Mayday Plays - Orpheus Book 1, Ch. 5 - "Don't Look Back"

Episode Date: December 18, 2021

Crucible 12 continues its investigation of the Denver zoo. Chaos ensues....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, good morning. Good afternoon and good day folks. Allow me to welcome you to another episode of Orpheus I am Vince your host and storyteller for this campaign and once again joining me or Aaron as Aaron Abner Abner Daffy Hello. Hello Allegra as Logan Rio Mercado. Good morning Amanda will unfortunately not be able to join us this session. Unfortunately. We miss her. Hope she's doing well having a great time That Caleb as Colette Sawyer Hey, good morning Eli as Nikoa Kaohana. Hey, good morning
Starting point is 00:00:41 Sergio as Lavinia Eileen a dire. Hello, beautiful people and Zikia as Vivian 515 Good morning Before we begin, please keep in mind that this actual play as always is intended for mature audiences contains elements of supernatural horror violence Stilt language sexual situations substance abuse and more all the good stuff, of course viewer and listener discretion is advised Music as always brought to you by the illustrious folks over at cryo chamber and epidemic sound You can check them out at cryo chamber ban camp calm and epidemic sound calm Once again, we'd love to thank the onyx path folks for their support. They've been plugging us in their newsletter and everything else
Starting point is 00:01:22 You know supplied us with the copy of the 20th anniversary edition of Wraith. So so definitely check them out. They're doing great things If you do like what we're doing here at at Mayday, I've got to plug the patreon, right? Please consider supporting us over on patreon the amount of time and effort that goes into these streams these podcasts is absolutely Staggering right I mean the you can hear the quality in every episode you can witness the quality in every stream Provided we don't have any technical difficulties But now this this takes a lot of blood sweat and tears I mean it is a labor of passion and a labor of love But of course monetary support is always sincerely appreciated for as little two dollars a month
Starting point is 00:02:04 You can join us over at the discord join in on the conversation. It's a great time So, you know, please consider checking them out at slash mayday RP and for our current patrons Both old and new we'll never be able to thank you enough for that support before it began anybody have anything they'd like to announce No, awesome without further ado. Let's get to work. I'm gonna do the recap for you We tagged Mia we tagged Amanda and fortunately she couldn't join us So all I'll just handle the recap for you. It will not be even one iota as creative as what we've done so far But I'll do my best so crucible 12 our illustrious crucible 12 was tasked with a fumigation mission fumigation being the orpheus
Starting point is 00:02:48 slingo for wiping out any ghosts on the premises Essentially, you were tasked to eliminate troublesome ghosts at the Denver Zoo Back in June. So a few months prior it is currently October 1st tuberculosis outbreak killed almost 30 animals and the new Experience Africa exhibit including two floorgrown lions and elephant and polas and a rhino The outbreak was contained quickly But sightings of spectral creatures roaming the zoo at night prompted the city of Denver to hire you to investigate to look into that further
Starting point is 00:03:20 You've got the run of the zoo until Wednesday morning at 7 a.m You have until then to track down and eliminate any of those ghosts that are present or at least those that are determined to be a threat You were informed in no uncertain terms that complete discretion is to be maintained You made your way to the Denver Zoo you may be met with Judith Elton one of the zookeepers who would serve as your primary point of contact for this mission after a tour and Several misguided and unsuccessful attempts to secure her keys You began your investigation Nikoa successfully used forebode to reveal the tragic circumstances surrounding the death of snuffy the elephant
Starting point is 00:04:03 And the group actually bonded a little bit, you know when you're sitting there doing surveillance with nothing much going on It's it's a good opportunity to talk and bond and and connect with one another As you waited for the spirits of these party animals to show themselves we We split the party party got split. We got team Team herbivore Nikoa and Colette who are waiting for snuffy the elephant to manifest and team carnivore Abner Lavinia Logan Mia and Viv Lavinia and Viv actually a brilliant brilliant maneuver on their part combined their respective spectral abilities To try to lure some of those carnivorous ghosts out of hiding
Starting point is 00:04:39 Lavinia you used your your kind of leprous stain to separate your arm from your body and then Ensweeps viv with the words that bleed feature and so we got blood meat Nasty ass leprous meat, but you know hey it works It's you something you were starting to draw something in and then Mia biffed it off the the snack shack kiosk And then snuffy the elephant Manifesting and you were kind of following her along seeing what was going on and then all of a sudden boom she is attacked and completely Completely dismantled her gauze rendered apart by one of the lions. I know in the we won't forget
Starting point is 00:05:22 I know in the last session I said that it was Simba that took down snuffy, but Allegra with with dropping that knowledge bomb on me. Thank you helped educate me And so we're gonna retcon because I can do that. I'm the story teller And it was Serabi the lioness that took down stuff in the elephant. So that is who team herbivore Thank you. The two of you are currently I have three lethal damage don't come at me She does as a matter of fact one of the things team carnivore found was that the their lion at least Wailed and exhibited banshee abilities. Yeah as a result
Starting point is 00:06:00 Poor Logan took the brunt of three lethal damage on that one Yeah, so With that both teams now find themselves facing the pair of lions Simba and Serabi Abner is booking it to a nearby golf cart and That is where we're going to begin today's session so we rolled initiative last time at the top of the round My friends we have a Colette Okay Any good
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah, I'd say I'd say you there's plenty of areas around you are dealing with a fucking lion Anywhere that looks the safest and most hidden place to be right now I want to to sneak over to there now. Okay, so go ahead and roll your dexterity plus Oh Mind if I do just leaves You're not gonna be there Okay stealth where's this I don't have enough dice hold on now I do
Starting point is 00:07:21 One two three I have four successes four successes, okay Koa you're kind of Getting that tunnel vision on the fact that you've got a fucking lion right in front of you So you don't necessarily see or hear Colette Biff it to some some nearby shrubberies and Try to make herself a small target as possible Yeah, I'm gonna get down in the bush as best as I can and if I can I'll use my little meditation thing to
Starting point is 00:07:54 Snap out of my body there got it. That's right. Cuz you were still you were still in physical form got it Okay, yep, so in a matter of seconds you crouched down behind these these shrubs and you just focus you focus you try to combat the effects of that adrenaline and Bring yourself in enough to be able to separate from your body. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Okay. All right. Come on Yeah, I'll pop out. There you go, right? You're really school. You'll every time you Only when there's line Spirit enters get and drop left and right That was uncouth
Starting point is 00:08:38 Viv with that 15 that 15 go nuts Yeah How far away is the Robbie for me? We'll say probably good 20 feet Wait, I thought we had Simba you have Simba. That's right. You've got Simba. Okay. Cool. Um, I'm full still main and everything Well, okay I'm gonna I'm gonna run up and stab it I'm gonna use I'm gonna use congeal good and
Starting point is 00:09:13 and Explain what congeal does Yeah, so congeal essentially I can turn my arms into other things damn Get the T1000 here That sounds good. I could turn it into a sword. It depends on how much vitality I spend what kind of weapon I can turn it into But I'm going to spend Did you buy congeal to vitality did yes, it's on my thing. Is it okay? I made the thing To vitality to make my my right hand into
Starting point is 00:10:04 Like a you know like a finish sword more just like a steel Point sharp point and just got it go for it. Okay, so before deciding how much vitality you want to spend go ahead and roll manipulation Plus Let's see here. Let's do melee melee. Yep with a difficulty of seven Oh Okay, so I did get one success, but I also got three ones Okay, so so no box no box
Starting point is 00:10:42 But this is a new ability you haven't had a chance to mess with it too much yet So you you try you you try to will your gauze to to manifest into this fucking bad ass sword or something something to help you take the fight to this to this line and it just Is he can't get your head around it? It just becomes linguine. It's like Yep And it like kind of dissipates and like recongeals back into your gauze and it's just yeah It is no good. No bueno. Okay. He's gonna run back That was a mistake. Let's go try this. Good try. Thank you. It was a good shot. Good attempt. All right, Logan you are up
Starting point is 00:11:30 Vince yeah This lie It's okay. First of all, how many lethal damage can I take before I'm dead dead? Before your gauze completely dissipates Well, so Yeah, so actually you just sustained damage to your to your vitality. So you've lost three vitality Oh, so I don't have lethal damage right now. That's in that's in your physical form. So yeah, oh This changes everything. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so yeah, I misspoke on that one
Starting point is 00:12:05 so This lion is in front of us and it is It's No, I should be smart. I will do the smart thing. I want to Ideally I want to uh like wrestle the lion essentially just like Beyond it and slow it down cool cool. So you want to grapple the lion and what is what you want to do?
Starting point is 00:12:30 It's what I would want to do. The smart thing would be to whale Dope, but the thing is I have higher chance of grappling it than succeeding on the way My manipulation is terrible my everything's okay, but my manipulation is terrible and my strength in athletics would put me at six Okay, you love to tell knowing a lot about lions, but I've never heard of people regularly grappling lions to Very very specific childhood interest of lions I'll do the smart thing a whale this turn if it was close to it I was going to wrestle it to try and like cuz I guess because of a whale that would have hit her too Right, it was close what I would have grappled it, but because they ran back. I will instead whale go for it
Starting point is 00:13:24 Manipulation plus empathy and then Let me know how much vitality you spend can't believe you're using your powers Okay, I had to success or what I guess technically one success because I had a one Okay. Oh, yeah, one. Okay, so one so one success. Okay. Um, how much vitality you spending you trying to calm this thing You're trying to physically wound it. I We're supposed to get rid of it Um, I'll do I'll use to vitality to like physically harm it, but maybe not get rid of it. Okay. Go for it We are not taming a lion
Starting point is 00:14:15 Success you deal you deal one damage to it and it's what's your whale look like? How do how does that? How do you manifest that ability? Um, I don't it's like It's not This like it's not specifically anger or specifically sadness it kind of like Becomes more anguished than anything of just like Overwhelm and it like Instead of looking like drowning it looks like parts of Logan start to burn a little bit Nice. Okay. So as this kind of this almost halo of fire
Starting point is 00:14:53 You know of flame manifests just ever so slightly as she opens her mouth as they open their mouth and let out this this anguished whale It falters just a bit whether it's from reluctance or fear maybe a combination of both And it impacts it impacts Simba and Simba is pushed back just a little bit from the force of impact, but You see a little bit of the gauze rip away, but not enough to do any significant damage You didn't take one one of its vitality away But but yeah, we got a little bit to go
Starting point is 00:15:27 All right with that Levinia Okay, I believe last session Levinia was running in the direction of team herbivore to warn them about the lions That we're attacking so I mean if I have to I'll spend my whole turn just trying to get to them Got it. Okay. I'll say you'll be able to get to them probably because they left Well, so so you're gonna have to hunt for because they're not where they said they were gonna be okay to follow in the line So maybe I can do a search roll for them. Yeah, let's do that. Let's do Perception plus
Starting point is 00:16:02 What's a good one, let's do let's do alertness. Yeah Open you say that. All right So that's a six a seven and a six and two threes Okay. All right. Yep. So you you've you hear Sounds of something going on still a little bit further away But I would say if if you're successful in your next role, you'll be able to reach them at the end of your next turn Interesting. Yeah, sounds good. Okay. Okay. Awesome So Mia would be up but Sergio you have generously agreed to Yeager her for this combat scenario
