Mayday Plays - Orbital Blues Crew 1 - Ep. 3

Episode Date: April 19, 2022

Eli leads Caleb, Sergio, Zakiya, and special guest Amber through the final episode of Crew 1's Orbital adventure....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Welcome to 105MDRP, your soul sound of the frontier galaxy. My name is Eli. I am your storyteller here to regale you in an orbital blues. Let's get to it, guys. Let's introduce everybody and, um, yeah, let's get started starting with Caleb. Hey, good morning. I'll be playing Leslie Lady Hall once again. Thank you, Vince, for taking over for an episode. But I'm back in the cowboys pants. Yeah. Whoa. What's up, guys? It's Sergio. I am playing punch the goodest boy. Zach. Hello, my name is Zach. I'm playing rebel Stokes, the DJ of the apocalypse. And last but not least, our special guest who's been joining us through this whole adventure, Amber. Hi, everybody. I'm Amber. I will be
Starting point is 00:00:56 playing O'Neal O'Bridges, who is the, um, the secret haunted space cowboy that's just really emo. It's just Gerard way. Let's be real. I'm just playing Gerard way in space. Somebody's got in space. Well, orbital blues is sponsored by conglomerate shipping, where they're dog nine canines provide you precious cargo across the frontier galaxy. So make sure you put your trust in their paws. And last but not least, our final sponsors is our patrons from Patreon supporting us on Patreon helps us continue to do awesome stuff like this. If you like it, you can go at for slash made a role play and hang out with us on discord and get awesome cool stuff like art and music from Zach and Aaron. Is there anything else?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, yeah, no. Next week, Saturday, join us here on Saturday as we open up the final chapters of Orpheus, Crucible 12 guidance and listen last shenanigans last time. And I think we did absolutely fantastic. You know, no consequences, zero consequences. But tune in next week, Saturday as we continue that on as Crucible 12 continues their story. We are also have our final episode of doom to repeat, which will be dropping April 22. So be looking forward to that. So much so much stuff. Yeah, so much stuff. So much stuff going on right now. I think that's gonna be gonna be a fantastic summer. Yeah. Okay. Well, if there's nothing else, why don't we get started? Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:02:58 A plan like good music requires careful, curated timing and missteps are often deadly. So as the quartet wrote out on an early rise to set a plan in motion, a transport ship arrives at the Buford intergalactic airport carrying three. And as a red El Camino kicks up dust down the strip. In the early afternoon, Tony Tony Parazzo gets a message. And the doors of her office opens wide. Three entered the room. She smiles a wicked smile and turns to the curated wall of TVs behind her office. And as the DJ and the left behind pack their car with juice from Gator, a black SUV arrives at the Viper bar and grill is three enter in as Francine Dubois puts out her cigarette on the bar stool. And plans are beginning to set in motion. You
Starting point is 00:04:08 guys have about an hour left before you're supposed to start your party. Sun is starting to set into the dusk into the evening. What would you guys like to do in those final moments before we get going? Pont is spending the hour trying to slip in as much of his punk rock music into the DJ set as possible. So like when the DJ is not looking, he's trying to add one or two songs that he likes. Nice. I it's bad because I already decided what she was going to do. She's going to try to fix the space suits, which does give him the time to do that.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Okay. Yeah, so you want to just space shoot? Yeah. To do. So I need you to rule me I believe speak check or whatever, whatever check requires your tinkering. See how well you upgrade those suits and question. Are you also going to try in this hour to upgrade or adjust the fog machine to handle the perp what Gator gave you? Yeah, I will the perp. I will do that. Let me sorry, let me refresh for Tony real quick. In the meantime, in the meantime, oh, lady, what are y'all, what are y'all doing in the
Starting point is 00:05:52 final hours? Okay, I think lady spends some time doing his focus activity, which is whittling, and he's going to try and whittle away some of the fucking nervousness that comes with a plan like this. And he's just trying to think over every piece of information he has to make this thing work. You know, he's thinking about Luciano and and jubilee and and all the missing pieces. But I can't think of anything else we need to do in an hour that lady can do. And they're with us, right? Jubilee and Luciano are with us. They're outside the crate. Yeah, right. So yeah, Luciano is actually with you, lady. He's on like an opposite
Starting point is 00:06:40 like chair bench up in the main deck area. He's got like this half ass tourniquet his leg in place. But he's also like kind of like sweating, you know, you know, after like a while of being like shot and bleeding, you're just kind of sweating. He doesn't look really great. He's going through it. Yeah, absolutely. Lucky. I got a question for you. He got an answer for me. Sure. Sure. He's like dabbing his forehead. Yeah, sure. What? I'll go over I'll dab his forehead for him since he's near death. I don't have to worry about this guy anymore. Why is it that lounge singer yours actually pulled the trigger? I mean, I know killing family runs in a game like this. I've seen plenty of it, but a lounge singer shooting one of the big heads out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I mean, you never did tell me why. I mean, well, I mean, Jubilee and I kind of go like really far back, you know, like kids, you know, and, you know, I was really kind of, you know, I love dirt men, you know, but you've met Tony. Tony's just not the, you know, she's got a plan. She's got a goal. She's got, you know, she didn't kind of, she didn't kind of fit into that. I was supposed to kind of stay away and, you know, in the casey casey's an asshole, too. And if you fucking, you know, was Tony's enforcer always made sure. And then I was, you know, he found out and he was threatened
Starting point is 00:08:30 to do it and he was just kind of pushing it and pushing it and pushing it and she kind of had enough. All right. Okay. I mean, that's pretty much all that it is. I mean, that was never the plan. We just wanted to get off the planet. We just needed more time. But when they took Elliot in the summer, you know, and all of that, Tony just got really, really shitty and defensive and it's been hell to even try. If you don't mind me asking, then how the hell do you think you're running around behind her without her knowing that if she was enough to find out that you were running around with Jubilee in the first place, who's to say she's not still watching your operation of saving renegades
Starting point is 00:09:28 without Casey around? Isn't there somebody still following after you? No, not really. Not right now. I mean, Tony's just on the revenge path. I mean, I mean, that casey dad to like two days ago, his body's barely cold. So, you know, how do I stab back at her? If you were going after Tony, I know you want it because you know we're better. But if you were a fool like me, how would I do this tonight? I mean, the only way to stop Tony is to stop Tony and put her put two in her. Like, unless you strangle her dry, where she has zero money and influence in this town, which you know, you and I both know she owns this goddamn system. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:22 That's the only thing you think she'll really show tonight that we can get her into orbit? I think she'll show. Okay. Tony's got a soft spot for family. She want to know she want to know who killed Casey above anything. Lucky. I'm not going to lie to you. I'm going to pull some some fucked up shit tonight. You understand that, right? I'm very aware of it. I was sitting in the crate when you guys were planning all this. Yeah. I think I plan on maybe selling out your girl. Not truly. I made a promise to you that I would get you off world and I mean that. But I may be wheeling and dealing. I may have to tell one party one thing and the other party another. You comfortable with that? Because I don't want to have
Starting point is 00:11:12 to deal with your ass while I'm dealing with theirs. I mean, you gotta wait your turn to die. Are you going to put her in harm's way? I hope not. But you know this business. I'm going to try my very best and you've seen what I do when I'm protecting people. Well, you felt what I do when I'm protecting people. Well, I'm going to protect mine then. I'm going to do the best I can too. So when things go sideways, what am I supposed to do? I guess crawl clearest to Jezebel or Jubilee. Excuse me. Jezebel isn't too far off. He kind of like he kind of like leans over like leans like towards you and he kind of notes that like you also don't look too fucking hot either. You're also sweaty. You know, and he just mentions to you he's like you don't look too good either.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Hey, well fuck you got me. I'll hand him the little sweat rag to dab me up too. Rebel, what was those tinkering rolls? Yes, that was do I roll separate or just one for both tinkers? Um, just yeah, roll, roll, roll them together. Okay, since you're, you're, you're proficient in this. So I just get an over general overhaul. That's a nice eight. A nice eight. Nice. Yeah, you spend most of that hour just like feverishly up in the workroom on the main deck, just retrofitting both the space suits. I say with the time you have, you can get all four of them at least upgraded enough you hope to make them work. As for the fog machine, you're, you're able to kind of like have both liquids inside and manage to put a switch on it so that you can switch back and
Starting point is 00:13:10 forward between both fog machines, but you have enough working for the whole lower deck. Now, is there a way if I, is there a way that I can just sort of crank them both down and release the smoke and the perk at the same time? Yes. I would say with the roll, you could absolutely have that retrofitted. So there's like a fast and furious like nitrous button if it pops off. All right. Oh, what about you? What's your, or Oh, go, go. Oh, you've got something. Oh, oh, no. I mean, I didn't have anything in particular. I was mostly just like, you know, enjoying my, mostly Oh, was sitting there enjoying their plots and their thoughts of grandeur of like, what happens if we actually do succeed? You know,
Starting point is 00:14:04 like, where do I go from here? I think they're actually expecting to not make it. But I think Paunch might interrupt that and, you know, kind of comes running into where everybody is and is like, we forgot something. I remembered now. Everybody come on together off all of us. And I'll like, kind of start dragging everybody towards like the crew quarters. And all right, I'll lead us to Gugush's room and I'll say we forgot to ask permission for the, for the, for the celebration tonight. Oh, of course. We can let Gugush know. Paunch, buddy, are you sure we want to reveal that to our guests already? With the party coming on and everything? I mean, maybe Gugush isn't ready for visitors. For pre show sort of isolation, maybe.
Starting point is 00:15:01 You know what? Fuck, we need her luck. Anyways, Paunch, you're right, buddy. Let's, let's do this. How about you do the honors? He just hits the button that opens the door. Oh my God. I trust you to be the one to talk to her and describe me this, this room as it opens. A huge gust of like cryogenic freeze that escapes out from the room. Like, think like, like calming, cooling air, right? And I'd imagine the inside is actually pretty luxurious. You know, there's not one surface that doesn't have carpet on it. Everything has carpet on it. Like even dressers and drawers carpeted. And, and, you know, as we walk in, Paunch takes off his visors, like in respect, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:55 his goggles and respect and just, just starts talking to what I assume is like a body popped up against the corner. Go ahead. So I'm picturing there's like this big cryogenic tube inside of the actual room too. And Lady goes over to a keypad and types in a Gugush 01 as the passcode in it. And then sitting there in front of Paunch with her arms wrapped over herself and her most luxurious gown. She looks great. She looks like Celia Cruz with the giant wig and sparkly dress and all of that stuff. And she is like 200% like dead, dead. And Paunch is just like Gugush, tonight we party in your honor. Lady's gonna walk up and he's gonna pull his shirt up. Hey, Gugush, I spent two months now. We miss you a whole bunch.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Thank you again for letting us take over the business in your stead. Gosh, we just, we miss your wisdom. We miss your love. Most of all, we miss your money. But you are a good girl, Gugush, you know that. You want to come back anytime soon. They really want to see you. Anyways. Oh, it is like standing right outside the doorway, but they're like looking in terror. Oh, Romeo blues check. It's hard to, it's hard to see. Oh, you better get your ass in here, Gugush. It's a respect thing. Ruffles turn to oh, do you want to go, do you want to go with me so you're not going by yourself? If you just stand next to me. Yeah, yeah, that'd be great because that'd be great because this is fucking, are y'all, do y'all worship a literal dead body?
Starting point is 00:18:00 No, no, no, she's just like our best friend. This is Gugush. Gugush started. Wait, blues, wait, blues check. Fuck, I forgot. It's a 2d6, right? Uh, yeah, 2d6. Yeah. Okay. We, okay, plus red. Oh, um, then, then a seven, seven, seven. Uh, take a, uh, no, you don't get a blues. Somehow this is somewhat okay. Well, I think because, yeah, go ahead, go ahead, Rebel. Rebel takes her hand and goes up all the way to the cave and goes, I owe you absolutely everything, takes off the whole wig and puts it, presents it to her. Thank you so much. Obviously, you're an inspiration for me. It goes to take another one of her wigs and fastens it as she keeps praying. I just wish that you bless this playlist and like bless this party as we kill
Starting point is 00:18:56 all these people. And I hope nobody, I'm the one that was wanted. I'm the one that had, that had the bounty on my head. Hey, well, we didn't kill Gagouche. Don't be barbaric. She fell, hit her head. Yeah. Natural causes, gravity, right? And so we keep the party alive in her honor. Yeah. Yeah. We, we told you when you joined up that you were a replacement for the quartet. You were our fifth, not our fourth. This is our first. Yeah, you go ahead and say something if you'd like. Yeah, you should probably introduce yourself, honestly. Oh, sans air. And, and I think they, you can probably interpret their silence as reverence, but really it's just abject like, what the, this is the one of the worst things I've seen.
