Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 13

Episode Date: December 9, 2021

Allegra drives Nadir, leading them to several moments of existential dread....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are back playing Starforged with the one and only Allegra. How you doing legs? I am doing a okay. I'm ready to be in space. It's space time space time I Am excited to play let me pull up what we did last time with With Zakiya we got we did a lot. We created a whole alien race that lives in this sector There's a couple of challenges. Yeah, the sacroshamu sacroshamu. That was it. That's their name They come from the planet sacro and We added Shamu just has a little stank on the end there
Starting point is 00:00:38 So we're reminded that they are orca people Don't ever forget Enemies of the whale. Yes, not really that enemies of the whale in a weird way They worship the whale, but I'll I'll get to that in a second. So yes. Yes. Sorry. We started last session entering this sector and and We came to learn of the sacroshamu They have had negative experiences with the jungle this big Amazon like space corporation that Such net negative experiences. They decided to shut down the two star gates that lead to this sector
Starting point is 00:01:15 so they shut down one and they were just about to shut down the one that we entered from when we appear and nadir immediately laid into them with the the holy word of the whale and Zakiya rolled really well because this sacroshamu Kind of worship the whale too in their own way, so they had a very positive response to our appearance they certainly liked that we stole a jungle ship a shark-class ship and The sacroshamu did
Starting point is 00:01:52 Promise to help us in our big goal of getting Kind of a planet to ourselves a place that we could bring the iron landers to to live safely and The only way they would agree to giving us whatever information they might have Would be that we first have to retrieve a couriership of the jungle that is somewhere lurking around in this sector hiding from the sacroshamu So if we can get it, they'll help us out We went on that journey. We made that vow. We went on the journey and the first thing we ran into was a kind of like Migrant fleet of jungle colonists apparently We through roles decided that millions of colin colonists had once come to sacro and the shamu were not happy about it
Starting point is 00:02:42 And they nearly wiped them all out. So there was only a couple thousand left But they needed help. They were damaged. They were injured. They were dying and we had to sacrifice some resources to get What we wanted to know from them, which was where was the couriership? And they told us that the couriership had gone out to go bury the dead There was a small planetoid nearby, right? So they they're at some planetoid bearing the dead and some kind of ceremony and Nader with his traumatized hate of the jungle
Starting point is 00:03:19 Says this is the perfect opportunity to get this ship. So we're gonna go after them we did we the ship ran into a little bit of trouble took a little bit of damage and We decided in game that the the Reprocussions of that was that the couriership is now aware of our presence Maybe they don't know everything, but they you know something blipped on their radar and they are wise to us So Legger, I'm gonna hand it over to you. It looks like you've got an idea. What are you thinking? Great? I'm just gonna say right now. You're gonna have to call me on not being a good like not being sweet You're and I know it and that's fine
Starting point is 00:03:59 I'm gonna need you to think back to the the meanest time the time you were the meanest the time you accidentally stepped on a ladybug or The time you accidentally burped in someone's face. You know, I mean the meanest you can think Allegra I've been meaner than that. I'm not like sweet all the time Look, you don't have to put on a show for us Allegra. We know you're the sweetest person in the world I can be There you go, that's the attitude I'd like to think that's what nater sounds like to Sorry, I'm really So my question as we begin this is so we stole we stole a jungle ship like we we have
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, we have specifically a kind of like like a fighter class. I got like a like a it's a big It's kind of shark-shaped and it's big enough to house like maybe 20 Iron landers kind of operating it. Um, but it's like a it's like a it's like a ship you fly in like attack somebody and run away It's not super strong. It's not super fast. It's kind of in the middle, right? Okay Does it still have the jungle like? logo definitely definitely Okay, is there any reason they should assume we're not jungle? I I don't think so At least not at the moment, especially if you're all wearing uniforms and going, you know trying to deceive them in this way
Starting point is 00:05:28 Brilliant fantastic. Lovely. Okay. So that's my that's my goal is I want to get down and get down there and be like, hey Friends, gotcha. We are comrades That makes the most amount of sense now we have four progress in this task of finding and returning the couriership I think that maybe the overall Uh progress is that we also have to get that couriership back to the sacroshamu So four progress is about halfway to completing our goal if you wanted to say Yeah, we pull up to this planetoid now. That's fine
Starting point is 00:06:10 But you're saying you want to deceive them in some way you're I feel like either facing danger or Uh compelling Using uh shadow is is probably the most sensible thing. Yeah, I think it's definitely shadow because it's Just bold face lines to their face And and if we roll well on this we'll count this as progress We'll we'll get ourselves a little closer to completing this task. So we are going to compel
Starting point is 00:06:40 Um, you're going to lie and swindle. So go ahead and roll shadow I don't I'm really afraid because Zach rolled so well last session and I don't think I'm worried She may have rolled all the good stuff out of it now. Now real quick. Let's look at your assets Yes, I forget that we share a share a character sheet We always do I'm just trying to make sure there's nothing with compel Um, you could try to instead secure an advantage Uh, for instance under explorer if you study a new found place
Starting point is 00:07:12 Uh, oh or under devotant if you secure an advantage by talking about your god Or or you know calling to your god in some way you could also secure an advantage that way I don't I think they're kind of in direct opposition to each other both of those options So I think if we if we went down and talked to them It would have to be lies first and then immediately into have you heard about the whale? And I don't know I think I want to secure an advantage now that I think about it. Okay, I'd rather like watch from a distance
Starting point is 00:07:55 see what's up And then if they if they see us we can be like hey, man We were just fixing our fucked up ship because the ship's all messy right now. I hear you I hear you on that one. What's cool about this is that uh, you'll roll plus one when you secure the advantage and A strong hits going to detail something about the location that we can use to our advantage. So let's uh do that So what stat are you using edge heart iron shadow or width if you use shadow you're using deception stealth or trickery Check this could make sense stealth. Yeah, like stealth like you're trying. I'm trying to do it
Starting point is 00:08:34 I want I'm trying to not be seen so let's go shadow plus one I get a plus one. Okay. All right. See how you do. Let's keep our fingers first roll of the game. Yep We can't I'll take it that is a good. That's good. All right You are securing the advantage on a weak hit you can choose one you can either take plus two momentum Or plus one to your next move Okay, so Now we now the only catch is it can't be a progress move. So if we if we compel And we succeed we can't actually make progress
Starting point is 00:09:10 I don't think we're gonna really use that plus one. So it's got to be like a um face danger to try to get down to the planet maybe or Gather some information about the location So basically what this one I think what this role just decided is that we do get into like a stealthy position And now we can possibly gain ground or or make some kind of move Okay, um then I Think i'm gonna think ahead and take the momentum rather than the plus one
