Mayday Plays - Orbital Blues: Crew 2 - Ep. 1

Episode Date: May 1, 2022

Eli kicks off round two of Orbital Blues....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to 105MDRP, your soul sound of the frontier galaxy. My name is Eli. I will be your storyteller, your navigator. Throughout this is, I tell you, an orbital blues. Orbital blues is a game written by Solmup at publishing a sad voice space western where the only thing worth a damn is how much fuel you have in your tank and how quick you are on the draw. This is an actual play intended for a mature audience.
Starting point is 00:00:27 It contains elements of anxiety, death, depression, gambling, mental illness, associated traumas, poverty, substance abuse, and violence. As always, viewer discretion is advised. If you have been tuning in with us for the first time, we have just completed a recent arc of orbital blues, a tango on Reno 12, which showcased some of our favorite Mayday people as well as Amber the Space Jamber. So you, if you want to check that out, please be sure to check their streamlines where you get your podcasts and BODs.
Starting point is 00:01:01 But why don't we get into it? Let's introduce our next crew of renegades, starting with you, Erin. Who are you? Oh, well then Allegra. Oh, okay. I'm Allegra. I'm playing Lev Hadissa. Amanda.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I'm Amanda and I'm playing Kat and Ted. Are you ready now, Erin? There you go. And joining us at the table this time around, a featured guest and a friend of Mayday, Matt, introduce yourself. Tell us about yourself. Tell us where we can find you. Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Hi, everybody. I am Matt, Dungeon Glitch on the online. You might not refer to Gemfirefly or any of the random stuff that I just keep making. But I'm going to be playing Harrison Vendler, the bot next. Beautiful. Beautiful. Well, today's episode is sponsored by Kunglomo Shipping, where their Drive 9 canines will help you get anything through the frontier galaxy.
Starting point is 00:02:28 So please put your precious cargo in their paws. Our other sponsor is Laptis Enterprise, where they're leading the frontier galaxy in technology and innovation. So we thank them for their patronage. And lastly, the folks at Patreon, your support here continues to help us here at Mayday. Make more awesome stuff like this. So thank you. And if you feel inclined to continue to support us, be sure to find us at
Starting point is 00:03:02 Or you can watch Mayday role play. Is there anything else we need to talk about? Any other exciting news that we should be sharing? Yes, we're all wearing glasses. Beautiful. Hell yeah. That's the whole thing. That's it.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Thank you. Thank you so much. So welcome to the intergalactic age of the cowboy, humanity's last stagnatic stance amongst the stars, a retrograde of forgotten era with a future no one wanted. These are the regrettable tales of the music-fueled renegades of the frontier galaxy. This is Mayday's orbital blues. In the frontier galaxy, it's known as the Drift. One could go days, weeks, even months before finding another soul, a vacuum desert.
Starting point is 00:04:00 In all directions, one can't help but feel small. But even the inexperience of spacefairs can look out to the horizon of untouchable stars and know that with each breath they take, the Drift breeds alongside. Perhaps that's why contact is so violent. The Drift demands entertainment of a million scattered souls colliding on one another. Five days ago, at the Oberlin intergalactic terminal in Europa, a caglomo ship loads the final batch of cargo in its hold. The crew tether down five new class starcrafts off the factory line and several other crates.
Starting point is 00:04:41 An unmarked vehicle arrives and a woman in a long white coat exits carrying a carrier. Her short bob bounces with every frantic step as she enters the cargo hold and up to the platform to bio-storage. Here she would watch the ship leave orbit, a worried expression creased across her forehead. Three days ago, the engineer overhears at the Biran fuel station on the edges of the jovial system that a caglomo ship carrying five new class starcrafts off the factory line leaving Europa for loop gates to a settler system. The ship was accompanied with an escort fighter and it seems like easy pickings for a crew
Starting point is 00:05:26 to show up first. It's two days ride to intercept. Today, a crew waits and drifts in intercept for a lone cargo ship. Their ship radios a distress call, seemingly disabled, but down in the main deck, a botanist floats about tending to his greens. Matt, can you introduce your character and describe him? Sure. Harrison, what time of day?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Well, first cycle, I'll rate it right now. It's probably mid-cycle, I guess, like afternoon issue, if you would consider it. Yeah. So, Harrison's got kind of a athletic build and his facial hair is a bit scruff right now. It smells of shaving gel because he meant to take it all off, but his razor wasn't working. So he had to just wipe it all off and now he smells like it and he hates it because he wants to smell his plants and it's all he can smell now.
Starting point is 00:06:30 So he's a little upset about it. As you're floating around, he's tired and trying to get things prepared for today's journey. Nice. You're trying to go in and trim off some foliage and as you're doing that, you're about to take one careful snip when you hear a clamoring and crashing deep down towards engineering and those tiny little muffled barks of a little dog. Erin, can you introduce your character and your companion as you are doing something
Starting point is 00:07:14 in the back of the ship? So Flip is dressed in a greasy jumpsuit. There's no grease on a spaceship, but damn it, he found a way to make the jumpsuit greasy. For aesthetic purposes, he's back there probably tuning up the old fusion drive. And he's assisted by this little West Highland white terrier who's dressed in a matching oily jumpsuit with a little bandolier full of wrenches and little tools and bits and bobs. And he's following Flip around the engine room, helping him fix the engine.
Starting point is 00:08:06 What's his name? Oh, his name is his name is tiny. Oh, because he's tiny, so good. Well, as as Flip takes a wrench to the to the engine repeatedly, maybe not in the way a wrench is supposed to be used. Very up on the high up on the upper deck. Two of our final crew members sit on the bridge, one at the wheel, one standing just behind looking out, waiting for a heading of a cargo ship.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Blake, why don't you introduce your character first? Yeah, love is love is, you know, a pretty small person. They're they're not very tall. They've got a lot of curly long hair, half of it's up in a bun. They've got their feet kicked up on the on the dashboard, I guess, of the of the ship. And they're kind of spinning the the ship's like key fob around their finger, watching out the front windscreen, waiting for the cargo ship to pass. Amanda, my captain, my captain, introduce yourself.
Starting point is 00:09:35 What are you doing? Oh, you're muted. Muted. Not no, yes, I am. Yeah, I was going to say Captain Ted. Right now is kind of while they see their pilot kind of chill and relaxed and they're setting also the good vibes of the ship. So they're leaning over and messing with the audio kind of doing the station.
Starting point is 00:10:03 They have a and they're going to go ahead and they're going to watch left reaction as I go through the different stations like let's go to country. Yeah, go ahead and go to classical. Hmm. All right, we're going to go ahead and go to my favorite, which is like the classic of 80s rock, the old, old, old station. And I'm just going to watch and then I see that reaction. And then I'm going to go ahead and raise up the volume a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah, everybody in the ship is hearing this. You're hearing it like like everybody like all the way down to engineer. You just hear a cacophony of just different stations just rolling just rolling the tuning and it finally just hits a song. So if it could be a power ballon, I would like it to be welcome to the jungle. Yes. And then I was just going to be a. Love is plotting their next prank on the captain. The captain has been the the subject of several unfortunate pranks,
Starting point is 00:11:17 including their boots being tied together. Just like pieces of food being stuck under their pillow long enough that it smells weird. Love is planning the next one more fervently than they were before. Captain knows that they're fucked and they're like. Love and Captain Ted roll me observation checks. Captain, roll that a disadvantage because you're so in the vibe. Um, so roll that against the odds.
Starting point is 00:11:50 OK, three, two, six, two, three, six. Is it three or two D for you? It will be three D and you will take the lowest two numbers. You is a straight two D and then that's it. No, we don't have as many. No, add mods for upset. OK, I have four and a three. Four and a three.
Starting point is 00:12:11 So put that together as a seven, seven, so you both. Will you both fail the observation check? Damn. Because Captain Ted is just blasting this music and stuff like that, love, you take your eyes off the horizon and your weight, you know, you turn around just to be like watching Captain Ted just like just mosh and bang in head, just enjoying the moment. So much that you first you when you finally turn back around,
Starting point is 00:12:41 you notice that this ship is far closer than you wanted them to be. And you don't know if they've seen you or not. Shit, and I turn around and smack Ted. Yeah. Down the volume, be like, God, tension, all my lovely crew and all that, what not? I'd have done a little of a not a fuck up. But there's something that we should have all everyone's eyes on and attention. It's your ass to the deck.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Boom. Are you both going to go up to the top upper deck? Yeah, I mean, you know, the engines, the engines aren't that important. They can fix themselves. It's fine. OK. Well, if you're going up as well. Yeah, I got to set these shears down and my little snips. All right, so I'm just it didn't seem extremely emergency.
Starting point is 00:13:48 So I'm going to try to be careful to go. So before you do, I'll gather on the the bridge as you see this conglomo shipping shipping transport vessel slowly skulking its way towards you guys. You guys have been radioing a slight distress call as you're hoping to just ambush this this group. As you guys plan to hijack it from what you've been told rumor wise that this ship is not being accompanied with by an escort vehicle, which is usually a fighter vehicle set designed to deter folks from stealing it.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So as far as you know, this is going to be easy pickings, a small crew on a on a cargo ship that's not designed to fight back. What do you guys want to do? You know, I always wonder why does anyone ever respond to distress calls nine times out of 10? They're a trap. At this point, they're just asking to be robbed. And there's so good people in the world. That is true, both.
Starting point is 00:14:57 But. It's a point that it's a little it is a little too easy. Hmm. Let's finish the job before we decide if it's easy or not. Suggestions. I'm up. You're the captain. Oh, but a good captain knows when he has smart individuals on the team. That's why we work very well together. Well, you guys are equipped.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Your ship is equipped with a harpoon gun as well as, you know, two Gatling guns. So you have options there. You have your speedster, but that's only a single craft. So only one person can go over there. You guys know that most most basic like shipping crews might be a crew of four at the very least four to five. All right, here's what you want to suggest. And don't you have here's my suggestion.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Gatling gun hole in the ship vacuum job. Well done. How do we get the other ship then? We're trying to keep this ship. Yes. Oh, sorry. I thought we just wanted people dead. Oh, well, you're here to jack a ship. Don't you have a vacuum plan that you've been muttering about?
Starting point is 00:16:26 Well, if we want the ship, why don't we just use the harpoon? Well, of course, that just is easier unless you just want to play with the toys. No, I think it's best if we just go ahead. Look, we're just like we're taking. We're not here to dangle and torture them. Let's just go in and get in. I call the gun. But what are we what are we going to do with the people?
Starting point is 00:16:49 Leave, leave them alone, Jesus. But we want the ship, but there's people on the ship. So if we're going to have no, they're trans they're transporting, they're transporting single crafts in the same way that you have a single craft. So you're here to jack one of those. So it's like it's like a truck truck. Yeah, they're there. This is the equivalent of like an 18 wheeler
Starting point is 00:17:14 and they're transporting several different levels of cargo, including five suit cars. Do you remember when I went through a hyper fixation and I found that very old film franchise called Fast and Furious? There it is. All right, do you remember the first one where they just like just the truck like that? Think like that.
Starting point is 00:17:34 We're just going in and get now. Yeah, you pick up blues for mentioning Fast and Furious. What's the rule now? It's a classic thing. It's like a classic. If we're trying to how far away is the ship? First question. The ship is slowly coasting towards you.
Starting point is 00:17:54 So it's about it's still pretty far. But in your vehicle, you can easily bridge that that distance. But they're responding to our fake distress call. They haven't radioed to you, actually. So they have not answered your your distress call, but they are they are slowly coasting towards you. Well, why don't we also something odd? Why don't we play dead and send somebody out on EVA
Starting point is 00:18:20 to just grab the ship and pull it over? Assuming we can start it. You can start it. I can get to the ship. Harrison leans over to like the hide there and points out. Well, maybe if we hit the thrusters in this part here, we can just kind of take them apart however we need. You mean take out their engines
Starting point is 00:18:46 and leave them floating dead in the water and then get our ship? No, they can make repairs. I'm OK with that. I would like. We massacre. I'm OK with them just having to take a couple hours. Let's do it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I mean, someone answered our distress call. I mean, someone should answer theirs eventually. And who are they going to ambush? We're setting up an ambush, Shane, honestly. It's kind of like passing it on. Yes, she ambushed her first one of the years and forward. So who's going to make who's going to? So I assume you're shooting out those thrusters, right?