Starting point is 00:16:39 So well to Yeager Mia, you kind of have to channel Amanda a little bit so question Where is where is Amanda Mia by the way, is she with herbivore or carnivore? She is with carnivore. She is with the carnivore. Okay. All right carnivore's got everybody herbivore's got nobody All right. So does the lion have any keys on him? So I think Mia is like me and that she is a skin writer so there's only so much she really can do She has black fire speech. Is that an attack? So that is a that's a stain. What's her? What's her spite at her spite? Is it three? So unfortunately until her spite hits four, she's not able to will like willingly manifest these stains yet
Starting point is 00:17:38 But oh really it's kind of a good and a bad thing. Yeah, so Hughes are the only ones who can willingly manifest their stains without incurring a spite Just give her some spite. I Can I can attempt to do that? So I can't even use hypnotic markings my other stain Okay, interesting not just yet. Wow. I'm really spoiled as a hue So you absolutely are I mean, I guess if I have to give her some spite. I mean, what do I need to do to do that? Not necessarily be able to gain it right now, but once that spite hits four through actions that she may or may not choose to take She can't really do much in spirit form So the the lion seems mostly focused on Logan right now right now. Yes, I
Starting point is 00:18:32 Wonder I think the only thing Mia would do or could do would be try to draw the attention of the lion and like maybe give Logan some Kind of advantage the next time she attacks Trying to distract the lion. Let me ask any questions that don't need to be asked Oh Sergio was in just like take Amanda down Amanda's the smallest Don't forget so you all all of these All of you have these kind of default abilities one of which is is fevery
Starting point is 00:19:14 Which is an ability to rest vitality from another ghost You have to touch the victim and share their nature group. So I don't know I these are animals So we don't know So nature group might not be quite of a fit because this is a banshee versus a skin rider So yeah, okay, you want to distract her go ahead and how do you distract? How would Mia distract this? Well, first of all, you you mentioned fevery. I was like, oh, but now you're saying I can't use it I'll remember for next time. How does Mia distract this line, I think she'd be like Yeah, she'd be she'd be probably just yelling, you know, some some curse words at it
Starting point is 00:20:01 Fuck yeah, exactly. All right. Yeah, the lion definitely like turns and looks in her I'm glad scar killed your dad in the movie So has Serabi even noticed us yeah totes and is she Is she like was she satisfied with eating snuffie or is she like Is she is she wanting to attack us or is she just being chilling? I mean she is a relative term Uses a relative term at this point. She's walking you wherely it probably roll on this won't be your turn to roll perception plus empathy I
Starting point is 00:21:07 Got I got no successes Yeah Tough to tell She is not advancing Well, she isn't backing down either and she has got her head lowered her back like just It could go either way at any given time I'm gonna I'm gonna do that thing like when you're trying to tame raptors and like just I'm gonna hope I don't have time to look behind me if Colette's there or not
Starting point is 00:21:43 I'm gonna assume that Colette is there And I'm just gonna I'm gonna be like Colette I Need you to distract her Roll manipulation plus animal Ken What was what was the other one because I definitely don't have a little Ken manipulation manipulation. Yeah Gotta give you a little a little bit One success
Starting point is 00:22:27 Take it we'll take it. All right, we'll see what happens. We'll see what happens next so Logan Just wailed at Simba. Mm-hmm. And now we got Mia like hey fuckhead over here It turns to me as direction Yeah, and it it going to pounce towards me. Oh, no So I'm going to Incredible It wasn't a party assignment
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's One two three Four successes damn so yep the tack is successful And is going to try to bite for seven no no wait a minute There's this thing like soaking can't I soak right now or no You can absolutely so yeah, so give me something you do instinctively at any time. Yeah, so So I just took for vitality, right? Oh, no, no, no, I haven't even rolled damage yet. Oh boy. Oh, okay All right, well, then I'll wait till you have your results
Starting point is 00:24:01 To to vitality okay, I'll try to soak it and I what I just rolled 2d10 So what you roll is to soak you actually roll I believe your stamina Okay, so her stamina is for yep Four days a seven a one a three and a nine. So did I cancel those two success it you cancel those two? Yeah, Mia takes the hit this thing this thing clamps down on her shoulder and begins ripping at the gauze But it seems to almost harden and And it tries to rip some of it away, but but thankfully nothing comes away at its jaws and Mia manages to kind of hold her form together nice
Starting point is 00:24:44 for Koa and Colette Yeah, it's good it's gonna wail It's going to it opens its mouth in this giant Just roar that seems to just bubble up from inside and you can practically feel the ground shake with the strength and bass of this roar And yeah, so it's going to do that Yeah, let's go so manipulation plus empathy, which thankfully I mean doesn't only have a lot of it's a fucking line so That's gonna be three days
Starting point is 00:25:20 All right So one success So it opens its mouth and again it seems surprised to see you there and Between its attention divided between you and Colette it it kind of falters slightly as it opens its mouth and roars But you take one vitality damage as do you collect since you're nearby Okay, are you nearby? I would assume you're kind of still in the general area like by collect Yeah, yeah, I wanted to be within, you know enough that I could get back to them within my next term Yeah, okay, so yes, so you both take one
Starting point is 00:25:54 But of course you can soak it if you want to roll your stamina see if you soak that um, I'll soak it Yeah, go nuts for with my one stamina. Yeah, I didn't I didn't roll anything for my stamina. They were under sixes Yeah, yeah, one of our stretch goals. Yeah, that's a stretch for sure. I lose a vitality was it? Yep vitality Yep, okay, so next up is Abner Abner Enjoying his coffee Also for my real quick for my spinners don't forget to be spending your one vitality to keep your body alive while you're outside of it Don't have to do that every turn Every hour every hour if you don't you will sustain one point of bashing damage to your physical body
Starting point is 00:26:55 How many hours do we think it's been so far? By two or three And actually one thing one thing I failed to mention for those for those skimmers among us You don't take damage to your vitality that all gets that all gets shunted to your Your physical body as bashing damage Even so so the lethal damage that I took last game that we said was vitality just now. Yeah is bashing damage It is I apologize. Yeah Yeah, so your body would take one level of bashing damage
Starting point is 00:27:34 Okay, so for you Allegra, so actually for both of you you can still attempt to soak and then that can potentially Offset some of that damage to your physical body. Okay. Yeah Sleepers no one. Yeah, sleepers and spirits are the only ones who can't shunt that damage to a physical body Okay, all right, sorry for that for that's for that digression, but go ahead So I'm running for this golf cart. You sure are have I made it there yet? roll Let's see roll a
Starting point is 00:28:13 stamina plus athletics Decision not to take any physical stats comes back to bite Just like we all did that Physical stats, but that's all I have Logan is all we got I'm sorry. I know I know I ask this every week and I should know by now, but I'm rolling sixes Yes, yes, yes, it's an above. Yep. Six and above is what you're going for Yeah, thank you
Starting point is 00:28:44 So that is one success and one one for a net zero You're not quite there yet, you're not quite there yet even though you're out of your body, it's just it's You're a mountain climber Abner, there's no excuse for all this With that with Aaron in pursuit of this This golf cart, we're gonna head back to the top collect your next Oh, okay Um, I am going to sort of skirt along the edges until I'm close enough that you know I'm within easier eyesight between the lion and me instead of the lion and koa. Okay
Starting point is 00:29:40 Uh, and then uh, I will make myself known with an unearthly repose Vitality for Oh, excellent. Okay. So With too vitality, which I burned I can calm and agitated or angry onlooker For each turn a target looks at the glowing with their initiative rating drops by one And adds one to any difficulty for violent or strenuous action against us And and with for vitality Uh, any character considers me a confidant or lover a victim cannot refuse any reasonable request
Starting point is 00:30:18 I don't have any requests. I'm just trying to distract this bitch like koa asked. Yeah, um You know Collette is already this shimmering sort of glitching form where she she's half Fall of energy and then her full form and then she'll drop in and out of that sort of floating like that I'm gonna turn on that unearthly repose and go full wisp form. I turn into just that full genny of the woods floating uh blue ball And I'm gonna try and run out there and distract the fucking lion. I guess Yeah, um, and that lion is distracted
Starting point is 00:30:53 It is following sarabi is is following your Almost like seen almost fire or no ball lightning, right? Just following that around and and is just Eyes have got eyes have dilated people's have dilated. They're all big and and you've got her attention Uh, vivian you are up Yeah, okay um I'm going to Let's see
Starting point is 00:31:24 I don't really have anything but like physical attacks. Okay, but I can't I don't have a gun So I'm going to try to Right now, sorry right now it's simba Logan And then me right like yep, and then we'll we'll really at this point. So Um simba has attacked mia. So they're kind of in the same space Uh, logan is nearby and then you yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah I think i'm just gonna try to Get on the lion And we'll go from there I just want to I just want to ride the lion if that's okay line I love that for you. Okay Um, so yeah, go ahead and roll Uh, your what we're gonna do. Are you trying to grapple?
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah, all right strength plus brawl That's the thing I took. Yeah, is it is it okay? Yeah hell yeah Um Uh Vince you remember last session when I did that recap real good and you gave me a point of Experience What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Um Nothing it just means you got an additional experience point. I love that then I have one success Got it. Okay. Wait you have destiny Uh Do you have reincarnation? Yes. Yes. Okay, cool. So I'm gonna remember. Oh, man I too read the manual Thank you. I you know what it's just like riding a bike. Yeah, it's just like riding a bike in my line Yeah, that's right. So with reincarnate, uh, you have the option to
Starting point is 00:33:25 Uh, we pull it up for you real quick. Yeah, you've got the option to, uh Roll two additional dice. Okay So I'll you can roll those two additional dice. See if that helps. Harry bike Yep Great two successes On top of that on top of that one. Nope two total just two total. Okay. Um You jump on it. Oh right. You're on it
Starting point is 00:33:51 Jump on it No, I want to like have my hand Around or my arm around its neck. I don't think I I rolled high enough to do anything with that yet, but she's here Yeah, okay. Got it. So yeah, you got you wrap one hand up in its mane and you got the other one I found its neck kind of sleeper hole Sleeper hole in the lion She turns to Logan and she's hoping that a plan is being communicated but she has no plan It's just sleeper hole
Starting point is 00:34:18 Love that Go ahead BEAUTIFUL, okay, um Logan She's just gonna like confuse these lines into submission Oh you boo, go ahead Hey, eventually we're gonna have to punch these lions guys We can't just dance around them for eight hours, okay, but the thing is that was also my plan
Starting point is 00:34:56 So Jesus Okay, so uh So if it was on it And I I I was like digging in my my toes to like sprint forward and just like shoulder check it off me So I'm like, oh fuck. Okay. Good idea. Good idea. Great. Yes Uh, and I'm gonna also run up And also swing around and grab it, but but
Starting point is 00:35:40 But I'm gonna try and do thievery And seal by top because my my manipulation and empathy are shit And if I keep wailing I'm gonna hit both of them So if I do thievery I can do a specific target, right? Okay, yes, you can yes, you can. All right. So you're trying to jump on it as well Okay, so roll. Um, this is gonna be interesting roll strength plus brawl. Okay, great. I'm good at those Can they get an advantage because the lion's already grappled? I will lower the difficulty appropriately. Yes. Okay. So is a six
Starting point is 00:36:15 Uh, we'll do five five, okay Anything over five One two three Three success. Oh fuck wait two successes because I had a one It's enough to latch on and it's enough to make contact so you can now attempt thievery. Uh, so with that Uh, so thievery is willpower roll contested willpower. You're definitely yeah, you're definitely touching some of your, um Some of your spite at this point. So I don't have any spite. You don't have any spite. Okay You must roll their spite rating
