Mayday Plays - Orpheus Book 1, Ch. 4 - "Animal House"

Episode Date: November 30, 2021

Crucible 12 heads to the zoo!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 love you good morning good afternoon and good day folks allow me to welcome you to another episode of Orpheus I'm Vince your host and storyteller for this campaign joining me today are Aaron as Aber Abner Abernathy hello don't sound so enthused a legra as Logan Rio Mercado hi there's a ghost on my mug it says oh my god Amanda as Mia Castillo Bennett hello there Caleb as Colette Sawyer good morning Eli as Nicole Katwane happy Saturday guys I do it yes you did it you didn't wipe all you know wait wait wait wait wait a minute hm okay maybe do it again cuz I'll fuck it up Sergio as La vanilla Eileen Dyer hello and last but
Starting point is 00:01:02 certainly not Lisa Kia as Vivian 515 Baker before we begin please keep in mind that this actual plays intended for mature audiences it does contain elements of supernatural horror violence adult language sexual situation substance abuse and more so of course viewer and listener discretion is advised music in this episode is brought to you by cryo chamber and epidemic sound for more information on cryo chamber please visit cryo chamber dot com and you can learn more about epidemic sound at epidemic sound dot com we'd also like to thank onyx path publishing for their support highly
Starting point is 00:01:41 recommending check out the 20th anniversary edition of Wraith the oblivion which actually contains updated rules and information for the campaign you have been watching and are about to see today I do want to say if you like what we're doing here at Mayday role play please consider supporting us on patreon at patreon dot com slash mayday rp for two hours a month you can join the Mayday role play discord server which has become what surge has so eloquently described as a lively friendly place to talk shop discuss Mayday and other content and even we post cute photos of our animals and plants it's
Starting point is 00:02:13 beautiful it's a great place to hang out yeah great place to hang out great people in the coming months will be adding even more exclusive content to the respective membership tiers so there's anything you would like to see that would make you more likely to join or stick around please don't hesitate to let us know for our current patrons of course both old and new will never be able to thank you enough for your support so thank you now without further ado let's begin do it Zakiya would you kindly remind us what happened in our last session please yes okay I'm gonna cover your faces so I can't okay but we'll be
Starting point is 00:02:54 watching please don't thank you you got this you're so good mm-hmm okay okay Vivian Eckert auditorial personal field notes in preparation for debrief and transcription all personal notes will be redacted for brevity case number not applicable as crucible 12 was we were on a break we took a break because we finished a job and everyone just chilled for a second I I don't know how they do this for every single fucking one I'm not recording this I don't have a phone and I'm not bothering Colette to write it down I'm also a little low on manifest juice right now whatever god ancestors whoever listens to this stuff
Starting point is 00:03:42 ghost radio apparently I may have overindulged in my latest go at a catharsis but before I'm accused of anything I'm right those scooters on every corner in Lotto it's the safety hazard for pedestrians and I needed to break something a lot of things many things I didn't always need to do that but we were on vacation so I'm sure it's good and I get the feeling that everyone sort of got up to side quests over the break I can't imagine what the quick get up to not a single one of them is normal I thought Logan being on the team with their uncle was sort of a nepotism thing that they get special
Starting point is 00:04:28 treatment or something but they mostly just seem to undo each other so I guess that's fine we have to find an alternative to beans for apner though like he's a weird guy but who in the right mind eats cold canned food like that speaking of right mind the dead folks got together and had a meeting of our own Lavinia who's usually why so serious a lot I need skins to for what can only be described as dastardly deeds my interest is peaked I don't actually know if that's allowed I only skim to the rulebook do not tell after that but I'll see what I can do to get her a Malcovich Lavinia is a good
Starting point is 00:05:13 one to have in your back pocket Nicola to not just because I showed my whole ass downtown yesterday and she happened to be one of the one or two people who may have seen it but that rewind honestly I didn't think she would she's a lot softer than she looks not soft good soft Colette is as mushy as they come but Nicola was one of the more normal folks on the team and she can basically time travel she gave me two bodies two targets that I can work with and for their sake I hope whatever I had was worth my life and theirs like I said side quests the next job better be something easy like an old lady who
Starting point is 00:05:58 wants to cross the street does our unfinished business nothing we have to chase or fight or see those ugly fucking dogs again I don't want to see another ghost creature for the rest of my life or you know what I mean end of field notes be beautiful so good yeah there you go so no further ado it is Monday October 1st 2018 it is a beautiful Colorado morning slightly cloudy in the low 50s as the Sun begins to crest over the front range of the Rocky Mountains you all are once again summoned to Orpheus headquarters in Arvada Colorado after your two weeks of beach time of downtime during what you've rested
Starting point is 00:06:50 recuperated pursued some of your your your more personal aspirations to varying degrees of success but the night before on Sunday you got the text message from Kate Denison saying hey be here bright and early we've got another one for you so at this point at Orpheus headquarters itself Abner and Lavinia as I understand you both pretty much live there so what do you what are you up to this early in the morning let's go all the better first of all yeah first of all I'll point out that I sleep there I don't live there perfect okay distinction work life balance yeah we'll say that you're actually you have
Starting point is 00:07:34 like a standing key card to one of the instructor dormitories on in the sub level so like if ever you know you need a place to rack out or you need a shower and a shave they've got they've got a space shower shave dirty boy he smells like axe in regret those are the same thing that's fair that's fair so regardless you you you awake in Orpheus headquarters what's what's your way ahead I don't think I have a ton to do I mean I might swing what was the guy's name again chat his whole name is Charles Baker but you go you call him Chad okay so I'll just like casually swing by the secure the
Starting point is 00:08:36 office and pull like one of these just kind of nonchalantly and then I'll just continue to the brain that's the only thing I want to do a calm very calm love it love it so good I love it I think you know Livini usually avoids like the mess halls and where there's a lot of employees at the beginning of the day kind of filing in but today she has actually manifested and is kind of like milling about kind of maybe sitting or standing near everyone and just kind of watching seeing if anybody looks at her seeing if there's anybody that seems particularly eager to go to work today and you know she's she's she's on the
Starting point is 00:09:21 prowl for a mouth of itch okay nice yeah so there are quite a few people you see you know other crucible members other investigative consultants that are employed by by Orpheus that are in and similar crucibles crucible 12 you know you do see of course you know you've got folks from accounting you've got folks from security all the different you know each are real really people people resources I think they call them so the human resources you know so there's definitely you're not you're not spoiled for choice as far as that goes is there someone in particular you're kind of like looking for like like is there a
Starting point is 00:10:05 demeanor you're kind of looking for or anything like that what's your match profile is there a tinder for skin writers I think video would know this more than I would but I would assume somebody who seems compliant I don't know how else like I'm not exactly sure what the right word is I suppose it's more exciting than anything you know okay roll um let's roll perception plus alertness okay so just for shifting three and then alertness is two all right here we go yep so that's a ten a nine a five a five and a six yeah okay the one you immediately pick out is a guy you know is Jerome LaRuce he's kind of a
Starting point is 00:10:58 desk jockey he's known around the office for his easygoing manner and smire smire smile he's a desk jockey and accounting he's in charge of the mission budgets and you know that the living care the living investigative consultants have interacted with him before as far as like filing their vouchers getting paid back from the expenditures in the field he's late 20s a Caucasian male light brown hair kind of slipped up and back in a pompadour so a little bit of hipster blue eyes behind these round horn rimmed glasses always wearing like a dress shirt and chinos this kind of like an all-around nice guy but you you
Starting point is 00:11:35 get the impression you could you could probably you could probably work this dude okay all right he's an accountant like yeah sorry sorry accounts I'm not gonna talk to him but I am gonna like pass by his place of work like where his desk is and I'm gonna try to lock eyes with him and I'm gonna assume like when he looks at me he like kind of looks away nervously or something yeah yeah so so he can't you guys make eye contact and the look lingers maybe for just a scooch longer than is probably proper and his ears like the tops of his ears turn like scarlet red and he looks away yeah
Starting point is 00:12:21 okay good sign I'll leave him alone for now okay I've got him on my radar perfect um Viv you're actually the next to show up okay honestly I think after the way the the extra time went she's gonna be as low key as possible come in normal sit down on time and just try to be as professional as she has ever been for the first time in her life just good morning nice yeah how about how about Nicola Nicola would definitely have already but I also just peruse around over for us all day okay so if I if I found Viv walking in and sitting down can I come up like behind her with like
Starting point is 00:13:16 just me like not nomming on some snacks that Logan left me and just be like hey good morning yeah let's are you trying to be sneaky with it yeah I'm trying to be sneaky okay yeah let's do let's do dexterity plus stealth for you and for Viv let's do perception plus alertness okay perception I got a lot of alertness you said dexterity and what stealth stealth yep that's beautiful oh that's two successes okay it's five a success oh yeah we'll say yeah that's four successes yeah you you hear the rustle of a bag of something and you instinctively look over your shoulder and see Koa kind of just trying to like
Starting point is 00:14:11 yeah hey it's like popping something in my mouth hey what's up hey did you that bag is really loud it's plus it's loud plastic well I mean I didn't choose the the container in which Logan left these so you know I have to deal with it maybe another one of my mouth maybe not the best mission snack how are you I'm fine how are you doing I feel more put together now than I did before so great okay yeah we're gonna have a normal normal mission normal mission mm-hmm you want to you want to head over yeah yeah let's go all right and we'll just head over to the mission room beautiful Logan you're up
Starting point is 00:15:09 next I think I've set even more alarms than I did the first day especially because yesterday Uncle Abner made us read the entire goddamn handbook yes so I think I set an alarm for me and then as I'm like throwing on clothes I'm trying to call Colette and be like hey don't forget we have a thing today Colette denies the call and goes back to painting okay it just doesn't happen I know I know it but I tried to remind her turns off the phone after the first call yeah that I that I'm like fine do it yourself and I go when does Colette actually yeah when does Colette leave and get to Orpheus headquarters you
Starting point is 00:16:07 think so I think Colette hasn't really slept tonight and has been working through the night she's been trying to break this artist block for I mean as long as they've had their break essentially and so she's been up painting she denied the call because she was in a mood she was trying to find the answer to this and still doesn't ends up missing her scheduled time for breakfast and she knows you know not to eat is worse than just eating late so she goes and and tries to like buy the ingredients for bagels and cream cheese and you know trying to get something together and then this is made her violently late and
Starting point is 00:16:50 she's waiting in line and she looks down you know at her phone she's like oh shit I'm supposed to be there yeah and then still continues to be five minutes late she shows up in the Volvo and you know strolls into the meeting room with a happy and vagal morning and of course last but but not least we got Mia and she's driving back up from Colorado Springs let's go all right so since I'm obviously the last one when normally I try to be on time but frankly she's got a pep in her step she's having I bet she does she so yeah I would say they've developed nicknames with Leila so she because they're sarcastic they partway
Starting point is 00:17:44 she calls her your majesty and if we get there we'll we'll talk about that later but there's a nickname there's a reason I already have a backstory to it um knowing she's late but doesn't kind of give a fuck she decides to go ahead and goes to Starbucks grabs a coffee for her but she's gonna get like a jug of the coffee for everybody else in like the cream and sugar so she's like all right soft on the blow do that also just because I am that bish I am going to make sure I have a coffee candle for all my non-human cohort so I can like that I'm gonna come strolling in with like probably like nice to inject just
Starting point is 00:18:27 chilling having a good post week not to Nicole I'd be like I'm just laughing the whole time the moment you walk in the door just laughing wait whoa what question a lot of tickets today numbers I think you've got enough luck in your day huh I'll be just call it all right so I put the coffee down I'll light it for all my friend do that little bit absolutely hover around that coffee coffee candle I'll be like have at it everybody and I'm gonna just sip and do on my day of course Kate Dennis in strides in shortly thereafter with a tablet in one arm and seven folders in another Kate you could have I got a
Starting point is 00:19:18 bunch here you go well I guess eight o'clock means 8 20 a if you get free coffee I think that it means eight o'clock well I mean technically Kate you did walk in last so I mean she's learning us very deadpan hands out the briefing folders thanks Kate thanks boss gonna see everyone how was how was your downtime productive oh it was just super really really fucking weird very smart it was needed yeah all right stuff well glad to hear that well we're gonna jump right back into it we've got Mitch oh yes you're rich oh I had never break I suppose it's the tree you should take a break we go out on the field but you
Starting point is 00:20:20 just have to keep working exactly what are you doing your free time gay I train the next generation that's what I do question is does Kate have a ring on her left hand no oh okay everyone who's alive needs a break once in a while surely you have after his in character this is mission number 0773 you this mission type is fumigation we need you to eliminate some troublesome animal ghosts at the Denver zoo what animal goes it's not their fault in June a tuberculosis outbreak killed about 30 animals at the Denver Zoo many of them in a new experience Africa exhibit near the Benson Predator Ridge habitat among
