Mayday Plays - Orpheus: Book 1, Ch. 1 - "The First Day of the Rest of Your (After)Life"

Episode Date: October 2, 2021

Meet Crucible 12 in the premiere of Mayday Plays: Orpheus. Will the newly-minted team of ghosts and ghost hunters be able to push through personality mismatches and bring closure to a grieving neighbo...rhood? Or will conflict and incompetence bust them back down the corporate ladder?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey folks, how y'all doing? Who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing on Mayday's channel? For those of you who don't know me, I'm Vince. I'm one of the illustrious game masters over at Black Project Gaming. You may know me from my Delta Green campaigns, but Mayday Roleplay has kidnapped me for a very special campaign that UE will be beginning today. So this is Orpheus. For those of you who may not be aware, Orpheus is a tabletop role-playing game that White Wolf Publishing kicked out in about 2003. Centers around private investigator types who have the ability to project their spirits outside of their bodies in a world that has all but confirmed the existence of the afterlife. Obviously, supernatural horror will abound. Investigations,
Starting point is 00:00:40 if you like Delta Green, you'll probably like this. A little less serious, a little less nihilistic, but nevertheless, whole lots of fun. But listen, folks, we all know you're not here to see me. You're really here to see the wonderful folks at Mayday Roleplay. So, without further ado, allow me to introduce them or rather reintroduce them. Here's the cast and crew of Mayday Roleplay, folks. Hello. I feel like we were just introduced. I like a ringleader in a circus. Vince, thank you for rolling with the punches. Sorry that there was that technical glitch in the beginning. We gotta have one. It would have been Mayday's dream without one. Absolutely. Hey, you know what's great? I think this is the moment a lot of you out there in Chatland
Starting point is 00:01:29 have been waiting for. Who the fuck is playing who? So, let's kick this thing off. You know what, Serge? Take it away. Me? All right. Well, hey guys, I'm Sergio, and today I am playing Lavinia Eileen Dyer, the Hugh skin writer. Yes. Yes. Caleb, go for it. Hello. I'm Caleb James Miller, and today I'll be playing Colette Sawyer, the skimmer wisp. Yes. Amanda. Hi, everybody. I'm Amanda, and I'm going to be playing Mia Castillo Bennett, and I am a sleeper skin writer. Yeah. All right. Legra. Oh, hey, guys. It's a legra. This time I'm playing Logan Rio Mercado, a skimmer or banshee. I don't know why I had to look at my character feet because I just checked it. I had to check it again. I'll be checking a lot. Zakea, what have you got? Hello. I'm Zakea. I play Vivian Acker or Viv Acker.
Starting point is 00:02:35 She also has a short nickname I realize now, and I play a spirit poltergeist. Yeah, Eli. Oh, hey, I'm Eli. I'm playing Nakoa Kalane, and I am a banshee spirit. And last but not least, Mr. Aaron Papst. Oh, I'm that thing that Vince just said, and I am playing Abner Abernathy, a sleeper-haunter. Haunter-sleeper. Sleeper-haunter. Haunter-sleeper. Yeah, what's the order that should be in? Probably LeMent and then Shade. Yeah, what you are and what you do, right? Yeah, there we go. We'll roll with that. So yeah, that's our crucible, folks. That's who you are going to be watching, witnessing, experiencing this campaign with for the next, however many sessions. Before we kick off, I know it's a little bit after the hour, we're just going
Starting point is 00:03:36 to take care of some quick housekeeping items. Just a quick content warning. This actual play is intended for mature audiences. We do have elements of supernatural horror, violence, adult language, and much, much more. So of course, viewer and listener discretion is advised. A note on rules. This game, while it did come out in 2003, it has been a while since I've played it. I did play it when it first came out, but obviously 2003 was a long time ago. So the game is still relatively new to us. Myself included, we're still learning. My plan is I'm going to make a snap decision in game if I can't recall what the rule may be. So, well, you know, that way there's this little dead space and silence as possible. We'll just make the call on the fly, and then I'll look it up afterwards.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And then if there was something I got disastrously wrong, I'll correct it in the intro to our next session so that way we can all figure out how this is supposed to be played. Cell phones. You may see some cell phones come out. It is obviously not the Mayday crew being rude because they are incredible human beings. But that's how they're going to whisper. Obviously, we're not sitting around a table together. We're not in person. So whispering and communicating amongst each other while I'm diet-tribing is not exactly feasible. So the cell phones will fill that role. Also, I use actually all of the addresses I'm about to throw out in this first session are real places. So I encourage my players to Google that shit. I would encourage the chat to also Google
Starting point is 00:04:58 that way they can help us solve the problem. Absolutely. Safety tools. One of the first things I did when we started rolling this campaign is I downloaded Monty Cook's phenomenal product, Consent and Gaming. And I fired off a consent checklist to all of the players just to make sure where their green-yellow-red limits were. So I got those. We are going to take those to account as we move through the campaign. I also have an X card function. Essentially, these fine folks will just shoot me a text or shoot me a message in our Discord server or just, yeah, flash up the X and we'll cease and desist and we'll move on. Safety tools are important. If you're not using them at your table, you're doing it wrong. Finally, shout outs and thanks.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Onyx Path Publishing. Incredible company, incredible human beings. We reached out to them because we weren't really sure who still had the rights to Orpheus. Apparently, it's Paradox Interactive who did not respond. They're a big company, sure. No big deal. But Onyx Path did and they actually shot us a free courtesy copy of Wraith's 20th anniversary edition just as a thank you and just for the shout out. So if you love stuff like this, definitely check them out. They're an incredible company. And last but most certainly not least, I want to throw out a huge, thank you to Simon Heath from CryoChamber. CryoChamber is a phenomenal record label that does all sorts of dark ambient music. And you will be hearing their music throughout this campaign.
Starting point is 00:06:21 In fact, I believe it might be playing now, right, Serge? Yeah, we've got it in the background. Beautiful. Yeah. So what you're hearing is incredible. We use it in your campaigns, use it in your horror games. They do absolutely phenomenal work. So please check them out at But I think that's it, unless anybody has anything else. No, let's start. Just the intending doom. Let's do this. Let's do this, folks. All right, we ready? Ready. Yes. It is Monday, September 10th, 2018. Shortly before eight o'clock in the morning, a sun rises in a pristine blue sky above the front range of the Rocky Mountains. We are in Arvada, Colorado, a suburb of the major metropolitan area of Denver.
Starting point is 00:07:14 As you all go about your mornings, preparing for your first day with the Orpheus Group, some of you your first day with the Orpheus Group, but all of you your first day with Crucible 12. Vivian, Viv, why don't you tell us what you're up to? Viv is, I think she's taken to spending most of her time in her car that's sitting in the parking garage beneath her former apartment, just to sort of give her older partner some space, and is sitting and wasting time before she goes to the street and just kind of watches her block for a while. We'll consider doing some poltergeisty shit and decide against it because it is a new day and we have a new job and we shouldn't fuck it up. And yeah, I think it's a lot of just waiting,
Starting point is 00:08:11 like she's already five hours before she needs to be and just slowly inching towards where she's supposed to be in the morning. A lot of deep breaths, a lot of checking things that don't really make sense to check any more like texts from people. She's not getting messages from that kind of thing. Love that, love that. All right, who is next on the list? I believe, oh crap, I got messed up. Okay, I'm just gonna wing it. Amanda, Amanda, what are you doing? What is Mia doing? Mia, 8am, correct? 8am, or a little bit before, you're supposed to be, you said we're just by 8am. Okay, yeah, she's already probably at work. She got there slightly early. I would say definitely would have had, Mia's got her coffee addressed. I would say, I would say a little,
Starting point is 00:09:05 like everything's kind of pressed. You could tell that an iron was used, like they put a little effort today. Just getting ready for their debrief. I will say that they are also doing, they probably would have done their morning stretches, especially to loosen some tightness in her left shoulders and all that, but she's just getting her notes, getting her coffee, and just getting ready to go to her meetings and whatnot. Awesome, okay. That's Mia. LaVinia, now about you. One of the pleasures of being dead is that you don't have to sleep, so LaVinia spends the entire evening before trying to read. The problem is that when you're dead, you have to expend vitality to interact with physical objects, and LaVinia doesn't have a lot of vitality, so she spends most
Starting point is 00:10:00 of the day convincing, or most of the evening, convincing one of the late night operators, one of the folks at Orpheus to sit down and turn pages for her, where she just says, okay, turn, turn. And in the morning around 8am at this point, she is now getting this person who is exhausted, like slumped over a table, getting them to work on a little wooden block puzzle that, you know, you kind of put it together and it forms a wooden block, and he's really bad at it, and no matter how she tries to explain for him to do it, so he just won't get it, so she just kind of once uses her abilities as a skin writer to kind of take his hand and just wipe the wooden block across the table, and she just says, your excuse, and she leaves. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:54 God damn. I got an entrance. Holy shit. Love that. Okay, Nakoa, how about you? I've probably finally like sculpt over to the second floor of the Orpheus building, because I can go and like stand on the atrium and kind of look out the big windows that look at the sunrise, and I'm kind of just like, I look tired and disheveled and just like, I'm kind of yawning, as I just kind of just like stand there, like slouching, and I'm very, you know, waiting to like get to where I need to be in the morning, but at least I'll have some time to like have a smoke break, because somebody was kind enough to offer me some cigarettes last night for an hour of my time, so I kind of pull them out of my pocket, and I kind of just loosely
Starting point is 00:11:48 put it in my mouth and like kind of like light it, or just like lights itself, it doesn't, I don't even have to really light it, I just take a deep breath of it, and it's kind of like smoke, just kind of just floating around and stuff, as I'm like watching the sun. Nice. Yeah, as you do that, the smoke actually, as it drifts, it becomes reabsorbed back into your gauze, because it is a part of you, it is a part of your spectral being, and it's the ritual, it's the familiarity of this repetitious behavior that helps you find your focus in the morning. Beautiful, love that. Logan. Logan's morning routine usually goes one of three ways. They either don't sleep, and just like
Starting point is 00:12:37 hyper fixate on something, whether it's like the lifecycle of mealworms, or like a YouTube rabbit hole, and then they, oh the sun's up, I guess I should keep just like going. Two, they go to sleep super late at like 3 a.m., and then wake up at like 6, and then work out like a maniac and have like a productive day. Or three, they go to sleep early trying to be responsible, and then wake up at 4 p.m., and just write the day off because why, like, I'm already, you know, up at 4 p.m., so what am I gonna do? Today was supposed to be like a number two day of like, okay, if I go to bed late, then I'll get up early and I'll work out, and then I'll go to work. It didn't work out. They have slept through three alarms on their
Starting point is 00:13:18 phone, and finally the clock, like the old clock radio on their bedside table starts like blaring talk radio to an annoying enough extent that they throw it against the wall and haul their ass out of bed, realize what time it is, and then rush to get like ready for work, jump in the car, and put on music as loud as they possibly can to just pretend that they're not nervous, and they're just like, this is going to mask the anxiety if I just deafen myself with music, and hope that they make it to work in time on their first day ever. Awesome, I love that. All right, Abner. Everyone in the Orpheus building is rattled when an old-timey alarm goes off in Abner's office. As he picks his head up off of his desk, you can see that he has kind of like
Starting point is 00:14:17 this long gray matted hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in a while, or like it's been dry shampooed in the last week at best. He's wearing this old tan suit that looks kind of like vaguely familiar, but it's a couple sizes too big, the colors are kind of off, some of the seams are starting to rip a little bit. As soon as he wakes up, he kind of like startles a little bit, and shakes, and then wipes like a bunch of old newspapers off of his desk to reveal a can of refried beans, which he peels the top off of, and he just starts kind of going to town on his breakfast before pulling up an ancient thermos, opening it up and drinking coffee directly from the thermos, kind of splashes down onto his suit as he goes, and then he just kind of stands up
Starting point is 00:15:03 from his desk and starts patrolling the halls of Orpheus HQ, talking to anybody who will let him chatter. What a monster. Wait, I was just saying, refried beans, hard boiled eggs exist, man. It was refried, it was refried beans, it was moderated. That's hilarious, I think that's worse. How many beans you've got? Oh, and last, of course, almost certainly not least, Colette. I think that the hardest part of recovery for Colette is keeping a regular schedule, and so with the anxiety of coming to Orpheus for her first day the next day, she's very apprehensive,
Starting point is 00:15:49 but she tries to get herself to bed at a normal hour, and it just doesn't work. For the first three hours, she just lays there staring at the ceiling, thinking about all the things that she's got herself in and how she came to be a bureaucrat at her age, and so she picks herself back up and she goes to work. She's working with oils tonight on this big canvas. She convinced Orpheus to allow her to take into the hotel, temporary housing that they set her up in for the time being, and about halfway through her work, around six in the morning, she spills just about half of her oil paints into the carpet, cheap hotel carpet underneath, and so a lot of her morning is spent trying to clean up that fucking mess and getting herself ready, and it ends up making her late
Starting point is 00:16:36 just from the sheer process of trying to get the soapy water into the carpet to clean it back up and lift it up, but she gets herself out. She's wearing homemade jewelry today. Today she's wearing two old Seattle Transit bus tokens that she's looped hooks through and then pierced her ears with. She's just trying to make it in time. All right, I think it's everybody. Seems like it. We did lose Aaron. That's okay, he'll be back. Yeah, he'll be back. Okay, so there he is. There he is. As you all are going about your morning routine, some of you already had Orpheus headquarters. Some of you, not so much, those of you who do have cell phones, obviously with our spirit and hue counterparts. Oh, did you have a question? I'm sorry. Those of you who do have
Starting point is 00:17:29 cell phones, you do get a text shortly after eight, or we'll say a little bit before. That simply says Briefing Room B, 815, KD. And KD you know are the initials of your project leader for Crucible 12, Kate Denison. And you know the briefing rooms, at least from your orientation and your initial tour of Orpheus headquarters are in the investigative consulting section of the second floor of the Orpheus building. So, yeah, 815. Who wants to show up first? Who wants to show up at the building first? That isn't already there. Probably. That'd be me. Probably me. Oh, definitely me, for sure. All right. So, yeah, you, as you all begin to file in and show up, you pull into the underground parking garage at Orpheus headquarters. One of the sub levels is dedicated to underground parking.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And you use your issued key card to swipe in, enter in a pen, and access the elevator that will take you to the second floor. And it is a very quick walk down to the cubicles that you call your homes when you're not actually in the field. And the briefing rooms themselves. So, yeah, do you do anything when you get there to headquarters? I'm going to probably stop over any, like grab, I'm going to like grab a legal pad, a couple of pens, grab all my notes to get for any debriefing whatsoever. I'm definitely make sure I have my cup of coffee. And yeah, I'm just going to make sure I am there five to 10 minutes early. Easy. Yeah, nice. And you know that the investigative consulting offices are loaded with supplies just like that. There's
Starting point is 00:19:04 just a dedicated cabinet with just stacks of legal pads, stacks of pens. So all that is very easy to get your hands on. Who else? Who else we got? You assholes don't have a clock. I'm like, I'm getting on time. I'm waiting. Early is on time. Yeah. Yeah. Viv is on site on time. She's standing outside of the building for a good minute before she goes inside. And Vince, I have a question for you. How old is this building? Like ballpark, like 150, 20? We'll say early, like early 2000s at the oldest. Probably this facility is probably built 2004, 2005 time frame. Okay, good. Then she's walking through the building looking like checking to clock the age of the building. She doesn't have a tape measure out to measure the width of the doors, but it's very
Starting point is 00:19:58 much like, okay, good, good. This is not only is it accessible, but it's functional. That's nice. I enjoy that. And she's like, like I said, she's taking every moment to try and learn about a room before she goes into it. So she sees Mia go into the room and just like sits behind a cubicle. Okay. Awesome. That's it. I love that. All right. Cool. Logan probably makes it with enough time to get up to the briefing room before 8 15. Got the last song they're listening to is really long and they don't want to stop in the middle of it. So they just crank it really loud and just freak out in their car until the end of the song. Nice. And then turn the car off and instead of taking the elevator, sprint as fast as they can up the stairs,
Starting point is 00:20:52 hitting each stairs, like doing like stair drills up to the second floor or wherever it is. Okay. And arriving probably like a couple minutes late, heaving a little bit. Okay. If no one shows up on time, I'm actually going to write down who shows up at what time off to the side. But I'm going to be like, but I'm not writing full names. I'm just going to have like little codes. Like I have shapes that I know who each person is. Like triangle, eight, something, something. Like I'm going to just clock everyone's time. Got it. Okay. Yeah. Abner and LaVinia, since you're already in the building, are you like fashion? Like I have to feel LaVinia might be fashionably. I don't know. What's LaVinia's thing? LaVinia is currently on the other side of
Starting point is 00:21:41 the wall, like phased through waiting for everyone to appear. And when no one is looking, she's just going to step in and like lean against the wall and just always have been there. Okay. I dig that. What about Abner? Are you like? Yeah. Abner has been sitting behind Mia for five minutes, waiting for her to notice. Peefer's only. So Mia thinks everybody's late, but we're actually all early watching her. Can I like almost check to see if I would spot this? First rules. Okay. It's a PVP first rule. Let's roll perception plus alertness. So whatever that diet is. How do I do that?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Well, so for you, it'd be different for you to be dexterity plus stealth. Okay. Perception plus alertness. Yeah. So for dexterity plus stealth. Oh no. You are lucky. My perception is bad. And your DC is going to be six. Okay. So I have a two in dexterity. That means I rolled two dice. Two dice. Yep. Two D10s. And you have nothing in stealth? Two D10s. No, I don't have anything in stealth. Right on. Yeah. Two D10. I only have one in perception, nothing in alertness. So. So I roll a 10, a six, and a six for a total of 16.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Got it. Yeah, I got it too. Okay. Yeah. You do not notice this hobo killing in the back of the briefing room. All right. You win. Until he danes to make his presence known. Do you, Aaron? I think I'm kind of just gradually creeping up closer to you. Until eventually behind you, you just hear. Which side do you come up on?