Starting point is 00:19:31 Yeah. Well, if we're going to if we're going to kill their engine, we're going to kill their engine. So who's going to take the the wheel? Who's going to take the the task of shooting the the the the turret, the gun and the gun? OK, cool. And Lev, I assume you're taking the wheel and bringing the ship up, bringing us closer.
Starting point is 00:19:56 All right, Harrison, roll me a savvy. Yeah, roll me a savvy check to see how well you fire off that gun. Lev, roll me a. Roll me a mobility check with the for Twilight to see how well you can navigate. This is a 2D6 or a D20. It's it's 2D6 plus your savvy. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Oh, I have an 11. Oh. I have an eight exactly. An eight exactly. Perfect. All right. Seamlessly, Lev, you jump into. Wait, shit, I'm sorry. I was like, I looked at the wrong number on our on our stat sheet.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I have a seven. You're a seven. Yes. OK, sadly. It's fine, it'll be fine. Love, you jump into the. You jump into the pilot's chair and you you thrust forward on on the thrusters and you you try to get up towards it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's a little awkward and you're struggling a bit. But you are you are making your way. Meanwhile, Harrison, you go to go to the Gatling gun that's on the on the upper deck in Zone 12 on the upper deck. You you get in the chair, you kind of like set it. Take a moment to take that shot. And you fire.
Starting point is 00:21:45 And you manage to like put one nice big shot right into the middle of the thrusters and left like that thruster closest to you just like pops off and explodes. And it seems to take some good damage. So you guys are in definitely a good position to to. You walk up alongside and. Forward the ship, if you want to. I think I think flip is in the cockpit, hovering over left shoulder
Starting point is 00:22:17 and just looking at the explosion like. Wow. Don't you have a ship to go get? Oh, is that my job? All right, I'm going, I'm sorry. Well, if you're like there's like some debris that's coming up and you're kind of like not able to really navigate past it. So you're it's like scraping alongside
Starting point is 00:22:41 Twilight as you're getting as close as you can. You just don't hurt my hall. I'm sorry, Twilight. It's a good girl. I wrote like tap the side of the walls. But yeah, you managed to get up alongside. So it's to us. What's up? It sounds like I'm pulling the jack job.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Well, no, I mean, there's Captain. There's Harrison and I want you. Once you guys lock on and can board, you all can go if you want. OK, that's great. You know, it's like we could all board, right? We can park. Yeah. Yeah, that's what you're trying to do. You managed to get to one of the airlock ports
Starting point is 00:23:22 and through your ship to it. Great. But you know, you don't know what's going to be behind those doors. All right, everybody. Anyone is everyone have what they need? Yeah, I got a gun. Clarified. Runs out. I do or do not kill these guys.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I really know. But if they try to kill us, I guess. OK, this is my rule of thumb. Don't be a dick. OK, OK, but. Remember, they look like they're going first, better than us. But like, don't be a dick. I feel like he's just heard it's OK to kill them, though.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I think that's what he took away from this. As long as it just don't be a dick about it. OK, I'll be nice when I kill them. No, I mean, Jesus, they don't got to open the airlock. You don't have a weapon and they surrender. Don't be an asshole. That's what I mean. Like you're just opening the airlock door. Yeah, I just have this slab of an observation check.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I'm not against the wall. Ditto, because he did that. He dumb. I was like, no. Roll me an observation check. Anybody who's trying to duck out of the way. Roll me savvy checks to see if you can press on yourself up against the wall fast enough to to flip reaction time. I have a 13.
Starting point is 00:24:49 13. Oh, no. No, I have a three. I'm continuing my terrible roles into this game as well with a four. I rolled an A on the dot. Beautiful. Flip, you like slap that button and like Harrison, like instinctually just presses themselves up against the wall.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Meanwhile, Lev and Ted are both just standing there just like ducks in the water. But flip, you step out and you like you're you enter into a corridor, you're looking left, you're looking right. Surprisingly, you don't see anything. Hello, tiny. No, stay, stay on the ship, tiny. It's tiny. Yeah, he started sparking and just takes off down the down one of the corridors. But I'm running after my dog.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Flip. It's time to do that. You know how he gets about to kill people. You guys don't party. All right, the rest of you guys are you guys going to exit the air lock and into this corridor? Yes, I'm going the opposite direction or the direction towards where I think the ship the rides are.
Starting point is 00:26:04 What if we just leave him behind? Well, if he just gets stuck with tiny on the ship and then that's it. No more flip. Well, we'd like tiny. You like tiny. Yeah. It's like it's like if we left day as Rax Mach, you know, behind it, that's that's. It's like.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But we'll see what happens. Onward. Part of the crew. Are you guys going down the same way that flip? When are you guys going down a different direction? Which way was the I'm going to turn it. Which way? Who had the map? Flip.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Of course. I mean, most ships have a general, you know, like its direction towards the front is going to probably be more towards where you're heading towards the grid back is going to be towards where you're heading back engineering, lower you go. You're most likely going to hit cargo. I say we just go with common sense and jazz head back. That's the opposite direction of flip.
Starting point is 00:27:07 OK, I have my shot. I have my shotgun out, by the way. OK. Yeah. Eerily quiet on the ship as you guys start walking down towards the back. By now, you should have heard somebody you should have seen crew. You should have seen alerts go off. You don't even hear like a thruster was breached and the ship is pretty much disabled for the most part.
Starting point is 00:27:29 It's still kind of moving, but not as fast as you would want it to. Do aliens exist, you two? Because I got a feeling we're about to find out because this this is a little too suspect. You know, I was actually curious about myself if I were to create a new species while in this space as a count as an alien. Does anything go into the aliens anymore
Starting point is 00:27:57 because that was like an earth thing, right? I know now that we're all on other planets, aren't we technically aliens? Yeah. Well, yeah, I guess we are. Do you ever think you'd be the bad guy? Well, aren't we all bad? Well, yes, but I mean like the war of the world's bad guy. Not necessarily, because I think they were jellyfish.
Starting point is 00:28:26 It's a great documentary. It was. Oh, my gosh. OK. Let's let's stop talking about the aliens now. This is very. This is a lot to take. Is there a door, by the way?
Starting point is 00:28:39 Like, can we or is it just like a corridor? Yeah, you guys, you go down by the time you have all this conversation, you guys go down a corridor, you guys take a little bit of space. A little bit of left, you guys finally reach into what most likely would have been like quarters for crew. Can we take a quick look? Is it just empty? Roll an observation check and a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:29:03 You're in a new your new part of the ship. I have a 10. And. You. You, yeah, you guys are heading towards the back in what looks to be like the back area where engineering might be. Some looks like some workshop areas that might start leading towards the front of the ship where crew might crew quarters might be.
Starting point is 00:29:29 You see what looks like a storage door of some kind. It's slightly a jar and you see a boot. Stuck in the door, caught in the door. I've been I'm going to be in my mid conversation. And I'm going to be like, like nodding my head down as I stretch, you know, stretch at the shop.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I'm ready. You know, to make it look like I'm not doing stretching with a shotgun, stretching with a shotgun as I point the butt of it to the shoe. And then I'm going to go ahead and whip it down. And then with my foot kick open the door, like because I know it's jarred out. I'm going to use the hook of my toes to like whip it up and have my gun ready. Yeah, you do that, that stretching motion in one seamless thing.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And then you just like quick kick the door flip. Roll me an observation check. Observation check. Seven fail. Tiny. Yeah, you. Tiny, like you just like every time you turn a corner, like all you see is like tiny little tail just flick in the last bit. Come here, you little rascal.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah, but he's like barking wildly. It's very surprising, but like you're getting fairly deeper into the front part of this like shit. Like I'm going towards towards the cockpit. Yeah, you're going towards the cockpit, but you know, you know, you know that a cockpit would probably be more towards an upper deck situation because you guys entered mid deck. But you know that you're at least heading that direction and they're whole
Starting point is 00:31:13 and you're hoping to find maybe a stairwell or a corridor that might lead you up, you know, to the next level. But as you keep going, you know, you're not seeing anybody. You're not seeing any crew, no alarms. Nothing's going off. Like it's very eerily quiet here. It's just the echoes of tiny, tiny, whether or not you're leading me the danger right now. You finally turn one last corner
Starting point is 00:31:42 and instead, you know, like you get scared for a minute because it's just like a very dark door, but you just see tiny there just wagging its tail, wagging his tail at what looks to be a stairwell that would lead up to the next deck. Good boy, come here. Come here, tiny. He like jumps up. He can't even like he can't even go any far. He's just like like jumping up against your knee.
Starting point is 00:32:05 He's doing that little thing like little dogs. But he's got his like tail just wagging. I'll scratch him on the ears right right where he likes. And then I'm going to scoop him up and I'm going to put him in my in my jumpsuit pocket so that he's safe and he doesn't run away again. He gives you like a tiny little lick before you like stuff him into your little jumper pocket and he kind of like shifts around a little bit and then pokes his little head out and he's just like looking up at you.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Just, you know, you know, buddy, hang out there. I'm going to go up the steps. OK, Captain Ted, when you kick open that door, you and you like point the shotgun down at whatever it is. You see you see a dead body. It is member one of the members of the conglomerate crew. You kind of like look over the body a little bit. It looks like he like something struck him on the back of the head.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Is is is he bleeding profusely? Or is it like there's there's a there's a pool of blood. Well, me. Am I with you? Yeah, you guys would be able to fall in as soon as Captain like if if Captain Ted's going to push further into the room to investigate. Well, me a savvy check to kind of get a sense of like this body and like how long it's been here.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Do a cursory investigation. Harrison or love if you want to also do that, you're more than welcome to. Well, I'll make the roll. I got Delta six is 12. Baby. Nice. I have seven. Seven. Four. Oh, my God. Dude, we knew I was going to roll poorly.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I never roll well. I know. Also, everybody roll me blues checks because you weren't expecting to find a dead body from the start. Can you remind me of the add to blues? I believe it's grit. So you roll to D6 plus grit. You want to you want to roll under eight to get the blues.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Six. Now I roll above an eight. I roll a 10. Hilarious. I have a five. Actually. Oh, there it is. I'm sorry. So anybody who rolls under a seven doesn't gain a blues. You're able to settle yourself into it.
Starting point is 00:34:48 But those who exceed and get above an eight, you're taken aback by this. Scary. It's unexpected. It reminds you of a moment that you don't want to, you know, and you get a quick flash like reminding of that. You've left a moment, eventually passes. You're a little shook up by it.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Captain Ted, what did you roll for that savvy check? All right. The first one, I got a 12. You got a 12 and then Harrison rolled a seven. Harrison, you're not like happens like leaning over the body a little too much. You can see some of the remnants, but the blood looks more like caked and already dried.
Starting point is 00:35:32 So you can't get a complete sense of it. But you, Ted, looking over the body, it seems like the body's been dead. I mean, you've had your share of looking at dead bodies. Well, I've done quite a bit of it, too. So, yeah, the same. Yes. But you know what a body looks like fresh, fresh on the dead. But this one looks like it's been.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Been to see. It's been a while. Question. Is it like a gunshot? That's what I'm trying to figure out. Like, is it like a gaping? No, it looks like a blunt object. Shrug him like maybe he fell. Maybe maybe somebody struck him on the head. You can't quite tell from that, even, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:09 just because it's just such a gaping gash. But he's at least been dead here for a minute. A good man will be like, damn, as I pat him down for any stuff. Is there any good stuff on him? Um, yeah, you pat you pat him down. He's got he's got about six credits in his pockets. He's got. He's got he's got a small like pistol,
Starting point is 00:36:39 like like a security based pistol, just for general protection. And he also has a photo that's been kind of creased and crump like creased together. And when you open it, it's just it looks like a man that what looks to be this man and a wife and a son. Pull me a blues check. A blues check. Pull me a blues check. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I got a five. You got a five. Yeah, you you you've seen, you know, being a captain, being an experienced lad that you are, you know, that sometimes this this frontier galaxy isn't kind. And sometimes it leaves behind people. I'll be just looking. I'll be like, that's just hot, though.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Congrats. And then I'm going to take that like little what she was hot. So I will do this kindness. I will put that like if he has a little shirt, I'm going to put that thing right over where his heart would be. I'll put that there, tap it. But then I'm going to look at his mouth to see if he has any gold teeth. Does he?
Starting point is 00:37:55 Oh, hold on. When you roll important, important question. He doesn't have a gold tooth. He has a silver tooth, so one silver tooth. I'm going to put a pull out a player of pliers. Yes, oh, sir. Let's try to pull out a pair of pliers. Nothing personal, buddy.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yank that bugger out. OK, yeah. Um. Harrison, Lev, hold me. Grit checks. Oh, I turned away. Oh, still roll me a grit check. The sound is enough.