Starting point is 00:09:45 You're gonna add plus two to your momentum six or seven now sweat Um We're in a stealthy position. Maybe like there's like a little Meteor or something that we're hiding behind star war style. What's the next move? What are we trying to do? um so We did from the we did end last session with the with the Couriership aware of us. They might be sending a signal out
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah, I was just about to say are they are they trying to contact us? Maybe they don't see us anymore, but they are trying to contact us. Do you want to reach out to them? Huh I mean we are coming in with the disguise Yeah, we're coming in with the disguise already. So I think I think Like I think it would be more suspicious if we didn't respond Okay, and if we want to keep the ruse going we have to respond gotcha um
Starting point is 00:10:44 We can compel them You just We can't count it as progress Because of the way security advantage works Right. I've probably done this wrong in the past many times, but um I think that's what it means. So we can definitely compel and that'll move us forward, but not necessarily the progress forward Right, let me see No
Starting point is 00:11:11 I'm just looking at all of the things we can do Yeah, I don't think any of those are super useful right now. So we're just gonna I think I think just I don't even think it's It's trying to convince him of anything right now. I think I'm just trying to make contact all right I think you're I think your instinct is right that Doesn't need a role. You have a jungle ship. You have the right like, you know Encryption to send and share between the two of them
Starting point is 00:11:42 They probably become aware that you know, you are a jungle ship I'm sure they'd be curious as to why you're here and what the story is like Do you think they would invite us down to the surface? Do you think they would we could ask the oracle to find out like what they want? Let's ask. Let's ask the oracle. I'm always a fan of leaving it up to the universe. Me too. So 51 or greater What's the better outcome that they that we go to them or that they come to us? I Think I think the better outcome is that we go to them. Okay, we'll have a little just because we'll have like time to plan and like
Starting point is 00:12:25 Get things in order where if they come to us, it'll I mean, I guess we'll still have time to plan I would argue our ship is probably Outgun, you know out matching theirs Because they have a courier ship while we have like a fighter type ship. That's true. That's true Then yeah, let's say let's say that they come to us then. Okay so Is the is the better outcome so 51 or greater they say Okay, we'll come to you in a moment once we once we're finished with the dead. Yeah, let's see what happens
Starting point is 00:12:58 74 in fact they uh, you don't even have to compel them to do that because that's what they want to do They say yeah, we'll be up there in a minute. They're probably a little bit scared There's this implication I think in one of the sessions that we created that that it's like kind of like a uh, what's the word? When like during the crusades and uh the inquisition, you know, it's almost like an inquisitor type Uh ship, you know what I mean, right? Like it's not it's not a good thing to see one of the ships So so maybe they're a little nervous or something that you've uh that you've shown up Either way, they're gonna come towards us. Do you want to do anything special? To prepare
Starting point is 00:13:38 Like what what would nader's plan be? They're gonna see us. They're gonna come close. We probably want to possibly dock with them But we've got to come up with an excuse too as to what we're doing out here uh, well, I think Uh, a kind of just like face value thing would be would be to tell a partial truth I mean like the best lies are based in partial truth. So you can be like Yeah, there's these the shamu folks that they're you know, they're they're piss you're around So like we need to we need to link up so that we can we can like
Starting point is 00:14:13 formulate a plan Maybe even like, you know, we're the rescue party. We're here to like get everybody out of the sector. Exactly. Okay Feels like a compel Right. You're compelling them basically to dock with each other Yeah, or Are we compelling them to just like follow us? Um Yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:14:37 I mean, there's no reason well I'll say this if we compel them successfully To just follow us and we start leading them towards the sacro shamu That's definitely progress that we can mark. Yeah, and and you know, maybe we can maneuver it where the sacro shamu kind of intercept us and Take them and that's it. Yeah, that might it might also be easier if we don't directly interface with them to contact The sacro shamu and be like, hey, they're coming. Get ready. Okay. Okay. All right So let's compel them to follow us. You're lying. So you're going to roll with shadow
Starting point is 00:15:10 Uh, no plus one Nope Let's go Another week hit. Okay On a week hit, they'll do what you want, but their agreement comes with a demand or a complication Envision their counter offer Could could be that they want to help the The the the colonists could be that there's something wrong with their ship. What are you thinking?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Uh, I think there there might be like Something wrong with the ship. Yeah, where they're like, yeah, you can like your ships fucked up our ships a little bit more fucked up Can we do you guys have anything that any like supply that we can Use to patch things up or or like Or they like or or they had like Some specific Item that had to be left with one of their dead that they're like, okay We need this but we couldn't take it away from this person
Starting point is 00:16:08 I'm not sure what that would be. Well, here's the interesting challenge is that our supply nator supplies currently at one Yeah, that's also a problem. So we don't have a lot to give Um, I still like the idea that that's what they want. It would make sense you know, maybe instead of uh where the colonists had a lot of um Damage and needed a lot of uh, like uh medical attention. Maybe these guys just don't have food or something Yeah, yeah, yeah They might demand like hey help us get some food or something
Starting point is 00:16:42 um Maybe they say our food replicator is broken and you got to send somebody to fix it That would make sense. Yeah, that definitely I like that But then we have the problem that it's just a bunch of iron landers. They don't know how to they might know how to fix it But I don't know to say Are there is there anyone that's chef reggie over there and he's like hey, I got you guys. It's fine I say chef's wedgie What reggie what was the name reggie reggie reggie, okay
Starting point is 00:17:12 I don't know why I heard wedgie chef wedgie I yeah, I kind of want to use that name but that's okay. We'll figure that out. Um, let's give you your next one shot dnd A character wedgie. Yeah So I like the idea of The fact that they you know, we're starving We need you need to come here and fix our food replicator or whatever it is they use to create food But we're iron landers who don't necessarily know. Is there anyone aboard the ship right now? that
Starting point is 00:17:41 Knows or has learned from kb how to replicate or how to fix the replicator Um, I think it's unlikely unlikely. Yeah, I was gonna say probably not but maybe so let's real quick Let me look up what that is in uh the oracle. It's 76 or greater. So yes, if it's 76 or greater Let's see A d100 for the folks at home Uh I'm trying to fix the thing there it goes now. It's visible. So we rolled a hundred. So that means yes chef wedgie Uh, it says I could do this
Starting point is 00:18:21 That's what his brother calls him is chef wedgie I mean, I wouldn't put it past an iron lander to be named wedgie Uh, kind of reminds me of wedge antilles, which makes me like it even more. Do you know who that is? Yeah, yeah Okay, so we'll say that wedgie, you know puts his hand up and offers to fix it. Um Wedgie Is dressed like the jungle so he at least has the costume on but there's some kind of I like to think it's a little bit too big on him Like it doesn't it's not like as crisp as it should be