Starting point is 00:21:17 the dead animals were two full-grown lions and African elephant several polys in a rhinoceros thankfully the outbreak was contained quickly unfortunately the animals have not rested easily and sightings of spectral creatures roaming the zoo at night prompted the city to hire us to investigate further so far the animals only seem to appear at night and have attacked no one although a keeper woman by the name of Judith Elton reported being chased by a I quote glowing white lion that vanished when she ducked into a building the zoo has contained these reports thus far they don't wish to
Starting point is 00:21:52 publish publicize the incidents but it's already lost a significant amount of support in the local community because of the animals deaths the zoo is being held responsible with that being said and with that in mind you are to maintain complete discretion on this assignment allow me to repeat myself you are to maintain complete discretion on this assignment thankfully oh yes Logan does Orpheus have ghost containment units we do not do we have the technology to build them Vermeer has a terrible and squib has been working on such technology but it's something that we haven't cracked just yet interesting
Starting point is 00:22:40 good I also have a question really quick the the ghost animals are they only located in the near the African exhibit or they near like a medical center or they everywhere in the park what are the main sites that we don't know yet the ghost line was near the the the experience Africa exhibit but they could have easily spread since then Colette you had a question yeah when you say discretion what what what can we say like where does that go cuz I've had some trouble with this in the past fair enough thankfully you won't have to interact with the public too much the city actually arranged to close the zoo
Starting point is 00:23:22 starting today until Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. you haven't told them to eliminate all the animal ghosts we'll provide you a checklist with all of the animals that died of the disease but please understand not all of them necessarily became ghosts yes Logan do the zookeepers know they know that you will be there yes and they know to keep the place closed secured while you're operating but like do they know why we're there yes okay okay yes speaking of illumination I'm aware of how to free a human spirit but I can't say I've ever had experience with animals are we to expect Banshee howler monkeys and to
Starting point is 00:24:07 be a to be honest animal ghosts are a little bit of an intelligence gap for us so study what you can learn what you can but this is not a salvation run this is a fumigation operation so wait it's a gap we don't know about these guys yet correct yes it's rare as far as I'm aware if you're not severing the strand of a spirit you're tearing apart its gauze I'm concerned there are individuals here that won't be up to the task while you're freeing them you're not destroying them just right egg is that a matter of course yes they're not a piece here right assumedly no idea why I mean the lack of human level sentience
Starting point is 00:24:51 that's something we still have don't completely understand why they stick around no sense to sever I mean if all dogs go to heaven is to be believed no my grandmother always told me that animals don't have souls animals absolutely have souls yes okay quick question so not only is it a fumigation but it's also collecting data and information are we getting extra equipment to record to do this because this is a rare phenomenon just observe and report observe really I don't get a camera you can't you can get one if you want one as far as I know there aren't currently cameras that can capture a
Starting point is 00:25:33 spirit unless it manifests I suppose well there are carillion cameras where you can we can supply you with one the technology is still in its infancy but we're actually in the process of installing cameras in the facility we have one I'll sign one out if about the not the rookies well just point to me you said that they were installing those kind of cameras here yes is it just an Orpheus thing or do you think that that's gonna make it outside the building oh no that we fully expect that our competitors have that technology as well big brothers always watching do they take still photos they can do they
Starting point is 00:26:22 see if you're not manifested yes wow it's a it's a unique combination of the closest analogy I can think of one of the military guys described to me is like thermal vision and night vision and one cool weird but anyway if any of the ghosts remain after Wednesday at seven report to us we'll then assess if the remaining animals are enough of a threat to request a zoo remain closed an additional night but we probably won't be able to extend it any further after that maps of the zoo will be provided again along with those checklists we suggest each of you take the time today to kind of familiarize yourself with a
Starting point is 00:26:59 zoo layout explore it miss Elton the keeper who saw the glowing lion agreed to accompany you and answer any questions you may have assume that each ghost has the same capabilities as it did when it was living and probably a good measure of cunning besides a threat tag here is gonna be a nickname the class green yes Logan are you saying we get to spend a day for work walking around a zoo yes can we stay in the zoo yes we get to sleep over at the zoo if you are so see fit obviously for those of you who are still for our sleepers you can make the decision if you want to go on ice or not entirely up to you if it matters I
Starting point is 00:27:49 would assume those who are in spirit form are more at danger than those who are not correct right right we'll keep you guys close we got you covered then Abner I was gonna say would you like to go under again I'm leaning towards yes okay then I'm gonna stay in normal form just think about all the things that he can get inside in a zoo when you realize if you go on ice you can just manifest when we're there right and it'll be like you're a regular normal person except for you know the lion can still maim you but you have all your cool powers yes but then I can just be a battery yeah I'm saying if you want to do it you should
Starting point is 00:28:48 do it well so in order to be a battery you'd have to you would have to then be outside of your body to provide that about that vitality to your crucible mates this the skin the skimmers the skimmers are the ones who are more equipped to be those those batteries since they can just go zero at any given time but what if we need to shoot that's the only thing I'm like thinking like you can't shoot a ghost I know but but if there's more shit besides ghosts that we're not aware of that we're gonna be stepping into a shit show are you worried that this is a snow job yeah oh I'm saying this all out loud oh yeah yeah I'm gonna me is
Starting point is 00:29:25 gonna be like okay yep and just go back to her no I learned that one make your own decision snow job that's an easy job I learned that one yeah hey Lavinia yes can you skin right animals I don't know but what about like a primate or something they're really close to people we have the day to test it out be a gorilla go be a gorilla no no it's let us dream what you dream yeah I mean yeah Kate kind of looks around and says well I did unless anybody else has any other questions I'll let you have plan all right Kate thank you very much I think we can hand oh one more oh collect yes so like you met discretion like
Starting point is 00:30:18 don't go on the news don't tell the public don't tell anyone outside of the people that already know don't blow up the fucking zoo correct just got it got it I can do that right don't make any no any more noise than absolutely necessary that's why being unmanifested is probably best absolutely but at the very least the fact that the zoo is agreed to close for the night the next few nights will definitely work in your favor I will make no noise yeah beautiful of acre guys talk to you for a sec outside you want to talk to me yes yeah she goes she goes yeah she hands you the tablet as soon as you get out
Starting point is 00:31:08 into the hallway and pulled up as a is a YouTube video and the first image is of an obviously stoned Denver resident you know with this the ski cap on and bro I don't know if I'm fucking baked right now or what but check this shit out and fucking turns the camera around and there is a scooter golem riding down the street smashing the scooters up yo get those fuckers scooter monster do you know anything about this I've never seen that man it does look like he's inebriated I would assume that's normal for the area looks cold with the beanie what about the you know the big the scooters walking down the
Starting point is 00:32:20 street I've seen it yes there yeah yeah I've yes yes so what where were we yet then now with us the two of us here in this hallway that depends entirely on how you answer the question do you know anything about this as your as your project leader I would recommend your answer be no that's really convenient because the answer is no yeah there's a lot of poltergeist in the city I imagine so the likelihood of that being any of them is pretty significant and those scooters they're in the way they are there are rumors that the company will be hiring Orpheus to look into this matter okay so do me a favor don't do that for a while because you will get fucking fumigated
Starting point is 00:33:30 okay understood do we understand each other we do we do I will never do it for the first time we didn't have this conversation personally got to copy that personally I appreciate it but but what yeah correct discretion discretion discretion go to work got it thank you so what do you all discuss well this is going on I'm just like looking at the door the whole time it's talking I don't yeah I don't think anyone is like discussing anything while you're just waiting you're just waiting I think we're all just sitting quietly trying to listen to what's going on yes you seem like you're doing good today
Starting point is 00:34:28 yeah I had a good break new in your life I mean you just you sort of look like someone was getting laid well that's true yeah thank you for noticing that it was a good week of course good for you thank you deserve it I like I think so wait what pound it oh pound it yeah yeah yeah pound it all right well I'm glad we're off to a very professional start for the morning I'd like to ask you something yeah go for it this is a situation where we're going to be dealing with literally wild spirits spirits that have no we don't know what we're doing in this situation I don't feel particularly safe as a spirit I was
Starting point is 00:35:27 wondering if maybe you would know of or offer someone that I could maybe skin ride for this operation hello what I just feel safer in a body how about we stuff me out of a body and we call it even what are you saying how about no I'm saying all go is a spirit and if I can go as a spirit you're going to be just fine doesn't that put you both in danger exactly well sure but I mean like 50% less danger we're just spreading it around a little bit that's the same amount of danger in two directions yes what what I'm trying to say Abner is I don't have the abilities that nicoa or yeah sure Vivian have I'm relatively useless beyond my intelligence in this level
Starting point is 00:36:21 or in this mission I'd like to know that I'm not going to get jumped by a tiger or something or whatever by a rhinoceros I think they were all African animals I don't think there are tigers there's lion's elephants rhinos and we're missing one another in lions right lions more dangerous lions and tigers and bears there's no bears Abner if you can't think of anyone I know of someone that I could try to reach out to who are you thinking of there's a gentleman in accounting I think that might be up for it I'll tell you what go ask him and if he's doesn't have too much work to do the next few days and he's down go for it great I appreciate you being open
Starting point is 00:37:15 how are you doing the file um you've got uh two lions uh simba and syrabi no one who could you do this to us one elephant snuffie ah three warthogs viny boom boom and hot see that's incredible hold on no wait I want the names it's viny boom boom boom and hot see hot mama uh rhinoceros named Clara oh sorry baby girl three mandrels galinda melina and elfie and then those five five and paul is 10 giant pouch rats and five snakes so those these are all the these are all the animals that were killed by the tuberculosis
Starting point is 00:38:05 outbreak no no indication yet how many of them are actually still around why did you name them this made it I have an idea of which one yeah there you go so I don't know guys I think we I think we should just go take the tour yes and see what we see I would like to go to the zoo yes it's like our place for four days so we might as well get used to it you should wear hammocks if you love the job I think there's a hammock in my jeep I've got like a bedroll we could like camp out under the stars it'd be a lot of fun what if all of us everyone picks their own little like exhibit like I call Africa lizard house the africa what is the crime scene no that's the that's the okay well yeah you probably
Starting point is 00:39:13 don't you probably don't want to be hanging out I want the lions I'm not I'm not gonna tell you the not get killed so I mean if she's they'll do it out of spite so I will say you all will know at this point being in Colorado for as long as you have it will be cold at night probably the 30s or 40s right oh um I tell you what and the snake uh then I just came back from camping from Portland so I actually have a bunch of that weather stuff and I would mention that to the um okay so I'll be like I have I have weather proof and I have a whole bunch of stuff for you guys if you need it come on it's not I think I usually have camp stuff in my in my jeep I got a warehouse full oh yeah a warehouse a warehouse yeah it wasn't a dick swinging contest
Starting point is 00:40:04 I was just offering so like we're good on camping yeah is what we're saying camping is happening it's gonna be fun it'll be like a trip who's drinking the coffee by the way who was drinking yeah definitely Colette like okay I'm making note of that Abner is drinking coffee from his own thermos his own supply that makes it very known thank you for that Colette's coffee is like 90% cream and 10% sugar 0% coffee it's also silly and almond there too if you don't want a heavy cream oh no I like the heavy cream oh oh oh so LaVini are you going to look for Jerome I know that Denver's only an hour away from Colorado Springs I'm going to shit wait are we going to the Denver Zoo it is the Denver Zoo okay so we're close and you're in
Starting point is 00:41:07 you're in Nevada so you're in a suburb of Denver it's all very far yeah I guess you know what I will go talk to him yeah I'll go talk to him real quick okay can oh go ahead can I expend a vitality point on for Bo to lower the difficulty for that by two absolutely oh hell yeah yeah absolutely go for it nice I'll just like nudge like checker as yeah you watch this out and you feel that that kick of vitality that that that kind of electrically static-y feeling kind of surge through your your gauze you feel a little bit empowered a little bit inspired one would say but yeah you you go to accounting and Jerome is at his desk appears to be kind of plugging away at something on his computer looks like some kind of spreadsheet whatever accountants do
Starting point is 00:41:56 um accountants you provide a very important service to the world I guess I don't know what it is actually that's what you do hey thank you that said they are not welcome here but our resident accountant Jerome kind of looks up at you and says oh yeah I'm his dire hi how what can I do for you just before I approach I am going to use one of my stains called shifting identity it allows me to take one point in one of my social attributes and put it into another so I'm gonna I'm gonna take one out of manipulation and put it into charisma so I'll have a foreign charisma oh and um that there is a disadvantage to that but as a skin writer I can
