Mayday Plays - Orpheus Book 1, Ch. 2 - "Sever The Strand"

Episode Date: October 17, 2021

Crucible 12's investigation in Colorado Springs comes to a close, but with a serious catch....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, folks, Vince here with another episode of Orpheus. Good morning, thank you for joining us. Good afternoon, depending on if you're on the East Coast, West Coast, Best Coast, whatever the case may be. Once again, I'm Vince, I am your storyteller for this campaign, and we're not gonna waste too much time. We're gonna get right into it, say hello, of course, to our lovely players joining us again.
Starting point is 00:00:22 This is gonna be a good time. Thanks again for joining us this time around. Hopefully you enjoyed that first playthrough, which went way better than I ever imagined it would have. Shannon! You threw it! It did, I was ready to jack that all up, but I impressed myself just slightly.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Anywho, some quick notes, we'll get these out of the way real quick. Of course, this is a stream slash podcast slash actual play intended for mature and adult audiences, mature being the keyword. We do have elements of horror, body horror, supernatural horror, as well as violence, strong language, sexual situations potentially coming up.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Hey, we'll roll with it. But yeah, just keep that in mind as you watch, and of course, hopefully the content doesn't get too distressing, and if it does, let us know. The music is brought to you by Cryo Chamber. Once again, check them out at Thank them again for their incredible support. Check out their music, it's incredible stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Well, without further ado, I wanna get to the recap, and one thing I decided to do this time around is Mayday introduced me to this brilliant concept that they did in their Doom to Repeat and Ashoka podcasts where they would tag a player to do the recap in character, and it was fucking incredible. So I'm like, you know what, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, let's just keep that hype train going.
Starting point is 00:01:49 So this time around, I tagged our very own Aaron, AKA Abner, to do this recap. So, Aaron, go ahead and take it away, my friend. Yeah, you did. Okay, if I have to. Okay. Abernathy, Abner, Crucible 12, Case number 0767, Field and Personnel Notes, Part 1.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Last updated, September 10th, 2018. Mission parameters, removal, blip class green. Update, preliminary investigation suggests PLE may be hostile and vindictive. Recommend threat tag be upgraded to blip class red. No additional resources warranted at this time. Client, Palmer Park Business and Neighborhood Association. Profile of PLE, Christopher Allen of Colorado Springs,
Starting point is 00:02:48 male 26, single. Principal survivors, brother, Montgomery Allen, ex-girlfriend, Elizabeth Neary. Case synopsis, PLE worked as an electrical technician for the city of Colorado Springs and was killed while working on a light box by a hit and run allegedly perpetrated by a black jeep or other like vehicle.
Starting point is 00:03:10 No license plate or other identifying, details of the vehicle are known. Vehicle likely sustained moderate damage in this collision, suggesting local body shop should be canvassed for vehicles fitting the description. The entity is suspected of increasing the frequency of collisions at the intersection by manipulating the posted traffic lights,
Starting point is 00:03:30 suggesting a haunter class subject. In light of this information and the relative inexperience of the investigators, principal investigator, writing, is expected to perform fine-tuning of PLE. While PLE was not initially believed to have contacted any members of the living,
Starting point is 00:03:50 Crucible 12's investigation has already revealed that entity has made routine contact with a young boy residing in a home neighboring the accident site, David Copeland. The boy did not have any relations to the PLE. However, it is possible the boy witnessed the crash, explaining entity's interest. Crucible 12 is in the process of laying a trap
Starting point is 00:04:12 for the surveillance and confrontation of entity at the Copeland home, while running a parallel honey pod operation performed by investigator Mia Costello Bennett. Target of operation is a local police officer who holds information related to the identification of the offending vehicle. Investigator Logan Rio Mercado has successfully acquired
Starting point is 00:04:32 survivor to aid in the confrontation of entity. Investigator Colette Sawyer displayed exceptional interrogation skills. Footnote, highlighted investigators display superior aptitude and are recommended for commendation. Possibilities for removal of entity include item bound reconciliation of the offending vehicle or item person bound reconciliation with survivor
Starting point is 00:04:54 and accompanying engagement token. Personal notes. Crucible 12's shakedown mission, while largely successful thus far, has exposed a series of potential personality flaws and conflicts that threaten to natively impact performance. See personnel notes below. Is one of my carrot stick analysis of the team is complete.
Starting point is 00:05:16 This phase involved a loose personality and management style that yielded measures of ability for self-management, empathy, apathy, persistence, and personality. Phase two of the experiment involves a more domineering personality and commanding management style, and will reveal information related to the investigator's ability to follow orders, work ethic,
Starting point is 00:05:35 discipline, and patience. Report will be updated with results. Personnel notes. Acre, Vivian. Little information has yet to be revealed. No merits or demerits are known at this time pending results of phase two analysis. Castillo Bennett, Mia.
Starting point is 00:05:53 While a highly competent investigator, Ms. Castillo Bennett has displayed serious anger management problems and outright failed phase one of analysis. Investigator has additionally showed a stark lack of empathy which suggests they should not be allowed to talk to survivors under any circumstances. While I appreciate investigator's shit-kicker attitude,
Starting point is 00:06:13 I'm afraid she must be reprimanded for insubordination. However, Castillo Bennett is expected to be a highly valued. Oh, no. See, even the internet didn't buy that bull. Don't do it, don't do it. Didn't even buy that. It was like, let me drop it. Let me know when I'm back.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I haven't. Oh, okay. I'm back. Okay, sorry. No, no, no, don't be. I'll just start talking again. Yes, Dyer, Lavinia, displays exceptional analytical abilities that make them an invaluable computational asset.
Starting point is 00:06:44 However, investigator has shown themselves to be, frankly, an egomaniacal sociopath. Investigator attempted to manipulate and control physical investigator though this attempt was easily detected. Investigator's manipulation skills are not as strong as they believe them to be. As such, investigator cannot be trusted
Starting point is 00:07:04 to make any field decisions and should never be left unsupervised. It is the principal investigator's opinion that Ms. Aker presents a serious threat to operational security. Ms. Dyer has demonstrated themselves to be highly vulnerable traverse. Psychology exploits a strong managerial point of leverage.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Kauna Nakoa, highly professional, competent, valuable asset. No known demerits at this time. Mercado, Logan, Rio. Principal investigator notes a personal family tie with Ms. Mercado, who is the daughter of PI's brother, apparently. Logan has displayed a strong familial connection to PI, even though the PI did not recognize them,
Starting point is 00:07:47 suggesting they will be easy to manage, control, and maintain. While Logan expresses an overall lack of discipline, functionality, and professionalism, their performance has thus far been adequate. Logan's awkward, somewhat doddering demeanor may read as a weakness, but has already proven to be highly effective
Starting point is 00:08:06 in the acquisition of human assets. Sawyer, Colette. Ms. Colette has displayed a high degree of empathy and competence at questioning skeptical witnesses. However, their idealism and incessant drive to help others will inevitably come at odds with the goals and values of Orville's group. Must be closely watched.
Starting point is 00:08:29 So good. Thank you, internet. Thank you, internet, for that wonderful experience. Amazing work, Aaron. I'm gonna throw you two additional experience points for that. Well done. That was really good.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Beautiful. I'm doing a recap every week, wasn't I? Right? Yeah. Well, that was... I got some puppies back for you for the rest of the day. You got notes? We don't know any of this.
Starting point is 00:08:53 So yeah, amazing. Well done. When we last left off, I believe the Crucible was gathered in their hotel room or a hotel room belonging to one of them, kind of discussing their way ahead. And from what I could tell, the initial plan was, and you guys can feel free to discuss as needed,
Starting point is 00:09:11 the plan was for Logan to go to the storage unit to meet Chris Allen's brother with Colette and Abner. And then Lavinia and Viv were gonna go to, allegedly, the house that they assume has the footage of the accident from the day of the accident to try to collect that. And I believe Nakoa was going to go with them, potentially. And then Mia was gonna kind of do her thing, you know? We'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:09:36 We'll see where the mood takes her. But with that, I'm gonna let you all take it away. Let's get this going. All right, how are we doing this? Well, I need to go see the brother. Like, probably like now-ish. Yeah, like now-ish. You know, I have to admit,
Starting point is 00:09:58 now that some things have come to light in regards to this ring and Chris's intentions, the PLE's intentions, I'm starting to believe this might not, we might not be able to solve this without bringing Elizabeth into this. Right. You show him a ring, he's going to, not really bad an eye, you show him Elizabeth,
Starting point is 00:10:23 he's gonna have to face. I mean, I completely agree. What is this ring other than his connection with Elizabeth? This ring doesn't mean anything. It's her that means everything. Even if this is the tether, it's about her. The other thing is, is that unless we bring whoever hit him to justice, I don't think
Starting point is 00:10:45 this person, this Chris will leave. But that's a big challenge. We have to figure out who hit him, what this car is. We could, our plan currently, Viv and I, is to go look at surveillance footage, but I think the faster route would be if Nicola came with us and used her abilities. We have a partial license plate.
Starting point is 00:11:07 True. That should give you something to go off of if you go back in time or whatever you do. I could do that at the stop light, or it actually happened, or I can go to the video footage with either way. Well, Viv and I plan to be there anyway. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Well, if we can go at least to the actual scene of the accident, I could possibly do that, but I am a little short on supply on vitality. I don't, I might not have the ability to go that far back. I have like plenty, if you need some, I can drop in and like, you know, if you need it. Okay. But you need to speak to the brother.
Starting point is 00:11:46 But you need to speak to the brother. Well, like what if I, what if I like hit you, like I dropped in, I hit you right now and then I left. Where's Colette going? I was going to go get the ring with Logan. But if I take Colette with me to the stop sign, then I could possibly do the same thing that Logan was willing to offer.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Sure, like whatever, whatever's best. I'm like for the team or whatever, so. Okay. What am I doing at the stop sign? You're being a battery, I think. Yeah, so I need your help to be able to go back and see the accident, essentially. So you want me to like go ghost and then throw stuff at you?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Something like that, yeah. Okay, I can do that. Okay. It would be really helpful if we could learn our terms instead of just saying stuff. Oh, sorry. I'm looking at Colette. Are there, is it in the handbook?
Starting point is 00:12:54 I, I don't read that fucking thing. You guys use those words? Page 125. Could you just tell me what I'm supposed to call it? It's your vitality that you're sharing. Right. Vitality. Cool.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I'll give it the vitality. If you need a copy of the book, I can give you another book. I threw mine out, but I would also throw out the one you give me. So, I, that's why I have you guys, right? Oh, you would, huh? Okay. Read the fucking book.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Okay. So, Abner and Logan will go for the ring. Yeah. And the rest of us are going to go to the stops light where Christopher died. Right. Okay. And then Mia, your plans.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah, Mia. Where are you going? I thought I stormed out. Oh, yeah. I'm going to my home. He's going right now. Where did Mia go? Because we were in the hotel.
Starting point is 00:14:06 We're probably just went into my room. Got it. Okay. We can we can text her the plan, I guess. Text me the license plate, too. I'm just going to walk into Mia's room. Yep. Extend, expend one vitality to be able to walk through the wall.
Starting point is 00:14:26 That's right. Are you sure it's worth it? Are you sure it's worth it? A hundred percent worth it. Lord. Hello. Oh, Jesus. Hi.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Can knock next time. Well, I can walk through walls, too. So I figured that would be quicker. Oh, yeah, that kind of privacy. OK, it's just for the sake of time. And then I explain the thing. And then so you're going to go through with what you established. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:59 For are we should we expect any information or is it sort of an independent study? No, the independent study is just a little curiosity. No, but the main thing is if I can get any details regarding case and whatnot. Mm hmm. Information, knowledge is power. Yes. OK, well, I hope that you and the night powerful.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Well, I'm also going to, like I said, I am going to run a check for. So if even with your partial license plate in the description of the vehicle, I'm going to already start the process of looking into that. OK, OK, see, look. I can do my job, too. I have faith that you can just text a warm body if you need help and be careful. Please, if you find any other details that will help narrow my search, please, please, please, all that helps.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I will ask. Well, we'll all be ghosts, won't we? Somebody will contact you. Good enough. Yeah. Cool. Maybe have like possess a phone. I'm sure he can make that work, too. I don't want to hold Avenue up to my face. Oh, yeah, but if you have the phone, you can also smash it on the ground and stomp on it, too. So.
Starting point is 00:16:26 OK, I'll see you later. Remember, was it how did it how did it go? Let's something girls. I'm just saying. Let's let's go, girls. Let's go, girls. Let's go, girls. And just stomp them on the ground twice. Let's go, girls. Stomp, stomp.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Honestly, you know, I OK, I was a little nervous about this group, but I'm excited about this. Thank you. Thank you for that. You're welcome. Happy to help. I think she goes back through the wall. OK, we're fine. Cool. Let's let's wait.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Who talked to Elizabeth again? Sorry. I did. I was there. Do you like have her contact information or something? Yeah, yeah, I do. I gave her a napkin. She gave me this and I'll fish out the business card she gave me.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Cool. I figure since like the ring might be a thing and she might be a thing, we can't go wrong if we hit both. So like if we need to call her and have the ring and have the just it, like if it has to be like a three way thing, it's we should ask her just to meet us at the location at a certain time. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. I just like I wanted to have it in case like, you know, we know, I get it. If it's got to be a three way, we need to meet up with it.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Right. Yeah. Here, I'll just take a picture with my phone and I'll give the card back to Colette. Just she's really raw about all of this. And I know we're going through that policy of not including her on that. But right, she is going to ask. And if we call her again, she's going to assume she already half believed it when I told her. She's going to have to know, though, right?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Like we can't. We can't depends. We can't fix this without her knowing, though. But it depends on where Christopher is tethered to. We don't know if we're going to call her. I personally, I want her to know and I still stand by that. But if we're going off what the team wants, then I think we should wait to call her until we've spoke to him. Find out exactly where he is on it.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And then on the final approach, when we finally do this fucking thing, whatever we're doing, then we can call her before it happens. Right. That's fair. That makes sense. Question, Vince. Now, we do, we know. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember having talked about something at a point where these lower leveled ghosts are frequently unable to communicate in a coherent manner.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Is that is that correct? That is correct. So drones and blips are the two kind of lower class, lower vitality spirits that Orpheus routinely interacts with. Drones tend to be much more trapped in there. And this this loop blips are a little bit more self-aware, but barely. They do from what research indicates it seems like they can decide whether or not they want to interact. And but they're they're still very, very low and trapped in that kind of cycle.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And is it true that we have a better opportunity of talking to them if we match their what was it, their outward facing personality? Or correct. Or yeah, they're so they're essentially their their shade and their their personality group. So in this case, because there's an ability called Misery Loves Company, which is one of the default abilities you have. Where somebody that shares that that personality group or that shade can actually empathize with them to such a degree
Starting point is 00:20:13 that it essentially makes negotiating and engaging with them much easier. Gotcha. Yeah. It requires, I think, a very minor vitality expenditure, but it essentially opens many, many doors for it. So if one of us match up with them, then we could attempt that. Yes, we just have to see him, right? We just have to be there like tonight when he's like popping off or whatever. Exactly. Cool.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah. Well, he talks to the boy, too. I mean, I'm not one for exploiting children, but if he's going to talk to the boy, maybe we can. Tell the kid what to ask if he doesn't talk to Adnor. Yeah. Yeah. Or we can just like listen in and we can do that thing where we can tell like what people are connected to. We can like sense their like connections or whatever. Yeah, that.
Starting point is 00:21:04 We can do that. And then we can like know for sure what we're like going after. So we can hit all like the potentials right now. And then when we know for sure, we can like, and then it'll be done. And then we can like help him. Excellent explanation. Can we please get on with this? Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:21:25 All right. So actually going to start with Mia, since Mia, during this time, you know, you've got your your your engagement with Detective Sorenson isn't until about six thirty was the time that was decided upon. So you've got some free time ahead of you. If you want to start researching, looking into that license plate, go ahead and roll. Let's do
Starting point is 00:21:49 intelligence or wits plus investigation. Six. OK. It's a good pool. I'm happy with it. I got one. I got three. OK, two. Yeah. Three pass, three fail.
Starting point is 00:22:13 OK, so is there any ones in there? Yes, there is a one. Yes. OK, so two. So two successes. OK, yeah. So not bad. Here's the issue, right? It's very difficult to to narrow it down to a specific county or city or town.