Starting point is 00:23:31 Left. I'm going to hit you, by the way. If you do that, if you start on me on my left, I'm going to hit you. Like 30 minutes in. Roll fun fact. At a certain point, I just kind of scream in your ear. Good morning. If you do that on my left side, I'm going to probably jerk and try to hit you. All right. Roll up. Roll straight plus roll. It's a well again.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Can I, um, can I let her hit me? You can let her. Yeah, if you want to let it. Yeah. Oh, okay. I want to let her. Ah, you got me. Don't do that. And I'm going to just be like. Are you awake yet? Yes, you're, I am awake now.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Oh, you're welcome. Thank you. I get there. Nicola is actually wandering around until I eventually find Kate who's on her way to the meeting. And then I'm just going to kind of slowly walk up next to her just casually. Okay. Yeah. Good morning, Nicola.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Good morning. You ready? Ready as I love to be. I mean, it's a big group. You got us together from what you've told me. It's like the normal. Yeah, we'll address that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun though. Sure. Sure. We'll see. Vib's going to get up out of her cubicle and cross you and say, someone already got punched in the face. Kate just, just, just slowly closes her eyes and just breathes. Just, was it Abernathy?
Starting point is 00:25:22 Sounded like a man. Okay, of course it is. I will see you in there shortly. Collect, collect. When does Zo, yeah. I think either second to last or last. They're coming and smelling like paint thinner and the big thing that slowed them down is they did not bring any form of identification to get into Orpheus completely forgetting her badge at
Starting point is 00:25:49 home. She has to quick talk her way through, you know, the parking structure basically for them to even let her in with her shitty broken down 240 vol though. And just refuses to go back home to get the identification and barters and, you know, argues until finally the person behind the booth finally goes, fine, fine, I found you in the system and lets her through. So then when she finally comes into the, to the room, she reeks of paint thinner. She looks absolutely ridiculously tired and takes her seat doesn't say much to anyone that, morning, everyone. Good morning. Morning. Can I say if I come in last, if Logan comes in last, they're gonna kind of clock everyone
Starting point is 00:26:42 like Moxolut Nikoa, Wink-it Colette. And then as soon as they see Abner, all like artifice of, of like cool confidence or whatever drops and they're like, yo, Uncle Abner! And they like run over and grab him around the waist and pick him up. They're like 5'11 and like rip. So they fully pick him up. I was like 11. Oh my god. You've gotten so big. I know. You're still the same size. Wait, hold on. I think the last time I saw you, we were on that mountain and, and there was, um, it was that wedding on that mountain. Yeah. Yeah. So pretty. It was weird that that lady didn't show up, but like, it was a pretty ceremony anyway, man. Does, oh wait, does my dad know you're here? Oh, uh, I, I haven't, uh, no.
Starting point is 00:27:40 He does it? Okay. Well, he doesn't know I'm here either. So like, that's fine. Um, Do you want him to know that you're here? Fuck no, I don't care. I can call him. No, no, no. That's, that would be a weird thing to do. Like first thing that you've talked to him in years that he's like, hey, uh, your kid's here and you're like, uh, you know, that's how he sounds. Kate is kind of lounging against, leaning against the door frame, just kind of watching this chaos as people are filtering in and fun and just, yeah, just a sheer chaos of a new group coming together for the first time. Uh, Kate is in her mid to late fifties from what you can tell. Uh, her white hair is cut and kind of like a spiky pixie cut. Uh, she's got a black
Starting point is 00:28:25 turtleneck on black pants and black heeled boots. Uh, she kind of looks across all of you and says, I'm on your schedule. So ready whenever you are. I'm so sorry. That's like family reunion probably shouldn't be happening right now, right? Yeah, cool. And I'll like set Abner down and go sit Michael. Start whenever you're ready there, Kate. Thank you, Abner. Your generosity is noted. Yes. Quick question. Have we had many interactions with Kate or at least has Colette had many interactions with Kate or is this sort of brand new? So sort of brand new. You would have kind of gotten to know her a little bit in training when you found out what crucible you were going to be assigned to. She would have come down and
Starting point is 00:29:10 introduced herself to the, uh, at least the rookies who were going to be assigned to the crucible for the first time. For those who have been with Orpheus for a little bit, you definitely know Kate. She's one of the longest employees that have been with the group. Um, but yeah, is there something you want to know about her or something you're kind of? I just wanted to know where she was frame of reference. Yeah. Yeah. So you do know she is one of the group's like premier investigators and she's a project leader. Crucible 12 isn't her only crucible. She manages several. Uh, but this is kind of a new, a new endeavor for her. So this is definitely the first time you're working with her in a professional setting.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Got it. All right. Well, if you're already begin, I have your first assignment with the group. Uh, so take your seats, pens, notes, whatever you need. Uh, we have a simple removal operation. I'm sending you down to Colorado Springs. Uh, she looks at her watch as soon as we're done here. Uh, location is going to be the intersection of North Circle Drive and Maisland Road in the Springs. Uh, June 4th, June, I'm sorry, June 14th, a few months ago, a city electrician by the name of Christopher Allen was sent to examine the traffic light wiring at the intersection. A car, unfortunately ran the light, slammed his body against the light box and killed him instantly. The car sped off only witnesses that were there described as some kind of black sheep or small
Starting point is 00:30:25 SUV. Uh, shortly after Mr. Allen's demise, the frequency of car accidents at that intersection jumped dramatically to an average of, from what our researchers told us, one every two or three days since most of the accidents happened because of the timing on the stoplight and several instances, all of the motorists at the intersection said they had the green light. As a result of the danger there, between the 1st and 2nd of September, the city removed the stoplights and replaced them with a four-way stop sign. All was relatively quiet for the next 48 hours, after which some disturbances began in the local homes near the, near the intersection. Uh, it does sit within a residential area. The houses in the immediate area are experiencing what they describe as electrical
Starting point is 00:31:08 disruptions. Uh, devices switching on and off randomly, stereos increasing in volume, in one instance, the lights flickered on and off fast enough to induce a seizure and epileptic child. Uh, threatening messages appearing on television screens, kitchen appliances operating without being plugged in. No fatalities or serious injuries have been reported as of yet. Uh, but from what our intelligence indicates, the threat is getting worse instead of better. We have been contracted by the Palmer Park Business and Neighborhood Association to stop these hauntings and lay Mr. Allen to rest, find his spirit. If possible, bring him peace with destroying him as the last resort. Any questions?
Starting point is 00:31:49 Oh no, I think you laid everything out clearly enough. Can't wait to get started. Any, any family, any people of note that we might be able to contact? Yes. Uh, so Mr. Allen was 26 when he passed away. He's not married, but he had recently undergone a breakup with a miss Elizabeth Neary, girlfriend of about two years. We can get you her information. He also is a brother in the city. Uh, he's a manager of a local restaurant. His name is Montgomery Allen. We'll get you his contact information as well. Were they close? Close enough from what we can tell. Affecting street lights and mechanical instruments. We know that the poltergeist of our group will be
Starting point is 00:32:34 the points of contact for this spirit. Well, based on what we've seen so far, we think he actually may be a haunter. He's using inhabit. Oh, well, it sounds like it's right up my alley then. It certainly is Mr. Abernathy. Threat tag, blip class green. Any questions? Uh, blip class green is pretty low radar for such a large crucible. Any reason why there's seven of us in this group? Well, A, think of this as a test. See how well you work together? We'd like to ease you into field operations as gradually as possible, but this crucible is a little bit of an experiment. Most of our crucibles are anywhere from three to four members in size, but due to
Starting point is 00:33:28 some recent developments, the group has seen fit to increase the size of our crucibles and start fielding perhaps larger ones due to the specter presence we've been noticing in some areas. Yes, Viv. Who decides who gets the missions? Like, how do we get what not to do at a stop light? Randomly. Who's available one? And I wanted to give you something simple. Right, Mr. Abernathy? There's no small missions. Only small people. I'm not small. Oh, no, just small aid, just small missions. There's no, no small missions. I'm sorry, continue. Are you reading something? Abernathy was it? Are you reading these things that you're saying? Oh, no. Just good, anyway. Kate doesn't like being interrupted. We should let her continue. Your point of contact at the Business
Starting point is 00:34:26 and Neighborhood Association is Victor Castillo. He's the Vice President. I'll give you a cell number and address. We've made reservations for you at the Antlers Hotel in downtown Colorado Springs for the duration of your operation. You will have two vehicles, one is V1 sedan, and as well as your company-issued cell phones and expense card. Sleepers, if you do decide you want to go under for this operation, report to the cradles next. Otherwise, you're entirely up to you whether or not you want to go zero. Do we think that's necessary? Or is this the sort of thing where we're, you know, going... Because it takes time for me to go to sleep. Like, because I know there's a process with that. That's
Starting point is 00:35:06 why. It is. You're correct. Yep. It's entirely up to you all. Decision is yours. Oh, I think a couple meat sacks will be fine for this mission. Don't you agree, Ms. Bennett? Unfortunately, Mr. Abernathy is your lead investigator for this operation. Unfortunately? It's, if you don't mind, it's Castillo Bennett or you can call me Mia. Sir. My apologies. Okay. And duly noted. Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay, so Mia and Abernathy, could I get everybody's names? I know Nikko, I know Logan, but... It's a cutie. Hey, good morning. How about this? Hi, Nio Castillo Bennett. Been here for a year. Nice to meet everybody. Oh, dead or alive. Just add that on there as well. Oh,
Starting point is 00:36:04 alive. Yes. Good distinction. Yeah, I forgot that's a thing we have to distinguish now. Cool. Yeah. Super cool. Colette, you look at LaVinia last and she, when she looks at you, it's hard to tell whether she wants to fuck you or feed you or dog. And you realize she just kind of gives that look regardless of who she's looking at, but she says LaVinia. That's a pretty name. Nice to meet you. I'm Colette. Party. Viv, I'm dead. Oh, yeah, LaVinia, are you dead? Hi, Dad, I'm Abner. No. Abner. No. Abner, you know you're not supposed to say stuff like that. I'm starting to get it. I'm starting to get the unfortunately. No, he's great. I'm not talking about my uncle like that. No, no, he's great.
