Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 10

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

Sergio and Aaron launch the career of a new leader for the Ironlanders....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we are live, playing Starforged. It's been two weeks, and at long last we have returned. There was life getting in the way, but life always finds a way back to Starforged. And back with me again is my dear friend, Aaron. How you doing, Aaron? I'm doing pretty good. How about you? I'm doing good. You must be riding a big high, because yesterday you completed the playthrough of...
Starting point is 00:00:35 Which Half-Life was it? I did not. I actually did not. There's still, I think there's still like an hour or two left in it. It's a long, it's a long game. It's Black Mesa. It's a remake of Half-Life 1. That's right. That's right. I sure wish you played along and said, Thanks, but that's okay, such as life.
Starting point is 00:00:53 I thought that it was the last one. That's the way it was hyped in our Twitter and stuff. Oh, I did too. Well, I don't write the tweets in my defense. Yes, that's fair. Allegra writes the tweets. Allegra was convinced you were going to beat it. Well, and in their defense, it's because I told them that.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Well, we are playing Starforged. I do not lie. I simply made a mistake. Thank you very much, Parker Woodley. So, we need to catch up. It's been two weeks. What the hell happened last time? Well, last time Allegra was playing and Allegra found themselves on Weyland Station
Starting point is 00:01:37 and Weyland Station was, you know, we kind of set up as kind of like an alien situation. There were these doppelgangers and we needed to repair our ship but the people aboard Weyland Station didn't really want to help us until we took care of their doppelganger problem. So, we investigated
Starting point is 00:01:55 and Nikata discovered that in the, like where the engine core is, that's where these doppelgangers had their hatchery, their eggs were there. And rather than destroy these things, which any sensible person would probably think it was the right thing to do, Nikata decided, you know what,
Starting point is 00:02:14 I'm going to take a little clutch of these doppelganger eggs and I'm going to try to find them a new home. And they do that and the tribe found out and the tribe got very angry and kicked Nikata out of the leadership position. You don't mess with the tribbles? Don't mess with the tribbles. That's what I said last time for sure.
Starting point is 00:02:36 The problem then was that we needed to find a new leader. Nikata got into some other trouble when they tried to like deposit these eggs on an asteroid or whatever. But anyway, we have to create a new leader. Now, the only stipulation was that this leader excelled in shadow. Their highest stat would be shadow.
Starting point is 00:02:57 So the first thing we got to do, Aaron, is create this character. Now, I've created a character sheet that you should be able to see that just says do character. We will come up with this person's name. But we have to fill out the rest of the attributes first. So the first attribute, shadow, has the highest score of three.
Starting point is 00:03:19 You can fit two twos and two ones into any of the other stats. What's it gonna be? Two twos and one one. Two ones. Two ones. Yeah. I was gonna say that's not enough.
Starting point is 00:03:34 That's not enough one. No, you can't have a zero score. Let's see. I feel like we haven't had a character with a lot of wits in the past. And I feel like since Nakata just really, you know, I think the Islanders are probably sick of this shitty leadership.
Starting point is 00:03:55 So we should probably add two to wits. Two to wits, all right. And then maybe I'm thinking like two to heart. Like let's design like a super leader here. So we got two of the wits and two to heart. And then the edge and the iron, we will apply the ones. Our Mayday players love heart.
Starting point is 00:04:14 They always want to roll with heart. Okay, we have decided that these are our stats. So iron and edge, which are the combat stats, are the least effective. So we got to keep that in mind as we make this person. They have their talk. Yeah, they're a Captain Picard type. They don't go on the away missions.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Captain Picard, if his strongest attribute was shadow, which means lying, deceiving, trickery, that kind of thing. I'm just saying that guy can fuck around. Right. That's all I'm saying. Okay, we've decided the attributes. Let's now choose your assets. Now you have a ship. That's one asset. We have six experience points that have been brought over from Nakata.
Starting point is 00:05:01 We decided that last session you could upgrade the ship if you want, but you may also choose three assets. These assets are... Maybe I just call them out to you, or we can roll for them. There are a lot of them, and I should have counted before we played how many there were. Maybe we just roll for it, because I feel like the whole episode is just going to be you reading out assets.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Eleven, that's fair. I'm just going to count them real quick. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28... Yeah, there's at least 50. Roll a d50, and we'll see what we get. Okay. D50. Is that even an option? Well, you can do forward slash roll, and then just d50,
Starting point is 00:05:50 and it'll just roll a d50. Okay. In the... Yeah, in the chat. In the dice. Oh, my roll 20 blew up. Uh-oh. I'll roll a 4 in the meantime. Forward slash roll d50.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And... Oh, interesting. Okay, it kind of froze for me too for a second. 18 is the first asset. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 18, explorer! Is what was chosen. Let's see...
Starting point is 00:06:30 There we go. Okay, here's the path. So explorer. When you explore a waypoint, take a plus one on a hit. When you finish an expedition, score a hit, mark one extra tick on your discovery's legacy track. So exploring a waypoint and finishing an expedition are good for an explorer. This is one of the three possible options
Starting point is 00:06:51 we can choose for this path, by the way, and we can always upgrade this. When you come across a wondrous site or phenomenon, such as an extraordinary planet, you can either find inspiration or soak it all in. They boost your spirit and that kind of stuff. And then finally, when you secure an advantage, by studying a new place,
Starting point is 00:07:12 you can add plus one and plus one momentum on a hit, on a strong hit, or a match. Take another one, momentum. So if you look at the character sheet under assets, you should be able to see that this thing exists. Which of those three options do you think you want to have for this explorer? Very much like Captain Picard, I will admit.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Assets, when you explore a waypoint. I think that we probably... You know what, I'm thinking the last one. When you secure an advantage by studying a new found place from a safe position, add plus one and take... Yeah, that's a lot of stuff you get with that. Okay. On a strong... Yeah, let's go with that one.
Starting point is 00:08:02 So just remember, as a character, that you're going to want to secure an advantage and you're going to want to scope a place out, basically. That's kind of the skies. We want a thinker here. Yes, exactly. Alright, that's our first asset. We can add another asset.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Roll another T-50. I really hope you don't roll high. Why? What happens if I roll high? Because I have to count a lot. I'm having to count all of this. I know that bounty hunters... They're not numbered? They're not numbered.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Oh, that's stupid. 24. Okay, good. One, two, three, four. Gunner. Okay. Let's see what it says here. There it goes.
Starting point is 00:08:47 It should be visible to you right now. Would you mind reading the options? It says, if you wield a heavy-range personal weapon, one, when you strike, choose one. Pin them down, add plus one, and take plus one momentum on a hit. Convert, mark progression on a hit. Option two is when you take decisive action
Starting point is 00:09:08 by emptying your gun. Decide before rolling. You may sacrifice resources and re-roll one challenge die. If the fight continues, or you are caught up in another fight, check your gear to see if you have more ammo on hand. Option three, give your favorite gun a name.
Starting point is 00:09:29 When you clash with it, add plus one. When you enter the fray or endure stress while wielding it, add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit. Those are all insane. Here's the thing. Edge is our lowest stat, or one of them. This guy's going to love to shoot, but he's not going to hit much. I think he's a spray and prey type.
Starting point is 00:09:57 In which case, we want option number two. Gotcha. You're going to select- Which involves an advantage when you empty your gun. Gotcha. When you take decisive action, which is a combat move, when you're in combat and you take decisive action, you can have this option.
Starting point is 00:10:11 There is, Ghost of Eli is asking, is there a companion option, and there is. If you wanted, you could choose a companion as opposed to a path, but you could also choose, let's see, there's also like a- Hold on, let me see what this voidborne is. No, that's also a path. Uh-oh, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I'll remove it. Would you like to choose something other than a path, or would you like something like a companion? Captain Picard isn't much one for companionship, so let's go with the path. Alright, roll another- This is now I realizing there's not 20- There's not 50 paths.