Starting point is 00:19:54 But they just kind of like bow slightly and Hi, Gagouche. It is nice to meet you. I am old bridges and it is a pleasure to be in your carpeted palace of party them. Is that right? She's not like, she's not like a queen. She doesn't talk to her. Well, I don't know what the proper protocol is for this. I'm an outlaw. Like we're all outlaws. Is there protocol for this? I don't know. We just didn't know what to do. She, she died on us and we had just gotten started. I think we knew each other, all of us together like two months before she passed. We hadn't even done a job together yet. Yeah, it feels weird to sort of let her go. And so many people ask after
Starting point is 00:20:57 we figured might as well cover our asses. Yeah, I mean, we still keep up her social media. You could just get in there and sort of Photoshop all the glowing blue, flew it out and just keep it pushing. You know, yeah, yeah. Right now, she's on vacation. Oh, so we do need to discuss at this party, if things are still going well between all of us, they're going to ask after her. And hopefully we can come up with an excuse that works well enough that they don't enter this room. And we got to make sure nobody comes in this room because the last thing we want is Gagouche getting in trouble. What are the chances that I have like a sound board of Gagouche sounds that I could play?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Dead Woman's Piano. Yeah, I don't see why she wouldn't. Yeah, I can't. Yeah. Yeah, you're like, I don't know why she wouldn't. Right? They're just like concert recordings. Yeah. Roll me a savvy check. Incredible. Roll me a savvy check because that takes some thoughts. That's pretty fucking good. It's an eight. I feel like I would mind spending a heart to re-roll that because I want to make sure. No, eight is a success. So yes, you do have an extensive library of Gagouche sounds. Perfect. Then we could just sort of play them whenever people get too close. And then, I mean, we could just, do we want to clear out the party before, right before her act?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Paunch, remember all her dance moves? Paunch can puppet her. Oh, oh, I don't know about that one. Paunch. Oh, we have less than an hour. With peace and love, we don't really want her to, well, Paunch, buddy, when you leave, you know how you leave cold food out for too long and then it melts? Just ruminate on that thought, buddy. He's a hard time conceptualizing it, but doesn't say anything. Okay. You tell me when it clicks, buddy. Well, okay, hold on. I have something that's a little bit less gross or I'm sorry, a little bit more reverent to Gagouche. I'm sorry. You said you had
Starting point is 00:23:35 concert recordings of hers, right? Why don't you, I mean, do y'all not have like footage of her dancing? Can we make like a hologram of her or something? Like Tupac or whatever? Like Tupac? I think, I mean, do we have time to do that? I feel like I would have to really just sort of disappear, get back in the zone for a few hours. Can I make a Gagouche hologram? I would attempt to help her. So there are holographic devices. That you could do that, but you would have to have had one in your possession. Okay. All right. Well, unless you want to go look for one. I think something will inspire us in the moment. Yeah, well, yeah, maybe we just get a call from her and then you play your little piano and
Starting point is 00:24:32 sorry, I could not be here. Yeah. I am off planet. Kaka Kaka. Her signature sound. Yes. Kaka Kaka. I don't know how she did it. She was a fantastic woman. She made more noises than I thought a person could. That was pretty close. That was pretty close. Okay. So yeah, just, I'll work on that recording of the basically cameo of her saying she's not going to be there. And I think in terms of the party, when, when everyone starts to get here, we got to give them a lot of good lead time before we start plotting. We need them to all be convinced that we mean good will. And this is something I hesitate to tell all of you, but that means that for the first few
Starting point is 00:25:24 hours, punch and rebel are in charge. Rebel, I trust you, punch, you got to keep the high score low and the good times high so that we can switch that ratio about halfway through. Okay. The same thing in his head. So he's like, yeah, sure. We just need them having the best time they've ever had in their lives, punch, both parties. Best party ever. Yes. And he's just going to race to the, to the, the, the control room. I love that sweet boy. I'm going to miss him so much when we all die. It's going to be fine. We're going to do it and they're all going to fly and then we're going to have an empty ship to party in. Sure. And then we'll own a planet. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Now,
Starting point is 00:26:19 oh, I think you're going to be sort of in the shadows for the first part of it, but punch is also ran away. So I guess that just makes lady Lucy, you're also going to be in the back and Jubilee. Do any of you guys have any bottle girl experience or hosting experience bartending experience? You're going to put them on the, you're going to put them on the floor. I'm going to, maybe not the people that are a little mustache or something. Make them look literally warranted by these folks. I don't know if put making me a bottle girl is a good idea. And if we show Luciano too early or if we show Jubilee before we've really given the lead time, we've sold ourselves out. I can maybe play bartender, but I got to stay away from the process too, because I don't know
Starting point is 00:27:10 whether they're guards or are talking much with Tony and the gang, but I may set shipy to autopilot and be bottle girl. Okay. So it looks like good as a bottle girl. That's you. Punch is our bottle girl and lady here. The I'm going to play bouncer. If anything pops off, I don't know these two, two groups. It could be they're coming to kill us, not each other. It's true. I've seen more than one of these plans turned haywire in a half second. So I think someone needs to play shotgun and that has been my role my whole life. Okay. Then just can, can you do it with a smile, with a clean, warm smile? I don't know, I guess. Clean and warm. Just maybe relax your whole body other than what's happening up here. Okay. That's perfect. Hold that. Punch. You pretty much got it, babe. Just
Starting point is 00:28:16 get on the floor, shake everything, make sure people's glasses are full. Done. Great. Punch, I think it's going to be important that once things start to pop off, you get in the pilot seat, because God knows what can happen. We may need to make getaway. We may need to drop these people somewhere, whatever it may be. So when party get good, you want me to pilot? When party get bloody, I want you to pilot. When I see blood. When you start going for the high score, high scores, when the punch points start coming out, you know, have your fun and then get to the pilot seat so we can. And then do what? Hit the eject button or hit the airlock? What would? I think so, right? If they're in there, absolutely. If we haven't even made it to the airlock, maybe we just
Starting point is 00:29:04 start fucking flying. Then we're all hostages to the punch. And then are we all wearing spacesuits underneath all of our things? I don't think we thought that far. I think we should stash them in somewhere we all know where they are. It's going to be hot. Think about what Lady would do if we were doing it to him. And if the answer is pull a shotgun and kill you, we don't do that, right? So if we wear that spacesuit, we're all in the same uniform and everyone knows that uniform protects you from gas and space. Guess what they're going to think they're done from gas and space, right? Right, guys, we're taking notes on this. Yes. So we put the suits somewhere we can all get to somewhere quick, maybe in the cockpit. Who knows? Gugush's room maybe because we've already
Starting point is 00:29:55 made that off limits. True. We stop by, we get our suits on, our gas suits on, and we go for it that way. And we take a gush with us. Oh, of course. Definitely. We should do it while her message is playing. Okay, we'll do it on like a projector. Okay, so that's the cue. That's the cue then. Yeah, when the gas is going, is the gas only emptying into the lower deck or into the whole ship? Lower deck, I believe. Yeah, it's aimed for the lower deck, but I mean, if we leave the doors open, I have a lot of juice with this good villa ship. Yeah, it may be good. And I know that this is terrible. We flood the lower deck. Could you control the fog systems from in Gugush's room or do you need to be in the room? I mean, it's just a fog machine. So I doubt it. If I can like
Starting point is 00:30:46 program it to my arm, that would be great. I think that should be. If only there was some sort of omniscient arbiter of this situation that could tell us whether that was a possibility. If I could do that. Yeah. Yeah. Do you think? Sorry, what do you, what exactly? Could I program my arm to release or stop the smoke and perp? Well, well, or even if it's just like a remote, like one of those remotes that you put. Yeah, yeah. Because it's a part of your fog machine. Yeah. Here's what I'm thinking. Yeah. We start the gas in the lower deck. My thoughts are things are going to pop off at that moment. But in that moment, we can all make a mad dash for Gugush's room. And we have the firefight until we can all make it here. We get into our suits, we get strapped
Starting point is 00:31:40 up, we get Gugush back into the crowd. Oh, excuse me. He goes to the keypad and he locks up Gugush. And we get Gugush in here. Then we flood the entire fucking ship. We're the only ones with suits on. Everybody dies. Insecticide, we wait for the fumigation, then we leave. Well, I mean, do you want me to be, I guess I could spend some time with Gugush, get to know her a little bit better. Good. I like that attitude. Inside, they're like, but I mean, would maybe I could like keep an eye on from above and maybe play like security, you know, watch her. Oh, hell yeah. Yeah. If I can be the public face of security, you can be the private. If you see anything going on around the ship that's
Starting point is 00:32:35 not supposed to be happening, you can get in before the for the fireworks go off. Oh, yeah, absolutely. We'll, uh, yeah, I'll keep an eye over cameras or, you know, over over hand deck would have that upper deck would have it. Okay. Yeah. Is Gugush's room on the upper deck or the lower deck? Uh, main deck. Gugush is on main deck. Okay. Yeah. In the, in the quarters on zone, in zone three. Yeah. How much of a trek is it from lower deck? Uh, the, basically the lower deck party to Gugush's room. Are we looking at like basically making a pass through the whole ship? It's about a far distance. So you're off to go upstairs and then through the, through the ship for quarters. So odds are we're going to have a mad dash. I don't expect us to get everybody in
Starting point is 00:33:24 the first pass with that gas. So we got to be ready for a fight if things pop off afterwards. Then we all get in. Once we see everyone's face, we hit that button and people choke. I mean, it'll be a lock party for sure. Yeah. Exactly. Okay. Do we, do we leave any loose ends? God yeah. We absolutely did. Yeah. Okay. So here's the, yeah, here's the thing about that. We have four spaces. Oh shit. There's, okay. And I think there's more people we're trying to keep alive other than the people. Right. Right. Oh, how much time we got on mission arbiter? We got as much time as you need. What do you think is buying more suits? Yeah, we've got to find some.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Like suit that amount of time? No. Yeah. Well, I would, I mean, I would say that you guys have like gas masks of some kind, like spacesuits are like designed for like actual outer orbit. So, you know, we'll give the four spaces to, do we have a pond size spaces? Of course we do. I'm sure we do. It's incredible. Of course we do. Yeah. So the, this is our protocol and listen, I don't want you to think this is me on my self-sacrifice kick. It's not. The three of you get spacesuits. Jubilee gets the fourth. Myself and Luciano get the gas masks. It's just because we're both a little beat up compared to the rest of you. It'd be easier to drop us off than it is to drop you
Starting point is 00:35:09 guys off. It's just a matter of fact, people. I don't see how any of this goes without that, huh? I mean, Luciano doesn't have to live. Exactly. Exactly. That's why we're giving them the gas mask. Unless you want them dead. That'd be great. All of them. Okay. Well, we'll give them the gas mask and let you be the one to pull the trigger when you feel like it. Give them the illusion he's getting out. Jubilee though, we made a promise to them about Jubilee off-plan. That's true. I think we ought to honor that one or we're just as bad as the proxos themselves. We're good boys, not bad boys. Right. We're trying to be better. Better boys. Better boys. There you go, punk. Better boys. Better boys. Better parties. Better parties, better boys. Maybe that's a slogan. Papa John.
Starting point is 00:36:16 All right. Just confirming. So we're going to start with what O and Paunch in the upper deck, Luciano and Jubilee in the mid-deck and then everybody else down at the bottom deck until I think that makes sense. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. We need to keep Luciano and Jubilee in a place that is hidden, but it's not Gagouche's room because we don't want people to come back here. So maybe we lock them in the cargo chamber again. I know that's bad, but. They're going to be really mad at us at this point. I feel like they should just stay in a room. We could lock them in like the med bay or something. Yeah. And that's still above. So there's several choices. There's an actual crew lounge that you guys can,
Starting point is 00:37:12 which is zone two. You can put them down where engineering is down in zone eight and nine, or you can put them in med bay at four. Is engineering right by Gagouche's? I'm guessing Gagouche is the one with the star pillow. No. Engineering's in the back where like the thrusters of like the ship would be. The med bay is closest to Gagouche, I think. Yeah, med bay is closest to Gagouche. Let's put them in med bay then. Easy transfer. Okay. And then I think Paunch is lower deck, right? Because you're going to be partying. I'm for now, I'm at the top. Oh, because you have to pile. Yeah, I forgot. You have to leave. Yeah, then just come down when it's set. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, shit. Boy, this is going to go so fast.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Let's get to it. The sun's starting to set and it's stretching out in long pigments of purple and pink and orange. And the heat's getting low as it starts to settle into a colder deserty night. And then you, Stokes and Lady, you're kind of just waiting with the ramp down, just, you know, standing just at the end, waiting for the first arrivals of either one. And eventually you hear the sounds of roaring bikes as Francine de Bois and a mob of the Reno snakes roll up and park off to the distance. And maybe not even five or 10 minutes after that, you start seeing several like big SUVs as Tony Parazzo and joins with her mob of people from her from her organization. And they just kind of both like converge like two mobs of groups of two of the most powerful
Starting point is 00:39:12 people that occupy this town come into your ship. Are you going to greet them or what are you doing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Rebel's going to walk forward. I'm going to stand right behind Rebel is like the greeting party with her. Yeah. With her arms out. Welcome the Parazzo and the Vipers to the very, very exclusive party on the shipy this evening. I will be your host, your DJ, your guru, your guide through the stars. My name is Rebel Stokes. If you have any questions, try to figure them out yourself and then find me. Drinks are this way and she switches around and moves them towards the bar. Both Francine and Tony kind of give that like, you know, hard and stare at each other for, you
Starting point is 00:40:16 know, like an MMA fight kind of situation before they just decide to enter into the back of shipy, into the lower deck. Do you guys have anything particularly you guys want to describe how you guys finish the final decorations, what this whole setup looks like in your lower deck? Yes. It's a streamers of the balloons. A lot of streamers, a lot of balloons. Yeah, a lot of streamers, a lot of balloons. There's a glitter, glitter, stupid amounts of glitter and like nested glitter that will be dropping down later. Like in a balloon and you can like pop the balloon and it just rain glitter. Yes. Maybe there's a banner that says like, congratulations on working together or something. Yes. Just like random encouraging like friendship,
Starting point is 00:41:06 teamwork, peace, collaboration. Are there those like motivational posters too? But they're all photos of punch. Beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. So these two mobs of of groups enter in. You know, I assume there's also like places for drinks and your DJ booth and all of that accoutrements that come with a party. It looks like a club, an interesting club. Yeah. Is there like a VIP section for anybody or everybody's standing on walls, you know? Right. Because they're bringing like more than just the important level, right? There are some brandos on here. They're bringing, yeah, members of the of their organization. So there's, there's at least going to be like maybe 20, 30 people here. So I think there's like a little
Starting point is 00:42:02 roped off section right by Stokes's DJ setup and like special access to the bar. So almost just left off of where punch is slinging drinks and everything. And it's a specific booth we put together. It's probably like an in-house booth from the ship itself that we cordoned off. Looks different from all the setup seats. It's close to the fog machine. Yeah. Perfect. Yes. I think punch is probably at the, what's it called? The control room. The, you know, the operations of bridge. And once everybody is on board, he'll, you know, close the hatch and start the ascent into space. Yeah. You, you all are in for a treat in just a few, a few moments here. Once we get into orbit,
Starting point is 00:42:53 you're going to be introduced to the one and only Gagush's first and most exclusive party animal in the galaxy. He is an exceptional human being that will show you the best time you have ever seen in your life. For the time being, if anyone needs anything, consider myself to be of service to both families. I'm here to oblige Stokes's here to party, to show you that playlist of hers. I don't get down on the music, but you will. And of course, punch is providing what he calls drinkies. And a lady points to a sign where hastily drawn onto like a sheet of paper is a drinkies and punches like scrolling broken script. I will say they're very, very strong. Please be careful. Oh, who the fuck cares? You drink as much