Starting point is 00:43:00 negate that disadvantage do you remember what I have to is it willpower that I have to burn to negate that disadvantage um I believe so yeah let me double check real quick so for a hue um so you can call forth a stain yeah yeah so you can call forth a stain with no danger of increasing your spite by spending two vitality per stain yeah I'll just I'll just spend the the two bite oh man that's a lot of no never mind okay and you're manifesting too right I've been manifested so that I already burnt that point of willpower okay um so I've been manifested and yeah I'll um I'll approach him and just say um hello Jerome is that your name uh yeah yeah and now for me for my edification are you fully
Starting point is 00:43:53 manifested or are you kind of like um I am one point of willpower manifested so he can probably see me but it's probably not like uh yeah so one point of vitality manifested oh um yeah so so you spend vitality to manifest never mind okay so with that um your form would probably be uh probably a little little little spooky um yeah so yeah but he's got to love every part of me if he's you know that's true yeah um so you're kind of like this translucent phantom of cobwebs and fog strung together with silver threads like kind of like a a humanoid ball of glowing twine the issue though is that all your attribute and ability roles are at half strength rounded down to him so I've got to burn two to at least fully manifest all right so look like a
Starting point is 00:44:42 look like a person yep uh that's fine I'll do that and then I'll burn one willpower to gain three back vitality right okay so I'm back to full yep uh so okay so I'm relatively normal looking when I see your you look like a living breathing person at this point correct yeah do you know who I am uh yeah you're with 12 right with abner's cursible yes I was I was hoping you knew my name though it's lavinia yeah yeah yeah I have a bit of an odd request but um do you feel like having a field day uh outside of work I mean well it's sort of like what crucible 12 has been assigned to head to the zoo and I apparently there are animal spirits and I uh I don't feel comfortable as someone who is only a spirit I'm dead by the way I don't know if you
Starting point is 00:45:55 I assume you knew that yeah I kind of gathered I have the ability to hide within someone's body and your skin writer exactly and um I feel a lot safer having a strong brave man like you oh uh keeping me safe all you have to do is simply let me control you for a little while and uh the benefit is none of the of us would get hurt I mean this is kind of an orthodox I mean I don't really have I mean I'm an accountant everything with me is relatively unorthodox but um I've already gotten permission for it and I think that uh I don't know something about you calls out to me that we make a good pair I guess roll um the video is way more charming than I am
Starting point is 00:47:05 I get no absolutely yeah roll uh no it's all good roll charisma uh plus uh let's do empathy and with a zero in empathy it's three charisma here we go oh okay let's go uh a seven a nine and a two so I guess two successes two successes okay um so yeah um with two successes he's like all right well I mean gets me out from behind a desk I guess but what else is in it for me and why me people have to be somewhat willing uh to participate in this and the truth is is I think crucible 12 is an up-and-coming crucible it would certainly benefit you career-wise to be associated with us and who wouldn't want to break from having to control their body for you know a day at a time let me have always kind of wondered
Starting point is 00:48:10 what it would be like uh and what if these things manifest though they can they can fuck me up right I mean they can yeah uh well um I didn't think about that part don't tell us it's not about that I I don't think it works that way with these yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna like try to lie to him a little bit about it don't don't don't worry about it the opportunity okay all right science science exactly you're like math you should like let's do uh okay um well I mean if I can do part of the day sure well here's the thing I I don't know I wouldn't want to keep you for too long so we're only in going we're only going to be an hour away what if now that you seem intrigued why don't I go do a scout with the team and then I'll come back if I need you
Starting point is 00:49:13 okay yeah all right can I have your number yeah yeah and I'll I'll write it down on a sticky note and hand it to you and as he hands it to me I just my hand touches his hand as I take the paper okay all right yeah all right and I guess uh I guess I'll talk to you all right Jerome LaRus talk to you I get up and do my best uh walking down the right side of it let me those those ghost cheeks clap you know what I mean is oh first elves now this I'm straight amazing streak alive oh man that's right
Starting point is 00:50:04 all right Edgar Allen bro uh any who but what is it uh never mind uh I'm gonna go off of go off of rabbit hole here but okay so uh what do y'all do next what's the plan what's the battle plan we go I need to go to the zoo I need to go make a quick stop before I go to sleep oh oh you need to do what now I need to make a quick stop before I go to sleep oh that's right okay what's uh where do you head I head back to my actual home which is not the home it's a warehouse uh and I pull out the box of a dusty old box that has a bunch of safari outfits in it
Starting point is 00:51:01 and my company used to run safaris okay and I put one on and I bring the rest of the box with the extra safari outfits back to Orpheus HQ and I'll just kind of go around to everybody and offer everybody a safari outfit if they would like one okay okay Abner what the fuck we're not even just I just thought it would help us fit in this the zoo is closed yeah but it's more for like us you know I'm Colette will 100 take one of those like dad caps that snap at the side yeah and that's gonna go on over the half shade and then one of the like cargo vests to go over her already oh the fishing vest yeah okay yeah yeah it shows solidarity solidarity Levinny will
Starting point is 00:51:56 will like accept the gift and like her black kind of jumper just turns into like a khaki jumper okay okay I can get behind that I guess I'll like awkwardly take a vest too think of it like a uniform oh I don't like it but never mind you ruined it an edgy cool uniform no I'm good now thanks I'm gonna lean towards Nicole be like it's not this I know it's not this this is not racist but this feels inappropriate right I mean you look good in a hat well no no it just feels very inappropriate I mean it's weird it sounds like just like a you know indulge them it sounds like some dad shit you know dad I know it just feels like I'm not like going to trick the lion into thinking I know you know what I mean it just like I don't think the
Starting point is 00:52:56 lion's gonna carry it away but don't they attack that's if they see like oh they're dressed like they're on a safari and I'm a ghost line does not not make me want to maul you more you're overthinking it Mia I think you're over thinking you should just put the hat on that's a lot of thinking for a lion I will not I will look at it and I will say this is a good quality but maybe one of us should look like professional and when we meet the the the the professional as we can look at you do well no no no for the the crowd but it's closed I'm talking about the staff it just feels like the staff's gonna think we're like hamming it up right right because they're going to know that we're from a ghost company and they're gonna expect that ghost hunting agency should
Starting point is 00:53:50 be professional I think so me are you taking a nap did you decide huh are you taking a nap I forgot that we were talking about that are you napping and are you personing oh I'm not personing but like bodying I me is gonna definitely take a gulp of their coffee and they'll be real I will go to sleep cool so you're okay so you're going to sleep and Abner is going to sleep as well correct yes but I'm gonna make sure I send a text before we leave before I go to nap and you know Mia when you're asleep you can you know you can be what once you come back as a spirit you can be dressed however you want so you might as well put the safari outfit on you will it will it make you happy if I do that no do whatever you want no no if you want I will it feels really important like
Starting point is 00:54:50 there's no real purpose I think he just needs to see us I will put the hat on my head and I will give him a thumbs up which you know you'll have to take off anyway I will just a nice gesture solidarity uh yeah so you head down and once again you meet with Dr. Garner Dr. Sam Garner uh who uh kind of gets you all prepped to go on ice you're just shown to your dressing rooms your you strip and you put on like kind of the wetsuit onesie type deal um to kind of preserve and protect your skin while you're while you're under uh you're led into the cradle oh before I go into the cradle while I'm putting my stuff down I will be sending a text to Lila and I'm going to be like going off radar for the next couple of days just to let them know we've been
Starting point is 00:55:45 texting back and forth so I had the point of having to check in she sends a a be safe and a and a thumbs up send a winky face back I don't think she's at the be safe heart emoji yeah okay um and so yeah you you are um you know the the needles and the ivies are threaded into your veins you feel the um you know the the anesthetics start to take over as you begin to lose consciousness you feel your you know you sort of start to feel your blood being cycled out of your body and replaced with this this fluid uh before you lose consciousness and uh a few moments later when you open your eyes once again you're looking at yourself through this port glass in the cradle uh asleep uh I'm going to be flexing and moving my left arm like rotating it and you'll I'm going to take an extra kind of
Starting point is 00:56:45 like you'll know even though I don't need to breathe you'll see me like oh like I just it's a realistic behavior right it's like it's what you're used to doing and so it still has that soothing quality even though you don't really need to breathe yeah um oddly enough though your arm doesn't hurt uh yeah she's happy but not it's weird it's complex it is like oh but it's yeah she's kind of like not having a serious grin all the time now she's kind of lighter uh Lavinia will probably be close by and when Mia manifests you'll you know Lavinia will just kind of saunter up and say welcome to the other side oh yeah it's been a minute but feels good doesn't it it's free of all that physical pain
Starting point is 00:57:35 yeah I mean you do have advantages I won't lie and I'm going to walk away because that that was a little too I didn't like that one I'm going to walk away same for you Abner you find yourself kind of and there's Lavinia you know creeping around and uh yeah right yeah there's the next hey get on it twitch that's next emoji for the discord let's just be clear about what's happening right now we have to get naked I was gonna say no no we don't go into the tube no we don't and Lavinia is just prowling around okay I've seen it all we don't need to be spooky we do have dressing rooms right they don't need a they don't need a people resources complaint you know that doesn't mean anything to Lavinia that's true
Starting point is 00:58:27 when he decides on closet creeps I mean who has it hung out in the closet most of us most people any who what's the plan folks where are we going what what's next I think I'm gonna start moving a lot of my like camping and equipment over into like company cars of like there's a couple tents there's like a couple sleeping bags a hammock just like little things like a little lantern in case we end up camping there just so we have supplies okay yeah and easy enough you're able to get once you're you're once again able to get like an SUV and a sedan for whatever you know for your needs so the SUV can easily accommodate all the equipment you have cool I'm gonna help Logan with that but most of that is just me sitting and watching while they work emotional moral support
Starting point is 00:59:21 that's important I'm gonna I'm gonna I could have said uh stand next to Colette because I can't really help I mean there has to be other things you can be doing besides watching me lift things and put it in other things I know my muscles are impressive I know it's you're doing they're passing you're doing a great job there's nothing you're doing so great you can physically help me you little shit oh Coa is dead not Coa you ass that was really insensitive I'll reach into my bra and I'll take out a little pack of American spirits and I'll I'll take one up to uh Nicola and then I'll start lighting up my own hey no that's really bad for you stop I'm dead it doesn't really matter I'm talking to her oh again you're being very insensitive towards Nicola's existence I already
Starting point is 01:00:13 I already tried to talk to Coa about it I gave her a bunch of snacks that she's still smoking cigarettes oh I'm eating both the snacks and enjoying the cigarette I don't think that's better that's balance she gets it just oh as we're like smoking a cigarette I'm gonna look at Colette and be like so how's downtime how are you what were you up to um downtime was shit I've been working on this new piece and I just I can't get it I can't solve it but it's whatever oh and Vin came over for a little bit that was nice I went on yeah yeah we just had drinks we talked for a little bit oh interesting cool it's good to know it was nice you you know it was good to know that you know she was reached now yeah how about you guys how's you guys doing yeah
Starting point is 01:01:05 worked there's nothing much more I can really do um just hanging out yeah Mia went out of town so there was nothing I couldn't go catch a game or anything with her but other than that it's fine I did offer I did want you to come me and play and some get along so it's fine but it's not like we didn't have like the portman timbers to go see or like I didn't want to complain the port Mia I drove what are you talking about oh you drove never mind yes I didn't want to come didn't you take uh what's her name yeah I mean I wasn't alone no yeah so I yeah man third feeling I wasn't gonna be the the plots it's fine I mean co if you ever want to break you can like come show with me I don't do much but yeah I take doors metaphorically always open even if you don't need it I appreciate
Starting point is 01:01:58 that yeah is that intensive you no okay no at all you guys can always come by this studio too if you want to watch me fucking pissed off but offer that's why are you why are you pissed off what is it comes around the other side of the car too yeah we're all by the car at this point yeah am I the only one that abner abner is in the car in the front seat looking moderately annoyed that we're not moving there's a lot of shit to move if someone would help me this would go faster I'm gonna go sorry I was already manifested I could help you a little bit oh this is so heavy oh my god keeping a low profile Vin lift with your legs I'm so glad I'm dead not with your back always the thighs
Starting point is 01:02:55 doesn't matter either way yeah I'll like have one thing in my arm I'll take the thing for Lavinia put it on top just you're fine I was mostly giving collect shit what so what all equipment are you loading up like what are you all are you bringing with you um camping gear camping gear and I think we tried to get that camera right yeah the camera yeah did we yeah we'll say we'll say we're able to sign one out oh one one one one day I have like a little camp stove that I'll put in there because I don't think they'll have like food there so I'll just bring a little cam animals we need to stop off at a grocery store really quick I just realized so they can eat I have some like canned beans I'll warm them up it'll be fine