Starting point is 00:11:03 There's actually- They're all like chunked up together, so let's see. Bannersworn was 10, Firebrand was 20. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. That's 30, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Okay, so there's 37, so roll the D37. What would that even look like? 37 side to die?
Starting point is 00:11:36 15. 15, okay. So 10 was bounty hunter, one, two, three, four, five. Devotant, devotant. So there's a name, I'm assuming for a god or something, a linked stat, and it says you worship a god, a power, or an entity. Give it a name and choose one of your stats to represent its nature. When you secure an advantage or gain ground by calling on it for guidance,
Starting point is 00:12:05 you can have plus one and plus one spirit on a hit. The other option is when you swear an iron vow and service to this faith, roll plus linked stat, okay. On a strong hit, mark progress. When you fulfill your vow on a divine quest, you can add even more to it. And then when you harden through contemplation or sharing of your faith, you may roll plus the linked stat. If you do, take plus one spirit or one momentum on a strong hit.
Starting point is 00:12:33 So I want to go with the first one. Okay. And I want him to worship the space whale that we murdered. All right. What is this religion called? I think there was probably a faction of ironlanders that were so disillusioned by Nakata's action in killing the space whale that they started worshiping space whales because, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:03 just like it's, you know, they hate in Nakata, so they worshiped Nakata's enemy. The point is I want them to worship whales. Yeah, you know, maybe you might have missed this, but this character kind of led the character assassination of Nakata. He or they were the most like, we need to replace Nakata. Great. Perfect. So, again, the name of this religion or belief,
Starting point is 00:13:28 is it the space whale or whalism? Whalism. Yes. So the name is whalism. What is the linked stat that you want to use when gaining ground or securing an advantage? Oh, no. No.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I thought, no, that's not compensatory, huh? Well, I mean, you could use shadow effectively. Yeah, shadow. Yeah, we probably want to use our highest stats or so shadow. All right, got it. So we want to choose that first thing about securing advantage and gaining ground. Be aware, though, that you did select, under Explorer, also secure an advantage or something like it.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I think they're both for different situations, so I think you could keep it if you wanted. Do they stack? Not really. It's kind of one situation or another. You can either secure an advantage with a bonus if you're, like, scoping out a new place, or you can roll with shadow when you're securing an advantage by calling on its guidance or blessing.
Starting point is 00:14:38 So I don't think you could be like, oh, help me, great space whales, while I scope out this place and stack it. You know what I mean? I think, yeah, they're both situational. I think this character is going to be doing a lot of securing an advantage. Let's just keep them both. I just want to make it harder for whoever's going next to me.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Of course, of course. Always the path of chaos. So, you know, paint for me who this person is, an explorer with a big gun who is devoted to space whales. Yeah, I think he's a cross between Han Solo, Captain Picard, and the guys that hunt the worms in Doom. And the Fremen, I believe, are called. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Now, their highest attribute is shadow. So how do you justify that? Is it that they are more shady, or is it that they just hide well? Like, you know, they're stealthy. Where does this shadow? I think they're just sneaky, you know? If you're going to scope a situation out,
Starting point is 00:15:43 you know, you don't want to be seen while you're scoping the situation out. So I think they're just really careful. And they obviously scoped out the situation and saw the opportunity to seize power from Nakata. Yes. Right. Yeah, they're crafty and they're sly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Crafty and sly. I'm putting it officially in as their lore. So let's keep that in mind as we proceed with this character. You know, shooting the gun may become necessary, but they're going to try to outsmart everyone else first, I think, you know, by deception. But when it's time to shoot that gun. Yeah. They are shooting that gun.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Spraying and praying is what they'll be doing. Someone in chat, I think it was... Who said it here? I said that's just a Republican. Right, right, right. The gun Padre. The gun Padre is what she called you. Okay, so we have our character.
Starting point is 00:16:40 We have decided... We haven't decided their name. I know that there... I think that there's a character name generator in the rules. Let me look here real quick. Two is your final assets, which we did. We should also spend the six experience points that we have. So, when you spend experience points, you can either increase a current path, you know, add a new option by spending two,
Starting point is 00:17:13 or you can add a new asset by spending three. So you could have a companion or something else, or you can gain another path by spending three, or you can just dump two, four, three. You can improve three of these assets. I think we probably want to go with the improvement option. Yeah, makes sense. You have the option of wanting to improve all three of these assets by one? I think so.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I think, yeah, let's add the tick to all of them. Okay, which ones under each do you want to select? So, okay, I'll start with a gunner. Let's see when you strike. When we give... Let's go with the name of the gun. Yeah, for sure. Option.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And of course... And what is the name of this gun? This holy weapon. The name of the holy weapon is Beluga. Beluga. Beluga. I almost... I feel like there's like a blue, blue up gun.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah, you know, there's something there. Beluga. Maybe, maybe, you know, like that cartoon sound where it's like... Beluga! It's like an alarm. That's how he... That's how he says it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:24 All right, so that's the one point in gunner. Okay, and then we'll do the wondrous sight one, because hopefully we will... Under Explorer. Oh, yeah, that's a good idea. Because hopefully we will come up with... I like that. Come across some wondrous sights. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And then let's see... And then finally under Devotant. I think when you... When you harden through contemplation or sharing of your fate, you may roll plus Link stat. Awesome. We have spent our experience. I'm going to remove it and put it under spent. And just to go over with you, finally, some of our vows and such.
Starting point is 00:19:06 We have two main vows, one of them that could be thrown out right now by our fearless new leader, but there is Find a New Home for the Islanders tribe, which we're kind of just giving to everybody and the progress is being kept. We have two progress in that. There is Get to the Next Stargate or the Next Sector of Space, because this one feels a little too crowded. And we've made a little bit of progress on that. What is the pronouns of our character?
Starting point is 00:19:37 Let's roll for it. What do we do? What do we do? Well, we could say he won, she too, they three. Okay. Let's roll a D1D3. A 15. That says one.
Starting point is 00:20:03 He him. Does he have a call sign? Does he have a call sign? Yeah, I'll give that to Eli. We'll call him Padre. Padre, I like that. And the new character, does anything come to mind? Otherwise, we have to roll for it, which means I have to find, name your character, page
Starting point is 00:20:29 101. Let's see if they have a thing. Let's see. Name your character. If you need inspiration, use the character name Oracle on page 171. Let's see, character name. Interesting. Roll a D100.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Let's see what we get. Rolling a D100. 45. 45. So given name, Joran, family name Nadir, call sign Hellion. Those are the options. I like Nader. If we pronounce it Nader, like the direction on a ship, Nader is down, Zenith is up.
Starting point is 00:21:14 That's interesting. I didn't know that. Yeah, that's cool. Nader. Nader sounds cool. He goes by Padre. And I think we've kind of thought of everything here in terms of what they are. Now, the Starship has not been into or upgraded.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Nakata gave it an upgrade, but I do want you to look at the Starship section here. There's three options. When you advance, you may spend experience to equip this vehicle with module assets. When you finish an expedition, you and your allies may add a tick to your legacy track, which will get you experience quicker. Or when you withstand damage, you may roll plus heart. And if you do not endure stress, and you do not endure stress on a weak hit or a miss. We have to pick one of those.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I'm giving you the option if you'd like to change it other than whatever the currently selected one is. Yeah, I don't know. That first one that's checked seems pretty essential. I forgot if we named this ship. I can't remember at all. Eli, if you remember what we named this ship, let us know in the chat, but I can't remember what it is. Anyway, I think we're done. I think we've created this character.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Now we can get to the plot to the thick of it. It only took half an hour. Let's have you roll a D100, and we're going to roll for a space-born peril. As I promised, what happened? 88. 88. Here we go. Troubling visions or apparitions.