Starting point is 00:18:53 It's just like hangs off his shoulders a little bit and he's got like little sweater paws going and maybe he's still like, you know A iron age like iron lander where he's just like dirty like he hasn't showered or anything Uh, or he has like flecks of iron on his cheeks. So, uh, maybe he's got dreads or something too Does he have a chef hat alegra? 51 or greater No, no, no, you said absolutely not absolutely not. Okay. All right. He doesn't need ridiculous headwear to To denote his status with his roof. So, um, let me think about what we have to do here There's some kind of subterfuge going on here. So we
Starting point is 00:19:34 Are definitely facing danger Uh, maybe using shadow as as trickery, you know what I mean? We're trying to trick them into thinking everything's a okay Um, if you want you could face danger. Otherwise you would be come I don't want to roll compel I feel like face danger makes sense. Face danger makes the most sense. Yeah, let's do it. You're gonna face danger using shadow I don't think you've got any pluses for that unfortunately. We just have how How does momentum get used? I never understood the way you can use momentum is that if you roll poorly if your
Starting point is 00:20:10 If your momentum is higher than your result, you can use the momentum instead and it usually like takes it from a weak hit to a strong hit or Aha Yeah, I was always confused by that. Thank you. All right shadow. Let's go Yet another with the power of shadow. I mean zakiya did almost the entire session with a weak hit I'm so scared that there's something broken Uh, she got one miss. That's why I'm thinking it's fine, but I don't like all these we're gonna get a big miss at a really crucial point and it's gonna fuck us up real good
Starting point is 00:20:44 All right, so we are facing danger using shadow. We got a weak hit you succeed But at a troublesome cost you must make a suffer move So we can decide what that suffer move is but Remind me what we're even trying to do. I I just kind of blanked on what that is fixing the food replicating That's right. So so wedgie goes in And he's like change his name fully to wedgie intentionally on both of our
Starting point is 00:21:14 He's just kind of like biting his tongue, you know, they're asking him questions that he doesn't understand, you know, it's just the worst situation he's probably like like I I feel like Nader has like taken him under his wing these last few weeks and has been like look here's how you fucking lie to people Right and he's like and he's like super standoff. He should like very gruff and surly They're like we just got to leave him be because he's from the spooky ship, right? He does fix the replicator, but what is the complication? They want to check his papers or they ask him a question that he can't answer, you know the way the My instinct was he fixes it too good and they want to keep him
Starting point is 00:21:56 That's interesting. It'd be a hell of a power move on their part, you know, because we're we're kind of the more intimidating group I I'll run with it if you want to do that I I don't know how like actually, uh, viable that is um Or he's so good. We want to keep him. They're like, hey, can Can he stay on the ship all on our ride back home? Yeah, like could he just like stick around for a while? We've got a couple other things that are busted in the food in the in the food prep area
Starting point is 00:22:30 Like he he fixed this so quickly. Maybe he can take a look at these as well and he's just so damn charming Okay, all right, I think that's a fun complication. They don't want to let him go Um, I would assume nadir doesn't want to rock the boat too much So is nadir okay with this or do we want to try to compel them to give him back? I think I don't want to lose wedgie. Allegra. I don't either. I feel like nadir, uh I think he tries to play the part of Of inquisitor as you were saying as the ship might be and he tries he tries to like like power move them back and be like
Starting point is 00:23:17 Fuck, you know, he's ours. Okay. Okay. So we're just gonna have to try to compel them Um, you told me to be mean. I'm being mean you're being you know, this does mean threaten or incite which requires you to roll iron Not your best rule not your best stat Unless you can think of a way to lie to them You could say, you know, if you want to try to lie to them and say wedgie has ibs and it's flaring up these days. No poor guy Um, wedgie doesn't care. He just want to be with these people which
Starting point is 00:23:47 Honestly, you just want to come home and make iron lander meatballs again. You know wedgie has diarrhea All right, so you're going to lie to them using this excuse I mean, it's a it's a good excuse. No one's ever gonna be like prove it prove you have diarrhea right now I I'm hoping wedgie can do that if he needs to but you're gonna roll with shadow for this Let's see. It always comes down to this with you. Allegra Getting real sillier. What terrible body humor I'll remind you that Allegra was a strong hit with a
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yes Yeah, um, you you tell them That that you killed like many of our npcs you've launched them out into space Look chad wanted to be out there with the space shotgun So, uh, um, there we go. They're like ill. No, we don't want wedgie around if he's Got ibs our uh our porta johns are acting up and he's gonna stop them all up or something So wedgie comes waddling back onto our ship I think wedgie's a really small guy honestly. I think he's really like scrawny and little and he's
Starting point is 00:25:10 He looks like he would have diarrhea is what you're saying I can't get off So they're convinced, um, he's back and I'm I I forgot to mark progress a long time ago. Uh, we need to do that Um, we have compelled them to follow us Uh, we'll say that this is too full progress. So we're now six out of ten To bring this bad boy home So thank you diarrhea
Starting point is 00:25:41 Uh Keeping the entire galaxy separated from each other diarrhea Uh, okay, so we need to take these guys back to the sacroshammo We've they've agreed to come with us thinking that we're just escaping the area or something Um, we're leading them towards where the where the stargate was probably yes So I think we need to undertake an expedition Mm-hmm, and a successful one would mean that we get probably within range of the sacroshammo we can mark progress Yeah, all right. I would agree with that. So
Starting point is 00:26:18 undertake diarrhea, I mean an expedition and We will see what happens I'm so sorry. I turned your very cool space show into fucking nonsense every time I'm on Uh Undertaken journey Yes, I'm sorry. I I forgot that I have to tell you There's edge shadow and wits those are the three that you can choose
Starting point is 00:26:45 You can move with speed under the radar or vigilant I think I think vigilant. I think we're trying to like maintain A facade and that that like requires watching our every move Very specifically watching their communications. Yeah, right. Okay. Um, go ahead and roll wits We hit nice on a week hit you reach a waypoint Uh, but this progress does cost you
Starting point is 00:27:22 You can choose one you can either face apparel, which is just a d100 roll or you have to make two suffer moves I mean, it's gotta be it's gotta be face apparel. All right. First thing we're gonna do is I'm gonna mark our progress. So that's another Two we now have eight out of ten This is very close. We could if we wanted to make our next move a Complete a journey or some equivalent progress move Uh, but first let's roll the d100 to find the the peril that we uh, well, I'm sorry the uh Yeah, did I get that right uh face apparel. Yeah, so let's roll a d100 53 on a 53
Starting point is 00:28:06 Old repair or patch fails An old repair or patch fails now this ship Has only really seen damage from some recent debris that we flew through That you know called the tension The only other thing I can really think of is um The ship was once basically kb like took over this ship Yeah, so an old repair might be that like maybe the old ai or the or the old uh like