Starting point is 00:22:32 You essentially get a statewide listing of all vehicles that have, I believe it was five, six, one in their license plate. And there are hundreds. And there's also Colorado. And so there are a lot of SUVs in there. So SUVs, too. Yeah, so some and some that are like dark blue in color, some that are gray. So being an experienced investigator,
Starting point is 00:22:56 you know that at night could have easily been mistaken for black. So the target pool is substantial. OK. I'm going to kind of start narrowing down, even though like it's a statewide. Is there a way I can go ahead like and start referencing at least this county and nearby counties, but like eliminate furtherway vehicles to least narrow down a search?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Sure. Yeah. I mean, absolutely. I'm just going to focus on this until here's the thing, though. And and this is something you would know is they could have been an outer town or oh, shoot. No, you're right. We kind of have to get the footage anyway, because even if we like know exactly who did it, we still need the evidence in court to prove that they didn't.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I would probably reach out like if bringing up my search and seeing the list as big, I feel like maybe I was going to go ahead and try to get the security footage and follow the gang to the house or group to the footage house. But I will leave at the appropriate time to make sure I am at that restaurant at the time state. All right. Love it. OK, so with that down, let's pick up with Logan and Abner. You're going to the storage unit, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Yes, we are. Excellent. Are you manifesting Abner or are you staying? No, it's best if people don't see me. Got it. OK. All right. OK, so, yeah, Logan, you head on over to the storage unit as previously discussed with Jake Montgomery Allen, the Smart Space Self Storage Unit 539.
Starting point is 00:24:49 He's actually there waiting for you. When you show up. OK. Hi, I really appreciate this. I know this is like super weird, but thank you. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to get this stuff back, right? I mean, is this. Of course, I mean, yes.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah, for sure, I will make sure that you get this back. OK, here's any reaches into his pocket. Here's the ring. Thank you. Is OK. Sorry, Vince, is there? There's not like a like a thing I can do at the at the items to like sense. No, no, he might have to it or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:25:36 No, unfortunately, I didn't think so. Like like what is it? What was that Stephen King book, The Dead, The Dead Zone, where the object is. Yeah, nothing like that, unfortunately. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Sorry, so my brain is short circuit. We're not used to the early call time, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I'll be because of the corn. Damn, it's all over the corn. Hold on. That's right. Here's the here's the key. Oh, right. You're right. If I just hang out while you look through and kind of yeah, for sure, of course, like no problem. I can't talk to out of shit.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Try to not try that. I see that they kind of, you know, that that that they're inclined that way. And I say, try to use use body language to communicate what you want to say. Oh, I like I unlock the storage unit and I roll the the door up and I kind of like awkwardly
Starting point is 00:26:53 nod in one direction and then walk in the direction. Don't mind if I do. And I think I just start like looking for like notebooks or anything, anything besides the ring that seems personal or that might have something something important. OK, go ahead and roll perception plus investigation. And Vince, I'm assuming that since I am non corporeal, I probably can't shift through boxes, right?
Starting point is 00:27:25 So yeah, if you expend that vitality point, you can kind of transition in and out as as you see fit. What, the brothers see me? No, no, no, no. So you're not manifesting. That's just essentially enabling you to pass through physical barriers without taking damage. Yeah. OK, thank you. You bet.
Starting point is 00:27:44 So I rolled a nine on one and a one on another one, so it's just nothing. Nothing got it. Yeah. You don't even know where to begin. So when you when you all got into Chris Allen's apartment or what used to be Chris Allen's apartment, you notice it was a studio. So there isn't a lot of stuff, but it's still without having a good starting place. It's easy to get overwhelmed because there's boxes on boxes of personal belongings.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And it's just. It might you would need a good starting point. Right. I think Logan definitely does that thing where they like start looking through one box and they don't make it through the whole way. And they're like, OK, well, maybe this other thing, because they like catch something out of the corner that I would like. That's definitely the thing I should be looking at. And then it just like.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Trickles down over like four different boxes. And they're also trying to like keep up some kind of like. Really pseudo comforting dialogue with Montgomery or what is he like to be called? Adam Jake, Jake, that was a joke with Jake and like trying to be. It's just like a whole like their their attention is split like seven ways. And none of it is actually functionally doing anything. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Jake is just kind of like kind of just eyeballing you like, what is going on? What if I cut myself into. But he's he still seems very willing to engage and willing to assist as as because it's for his brother. Yeah. Is there anything like like a like a like a diary or anything like that? If you journal, oh man, so it'd be tough for you to look. I'd say with the zero successes, unfortunately, Logan didn't find anything.
Starting point is 00:29:33 If you wanted to look, you'd have to manifest. Yeah. Could I have like left the boxes open for out there to look through like anything that I go past? I just kind of like leave open. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if we're worried about vitality, remember everybody, you can expend willpower to regain vitality.
Starting point is 00:29:49 That's right. That's true. One one willpower point three vitality. Yeah, but also won't the brothers see if there's just moving on. It's so maybe. Well, so that can I actually see Abner just pop up in the middle of the storage unit. So OK, can I can I just try to like subtly like like look like can I try to be sneaky and see if I can do it without the brother noticing?
Starting point is 00:30:13 What's OK, so do you want to manifest? I mean, but you said I don't have to completely manifest to you could you could put eyes on. But if you wanted to physically manipulate and look through the boxes, contents, you would have to know become corporeal. OK, no, no, you're good. I was waiting for it. I was hoping it would happen because it'd be beautiful.
Starting point is 00:30:40 But yeah, no, unfortunately, just like like looking so beautifully put just so many things, so many sources of input at once. It's just tough to figure out where to begin. Yeah, I think they try and like draw it out for the appropriate amount of time that they think would be like this is the normal person amount of time to look through things. Now I'm allowed to leave. I'll tell you what I'm going to do, though, after a certain point.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And I realized that we need to do more snooping around. But, you know, maybe maybe not with eyes on. I'll just kind of motion to Logan and say, give me a few minutes alone. I'll like I'll bob my head like I've thought of something just trying to seem super normal and it's not working. And then I'll I'll turn to Jake and say, I think I think that's everything I need to check out.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I promise I will get this ring back to you. I'm really sorry. This is so weird. Honestly, I'm really sorry. This is so weird. I know this is tough and like you're going through a tough time already. And as I'm saying this, I'm trying to like walk him away from the from the the door that I've shut and locked and I'm like handing back the key
Starting point is 00:32:00 and trying to just get us away. Got it. OK. Yeah, yeah, no problem. How long have you been doing this? Me personally. Yeah. I've I've known about Orpheus for a really long time. Good, good, good, good. Way to instill confidence. Good.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I've been I've been I've been like aware of it. I've I've I've had family members who work for it. So it's not say you're new. It's not a new come to me. You're new. It's not it's not. No, no, no, no, no, I'm I I'm super like super well versed in all this stuff. This like this is super like great for me. I love helping.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Can you tell me one thing? Yeah, what's up? Are you all for real? Like, is this? Oh, yeah, this is I. I mean, I can I can I can I can prove it to you if you really want me to. Like, if you if you want proof, I can I can do that right now. Are you fucking serious?
Starting point is 00:33:07 Logan doesn't wait for him to say yes or no. Logan fully just like looks him in the eyes and goes, remember that? Remember that TV show with that dude that could turn into a ghost? Oh, no, this is a bad. Logan, Logan goes, I'm going, this is a really bad idea. Oh, yeah, no. Spends the vitality drops out.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Wow. So we just faint. I asked for a confession. Manifest. Yeah, yeah, they get a concussion on the point. Oh, absolutely. They don't think you're bad. Take five points of blood.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I mean, you need to get. Watch this. Can I can I can I run in behind the collapsing body of Manifest? Just in time. You're still in the you're still in the container. You're still in the store. I'm sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:05 You take a level of bashing damage as how do I do that on this character? She pins. Right. Yeah. So it should just be a diagonal line in one of your in one of your health ratings there. Bruised. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. So you're bruised. Yeah. That's fair. I'll take it. And Jake is like, what the fuck? And he like runs over and like, he's like, are you okay? Like trying to like, he's like, well, he has no idea what just happened.
Starting point is 00:34:34 He just saw you stroke out and collapse on the fricking ground. What happens next? I'll manifest in my like, uh, banshee form. Uh, go, yeah, dude, I'm totally fine. And I'll, um, I'll use my fucking screams. Yeah. I'm using my, uh, my whale to sue them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Okay. All right. So the form, uh, what, what, what vitality expenditure are you doing? The one or two vitality for the manifesting? Um, hold on. I have to remind myself what the difference is. Please. No problem.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I can tell you. She gives you a whole form. Oh my God. It's in one. One just makes you a whisper. Yeah. You're like an apparition. It's your, your gauze is, which is, you're like ectoplasm is, is like torn and partially
Starting point is 00:35:21 translucent. It looks like a stereotypical banshee. Like those. I go for that one. Yeah. But I use whales upon them. Okay. This escalated quickly.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Terrified falling back. The ghost appears and screams at him. Yeah. It's okay. Have no fear. So with whale, uh, go ahead and roll manipulation plus empathy. Okay. This is not that manipulation.
Starting point is 00:35:52 This is why I needed collect. And then how much vitality are you, how much vitality are you spending to try to soothe? Just, just, uh, can I soothe on more than one? Um, yeah, you can. Um, I'll use, I'll use one. Okay. So I've used one vitality to, to skim out. Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I've used one vitality to manifest and then I'll use a third one to add to my soothe. Got it. So, so it's still, it's still empathy and manipulation. Right. Correct. Okay. I'm learning this very slowly, but I appreciate your patience. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:27 No, we're all, hey, we're all in it together. Lex in the chat says for Mayday, this is restraint only 45 minutes. Lex is correct. Lex is correct. Thank you, Lex. Um, I have once again rolled a 10 and a one and the other one is a four. You only have a two pool. I have a three.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I have one in manipulation and two in empathy. So it's three. Okay. And I got a four on one, a one on one and a 10 on one. So just straight up zero. Nice. You're going in dice jail friend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:03 He, uh, poor Jake, man. Jake is losing his shit. Yeah. Um, even with the one vitality I used to sue them. Uh, well, so because you've got zero successes. It doesn't happen. Right. No.
Starting point is 00:37:20 He's, he, he is now, um, we all know Delta green. Right. Fight. Right. All boys in freeze mode. Uh, he's at his breaking point. That's rough. He's still alive.
Starting point is 00:37:38 That's better than Delta green, baby. Yeah. I think if I see that, I like super quick, like slurp back into my body. What? So you're going to report, isn't that a term? No, I'm not far. I'm not far away from it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah. You're able to just kind of. Get away from it. I've reported before. We have made such a fucking ability of not reading the handbook that we're using technical terms like slurp now. Yeah. Look, look, this is going on.
Starting point is 00:38:14 What's happening? You're up to. Oh Lord. Oh yeah. I was going to say meanwhile, the storage unit doors closed now. Correct. It is closed and secured. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:26 You know, after Logan, you know, does that very, very, very stupid thing. I say you got about 10 minutes before that kicks off. Yeah. And he manifests completely kind of as his physical form comes in. He just kind of perps a little bit and then he just starts rifling through boxes like a raccoon. Love it. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Roll that. Roll that perception plus investigation. Weird escape. Okay. Perception plus manip plus manip. Investigation. I'm sorry. What were the plus investigation?
Starting point is 00:39:03 Can manipulate those boxes, baby. That's right. I was going to. I was going to say, how does that work? Investigation. This is. I don't have any. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:16 So I guess I'm just doing perception, which is 3d10. Okay. Correct. 3d10. I roll a nine, a seven and a five for a total of 21. Two successes. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:33 With that nine and seven with, with that, you kind of start digging through and the one of the, you find bills, you don't find a journal or a diary. Chris being kind of like a very blue collar type didn't seem like the kind of guy you would keep a journal or anything like that. You're digging through and you've noticed that this guy is definitely a gamer. Right. There's, he's got boxes full of PlayStation and Xbox games and he's got this beautiful custom made PC sitting in a corner that has been kind of all the peripherals stripped
Starting point is 00:40:09 out and everything, but it's still, it's still there intact. Is there a hard drive or anything? There is. If I were, now hear me out here. Okay. How would you inhabit a computer? Could I see what's on the computer? Um, no.
Starting point is 00:40:25 So the way, it's a great question. No, it's a phenomenal question. Uh, that, that is exactly what I would ask. Um, so no, the way that inhabit works, it would be like the computer is now your body and you would be able to see everything around it as if you were able to see and actually wait your environment through the computer. You wouldn't necessarily automatically become privy to its contents. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Got it. Yeah. Okay. So let me ask this then. Um, is there like a vent or anything? Um, it's been a while since I've been in a storage unit. Um, I don't believe so. No.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Okay. In that case, I'm going to take the, the hard drive out of the computer. Okay. I'm going to walk up to the door and feeling like that I found something important and have no other way out. I'm just going to start banning my body against the door to try the signal that I need to be let out. Got it.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Okay. What is happening? Logan. Um, I should have jumped to you at that moment. Yeah. It's family. Perfect. Um, as he's kind of just completely blanched, you all of a sudden hear this on godly banging
Starting point is 00:41:47 coming from the storage unit. You just left. You turn and as you turn and look at the, at the storage unit door, you hear the squeal of rubber as Jake gets the fuck out of there. Oh, shit. Did you get the ring from him? I have the ring now. I have the ring.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Okay. You don't have the key. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Secure a key.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I gave the key back to him. Perfect. Perfect. Wait. So if he spent vitality to manifest, does that mean he's, he's not human again, right? He can just go back to ghost. He can go back to ghost. Correct.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. His body is back in, back in our. I was going to say, is that fucking stuck in here? I'm going to, I'm going to go up to the door and I'm going to go uncle Abner. Yeah. He left. I, I was trying to, I was, he asked if we were for real and then I showed him that we were for real and I don't think he was ready for it.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah. No, I heard. Yeah. He left. He had the key. So here's what I'm thinking. Um, I can like, I can yell this door open. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Watch and learn. Watch and learn. Watch and learn. Uh, Vince. Yes. Can I habit the door and undo the lock? Is that a thing that I can do? Oh man.
Starting point is 00:43:19 No. No. Cause the lock is a separate object. Inhabit the lock. Can I habit the lock and unlock the lock? Vince, this looks like a bizarre thought exercise. You volunteered yourself for it. Um, yeah, I was not prepared for this even remotely.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Um, let us be the lock, Vince. Um, can you like roll for it? Maybe. Roll for lock. Yes. I will allow you to inhabit the lock. Um, so do you have to be able to see it? That's what I'm trying to figure out.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Um, but what I'm figuring I can do, if I have to be able to see it, I could just de-manifest, walk through the door and then inhabit the lock, right? Right. Okay. Yeah. Let's just, yeah. Okay. So you inhabit the lock.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Um, so for a zero-fightality expenditure, that's easy. Um, it is a very small object. So you are now in the lock. Um. This whole game feels like cheating. Right? Um, so to exert your will over this object, I'm going to need you to roll stamina plus crafts. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Dad, you got a good craft score? First craft score. Uh-oh. Let's go, I'm glad. Yeah, no one's done craft. There's no, there's, there's, there's no craft score. Okay. How's your stamina?
Starting point is 00:44:57 Panama. Panama. Average. Average. Okay. So I'm rolling 2, 2d10. Oh. I got a 6 and a 5.
Starting point is 00:45:07 He looks like your fucking mouth. Okay. So one success. Um, let me see. Uh, yeah. Um, that is, that's, it's not enough. That's not, it's not enough to get it, to get it open. Nope.
Starting point is 00:45:24 It's not, it's not. No. Dang. Pro. I know. I'm sorry. Okay. So I guess the lock just kind of like.
Starting point is 00:45:35 It rattles. Yeah. Someone's just said like, did you get stuck in the lock? Yeah. Yeah. Um. Logan. The lock is rusted.
Starting point is 00:45:47 The lock is rusted. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hold on. I can, I can, I can, I can still, I can still like scream it. I can still break it. You can also come back.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's just a hard drive. Jesus. Logan's about to spend all the vitality that they have. I have five vitality left. I can shout this bitch down. No. Okay. So Vince, I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I pop out of the lock. Okay. I can just kind of strike my shoulders and say, I think we can chuck this up as a failure. I mean, we got the ring. The hard drive is not worth it. Are you sure? But like, did you get the ring? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:38 It's in my pocket. I like Pat one pocket. It's not there. Pat the other pocket. It's not there. Pat one of my cargo pockets. It's there. She gets right here.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Well, I, I suppose that's what we needed. Yeah. Good. Good looking out though. That hard drive could have been super useful. But we know, we know where it is. We know where it is now though. Like if we can, if we need it, we can calm down.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Okay. Hey, Logan, Logan, do me a, do me a favor. Do me a favor. Yeah. Do me a favor. What's up? Never tell anyone about this. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Tell everyone. I've already been mentally to passing a text to like Colette. And I was like, cool, cool, cool. Yeah. Yeah. I won't, I won't tell anyone. But like behind their back, they cross their fingers like a 12 year old. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:31 This is like family secret. No one has to know. Oh. It's not the family secret. It's a company secret. And this is in order. But they're in the company though. So like, if it's a company.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Can't argue with that. Let's go. With that, let's go to hopefully the more professional group. Which one? Are we introducing a new group? Yeah. So who's all, so who's all going to the residents with the, with the ring camera?