Starting point is 00:23:07 You have troubling visions or apparitions. Aaron, Nader has just won the election. He is now the leader. We are leaving Wayland Station having had our ship repaired. Paint the picture. What happens next? How does this space-born peril affect the ship? Oh, or just Nader.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Let's go classic, like, abstract energy field that for some reason everybody thinks it's a good idea to pass through when it's very easy to go around. And when we go into this space cloud, it's like, I don't know, it's radioactive or something, and everybody starts seeing those crazy visions. It's that episode of Star Trek where Sulu is running around without a shirt on, fencing people. I love the Star Trek references. Keep them coming. Okay, so this happens, and what are the visions? What gets seen? Do you want to roll for that, or do you have an idea?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Yeah, it's a bunch of space whales getting harpooned. It's very frightening. So, I mean, that to me says, like, you know, anger, retribution, revenge, you know, the whales are upset. Yes, exactly. And we intend on, everybody is probably going to interpret it through a very religious lens. Well, I mean, at least Nader, I don't know how religious everyone is on the ship. He's imposing it on everybody else now. Squishums, thanks for following us.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So, what's Nader's first thoughts and actions? Well, you know, what does he do? I guess my question to you first is, do you want to keep the vow, get to the next Stargate or Sector? Yes. It's important. You have to keep at least one to campaign promise, so yes. Okay. I don't think that was the name Parker Woodley of our ship, but I will continue waiting for the answer.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Maybe we'll have to vote for it. That can't possibly be it, but that's definitely a strong contender, Parker. So, Nader wants to continue with the plan of getting to the next Sector, but how does he interpret these visions? So, do we think that the question I think is, do we think they're real? We can ask the Oracle. Is it like, yeah, why don't we? All right. How likely do you think it is that he believes these are real?
Starting point is 00:25:43 You know what? I'm going to go, I think, probably 60 pro, 40 against. All right. So, he's likely to think that these are real. So, that means I just have to find the Oracle table. Oh, man. It's always such a pain to find these. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Space encounters. It's supposed to be on page 133. Common symbols. Let's go to the end here real quick. There it is. Okay. Ask the Oracle. If it's likely 26 or greater, roll a D100.
Starting point is 00:26:18 26 or greater, it is likely that he believes these visions mean something important. Okay. D100. Here we go. 10. Okay. So, it means he does not believe these visions mean anything. That's too bad.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Now, here's what I, yeah, that's good. Here's what I'm thinking. Maybe, you know, he has these visions. He thinks it's something. Maybe he speaks to KB, the artificial intelligence. And KB explains, yes, we just passed through a nebula that seems to be. Ah. However, if I was, if I was Nader, I would continue to use this to my advantage and maybe lie
Starting point is 00:26:56 and tell everyone. Yes. The whales want something from us. Yes. This is a religious oligarchy now. You believe what I tell you to believe. Damn it. The reign of Nader begins.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So, okay. Nader has this idea of this is how I can control the population. What do you do with it? Do you gather everybody? Do you say anything? You know, how do you use this to your advantage? Yeah. Is there like an observation deck or something?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Sure. Yeah. We're having, that's like a Sunday service, like a, like a hell of a fire preaching Sunday service at the observation deck. So you start obligating all the iron landers to meet up every Sunday. Yes. First thing at like five in the morning, like I'm not just the early. And you explain to these folks that, that these visions mean something.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Do you have an edict or a plan of some kind or something you need to, are you trying to get something through this? Not, I would say not explicitly. I think this is step one. Well, step two, technically in Nader's master plan to institute authoritarian rule over the iron landers. Okay. I think maybe you are trying to, let's see.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I'm looking under, there's an option of confronting chaos, but that's not it. But you are trying to maybe develop your relationship or, or when you receive, when you reinforce a relationship with a connection by doing any of the following, test your relationship through conflict, betrayal or circumstance. Either of these options, we'll just say this, you're testing a relationship. If you roll well, you get to develop that relationship, which would make you just that much more of a, you know, secure leader, right? Like you would secure your place that much.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah. And this is a good, this is a good time to be doing that. So let's do that. When your relationship with a connection is tested through conflict, betrayal or circumstance, roll plus heart. If you share a bond, add plus one. So you can definitely roll plus heart plus one. Hey yo, on a miss, or if you have no interest in maintaining this relationship, choose one.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Lose the connection, envision how this impacts you and pay the price or prove your loyalty, envision what you offer or what they demand and swear an iron vow to see it done until you complete the quest. Take no benefit for the connection. If you refuse or fail the quest, the connection is permanently undone. Well, we can't let the, we can't let it be permanently undone. Right. You gotta, you gotta give these people something to believe in.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I mean, I could say it says lose the connection, envision how this impacts you and pay the price. We could just pay the price and see what the results of this is. Like maybe people believe you, but something dangerous happens, you know? Hmm. Okay. Let's, let's pay the price. Let's, let's see what the first threat to my authoritarian regime is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Let's roll a D hundred and let's pay the price. We'll find out. Try to run a tight ship here. People just, they just don't want to work, Sergio. They just don't want to work. That's what it is. They just don't want to work. They don't want to listen to their feathers.
Starting point is 00:30:26 It's a force. You got a 40. The environment or terrain introduces a new hazard. Hmm. Perhaps, you know, you're trying to really sell this whole space whales want retribution thing, but something happens. You know, you enter another nebula or you enter some, some kind of dangerous situation. You know, you know what I think happens?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Like we're like natives in the middle of doing all of this grandstanding and then like right when he's about halfway through the speech, the ship exits the nebula or gas cloud or whatever and everything like behind him just kind of like flickers and stops like like a broken TV or something. Okay. And you know, he keeps talking while everyone is like looking behind him at the fact that everything he's talking about literally just disappeared. Like it was some kind of an illusion. And he doesn't realize it. And he just keeps talking. I see.
Starting point is 00:31:25 So he makes a fool of himself publicly because everybody realizes kind of at the same time that oh, no, no, this was just an effect of the nebula. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Interesting. I think that Nader should probably make a suffer move because the last thing someone who is so devious as him would want is to make a fool of himself. I think you should endure stress for this. When you face mental strain, shock or despair, you will suffer minus one spirit for a minor stress minus two for serious.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I think this is a minus one. You know, this is an ego loss. Roll either. So first of all, reduce your spirit to four. Done. And then roll either spirit or heart, whichever is higher, but I think spirit is higher. Spirit is higher. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Roll spirit. Let's see how you do. Weak hit. That's a weak hit. Here we go. On a weak hit, if you are not shaken, which you are not, you may lose momentum minus one in exchange for plus one spirit. So you can reduce your momentum by one and not lose that one to spirit. That seems like a no brainer.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Okay. Momentum's easy. Momentum goes to one. Nader has thick skin. This is not a big deal. This is just one misstep in his grand. Every administration has a bump in the road. And fortunately, this is a minor one.
Starting point is 00:33:03 So we've gotten past the space peril and we are on our way to what we know is the next Stargate. We need to either undertake the journey or continue this journey or you can do something else if you'd like. What is the itinerary for Nader? Let's do let's fulfill those campaign promises. Let's just go. Let's make straight for that next gate. Okay. You are going to make the move.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Let's see. I believe it's undertaken expedition. Yeah. Are you moving at speed under the radar or vigilance or using vigilance? What does using vigilance entail? Wits under the radar shadow moving at speed with edge. We'll go under the under the radar. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:56 How does the ship move under the radar? Well, do we have any kind of stealth systems like can we pump like liquid through like the hall or something? I would say no. I mean, maybe maybe there's maybe KB gives you a couple of options and one of them is more populated than the other. One of them is less populated than the others. And maybe, you know, you decide to go the less populated route. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Okay. Yeah. We'll go the less populated. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Roll with shadow. Remember your assets.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I don't think any of them have any useful. Oh, wait. No, one of them does as an explorer. Explore a way point. Oh, but you don't have that selected either. So it's just hard and secure and advantage. Okay. You're rolling plus three to undertake an expedition using your shadow.