Starting point is 00:37:05 This is gonna be fun. This is gonna be fun. Well, if we know that this thing is a haunter, we're going to have to ask Mr. Abernathy to at least project, aren't we? Might be a good idea. I think, you know what, I think I'm gonna go as just regular meat. If it's all the same, I'd like to go in person and see how everyone works. Mia, if you'd like to go under, I'd be happy to see how you do your thing. I can. I didn't know if you wanted me to actually talk to the rest of our point of view. Why don't you go under and I'll take the old meat sack out there to see how everybody does. How's that sound? Are we talking about when we actually get there, or can we talk to his people first? I mean, we should probably figure out everything we can about
Starting point is 00:37:59 the course guy first. I mean, you're the boss. If you have an order for me, go ahead. You're right. You know what? You're right. Let's go. Let's go talk to the family and the girlfriend first, and then we'll make a decision from there. Okay. Hold on. Well, we have to come all the way back here if you guys need to like. Oh, that's like a whole bunch of time wasted, man. That's true. About an hour and a half drive. Is there sort of like a time limit on these things? Is there like a due date? Oh yeah. It was quickly and efficiently as possible, but nothing, nothing. Okay, so no due date. We're good. We can come back then. If it's necessary, and you know what? Honestly, if it's not, then that's what we just won't worry about it. I mean, we should take our time with this as much
Starting point is 00:38:45 as possible. I mean, somebody died, right? We ought to give them as much time as they need. Well, within, within the reasonable usage of resources, yes. I like that. So wait, I'm so sorry. I'm confused. Can you just, can you clarify for me if you don't mind? Do you want me to sleep or do I'm going to join you? Let's hold off. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was confused. Let's hold off. Okay. Thank you. I didn't mean to be all rambly with you. Let's, let's, let's just go out there and talk to the folks. I will say for the veterans and the group, you know, to use your ability, sever the strand in order to help resolve any spirits, tethers, will require someone who shares that shade or nature group with that individual. That might change
Starting point is 00:39:28 things. So question, if we're severing the strand, do we have to be spirits at the time that we do it or can we be corporeal? You will have to be in spirit form. Okay. Okay. You know what occurs to me? It's going to be way easier for me to observe how you all work if I can't be seen by our clientele at all. So why don't I go under just to keep an eye on you and I'll just be a little, a little helpful watching guardian angel. How does that sound? Something. I had a, I had a manager like you when I used to work retail. Oh, yeah. I know that's not a compliment. I'll work on that. I promise. No, no, you're great. You just watchful eye. That's okay. Anyway, I think that's the, does that sound reasonable to you, Kate? I'll go under just to keep an eye on them and the rest
Starting point is 00:40:18 of the kids can go out to play. Sure. Mr. Abernathy, I believe that is a viable course of action. Then it's a done deal. It's probably the most rational thing you've said the entire time we've been in this room, but I appreciate it. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Anybody else? Let's do it. Excellent. Yeah. Well, we're on your clock, folks. So Mr. Abernathy will make sure that your cradle is good to go down in the nursery. So thank you very much, Kate. Good luck. Call if you need anything. And she leaves. You know, if you want her to like you, break some rules. It's a little, little tip for me that you break some rules. It's a little tip. Sick. Who are you talking to? Everybody. And with that,
Starting point is 00:41:13 I'll go down to my cradle. Excellent. Yeah. So does anybody go with them to kind of see the process or see how this works, especially, or are you flying solo down there? I'll probably walk with them. I'll go see. I want to see this. I'm going to hang back. Okay. I'm going to hang with Nicola, by the way. Got it. Okay. So we got Mia and Nicola. We got Logan heading with Abner. Anybody else? Collette, did you say you wanted to go down? Yeah. Yeah. I'll go down with them. Okay. LaVinia. What's LaVinia doing? I think she'd probably stay with Nicola and Mia. Yeah. Viv. Yeah. I kind of want to see the cradle thing. Got it. Beautiful. All right. So we got Viv, Logan, Abner heading down to sub level three of Orpheus Icores. You know, there were four
Starting point is 00:41:56 sub levels. And the third is where kind of medical, the nursery, everything is all that set up. And the nursery itself is kind of divided into two areas. You've got your skimmer lounge, which is where the skimmers, individuals who don't necessarily need to be cryogenically suspended, can meditate and separate from their bodies. It's a very warm, very inviting, almost like high end modern yoga studio aesthetic, very calm and comforting. The cradle bay is almost the exact opposite. It is cold, it is dark, rose upon rose of stainless steel and chrome encased hardware, monitoring and equipment and emergency medical bay, and then the sleeper pods themselves. Two rows of these steel monstrosities that really resemble upright coffins, but the exception of
Starting point is 00:42:45 the window in the front to allow viewing of the personnel inside. Most of the cradles are in use, some are empty or serving as an emergency backup. And they are hooked via these long, thick tubes and cords into the suspension fluid processors. As you head on down, Dr. Sam Gardner, the lead physician on duty. Black mid 30s has a black hair and a tapered buzz cut, nose stud glasses, white lab coat over a tribe called Quest T-shirt, blue distressed jeans and black boots. Walks up and Mr. Abernathy, here you're going to sleep for a little bit. Oh, I sure am. Probably just a quickie. Beautiful. We've got your accommodation set up right over here. If you'll follow me, sir. I thank you, good doctor. And they lead you down to your cradle,
Starting point is 00:43:36 which is already standing open and says, well, if you'll, my favorite part, if you'll script down Mr. Abernathy, we'll get you situated. Handedly. Did not know that this was a part of Logan's fully about faces. Turn around with Logan. Did not know that. And you step into this cradle and Dr. Gardner takes some time, you know, sliding the needles into the veins in your arms, making sure you're good to go. And the first thing they hit you with is the, the first thing that hits you is that anesthetic that as you start to feel yourself become drowsier, drowsier and sleep as the cradle shuts closed on you. And you feel the suspension fluid begin to fill your veins as the temperature grows colder and colder until you lose consciousness.
Starting point is 00:44:41 And when you open up your eyes, you are outside that cradle, staring at yourself, at your meat. Yes, Logan. Unfortunate timing of you saying your meat. But is he naked as a ghost as well? No, no, great. Awesome. You can really do whatever, whatever, wearing whatever you want, but typically it is whatever you were wearing last because that is the last image you have of yourself in your mind as you manifest. So I think what happens is Abner comes out as a ghost and he is at first completely nude because that's how he was picturing himself. And then he's like, oh, wait, and then the soup.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah, the gauze kind of just begins to shift and reconstitute itself as it, you know, ectoplasmically fashions itself into clothing. But you definitely saw some stuff. It's good to meet your uncle, Logan. Not exactly how I pictured meeting him, but. Well, me neither. That says, I mean, it's been 14 years since I've seen this dude, 15 years. I don't know. It's been a really fucking long time. Yeah. And now we've seen all of them. Immediate nudity. Yeah, that sucked. That sucked a lot. That really, that really sucked. So the ectoplasmic form of Ab is right here. Right here. So I'm going to turn to him now that he's clothed. So what's it like, AB? What's it feel like? Oh, it's basically the same. You've
Starting point is 00:46:14 done it before, haven't you? I have, but I've done it my way. It's just a bunch of needles is the only difference. Like a whole lot of needles. I don't think we get frozen either, Cole. Well, that's true. Yeah, you're kind of a, I wonder if we put you in a refrigerator, if that would help keep the body safe. Never mind. I'm rambling. Let's, let's, let's get, let's get to work, folks. That could be a fun science experiment. I would be down for science. So in family of 80 or so people. Turn to Viv. They're going to fridge each other. They're going to freeze each other. Yeah. They're going to freeze each other to death separately. Beautiful. And though you, for those of you who've been through the training, which is all of you,
Starting point is 00:46:56 you do know that the way the sleeper process works, right? Is that it is essentially a combination of, you know, filling, you know, replacing the blood in the body with this suspension fluid that will, you know, thwart the formation of ice crystals in the blood and in the body, which is what causes cryogenic suspension to not be feasible in our modern era, because, you know, those ice crystal formations are what kill you. But this patented proprietary fluid is what keeps that from happening. And then, of course, the cryogenic freezing that bring the body temperature down to near death, and then they separate from the body. Anybody remember that scene in The Frightners, where Michael J. Fox is in the freezer, thinking of it like that, only much more professional,
Starting point is 00:47:35 much more scientifically sound. Yeah. So there you go. I'd like to think that meanwhile upstairs, Lavini and Niko and Mia are all in the office still. Lavini is going to walk over and sit next to Mia and just, you know, kind of casually say again with the same kind of, you know, stare that just really makes you question what her motives are. She just says, I've read your dossier and apparently you're a skin writer like myself. Yes. Yes. I, it's actually nice to meet another one. How are you? I'm doing well. Quite the sensation, huh? Taking over someone else's body. That's an interesting way of saying that. Well, isn't that what we do? I sure, but I just, I don't know. I'm very intense with that. You'll find I'm a very
Starting point is 00:48:34 intense kind of person. Oh, I know. I'm getting that impression real quick. I'm going to interrupt. I'm going to be like, do you think they realize that Abner is going to have to strip down nude? So, you know what? That's why I stayed chipped. Yeah, that's why I didn't show up here. Kidding. Abner reminds me of a riddle I once heard. A mile from end to end, yet as close to you as a friend, found on the rich, poor, short and tall, but shared among children, most of all. Do you know what that is? I went to public school in New Mexico, so that tells me right now. I mean, it is. Can you tell me? It's a smile. Take a willpower point there, LaVenia. Yes. Damn. I'm going to be like staring really
Starting point is 00:49:31 intensely, looking at Niko and be like, who the fuck is this person? What did we get ourselves into? Do you want to go to the car? Could I do one thing before we leave here? Absolutely. Yeah, go nuts. Could I not expend a vitality point, but could I do a zero vitality for Bode and see what Kate was up to an hour before our meeting? Absolutely. Yeah, you know what? Go ahead and roll. Do you even have to roll for that? Let me double check. We find that for you. But yeah, go ahead and make your typical four-bode roll, which is perception plus empathy, difficulty six. All right. That's four successes with two nines and eight and a five. Beautiful. Okay. Yeah, that's a good, that's a really good success. So you can clearly kind of see in here
Starting point is 00:50:49 what took place. And so you notice that she's in her office. And I'm assuming you go back to the investigative consulting offices because that's kind of what you have to be like in the area with zero vitality expenditure. And you notice that she's at her desk. She's kind of just flipping through the briefing dossier for this operation. Just kind of taking notes on a little kind of steno notepad, checking your phone, checking the time, reading. She seems to be very meticulous, very intense. Kind of wants to make sure she has all the facts right before she briefs them to you, knowing that this is the information you're going to need when you go out in the field. That's really it. A lot of prep. Okay. Yeah. I just like casually left. I didn't even say anything to
Starting point is 00:51:36 you guys. I just left. I got up and left. I was, I'm going to go after really quick because I'm going to pull out my phone and I'm going to be like, Koa, question. And this is like the first time you're going to see Mia be excited and be like, there's a game this Friday, this Friday. Are you finally ready? Are you finally ready to watch soccer? Are you going to do it? I'm ignoring her up until I like get out of Forbode. And like one of the notable those things about Forbode though is like, Koa doesn't have pupils in her eyes. She's got just like white, like glossy eyes. But when she goes and uses Forbode, like her eyes just like turned full black. And she's like looking back into like all of that. And then she kind of just snaps out of it
Starting point is 00:52:22 when like Mia starts asking about games. And, and then I like shake out of it and I'll look at her as like, are we going to get tickets for it? Or are we going to watch it together? I'm just going to walk into the conversation. Oh, okay. I was thinking of just like together, if you're okay with that. Yeah, but we can, but if you want, we can't because I'm going, I'm going to, I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I like have nothing, you know, like, you know, I have nothing but time. So either way, you're going to see Mia get like a little excited. Yeah, look on our film for like times and maybe snacks and foods like that's what we're doing. As I head towards the car. Love that. Yeah. So the cars themselves, the court, the company cars are down in a very,
Starting point is 00:53:15 in a specific area, a reserved area of the parking garage in that, in that sub level. So do you all just kind of meet there rally there? Yeah, as we're walking to the car, can Abner inhabit the car? Yeah, totally. And then when everybody is gathering up outside of the car, Abner as the car will say get inside me, girls. No, no, no, no. Well, so are you going to spend the vitality to do that concern? Yes, yes, I am. All right, so for you, that will be, let's see, two vitality. I'll give you two vitality. It's worth it. Yep. I'm going to lean over to Logan and go, is he always like this? Please tell me he's always like this. Please tell me. I was fucking 11, dude. I, yeah, probably, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:54:10 the lady didn't show up to his wedding. It was really fucking sad. Maybe that like broken or something. They still, they still did the ceremony. That would do a number to you mentally. Maybe it's like, it's like PTSD, right? That's why he's inhabiting the car and telling us to get inside him. What if we went in the other car, though? Oh, I have my fall, though. I think we're supposed to take their cars is the thing, though. I don't think. Yeah, you have a sedan in the CV. Also, that car will break down. That car will break down as soon as we hit 50 miles an hour. Oh, okay. So we're supposed to take the big jean and cars wherever we go, because obviously, that's going to change the way we operate, right? Well, it'll get us there safely.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I won't be inside of an old man. I'm just going to say, I'm going to say, rookies go with Abner and Mia, you drive. I grab. Thank you. Is this like tradition? Does everyone go through this old man? I just shrug at Colette. I'm just going to look at them and be just stone cold. It's a ride of passage. Wait, does he really, is he really actually like this as everyone go through this old man? If you want more smokes, I'm going to need an answer from you. I'm just going to smile at her and head to the car. I go to the car and I'll be like, this is abuse. I can go with you. I'm not sure how this works. Can I like flash the brights or something? You can honk the horn if you want. Are you in the SUV or the sedan?