Starting point is 00:38:42 You're muted, Matt. OK, good. I was hoping I was OK. I'd be seven for my grit. I also have a seven. Yeah. You know, it doesn't really it never gets old really quick. You already did.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah, it can't really get used to it, you know. Tell me I told you these things, save your ass before. Captain Ted's based dentist. It turned to Harry and I go, things are easier when it was just you and me. Yeah, it was for them again. Someone's got to carry these explosives. It's very true. But that's all you guys.
Starting point is 00:39:26 That's all you guys see. Pull the fucker in the rest of the room. How does it look? Um, it looks untouched. Is it just like like a leaping quarters or? Yeah, it looks like just a regular quarters or storage area. Well, I'm going to rant that maybe there's some good shit here.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Oh, my God. Love's going towards the cargo. You guys really mean this. I am. But there might be some good shit in here. OK, I'm going to see if the thing we actually came from is still here. All right. All right, Ted, we got home and I'm just just walk after.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Yeah, go ahead. I'll meet you up in two seconds. Sure. Love Harrison, as you guys finally leave. Captain Ted to the looting. You guys are making your way down to cargo to the lower deck or trying to find an access point to the lower deck so you guys can suss out those those cars.
Starting point is 00:40:30 But Harrison, as you guys are walking by one of these like storage pods that are up here, you walk past something that has like a green leaf on it. And it says bio storage on it. Hmm. I just kind of bring my finger up and tap. You said we should check this out right here. Where is everyone? I mean, if there was a dead body here, I can only assume
Starting point is 00:40:53 there's no one else who would care about such things. I'm guessing they're all dead and we're going to be framed for something and probably shot out of the sky, though. Hey, not the first time. No. Check your pants. Yes, yes, yes. I just kind of cash you put my little scarf up a little bit and just start kind of start heading towards that cargo.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Yeah. So you you you wrap up your wrap up for a second. You press on the bio door and you just hear like decompressing air just as the door opens. You get like a wash of just like cool, crisp air, but it looks like a small storage unit that you can walk into. That seems to be retrofitted to support bio some type of bio life. Flip. You walking up, you walking up the stairs. Yeah, what kind of ghosts am I going to find?
Starting point is 00:41:53 With a little with a little with a little dog in your pocket. But blesses, blesses fucking soul. You finally make it to upper deck. And again, you you enter into the corridor and it's quiet. You don't hear any. You don't really hear anything off the bat. You know, you're looking left. You're looking right. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Hello, space ghosts. Where are you heading? Are you trying to head for the brig? Are you trying to head for maybe some days? Brig, some form of system or operations? I think at this point, I kind of want to know what's going on. I think I'm looking for the cockpit. OK, point of order.
Starting point is 00:42:43 I mean, observation check. Yes, we have we have a way of communicating with each other. I will give you a allow you guys to have some form of walkie communication, given how much systems you have in your ship in Twilight. The ship, they're shitty. They're shitty comms. They're not the best ones. But you can at least enough to relay stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I get a seven. I fail. Your observation check. Yeah. Excellent. Space ghosts, space ghosts walking. But if you're walking down this corridor, don't be scared. And as you're taking as you're taking a couple steps, like you you hear like a small like clang. Above you in one of the pipes. Hello.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Can I take my can I take my shotgun and start like pounding into the ceiling? Yeah, you you poke at it, but like you don't hear anything after that. So you don't know if it was just like an odd pipe, just making noise. Or what? Because now it's eerily quiet again. Old ships, man, old ships. You keep going a little bit further. And again, as you turn a ban, you're you're weaving yourself through to get towards the the cockpit.
Starting point is 00:44:14 You again, hear that little little bang. Fuck, it's coming from a pipe. Yeah, like pipes are like in the like the where like the overhead where maybe like something, you know, like a, you know, a kind of like a metal like a metal. Yeah, yes, I'm going to take a look. I'm going to take old reliable by the little plasma torch I keep on on my back hip. And I'm going to cut the pipe open.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I hope this isn't life support. OK, yeah, roll roll an attack for that. So you're going to roll three D sixes. You are going to take two of those, and that's going to be combined for your success or failure. And the remainder dice is going to be how much damage you deal. So that's the first the first cat. First grouping is nine and the damage is three. OK.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Damage is three. Cool. Yeah, easy enough. Yeah, you like you do that like blow on the draw thing, you like a creep down, grab. And then you quick and you like plasma torch this pipe. And as you like slice the pipe, just like a level of just like steam just comes out. Sweet. Feels like water with like
Starting point is 00:45:34 steam and and just makes it all a little foggy, misty. So you keep going old pipes. Yeah, good thing no one's on this ship. I just wasted all their water. You like what happens if we all die the first episode? I don't know. We'll figure it out. That's a tale of an orbital blues. I'll be back.
Starting point is 00:46:02 All right. You next to it. We're going to Zach, you need to do you're going to. Yeah, we're going to all I know is that Zach is going to be very upset. They're in the they're in the woods right now, and that would be the worst message to get back from back to the real world. And we're like, so a four new characters we need to make art for. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:27 That's how Zach is going to kick Aaron's. Just assuming it's Aaron's fault immediately. If you know, I'm suspect number two. It's the whole squad. Your captain, you're you're going through the storage container unit. And there's not really much. There's not really much there. A lot of it is just like goods that are being transported.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Some rations you can take for yourself if you want to do that. But it seems just like good stuff, like a candy bar. Is there anything like cool? Like I just look for really cool shit. It's just a face vulture. Spaceful. Yeah, I mean, amongst the rations, there's some like, yeah, some like dry, like I'm talking like MRE,
Starting point is 00:47:21 like dry ration food. But there's like old M&Ms, like those like stale M&Ms. Never know when you need them. Yeah, this seems more like stuff that was for like the crews, like general needs for while they're transporting over like cargo that needs to be shipped. But I know us and our crew and sometimes we go a long time without restocking. So yeah, smart.
Starting point is 00:47:51 You move couple boxes and stuff like that. Go on. But you do notice in one of the like, you finally look up, you know, because you're just like leaning back, tossing a stale M&M in your mouth. And you do notice that one of the like vent grates that would go into like storage conduit spaces, piping and stuff like that. Seems like it was torn and like ripped up, like metal curled. I'm going to be same as this fucking aliens.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Take my weapon. I'm teleconvincing would be like aliens or space ghosts. And I'm fucking with this shit. OK, I'm on alert now because I'll be. Are you staying in the room? Are you regrouping with anybody? Or well, I'm going to communicate really quickly. Also, is the body twitching or moving behind me?
Starting point is 00:48:53 Body's not moving. Body was cold. You've you've you've checked the body thoroughly. This dude is dead. I'm making sure those like 10s getting paranoid. It doesn't want to see zombies coming up. So even if they're not real and watching so many movies, so good. This is you're staying in the room.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Oh, sorry, I'm going to go on the radio. Like this is your captain speaking. And through my keen observation skills, it looks like something crawled out of the vents and broke it and bent it. So we got either space aliens or something really tiny and powerful that has killed everyone. Tribbles. What are tribbles? You know, those little fluffy balls.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Oh, yeah, from that old show. Yeah, they'll get they'll get you if you're not if you're not looking out. Oh, boy. They're real, you know, there. It's a very common problem out here in Jupiter. All right, everyone, keep your eyes open for tribbles. And don't let them breed. Whatever you do, do not let them breed. I'm going to breed.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Harrison, you opened this bio storage container and you've walked inside. And it's cold and it's crisp. And what you see there seems to be two storage pods that were inserted into this container. Like it has like different like units where you can like store and hold stuff. But it seems that two are being occupied. One is broken and the glass is just shattered and it's just their remnants of it.
Starting point is 00:50:39 It seems like there's some fluid that was like. Once wet, now dried and caked on. But the other one is a little pod thing that looks that's holding. Holding a seed suspended. A seed. It's a seed and it's got a little it's starting to sprout. So it's got a little little seedling sprouting from it. But it seems to be suspended in a type of fluid.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And when you get closer, you notice that the seed and the plant itself has some type of bioluminescent quality to it. Do I at all recognize what it is or the containment like it's portable? Roll me a savvy check and roll that at upper hand since this since this deals with your learned. So upper hand, that means you roll 3D, you roll 3D, 6 and then you take the two highest you take the two highest numbers and then add your mods. Really trying to not make all this noise here.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Well, oh wow, six, six and one. So I got a 14. Beautiful. The first thing you recognize as you're observing it is that it's not something that you know in your Rolodex of like botany, right? It doesn't seem like something that you've studied before and noticed, you know, but it has definitely has qualities of a lot of alien plant life and a lot of different like different plant life and foliage that you've studied over your years.
Starting point is 00:52:23 There is a quality of a type of splicing that might be in stuff, but it seems that it's on a very more of a genetic level. But you don't quite fully know exactly what it is, but it's very interesting. And you kind of as you're like looking at it, something reminds you of like a specific person that you've known in your life. It has this like quality to their work, to the work of it, you know, that you kind of recognize as familiar signature craftsmanship, a signature craftsmanship. Yeah, that's kind of snarled of myself, but the pod looks portable.
Starting point is 00:53:05 It looks like it has a unit in itself to self contain it and keep it like safe and stored. So if you want to remove it, you can. Yeah, I'm going to take it out. Yeah, I'm going to take it out. If there's nothing to I'll look around to see if there's anything I could like strap it to. Otherwise, I'll just wrap it in my scarf, tie it to my back. There doesn't look to be like a storage like thing to put it into. So yeah, you would have to wrap it up and carry it with you.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Make shift and just wrap it up. And it's just like this now. Let's sling it. I'll check in the comms. I just found something quite interesting. Seems are hauling some some plant life. I'll be taking one back. But yeah, keep an eye out.
Starting point is 00:53:56 They got some weird stuff here. Just weird stuff or just weird. Like potentially illegal, dangerous life forms. So naturally, we're going to take you to board our ship. Oh, I'm definitely keeping this one. It's just a plant. He'll be fine. That's what they always say.
Starting point is 00:54:23 It's just a plan. Next thing you know, you're getting eaten by the plant. Are you telling me we're in? Are we are we smuggling? Are we in a vehicle that is smuggling animals and plants? Uh, at least plants. Keep digging. Keep your guard up.
Starting point is 00:54:50 There is a question. Do plants break metal? Am I familiar with any of these shambling mound type creatures? I mean, I want to know if there's a lot of, you know, live trap from hell that can actually burst through metal. That's what my question is. I mean, sentient plant life is you for you. Harrison is more in the theoretical than in application,
Starting point is 00:55:16 but could it be possible with the right amount of skill? Uh, I'm going to say very unlikely, but, uh, yeah, I don't know what else I had here. So, uh, hey, fingers crossed, right? And, uh, it's going to start humming some of the tunes from a little shop of ours. Feed me, Seymour. Over the gobs. Me, Seymour. Flip, you finally get past all of this, like, steam in this corridor that you've kind of, uh,
Starting point is 00:55:52 created for yourself. It was like that when I found it. Would you finally get to the brig? Um, but what you first notice is that, like, there's a, there's an area, like an operations area, where like most people would like operate systems and stuff like that. Um, when you open into there, you see a body laid out in like one of the navigation decks. Um, it seems also that something like struck their head or there was like some type of struggle.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Um, but there are like lacerations around the neck and hands of this person that's just like laid out for that. Like, uh, like knife wounds type of stuff. Like something was strong enough to like squeeze and throw and beat this person bluntly. Lose check, lose check. Uh, 2d6 plus your grit. Uh, 2d6 plus my grit. So that is a 10. Yeah, we're not expecting that when you open the door.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Kind of scares you. Like tiny gets a little like scared and upset, which you just kind of feel like feel on top of. And you're just like taking it back and shook it up by this dead body. Oh, it's okay, buddy. I'll cover his eyes with my head with my hand so we can't see the, you can't see the dead body. We have to maintain tiny's innocence. And then I'm going to walk up to the body and kind of flip it over with my shotgun and get a closer look at it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:35 When you pull it over, um, Yeah, I mean, it seems like a longer long haired individual. Um, uh, you like kind of shuffle through the pockets. You find this kind of similar effects that Captain Ted found small amounts of credits, tiny little memento of like a wedding band ring. Um, but yeah, it seems like just like a regular ass person of small pitfalls. All right. First thing, first thing, whenever you're checking a dead body, you got to check the teeth for gold.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Yeah. Kind of flip the lip up a little bit. You don't see any gold teeth. I'm going to take a tooth anyway. Just for just, just, just for. Oh my God. Oh my God. Roll a blues check.