Starting point is 00:34:48 It's a weekend. All right. We kid on a week hit, you reach a way point, envision the location of Mark progress. But this progress must cost you. You have to either make a suffer move at minus two or make two minus one suffer moves or face apparel and apparel. You just roll a D hundred and we find out what happens. Let's face apparel.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I like it. I like facing apparel too. Let me go to your vows here. We're going to make a little bit of progress. That is two more boxes of progress. Is it? No, it's actually three. This is a dangerous quest.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I forgot about that. Okay. All right. What did you roll? Roll that D hundred. Oh, right. Yes, mirrored on similar to apocalypse world using action dice versus I forget the names they use, but the detends are the dice or yeah, yeah, two detends versus the D six.
Starting point is 00:35:56 So you rolled a 49. That's right. Let's see. I forgot what I was doing. We're doing apparel, right? 142. You find a well, no, no, we have to decide our way point first. I think I'm all mixed up now.
Starting point is 00:36:16 So we have let's see what walk me through what just happened. I don't know why I've just completely blanked on what we just did. We rolled to explore the way point. We got a week hit. And then hold on. Let me go back to what wherever you're only to explore the way point though or where we just how we were only just to get to the next objective, which was the Stargate. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:42 And we made progress, but it's a week hit, which means we reach up a way point, but there is a issue at that way point. So maybe we decide what that way point is first. Let's go to where are the way points going to be like a rogue moon? Oh, sure. I'd like the rogue moon. Let's see if there's any kind of ways to further define it. Jovian world.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Well, I guess we can decide. Let's see. I'm rolling planets here. We could roll a planet and decide like what what it is. Roll the D 100. And we'll just say that it's a moon instead of a planet. Rogue moon, rogue planet. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It's a furnace. 23. So what's listed here is a furnace world, which I would assume is like, you know, most of our, you know, just like lava. So it's a rogue moon that is somehow like molten. Like IO. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Oh, so there is a moon that's like that. Yep. All right. So we have this rogue burning moon, but there's a problem of some kind. Let's maybe. Okay. If you have an idea, go ahead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Like IO. So if it's, if it's, if that's the case, you know, it has like a lot of volcanic activity. Maybe it's like pulling up a big, I think sometimes IO has like plasma discharges. Okay. Or something. Or maybe it's something like that. And because it's rogue, we kind of don't see it in time and we have to maneuver around it.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Sounds like we have to face danger here. Right. That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. So we are going to do that. Let me pull up that move. Facing danger.
Starting point is 00:38:42 How are you facing danger? What stat are you using? I know you want to shadow, but could we use shadow to try to like dodge in if it's some kind of like flare up or in the case of facing danger, the, the explanation is you are facing danger with deception, stealth or trickery. That doesn't really work. Yeah. Unless you can think of a way to.
Starting point is 00:39:12 No. Can you deceive a moon? Otherwise, how sapient, which would be an interesting. If you'd like, we can ask the Oracle. No, that's too far. You don't want to go the, the, the same be it same being planet. All right. Your other options are heart and wits.
Starting point is 00:39:34 If you roll with heart with resolve command or sociability with wits with expertise, focus or observation. Well, then I think it'd be wits like maybe it's like they see it coming far enough in advance that they can like map the trajectory of the discharge or something and plot like come up with it with an orbital path. I like that. To, to avoid it. Roll plus wits and let's see how you do.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Strong hit. Nice. Our first strong hit on a strong hit. You are successful. Take plus one momentum. So increase that momentum by one and. For whatever reason, the iron landers are really good at orbital mechanics. Well, if you recall, the reason is because KB has taught you like everything you need
Starting point is 00:40:22 to know about how to run the ship, right? So you plot the trajectory correctly. You get away from this rogue moon. You face that, you know, that, that little bit of a, of a trouble in this, in this way point. We can continue on if you'd like. Let's do it. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:40:43 You are going to continue exploring. Where is it? Undertaking an expedition. Again, are you rolling with shadow? Yes. Okay. Yes, I am. Go ahead and roll.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Why would I do anything else? We can. We can. Yeah. Miradonk. We enjoy the sci-fi stuff too. We really enjoyed iron sworn, which was more of a fantasy setting, but it's really easy to come up with stuff in star forge.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I guess maybe just because we all love sci-fi here. Miradonk subscribe. Thanks so much, Miradonk. That's awesome. Thank you. All right. We kit. Let's see what happens on a week hit.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Oh, basically the same thing that happened last time. We will mark progress, which will go. We'll take our vow up another two. We now have eight out of 10. I think we could probably roll to end this in the next round if you wanted to. Yes, I think so. But first we have to either suffer or face a peril. Let's face another peril.
Starting point is 00:41:50 All right. I like facing peril. Roll the D 100 for me. 54 54 old repair or patch fails and old repair or patch fails. Oh, like how bad that can be really bad potentially. Um, that could be like really, really freaking bad. We can either face danger to find out or ask the Oracle to find out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:23 If we can roll for what part of the ship it is that breaks that that's yeah, let's roll because if I if I pick what it is, I'm picking anything other than hall and there should be a chance it's hall. All right. So what are our options? Let's count it out. There's the whole. There's the engine. There's the life support.
Starting point is 00:42:41 What am I not thinking of? Let's pick like six total and I've got three right now. What's the name of the AI again? Okay, the AI KB rogue AI. Yeah. That would be pretty fucking scary. Right. We need to ship break dice us as Eli agree.
Starting point is 00:42:57 The runner is not an option in space. I don't think no, that that's wrapped under the engine. Well, I guess there could be a problem with the maneuvering thrusters. True. All right. And we can't make like a we were having trouble making course change engines work, but the maneuvering doesn't. And then we also we've had problems in the past with the with the healing, you know, like the medic bay and stuff. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Sure. All right. So let's go with those. Let's go with those. Life support is definitely part of that for oxygen. Roller D6. D6. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Roller D6. Two. Two. First one I said was whole. The second one I said was engines. And engines is a good option. Yeah. And funny enough, we have had problems with the engines in the past.
Starting point is 00:43:44 It's way better than losing the atmosphere. All right. So the ship just suddenly kind of comes to a stop. We have to fix this. At least I certainly think all the iron landers would look at us as like, all right, we got to fix this. Now here's the other thing. Does the ship rely on acceleration for gravity? I would say that it's probably still accelerating in some sense.
Starting point is 00:44:10 No, it's not. There's no engines. You have no acceleration. Yeah. But if you if you're going 100 miles an hour in space velocity, That's velocity. Well, that's what I mean is the velocity continues. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:21 But you still don't get gravity from that. Okay. All right. So you're saying that we lose gravity. You if assuming unless they have some kind of like sci-fi hack that says they can generate gravity Fields or whatever. Yeah. A line on acceleration for gravity.
Starting point is 00:44:35 All right. So everybody starts floating. Yep. All right. How do we solve this problem? Well, I imagine that Nader is probably not the guy fixing the engines. You want to try to inspire the guys that are trying to fix engines? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yeah. Okay. Maybe maybe you are trying to compel somebody to do the right thing and fix these engines. Let me look at the moves here. There's compel. They're secure and advantage. There's gather information. Probably compel makes the most sense at this point.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Right? Yeah. I agree. Yep. All right. Are you trying to charm them in which case you roll heart threaten them in which case you roll iron or lie and swindle them in which case you be rolling shadow? How would I swindle them in this case?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Maybe I can I say that I'm going to give them a promotion if they get it fixed quickly when in reality I have no intention of giving them a promotion. Gotcha. Yeah. You promised them the earth and back. Just fix this as quickly as possible. Roll plus shadow. I hope you're all well.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Oh, okay. Paint the picture for me. You know, how do these iron landers fall for it? I think I'm offering them to like like in like here's what I'll do. I'll bet that Nader has like some kind of like he has probably has like the best quarters on the ship or whatever. And he's like, hey, if you fix this engine really fast, if you do a really good job, I'll let you have my quarters.