Starting point is 00:48:03 I believe it was the rest of you, right? With any, uh, Mia, Colette, Niko and Viv, right? Yes. Got it. Okay. Yeah. So you head back to the scene, um, at that intersection of, um, circle in Maisland and, uh, you look around and you, you identify the residents with
Starting point is 00:48:23 the ring camera. It was directly across pretty much caddy corner, uh, to where the incident took place, where the accident took place. The address is a two, two, two, three north. Circle. Uh, there are cars in the driveway. So it is later in the day. So it appears that, uh, people are at least home.
Starting point is 00:48:44 What cars, what kind of cars are in the driveway? Oh, like, uh, like a Prius and, uh, uh, like a Civic. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I hate talking to the living. No offense. Colette, would you mind maybe taking the lead on this?
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah. Yeah. I can talk to whoever we need to. Oh, oh, the ring. Yeah. I can talk to them. Uh, and I'll, I'll head up to the door of the residents. I'll just stand behind and be quiet and let them take point.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Before I open this door, uh, uh, does anybody need to tell me anything that I shouldn't do? Just simply ask them for the footage that you were involved in investigation. We don't need to go. Do I mention that I'm from Spooky Group? Should Orpheus be set? Uh, well, Mia could assist in probably getting that.
Starting point is 00:49:39 And I also have like an old private investigator card. So I can use that. So use that as a card. So, so we're PIs? Yes. I'm your young assistant. You're teaching me your ways. Your first outing.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Exactly. You're the apprentice. Can I just remember who our clients are? Sorry. What is Colette wearing? What is? That's a great question. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:50:04 What is Colette wearing? Hold on. For the PI assistant. I mean, if her photo is any indication, it's nothing. It looks like a PI. Yeah. Okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Let me bring it up here. I don't know. Look at Liz. Uh, Salander from, uh, girl with the dragon tattoo. Right? Yeah. Yeah. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Today, uh, she's in a floor length cardigan sweater that's attached from the edges to the wrists to form space in between like a little circle so that it's connected to the very bottom giving like a bat wing effect. Oh no. Underneath she's wearing a crop top that crops at shoulder and midriff and layers underneath and a pair of wide ankle jeans that are hand painted with falling lily flowers. Okay. So you look like a superhero.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Essentially. Um. Good. Good reaction. Never mind. Thank you for that. Uh. What do I say about the badge then?
Starting point is 00:51:01 Uh, I'll do that. Yeah. Maybe Mia takes it. I'll take it. I will take. If you don't mind, I would like to take point really quick. Yeah. In your.
Starting point is 00:51:10 The assistant. Don't say apprentice. Say assistant. Okay. Good. Yeah. I'm fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Oh Christ. I'm going to go ahead and knock on the door. I'm like right. I'm right behind them also, by the way. Okay. Bring, knock gently. Yep. The door opens and a 26 year old man answers the door.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Hello. Hi. Hello. Uh, my name is Mia. Really quick here. Um. Hi. I'm going to be like, uh, or, uh, God dang it.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Words. It's, it's been a morning. Sorry. Y'all. Hi. Uh, afternoon. I'm Mia Castillo Bennett. I'm actually a private investigator.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I'm going to hand over a business card really quick. I'm actually, um, doing an investigation really quick. And I noticed that your ring light, your little ring camera right here is, I don't know. I don't know. And I noticed that your ring light, your little ring camera right here is actually. So yeah, let's jump right back into it.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Right. Uh, Amanda, for you for that, it's actually a manipulation plus empathy. I'm going to look at this guy and go, uh, I'm Collette. I'm the assistant. Did you do that? Did you draw that? Those on your pants?
Starting point is 00:52:33 Or did they come like that? Oh, I drew them. Well, I painted them. That is, that is beautiful. Thank you. I free handed them. I love Lilies. Is, uh, six the past?
Starting point is 00:52:41 I'm so sorry. Six. So yeah, six is a pass. Okay. I have three successes. Three successes. Yes. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Okay. Well done. Um, yeah. After, after he kind of, uh, talks with you about the Lilies on your pants, uh, and he seems genuine. He seems to love that. Um, he, he looks to you, Mia and says, uh, yeah, I, sure. Are you, are you looking at that poor electrician that died?
Starting point is 00:53:07 Um, I'm guessing his family hired you. Uh, yeah. Exactly. Just do you want to come in? I can show you the footage. Oh, thank you very much. Yes. And I'm going to motion.
Starting point is 00:53:18 We're going to enter in. When it seems like they've succeeded, I'm going to turn around to Noah and say, perhaps we go to the middle of the street. Yeah. For voting. Yeah. I don't want to waste time with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Okay. All right. You coming with us? Uh, I think. Yeah. Yeah. I think I can do that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I'll stay with you guys. Okay. So you want to forebode then. Um, yes. Question first. Uh, can I use Memorial to gain back to my vitality so I don't have the necessarily share vitality right now? Well, hasn't been.
Starting point is 00:53:56 We can. Well, you haven't, you haven't used, did you use it before? I didn't use it last session. Yeah. You're good to go. It's once per session. Okay. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Okay. So once per session, we can use Memorial to read. Yes. Okay. Gotcha. Interesting. Yep. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:16 So I'm going to, when we get to the, um, the street corner, the four way stop, uh, I'm going to go like shuffle through what my pockets are and I'm going to pull out a cigarette carton and I only got one cigarette left. And it's the one that I have like flipped in reverse the last, my lucky one. And I just kind of slide it out, flip it on, take a drag of it and kind of regain that vitality back. Beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Um, okay. And then yeah, I'm going to use a full, I'm going to use expend for vitality to look into the past, um, to the day of the accident and hopefully I can get either a license plate or the, a face or a name of this person who was involved. Got it. Okay. Perfect. Um, so role perception plus empathy.
Starting point is 00:55:02 I am going to use my ability as a skin writer to give her plus two on that mental role. Excellent. There you go. Okay. Hold on. Yep. So that's one, that'll be one, uh, vitality from you. Yep.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Perfect. You said perception and empathy, right? Empathy, correct. Yep. With a difficulty of six. That is six dice on top of that. Five, six, and then two, seven, eight. That's five successes with one, one on a roll.
Starting point is 00:55:48 So four successes. Okay. Perfect. Um, or is that, is that even with the one? Um, no, that's without the one. Got it. Okay. So four successes you said.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yeah. Perfect. Okay. Yeah. So with four successes, you can clearly see and hear what took place and you may move around to watch what happened from different angles. So that's, you did good. Um, if I hold your hand, Nicola, can I see what you're seeing?
Starting point is 00:56:13 Oh, I'm sorry. No. So three successes. The character clearly sees and hears what transpired from the angle where she is standing. So yeah, you're not able to kind of like freeze frame it and move around. Um, but you can still clearly see what happened. The video is just curious and she's going to put her hand on Nicola's shoulder to see if she can experience what Nicola is experiencing.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Yeah. Uh, unfortunately not, but, but yeah, you definitely, uh, but you, you're gone. Um, and a flash. It's night and you see someone dimly illuminated by a nearby street lamp working on this light box and a city uniform. And all of a sudden you hear a car engine coming from the far end of the street from Maisland and you don't hear breaks. You don't hear the squealing of tires, the squealing of rubber.
Starting point is 00:57:11 You just see this car blast right through the intersection and crush Christopher Allen completely against the light box. The door swings open and a young man gets out. He's young. You can't be older than his early twenties and you smell alcohol and you hear him say, Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:57:42 And he gets back in the car and he drives away. Did I get his license plate? You did. Yes. It is. Q. J. A. five, six, one. Okay. And it is a black Jeep compass.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Okay. Cool. After I watch the car just drive away, I'll then jump out of that. Actually, no, because I have enough time because it's a year. Can I take some additional time after that to just see when they removed the stop lights or when Christopher was manifesting at the stop lights and then as well as the first week or so when they removed it and just put in the four way stops to see how Christopher was kind of interacting just from this view point.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Sure. Yeah, you certainly can. So you notice that Christopher or his spirit is definitely trapped in a loop. Every night he manifests at that intersection at roughly the time he was killed. So between nine and 930. And he walks over to the electrical box and begins fixing it or attempting to fix it. And then they remove the light box. The city comes and removes it because of all the accidents that have been happening at
Starting point is 00:59:28 the intersection, especially in the evenings. And they put up the stop signs and you notice him becoming increasingly angry that the light box is gone. He's there to fix it. And confusion and anger and going to nearby houses, walking in, walking out. Okay. After that, I'll finally break out of four boat. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:07 My gauze is like fucking shit now because I'm at three vitality. So my gauze looks kind of kind of like tethered and stretched and shit. Don't look a little good. But I'll look at Livania and I'll be like, I need a, I need Colette. I need Colette. I think I can get her to draw an image of what this man looks like. But I have the, I have the license plate though. I know what it, I know what it is, who it is or Jeep Compass.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Livania gives you the slightest smile and says, good work. And I'm going to pump. I think the way it works is I can give her two vitality, right? You can give her as much as you want. Yeah, I'm going to give her two vitality and then I'll use my memorial ability to regain four. Got it. And what does that look like? I've got my hand on her shoulder, hoping that I could kind of experience what she did.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I didn't though. And when she comes back and tells me some of the kind of like black energy that kind of surrounds me kind of goes into Niko's shoulder and kind of repairs her gauze. It feels nice. Like it feels like it's this very euphoric, very like it's almost like a pleasant jolt as this energy kind of strengthens your gauze and your form. I'll kind of just like put my hand on the hand that she has on my shoulder. And then I'll just kind of give her like a slight smile and a nod.
Starting point is 01:01:39 And then we can just go back to the rest of y'all. Right. Thanks for that subscription, Parker. Appreciate it. Yeah, thanks, Parker. Okay, so with the group inside, the resident introduces himself as Matthew Barnes and his husband introduces himself as Alex. And they kind of sit you down at the computer and they pull up the ring footage.
Starting point is 01:02:05 And unfortunately, this is a first generation ring from 2014 and that they clearly haven't gotten around to upgrade yet. Like it's 720p on a good day. And it's dark and it's terrible in low light. So you see the accident, which is awful. Like that's just greeny girl Sandy. Because you see a guy get crushed by a black SUV against this light box. And it is it is clear he's not walking away from that.
Starting point is 01:02:34 You thankfully can't because of the quality of the footage, you can't see the extent of the damage done to his body, which is a small, a small blessing. But you certainly you look and you strain to try to make out that license plate and it's just it's just too dark. That's just two pixel. But you see the accident and you get the time stamp. It's roughly 932. Do you mind if I could get a little video file copy really quick?
Starting point is 01:03:03 Sure. Yeah. What's your email address? I'll just email to you. Go for it. It is like I have like a probably like a generic like Mia dot Castillo Bennett at PI. At Gmail dot com. Nice.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Okay. Oh, you don't give her the official Orpheus address. Okay. Got it. Okay. Yep. And they fire it off with you there. And I hope I hope that helps.
Starting point is 01:03:33 You can find out who did this. That's that's the key objective right now. Keep my card. If you remember anything else or if you happen to find any additional, like if you notice a car coming back repeatedly or something, please let me know. But thank you very much for your time. Of course. No, thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:53 We're also we're looking into something that's going on with the city's response after that electrical box went out with the accident. So if you experience any physical changes to your electrical system, if lights start to go out or or or anything hinky, please let us know. Of course. Sure. Absolutely. Safety.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Because in electricity, we don't want to accidentally have fires take off. That's why we're inquiring about that. I'm going to put my hand on their shoulder and be like, do you think there's is there a danger of that happening? No, it's we've noticed a couple ever since that accident. As you can see, hit the electrical box. There's just been some weird feedback. So we want to make sure if any homes were affected, we can have the city come out right
Starting point is 01:04:42 away to make sure nothing does happen. That's why. Okay. Yeah. And we'll have a good day. You have a great day. It was great to meet you. Thank you again for complimenting my hands.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Of course. No, you should sell those. I don't do that anymore. But thank you. No problem. That's it. I'm going to ask anymore or you any more what you used to sell them. I used to sell everything I did.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I think that's what artists do. I had to make a living. I mean, I don't like selling it either, but I had to pay rent. Unfortunately. One of the drawbacks of being alive. I'm going to be like, really take that and be like, this is weird now. And watch back outside. You're going to just.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I think the video Nikola having this really intimate moment and Viv just like. Oh, yeah. Looking at the house like trying to get his privacy. Very, very happy to see you come out of the house. Did you find something interesting? We just got a very grainy video, which in the end could be just be used as evidence. But it looks like shit. We didn't learn anything.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Well, if this evidence isn't, if we don't think it's going to be very useful in the courts. No, because all of that, it shows at least time and placement. So that's why so ring ring light cameras are admissible in court. Okay. Well, we could do that. That's going to take a lot of time. But if I could get to this person who we now know their license plate. I could always bring them here myself and have them say they're sorry.
Starting point is 01:06:48 You guys got the license plate. Nikola did. I did. Oh, good job. I have a license plate and a face, which I wanted to ask Colette if you could potentially render a sketch of this guy. So we at least know who he is. Oh, 100%. You got a good look at him.
Starting point is 01:07:07 I got an exact look at him. Yeah, of course I can help with that. Can you also give me the license plate because I have that file with all the. Yeah, it's a black Jeep Compass QJA 561. Vince, how fast am I able to track that down on the file I got from earlier? Do you have like a laptop with you? At the, I do have a laptop probably at the hotel, but I have my phone. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:41 So that's where it's like. Yeah. So the databases that you would need to pull up to be able to do that aren't really mobile friendly. Okay. At least from at least the best of my knowledge. So yeah, you'd have to just get on a computer. Well, we still have a few hours anyway. You do.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Yeah, we're pushing probably 530 closer, probably to six at this point. I'm going to start like kind of like, if you can just give me. Yeah. I'm going to start. I'm going to go to start the search back on my laptop back at the hotel. So if you can text me the photo that you draw and any description you have of the driver. Great. And I'm going to start.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I think we all can go back to the hotel at this point. I don't mean to be like picky or anything, but it really helps my process is if I'm where it happened. I think it would help with the expression. Okay. What? Okay. Well, do we all need to be here then?
Starting point is 01:08:43 No, I think it can be just us if that's what you need. But everyone's welcome if you'd like to see. It's a process, but being here, it helps with the energy of the thing. Capturing. I want to see the expression. Okay. I'm going to head on out, guys. I'm going to look at the code and be like.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Well, how many cars did you take? Took one car. Yeah, I took one. I think I'll get you guys probably. No, I'll just call an Uber. There you go. Okay. I want to go with you, Mia.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I think if we find out who this person is and where they are, I can be useful. Really? I thought you would want to see this or try to... It looks like everyone else has this under control. I want to make sure that this person is brought to justice. All right. Go get him, Vinnie. I'm not going to go.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Look at me. It's a little sad. They don't know how to like. They're like, okay. And they'll... All right, let's go. All right. So I'll go with Mia.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Okay. What's our dynamic duo doing? What are we up to? I think once we have the ring, I would probably think that we should connect back with the group. Got it, of course. Do you call? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:13 I probably call... I probably call Collette. Just because Mia scares me. Hey, handsome, what's up? Hey, we got the ring. Oh, okay. Oh, you got it. Yeah, like it's in my pocket.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Nothing else happened. You didn't find this stuff? No. We looked through his stuff and there was like... There was a source so much. There was like... Well, you can tell them about the hard drive. Don't tell them what happened after we found the hard drive.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Oh, okay. I mean, I can put you on speaker if you want to tell them. Oh, no, you go ahead. You say you want to talk? No, he said he just wants me to talk. So we found a hard drive. But we couldn't get it. So we've got a hard drive?
Starting point is 01:11:10 No, we don't have a hard drive. We can maybe get it later. What happened? So Jake wanted to know if it was real. He was like, are you shitting me? And I was like, no, dude, I can prove it to you. And he's like, you can prove it to me. And I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:26 And then I just dropped and I manifested. So he could see that it was real and he wasn't ready for it. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Yeah, it was a little rough. And then he ran away. And A.B. was cool with that? Well, he was busy looking through.
Starting point is 01:11:42 That was what was happening. That was what was happening. I separated from him so that he could look through the stuff. I'm sure that will really well, right? Yeah. I know what happened now. Well, he's telling me that I can't talk about this anymore. Because nothing else happened.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Everything else went really well. So I have the ring. Where are you? We're at the intersection. We just got some footage and now we're about to, well, Koa did this, the amazing thing with her eyes where she just sort of fades over. And now we, I don't know, saw a year in the past or some shit.
Starting point is 01:12:23 It was amazing. She must have had to do that. I don't think she can. I don't, I don't know. But like, we're both banshees. So like, why not? I guess maybe we could do like a boot camp. Can we all learn this?
Starting point is 01:12:36 I don't know. Anyway. This doesn't matter right now. We're going to draw a picture right now of what happened. Cool. Or who we're looking after. And then Mia and Vinny went back to the hotel. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Because they're looking up the full license plate that we got. Sick. Yeah. Okay. We're like a professional ghost hunter. Hell yeah, we are. I'm so proud of us. Do you, would it be useful if we were with you?