Starting point is 00:58:33 It did. You don't even roll a blues check. Take a blues for that nonsense. Okay. Thank you. As you rip out a regular ass tooth, um, She's dead. He doesn't need it.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Dude, that's crazy, man. Um, as you, as you finally like rip that tooth off, um, you kind of still hear that shuffling and scattering like that noise that banging on the pipes, something, something to move in. Hey, uh, does anybody else hear like a weird banging noise coming from the ceiling? Do we, do we, do any of us hear it? Roll me observation checks. Remember how I told you something broke event and you all just dismissed it?
Starting point is 00:59:23 Why do I bother rolling? I have a six. Six. Seven. I mean, outside of general, what you assume is general ship noises. You haven't heard really any banging. Uh, that's a negative from cargo. Love has been, has been trying to seem like outwardly very calm and the only sign that
Starting point is 00:59:49 they're getting nervous is they have, so they have ring splints on every one of their fingers. So it just goes over the middle joint and you can hear the ring splints clacking against each other. They just like fidget with their fingers and it's just like a little clicky noise. Fidget fingers. Um, yeah, so I'm only, I'm on the opera, the operations deck, you say? Yeah, you're on the, you're on the bridge. Is there like a panel, uh, like that has a system readout that I can look at to see how the,
Starting point is 01:00:20 if any of the ship, any part of the ship is like acting up or something? Sure. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, there absolutely is. Roll me, uh, no, you don't roll me anything. You're an engineer, you're a smart guy. Yeah, there's a, there's a, there's another secondary panel there that kind of just reads out a general system.
Starting point is 01:00:42 You do see that one of the engines has been disabled completely. So that's like blinking there. Um, you do notice that like levels of the security system has been disabled on the ship. Um, especially general radar. So it's not out. It's not reading anything, uh, on its outside instruments of pinging anybody. So it's essentially flying blind. Its navigation has been disabled.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Um, and there seems to be some, um, pressurized, like, um, defects that are popping up in some of the ventilation systems throughout the, um, mid and upper deck. That makes sense. Yeah. Is there any way I can increase the pressure in the ventilation system? Um, there's a type of way to flush out, like flush, do a flush of the vents. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I want to do that. You want to flush the vents. All right. Cool. Well, flush the vents. Yeah. There's a, there's like a, there's a little button. Eli?
Starting point is 01:01:51 Yes. Uh, during while he's doing it, is this possible that I could just start heading back forwards? Um, Harrison and Lev? Sure. Yeah. Um, I assume after you guys picked up that pod though, were you guys heading back or actually heading finally down to the lower deck to find those cars, uh, the lower deck.
Starting point is 01:02:12 The spacecraft? That was Lev's plan. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'm just going to run to catch up. Okay. So yeah, it's going to take you a little bit captain, but you've, you've passed by this bio,
Starting point is 01:02:23 uh, cargo port, which, you know, they mentioned, so you know that you're on the right path. Um, this particular ship has a cargo lift that goes down to the lower deck, or you can take stairs down to the lower deck. What you feeling? I'm going to take the stairs. I don't think. I'm going to take the stairs. That's weird.
Starting point is 01:02:45 I'm going to try the elevator. See if it works, but uh, I'm going to follow Lev. Oh, before we go down the stairs, if I see that doors open with all the plans, I'm going to be like, close it. Yeah. You, I mean, you open it. Okay. So if you do go to it, you do see that there is a containment pod that was broken,
Starting point is 01:03:05 you know, and then an empty, another secondary empty one, which you assume that that's the one Harrison pulled. Um, I'm just, I'm sussing. I'm like, I'm just going to close the door. Okay. So Harrison and Lev, when you guys finally walk down to the cargo bay, you also notice again another random body just on the floor. This time it seems that that something like, like they were thrown up against something
Starting point is 01:03:36 because it looks just the way that their, their back was kind of broken. It seems like they fell from a great height or something like that. And Harrison, you're coming down the cargo, um, thing. And it's like, as you're like coming down it, you, you kind of like engage just by just general observation that, um, if somebody were to fall, this would be a pretty great place to fall from. I should finally lower down completely flat with the lower cargo hold. Um, it's pretty spacious in here.
Starting point is 01:04:06 There's several very large crates, but like when you kind of just lean towards the back, you kind of see like suspended like, um, like straps that would be what you would use to hold a vehicle or a cargo, something of that nature to the bottom of the cargo hold. So like some harness type of, uh. Yeah, like straps, straps. Yeah. Is that even automated? Like can I, I don't know, like a claw machine or whatever it would be.
Starting point is 01:04:36 None of it looks automated. This looks like a fairly like more of an older ship. Like it does have some levels of quality systems like towards the upper deck, but this hold is just like put shit in it and it's going to stay there the whole time. So it's like a general cargo hold, nothing special. Are we looking for anything specific or were we just like, you were just looking for those, those, those ships that were there. So that those are the, we're at the straps.
Starting point is 01:05:06 You can kind of see what looks like the outline of some type of. Oh, okay. I get you. Yeah. Uh, well, yeah, I'll see if I can start confirming the cargo we're looking for exists. Yeah. It doesn't take long for you guys to get towards the back of the ship where the front, where like the opening of the actual cargo bay and there you see five single craft starcraft
Starting point is 01:05:29 vehicles. They look top of the line, fresh off the factory line. It looks nice. Very sleek. Looks like it'll go really fast. Love is immediately trying to climb into it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:45 You go, you try to, you jump up to one of them and you try to open it up, try to see what's operational, what's, what's going. And yeah, the media lights up as soon as you get in there. It's not, it doesn't have a lot of fuel to it, but enough for them to be able to like, you know, haul it in, haul it out kind of a situation, just enough gas to keep it going. Let me see if I can get the bay doors operational so we can just get it out of there if we need to. Okay. If lab wants to take off, I will get that clearance.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Yeah. I mean, you, you go to the system, like it's an easy like cargo switch, you know, door. Looks like it's able to just open up, but it's, you, you do know that right now this room is pressurized and designed to keep cargo in. So if you were to open it right now, it would depressurize and Right. So what would the, what would the proper protocol be? It's mainly what used to be unloaded somewhere safe, not in the whole place.
Starting point is 01:06:55 There's probably, you know, there's a brain. If you were to like not be in here at the time of you opening it, you should be fine. There's probably other ways there, there are definitely systems to open up the it in probably in the upper decks in the operation area. But this, this one, this switch looks like for like once you've landed and you're, you know, to open doors for just general cargo passing and unpassing. Could the radio signals, can we reach for more wrap? Yeah, yeah, your comms will reach for sure.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Okay. Okay, we can have what we can do is have a flip, go ahead and while we get out pressurize and therefore that can go ahead and fly it. Is there any other cool shit in this room besides our baby? I mean, there are four other starcrafts here. You would have to take time to literally uncrate boxes to figure out what's inside them. Meanwhile, as you guys are talking about that, you hear through the ventilation system, just like what seems to be pressurized air just starting to vent through.
Starting point is 01:08:17 No. Flip, you've pressed the button, you're hearing the flushing of the system and you're watching it on the screen as you see it, like, you know, it's turning like green wherever it's going to flush out stuff. But while you're in there, you know, you kind of like look around the rest of the operation deck and you do see the finally like the door that would be the cockpit. Okay, while that's going through, I'm assuming at some point, some kind of weird critter is going to pop out of event.
Starting point is 01:08:49 But I would like to see if there's a pilot, if they're alive. Okay, yeah, I don't I don't have I'm not holding down hope, but you go and you you go and open the the doors. And what you see is normally you've been on you've been on bridge decks and stuff like that. Usually it's like, you know, a chair where you can sit stick, you know, navigate. This one is really odd. It's a lot of just screens and wires and stuff like that. And what you do see is a pilot.
Starting point is 01:09:28 But that pilot is an anthropomorphic dog. And he's got goggles over its face. And it's just got like, like a bright white like blue screen over it as it's like observing stuff. You, you do know that conglomerate shipping has had uses some form of something that's called a drive nine to power and navigate and pilot their ships. But no one's ever really seen it up close. But they've said that they've used actual dog people to do that.
Starting point is 01:10:05 And that's one of the slogan. And he looks like he's alive. He's alive for sure. But just navigate because like they're they're just trained to just keep going. You know, like, does he notice me? That's a good question. Thanks for asking. He doesn't seem to notice you.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Seems very preoccupied. But as you're kind of like looking at the multiple screens, like the screens actually show like cameras of like stuff going on on the outside. Right. And what you've noticed on the screen is another ship starting to dock and board. And as you're like watching that, you hear the the shifting of something brushing up against this ship, docking at the airlocks of the secondary airlocks.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Shit, ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem. And it appears that we have a little bit of competition on our hands. All right. Now listen here, buddy. Get your hands off the controls. Step away from the cockpit. I'm shoving my shoving my shock out of the back of his head. And with that, we're going to take a quick five minutes.
Starting point is 01:11:23 We'll be back. I'm about to be like, yeah. Oh, my. Oh, no. All right. We'll see everybody in five minutes. And welcome back to orbital blues. All right, crew.
Starting point is 01:11:46 So you successfully found your star crafts at the bottom of the cargo hole. You found a random piece of seedling and a little seedling and found some teeth and found a canine drive nine driving dog as well as a crew that seems to also be porting this cargo ship. What do you want to do? Actually, why don't we roll initiative so that we can so we so that we can just do this in order? You got a three?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yep. Oh, it's a G six and then just say one and two or one, two and three or three and four or two and five and six or three. Yeah. That's how we do initiative? Yeah. Is there anything we add to it? Sabay.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Oh, cool. I have three. Flip is three, flip is two. Twelve. Right. You roll three. No, you roll 83. So roll a D six and give me the number.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Oh, four. So that's a two. So two plus your savvy is how much? Four. Two plus two. Captain four. What am I saying? Harrison.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I have three. Three. Between Lev and Harrison, who's got more? You've got the higher savvy. Mine's plus two. Pick and choose who wants to go first. Harry, you can go. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Okay. Okay. Captain Ted Art is so good. Captain Ted Art is so good. So good. I can't even see my. Oh, hell yeah. Sweet.
Starting point is 01:14:39 So the first one is the crew, the other crew. Oh, you hear the pun. You hear the. You hear the. You hear the docking, the rocking of a ship being and flip you like you, you like at that moment is when you finally realize that like, you know, because you weren't able to see the navigation in the other room because it was disabled. This is the first time you're seeing the outside of it and you're seeing them dock.
Starting point is 01:15:08 So if you're, you know, I would say if you're trying to attempt to like close the airlocks, you were trying to make that attempt if that's what you want to do. But before you can, they managed to breach the airlocks and get into the corridor. So now there's a crew of at least four bandit looking motherfuckers. They were in dark clothes stuff. They're both, they're all wearing, they all have guns. It's about four of them and they've breached into this corridor and they're looking around and they're starting to split off in pairs down.
Starting point is 01:15:43 One's heading towards upper deck. One's heading towards mid to lower deck. Cap, you're up next in the initiative roll. What do you want to do? I say we get on the ships and vent them out. And at least we're protected. We can get back in the hangar after we blow them out. Exactly, that's it.
Starting point is 01:16:12 And then we just go, can we can, if we need to, we can pick up, how are we going to pick up a flip flip? Is there a way for you to haul ass, you and Tiny can haul ass back to the ship? We can't leave him alone. Yeah. Non-committal, yeah. Of all the things to not commit to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Have to draw us the line at murder. I mean, if you got to, yeah, of course. I was going to say, can you just seal them off in a corridor and you can just go around them? Because whatever's in the vents, they can have a little snack. Well, if it's cool, adopt it. If not, just leave it alone. No, I draw the line on that one. Are you trying to start Tiny for life?
Starting point is 01:17:23 Why would you do that to Tiny? That's what, what are you doing, what are you doing though? Is that, is that what you're going to, is that what you're going to take your action doing is just having this whole. Oh, I'm, I'm picking my action to let, like, I think we should go in the planes. So if anything, we're always protected from those assholes in homeboys. So you're going to try to board a plane? Yes, I'm boarding a plane.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Okay. So yeah, as you're, as you're having this detailed conversation with Harrison about trying to get him out, you are slowly like, sorry, you're taking all your loot, throwing it in, in there. You're getting in your system checking, you're trying to get it. You realize that you don't have a lot of battery on the, on these. But you are gearing up to go. Are the weapons online?