Starting point is 01:03:42 I brought a date we got to Wednesday that's what I'm saying there's like during the daytime we're not going to be there it's only during the night we can actually work no they're gonna it's going to be closed we're gonna have like time yeah free rain this is our zoo we'll just eat from the gift shops that's not a bad idea I went on just laying towards an echo and be like rookies and just keep mine in my head uh Vince in terms of like the apparatus of the actual camera is it like something you can hold in your hands is it so big you got to set it up no it's it's it's like a it's like a normal sized camera I mean it's big it's like one of those big mirrorless or DSLR cameras it's just it's it's pretty large and pretty bulky but it
Starting point is 01:04:32 it can easily be carried in handheld you know it comes with a strap to wear around the neck yeah I think that Colette has not let go of it unless someone has told them not to touch it and has strapped it around her very tiny body that's fine I mean with the two in technology Lavini is very intrigued by it and is certainly like trying to sit next to you and figure out how it works as well yeah so like I'll go through like the manual with Vin either on the oh we don't need the manual here I know what I'm doing so would anyone like to put a nice little wager on if this camera will survive our mission yes because I got a feeling I'm gonna put it down 50 bucks that thing is destroyed by the end of the hey sometimes these things go missing
Starting point is 01:05:21 oh okay now is the bet that the camera is destroyed or Colette's going to steal it I'm sitting right here folks sorry I think by the way Vinnie you're intrigued by this Vinnie is oh hold on live may take it that's a thing I see you eye in that camera let's change it to I'm trying Kenny is right there we're talking about a contract now let's change it to the camera is not safely returned to Orpheus yes 50 bucks it's not going to come back Colette if we both put some money down we just have to make sure it's safe you're right you're right um Abner you you know that these things are probably 10 to 20 grand yeah all right hey how about this I'm your boss it's coming back in one piece
Starting point is 01:06:15 sounds like Abner's on our side do you want to put a wager how much you putting down for that I'm putting your job down on that wait when did you do a 180 person who's this when you're not Abner you're a bad person when you strapped a 20 grand piece of equipment around your neck 20 grand for that camera Donna you hijacked that car which I know is worth more than 20 grand so I know I'm I'm very thrown by this you're gonna notice that Mia by the way is a little bit more playful and purposely kind of now because she's not always in pain and you would you'd also know Abner given your history with the company and really any like primarily you so the the curling camera is derived from
Starting point is 01:07:06 Terrell and squibb technology so it's not an actual TNS camera itself it's reverse engineered and so not not as good as the real deal but uh it's effective enough can it take normal photos uh no this cannot so it's only some kind of infrared type look or something to it right okay right okay don't worry about it ab I'm gonna take care of this thing I promise I know I've been joking around but I take care of my equipment I got you good let's keep the camera with the artist good plan I was hoping you could take some nice nature photography to let but oh maybe it'll look cool either way yeah it might it might very well look look pretty good you know something that might be some inspiration for the the artist in you I'm gonna snap a quick picture of LaVenya
Starting point is 01:07:57 just as a as a tester and then show it off yeah yeah and in this in this kind of bluish it's a bunch of different shades like if you've ever looked at something through colored infrared um it's kind of starts like a cold spot and then blossoms out into like this bright blue shade almost a light actually more like a deep purple shade and you can see her outline you can't make out features but you can see her that's that's you again what do you think well all it captures is uh my outline not my beautiful face but it'll do I guess ready to go can we go are we going we've been going we can go cool let's go I think by now we're there so it is a 20 minute drive from Arvada to kind of a heart of Denver where the Denver Zoo is is located and as you all pull in
Starting point is 01:08:57 I think it's a good spot to take a 10 minute break you know with your arrival at the Denver Zoo and then we'll pick it up from there beautiful all right we're back in bears now we go see bears bears hello folks sorry welcome you're welcome back everybody thanks for joining us again we're back after the break and uh with that our chrysalis chrysalis 12 just showed up at the Denver Zoo so uh folks what are we doing getting out I guess I'm gonna talk to what's Judith Elton is that her name Judith Elton yep fine old Judy easy enough so the dossier would have included her contact information so you're able to give her a call she meets you at the the entrance to the to the zoo and Judith is a probably in her mid 30s brunette hair pulled back in a braid down
Starting point is 01:09:49 to the small of her back wearing the uniform of of the Denver Zoo kind of kind of khaki-ish you know with with the name tag and everything else and she greets you all as you walk up and says I'm guessing you're with Thorpheus yes ma'am hi hello hi I'm Judith Elton I was told to expect to you um I guess do you want to tour absolutely yes yeah yes I think sorry Vince quick point of order are we of course I we I assume that we all manifested before walking up I'm not manifested yeah who's so who's manifested I think I at the beginning of the day so I suppose I would be okay okay yeah okay so that's vitality yeah right yeah if you want to appear human otherwise you're gonna probably freak her the fuck out yeah no no no not starting with that
Starting point is 01:10:45 no maybe I should hold my vitality yeah that's I'm not manifesting all right I'll be no I won't manifest that okay so she can see me Abner and Colette and Logan correct okay yeah um is this uh is this everybody we might have a few more pop up later but for now uh we're we're we're the crew yeah we're just the ground team we may have some operators later tonight okay uh great yeah we'll make sure you have everything uh you need to to get it out um is there a yeah I was gonna ask is there a key or something that we might borrow uh yeah so we'll give you keys to obviously not every every facility we don't want you going into the animal enclosures themselves because we don't need we're almost getting out uh but and if we need to go into the animal enclosures for some reason
Starting point is 01:11:38 I will give you my number you call me perfect and I will I will I live in town so I can just drive over um so appreciate it yeah of course um so here we go uh follow me and uh of course she'll take you around and um you know if you all should have the map of the the Denver Zoo so you start off in the um you kind of start off from the main area and you you kind of walk around through you know Harmony Hill the edge uh she leads you eventually to the um the Benson Predator Ridge where the Experience Africa exhibit had been had been set up so like where on the map is that so that is in the middle oh I see yeah so like to the right right yep yep
Starting point is 01:12:25 African penguin habitat no that's coming soon that's coming soon yep it's just like under that the Benson Predator Ridge I see it now yep um so and you could see kind of where the um the animals had been set up and uh you can see that the animals themselves aren't out they're kind of back in their their habitats outside of public view since they have the zoo closed um so unfortunately you're not you don't really have too much for an opportunity to see the animals themselves um but uh she does kind of walk you through and says well this is uh this is where most of the animals who uh were stricken uh by the outbreak this is where they were Vince were you working here at the time that the outbreak came about were you here during the
Starting point is 01:13:11 tb outbreak I was yeah Vince yes uh quickly is there any other zoo keep or other keepers nearby not really paying attention because then I'm going to try to do uh puppetry very little to like kind of drop a key and then kick it so we can have that later so we can have access to the buildings later oh okay to the animal enclosures yeah so so unfortunately there are no other zoo keepers okay I'm going to keep my eyes up but just so you know that's my intention and if not I'll go for her at the end of the tour when they're at least expecting it okay yeah um but yeah how how frequent are tb outbreaks at a facility like this does this happen often no no uh not here at
Starting point is 01:14:00 least we usually do a very good job monitoring we think it must have been a tourist somebody who wasn't uh somebody who had tuberculosis in a jump is that never mind obviously it's possible I think it's possible so let me ask you this and I don't you know this might sound like a strange question but it's just something that we need to have an idea of is there a particular employee or zookeeper that you suspect may have been negligent or perhaps a group of employees that you would consider to be responsible in some way no no not at all we don't we don't attribute this to like an intentional act um you know what about negligence uh well so we tested all of our employees nobody tested positive for tuberculosis so which led us to believe that it was must have been a
Starting point is 01:14:54 must have been a tourist was in a park attendee and now forgive my ignorance there's no uh vaccines or anything or inoculations that you give the animals to prevent that not not typically no um in terms of like interaction with the public how often do the animals get up close enough to to contract something like this um are there interactive exhibits is uh the africa experience something you get up close with no no because most of the animals are are quite dangerous um so you know unfortunately we tried to do contact tracing we tried to figure out where this might have originated from but unfortunately all we really have at this point is theories can someone ask if any of the zookeepers have any
Starting point is 01:15:42 for relationships with certain animals um any employees had to have to be rearrange what was what was the the question um if any of the personnel has been like animals had any issues with the personnel or if any personnel had to been moved away from this particular uh grouping of animals exhibit yeah uh no no i mean everyone here is is an absolute professional i mean really um no issues with the animals nobody harming the animals or or vice versa um you know occasionally we have we have animals that uh you know they're these are wild animals um they can they can get quite uh aggravated at their confines uh but for the most part things are relatively quiet or relatively safe similar question but oh sorry go no you're good
Starting point is 01:16:35 go for it uh similar question but kind of in reverse are there any zookeepers that were like well liked i i guess that's like that's the best that's the closest name i have for the the emotion i guess but like any zookeepers that the animals liked and they left no no everyone not recently so if there's any sounds or words that they respond particularly well to someone can ask i'll ask the same thing uh their names they tend to respond well to their to their names they've gotten used to recognizing and responding to those is it common for i'm an artist by trade i'm not really i don't have any understanding of how all this works but is it common for these outbreaks to jump exhibits like this i mean
Starting point is 01:17:30 you have people from or i'm sorry animals from the africa experience you have some in the primate area with the mandrels right it feels like it's jumped all over the zoo well so for this specific exhibit to try to bring more people and we kind of co-located the animals here uh we moved them from different parts of the zoo to be in the same general area so they were in pretty unfortunately close proximity which is why why thankfully as much as i need to say we still lost dirty animals but it was confined to this part of the park didn't spread any further because it could have been devastating if it got out if it got out of control yeah now forgive me if you've already stated this but are you the keeper primarily responsible for these animals care no no no
Starting point is 01:18:20 it was a team uh it was myself and and several others got it can we may we have their names uh sure yeah and she'll um she'll give you she'll give you a series of names and i'll get those to you levinia has been mostly quiet just kind of like in her own headspace looking around listening always listening and always kind of taking her own mental notes but she just says i have a question sure what has the face of a tree skin like the sea a great beast i am yet vermin frightens me me elephant elephant elephant i was hoping she could answer but correct i never get these vinn i'm sorry i didn't she didn't she just goes back to kind of minding her own business what's going on don't worry about it it's normal okay
Starting point is 01:19:16 okay any any way is there any um uh additional information that you wanted to give us or other observations that you had i understand one of the keepers had an interaction well that was me some number that was you that was that was me a couple days ago i was closing up for the night and uh a fucking lion uh came out of nowhere and chased me back into the employee area and it disappeared now would you say nowhere where precisely was nowhere uh so it would have been close to the lion exhibit um kind of right next to where we're opening up the african penguin habitat uh and uh next spring um so was this okay when you saw this lion this interaction did it feel like a real lion it looked like a real lion and it acted like one too similar mannerisms yeah oh yeah
Starting point is 01:20:25 now but is it out of character for the animals to chase one of their keepers they very rarely have the opportunity because they're not out of their habitat of course but you there's people going into their cages and whatnot right correct yeah um uh i didn't wait around to see how abnormal it might have been i wanted to get the fuck out of there if i'm being entirely honest uh freaked me out did you did you recognize it was it simba or uh sarabi the other one i think it was sarabi sarabi that's the one so so you knew who yeah do uh do any of them have like personalities in particular that might be helpful for us to know about i mean obviously sarabi was pissed but um
Starting point is 01:21:21 um sarabi was definitely the the the the bitchier uh of of the two um she was uh yeah she she's force uh forceful personality um could be tough to to to you know control for lack of a better term uh symbol was it was a sweet art um so in your like experience of course you must have some idea of the behaviors of these animals how they act and you can read certain things off of them right sure yeah yeah was she acting defensive was this territorial was it was she afraid hunting i know you're not like lion whisper but you maybe yeah maybe about something again i'll be honest with you i um i didn't really pay too close attention because the second i saw a lion that was dead glowing i fucking ran that's her that's fair enough
Starting point is 01:22:23 i think this is a situation where judith we're going to have to spend time here maybe even overnight we have a particular method a process of finding out what keeps these things tethered and it's probably going to take some time as far as we know you have until i believe Wednesday night uh we'll give you we have the keys to the employee uh the employee locker rooms you can set up there there's showers there's a kitchen area um i mean you have the run of the place again except for the animal exhibits but um of course do you mind if i take a minute of your time judith do you mind if you come with me to where you believe the attack happened and i can take your picture real quick this is just for records uh shake sure yeah no i'm absolutely um