Starting point is 00:36:53 I'm about to get some probably but all right, so make your make your willpower roll whatever your willpower is and I will do the same Uh, so for the lion So is it like evil to steal vitality that? Yes. Yeah, oh Okay, good to know stealing is bad how many successes two okay
Starting point is 00:37:17 Uh, it rolled three Son of a bitch. Yeah, so you attempt to You you reach in and actually just roll roll one one d ten Ten ten. Okay. All right. So you you don't Get a spite point or anything like that. So, um, I think logan doesn't even know what they're doing I think they're just running up and trying to like stop it in whatever way they can And that kind of like manifests is like I just need you to like weaken a little bit and trying to steal it and it not working Yeah, you you you feel that connection where you begin
Starting point is 00:37:53 It's almost like the reverse of sharing vitality with your crucible mates. Like and you almost feel Dirty doing this like you're stealing something from somebody else. It just it feels unnatural even though this is an animal, right? but it it's Becomes cognizant of an immediately snaps back at you kind of turns its head and in this an impressive bout of strength breaking out Vives grasp just enough to snipe snap back at you and you instinctively lift your hand back Breaking that connection. So no vitality stolen at this point But this fucking line is grappled by by by two two ghosts at this point Three of us in a media vicinity to the wailing lion
Starting point is 00:38:33 The choices were made Yeah, all right. LaVinia Here go LaVinia is going to probably run up to what's happening with Sorabi, I think it is and see colette is you know
Starting point is 00:38:50 manifesting her her magic aura and probably will like get close to nicoa, but is like letting You know sees that colette is kind of in control right now and is just kind of hanging back Okay So that's all she's going to do. I don't think there's really anything LaVinia can do she probably starts by saying there's a oh never mind. You know, it sees that what's going on but I think the I think mia who is underneath the lion and just sees two of her teammates hugging the lion is going to be like
Starting point is 00:39:23 Stop fucking the hugging the lion and kill it. I think she's going to try to kick in the balls Okay Yes, exactly I can feel her in the room I'm gonna kick this motherfucker in the balls Yeah, I've never seen this show roswell Wow, good job I'd like to think she asked the lion that question Strength plus brawl, so that's three total here we go
Starting point is 00:39:59 Can't use this thing today. Uh, I think that's one success with a seven of four and a three Okay. All right. Yeah, um, it takes one vitality damage as you just Is mia just winds back and bop, right? Right in between it's even the bop is amanda Yeah, and just there's this pained pained towel Um, that's almost that devolves almost into like this pitiful mule Um, as you have just kicked the lion in the balls By any means necessary. Yeah. Yeah. All right, uh, koa you are up
Starting point is 00:40:40 I okay So I do want to wail sorabi away But I do also want to take a second though to see how responsive Sorabi is to colette. I'm trying to do some science stuff Yes, you know I'm trying to do some observations of I'm trying to figure some things out. Yes. So yes, sorabi is definitely like fully fully distracted by colette's uh On my form at this point
Starting point is 00:41:14 Is it like attracting it like is she like walking towards her like interested slowly slowly? Yeah Okay, I'm I would like to hold uh, a two vitality wail. Um But I also would like to ask colette To take a couple steps like to the left or past like behind me to see if sorabi will follow And then if sorabi doesn't do that, then I'm gonna bless So sorabi is distracted. We'll say we'll say colette moves ever it begins moving
Starting point is 00:41:54 You know can't move the full distance yet because it's not quite colette's turn But as colette begins to move and float over You you notice that sorabi's head is tracking and she begins taking steps in that direction so Uh simba on the other hand is all fucked up Um He's just kicked him in the balls Got kicked in the balls. So I think two vitality damage so far one with two vitality
Starting point is 00:42:24 Logan's wail you lose two vitality What's that Sorry, I was I was noting you lose two vitality when you get kicked in the balls Yeah, well, no the one was from the one was from logan's wail From from me as uh ghostly ghostly boots Um, so at this point simba's simba's not great. Uh, not thrilled with this. So with me a right right in Front of him and two on the back can't really get to those two. It's gonna go for me Yeah, me is gonna be the best bet
Starting point is 00:42:55 So, uh, we are going to do strength and brawl. So that is going to be eight dice for Ideals me. Oh, elamanda when she's not here She comes back. We're like well luck her out in five days. Thank you Every day that is five successes Uh, so we will roll damage now Thanks, quit it. All right. I know sorry my bad not really Um
Starting point is 00:43:25 Vince quit rolling well that is too that is too vitality damage Okay, i'm gonna do my stamina roll to resist this Go for it. Oh, all right. So there's a ten a six a four and a one So I think technically only one success only one success Yeah, so she is able to soak that one point of damage, but still sustains one to her as as simba's These these claws extend out of its paws and begins fucking scratching and tearing at her form Yeah, all right
Starting point is 00:43:57 Abner Okay, can I be at the golf cart yet? I'll say you're at the goal. I'll say you're at the golf cart now. Thank god You got it. Okay, so Abner is going to um introduce himself to the golf cart. You know, he doesn't want to be just jumping into anything He doesn't know uh, but after he's taken just like a couple moments to like Gently pat the roof of the golf cart I'm gonna go ahead and get in there. Does he talk to the golf cart?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Didn't do that with the sv But like the the suv was his property though. This is uh, this he's a guest here. It's a new friend What does what does he say who said golf cart? Kachow Vince is it gonna affect my chances? No, no, I'm just I'm just curious Sure for role-playing purposes It's just something like um There they're there there. It's gonna be okay, baby. I'm gonna I'm gonna treat you. I'm gonna treat you nice
Starting point is 00:45:10 That escalated quickly Okay, so that'll be a two vitality. It's been okay. Uh, and you are now you were in the golf cart And um follow-up question. Um, can I start can I start it? Yeah, oh, yeah, absolutely. Okay. Good. I was I was afraid I was gonna get in there There would be like a key or something that I needed but uh cool Um, so then I am going to start um as fast as this golf cart will fucking go Okay, I'm gonna start speeding back in the direction of Logan and uh Mia and uh
Starting point is 00:45:51 Zakiya whose name I remember Yeah, um, so golf cart has a top speed of maybe like 14 miles per hour. So take it. Yeah Faster than running off you go. Exactly. Yes faster running. So off You go. All right, cooking over there. Um, and you're going where again. I'm sorry Towards Logan towards Logan got it. Okay Um, so with that we are back at the top of the ramp Colette. You were still uh successfully distracting Sorabi at this point The mechanical action will take this turn is I'm just going to use a willpower to get three vitality back beautiful. Okay. Um, and then
Starting point is 00:46:39 Uh I'm gonna follow exactly what coa asked of me cat. I think that wow colette is in this full whisk form There's this like really low sullen beautiful song that's emanating from her Okay, and there's this fog that starts to swirl up around The uh lion and easily she'll start to float around uh coa Sort of bouncing throughout the air and she's gonna try and take that line with her Successfully do so. Yeah, absolutely that the sorabi is following. Sorabi is just fully fully just
Starting point is 00:47:16 In the zone focused on on colette So vivian you are on the back of this lion It is now bucking trying to get you and logan off. It is got mia in front of it. It is it is not thrilled So What do you do next? What are the odds that there are like um, like landscaping rocks Um
Starting point is 00:47:44 I'd say you know what fucking roll a d100 if you got one Okay, i'm gonna incorporate the delta green luck roll here. Here we go. Hey That's uh, these are the questions that vince comes to the table That's a 70 So over yeah, uh, none nearby you would have to get off the line you would have to dismount and uh Approach approach the landscaping to either side to get your hands on one. Okay I think it's worth it Okay, um, yeah, she's gonna walk away from simba. Okay, so she yeah
Starting point is 00:48:19 You cut how do you dismount? I want I want to see this She's yeah, she's grappling this thing on the back. Yeah I think she's just gonna wait until it bucks in one direction and try to turn it into a roll Or she just rolls off onto the side of the pathway easily enough. Yeah, we we go from seeing viv going Freaking tuck and roll right off this thing Almost expertly done You've taken enough spills off of a moving vehicle off of a moving bike to know how to kind of tuck your shoulders in and roll With the roll with the impact. So you're good to go no damage there. Um, so that'll be that'll be your turn
Starting point is 00:48:55 Uh, but I will say now that you're off You take a quick look around and you do see it. There's some rocks nearby that would serve the purpose for you Okay, sweet. All right Logan Logan you are up now. You are alone on the back of this It it is country night at copperhead road and you're riding this roll. All right You are you're on the back of this thing so
Starting point is 00:49:17 It's still on top of me though, right? It is still on time. It is yeah, it is gonna it is trying to fuck me up I'm gonna use the only thing I'm good at which is strength and I'm gonna try and pull it off her Got it. Okay. So roll. Yeah roll strength plus brawl All right, come on dice Depending on depending on how successful you are we'll drive the effect All right Is it a is it a six? Yes, it is a six. Yep. Yep
Starting point is 00:49:48 Two three This one's cocked hold on Four successes. Nice. You actually are able to get your hands Over it's over it's snout And under its jaw and you're able to pry it open just enough so that Mia can slip away And you now have this thing By by the fucking jaw Yeah, this is gonna go well. Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:10 Amazing. Uh, I'm just I yeah, I'm just trying to hold it so that Mia and viv can get out of the way Got it. Rip and tear that bitch. Rip and tear Oh That's all my action. I can do right. Yep. Yep. So you're yeah, it's it's Effectively grapple. So Not a bad turn at all Lavinia you are up. You now see Logan. Oh, no, you're with team herbivore now. Um, yeah, you see sorabi. It's tail is just kind of
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yeah, almost playfully kind of moving around like and you see your tentatively reach up in bat at this ball of light Um, yeah It's kind of fucking cute. Yeah. I think la vinia like realizes that nicoa is perhaps You know testing the waters experimenting seeing what's going on But la vinia also knows this is a very dangerous thing She's missing an arm. So she really is in no position to be doing much So I think she just will probably like turn to nicoa and say This is very cute. But we need to bring this to a close, please
Starting point is 00:51:16 And I think that's all la vinia is going to do and then mia Yeah, could mia effectively like try to get out from under this thing? Yeah, absolutely. I think I think she will attempt to do that try to get away from the line Okay, so in this case, I would say roll strength and athletics. Okay Strength to athletics. Nothing. Here we go. And me grappling a good for advantage or anything I will lower the difficulty. Yeah, so it'll be a difficulty five versus six I think that's two successes then that's a six out of 10 Okay. Yeah, well, we'll say you're not able to put a whole lot of distance
Starting point is 00:51:48 So you're still going to be able to be attacked Let's go around but you're able to at least get out from under this thing and put just a little bit more distance in between And and you think that I did I use my action to get away? Uh, yes. Okay. All right. Yep. Yep. Sounds good. That's it. Okay. So sorabi Still still focused on collet. Yeah, just kind of again those just those little gentle bats like trying to like Play with this thing. Not sure what it is but loving it Simba on the other hand is going to try to go back and bite at um bite at uh
Starting point is 00:52:24 I was actually going to try to see if it's jaw is held open. I'm going to try and get that Those hands off of it. So it's going to try to snap. So it's just going to make a strength in athletics Um, so we are going to do five eight eight guys Eight guys cool. Cool. Yep. So yeah, they're they're they're not uh using those scrubs Uh, one two three four five successes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, it snaps and you instinctively bring your hands back to keep it Like even though you're in ghost form, right? You're still overridden by that that the human instinct that human instinct that I'm going to get fucking bit. So you pull your hands back and uh, it is now free And I would say with that many successes that actually bucks you off and you roll to the ground. Yep