Starting point is 01:13:01 Or should we go back to the hotel and find Mia and Vinny? Well, you're always useful to me, but I cannot make that decision. I feel like if I did, three people would tell me not to say. Cool. Put me on speakerphone. Okay. Coa, Viv, what do you want?
Starting point is 01:13:18 What do we want? Yeah. Should we like come to you? Ab and I have the ring. Or should we go to like the hotel? Or should we go talk to Elizabeth again? Ooh. Don't we need her?
Starting point is 01:13:30 I wouldn't talk. I wouldn't talk to Elizabeth just yet. Yeah. When I said it, I realized I probably shouldn't have. We got to talk to Chris first. Okay. Right. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:40 We won't be able to talk to Chris till much later in the evening. So it might be better if you just go back to the hotel and we reconvene. We have to talk to him. What time is it? It's like six. Five. Yeah. We have like four hours.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Quarter six. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Let us just draw this picture and we'll reconvene back at the hotel. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Cool. I'm really hungry. You agree? Yeah. Cool. I'm going to pick up some food, text me what you want. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Bye. Bye. With that, I got about two thirty, a couple minutes before. We want to take a break. Sure. Yeah. All right. Ten minutes and then kick this, kick this shindig back off.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Let's go. Awesome. All right, folks. We'll be back in ten. Thanks for sticking with us. See you in a bit. I'm fucking muted. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Howdy, folks. Thanks for joining us again for this second half of our next Orpheus session. So, yeah, let's get this party started. So, Collette, you wanted to draw the driver of the SUV based on the description provided to you by Nicola, correct? Yeah. I sure did. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Roll, roll crafts and whatever mental ability you think would be most appropriate in this case. Mental, you said? Yeah. I'm thinking wits here. That's sort of how Collette processes everything is through wits. Got it. And I'll give you, I will lower the difficulty, I'll say DC, difficulty based on Nicola's
Starting point is 01:15:24 resistance because she is feeding you the description. Okay. So, I think I asked Koa to stand where she was for the forebode. Yep. And then I find whatever location she's talking about where the man got out of the car. And then I'm going to take out a piece of chalk from my cardigan. I'm going to square out this huge block, this huge canvas right over where I think the SUV would be.
Starting point is 01:15:51 And then I just have Koa talk me through everything that happened, including the looks on his face, the emotion, everything. Okay. Yeah. I'll describe him to him. I'll describe that he came out drunk, how panicked he was, and how he just kept saying, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. And then how he got into his car and drove away.
Starting point is 01:16:17 I have five successes. Oh shit. Any ones in there? No ones. It takes you some time, right? Because this is a process. You're not just sketching somebody's portrait on an Afghan to pick somebody up at a bar, right?
Starting point is 01:16:35 This is intense. This is a process. I think she starts with those words with, oh fuck, and that frames it out. She's written it like 50 times on the sides and then it frames out the portrait of his face. Love that. Yeah. And as she starts feeding you this description, it begins almost, the charcoal is almost drawing
Starting point is 01:16:55 it out of the paper, right? It's not that you're putting it on. It's that you're summoning it from the paper itself. And an image manifests of a young white male. It has to be in his early 20s at the absolute oldest. Black hair cut short. Clean shaven. Wearing a black suit with a black tie.
Starting point is 01:17:19 And obviously drunk. His face scrunched up with emotion and shock as he's realizing what it is that he has just done. And his eyes just set in sheer panic. And it is, Niko, when you look at what Colin has just done, it is a spitting image, a spitting like this of what you saw in that moment. Is that, is that what you were looking at? I tried to frame him out in tire tracks.
Starting point is 01:17:47 I thought that would help. Niko's been like the whole time just seemingly annoyed during this whole transaction, but she'll nod and be like, that's exactly what he looks like. Take a picture and send that to Mia. Okay. And anybody else? Yeah. What does Viv do during this time?
Starting point is 01:18:15 I think at first, Viv was going to be asking questions, but if Niko was like narrating to Colette, then they're just looking over Colette's shoulder. And once it's done, they just go, nice job, soft goods. Thank you. Do you think I got the dread right on his face? It looks dreadful. Of course it matters. And Mia and Lavinia, Vinny.
Starting point is 01:18:51 What are you two doing? On the right over, I think, well, we can't say anything because there's the Uber driver. I don't want to freak him out, but once we get out of the Uber, I will just say to me, after probably total silence awkwardly between the two of us, Mia, I think we've gotten off to the wrong foot, wouldn't you say? I mean, I don't, we didn't start off on the best. I'll acknowledge that, but you're not on my shit list. I certainly wouldn't want to be yelled at you the way you yelled at Avner.
Starting point is 01:19:30 That wasn't one of my finer moments. I'll own that, for sure. You're human. What can you do? I mean, we all were at one point. At one point, yes. I just want you to know I don't have any bad intentions or anything. I just want us all to trust each other. We heard that.
Starting point is 01:20:04 I agree that there's an element that is a flaw of mine of learning to relax and trust a little easy. That I will own. What you say is very fair. I was hoping since we're both skin... I'm going to be mindful of what I say. I was just hoping since we're both skin writers, we'd have something to relate to. Oh, no, no, no. I'm sure we will definitely have to figure out how that dynamic works. In the meantime, I guess let's find this man, huh?
Starting point is 01:20:37 I, yes. I was going to laptop, open up, have it ready. I'm like, would you like to go for it or are you okay if I just look up? I trust you know what you're doing. I'll let the experts do their thing. Thank you. Thank you. I do have to cut out though. Just be mindful.
Starting point is 01:20:59 I have to leave at this time. So I'm going to go ahead and follow up with the detective from earlier. So I'm going to go ahead and... But this will take a couple of minutes. All right. It's like I'm trying to, by the way, while this is happening because I'm like, okay, this could come off bad. But then I'm like, oh, I'm going to dip out because I do want to actually follow up with this cop.
Starting point is 01:21:26 And I'm actually going to go ahead and pull out some while whatever is happening is happening. I'm going to also plan what I'm going to wear tonight. Okay. You seem distracted. I'm a little distracted, to be honest. I am because I'm looking at my phone. I don't think LaVinia is aware of your plans. Is she?
Starting point is 01:21:45 Like have you told everyone? Yeah. I only told Nicola. I thought they'd brought it up in the hotel room at the end of the episode. You did. You did. I'm so sorry. So at least you're aware I have that night.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Yeah. At least the dinner. Mia, if I could make it clear what my thoughts are, if we find out who this person is and we go to them, one of us can ride him back to the scene of the crime where we can appear as if you've arrested him helping the ghost find closure. So what I'm saying is that's my plan and it might interrupt your plans. And I'm like, actually, that's it. I will say, based on your training with Orpheus Group, it has to be genuine.
Starting point is 01:22:35 So like it can't be a farcical, like it can't be like a pantomime. It can't be like the act of it has to be justice has to be done. If that is indeed what is what is rooting Christopher here. Yeah. I would assume it would be. Well, I guess let's just find it. Just something to think about. No, you're not wrong.
Starting point is 01:23:00 The reason why I wanted at least I just I just know with law enforcement they can be a pain in the ass and they can get in the way a lot quicker since this has gone very cold. But we're going to have to nonetheless involve them. Exactly. Hence why I would like to make sure I have this detective on our side in some way shape or form. Maybe I can go with you on the day. I'm not really into exposition type thing. I mean, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 01:23:32 That is your type of thing. I sure I just it might get a little distracting. But if you want to be for some part, but if I ask for a cut out single signal, will you actually genuinely cut out? Yes, but I don't think I need to be there. Well, there we go. Let's find this person. And it's instantaneous.
Starting point is 01:23:56 You plug in the license plate and it immediately comes back as registered to an Ethan Bell. Then you piece of shit. 22 years old with a registered address of Windmill Apartments 4 3 2 5. Fountain Springs Grove, Colorado Springs, Colorado. So it is in town at least. It is. Okay. I'm going to immediately text that to everybody.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Is there can I run also like if he has a previous rap sheet? Because I know at least even on Google you can do certain things like that. Right. Yeah. Well, with the databases you have access to as a private investigator, you're easily able to look that up. Nothing apart from some minor speeding tickets, running a stop sign. I have made note of that too.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Mia, I have my own experiences with the law, but I want to run through it with you again. What is left for us to figure out before we can get this man arrested or at least get the process rolling on investigation. We have evidence that he crashed. Exactly. We have the video even though it's very grainy. I think what we're going to need to get honestly is a confession because I don't know. Wait.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Sorry. Time out everyone. Orpheus, when it comes to law enforcement, if they provide evidence on that, how are they believed by the court? Are they like in the court of law or something like that? Unless there's physical evidence that you can actually provide, if it's something that was supernaturally gained, it's inadmissible in court. We have to line everything up for the cops.
Starting point is 01:25:39 We have the grainy footage. I don't know how likely we're going to get a confession, but we can at least, if we can show the footage to the cops and maybe we can get, I don't know. It could also be damage to the car. Right. So, at least if anything warrants a look, see if the car is still damaged or maybe it's been repaired, but at least I do think we should all take a look into Ethan. We need to get a photo of his vehicle, see if it's currently damaged, and we need to
Starting point is 01:26:14 give it all to your police friend. That's right. Just package it up, make it so good that they can't dismiss it. Vince, does Mia feel like what we currently have so far in terms of evidence is enough that if she came to the officer, there would be some attention paid to it? Probably some. Yeah, they would need more. They would need to know how he got the license plate and how you tied it back to this guy.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Oh, shit. Yeah. Okay. Our ghost friends saw the past. Come on. Yeah, she wasn't very receptive to unfortunately Orpheus. That's why I wanted to avoid any kind of ghostly thing. Mia, you said confession.
Starting point is 01:27:01 He's not going to confess. I don't think unless he's terrified that something worse might happen to him. I could. So, do you think we could? We could scare it out of him. I mean, yes. I'm not opposed to that. Okay, but somebody has to go speak with him and I need to be there with them.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Where's Logan? I'm going to text. Where is Logan? Logan is currently getting food for herself and Colette because we're the only ones that eat around here. And then we're heading to the hotel to meet up with everyone there. Okay. Potentially minus Mia. Probably like on our way to the hotel right now.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Bring it up with Logan. Yeah, I think Logan. No, this could work because I can keep the thing going with the police while you go ahead and... I'm going to say this. Do what you got to do to get that confession. And I'm going to leave it at that. Just get me here. I mean, think of it this way.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Ethan gets to go ahead and walk around. He didn't even stop, right? Christopher is the one who actually is the one who needs closure. I always say if you're going to be a criminal, at least accept what you've done. Consequences. There's good and bad consequences. This is just one of them. Yeah, so we'll reach out to Logan and we'll see if they have time to come with LaVinia to this gentleman's Ethan's home.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Yeah, for sure. LaVinia, I would say like, remember, focus on him just in case because I don't like scare tactics. Maybe don't like crosshairs of innocent bystanders, but I don't know how. You know what? Maybe I don't want to know. Maybe that's best if I don't know your methods. Maybe it's best. Yeah, clean it on that.
Starting point is 01:29:12 So we'll probably have to reconnect with Logan, which I assume means we'd have to go back to the scene or to the. You guys are already at the same spot. All right, I was going to say, we'll just wait until Logan gets here. Okay. And then we're going to run. I was going to say, we're going to go ahead and run over the plan. Yeah. And Abner.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Abner's here too. Abner's going to, whether you like it or not. Mia, I think you should present to Sorenson what we found so far. Should you tell them that you're going to have a confession soon? I don't want to jump the gun. No. No, I don't want to jump the gun in case something happens. So I'm going to, I'll hold tight.
Starting point is 01:29:55 But the objective is to make sure that Sorenson does have the info. Make sure it is locked, stocked and loaded. Ready to go. Makes sense. I should probably give Colette the ring then if they're going to go talk. All right. I don't, I'm just like assuming because we have to talk to Christopher still. So like you, the three, you, the, uh, Lavinia, Abner and I go to talk to this little shit.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Those three go to talk to Christopher. You do what you're going to do with the Sorenson. Uh, uh, call, I should give you this ring then. Because you're, Am I back at the hotel now? Oh, sorry. No, I forgot you weren't there. Uh, that I should wait at the hotel to give Colette the ring.
Starting point is 01:30:46 And then we can probably go. Yeah. Okay. All right. Oh, wait. White bulb. Surge. What?
Starting point is 01:31:02 Skin writing. Can you, cause you can take partial possession, right? Yes. I'm going to skin write him until he's terrified enough to admit what he's done. And, uh, you could, I don't, I'm not a huge fan of like scaring shit out of people, but like what if you, what if you took him back to the scene? Like if he woke, like came back to himself there. Like that would be fucking terrifying.
Starting point is 01:31:26 I suppose that's the little road. Yeah. Hold on. Oh, okay. What is it? Avernath. What if you possessed the compass and we pull a Chris? What is it?
Starting point is 01:31:41 A Christine? The comp. Oh, if assuming he has the car, it might have been totaled. It might be. It might have been totaled. That's even better if it's totaled. Cause I mean, that's the whole thing. We have to find it.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Either. All right. That's true. If it's there though, I like the, I like the thought. That's a good place to start. If it's there, just, just putting, I can obviously go. But we need to have the scene. It can't live.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Viv is more just like throwing things across the room. Right. If a car is already going, I can stop it, but I can't make a car drive. I can push a gas pedal. The point is only to get in a confession. We do not need to participate in scaring the life out of this man. That is not what we do here. So just get what you need to do.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Understand. That said, if we have to, if we have to scare the shit out of him, we're not above that. That's what we're going to do. I think am I here right now? I feel like we're all here. Fuck it. Let's say everybody's back. We've all jumped in.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Everybody reconvened. Or like, I've got you on speakerphone at the very least. Oh, it's the very least. As you're making your way back. Right. I don't, I don't think we should go straight to scaring this guy when we can talk about talking to him. He's a young kid. I mean.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Including a murder. Okay. Are we going to equate a car accident with someone who's a victim of substance abuse? Technically, it's a murder. It's very simple. Remember what I said about Logan can attempt to speak with him. And if he doesn't agree, then I will grief him into giving a confession. I think it's that simple.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Plan. That's a plan. You can try and talk to him if you want. I can go to the house. I don't care who talks to him, but we should try. I mean, you said what the most he had before this was a speeding ticket. So let's not treat him like he's the enemy of the state. Let's treat him like a person who went through something as traumatic as this.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Yes, he made a mistake, but maybe he deserves our year as much as Chris does. I'm going to hit mute button on that speakerphone really quick. I'm going to be like, so they can't hear. Be like, please do. Can we not? Like we understand the situation. Do we have to listen to this? Well, I mean, she's bringing up a good point of unmute.
Starting point is 01:34:05 She's bringing up a good point. Did she mute me? No. Oh, no. We speak to him first and then we take more drastic measures if necessary. And if we do, Colette, look at it this way. It's he just committed manslaughter. We're getting him to confess.
Starting point is 01:34:25 If he confesses, he will receive a light sentence. Is that good enough for you? I just, I don't think we should do it under coercion, but I'm with you. Yes. Yeah, AB, we can do it. If this is what the team wants, we'll do it. And that's what we'll do. Do you want to talk to him?
Starting point is 01:34:44 I don't care. Whatever the team thinks is best. I just... I will say I fucked up talking to people, I think, like three times today. So it might be better if someone else took point on that. I feel that Colette is a well suited to that task. Not to throw a wrench in the logistical wheel here. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:35:05 It's a meat sack switch. Okay. So... Vince, what time is it, by the way? Yeah, you're looking, you're looking at about... You're definitely after six at this point. All right. I'm going to...
Starting point is 01:35:23 Out. Okay. Cool. So, okay. So I think then it sounds like myself, Logan, Colette, and LaVinia are going to the... What? Did we get the guy's names? Ethan Bell.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Yeah, we have his IDs. Ethan Bell. Okay. Do we need a... Do we need a body to talk to the family so we can see if Chris is coming to the house, though? Chris will likely appear around 9 or 9.30. So we do need somebody here around that time. No.
Starting point is 01:35:56 I'm not going. I'll be around. Okay, I'll... Just remember that Abner has to be the one that helps sever the strand. That said, we have to have our ducks in a row first. Fair. Okay. I'll go with you three then.
Starting point is 01:36:15 Should we meet up back with you after we've spoken with Ethan, we should all come back to the house? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Yes. Our night ends at this house. Cool. Shit.
Starting point is 01:36:30 You don't have to say it like that, Vinny. Looks like somebody's going to fucking die or something. Well... I can assure you it's not as bad as you think. Alright, alright, alright. Great, get to work. Come on, let's go. Wait, but what about Co and Viv?
Starting point is 01:36:47 Are you guys going to come with us? No. I thought they were staking out the site. Yeah, I'm fine to just stay here. Okay. That's sweet. I actually, I hate waiting, but I can't talk to anyone. I might be able to talk to David or whatever if we need to, but that's it.