Starting point is 00:43:49 as you'd like. And I'll start just walking around the gas, greeting everybody. I want to go up to Francine and Tony specifically and shake their hands and pay homage to them. And just reaffirm the same thing that I'm here to get them whatever they want. It's their party. Yeah, ironically enough, Tony and Francine both take like a booth together in one of those VIP sections. So when you come to like shake hands and greet them, you know, they both are sitting there together and they kind of like look at each other and they say, why don't we just crack open a bottle and see where this party takes us? Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I like the sound of that. Let me get you our most expensive bottle. I'll go back to all. I don't think we have expensive bottles. We have
Starting point is 00:44:36 the same bottle that cost us the very same. It's like a fermented Capri Sun. I'll get that and I'll pour it in the little glasses and Lady is not very, he's not Grace Danetic. So as he's coming over, he's sloshing it over his hands and smiley. Thank you. I'll set it out in front of both of them. I appreciate the hospitality. Seems like you guys put a lot of effort into it. That's Tony who's saying that. Well, hey, Gagush taught us how to do it. This is all testament to her will and power. Where is Gagush? Is she going to play tonight? That's honestly the one thing I'm really here for Honestly, it's up to question. I think you met Gagush, haven't you? You've been graced with
Starting point is 00:45:25 her presence before. You know how that woman could be. She's very, well, the talent doesn't show until the talent tells you. I just never known her to be a stranger. Oh, of course not. She's trying to keep you in suspense. She's got something, something crazy planned for tonight. It is the greatest performance I've seen out of Gagush in a long, long time. Well, I hope to be tantalized, then. I think that's the word. And I turn around. The faking is faking this goes away immediately. And he's thinking of how dead she's going to be in a couple hours. So yeah, ramp closes. The punch puts Shippy into gear. And you guys slowly start to uplift up and higher and higher. It takes about maybe like half an hour to 45 minutes before
Starting point is 00:46:21 you guys are in a relative orbit where it would be like, you know, crews seeing altitude. But after that, then, you know, I assume lights start going off. You start hitting playlists and the party really starts to get going. Lights are flashing. People are hitting the dance floor. It's starting to get turned once once we're actually in orbit. And I can put the ship on autopilot. Ship punch will bring the spacesuits into Gagush's room as we had planned. And while he's in there, he notices her closet and he's going to take one of her dresses and put it on and then come downstairs to be the drink girl. He's going to grab a tray and just be like, I'm just walking around in like an oversized dress and, uh, you know, drinking as much as he's handing out drinks.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Is there a way that punch takes? Oh, has to have a way to get away with so many weeks in there. There is. I don't want to be Gagush. I just want to wear one of her dresses. But if, if, I mean, if I, yeah, if there's a wig shirt, why not? I'll add, I'll just be a mini Gagush. Take a blues for your shenanigans when plans are trying to get executed. Um, yeah. So by then a cruising altitude, uh, rebel and, uh, lady, you would file, you would see, uh, coming down the staircase, punch and address, punch. You are a vision. Look at you. I'll do a turn for him. And oh, it's beautiful. I'll help them. I'll like spin them out. Like it is beautiful, punch you. This is the greatest I've seen you right here. This should be your uniform. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:48:14 I like my jacket better. Okay. It's all right. It's all right. I'll hand one drink to somebody and then I'll take two drinks for myself and hand another drink to somebody else. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, as long as everyone stays lit, I think we're fine. You just do what you need to do. So rebel, uh, lady and Pont, Romy observation checks as you guys are now getting involved in this party scene. Oh, you're up. Uh, are you still hanging out at Gagush's place? So where are you going to go up to the upper deck? Uh, where, where do you want to, uh, situate yourself now that the spacesuits are in Gagush's room? Still talking to me? No. Oh. Amber. Shit. I, wow. I, it didn't, it registered as like
Starting point is 00:49:07 not my name, but as like the interjection. Oh, okay. So, uh, okay. So basically what I would like to do is like just get, get set up, like get a, get comfortable, you know, a place to like prop my leg up. It's, you know, in tight situations like this, it kind of starts to bother me just a little bit. Um, get my leg up, keep my weapons close at hand, you know, just in case anybody tries to come up here in, in, um, in the upper deck that isn't supposed to. Um, but also I want to like have cameras or like surveillance going over, um, specifically like the entrance and the exits of the, um, the airlock as well as like the DJ booth, just in case anyone tries to fuck with the DJ booth. So yeah, so if that makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. So if you're on the upper deck,
Starting point is 00:50:09 in the, uh, what is the control room connection room? Um, yeah, there, there would be some level of cameras that you can kind of like roll through that had different points of the ship, um, that were like pre like made. If you like kind of look at it, you like see like the word con globo like written on some of like the control rooms and services and stuff like that from it, from this previously owned ship. Um, but yeah, you have access to looking at the, the DJ booths, uh, parts of the, um, um, like the entrance and exits, like the ramps at the lower on the lower deck as well as the, where the launch pad is, um, and other corridors of, of shipy on the main deck. Okay. Are there what, uh, what communication is, I mean, what lines of communication are there to
Starting point is 00:51:00 the rest of the party? I would say you guys have some type of walkie. Yeah. Like old school radio low tech. Interesting. Okay. So like, yeah, like the brick, yeah, like a brick with a, with a, but you guys can have it like a wireless earwig. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So, so people would over here, like, we have a whole shit. We have no idea they might. Well, because the earpiece kind of defends it, right? If we get the earpiece. So we did some observation checks. I did anyone roll well because I'll have to, I think it's revel did. Okay. I rolled a nine. Okay. I rolled a four. Yeah. I rolled a five. I rolled a five.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Excuse me. I rolled a six actually. I mean, the only person that succeeded was a rebel Stokes. Yeah. Yeah. The party, the party is going. So like between you punch and you lady, you know, with the loud music and the loud sounds, you know, it's hard to kind of like see really whose faces are who people are starting to complain. You can't tell who's a porazo at this point. Who's a, who's a Reno snake, but it seems like everybody's having a great time. Rebel, you're, you're up on the DJ booth. So you're a little bit more elevated. So you have a little bit more lay of the land. You do notice that like eventually Francine DuBois left Tony Porazo, who's just now sitting by herself enjoying a drink as she's looking out and watching the,
Starting point is 00:52:42 the excitement going on. But as you kind of scan the horizon, you just see Francine DuBois kind of like mixing in with the crowd, but eventually just kind of going off somewhere by herself towards like the back of the, the ship seems like to just be posting up against the wall more like a wall flower there. Okay. I'm going to say into comms. Can anybody get cleaner eyes on Francine? I think she's in the, towards the back of the ship. Oh, yeah, I can definitely try. Yeah. I like fuck her. I'm like the knob, the knobs and like the beats, I mean, the beep boops, the bugs. The beep boops. That's what they call it on shipy. Yeah. They're probably labeled that way. Yeah. I'm about to say it's like there's tape labels on it. And like Pontch's handwriting.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yeah. You rolled what, a five on your observation check? Uh-oh. I rolled a four. A four. Yeah. You're, you're like switching through and camera going and you can't get a clean angle. Like you can see the background, but like you can't quite see her. She's kind of seems like to be obscured by something in the shot. I think Pontch will probably try to head over then and maybe offer her a drink. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to say Pontch, if you could like get her to move a little bit closer, like six feet, that would be, that would be incredible. Pontch will go over to her and offer her a drink. All right. Yeah. Pontch, as you, as you walk back there, you see Francine looks like
Starting point is 00:54:22 she's trying to like light a cigarette, but being like discreet about it. And when you like, when you interrupt her by like holding out the tray, she's like, oh, and she like holds up the cigarette and asks like, it's okay. If I smoke this, I don't know if you had a designated smoking area. I would rather smoke. It's getting a little much in here. She takes it and takes a drink. Only if you dance with me, that'll get your six feet back into the main room. All right. Amazing. She smiles at that. And as she like, she takes the drink and she kind of like balances on like, there's like, not like a shelf, but like a little like sledge or something like that on the side of the ship where she can kind of lean up. And then she puts her hand up against
Starting point is 00:55:13 the wall. And as she does, you see the watch, that shiny watch that you guys had previously on her wrist. But she like puts it her hand up there as she like reaches for a lighter or like packs the lighter back away so that she can have a free hand to go into the dance floor with you. But you notice that she has the watch that she has the watch and she's she's put it against the wall of the the lower deck. She like took it off. She didn't take it off. She put her hand on it. Yeah. Did I notice anything like did the watch beep or blink or anything? No, it looks like I mean, just it looks like the regular ornate face on it. But you do remember that there was something inside of it. You just don't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Yeah. You just know it was a nice and shiny scrambler. Yeah, which could probably scramble our fucking fog machine. Couldn't. Oh, shit. And the door, maybe. And the door. We need before the party pops up, really pops up. We need to get that fucking one. All she knows is that she's got the shiny. So who pointed out will be like shiny and he'll like, you know, again, try to bring her out to the dance floor and start dancing. Oh, yeah. She's like, yeah, she picks up her drink and she eventually like walks into closer to the dance floor. Instead of dancing, he's more just like a moshing, but he'll definitely try to keep her there as long as possible. The whole session feels very like Ocean's Eleven. We keep driving new shit we've
Starting point is 00:56:48 got to do before the plan will work. Like, yeah, we got something about that. So do we do we see the shiny now that she's in my camera? How about this? While I'm doing a headstand and turning, I'm just going to pull my walk out and go, she got shiny. She got shiny. That's all that. Can I attempt to hide that? Is there a way that I can attempt to hide that? Roll me a savvy check. Okay. All right. Against her observation check. I rolled a 13. I was like, the 13.
Starting point is 00:57:28 You rolled a 13. All right. Hold on. Let me see if she clocks this. She's so enamored by my. She's got a shadow. Yeah. That's not going to cut it. Punchy punch. She's been around you enough to know that like you do weird things sometimes. So she just like thinks that it's a part of the bit as she tries to go with it right and you
Starting point is 00:57:55 starts dancing along to the music. All right. We need to get that. We need to get that watch or we turn it off. It's just going to be a problem for us later. Okay. So I'm not saying we cut our hand off, but something like that would be great. All right. I mean, who said we can't?
Starting point is 00:58:16 Anybody got a good sleight of hand? The realest sleight of hand that has ever been. A punch does. Do I? I think you're the best out of all of us in terms of savvy. What would be, is it savvy is the role we'd have to make? I think. I mean, muscle and grit don't really apply when it comes to trying to sneak up.
Starting point is 00:58:41 It would be a savvy check. Yeah. It would be a savvy check against the odds because it's literally strapped to her wrist. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Unless we can.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Maybe we were 13 twice. Maybe we reduce those odds. We get her drunk or something. Like, I don't know. I was going to say seducer. You saw the party. Self-throw. That's true.
Starting point is 00:59:01 All right. So we know. Oh, I was going to say someone's seducer and be like. Punch. You got to get in there. I'm going to start with the drink. Get in it. Punch.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Get in it. I'll keep getting her plastered. Or we could get her upstairs to, oh, maybe we tell her, hey, I know this is so terribly meta, but hey, smoking sections up in the upper deck. And then, oh. And yeah, she gets smoked. Here's the thing. If she gets smoked, she's not going to, you know.
Starting point is 00:59:32 We got to get her out for the big suck. Very true. Very true. We got to get her out for the big suck. The big suck. Right. With the oil. Well, let's just keep one thing at a time.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I'm going to work on getting her drunk. So far, we've been doing great. Like, I'm very proud of us. Yeah. We haven't done anything yet. Maybe that's why we're doing so great. So, Punch is just going to stick to Francine and make sure that she's always got a drink in her hand. What's everybody else going to do as we're pushing into that, like, second hour?
Starting point is 01:00:03 Ladies, seeing that Tony doesn't have anyone sitting with her. First, he's going to clock if they came with bodyguards. Like, is it clear there's, like, some people watching over them? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Tony didn't come alone. Neither did Francine. How much of, like, a barrier of bodyguards does she have right now?
Starting point is 01:00:22 There's a lease, I would say, like, you know, like, the booth. There's, like, one person on each side of the booth, you know? And then God knows who's dancing. And at least one, like, where the gate is, you know? But, like, you know, all of Tony's men are here. Yeah. So. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Yeah. I'm going to, if they allow me, I'll just, you know, sidle up and sit down across from Tony. First, I'm going to ask, of course, I'm going to walk up and say, you taking drinking partners? She just gestures for you to have a seat. Rebel, oh, what are y'all doing for the next going into the second hour? Um, I'm, again, I'm keeping an eye on, um, yeah, I'm keeping an eye on, uh, oh my god, fuck. What is the, um, on Tony, on Tony, um, and watching like his movements, seeing what he's up to,
Starting point is 01:01:22 um, you know, making sure he's not trying to cause any issues. Yeah. You watch, yeah. I mean, if you're going to dismantle the cameras still, um, just, uh, yeah, you would see, uh, eventually a lady saddling up, uh, Rebel, what are you doing? Rebel is having a hard time because she's in the middle of a great party, which is literally everything she's ever wanted. And she's dealing with, like now I kind of want to see what's going on in the med bay,
Starting point is 01:01:55 but that's not my job. So she's just going to start like making the most of the moment and playing like the wobble, keep a shuffle just to like increase the distraction. Like if, if she can get people line dancing, that would be great. What about the Maserina? Yeah. So that we have people facing specific directions during the shenanigans. Two hops this time.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Yeah. She's running through cha cha slide, wobble, cupid shuffle, everything to make sure we have as much cover as we, as we can. Want me to savvy check to see how well your playlist is received? Yeah. I would fucking hate it if I showed up and we're only doing group dance. Like, like, it's like all those of a town just doing the shuffle, you know. It's an hour of bangers and then, you know, a power hour.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Yeah. And a roll in one. Yeah. But the thing is, like, they get to the end of that song and they're like, okay, I don't have to do that anymore. And they start to go for a drink. And then like wine. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:59 It's like, oh, shit. Okay. Any dance, like to the chicken dance, like if there's a dance to the song, it's getting played. Yeah. Beautiful. Yeah. Because of the nine times.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Zach rolled the nine. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. They're loving it. I don't know, maybe it was the bangers at the top of it.
Starting point is 01:03:18 But, you know, you got a couple of people dancing. Every time it starts to get old, you slip in one very good song and they lift themselves up. Managing the pace is just right. And it's seeming like, for once, things are going good for you. It's the room drunk now? Are we getting a little closer? The room is getting really buzzed. People are really dancing.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Okay. People are getting lose. People are having fun. It's a good time. Like, nobody's feeling like this is out of pocket. I'm going to do this. Sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Oh, no, you got it. Oh, no, I was just going to say, like, I mean, I was going to make a dumb old town joke. Old town road. I can't even get it out. Yeah. I'm going to, like, right in front of Tony into the earpiece go, hey, Paunch, I think it's time to bring out the drugs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:13 You just hear a howl, like, from some of the part of the room. Okay. Do I have, I mean, I guess I have drugs. So, yeah, I think at some point somebody needs to distract Francine for me to take the watch from her. I think that's right. That might take us over the edge. If she's drunk, somebody else has her attention.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Right. And I'm the one that tries to grab it from her. Yeah. Right. I mean, she's been drinking and she's dancing, but she seems still pretty, like, damn, together. All right. Yeah, together.
Starting point is 01:04:49 I mean, she's, she, oh, yeah, she owns a bar. She's a, she's a tanker. Who's going to be the distraction? Paunch, roll me a grit check, because you've been drinking as well. I rolled an 11. Oh, my God. Look at that 30-party boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Amazing. You're showing my grit. All right. Like, yeah, you're, you're surprisingly keeping drink for drink with her. But, you know, the music is going, eventually, like some of that music that you've, you've put in, eventually makes it cute. Yeah, I get real pumped for that. And, you know, the party, the party for you doesn't, like, you don't want to stop.