Starting point is 00:46:17 That's brilliant. My quarters. They want those quarters. Well, they certainly react, you know, like, yes, yes. Okay, absolutely. You know, they've probably been sleeping in the cargo hold. So this person goes to do this. Now, we'll call this compel evidence that it goes well, right?
Starting point is 00:46:39 They fix the engines. If it was a weaker hit, maybe there would be more complications, but I think we solve the problem and the engines come back on and everyone's happy and Nader, you know, his head isn't chopped off for another day. We have eight out of 10 on this goal of getting to the Stargate. You can roll on it now or you can continue to undertake an expedition in the hopes of getting 10 out of 10. I let's let's take a little bit of a risk.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I mean, we were high up there. Let's just roll for it. All right. What happens if we fail the role? If you fail the role? Well, let's look. Let's see. We're going to go to fulfilling your vow.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Well, it's more like we're actually we're reaching a destination. Let's finish an expedition. On a miss, your destination is lost to you or you come to understand the true nature and cost of the expedition and envision what happens next. You basically have to pay the price. Okay. So yeah, let's roll for it. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:42 You are going to roll 2d10 and you are hoping that it is under eight, at least one of them. That's one. Okay. So wait, that's weird. Never mind. It changed from 8 to 10. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:48:00 It just looks like you rolled three times. Oh, so I guess no matter what way I did, no matter what way we fix it, it still would be a week hit. Yeah, right? So let's say it's a week hit and on a week hit, you reach your destination or you complete your survey. You may mark a reward on your discoveries legacy track, but you face an unforeseen complication at the end of your expedition.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Make the legacy reward one rank lower and envision what you encounter. So under legacies, this is finding the Stargate a discovery or more part of a quest? I think it's more part of a quest. I mean, I imagine it's not uncharted territory. Sure. And that was a dangerous challenge. So instead of making two, we're only going to make one, which means it's now an X. Okay, that's it.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Done. Figure that out. We need to figure out the complication. First of all, you were actually, you were with me on the last Stargate, right? You found the last Stargate. Yes, I was. I did. Is there something different about this Stargate?
Starting point is 00:49:16 Do we want to roll to determine what the complication is and maybe there's something going on? I mean, hopefully the door is unlocked. Maybe the door is unlocked. Maybe there's something going on, a skirmish or something. Who would be skirmishing though? Maybe like two of the different corporations? Possibly. There is the planet Enoch, which I think is pretty much owned by the jungle and they are
Starting point is 00:49:43 fully stocked. We didn't want to land on Enoch and there was Weyland Station. Those were basically the two main locations. There's also the relic, which is a vault that orbits Enoch. That's kind of the ecosystem here. So it would either be pirates or one of these factions kind of. Space pirates. We did previously deal with space vamp pirates.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I don't know if you remember that. But were those good, clean, pure, clean space pirates? I think they were pretty awesome. They were space vamp pirates who loved Nakata. It might be kind of funny if they were waiting for us at the Stargate. Yes! They're going to bail away. Is Nakata still living or did they?
Starting point is 00:50:30 Nakata is alive. Yeah, Nakata is pretty much hated by the entire tribe, but they are alive. Maybe she's looking to defect. So we get to this waypoint and there is an Armada of space pirates. Or is it just one ship? You said Armada. It's an Armada. Roll a D-100, 51 or greater, there is an Armada.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Armada. Armada, Umada, Umada. 24. So it's a 24. Just the one ship. It's too bad. An Armada would have been fun. The one ship that chased us from the previous sector, I believe.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yeah, I think it was in a different sector. They are waiting for us at the Stargate and I would assume they're not particularly friendly, although one of them is in love with Nakata. What do you think their demands are? What do they want? They want Nakata. Yeah, that would make sense. Also, their vampires, they might want blood as well as our supplies.
Starting point is 00:51:36 They want Nakata and some blood. So they probably just want to board our ship. They want to take us back. Yeah. Yeah, it's probably an all or nothing type of situation. I think here's a situation Nader finds himself in. With a fully recovered fixed ship, do you engage in combat or do you try to escape through that Stargate before they can get you? If I were to attack them.
Starting point is 00:52:06 And you could have both options. Yeah, if I were to attack them, is there any way that I could try to secure an advantage? Yeah, let's look at your assets. What's it say here? When you come across a wondrous sight, that's not necessarily the option, but when you secure an advantage by studying a new found place from a safe position, add plus one. Alright, so first let's roll to find out if you have a safe position. Like maybe you get to the Stargate, but you're able to hide behind something, right?
Starting point is 00:52:43 Let's decide that. So I guess you could ask the Oracle 51 or greater. Yes, you do have an advantage or you could try to secure the advantage. No, you can't do that. Let's roll a D 100 51 or greater. You are able to study from afar. That's a success for you are going to secure an advantage next. Add plus one and let's see how you do so plus one to your secure an advantage.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Okay, and I'm rolling that way. Yeah, I just realized you probably want to know what that is. Let's see. Well, are you rolling with Edge, Heart, Iron, Shadow or Wits? If you roll with Shadow, it's deception, stealth or trickery. Stealth counts. Yeah, and it's all about securing. So the role is related to how I'm securing an advantage.
Starting point is 00:53:39 No, so when you assess the situation, which is what you're doing, got it, envision your action and then roll. So tell me how it's got to be. Yeah, I think it's wits because we're looking for either some. I think we're either looking for a weak point or trying to line ourselves up so we can make an attack run on probably their engines to disable the ship. Gotcha. So I think it's yeah, I think it's two things.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I think it's one looking for any kind of weak point or advantage we can exploit. If there isn't one of those, we'll try to line ourselves up to take out the engines. I love the idea of let's take out their engines and then we can get out of here. Also, what's the what what do the armaments look like again? Is it like a torpedo type situation? It's not really defined in StarFord so we can have whatever we want. I don't think we've ever said we've had much more than lasers and maybe a missile or two, but this is not a warship.
Starting point is 00:54:36 You know what I mean? So I think we probably could take out their engines with lasers or with whatever we have, but it's going to be a risk. Okay. So I think we have to make that roll to that other roll. Yes. Right now we're trying to secure that advantage. So if you want to roll with wits, you will roll with wits plus one and we'll see how you do.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Otherwise you can roll with shadow. You decide not to attack them and you hide the whole time, you know? Yeah. So it'll be wits plus one. Which is a strong hit. Nice. We're going to do this thing. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:55:15 So on a strong hit, you are going to take both of these. Your momentum goes up by two and your next move has plus one. Okay. Now remember also because of your asset, you could also take another plus one momentum. On a strong hit with a match, take another. Yeah. So basically you get plus three to your momentum. Damn.
Starting point is 00:55:43 So from two to five. Nice. And you have a plus one on whatever your next move is. So describe the scene about how you get the advantage on these pirates. So I think here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking that for whatever reason, you know, they maybe we drop power on the engines or whatever to try to reduce our profile. So it's harder for them to spot us.
Starting point is 00:56:09 And you know, we're staying, you know, just far enough away that they're not going to be able to get either a line of sight or whatever weird sensor suite they use. I think we, I don't know what like the environment is like in terms of asteroids and stuff. But I'm thinking based on what you said where we don't really have any weapons, the way that Nader manages to secure an advantage is he goes out and he grab, they grab a meteoroid with the ship and they tow it, they tow it out to a high velocity. And they, a small enough meteorite that that's going to be hard to spot. And they just fill in it straight at that.