Starting point is 01:37:10 So, who's going to where? Just so I'm tracking. Basically, everyone except Nicola and Viv are heading to Ethan's home. Except for Mia, who's going to the cop. Yes. Awesome. Let's start with, okay, so Viv and Nicola, you're at the scene just kind of staking it out.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Where do you, where do you two set up at? I feel like we're just, I would probably go towards where we've seen Christopher Manifest before. So it would probably be towards the Copeland residents. Got it.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Yeah. I won't go inside the house because that feels rude, but just kind of waiting outside. I'm like, just got hands in the pocket. Just kind of like eyes to the sky. That's like across, that's directly across the street from the electrical box. Right? Correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Okay. Then yeah, cool. I'll triangle on the other side. Do you all talk at all? Do you team build? Yeah. Trust fall. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:16 I'll look at Viv and ask how come you didn't want to go with them. I don't, I'm not like a mushy scene kind of person. And I don't really care to see how this turns out. I was really happy to break into a police station, but that's my limit as far as interacting with the law. And this case kind of, I don't know. I'm not stressed. I'm holding it together, but this is a little close to home.
Starting point is 01:38:54 So I would really just kind of like to stay here the entire time. And I understand how inconvenient that is. No, it's not inconvenient at all. We're both here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Yeah. What's up? That, what, what you did when you went back in time today, was that expensive? It's expensive in the way that it takes a lot of energy in order to do that. And I don't guarantee what I see. If I asked you to check a specific time, could you possibly depends on how far you need to go back a little more than a year, a little more than a year. That's a lot of energy.
Starting point is 01:39:49 I could pay you back. Okay. So it's something you want to do right now. No, we wait. No. No. We still have something to do. I want to be able to be there for that.
Starting point is 01:40:03 But soon. Well, whenever you're ready, you know where to find me. We can always have a talk. Good. Okay. Love it. All right. I'm saving, I'm saving Mia for last year.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Don't get too slick on me. No, no, no. Okay. Okay. So team intubity. We're heading over to Ethan Bell's apartment. Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Yeah. Being after six at this point, it really is the end of the day for the vast majority of, you know, working folks in the city. And you do, you can't tell which parking spot is his or all kind of open. They're not necessarily reserved. You just have to have a parking pass in the, in the window. But do you comb the parking lot first? What's, what's your plan of attack here?
Starting point is 01:41:01 Yeah. I think we'd look at the parking lot first just to see if the car is still there at all. Okay. So whoever wants to do the searching. Let's see here. Roll perception plus investigation. I don't have the best investigation. Score.
Starting point is 01:41:21 If anyone else has higher. I have a good perception, but shit investigation. I have a net four with both combined. In this case, proper you call. In this case, two or more characters can roll separately and you'll add your successes together. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:39 I'll just hold perception. Yeah. Okay. I rolled a 10 to four and a three. Okay. It's one success for you. I have three successes out of four. Jesus fuck.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Nice. Good job. Okay. So that's four successes total with, with LaVineas. So, um, you comb the parking lot and you don't see a black Jeep compass. Okay. Okay. What do you think Vinny?
Starting point is 01:42:07 You think it's gone? You think it's, he's hiding it. I would hide it. I've only just now realized that you're referring to me when you say that. If you could put you think I was talking to you. I think we need to think about how we approach this man. If we simply tell him that we know, I think that'll be the quickest way to go.
Starting point is 01:42:29 Getting to the heart of it. You know what? I was thinking the same thing. I think if Logan blocks the door so he can't leave and we face it, we tell him exactly what we know and how we know it. And hopefully we give him specific, so detailed that he can't deny that we know. And of course that responsibility will fall to you, Colette. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:52 I got it. I mean, I'm not very intimidating, but one look at Logan and he's going to get the situation. Yeah. I'll be, I'll be at her back. Don't worry. All right. Well, let's go. And if that doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:43:05 Yeah, I was, I was thinking that maybe A B you could already be in something. I don't know. Something in the room and then Vinny, you, LaVinia, you can be on standby. Just watch how I work. Worrying. A little bit. All right. So I think we'll approach the apartment or whatever we know he is.
Starting point is 01:43:31 You do so. You walk up to the door. It's on the third floor and you knock. I stand. I like pull myself up to full height, like directly behind Colette. And do that. Do that thing where you like push your, push your arms out to make your muscles even look bigger.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Nice. What is this you're doing? Roll. Roll. Ha. In this case, go ahead and roll. I just want to see what, what happens here. Roll length plus intimidation.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Well, it's just straight because my intimidation is a nothing. Got it. Okay. I am a puppy. I'm a puppy. I'm a puppy. I'm a puppy. I'm a puppy.
Starting point is 01:44:10 I'm a puppy. I am a puppy of a human being. Got it. I'd expect you to be more intimidating. Got two. Two. Okay. Two successes.
Starting point is 01:44:20 Logan doesn't want to be into me. You said two successes, right? Yes, I did. Sorry. All right. All right. It's, it's not terrible, but that's good for me to know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:30 And to be fair, I'm like 511 and jacked as fuck. Right. It's cold and I don't have a sweatshirt on. I've just got a fucking tank top. Listen. I'm trying not to shiver because I'm actually very cold. It looks really good, but you got to stop smiling. You keep catching.
Starting point is 01:44:47 I'm just really excited that we're doing this. I'm not going to lie. I'm excited too, but we need, let's get it together. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Every time I try to smile, I smile more. The door doesn't open, but you hear a voice on the other side.
Starting point is 01:45:05 Who is it? Ethan, we need to talk to you about what happened on circle drive. Open the door, please. Silence. I'm going to walk through the door. He is well. Spend that vitality. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:24 It's one. I mean, yeah, I guess. Yeah. Okay. Gotcha. Look, we're not here to take you in. We're not here to do anything. We just know what happened there and we need to talk to you about what
Starting point is 01:45:36 happened. You need to own up and this is your opportunity. If I, if I walk through the door, is he there? Has he already run? He is there. Okay. So Lavinia and you both walk through the door and it's, it's a little studio apartment.
Starting point is 01:45:51 Um, it's, he's kind of standing in the, in the, in the foyer area. Um, clearly not in great shape. Uh, you can, if you, you can't smell per se. Um, but if you did, if you could, you would imagine not going to smell great. Okay. I'm going to spend zero vitality to force his hand to unlock the door. I'm hoping that the, the meat bags on the outside know that when they hear
Starting point is 01:46:18 the unlock button, they can open it. Meanwhile, um, Vince, is there a TV or a stereo or anything? There is. There absolutely is. I'm just going to casually insert myself into that. Okay. Okay. Um, just, just a second here.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Um, so with your puppetry there. Um, so go ahead and roll charisma plus leadership. Okay. Uh, let's see my charisma. That's three. Oh, oh, I can do a thing that enhances this. Right. You can, but if you don't know what, cause unless you know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Oh, I don't know what they're doing. Yeah. All right. So I have an eight, a three, a seven and a five and a nine. Yeah. Four success. You. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:15 That's plenty. Yeah. Uh, eight, eight, five, seven, nine. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Easy. Take control and you sense that panic wash over him as you kind of see these strands of
Starting point is 01:47:34 energy, his life force, his essence, and you just pluck them like a puppeteer. And that hand lashes out and unlocks that door and he is staring at it like with no idea what just happened. And he visibly starts and like shuffles back from the door. It looks frightened as hell. Uh, Abner, you can, you can easily possess whatever, wherever you want. Great. There's a TV.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Like I said. Yep. Casually, it casual, just casual insertion. Yep. It's. It's. Yeah. If I hear, if I hear the door unlock, I'm going to open it.
Starting point is 01:48:14 Yeah. Okay. So that door swings open and you're immediately hit. So you're in the TV, Abner. You do anything yet? Or are you just kind of hanging out first? I am biting my time. Got it.
Starting point is 01:48:25 Okay. Um, so yeah, the door swings open and, uh, Colette Logan, you're immediately hit with the, the smell of the stale body odor, um, and alcohol. And this, this guy is not in good shape. He hasn't shaved in a few days. Uh, clearly if he's even making any effort at all, he's unkempt. Um, the, all the drugs, curtains are drawn. There's beer cans and empty liquor bottles all over the place.
Starting point is 01:48:55 Um, it, it, it stinks. And, uh, he is clearly not in good shape. Who the, who the fuck are you? Ethan, I got to say, I've been in this room before. My name is Colette. This is my partner Logan. What do you want? I'm here to talk to you about what happened on circle drive.
Starting point is 01:49:15 Oh, you need to get the fuck out of here. I'm not going to leave and you know that, and I'm going to shut this door behind me and you and I are going to have a talk. Is that okay with you? Roll charisma. Plus manipulation. Okay. Sure.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Uh, three successes. God damn. All right. Like fire. Love that. Um, he just kind of, he, he, all the fight just seems to kind of drain out of him. And he just kind of shuffles back and, and collapses and takes a seat on, on the coffee table. Uh, I'm going to let Logan in and then I'll shut the door behind us.
Starting point is 01:50:05 And I'm going to find whatever chairs opposite him on the coffee table, kick around some beer bottles off the floor or whatever this trash looks like and sit down and cross from him. He's just kind of got the thousand yard stare going. So, uh, let me show you my credentials. All of today I've not been able to show my badge anywhere, but this is one place I can. And she'll reach into her wallet and she'll pull out a recovery chip and she'll set it out on the coffee table in front of him. Do you know what this is?
Starting point is 01:50:43 No. No? You don't recognize it? Not on the steps yet? No. I have been you. I have been here. And I know what this feels like.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Yeah, you've killed somebody before. Not that far. But I know what happens when you lose control. And I know that what this is is not what you are about. No one that does what you do willingly feels the way that you do right now, do they? You don't know a fucking thing. All I'm asking, all that we're asking, all that I need from you is to cop to what happened, confess to what you did, and be honest so that we can help you lift this burden.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Nothing happened. I don't know what you're talking about. Okay. Nothing happened. And I look towards Abner in the TV. Okay. So with that, the TV is going to light up and start blinking and flashing like static if I can do that. Tell me if I step outside.
Starting point is 01:52:03 You can do that. That's easy. Yep. And then also, Abner is going to tackle out a speaker and then in a low kind of drawing voice just starts screaming, confess. Fucking that. Yeah. Ethan just shoots up.
Starting point is 01:52:31 You collect looks at Logan. I'm leaning against the door. He can't go anywhere. He's bolting for his bedroom. Oh, I'm after him. I'm after him. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:42 It's time to shine. It is. I'm following him. I actually, I wanted to like while they were talking to him, I wanted to see if there was anything immediately obvious such as like, like, like is like a busted hubcap in his apartment. Not a hubcap. Not a bumper.
Starting point is 01:53:01 Is, is there like a towel that he like tried to clean his car with? I was kind of looking for some evidence. Okay. So are just in the, in the immediate area? Yeah. I guess in the immediate living room area. Yeah. So nothing immediately in the living room.
Starting point is 01:53:16 No. All right. Then I would follow them trying to keep up with him as he goes into the bedroom. Yep. Okay. For you, Logan, roll dexterity plus athletics. See if you can catch him at this point. Can I assist as well?
Starting point is 01:53:30 Totally. Yep. Okay. Meanwhile, Vince, the TV, that, that whole thing I just did is going on a loop. Nice. Okay. Yeah. It's working.
Starting point is 01:53:43 He's freaking the fuck out. On beyonds. I have four successes. I don't know what the fuck's happened. I have three successes. That's seven. The seven successes total. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:54 Yeah. Logan, you, how do you want to, how do you want to grab them? I don't want to, I don't even want to grab him. I just want to, I want to like, I don't, I don't want to grab him. I want to grab the doorknob of his door and then just fill his hallway so he can't get past me and he can't get into his door. Okay. Easy.
Starting point is 01:54:10 Yeah. He's just, he kind of stumbles as he gets up off that coffee table and it buys you just enough time to get in between him and that hallway to the bedroom. But soon you're, you're filling it up and collect, you're right there behind him. Love it. What are you doing? Go ahead. Go ahead, Colette.
Starting point is 01:54:27 Ethan, you got to listen. It's way easier to talk to me than it is to talk to them. So I need you to listen to me. Okay. And once Colette finishes saying that, I just want to basically puppeteer his mouth. I don't know what you think that expenditure might be in terms of vitality. I want him to just say something like, you know, just like alcoholism, we can haunt you every day of your life.
Starting point is 01:54:56 If you don't just fix this, I just want him to like say something like that. Okay. Go ahead and roll your charisma plus leadership and any, any vitality you want to increase the one just because I want it to sound scary. Maybe a little bit of my voice comes out of his voice as well. Yeah. All right. So that's a six, two threes and an eight and then another three.
Starting point is 01:55:25 So just two successes, I think. Two successes, right. Okay. So with that, you can influence him and how much vitality do you spend? I just want to spend one. One? Okay. So in this case, I know for zero vitality, you can usually have them say something or
Starting point is 01:55:47 write something. Right. Yep. So yeah, he, he says this and immediately like, he just fucking claps his hands over his ears and kind of just goes fetal and is a screaming, make it shut it off, shut it off, make it stop, shut it off. He's yours. So I'm going to kneel guys and hope that Abner cuts off.
Starting point is 01:56:13 I'm going to kneel down and I'm going to expend three vitality to cast unearthly repose, making me seem like a trusted friend to him. Got it. Okay. Do I have to do anything to roll for that? Yeah. I believe you do. So with this one, the number of vitality you spend determines the strength of the allure
Starting point is 01:56:39 so that yeah, you said you're going to spend two vitality in that case. Three. Okay. So yeah, we're going to laugh. Okay. Do you have to skim out to do that? Oh yeah. You have to be out of your body to do that.
Starting point is 01:56:49 Oh shit. I can catch you if you want to drop. Do it. Yeah. Yeah. I'll do it. I'll drop. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Yeah. All of a sudden Colette's body just drops and Logan, you're there to, to reach out and grab her before she, she bombs it. And then you, do you manifest what you're doing this? Yes. Shining vision of what Colette usually is and the, the part, the white part of her hair is now adopted the same glow as the wisp and the hair is flying all over the place. She's effervescent.
Starting point is 01:57:24 She's luminescent. And she's going to bend down, kneel down to him in the fetal position, try and pick up his face so that he can see her. Okay. All right. Yeah. He, he looks up and he's just clearly just enthralled. Um, and God, you can fix this.
Starting point is 01:57:46 You can be better. We can grow. You have to confess. You have to tell him what you did. You have to tell us. I, I killed him. Now we take him to the site. You're going to come with us, Ethan.
Starting point is 01:58:21 We want you to talk to who you made pass. Do you understand? No. No. No. You come with us? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:58:43 There we go. And then I guess I'll return to my body. Okay. Well, that case, in that case, the effect stops. Oh, maybe I shouldn't then. Yeah. It's all right. We got a little room there.
Starting point is 01:59:00 Yeah. I mean, I can carry him. I can carry him. Yeah. Damn. Okay. Yeah. I'm going to play Jenny of the woods and take him out to the car, guys.
Starting point is 01:59:12 Okay. All right. Well, this is going on. I'm sorry. I was going to ask if there's any chance we could get him to drive his car. His Jeep. Oh, he's probably drunk. Or if one of us can drive his car.
Starting point is 01:59:28 You terminate the vehicle with your evidence. I mean, if Ab drives it. Listen, do you still have your car? The Jeep? Yeah, it's not here. Where is it? It's in storage. Can you show us where it is?
Starting point is 01:59:47 Yeah. Okay. You're going to do that. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. I carry Colette and I put her in the car and I chuck him in the back seat.
Starting point is 02:00:03 And I also quickly would like to whisper into Logan's ear uncomfortably close. Make sure that you text Logan or I'm sorry, you're Logan. I'm Logan. Text Mia and try the gather to get the cop to the intersection at about the same time as us. Gotcha. I'll text Mia. Everything's happening.
Starting point is 02:00:27 I don't like how long do I have any sense of how long it would take us to get his car and then get there. You're probably looking about 20, 30 minutes. I'll see something like half an hour meet us there. Send it. Okay. Colette, just go ahead and roll Mia charisma plus manipulation. And then since you spent 30 vitality, add three to that.
Starting point is 02:00:55 Three dice. Oh, nice. Nice. Can I say I put Colette in the back and put him in the front with me so that if he tries to go anywhere, I can grab him. Absolutely. Cool. And I'm just keeping eye contact with him the whole time.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Okay. Did you make that role? What am I rolling? Oh, I'm sorry. Carisma plus manipulation with with an additional three with an additional three dice for the vitality you spent. Charisma and what was the other one? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Manipulation. You sure? You sure you want this? No, I like, I like it. I just feel bad for you. Well, no. What should I do? Could I do appearance and make it really insane?
Starting point is 02:01:38 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do that. No, no, no, no. So appearance is appearance. So yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:46 Yeah. Yeah. Do okay. Yeah. Do do appearance and then manipulation. Okay. I'll give that to you. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:56 You fail this after talking such a big game. One, two, three, four, five, six, six successes. Geez. Not damn. How many? That was a pool of 10. Christ. Got it.