Starting point is 00:55:47 I'll be in the bigger car. The SUV. Oh, so for the SUV that. Oh, no, never mind. Never mind. Stand. I'm already getting the car turning on my music. I yell at Abner before I get in the car. If I feel any seat warmer, if an arm whole rest goes down, if anything, even the dashboard opens, I swear to God, I'm jumping out of this car. Oh, relax. I can't feel anything. I'm just hitching a ride. Okay. I'll very hesitantly get in shotgun. Miss Alvinia, can I ask you a question? Of course. Is it going to be weird if I drive the car? Is that incest? Vince, can I drive the car? No. I don't see why you couldn't drive the car. You could drive. You could drive the car. I'm going to drive the car. Get in the car so we can get on
Starting point is 00:56:44 with this. Someone has to be in the driver's seat, though, so it doesn't look like a self-driving car, and I really don't want to like. I'm going to turn on the car and already start taking off. If you haven't gotten in the car, you're already left. I'll crawl over into the driver's seat. Fifteen seconds, folks. Maybe this is a little less weird. I'll fuck you. It's all bad. Great, great, great, great. Are you coming with us? What? Are you coming with us? Oh, yes, unfortunately, yes. Oh, cool. I've already taken off at this point. Yeah, so who's in what car? Me and me and together. Everybody else. Everybody else is in Abner. Got it. You guys put way too long, sorry. Abner mobile. Okay, beautiful. Holy shit, that went off the rails. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Vince, what do you expect from us? You've played with us before. I love it. I love it so much. So it is about an hour and a half, maybe hour 45 minutes of traffic down to the springs from Marvada. So you have that time to kind of discuss freely amongst yourselves, plan, if you want to just role play, go nuts. Absolutely. Yeah, the floor is yours, folks. Now, actually, question for you, Vince. The brief that you sent us, can we assume that that's the stuff our characters know too? Absolutely. Okay, sweet. Yep, yeah. So the briefing file in the Notion page. Just so you're tracking everybody, I use Notion as kind of like an in-universe database for the players, so they can kind of get to know the lore, and that's where I'm also
Starting point is 00:58:19 putting all the mission briefings. So yes, if you pull that up in Notion, that's what your character would know. Sweet. Okay. And yeah, and I should have mentioned it, but Kate would have disseminated that in paper form to all of you. Yeah, I see. So we need to find out if it's place bound, person bound, or item bound. It's a static repeater. Appears a horrible gruesome pose image, or endlessly repeats activity that killed it, or is it dispersed by draining their energies through direct quasi physical assault, or removing or destroying the binding object? Well, I've already cracked the case. Viv says. What do you have? It's none of that. It's not even Christopher's fault. It's the fucking city's fault. They were clearly installing a traffic light, and they decided to
Starting point is 00:59:11 replace it with a four-way stop. When four-way stops are for low traffic areas, like you're asking for trouble, it's a simple stuff. It increases emissions, an average delay, wear on breaks, which, Abner, you're very aware of, I assume, now. They created the problem as far as I can We can always assume that it's the city's fault. Our jobs, though, are to solve the problem of the ghost. I mean, he's stuck in the place he died, right? So it's like place bound. Seems like it. I was thinking, isn't he repeating what happened to him over and over and over again? Until they put in those stop signs, he was causing car accidents left and right. That's what got him, right? Yes, but then it changed. Other things started happening. That's the other reason why I don't
Starting point is 00:59:59 know if it's place bound, because other homes started becoming effective. Am I not remembering that correctly? No, you are. It's in the area, right? I was just thinking they take out the stoplights. Maybe that's the only way he could affect the accidents. Now he's angry. That's what happened. So that's kind of the timeline of events, right? So he dies. There are repeated accidents at the intersection. Because of that, they remove the stoplight altogether, because people reporting that the lights were all green. And then they put in the four-way stop to try to mitigate that. And then that's when the disturbances in the house started taking, the house is, started taking place. I mean, he's trying to tell us what happened to him. He's
Starting point is 01:00:39 trying to tell us what took him out. And he's angry about it. That's my thought. He's trying to do it over and over again. Would that be reactive then? If he's like mad and destroying shit? I don't know what you call it on the paper, but... I'm just, Logan literally has the paper that like lines out what it is. It's crumpled and like has definitely been in their pocket for since they got it. Well, the first step is figuring out what his unfinished business was. And it seems to me that the best place to start that investigation would be with his ex-girlfriend. Do you not agree? Point of distinction right before I respond. Is he speaking out of the radio like a transformer? Yes. Beautiful. Okay. I turn him down just a
Starting point is 01:01:36 little bit to see if that changes his voice. It does. He gets quieter. But then you watch and the volume creeps its way back up as soon as you take your hand off it. I am with the SUB. Question is, because we're in the other card, do we know any of their idea plan? Did they reach out to us? Well, I was going to say, if you all want to be on speaker phone with one another. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We'll circle him. He got cell phones. Anyone got a call us? Oh, yeah. Let's say we did. Let's say we did. Okay. I think, yeah, Vic will call you when she thinks she solved the case. I'm like, we're with stop sign is the call. Yeah. Would you, I was about to say, if you wanted to do the girlfriend, did you want anyone to check out the
Starting point is 01:02:32 intersection? I would actually like to go see the intersection. Your local point of contact, don't forget, is the guy who hired you, or at least who is the focal point for the folks who hired you, is that Victor Castillo, the vice president of the neighborhood association. Yeah, why don't we go to Victor Castillo? Yeah. I would like to note, we will not, if anyone can, if you don't, if you're in the SUV, we should not bring the car directly to the intersection because he was hit with like a Jeep or an SUV type. So let's not trigger him. Yeah. So at that. Take a walk. Mm hmm. I think Colette is going to speak directly into the air condition events. AB, what are you thinking in terms of teams? Who goes where?
Starting point is 01:03:23 I think we all stick together on this first one. You're a good hands with Abner. I think we all, we all stick in one, we all stick together in one group. You're right though, we should start with, we should start with the neighborhood association president to hear his side of things. You're absolutely right. Let's go do that. I'm going to like kind of look at Colette like this another effort. Oh my God, he's our leader. Okay. We go then. Okay. So you, Andy Dossier provided to you by Kate, you have Victor Castillo's phone number as well as his address, 3823 Winsong Court in Colorado Springs. I guess you just describe it by his residence. Yep. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, it is a Monday. So he is, yeah,
Starting point is 01:04:22 it is a Monday. So he is not home. Yeah. Good point. And we probably would have thought of that, huh? I'm sure he would have. Yeah, we probably, we probably would have realized that. Well, we don't know. Maybe work that home or something. That's why at least we would not check what was there. At least, and I imagine the intersection that happened out is not far away. Um, it is, if you look them up, I think it's like a few streets over. Yeah, it's pretty close, isn't it? Yeah. So we'll say we swing by the house first, find he's not there. And then probably the next thing we're going to want to check out is the intersection where the accident happened. Okay. Awesome. So yeah, you drive to the intersection. We're walking. We have to walk
Starting point is 01:05:04 because we don't want to piss him off. You're right. Yeah. Well, let's park the cars back by the house. Block away or something. Yeah. And then we'll walk over. Got it. Okay. Yeah. So you park cars, block away a couple streets over. You walk the rest of the way to North Circle Drive in Maisland. And if you do have the images pulled up, if not, I'll describe that for you. North Circle runs north to south. And then you notice that it curves kind of sharply into Maisland. Maisland terminates at North Circle Drive. So that that intersection can be pretty, pretty sketchy if people are running that light, because, you know, you just bust straight through that stoplight, you're driving into somebody's house. And that you can see,
Starting point is 01:05:45 as you kind of look around the site, you can see where the light box used to be. It's clearly pulled up from the, from the concrete, where the use was bolted down at some point. And now you see these stop signs on all, on all corners of the, of the intersection. There are, and it's surrounded by houses. This is a very residential area. But yeah, what do you do? Well, I mean, I think the first thing that will obviously ask just to clear there's a possibility. We don't see, we can see ghosts, we don't see ghosts. Correct. Yep. You do not see a ghost at this point. Yeah. Damn, that would have been so easy. Yeah, game over. We were fiest. We're done. Can I ask though, are the, the stop, the old stoplights, are they still physically there,
Starting point is 01:06:34 or are they just in like the mode where they're like blinking to, to indicate a four-way stop? So it looks like they actually just pulled them down all together. Okay. They completely took them down. They completely took them down. Yep. Can we tell they're like, I was going to ask if there was any kind of like electrical box or any remains of these electric lights? From what it looks like. So they stripped everything from where it was hanging over the intersection. And then it looks like they actually pulled the electrical box completely out of the concrete and just got rid of it. Yeah. Because it would have been, it would have been totaled after the accident. Can we see the electrical pole that he was working on though?
Starting point is 01:07:13 That, that is in view? That's what was pulled out. Yeah. But that's okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But you can, you can clearly see the site where it was. Yes. I'm going to walk over to like the hole where it was and look down in it and say, Hey, Christopher. We're really sorry that happened to you, dude. You want to come talk to us? That's one way. That's. Hey, I always say it's worth a shot. Hi. There is no answer. I'm looking at the house. I'm looking at the houses and stuff like that. What, which houses? Is it like just a couple of houses that have experienced it? Or is it like the whole block? You don't know. They mentioned it in the report though, right? That there was disturbances. They said, yep, but they did not specify the addresses. Is there a house closest
Starting point is 01:08:10 to this sort of remnant of the light box? There is. There is one actually directly across the street. That would be, I believe, two, two, two, six. I think I'm going to give a look to Koa and then start moving in that direction to the front door. Yeah, I'll follow Colette. Yeah. Anybody manifesting or is everybody kind of staying? Staying on this right now. Ghost forum at this point. Okay, got it. We have people that can talk to them. We'll have to leave it to the corpses, the walking corpses. Got it. I need sex. Okay. Yeah, I'll step up and if there's a ring light, I'll ring it or I'll knock on the door, whatever it is. Okay. Yeah, there is no camera, but there's a doorbell. You ring the doorbell and from what you can see, a probably mid-30-year-old woman
Starting point is 01:09:07 answers the door. Hello, can I help you? Hi, my name is Colette Sawyer. I'm with the Orpheus group. We're investigating something in the local area that we're trying to rectify. I'm wondering, have you had any happening lately that may be related to ghosts? It's bizarre to even say that, but have you had anything happening in your house that is less than normal? Wait, are you for real? Are you like with those ghost hunters? Yeah, don't ask me. I'll pull out my card and I'll just go ahead and show this as like Orpheus and the like. Yeah, she takes it and kind of looks at it like, so that thing is fucking real? Yeah. Right. Okay, and you're looking, what are you looking, you're looking for ghosts?
Starting point is 01:10:00 Yeah. Yeah, I mean, we told Mr. Castillo, I mean, they sent out an electrician, the electrician couldn't find out what was going on, but like to turn it off, turn it on off, the radio will just turn on by itself, full volume. My son, David, has been speaking with the television. Does this happen, like, how often in a day in a week does this happen? Usually it happens right before he goes to bed. He's four, so we usually try to get him to bed at 8.30, 9 o'clock, no later than. Ask if the kid's still here right now. Is David with us here in the home? He's at preschool, right? Four-year-olds go to preschool? Something like that. Daycare, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He's at preschool. Can I walk past them and go
Starting point is 01:11:09 to David's room? Totally. How has he been feeling about it? Is it a negative association with whatever this is, or is it a positive experience for him? I'd almost say neither. He just seems to, he's, he's, is this for real? Like what? I know, it's, it gets, it can get a little overwhelming at first. I get that. I just chalked it up to his imagination, you know, imaginary friends and everything. It could be. It honestly could be. But you know us, we just want to make sure that everything is in order, based on kind of vamping, so all our goes can go investigate really quick. But yeah. It's kind of been neutral, I guess. You know, it doesn't, it's not really very much of a conversation from what David said. Do you, do you recall any
Starting point is 01:12:05 particular details of what they discussed? Why didn't it stop? That's, why didn't it stop? Why didn't it stop? I, I turn to Mia, he's probably talking about the car, right? Mm-hmm. Are you talking about that poor man? Yeah. A few months ago. Oh, that's the possibility. Yes. That may be the spirit that's inhabiting this place. It could be who your son is talking to. Are you fucking serious? Mm-hmm. Holy shit. Oh, because I can see that they're panicking really quick and we'll be like, it's a possibility. We don't know for sure. That's why we're actually here to investigate, to see if that's the case. And I'm gonna kind of put my hand on this other, be like, kind of squeeze, like, easy there. Ask her, ask her if she saw the accident.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Did you happen to witness or hear anything of the time of the accident? I mean, we're the ones who called 911. I mean, we saw this. Oh, did you anyone? Body. Oh, no, I'm sorry. And the kid, ask if the kid saw the accident. Um, did David, accident, uh, did David witness any of this? No, no, David was, David was sleeping. We heard the crash. My husband got up and checked the door, checked the windows and he saw, you know, we thought somebody maybe was trying to break in or something, but he saw, um, he saw that man's body and then he saw that whatever was driving off. I just want to reassure you that at this time there's nothing to be afraid of yet. Um, the situation is such that he's already told you what you need to know. He's
Starting point is 01:13:46 wondering what happened to him in the real world, right? So he hasn't done anything to your son. He hasn't done anything to you directly. So this is a good situation. I'm sure he's just looking for answers like any of us would. Roll, um, charisma plus empathy. Empathy. Go for it. Difficulty six. Standard difficulty. Gotcha. Actually, no, we're gonna bump that up. That's a rookie number. We're gonna go to seven because you freaked her the fuck out. That's fair. I have five successes. Whoa. Oh yeah. Okay. Beautiful. Yeah, that's great. She, um, she visibly kind of seems to relax, like takes this breath and you see the tension kind of just leave her body with that breath. You just kind of remember that whatever this world is, whatever the other side
Starting point is 01:14:44 is, it's been alive as long as we have. So if there was anything to be afraid of, we would have known it by now, right? And when there are those situations, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna kind of collect, like, don't overwhelm too much. Relax, relax. What's our, what's our, what's our ghost crew doing right now? Um, yeah, I went up to David, I went up to David's room and I want to, uh, I want to get just a general vibe before I try something else. Sure. Okay. So for you, role perception plus, uh, I believe it's awareness. Awareness is kind of the, the more psychic counterpart to alertness. He's a perception and awareness. Awareness. La Vinnie would have joined Nikoa. She's maybe looking more for physical clues, uh, you know, as the TV reacted to being inhabited
Starting point is 01:15:38 and things like that. So I don't know if I can roll an alertness. Three successes. I have a nine a six and a seven. Okay. Beautiful. Um, for you, La Vinnie, role, um, perception plus, uh, what's due investigation? Okay. Oh, there we go. There we go. Here we go. And what was the difficulty? Six. Okay. That was one success. Perfect. Okay. Um, so you all kind of, especially you, you, you take a moment Nikoa and you kind of just center yourself and you feel just the general ambience, the general atmosphere of the room and you focus and you just try to feel, just feel. Um, and nothing stands out to you. Like if you were to guess the, the closest thing to any kind of supernatural presence or the other one standing next to you. Um, and there is no TV in the room.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Uh, that from what you can tell, there are a number of toys, books, typical four year old, uh, items, but nothing specific, nothing like no TV. Okay. You did notice a TV in the living room on your way in. Then I'd like to you, I'd like to expend a vitality point then and I'd like to look back into the past a whole day of David's evening and where he goes and talks to whatever was on the television. Beautiful. Okay. So I guess you go to the living room to do this. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Perfect. Go ahead and roll, um, your, uh, perception plus empathy. Um, after this and take a break. Wait, actually, as my puppetry ability, I can give them a plus two on their role. Could I, uh, could I do that? I'm just going to go ahead and do that.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Spend a vitality and you give them a plus two. Yeah. So I like to imagine a two additional dicey role and I like to imagine that LaVinia is like joining Nicola and like very intimately watching what she's doing as she does this. Yeah. And there is, it's almost like an exchange of vitality. You feel that kind of static electricity sensation as part of what makes LaVinia LaVinia empowers you. That's six successes. Beautiful. Holy shit. Yeah. Okay. Uh, so with that, uh, let's take a look. Um, so it is, you close your eyes and for those watching your eyes, take on that familiar black hue. Um, you close them and you focus and on the edges of your vision, you see these silver threads start to kind of coalesce and form and shape and you see David,
Starting point is 01:18:25 or who you assume is David, a four year old boy seated in front of the family television. You can hear sounds in the kitchen. You can hear dishes and you're running water. You can hear a man and a woman speaking vaguely. Um, and the TV goes to static and then you see David look up and you hear him say, why didn't what stop in that typical four year old, very stilted, still developing language? Um, where's the, you know, did you fix the light box? And then mommy, daddy, the TV's talking to me and the vision will stay unless you release it. Is there anything else you're looking for? Is there any, it's just outside the static. Does anything like make a form or of some kind?