Starting point is 00:56:46 That's awesome. It makes sense too that the ship would have a tractor beam but not necessarily like strong weapons or something, but that's brilliant. All right. The plan has been set in motion. We, we, we accelerate this meteoroid towards the ship. We are going to, are we entering combat? We kind of are.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And I think, I think at least entering combat you have a plus one. We could also face danger if, if the goal is to kind of like strike them and like move around them. What do you want to do? I think we're in, we're engaging. Okay. And hopefully this is going to be, if we do this right, it should be one and out. Sure.
Starting point is 00:57:26 You are entering the fray. When you initiate combat, you are going to roll either with edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits. If you're rolling with shadow, preparing to act against an unaware foe, which I think you kind of are. Like I don't think they're necessarily expecting this. So you could theoretically roll with shadow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:47 We're doing the sci-fi equivalent of a backstab here. Nice. Go ahead and roll plus shadow. You are entering the fray. Let's see what tone this sets. And we, do we have any advantage like plus modifiers on that or is it straight shadow? Oh yes. You do have a plus one because of your last success.
Starting point is 00:58:06 That's what I thought. Okay. So shadow plus one. Yeah. That's plus four. Oh. It's a mess. With plus four to your role.
Starting point is 00:58:16 That means you roll the one on that action score. Oh my God. Jeez. Here we go. On a miss. The fight begins with you in a bad spot. The bad spot is a, it's basically saying that you now no longer have initiative. When you are in a bad spot, you can either react under fire.
Starting point is 00:58:44 You can clash. It's kind of also up to the space vampirates as well because they have the initiative. So what do you think is most likely? You hurl this rocket them. It's a complete miss. So it doesn't even hit them and it makes them aware of you. Are you going to react under fire or are you going to clash with them? I think it, I think since that failed.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I don't, I'm guessing they have us outgunned. They probably do. I'm going to guess that they do. Yeah. So I think then the priority shifts to guerrilla tactics in which case our attack failed. That means we retreat to a safe distance or try to circumnavigate them. All right. You're going to try to retreat.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Now here's one thing we did not do under progress. I'm going to add the space vampirates. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time spelling this. Space vampirates board the ship. That's the threat. You know, if we, if we fail this, um, actually I have to change it to what we succeed at. So, uh, oh God. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Don't touch anything for a second. Um, sorry, I forgot that it changes it. That's okay. We escaped the space vampirates. That's the proper, uh, progress. All right. So, um, and then the countdown, see, this is troublesome. Let's make this, I think dangerous is fair.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Uh, they are certainly dangerous and we currently have no progress. So they are. So to finish your thought, what are you, what do we do? Are we reacting under fire or are we clashing? I mean, I think probably what we did is when we were towing to the rocket, you know, we were pretty sure that rock was going to hit within a certain, you know, error bar. Um, by some crazy fluke of statistics, we landed inside of that error bar and we were off by just a little bit.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Right. So we probably have a good bit of velocity built up and the plan was probably just to steam right in for the gate, assuming that they were going to get destroyed. So probably what we're doing is we're trying to, um, shift our vector by enough that we can place the gate, um, or if we can plow straight through it, that would be cool too. But assuming that there's some kind of obstacle in the way, we want to probably bend our trajectory just enough that we can maintain the velocity that we've built up, but, uh, also, you know, get away.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Well, the thing in the way is the space vamp pirate ship sounds like we're reacting under fire. We're just trying to get past them and towards the, the gate, um, in pursuit, fleeing, dodging, getting back into position or taking cover. You have to roll plus edge. So please roll with edge to see how we react under fire. Hopefully not. This is dangerous.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Yeah. Hopefully not another miss. It's a miss. Here we go. Um, on a miss, the situation worsens. You stay in a bad spot and must pay the price. Roll a d hundred, please. Things are not looking good.
Starting point is 01:02:02 44. Uh, the environment or terrain introduces a new hazard. The environment or the terrain introduces a new hazard. There's a, there's a, there's a meteorite. We didn't see. Okay. We were so busy throwing a meteorite at them. We missed the one that we were barreling right towards.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I like that. I like that. Let's say that the ship has to, um, it has to overcome. Well, not overcome destruction, but it's going to take a hit. Uh, it's going to withstand damage. Uh, we'll say that this is a minor potential damage. Uh, if you go under the ships, uh, tab, you are going to reduce the integrity of the ship by four.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Damn by four. Oh, excuse me, by one, by one, reduce it to one. Oh, excuse me. Reduce it to four. I was like, damn, we are barely hanging on. And then you are going to, um, if your companion is health, no, that's not what I want. Uh, you're going to roll plus integrity. Uh, I don't know how you would do that.
Starting point is 01:03:11 So basically you should just roll on board. What is that? What is on board? Yeah, we're on board. I have no idea. Uh, let's just have you roll shadow plus one. So we know that that's four. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:26 You're right. And we'll see how you do. That's to see if the ship takes any hit. It's a weak hit. All right. On a weak hit. If your vehicle is not battered, you may lose momentum to regain that lost integrity.
Starting point is 01:03:41 What do you want to do? Um, yeah, let's do that. All right. Momentum goes to four, but the ship's integrity goes back to five. Uh, I assume we dodged that meteoroid. Maybe it was like a small halt like hull breach or something that was easy. The patch. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Maybe it was just like a, like what they call a micro meteoroid where it's just like a little bit of a punch that that's easy to patch. I like that. We are still in the fray. They still have the initiative. Um, we can continue to react under fire. Uh, we can clash. Or when you abandon or deprived of an objective, uh, uh, when you battle,
Starting point is 01:04:28 when you fight a battle in, uh, and it happens in a blur, or when you seize an objective in a fight, you can take decisive action. It's kind of like a, we have to do something big here. You can kind of only really do it once. I think this is a do something big type of moment. Okay. Let's see. Now it is progress move.
Starting point is 01:04:47 I think the problem is if you're in control, I'm a strong hit. Um, yeah, this is kind of a finishing move. So maybe I'm wrong about being able to do this. We can do battle or clash. They are more in line when you are in a bad spot and fight or when you fight a battle and it happens in a blur. So it's kind of like a, the most decisive action I guess is battle. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Right. Yeah. I think at this point we're engaging. I have a strategy. Yeah. Let's do it. All right. When you fight a battle and it happens in a blur, envision your objective
Starting point is 01:05:26 and roll, uh, you can roll with edge, heart, iron, shadow or width. So explain to me how you are engaging with these guys and trying to one up them somehow. Yeah. We're going to play chicken with them. Okay. Uh, I'm going to have, uh, I don't, you know, I'm assuming there's a, there's a pilot that's actually, you know, responsible for driving the ship.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Okay. Uh, I'm going to have him lay in a hard burn on a direct collision course with the vamp pirates. And lay in, uh, also I'm going to have him prepare a solution for dodging out of the way at the last possible second. I want to know like what the exact time is that we need the exact time and the exact, uh, the exact, um, burn we need to do to dodge out of the way just in time.