Starting point is 00:28:37 Automated met controls like take over or something. Yeah, they're trying to like glitch through Yeah, yeah, yeah So if you like that idea if that happens, um You know somehow like we lose kb for a second and the ship kind of Is acting up maybe even starts flying funny. We have to make some kind of move to get back into control Um What moves do we have right now? I think
Starting point is 00:29:10 Would that be like securing an advantage To when you assess a situation make preparations or attempt to gain leverage Maybe honestly, it would be like if you're trying to just gain leverage on solving this problem You'd still have to roll for the problem. I mean, it's as simple as just rolling face danger Otherwise, um, there are Oh, I'm sorry, we do have to make a suffer move. So maybe that's what it is is we can endure stress But I thought it was I thought it was we had to either face peril or
Starting point is 00:29:43 suffer Yes, uh, thank you for Reminding me to check that. Uh, so face peril envision what you encounter We we encountered that an old repair is a problem. Okay, you're right. So The the issue is is that the ship is acting up I still think we need to make some kind of role to like solve this problem could Could okay, this is this is literally self sabotage, but could that's what this game is all about
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yeah Could the ship's ai be trying to send out like a like a hey, this is an us kind of message Like sure we've been taken over like like a like a last like a last sos Kind of yes, uh, do we I guess do we want to face danger a mayday if you will You'll say it here, but you won't say it on the on the game show I chose it motherfucker. All right. So I think we should just face danger. Let's um Are we doing this uh With aggression with stealth
Starting point is 00:30:50 Deception we're trying to keep this covert or are we using our expertise focus and observation to keep it from getting out It's either Covertly trying to like keep it hidden or its expertise. Um I think you I mean if you want to roll shadow, I think that's fair Yeah, I think I think we're trying to like keep it on the dl as much as possible. All right Roll with shadow to face danger Let's see better. Oh well. Oh you didn't nope. No I knew I knew it was gonna happen at like a really important time. Okay interesting on a miss
Starting point is 00:31:28 You fail or a momentary success is undermined. You must pay the price Give me another d100. Let's find out what that price Might be D100 All right, I knew this is gonna happen 96 nine to six Uh Roll twice. So please roll two more d100 and they are both a result Oh, I hated uh, this is the Allegra special
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah, 99 and 12 Which means you need to roll two more times. Yes Looking this is hilarious. This is about to get crazy Okay, so a 12 I knew this is gonna fucking happen a 12 and 86 and a 20 Okay, 86. I'm just writing these all down um And finally a 20
Starting point is 00:32:22 Uh, okay, uh, so a surprising development complicates your quest Um, that is the 26 we rolled The Yes, the 86 is you are stressed Yeah, and then the 12 is you have a tough choice So there is a surprising development Uh, uh That I think complicates your quest. Yeah complicates your quest
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah, uh, you have a tough choice and you are stressed What do you think that Tough choice that is a surprising development That you will suffer stress from might be I have some ideas, but I want to hear what you've got to To say I mean, I think I think the the message gets out like it gets past all of our attempts to keep it Keep a lid on it. The message gets out to the other ship All right, and we either have to Turn and fight them now or wait or like
Starting point is 00:33:20 Potentially let them get away That's where I went but also I'd love to hear what you had in mind Definitely it reaches the couriership Uh, they can tell there's something wrong something's acting up And we miss so maybe even the ship isn't is still not in our control So what would be the tough choice the tough choice Wouldn't be to just let them go away because it's kind of almost out of our Hands at the moment. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:56 the tough choice would be like Um The tough choice could be like we're going to self-destruct the ship. No, no, no, I I shouldn't go there. Um Tough choice might be we we have to Like there's some kind of sacrifice we have to make like Maybe the decision is we have to attack them now. We do have weapons that we can use Yeah, but the tough choice is something we've got to sacrifice something and this stresses us out Maybe it's like the last of our supplies like we don't have any more supplies like these are the last of like
Starting point is 00:34:33 Uh, the last space shotguns if you will But we're not boarding them like we would have enough missiles and lasers and all that kind of stuff You know what I mean, that's right. I forgot we were like outfitted. Yeah, we're not a pirate ship We're not boarding them or anything. Yeah, um um Maybe we can make some roles here Just to kind of like yeah, let's let's let's figure this out Uh, let's make some oracle rolls. Let me pull it up
Starting point is 00:35:01 um Now there are action theme descriptor and focus Do you which of those tables would you like to roll on first? Let's do action first. Okay, roll a d100 Um 95 why 9 to 5 rolling high um threaten So the action is some kind of threaten Okay
Starting point is 00:35:30 And then what was it theme a theme yet another d100? Yeah, let's do theme I actually think I might have an idea but let's see what this theme turns out to be 11 commerce commerce is threatened or Threatening commerce is coming for us. Um I mean, I mean the jungle is commerce, right? Right? Um You have a tough choice tough choice The tough choice could actually be run if there are like backup jungle ships like if we think of that
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yeah, a part of me was also thinking what if the sacroshamu are showing up, but they're just like shooting indiscriminately like That would I think that would make a lot of sense too is like They're not they're not like attached enough to us to not try to hit us but They're they're they're more concerned with like the couriership than anything and we're kind of in the way Gotcha, um This is now the choice is like do we fight and possibly get hit or do we get out of the way? and like kind of run
Starting point is 00:36:42 Eli says or they turn back, but we haven't established that they've shown up We were trying to bring them the couriership was trying to we were trying to bring them to the sacroshamu um Let's well, I think I think a question we could roll with is like did we actually get a message out to the sacroshamu? To say like we're on our way and that might that might lead us to I like that in the meantime while we're still thinking about this. Let's roll to endure stress because that is for sure something we have to do Um
Starting point is 00:37:16 We're in a precarious situation where You uh do not have any spirit No, because you are uh traumatized because of that When you face mental strain um On a miss is worse than you thought but if your spirit is you're okay if your spirit's zero Or you choose to resist the stress roll spirit or heart whichever is higher. I think your heart is higher. Just roll
Starting point is 00:37:46 We have nothing in spirit a strong hit Strong hit very nice on a strong hit you can choose one either shake it off Um Or embrace the darkness Now you didn't reduce your spirit. Can you reduce your spirit? Let me see if you can go into the negatives with spirit No So, uh, we'll just say that really your only option is to Embrace the darkness and take plus one momentum
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yes, it goes up And actually, um, I forgot uh because of we used one of our assets before so you should be at nine actually because We get an automatic plus one when we succeeded on that Nice, so we've got nine right now Uh, all right, so we endure the stress. Um, we managed to maybe, uh, You know survive the first barrage of attacks But we're still kind of in the middle of it. Yeah, we have the tough choice of Do we fight the sacro chamo?