Starting point is 01:23:13 that was right over right over here and she'll lead you over to the um just across from the experience where the experience africa exhibit was by where there's a sign saying coming spring 2019 african penguin habitat kind of deal and she says it was kind of right around right over here i looked over there and i came out of the brush and the the whole time that she's speaking sort of candidly i'm going to switch between taking pictures with our new camera and with my phone just to get little snapshots of her okay vince question real quick is are the animals in their exhibits or they've just all been put away or something like are they visible they've all been put away yeah so you know how like you have the the the public viewing area where they're kind of
Starting point is 01:23:56 out and then they bring them back for like feeding time or stuff like that for the night they're kind of in those those housing areas behind the main exhibit while judith is uh distracted could i attempt to just kind of like leisurely sneak away yeah yeah roll um dexterity plus now actually i i'll say you won't even have to roll because uh colette is with her okay it has pulled her away so you could go kind of do whatever you want to do yeah without even like trying to do anything she's just kind of looking around her own head and she just wanders away towards the tiger exhibit got it uh vince really quickly are there any employees that i see with key cards near cut or nearby that i can walk forward no no looks like the looks like apart from judith
Starting point is 01:24:44 that's it me okay and judith is like you should like give a reason to try to find other employees well they can't show us the employee area that kind of thing yeah i'm going to call it ask to see the employee area so i can get a key um is there any way we could see the employee area i know that part of my team wants to know how many personnel are on uh campus i don't know what you call it so uh the job i mean so i'm at right now we're on a skeleton crew we have people that come in and then the morning and the after the morning afternoon evening to make sure that the animals are fed and cared for but for the most part we're a skeleton girl right now we want to kind of stay out of your way um really and uh just so that we're we're clear uh judith
Starting point is 01:25:34 nobody will be coming onto the site at night is that correct that is crush you can be and the only the only reason i add that's for that's for your guys's safety is the only reason i ask absolutely no that's fair yeah do you have like a schedule of when things usually go down in this area just so we know so we can try and keep things from popping off when there are people uh yeah so um typically at about seven a.m we have the morning crew show up uh noon we'll have the afternoon crew and then uh seven at night while this is happening vince i'm going to go ahead and do uh puppetry zero vitality and uh because it are they paying attention because they're just talking to everybody and kind of so i'm going to see if i can get them to subtly knock their key
Starting point is 01:26:25 thing to the ground okay um if i can see that mia is trying this i'm going to go oh you know what judith i would really love just one more picture i'm realizing that for our record thumbs up we need to get this perspective of the the africa experience could you just pose there for for me for a moment okay all right um roll your charisma plus leadership okay i like how uh mia for the puppetry how many vitality are you spending well uh because if they're not paying attention i can it's zero vitality okay or i was about to say one is more complex it's like i think for one i can really possess them so they can do more but i just really kind of want the like the body to knock it off to the ground okay all right yeah we'll
Starting point is 01:27:13 see we'll see how you roll all right um are you i have seven dice i get to roll um okay okay yeah okay all right mostly all twos but i got in eight in a six okay um so it's not it's i can blow like wind to also distract it's just no to distract her you reach out and you just you become cognizant of the these threads these silver threads kind of that you can see and pluck and manipulate and she reaches down at your will and unclips the carabiner from her belt with the keys on it but then looks down and realizes that they're in her hand fuck okay now let's do the vitality for sure okay all again let's do yeah difficulties gonna go up so give it another shot oh Jesus all right all right we got what are zeros again
Starting point is 01:28:32 i got uh and fives that pass no who cares i got two ten i got two fives two tens and eight in a seven oh that's a cool and i got one too those are four successes yes because i did increase the difficulty yeah so she kind of just you pluck a strand and her hand just kind of releases the keys okay so are you gonna try to snag those or i'm because because she's a realized she dropped them uh is there a way i can because we're by the bush right we were they they were standing by the bush correct uh they were in the not right next to it they were coming in the area it's gonna have to get caught in the bush to go all right i'm gonna try to catch it okay yeah just some floating keys is there is there like a billboard or something like a flyer with weight nearby
Starting point is 01:29:28 something like a clipboard i don't know something like that roll perception plus alertness okay where is this going i have no idea somewhere good i think abzur is just watching the keys move around he's just kind of going yeah this is yeah yeah two two crits but also one so one success you see nothing yeah you see nothing that would work you see a flyer but this is a this is a heavy carabiner with multiple keys on there and no one i'm like i was so distraught judith i need you to stand still stand still please there's something i'm picking up on the camera please stand still oh my god oh my god what the fuck bin bin what is happening come over here you have to look at this bin logan look at this
Starting point is 01:30:18 and i will roll charisma plus uh roll manipulation plus uh uh empathy it's gonna release the flyer and throw it like it's a moment oh my god actually manipulate i'm sorry manipulation plus centrifuge can i help her with this by trying to like lean over and look really concerned at whatever yeah um um uh let's uh yeah so you roll as well what what is it i have a manipulation plus sub-refuge oh shit i'm terrible i have a crit success and uh normals to success the success so it's two successes i got a nine so three successes okay so so she um she kind of is like what the fuck you're talking about so she seems to have forgotten about the keys but you don't have a lot
Starting point is 01:31:05 of time so he's got to grab these fucking things they don't want to grab and you got to manifest so i i i'm uh i you know what i'm gonna have to manifest yep uh and try to dive out the way so they don't see me all right roll uh so spend your one or two vitality whoever what you want to do it and then roll um roll that stealth this is gonna be great i'm not sure what do you think if anyone else had a better idea let me know because i don't have good i'm just kind of distract we need the keys just in case if we need to get into the animal pen area that's why no no no there could be one still inside that's where if we if you humans need to get in there that's why we can have access maybe we can just want to remind you we drop we have the ability to
Starting point is 01:31:58 this time it wasn't me you can walk through the walls well i know i can but what if the humans need to hunt all the ghosts all right you know what drop the keys and fuck off me i was trying to do is that me it's like she sees that it's not worth it drops the keys and just walks off don't waste our successes i i'm just saying you guys don't want me to do it what's the point you don't know we don't want to do it this is all you baby so what did you roll for your dexterity plus stealth just out of curiosity or did you even roll yet i didn't even roll yet because that's because every let's see what let's see what happens yeah i mean it's all right all right i don't know fair enough fair enough fair enough all right so it was stealth plus our
Starting point is 01:32:40 fuck off station uh i got a one and a six and a four so zero successes um so all of a sudden uh judith becomes aware of somebody standing over her that she hasn't fucking seen before so she walks over her shoulder and goes ah oh it's okay judo um uh no i'm with Orpheus didn't you hear me uh how many i'm out of curiosity how many vitality you spend a manifest it was just one oh no wait no wait wait wait because you can either control part of it oh fuck you're scaring you like a normal two is normal two two looks up here's normal one is your you're like a ball of glowing twine damn it all right two it is because this chick is gonna freak the f out okay so hi hello judith stand back you have
Starting point is 01:33:39 to stand back what the fuck is going on why are you acting you are fucking crazy what is happening right now i don't know we're gonna see it again can i disappear really quick wait wait if i just appeared for a second i could just disappear really quick so they can yeah i'm just gonna go away because they just saw like a flash of it pretend and we're like pretend nothing happened just pretend nothing happened hey guys why don't you all why don't you all talk about the case hey judith why don't i why don't i walk you back to the gate let's have a chat i wasn't happening nothing happened okay judith come on come on let's go fuck you what is this i'm not there and i
Starting point is 01:34:25 can i expend a one vitality whale just to try to do this because this is uh spiraling i did it one day anyway so role manipulation plus empathy mad the things we do for keys things we do for keys i'm so mad at everything right now it's not your fault i'm just i'm mad i'm mad right now you're good you're good you haven't been a ghost in a minute it makes sense that you're like crazy shit yeah she didn't she you weren't out of body at all in the last one no she's not a dumb ass that's why i'm like i'm making dumbest choices no it happens i i have four successes with the one so three successes okay yeah easy enough um that you
Starting point is 01:35:19 kind of how does it look how do you do it again is it more of a whisper is it more of a chant how does that look it's more of a whisper this time so like because i'm not manifested right now so i'm just gonna come right up in front of her and it'd be like relax you're safe and everything's fine the for those of you in spirit form and those of you with these this dead eye ability that you can kind of see you you see the air around her kind of shimmer as your words kind of take shape and she this weight just visibly fades from her shoulders and she kind of just relaxes a bit that kind of frightened animal luck that she had going on like just she's like fucking okay this whole thing is fucking crazy but i'll go with you fine okay thanks
Starting point is 01:36:12 no i'm just gonna kind of lead judith away i'm gonna say listen judith judith i'm i'm sorry about all that between you and me uh we have a couple uh this is what we would consider the easier mission so we have a couple of uh trainees with us um which is why sometimes they get a little over excited i assure you that just make her settle crazy with the f i'm just gonna be right there the whole time going like that saying that okay no that's that's fine that's fine um what else do you need from me uh i think we're i think we're honestly good right now uh if you think of anything else here um here's my card if you have any think of anything else that you want to say just give me a call otherwise we'll we'll reach out to you okay yeah you have my number here's keys um don't
Starting point is 01:37:01 forget to lock up if you leave see you on wednesday thank you very much yeah very nice everybody very nice the collective teamwork is the same thing i enjoy most of all of this we almost got it we were so close why were we getting the keys i wasn't sure what the plan was either i i apologize i thought that you guys would like the keys because if something were to happen while you're in your human form you at least had the keys but that was me overthinking again no it's a good idea love you yeah hall and i can drop out of form and be ghosts like right off it makes sense though i appreciate that was really thoughtful of you but also i was thinking if they're wild animals around and you're in your human form and they trample you you're in real big danger but then again
Starting point is 01:37:57 that's just me i mean obviously if we die it's not the end so we're just stuck here anyway fair enough i'm mad i just wasted like two vitality for nothing and will power don't forget and will power yeah that's right why don't we take a walk around we're not going for a second yeah yeah we did that's good good job everybody we almost stole something from our client good good work who warmed up just some practice it's maybe you you have to at least like congratulate us on sticking with the team oh it was excellent teamwork up until right at the end where everything fell apart that's fine yeah so um shall we go investigate yeah where are we off to koa i was thinking maybe you could
Starting point is 01:38:54 do your thing in the uh where the outbreak started okay do we know where the first that's fine so where was the source of the outbreak like who was the first animal well i don't know that we know that i definitely should have asked okay i wanted to go actually to see the elephant exhibits i think okay okay okay yeah easy enough um i i'll also point out at least one of you is probably noticed by not that levinia oh i know i know levinia is not there what's levinia doing uh levinia just goes to the tiger exhibit the tiger the lion exhibit tiger exhibit she goes to a tiger she's looking for the tiger exhibit got it okay got and when she finds it she doesn't see a tiger right no she does not she's going to like her she just seems very focused
Starting point is 01:39:55 on the tiger exhibit and she will walk through the bars okay probably costing her a willpower right well one vitality one vitality yep um and then is there a door or something she could go through yep she'll probably open the door and see if she sees a tiger on the other side well you can you can just pass through at this point yeah okay that's fine then i'll pass through um yeah they're they're in their um their cages in the rear so there's still something between me and them a cage yeah correct i'll come a little bit closer to the cage and i'm like looking at one of them and just kind of under my breath i seem kind of fascinated by them i just start reciting tiger tiger burning bright in the forest of the night what immortal hand or eye
Starting point is 01:40:58 dare frame thy fearful symmetry i'm just kind of like staring at the tiger seeing if it's you know acknowledging me at all or anything is that looking at you i'll slowly start to put my hand through the the metal immediately it snarls ears put back against its head and it swipes out this massive paw and of course doesn't connect but it retreats to the corner it tackles raised and growls in your direction though i don't have a heart i would i would assume some semblance of like adrenaline kind of rushes through me because it's still a serious intense moment right but yeah i recall that it can't really harm me and i kind of pull back and then i think i'll just go find the others after that okay yeah so i know like we were asking where the outbreak happened
Starting point is 01:41:58 but they said they put them all in like controlled um uh like quartered units so i guess it could be like anywhere on the premises right or at least backstage i don't know well it sounds to me i just they said that they put them all in one area because they were opening like a special africa exhibit right yeah okay now what is well we're looking at that exhibit fans what is like is the what is the size of of that exhibit so it's pretty big like um sure yeah it's pretty big it covers it covers like the almost the uh most of that middle section of the park right so each one has its own separate habitat but they're all kind of in concentric circles around one another so you have the area for the lions the area for the elephant the rhino the mandrills like all of these