Starting point is 00:53:09 So it is so that's its turn But it's it's now free from your from your grip. Unless you decide to try to uh, grapple it again Uh, okay abner you are you've seen this thing snap and now buck Uh, Logan off of its back and you were in the golf cart Ah How far away am I? Um, I'll I'll say if you want to hit it this turn you could Well, I feel like Logan might object to that. Okay, so
Starting point is 00:53:51 Um, okay, that's permission. So I'm a fucking do it. Okay roll, um What do you roll for a golf cart? I'm sorry, Vince. Can we um, can I modify that just a little bit? Of course. Do we say that I tokyo drift into the line? Roll strength and drive My best don't that are they no In hindsight, I really should have taken drive, but I was not. Um, so I got a 10 and a 10 Oh, okay. That is yeah, so You do um
Starting point is 00:54:41 Even though you're only going 14 you drift and the back end of this thing collides with the side of simba's skull and Yes, we'll say you do you do lethal damage and lethal damage to gauze is is two dots Per success. So you do four and it's gauze dissipates. Hell, yeah, you tokyo drift the fucking line to death What is my logo? Are you okay? Yeah, you all watch as as it hits this manifested You almost forgot that this line manifested and it hits its manifested form And so it can be impacted by physical objects and it's gauze dissipates
Starting point is 00:55:21 Get in the golf cart There any chance for that like pops like a balloon Um, no, it's more like a it's more like a hit you hit it and then it kind of like It slowly begins to like turn into that into mist and then just kind of float off Okay, that's not as exciting, but I'll take it. Okay. Yeah Events, I don't think I went this round. Did you not today skip you? I go before the lions now you did. I am so sorry. Yep. I did not I missed you go ahead, nicole Okay, um, I'm gonna look at la vinia and like I was a little smiling
Starting point is 00:55:57 But now I'm kind of frowning because she told me I had to stop And then uh, I'll I'll walk over in front of I was like, you're no fun And then I'll go walk over in between Serabi and colette to just break that distraction and then I'm gonna I'm gonna wail got it. Okay. Go ahead and roll Uh, two vitality expenditure two vitality expenditure. How's your vitality looking? Uh, I got one vitality left. Uh, if I can expend a willpower before I do it, I would appreciate that. Yep. Yeah, that is a That's kind of like a natural I'll expend the willpower first and then two vitality will got it
Starting point is 00:56:44 That is um four successes Yeah, okay. So with four you It's it's now time to stop playing around This the mission is simple fumigate. You've had a chance to do your observations La vinia has reminded you that it's go time. So you just What's your whale look like? um I'm just gonna kind of maintain eye contact with serabi and then it's just gonna like
Starting point is 00:57:13 Be more in like the throat And it's just going to keep just growing like it did until you can start like the vibrating How I did against the specter until eventually serabi breaks apart. Yeah, and that's exactly what happens You can practically feel the vibrations in the pavement In in in the air around you can practically see these shock waves coming from nicoa as all of a sudden serabi is just disintegrated Uh or balls just completely Really just decorporated and just scattered into the wind and with that
Starting point is 00:57:46 Where you are out of combat nice I'm gonna I'm gonna pull out a cigarette out of my pocket and just like put it in my mouth. Take a deep breath Um abner is gonna do a couple victory laps around logan Really bad for that lion though. I feel really bad that we We cart killed it. We didn't even give it like a cool death. We I mean that that was cool Not that that wasn't cool, but like we as ghosts didn't like send it off in a really nice way, you know Didn't it try to scream you to death I well, yeah, but like I was gonna do the same thing to it. So it's fair
Starting point is 00:58:25 What that helped if I told you it's in a better place now, you don't know that But I can tell you that but I know that you don't know that so I know it's bullshit. So it doesn't mean anything Well, you can pretend But I know it's not true. Why would I pretend if I know it's not true? All right. Well, I'll just never try to make you feel better again Then I guess if you want to tell me true things to make me feel better. That's fine. But things that you don't know That I know you don't know There's no feeling better with the truth. Viv is getting up and starting to walk back to the rest of the team
Starting point is 00:59:00 Wait, do you want to ride? Yeah I Hopes on the back of the golf cart I'll sit next to them. I think the video will walk up to uh, nicole and uh, just say, uh I'm all for fun, but uh I think when the experiment bites back, it's probably best to get rid of it. There's other things other ghosts in the park
Starting point is 00:59:30 She wasn't gonna bite Had colette lost her concentration possibly but I'm gonna start floating around these two just sort of doing donuts around them in wits form I have plenty of faith in everybody on our team. Livinia. You should too I'm gonna cut little corners between their ankles Beautiful Beautiful. All right, what do you all do next? Well, we have more animals right to figure out
Starting point is 01:00:15 Okay, we gotta have monkeys, but can we take the rats home is the question Humigate But what harm are they gonna do if if they're just little rats they got big cheeks I do agree with Logan here that I don't think it'd be a big deal if we took one home Oh, yes. Thank you, Vinny But Vinny, uh, sorry. I know you don't like nicknames I'm gonna climb back into my body got it. Okay I'm avoiding
Starting point is 01:00:50 What's that? So I said I'm avoiding mine. Got it. Yeah What time is it by now? I'd say now you're probably uh 11 close to midnight Okay, well, we have we have several days. We have a couple more days to do this So we can either keep going See if we find anything else tonight or We can call it a night. We can knock it all out in one night and Maybe there'll be some kind of performance bonus. I I I don't know sometimes sometimes that's a thing
Starting point is 01:01:24 Is that well, I mean our lion went pretty well. I'm feeling pretty good I figure the monkeys can't be any worse than lion, right? Oh the monkeys can be way Monkeys where people's faces off monkeys are the fucking worst. We should probably identify with a monkey. That should tell you everything I Wait, wait call what monkey do you identify with or is it just monkeys in general the big red asses? Wow those Oh, the ones we're about to go kill you mean the madness So is that where we're going? I I don't see why like
Starting point is 01:02:05 Can everyone actually do that are we all okay because I don't want to have to deal with somebody Dying dying or actually dying while we're doing this I mean that went really well I feel good our lion also went very smoothly Oh, yeah, no issues with our lion That's a lie. I'm lying to you. It was rough. It was really rough It was very bad at one point viv and mia and I were all on the lion Um, well the lion was on mia and viv and I were on the lion. So it was
Starting point is 01:02:41 That was the part I remembered. Yeah So we're gonna take it easy then we're gonna go as a group at least Yeah, we'll be together this time. Yeah, so we'll head to the monkey enclosure I am not leaving this golf cart by the way So you're so in the goal end the goal Okay As we're going I'm gonna turn to viv and say okay your arm turned into something. What the fuck was that? I'm gonna be really honest with you. Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:31 I don't know. I just thought wouldn't it be really cool to have a knife and then my arm was like I'll be a knife and it didn't work. It didn't work. It went really bad. No, but it was cool because you It was just like I don't know. I that's never happened before it didn't I I don't know. I don't know Is this something you can get like a tutor? In I I bet I bet we can like talk to kate kate knows like everyone at orpheus So we can talk to kate and kate can tell you who to talk to and then Dude, what if you can make like lances and you can like
Starting point is 01:04:02 I can't even like half knife. So it that's impressive. No. Yeah, sort sword fighting feels a little a little Dragons and dungeons, but other than that, you know Really cool. I've never played that. What's that like? I've never played it. I know it's for nerds. I've seen it Yeah, it's really I mean I I wouldn't be against playing it, but like It sounds fun like you get to pretend you have magic and shit like we have like sort of magic They have like magic Yeah, do you want are you at no? No, no, no, I'm not I'm not I'm not suggesting we do anything. I'm just I just think it's It could be neat. Anyway, uh
Starting point is 01:04:43 You you're really cool. Thanks for uh being cool Okay, uh, you're welcome and Pat you on the shoulder um and When I transfer vitality do I I give up my vitality for that you do Okay, cool. Then I'm just gonna pass to you on Bless you awesome Hey, thanks
Starting point is 01:05:05 Hey, Vince when we when we get to the primate enclosure Uh, could could I be kind of an asshole and do a zero vitality for bode to see what our next hour is going to be like? screaming and yelling Oh my god, he's dead he's fucking dead Yes an hour go for it. Yeah, okay He's curious. Vince, tell us if we survive this. Okay, maybe So you roll your manipulation plus empathy or no, I'm sorry. That's uh, that's whale. Um perception plus empathy I
Starting point is 01:05:58 That is three successes. Okay. Yeah, um So you see teeth And you see Like fangs and you hear grunting and growling and you see Yeah, and you see Yeah, what do they have paws? Do the mandrels have paws? Is that the?
Starting point is 01:06:32 Yeah Hands with ripping and tear. Yeah, it's it's potentially not good any any Ghost manifestation shenanigans I see or no Uh, not that you can tell Fuck no boogeyman
Starting point is 01:06:52 No scary shit. Yeah, not yet. Not yet But at least confirming that the mandrels are in fact ghosts though. Yes, at least at least one Yeah, okay, cool. I'll come I'll come out of it Standing right in front of the gate of the enclosure Nice taking a deep breath Love that It's not good guys Well, there we are with this group. I could have told you that vote of confidence
Starting point is 01:07:24 I can confirm that they're definitely manifested or their least ghosts monkeys But they're not nice Well, nicoa so that we don't be on the same page. What were you hoping to accomplish with your experiment earlier? Uh Well, orpheus, this is a rare opportunity of ghosts and I would like to see maybe the practical application of using animals in the field So, okay, I just I just want to know How much it is an animal's nature
Starting point is 01:07:58 transferred when they're dead Well, we've already seen that they can be mesmerized by colette, but I assume as soon as that That effect wears off they'd go right back to their normal selves, right? Yes, but I mean we only have what we have now But hopefully maybe we could apply it to a more domestic kind of situation I'm just bringing back the observation for for for the company. I just want to know gotcha Have we experimented enough to feel that we can just finish the extermination as opposed to further experiments?
Starting point is 01:08:37 I don't think We should bother experimenting with these ones Fair fair. Yeah, I hope they don't throw ghost monkey poo I think it's the fangs you have to be more concerned about these things are vicious man. They steal babies in columbia Mandrels are from africa Yes, but monkeys in general steal babies Oh I think the I think the danger is that they somehow got to columbia
Starting point is 01:09:13 They could swim. Yeah Man these are some tough sons of bitches better They thought sharks in the ocean well telling you Logan and nicoa and Viv are the only ones that can really do any kind of damage. So we at least want if we split up We want at least one person on each team
Starting point is 01:09:38 Excuse me. Oh, yeah, excuse me You know what I think lavidia realizes that yeah, she could actually do some damage too So is there like a trash can lid somewhere that she can grab or just like have something physical Yes, cap. Yeah, totally. Do you manifest to do that? I think I've been manifested Okay, so so yeah, I'm uh, yeah, I'll grab something with my one free arm Got it. All right. Sounds good. Probably like a trash can lid so if I can block if I need to Yeah, okay. Well, did your arm go back? Uh, I think that's yeah. Oh, it has. Oh, wait. No, uh, let me check. I think it takes 24 hours
Starting point is 01:10:23 Ah, okay. Let me look right now Yep Yeah, man. Yeah I have a I have a potential idea Wow, let's hear it 24 hours Instead of having Playing against these these animals on their turf. We should bring them to us Colette seemed to be a very good condoant of attraction
Starting point is 01:10:50 So if we can maybe bring them all in one place, we could maybe knock them out All at one go now we're thinking what I like this idea What if we lure them into a blind corner? And then I'm waiting behind one of the corners and I just fucking crush those monkeys funnel them we'll funnel them into Hey B. Are you okay? I just you know how sometimes like you hear stories about like how dogs taste blood And then they can't not taste blood again
Starting point is 01:11:20 No, I can't Maybe I should go get ready Is it possible to calm down a golf cart? Do a gentle wail. We just turned the golf cart off Can I sue this golf cart? You sure? Yep. They can try if you'd like. Yeah With a zero vitality. No wasting vitality here I will just sue the cart in a second