Starting point is 02:02:13 Or no, I'm sorry. Pool of nine. Yeah. Easy. He is he is in it for the long haul. So yeah. While this is going on while you are going out to the car and you do get to the car, but it is a like a beat up 2002 Saturn.
Starting point is 02:02:39 Oh, wait to what his the Jeep. Wait, which car are you going to? We were we were getting in our car to drive. Oh, your car. Right. Got it. Well, he is driving another car because his is in storage and it's a 2002 shitty Saturn. I'm going to take pictures of all I'm going to take pictures of that car too.
Starting point is 02:03:00 As we go. Got it. Okay. So we have everything. Mia. Hi. Hello. So you get to pair of the Chinese, which is a Italian restaurant in the old Colorado
Starting point is 02:03:18 city part of the of the springs. How long do you wait? I just how long would you wait? After 630 I would I'm going to still eat because everyone else got to eat. I didn't. So I'm going to if they don't show up. All right. Whatever.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Still get some pasta. Got it. Okay. Yeah. 630 comes and goes in 645. Probably about about 705. Detective Layla Sorenson walks into the restaurant. Still wearing what she was wearing earlier in the day and kind of spots you and takes
Starting point is 02:03:57 to see the table. I'm going to kind of lift up my wrist looking at the watch and be like, well, we can say that punctuality is not a thing for you. Correct. I'm gainfully employed with a legitimate job. So. I'm not the one who's 30 minutes late when they said they should. So who's kind of the bigger?
Starting point is 02:04:28 What's your case like? Oh, that's right. Casing ghosts. Got it. All right. I'm not the one who has to deal with. Oh, wait. How did it?
Starting point is 02:04:39 Oh, how was that case going with solving, you know, the car that hit your city worker? That's going pretty good. Right. See, we don't have to be. Roll charisma plus either empathy or manipulation or intimidation, whatever you want to go for. Whoa. Wait, manipulation and charisma.
Starting point is 02:05:02 Oh, I get solid. Oh, wait. No, I'm sorry. Charisma manipulation. So manipulation. I keep doing that. Charisma and manipulation are both in the same bracket. Manipulator.
Starting point is 02:05:11 I'd say role either charisma or manipulation plus empathy. Got it. It's still seven. Yeah. So. Yeah. Smooth. Pretty high difficulty to say.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Really, really nagging a lot though. Yeah. Oh, okay. Here we go. Oh, yay. Suck it. Okay. One, two, three, four, six, seven.
Starting point is 02:05:39 Four successes. What, what were they? Seven, nine, eight, seven. Yeah. Seven, nine, eight, seven. Yeah. Those are four successes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:53 Okay. Because at DC, I jacked the difficulty up to seven. So, okay. Hold on a second. Package is being delivered right now. I bet it is. Hey. Oh, Zakiya.
Starting point is 02:06:02 Okay. So we'll go, we'll go back to her. So the group, you go to the storage unit and this is all, this is all taking place. Oh, you're back. Okay. That was, that was quicker than I thought it would be. Excellent.
Starting point is 02:06:18 Okay. So she just kind of looks here and is like, I guess I'm just a masochist. Otherwise I should get the fuck up right now. I mean, I think what it is is you're just a little curious. I mean, who hasn't been curious at one point in their life. Right. Are you ever not a smart ass?
Starting point is 02:06:42 Sorry. I had to think about that. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes. Oh God. Are you always, are you always this like tense? You're actually in a really nice place right now that I've been
Starting point is 02:06:56 drinking this wine as you could see because, you know, 30 minutes late, but relax. Would you like a glass? What is it? Cap. Yeah. Get the bottle. Done.
Starting point is 02:07:14 I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to be like, actually, because I'm going to be this deal would be like a bottle of, you know, I was going to order this cap, you know, I'm going to get the bottle of the most expensive you got. Wow. I'm holding that on the corporate card. No. You're going to be like, if you're intrigued in a way, are you kind
Starting point is 02:07:45 of like a gambling type of person or into bets at any cost? Not particularly. Curiosity? Okay. Because I was going to offer you a chance to really see if I'm full of shit. Okay. What?
Starting point is 02:08:12 Okay. If I can convince you that maybe everything is not as black and white as you think it is, if I can genuinely convince you. When did I ever say? Hold on. Hold on. Okay. Not only do you have to pick up this tab.
Starting point is 02:08:33 I'll pay for it, but you have to pay me back. But you have to allow me to take you out. Okay. Oh, no, I'm so sorry. You have to allow me to take you out to breakfast. When did I ever give you the impression? I think things are black and white. I mean, you're the one that came at me a little bit hostile.
Starting point is 02:08:55 Or that's what it felt like. Right. Because you work for Orpheus. Girls got to get paid. I don't know where. I want to ask you something. You ask a lot of questions. Let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 02:09:08 Go for it. Do you legitimately believe what they're selling? It's a scam, right? It has to be. I would say, do I believe in everything 100%? No. But I don't not believe. Because who am I to judge?
Starting point is 02:09:29 My job is just honestly, I just go through cases of honestly cold cases, people who don't get closure, whether you believe in that or not, I'm not here to kind of force that on you. But I won't lie and say like some of it's intriguing, some of it's scary and some of it's bullshit, or at least I think it is. But again, who am I to judge? And I'm going to go ahead and slide the wine over to them.
Starting point is 02:09:54 She, she, she pours pretty generous house pour. And says, do you not have any murders that were in Colorado Springs last year? I'm sure it's unfortunately too high. One's too high. I think we all agree with that. And here I am, having given my entire life to this profession, when a bunch of corporate upstarts come along and tell me
Starting point is 02:10:25 that they can do it better. Because they can talk to the people for whose families I'm trying to find closure. Do you maybe see why my ass would be just marginally chapped? I can see why your ass would be marginally chapped. But my question to you is, is it, is your ego about getting the case closed more important than the people getting closure? Are you saying you can help me close that case?
Starting point is 02:11:03 That's not, that's the reason why I'm here. I'm trying to at least bring closure to you. Oh, it's not my stunning personality. I mean, let's be like, like I said, I'm pretty good at what I used to do. That's why I'm here. And let's be honest, you deal with the police. We deal with a lot of red tape.
Starting point is 02:11:21 There's a lot of bullshit. You know that is why would private because we have to be able to introduce a court later. What, what are you saying you have? I, like I said, I have a couple. I have a good solid lead. And in fact, my bet is if you would like, I can take you to a location, which to you can have your find your friends app
Starting point is 02:11:46 open. I don't care. But I think I can bring you to a spot that can help you get your closure tonight. Is it your place? It can lead there. It can end there for sure. I think we have a good shot of ending there.
Starting point is 02:12:11 You got to give me something to go off of. You're asking me to trust somebody. I, I, by the way, I'm going to go ahead and leave my foot across the table and kind of slowly do that thing where you do the ankle. We're just going to slowly do that as well. Okay. She, she quirks an eyebrow.
Starting point is 02:12:31 I mean, it up. What? Yes. What do you have? No smart assery. No. No games.
Starting point is 02:12:48 I need to know what you're asking me to go to. What, uh, what I have right now is I already have video footage of the incident, which I know you probably already have, but I may also have the vehicle and the possible driver. How? How? I told you.
Starting point is 02:13:10 You got to go on the bed. No. This is where the fate. No games. No games. How? How? Who do I work for?
Starting point is 02:13:19 You're fucking kidding me. I told you. That's part of the bed. I told you, I can make, I'm going to make you a leader and let sit my wine. If I'm totally wrong, then you get to literally, like I said, you got the best bottle of wine and free bread that you got in this couple of minutes that we've been here.
Starting point is 02:13:40 I would have had a dinner if you're on time, but you still want to do that. I want you to just stop. Look at me. If this is a game or a joke or a prank, I can hold you for 24 hours for nothing. Can you promise that? Even without it?
Starting point is 02:14:03 I will throw your ass into a cell so fast. You won't have time to call your corporate fancy ass lawyers to bail you out. As long as it's you doing the throwing. Where the fuck did you come from? New Mexico, baby. When and where? Actually, we can head on over now.
Starting point is 02:14:37 You know what? Would you like to drive? Do you want to get there early? So I'm going to try to hit on them while we're waiting. Okay. Okay. Even if we get dinner and a movie, you know, she wasn't expecting it.
Starting point is 02:14:56 Well, that's actually before we go. Well, we have to be there at a certain time. Would you actually like to eat because you look like you have been running around and I'm going to still do the like thing. Yeah, I could eat. I'm sure you could. I was thinking. I was going to say but not to skinny.
Starting point is 02:15:16 Yeah. Yeah. Like bring the waiter over and be like, you know what? I'm up for a little adventure tonight. Go ahead and I'm going to let you pick. And she does. And we will leave you two crazy kids to enjoy your dinner. Well done.
Starting point is 02:15:47 Well done. Okay. So to switch gears, the group, you go to the storage unit. Ethan tells you where to go. And sure enough, inside the storage unit is the black jeep compass only item in the storage unit. And it is the front end is totaled. Logan's taking pictures getting.
Starting point is 02:16:12 And there's still material inside the grill. And when you say material. Christopher. Yeah. Well, perfect. Does the frame look like it's bent or can we doesn't look like it's not drivable anymore? No, it can still be driven because he drove he drove it away
Starting point is 02:16:32 from the scene. Right. So yeah, he can still move under its own power. But yeah, the time of night he was driving back, he's lucky he didn't get stopped. So. All right, let's just make sure we time this well. We bring this vehicle to the scene or do we leave it here
Starting point is 02:16:51 and let our officers find it and deal with it? No, we we bring it to the scene, but here's the thing. If any of us is driving it, that's going to look really suspicious. What we got to do is I'm going to hop inside the car and then we're going to put this gentleman into the driver's seat like he's driving it of his own free will. OK.
Starting point is 02:17:18 Living here. Yeah, I think I'll ride along with him just to make sure he doesn't try to jump out or anything. Let's see if call can get him there first on our own. I think I can. OK, I'll keep you. You don't you don't understand though. He has to be driving the car when we get there.
Starting point is 02:17:35 One of us can't be driving it. No, I know. I can't drive it without someone in the driver's seat. No, here's what I'm thinking. He stays in the car. Call goes with him in her ghost form. Right. I keep call in the other car.
Starting point is 02:17:48 I drive us there. You drive them there. Lavinia, you stay in case something goes shit. I'm getting inside of AB again. Sorry. All right, I can ride with AB or ride in AB. Whatever that is. Yes.
Starting point is 02:18:05 So are you guys, are you all timing this to try to get there at 9 or 9 30? Yeah, I think so. Plan. OK. Yeah. I think we're just, I assume probably Logan is communicating with Lavinia.
Starting point is 02:18:19 Yeah, I'm just firing off text media to keep her updated like completely. And what time are we at by now? You're probably looking about 7 30 at this point. Yeah. So you got some time. Oh, I would have texted them the, that I may have that cop come by just so they're aware too.
Starting point is 02:18:39 All right. So when we get there and we speak with him, someone should have a phone call to Elizabeth on standby because if we're going to make this a one trip sort of thing, we may need her to show up on a dime. Yeah. I can, I can, I can keep that open. You're going to have to stay with Ethan and Mia is going
Starting point is 02:19:03 to be doing whatever the cop needs her to, I guess. I think that once we get there and we're speaking with Chris, I'll have to let Ethan go because if this is going to happen, it has to happen from him. That's true. Yes. You don't need to speak to Chris. It's Abner that needs to speak to Chris.
Starting point is 02:19:19 I completely understand. I just mean dropping him off. But like Ethan has to talk to Chris too, right? Yes. That's what I mean. He can't talk to Chris if calls and throwing him. Exactly. Right.
Starting point is 02:19:33 What Logan said. And I will say at this point though, that, that effect has diminished and is gone. It lasts for one scene. Okay. So now Ethan isn't necessarily non responsive, but he is just, especially upon seeing the car, he is just balling.
Starting point is 02:19:50 Can I feed Colette Vitality to let her do it again? If she's. To read. Yeah. It's going to take another, take another role. Yeah. Okay. If you need Vitality, I have like five so I can drop some for you.
Starting point is 02:20:03 Yeah. If you could. Yeah. The, the first one was a little heavier than this one. So I think I would only need like two if you got to. Yeah. For sure. I'll.
Starting point is 02:20:14 Oh, you need to skim real quick to do it. Well, I can skim and then I can take two more and I'll still have two left. Gotcha. Which, which effect are you going for at this point? Colette. I'm going to do the same thing. Unearthly repose. I'm going for two dots in it instead of two.
Starting point is 02:20:31 Got it. Okay. Which still would make me as a trusted friend. It would just be a lesser degree than that. Got it. Okay. Yep. So roll your, in this case, roll your appearance plus your empathy.
Starting point is 02:20:46 Okay. And, and I don't have to do anything to like give her vitality. I can just like be like here. Yeah. You just, you, you physical contact kind of like with the co and LaVinia. Cool. And I, I add the plus two from the effect or not yet. Um, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:21:03 So it's not a plus two. It's just, she's just giving you two vitality. So that way you're. Right. Right. So the effects of my thing doesn't happen until after this role, right? Right. Cause I get, I get it.
Starting point is 02:21:14 Okay. One, two, three, four successes. Or it's six and above. Yep. Five successes. Keep those dice. Yes. It's really just by those dice.
Starting point is 02:21:31 Yeah. It's fucking the pools. Cause what you said appearance and empathy. That's a place. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. He, he's still quietly sobbing, but he wants more.
Starting point is 02:21:44 Just focuses on your, your appearance and this, this glow emanating from your form and just kind of just in quiet resignation does whatever you ask him to do. Yeah. Yeah. So I'll get us into, I guess a B in the Jeep compass and I'll get them in the front seat and just sort of, I'm the whole time I'm talking to him and saying sort of the same things I was in the apartment that
Starting point is 02:22:10 this is going to make him better, that this will give him a chance to atone. This is the only way out for him. Got it. Okay. Um, so Abner, you're operating the compass. Correct. I am.
Starting point is 02:22:24 All right. Roll wits plus drive. Oh boy. There's a roll. Either wits or perception. Perceptions way better. Plus drive. I don't believe.
Starting point is 02:22:41 Cause we want to see if you're going to avoid any police driving the fucked up Jeep compass with bodily matter in the front. That's what it looks like. It does look like the guys in the. It does. Okay. So in that case, there's a, there's a, there's somebody else with them in the, in the front and the vehicle too.
Starting point is 02:22:56 So, but they are. Oh, that's right. Oh, that's right. Yeah. That's right. Nevermind. Yep. Good call.
Starting point is 02:23:05 Yeah. I'm just, I'm just happening. I'm happening to be going the same direction. If a cop does stop them though, that's bad cause he's going to get arrested before Chris can find out. Right. So here, so here's the thing. Um, what you know with sever the strand, this, this ability that you have,
Starting point is 02:23:23 he doesn't necessarily have to witness it. Oh, we just have to know what's happening. Right. And you have to feed him the vitality to fuel that awareness. Okay. That's good. So you could literally, somebody roll intelligence. Cause I don't want to give it away for nothing.
Starting point is 02:23:41 Could I do that? I had seven and a six. That's two successes. Um, Abner, do you want to, do you want to roll? For intelligence. Yeah. Okay. Um, it's two successes.
Starting point is 02:23:58 Yeah. Five successes. You know, you can literally just drive that vehicle up into a police station. I think let's try to get to the scene, but if we get intercepted in route, we'll just accept it. Um, which is good because I, uh, on the driver role, I only got one success. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:24:18 There's a couple of close call. I mean, it's still success. It's a marginal success. Um, but, uh, like there's a, definitely a couple of close calls, but you're able to, thanks to your awareness through the vehicle, you're able to take some side streets and get to where you're going, um, relatively easily. So, uh, it does take the drive time a little bit longer,
Starting point is 02:24:37 but again, because you're trying to get there at or after a certain time, if anything, it helps. So, um, yeah. We'll say you get there eventually, but during this time, Viv and Nikoa, are you all just kind of eyes on, eyes on the scene? Yeah. I'm just kind of waiting to see when Christopher will manifest. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:58 We will, um, we'll fast forward to, uh, exactly 932. And you, you're looking around and it was, it's almost easy to get stuck in complacency. Surveillance is never easy for anybody. Um, you know, but knowing that this individual is going to show up at a certain time. Um, it, it certainly helps. And you notice what appears to be maybe a mist at first, but it coalesces into the form of a young man laying prone on the ground.
Starting point is 02:25:43 And the site is, is absolutely ghastly. Cause I'm assuming you're like right there. Yeah. As he begins to manifest. Um, his gauze reflects the, the horrific extent of his injuries. His chest is completely caved in. Um, he has covered in his own blood, which is pouring from his mouth, his nose, his ears, his limbs are completely broken and hanging at just incredible angles.