Starting point is 01:18:24 It seems like there might, they might be online. They're going, they're, they're showing that they are operational. Right. I'm going to turn them on and aim for the door in case someone decides to poke in, they should. Okay. Yeah. Got a back gun on it. So you, it raises up.
Starting point is 01:18:44 You got a hold action. I'll hold action if someone comes. Okay. Harrison, you're next. Sure. Cap, captain's made a beeline for a craft of their own. But as you're kind of assessing it, like, this is just a general load and unload thing. It's not, you know, you would have to be here manning it to open it.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Um, but you do know probably somewhere in the systems room, there might be a way to launch. What do you want to do? Um, let's see here. These, these ships, they're all single passenger. They're all single passenger ships. Um, so if I get in one, we can't open the door. So I got to know. But Harrison, I mean, uh, but, uh, you know that flips on operational deck on the break.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Okay, cool. So yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to have radio flip. But we're going to have to get these doors open. Do you think you can do that from the, from where you're at? Probably. All right. We're going to take three birds out. So you're going to climb into your own ship?
Starting point is 01:20:00 I'm going to have to get in one, I guess. Okay. I mean, you can, you can leave and, and go up and go up the deck. If you want to, that's how you want to handle it. It's up to you. Because you know your ship is docked, so you can get to the airlocks on the middeck where you guys started and get back to the ship that way. Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 01:20:17 That might be the best because then I can at least close our airlock from or, or cover our airlock and, and see if I can flip out. So all right. Okay. Yeah, uh, let's see if you can get this door open so, uh, 11 Ted can get out. I'm doing a quick like cursory glance to make sure that their two ships are like tethered or locked or anything like that. Like if they wanted to go, they can go.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Yeah. You, you make sure that all their releases are good to go. You take a dash towards, uh, getting into the staircase that leads you up. So you're at least now in a pressurized area. So if the airlock were to go off, you'll least be fine at this point. But you're making your way up to middeck, um, to try to secure yourself to secure your airlock. And as you're climbing up those stairs, you do hear people moving, you know, like two, like a set of footsteps that seem to be canvassing up there.
Starting point is 01:21:13 That'll be your turn. Lev. Like am I just doing my grenades? Just, uh, it's just ready. What are you doing? Uh, um, the doors are not open yet. Um, so you're more than welcome to hold action if you want to. But if there's something else you want to do before that, you're more than welcome to do.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Yeah. I'm going to just do like all the system checks and make sure everything's online. Um, and since Ted's covering the door, I think I have the car, the ship on and like prepped enough that I can just push thrusters and streak out the door and start shooting the other ship that's locked on. Okay. So that's, I'll hold my action to, to do that. As you're doing, since you are doing a system checks and you're getting the full range of
Starting point is 01:22:02 spectrum of this vehicle and getting a feel of it, you do, you will notice that the weapons do have at least a burst round of, uh, gunfire, but it doesn't have like how much weapon like ammo it should have. Right. It's got, it's not enough to be like a test run. Yeah. You got an, you got an actions worth of, of bullets in your, in your car. Oh, can I spend a, oh, I should look at what the, before I do that, I should look at the
Starting point is 01:22:36 specs of this ship before I make a decision about that. Um, oh yeah, I'll give you the, the, I'll give you the stats for it once a second. Um, I'll just tell it to you. It's a mobility two, um, body, uh, one and systems two. Okay. So maybe I won't use mine instead. Uh, yeah, I'm just, I'm like as close to going as I can without going. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:13 You prep the ship, you're ready to go. You're geared up to, to, to, uh, make it a quick beeline and, and secure your vessel, your, your main ship. Um, and then I just radio Harrison. Remember no dying yet. Yeah. Yeah. I got too many, uh, many months to kill.
Starting point is 01:23:35 So yeah. Flip, you know that the direction you need to get out leads to violence, but you've also been asked to help, uh, get two of your team members out, uh, opening up the airlock. What do you want to do? Um, okay. So I'm running back to the operations panel. I'll kind of shove the, the, um, barrel of the gun into the pilot's head. Say you so much as twitch a muscle and I'm blowing your head over that over all that
Starting point is 01:24:02 fancy equipment and I'll go back and I'm going to look for a way to, um, I assume there's like bulkheads that can seal between corridors. I want to see if I can, if I can trap the enemy crew, uh, in the mid decks of the ship. So I want to try to seal off all the bulkheads between me and them, between them and the rest of the crew. Roll me a savvy check to see if you can navigate and try to see if you can locate, you know, cause you're, you're going to have to guess where these, these guys are. Um, even though I, uh, I have the video of them on the monitors.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Yeah. It's still level of timing. Um, savvy, my best stat. What do I, uh, what do I do if I have a zero in the staff? Do I, you don't add anything to the mod. So it's just whatever you roll in the 2d6 is the role you get. Seven. Seven.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Excellent. Yeah. So you're, you're watching, you're watching for them and they're coming up and they finally, um, pass through one of the bulkheads and then you go and you close the first one right behind them and they realize something's happening. So they start booking it. So now you're in the, you know, this like pace challenge of trying to steal off all the doors as they're running through this corridor.
Starting point is 01:25:28 I can't just close all the bulkheads. You rolled the seven. So no, you're doing that. You're running, they're running and stuff like that. You managed to get one of them as one of the doors closes on them. But the one guy, one other guy, the other of the, of two of the other pair, the one of the other pair manages to make it through. So you, you got one, you didn't get the other one, but now he's looking up at the camera
Starting point is 01:26:03 and he's making a straight, direct beeline towards the cockpit. Um, what do you want to do? That was your action. I'll give you movement. Um, but you have not released the, you have not released the airlock, uh, the cargo hold. Great. Uh, is there like, uh, like a center console or something I can take cover behind? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah. There's a couple of consoles and stuff in this, in this, okay. Yeah. You go and you, you take cover, uh, you're doing anything with tiny, just tiny, just going to be in your pocket. That's the safest spot for him. Yeah. You crawl behind this, this control deck, kind of put it like a cautious hand on the top of tiny.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Easy buddy. Oh, and you, and you wait for this person to arrive. Head and left. You're down in the cockpit area. And you're waiting for the ship, for the airlocks to go off. And it's starting to grow a little bit longer than you were hoping. How hard is it to press a button? Right.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Um, and as you guys are kind of slowly and anticipating, um, you guys hear some clanging in some of the ventilations, because now the, the system has still been slow. Like the ship is fairly big. So it's taking time to flush the entire system that's been going through that. It finally, you start hearing like pressurized air coming through the vents and then something, like it's pushed out and it lands on top of your, um, on who's, uh, it lands on top of yours. Captain, it like splats. It's got like, it's got like, uh, a goo-ish kind of property, but it's also looks like
Starting point is 01:28:05 it's kind of made out of like planted material and biology. It keeps like kind of shifting and shaping as four, but it's splat across your windshield, but slowly trying to like pull itself back together and reform, but it's there. Okay. Is your captain speaking? Y'all gave me shit about space aliens. Well, I have some space ludge and I'm just saying that's not normal. So therefore I'm in danger.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I'm going to hold, what is it? Is it just warming together? Is it like, it's like, it's like, it's splatted. So it's kind of spread itself out, but now you're just watching it slowly stretch itself back, you know, together and reforming into, into something. I was thinking it's time to do that. That's its action. I'm debating God, how fuck we are.
Starting point is 01:29:09 How much I am. You have no idea. Is there anything besides that? Like, is there, is that just like, is there something else with it? No, that's it. That's, that's all it is. Okay. I'm going to.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Cross your windshield. Okay. That's it. I'm going to hold because if that thing comes there, I'm fucking gas it in and go. The airlock's still shut. Not if I shoot the damn door. We'll see top of the round. Fuck man.
Starting point is 01:29:43 I will, I will pull an aliens and you suck the put that out. I'm in a ship. I'm fine. Say that, say that one more time. Say what you're going to do to it. I'm in a shit. I'm in a shit. I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Can't it survive out in the cold back in the space? Yeah, probably. Before that back up like one sentence. What did I say? We're about to get rocked by some bandits. Those was about to happen. I got some weird space sludge. I don't give a shit what these two homies got.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Nothing they have scares me more than some weird ass goo. Harrison. You've been climbing. You're climbing the stairs towards mid-deck trying to secure yourself in the airlock when you hear footsteps walking over the grates. Seeming like they're passing. Eventually, you're kind of waiting on the other side of the door hoping that they're going to pass by so you can just easily sneak out.
Starting point is 01:30:54 But you start hearing boots getting closer. As he passes observation tech towards this door and it seems and now you can to the point where you can kind of like that little crack underneath is slowly being like filled with like darkness of a presence right behind the door. And then the door quickly opens. Shit. He's got a pistol in his hand and as the door opens, he quickly immediately fires without hesitation.
Starting point is 01:31:30 And you take four points of damage as he just cracks right into your like shoulder. Like a little bit lower like towards like the upper part of your rib like between the bone and the shoulder blade and the rib. And then he that is his turn. As he like calls out that there's somebody in the stairwell for his buddy, the turn around who missed his observation check. Meanwhile, hair, meanwhile, flip. You slowly your cautious hand on tiny.
Starting point is 01:32:07 You got the shotgun, you know, close to your chest ready to fire if you need to. Eventually, the doors open to the observation deck and you hear footsteps. You hear, you know, a person like quickly moving back and forward, the sound of the gun just moving, clacking, gets closer and closer. And he walks right past the console, not seeing you as he goes towards the cockpit and starts to check on the drive nine. That still hasn't moved a muscle still with the blue screen visor over its face. Still trying to push the ship forward, even though one of its thrusters is out.
Starting point is 01:32:51 And his back is to you currently as he's observing and doing the same thing you were kind of doing when you first got in here. That's his turn. Captain, you're sitting in, you're sitting in this cargo bay. This flatty goop is contextually forming back into itself into like a ball of just like plant like ish acre. What do you want to do? What do you want to do?
Starting point is 01:33:27 You know, like like ejecting and have that fucking lid just pop out and just like go like you're going to eject the you're going to eject your. I mean, if you eject, then you're you can't you're no longer sealed in your vehicle. Well, the thing is not open yet. There's a third vehicle right over there. Right. But it took an action to get into a car into vehicle. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:55 I mean, if you want to slide it open, you can do it. Do it. It's fine. I don't like how you said that. I do not like how you said that. You're going to not like it either way. So I don't know how dangerous it's either. I'm going to like this thing's going to like very dangerous or it's not.
Starting point is 01:34:24 But no, it's an Aaron. Two shoulder angels. Hey, question. I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a gooey place. You're smarter than me and some of the stuff. What's your stuff? Well, if flip opens the airlock when you are not in a ship, then you are going to get sucked out into space and die immediately.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Or you stay in there and you find out what happens if a goo gets you. So six or one half a dozen of the other. How do you want to die? What would be better? Okay, if I were to die, what would be better by goo or by sucking out in space? Goo, you can fight sucking out in space. You can't. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:35:20 All right. Mimo captain, as you're like contemplating this, you hear the sound of a shot in the upper in the above you kind of in the hallway area. You hear the groan of Harrison. Oh, that changes game. Okay. Hey, I can't. That's that.
Starting point is 01:35:46 No, so you're going to check. You're going to check out of your car and your vehicle. Yeah. Okay. Boy shot. Right. They're cool. You're going after homeboy.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Wait, do I know he's down? Actually, do I know you don't know? You don't know all you heard was a gunshot and what sounds like a groan that might have been Harrison. You know that Harrison was making his way up to the next deck. Okay. I would have radio Harrison. Does he respond?
Starting point is 01:36:09 And then if he doesn't, I mean, yeah, Harrison, you can you could. I'm a little busy. Hey, he needs support. He's busy. You need support now. You need fucking support. Is it just that one guy or is the other guy coming through? You heard him call out for his his buddy, but you don't know where his buddy is.
Starting point is 01:36:36 All you know is that you just saw a click of bang and now you're bleeding. Lovely. No, you get out of here. I'll handle this. Got it. So are you staying? Are you trying to breach the ship without him? He wants us to go because if not, we can do more damage.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Okay. Roll me an attack. Roll me an attack with your with your GAT with your GAT gun on your thing. So roll 3d6 combine. You can combine two to make your eight your success, which is an eight and above. And then whatever left of damage is how much damage you'll deal. I got a nine. Nine.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Okay. What was the leftover dice in the three one? The one. Okay. You you turn the gun and flip it over to the front of the the ship where the cargo bay is and you just let out like a burst around. It does some damage, but it doesn't it's not enough for it to finally just like reach the whole hole, but you've done some type of you've at least gotten into it.