Starting point is 00:38:48 Uh, uh, do we try to fight the courier ship? What do you want to do? I also would argue we might not have total control of our ship at the moment Yeah, I was gonna say is there a chance that like we are we're fighting for control of the ship All right now. I think securing an advantage makes sense because if we can Then we can get back on track. So, uh, if you want to secure an advantage and remember you have two assets where if you somehow Incorporate your religion into this you can get a plus one It's as simple as possibly praying to the space whale. I was gonna say can we pray to the space whale? Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:24 So with that said what at what attribute are you using? Uh, maybe wits Wits I was gonna say wits or heart because we're like praying to the Trying to trying to influence the will of the whale as the keya called it That's right the will of the whale is trying to remember that uh with resolve command or sociability is how you would use heart So you're maybe interpreting this as nadir is kind of really hands on with folks trying to get them to do What is necessary? Whale take the wheel exactly
Starting point is 00:39:56 All right, roll heart. Uh, and if you and if you invoke the religion you can add plus one All right, I'm going to Just pray to the to the giant whale Strong hit baby. The whale is good The whale is with us On a strong nadir fully like is like the way the will of the whale is with us and like is like Right On a strong hit you may take both you can gain plus two momentum. So that means uh, you go all the way to 10
Starting point is 00:40:32 And you can add plus one to your next move What is going to be your next move that you you get control of the ship You have control again. Oh, thanks parker for subscribing to us. Hey, thank you. That's so cool of you Uh, so we're up at 10 And a plus one to our next move which is going to be We're gonna turn and shoot the fucking couriership. All right. We're going to finally enter the fray here sounds like make some combat Uh, let me pull up the combat. Here we go. We're entering the fray Uh, you are attacking
Starting point is 00:41:12 I would say it Not close quarters. You can either roll you can either attack on the move Facing off against your foe with heart um Preparing to act against an unaware foe. No or caught in a trap. No so really rolling edge or heart makes the most sense um I mean, I think I think nader's still riding high from that from that whale will being Given to us
Starting point is 00:41:42 So I think it's a very like brothers two arms five Gotcha as we go in so it's I get a plus one on this one Uh, because you're entering. Well, I don't oh, that's right. You do because of the strong of the last strong hit Do it plus heart plus one strong man Good rolls on a strong hit You can take both you can take plus two momentum and you are in control. So you maintain initiative We're we've still got tons of momentum. So we don't have to worry about that. Yeah
Starting point is 00:42:14 Um, but here we are in combat. Um, I'll say that the ship is strong enough that we don't I don't know if we have to extract this all the way out to a big battle Like the couriership can totally get pummeled by us. So we're going to either Echo shimu are like coming in too true Um, you're in a bad spot. No, uh, we're in control. You can assault a foe Um, or we can try a battle which is Something that happens in a blur envision your objective and roll. So this is kind of more of just like summing it up Yeah, so with that said, what is the tactic? What does the battle look like and then we'll roll for it?
Starting point is 00:42:53 um I think it's I think once we get control of the ship we pull like a crazy Ivan and we like Loot backwards and try and like Bookend them essentially with the sacro shimu And like and and stop them from getting from like turning tail um So is that that that feels like a is that battle? I guess
Starting point is 00:43:17 Well, I think so because a battle can it can be a combat that's kind of like summed up in one role Um, I see no reason why we shouldn't use battle Um Unless there's something you think fits better. No, I don't think so. I think it makes the most sense. So we have Fighting at range you'd be rolling with edge Fight depending on your courage leadership or companions. You'd roll with heart Okay, uh, if you use trickery to befuddle your foe you could roll with shadow or tactics you'd roll with wits um
Starting point is 00:43:50 I think it's either courage or tactics because we're because we're kind of like Looping up behind them and coming to like pins or memen I I could I would argue you could also use shadow because you could do it where like Maybe you were blocking their view and like the moment you flip around like you were feeling the sacro shimu barrage That'd be pretty cool. Yeah, let's do let's do that. All right. You're gonna roll with shadow For battle did I say you have plus one on this or no? Did we already use that?