Starting point is 01:42:51 and they're all kind of just spread out around the central area where you can easily walk to and get an access and view any of the other habitats got it so to the elephant exhibit yes because more yeah which is more on the southern the southern side of the uh the experience africa exhibit or what was the experience africa exhibit before you know animals started dying um right so yeah you had south and uh easily find the the elephant exhibit okay are you gonna fire a boat yes how many months was it during uh when this incident happened it was pretty recent it was it was we're talking weeks yeah okay so how much how much i'm sorry disregard i i misspoke it was in june and it is now uh october yeah so it was a couple months back
Starting point is 01:43:48 right um so how much right how much vitality would you like me to expend so we will do in this case let's check here and see what uh what our options are so for that let us do um four vitality four vitality four vitality yep and that'll be perception plus empathy perception while they're doing that i'll probably you know livinia will probably have strode up and yep she's just going to stride up next to mia and just say you know why african animals don't play games don't you mia oh because the sun never sets on africa is that the toto song is that how it goes well no no the rain wait wait what is it bless the rain that's because the rain is blessed in africa or something like that no it's because
Starting point is 01:44:46 there's too many cheetahs actually i have something for you this is the whole thing i learned in my pi i want to know if you can do this a man kills his wife with a knife in their car and nobody was around to see it then he throws her body out of the car and is careful not to leave any fingerprints on her he then throws the knife into the river where it will never ever be found and he goes home two hours later the cops call him and tell him that his wife has been murdered and that he needs to come to the scene of the crime as soon as possible when he arrives they arrest him how did they know how did they know that he murdered his wife livinia looks extremely turned on and but she says she says nothing and gets she says nothing and mulls it over
Starting point is 01:45:40 can i guess hold on oh is this a thing no no no no you can guess but no but but i want to see little miss riddler sure because the riddler wants i know riddler gets off on this stuff really quick everyone else can do actually if logan beats vidian yes logan looks just looks at his look and is like oh never mind and like walks away uh i surgeo did not hear half of it so uh could you send it to me could you send it to me in our discord and i can think about it because surgeo is not i will send it i'll send it to you i'll be like think about it and then i'm gonna walk away while this is going on what did you get there koa
Starting point is 01:46:22 uh what was the what was the dc for that so that would have been um sorry um so the dc would have been six six okay so i four five sorry five five so i four successes okay actually no i'm sorry it is six i stand corrected then i have four successes four success is perfect okay i'm gonna look at all of them really quick and roll my eyes and then just like turn pitch black as i forebode can i while she's doing this take a picture of koa doing this like get out in front of her and take a picture with the camera absolutely i'm gonna kind of watch from a distance and try and like figure out the mechanics of what she's doing so i can maybe figure out how to do it at some point in the future got it okay you see her just kind of
Starting point is 01:47:10 almost whispering to herself and then her eyes kind of glaze over and you're no longer there you go back to four months ago and with that number of successes you're actually able to see and hear what took place and you can move around to watch from different angles but you go back and you're focusing on i'm guessing when the first death occurred yeah the first death of the curd that and if i can throughout that time figure out how quickly the outbrokes spread and get a general feeling of how all of these animals felt and how they reacted and if i could when they started manifesting and how they were reacting to their manifestations right yeah so that'll be kind of i don't know that'd be kind of
Starting point is 01:48:03 tough because different things would have been happening at different places within the zoo um because you do realize you know one of the elephants is is down lying on its side obviously having difficulty breathing um and expires shortly thereafter um as you know zookeepers are trying to because it's tough it would be tough to get the elephant to the animal hospital on the other side of the park so they're trying to treat treat it there um if you had to guess with uh the amount of time it's kind of tough to pin down a sequence of events because things have a tendency to jump around and you don't exactly have like a reference to like a calendar or a clock so it's hard to tell when things happened but you know the outbreaks from what you could tell the outbreaks spread
Starting point is 01:48:49 quickly um the zoo seemed almost the zookeeper seemed almost overwhelmed with the speed at which it it spread amongst the animals but they were able to get everyone segregated uh relatively quickly and keep it from spreading any further um but uh it might have been maybe 24 to 48 hours when that elephant shows back up in its habitat and then walks through the bars were the animals in great duress at the time of them or at least the elephant for since i'm primarily focusing on that animal was it in great duress before it died it was yeah couldn't breathe panicking fearful and in pain hey folks we're back thanks for sticking with us sorry about that just some quick technical difficulties but we're obviously back up and running and uh ready to get
Starting point is 01:49:47 into this so uh nicoa uh you are going to roll perception plus alertness to see if you notice anything and i believe you said you spent a point of destiny to do what they had to add just add to add an additional dice to the pool love it go for it difficult it's going to be six so anything over six everything over six that's five successes beautiful okay yeah um you can see and you were looking just if anything stood out as out of the ordinary as as yeah a normal behavior like uncommon responses i expect people to be upset but right i want to see if there's something more to that with that you are definitely keyed in and on the the facial expressions the mannerisms the general demeanor of these people as they kind of worry about this
Starting point is 01:50:48 habitat you know caring for the elephant then removing the body um it is nothing stands out to you like everything is is this appears to be entirely a tragic event that nobody necessarily foresaw or um was maybe responsible for this is more of a an unexpected occurrence that they they essentially just focused all their attention and effort on containing and mitigating and then you know mourning after the fact mourning the loss of these animals nothing stands out to you as being as being odd because if there's one more i think i could ask um was there another elephant alongside this with a snuffy there was yep can i tell how their overall reactions in general demeanors were prior and post yeah so it looks like so it looked like the elephant uh
Starting point is 01:51:48 this elephant uh did get sick but recovered so it was successfully treated and recovered and so would still be present was it sad yes yes fence you're not supposed to say that leg is going to think about that for like the next month now i know i know i'm sorry i'm sorry um like how some people can see auras you can perceive emotion and you can tell by certain colors and certain intensities and certain vibrations just the general baseline emotion of what any given thing might be feeling at any given time i mean that that's what you reach out to ensue with your abilities as a banshee um and yeah you definitely pick up on that okay well if there isn't anything else then i'll i'll come back okay and uh collette you took a picture of her
Starting point is 01:52:45 while she was doing this right yeah yeah just as she entered for boat and for you the image that is that that is uh digitally captured because this is a digital camera um is it's really the lenses and some of the internal components that are doing the work with this thing uh the image is it's almost like it was with levinia but brighter like there's this this flare up of vitality as she is using this ability and gazing forth and it's like it's brilliant and it's and almost in its majesty right it's just a very bright silhouetted flared up uh figure typically we have to find tethers we have to find connections that these people still have but these aren't people and these animals seem to have died of a unfortunate but relatively natural cause i
Starting point is 01:53:36 have to admit i'm a little stumped as to how we proceed well so you would know levinia with your training and and with uh you know especially with reviewing the uh if you if you have reviewed the handbook and and everything at the request of your of your your crucible leader uh your lead investigator um salvation missions are the ones that typically call for the resolution of tethers of resolution of strands to free the spirit when it comes to fumigation it is it is to to quote the very clinical uh terminology of orpheus a little more than a sustained quasi physical assault on a post-life entity's gauze to render it in court to to negate its existence so it's essentially to assail it until it's gone so effectively a strong whale might do the job
Starting point is 01:54:23 or something like that you're saying yep yep just hit it until it disappears is really what fumigation boils basically we're selling up ambushes for the animals yes i'm down i guess what i'm getting at is we should change our focus to preparing for this evening when these things likely will manifest i agree i think we pick uh uh i think we well i might as well start with the element since we have information on that um go ahead nicole oh nicole was just gonna because uh i'm gonna pull a cigarette out because i need to get some vitality back um and use memorial to give me two vitality um but i also how does that look how does that i'm just like just i'm curious how does that look like making that cigarette manifest and how does that uh okay i'm
Starting point is 01:55:17 just like shilling through my pockets and then i'm just pulling out a pack and i'm just like tacky tapping the pack um and i'll pull it out throw it in my mouth light it and then as i like blowing out the smoke the smoke just kind of flows out and then it just flows back in and like that and i've just got my hand stuff in my pockets can i go through though i'm gonna walk toward can i go in the back where the elephant is the the lat the one who survived yep um and i just want to like go and like just kind of like observe it for a moment and try to see if i can just get an initial impression on how it's feeling or what it's doing yeah it's a big enclosure right so like there there's a floor area and then there's a like kind of like a second
Starting point is 01:56:03 floor uh balcony where you can kind of look down into the enclosure and see it because it you know they have them um in these big enough areas where they can kind of walk around and have freedom of movement when they're outside of their their habitat um and it's just kind of it's just the remaining elephant is just kind of hanging out there um definitely it's hard to gauge emotion uh just by looking at it but you get you can feel it kind of coming off at being a banshee uh and there's definitely loneliness yeah is there something is there's something on the exhibit that suggests that this was like a part of a breeding program or like they were like yeah okay oh yeah yep 100 percent why do we have to take it here folks man it this is
Starting point is 01:57:00 getting sad we've got to ask you gave us animals for dumb though i'm gonna cry this one is trunk this one's name is trunks trunks um i i have a weird question so i know that like humans can't or things that are in the physical world can't really harm ghosts physically right correct can ghosts harm my physical form physically i'm a human can it ghost beat me up if they if they manifest yeah they're blibs and it from from what she described judith did it sound that that lion was manifested in her uh because she could see it because she could see it it was manifesting you would you would know it's manifested because if it didn't manifest she wouldn't be able to perceive it um but because she was able to it was manifested
Starting point is 01:57:49 got it uh while all this is happening i'm gonna start just like moving some of the like supplies from the car into the employee area just so we have a little bit of a base camp set up got it easy enough yeah there's locker rooms for folks to change your showers again like a little kitchen at break area i mean it's nothing it's nothing significant because again this is an area for sustained um presence you know like overnight kind of thing but it's good enough for your needs for what you need it for i'll like roll out some of the bed rolls and make it somewhere that like if colette and i need to drop out we can drop out there yeah what were you gonna say abner um nicoa um i was just gonna ask if you're comfortable putting snuffles out of his misery
Starting point is 01:58:42 i can put snuffles you don't have to put it that way i can help snuffles reach the other side abner just fine i think snuffles is not the least of our worries well i figure we start with an easy one and branch out from there so then we we stake out the the elephant this evening yeah i think so unless anyone else that well maybe i mean they're they're animals folks i mean maybe we can stand to split up a little bit sure i was gonna say do you want to try and hit more than one the thing is is every group's gotta have someone willing to put the dog down well i mean they're confused right they're just they're lost that's all it is right and we're
Starting point is 01:59:33 taking them home right if that helps you to think of it that way then yes well how is it really then how is it really then maybe like what's the real answer if that's not the answer do we know i don't know we're shredding their gauze because like yeah so so nobody with your training and abner with your experience um nobody really knows what the difference is between what you did with christopher allen and then what you did with what you do with something that you essentially shred their gauze until they can no longer hold their form together um is it like a are you destroying the soul and so it fades into non-existence and oblivion is it do they move on that's that's the side of the veil no one's been passed yet
Starting point is 02:00:25 yeah so we just don't know but at the end of the day it's better for them than what's happening right now we can't know that we though have an opportunity tonight and for the remainder of the night so we have though to observe and see if there is a better possible way to improve how we handle these situations when they come up so be mindful of what you see and see what we can do for them right i think co is right and like we were told they already don't know enough about what this is like them being animals them do they have a soul do they not we could get some answers and maybe we're the ones that find that out but it is also not an excuse for us to not do our jobs