Starting point is 01:05:29 It's, it's getting too good for you. You're, you're really dabbling in that. At this point, I've probably, like, ripped out of the gagu stress. You know what I mean? And this is like, it's, it's really getting wild now. Yeah. And yeah. And it's just you and Francine are just going and just dancing together on the dance floor,
Starting point is 01:05:46 having a great old time. The lady, as you kind of sit down with Tony Parazzo, and she kind of takes the bottle and pours you a glass, you know, she looks at you, kind of just holding out the rim of her glass, and, and she's like, what's on your mind? Seemed like you had a question asked. Nothing's on my mind. I just, well, I saw you sitting alone. I want to make sure you were enjoying your party, that you're getting what you came for out of this place. I just want to make sure you're feeling good, Tony.
Starting point is 01:06:21 I mean, this is more of my scene. I was never really one to just get out on the dance floor. Yeah. Yeah. For, I'm the same way. I'm not much of a dancer myself. I don't have the feet for it. Shocking.
Starting point is 01:06:39 But I am a bit of a drinker, and I think we got that in common, huh? Exactly. She kind of like lists it up to like, uh, clink with you. Yeah. Yeah, I'll clink glasses with her. You know, Tony, I know that I've sort of been against the idea of conglomerating, right? From, from joining one side or the other. And I know that day is coming.
Starting point is 01:07:04 And I think this party is the symbol of that. I feel old, Tony. I feel like I've been running with the dogs a little too long. I mean, Stokes has got a long career ahead of her. She's going to do great, but she needs somebody who has skin in the game, you know? This is a long-winded way of me saying that. I think retirement may be in my future, and somebody's going to have to look over Stokes. I'm asking if you're interested.
Starting point is 01:07:39 In, like, Managing or bringing her into the Parazzo fold. You guys run everything in this town, entertainment included. I'm sure you could find some work for. I mean, you've been wanting me to come over to your side for a while now, or at least you've been bitten that way just to keep me out of the Viper's hands and listen. I mean, you seem to have some relative influence. I mean, you've, a man who comes out of nowhere just starts buying a property left and right
Starting point is 01:08:08 for people in town. Doesn't go unnoticed. Yeah, well, I'm afraid that well's drying up quicker than I thought. More on my health side of things than anything else. Yeah, he looked worse your way. Oh, well, shit, Tony. That's not something to say at a party. It's true, though.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Listen, if you want what I bring to the table, I'd be willing to give it to you. If it meant giving Stokes a better life. And Paunch, you'd have to take Paunch, too. But he's going to be fine, whether I'm dead or alive. I don't even think he has a concept of existence. Sometimes I think when I walk behind him, he no longer remembers I exist. But those would be the terms. We can talk about this after the party.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I don't want to mingle business when I'm sure you've got enough for that snake over there in the corner. You're not wrong. Remember, also, we offered them those two. Like, isn't that part of the whole thing? Is we're going to give them those two in the menu? Yeah, yes. Thank you. Well, I mean.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Just get into it. Yeah, well, I mean. I'm glad you're buying in, Sergio. We're thinking the same exact thing. Good, good. I mean, that's such a such a generous offer. I mean, you've kind of made a nice little slice of influence around these parts. And I don't see a problem in taking that into the Parazzo fold.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Listen, it's a little less than an offer, if I'm being honest. It's a point of desperation. We asked you here on something very specific. I'm sure your man told you. I'm away. The Vipers have your guy. It's not a guy, though. Some two bit lounge singer from out of out of your businesses, I think.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I think she was working with the Vipers. You know, somebody named Jubilee. Like Tony just starts kind of like chuckling to herself, like like literally clears her entire drink. She's got a slight expression on her face that seems irritated, but she's, you know, trying to not seem irritated by it. But she slams the glass down. She's like, I've heard of her.
Starting point is 01:10:52 One of the many talents in this town. So here's my my skinny. And I know you. You're going to wait until the opportune time to use this. But hey, we're about to go into orbit. About to be in a very tight space if you need it. And if you need somebody to stand around, make sure that goes the right way. Like I said, Stokes needs a new home and I need somewhere to retire.
Starting point is 01:11:16 But I think that she was working with the Vipers. And the Vipers send this no name, Merck from out nowhere down to planet named O. Do you know that name? I'm very familiar. So she set a hit out for him. Remember? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the one you were telling us to look after, they're on planet.
Starting point is 01:11:41 For sure they are. They're working with the Vipers too. Trying to take down your boy Luciano brother. Lucy, I guess got messed up in all this. I don't know what the Vipers want with him, but that's what O was after. I don't know where that outlaw took to. I was trying to get them to come into the fold, which is when some things popped off last night.
Starting point is 01:12:09 But that's all I know, Tony. Roll me a savvy check. Fuck! It's so much more intimidating trying to talk to Eli when you can't see her eyes. Is there anything I could do to augment this role here? You can exert yourself. I'm going to exert myself. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:34 I got that five heart. Let's go back to four. So exerting is what? That gives me advantage. You re-roll one of the dice. Okay, you re-roll one of the dice. All right. So I haven't rolled yet.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Let's see. All right. Yeah. I'm going to re-roll one of the dice. How do I do that? Just. Can you just roll? It is a one and a two guys.
Starting point is 01:12:57 I don't think this is going to go well. Can I exert again? No, you cannot exert. Exert, exert. Oh. Oh, you cannot exert an exert roll. God, that sucks. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:13:12 It was going so well too. You never roll poorly. I know. Right as you are talking, you hear everybody clap your hands. And I think that covers a lot of the power push-up that you were saying. Yeah. Damn. Lights are flashing, clockings are going.
Starting point is 01:13:31 This is why I always play talkers. Because then I keep talking. I mean, you talk to me and talk. I know. It was so good. It just didn't work. But it was like lady talk. And it was just a lot of circling, a lot of babbling.
Starting point is 01:13:49 I mean, Tony just kind of nods along to everything you're saying. Eventually says, yeah, I wish my brother would have been here to see all of this. It's been a fun time for him, confined him before I left the orbit. Pretty weird, don't you think? Well, like I was said, that outlaw was out for him. I mean. You never did catch that outlaw, did you? Just nearly, but no.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Just nearly, but no. It's too bad. But I mean, I guess if you have one out of two, I guess that's a good start. Yeah. But let's not let failure spoil a good evening, right? Tony failure, I just gave you the information all the lifetime. And I'm giving you the best DJ on Reno. And I'm giving you an old, old man with a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:15:01 I don't count this as a failure. Same as I don't. You know what? This is a party, Tony. I don't got many of these left. Let's let's enjoy ourselves. And I picked myself up and I'm gonna toast my drink down it. You just let me know if you need anything else and I'll walk away.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Clearly understanding we I made a fuck something here. I mean, the the the characters don't know this, but all of our opening intros are always like them staring at monitors like seeing everything we do. So I think it's somewhat up. Pudge, roll me a grit check because we're pushing how much longer do you guys want to keep this party going before you want to start making your your final? Do you want to at least get that wristwatch off? Okay, yeah, I think regardless, I'm going to do that now.
Starting point is 01:16:01 I'm just going to say like somebody distract Francine and I'm going to wait for someone to attempt something so I can try to grab roll me that grit check at at against the odds because your troubles are really you know, you're you're starting to get really focused more on the party at this point. Fair, fair after a few amount of drinks. Now I'm going to look right now because I have eight blues and I could burn this this thing. I have this where is it troubles brewing once per arc if you have at least eight blues, you can spend blues instead of heart, you take half damage, the end of the scene reset your
Starting point is 01:16:44 blues to zero. Okay, so spend blues for exertion instead of heart. Now that won't apply to what's happening right now, huh? It's only when I exert heart. Yeah, I think that would be on field roll. So the thing about troubles, the thing about troubles brewing is that you're really starting to feel the ramifications of your troubles. So this will, this is also like you'll get some buffs, but it will also include you having a
Starting point is 01:17:09 very existential moment. True sadness. Right. What's like the end effect? Does it negate damage? It doesn't negate damage. It allows you to reroll dice but using your yeah. So basically I'm going to burn through my blues.
Starting point is 01:17:28 It guaranteeing good rolls for the next scene. So I mean, maybe it is worth doing that because I'm going to attempt to against the odds, take the wristwatch from them. Yeah, getting real sad. But you will get into a manic episode, indulge in a vice or mellow wallow in your blues. I was going to end up in a manic episode, I think regardless. So yeah, I think troubles brewing. Ponch is getting a little too drunk, a little too turned up.
Starting point is 01:17:57 He all he remembers is he needs to get this watch. So I'm going to against the odds make a savvy or grit check. Make the grit check because I just want to see where you're like at constitution wise. Okay. I will. I will. I will until you take an answer. I rolled a seven to to guarantee that I'm not against the odds in my next roll.
Starting point is 01:18:20 I'm going to burn a blues to reroll. So I go, there's a six of five and a two. I'm guessing that two is my motto. No, the grid is that's weird. Why am I going 3d6? That's an attack roll. Oh, but I hit grit. That's weird.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Here, let me try again. Oh no, grits three. Yeah, it's 3d6, it says. Should I just roll 2d6? Yeah, roll 2d6. And then I don't want anything. All right. So 2d6, I get an eight.
Starting point is 01:18:53 There we go. And I'm not going to burn a blues. Okay. Yeah, you're good. Um, and then, so, you know, so I'm still somewhat lucid enough to remember my mission and while France, go ahead, you hit that wall, you know, right? Where everything starts to just vibrate. And it's just the music pounding in your head and just the dizzy haze of it,
Starting point is 01:19:16 but you're still focused on your mission. All right. I'm going to try to grab it from her. I'll make a savvy check. We'll make savvy against the odds. No, you can roll that straight. Okay. Savvy.
Starting point is 01:19:31 That's a nine. It's a nine. She rolled an 11. You can exert and see if you can beat an 11. Yeah, I'll try to. It's another d6. Oh, yes. So that's going to be 14.
Starting point is 01:19:51 14. Holy shit. Okay. That's a boy. Yeah. So you guys are just like, you know, dancing music. You guys get like, start to get super close to each other. Eventually you just like kind of brush up again.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Yeah, I might even like, I might even fake like a, like a tumble. Like I, you know, I'm trying to do something complex and I kind of brush past her arm, but you know, immediately jump back up something like that. Okay. Like I grab her ass. She does. If you grab her ass, she's going to punch you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Good. Okay. Okay, I roll one more. Rebels got something in the pocket for this. I do think Lady over the intercom says, I think we may be fucked with the Paracels. I think they know something. I think they know something more than they should. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:20:44 You do that punch. Like you're, you guys are dancing and stuff like that. You grab her ass. She fucking sucker punches you. You take two points of damage for that. Oh my God. But in the process of you getting sucker punched and you guys kind of tumbling, you managed to grab the watch off of her hand in the process.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Okay. I will yelp out and cry and run over to Stokes and then, you know, run back over. Do I see that on the cameras actually? You absolutely would have seen that on the cameras. Oh, I think that, that's, that's my buddy. That's my pal. That's the person, I mean, Pontius, the person that like I connected to first, since joining the ship.
Starting point is 01:21:29 So I think that's going to like spur me to be like, oh, fuck this shit. And like actually start going down stairs and You're going to join the party. I think I'm going to join the party. Okay. As you're going, as you head down to the main deck, roll me an observation check. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:21:51 It's going to take you a moment. You got to go down to main deck. Then you got to go down to lower deck. So that's a five. That's a five. All right. Yeah. You like, you see, like, you see a punch get punched.
Starting point is 01:22:04 You're just starting to see red. You've been waiting, you've been patient. You were never meant to be behind a camera. Yeah. So you start, you start running down there. You go down the stairs of down the bridge. As you're going, you kind of hear like a metallic bump coming from above you. You kind of brush it off.
Starting point is 01:22:22 You don't think, you know, ships make noises and shit. You're not really thinking about it. You're more thinking about joining this fight. So you start continuing down. You look down the hallway. You notice that like where you guys stashed Jubilee and Luciano doesn't seem like they popped out. Doesn't seem like anything is disturbed. So you guys keep, so you keep moving down to the lower deck.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Lady, Rebel, what are y'all doing? I want to call out on the radio and say, hey, I think it's about time for Gagush's performance. If we're ready, do we have the, do we have the watch? Are we good? Okay. So, Rebel, if you could announce Gagush is coming out, we'll take like a half time. You guys can have some lead for the room. And then the performance will begin.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Are we all clear? Clear. All right. Okay. So music, whatever song's playing is going to come to a close and Rebel's going to grab the mic and say, all right, all right, everyone. It looks like that time of the evening. But before Gagush comes out, I want to take a minute to recognize the women.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I think it's the people that have led us here tonight. If we can just, and then two spotlights shine on Francine and Tony, if we can just give an open hand clap to these beautiful leaders that have led us here today. Thank you, ladies. If you want to take your seat in the VIP section so we can start the show, we'll get you some drinks. And yeah, hold tight, France. Here she comes. All right.
Starting point is 01:23:58 And light the change. Yeah, some general house music starts playing so that you can get off the boost. It's totally like intermission before the headliner. Like some shitty, like lower house music. They're trying to get us to buy drinks. Like, yes, people are scattering like a little bit and stuff like that. But you know, if some people are still dancing and stuff like that, you would notice. Pons is definitely still dancing.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Yeah, Pons is still going. The party doesn't stop with Pons. Let's go faster. Like a swelled snoot, but it's just like, it's fine. I only took half damage on it because I am currently trouble brewing. Oh, yeah, that's very true. You see that Francine and Tony kind of reconjoin and they're now sitting at a booth together. So what are you guys doing in this time?
Starting point is 01:24:53 I don't want to leave this room, but oh, okay. I'm going to stand by the door to the lower decks here and just make sure that everything's going fine. But I want to make it appear that I am not leaving the room. Like I'm going to stick down here with them because I do not want to arise any more suspicion than I already did. But I do say into the mic or into the headset, somebody needs to check on our cargo in the med kit in the med bay and make sure they're getting into Gugus's room before we get started here.
Starting point is 01:25:26 I'm on my way down. I was like, yeah, oh, yeah. Well, you're making your way to the lower deck by this point. Like if you're standing by the staircase, like you'll do like the door just slides open. It's oh, there. What in the fuck are you? What? Listen.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Don't look at me. Don't fucking look at me. I mean, you can tuck into the staircase if you want to. Roll me a quick savvy. Is that to me or to? To both of you. Yeah. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:25:56 I'm rolling like trash today. I rolled a one. I rolled a six. Jesus. I rolled a six. And I'll so any any exertions any exertions here? I'll exert. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:10 I can't afford it. What do I need to? You you can take one heart off and then you can re-roll one of your dice. Okay, cool. Then I will do that. You can take two hearts off. You want to take both if you want to re-roll both dice. It's a it's a point for every dice.