Starting point is 00:44:21 I don't we already use that last roll on that strong head Another strong hit Amazing ila uh allegra. Okay, uh, so here we go you Rolled a strong hit. Uh, you achieve your objective Unconditionally you and your allies who joined the battle may take plus two momentum. So you have all this momentum You're never going to use ending momentum but you
Starting point is 00:44:51 Defeat the couriership now does defeat Does nadir does defeat for the couriership being complete annihilation or does nadir try to spare them? I don't think he would he wouldn't he wouldn't try to spare them I wonder I wonder if he would take his lead from the sacro shimu though Uh, because they're the ones that wanted the um true I guess what we should ask the oracle is will the sacro shimu destroy it or will they try to capture it? Yeah, because I I think I don't think I don't think I think he realizes that the Uh, the connection that he has with the sacro shimu is more valuable than like
Starting point is 00:45:32 Fucking obliterating them totally because they're part of the jungle totally Actually, actually you put up an interesting point because he is traumatized. So let's let's decide one thing at a time I think it's likely that the sacro shimu want to take the couriership alive. So roll a d126 or greater That is in fact true To grab an interesting situation you're oh interesting Oh, I was hoping that they did and then maybe we roll to see if nadir like still attacks them But they don't they don't care they they They are fine with destroying them now. Let me ask you this this couriership might have
Starting point is 00:46:13 important information that we could extract Yeah Does would nadir have the self control to possibly You know ask the sacro shimu. Hey, let me hang on to these guys Let's roll another another oracle. I think all right. I think it's unlikely that he would want to yeah I wish there was like a halfway point between unlikely and 50 50, but there's not no no So, okay, it's unlikely 76 or greater. Yes He wants to hang on to them or yes. He wants to destroy them. I think it's oh, yes
Starting point is 00:46:49 He wants yes. Yes. He wants to hang on to it. Yes because it's unlikely. Yeah only d100 Let's see Three nope. No, we we completely vaporize them Just like battle like Red rage Just gone I like to imagine like, you know, we like the old pirate ship movies where there's two ships and one in the middle And they're just getting you know, it's getting pummeled right in the middle
Starting point is 00:47:16 or like in the in the robin hood movie when Uh The what's his name king john gets like the the swirly eyes. Oh, yeah He was mad during that he just gets the swirly eyes and that's what I'm thinking about but like in red Uh, all right, so we've we've destroyed this couriership Nice a question comes to mind does nadir tell them about all those colonists Eh wasn't that wasn't part of the deal wasn't part of the deal um
Starting point is 00:47:47 nadir does have this kind of trauma though where he just really hates the jungle I think it's like I forgot they were Yes Oh, yeah, then for sure roller d100 26 or greater. Yes. He does tell them about the uh Yeah, oh, yeah, we're gonna go get this So he's gonna tell them, um, we don't necessarily have to stick around Uh, we certainly don't necessarily have to help them. I mean if we did help them
Starting point is 00:48:16 I would I would make us roll something to like That would like drive somebody crazy in in a certain way. You know what I mean? Like at a certain point the tribe might even be like, whoa, bro. Like let's chill You got to chill out man. Yeah, um, maybe we do want the person who kept the alien around Okay, so They know about it, but do we first want to ask a favor of them? Do we first want to? Uh, actually here's here's what I'm realizing Um, we
Starting point is 00:48:46 Have eight out of ten on our progress Perhaps destroying the ship not add progress to it It's part of it I think I think that we can say that the ship is destroyed, but we should roll, um To complete this vow and that might illuminate something that we're not thinking about in terms of maybe the sacrosanct who are angry at us about something or something So roll 2d10 and we want at least one of them to be above eight Above eight Above eight because we have eight progress on our that we wanted to be below eight
Starting point is 00:49:19 We want I'm sorry eight or lower. Okay. I just want to make sure Would thank you Would the destroying of the ship give us another point of progress? Uh Yeah, I guess I guess I'm grasping for anything because I feel a bad roll Well, let's see. We did we did battle and it was a strong hit I'm looking at combat because I do believe combat has like a progress move
Starting point is 00:49:52 That if we don't Let's see battle pay the price Take decisive act when you see is an objective in a fight vision how you take decisive action um We could decide that we we took decisive action as opposed to a battle On a strong hit you prevail take plus momentum Of you're in control None of that. Yeah. Yeah, okay fine. Fine. He doesn't have to you can say no surge
Starting point is 00:50:21 No, I I think I think it probably would have been the smarter move to make so we'll say we have 10 out of 10 Roll 2d10. I think we'll be fine, but go ahead and just roll it double goose eggs Double goose eggs. We did roll two ones, but I don't think that matters. It's still a strong. That was a good thing Yes, it is a good thing. Uh, let's see what Our What is it again? We are Completing a vow. I gotta pull up the vows
Starting point is 00:50:50 Uh connections Oh, I could have just clicked fulfill. That's silly of me. That's okay. That's okay We're gonna fulfill the vow and it was a strong hit. So we're gonna mark progress. Um on our legacy track Uh, so we're gonna go to Yeah, and then under quests we'll go up Two check marks in the in the next box So that's good. Um, we've completed that vow so we can get rid of it and now It's we can kind of get kind of start wrapping up the session and maybe get some information from the sacroshamu
Starting point is 00:51:31 Yeah, um It's a strong hit Which means it's going to be Good, you know, they're going to give us something that we want. Um How do we want to decide this do you want to just kind of I'm trying to think of what roles might be appropriate in terms of um, what they tell us Um Because obviously the options could be there's a planet here go there and that's what you're looking for
Starting point is 00:52:00 But I wanted to be a little spicier than that. There's something right more to it. Um We could build a sector and say that's where you can find a new home Or or oh, this could be interesting. They the sacroshamu know of a place but It's kind of it the colonization has by the jungle has begun there So if you like you can go there and you can try and take it But they've already got a ship there and if you want to take it you're gonna have to take them down first Okay, gotcha. Um I think it requires there is a move that can kind of like summarize this. Um
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah, I don't know what that is, but I'm looking now at what we have. Uh, we could try to Hmm There's a way to uh, when you When you're trying to kind of decide You're not facing danger You could try to gather information and the and that kind of fills in the broader picture Reach a milestone. I think that only happens. Let's see
Starting point is 00:53:14 Uh, when you make headway in your quest, which I guess this would be considered that Yeah, um by doing any of the following overcoming a critical obstacle gaining meaningful insight But this this is just explaining what you do. Um Make a connection develop test forge a bond. I I don't know. I kind of feel like gather information Is the most sensible we'd have to roll wits and Depend even if it's a bad roll even if it's a miss they probably have a good answer for us But it would just be more complicated, right? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So roll wits width No, okay, let's see and this is going to determine what they have to tell us
Starting point is 00:53:59 Strong head. All right. This is the best I've ever rolled in this session. Absolutely. It is. Um, we're gathering information On a strong hit you discover something helpful and specific the path you must follow or direction you must take Uh make progress is made clear envision what you learn And take plus two momentum which we don't need so the first thing I'm going to do is under our vows I'm going to mark some more progress. We now have three out of ten progress to find a new home We're doing it. I also think under legacies We should maybe increase well, we'll hold off on that. Um, we increase our bond with them because we've like Fulfilled a true true. I think that's fair. We'll we'll increase it by a full
Starting point is 00:54:44 Um box which actually means we gain two experience every time we fill one of these boxes So we have two to spend if we want um But then the question is What is this good news? I would say it means that there is a planet without the jungles presence Yeah, I think so. Yeah And I mean it's a strong hit. There's not any
Starting point is 00:55:09 big obstacles in the way It's either just far away or There's a a strange method to get there that just is going to take a little bit of time What do you think I mean not not this but something similar to um Like interstellar when he just shoots himself into a black hole and then gets to like the fifth dimension or whatever the fuck Some not not that obviously because that's Well, then what of it do you want to keep?