Starting point is 02:01:12 at the end of the day right i i can pull the trigger if they're confused i want to help them and if that's the only answer we have i'll stick with that one okay so yeah maybe we should spread up for a little bit two groups okay so who wants the who wants the deal with snuffles well i will be snuffles i'll stay here with coa okay one more maybe i can stay okay and then the rest of us will go hit the lion well i feel like the lion's gonna be the harder one let's take the harder one up first then all right you still the lion the lion has a habit of manifestation so we should actually observe how it's doing that so it's don't normally do that kind of thing we'll begin by observing see what we can gather standard recon yeah it's
Starting point is 02:02:10 probably for the best i mean i think personally i think mopping the elephant up is probably fine but again words terminologies and our sensitivities i have something i want to try for the the carnivores uh so maybe maybe i'll switch teams okay oh okay what are you thinking do you want me to tell you or do you want to find out i would find out that's the more fun idea yeah fine let's just wow so who's staying with me is it just me and collette that's fine with me i don't i would stick around but i want to make sure that you know you should watch the we should have the bigger team for the carnivore no then collette and i should be fine yeah we got it covered we're out of zoo we're just gonna watch the animals
Starting point is 02:03:07 and then i'm gonna lean slaughter i'm gonna lean towards no co and be like i'm i'll i'll circle back i just really love lines you know that i just just i'm just gonna observe let me know what you see okay every split as the day goes i'm gonna go drop and be a ghost now okay where do you uh keep your your where do you keep your body where are you gonna say where you keep your meat i wasn't gonna let you get away with it yeah yeah yeah uh i think i just set up a little like in the little camp i set up in the employee area i think there's like a bed roll that i just popped down and don't forget now that you're out of your body you'll have to spend one vitality per hour to maintain your your body yeah or i can just not take the intro right is that an option
Starting point is 02:04:01 you could yeah you could take the injury yep okay who's to say i don't know i just like knowing um not long after we decide to split up into our groups uh levinia will return to mia and just you know kind of say like while while looking around not making eye contact mm-hmm so he killed his wife mm-hmm the cops called him yes and he showed up in the scene of the crime that is correct well that's why they arrested him they didn't tell him where the scene of the crime was i will turn smirk and be like that is correct levinia would just be like excellent good job me is all of her hate what levinia like thought in her mind
Starting point is 02:04:56 all the like air horns sergio yes levinia it's like it just takes a little while to let it sit in her mind and it's it was like a medium difficulty for her okay but for sergio it was extremely difficult i was i was gonna i was gonna i forgot to write to you like sergio if you want the answer just text no no it's all good i i figured out reading the text enough times that's the trick you gotta read it right yeah beautiful that's that's the trick you need to absorb the information exactly congrats though that's awesome so i'd say it's probably early afternoon at this point are we waiting till night before we start hunting or are we kind of just uh gonna gonna find places to hang out and sit and surveil i think we're sir i think we're mostly in
Starting point is 02:05:46 surveillance mode got it okay yeah i just know i'm going to sit on top of a a roof that's like nothing too big like a snack shack or something just so i could see a little bit more of the area easy enough and and vivian you're with the carnivore group right yeah okay the only the only other thing i want to do is at a certain point maybe as the sun's going down or something i'll probably sit close to viv or you know whatever she's up to and just say vivian have you been listening to the radio lately yes did you notice what i noticed there's the full recap of everything that we did right hundred percent yeah that's uh riddle i'd love to solve i think i just assumed that you would know something about it because it was slippery it's certainly on my radar but i mean
Starting point is 02:06:41 do you think he do you think they're dead why is that only we can hear it they would have to be dead that's i they're either i mean i guess they don't have to be dead they could just be either a part of orpheus or a part of another group like that but it kind of seems like they're they live on the other side maybe next time we're at orpheus we ask kate if they know anything about this radio because if they don't work for orpheus it's a very intelligent resourceful spirit that's only talking to to dead people yeah i'd certainly love to bring them into the fold or at the same time wouldn't it be nice to have sort of a private channel right you're right about that we'll have to ask uh nicole about this as well we'll we'll see what what they're about and then
Starting point is 02:07:38 then we'll tell mom oh i'm glad i'm not going crazy i'm not the only one that heard it no if you're going crazy we're all going crazy all right so are you trying to be sneaky trying to uh i think carnivore kind of probably trying to lay low yeah i think carnivore so much is in so much as you can hide from a lion sure right fair enough okay so let's see how we resolve uh something with a group a group trying to do um so let's see teamwork it does make the dream work um so you all can roll separately and add your successes together um however be be cognizant that one person's botch can spoil the entire thing so uh team carnivore which would be abner logan levinia mia and viv go ahead roll your stealth or dexterity plus stealth dexterity okay difficulty
Starting point is 02:08:38 is going to be six so i only get two meets it beats it meets it beats it cool one two i have four successes so no successes at all i had a crit and then a pass so i thought that cancelled it out but if not it's a one in a seven okay yeah so that does um so let me just double check and see what considers a botch uh yeah and just to be clear a crit is a 10 but one in ten oh right yep uh so for a botch i'm sorry um if so no successes at all and one or more one so so that doesn't qualify for uh mia because you had a success but the one cancelled it out yeah abner how many successes did you have any successes at all i had zero successes did you have any ones i did not i rolled two twos okay so no botches okay good so no botches um but thankfully with those eight
Starting point is 02:09:57 successes um you all find a pretty good spot to to set up um so we'll say that you all are positioned and find a good spot to kind of where where abouts in the park are you bringing your line exhibit it let me the most yeah probably i mean certainly where they manifested last so okay perfect um team herbivore team elephant where are you at um i think we're just waiting outside the elephant exhibit because i've seen the manifestation at like coming out of the bars of the exhibit and then walking on so we're just there trying to be stealthy or just kind of hanging out just hanging out i don't the the elephant never displayed aggressive tendencies so i don't think they're going to jump us um so i'm just smoking a cigarette and just waiting for for it um and technically elephants
Starting point is 02:10:48 can't even jump so sure all right you yeah you just now made me realize i've never seen an elephant jump they can't what if it's like from one elevation that they're on to a lower elevation they can't i think that would be qualifies a step more like a fall yeah a stumble but can go skeletons jump though i mean i would assume if they have white ones definitely properties to beautiful um so yeah what do you all say if we talk about anything while you wait um i would like to call talk to colette as we're waiting around um as i'm kind of like smoking my cigarette eventually just go um you know i've been kind of meaning to talk to you uh i actually wanted to apologize to you about a couple of things if you had a second yeah i've had time for you coa but
Starting point is 02:11:47 you don't have anything to apologize for i at least want to just put it out there um i know that um at the end of christopher's investigation we had a really interesting exit i guess um and you saw something i don't normally like others to see i try to keep my vitality in check because i know that it can be very off putting to see what one actually looks like like so i wanted to apologize if i made you uncomfortable or are you are you sorry that i saw you yeah i know that it can unsettle some people especially those who are not trained to do that i just wanted to apologize well if that was a concern you don't unsettle me nothing about that worried me other than knowing that you were in pain like that someday
Starting point is 02:12:52 it didn't scare me and it didn't unsettle me okay i just wanted to at least extend that to you because some i don't know be mindful do you uh do you have trouble with that for with no no i understand why the way i look it's just that many others don't and the living can the quicks can take it how they will you know and i don't want you're young you're new to this program i don't want you to have to see all of the gruesome corners of it just off the bat well i know you and that was you and that's enough for me and always will be and the second thing i want to apologize for is the i believe we got a little bit off foot about how we wanted to approach our investigation with you weren't wrong to do what you did with elizabeth neary at the end of it
Starting point is 02:13:58 and i was wrong to stop you from doing that um but the reason why i was so hesitant is because the nature of our job requires us to focus on christopher and not elizabeth i feel that you did not take the time to assess your surroundings there are many people who resonated with this that i don't think you even realize and then knowledge and your lack of focus can be detrimental christopher is an easy job we won't have the luxury eventually there are spirits out here who are malevolent and will do whatever they can and do to survive i don't want your heart to be the thing that they use against you i think you're right i mean you have to be right i can't get wrapped up like i did every
Starting point is 02:15:03 single time that we find something like that and i i know koa i know my i've known my whole life that that is my issue but part of me figures that if you love the dead and i love the living then we're both loving who we should and together you and i make a pretty good team i guess we do i don't hate the living though just know that no i mean you hang out with me quite a bit so i would be a little worried if you did you're just using me for smokes or something you want to do that right no of course not never never never um but just think about it we have a task i got my eyes on it i'm with you i i'm learning i swear i swear i did not read the manual like ab
Starting point is 02:16:03 asked me to but i am listening to you he made you read the manual it was a nightmare it was me and logan in a single room all white on the walls we were sitting in a single desk he kept looking at me ab kept looking at me he's got these eyes these shifty little bd eyes it's scary well if you read the manual when we were training maybe you wouldn't have had to do that you know plus you guys are making me look bad i really need you guys to get your shit together oh come on did you see the pi i couldn't make anybody look bad i'm doing just as well as anybody else in my eyes tell that to kate fair point fair point fair point fair point what are the odds i heard any of that you're with us you're with us oh yeah i thought i thought we were i'm sorry i thought we were
Starting point is 02:17:00 i got mixed up my bad no you're good no no team herbivores i'm just eating fucking bushes team carnivore is like fucking camouflage painted up uh what is team carnivore doing just real quick i do end up showing uh koa the picture i took oh yeah there you go and yeah koa you see yourself kind of flared up i just wanted to show you like look how bright you are it's crazy so that's what it looks like cool interesting i think team carnivore's goal is to see the lion manifest try to observe its habits if it has a pattern and just kind of you deduce anything we can before we start interacting with it yeah does does anyone have uh like a piece of chalk or uh sharpie something that i can make a
Starting point is 02:17:57 mark with i've got one like in a bag somewhere yeah and if not i'm sure there's one in the employee room that we have you know viv you asking for something just made me think i have well i have the ability to separate a piece of myself from myself and by doing so it might look like a hunk of meat and maybe you would attract the wine yes interesting combo the i'm gonna go get the the thing the stick the mark making something that's not okay okay do that okay and then i'm gonna i have to show you did you do it is it happening if that's what you want me to do then i'll like what like maybe we find like an open space where we know that it manifested okay yes so levinia has uh the a bit of the stain called leper in which she can separate a part of herself
Starting point is 02:18:57 oh yeah to to kind of leave usually it's like good for like observing stuff i think she's going to do that and use her uh hue ability to not suffer the the detriments of this uh thing so i think it's uh two vitality two vitality to do that and i suppose she'll just like she'll disconnect an arm she'll like kind of pull her arm out of her socket now it just looks like a hunk of flesh and she'll put it down see if it'll attract the uh the lion she's missing her left she's missing her right hand because she writes with her left okay yeah um viv's gonna take that arm and write for sarabi that was a lion right yep cool spend a vitality to write that and um when the poltergeist writes something the words bleed they do so it'll the arm will be covered in
Starting point is 02:20:00 blood yeah maybe like a scent thing okay that is a horrible creepy creepy thing so uh huh uh huh yeah yeah um says the one who inhabits cars oh no um yeah or you can rip it out no that's right you can write words that bleed can't you can't that's fucking wild sure can yep all right yeah so you write for sarabi with this uh we'll say a piece of chalk easy enough to find um and yeah that's grody and then we'll wait see if uh it brings its attention what i like about this is that we have a renewable source of faith you do that's true yeah i mean this arm is disgusting it is decayed looking is like covered in pustules with this black acre just kind of seeping out from it
Starting point is 02:21:15 um be as appetizing as we think it is oh it's a lion though it's fucking yeah they're not gonna need something decayed oh no i'll i will eat whatever it needs to eat it's a unique smell it's a unique smell that holds you all the thing i don't care if it'll at least be it'll at least be interested in it just so you know mia is gagging even though she doesn't have stomach technically it's this this is that kind of gore is triggering her something from her just you know like yeah pretty pretty sorry mia are you okay yeah that's just whoo i didn't want to give you another reason not to like me but well um actually so i apologize so so writing the words bleed if you have a high spite rating
Starting point is 02:22:09 what is your spite my spite is four what's your what's your vitality vitality is currently with what i just spent five okay yeah um so it's not at that it has to be usually on par with your vitality but you know it's script we'll say for purposes you're able to you're able to to do that make that happen yeah yeah uh so spend a spend of vitality for that just one or two one okay cool yeah uh okay so oh go ahead what are you gonna say something i was just gonna say i like sidle up alongside uh viv as she's doing this and go yeah is this your is this your crazy plan that you had earlier yes yes it is i'm i'm glad it made it way stronger levina's arm yeah i was gonna ask did you was the arm always a part of the plan