Starting point is 01:06:12 And we're going to start barreling straight for them. Like we're going to hit them. You're either using heart to lead this person or you're using tactics to outwit them. So wits or heart. Can I make a case for shadow? Cause we're trying to trick them into thinking we're going on a cozy trickery to befuddle your foe.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Uh, right. So you're trying to trick them into thinking you're going to ram into them. Yep. I think that's fair. Shadow. Hope you roll well. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:44 On a strong hit, you achieve your objective unconditionally. You and allies who joined the battle may take plus two momentum. So you succeed in, you know, scaring the space vamp pirates to swerve out of the way. And because that's a hit, uh, we will marks a strong hit will mark some progress. Now the thing is, did you on that we hit before, uh, does that count as progress? That was something else.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Well, what did we just roll? We rolled. Oh, that was just to survive something. So never mind. Yep. So this is the first progress we've made against these guys. We've, they've swerved and we're heading straight, but they're very quickly turning around, I would assume.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Uh, we now have on a strong hit, we now have the initiative. Uh, you can either, uh, gain ground, which I believe is one of your assets you can use. You can strike, uh, or try to take decisive action, which you would be attempting to roll and finish this, but you only have two progress. Can we, okay. Here's what I'm thinking. So when we made that maneuver and we charged them like that, they dodged out
Starting point is 01:08:04 of the way that me that probably meant that they had to go on a vector that is carrying them away from the star gate and getting them out of our way so that we might be actually clear the proceed through that gate. Sure. I would assume at this point you are like heading in the direction of the star. Yeah. The ship is behind you like slowly turning. Um, if you're trying to get out of this fight, you're the only option that you
Starting point is 01:08:26 have is to take decisive action to end this fight, but you have to roll 2d10 against the two progress you've made against this foe. So you still have to think of how to get, you know, for more progress closer to the gate. So here's, okay. Here's what I'm thinking we're going to do. So now that we're as we're, uh, the, the ultimate plan is to, um, maneuver to start making that burn through the gate, but in the meantime, maybe like as
Starting point is 01:08:52 we're starting to swivel around, I'm going to have the pilot make it look like, um, you know, we're coming around to attack them. Uh, when in reality we're doing like a convoluted burn that's ultimately going to put us on a path to get through the gate. But while we're doing that, I'm going to have them just start laying down random streaks of fire, uh, that they're going to prevent the engine from getting into a firing position. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:15 All right. Uh, when you are in control and take action in a fight to reinforce your position or move towards an objective, you are trying to gain ground. Now, uh, remember that the gain ground, there's something that you can do in gain ground under your character. Uh, let's see. I think it's under devotant. No, that's heartin.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Oh yeah. No, yeah. When you worship, when you secure an advantage or gain ground by calling on guidance, uh, you can roll the link stat and you gain plus one. Okay. So that would be shadow plus one rolling shadow plus one. Uh, but, but, but what does this look like? Paint the picture of praying to the, the space whales to make this work.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Um, I think what it is is it's, uh, less that he's praying and more telling the pilot that God is talking to him and feeding him instructions on what to do. So he's like laying this, start like flipping around the ship. So it looks like we're turning in like a sporadic direction or like maybe we're damaged or something. And then I convinced him to start laying down fire. Um, in these random points that to him doesn't look like it's going anywhere near towards the enemy ship.
Starting point is 01:10:29 The actual objective is just to keep the enemy from turning around. Gotcha. Uh, but yeah, that's what we're doing. You are rolling with shadow. Um, plus one, did I say? I don't know. Yes. Did I say what, why do you have that?
Starting point is 01:10:45 It's linked stats plus one because of that asset. That's right. Yeah. That's right. Go for it. We can. Okay. That's better than a miss on a weak hit, uh, on any hit of at all, uh, you can choose
Starting point is 01:11:00 one, you either mark progress, take two momentum or add plus one to your next move. That is not a progress move. So we can mark progress on this goal of getting away from these guys, uh, or, uh, increase our momentum or plus one on the next move. I think we're going to increase our progress. All right. We are going to go another two points up. Uh, we are that much closer to the ship.
Starting point is 01:11:28 You're, you're spinning around and shooting sporadically and it's confusing the pirates. It seems to be working. Uh, we still have the initiative, I believe. Uh, what do you want to do next? Um, let's see. We still want to try. We need to edge this out a little bit. Four out of 10 is still pretty bad odds.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Um, do we have now that they're confused and they're avoiding turning like that? Um, maybe now we open up, uh, they're probably in somewhat of a vulnerable position now. So maybe we start taking a couple of pot shots at them. You're going to try to strike or fire a primary weapon. All right. Now, when you attack at a distance, which I'll say that you probably are, you have to roll edge. Not your best stat, but let's see, uh, what the options are. Otherwise you try to outsmart them somehow.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Uh, you can also, you know, you can continue to try to gain ground. Uh, you do we have, um, so what kind of a propulsion does this ship use? Oh, why the hell if I know Aaron? I mean, it's, it's, it's sci-fi propulsion. Is it like, um, because if it's a, if it's some kind of fusion powered propulsion, we're going to have a drive plume that's really hot. So, and we, I think we've kind of established, well, we said that they're at a distance. Um, but maybe now that they are confused, I think the strategy is,
Starting point is 01:12:50 I'm assuming it's some kind of fusion powered, um, propulsion system. So I think we try to cover drive. It's like, like a jet trail, but it's hot plasma. Okay. So I'm thinking we, I'm thinking we try to lay down a, like, um, we further complicate their navigation problems by laying down just this huge, hot, heavy streak of plat, burn the engines as hard as we can to put up a wall that they're going to have trouble getting around.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Are you striking? Are you gaining ground? Are you securing an advantage? What is that? What does it feel like? I think this technically would be securing an advantage because all we're, all we're doing is making it harder for them to attack us really. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Um, let's go to secure that advantage. Um, you can roll edge, heart, iron, shadow or widths. If you roll with shadow, you are rolling deception, stealth or trickery. I think this is kind of, this is kind of just, um, it's not so much trickery as just pulling up an obstacle. Yeah. You're kind of laying a bit of a trap, you know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:53 So I guess, I guess it would be shabby. Yeah. My only concern with that is it's not really a trick. It's a hard obstacle that they can't, they physically cannot go through. Right. So at least focus or observation, you'd be rolling with widths. I think it's more of a widths roll. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Uh, remember your assets. I think there's something you get here. So there's, uh, secure an advantage by studying. You've kind of already used that, uh, securing an advantage, uh, calling out to your God. So you could use that again if you wanted to. Space whale take the wheel. Yeah. Go ahead and secure an advantage plus one, uh, using shadow, I believe.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Um, yeah, it does say that because of that, because of the link stat there. Okay. Um, cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Cool. Cool. Cool. 1. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Cool. Right. So here's. Alright. And I assume that's my current bill. Where does it go? The thing is that.. Oh, the alright.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Alright. Alright. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Cool. en wrestling. Alarming. I think Nader would endure stress over this. He's trying to get him out of here, but he's also causing a lot of trouble over it. When you endure stress, we'll say this is a more serious stress. You're going to reduce your spirit by two. So from five to three.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Damn. I mean you're killing your own iron lady. Yeah. And now you're going to roll spirit because I think it's still higher than heart. Miss. Oh no. On a miss it's worse than you thought. Suffer an additional minus one to your spirit.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Or lose minus two momentum. We're gonna take the momentum. Alright. Alright. Reduce the momentum. Things are not looking good. You know, Nader is getting word from deeper in the ship that things are breaking apart and people are dying.
Starting point is 01:16:56 What are we doing? We only have four out of ten progress, but that space vamp pirate ship is getting closer. They also have the initiative by the way. Okay. So they are going to do something first. Let's see. They are probably just going to try to attack you. Let's, let me find my combat moves.
Starting point is 01:17:22 There we go. You are going to, I think you're just going to clash when you are in a bad spot and fight back against a foe at close quarters or at a distance. At this point, we'll say that they, you have enough distance between them that they, you're going to roll edge to see how you do against them. Okay. Alright. Roll plus edge. Oh, I got a bad, it's a miss. It is a miss.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Oh boy. It's a miss. On a miss, your foe dominates this exchange. You stay in a bad spot and must pay the price. Roll another D100. We might get boarded, folks. Shit. 47.
Starting point is 01:18:07 47. Let me pull up the price. 47. A new enemy is revealed. A new enemy is revealed. What do you think that new enemy is? What if something worse comes out of the gate? What would be worse?