Starting point is 01:11:56 That's three successes. What's your willpower? Um Abner It is one two three four five six Yep. Yep. Doesn't work Damn. Yep. I just pat the top of the golf cart I'm gonna get up off the golf cart and go no, I'm not sitting here anymore I think like as abner was talking to the golf cart was kind of doing like a Yeah
Starting point is 01:12:25 Yeah, I mean, I'd be okay trying to trick these monkeys. I like the idea Um, I'm trying to look at the map here to get an idea about if there is a place we can funnel Them to so have a map. Could we just open an enclosure and try to get them all in in there? Well, it's the primate enclosure like already in a closed enclosure Like don't they already have like a place that they're already chilling? They're like they're also on the other side of the park is a problem Oh, I thought everything I thought everything moved to the Africa
Starting point is 01:12:58 Yep, so like they're all by the african. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, so they're more towards the center at this point. They've been relocated You can show through walls, right? So the building won't work Well, maybe we just draw them into their like secondary location and then So we're about to jump some fucking money Okay, so we know we know where we're taking them now Okay, once we trap them, are we just gonna let Mario Kart have no, I think we should also wail It's the collective
Starting point is 01:13:39 Everyone go in one direction a cart sword hand. Okay, and then venin mea Steel monkey bodies. What? We'll just oh no, they're dead though. They don't have bodies. I don't know. I'm spitballing I'm not gonna ask that question that is off topic never prep gang the monkey before so I'm just trying to get the details right It's Standard ambush We get one. I think we get one. Um Banshee on either side so that you just like cross funnel it. Yeah across the streets
Starting point is 01:14:16 And then I can mop up whatever's left there you go The vending is going to find a nice comfortable bench to sit at with me and watch this all from a distance Yeah, that was a better light. I'm gonna play outfield and see if any monkeys trying to escape Try to hurt them back fully Incredible, okay, so um, you're looking for the monkey. So roll uh perception plus investigation This is a group. This is a group rule. Uh, whoever whoever would like to yeah, I will roll. Uh, what is it again? Plus investigation You don't want me on that
Starting point is 01:14:56 I rolled okay. I rolled a six of five and a four Oh, shit, I got three sixes I don't know if that's a good thing, but yeah, there you go three successes Yeah, we summon the boogie man Oh, shit Well, I thought you said you were gonna roll. Uh, oh my bad. Oh, no, you're good. I only got one success. So you're it's fine We're good. Yeah with their collective abilities Uh, you know, you make your way to the primate enclosure and of course you don't see anything
Starting point is 01:15:38 In the enclosure itself, but as you're looking around Uh, coa especially you look up and you see bristling and the trees And uh That's when they jump down Whoa, two of them Right on top of you And that's a good place to take a break Okay, nice, okay
Starting point is 01:16:03 Yeah, all right. So, uh, we'll be back in 10. All right. Yeah, all right. We'll see where we'll see where this goes So see in 10 right next into it. All right. See y'all see folks in a bit Hey folks, we are back. Thank you for joining us. Uh, not gonna waste any time. We're gonna get right back to it. So, uh As you all are kind of hunting down and looking for these mandrills all of a sudden Two of them dropped from the trees above. So I need everyone to go ahead and roll initiative Yeah I hope I do better than a seven Uh, how do we do initiative again? Yeah, so roll roll 1d10 and then you add your dexterity and wits to it
Starting point is 01:16:42 Like whatever that amount is Are you sure? I Guys I did not roll well Yeah, no That's what I know Nicole's got a seven. Okay Vibes got 10
Starting point is 01:17:07 Logan also has 10 I have a 13 Okay 13 oh it is in clutch for the top of the round Um I know I gotta hide somehow. Logan you got a 10? Yes, okay, and then uh viv. Oh, is lavineo. What'd you get? 10 lavineo you got a seven Okay All right, and what do me I get
Starting point is 01:17:37 Uh, oh, I forgot to roll for her one second And just to clarify we didn't we didn't get this at our trap No, right. No, we just know it They trapped so they trapped Well, and so here's the thing they don't get a surprise attack or like a surprise or anything like that because you picked up on The fact that they were nearby, right? Yeah, if you had failed they would have been different. Mia got an eight Okay. Oh my goodness. Okay These single digits
Starting point is 01:18:06 Okay Collette with that 13 you're up first as these two mangoes are dropping down on top of you Yeah, I'm gonna look back at the group and go along with the plan. I'm gonna drop another Four but well first I'm gonna do a willpower again. Okay, just to get myself back up to full Oh, no. Oh shit. I'm a person. Um Oh Shit, I hate being Monkeys are gonna fuck me up. Where can I hide? Um, so
Starting point is 01:18:44 Roll, uh, no perception plus wits No, I'm sorry perception plus Fucking chaos, I love it. I have no successes Um, you're panicking you are in panic mode You don't know you don't know if these these these mandrels are manifested or not, right? Because with your ability dead eyes You see you see spirits everywhere So you don't know how much if they're gonna be able to fuck you up or not, but it's enough for you to freak out Just a little bit. Uh, I'm gonna go hide behind koa
Starting point is 01:19:18 Okay, got it. Okay Uh, logan with that 10 you are up. Oh, um I'm eating candy. Hold on. That's okay. Go nuts. This is a good time for candy. Um, okay So Are they are they are there two of them in front of us? Yes okay Actually, I would say one directly in front of the group one kind of on the flank on on the on the right side um
Starting point is 01:19:47 I'll just go ahead and do a A two vitality whale right on and try to just Dip him out of here Logan doesn't like monkeys Okay, all right So you're going for the one i'm guessing the one directly in front of you right now
Starting point is 01:20:05 Okay, got it. See i'm manipulation plus empathy I None successes Yeah, no, it's this is Perhaps it's the surprise. Perhaps it's just whatever reason you can't manifest That amount of energy to really do any kind of damage. Um, so, uh, viv you are up next You did Do I see, um
Starting point is 01:20:35 Any anything small like throwable around Uh roll perception plus alertness Okay Also, is this going to be my turn if I do this? No, okay. I'm giving that to you perception No alertness Okay Okay
Starting point is 01:20:58 That's oh one two three Three successes. Yeah, so you look around and you see like there's this area with some of this dryscaping Right where you see that there are these like garden rocks kind of like all in a row This patch of dirt and and so you could reasonably Manipulate some of those Okay, I'm going to spend two vitality to
Starting point is 01:21:25 Make one rock each shoot and hit the monkeys in the skull Guys, okay. All right So with that, I don't even know if there's a roll for that. I don't believe so, but let's double check helter skelter Um, so the the dex one. Yeah Yep. Yeah dex so with yeah dex plus, uh, yep dex plus melee That's One success
Starting point is 01:21:55 Okay. All right. We'll say one misses Right. It just it goes a little wide. This is the first time you've used this ability offensively like this apart from fucking up scooters downtown Um, but the other one passes through The mandrel uh directly in front of the group and it doesn't seem to do a lot of damage. It does take one vitality Um, because it wasn't it wasn't prepared for this thing to pass through it And so it takes some of its gauze with it, but but doesn't do a whole lot of damage Okay. All right Abner with a nine you're up next
Starting point is 01:22:31 Um, okay. So where remind me where I am in relation to the monkeys the mandrels So how so you were I'm assuming you would have been maybe in the front of the group considering you're in you're in golf cart form I'm the tank. You're the tank. Yeah, man. Yeah Nice So I'm at the front. Okay. Um, so the first thing I'm going to do is expend some willpower to pop my vitality up Could you remind me how many vitality I get per willpower expenditure three for one? Okay. Yep. One two three. Okay. Cool. Um, the next thing I'm going to do Is fuck these monkeys up. All right. I'm a I'm a I'm a charge like I'm that rhino
Starting point is 01:23:16 Okay, beautiful. All right Roll your strength plus drive I really should have invested actually we'll do this dexterity plus drive. I don't know why I did strikes, but It's the same either way. Cool. Okay So, okay If I could get two tens again, that'd be nice. Oh, so one success one success. Okay. Yeah, you you drive for the one Is there one in particular you're aiming for or? No, no either or
Starting point is 01:23:49 Got it. So we'll just say the one immediately in front of you, right? Um, this one's getting hammered it got A rock freaking thrown at it. It got the whale attempt or the um What a collect trying to do no collects out of her body. Oh, yeah, logan tried to whale Whatever this thing is all this thing is getting getting it from all ends and all angles So, uh, you pass through it though. You drive right through this thing. What? Yep, it hasn't manifested completely Son of a bitch Stupid fucking monkey. Well, yep. I'm useless. Good luck
Starting point is 01:24:24 All right, Mia is up next Uh, Mia is I think the best thing she could probably do right now is like keep an eye out for that third monkey She knows that it's around here somewhere. Can she just kind of Do a scope of the land to see if she can find This missing third monkey Sure. Yeah, roll roll your alert s plus uh perception Uh, perception plus alertness. Well, that's not very good. Uh, that's a seven. That's one success one success. Okay. Yeah, um It's hard to tell there's just so much going on right now. These mandrels are hooting and hollering and and rotten and growling and you've got
Starting point is 01:25:04 Fucking after the golf cart taking off, you know at at top speed of 14 miles per hour Um, you get rocks getting thrown. It's a lot to keep track of. Yeah Uh, you hear something, but you're not sure if it's the wind In the grass or in the trees You you don't know at this point with that one success LaVinia, I think we'll attempt to do the same thing if that's all right Sure. Yeah, absolutely. Uh perception and alertness you said. Yep perception plus alertness Okay, she's better at it than me. I realize
Starting point is 01:25:39 Um Two fours of five and eight and then nine so I guess it's two successes Yeah, two successes. Yep. Um, there may be something from behind you. Okay. All right Maybe I think I think LaVinia will say I I hear movement behind us That's it all right Okay, excellent. So um
Starting point is 01:26:05 I think we're back at the top now No, no, no, so we skipped nicoa and you were at the end, but we'll uh The the mandrels have an eight so they're gonna go next. Um One of them is going to go for who's who's kind of on the right side of the who we didn't really come up with a marching order, but I'd probably be in that mid Mid section like yeah, okay on the right side right side Got it. I'll be close to the outside because I'm catching catching them Got it. I'm behind cola
Starting point is 01:26:38 Okay, right So one is an inanimate object. Well a quote a quote an inanimate object. So Um, one of them is going to go for for you Logan. Unfortunately Hey, man, let's go. You did have that whale attempt. So with that they it is going to try to Bite it's going to try to bite you That was fucking columbia mandrels Uh Two successes, um
Starting point is 01:27:10 Yep, so, uh, I just want to say I didn't say the mandrels were columbian The monkeys were god damn it and they steal babies. You didn't specify monkeys You just said they and we'd been talking about mandrels. So the obvious Tracking would be that you would what are mandrels leg if not monkeys manifested damn it This is an argument we'll have to have later Um, wait, are you are you in physical form or are you still you still spectral? I'm still a spooky ghost spooky ghost, okay, it does Four levels of bashing damage. So you can attempt to you can attempt to soak
Starting point is 01:27:51 I'm gonna do that. Okay. So roll otherwise Roll your stamina No Three successes. Okay. So you uh, you only take one then At least they have two lives if they do that. Yeah, right. Yeah, and it's only bashing damage I haven't started doing lethal yet. You haven't started accruing lethal. Correct. Um, the other one is going to go for you Viv you threw a fucking rock at it. It's not happy Um, so it's gonna try to claw at you
Starting point is 01:28:26 So we're gonna roll these here dice right quick. We'll see how many successes that is. That is uh, only one success. So Um, it still succeeds slightly. So let's see, uh, how good it does And that is two it the one of its claws rips through your gauze and you take two vitality damage But you can attempt to soak you can attempt to soak Yeah Soak is automatic as soon as you take damage you can roll your stamina pool and then you can offset the damage That's one success. All right. So you only take one then. Okay All right, coa you are up