Starting point is 01:19:29 Does it appear anywhere else later? Because I have a, I can look through the entire day. So I want to see if it reappears multiple times in the house. I want to see if this is like a central location where this, this, where this guy likes to appear. Beautiful. Okay. You do kind of, the scene kind of fast forwards and rewinds and it's almost like walking a tape running backwards and forwards, right? As you kind of just, for all intents and purposes, scroll through the timeline to see what's happening and when. Um, you notice that during the day, things seem to be fine, but at night is when that TV comes in life and you notice lights flickering on and off repeatedly. Radio is turning on a full volume, the TV turning on a full volume. Um, and you sense,
Starting point is 01:20:17 you feel a presence, you feel something, you feel, if you had it, if you could still feel like you did when you were alive, right before a lightning strike, right before a storm, you would feel that hair standing on your arms and on the back of your neck as something manifests in some form and it's coming out of that TV. It's coming from the walls. It's coming from the lights. It's everywhere and nowhere. Um, I'll say got you and then I'll release the, the image. Okay. And I think, with it being 231 here on the east coast, this is a good place to take a break. Cool. Yeah. Five minutes, 10 minutes. What do you guys usually do? Yeah, we'll do like eight or so minutes. Perfect. All right.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Eight or so. No round numbers here. Little bit. Thanks for joining us. See you soon. Be right back. Howdy folks. We are back after our break and we are ready to kick the shindig off once more when we last left off where, uh, Intrepid Crucible was at a, uh, the house adjacent to the accident where Christopher Allen unfortunately lost his life beginning the first phases of their investigation and that is where we will pick up. Uh, so LaVinia, did you have something you wanted to do? Um, I think LaVinia has just always got her ears on all of the different conversations that are kind of happening. She's been hanging out with Nikola and I think she probably just turns to Nikola and says, I think we're starting to find
Starting point is 01:21:49 our clues. It's electrics. It's electrics and he's gonna, and we can find him here sometime this evening if we come back. What's, uh, what's Viv doing? Viv, this whole time has been not a whole time. Probably half the time has been sitting in the intersection, just like trying to replay what she thinks happened. Um, and then eventually joins them inside. Can Viv see any like skid marks on the ground and stuff like that? Was that all? Oh yeah. Can I do a quick little perception check? Oh, is Viv's frozen? Investigation. Oh, there we go. Just for a second. You're back. Roll perception plus, uh, we'll do investigation because you're actually actively looking for
Starting point is 01:22:40 something. Okay. That's nice. I have one success. You can make out faint traces of skid marks, but the problem is, is that the, based on the dossier that you read, there were other accidents in this area. And so you cannot tell, there are numerous sets. You can't tell which belonged to which and how long they may have been there. Okay. Well, you do see them. Okay. Then she's gonna go inside to upstairs, I assume, where the other ghosts are. Um, yeah, we need to find this car. If, if I were hit with a car, I would want to know who did it. Absolutely. Justice is what is on the mind of this ghost. However, the problem is, is we also need to, uh, speak to this guy. And right now, Nicola's idea is that we wait until nightfall. I suggest one of us go with the
Starting point is 01:23:42 living members of our team and the other ones maybe stake out this house for the evening. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. There's other people to talk to. We're not talking to you, Colette. I was gonna ask them. Vince, were their cars parked outside this house? Yes. Just one? Um, multiple. So it's curbside parking in this neighborhood. So, right. Right. Yeah. Do they have a driveway? They do. Okay. A little, a little, uh, covered park parking spot. Gotcha. Is there a car in their driveway? Yes. Okay. Um, is the black Jeep? No.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Damn it. You said, uh, you were the ones that called 911? Yeah. Yeah. We, as soon as we, my husband's song was happening, he woke me up and we called the police. So your husband saw the aftermath or was he there with, to, to witness the crash? No, no, no. It was, I mean, it was late at night. I mean, we were, we had just gotten into bed. It was probably nine, nine, 30. Um, and we heard the crash, thought somebody was breaking in. He got up, ran to the window and saw the car driving away and saw that poor man's body on the sidewalk. What time is your, is your husband here or is he coming back later today?
Starting point is 01:25:13 Oh, he's, he's at work. He'll be back probably 5 36. Okay. If we stop by around that point, do you think, uh, today would be a good time just for a quick little chat, especially since he saw the vehicle, just to make sure we have all our ducks in a row. Sure. Yeah. That's, that's fine. You have my card. It has the number for mine. Yeah. Yeah. No, thank you. Appreciate that. Um, they've got a detective working the, the case. I don't know what they've, I hope they've, they're getting close to finding this guy. Oh, excellent. Do you know the name of the detective? Yeah. Um, uh, hold on. Let me, can I go get her card? Please. Um, she runs off and while they do that, I'm going to go to collect, be like, chill. Do not, like, do not freak out
Starting point is 01:26:00 civilians on your freak out. Yes. Relax. Tell her what was going on. Tell enough. Don't tell enough where you're going to give her a nightmare. Just, that's just my advice for your going. Oh, there's no sense in hiding things from people. If you scare them a little bit, they're more likely to tell you what's really going on. That's some serial killer shit. I'm a little afraid to agree with him there, but these people deserve to know the truth. Don't think their son is communicating with whatever this is. Yes. No, that's why, but the fact that their son is possibly communicating their four-year-old child, let's take it down a notch so she doesn't think she has Rosemary's baby here. Well, all I'm saying is just use, okay, okay. I can, Mia's getting frustrated,
Starting point is 01:26:52 so Mia's going to walk away and just kind of breathe for a fucking minute. You did a good job, Colette. Thanks, AB. I'm going to step up to Mia. Hey, are you all right? I'm okay. Yes, okay. Yeah, I'm fine. No, I'm not fine. I'm sorry. It's just okay. Good. It's good. You're honest with your feelings. Tell me what you're going through. What's wrong? A little frustrated. I would just say if discretion is a little, remember, discretion, we're trying to do a job. Let's not terrorize the witnesses. Did that not go well? I think it went okay. We could do better, though. I thought she really identified with me there. No, we did good. I mean, she's getting us the card right now, so I'm not saying we failed. Trust me, we didn't fail. She does come around the
Starting point is 01:27:41 corner. And then I'm going to move back to them. Hi. Hi. Here, you can take this. I just wrote down your information. You can take this. It's for Detective Laila Sorensen with the violent crime section. Thank you very much. I appreciate that very much. Thank you so much. What's everybody else doing? What's the ghost crew doing? I think we should actually also consider speaking to the girlfriend, the ex-girlfriend as soon as possible. These entities tend to be attached to their emotional counterparts. Okay. So list of people to talk to, and then we circle back and we talk to Christopher at the end of it. Then I'm assuming that the girlfriend also doesn't live far. She does. She lives more in downtown Colorado Springs. Oh, okay. So actually a little bit
Starting point is 01:28:33 You might want to have to spill it up on this one. Did he have a place of residence that we were made aware of? Yes, he did. You've got his address. It is kind of more on the southern end of the city. So the address for his apartment, so you guys, our viewers and everybody can google this shit. So his apartment is at the Pinecrest Apartments. It's going to be 3734 East LaSalle, L-A-S-A-L-L-E Street, apartment 1106. That's for Chris. Elizabeth, you have a phone number and you know she works for Clifton Larson Allen, a local accounting firm. And her apartment is 624 North Cascade Avenue, apartment 114 D. D is a dog. Elizabeth is the ex-girlfriend. Elizabeth Neary, yep. N-E-A-R-Y. And what was the relation the other gentleman had?
Starting point is 01:29:42 That was his brother. Oh, yeah. And what was his name? Montgomery Allen. Allen, okay. What else? Oh, sorry. I think the whole time all of this has been going on, Logan's been standing over the spot where the light or the light box was, and just watching all of the cars and just seeing if any like, if there's any kind of like light anomaly like that their their brights will flash on or like a blinker will go on when the blinker is not supposed to. Okay. Or just to see if there's any like, residual anything around in the intersection itself. Yeah, beautiful. Role perception plus alertness. Okay, perception. AC6. Okay. And I would say like considering what time it was, we're looking probably a little afternoon at this point, 12th, 12th, 30th.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Three successes. Yeah, so you're paying attention. And, you know, obviously, some people do California stops where they just kind of roll through the stop sign. You know, some use turn signals, some don't, some lights are on, some aren't. It's hard to tell because it is the middle of the day. Right. But nothing stands out to you as being too out of the ordinary other than like anywhere else, people in Colorado Springs drive like shit. And I know this because I live there. So I think they're also kind of like talking to the whole and being like, yeah, people, people are super not safe. Like, that dude had his blinker on and then he went straight. What the fuck? LaVini is going to go to Abner. And she's going to say to you,
Starting point is 01:31:28 she's going to pull you to the side and just say, Abner, you're doing a wonderful job so far. I just wanted to tell you. Oh, terrific. Thank you. You too. Abner, since we know that this entity has been here, maybe you should suggest to the group that you stay. I'll stay with you and maybe we'll have Colette since she's already made a relationship with these people while the others investigate because we have the highest chance of meeting this hunter at this location. At least I think so far. You know, it's funny. I was thinking exactly the same thing, same wavelength. Let's let's have the others believe it was your idea because you are the leader, right? Let them know. That's intense.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Well, now that they got super awkward. Oh, get it. What's everybody else doing? What's the plan? So are we just going to get back together and discuss? I will ask if everyone can just take a look to see if they see any black jeeps nearby. Does anyone see any? No, I'm dead serious. It's stupid. No, no, no, not at all. Not a stupid question at all. I mean, Colorado jeeps are pretty common, but no black jeeps or black vehicles standing out to you. No. The neighbor actually didn't took off. Right now. Would you guys find out? Yeah. So I assume that once we got the card of the detective and everything, I imagine that we're done talking to the owner of the house
Starting point is 01:33:25 and we're kind of congregating again. Yeah. Probably back towards where Logan was hanging out. Yeah. The tenant did introduce herself as Rebecca Copeland and she, you know, thanks you for your time and still seems kind of shaken up, you know, because as a skeptic, you know, what you can sense is maybe a skeptic being confronted with, you know, people legitimately having a legitimate adult conversation about ghosts is a little bit much around. Mia Mia Mia left a card with her, right? Yes. Yes. When I when I exit the house and can I notice that Rebecca seems a little bothered? Yeah. Could I just like touch her and without spending in a vitality point, try to calm her down? Yeah. So is that what you want to use whale
Starting point is 01:34:18 in that case? Yes, I'm going to use whale. Got it. Okay. Yeah. So you can in this case, manipulation plus empathy. Oh, we forgot we can do that. That's so cool. That is two sexes. Yeah. And that is whale chat. W a i l. Whaling. Not whaling is in whale oil. Yeah. So yeah, you reach out and you you feel your gauze just make the slightest contact with, you know, this this energy coming off her and use use in your mind, imagine almost just soothing that anxious energy coming off of her. And you see her just blink and then let's just realize something and just very calm, very she nods to herself and just kind of
Starting point is 01:35:23 goes about but it's almost the entire energy just surrounding her and in that room just changed in the space of a moment. Now I'm just going to stuff my hands in my pockets and walk over to the rest of the group. All right. It's all gather around. Abner has a great idea. Oh, quick, Koak, can you can I'm gonna just kind of pull them so can you I know, can you look at the intersection? Do you see anything in the intersection? Like, because you can go back and visually visualize the incident, right? I could. That's so far. That's a few months. That's a lot of expenditure, a lot of energy. I think I would have been like, Oh, never mind. I would. I think we have everything we need to look to move forward. There's nothing that I need to see
Starting point is 01:36:09 that we don't already know. I agree. I don't think we're but we have I don't I don't think that's necessary. Save your, save your juice there, Nakoa. So I think that I think that somebody is going to need to talk to the kid and I am thinking that I might have a chance of talking to the kid the same way that the subject was. So I am thinking that LaVinia and I will stay behind and stake out the house while the rest of you go follow up the lead with the girlfriend and also as well go search the subject's apartment. Does that seem like a reasonable plan? Why do we need to talk to David though? David is the only person that we know of so far that's spoken with the entity. We will need to speak to the entity manifests. We need to talk to the
Starting point is 01:37:11 entity itself. It seems Christopher manifests is here. And he might even come back. That's my point. He might even come back here. I think Christopher is not necessarily an entity interested in being one upped by somebody else. Yeah, I know I'm new here but aren't we worried about taking two spirits and speaking to the same child he was at the time that he manifests? When you take that as a personal affront? The plan is evolving. We can adjust. If he's there we'll just watch him and possibly speak to him. I was suggesting maybe one of the living members of our team possibly Collette stay behind since you already have a relationship with this woman. Oh sure, yeah. I'm totally game for staying. Seems like these
Starting point is 01:38:00 people need us. I'm not sure that it's wise to have you in the house. She can sit in the car? Yes, I don't want. I'm not sure that you're talking to no offense but I'm not sure you're talking to the family is the best move at this point. You kind of freak them out a little bit. You did a good job but it's just we don't want to necessarily make them aware of our presence. Every one of these investigations like we're never telling people ghosts are real? Oh no, you can tell people ghosts are real. That's what I did. I just don't want them to know that we're watching them. They don't know we're watching them. They just know that they're real. And to be clear we're not watching them. We're just kind of hanging out waiting to see if anyone
Starting point is 01:38:43 else shows up. Then I'm confused what the problem is that Coll told them because that's just the truth, right? Oh, there's no problem. Okay, well I'm good wherever you want to put me. I'm sorry. I think we're crossing the streams a little. The point is that not to say that you did something wrong. Ghostbusters. That was good because we're ghostbusters. Exactly. It's just that I, let's try to maintain some air of covertness. I don't understand what I did that wasn't covert. We're all part of a public company. This is tonight specifically when we're hanging out. Just don't make contact. Just don't let anyone know you're here as all I'm saying. Aren't they expecting us to come back though to talk to the husband?