Starting point is 00:55:45 Feed the cat. Sorry, it's medicate the cat time. Um I think maybe it's like You have to like oh, oh, oh, oh, maybe it's like maybe it's like, um Algena al dana in uh in ashoka where like you can only see the portal to it At a certain time or like maybe we have to orbit this one planet four times and then shoot off at like a really specific angle I like that which would require like very specific flying And like keeping count of how many times you orbit and like who knows what's on that planet So it's like you have to orbit this other star a few times shoot off in a direction
Starting point is 00:56:26 And that's the only way you can get there got it. Well, I certainly love any reference to ashoka precious cargo available anywhere you get your podcast But uh, um, I joke I will say that I know we all do we all do um but okay, I like the idea of a quirky challenging path that
Starting point is 00:56:48 Requires kind of testing the limits of the ship testing the limits of our piloting skills Uh, sounds like it's just a journey we need to undertake I How okay, sorry How would we get more supply and more spirit because I think if we knew that it was going to be this much of an undertaking We would we would know that we had to resupply somehow and like kick that spirit up a little bit Well, that's very simple. I mean we can simply make the the roles for it. Um, Oh cool, uh, and and it makes sense that after helping the sacro shamu they're willing to
Starting point is 00:57:23 Resupply us and do everything that needs to be done so that we can get see ship a space worthy again Okay, so if we're going to spend some time with them We are going to not suffer but try to recover So when you spend time recovering within a community You can roll with heart now if you roll well under sojourn You can do any number of these things repair heal resupply or What's the other one harden? Uh, you have very low, um spirit
Starting point is 00:58:01 Which means you would have to hearten But don't I have a thing for hearten? Um, well, I just know all I know is that you are traumatized Which means it like we have to roll it to even undo I think like if you roll well on hearten all you do is you Untraumatize yourself and you might only go to like one spirit Or whatever your contemplation of sharing your faith in me
Starting point is 00:58:29 Plus. Oh, okay, dude. There you go spirit Okay, so maybe Maybe that's where we start is like because because the because the whale blessed us this fight We we all like communally take part in whale thoughts and we we sing whale songs fair fair enough if you want to like You know kind of just group morale for flavor, but this is about nadir. This is about him recovering from his trauma of hating the uh
Starting point is 00:59:02 The uh, what's our called the jungle so you would hearten through contemplation or sharing of your faith Even if it's with yourself or with others, it's fine. You may roll a linked stat So all I need from you is how like if you want to use shadow How are we using shadow to? You know How do we lie about religion? Oh I'll buy it if you just want to say that he just you know dives head first into
Starting point is 00:59:37 Guys, it was the whale. You know, he's like maybe maybe it was like I had a vision of the whale During this battle. Yeah, and just full like I'm down. I'm just preacher. All right drops it go ahead and roll shadow to um heart Yeah, instead of heart. No, I get a plus one after I do this. Yeah, if you if you get it All right, well, here's the fun part you can burn the momentum if you want Yes, all right, you're gonna burn it to to make a weak hit. Uh, so your momentum goes down to one um
Starting point is 01:00:14 It's a weak hit You find companionship or comfort and your spirit is strengthened But this indulgence is fleeting envision and interruption a complication or a conflict And lose one momentum So your momentum will actually go to zero zero. Okay But what is your spirit? What we'll say is you're no longer traumatized Okay, uh, which technically Would bring no, no, we'll leave it at zero because because now you can reset it too when you're no longer traumatized
Starting point is 01:00:46 right, um Your spirit though Wait, what resets it to momentum The momentum resets it too because we're no longer traumatized traumatized was making it so that whenever it resets it it stops at one Okay, okay. Um, what when you roll a strong hit Which we didn't do which we didn't do Uh, if you're shaken you can gain plus one spirit. Otherwise take plus two spirit make this move as you sojourn so what i'll say is that um
Starting point is 01:01:16 Your spirit I think your spirit would go to two Okay, that's good Yeah, because otherwise it would be Otherwise it would just be one No Yeah, no, no, no, okay. It's just gonna be one Okay, cool because we got rid of the shaken condition. We're no longer traumatized. Yes, uh, but we have one spirit
Starting point is 01:01:36 um How much time and what does that look like? um, I think Because we're not traumatized. I think he kind of replaces his hatred of the jungle with a kind of manic faith and and like Outward spouting of the word of the whale So I think I think it's just kind of a replacement and technically it's a little bit healthier because he's not actively hurting anyone but it's not
Starting point is 01:02:10 Great. Sure. Maybe he even like confesses to the sins he was feeling of I wanted to kill them But the whale has saved me. You know, he's brought me back Do you think that do you think that when they sing it's like whale song like oh for sure? It's like All right, so you've hardened we'll say that it doesn't take much time a couple of days at the most What's the next thing you want to do resupply? Resupply for sure. All right. Um Are you gonna roll with heart iron shadow or wits? With heart you're bartering with iron you're threatening with shadow
Starting point is 01:02:47 You are stealing or swindling and with wits you are scavenging This is the danger I love watching you struggle with this. I know I want to say like i'm gonna put in the hard work and scavenger. I'm gonna I'm gonna talk about it with other people But I know what Okay, so you're saying you want to roll with shadow No, all right. Um, I like it. How does he how does he steal or swindle? You got two options there
Starting point is 01:03:21 I think I Can it be like an can it can it be like a swindling like an offering playing a church? Uh, oh Yeah, sure sure. No, like you're saying like maybe he even tries to convert some sacrosanctum. They give him better deals and Yeah, it's like a it's like kind of like The whale needs the whale has needs and we're gonna go spread the message and we and we need your money Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:58 Roll with shadow experience in a church and none of them have been great. Yeah roll with shadow one was nice one was very nice, but This Oh, no, this is what I get. This is what I get a miss with zero momentum to save your ass Okay, interesting. Um on a miss you encounter an unexpected peril pay the price Um roll the d100. Let's see what that price might be I Want 21 a surprising development complicates your quest a surprising development complicates your quest I have an idea. What are you? What are you thinking? It's new. It's really dumb. Uh
Starting point is 01:04:44 There is an actual profit of the whale god damn it Like amongst the sacroshamu maybe amongst the sacroshamu there is a literal profit of her whale That is like this man is a charlatan and like Calls him out publicly. Hmm interesting Uh, yeah calls us out publicly. We are either Going to suffer stress because it's like embarrassing and might set us back Or we face danger even like what if the sacroshamu start throwing rocks at us or jellyfish or something?