Starting point is 01:29:06 Uh, yes, I will spend two vitality points to wail at both monkeys and get them get them out of here. Got it Well, so they're kind of they're kind of Set apart Are they too far apart where I can't it won't affect don't affect them. You would need to hit we need to you choose one um Then I guess the right one that was flanking off the side then I'll go for that one. Okay, beautiful All right, all right Two successes two successes. Okay. It takes two vitality damage that whale just those shockwaves just
Starting point is 01:29:50 Crash into its form and rip some of that gauze away It turns to you and its teeth bared freaking howling at you Um, obviously angered but not looking great. Not looking great. Um, what's your vitality at right now? My vitality is currently Um three vitality. Okay. All right. Got it. So she's still still holding together still holding Okay, got it. Um with that levinia. You kind of went with that term. Uh, to see if that was around you so collect back to you Okay I have questions. All right
Starting point is 01:30:29 I need them answered. Okay, thievery Yes, do I have to be ghost? Yes Okay um Misery loves company or whatever it is I use to check what these monkeys are. Yes. Do I have to be ghost? No Okay, can I do that first? Let me see. Let me let me double check. Let me double check because That's a great question. I don't know. Uh, misery loves company. Um
Starting point is 01:30:57 Fuck sorry. Sorry folks. Sorry. Um, I'm sorry not not misery loves company detect nature group Just to see what the fuck they are. So that's how that's how you do that. Yep Okay. Yep. Oh, wait. No, I'm sorry detecting nature groups. Uh No, that's automatic. Um So you will spend Uh One point of vitality. So yeah, you do need you do need you do need to be in ghost form Okay, well then I'm gonna go hide right now. I'm gonna find the
Starting point is 01:31:30 Closest place to hide got it. Roll dexterity for stealth Okay, we'll do Four I'll bet that third monkey is just stocking around for like a meat sack left behind ready to strike That's a great idea. That's not to help If you were wondering that's not helpful Um Five successes. Oh, yeah. No, you find a good you find a good hiding spot. Um, I'm gonna crouch down
Starting point is 01:32:05 I'm gonna try and tap my fingers and go back to therapy and okay. All right. Okay. Just focus Just focus it's like masturbation. You just got to get in the right headspace And I'll try and uh go ghost you you go zero and you're able to you're able to calm yourself enough to like that just crack down Um, so you are now out of your body Logan you are up Okay Okay If I start taking lethal damage, I haven't yet, but if I did
Starting point is 01:32:43 I have to get all of them again in lethal damage to die die right And I can heal when we rest yes Um, yeah lethal will take a lot longer to recover from yes Okay bashing not so much bashing as ours. You may be looking at days weeks with lethal. Okay Interesting. Um, okay Do either of the monkeys gauzes look a little more fucked up than the other Um, the one that was directly in front of the group Okay
Starting point is 01:33:19 Um, my whale is shit. I can't do anything. Oh, I know. I'm sorry. I apologize the one The one that was to the right that koa wailed at okay Um, logan's getting extremely upset and they're hurt and they've been essentially useless the entire time and They they feel stupid again They felt stupid for weeks and it's it's not fucking stopping. So I think They're gonna just run scoop the monkey and try and do thievery again Okay, all right. Well, yeah role strength plus brawl
Starting point is 01:33:53 All right Yeah, is ghost rabies a thing? No, thankfully I think you're good there So did we prove their banshees or So you don't know what these ones are yet? Okay, all right three successes. Yeah, check that first. Oh, well, okay Um, yeah, so with thievery um you do
Starting point is 01:34:22 You attempt to but there's no there's no connection Shit, but it is grappled you're grappled with a mandrel right now Yep, I am aren't I I forgot I had to have the same type to Cool, great. This is this is fine. This is super fine. This is super fine. This is very fine I won't die this turn so or hopefully not Viv you are up. Okay. Okay. I okay I want to stop what's happening with logan because once again logan is wrestling an animal
Starting point is 01:35:01 Yeah, they cannot afford it. They are really good at it. They are really good at it I don't want to throw rocks at them because it's gonna hit them first I want to Oh Is there a way I can stomp the monkey I want to stop the monkey which monkey The one that logan is wrestling. Okay, so like you want to drop kick it No, I literally want to stomp on it. Well, so she's got it like I just hit the shit out of my mic
Starting point is 01:35:37 She's got this thing like wrapped up at like chest level Kick it in the stomach You heard it. If you heard her she wants to stop it. Okay. Yeah If I step on it, I'm gonna step I'm gonna step on your rib cage, which I don't want. It's fine. I can handle it Well, they're not on the ground. They're standing Oh Yeah, because I don't think she I don't think they tackled it. I think they just I just like scooped it. Yeah. Oh beautiful. Okay. Then can I can I just I'm just gonna like run up and say
Starting point is 01:36:08 Can I see this for a minute and I'm gonna throw the monkey down on the ground? Okay, um, you might take logan with you or with it, but yeah, go for it. Go roll, um roll strength plus brawl. Yeah I'm loving the tactics here folks. This is good shit. Oh good. There's two in brawl. Oh my god That's three successes Yeah, you um You you are you trying to rip it out of logan's grip? I I want to give them a heads up so they can sort of You know, let let the monkey loose just a little bit. Okay, they could just pass me the baby
Starting point is 01:36:58 Throw the baby on the ground Snap it like a sheet Roll deck stare Roll dexterity plus, uh, oh man, my udaloop is all fucked up here Roll, uh roll dexterity plus, um athletics there. Oh logan see if you can break away Dexterity and athletics. Yeah Three successes. Yep, you're able to break away as fucking viv man Grads this thing and fucking pile drives it for for one vitality damage. It's it's it's looking rough. Um,
Starting point is 01:37:39 not enough to to completely dismantle this thing, but Yeah, it it didn't like that too much. Can I can I use helter skelter to throw it to the ground with my with like With my mind and my body. Can I like supercharge it? Mind body scared. Yeah, I would I would say at this time because because you there's the physical component with it Your your focus is a little too divided to manifest like that, but maybe next time if you want to throw this fucking thing You give me a shot. Um, okay. That was beautiful Abner, uh in golf cart form you're up. Yeah
Starting point is 01:38:15 So there's not a whole lot I can do here Sure, so what what what I'm gonna do is I want to start doing donuts kind of around the battlefield Like you know so that I can like keep my eyes on like what's going on And I think abner is just going to yell now if I could offer up some constructive criticism Maybe it's not a great idea to throw yourself into the fangs of these fucking rabid monkey ghosts Everything else I've done has been fucking useless Join the club Okay
Starting point is 01:38:54 Mia You're up Um, so to be clear no one has successfully determined the the nature of these guys, right? All right, I think she's going to try to spend her turn trying to do that if possible Okay, all right. Uh, so go ahead and spend a vitality point. All right Okay All right. These are poltergeists I knew there were going to be poltergeists
Starting point is 01:39:23 Oh, no They're monkeys monkeys throw their poo. It only makes sense. Um, they were gonna be wisps. All right, so perfect little tricksters She'll she'll yell out They're like babe. They're poltergeists I think that's all she'll do um, and then Little good. Oh, yeah. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, she's after LaVinia. Yeah. So, um, yeah, here we go Mandrels aren't not happy the one is going to get up off the ground and come for you viv
Starting point is 01:39:54 It's common. It's a friend on the ground. Yeah, you took it and you threw it on the ground. You don't need no handouts Yeah, anybody get that reference And I threw it on the ground They threw the ground That's not fun That ain't my dad. This is a cell phone. Um Christmas goops Four successes
Starting point is 01:40:25 No, uh, so it yields going to do some other shits. Uh, let's take it up Now real soon. Yep. So it is going to bite Oh shit, I cocked those Uh Can we bite them? Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah Of course you can. Um, to their level you sustain three levels of vitality damage as this thing begins tearing into your jaws With its impossibly strong jaws. So roll that soap Uh
Starting point is 01:41:05 Two successes. All right. Yep. So you only take one man How are you looking? Not great. Um, I think Right now Yeah, before I before I spend this willpower. She has one vitality. Okay. Um, and you could see the sort of gunshot wounds Coming through bleeding through the clothes and like coming down eye and everything Um before she spends too willpower to not Yeah Um, what sort of what sort of damage do you see from the vehicle impact?
Starting point is 01:41:40 Of when she was hit from when she was hit like what oh shit, uh, I think I think Click musical interlude from erin. Thank you for the the fully of viv getting hit by a fucking car Uh That's what it sounded like exactly she was delivering a guitar Okay, okay, I think her entire Her entire left side, um, you just see one arm like fly in the opposite the not good direction. Yeah, um, and One leg gets really hard to stand on there's like it's not even like the bones breaking in one part. It's just shattered So she just stops like
Starting point is 01:42:37 That whole leg is not supporting anything Um, and she she's still standing over this monkey. She threw on the ground But the whole left side nothing is holding or supporting anything And very quickly there's there's almost like this slight flare up as you tap into that willpower viv and you You just will yourself back together and so yeah, you regain three vitality points All right All right, uh coa you're up, uh, I gotta expend a vitality point and then
Starting point is 01:43:17 Um Then i'll do another Level two vitality whale at the nearest, uh one. Okay. Am I out of am I am I out of sight from anybody? I'm not gonna hit anybody. You should be good to go. Yep Oh, wait. No wait, you're you're attacking the one on the right Uh, yeah, I would hopefully get the one closest if not, I'll try to move to the other one Yeah, try to move to the other one because they're gonna hit they have a logon potentially. Okay. Yeah, no no time for that Yeah, so i'll move for the one that uh abner was fighting originally. Perfect. Yeah
Starting point is 01:44:04 I have four successes. Oh shit. Yeah, you you you finally like just let loose everything you've got Throw your whole body into it and that shockwave just rips that mandrel apart. It's gauze scattered to the wind Just these thick strands of gauze just just flying as its form Completely dissipates. Right. So that's one down All right, uh abner or nope. You already went right. Yeah, levinia. You're up next. My apologies Uh Levinia isn't very useful here, but she does see her friends are getting beat up by one of the monkeys I think she'll probably run over to the one that you know
Starting point is 01:44:47 Viv and and loganer are messing with. I think she's just gonna try to kick it Do something Okay, okay All right. Well, so have you uh tried to tap any of your stains yet? Well, I mean as I have shifting identity leper and withered so I don't know if any of those are really combat. Oh, yeah, I guess they're not Yeah, I guess they're not okay. Whoops. All right So I'm so stupid you yeah, and now now that I know that it's a poultry guys. I can't you know use thievery so All right. Yeah roll your roll your strength post brawl there
Starting point is 01:45:22 One single die. That's a six which I think might be a success. That's a success. Yeah, so um, yeah you you uh For one vitality damage once again, you just kind of dropkick this thing in the back Uh, it seems more annoyed than anything else But kind of some of the gauze kind of comes away on the end of your spectral boot You know just just it's clean to it. It's clear. This thing is having a hard time keeping itself together I'm imagining that scene in the boys where all the women are just beating up on that nazi Nazi monkey Yep, fuck nazis
Starting point is 01:45:59 So let's you are up Um, so they've got one One monkey. They're press ganging, right? Yeah Could I conceivably sneak up on that monkey? It is distracting Um, yeah, roll roll dexterity foot stealth. Yeah, give it a shot. Okay. See what we got. I will Like it flanking. Yeah Wrong game
Starting point is 01:46:36 Uh, so I have A lot two three four five five six seven Yep, you sneak up on this thing So once I'm up on it, I want to reach into my gauze like I'm pulling from a pocket and bring out my artifacts Yes, so I'm gonna take out the heliotrope brush Uh, and it's a paintbrush that's been snapped off at the end so that it's jagged and bladed off the end And it's completely made of bloodstone That beautiful green, uh stone with the red flecks within
Starting point is 01:47:12 She's gonna pull it back as hard as she fucking can and fuck you monkey All right roll dexterity plus melee Call that as a shiv I have four successes. Oh, yep How do you do it? How do you how do you kill this thing? Straight through its little monkey heart Yeah Instead of like bringing it down like almost in an overhand you kind of come at it from the side, right?