Starting point is 01:26:28 You guys are pretty low on health. Oh, I could have exerted both earlier. I mean, lady. I am a dummy. Oh, I would have done it. Okay. You are hurting. That's a seven.
Starting point is 01:26:42 That's a seven. That's a seven. Mm hmm. You lady pushes you immediately back into the staircase and you guys the door closes and you hope you think nobody saw you. I saw punch get hit. I cannot stand oddly by and watch my friend get hit. This is unacceptable.
Starting point is 01:27:06 It's because the fucking dogs grabbing asses. Oh, it's what he does. It's not a party unless he gets hit in the fucking face. Well, I don't. If you're worried about getting payback, they're about to get in a couple minutes. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Okay. I'm sorry. I just I just I've seen my friends get hit way too many times. I have to be more active, but you're right. You're right. I'll go back. You're okay. You want to be active.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Absolutely. Can you check on the idiots in the med bay for us? Yeah, I'll go. I'll go. I'm sorry. You're fine. Oh, I'm just a little perturbed because a bunch of people fucking boys. That's well.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to we're going to have the party gas here in a second. So Confucius message is ready to go in about five minutes. You just hear like nonsensical jarable.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Oh, I love you guys. All right. Yeah. I turn tail and go back. I go back to the to the to the med bay just to check on the folks. Lady, roll me an observation check as you come out of the out of the staircase. Oh, roll me an observation check as you return to the main deck. Another six.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Finally, something good and 11 and 11. Nice. Okay. Lady, you come out of the staircase and you kind of look around. It doesn't seem like anybody noticed you, but you know, you're just hoping. But Stokes is a message goes over the intercom. So you're just like five more minutes. All we need to wait out is five more minutes.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Yeah. I will point out at this point that like I am in troubles brewing territory. So like Paunch is noticeably just like a loose cannon, like tipping over things and like, you know, like dry humping some of the big bodyguards. Like like all it's just going to take a simple nod and he's going to start some shit. So okay. We got to get her boy. Like I'm looking for a reason to burn my blues.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Yeah, rule. I mean, rule me a savvy check to see how messy you want to be and how much trouble you're going to get in from doing that. I mean, I rolled a nine. Does that mean I maintain control? No. It just means you get into some fun trouble without exerting yourself. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Quite yet. You say those exertions for later. Yeah. I'll allow you to keep this troubles of brewing through. I mean, this is all still kind of the same scene. Yeah. Yeah. We're not going to.
Starting point is 01:30:07 We're not going to change scenes from this point on. Yeah. You get up on one of the like bouncers and again, like someone like shoves you like to the floor. You'll take another point of damage. It's like he did not appreciate you. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:26 So, oh, as you climb back up the staircase, right? And you head across the, across past the airlocks, right? You look at both of the airlocks. Every scene seems relatively fine. And you're slowly making your way towards the med bay. But as you're like looking down the hallway, because it's like a straight shot all the way to communal space, you've been on the ship long enough to know that there is a like a lift in that communal area that goes up to a launch pad on the top deck of the ship.
Starting point is 01:31:03 And as you like start walking towards and you're just like moments away from the med day, you hear like a ding from the lift and a door opens. And we're going to take a break and come back in five minutes. Those bastards, they're trying, they're trying to break out. All right. We'll be right back. Love it. And welcome back to 105MDRP as we continue on with our orbital blues.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Oh, you're at the, you're just nearing the medical bay. When you hear a ding on the elevator lift, that would lead out to the outdoor pad of Shibby. And that's not a sound you were expecting to hear at all. And as the doors open, you see somebody that you thought you would never see before. Oh, you know that your troubles here on Reno 12 began with a job and a job, sad job was to take Elliott Parazzo from Reno 12 and deliver him to the mining companies that were competing on Irvine. You don't know whatever happened to Elliott past that point,
Starting point is 01:32:36 but you see him standing there right in front of you. He's about a tall man, got that same like black, slick back hair as Tony does. He's wearing that iconic Parazzo white suit and he's got like a red sash around his neck, but he points a pistol gun at you and fires right out the door. How does he know that I'm here? Oh, he sees you as he opens the door. You both are looking at each other in the corridor. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Yeah. Yeah. It's a straight shoot. Okay. Between it. Fire back. And he didn't, he just had to go straight in. Yeah, I fire back.
Starting point is 01:33:14 I have my nine millimeter out. I have, yeah, nine millimeter out. And then I actually, because I have devil's right hand, I automatically roll with the upper hand. So, um, yeah, let's do that. Oh, you fucking kidding me. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Choose two at appropriate weight. So you choose to dice to make your attack. And then whatever the remaining dice is, is your damage pool. Okay. Well, you know, we're going to go with that six for my attack. I think that's going to be what we go for for the attack. And then the remaining two. So you don't have anything that would make you,
Starting point is 01:33:58 you have to hit an eight to succeed your attack. Okay. Then the six and the eight. Yeah. Yeah. It's six in the two. And then, um, the three and the one will be my damage. Or just a three.
Starting point is 01:34:13 Or just a three. Oh yeah. Cause you're pulling it up. So upper hand takes the two highest dice. It's like having advantage. You pick the highest number. And then you'll take the highest damage. So I'll take the highest damage roll.
Starting point is 01:34:25 That would be three. Okay. Okay. Yeah. He rolls a, a 10, which is going to hit you. Oh, great. So you both like immediately, it's just like a quick draw, you know, you both guns on, on fucking sight.
Starting point is 01:34:41 You fire your. Daring your pistol at him. Click back and it lands straight in his chest. You on the other hand, when you get hit, you don't get hit with a bullet. You get hit with something that's kind of like a dart. Roll me a grit check at, against the odds. Little poison action.
Starting point is 01:35:12 A six. Ah, damn. The moment it hits you, all of a sudden just like, you go to take a step forward, you know, to like reload your pistol, go for another shot. But as you kind of like lift the gun, your hand just starts to feel extremely heavy and things start to feel a little bit slower as like you are starting
Starting point is 01:35:38 to sweat bullets. You take one point of damage from that dart on top of this. Where are you at? Heart wise, by the way. I've, I have two now. You have two. Yeah. So you're just the weight of all your injury,
Starting point is 01:35:52 the weight of all of this just starts to feel very, very heavy. Slowing down. As you just see, like in your blurred vision, just Elliot Parazzo moving closer and closer to you. And you can hear just like, yeah, you hear it, like the sound of his voice is kind of slow to you, but you're, you know, he's not really bleeding much from those wounds.
Starting point is 01:36:18 It seems like he's eaten these bullets, like nothing. And he kind of starts like, you know, now he's standing over you at this point. And he's like, well, I don't work like that anymore. I don't bleed that way anymore. But then he pulls out a switchblade. What? Meanwhile, what is everybody doing downstairs?
Starting point is 01:36:40 The gougouche message, is it ready? It's, at this point, it's like revel, it's playing, it's starting. It's starting. Okay. Do we hear the gunshots go off? Roll me an observation check. And yeah, roll me just a straight observation check. I mean, there's music going on.
Starting point is 01:37:00 There's a party. It's a whole deck, deck level. I didn't mean for me to investigate. I meant like on a global scale, like does Tony perk up? Does anybody look like they're like, what the fuck's good? Then roll me an observation check if you want to scan the room during that, that moment to see if there's anything that. I have not passed fucking one of these.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Since none of us passed, I'll burn a blues to re-roll. Wait, I didn't, I can, can I roll observation? Yeah, anybody in the lower deck, if anybody in the lower deck wants to hear. Okay, yeah. Never mind. So yeah, so I mean, the music's still going and stuff like that. But Rubble, you're kind of like in the back area. And you do hear like a low, like a very just tiny, you know, shot, two shots.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Okay, it's consistent enough to, like you can hear it above you. It's like, but far in a distance, like you can't tell if it's necessarily like, you know, beat music, but it seems a little off cadence to what the music is playing. It seems suspicious. You know that people upstairs. Nobody's like, Oh my God, there's a gunshot. Kill each other. No, nobody heard anything.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Nobody seems anything. I mean, Tony and Francine are just both kind of just very calmly just watching everything going on. Okay, I think at this point, Rebels going to take this, like, ask her break while the message is playing and go upstairs to see what the fuck is going on. Okay. Lady, Paunch, anything else you guys want to do before we proceed? I'm going to wave over at my very drunk little buddy and call him over. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:52 They'll like stumble towards you and Paunch is feeling it. You good? You good for what's about to happen? You remember what's happening? Oh, yeah. Yeah, good boy. Yeah. Okay, good buddy.
Starting point is 01:39:06 So in a second here, I'm going to lock this door behind me. So I need you to go to where you're going next. Can you tell me where you're going next? To party? No, buddy. No, you just did that. Okay. Try again.
Starting point is 01:39:24 The bridge. Yeah. Oh, sweet boy. Yeah. Go and see Gagush with Stokes. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:34 I'm going to start stumbling my way towards that direction. All right. Okay. So Stokes and then where are you placing yourself, Lady? I'm right by the door. So as soon as I see that gas start to feed, I'm flipping to the other side, locking the door behind me and running for Gagush. I hope.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Okay. Oh, okay. Yes. Then Q, Q safe smoke, normal fog smoke. Okay. So yeah. So the Gagush's meshes is going on. You're playing a sound board of some of Gagush's iconic phrases and words.
Starting point is 01:40:13 And people are just kind of, you know, watching that. And you guys are slowly starting to take your place. Rebel, you're the first to go up the stairs. And then slowly, like while you're halfway up, you hear like, punch, like smack into like one of the sides of the wall as he's dragging himself up to the top. Oh God, guys. Lady, you take your place by the lock, the lock door and the door. And Rebel, when you get to the top of the staircase, you witness a scene that you didn't
Starting point is 01:40:55 quite expect as you kind of, you know, get up to the platform, kind of get towards where the airlock is and you see standing over, oh, is just a man you've never seen before with a switch blade in hand, ready to just stick. Oh, right then and there. What do you want to do? I'm going to try to shoot him in the wrist. Okay. I'll give you the surprise because he didn't expect you to come up the
Starting point is 01:41:24 the stairs as he's preoccupied. That's right. That's attack, yeah. Okay. Normal, yeah, normal. Oh, no. You literally just told me not to roll normally. Gee.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Okay. Oh, devastating. That's a 10 to hit and five points of damage. Whoa. Five points of damage. Nice. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Yeah, I'm not going to shuffle it. You see Elia Parazzo just leaning down about to just jab his knife straight into O's like hard and then you just quickly just grab your at your gun and you just fire off and it's a hard enough shot from your your gun that knocks him on his feet. You know, he wasn't expecting it, you know, as you're holding the gun barrels kind of smoking. This guy just gets obliterated as like red just like streaks across of his like his white suit. Let's all roll initiative because now we're we're going to be kind of moving in parts.
Starting point is 01:42:32 We're in. Do I roll initiative? You will roll initiative as well. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. We'll we'll handle you.
Starting point is 01:42:40 We'll handle your situation as we as we get to your turn. All right. Can you exert for initiative? You can't. Okay. You don't add anything to your initiative, right? It's just whatever you roll. It's a D3 with your savvy.
Starting point is 01:43:00 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's been added. Okay. Okay. I'm rolling like absolute shit. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:43:08 I also add with you on this team. Oh, it's almost of us. Struggle bus. Do something sad so you can all get your blues and you can just need one more blues. One more blues and I can do it. Okay. Same.
Starting point is 01:43:25 I need two more sad moments. We got to get sad in this whole way. All right. Punch. Punch is going to get sad. I need you to open up this motherfucking sad pit. I rolled a five. Punch is five.
Starting point is 01:43:37 Lady. Three. Oh, three. Oh, fuck. Stokes. Three. Oh, holy. Who's the fastest of you?
Starting point is 01:43:51 Maybe because I'm there. I mean, my savvy's too. You guys are going to discuss this amongst yourselves, but usually it's the highest savvy roll can go first. But I'm literally knocked out. That's true. You've been stabbed as well. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:04 So Zach's lady. So is that. Okay. Okay. One second. So I guess technically I go first in the initiative. All right, Ponchi. You're just getting in the hallway.
Starting point is 01:44:34 I would assume I'm already someone in the hallway. Yeah. By the time by the time Stokes pops off their weapon, you would be like clamoring through that door. So am I at the door of Gugush's room? No, you would be at the stairwell leading up to the main deck. You would just be on the wall. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Then I'm just using all of my action and movement to get to where Lady told me to go, which was Gugush's room. Trying to get on that space suit. Elliott is between you guys and Gugush right now. I see. Because O was at the med bay. And Gugush's room is right beyond that. Oh, if I see him attacking my friend O, then I'll probably attack him myself.
Starting point is 01:45:24 I want to try to bite him and I'll roll for that. So again, I add the two highest and that becomes the roll. Yeah. So that's what I'm going to deal him to damage and because. Hold on. I haven't I haven't prepped initiative. All right. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:45:53 Sorry. Oh, sorry. No way ahead of you then. Change the music to combat music now. We're getting into it. It's about to be sad boy hours music here in a second. Yeah. Everybody get your swan songs ready.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Let's just all time or swan song at the same time. At the same time. The show is full of glory. The glorious. We totally do that. Yeah. We play this one song as we pull the perp drink. Like we cross the streams and then our swan song plays.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Oh, fuck. Wait. Okay. Yeah. Now what was that? Oh, no, no, no. I was thinking a lot. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:46:41 No, no. All right. So top of the top initiative is punch. So yeah. All right. So punch will run out again. Take a bite. I rolled an eight.
Starting point is 01:46:48 I'm going to deal two damage. And my bite has the stun ability. So I think something to do with them not being able to. If I hit zero harsh, then I go unconscious on a stun. That's what a stun weapon does. Are you sure this I feel like the stun like waste their turn or they can't take an action or something. Well, I can double check the equipment descriptions.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Character. I thought I wrote it down somewhere myself. Actually, let me look at my character sheet here. Stun. No. It says stun mechanic target reduced to zero hearts are unconscious instead of dead. Oh, interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Well, I just bite him. Do you have is I mean, is there yes or something else? Maybe I said stun was the wrong. Maybe I chose that was the wrong thing. There's one of the moves that he'll not be able to do anything his turn, I think, because I've bitten him. Well, I mean, a bite would be more of a thing than a stun. It's a melee.
Starting point is 01:48:06 And I wanted to give it the property of stuns that could move, but it doesn't matter. Either way, I'm just getting them off of. Oh, that's all that matters. Yeah, yeah. So after that gunshot goes and like, you notice like, like Elliott just kind of also seems to also be okay, even though he took such a gnarly hit. It was enough to knock him off his feet, but like he's standing up like nothing happened to him. But that's like, as he's kind of get up, that's when like Ponce just like
Starting point is 01:48:38 haphazardly, stumbly, bumbly, just like runs over and just like bites into him. Ponce, you do notice that when you bite into his like shoulder areas of like that, it doesn't bite down like skin. It bites down like something thicker weird. It doesn't have quite the pressure to it. Yeah. Oh, but you're able to at least get client like on top of him and stuff like that. He's like thoroughly engaged with you.