Starting point is 01:37:49 You hear the depressurization of the room happening, but it's not enough for you both to get out currently. Harrison, you're up next. You've just been shot by somebody and you hear reinforcements might be on the way. What do you want to do? Well, I'm going to fire back because I'm basically a point blank range with this guy. So that's where that's where my revolver shines. So, uh,
Starting point is 01:38:11 Well, that attack for me. All right. So is that a savvy check or? I mean, so you're going to roll 3d6. You're going to take you're going to combine two of them to make up your success pool. And then whatever residual is left. That's one thing that right. You can also, if you don't succeed on it, you can also exert yourself
Starting point is 01:38:34 so that which it will cost you a heart point. But it will allow you to reroll and we can see if that gives you better results. So I rolled two fives and a four. So would I make a 10 and then four is left over? Yeah, or you can take a five and a four and you get a five. And the last one can change. So it's nine good enough. Yeah, nine eight and above is a success.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Oh, great. Okay. Yeah, we'll do that. Nice. Very nice. Yeah, you pop off a front and as he kind of turns around, you quick draw and you just like put it literally right up against his like belly and you just pop two rounds straight into his gut.
Starting point is 01:39:19 He kind of like staggers black back, but he's now starting to just profusely bleed from his abdomen. He's still up. He didn't quite do the full job, but he's taken a significant amount of damage. But he's given you a little bit of leeway. He's not in a position to fire. Do you want to try to book it from where you are position wise or are you trying to hold your ground here in this in this stairway?
Starting point is 01:39:48 Consider I came from this way. Would I know the path back? Yes. Are there options to get through where potentially I might not run into the other persons? You don't roll me an observation check. I'll give you that as you step out, see where if you can locate position being of the second person. All right. I have an 11.
Starting point is 01:40:12 You're 11. You look around and you see the straightaway that would lead towards the airlock where you came. You look left and right and you do hear footsteps coming from like further down the way, but it's not near you. So whoever that is went down a different corridor and now it sounds like they're circling back, but you have a little bit of leeway to try to make it make a break for the airlock. Okay. So yeah, I'm going to do that.
Starting point is 01:40:40 I'm speeds my thing, but I am bleeding. So yeah. You're holding that you're staggering. Yeah. This guy next to you is just like, you know, he's just trying to hold himself together, but he, you know, you make a dash and you are seemingly unnoticed as you run. That will be your turn left. You're up captain.
Starting point is 01:41:03 You've heard all of this stuff going on. Harrison seems to be in a little pickle captain's dealing with a squish on his on their windshield and the hole is, uh, the cabin is now depressurized in this cargo hold. What do you want to do? I can't get out and see pressurizing. It's depressurized. Yeah, you can't step out now of your vehicle if you, if you want to keep living, but you do notice that there is a significant crack breach in the cargo hold.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Now we're captain fired, but it was just not a simply enough to fully breach for you guys to exit. And I don't have enough rounds to shoot it. One action's round worth of weapon in this vehicle. As far as you know, nobody's going to be there on the other side once you open it. But no, I want to, my plan is to use the shot that I have to fuck up their ship to see if that'll get them to retreat. I think I'm just going to radio flip and say open the fucking air look down here.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Meanwhile, I'm holding the, trying to hold up the speaker on my face like shut so that the guy can't hear it. Let's see if he does hear it. That's good. Um, all right. So are you still holding an action that you're not going to fire? Interesting flip. You are, uh, you hear static come through your, your talkie as you slap a hand over it, trying to, to muffle it.
Starting point is 01:42:34 Um, you do notice though, as you try to do that, that the guy kind of like jolts back. No, open the thing. God damn it. I got to take care of my shit first. Uh, all right. So roll v3d6, uh, and give me a pulling and a damage. So that's seven comma five. For your, for your savvy, for your role, how much damage you, so it's,
Starting point is 01:43:15 so you roll 3d6 and you, you combine two of them together to get an eight or above. And then whatever remaining dice of that three is your damage died. So I do not get an eight and above. You know, you did not succeed. I did not. Is there no combination that you can make of them that'll make eight? Oh, do you make? Oh, you make combination.
Starting point is 01:43:33 You, you, you can combine any of those three in that pool to make your success or whatever. So 10 would make my success. And then I do five points of damage. Oh, beautiful. Four points of damage. I'm sorry. That was like an absolute, that was an absolute success. Um, yeah, you, you just, you know, without hesitation, you, you realize your cover was
Starting point is 01:44:00 blown and you immediately hop over the, uh, console and you just, you know, scream on the top of your lungs, running in, puts this guy off guard as you just pump two full rounds in, or one round into his, uh, into him. And he just kind of kicks off his feet a little bit from just the closeness between you two. He slams up against this, this, uh, drive dog, which, um, let's see. Let's make this more interesting. Um, as he pushes up into this drive dog, like you see the ship just starting to, to change
Starting point is 01:44:37 course and just like slide is now you're being slid forward towards this guy. Who's just been like shot at the chest. Cause you now you guys are just like the ship slowly rolling a little bit and you're just like sliding to the side. Um, that will be your turn. Can I just get on the radio and be like, had a wee bit of a problem up here. I'm working on the doors now.
Starting point is 01:45:04 And that's everybody's doing that. You guys are feeling the ship slowly starting to move to the point where you captain and Lev are sliding slightly on your ship as you guys are no longer secured to this cargo hold. Um, and Harrison, even you, as you're like getting into the airlock, you're like leaning to the side a little bit as, uh, as the ship is, is starting to lean, um, flip. Did you flip the ship? Technically, it was the other guy. Captain, as you're, as you watch this goop try to conform and contextualize itself
Starting point is 01:45:46 together, it's now like in this like plant light bowl, Icker on the top of your thing. But now you're starting to see it kind of like, it's thinking and it's starting to kind of feel around the edges. It's starting to feel around the edges of glass and it's trying to find a crack or a crevice to slide itself into. Are there windshield wipers on this thing? No, um, but now you're starting to see it kind of like, it's starting to like get through a piece of the, the, where the,
Starting point is 01:46:25 the, the ship like latches and closes to its body. It's starting to get through there and you're starting to see a little bit of that Icker kind of, because I also have a lighter too. So I could just like. Top of the round. Top of the round. Harrison, you are slowly making yourself to, you're like in the airlock for it. You're almost to your ship.
Starting point is 01:46:48 And you hear a gun go off. Fucking motherfucker. Um, you hear Ricochet hit off the side of the, um, like you, as you kind of like lean into it as the ship gets kind of pushed, it gives you enough leverage where you just see a bullet just like Rico right off this like close to your face, but it misses you by a little bit. It causes the puncture a hole in the airlock. So it's starting, you starting to feel the depressurization of this airlock where you're, you know, but you're just moments away from jumping into your ship as you kind of like
Starting point is 01:47:32 look back and you see your guy, the guy who was not shot. His friend has clocked you and was attempting to stop you. Let's see. Let's see. That's all he will do. Um, flip. Your guy is going to, as you kind of slide forward, you kind of like slide into him and now you're both kind of like clack up each other against each other just because you guys just
Starting point is 01:48:06 slid and slapped into each other, but he's now trying to like capitalize on the situation. So he tries to grab onto your shotgun and now he's wrestling you for the shotgun. Roll me a muscle check to see if he will disarm you or not. Oh, shit. I thought he was dead. No, you didn't quite kill him. Got him good though. That's, that's a, that's a success.
Starting point is 01:48:34 That's, um, how much? That's nine. Nine. He succeeded as well, but he succeeded with an eight. So you outrank him. You almost like, you know, it was like a little bit of a moment where you like your fingers felt that it was like departing from your gun, but you managed to like slap down on it and yank it back.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Um, so he doesn't have a hold of your gun anymore. Um, but you guys are just kind of latched up together. He is going. Can I knock him off? Can we say I knock him off by just pulling my head back like this and just whacking him in the forehead as hard as I can? Sure. You can, you can definitely do that as your action.
Starting point is 01:49:20 Yeah. You know what? Fuck it. I'll get you. Um, I'll give you, give that to you for one point of damage. Oh, I just wanted to say that's how I fucked him off. Oh, that's how you separated. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Yeah. So you do that. You, you crack up of his forehead. He like, like he goes like, oh fuck as he like grabs his fucking forehead. Meanwhile, this drive nine is still just fucking sitting there chilling. Captain, this little blob is trying to get into your ship. You were in a depressurized cargo hold and you need to get out. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:49:55 Can I fire again at the door? Yeah, uh, you could try, but uh, love probably would have mentioned that you only have one action round. So you have no weapon. You have no ammo in your car. Guns are dry. Guns are dry, but not your car. I mean, not your vehicle.
Starting point is 01:50:16 No, I mean, it's weak enough where I could possibly ram it. Maybe do it. Meanwhile, this Goop is slowly like you can start seeing more of it. Just lining that little. What do you want to do? I was of the essence. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Dying. I'm going to just be like, huh, no matter what you're going to hit the gas. And I'm going to go for it. Yes. Roll me a body check. I'm sure this will go with your shit. What the hell is a body check? So you roll 2d6.
Starting point is 01:51:02 So your ship, your current ship that you're in has a, has a stat of two mobility, one body and two systems. So roll me 2d6 plus your body. Stat. How well, how well your ship handles things. We only need to keep a one ship. So. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 01:51:20 So I got a, how many body do I have? You got one. Ah, shit. I got a seven. I died probably. No. Seven plus one, right? Did you roll seven?
Starting point is 01:51:36 You can also, you can also exert yourself. So you can take one, you can take a hard point off to re-roll one of your dice to see if you can get a better. I totally did. And I, okay. So now I have a seven plus the one is eight, right? Yeah. That's just success.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Yeah. So you just like, you're, you're trying to think, you're trying to find the right solution because you don't know what the fuck is going on. But the more you sit there, you see this goop and you finally say, fuck on the top of your lugs and you just book it. And as you do, you crash into the, the back of this cargo hole and it finally just breaches. Your ship is damaged and you, you're going to take a point of damage to your body, which puts you at zero, which means now you are stuck because your hole has been damaged
Starting point is 01:52:26 to the point where you can't move your car. Your vehicle, but you've managed to breach the hole. So live is, love is free to move about the cabin freely. And now you're just floating out there like a sinning duck in the front, in the, in the, in the drift, you know, is the ship like a cork and a bottle right now? Yeah. You're just floating in space, you know, your wings have been damaged. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Your wings have been damaged. So you can't really fly it and navigate it anymore. No, I'm just like, am I like, my thing is, am I still stuck in the ship or am I actually just drifting? You're just drifting at this point. But as you're looking dead, as you're looking at it, the, the, now what was once Goop is now just crystallized matter on the side of the. See, no way was I going to die by getting good.
Starting point is 01:53:19 Yeah. I am not going to die by goo, but unfortunately you guys are going to have to pick me up. So I'm just going to put this beacon for my location and I will see you shortly as I play some music. So if I can, I'll play the music as they're all fighting and escaping. Can I use my held action now since I. Yeah, yeah. You definitely, you book it out and now you are.
Starting point is 01:53:48 I'm going to shoot the other ship. Okay. You're making your way towards the other ship. Roll me that attack wall. I handle Harrison. Harrison, you are moments away from getting a pasture airlock. You're feeling the depressurization of this airlock now because it's been breached by a shotgun Rico. What do you want to do?
Starting point is 01:54:09 So let's say that guy's like at the end of the hall and it's between me and the airlock over there. He's over here. Yeah, you're eventually both on the opposite ends of a corridor. You're pretty much where your ship is. So you can literally walk on to Twilight and call it a day or you can do something before you do that. I'm going to attack this guy because I still need to make sure Flip has a path out. Nice.
Starting point is 01:54:34 So let's see. Is there any cover in this hall or? Okay. It's like a planter or anything. Otherwise, I'm just going to charge him. No, because it's technically just a airlock corridor. So it's just meant to be a bridge between ship into the actual main ship. So it's just straight away.
Starting point is 01:55:00 There's nothing to cover you. Is it a straight shot to the other ship too? Or is it just like separate? Yeah, so you guys are both like Western dual style just on two opposite ends of a corridor. So you could shoot him right here from where you're standing if you wanted to. Okay, let's do that. Let's get some fire away. I got a 10 with four.