Starting point is 02:26:12 And you know, he's not breathing. He doesn't know he's not breathing. And so it sounds like just these wheezing, ragged, just horrible breaths short and just agonized as he forces himself up from the ground. He doesn't seem to notice you yet. Um, can I expend a zero vitality whale to try to see if I can ease him for a second before I approach him? Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:48 So, uh, yeah, charisma plus manipulation. I believe that is manipulation empathy. Yeah. Manipulation empathy. Thank you. That's four successes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:11 He sets up and looks at you. And instead of looking through you like he was initially, he seems this time to be looking at you, that flare of vitality as you use that ability. It just seems to have drawn him into you and still those wag, those ragged wheezing breaths. I'm going to crouch down in front of him, um, and just keep a nice general eye contact with him. And I'm going to say, Christopher, hi, my name is Nicola. Um, I'm here to help you. Um, can I use, uh, sense lifeline to sense his tethers?
Starting point is 02:28:02 You, here we go. I believe you can. I don't believe it. It doesn't necessarily have to be, um, uh, yeah, go for it. We'll spend one vitality. Yeah. I'll spend a vitality. Um, and I'll just kind of, if I could like reach out to him and like just like put a hand on his hand in somewhat of a comforting way.
Starting point is 02:28:27 You, they come to you in flashes, almost like your forebode ability, but different. It's, it's hard to explain. It's not as deliberate. This is more letting him talk to you or his spirit talk to you. Uh, and you catch flashes, you see the ring and you feel this ache of love and regret. And you see Elizabeth and you see your smile and you see the ring on her finger. Another flash. You see the compass.
Starting point is 02:29:07 You see the headlights of this SUV coming at you at this incredible rate of speed. And you, you feel this sinking realization, this split second before it crushes you that, you know, you just are, you know, it's not going to stop. And you feel pain and you feel rage and you can't breathe. And you see the tail lights fading away as you breathe your last and you know that you have to find this person and something has to happen. And then another flash and a computer. You see the click of a mouse and keyboard, this kick of adrenaline, laughing, talking in the sense of acceptance. And you, a name is seared into your mind. Dirty casuals.
Starting point is 02:30:05 Like a username. Maybe. Fucking gamers. Yeah. And you're back in the present. I like not my head. And I thank Christopher for sharing how he feels with me. And I look up at Vivian.
Starting point is 02:30:34 It's the ring, the car, the computer. I said dirty casual. He looks at you as you say that. Let's tell them I'm dead. Oh, yeah. Okay. Okay. We can do that for you, Christopher.
Starting point is 02:31:06 And we know about who did this to you. And, you know, we're working towards making him face the accountability. And hopefully that will ease the anger that you feel about this. It wasn't fair what had happened to you and nobody should be left behind and be left to feel alone. But I see you out right now. And we're going to fix this. You understand? Just wet, ragged breaths.
Starting point is 02:31:52 At this point, we'll say, let's go back to Mia and Layla. You have your dinner. There's some quiet conversation, still slightly adversarial. Yeah, that's fair. What happens next? How do you all get there? How do you get her there? So it doesn't feel like I'm taking them against their will.
Starting point is 02:32:15 I'm going to allow them to drive their vehicle because I took an Uber here to the location. Ideally, we would have been there because I was told, I think 930 or that's when they were bringing the compass around. I'm going to try to get there at least a couple minutes prior, but I'm going to be like a little bit back more for safety. I'm going to get out of the vehicle and I'm going to just lean against the front of the cars and hopefully they'll do the same. I'm going to be just there. We're just going to stand here and watch. So she sees nothing, but you clearly see Nicola and Vivian with Christopher. Viv, what are you doing during this time?
Starting point is 02:33:00 As soon as I see them pull up, I'm going to... Never mind, that's not who I thought it was. Yeah, but actually I'm going to go to... Sorry, I almost said boomer. To Mia. Yeah, I'm going to go up to Mia and tell her to start calmly describing what dirty casuals is. And if you could communicate with the other living people that we need to somehow get on whatever and let people know. Yeah, dirty casuals.
Starting point is 02:33:39 I'm going to kind of... I know PlayStation, with my PlayStation app, I can even just look up the user names or something like that. If they're a PlayStation, I can DM them or Instagram. If I find an Instagram, I'm going to look up dirty casuals gaming. Maybe it's a Discord. Discord, yes. Are there four numbers that came after dirty casuals? No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:34:06 You're not sure if it was a username or a group name. I'm going to start doing that, taking out my phone and just doing general Discord look. Yeah, Layla kind of looks over to you and is like, are you seriously on your fucking phone right now? I'm doing research. I'm looking up a possible thing for Chris, dirty casuals. What is this? Why are we here? We're here because I said I'm going to make you into a believer.
Starting point is 02:34:35 Or at least hesitant, alright? And at this point, here comes the compass. Keep your eyes open and watch. I'm just going to be like that and just not. Vince, can I be kind of fishtailing the car a little bit to make it look like whoever's driving to this drunk? Yeah, absolutely. Yep. Oh, man.
Starting point is 02:35:00 I don't want to do that. I'm just going to make sure to pull it up right into plain view of the police officer and Omiah. Probably just ride up on the curb next to... And I'm going to casually look at her and be like, follow me and just start walking towards the car. Koa and Viv, there is a sudden but obvious change in Christopher as he sees the thing that killed him. You feel the rage boiling off of him as he sees this vehicle. And he gets up and begins to take steps towards the car. And at this point, we are going to have a competing Haunter role.
Starting point is 02:35:54 We're going to have a Haunter off. Oh, shit. As he tries to inhabit the car? As he tries to inhabit the car. Can I shout police? Because that might calm the ghost down. We like to show that we're officers, or at least I have one. And that Justin could be the source I have one.
Starting point is 02:36:20 Yeah, you can shout it. And you're just shouting police. Oh, god, I'd like this. Chris, I have police here. Because even though Chris is invisible, they could still hear me, correct? Yeah, yeah. Layla kind of looks at you and is like, what the fuck are you doing? I'm helping you get closure.
Starting point is 02:36:43 Yeah, I'm trying to see how I got to look up this. Man, I forgot the system. Shit. Trying to calm Chris down. Yeah, that's not going to happen. Chris is not calming. No, we're done. Let's see.
Starting point is 02:37:01 Okay, make a willpower there. Abner. As he's trying to get into the car, can Abner through the car speakers just scream? Oh, hey there, buddy. Thanks for joining me. Oh, no. Shit. Oh, my god.
Starting point is 02:37:20 So you're just rolling your willpower pole and telling me how many successes you got? I don't suppose we can co-inhabit the vehicle. I cannot. I did not think so. A duel to the death. So a willpower roll, it's like everything else. It's just that by dipole is the number of willpower I have, correct? Right, correct.
Starting point is 02:37:44 Okay. Good luck, good luck. Okay, so that is a six counts as a success, yes? It does, yep. So that's one, two, three, four successes. Dang, okay. Nice, nice, nice. I don't even know if he's going to be able to beat that.
Starting point is 02:38:04 Let me look up his willpower right quick. That's pretty good. Pretty good. Lip class, he can't have more than four or five. Yeah, he does not have very much. Yeah, okay, he's got two. That's okay, buddy. Keep trying, you'll get there.
Starting point is 02:38:26 So how many successes there are? I rolled four. Yeah, you easily rebuff the attempt as he tries to rust control of this vehicle from you. And he just, Nikoa, Viv, anybody else, actually everybody there, just see him seething in the street just. One more point of order though. Yes. Did the detective hear me talking? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:55 She is just looking at you and just like, she's not sure what to make of this, Mia. And she's like, you need to tell me what the fuck is going on right now. And stop talking around. What is this? Go ahead, Nikoa. Oh, can I expend a vitality point to try to calm both Christopher and the detective down? It would have to be, I don't know, is it an area of effect? I can pop out and double it.
Starting point is 02:39:25 It says it affects two people. That's all it says. Okay, yeah, then in that case, sure, go for it. Yeah, and if you want to give it a shot too, if you want to pop out and try it. Oh, I was just going to say, because I have the benefit that I can double her effectiveness. That's right. Let's see if she does. I think your pool is pretty good, right?
Starting point is 02:39:46 Yeah, I have a seven in the pool. You don't need me. Save that though. I have six successes. I'm going to put a hand on Chris, but just kind of try to reach out to the other one because she's far away. Get in between him and the car. You're not wailing. You're not shouting or screaming, but you're whispering.
Starting point is 02:40:11 And the air seems to almost ripple with this energy expenditure. And you can almost see it, Mia, but you see Laila just kind of like blank and just says, okay. All right. And I'm whispering at Christopher, like, because I'm trying to get in between him and the car. So he doesn't try to try to inhabit again or try to keep going. And I'm just keep reminding him is like, we're here to help you. We're here to bring you peace so you can move on. Please give us the opportunity.
Starting point is 02:40:46 Lavinia sees what's unfolding and she's going to turn to Abner and say, let's remember our training. It's time for the next step. Remember, misery loves company. So Vince, can I just do this really quick? Can I pull, push the parking brake up, put it, you know, parking brake, gear parked. And then is there any way that I can like push the key out of the ignition? Um, roll, roll strength, just roll strength for me. That's going to go well.
Starting point is 02:41:21 Wait, what kind of compass is that? Because I think because those are all like the electronical ones where you could just. That's true. Oh, yeah. The push button start. Then can I just turn the engine off then? Yeah. I just want to make it as hard as possible for it to get inhabited and started up.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Narratively. Yeah. We'll say, we'll say, sure. And then at that point, Laila, hearing the engine kind of shut off. Laila finally seems to notice what is going on. And she sees the banged up front end of this SUV and says, that is that, is it? Take a closer look. She walks over and sees the state of the front and her pistol comes out.
Starting point is 02:42:10 And she points to the Chris at Ethan Bell and says, get out of the fucking car. Ethan. At this point, your, your effect collect has once again diminished and he's staring down the barrel of this firearm and the tall Nordic. Love interest of me at Castillo Bennett standing behind it and he begins crying and gets out of the car and he is arrested. And as that scene is playing out, Vince, can I kind of just slurp my way out of the car? You can't. Stop slurping. Standing.
Starting point is 02:42:55 Yeah. I just want to make sure that you did roll. You did spend three vitality to possess the SUV. I did. Cool. Okay. Perfect. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:05 So yeah, you, you slip on out. That's a crucial 12 term for it. I'm going to, uh, let's see. I'm going to give him to vitality when he steps out because I know that he's essential to this next final step. Right. So what needs to happen? Yeah. So it needs to happen now.
Starting point is 02:43:22 Oh, go ahead. Oh, I was just going to ask if also if I, there was any way I could burn some willpower to pump my vitality up a little bit. Yeah. Okay. How do I do that? You literally just mark off your temporary willpower points and it's, it's three vitality points for every one willpower spent. Oh, nice. So do you need me to do that or are you good?
Starting point is 02:43:41 I will still need one. Yeah. So Vince, if I remember correctly, when we sever the strand, we've all got to be in spirit form if we want to assist with the vitality. You do. Yeah. So in order to share vitality with the, with the conduit, with the individual serving as the conduit, which in this case would have to be Admir. Okay. You've got to be in spirit form.
Starting point is 02:44:01 I'm going to burn three willpower and get my vitality back, but I'm going to stay in spirit form. Got it. Okay. Question everybody. Did you want me to go with the cop to make sure everything gets processed or do you want me to stay here? I don't think that's necessary. Because I'm all in human form and I can't do anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:19 That's true. Because you got to sleep. I'm going to go, I'll do, I'm going to go with the arrests down to the station. Has anyone told us about the Elizabeth thing yet? About the vision Koa had? Yeah. Has Koa told us about Elizabeth? No, I haven't said anything about the severs.
Starting point is 02:44:40 I'm in the middle. Yeah. Yeah. So at this point, in order to sever the strand, so for this first lifeline. So you have clues about three of them. So for this first lifeline, arguably one of the biggest. So you've got to break the spirits connection to that tether through what this intense empathetic empathic communication that requires a minute. So it's going to cost you and or since you're the one that shares the group with him, 10 vitality points, which I do not have.
Starting point is 02:45:16 Okay. So you're definitely going to need to pull. So so we can start pooling now. Yeah, you can you can you can you all can if you're in spear form can load him up with vitality. Okay. Yeah, I'm going to go over and form a willow isp in my hands. The hands sort of fuse together and create this energy and then give it over to AB. AB you're going to get four vitality.
Starting point is 02:45:41 So how much more do you need? Two. Oh, perfect. Okay. Yeah. I got you good. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:52 Yeah. So you're juiced up to 10 and you all look as as and the energy in the area. It feels like like how some lightning strikes survivors say it felt right before it hit just the air is charged right with this electricity. It feels almost exactly like that. If you were corporeal, your hair would be standing on end as as you just feel the surge and after is almost glowing with liveliness. It's like he's standing there in physical form in the flesh in front of you. And after you look at Chris and at this point you then have to essentially pump that vitality into him. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:35 So can I kind of just walk up to him and be like, Hey there, buddy. I understand you're having a rough time. Why don't you tell me what's going on and I'll just kind of put like my hand on his hands on his shoulders. Encouragingly like I'm his weird camp counselor or something. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And that there's this brilliant flash and those of you in spear form see this area lights up like like somebody dropped the lighthouse in the middle of the intersection and it is almost nuclear
Starting point is 02:47:03 and how bright it is. But it doesn't hurt to look at as this vitality suddenly courses into Christopher's form. And so that 10 that 10 vitality is gone. So you'll burn a vitality will burn a willpower automatically and bring yourself back up to three. So I go to zero. I burn a willpower and go back up to three automatically. Yep. Yes.
Starting point is 02:47:25 That will power but burns automatically. And I actually know I'm sorry. You don't even need to do that. The temporary vitality jumps up to 10 in exchange for that. So. Okay. So that's what a net zero. Yep.
Starting point is 02:47:42 So net zero essentially. Yep. Okay. So yeah and then when the light fades and your vision returns to you Christopher still looks rough. He still appears to be broken in some ways but the blood is gone. And he looks a little bit more put together a little more a little less gruesome and he makes eye contact with you. There you go.
Starting point is 02:48:11 There you go buddy. Are you feeling better now? Yeah. Yeah. Who are you? My name is Abner Abernathy. I work with an organization called the Orpheus Group. And we just stopped by here to help you today.
Starting point is 02:48:31 Is he going to jail? He's going to go to jail and he's going to be prosecuted and brought to justice. You have our assurance of that. Good. Logan are you with us or are you somewhere else? I've been staying I've been like staying by the car. I've been watching everything but I know like I have the ring still and I'm just kind of holding it awkwardly in my hand not really sure if it's going to be needed.
Starting point is 02:48:58 I think it's time we call Elizabeth. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold on let me let before we do that can I I'll ask Christopher would you like to speak with Elizabeth or would you rather skip that part? I just want her to know I loved her. Okay. Just give her the ring.
Starting point is 02:49:20 Okay. Okay. Chris she she asked for you. Just give her the ring. Okay. I don't want her to see me like this. She wouldn't see you if it's any consolation. He moved.
Starting point is 02:49:40 It's not here. I know. What? I mean she wouldn't see you you only we can see you so. You can see her though. Just give her the ring. Okay. And say young man do you have anywhere to go?
Starting point is 02:50:03 No. How would you like a job there? I look at Abner. Yeah. He just kind of looks look see you. Come come you know come just help us out a little bit and then you can I'll tell you what the money all the money you earn can go straight to Elizabeth. How does that sound?
Starting point is 02:50:32 What? Abner. I can't look at you. Thanks. Box. Oh we'll get that taken care of don't worry. Niko we need to get tell him Abner that that we're speaking to his friends the dirty casuals they'll know too.
Starting point is 02:51:01 Oh and of course we're yeah we'll we'll we'll let your your your internet pals there know how how you're doing. Okay. I have to fix the electrical box. We know. You fixed the electrical box. You did it and it's fine now and nobody else else else is going to get hurt. You did what you were supposed to do.
Starting point is 02:51:27 So it's time to move on. You gotta give Elizabeth the ring. I'll go get the ring. I get in the car and start driving to Elizabeth and then realize that Colette's in the backseat and I get out and I get in the other car and go get Elizabeth. Can I have the other keys? Who has the other keys? If you want I could just get my body we can go.
Starting point is 02:51:53 Oh okay you don't have you can you can okay yeah let's go. Looks like we'll let you know what that whole sever the strand thing you're gonna have to do that two more times. Oh two more times. I go slurp back into my body I ain't got the vitality for it. Then switch me you go I can I can burn willpower and give give vitality you go to Elizabeth. Okay. I pass her the ring. And then I'll drop it because I'm a ghost but then I pick it back up.
Starting point is 02:52:21 Wait I thought you slurped back in your body. Now I'm slurped. I'm not even dealing. Now I'm slurped. And then I'll I'll go do we have the other car there or do we just have one car there? We have the active car. We have both cars there. Then I'll get in the other car and slurp out to help with the next thing.
Starting point is 02:52:45 So much slurping going on here. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Okay so Mia you're going with Layla in her car with Ethan Bell in the backseat who is just quietly sobbing. Yep. Do you care to explain how you had managed to do that? Remember that I... Are you a little bit slightly more open minded? Once I process what it is I'm looking at maybe.