Starting point is 01:39:31 Did we say that? Yes, we did. Okay, then I, okay, so then, okay. You know what, maybe it is better that Mia stays though. Mia did say she wanted to speak with the husband and if you need covert, apparently I'm not. I can come back a little bit later because I don't want to crowd. And I would like to also, let's go ahead. I think we should cover bases with the possibility, but also this detective. They may have more info that we don't, especially where the camera, is there cameras nearby that we could see like street cameras that we could have captured this? No street cameras, but are you looking around for other stuff or do you want to look? Yeah, like if there's anything like homes may have security cameras or anything
Starting point is 01:40:14 dash cam or doorbell cam and roll perception plus investigation. Lavini is going to pull up behind Collette and just say, I think you did a fine job. Think about it this way. What disappears as soon as you say its name? So. A ghost? Silence. Oh, so that works too. In order for us to maintain the upper hand, it's important to give out information when it's necessary. Think about it that way. Yes, Amanda. If you roll a zero, is that? I can roll with that. Does it ten? Okay, so I have three successes and one one. Yeah, easy. Yeah, you kind of take a scroll quickly around the neighborhood, especially some of the adjacent houses that would have had direct
Starting point is 01:41:09 viewpoint of the accident scene. And you do find that one of them has a ring doorbell camera on the front of the residence. I would like to point that out and be like, before we disperse, do you mind if I go ahead and ask if they have any footage of this really quick? Well, if there's a detective, they probably have it, right? Could have, but it doesn't hurt since we're right here. Okay. Anybody? So, is anyone else going to join me or are you going to stare at me as I go up there? Well, you seem like you had it in hand. Okay, all right. I'll walk up with me. Like knock on the doors, ring the doorbell, see if anyone picks up.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Let's see how quickly Colette learns, I say to Nicola. No answer. All right. It is the middle of the day on a Monday. That's what I figure. Is there's no cars in the driveway, correct? No, ma'am. All right. I'm going to take note of the address and I'm just going to go ahead and pick her up. Beautiful. Yeah, that would be 226 North. Oh, I'm sorry. No, I already gave you that one. This is 223 North Circle Drive. There you go. Yep. Cut a catty corner to that intersection. All right. So, we wait or we move on? We move on.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Who's gone where? I think there's enough time we might as well all go. It's only noon, correct? Yeah. We have all taken one. But yeah. Do we have enough time to go walk to everybody together before the evening? Yeah, probably. I mean, you have to be pretty expeditious with your time. Probably be safer to split up, but you can always get a few knocked out. I think we can safely split up and have a couple groups going here. There's a fair bit of ground to cover. Who are you thinking, AB? Oh, let's try the split, people. Let's try to have, how about I take Logan and LaVinia
Starting point is 01:43:16 and the other four of you can go in the other group. Does that sound reasonable? Sure. Terrific. Where do you want us to go? I think, Colette, you seem well adapted to talking to folks. Why don't you go chat up the girlfriend? Why don't you and your group go chat up the girlfriend? Yeah, I'm sure. Okay. Well, also, if you're okay with it, I like to follow up with the detective afterwards. Of course. That sounds terrific. The rest of us will go check out the apartment before coming back for the stakeout. Oh, right. Yeah. Okay. You would notice, Amanda or Mia, that the Colorado Springs address for the police department, at least the violent crime section,
Starting point is 01:44:07 is downtown. Okay. You're looking at about 15, 20 minute drive, probably. Okay. Not so bad. And bring. Okay. Stay in touch. Yeah. So, Abner, Logan, LaVinia, where you all were heading to his apartment? Yes. Okay. Yeah. So, you pull up to the Pinecrest departments, easily find his, where his apartment had been. Do you like go to the leasing office, or do you just go straight up to Old Boy's door? I think I'm going to skim. I'm going to like lay down in the back seat, like I'm taking a nap in the car, and I'll skim. Okay. All right. I thought we could just go right on in. Is that a use of vitality right? No. So, just to skim, you just meditate. Oh, cool. Sick.
Starting point is 01:45:03 Yep. And because you have that point in meditation, you, it is like that. You just center yourself, focus, and you're gone. Awesome. Prop yourself up so it looks like you're listening to the radio. Okay. I'll, instead of getting in the back, I start to get in the back seat, and instead of getting in the back seat, I'll sit back in the driver's seat, lock the door, leave the car on just like the battery spot, or not, no, I won't even do that. I'll just, I'll just like put something on my phone so it looks like I'm just like resting. Nice. Okay. All right. So, you all want to transit through the wall into the apartment?
Starting point is 01:45:41 Yes. That is, all right. So, that is when you spend your one vitality to allow yourselves to pass through that, that physical barrier. So, yeah, you move inside and it does not look like a 26-year-old man's apartment anymore. It has been months. It's been a few months. It's been three months. Is it empty? So, it is not empty. There's clearly someone living here. Okay. So, someone else has moved in is what you're saying. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Well, then I guess we're looking for any remnants, I guess not physical remnants, but Oh, you tell me, Vince, what kind of thing, what kind of things would we know to look for you? Yes. So, in that case, sorry, I just bounced my mic. In this case, you wouldn't really, it's not the scene itself, right? So, this isn't where the guy died. So, there's not much you're probably going to be able to find in this place itself. Got it. But where did his physical property go? Oh, good point. Good point. Which we can probably, is information we can probably get from the leasing office.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Oh, right. That's one, that's what, role intelligence for me. Me? Yeah. Okay. I have an idea if you can get me near someone who has a computer. So, intelligence is, so I have a three in intelligence, which means I roll 3d6, 3d10. 3d10, yep, difficulty six. Thanks for the follow-up. Okay, so I roll 9 when Lord of Syria, Mr. Maynard.
Starting point is 01:47:28 Yeah, thank you. Yeah. I roll a nine, a four, and a three for 16. Okay. So, that's one success with the nine. Maybe the brother knows. Physical property often reverses the next again. Yep, that would make sense. We should still check out the leasing office, though.
Starting point is 01:47:47 You said something about the computer, Levinia. What's that about? What's important is that we get to somebody who knows where his stuff is. I think priority is actually going with the brother. Well, we're here as well. We might as well scope out and see if the leasing office has got anything. I don't think they'd care. As long as it was out, leasing offices don't really care about people.
Starting point is 01:48:13 That's true. Okay, good point. Brother it is then. Here we go. I'll zap back into mine. I won't ripcord. I'll just settle back in. Nice.
Starting point is 01:48:24 Okay, perfect. Okay, are Mia, Viv, Colette, and Nikoa team? What are we doing? Did we need to split off to do two things? You wanted to see the detective, and then we need to talk to the girlfriend. We could just do the girlfriend first, because the detective will be quicker, probably.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Whatever works. What if we need to? You can say we have one of each. Yeah, awesome. Like me and Colette could go talk to the girlfriend, and then you can go talk to the detective. Yeah, sure. We'll go do that.
Starting point is 01:49:03 Okay, great. So for speaking with the girlfriend, where do you head off to? She has an address, right? An apartment, yep. Yeah, so we're heading there first. You also do have the name of her employer. Yeah, it's Monday middle of the day.
Starting point is 01:49:20 She's going to be working. Let's go to her work. And you do notice that her work is also downtown, so very close to the police department. I'm going to drop them off to that location, and then we're going to continue on to the police department in the SUV. Got it, okay.
Starting point is 01:49:39 So we'll start with you all, with Nikoa and Colette, right? You two are sticking together? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so you, Colette, with Nikoa, you head on up to Clifton Larson Allen, and it's a very swanky, modern accounting firm on the top floor of the Plaza of the Rockies.
Starting point is 01:49:57 It's unit 705. Big, beautiful, red-brownst, red building, right in the heart of downtown. You head on up to the elevator, and get off on the floor, the seventh floor, and you make your way over, engage the receptionist. Yeah. As we're getting in the elevator and going up,
Starting point is 01:50:16 I'm going to look at Colette, and I'm going to tell her, be gentle on the ghost stuff, since they are in a relationship. We don't need to give people a false sense of hope, especially if our mission is to help him move on. We should at least tell them it's him, right? No.
Starting point is 01:50:39 No. You don't want her to know that he's past, that he's out there, that he's... She knows that he's past. It's been a few months now. We don't need to open up old wounds. We just need to know what we need to get so that we can help Chris move on,
Starting point is 01:50:57 and that is the goal here. We're not here to ease her suffering. We're here to ease his. Wouldn't... Koa, wouldn't you want your people to know? No, and they don't. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:51:20 And then we'll head into the reception. Yeah, receptionist looks up as you walk in, Colette. Kind of gives you a very quizzical look. Not their typical clientele. Can I help you? Yeah, we're here to... I'm here to visit, and then I'll read off the name.
Starting point is 01:51:44 I forget her name, I'm sorry. Oh, it is Mary, no problem. Elizabeth. Yeah, I'm here to visit Elizabeth. She's not expecting me, but I am hoping to speak with her. I'm with the Orpheus Group. The Orpheus Group.
Starting point is 01:52:02 But do you have identification? Do you have a card? No. I don't... Colette, are you serious? It's okay. I'm sorry, it was a long morning. How do you know Elizabeth?
Starting point is 01:52:20 I don't, but it's very important that I speak with her. It's involving a situation that she was a part of with an ex-partner. It's very important that I speak with her. Please, it's concerning tragedy, and it's very important. All of a sudden, a woman in her mid-20s kind of rounds the corner, light brown hair, pays lies, looks at the receptionist. Becca, what's going on? Don't worry about it, ma'am.
Starting point is 01:52:53 These people are just leaving, and she looks at you, Colette. Are you here to talk about Chris? Yes, yes, yes, I am, I'm sorry. I don't have my... I'd love to talk about Chris. Is there a way that I could talk to Elizabeth? I'm Elizabeth. Elizabeth, can I take a little bit of your time?
Starting point is 01:53:16 Becca, it's fine. We'll just go to the break room. Who did you say you were with? Did you say the Orpheus group? Yes, but it's not concerning what you're thinking. Can we use it? Just follow me, and she leads you back to a break room. A couple of simple tables in the middle of the floor, refrigerator,
Starting point is 01:53:39 microwave, that kind of thing, closes the door behind her. What do you need to talk about Chris for? I just would... We're conducting research. It's a research trial that is a part of the situation, or at least related to the situation that happened with Christopher. And we believe that we could do some good in the situation. But we need all of the details that pertain to what happened to him that night.
Starting point is 01:54:09 Anything that you can provide with us when it comes to Christopher, what happened around that time, anything that you can offer us would do us a great deal of help. We're just trying to make connections about something that we think could be real. Her eyes, just the mention of Chris's name and what might have happened, and her eyes begin to well with tears, and she looks at you and says, I don't know, I don't know much. I just know we've been broken up for like two weeks, and... So is Frash.
Starting point is 01:54:53 He just didn't come up. That's it. And they still haven't found the piece of shit that hit him. And I don't even know what they're fucking looking. Right. It's a powerful situation, and I'm sorry for what happened. And I'm sorry that you two did not get the ending that you deserve. And I think she gives a small look at Koa when she says that.
Starting point is 01:55:22 But we're looking for answers to what happened past that event. We don't know what it's related to or what it could be pertaining to, but every day since that terrible day, we've seen more and more unexplainable circumstances happening there, and we are trying to find answers. So if there's any information that you can give me that may connect with those unexplainable circumstances or anything that may connect with Christopher, that would help us so much, Elizabeth. And that could give us closure, both of us. Ask her how he had taken the breakup.
Starting point is 01:56:13 How did he respond after you two parted? I'm not well. I'm the one who broke things off. He was so bitter. He got passed over for promotion, and he still had a lot of growing up to do. It's always somebody else's fault. It's never his fault. Just unable to take personal accountability.
Starting point is 01:56:48 I was hoping just taking some time and maybe putting a little bit of space would snap him out of it, get him to just grow up just a little bit. And then it happened. I miss him. I want him to come out. I know what that feeling's like, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I wish there was something I could do.
Starting point is 01:57:26 Have you seen him? No. No, that's unfortunately not how this works. Can you? I look at Koa. I just give him a very pointed look. I don't know what you do, but if you just, if you can, just make sure he knows I love him. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that that man knows that you love him. Whether I can pass that on or whatever, I can't guarantee anything,
Starting point is 01:58:06 but if I even see a sliver of a chance, I promise you. I need to, I need to go back to work. Here's my cell phone number. Just call if you need anything. Thank you. And you can see yourselves out. Oh, oh, you know, and she's going to reach for like a napkin in the break room or wherever it is where are, and she's going to write down her phone number and pass it over.
Starting point is 01:58:36 If you need anything, please call. Could I also again use Wale to try to ease her into at least a bit of calm? I just want to like, even though I can't really actually physically touch her, kind of like grab like one would with, you know, like in her hands and just kind of. Absolutely. Yeah, roll that manipulation plus empathy. That is for successes. Yeah, almost exactly kind of the same thing with Miss Copeland.
Starting point is 01:59:11 You just reach out and take that away from her. And she like, again, that very deep breath just just kind of recenters herself and you feel that energy soothe and calm and she dabs at her eyes a little bit with the edge of that napkin. You just gave her with your phone number on it and says, thank you. Thank you. Of course. If you need anything, not not just about this, please reach out.
Starting point is 01:59:46 I will. I will. Thank you. And she leaves. I'm going to look at Koa real quick and go, that's what we're depriving people of. And I'm going to go outside and have a smoke. I'll invite Koa. I'll join.
Starting point is 02:00:08 I'll join. There you go. Yep. Moving on to our other dream team. We have Mia and Viv, correct? Yeah. You head on into the Colorado Springs Police Department, Mia Hickord's building, right?
Starting point is 02:00:23 You've got a desk out front behind some bulletproof glass and the officer on duty kind of looks up at you. Yeah, good morning. Can I help you? Hi, question. I am looking for Detective Leyland. What was that? Saverson?