Starting point is 01:49:03 You're super close. Is there anything else you want to do? That's it. That's it. Cool, cool. Next is downstairs with the rest of the group. So Tony, the message, the message is going off. Everything seems to be normal, though now you can clearly hear.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Yeah, you would hear Stokes's pistol go off and Tony's gaze kind of looks up. Smiles whisper something over to one of her guards. That's her turn. Hmm. The next person is Francine, who by now, I mean, she's pretty buzzed, pretty excited. She seems to be like, you know, bouncing her knee anxiously as this is continuing on, this soft as music, you know, eventually she stands up and she starts making her way away from the booth, getting down towards the dance floor, maybe to get another drink,
Starting point is 01:50:18 maybe to go towards the back area where she originally came from to smoke another cigarette. That's her turn. So I'm sorry, Francine just left the room. So Tony, Tony, no, she didn't leave the room. She's still in the lower deck, but she's going back to that original place that she was at. The original place. That's okay. Yeah, in the back.
Starting point is 01:50:37 And that was closer to the door where I am, right? Yeah, she definitely was near the door at some point. Or I mean, you don't know how long she was back there. The next on the list of the initiative is Elliot Parazzo, who's engaged with you. Oh, he's going, I mean, a punch. He's going to stab you because he has a switch blade out. He's like, you're kind of on top of them because you kind of tackled them. Damn, you're so lucky.
Starting point is 01:51:12 I'm not getting good damage rules. Um, yeah, he sticks you. It's not fairly deep. It's just like nicking you towards on the side, but he slices you with his blade as he tries to push you off of him so that he can get a better stance. But he gets up onto his feet. He kind of starts, switches the blade to the, to his other hand, but it's kind of slick. Did I take any damage?
Starting point is 01:51:35 One point of damage. Okay. Not terrible. He didn't get you in the port and bits, but he did stab you. Um, next flawlessly white fur now has a spot of red on it. I do even have the jacket still on. Yeah, I think I'm still wearing it. Now you can't tell if you're bleeding with the jacket on.
Starting point is 01:51:59 Stokes, it's your turn. Okay. I see punch already engaged. So I'm going to drag, um, drag O into Gugush's room if possible. Do I have to go over Elliot or can I just take him in there? With, I mean, he's like right in front of it, uh, but he's preoccupied with punch. So you might be able to squeeze by him. Roll me a muscle check to see how well you can lift and drag a body
Starting point is 01:52:34 and navigate it across the hallway. How good are you? Are just dragging dead weight. That's an eight. Ah, I don't have them. Yeah, so that's great. Yeah. I mean, like it's hard.
Starting point is 01:52:50 I mean, it's a whole body. You're not necessarily the strongest person, but you are moving surprisingly faster. This is a much easier task for you, but you're, you're getting by. I'm not going to say that you're going to be able to get inside Gugush's room by the end of your turn, but you, because it's a whole ass body, you got to drag. But you're pretty much there. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:10 While she's, she's dragging mostly by her like metal hand and is kind of trying to like tap to make sure that we're still alive because it would be really awkward. We only have one cryo chamber. They probably like grown a little bit, but that's, that's it. That's all they're capable of doing. That's my favorite. My favorite hearing like murmurs and like, you're just hearing all this commotion, but like at a slower pace, it's like, you know, slightly disorienting and just,
Starting point is 01:53:41 but you see Rebels, Stokes just like dragging you along. So at least you have a face of something familiar. Lady, you're down there. You're by the door. You're waiting for the gas to turn. You're waiting for this, the next phase of the plan, but you know, but everything seems normal. Everything seems fine and calm and just a party.
Starting point is 01:54:08 See Francine break off. You would have noticed Francine breaking off from Tony and no longer down at the booth, heading towards the back area. Um, again, I'm just going to call over the, the, the walking go. Hey, we're, we're good down here. What are we waiting on? Hello?
Starting point is 01:54:34 I think you're muted. Zach, you're muted. Almost ready. Almost they're starting to get antsy down here. Well, my hands aren't free. Once I get O's body into Gagousha's room, we'll do it. And I thought I heard something up there. Is everything copacetic?
Starting point is 01:54:53 No, that was the gunshots. Like I said, we're almost ready. What, gunshots? What the fuck you mean? I don't know. There's another man up here. He's not in the crew. I got like 50 men down here.
Starting point is 01:55:04 If you could just pull the fucking gas. Fucking shit. Stop dragging to cue the perp. You can cue, you can cue the perp on your next round. Because that's, uh, you, you chose to drag, uh, over the safety. Is there like a ready to action? Could I get myself like a push in initiative next round, uh, if I'm getting myself ready for the perp?
Starting point is 01:55:34 I mean, otherwise talk, like, like this round, I feel like what you should do is get out that door. Right. Already won't that like signify him, you guys think? Next round, we're going to start it. Yeah, yeah, I'll switch around. I'll get at the lock. I'm readying myself the second the next round starts.
Starting point is 01:55:51 I'm going to smack that thing and hope the perp goes off. So you're just prepping an action to jump in, jump and lock? Yeah. Okay, okay. Cool, cool, cool, cool. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Uh, oh, roll me a grit check. Let's see how well you're able to pull off this.
Starting point is 01:56:12 Yeah. Oh, a five, yeah. Oh, no, not you. Not you, lady. Oh, not me. Oh, no. Oh, could you say? Oh, I was like, oh, shit, all the time.
Starting point is 01:56:35 Yeah, you are still feeling it's, it's coming down, but you are still kind of wrapped up in this, this dart poison. I'm, everything just looks a blur. You're hurting. Everything's a little floaty and funny. That's okay. That's okay. We're on the start.
Starting point is 01:56:58 We're going to get you in the suit and we're going to get going and the party's going to go well. Oh, I love a party. I'm sure you do. Okay. Inject her. Is everyone having a good time? Everyone downstairs is having a great time.
Starting point is 01:57:17 I'm just going to need you to, where was Oh shot? Oh, it was literally just like darted, like in the chest. Like, yeah. Okay. In a nice little spot. Darts still there. Like right above, right above their binder, probably. That little light caught anything on the back of it.
Starting point is 01:57:34 You know, like a trank dart. Okay. Yeah. You go ahead and rip that out when you're ready and just sit them up against something. And try to punch. You're engaged. We're at the top of the round.
Starting point is 01:57:45 Punch. You were engaged with Elliot Parazzo. He's kind of switching his blades back and forth, hand between his blade back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. So punch. What are you going to do? Can tell he isn't a normal human being. And I am less concerned with defeating him and more concerned
Starting point is 01:58:05 about just getting him out of the equation. Do I feel like I could like kick him into a room and then lock that door so he can't get out of that room? Sure. I mean, you can try to get him back down the hallway and like either lock him in one of your corner room. What I'd love to do is because I know on this level, there's an airlock.
Starting point is 01:58:25 I'd love to shoot him out the airlock, but I don't know if I have enough to get him there. You would have to drag him back the way you can to get to the airlock. What I want to more immediately do is just like, you know, like push him with all my energy into a room. And if I can get him in that room, I'll lock the door. Roll me a muscle. Yeah, roll me a melee check.
Starting point is 01:58:46 Muscle check. Muscle check. That is a nice nice. If he rolls better, I'm going to burn a blues to defeat him. No, actually short seven. All right. Actually, you know, fuck it. I'm going to roll.
Starting point is 01:59:05 I'm going to roll my own fucking exertion. Fuck not. Yeah, the characters can do that. The NPCs can do that. Yeah, still fucking short fucking. Yeah, so like you guys, you guys are like for a minute, like, you know, you manage to, you know, like, you know how like you tackle somebody.
Starting point is 01:59:21 You get him by the waist and you like lift him up so he's not able to like stab you. But you guys go back and forth for a little bit and eventually you get just get enough leverage to kick him into the to one of your guys's quarters and you slam the door shut and you try to you try to lock. I'll just like put my fist through the through the control panel so you can't get out.
Starting point is 01:59:42 All right. Shit, roll me. No, I roll me that. That's a lot. Roll me another muscle check. OK, I have one point in muscle. That's a seven. I'm going to I'm going to burn a blues
Starting point is 01:59:56 to guarantee a role. How much blues do you have left? I have six blues left if I burn this one. OK, cool. OK, so yeah, five I replaced. So yeah, now I get an eight now. You got an eight now. Yeah, you managed to like punch straight into it
Starting point is 02:00:16 and it manages to crush enough to where it the door seems to like it like beeps locks and then you think it's all good. I get I get shocked by it. And like an earnest goes to jail. I now have like electricity running through me full of blues electricity and and sadness. I'm fucking here for anything else you want to want to do. Once I'm done, I'm going to head towards the whooshes room.
Starting point is 02:00:42 Yeah, I need to get that suit on. Cool. Yeah, so you you join up to to where, you know, rebel where Stokes is is literally almost to the door dragging. Oh, oh, is completely still white, but you guys are all making your way to get to the next phase of this of this mission. All right.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Yeah, the next is Tony Tony and and and DuBois. DuBois is just in the back there. You know, puts another cigarette to her mouth. Hands seem a little bit more nerve shaky than, you know, calm. And she's just kind of waiting. Meanwhile, Tony Tony is just seemingly anticipating. Since nothing's going off here. Elliott is back up to the main deck.
Starting point is 02:01:44 You hear just like banging on the door where Elliott Paraz has been kind of stuffed in and eventually. Yes. Yeah, you just hear punching and punching and punching and eventually let's see. It's not enough to do any anything damage wise on the door. Like it's not making any headway. He's not like breaking about to break it through.
Starting point is 02:02:11 But eventually it just goes quiet toward at the end of his round. Starts completely silent. Give it up. Yeah. Yeah. Bring it up. We're fine. Stokes.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Stokes. You've managed to get you managed to get oh at the door of Guguche's room and Pontch is slow in tow. What do you want to do? I'm going to cue the perp and get the rest of them into the room. If I can if I can cue the perp and start getting oh space suit on, that would be great. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I would love that. Is there a way I can like even though I'm like strung out and coming to, do I like am I able to like have some faculties to help get the suit on? Once you get to your round, you'll be able to function again. It was just whether or not you were going to be able to do this previous round or
Starting point is 02:03:11 or come back at this round. So you'll be functional at this round to help yourself get that together, which is cool. Lady. But after after like oh after like rebel like drags you in there, starts to like get her suit on as well as starts to like kind of assist you. They just go and finally press the button on on the perp. And lady, as you're like standing there, you know, holding that action,
Starting point is 02:03:37 you finally see like in the the mixture of the fog machine, it's starting to billow out like this purplish pinkish kind of smoke as like the final words of Gagush, you know, yeah, I think it's this weird Mexican standoff we all three of us have is I'm looking at Tony. I'm looking at Francine. I'm looking at all of them. Right. And I'm hearing Gagush over the loudspeaker.
Starting point is 02:04:06 Welcome. Welcome. You know, search. What is our final message from Gagush before the perp comes out? Well, I mean, didn't we we joked about it being like, you know, now you're all going to die or something like that. Yeah, it's it's something like see you all in hell or something. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:22 Yeah, it's like laughter. It's a big she says that as she gives that out and the the perp starts to go, I am I'm going to call out from Gagush with love and I'll roll back through the door. I'll slam the shit out of that lock and hope to God that door shut. Yeah, you run you you say you say those final words you run for the door. But as you like go and slam the button, the door does close. But you're also supposed to hear the mechanism of a lock mechanism to the lock does not lock. But the door is closed.
Starting point is 02:05:04 You're punching the button over and over again. It's not locking the door. But you're looking through like the the slat of like the thing and you as the room is starting this, you know, the room is slowly starting to fill up with, you know, smoke. What do you want anything else you're going to do? Are you going to stay here? And the poison or does it look like the poison? Yeah, no, no, it doesn't look like the poison fail.
Starting point is 02:05:28 But the poison is now starting to fill the room. So now it's like a pinkish colors is starting to tinge the lower deck. Are you going to stick around to see if everything works out? Are you going to head upstairs to continue the plan? If this door is not locking, then I'm going to take three steps back from the door. I'm going to unsling the shotgun. I'm going to feed two shells into the lever action. I'm going to spin it around and I'm going to wait, wait for whoever tries to come through.
Starting point is 02:05:55 I'm going to shoot the first one through. I need to perform a full on standoff so the others can get to Gagush's room in time. Do you tell us that the doors are locking? Yeah, as soon as I sling that shotgun, I lever it around. Listen, we're fucked. They knew they're on to us. The door is not shut the right way. Look, I love you guys, but with Gagush fives a crowd.
Starting point is 02:06:23 I'm going to stay here. I'm going to watch the door. You get your suits on and you get this thing into the fucking sky as far as you can get it. I'm going to try and hold them off as much as I can. Fill the chambers as soon as you get your suits on. And I definitely think the song Dark Don't Hide It by Magnolia Electric Company starts subtly playing as he's loading the shotgun and he's realizing that this is probably his swan song coming up.
Starting point is 02:06:55 Oh fuck. Yes, he's going to stay here. No, no, no, no, no, no. He's going to watch the door and no one's going to leave until he's no longer there. I love it. Let's do this. Over the walk you just hear lady put on your mask and just go upstairs. Just put on your mask and go upstairs.
Starting point is 02:07:17 It doesn't matter if the door locks. Listen, it's real important they don't get to you guys because you're going to make something of this planet. Nobody ever has. They have bought, they have stolen, they have cheated and they have broken. Every person that's come before because they were people like me, not people like you. You do what's best for you. Punch buddy, you fly this thing every fucking day.
Starting point is 02:07:42 You drink every fucking day. Stokes, you play your music as loud as you can. Who gives a fuck what anybody thinks of you? And oh, consider yourself redeemed. You don't got to kill these people to feel better about yourself. You don't have to kill another person to know that you're worth it. Here it is. It's yours.
Starting point is 02:08:03 I'll see you guys on the other side. No words, Seth. Oh, you are coming to as like you hear ladies words over the intercom. And now you're you're starting to really get your cognition back. And you're you know, every you see like every the quiet tenseness of everybody trying to continue on, even though part of you just wants to go back down there and help your friend. What do you want to do? You have a choice.
Starting point is 02:08:39 You you can continue the mission. You can do whatever you want. You know, how do you want to how do you want to handle this? Oh, just keeps flashing back to the final moments of like the the the moment that spurred the blues in the first place, the the moment of, you know, losing the person they loved to betrayal to, you know, realizing that the entire part, I mean, the entire crew was lost. Sorry, I also turned on my swan song so that I could have that ready.