Starting point is 02:23:05 no it was just good timing what were you gonna use instead i was just gonna color like a really big shape in the ground and it was just going to be like a square i want to try that later this is cool yeah i honestly i wanted to show collect because i know that she'd be excited about strong but i mean i can go get i can swap out with her if you want to show or i can go get her i'll go get her hey hey they want to show you something call they want to show you something they want to show you something okay did the lion come or are you guys like no it's just like lion planning it's cool lion planning okay lion planning show it i'll swap you out and then you can come tag me back if you want to be with the elephant okay so are you trying to be sneaky with
Starting point is 02:23:59 you're moving away from your place of hiding probably we're not hiding they're hiding yeah so i'll try to be sneaky and are you gonna be are you gonna try to like sneak and like get to their hiding place their collette or wait can i instead can i like ripcord back to my body and so i don't have to sneak there and then i can just go tell collette like a roundabout way oh uh or is ripcording going to also break stealth no ripcording wouldn't break stealth i mean you're gonna take a level of bashing damage so okay yeah you can do that cool then i snap back and then i tell collette and then i say okay here's where we and i tell her like where we are and how we're hiding be sneaky okay yeah i got you okay
Starting point is 02:24:55 yeah i'll sneak over there roll uh roll uh dexterity plus stealth for me god i hope you fail okay sorry terrible um what is happening right now we were doing what we do best oh i have five successes oh all right okay six six are over uh yes all six and over perfect yep okay yes so funnily enough collette super quiet super sneak some of you don't even hear her coming and suddenly she's there in collette you see these words that have bled on the pavement for sarabi and livenia's fucking arm um holy shit what oh and then i immediately catch my voice because i realized i'm being too loud and then i'll just snap it which who did this what the fuck is that is it team effort that's livenia's arm and then do you have i don't know pick a word
Starting point is 02:26:00 a word anything fuck fuck okay she writes fuck on the ground and please oh my god that's incredible please don't tell coa but this is so fucking cool she's gonna see it well okay but don't let her know i thought it was cool you were having a really good time over there and if she knows i like this this much just don't tell her oh and i'm just gonna like touch my hands to the blood and can i pick it up with my hands it's real blood right it's real blood it's real blood oh i'm gonna do like the footballing no oh no no i love blood is that mea is looking at you in total disgust and horror she's like now have gonorrhea so you left you see left hiding walked up to the place that's supposed to be the trap for the line correct correct mess with the blood and put it on your
Starting point is 02:27:06 face oh and then i yeah before i walk back silently as silently as possible i kind of like mine like i'm gonna pick up the leg not like this there's no silent at this point i didn't even know it was night time is it night time already it's kind of close yeah it's kind of close it's twilight let's review what you let's review what you just did you just took the bait and applied it to your body you're gonna walk away with that scent on your face yeah yeah you're you're you just became a target buddy i'm gonna lean to abner and be like i never thought between you and me right now you would go to this level you're no longer the most dangerous person i don't think i was i know most dangerous person but well thank you
Starting point is 02:27:58 okay colette if you're gonna if you're gonna do that you might as well hang out here and be bae if you're gonna be bae you might as well be bae i promise koa i gotta go back but colette i've heard elephants i've heard elephants can be blood thirsty colette wipe the blood off your face please okay mom i thought we were having a good time when she walks away i'll do what i'll wipe it off on my orgo vest you know when you when you run the mile and they dot your hand oh yeah it's gonna dot colette's hand she walks away okay that was disgusting i'm gonna just say that to the group and go back to my like room i'd be like what the fuck oh so colette you return to the elephant habitat yeah yeah and logan do you drop out of your body again yeah okay so roll your dexterity
Starting point is 02:28:52 plus stealth sure yes dexterity now we get the fail we all know how my roles go mm-hmm that's one success okay okay doke good to know so twilight becomes night nightfall uh colette and nicoa you uh you're standing there and and you don't know when it happens or how but eventually you become cognizant of a form of a shape coalescing in the habitat and it's gradual almost like it's reminiscent of when christopher allen first appeared to you it's almost as if there is a mist that seems to just coalesce into a form and an elephant comes into view almost like being brought into focus and stands and kind of seems to kind of wander
Starting point is 02:30:00 around the enclosure for a moment before eventually testing the bars with a trunk realizing it can fade through and phase through and then moves through the bars i'm nicole is just enamored by this whole experience i'm just watching it and observing it is it going somewhere because i just would like to casually try to follow wherever it decides to go easy yep it just seems to be it just seems to be wandering like kind of just it's out of the enclosure like let's go let's go see what's around you know okay yeah having a good time um for teen carnivore roll perception plus alertness oh god
Starting point is 02:30:48 oh yeah alertness okay uh yeah i just got a one so i got that uh but no six no successes and a one yeah all i had is one yeah i got a bot y'all all right i got five success here i got four successes got it okay um as you're standing there in the you're sitting and kind of in your spots surveilling this this little this kill zone that levinia and viv have collectively set up um collect you you happen you're with teen carnivore right no you're with your team elephant you're a team elephant yeah yeah i'm walking with koa yep mia you're up there on on the the snack shack yeah and you see the slightest ripple in the shrubbery yeah across from and you kind of get down low and try to get closer
Starting point is 02:31:55 get a better view and you you biff it off the top of that snack shack you lose your footing and you just you hit the ground and there's all of a sudden the snap of twigs and shrubbery as something bolts towards me or away from me away shit that way i'm gonna take off after it you see it you see a shape uh can i go after it and try to use my whale to calm it down you certainly can yeah so go it's so for pursuit go ahead and roll uh dexterity plus athletics hang up with this is my shit yes okay yep four successes okay i'm gonna roll for the line as well well
Starting point is 02:32:53 i'm not flying stats true is this simba or the other one so you don't you don't know i don't know you don't know yet uh what i wrote the wrong name that's i'm like god dang how many successes did you get well i mean one's gonna have a four one of them's gonna have a main and how many and you you are pursuing as well viv yeah i got three three okay yeah you're you're you don't catch up to it because this thing's booking but you see it and it looks like it is a female lion without the main uh kind of booking it for team herbivore the lion kind of leads you kind of just meanderingly to the west side of the zoo i need you both to yeah the elephant did i say lion yeah i apologize the elephant i need you both to roll uh perception plus alertness for me
Starting point is 02:33:47 i have one success okay i have four successes nice okay you you hear the snap of something or the scuff of something you hear a sound just as the lion jumps from its hiding place and latches onto the back of this elephant a different a different lion or same lion a lion with a main well that's just problem solved and begins clawing and biting and ripping and tearing at this elephant as it begins wailing with its trunk and you hear these sounds of it dying as its gauze is completely ripped asunder i rolled a quite a few successes on that um and just begins ripping the gauze of this creature apart before it completely fucking dissipates and this lion turns and looks at youtube is the elephant dead or dead dead or is it like it's gone oh it's gone it's gone let's go well that's
Starting point is 02:35:01 that's one down serabi is on the hunt so that was that was Simba that was Simba yep so go ahead and try to roll um so you're gonna try to wail right logan uh i'm gonna try to wail and call because this is a because we're after the female lion right you're after the female lion correct i'm gonna try and uh use my will to calm it down okay go ahead and roll your uh i believe it's uh sorry i just added yep roll that manipulation with sympathy correct thank you and are you spending a high tonic we just followed us a minute ago hey thank you and uh are you gonna spend any vitality um i think it's just one vitality to calm it down or can i can i you can do it with zero but you can you can give it a little more umf with one or two expenditure uh yeah i want
Starting point is 02:35:54 i'm trying pretty hard to calm it down so i'll use two okay um okay um who that's no successes but i'm going to use a point of destiny to re-roll okay and does that mean i just completely re-roll uh destiny as you roll what's that destiny adds the dice to the dice so you roll one dice one of the four guys yep that's a six that's one success got it okay um so unfortunately it stops and turns to face you okay that's something and roars and does not seem to it seems to now perceive you as a threat cool cool so um um what we are going to do now is yeah so yeah um i'm gonna make i'm gonna make it just a quick
Starting point is 02:36:55 roll uh for shits and giggles just a quick little baby roll um so with this all right so it reminds me when the t-rex came out and ate one of the things and they're like so much blood so this thing roars okay i'm gonna try and put myself in front of viv okay just all right just i want to buffer i want to be a buffer got it okay and you take three levels of lethal damage fuck damn what what as you realize this thing has just wailed whoa oh shit okay cool so you have taken three levels of lethal damage how many can i take before things are bad um so well let's look at your character sheet there so um uh
Starting point is 02:38:02 so you are you are injured right now right okay so and what that means is i have one of bashing because of recording and then yep yeah so so that that remains but with that leaf that lethal damage kind of overrides it um so yeah um being injured uh you suffer uh your movement is mildly impaired your running speed is halved okay that's cool that's cool yeah that's cool um since i'm the same type as it can i try to sever the strand rather than like destroying it can i try to sever this i can't well so what is what's it's tether yeah uh can i check for tethers like sense lifeline yeah if you want to if you want to take the opportunity to sense lifeline yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna tell the uh this seems bad we should probably get the others
Starting point is 02:39:04 but i'm also gonna try it sounds lifeline okay um you sense nothing cool good to know yep you sense nothing um adnor yes is can i quickly run around and look for like a golf cart some kind of a a front loader yeah roll roll perception roll perception plus alertness we'll see if you notice anything for team herbivore who is now confronted by the other line um um let's see what happens here he had a lion's ass that's the plan oh yeah or eat who knows i had eat but i wanted to i wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt it charges oh lord and we are going to five eight dice let me see here eight dice eight dice put some of those down you can go ahead and put some of those down she's like
Starting point is 02:40:09 all right just because you've got a bunch of new dice events doesn't mean you use them oh i don't like that number that sounded intense i don't like yeah i don't like your your face right so that's only two successes um so yeah uh let's see you know what's going on with uh what were you doing there um was somebody doing something all i know is that if i heard uh like a roar coming from the direction logan and viv went levinia's instinct is i i'm i'm especially with it being as powerful as like a whale i think her instinct is to run over to nicoa and collette and let them know not knowing that they're also dealing with the lion she's just gonna run and she's gonna try to find them oh no lion to lion um so wait who who did that did that lion make contact with somebody
Starting point is 02:41:04 um it did not it did not okay so it charges you coa okay and it it leaps but you managed to just kind of step to the side yeah okay um as its weight carries its forward what did you roll adnor i rolled two successes two successes okay um you see you see a golf cart but you're gonna have it's like a ways away you're gonna have to book it over there oh it's the only option i have to do any kind of damage so i'm okay for it all right so everyone let's go ahead and roll our initiative nice so everybody roll your uh you're gonna roll dexterity uh your one dice your one die and add it to your dexterity plus widths and it's a d10 dexterity right or or just the one die just the one die yep you just roll one die 15 15 okay i'm sorry can you walk me through how
Starting point is 02:42:02 that works one more time yep so the way it works is you roll one d10 and so say you roll a five you then add that to whatever your dexterity plus your widths is i see okay yep so logan you got a 15 yes i also got a 15 let's go i got a seven okay a slow old man such as i am i got a 13 okay mimi mia what'd you get i i got a 14 okay what'd you get oh 15 all right oh so logan 15 lovinia 15 15 yeah okay um so with that i think it's a good spot to stop oh i had a sus i had a i had a gut feeling i was like wait he i had a gut feeling you were gonna do this wow but when you made us roll initiative i thought we were going well we'll uh we'll pick up with that with everybody in initiative order uh with our next session should be uh that next one will be on the
Starting point is 02:43:05 fourth of december oh yeah we're doing that lines be banshee's y'all well i mean i'm glad they did they did something otherwise we would have been tiptoeing around trying to bring them home the whole time so right yeah yeah you really dislike no adoption happening in this group at all we're going you're like fair it could it could have been she likes yeah it could have worked everything was traipsing around like i was gonna i was gonna give that elephant vitality and you stopped me you bastard i'm so sorry i wanted a peaceful walk around the zoo with this elephant i was gonna eat it you got a bunch of predators and prey is suddenly outside their inhabitants technically technically they don't usually attack elephants because they know they're
Starting point is 02:43:55 bigger than them and they'll stop them also male lions aren't usually the ones that hunt i'm just saying yeah so your game is bullshit all right bullshit i watched we can still adopt i was gonna say we're gonna leave this non-binary lion alone and it's weird taste that's right yeah that's right we lost the elephant in line but we still have warthogs a rhino dendral and also impales to adopt so there is still air maybe i'll get a giant pouch rat maybe i'll let you i don't want to i don't want to fuck around with mandrels pouch rat so bad you want a rat you want to go mandrels are the final boss when you got animal ken don't you logan you've got like a point you've got like a point in animal ken they're so stupid cute oh my god i guess that's a yellow
Starting point is 02:44:44 mirror if they didn't before you know yeah yeah um so yeah i hope you had fun i certainly did thank you all for joining us hope you had a good time appreciate that we'll be back on the fourth so until next time yeah thanks for checking us out and we'll see you again soon bye guys

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