Starting point is 02:00:39 Sawyer? Sawyer. Sorenson? Sorenson. Yeah, sure. This is about a case she's working. Yeah, it's about, was it the Christopher, what's his last name again? Allen.
Starting point is 02:00:50 Allen. Christopher Allen case? Sure. You a witness, you a family. What's the deal? Kind of private investigations with the actual neighborhood and all that. And I just want to make sure that everything is correct.
Starting point is 02:01:09 Okay. All right. Yeah, listen, I'll call her down. And if she wants to meet with you, she will. Appreciate that. He kind of leans over and grabs the phone. You can't hear him because there's a microphone that they have to key in order to be heard.
Starting point is 02:01:23 But eventually, maybe five, 10 minutes later, a very tall blonde woman. Hello. Late 30s, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair. We're in a great pantsuit. White shirt. Very attractive. Comes down and says, yeah, hi, I'm Detective Sorenson. Can I help you?
Starting point is 02:01:42 Hi, I'm going to extend very, hi, I am Mia Steele-Bennett. Question. I'm just going to be very, hi, how are you today? I'm good. What can I do for you? I'm actually, if you have a couple minutes, I would like to talk about a case that you're working on right now. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:03 What case would that be? It was the, just you guys said it, Christopher Allen. It was the Christopher Allen case. Okay. If you don't mind me asking, what is your involvement with that case? Absolutely. I'm going to go ahead and take out my Orpheus card really quick. And I'm going to go ahead and extend it out.
Starting point is 02:02:17 We were actually hired by the neighborhood due to suspicious activity. And we think it might take a little bit more. But for me to go ahead and assess the situation, I just need to kind of talk to you about the case, especially also wanting to know if you might have a list of possible Jeeps or SUVs that could help me with the hit and run and whatnot. That isn't the way we sit here with those ghost, fucking those ghost cases, ghost cases folks.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Trust me. That's, yep. It's, it's a little, it's very peculiar, believe me. Wow. I guess it's amateur hour here in the spring. So, okay. Listen, ma'am, that is an active investigation. And if you have any inkling of what you're doing,
Starting point is 02:03:06 you know I can't share that information. I'm going to look for her office. I'm going to be like, that's good, because I don't want to keep them talking. Yeah, yeah. Oh, then if it's an active investigation, then you should obviously be aware that kind of people are really going through some horrible, you know, activities in the area, you know, with the electricity, weird stuff, more accidents.
Starting point is 02:03:35 I've noticed too. So bad infrastructure is a police problem now. Viv comes around the corner, increased emissions, increased stress. Tell them, tell them it's all their fault. Um, well, it's not really, you're not, you're right at that city councils, but for me right now, my job is to kind of make sure that no one else gets hurt. So I don't come back and deal with that and more upset family members. That's really what it's all about.
Starting point is 02:04:08 So you want to do my job? No, I'm sure my job is to deal with the people in the graveyard. That's my job. You, I want you to deal with the living. I'm trying to deal with the people trying to move on, because they affect the living. Well, listen, I'm sure there's probably a couple of mental institutions between here and Denver.
Starting point is 02:04:25 I'm sure you can find one that'll just take you in a heartbeat. There's sweetheart. Um, I think I was going to do it before I had, before I have to get back to my- Hit on her. Hit on her. You got to delay. You got to hit on her. Okay.
Starting point is 02:04:33 She hits sweetheart on you. What the fuck killed this bitch? I'm becoming progressive. That's totally fair. I was like, I'm going to be like, yeah, I mean, I could see where you could think that. I mean, it is a little bonkers and crazy, what not that. By the way, a question.
Starting point is 02:04:50 You do have a private investigators license, by the way. Yeah, I was going to, I'm going to go ahead and pull out my private investigation license right there as well. I'm like, just so you're aware, like, I am like, I get it. It's a little like suspicious and all that. But you know what? I hired to do a job, as you can see, just trying to help people out. That's all I'm trying to do.
Starting point is 02:05:08 Not trying to step on toes. Obviously, you are more than capable of handling a whole bunch. Let's go, Mia. Whole bunch. Yeah. Okay. Go ahead and roll. I don't, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:05:21 No, go ahead. It's just, it's just got restricted. What are you wearing? Like the perfume, it's incredible, by the way. I want to. Let's go, lesbians. Let's go. Roll perception, or I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:05:36 No, roll manipulation plus empathy. Because you're not being. No, I'm not being. You're not being, yeah. Empathy. Oh, yes. Okay. Come on.
Starting point is 02:05:50 And the DC is going to be a big fat. We're going to go with a seven on that one. At least one seven, Amanda. Come on, let's go. Yeah. Oh, thank goodness. I got two passes with a nine and an eight. Swoom.
Starting point is 02:06:12 Okay. Okay. She kind of looks at you and a little twinkle in the eye. I'm so sorry. Can you repeat that one more time? There's a little twinkle in the eye. You know, and she's like, I need a smoke.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Are you going to come out? Oh, absolutely. And I'm going to actually already have a lighter ready to go. Already did. She'll take it. So besides being crazy and beautiful, what are you looking for? Fuck. Actually, I'm kind of newer to the area at all.
Starting point is 02:06:50 I was about to say, I'm not like quite familiar with it at all. Do you have any recommendations or? Good restaurants. Restaurants. Taking a lot of a date. You kind of like a question like also like you looked like, hmm, where would you like to go? That's where if someone were to take you, where would you like to go?
Starting point is 02:07:16 There isn't a nice Italian place down in no Colorado city. We could, I kind of like Italian. I love Italian. I'm actually a half Italian. So if you would like, if anything, I could. There's a couple of things that believe I might know some, but it does require at least a little bit more than a five minute conversation. So if you're interested, I could definitely like,
Starting point is 02:07:47 I could teach you Italian later tonight. Let's see how this conversation goes first. Don't don't get out of yourself. I mean, it does sound phenomenal, but it's like I wouldn't know what to pick off the menu. I would need someone to show me what to get though. Did you really call me down here just to ask me out? I mean, it was just a happy coincidence.
Starting point is 02:08:17 And to be very frank with you, if I see something I kind of like, I say you got to shoot your shot. Remember you missed 100% of the shots you don't take. I unfortunately, that's it. Sorry, sorry, Vince. No, was that me? Oh, you disappeared from Mike. I disappeared from everybody's.
Starting point is 02:08:39 Continue with the schmoov moves, Matt. Oh, yeah. See, he kind of looks at it and says, if I feel like it, here's the address. Me there at six, six, 30. Be there at six. Thank you. Oh, I'll be like, oh, and I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 02:09:03 And I'm going to, like, do you mind? And I'm going to gently, I'm going to, like, kind of take something, like, dab near the eye. I'll be like, oh, I saw, I see an eyelash happen. I'm going to be like, we'll see if that'll work. Damn. She just kind of looks at his, like, what the fuck? You can find out.
Starting point is 02:09:25 Maybe I'll see you later. I'm going to take that number really quick, and I'm going to be, like, before I leave, I'm going to go ahead and slip my card with my private number there. I'm like, you can try the work number, but if you want to get a hold of me directly, and also, like I said, I might make you a believer after all, if you're just a little curious about what's it like on the other side, and then I'm going to go ahead. Amazing. I'm going to go ahead and turn, walk, wait, wait, walk, walk.
Starting point is 02:10:03 Kind of do the hair flip around on the shoulder. Yes, and then keep moving. Yes. Incredible. Oh, my God. Yeah, it worked. Those lines. It's comfy in here.
Starting point is 02:10:23 How much time? It's so that's a lot, right? That's a lot of time. If you want to, who owns this car? Like, hopefully, if she's still working on it, if there's anything open on the desk, because I also can't manifest. Well, I could scare a few police officers if I wanted to. But no, I want to see first what's out on the desk.
Starting point is 02:10:47 If it's not good enough to go forward. Um, numerous files. Obviously, Detective Sorenson has a pretty significant case load. Colorado Springs is a pretty, pretty big city. So you would need to sort through things. Okay. Is it, is it a private office? Or is it like a cubicle?
Starting point is 02:11:08 It is a cubicle. Yeah, she's not that high up in the, in the rank yet. Okay. Um, yeah, it's worth it. I'm going to manifest. Okay. Got it. The second, the full, full manifest.
Starting point is 02:11:23 So you spend the two. Okay. You spend the two. You, you, you manifest. It doesn't feel really any different to you. It's more just like you become more solid, more present, if that makes sense. You know, and you start flipping through and you find a case file labeled Alan. And you do kind of dig through the notes.
Starting point is 02:11:47 You see a CD with, or a DVD with rank camera footage written on the outside and black sharpie. And you also find witness statements. And you see three letters, five, I'm sorry, three numbers, five, six, one. Five, six, one. Just like isolated, like a, like on a post or something. It's, it's in the witness statement and is associated with the partial license plate that the witness saw. Sweet. Okay.
Starting point is 02:12:28 And then one more sort of meta question. Would I know, I don't think I would know if me, it would have access to, to looking up license plate numbers. Do I? Um, you guys don't know each other that well yet, do you? Right. Did you go through training together? No. Right.
Starting point is 02:12:43 You're not new. No, I've been here for like a better year. She's been there for a while. Yeah. So you wouldn't, you wouldn't know that much about her background or what she has access to. You'd have to ask her. Okay. Then if, if it's only single copies of things, I won't take anything.
Starting point is 02:12:58 Yeah. How far away is the printer? How far away is the printer? Well, that's the other thing. So the printer is kind of in a common area on the other end of the office and her computer is locked. Okay. Okay. Then I will just write down that information and the date was tonight at six, correct?
Starting point is 02:13:26 Yes it is. You'll find that out when you get back out there and see how things went. I don't, that's right. That's right. Okay. Cool. Then yeah, I'll write down what I, what I know and then leave. Beautiful.
Starting point is 02:13:38 Okay. Yeah. Do you de-manifest? Oh yes. Oh my God. Yes. Thank you. I got you.
Starting point is 02:13:43 I got you. Okay. So we got that down. Abner, Nikoa, Lavinia, what are you all up to next? Talking to the brother. Where do you all head? To his place of business if we know that he has one. You do.
Starting point is 02:14:03 He's the restaurant manager, right? Oh, that's right. Yep. You know, he is a manager at the Phantom Canyon Brewing Company, no pun intended, in downtown Colorado Springs. So you're all kind of converging in the same spot. Phenomenal restaurant, by the way. It's a great roll of brewery in Colorado Springs.
Starting point is 02:14:19 If you ever found yourselves down there, check it out. Anyway, yeah. So he, you walk in, and the reception, or the Baitre-D? Is that the word I'm looking for? Yep. Kind of great to you. Now the problem is, is we're all ghosts, technically, unless we decide to do that. I went back.
Starting point is 02:14:38 Yeah, okay. I'll go back and get dressed. She returned. All right, so we're hovered around Logan. Logan, it's going to be on you. The talk to him. For sure, yeah. I can definitely talk to this guy.
Starting point is 02:14:49 Yes. Okay. So the woman at the stand in the front of the restaurant looks up. Hi, can I help you? Hi, yes. I would like to speak to Montgomery Allen, please. I'm not trying to talk to your manager. That's not the vibe I'm trying to lay down.
Starting point is 02:15:08 I just need to talk to him. Just he just happens to be the manager. No problem. Give me, can I ask who this is asking? My name's Logan. Hi. Uh, is he expecting you? No, no, this is, this isn't, it's not a bad thing.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Tell him why you're here. Tell him why you're here. Right, I work with Orpheus. Oh, those, I look like the, like the ghost hunters. I mean, we're not really ghost hunters. We like talk to ghosts and we like try to help them move on. That's so fucking cool. Right, it's, it's pretty awesome.
Starting point is 02:15:41 Are they hiring? I mean, I could probably have been a good word for you, I bet. Okay. Let me, yeah, let me go. Yeah, give me. Let me get, okay. Yeah, I'll be right back. And she kind of scurries off and a few moments later,
Starting point is 02:15:57 she comes back with kind of a taller, like 32 year old man. He's got a brown, brown hair cut kind of the side part beard. He's wearing like the typical restaurant manager apparel, white teeth, white dress shirt, khakis. Hi, good afternoon. Uh, is this, we're looking for me? Yes. Hi, I, my name's Logan.
Starting point is 02:16:18 And I'll like put my hand out. I mean, I'm, I'm with, I'm with, I'm with Orpheus. We have, I, I just have a couple of questions about your, your late brother. Um, okay. Are you like going to ghost on like what's going on here? I mean, ideally we'd like to just like help him move on so that he's not stuck.
Starting point is 02:16:43 Are you saying my brother is hanging around? Uh, okay. Tell him. Well, we're not entirely certain. Um, let's maybe we take this conversation else where I've got an office in the back. Let's, uh, let's, let's head on back. And, and he kind of, he walks back and it's clear just from
Starting point is 02:17:02 his overall demeanor that this is very strange to him. He kind of walks back and, um, you know, leads you back into this little office and closes the door behind you. So you're talking about, um, you're looking for Chris? Yes, uh, he, well, I don't have to tell you what happened to him. I'm really sorry for your loss, by the way. That's really rough. I, I have four brothers, so I can't imagine losing even one of them.
Starting point is 02:17:26 And, um, anyway, uh, we, there have been a lot of occurrences at that intersection of a variety that our workplace would deem, uh, of importance. There are important things going on at the intersection where my brother died. Yes, uh, like they're. Ask him how his brother was doing before the accident happened, if he'd been acting strangely, if he was seeing anybody new, if he'd been anywhere weird, um, so was, sorry, I had a cough. Um, right.
Starting point is 02:18:19 Who was your brother spending time with those? He, how was he, how was he doing emotionally before everything happened? Was he, uh, I mean, um, I mean, not great. I've been Elizabeth, I just split, um, he was passed over for promotion again. And, you know, can't say it wasn't entirely his fault. You know, just look, I love my brother. He's just, he's got the, I gotta get used to not saying that he had some growing up still to do. Um, you know, but I loved him and, uh, he was doing his best.
Starting point is 02:19:00 I mean, he worked for the city, uh, so, yeah, things weren't great. Was he, was he speaking with anyone new or was he like hanging out with new people or was it just kind of a, He was a gamer, right? And he was always online, uh, you know, in his off time, especially after Elizabeth broke up with him. Ask him if he knows where his remains are, the things in his apartment. Um, I was, we, I, I was wondering, uh, if you knew where his, where his things are now, I, I don't know if that would make any difference, but it might be helpful to know, like he, there's a lot of reasons.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Right, sometimes spirits are tied to objects. So that's what we're asking. Not, not that, not that, not if you think he's tied to objects, but like, if there are objects that we can look at that he might be tied to, you know. Well, so they, they released them to me, um, I've put them in storage. Um, is there a chance we can look at them? Role manipulation plus empathy. My manipulation is ass.