Starting point is 02:09:25 And it's it's, but this is this feels different. Like this as O is coming to and coming to while Lady is talking about redemption, it's like this has to be done in ladies honor. This has to be done so that Lady knows this wasn't in vain. And I think we're going to continue with the mission, or at least I'm going to help continue with the mission. Okay. So you're you're going to put your suit on.
Starting point is 02:10:00 You're going to get ready to put my suit on and ready my pistol to my the nine millimeter. Just just in case shit gets a little bit dicey. It doesn't seem that Jubilee or Luciano has exited the room just so you guys know. And the fourth suit is for them. So keep that in mind. Keep that in mind. Does anybody want to go and get them? Because right now you're out of danger.
Starting point is 02:10:28 As far as you know, Elliot Parazzo has not made any noise in the room next door. Elliot Parazzo has not made any. I don't mind going to get them. I think of everyone. I'm in the best shape. So now that rebel already has her suit on, she's going to go to the mid bay. Okay. I'll say that's that's what you'll do on the top of your round.
Starting point is 02:10:54 Punch. I think is not really. Yeah. Go ahead. Well, we an observation check as you are also explaining what you want to do. I rolled a four. I'm going to burn a blues. It's another D six.
Starting point is 02:11:11 So that's a four plus six seven. Fuck I rolled a seven total. Okay. Can I burn another blues to roll the other dice? Do the double burn you mentioned? If you yeah, I mean, if you want to roll, you can burn one more blues to roll an additional dice to cover the one other roll. Seven.
Starting point is 02:11:34 Seven. So seven. Yes. I mean, it's not it's not terrible. It's close enough to the easy. You being a pilot can kind of at this point, you know, you're just steady waiting. Everybody's putting suits on. You're you're getting your suit on as well.
Starting point is 02:11:50 But as you're like finally zipping up the last bit of you, you notice that the ship's kind of moving, not like it's supposed to be on autopilot. Someone's touching shipy. I still so punch is still a little bit in denial that this is the possible end of lady. He has that watch, right? He's got that watch. I think he's going to try to bite it and break it in the hopes that whatever magic it's doing to the ship, it might lock that door in front of in front of lady.
Starting point is 02:12:27 Okay. Yeah, I mean, you can absolutely bite that watch and you can destroy that watch, but that's it. I think I'll call. Did it lock? Did it lock Leslie? Punch the door. No, still one more.
Starting point is 02:12:45 Yeah, yeah, buddy, it locked. Oh, thank God. Okay, we'll see you soon. And I'll just continue like knowing that Leslie's safe now. Okay. Are you where are you heading though? Are you staying here? Are you heading up the other day?
Starting point is 02:13:01 I'm heading to the bridge. Yeah, upper day. Okay. Okay, cool. After you get the reassurance that that lady is safe behind the door, you chart to clamor your way up to the top deck. Um, all right, here we go. One second, let me roll some dice.
Starting point is 02:13:29 What was the name of the song you said your swan song was? It's called The Dark Don't Hide It by Magnolia Electric Company. It's like a country vibe, right? Yeah, it's, it's real good. It's, it's country vibe, not country, but very good. It's all about how eventually the darkest parts of us come out. Via shotgun. Via shotgun and perp.
Starting point is 02:14:00 Lady, you are a man who has exerted much suffering in the world, given your time. And as much as you've tried to make right by doing some bit of good here on Reno 12, you are smart enough to know that penance is sometimes paid in blood. As that door opens, two mobsters from Tony Parazzo's gang with pistols in hand open fire. You take, you take a couple points of damage, but right now you're able to skate off that damage now that you're, you know, so roll me an attack roll for to counteract those two shots as they're opening that door and firing it at you.
Starting point is 02:14:55 And I roll with upper hand. Yeah, you always roll at upper, you always roll at upper hand. So they take three points of damage as it hits with an eight. Yeah, that door flies open and two shots go at you, but you rack that gun and pack one, pack two, as you see two flow into that, just into that purple haze. You can hear a fecophony of just people coughing and stuff like that, but people are still trying to make their way to you as you go and load two more rounds into your shotgun, rack the gun as you hear the footsteps of another person approaching.
Starting point is 02:15:35 All right, who's next? You better send Tony to the front and load two more slugs into it. Yes, you're another round, just like shoot through it, ricochets off the off it and goes like kind of up and further pinging and tanging. That's both their rounds. Punch. You make your way up to the bridge because you you get the feeling that somebody's fucking with shipy.
Starting point is 02:16:02 And when you get to the, you get to the bridge, you see LA Parazzo who's seemingly, and like just like one of those, like one of the greats in the gates just like kicked open. So they managed to like crawl space through parts of the ship to get up to the bridge. Up to the bridge. And he's attempting to try to navigate shipy like back down to like 12 because it's closer than to getting to Irvine. What do you want to do? I want to stop him from controlling the ship, but really here's what I want to do this round.
Starting point is 02:16:45 I really want to run up to him and like put all my weight against his arm that's controlling the ship. And I want to go like in the opposite direction. I want the ship to like do a half flip like for a second. I want a little bit of chaos for a nice one round. Yeah, from me a savvy check at at upper hand, given that you're a pilot. And this is your ship. Oh, that is where we go.
Starting point is 02:17:11 Oh, I want everyone to like feel that moment of loss of gravity as I like flip the ship. Yeah, yeah. Elliot Pirazzo is trying to navigate the ship. He goes and tries in the process of you like moving him and you guys are kind of like fighting over this. He does attempt to like punch you and slam at you because this is his round. So I'm going to say that you inverting the ship is on the top of your round. But you're at least getting in there to to to be a part of that struggle.
Starting point is 02:17:46 Yeah. In the process of you guys kind of scuffling together, he's going to like grab you by the back of the scruff and just like slam you down on the on the table. And you just like crack your your whole snoo into the thing. You take you take. Oh, you take six points of damage. I'm pretty fucking beat up. Damn.
Starting point is 02:18:05 I'm going to be flogging too soon. Yeah, you you. Yeah, you crack into it like like you're just bleeding from the whole snoot. And it feels like no part of your bone, snoop, bone, whatever that's called might be broken. Not the snoop. Oh, I don't know what it's called. But that's that's Elliot's turn as as you guys as you guys continue to kind of scuffle and scruffle together.
Starting point is 02:18:37 Stokes, what are you doing? You've got your suit on. You're making your way to. Okay. Did you believe? What do you do? Yeah, yeah, I'm going to throw them a suit and the other mask. But it's yeah, it's just going to be a quick check.
Starting point is 02:18:57 Just she can see the she can see the terror on your face. And she asks you is like, do you need help? Like, what do you like? What do you what do we do? Well, the plan is going going well, except for the unless you can lock a door. I don't think so. No, really, I think that's it. Am I missing something?
Starting point is 02:19:25 I don't think so. Just just put your suits on. Okay. She looks like she's like looks like looks back to Luciano. She can hear like the the coffee of like gun bullets going down from lower deck and all all of this that's going on. You wanted off planet, right? Yeah, she's kind of grimacing at that, because you know, that's not exactly what she fucking meant. Actually, for me a blues check, you actually, everybody rolled me a blues check.
Starting point is 02:20:00 You guys have been, you guys have been going through it for a little bit. Yeah, we have. Do I roll? It doesn't matter for you. Yeah. It's not all the blues in the world. It doesn't matter at the end of the day. No, it's it's 2D6, right?
Starting point is 02:20:14 2D6 plus your plus your grit. Oh, I passed, but I don't feel like I passed. Okay, my blues is a seven and I rolled a seven. No, yeah, you want you wouldn't get it. Yeah, you wouldn't get it. Okay, you have to succeed to get the blues. Okay, I mean, you've been in dire straits before like this. So it's yeah, it's just familiar.
Starting point is 02:20:41 Lady, you've shot off and killed at least three people so far holding off into this into this stairwell. You holding the line here. Do you want to do you want to push your margin? I mean, you got the whole scene to do what you need to do. You still have enough heart left to keep going. Yeah, I want to push into the room a little bit to create more chaos. I also want to see if I can take Tony down before before I go.
Starting point is 02:21:09 I want to take somebody with me. Okay, okay, yeah. You know, Tony, you remind me of somebody, somebody I used to run with. He was a piece of shit, too. And he died just like yours. He was a piece of shit, too. And he died just like you're going to die. Okay, one second.
Starting point is 02:21:34 Fuck yeah, okay. Yeah, like you you call out into the crowd and maybe even pop off a shot just for good measure. And then in the middle of that purple smoke, you know, you just hear a just a crack of a long, long range pistol and it punctures into you. It's and you just hear out of the call of like the sound is like it's funny because I thought the same thing with you. You really think you were going to come off this fucking ship alive? Fuck no, but I knew I was going to take you with me.
Starting point is 02:22:17 And I'm going to take another shot back. Nice, rolling a rolling attack for that. Okay. Okay, so it is the lowest would be a four and a two plus two makes eight, right? I'm not crazy six. Yeah, so they take six points of damage, six points of damage. You shoot it out into the crowd. I mean, you're shooting out into smoke really is at this point and you're starting to like
Starting point is 02:22:48 as you're breathing in this air, this fog, you know, you're starting to feel the wares of this use. I should, well, me now you didn't you rogue, you're feeling it, you know, between you can't tell if it's the loss of blood or it's the way that this purpose is supposed to work, but you're you're feeling the narrowness of the tunnel. Yeah, come in, come in. You really only see the people I'm shooting at. So when you fire that gun, you do hear like a person like scream out, but it's not the
Starting point is 02:23:14 sound of Tony. You have you seem like you might have hit somebody adjacent. Could you people just stand aside? I'm trying to hit her. You hear like a couple ricochets just like pew pew on the off the side as Tony is still trying to to fire fire back at you. I mean, either way, I'm either going to kill you or my brother's going to kill you and everybody up top, which is happening right now.
Starting point is 02:23:46 So you can stay here. You can die with your friends. Choice is yours. Kid me, I already passed on the mantle. I'm sure Oh is dancing on your brother's corpse right now. You piece of shit. Let's go. All right, we'll keep going.
Starting point is 02:24:01 Oh, it's your turn. You suited up. You are situated. What do you want to do? You're on main desk. I'm suited up. Who else is on the main deck with me again? Can you remind me?
Starting point is 02:24:15 I'm so sorry. Stokes is on the Stokes is on the main deck still. And then Luciano and Jubilee are on the on the main deck as well in the med bay. Stokes is kind of like close them back into the room. And it seems that they're just going to stay put unless you have something to say about it. Listen, Luciano, you. You and Jubilee are so lucky, so lucky to be up here right now. Yep.
Starting point is 02:24:51 Y'all are responsible for the loss of so many, the needless loss of so many lives. And it's only because of Lady that I am keeping you alive for the time being. Um, do we know anything of where Pontch is? No, you saw punch run off. You saw punch run off. He would you saw punch run off to the stairwell that would lead up to the bridge. OK, that's about it. OK, and there's no plan to like go there immediately after we got the suit.
Starting point is 02:25:33 So we do know that. OK. Is that a red vine? No, it's a little chip clip. OK, so so Pontch is Pontch is ostensibly supposed to be going to the bridge. Yeah. OK. It's the only one you don't see.
Starting point is 02:25:57 All right. I mean, you did feel the ship also do like a one or something. Yeah, yeah. The ship has kind of been moving a little bit. But yeah, as you if you're heading that way by the time you get up to that stairwell, you're going to start feeling that inversion. OK, either way. No, I'm not going to.
Starting point is 02:26:13 OK, fuck. Sorry. It's it's me, Amber, having issues just having taken my medication. I can give you choice that makes it easier for you. Yeah, I think choices would help me. You can either you can either stay on the main deck and defend the main deck if you want to. But there's no idle threats here or you can go up to the to the upper deck. Where you believe Ponch might be to assist him in whatever needs to be assisted with.
Starting point is 02:26:39 And Stokes is with you on main deck right now, I believe, making that direction. All right. Thank you so much for that. I just wanted to express my needs for that moment. So I'm going to. Yeah, I'm going to like cock my my pistol and I'm going to say Stokes. Is it OK if I if I leave them them to here with you and I go check on Ponch because. Yeah, I move like that.
Starting point is 02:27:05 That's do whatever you do. I'll I'll I'll be here when a second. So go ahead. Yeah, yeah, I'll I'm going to go check on Ponch. I that that that move did not feel right or safe. No, that's before you go and Stokes is going to take the dart out of your chest because I don't think anyone's done that yet. Oh, I was just going to I I was just going to wear that like a badge of honor.
Starting point is 02:27:33 But I don't want to put it back. I mean, no, no, no, no, no. OK, that was sarcasm. I'll hold on to it. You can have it when we're done. You can stick it in Luciano's ass for all I care. Oh, as you like after that and you like start making your way up towards that, Jubilee is going to catch you by the arm just like at the last second,
Starting point is 02:27:59 just to kind of bring out those last words you said. And she's going to say, thank you. You could have killed him a long time ago when you chose not to. And that means something. And unless you mean something, all right. Then you head up to the top of the and as you're making your way up the stairs, all of a sudden like gravity seems to kind of sweep you slightly as the ship starts to turn and invert punch outside of switching out the flipping the ship.
Starting point is 02:28:33 Is there anything else you wanted to do? Did you want to try to attack? Elliot at the same time? Is this is my next term? Is this my new term? We're at the top of the round. So it starts with you. So I know that you want to flip the ship.
Starting point is 02:28:45 But I'll give you something as well because you're scuffling. Well, that's what I did the last round. I just wanted to spend my my action doing that last round. This round, I mean, I'm pretty beat up. I've got three and this guy looks totally fine, right? Like this Android motherfucker just does not stop. Yeah, he's got like you can see physical damage. Like he's been taking hit after hit, but he seems to be rocking.
Starting point is 02:29:09 See, the problem is this punch is just he's more of a lover than a fighter. I think punch is going to pull out his walkie. And he's going to radio the Stokes in a kind of weakened soft voice. And he's going to say, DJ, get to the airlock. Be a good boy for me. And I'm going to put down the thing and Devo's uncontrollable urge begins to play as his song. And I am going to basically get back up and I want to aim the ship.
Starting point is 02:29:51 Pull the thruster at full speed and aim the ship at like the closest object, whether it be another ship, whether it be a moon, whether it be a station. I'm trying to find a way to I don't think the ship has a self destruct. But the point is, is I'm getting ready for the worst. I just don't think I can defeat this guy. So I'm going to try to kill him with my ship. Hell yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:30:21 Let's see where where can what what will you hit? You guys would be close enough at this point, given the amount of time that has passed that you would be passing Suttler's orbital, which is an orbital station that outposts in the orbit right outside Reno 12 of the planet and like close to Irvine. So I'm going to buy DJ just enough time like I'm going to aim for the ship. And I'm just basically wrestling with him for control of it, hoping that she can get to the airlock so I can punch her and shoot her out the airlock before we crash into this station. I will also know since you are on the observation deck at this point,
Starting point is 02:31:05 I didn't get a chance to say this, that you do see an actual like transport, a small transport ship on top of the platform. You can still tell Stokes to go out the airlock or there's the escape pods that you also have in zone 8. Either way. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, we have escape pods for sure. Then that's what I would have said is hit the game pod right now. OK, cool. That's closer.