Starting point is 01:55:27 Do I add my savvy to any of these or no? No, no. Okay. Yeah, then it's four damage. Four damage. Excellent. I was more advised to switch to a nine and then do five damage because I can do that. Okay, yeah, excellent.
Starting point is 01:55:47 In the same way that you did that, you get to literally the edge of twilight just right before entering into the ship and you turn around, clock him, and you just fire straight point blank into his chest. Again, significant damage. He starts bleeding. He's gasping for air. He's kind of drops down on the ground. He's not quite dead, but he's starting to bleed out.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Because you did five damage and it's not quite it, but definitely hurt him. Yeah, my gun is really loud. Yeah, so it's just like my ears are ringing. Yeah, it's just banging off every part of this mid-deck. I'd say everyone can hear my gun when it goes off. You can flip from the top. You'll hear just a gun go off. You know Harrison's gun is particularly loud.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Yeah, it's insane about calm. Flip, you might want to get out of there. I got two winged. I don't know if I can hold this path. I'll work on it. Lev, what was the damage for your initial fire shot? I got three. I rolled an eight to hit and three damage.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Three damage, okay. Yeah, you come in and you kind of like just do a flyby. And as you do, you just pump like several quick rounds into the hole. Three is not enough damage. Let me see. Three is not quite enough damage to do anything that would like disable this ship, but you did at least do some reaching hole damage along the sides.
Starting point is 01:57:39 So you definitely cause some attention as you kind of flip around, but it is also your turn. So is there something else you want to try to do on top of this as you circle back? I want to try and get close enough to nudge them and then break away and try and basically entice them to leave the ship and follow me instead. Okay, roll me a systems check. Okay, systems was plus two? Plus two, okay.
Starting point is 01:58:17 Eleven. Eleven, excellent. You circle back and you drive around and you took the time to understand the operating system of this vehicle. So you kind of drive by and you realize they have like small EMP burst kind of situations. So you kind of fly by and just start like bombing them with this, like just this electrical bursts and stuff enough to get their attention. And now they're starting to return fire with some just some random rounds off of it,
Starting point is 01:58:48 but you're at least starting to annoy the ship enough to get their attention. Flip, you've struggled with this guy. He's slowly dying. What do you want to do? Die faster. Crest the barrel of the shotgun up to kind of like that squishy part of his jaw and fire. Cool. And roll me that attack.
Starting point is 01:59:21 You're not going to get those teeth that way. No, that's a surefire way to lose all the teeth. Yeah, he did. Yes, you may. Yes, you may. I just get to re-roll the one die though, right? You can do too hard if you want to re-roll both dice if you'd like. I'm going to do that because I rolled a two and two ones.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Oh yeah, yeah, you should. What do I add to this? You've combined two of those of the three pool to make up an eight or above and then whatever's left over is your damage. I don't add like any of my stats to it. Then I fail. How badly? By one.
Starting point is 02:00:15 You got a seven. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, you go. No man's just going to let you shoot him in the face like that. You go to try to like, you guys are both just like continually in the struggle and stuff like that. Finally, you get into a position where you were about to like literally blow this dude's
Starting point is 02:00:35 head off, but he manages to like push you back far enough to dodge that as you crack out that and it just reaches into the hole of the ship. I wait to listen for the characteristic hissing sound that means we have problems. Oh, does it? Does it hiss? It hisses a lot. You start hearing the hissing. You start feeling, you know, you started, you know, with his incomes, depressurization
Starting point is 02:01:21 always. Roll me an observation check. If you can turn this around. I do not succeed. Oh, by how much? By one. I rolled another seven. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Okay. This is what I'll do. You hear that depressurization when you got on when you were here initially at the bridge, you did notice that there was an airlock system to go out to a pad on the front. You don't know exactly where that like door is, but you know that it's not here. So that's a potential way out if you want to try to go that way. Like out. So where the observation, where the upper deck is, you can see that there's like a helipad
Starting point is 02:02:18 carrier stuff that somebody could land a ship there. This is a part of the aesthetic of the ship, but you know that there might be a door somewhere, but you have no idea as you're looking where that door might be, but you know that might be a better exit than trying to fight your way all the way down, you know, here. As you hear Harrison's like mentioning that, you know, it's kind of time to go. I'm trying to get you out. You know, you're the last. You're essentially the last person to get out.
Starting point is 02:02:46 Yeah. So what do you want to do? Oh, what do I want to do? I thought my turn was over. Well, you have it. You have your movement, right? You've done your action. So if you you've at least broken yourself apart from this guy long enough where you can try
Starting point is 02:03:07 to book it if you want to. Okay, I will. I'll start just giving you the option. I'll start running away. I don't want to go out. I now see if I go out that door that you described, though, it sounds like it goes out into space. Is that wrong?
Starting point is 02:03:22 Yes. Yes. That's not what you know most ship would. Well, you know most ships would have some type of spacesuit protocols, especially for a ship like this. So you're, you know, but do they have a dog sized spacesuit? Probably not. You're going to have to find out. Maybe you don't know, dude.
Starting point is 02:03:44 Like a pressurized crate. Yeah. I mean, they have a literally a dog person here. All right, I'll look. Okay. I'm just going to say for right now, you're making a straight v-line trying to get through this. Our goop is gone. That guy is going to be chasing you.
Starting point is 02:04:06 So he's just going to roll. Struggle in. Yeah. So yeah, use you take off flip and that you hear like the clamoring footsteps, like the staggered footsteps of somebody trying to follow you, but it seems to start to you're starting to make like room between distance between you both. Captain, you are incapacitated. There's nothing really more you can do until somebody rescues you.
Starting point is 02:04:33 Um, can I make no, I did put this in the chat, but, um, I would really like to be playing Twilight by Electric Light Orchestra, especially that's all I'm going to be doing. And I'm just going to be popping my M&Ms. And just, yeah, you found out that this thing has an outdoor, like it has speakers on the outside. So you're just blasting this in the corner as you're just waiting. You're hoping everything's okay to change. You checking it on the cruise, seeing where everybody's at.
Starting point is 02:05:05 Hey guys, can I have a sit rep on everyone's locations status? Anyone alive out there? Yeah, I got the, uh, I'm at the Twilight, but, uh, try to keep these keep these bogies out of it. Oh, thank you. Appreciate it. Mm-hmm. Lab. Static noises.
Starting point is 02:05:40 Uh, Allegra, are you there? Legs. Drop for a second. Uh-oh. Legs. You might be able to be love. If you're outside the ship, you might be able to see their maneuvers. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:06:00 Yeah, Cap, you can see love because you saw love leave right moment you breached the hole, but they just went beyond the past you. So they've been navigating and it looks like they've been, uh, trying to get the ship to break off. Um, and it seems that with their maneuvering that they're doing that it is actually working and the ship is starting to temporarily undock itself in attempt to try to stop the ship that's causing some damage to it, um, and to get them to, um, pursue, uh, love. Okay, there's nothing I can really do, right?
Starting point is 02:06:36 Uh, you're kind of a sitting duck right now. Um, give me a chance, guys. I want to give a captain's order because that could help somebody in a re-roll in some way. I mean, you can absolutely get, do that. I mean, from what you've assessed now, the only person who's currently not on a safe ship right now is Flip. So if you want to order Flip to get a move on and that might help him, that might be a great time to do it. Flip, um, uh, I notice you're taking your sweet ass time. So I'm going to give you a captain's order to one, two, get the fuck over there and bring teeny tiny with you.
Starting point is 02:07:18 Ssssss ssss... And just captain order is work if he doesn't hear it. No, I hear it. I'm just playing, I'm just playing dull. I know you hear it asshole. And I swear if you decide to keep yanking on me, some Ted Zeppelin is gonna come out and talk to you. Get your fucking ass to the ship. Alright, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
Starting point is 02:07:54 I see now you kill my fucking butt. Alright. Flip, it's your turn. It's your turn. You're making a break trying to get towards the, this part of the upper deck that will lead out to the, to the outside. You kind of hear somebody shambling behind you, but it doesn't seem like they're really cashing up to you.
Starting point is 02:08:20 He's got a hole in him. It'll be fine. I would say by now you probably would have like taken the time to find this thing running through corridors as fast as you can. You hear like Ted yelling through your comms, get your fucking ass to the ship now. You finally make it to that airlock system, slam and close the door. And now you're just kind of in this like, you know,
Starting point is 02:08:49 that midsection before you, you go out into open space. There are spacesuits and something that might be small enough to pressurize tiny to keep tiny safe. Well, we got to keep tiny safe. Absolutely. It's like a little, it's a little pressurized carrier box. Look, it looks like it's designed to carry some type of biological materials, but would be big enough to store tiny in. Alright, tiny. I know you don't like enclosed spaces.
Starting point is 02:09:22 But get on in the box, pal. I'll box them up and I'll box, I'll box them up. I'll get it by suit and then I'll, I'll, I'll. Okay. Yeah. So you get the suit on, you put tiny in, tiny is less happy to be here as you close the, it goes to the box on him and it seals him in, pressurizes him, keeps him cool and comfortable.
Starting point is 02:09:49 Yeah. You finally, you punch the door and now you're just open into open space. And now you're just standing on a helipad. So do I have any kind of. Propulsion on this suit or am I just stuck? Yeah, no, this, this suit has one of the, you know, those little things that kind of help you. Yeah. Yeah. So you can get a bag because they're, they're designed for like going out to fix structural stuff on the, on the holes and, and whatnot. So you can try to make an attempt to scoot over there.
Starting point is 02:10:28 By now you see like Lev is leading this pirate ship or this other ship away as they're kind of departing from, from this location. So is that what you're going to do? You're going to try to get to the twilight by. I'll kick off and I'll try to float over there. Yeah. I think with your engineering skills and your, and your ability, it's easy enough for you to kind of sail over. So you reach one of the upper, the upper part of the deck where you know that there's a door that you can open and get into. Okay, I'll do that. All right. Anybody home.
Starting point is 02:11:16 Like Harrison, you hear like, you hear like some, something going on up top and then you hear like the sounds of flip and the dog and tiny just parking. So you've, you hear that flip is here on the twilight. All right. So the last thing you need to guys do is, so you guys are essentially more or less out of combat. Lev is leading that ship out. They are, they are sending back, not a audible like commit transmission, but a like text transmission saying that they're going to try to lose the ship and circle back. So it's time to like clear out of here and they'll meet you back with rendezvous points. But yeah, I think it would be easy enough to harpoon captain Ted to pull their ship into a place where you guys can get them out.
Starting point is 02:12:13 That was going to be my question of like, it was coming for me. Nobody's coming for me. But now I think your asses come get me. I can handle the harpoon no problem. And now the three of you guys are back on ship. Are you guys making your way out? Yeah, let's get the fuck out of here. Question.
Starting point is 02:12:38 No, is there any more of that goose stuff remaining that accidentally did slip through? Um, no, from white, from what you, what you can tell everything that was of that group was crystallized the moment you guys make contact with. X, I didn't want a Marlene situation. I want that. No. Not having anything fall over. You're certain that nothing biological like came from you. But now where do you guys want to go?
Starting point is 02:13:16 I assume you guys are at least exiting the scene from this. Whatever you guys just encountered. Well, what's next? Can we like blow up the ships, like the bandage ship or something because I'm pissed off at them. I mean, Leve went to lead them off. You're more than welcome to pursue that if you want. Well, Leve had mentioned to. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:13:42 I mean, you don't know how much crew members was on the ship. You do know that you have least mortally wounded three and one was locked in a, in a bulkhead. So you can press your luck if you want to, or you guys can circle, flee the scene, circle back and, and make plots for your. That's wrong. But the ship that's not moving. It's like, I do kind of want to blow up because it, whatever, I'm pissed off. Okay, survivors will die. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:14 Yeah. Yeah. Roll me an attack then. I'll give you upper hand because the ship is disabled and it cannot move and defend itself. It's not designed to do that. That would be a 10. Nice. How much damage.
Starting point is 02:14:35 Oh, isn't it like 10, like that's just. You rolled two, you roll three D six. Yes. You combine two of those together to make an eight and above for an excess and then whatever remains is. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm okay. I'm sorry. That was me being dumb.
Starting point is 02:14:51 I did that wrong. Okay. So that would, that's nine. So three damage. I did it wrong. Yes. Yes. You're fine.
