or what are you going to say?
Starting point is 02:08:21 Just wanted to apologize for the misunderstanding last night. But I come with a peace offering. I have the woman who killed Casey Pirazzo. Oh, this guy like looks like great. Are you going to like take off after that? Is that all you're saying? No, no, no, I'm going to say dropping. Do do me a favor.
Starting point is 02:08:43 Have your boss meet us at our ship way out yonder tonight. He like nods like he's not sure what to do. He's looking like very concerned. He's like starting to pull out a radio and like instead of his gun to like notify it. But that's it. You guys are that's it. Viacom DOS compadre will see you soon. And punch is going to. What are you guys going to go now?
Starting point is 02:09:10 So you notified the the Parazos, Parazos, are you going to go to Viper Bar? Are you guys going back to shipy? You're going Viper Bar? OK, so we'll tell the Viper is the same thing. Yeah, but in their case, we'll say we've got we've got Luciano. Yeah, or yeah. Oh, right. We're telling them we have. Oh, or no, no, no, Luciano was Luciano.
Starting point is 02:09:34 I think that's a better bait for them than just me. Yeah. All right. Yes, we'll go go seal Francine Dubois. Yeah, you roll up to the Viper Bar, you know, like you do. And, you know, the Viper Gang, you know, makes word Francine steps out onto the front porch, holding her her gun because no one likes somebody just rolling up like that.
Starting point is 02:10:03 And she's looking at both of you and she's like, can I help you boys? I think this punch like puts his hand out to stop ladies. Like, I got this. Yes. Yes. Oh, no. Yes. We got Luciano and we have big party tonight. If you want good times and Luciano come to party tonight. Luciano and shipy. We'll say Francine Francine's like that wasn't a part of the deal.
Starting point is 02:10:37 You were supposed to bring Luciano here. Well, make sure you know I'm very aware. We tried that. Some complications last night, I'm sure that you're aware. Just I feel neutral ground might be better for all parties involved. Yeah, well, he said. Well, I hope for your sake, that's exactly what's going to happen. I think I think we've demonstrated our bona fides up until this point, man.
Starting point is 02:11:12 We're good boys. We're good boys. I hope so. I hear you loud and clear and we'll be there tonight. I look forward to it. Bring your best party dress. We'll see you soon. And all right.
Starting point is 02:11:29 So we're you two going now. You you herald back to shipy. We've done our job. Cool, cool, cool. All right. Back to Gator. So you guys go back to like the tent. It's like hot and muggy in this in this, you know, both by the heat of like, you know,
Starting point is 02:11:50 the backlands and just the fact of him just like doing chemical shit in his backyard. And he's just like pilling around. He's like, well, what kind of what kind of like drop dead? We're talking like dead, dead. We talk about sleeping. You know, he's like pulling out bottles of like random shit and putting it down, looking like through all sorts of stuff.
Starting point is 02:12:13 He's like capping it open, smelling it, putting it down like. Oh, that's fine. It's fine. It's nothing. Nothing I've smelled before. Probably has an aluminum, Illumini immunity immunity. Well, we definitely want something to put him down to regular sleep to knock him out.
Starting point is 02:12:33 But if we could sort of push that, I mean, do we want it? We don't want to like kill him, kill him. I mean, I kind of want to kill him. I'm lying between sleeping and dying. So, you know, I mean, I guess we should kill if we're going to open the air lock and launch them into space or go into less holding is like opening an air lock. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:12:55 Might I ask you as he's like continuing to like put stuff that he's like pouring shit into containers, we started working for the city. We're taking out some trash tomorrow or tonight rather. And oh, this is for vermin. Exactly. Ah, I see, I see, I see. He's like looking pouring some stuff. Yeah, though, big vermin, maybe five or six feet tall, nothing.
Starting point is 02:13:22 It's not rice. What the heck? That's fine. Right, I tell you, this city has gone to shit. I remember back in the day when, you know, we didn't have giant six feet vermin just running around causing a ruckus. It was good times. Yeah, we're trying to get those back.
Starting point is 02:13:43 We'll get you a good times back, Gator. Yeah, can't complain about that. So he. He hands you your regular fog, we seem juice. And he hands you the this like pinkish, purplish looking like liquid. Perk smoke. Yeah, it's just it's swirls.