Starting point is 02:53:29 I still don't know exactly what happened. All I know is that the guy who did this literally drove up to the intersection where he killed that man in the car that he did it in. And there's a guy talking out of the fucking speakers like I'm assuming that was just the radio. One can assume that. That's for sure. It was a very interesting radio though right? It didn't sound like it came from a microphone. Maybe we talk about this more when I get him. Let's get it processed.
Starting point is 02:54:06 It's going to be a long night. Maybe I'll just meet you at your place when we're done. I can. Or would you like me to... Because I know you might have to process him for a while at work. Would you like me to come into your office? Sure. I don't have an office. I have a cubicle. What time is it? Isn't it the night shift? At the police station?
Starting point is 02:54:39 At the police station? I don't know. I don't know how big the station is. You said you weren't an exhibitionist. What the fuck is this? I thought they had an office. Did I miss the morning shift? It's just easier since you're driving me. I'm not going to take your car. I don't mind waiting for you. We're going back to your place.
Starting point is 02:55:05 After we drop this. After we're done with him. Did I win the bet? Maybe. Really? I like pancakes, by the way. Logan. Collette. I'm sorry, Collette. You're going to see Elizabeth.
Starting point is 02:55:30 It's me. Where are you going to? Elizabeth. Her apartment? Yeah, I'm going to call her first since she picks up on the phone. She does. Elizabeth, this is Collette. You spoke to me the other day. I'm the napkin lead. Oh, definitely today.
Starting point is 02:55:50 Yeah. Oh, today. That was today. Yeah, it's been a long day. Yeah. Do you mind if I come speak with you? It's very important. You asked me to do something and I did it. Okay. Can I come speak with you? Yeah, yes.
Starting point is 02:56:11 Send me your address. I'm on my way. She does. Right on. Yeah, when you get to her apartment, she answers the door. What's going on? Listen, I don't have a lot of time because I have to get back to my friend's fellow agents. I don't know what to call them. I did not read the handbook, but... I have something for you and it's going to be happy, sad, but it'll be worth it.
Starting point is 02:56:41 Do you mind if I step in? Yeah, yeah, please. Come inside. And she fishes into the cardigan. She brings it out and she puts it out in front of her. Tears. She puts eyes on it and immediately they begin rolling up and the hand goes to her mouth as she stifles the sob. And I'm just going to put my arms out and let her have the ring and just comfort her for a little bit while she goes through that. And there's more. He said that he didn't want you to see him the way that he is, but he wanted you to know that he loves you and that this was for you. She opens it and the tears just flow and her shoulders shake. It's not loud, but it's quiet in her grief.
Starting point is 02:57:39 And she has nods. Before he died, you were the one of the last thoughts he had and that's worth something. Yeah, that pushes her over the edge and she kind of collapses into you and just bear hugs you, holds you or as she just falls into your chest. I will comfort. What's the rest of the group doing back at the scene? Can we say that while we're waiting, Abner is sitting with Christopher on the curb and Abner is just knocking Christopher's ear off with the finer points of haunting. Got it. Yeah, absolutely. Roll charisma plus empathy because you're empathizing with him. You're not manipulating him.
Starting point is 02:58:37 I was actually trying to manipulate him into taking a job. So he's not with it enough just yet to be able to fully comprehend the offer. So we'll go with empathy. That's fine. Yeah, he's not really grasping it just yet. That's amazing. So charisma plus empathy, you say? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:59:02 So that is two successes at a one. One success. Yeah. He's definitely starting to wander. He don't have his wrapped attention. He continues to repeat. He needs to fix the light box and he needs to fix the stop lights and he's still caught in this loop like there's these moments of self awareness, especially right after that vitality like injection. But for the most part, he's still he's still stuck in that moment.
Starting point is 02:59:37 I'll work with that. Okay. We'll talk about we'll talk about the light box and what it was like to be inside of it. We need to work on breaking his strands so he can move on. He's not going to be. We have a second. We have an objective. We were told to help Christopher move on, not offer him a job.
Starting point is 03:00:04 That's we can do two things. I don't think it's the objective if you get rid of them by giving him. The only way we're going to do that is give him more vitality so that he could be more cognitively aware. Is that what you really want to do? Yeah, we're working on it. I mean, we're effectively just waiting for the call from Colette. I think call goes to to call Mia. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 03:00:37 Police station. Logan. Oh, fuck. Ghost. Abner. Goddamn. They're all ghosts. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:00:45 You can text. I can still see my phone. Yeah. Logan. I'll text. I know you're a ghost, but fuck we did it. Elizabeth. Go.
Starting point is 03:00:54 Go, Abner. It's good. Do it. And then I'll I'll like send him. I also I've I've burned two willpower. So I have six vitality back. So I'm going to immediately send him five. Got it.
Starting point is 03:01:07 Okay. So you're down to one. I'll give you two as well. Okay. No, I'm down to two. Sorry. Okay. Where are you at?
Starting point is 03:01:15 Abner. One shy. One shy. Okay. I'll give you vitality. Okay. All right. Once again, as you tell him in that trademarked Abner voice that the ring has been given
Starting point is 03:01:29 to Elizabeth and she knows that he loves her, that brilliant flash and once again, that aware that awareness. And this time when he comes back, the blood is gone. He's relatively, he looks relatively normal. I mean, still obviously a ghost with just very weak, tattered gauze, but not as gruesome or as horrific as he looked and he looks at you and a little more self aware at this point. And then I'll start telling him about the Orpheus employee benefits package working on the dirty
Starting point is 03:02:12 visuals. Oh, shit. I should do that. Okay. Hold on. I'm going to burn. Can I burn multiple willpower at once? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:02:20 Oh, yeah. Okay. I'm going to burn two more willpower. Get six more back. Okay. Okay. And then I'm going to drop four more for Abner. Okay.
Starting point is 03:02:30 One, two, three. Logan is looking super rough and like beat up their gauze is like all tattery and crappy. But I'm going to spend a couple hours, have you been spending vitality to maintain your body? Yes. Okay. Okay. I literally have one willpower left.
Starting point is 03:02:46 Okay. Okay. So with that, I'm going to go back into my body and then I'm going to go, okay, I'm going to go find Jake and get the fucking thing. Or actually, hey, Viv, do you want to come break a, break a lock with me? Yeah. I'd love that. I'd love that.
Starting point is 03:03:05 Let's go. Let's go. Okay. All right. I'm getting the car. I tried to. Man, you guys are jobbing it. Okay.
Starting point is 03:03:13 So you get to the storage unit and I'm guessing you're going to use one of your abilities to just break this thing. Yeah. Helter, Skelter. Okay. I'm going to break the lock. So maybe I can get away with zero vitality because it's just one in either strength or dex for zero.
Starting point is 03:03:28 I don't mind helping it though. Okay. Let's see. Yeah. Okay. I'd say, I'd say to really break this thing because it's not just the weight of the lock. It's just the strength of it overall.
Starting point is 03:03:41 You may want to pump. We may want to pump one into that. Okay. I think she's going to, after seeing all of that at the crash site, she's going to dump two vitality and fucking shred the lock. Got it. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 03:03:58 Got it. Yeah. Just roll strength plus, plus two. Strength plus two. Okay, that's two successes. Okay. Yeah. I'd say that's enough to at least get it broken and get it open.
Starting point is 03:04:21 Yeah. It doesn't shatter, but you definitely get, you're able to snap out of its base and get that door open. Okay. Nice. Yeah. Okay. I reach in and I grab the hard drive.
Starting point is 03:04:34 Okay. All right. With the computer or just the hard drive? Oh, we should probably, do we take the whole computer? Let's take the whole computer. Yeah. That feels safe. I don't know anything about computers.
Starting point is 03:04:44 Yeah. But the whole thing. And then we'll just bring it back. Right? We'll just, we'll bring it back. Sure. Does it matter? Well, his brother was really like, his brother was really worried about his stuff and like,
Starting point is 03:04:55 yeah, you know, I don't want him to like be sad. I'll get him a new lock and then I'll like leave the, I'll leave the key there too because we just fucked this lock up. I forgot that anyone was going to come back here. That's why I ripped it. No, that's great. That was really good that you did that. I'm really like, that was awesome.
Starting point is 03:05:09 Dude, that was so cool. That was like, genuinely the coolest shit I've ever seen in my life. All right. Thank you. I don't know anything about this because like, you're super neat, like we should talk. And then I'm going to carry the computer and wait, we don't have, we don't, we can't look at the computer. It's a, it's a, it's a tower.
Starting point is 03:05:29 It's a tower. You can monitor. Do you want to take the whole thing, the whole week? How else are we going to like talk to his friends? Do we have, do we have a source of power in the storage? Is there like a light with like an extent? We've got to take this all back to the fucking hotel. Okay.
Starting point is 03:05:48 Yeah. Let's go. Let's go. So Viv and I get in the car, go to the hotel. So the rest of you at the scene are absolutely having just a big gulps, huh? Like it's. The hands. Love it.
Starting point is 03:06:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sick rig. Setting it up. That's nice. If you know anything about computers, it's, it's nice. So you go back to the hotel.
Starting point is 03:06:14 We're pushing, we're pushing 11 easy at this point. It is late as well. No, it's not late for most folks late for me. So you get to the hotel, you get it set up. I hope that I plugged everything in right. Yeah. Yeah. No, almost nothing about computers.
Starting point is 03:06:34 Well, technically you just have to slide certain things in. That's, you're really not. Oh, plus computer. Oh, if you want to help her, Viv, by walking her through it, you can roll that as well. Absolutely. Is this in like the hotel lobby? Is this like in the little convention center? They're in the room.
Starting point is 03:06:57 They're in the room. Oh, we're in our room. Okay. We probably went to the room. I probably started toward the, like the thing and then I was like, wait, maybe not. Probably in privacy for this one. Yeah, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 03:07:09 You're right. Would, would adding a single D10 help? No, I rolled a one. Do you have the ability to re-roll something? Oh, you're so right. I used destiny. I used my destiny and I have, I have the chance to do three re-rolls. There you go.
Starting point is 03:07:28 There you go. Use all three. Please. I'll just one. That's a nine. That works. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:07:36 My name is Akia. Wait. You only rolled one. You only have one dice to roll. I have, I have one in intelligence and nothing in computers. I want technology. So do I. Can I do my assist?
Starting point is 03:07:46 Yes. Did you roll already? No. I have yet to roll. It's a three. So it's fine. Got it. Okay.
Starting point is 03:07:54 You get it powered on. Shit. This thing is so complicated. Great. Do you play video games? I mean like, I've played like Call of Duty and shit. My brothers play Halo, but like, not like Warcraft or whatever it is. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:08:11 I don't know what this guy plays. He just seems like a guy that will play like World of Warcraft or League of Legends or some shit. I don't, what other people play on computers besides that? I thought those were all the same game. So. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 03:08:24 We're on the same page. Awesome. You sent the best possible paper in the scene for this one. Yeah. Can we, oh, this is, this is a stretch. I'm thinking about real true gamers, right? Right. Is there like Dorito crust on the keyboard or anything to help us figure out what to
Starting point is 03:08:42 press? Like what your keys are used more? First off, we're looking for grease stains. First off. Fuck you. I play on consoles. I don't know this shit. Vince.
Starting point is 03:08:57 I just realized like LaVinia is way smarter than I am. They're going to get a computer. LaVinia spent her entire life around computers. She probably would have come with them. That would be great. I would say. LaVinia. Yes.
Starting point is 03:09:11 So LaVinia comes with them and LaVinia will manifest, I guess that's too vitality. Yep. To be able to physically interact with the computer. Right. Yep. Go ahead and roll your intelligence plus computer. Okay. Excellent.
Starting point is 03:09:28 This is how we solve problems. All right. So. Gentle retconning and actual smart people. Yeah. Right. I forgot. So a one, a five and a 10.
Starting point is 03:09:39 I think it's a one success. And then an eight, a four and a two. So it sounds like only two successes. Two successes. Wouldn't the one cancel out the one success on the first one? Yeah. One success. Can I roll my one die and try and help?
Starting point is 03:09:54 We'll add it to your, so you had, how many successes did you have that time? Just one, right? Yeah. Yeah. I had one and then he has one. We'll say you have two successes. We'll say you have two successes. So.
Starting point is 03:10:06 It takes you, it takes you a while, but you're finally able to find that, you know, last application used was Fortnite. And for the sake of brevity, we'll say you're able to log in and leave a message for the rest of the dirty casuals, which is like four other players in this little group that they had going on and leave a message for them, letting them know what happened. That should be it. Let's, let's contact the others. Let's go back.
Starting point is 03:10:31 Well, there's no one there to contact. We have to go back physically in the car. Let's go. This is a good system. Wait, don't we know somebody's phone number? Can't we just message someone on the phone there? I don't know the phone there. Wait, Vince, would I be back there by now?
Starting point is 03:10:46 Oh, I'd say so. I'd say so. Yeah. Cause I took them a minute to do that. Yeah. We're pushing, it's like midnight. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 03:10:56 We're calling Collette then and letting them know. Yeah. Okay. We will push to the next sever the strand, third and final one. Okay. We're driving back anyway, cause I know they might need more vitality. Yeah. I'm going to get a little bit of water reaches a handout and he's like, who's got the, who's
Starting point is 03:11:21 got, who's got some more juice? Spend another willpower. Burn willpower. Burn willpower. Burn willpower. If I have no will, if I go to zero willpower, what happens? You die. Cool.
Starting point is 03:11:31 I can give you one. So you're okay. Yeah. If you need me to, I can help too. I've got. I haven't expelled willpower yet, so I can. Okay. Cool.
Starting point is 03:11:40 Three. If we need it. One. Okay. How many vitality do we get back per willpower? Three. Three. Yep.
Starting point is 03:11:49 Well, I should see this point. You really don't need it cause you, you gain 10 temporary vitality for when you, when you sever the strand. So you should be good to go. Oh, cool. So I go up to 10 and then it goes to. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:04 And then I spent, and then because of sever the strand, I get that. 10 temporary, 10, 10 temporary back. Oh. Oh. Okay. Yep. Yeah. So, okay.
Starting point is 03:12:15 I wouldn't get one. Yeah. So then you saw that. Can I say that before we sever this last strand, while they were doing the computer bit, I asked Chris if I could, uh, draw him and I did. Maybe if you say yes. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:27 That's all I wanted. Yep. And, uh, with this last one, with this last push, there's that brilliant flash. And then when the light fades, Christopher is gone. Well, so much for the new recruit angle. Who's, who's got, who's got spite? I do. I have spite.
Starting point is 03:12:50 All right. So one, one, one, one dot is essentially equal to 10, 10, 10 spite points. Right. All, all of you who participated lose five. Okay. So you're half, you're half way to losing a dot. Okay. Cool.
Starting point is 03:13:08 So like the squares are gone, but we have a dot. So, right. So we should mark. And we all effectively participated in this. Yes. So everybody really loses. Loses. All right.
Starting point is 03:13:17 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, so in five more points, we removed that circle. Right. Awesome. All right.
Starting point is 03:13:29 Well, as you all are standing there and, and with this, this real, like feeling really kind of better about yourselves, with this realization that you've helped this man, his spirit move on, there's a sudden change in the atmosphere and you look around and there's a patch of shadow that seems to coalesce to come together and something steps out of it. No. Fuck. And then another.
Starting point is 03:14:05 These things, they look almost dog like made out of these knotted bundles of slimy rope with these horrible funnel like mouths on the end of these long trunks, just protruding from all angles of their bodies and they approach you. And that's where we're going to end. Oh, god damn it, Vince. We attracted something with all that vitality news. Shit. Shit.
Starting point is 03:14:37 That's right. So we did so much. Yeah. It's like 30. That's it. Yeah. Something was coming. Nice.
Starting point is 03:14:45 Meet the specters. Fuck. Meet the specters. Meet the specters. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. We're so fucked.
Starting point is 03:14:53 Can I ask a question, Vince? You may. Of course. So I have one vitality, or I have two vitality and one willpower. If I spent that last willpower to get three vitality, I would die. You would be, so no, just no, if you go to, you would be essentially catatonic and like barely functioning and if you lost that vitality, you would die. Cool.
Starting point is 03:15:19 And I'm bruised. Does that make any, does that have a, have anything to do with it either? No. Okay, great. Awesome. Yeah. Well, what a place to leave it. I managed to avoid.
Starting point is 03:15:32 You managed to avoid it. Yeah, every time. Every time. Every time. Every time. Well, we went, we went almost four full hours, folks, thanks for, thanks for sticking with us. Thanks for sticking with us.
Starting point is 03:15:42 Everybody. Hope you enjoyed that session. Definitely a lot more chaotic, a lot more fun. This was good. So yeah, join us again Saturday after next as we, we see how this little, this little It's so far away. Resolves. I know, right?
Starting point is 03:15:54 I hate it. I hate it. Well, again, so much. Hope you had a good time. I certainly did. And we'll see you again next time.

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