Starting point is 02:14:59 That's fine. Yeah. You take the gatling gun and you just literally pump it into the, the second thruster. This time around, you, it wasn't sick enough to start breaking up the ship and it explodes. It starts, it starts, it starts bursting and it starts just. So anyone that survived that was especially shooting at my people. As far as you know, there, that, that whole cargo ship, the remaining, uh, remaining cargo, the remaining new line ships.
Starting point is 02:15:37 Fucking God. I thought you told me I can't kill the dog man. Because I wanted to. I respect this level of violence. Speaking of that Harrison, you manage, you manage to, uh, yes, you've been shot and hurt and, uh, someone can heal you if someone wants to attempt to do that. Um, roll me a savvy check then. And then Matt, roll me a muscle track.
Starting point is 02:16:16 See how much you get patched up. Savvy check is two dice. I got an 11 on muscle. Success. Raven and riddle dice are actually pretty good. Holy God. I got a six, but I have two savvy. I got an eight.
Starting point is 02:16:32 I got an eight. I barely just passed. That's two successes. Roll me a D six and the, uh, Matt, and you will regain that much in heart points. Six. Unbelievable. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:43 Captain like his butter flesh wound. Captain. Able. Like she's able to make that. Yeah. Able six, six set, you know, um, determine that like it was a through. So there's no bullet in there to dig out. Um, brandy stitch them up brandy stitch.
Starting point is 02:17:02 It's a little painful, but it's, it looks like it's going to, it's going to heal clean. Um, so you're good. So now you guys have managed. Yeah. You guys have managed to, um, leave the scene after you destroyed the ship live, eventually in a, in maybe like an hour or so, we'll be able to circle back and be able to, um, rejoin you guys. Um,
Starting point is 02:17:30 I figure out this plan guy. Yeah. Roll me a savvy check, uh, Matt, now that you will have more time to enroll that at upper hand because this involves your biology. Um, but now you have an opportunity to take a couple moments to really study this plan. I wrote three ones. You can exert yourself. Yeah, we're going to do that.
Starting point is 02:17:58 As far as I was due. So yeah. And you rolled it up her hand. Yeah. Straight ones. So, uh, to exert that does, uh, that's a plus one. Is that what that is? You can exert, um, I'll give you, you can exert three hard points if you want to
Starting point is 02:18:17 re-roll all three of those dice. Yes. And you'll take the, and you'll take the final solution. Okay. Oh, much better. Uh, six, six and one. Okay. So.
Starting point is 02:18:30 So 12. So 12. So yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm working on this thing and I reopened my wound. Yeah. Yeah. You're, you're, you're trying to like get the pot open and stuff. And it took a little bit too much and you twisted a little too hard. So now you're kind of bleeding from the stitch.
Starting point is 02:18:48 Um, but you managed to finally open it and, um, and examine the seed more. And, you know, again, you're, you're seeing like these, you know, you're, you're looking through it, but you keep trying. Um, and you notice that, you know, this plan has been genetically modified. It's like structurally, you know, it has a plant like quality to it, but there's something a little bit more to it that seems off. But as you continue to look through it, like you recognize this like signature of how somebody like manages to like splice this kind of stuff together.
Starting point is 02:19:24 And there's only one person in the whole frontier galaxy that could possibly achieve something like this. I told her to stop doing this. Shit. Take a blues. As you remember this person. Uh-huh. And you know where this person is currently stationed at, which is the,
Starting point is 02:19:52 um, which is, uh, Europa. A moon at the farthest point of the farthest point of the frontier galaxy. All right. What do you want to do for you guys in this area being in jovial system? You're about maybe two days away from reaching Europa. Is that where the ship might have been headed? The ship was, uh, leaving Europa. This ship was leaving Europe.
Starting point is 02:20:25 This ship was leaving Europa and heading towards settler system. You don't know because you didn't pull up a manifest. You don't know if that this was the final location of this particular biological substance, but it seems that it was trying to be, um, smuggled or removed out or sent out from, um, Europa. But if you want and more answers about it, you'll have to go to the source. Now that I've studied this sample, does it make sense to destroy it? You don't know enough about what it can actually do once it's fully mature
Starting point is 02:21:03 to assess whether or not it's a danger or not. But it has, it's more of a, it peaks your interests, you know, of what it could possibly be. Um, I guess if I can, if I can fully observe it in a very safe setting, I don't want another, uh, invasive creature running around in case this thing decides to roll limbs and pop off. You definitely have the materials in your workstation to be able to hold and sustain this plant until you get somewhere.
Starting point is 02:21:41 It, it's enough for now. You don't have like all the supplies, but you can probably hold it in the same pod and keep it going until you make port somewhere. Um, like I, I, I feel like if this thing got loose, that's some guilt I can't really live with. So I'm going to, I'm going to rig one of my thermo grenades above it. If this thing were to move when I'm not around and it knocks it over, it should definitely.
Starting point is 02:22:07 Okay. Yeah. You easily rig that up. You have it contained for the most part in your workstation. Um, but is the plots to head to Europa then you guys were attending to, that was your initial intentions was to head to Europa. That was like a plot outside of that. But once you got this tip about this conglomerate ship to like hijack,
Starting point is 02:22:31 that was the like a stopping point before you headed there. But you guys can absolutely change course if you want to at this point, but seems like some weird shit is happening. I'm going to have to report all the details of this, this plant and what I know about it. Do captain wants to do. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:54 This definitely sparks some flames in me. And I, uh, I don't know where this person might be. And that they're still doing this shit. Are you going to mention the name of the person that might be responsible or are you just telling them that you need to get to Europa to sort that out? Um, I, I imagine like, so, so where is, where's Ted? What are we?
Starting point is 02:23:24 Ted, I assume Ted, are you chilling in captain's quarters? Are you up at the bridge? What are you doing? Oh, Amanda. Oh no, Amanda's frozen. Amanda. Can you hear me? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:44 Can you hear us? Hold on. One more time. Uh, where are you right now on the ship? After healing, I'm going to just, uh, I'm going to be up at the, uh, in my captain's chair and just like watch for anything. Uh, no, because I'm kind of extra hot. So here's who's fine.
Starting point is 02:24:09 Who's fine captain up at the bridge. All right. So I'm just going to kind of, I'm open to by the way, trying to calm down. Yeah. You're going to see that I reopened my wounds. A lot of work you put into it. I busted it up.
Starting point is 02:24:21 Uh, So, uh, yeah, I will, uh, I will do that and I'll explain while being patched up that, uh, so about that strange plant, the one that I found. The one that attacked me or the one that you have? The one that I have. The one that's now downstairs, half dissected and rigged to an explosive. Nice. Okay.
Starting point is 02:24:45 Uh, there's a, there's a particular method in creating or subverting life in these grafted types of hours. I'm just going to go into various, whatever it is. I like to do that. Um, Ultimately, the scientists who created this, this abomination is also this creature that may have attacked you. They are planet side on Europa.
Starting point is 02:25:15 And, uh, I would very much like to meet them. This, this, this person is the one thing that created the, uh, alien good that almost killed me. Yeah. We say we go, uh, pay her a visit. She, um, would your friend have, uh, let's just say this besides, uh, toxic plants, does she, she wouldn't happen to have any other valuable things too? Cause I think she owes us something.
Starting point is 02:25:51 I bet she has a lot of really nice stuff. Okay. Well, I think we should be compensated for our emotional damage and all that. So I think, uh, compensation's entitled. I think at the very least we can blow up some very expensive things. Tell me more about your little experiment downstairs again. And then I'm going to hit the coordinates and be like, we're going. Tell me more.
Starting point is 02:26:23 So who is she? Isn't it next? It is. Oh, even more delish. Who broke whose heart? That's a, I'm going to get blues if I talk about that for sure. It's literally my whole backstory. You just, you see Harrison just kind of get a little dark and, uh,
Starting point is 02:26:54 normally he's usually just kind of like goofy in the way that he hides the stuff, but it's his real thing. The only person who's actually capable of this sort of thing. It's my wife. And I guess technically we are still married because I, we, we never, and I was never formalized, but she did try to kill me. I think that's grounds for a divorce. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:25 So. You do know I'm the captain of the ship. I may, I do marriages. I'm sure I can also absolve marriages. I think this is why I'd rather do personally. Okay. Cause I can do that right now and just wipe it clean. These amazing powers that you have.
Starting point is 02:27:46 I love it. No, right? It's good to be the captain. Your wife does, uh, let me know about this. Sorry. What? Do they know? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:01 Love, love, love knows the story. So yeah, they're going to be, uh, excited. I suppose. Is that going to be a problem that I should be aware of? No, no, no, no. I can't imagine anything. Uh, they're going to be trying to, I would hope help, but if they, if, if this is the situation,
Starting point is 02:28:23 as I do imagine it, love's going to be very excited. Oh. Oh, this is going to be fun. Okay. Okay. What do you want? What do you want? Captain Ted.
Starting point is 02:28:43 I'm just looking for, you know what? I just think that, uh, this looks like an opportunity to let off some steam. I won't lie. I'm still a little tightly, uh, a little still aggravated from earlier. So I'm just, I just need to blow off some steam. So I think that would be a good place to go.
Starting point is 02:29:07 Yeah. They can certainly do all of that together. Oh yeah. Yeah. I can do that. Where's, where's flip at? The, uh, last I saw flip was, I think in engines. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:29:27 He's in the vents. Before that, before that take, take blues you too for sharing your feelings. We share. No, we love to share our feelings. We tentatively shared feelings. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:43 I'm at three. Welcome to the game. What are you doing? You narrowly escaped death. Right underneath Teddy's feet, a panel in the floor shifts. And I kind of pop up from underneath their chair. So I'm right here.
Starting point is 02:30:06 Get your ass up here. I do that. Like tiny just kind of like crawls. Trying to crawl through the jumper and like jumps out. Hi, tiny. Hi, tiny. So you'd like kind of like yips at you because tiny doesn't like anybody.
Starting point is 02:30:24 Oh, I'm going to turn you one day. You little shit. Yeah. He's just like, you know, you know how like little dog speed is like howling, being all upset. Once, once flip gets up though, he immediately be lines for flip. And this tries to get back into that pocket.
Starting point is 02:30:43 And to save some anxiety should probably work on that. Well, it's a little late. He's not a he's not a young pop anymore. Are you pal? He's just like killing. He's like shaking himself inside inside your pocket. He's just happy to be here. But we're going to go to a party real quick.
Starting point is 02:31:06 A party. Well, I, where? Come on, where we go? Europa. So pointed out on the hood that you brought up. Oh, yeah. I'll do some research and see if I can narrow it down to find and guess those are the coordinates.
Starting point is 02:31:26 Maybe after. I've always wanted to go to Europa. Do you know there's geysers there? That sounds amazing. I was going to say that I haven't been to Europa. So I was like, I hope it's not. Flip you also flip also. You also know that at Europa has this place called Port Parts
Starting point is 02:31:49 Incorporated is one of the largest like salvaging yards. This side of jovial system. And usually has all sorts of fun stuff. A little engineer could want. They got like that new Shenzhen type of place out there. They got all the toys. Your little, your little engineer mind is going to go bonkers. If you want to build something that goes boom, boom,
Starting point is 02:32:21 I would totally be okay with that. We have so many things that go boom, boom. Do we have anything that goes boom, boom, but in like, like a very cool light show. Fireworks, you want fireworks? That's what I want. Okay. You want the ship to shoot fireworks?
Starting point is 02:32:41 Now let's be extra specific here. Remember, you want the ship to shoot fireworks. You don't want fireworks inside the ship. Yes, of course. Jesus. Are you not getting it? Important distinction. It's all about, you got to set the tone. You got to set the vibes.
Starting point is 02:33:00 It could be used for a good thing or distraction. Or we can set something off if we just want something catch on fire. We can always, we can always let go of the drive and let it pop off behind us. That make a big light show. But then we want to be able to steer anymore. At that point, we would have other problems. I'd like to do whatever you want. I just, I just, I just want to go say hi to your ex-wife.
Starting point is 02:33:31 Say hello. Thank you. All right. Well, it's two days ride to Europa from here. And that's probably a great place for us to stop. So yeah. Thank you so much for joining us today. As our crew starts making their way to the planet of Europa, the moon of Europa.
Starting point is 02:34:01 Yeah, thank you for joining us. We appreciate you. And our first crew. Join us on Mondays usually for Aaron at the sheep farm. We might have some Susie shenanigans this week. Who knows. And yeah, have a good rest of your weekend and, you know, live your dream. Spaceman.
Starting point is 02:34:24 Bye everybody.

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