Starting point is 02:31:29 That's it. OK, shall I make a savvy check to see if I can roll me a savvy check to see. Yeah, to continue to fight him as well as keep that course of heading towards that. But you will roll that at upper hand as you are in your swan. At upper hand, I rolled an 11. 11. OK, yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:51 So you, yeah, you're still like punching him off. Like you keep pushing him and then you'll like go to the controls and like just keep pushing it. And like he'll come back and grab you and like you guys are just going back and forward. But you are more or less starting to go on course. Hopefully O can help keep him back for a little bit too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But now like O would have also like had like, even though you guys went and inverted for a second,
Starting point is 02:32:15 got tumbled in the staircase for a second, has managed to crawl out of it and now is at least there. So there's Ellie Parazzo, Paunch and O about to join in on the fight. That will be your turn. It's Tony's turn. Let's see. Let's go.
Starting point is 02:32:36 Let's you and Tony Lady have kind of been playing this cat and mouse game through the smoke. You know, you're just kind of at this point just racking rounds just all around. And even Tony's been kind of like you you're getting bullets at like different places, you know, so it's obvious that Tony's kind of trying to just at the same time, spray and pray, hopefully trying to hit. Eventually you just hear like a clamoring clat. Like somebody's like jumps up from like one of the top platforms at top section where like Tony might have been down to the lower part of the deck.
Starting point is 02:33:18 And then you just get wracked with an actual bullet finally. Just you take two points of damage. But but you're skated off with with the swan song. And you just start hearing just the footsteps of Tony. Like by now people like the clamoring and the swallowing of other people are slowly starting to die down as you know, people are starting to knock out. You're at this point where you're like kicking bodies as you're shuffling through this. This right.
Starting point is 02:33:47 People are dropping like flies in there. People are dropping my flies. Everything's getting quiet. But that's it for Tony. Tony's still trying to find you hasn't quite landed outside of that one attack. Where are you skipping to? Let's see Francine. We haven't seen Francine in a minute.
Starting point is 02:34:22 Okay. So so as like you, you know, you're fighting off Tony, you're not quite paying attention as, you know, another one of the like Francine was like snakes comes out of the smoke somewhere, hits you with a knife as he's just like walking. So you're just taking damage, but he's right there right like right in front of you. You're welcome to take an attack against him while we're here. Is this my turn or just my reaction? It's a reaction.
Starting point is 02:34:54 Since we're here. Four and three and he takes six points of damage. Six points of damage. Yeah. That's an instant like you just like cold clock of like just like that five seconds straight into it. He just flies into the dust and you're just slowly keeps turning around. Keep people keep waiting.
Starting point is 02:35:14 The sweats just starting to pour down. You're really like the raggedy breath. You know, you're, you know, I think I'm coughing blood and spit out the side. Yeah. But you just whack that gun one more time. Um, as you're just waiting, um, Ellie Parazzo is going to continue just to keep wailing on you, Paunch. Um, but he's not really making any purchase either.
Starting point is 02:35:40 Um, he's going to try to stab you, but he keeps missing the blade because you're just like, you guys are both in between being thrown over, being like the ship constantly moving. By now, though, just alert beep start to beep because you're starting to set yourself, of course, to it's like collide and the ship is recognizing that. So now just alarms are just starting to just beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, you know, trying to course correction. Um, but that's it for Elliott Stokes. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:36:10 You've been told to, you've been told to get to the escape pods. You're standing right outside the med bay. Yeah. Stokes, uh, change of plans game and she grabs both of them and heads towards the escape pods, which are like two doors down, which is great. But also, um, if she can overcoms says, uh, I'm a boy still with me. We're still here. Yeah, I'm just barely holding on.
Starting point is 02:36:39 All right. I just got some pretty for you to look at and I hope you can do something with it. And she cues the confetti cannons. There's one last distraction and holes asked to these escape pods. That's like, that's it. That's it. The confetti cannons are inside the ship. Right.
Starting point is 02:37:02 Yeah. Yeah. The confetti cannons are outside the ship. Right. I think we're being, were they fireworks? Were they firework cannons? We have pyrotechnics like the pyrotechnics. I assume the pyrotechnics would be outside.
Starting point is 02:37:14 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's just really confetti. That those giant balloons of glitter that you guys mentioned earlier and like confetti just like start raining down over the smoke. Over the like teamwork banner that's still hanging. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:32 It's kind of like cutting through the smoke. So it's like dampening it because it's just like heavier than like smoke. So like now you're starting to actually see like the remaining stragglers of this like juice. There's not very many. Um, but yeah, you haul ass. You're dragging Luciano's bum leg as down the hallway of like Jubilee on the other end. Are you just getting in an escape pod or are you making sure that they get an escape pod first? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:04 It's going to be where she walks by a door and just pushes them in one and gets in one herself. She's going to make sure that they get in one first. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So you push them, I mean the escape pods big enough for like two people to a two man pod. Can you get like two of them? So yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:18 So you push it and you push yourself in the pod and then that's it. You're ejecting yourselves. I'll yeah, yeah. I'll eject them and then we got we only have two or do we have three? I thought we had three. Three what? Is it based on escape pods? We never specified how many escape pods I think.
Starting point is 02:38:41 Yeah. Because if Stokes leaves now is there still enough for O to leave if we can manage that? That's some like and that's I would be checking for O. No. Yeah. So there's only two. So so you can wait. You can like you can like send Luciano and Jubilee on their way.
Starting point is 02:38:58 Okay. But you're going to hold off and you're waiting for O. Yeah. Oh, right. I'm going to let him know. Yeah. What was the question? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:39:08 Oh, if you're going to escape pods, basically Stokes is waiting for you to make it to escape pods at this point. I am very likely going to do a swan song as well. Okay. Because I have no health. I know. So yeah. So Stokes calls out to to O.
Starting point is 02:39:29 Oh, we're ready for you. Whenever I don't know where you are. Time to go. It's time to go. Lady. You're in the last moments of this man. Yeah. So I think the confetti and stuff has come down.
Starting point is 02:39:43 It's kind of cutting through this smoke. He's getting a nice clear shot. Yeah. It's like one last moment. Stokes is he like brushes the confetti out of his hair. I always fucking hated this shit. He goes over the belt and he reaches for the next slug to pump into the shotgun. He realizes, shit, that's my last one.
Starting point is 02:40:03 He pumps it in. He cocks it back. And he calls over the comms one last time. Hey, Podge, buddy, you still here? Yeah. High score, buddy, right? High score as I'm like starting to pull the throttle all the way. And then I take the earpiece out.
Starting point is 02:40:23 I throw the walkie against the side. I take one last rack and cough and spit blood. High score, Tony. And I run full force into the fog trying to find that bitch so I can put the shotgun right against her jaw. You run into that smoke, full blaze. And when you come out to the other side of it, Tony's there holding a gun. You're there holding yours.
Starting point is 02:40:53 And you both fire off without a word, without a warning, just off immediately on site. Don't you just blow Tony straight through the chest? Not like just clear shot. She immediately lands the ground. But as she does that, she pops off her pistol and it just straight through the temple. Me in the eye. The last rings out.
Starting point is 02:41:18 And lady, your swan song has been sung. Oh, oh, oh. Punch and are in the thralls of Jess fighting each other off. They've been taking the hits and blows after each other. Punch is on the last rope. But has the hand just still like even though like like losing it like Ellie is trying to pull him back, but like he's still got a paw on the thruster and it's still pushing you all forward.
Starting point is 02:41:54 What do you want to do? Are you calling swan song now here? I don't think here's going to be the swan song. I think it's after. But I definitely want it. The thing is, if you activate your swan song now, you'll get the buffs you can. If you want to be able to take out Elliott Parazzo here. And now is your opportunity to do that.
Starting point is 02:42:17 Then then yeah, that's then that's what I want to do. Yeah. So yeah. You want to take the pistol? Yeah. Take the pistol of like coming in the door to the bridge starts. And that's when No Glory in the West by Orville Peck starts playing over. You know, just just the sound of the is when you know that like
Starting point is 02:42:53 and there ain't no glory in the West kind of opens up. So then Oh looks at the situation for like two seconds. Their eyes squint and then they have their pistol ready and aim that bullet directly for Elliott's just the back of Elliott's head. And let it loose. Do it. Oh, there's been a level of hurt that you've been carrying on for the last couple of months that you just can't be able to shake.
Starting point is 02:43:28 And you knew that you came into Reno 12 with intentions of not ever leaving this Godforsaken place. No. And as you kind of line up that gun and you click it back as you put trust in the fact that lady and everybody here the quartet was going to see it through for you. That the Parazos weren't going to stand for another day past this point. You line up that shot and you fire. And as punches over there just like on the last struggles at this point,
Starting point is 02:43:59 like Elliott's managed to get him like flipped over. He's kind of like squeezing down on his neck. But just in that moment, you just hear the crack of that bullet. And Elliott Parazo just goes still limp and drops dead. I like, yeah. Oh, sorry. But as you go, you realize that like the ship is so close to orbital to settler orbital that there's no point to there's no opportunity to stay the course.
Starting point is 02:44:29 So it's just you and Paunch here in this room. Stokes, you are standing there. You've called out for O several times. Like we're waiting for you. You're waiting for you static. Nothing's getting. Nobody's nobody's relaying any messages back. Nobody is reaching you.
Starting point is 02:44:45 What do you want to do in this last moment? They asked you to leave. They asked you to go. Shit. I want to make sure that O makes it. But I also want to be a good boy. So I'm going to try to be the best boy and leave. Okay.
Starting point is 02:45:07 And you like you wait to the point where like you can't wait or nor. Now you're hearing the alarms getting louder and louder. And like you're like gritting your teeth almost because you know that like you don't want to. And you just finally like with like a very sad cry, just like punch the escape pod. It closes and it drops you out in the same way that it did for Luciano as you guys as you exit the ship. That's making its way back down to to Reno 12, which leaves nothing left but our two punch and O standing at the standing on the bridge outlooking the stars and the
Starting point is 02:45:47 uncoming orbital station. Anything last things you guys want to say? Fix my jacket up. Take the blood off my broken snoot and just like grab on to the pilot seat. Say take a seat. Oh, I would like no better place. We're going to we're going to get the biggest high score, buddy. Time for a big party and I'm the ship into the orbital station.
Starting point is 02:46:21 Fuck. Yeah. Just to guarantee that the brazos and the vipers don't make it out. Exactly. I mean, you've always done things on your terms punch, whether it was leaving leaving conglomo picking with the places you wanted to party. It was always on your terms. So how fitting is it to end things on your terms as well as you gun it and eventually
Starting point is 02:46:46 you just crash into settler orbital allowed bang as shipy just ignites this flame just racks through the whole thing. Any of the remaining people who weren't gas just get swallowed by flame and just and Stokes, you're watching this as as you free fall back down to orbital to Reno 12. I think that's a good place to end this story. I mean, Stokes, you can tell me if there's anything you want to specifically you're the only survivor of this is you kind of land back down at in the dust for good plans. Yeah, Stokes just plops down as she watches the ship get smaller and smaller.
Starting point is 02:47:30 And Alice DJ is better off alone plays again, but it's just piano. Oh, instrumental piano version. I'm playing an instrumental piano song right now over our things. She can see the reflection through the glass and onto her spacesuit. Damn. And just what like has nothing to say. Can't think of anything to say. Just I guess she's in charge of, you know, so Reno is going to be a big party from here on out.
Starting point is 02:48:07 I'll say that if Stokes looks in the pocket of her spacesuit, she'll find a chip that used to be worn around ladies neck on the back. It says for Stokes. And it's all the money you had left. Nice. Nice. Shit. I can't wait to find out what Reno's like in the next
Starting point is 02:48:32 You're the new Gagouche. You got to build a quartet. You're the new Gagouche. Yeah, it's going to be a lot of public crying. I'd like to think Gagouche's like hair pieces floating in space while the credits roll. Right. The last remnants. It's just like bits and pieces of bobbles of like all of your guys' stuff on the ship.
Starting point is 02:48:53 Our whole credits is just Gagouche's corpse floating through space. All the per gowns and wigs. It's terrible. Just floating through space to like what? Like Ocean Man. Exactly to Ocean Man, but she's like got a smile on her face for some reason. Well, thank you so much for joining us on this first round of Our Orbital Blues. Next time you will see us, you'll see a new crew and a new story that will be tailed.
Starting point is 02:49:27 We'll have Aaron, Allegra, Amanda, and our very own Maddie Dungeon Glitch will be joining us. And so you'll see that what? The 22nd or? Two weeks from now. Yeah, the 23rd. Yeah. The 23rd. We will the next episode of Doom to Repeat on the 22nd floor.
Starting point is 02:49:45 Yeah. So actually, yeah, it would be the 23rd. Yeah. So you'll see us on the 23rd as we continue on a new tale of Orbital Blues. Me time. Join us next week as we kick off the last couple chapters of Orpheus as we wrap up that. And yeah, that's pretty much it. Ever.
Starting point is 02:50:02 Tell everybody where we can find you. Thank you so much for joining us at the table. It was a blast to have you. Absolutely. Yeah. Thank you all for dealing with my like dumb bullshit today. You're wonderful. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:50:13 It's this. Oh, my God, man. Lithium is out of this world. Confusing. But yeah, tell us where you can find you and all that's good stuff. Hi, everybody. My name is Amber. I call myself the TTRPG Swiss Army Knife because usually I'm on top of my shit
Starting point is 02:50:30 and I can get everything done. You can find me at on Twitter at the space chamber or online at. Whoa. There was a white score. There was the space chamber. That cool. There was a white squirrel outside my window. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:50:51 I think you need to start doing my white squirrel too. We can talk about it. Yeah. That might be a good luck sign. Yeah. Sorry. The space chamber. That cool.
Starting point is 02:51:04 That's where you can find me. I'm sorry. I'm struggling. So thank you so much Mayday for having me the past couple, the past three sessions. It is this game has been so emotionally damaging and I love it. Y'all have been such a wonderful team to play with. I'm so happy.
Starting point is 02:51:20 Thanks. It's been a pleasure to have you. It's been great to have you. All right, guys. Well, thank you so much. And, you know, leave your dream space, man. Have a good one. Bye, guys.
Starting point is 02:51:29 And thank you, Eli, for running a great game. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you, Eli. It was incredible. Eli! You guys are the best. We'll see you all next time. See you, guys.

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