Starting point is 02:14:07 It's got, you know, when he hands it in. He has it to you. There's like a level of like warm to it. Like like though it was like nothing was ever heated. So you have no idea what's in this. He's like, that should should do it. The math is right. Should knock people out.
Starting point is 02:14:29 Gator, level with me because I know that you've sort of trained your body. Yeah. Adore this. Should I be holding this with my bare hands? Should I be holding this with my bare hands? Well, do you like your hands? I do. I like my hands and I need them for work.
Starting point is 02:14:51 Then I wouldn't hold it with your bare hands. Thank you for your honesty. Thank you. Oh, takes their jacket and like gives it to you so that so that you can wrap it in the jacket. Good. Yeah. Well, all right.
Starting point is 02:15:11 Anything else you need? You got balloons. We do have balloons. Yeah, I mean, we could always use more balloons. Balloons, hmm. I might have a balloons or two. I think I got I definitely got air. I got the the helium.
Starting point is 02:15:32 Just normal, normal air. Well, the balloon air, whatever it's called. Helium. I like balloon air. Balloon air. That's all Gator knows it is. I got two. All right, I got to be careful, though.
Starting point is 02:15:51 They were super pressurized. They'll explode if you tap them too hard. This is what I think you this is things you say before and you try to sell us explosives. Oh, you know me. I'm a good salesman. Whatever you need, I got it. The very best.
Starting point is 02:16:08 Oh, I was just going to give the helium to punch and see what what he sounded like afterwards, but it's like close as well, too. Oh, oh, I thought I thought you were trying to buy like like a bomb or something. But you just want to give a friend helium. OK, then we will take. Priorities, priorities, priorities. A better meaning to high school or. You're right, you're right.
Starting point is 02:16:35 We're already going to have like blow, but OK. Yeah. So you trade credits for for some knockout. Knockout juice, some regular fog and some helium. It's a balloon air. Yeah, no, so. Above table, Amber was thinking explosives. Oh, was thinking helium is fun.
Starting point is 02:16:58 Did you did you get one of these really quick? Yeah, I did. Not easy. Thank you. Well, anything else you need from anything else you need from Gator. Invite Gator to the party. Oh, no, no, we don't want to kill us. We don't want to answer.
Starting point is 02:17:18 Gator's already implicated himself and too many other things. I'm not really a party folk person, but you have fun. You'll know when the party's over. Trust me. Well, all right, I don't know what that means, but all right. Well, you have fun. Make sure you don't mix the the fog juice with the knockout juice. I don't know what will happen.
Starting point is 02:17:42 You don't want to accidentally, you know, remember your colors. Why does fog juice? Whatever the color I gave you is purple purple purple purple. It's the one color I get. Yeah, got it. Thank you, Gator. And don't be a stranger, Stokes. So it was good to see you.
Starting point is 02:18:03 It's been a long time since I had a proper gig. That's it. That'll change. Keep at it. Keep at it. One day you'll get it. I know you. I know you will. Like, let's go.
Starting point is 02:18:17 It's on the ground after he says that. That man is so soft and nice. Sweet. Often nice. Take it off and nice. Amazing. Absolute teddy bear, that man. All right.
Starting point is 02:18:38 So you guys are heading out of the badlands back to Shopee? To Shopee. Is there anything else you guys want to do today? You guys, you guys know that later on this evening, you have let the Parazos and the Vipers know that they have you have what they need and if they're going to commit to this party, they got to be they got a show. But is there anything else you guys want to do before that? Outside of prep and knockout gas and other stuff.