Starting point is 01:47:52 And both handed just driving it in right into its chest and this thing lets out at this blood curdling howl as Again, it's gauze just seems to melt and dissipate and fade Yeah There you go Yep, all right Because we got one we got one. Yeah, logan roll perception plus alertness poor for more. Oh boy That's your up next perception
Starting point is 01:48:23 All right, that's okay as the mandrel snatches you I would not be surprised logan is the baby of the group Dills, okay, you see I just got that You see the third mandrel leap out of the brush and onto the top of abner Hey, look out and do a whale as like a hey look out. Okay. All right. Yep. Go ahead and go ahead and wail an instinct Yeah, as soon as she as soon as they say the hey look the out just becomes like this prolonged
Starting point is 01:49:06 Howl as these shockwaves just begin to emanate Yeah, oh shit. I didn't say with vitality. I was gonna do it at three Okay. Oh, awesome. Okay. Yeah, you blast this thing off the top of abner's golf cart Um, and it kind of rolls on the ground but comes up obviously rain to pounds. It's it's cocked and ready to go Um, so if you always hurt. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's all looking good So i'm i'm sorry. Is it still on the roof of the cart or it got knocked clear off? Okay. Yep The golf cart definitely took some damage too. Like it it's frame bends a little bit
Starting point is 01:49:46 But not not enough to kind of kick you out of it yet. Um, it's a golf cart. It's this thing ain't sturdy. Um Viv you are up All right. Do you have a question? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Have we been saying that the willpower expenditure to get vitality back is like a Automatic automatic. Okay. Cool. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. Okay. Beautiful. Yeah, viv you are you are up I'm gonna grab this monkey by the throat. Yeah, grab that fucking Choking um Choked him on Yeah
Starting point is 01:50:20 We're here now Bad things today. We genuinely like animals as human beings. I don't know what Strength plus brawl Strength I love that the viv has been fricking For successes. Yeah I want to steal. I want to steal every piece of vitality this monkey has ever known
Starting point is 01:50:48 I want it to be done. You're done Oh, okay. Oh, I like this. Let's see where this goes. All right. Uh roll Jesus, that's dark. Um, let me pull on Yeah, uh, it's a thievery. Here we go. Okay roll willpower How do I and I will do the same I okay, so I currently have six in willpower. I just roll six right you roll six, right? Yep Four three successes three successes, okay um
Starting point is 01:51:24 Oh Yeah, um you What I need you to do first is what's what's your spite rating spite is four. All right roll four guys Oh It's for each success, right? Yeah. Okay. That's one success Okay, so you gain a spite point So it's not the it's not the rating itself. It's not the uh the circle. It's the box underneath it. Okay. Got you So you gain a spite point. Yep as you tap into this dark aspect of your personality and you
Starting point is 01:51:58 drain This the vitality from this mandrill and you all watch an absolute fucking horror as this thing withers and fades Howling and screaming this blood curdling almost two humans scream the entire time as this gauze just enters Vives form and bolsters her own appearance and and you get three vitality The last the last of the like shattered bones snap into place as she finishes. Yep taking you Yeah We are out of combat
Starting point is 01:52:34 All right, that was it everyone. All right What have you done? Why did you do that? I finished it. We're here to Do the job. I finished it That's not how you do the job It's done the job. However, the job gets done. What the fuck was that? Just I wanted it don't We expend vitality to get rid of it not absorb vitality
Starting point is 01:53:02 I was I didn't have much left. I was trying to kill two birds That's not killing two birds that hurts you far more than you understand. Is that what happened? You drank that thing? I mean, that's yeah, that's one way to put it. I use it to fix fix me and I'm not Fucked up anymore. I thought that would be a good thing As you all look at viv and you're having this conversation you you notice at her eyes for the briefest of moments pure obsidian black And that blackness begins to fade as she comes back to herself
Starting point is 01:53:40 But at the time there's this this almost White hot waves of just rage Roiling from her form and you can feel it you can practically taste it But eventually that comes eyes go back to normal Are you are you good? Yeah, I'm good a little scratched up, but I'm good That's good then That's good. Yeah we've
Starting point is 01:54:16 Go ahead search. We've uh, we've done pretty good work tonight. Perhaps now's a good time to take a break Yeah, no shit. Yeah, I'm with you Vin. Totally all the way We're not gonna charge through anymore I I I could keep going, but I I don't know. I don't feel very useful tonight. I kind of have to think about my strategy moving forward How's uh How's everybody feeling I think the break would be a wise
Starting point is 01:54:55 We have enough days to do this and we've done good for one night. Yeah, what do we have left? One rhino one just the rhino no and the rats there's rats But the big ticket idol the rhino. Yeah, and there's warthogs Warthogs. Fuck. There's three of them What's the odds we could get them all in the same pin and Like stack them together. Well, if we continue executing plans the way we have been zero That's fair. I'm sorry. They scared the shit out of that's fair too. I warned you about the monkeys Oh, I don't know. I think it went pretty well all things considered
Starting point is 01:55:47 Yeah So sounds like a plan then we'll go take a little take a little snooze and then we'll set up a trap for the rest of So what tent are like where we hit and now are the locker room? Yeah that locker room. Yeah break room I mean we could go in a lizard room. It's probably really warm I can't feel warmth. I'll meet you guys there if you want to go in the lizard room I mean it'd be cooler if you want to we can do that. That's fine. I don't we could we could go to the lizard room Probably smells a lot worse than the locker room, but okay I don't know
Starting point is 01:56:31 Nicole is not joining the squad. I'm gonna walk away I'm gonna go back to the um, I'm gonna go back to the elephant enclosure. Okay. Okay, all right Alone Unless somebody's gonna come with me. I'm I'm walking off. I might trail after you If you're going with her, I'll stay in the lizard room All right, we don't have to do the lizard room. I know you're you're placating me we can sleep in the locker room It's just so really enthusiastic. I don't want to I don't want to ruin it. You don't get to sleep over at a zoo very often I mean, yeah, we're picking a locker room in a zoo
Starting point is 01:57:11 It doesn't have to be the lizard room, but can we pick something that is A zoo we're in a zoo She's not wrong Living people you guys are the ones that get cold does it matter? No, I'm good. I can just be dead Perfectly, I'm completely honestly. I'm completely comfortable where I am. Are you gonna stay at car for the For the night I don't see why I would do anything else
Starting point is 01:57:42 I will stop you there. It does so past the scene. It does start costing willpower to maintain your Possession sleep in the golf car. That's that unfortunately not as much. I I know you would love to and I would love to But yeah, yeah, that would drain your willpower This game doesn't let us do enough I Let me be a car vins Amazing Well, so that's that's that you wouldn't be able to heal
Starting point is 01:58:16 You wouldn't be able to recover any vitality because you can essentially be expending vitality to remain Well, shit, then I'll park the golf cart somewhere and get out. I guess all right chat's got a good idea here We can sleep in the gift shop. I like that. Oh, that's cute There you go. Good job chat We can use all the stuffed animals as pillows and stuff Pile of animals we killed So who's going just for for all vincey vince's edification, where's everybody going? I think we're all heading to the gift shop except nicoa and it sounds like logan
Starting point is 01:58:54 Yeah, you got it. Yeah. Okay. All right. Sounds good as we're heading to the gift shop Wherever we're going to end up resting. I think levinia will saddle up next to viv and she'll just say Vivian don't feel bad for doing what you had to do Nikoa surprisingly can sometimes be even more strict than I am when it comes to the rules around here Yeah, I I don't feel bad I just I didn't think I'd have to worry about You know when you're dead, it just kind of feels like you can do whatever you want and there isn't any cost You're you're just dead and then you're then you're nothing
Starting point is 01:59:40 I know what you're talking about I don't and I don't care about saving up. I don't know a life Like this. I'm just I just want to get the job done. So Thank you. I'm glad I have your support How did it feel to absorb its life? You you can say that it felt good, it's okay It felt really good. It was kind of cut in half because I was staring in the face of a shrieking monkey. It is not comfortable
Starting point is 02:00:18 But it felt really good to just End something You know what I mean There's nothing better the only thing better than a beginning is an edge. Yes Exactly Did you see Colette with a knife? That's a paintbrush. Did you see that? I was surprised by that. Yeah, I'm gonna have to ask her about that Yeah, me too. Me too A little impressed, but also
Starting point is 02:00:47 Where is that? Where is that stored? Yeah, not only you could do that kind of stuff. Yeah, right, right I thought she was all, you know wispy Yeah I don't know I'm glad we're best friends out a bit I taught her so well just making so many friends. Yeah, she's just gonna stand there like, uh What just happened
Starting point is 02:01:22 Okay Believe we just lost Colette. Yeah, I'm not sure why I'm sure he may return in a moment. All right So, uh, Nicola and Logan What are you what are you two, uh, what are you two up to? Uh, yeah, so Nicola's eventually just gonna wander back to the elephant enclosure back to that one elephant that She knows was like sick and recovered Um, and she's just kind of just leaning up against the like rail Smoking a cigarette just watching it
Starting point is 02:01:55 just Taking a taking a beat All kind of Sit next to or not even say just kind of like stand next to coa for a minute Shouldn't you go back shouldn't you rip cord back you look pretty beat? I'll do it a little bit Do you think it's sad Of course, it's sad
Starting point is 02:02:23 You'd be sad too I noticed you were trying to do the same thing that, uh Vivian was doing Yeah, I didn't really know what I was doing the first time but The second time I did You know the things that came after Christopher Allen Those are that's the consequence Spite is okay can is there a way that I can show
Starting point is 02:03:12 Logan the spite that I have Visually in the same way I would be able to show vitality. Yeah, you share it. What's your rating? uh, too Unfortunately not. Yeah, I can't show it to her. Yeah, so the best the the way that spite usually manifests is through the stains Right the stains to your gauze And those you you can't really begin to willfully manifest until you hit four or higher Um, yeah, so like viv at any time could could pull that out. So pull that out. Okay I
Starting point is 02:03:50 I mean viv can do some pretty cool stuff though And I'm kind of useless right now. So A little bit of spite wouldn't be the worst thing in the world We're not meant to be hateful beings And leaning on that is cutting a corner You can absolutely be the best Self you want to be logan without having to take away a life If murder is unfair in the real world
Starting point is 02:04:25 Why wouldn't that be the same thing because it's already dead We were sent here to murder them anyway. Not already dead It's still alive. It's got a soul. It's here tethered to the world I'm here still tethered to the world We're sending it somewhere else though. Isn't that death? Death is inevitable But we do it with kindness And with compassion
Starting point is 02:04:54 And you above all as a banshee should understand those things We don't do cool things to solve our problems I Don't want to know what Vivian will become if she continues down that nor do I want that for you either She has us to stop her from that Before she goes too far. I mean That's what the team's supposed to be right. We're supposed to like watch each other's back and shit. Why can't we watch her back? in that way too
Starting point is 02:05:31 We can to an extent Vivian's our own person at the same time It's better to just not dabble in it. It's better to just Become stronger be better Yeah Enjoy the elephant. I'm gonna I should probably walk back Sleep well. Yeah
Starting point is 02:05:59 Um Vince can I saddle up to uh Vivian really quick? Oh Shit How are you feeling? Oh god, I'm Good A little A little scared now, but I'm okay. Why why are you scared?
Starting point is 02:06:30 What is this? What is this tactic? What are you doing? I'm having a conversation with you trying to get to know the people in the group Okay, what do you want to know? creeper I I'm sorry. I just you know, I thought that uh, I thought that was a pretty cool display back there And I was thinking What if you did it some more? I mean
Starting point is 02:07:01 Thank you first and If we need to I plan on it Why do you I just I just wanted to uh, let you know That orpheus has a lot of use for people willing to go to extremes Do you understand what I'm saying Yeah Okay But can I can I be real with you for a second? Of course always
Starting point is 02:07:40 Okay, so I may have already gotten on orpheus's bad side because of some Extracurricular activities as of late Do you think that I could use this to cancel That heat out? Oh, yeah as long as you do it within The bounds of our mission Okay I just don't be going rogue on me now
Starting point is 02:08:11 No What's that? I don't I don't want to I of course you don't But you know you do it you do it kind of in the court here and uh You know maybe uh, maybe there'll be something uh something more on the side for you in the next few Few missions if you get my drift So what do I what do I get I don't I don't know what is that more more on the time card or Emotions more pay. I don't know where your pay is getting funneled too, but I'm sure it's going somewhere good
Starting point is 02:08:55 Okay, okay Yeah Cool Logan doesn't know about this. Oh, of course not Okay, is that a request or a statement? It's a demand got it I understand. Okay Well sleep tight I don't sleep Yeah, okay All right
Starting point is 02:09:33 Uh colette is going to get one of those like magnetic graphite Uh like drawing tablets. They'll sell at gift shops and like little toy stores It's got a little like giraffe for a pen and everything Um, and she's gonna do her best to draw exactly how she saw viv's eyes Like the entire the portrait of it all and the voids big voids for eyes and everything she's trying to capture the moment Yeah, uh go ahead and roll. Um Let's do uh wits and uh Crafts yeah, okay
Starting point is 02:10:16 Uh Four successes. Yeah, you get it, you know, this is this is what you do. This is who you are and you recall that that absolute emptiness and in her eyes you begin like Committing to paper every every detail. Yeah, and it looks It's just as terrifying to see on paper. It was it was to see in person Right, and I think she's just gonna take some time to take out her chip and just kind of look at the picture for a while all right What else is everybody doing?
Starting point is 02:10:57 Logan do you return to your body? I do um, but I don't join everyone at the gift shop Okay, what do you do? I uh lay in my immobilized body Yeah, and just Think about everything and probably cry a little bit Yeah, it's gonna take about six hours because you're at you're immobilized, right? I'm I'm immobilized. Okay, so it'll take about six hours to recover
Starting point is 02:11:27 completely Yeah, so I just lay there and think and rage cry a little bit Yeah All right, Livini, I think you had something you were um, I I just think that uh Mia Would you know? Well, she's in she's not in her body So never mind. She she'd just be thinking about detective sorenson. Layla. Yeah
Starting point is 02:11:54 That's all. Yeah And majesty That's right. Okay. Okay I dig it So, yeah for the for those of it's for those of you among us who are dearly departed What what's your kind of plan for the evening now? You gain you gain one vitality point back per eight hours of an activity. So What do you uh, what do you do? What do you do at that time? Do you wander?