Starting point is 01:18:26 Worse than space pirates? Let me see. Space sharks. The worst, the space whale's greatest enemy, the space sharks. Remember also that there is like a whole world, there's a whole universe that we've literally built of like potential organizations such as the jungle, which would certainly not be fun to run across. The space sharks are in the employ of the jungle. Yeah, maybe they're like the hit men of the jungle, you know, and they're here to check out what's happening. So some sentient space sharks come out of the star gate.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Is that what it is? Yes. I don't see any neutron stars, so that's not happening. Yeah, unless the star gate itself becomes a neutron star. All right, so things are complicated. There are now the sharks coming out of the gate that even if we get past these vampires, now we got to deal with the sharks. Maybe sharks is like, maybe the ships look like sharks, but they're like literal sharks. Sure, okay, sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Fine, fine, tote it down, okay. I'm thinking spell jammer, you know, or maybe the spell jammer ships look like creatures. Maybe it's just like a, maybe that's what the kind of ship is called. It's a shark. Yeah, like it's a shark class, shark class battle shark class. It's like a hunter, you know, hunter, assassin ship. Yeah, it's like a, it's like a, like some kind of a light attack frigate. I like that.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Okay, great. So that's coming through the gate. We know that that's trouble. We've got trouble behind us and in front of us. What's the move? What are we doing? Oh, we're trying to technically don't have the initiative, but I'd like to hear where Nader's mind is at here. I think that this might actually be a boom potential.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Okay. Because now if we can get our enemies fighting each other and ignoring us, that's a good thing. So I think now that this has happened, the strategy is to outmaneuver the vampire ship and try to present them as a bigger target. They're more heavily armed. So they're definitely going to read as a bigger threat. So I think it's just trying to impose the vampires between us and the jungle ship. Okay. Because we're in a bad spot, the only thing we can really do that complements this is to react under fire.
Starting point is 01:21:01 You can roll with shadow, moving into hiding or creating a distraction, which is kind of what you're doing. We're kind of moving into hiding. Yeah. Yeah. Roll plus shadow. Let's pray to the whale gods that you roll better than a miss. Statistically, I have to get better than a miss. Not a miss.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Edge case. Never bring statistics to a Starforged battle. Now here's- I shouldn't have said have to. I should have said likely to. That was my mistake. Here's the thing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:34 We have a countdown here under this challenge. We're at three misses out of four. If you get a fourth miss, we're going to get boarded by these space vampires or the sharks are going to get us or something. You have four progress on escaping this combat. First, let's read what is going on here. So you- on a miss, the situation is going to worsen. Roll a D100 and we will pay the price and then we'll decide what we want to do. Because I think we might have to run if you want to survive.
Starting point is 01:22:06 11. And 11, you face a tough choice. Isn't that amazing? The dice are complimenting the situation. We face a tough choice. Do we continue dealing with this crazy situation? Do we flee? What do we do?
Starting point is 01:22:23 So I think faced with the continually escalating situation and the fact that things are getting worse and worse. Nader has to weigh his options and realize that they're boned. So I think probably we're less afraid of the jungle ship than we are of the vampires. So Nader is going to put in an order that says cut the engines and the weapons. And then he's going to open up a calm channel to the jungle ship and say unconditional surrender. Interesting, interesting. So we are, this should help us obviously, right? Like this shark class ship should be able to help us in this combat.
Starting point is 01:23:10 What are we doing? We are, when you abandon or are deprived of an objective, you face defeat. But that's not really what we're doing. We're taking decisive action. I think we're taking decisive action. We're ending this and you know, hoping that it ends well for us. So you need to roll 2d10 and hope that at least one of them is less than four. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Come on dice. The amazing if we get, okay, a five and a seven. That means it's a miss. Uh, great. All right. On a miss, you are defeated or your objective is lost. Pay the price. Roll a d100 for me, please.
Starting point is 01:24:09 62. 62. Your equipment or vehicle malfunctions. I think we could maybe interpret this as, you know, you give an unconditional surrender, but the shark class ship like EMP is your ship anyway. You know what I mean? Just to make sure you can't get away. Or the decision.
Starting point is 01:24:31 If they fire and if they fight. So if, well, one, if it's an EMP, a spaceship is going to be shielded against that sort of thing. Symantics Aaron, you know what I'm trying to get at. But yeah, they did the shirt. They disabled the ship somehow. Okay. They disabled the ship and they do take care of the, uh, the, the, the pirates, right? They scare them off.
Starting point is 01:24:51 I'm sure. Yeah. All right. So that's okay. Cause that's what, that's what we were trying to do at that point anyway. It was. Yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:25:00 We were picking the lesser evil. Exactly. But now we have a problem where the shark class ship that belongs to the jungle is now ready to board us and, and, and, and, and, you know, kind of interact with the jungle for the first time. How, um, how big do we think that ship is? Like, what do we think its crew compliment is? It's probably not particularly big, but it is probably well armed. Probably.
Starting point is 01:25:27 I'm thinking in terms of boarding actions though, or probably what? Probably a crew of like 20. Maybe. And there's like 40 something of us. Actually, there's maybe like 39 of us now. Okay. We're Trojan horsing this. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:25:42 False, false surrender. Okay. So we're telling them we surrender and we're setting up the airlock so that they can get in. What we're really doing is laying traps. Uh, and we're getting ready to have a screaming gun battle with these people. And then we're going to try to commandeer their ship. Now, if I don't have your role, I don't know if the next player will follow through with this brilliant plan of yours.
Starting point is 01:26:04 So I think we need to do one final role to kind of set the tone for this. You know, this reminds me of the beginning opening scene in A New Hope where, you know, all the rebels are getting ready by the airlock. And then the airlock blows open as these shark warriors. Yeah, but here's the thing. We're just letting them in. True. And they're going to get it.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Like, do you know that? It's like, I mean, it's a classic combat tactic. You let the, you make, set the enemy up for a battle and make them think there's going to be something there. They arrive at the battlefield and there's no one there. Next thing they know, they're getting shot in the back. True. True.
Starting point is 01:26:44 All right. So we are going to try to, um, either secure an advantage or face danger. When you attempt something risky, you are facing danger. When you assess the situation, you secure an advantage. It feels more like just facing danger. You could, I could, I could see how you would call it securing an advantage, but it's definitely facing danger. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Yeah. Exactly. So are we doing this with edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits? I think we're, I think this is really shadow though, because we are trying to trick them into thinking that we're, we're surrendering, we're unarmed. The old false sense of security. Yeah. Roll plus shadow.
Starting point is 01:27:23 I don't think you have any advantage under face danger, uh, but the results will be somebody else's problem next week. Let's see how you do. Oh, it's a mess. What a way to end the session on a miss. I think, uh, I got the feeling that this character isn't going to last too long. Well, we know that this boarding, uh, is not going to go as they have planned, but what is going to happen?
Starting point is 01:27:54 We'll, we'll next, we'll let the next person find out. Uh, speaking of next people, why don't you decide? We can say Amanda, who's currently watching, I believe is one. I see Amanda, I see Amanda screaming at me in the chat. So as vengeance, I'm going to make her go. Okay. All right. Not even rolling the dice.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Just decided Amanda, Amanda, Amanda will clean up my mess next week. Uh, uh, the space God whales willing, we will have Amanda next week to clean up this mess that you've made. Wonderful, wonderful game, Aaron. That's a dice made. That's a dice made this problem. Remember that Amanda as you're yelling in chat. Uh, Aaron, thanks so much for joining me today.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Yeah, man. For sure. It was a good time. Uh, guys, thank you for watching us. Uh, thank you for supporting us. If you don't know already, we do have a Patreon. Uh, you could be cool. Like our friend mirrored on can subscribe to us on Twitch.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Those are both great ways of supporting us. Uh, this coming week, I believe we have Allegra is going to be on heroes you should know tomorrow. Yep. And on Friday, we might do something, but Saturday for sure, there will be another session of Orpheus episode two. Are you excited for that next episode, Aaron? I'm very excited. My, my recap is written and rehearsed.
Starting point is 01:29:21 I am 100% prepared for this. That's sarcasm coming from Aaron, by the way. No one could tell. Well, guys, thank you again. Uh, thanks, Aaron. We will see you next time. Have a great night. Love you.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Bye. Bye guys. Bye.

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