Starting point is 02:19:08 Any other tasks, anything else you want to try to accomplish? Party's ready to go. We don't have anyone else we can bring along that's an ally or anything. I kind of feel like it's like most of our time is is just like kind of like going over with Luciano and Jubilee, like what's going to be said? What are we going to do? You know, like, what's the? Yeah, I mean, I know where I'm going to be during the party,
Starting point is 02:19:36 but if Jubilee, I assume Jubilee is like performing as well. Yeah, she's like, they're immediately going to be like, that's the girl we want. That's true. We can maybe bring her out at the end or something. OK. Yeah. Is there is there a does Reno 12 have how many moons does Reno 12 have? Reno 12 has one moon, which is called Irvine, which is where most of the miners go to work every day
Starting point is 02:20:11 because this is a mining town on top of a casino. We're going to we're going to say that we left we left their cargo and a mine on Irvine, and that's why we got to get up in orbit. That's a good idea. There we go. Makes sense. So yeah, when you relate those messages, you know, that was something that you articulated on top of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:32 And because there's no way they're going to be able to find it, because if Irvine is a giant mining moon, there's no way they're going to know which mine we we stashed them in. Yeah. So yeah. All right. Good idea. Sweet. Thank you. So so here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:20:49 So we don't have gas masks. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Can I I mean, if I'm like an engineer, are there what's the chance that I like have that kind of equipment for people? So that was my question is if we've got space suits or if we've got like in case of decompression, we've got we have to have some kind of rebreather or some kind of at least something. Yeah, I would say I would say given
Starting point is 02:21:17 given that this is a shipping container that would have had would have even though like there would still be some form of human operation on them or some safety protocol backup. So there are there are space suits and like masks like that, but they're not in like peak quality condition because it has been several years since they've been used and stuff like that. So, you know, but they're better than nothing. Can I like spruce them up? At all? Sure.
Starting point is 02:21:49 Because you have the grease. It was a grease. Yeah, I'm good. The grease or skill. I called it something else, but it's yeah, you could you can try to tinker with them and and try to improve them and get them at least into a better form of working condition. But if we don't improve, then there's a chance that when we use them, they won't work. Is that kind of the mechanical potential? So I think I think we should probably only be one person that stays back there.
Starting point is 02:22:22 Because like if there's at least one person back there when they board, like they're not going to think that that we're going to just willy nilly put one of our own at risk, why do you have a space suit on? Well, because we're going to a fucking moon. So and then maybe you'll volunteer. I would maybe even say you might want to put that space suit somewhere that once shit goes down, you put it on like maybe you just have the top down on you leave the helmet for.
Starting point is 02:22:52 Yeah, it's just a little role. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Do we want to do like like a blue man group thing where it becomes the uniform? Yeah, good. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Ponce will be driving, so he'll be up in the driver's seat. Ponce will be safe. We'll keep all up there because we want to save the reveal for the end. So exactly. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:14 We'll keep Jubilee and we'll keep we'll keep Luciano up there for the time being. So maybe to maybe me, Stokes and Lady can hang out. Yeah. And then we'll need Stokes to trigger the sleep, sleep juice. So sleep, sleep juice, sleepy time cocktail. OK. Yeah. So we'll be we'll be suited up and we're like, why you why why you you wear those dressed in spacesuits?
Starting point is 02:23:40 Well, because we just got back from a moon where we're stashed in your cargo. We're professionals. We wear uniforms. That's right. Cool. Love it. Really, flawless plan. No one's going to die. We love a good plan. No single thing is going to go wrong.
Starting point is 02:24:00 No, Caleb's going to come back and everything's going to be like bright and shiny. We love it. It's going to be great. So when Stokes and Oh, and Jubilee and Luciano eventually roll back to Shippie with all of the knockout juice and all of all the other trinkets is that you guys kind of help Luciano out of the car. You guys are just packing up and putting everything away. You guys don't really notice the camera up on the high corner of the Belford terminal that's kind of pointed at looking at the lot of all of the ships.
Starting point is 02:24:39 And as you kind of as I kind of like pulls away, you eventually look Tony Parazzo is staring at in her own office, watching all of the CCTVs that she has and watching every single camera and looking at all of you loading into Shippie. And that's where we're going to leave it. No, no. God damn you, Eli. He's closing.
Starting point is 02:25:07 Beautiful. Amazing. Well, thank you guys. Thank you guys so much for joining us here at 105 MDRP. Make sure you tune in on Monday for Aaron at the sheep farm, maybe some Tuesday shenanigans with painting. I don't know. Maybe we'll see if I have time. Yeah. But if not, tune in on Friday as we release episode 20 of Dilt to Green. Do to repeat. It's going to be great.
Starting point is 02:25:29 We're very close to the finale, so we hope you tune in. Other than that, live your dream spaceman and have a good night.

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