Starting point is 02:12:23 Yeah, yeah, I'll after a while. I'll probably just start wandering around the zoo. Okay, Jess keeping to myself pondering the universe And I assume this is going to lead into the next day like we'll have a full Probably like 12 hours of a day. Absolutely, right? Absolutely. Yeah Yeah, unless there's I unless there's plans to um Leave the the park or anything. I'll probably end up wandering too Okay, um I still have only one arm though
Starting point is 02:12:54 And you know what I think I'm I think Livini would just end up hanging out like where the the group is congregating most of the time And just gain that vitality back over The course of a few hours Got it. Okay. Awesome. Yeah Yeah, that's just gonna kind of keep watch I think after a while, um after Logan doesn't come back. They'll probably go looking for them Okay But I don't know if they I think they're gonna respect that they're not back like if it makes sense
Starting point is 02:13:25 So they might not engage. They just want to know where they are All right Yeah, uh roll Roll a Perception No, not perception. Sorry roll. Yeah roll perception plus, um investigation One success Okay, it takes you a while, uh, but you eventually find where they have kind of laid their head for the evening
Starting point is 02:13:57 And the locker room right Logan, does that were you I was just on the floor of the locker room and I don't think I got up Yeah Yeah Do you have are you just laying on the floor like nothing? No like blanket. No nothing Yeah, okay Uh, okay, then then she's gonna try to make it less sad If it's getting a Something to help like if it's just a blanket or something like I don't know
Starting point is 02:14:25 We have snacks or if there's like a crate of water in the locker room Just something that's so they don't have to move far when they wake up All right Cool. Love that. All right So with that, um, let's do this since there there isn't a whole lot left I'm assuming you all are just going to spend your time tracking down The rest if any spirits that are still within the zoo Yeah, okay
Starting point is 02:14:54 So roll so since uh, we're kind of doing this as a group We'll kind of do this like we'll do this montage style. How's that? Okay. Um, Yes, yeah, we're gonna need a montage. Uh, so with that Um, it's just tired of running us through combat where we fuck everything up. No I'm just walking with you. I'm just walking with you I'm watching that man. Come on down and you kill the rest of the animals. Yeah, right So, um, everybody roll perception or whoever wants to perception plus investigation Three successes. All right
Starting point is 02:15:39 One success for labinia I don't think too much One success I'll say with that with with you all kind of using the time available to you You're able to eventually track down. Um, a couple of war hogs Some of the impalas Some snakes that have also no rhino. No rhino doesn't you've seen either hide nor hair of of of rhino Um, and with enough effort with enough time and with enough rest you kind of you begin whittling away at their numbers
Starting point is 02:16:12 Um, eventually though, you do come across this Uh, this group of these giant pouched rats about six of them Now when we say giant, what do you mean giant? They're a rat They're pretty big. Yeah, they're about the size of like a small dog. So Yeah Small dog. Oh, wow. Yeah, they're they get pretty big. Um, I don't know. Yeah
Starting point is 02:16:41 Let's see how big we get Logan if there was going to be anything that we Recruit it was going to be one of these things So I think logan's in like super subdued and just trying to do like basic work But as soon as they see the rats they're like Okay, oh come on. We don't want a dirty rat back. It's just a rat. He's look at him. He's so cute It's disgusting. Let me just come on uncle abner. Let me just try What's one more dirty rat abner and she just stares at
Starting point is 02:17:12 Oh, shit Got making a note of that I just Put in our chat and it's so cute How bad is the plague anyways? Like people have hepatitis. It's the same thing And it's a goose. It's not gonna give people The cosplay. Yeah, no, I'm just like, yeah Um, but there's about yeah, there's about five or six of them and and you come across them
Starting point is 02:17:40 They're kind of just and they The rest of the kind of the the herd the group moves on but about three of them stop and kind of see what you What you're about what you're doing So what are you trying to do? You're gonna fumigate those asses or what? I'm gonna crouch down. Yes. I hold the hand out. I'm continuing my my science research for you know Vince could abner just pick up one of the rats and snap its fucking neck. Why are you like this? Is that uh, okay. Yeah, bro. Uh, roll dexterity plus, uh, can we have our nice moment first? Can I wail him? I'm sorry. It's dexterity plus what plus brawl. Oh, you're a little kid. Okay. Okay, cool. All right
Starting point is 02:18:28 Oh, you thought that was kidding. No, I'm gonna try to hide this happening Um, so it's a success and a one for a net zero Yeah, you can't you can't get your hands on it. Um, it doesn't it doesn't like But for coa and logan roll your manipulation plus animal can Can I ask a question real quick before they roll? So my benefit gives two dice to a beneficiary social horror if I spend too vitality, can I give four? Um, so that's if they're using a um, that's if they're using a horror, right? Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, so like if they were using whale
Starting point is 02:19:12 Yeah, but they were using what you know what I'll pop um I'll pop to vitality so that I seem like a trusted friend Two successes. Okay One success. Okay with that combined. Yeah, something else when you When you do that, they all look towards you collet Because they see a kin now that we've identified that these are wisps They see a kindred spirit and with those successful roles even marginally on Niko and logan's part. Uh, they're definitely they're approaching they're approaching
Starting point is 02:19:50 They're not ready to get in the palm of the hand just yet, but they're they're getting close I'm a rat. I should have known it makes so much sense I thought you said you were a monkey. Yeah I thought I was too, but I found out a lot about myself. Look at those little guys. They look just like me Just because I have the same doesn't mean you're necessarily a rat I don't think I'm a lion I am a rat. Everyone wants to be aggressive trying to draw them in Okay
Starting point is 02:20:18 All right. So who's so what's the plan? What it what it what do you How do you want to see this progress? What's the intent? Well, will they drown if we draw like a huge vat of water? We are not drowning them. They're coming home with us One you get one koa's got one too. We have two Can I attempt to use misery loves company? To use a vitality to empathize or attune to another ghost in the same nature group. Yes Oh, it's just for a scene though, right? Yeah, but but a scene is like so this entire scene that we got going on right here
Starting point is 02:20:54 But essentially after this scene, I'd have to do it every single day Forever, yeah Well, if if you were you know, unless I mean you you fail to win their trust every single time, but yeah Okay, but if I form a bond because it says something about forming a bond Would that mean I would negate the future roles and they just stick around with this help? Yeah Okay, all right. I'm gonna try that I'm just gonna reach out my hand and feed them. I don't know little ghost pellets. It's just a little ghost pellets All right, so let's see. Um if the bond forms. Okay. Um, let's see a resisted willpower it uses
Starting point is 02:21:33 Okay, roll your willpower Okay, and the do I get anything added from my unearthly repose? Yeah, add two dice Okay That sounds about right Okay, hold on Oh, okay One success for the for the willpower on the rats. Okay. God bless you. I have a pool of 10, so Don't even bother. Don't even bother. Yeah
Starting point is 02:22:03 They it crawls right up to your hand and it stands on its hind legs and is looking up at you So I'm gonna sort of invite it into my hand and then slowly drift the first one over to Logan and sort of introduce them and then I'll try the same thing over to color. All right. Yep If you spend the willpower for the misery loaves company easily enough If you spend the will if you spend the vitality, I'll give you an automatic Lavinia is Lavinia is curious as to what they're uh, you know, what their lament is or what their Nature is uh, is there a way that she can
Starting point is 02:22:39 Perform the the ability to tell? Yeah, yeah, so spend spend a vitality point and um, you'll you can tell their wisps They are wisps. Okay We have Only do we have any wisps? Yeah, you've got Koleli. Oh, that's right. Kolela wisps. Okay Yeah, you're the best No problem. Yeah, they're they're chill little guys. I think they'll stick around if they like this long enough I don't know how that works. I didn't write the manual
Starting point is 02:23:10 I mean the mission parameters say fumigate So try to fumigate this and I will wail you right here right now. Come on You're trying to tell me that an exterminator doesn't sometimes walk out with the roaches Kate also mentioned that they would re-evaluate any remaining animals to see if their threat levels are worthy of Continual fumigation I doubt that ab mine said it's cool. I doubt this pouch rat will cause any serious harm at the zoo You never know You know sometimes they sometimes they use rats to like eat people's faces off Happens all the time good thing. You're dead then
Starting point is 02:23:51 So you get do you uh procure another another rat for the group there collect Yeah, I'm gonna spend the two vitality it takes to misery loves company both of them Okay, that does cap me out on vitality. So I'll spend another will power. I'll I'll give you some too Okay, I'll like pat the side of her cheek and go this is the coolest thing ever Anything for you you get to you get two giant pouch rats Nice, what are you going to name them? Um, the first one's trash And the second one is
Starting point is 02:24:25 Enjoy. I have trash Gosh You have my vassals Let me make a note of that this this mission is so much better than the last one as far as What we get to take home Trash, yeah last one you just got a lawsuit. Yeah Oh, I'm sure we'll get one this time you've selected your two the place onto the arc Now it's time for the rest to get swept up under the flood
Starting point is 02:25:04 Do you think ab that maybe I could take the rhino to try hard enough? I You know, I'll tell you what you can certainly try what if you manage to tame a fucking rhino I'll let you take it home It would be a power play to put that thing on the freeway back to i'm not worried about it, but if you can manage it Fuck it You're a great boss I will dismiss however you need we need to take the rhino back with us I'll believe it when I see it not you're not perfect trash
Starting point is 02:25:41 Search as you try you're you're you're unable to locate a rhino So to to to your best assessment That one has moved on That one has moved on like outside of the park No, like it never it never re-manifest never never remained. Oh gotcha. Yeah Okay, because there's no there's no guarantee like there's only a few like a hate like you were told to expect maybe up to What is it five or ten in ballas? There's like two Um a couple of snakes like nothing and the warthogs. There's like one warthog hanging around
Starting point is 02:26:15 Okay, so A job well done. We're done. That one very smoothly considering And we'll say you all return back to orpheus headquarters for your debriefing and we did it in like what two days? Day and a half We'll say two days. Yeah, so a day full short you do receive a bonus. Yeah sizable bonus from the company glowing reviews Um, I try to hide trash in my backpack for as long as possible. So kate doesn't see it for a couple days. Yeah
Starting point is 02:26:51 Can uh me and koa do like a little write-up on the lion's effect and the effect with the rats and everything like how the I'm writing like a whole case study about it. Yeah, absolutely I think niko is definitely the author and I'm just fucking annoying the shit out of her in the background Trying to provide details that do not matter to our case viv What do you do During this time like any downtime like where do you go? Do you have like a place you go to? Yeah, viv goes to the garage
Starting point is 02:27:22 Under the apartment complex where she used to live and sits in her car. That's still just parked there not going anywhere Uh, because she's she's not going to go in the apartment because someone is still in there Uh, so that's kind of the downtime unless she's fucking around with anyone else in chrysalis 12 While you're the next night While you're in there You hear a voice from behind you In the car in the car
Starting point is 02:27:51 It's your voice I'm proud of you I'm gonna turn around. What do I see? You see you Oh Whoa, okay eyes pitch Obsidian black
Starting point is 02:28:14 What the fuck are you? I'm what you can be I'm what you will be Oh Are you It doesn't look good Oh It's not it's fucking incredible
Starting point is 02:28:43 Do we get them Well, it's up to you Five anything to say about it You will You all in the pay the price Hell yeah Oh, I love the sound of that She's gonna shake her own hand. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 02:29:13 She steps out of the car And I think that's a great spot That's a great spot to end this one. Um, so another job well done. Everybody take four experience. Hey, yo What does that put us that 17 I think Unless you're unless you're special and you've done things. Yep. Unless you've spent yep So I'll give you a little more because we wrap that up And uh, so what we'll do next time is we'll do another beach beach episode You know, so you'll also downtime. We'll see what everybody's up to
Starting point is 02:29:54 And then we'll jump into the next uh, the next operation after that. Hell, yeah So, yeah, uh, and actually great news for for you are wonderful and lawyer lawyer loyal viewers We only have lawyers in We're gonna have another this goes out to all the lawyers it does we're gonna have another episode next week 18th back to back uh same bat time same bat channel So in the meantime, if you weren't able to catch the full play through today, do not worry
Starting point is 02:30:25 You'll be able to watch it on demand here on twitch We'll also throw it up on youtube and in podcast form a week from today Once again for more information on mayday role play to include all of our previous campaigns Please hit up mayday role play dot com if you want to learn a bit more about black project gaming Where i'm currently running impossible landscapes for adults green check out black project gaming dot com Thank you again for joining us and never forget Don't look back Nice. Thanks guys. Bye. See you everybody. Good night. Hi y'all

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