Starting point is 02:20:21 That's one success. We'll take it. Okay. Um, yeah, I mean, I can give you a key, but I'll have to go with you. Oh, okay. Yeah. That would be, that would be, I'm not, I don't want to take any of your time, but this will, this will be really helpful for our investigation.
Starting point is 02:20:36 And I think he's holding a shit. I, I, I don't know. I've, I, I feel like I should lie to you here and say that I have an inkling, but I don't know. It could be a lot of things we, we just want to help him. Okay. Um, yeah, I got most of his stuff in storage. The only thing I held on to was the engagement ring. That's really it.
Starting point is 02:21:04 He had an engagement ring? Well, yeah, he was going to, he was going to propose to Elizabeth. Show her that he, you know, grew up. Wow. That's a lot to lose all at once. Um, okay, that would, that would be, can I, can we see all of it? Can we? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:32 Um, yeah, tell you what, um, give me, give me a little bit. Let me run home. Yeah, of course. I'll meet, I'll meet you at the, I'll meet at the storage place in 45 minutes an hour. Fantastic. Uh, where is it? So, um, we got a pen. I know right down the address, uh, 4915 Galley Road.
Starting point is 02:21:52 Uh, that's smart space, uh, self-storage unit 539. All right. Uh, thank you. I, I hope this isn't, I mean, I'm sure this is, uh, imposition. This is fucking weird. Yeah, yeah. Well, I, I appreciate you kind of rolling with it because this like, this is, this is a lot for anyone. Um, so you're doing great champ.
Starting point is 02:22:18 Thanks sport. Nice touch on the champ. Also, I, I'm going to, I, there may be, there may be another, uh, member of our team with me. Will that make you uncomfortable? No, no, no, that's fine. Fantastic. I don't know if they'll be there, but there's a chance.
Starting point is 02:22:38 There's more of us. It's not okay. Okay. Okay. All right. Great. Uh, thank you. Great.
Starting point is 02:22:45 Mr. Thank, thank, thank you. Call me Jake. Um, I hate Montgomery. I thought your name was Montgomery. Oh, okay. Sorry. Jake.
Starting point is 02:22:52 Yes. Jake is a good name. I wish it wasn't. No, Jacob, he was my middle name. Um, Montgomery is what I got called and I was in trouble and my, one of my brother wanted to piss me the fuck off, but Jacob's fine. I understand. Brothers.
Starting point is 02:23:03 Yeah. All right. Great. When we're alone, LaVinia, you know, as we kind of circle together, LaVinia, without even really like looking at anyone kind of thinking out loud just says it connects two people, yet it touches only one. Of course, the ring. I think it's the ring.
Starting point is 02:23:23 That would, that was what I was thinking too. Logan was not thinking that they just want to feel smart. Nicole, I have a question. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, it's okay. Oh, gotcha. Okay. After that ends, Logan just puts their head in the hands.
Starting point is 02:23:36 He's like, I don't know how to talk to people anymore. Apparently. You did a good job there, kiddo. Just maybe fewer filler words next time. I could talk to, I could talk people's ear off in the old days. And now I'm part ghost and I just sound like a fucking idiot. You did. You got what we wanted out of him.
Starting point is 02:23:54 That's what matters, right? Let's go. Yeah, let's go. You did good. All right. So what next? So, I mean, we, I mean, I guess, we are following up.
Starting point is 02:24:11 Yeah. That's what we're doing. Everybody else, I'm not sure where their threads are at. Y'all reconvening or kind of other. We learned. Yeah. We probably asked to reconvene with everyone. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:25 Yeah. Easy. Can I say I get the number of the girl at the front before we leave? Yeah, totally. Totally. Yes. Oh, what do we need that for? I don't think she's going to be involved at all.
Starting point is 02:24:37 Oh, she might have insights into Jake. She said, Desiree with a little heart over the eye. Better safe than sorry, I guess. Good. Good way to take the initiative there. Thanks, Uncle. Who's calling who? Ghost don't have cell phones.
Starting point is 02:25:00 Yeah. I think you're the only corp. That's right. Yeah. Yeah, I'll call. I'll call Colette. Hello? Hey, where are you?
Starting point is 02:25:14 Well, we're waiting outside the police station for me to get out. Cool. We should all meet because we have thoughts. We found we talked to the brother. So like the guy's stuff was like gone from his apartment because you like landlord suck. But we talked to his brother and his brother is like, hey, I'll show you the stuff. And then he was like, there was an engagement ring. They were going to get married call.
Starting point is 02:25:42 You know, honestly, that tracks this. This wasn't just like a breakup. She was, I don't think I've ever seen anybody so heartbroken. She was not doing well. Well, we can we can we can deal with all that in a minute. But like, can you tell Mia because you're with Mia? And she kind of scared me. I'll let them all know when.
Starting point is 02:26:03 Where are we meeting downtown? We're all kind of downtown right now. I guess your hotel is downtown. We should be in a Starbucks again. Only bad things happen in Starbucks parking lot. Hey, I have an idea. Let's go. Let's go meet them in a Starbucks.
Starting point is 02:26:22 Well, isn't our isn't our hotel here. We can we should we should check in anyway, or at least like the living of us. Oh, oh, oh, oh, wait. No, never mind. But no, never mind. Let's do that. Let's do let's do let's do your plan. OK, yes.
Starting point is 02:26:38 I'll tell Colette to meet us at the Antler Inn or whatever it was. Big, big, bougie hotel. Orphous obviously doesn't doesn't doesn't spend benefits. Is there a pool? Oh, totally. Yeah. Fuck yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:53 Restaurant. A lot of everything. Yeah. If you don't Google it. It's a nice place. So, yeah, y'all reconvene in one of your hotel rooms. You all the living ones have your own rooms. Right.
Starting point is 02:27:07 Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. I would not take these people back to my room, because I don't want everyone to know exactly which room is mine. Right. Yeah. I don't care coming to my room.
Starting point is 02:27:18 Yeah. OK. We're going to look into it. I think after we fill everyone in as to what we've learned, Lavini would say, I think we need to change our tactics and focus on getting this Haunter to this woman with this ring. I think we possibly have the three of them interact and try to perform the excursion or whatever the hell it's called.
Starting point is 02:27:46 I forget what it's called. You want to do a ghost wedding? We need it. It's not about the wedding. It's about having the elements in place to help release him. It's the closure, but first we have to find him. We also know where to find him. But wait, question.
Starting point is 02:28:01 Is the closure really her? I'm just playing devil's advocate here. No, the closure is all about him. Exactly. So should we just try to get him back and just try to? Maybe we just need the ring. We won't know for sure until we find him. We know where to find him.
Starting point is 02:28:18 I know where to find him. We know where to find him, but we haven't found him yet. Well, once we talk, we know where he's going to be. He's going to he's going to go and talk to David. So if we have the ring with us at the time. It certainly won't hurt. I'd be able to hurt. The only point I'm making is that we won't know for sure until we have a chat with the guy.
Starting point is 02:28:40 That's fair enough. That's fair. But why not have everything together beforehand? So I suppose the real question is how do we get this ring from the person who currently has it, his brother? Buy it. I'm stealing. I'm stealing the truth.
Starting point is 02:28:56 Yeah, that that worked really well with him, actually. I mean, we're already talking about what we should tell her to. This obviously has something to do with her. You want to tell her that her her dead boyfriend ex boyfriend was going to propose. Yes. You don't see how that's. That's a bad idea. That's a lot of good idea.
Starting point is 02:29:20 That's a therapy session. And unless you're saying we're going to stick around, that's like. Well, if you want, what did you want to know? I never knowing. You're right. OK, my word is just. He didn't know he didn't. He wanted to be the one to tell her, right?
Starting point is 02:29:39 If we tell her that just seems like something I make. If you want to, if he proposed, if he wouldn't, he didn't decide for sure he was going to propose because if he did, he would have already done it. So are we sure we want to add more to this? Well, he died before he got the chance, but it sounds like he intended to. OK, but are we not hearing that you're were possibly adding more shit to this woman who literally has gone through this with her ex boyfriend? You mean, OK, you weren't there to hear her.
Starting point is 02:30:08 She begged me to tell him to talk to him to have a single word with him. Everyone is going to do that. Colette, everybody wants to have their attachments, but we're not here for her. We're here to help Chris. And you keep forgetting that. Can we have more than one person? Why can't we do both? We are not in the business of helping her.
Starting point is 02:30:31 We're in the business of helping them. I'm in the wrong business. Maybe you are. What if we help them now? What if what if like? What if in the future we avoid something else because she already knows. She has all of the resources to help her move on. The living have the resources to help them move on, not the dead.
Starting point is 02:30:52 And that's our business. Nicola, usually I would agree with you, but in this instance, not helping Chris is creating external problems. If we just mess with her a little bit more, it'll probably just be an inward situation. Well, now, girls, don't you think you're getting a little bit ahead of yourselves? We probably ought to talk to the victim before we start considering this kind of thing. Kole, that might not, you might, you might get your wish. You might just get your wish, but we won't know for sure until we've talked,
Starting point is 02:31:23 until we've talked to the man himself. Now will we? So why don't we wind her on and focus on that? Hey! Fuck it! What about your voice? First of all, all right. I don't mind.
Starting point is 02:31:39 I've been respectful, but do me a favor. Do not refer to us that way, or talk down in a patronizing tone again. That'll be the first and last time you do that. Do you fucking understand me? Oh, you're, you're getting a little, you're getting a little, uh, a little bit brave there now, aren't you? You're getting a little creepier than I remember. I'm going to turn to Nicola.
Starting point is 02:32:04 I'm going to go ahead, and I'm going to go ahead and investigate into these, uh, cars. I have context of looking into possible vehicles of registration that match the description. I'm going to go ahead and do that. If you guys want to do that, I'm just going to cover all our bases. I think I'm going to go and cool off if you don't mind. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:32:22 I apologize to everybody. That, that was very, very unprofessional. And I, that is, that is my issue. And I sincerely apologize for that uncomfortability. Take somebody with you. I'll go with him. Oh, fuck. Um, um, I'm going to, I won't, uh.
Starting point is 02:32:42 Oh, she'll be okay on her own now. If you, yeah, I, I, I- You found numbers five, six, one. I like solving puzzles. I think I could help you. It's kind of just more just boring research. And honestly, I feel like your intriguing mind might be more useful here. But you have my number.
Starting point is 02:32:59 I will be, I'll probably be in my room and I'm going to go do some research. I'm going to exit. Did you, did you tell them about your date? At the door. A date? A date? On the j- Is that a thing we're allowed to do?
Starting point is 02:33:15 We're on the job? Wait, no. No. I, I am, uh, uh, I'm talking, we have, I'm going to have a dinner with the detective to possibly get more information. And I'm going to go ahead. Yeah. Well, let us know what you find.
Starting point is 02:33:30 I will keep you informed. And, uh, I know, I so want to look into the future and see. I know. You know what I'm going to say? I'll be like, I wouldn't. And then I just, I just, as I say, I wouldn't and I exit the doors because they know what that means. When Mia leaves, I'm just going to say, well, we know who the hothead is of our group.
Starting point is 02:33:56 So hothead is not going to be. So what now? So who goes, so what? Are we going to go pick up the ring? Are we just going to be around? Until we talk to Christopher. I need to go talk to the brother because I told him I'd be there in like 45 minutes. So if anyone wants to go with me, that's great.
Starting point is 02:34:13 I told him someone else might be coming, but it could also just be me. And I think he's expecting either one. Can I come with? Yeah. I was going to suggest that exact thing. Me calling. I'm breaking into a police station. Oh, you're breaking in.
Starting point is 02:34:26 But if we, I mean, if we do that first and we just go to the police station next, that's fine. Remind me why we need to break into the police station. The tapes from the actual night are there. And I wasn't able to take them in a couple of other cases. I'll go with you for that. Perfect. You do think you can handle that on your own? If anyone bothers Viv, I'll inhabit them and make them do something.
Starting point is 02:34:54 Fantastic. Actually, we can use a couple of flesh suits because I don't want to manifest. That would be easier. Hmm. I'm hesitant to send somebody corporeal into a police station in the middle of the night. That's not like, uh, like Lavinia said, she's got it. I think if you two are comfortable, I think you're perfectly capable of handling it all on your own. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:35:27 So what are you and I going to do after then? Well, I was going to go with Logan and Colette. Did you have another idea? No. So I just want to know where you want me. So why don't you tag along? Your group is going to go speak with the brother, right? Yep.
Starting point is 02:35:44 And so it sounds like everybody is going to the brother. Well, I don't know what Mia's going to say. Mia's getting boned. And what time is it right now, Vince? Are we, where in the day are we? You are muted, Vince. We'll say probably closer to four at this point. Okay.
Starting point is 02:36:06 And also somebody roll me intelligence real quick. I'd love to. Not make more. Something that can actually do well. Is your idea rolling? Just over six. Yep. That's one success.
Starting point is 02:36:19 Okay. Why break into the police department when you haven't even asked the, uh, folks who own the footage if they have it, that they can provide a copy. And the people that own the footage is the city. The house. Nope. The house directly across the street from where the accident happened. True. Because the rain came.
Starting point is 02:36:35 Oh, yeah. Right. Oh, sorry. Again, the level headed one is not there. So that's where we'll break in, right? Yeah. Or just, we don't have to break it yet. Listen, if you want to break in, go ahead and break in.
Starting point is 02:36:48 You're not. I will always break in. Okay, cool. No. We just keep the play. Just move locations. And I think with that tentative plan lined out, I think that's a great point to stop for the day. Amazing.
Starting point is 02:37:04 Wow. That sure went high-fast. All right. All right. All right. I hope you all enjoyed that. Hey, folks, thank you for those of you who watched. Really appreciate having you.
Starting point is 02:37:16 I hope you enjoyed this or first of hopefully many sessions and all of you. Phenomenal work. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity and appreciate that. You all did just absolutely incredible. So yeah, join us next time. We'll get back to you with dates and times. Should be Saturday after next. And yeah, until next time, we'll see you around.
Starting point is 02:37:37 Bye. Bye.

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