Starting point is 01:05:18 Rocks or jellyfish. I mean the jellyfish would sting and they'd stick too. They're even worse than rocks Wrapped around rocks. Oh, no Rock rock fish rock jellyfish. Okay. So I which one would you prefer facing danger or Enduring stress. We have very little spirit to spare I'm gonna say face danger because I feel like I feel like he's as elie has said he's gonna be like full on Let's square up. Let's go. I am the profit of Okay, okay um
Starting point is 01:05:52 I almost would say that you could try to compel like if you have a you know, if you compel you would out Out compel the profit throw throwing verbal hands as opposed to physical ones face danger or compel. Which one are you feeling? Holy seawater says parker would I think compel. I think it's more in his style to like and you are you are of course lying and swindling you Yeah, don't actually have well, maybe you do. I don't know I think nader fully believes that he is a prophet of the whale and doesn't know he's actively lying Role plus shadow All right, let's see what happens. You are compelling. I don't think any of your assets. Nah your assets would not have helped
Starting point is 01:06:35 Onamist they refuse or make a demand which costs you greatly pay the price Roll a d100 But I I think I know, you know, really what what happens here. Yeah, they just kick us off the planet or something Yeah, since before All right, let's see what the price is A friend companion or ally is in harm's way or you are if alone Um, yeah, I think that's fair like
Starting point is 01:07:04 I think they definitely just Yeah, they get us the fuck out of here. I do think we need to endure harm Possibly like to get a few jellyfish rocks thrown at us. Yeah, we definitely they're definitely like What is it called? stoning us or yeah that What they did to the witches and Yeah, what what is it? Well, like what's stoning if it's wrapped in a jellyfish. It's more like stinging Stinging. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So we're gonna we're gonna say this is a
Starting point is 01:07:32 You know a minor harm Or is it a minus two a minus one or a minus two to harm? Like how how much of a challenge is this? I mean we miss we need to not roll weak hits. We missed. Yeah, I think Let's say two pretty bad. Yeah, I think it's two. So we're gonna reduce our health to four which I just did Now you need to roll health. I think you can just click health and roll it So that'd be with a plus four All right. Okay strong here. We're hearty. We have our beliefs in there strong Let me go to withstand damage. Oh, it's not withstand damage. It's endure harm on a strong hit
Starting point is 01:08:13 You can shake it off and bring your health up by one or you can take momentum plus one I'll take momentum. All right momentum goes up to I think it's one, right? Yeah, now we're at plus one zero All right, so we do take one or two jellyfish rocks to the head But we get back to the ship Back now we failed miserably to resupply if you'd like to resupply again We can attempt it, but I would need a different approach
Starting point is 01:08:45 Um I'm gonna say we like hop to a different part of the planet and just try to like scavenge Like yeah, we're getting out of here. We're getting I hope so much that this fails Uh, we're going Yeah, that would be hilarious. Okay. All right, so we are We're facing danger for sure now For sure. We are facing danger. We're gonna roll with shadow, which is a good thing
Starting point is 01:09:15 Just double check make sure that you don't have an asset When you face danger. No, no, I don't think so. Just take decisive action and secure an advantage face danger to Make this happen We hit a weak hit. That's that's good. That's better than a mess than nothing. Yeah On a weak hit you succeed, but add a troublesome cost um
Starting point is 01:09:43 Actually what we should have been doing was resupplying Uh, we'll say that we succeed in like not getting caught But we do have to make a suffer move before we make that suffer move though. Well, no, we kind of have to complete that Um resupplying Because we did get a weak hit. So does that mean we resupplied but there was no because we didn't we didn't make a resupply roll If you want you can re-roll again and just We'll we'll do a resupply roll Uh, but we can't use that last roll
Starting point is 01:10:17 Okay. Um, yeah, I mean, I think I think that's what we're focused on. I think that was kind of my bad I I I said face danger when really it's just a resupply roll So roll with shadow again Face danger also made a whole ton of sense. It did it did I'll we'll hit again. But regardless the same thing on a weak hit. Um You can choose one of these. Um, you can If you are unprepared, which you're not clear the impact and take plus one supply otherwise take plus two to supply Or if you are in need of a specific item or resource
Starting point is 01:10:55 You can acquire it and take plus one momentum I think the supply is what you really came for. Yeah the supply. We just want supply. Okay. We're not looking for anything specific increase your supply to three okay and This time You know with enough we were quick enough that the word didn't spread And we were able to get our supply keeping a low profile
Starting point is 01:11:19 Like probably one like shamu kid saw someone's like But we managed to get out in time So our health is at four our spirit is one our supply is at three Do you want to roll again? Huh? We've been in worse shape. We have been in worse shape. Yeah, this is this is good enough of any of a way to get started so I just want to kind of settle on something a little concrete about This journey
Starting point is 01:11:49 Perhaps we can if it's a planet, maybe we could just create this planet now for us. Yeah, we can just know some stuff about it Let's go Given us information about the planet when they were like, okay, here's the planet. This is what you do But this is what you're going to find right So under the planets, there's a desert world. There's a furnace world. There's a grave world There's an ice world a jovian world Which is like a gas giant a jungle an ocean a rocky a shattered a tainted and a vital I honestly think Jungle and vital and maybe ocean are the really the three best options for us. Yeah
Starting point is 01:12:30 I I don't want to do junk or ocean because it makes me think of it again I I watched interstellar for the first time very recently And it's all that I've been thinking about in space terms. I cried my way through that movie. It's a good movie Uh sobbed multiple times. Yeah Parker asks. What is a grave world? We can kind of make that up I I kind of think what it is is just a dead world. Yeah, I don't think that there's like a whole lot of Stuff I don't I don't think they would send us to I certainly wouldn't want to settle on a great with anything called a grave world Particularly I think vital or jungle or probably our best beds. Okay, so 50 50
Starting point is 01:13:08 Yeah, uh, do we prefer jungle over vital? Or vice versa. I'd say vital just sounds more like well-rounded, you know, 51 or greater. Yes. It's a vital world Let's find out Otherwise, it's a jungle world Vital world 84. It's a vital world. So it's like earth habitable livable beautiful perfect in every way exactly what we need for our human bodies as ironlanders, so We know that it's a it's a vital world. Let's decide a couple things
Starting point is 01:13:41 about it Vital uh the atmosphere roll a d-100 to decide the atmosphere 26 26 okay, it is breathable So there is a vital That is breathable. The good news is that there The options were marginal breathable and ideal
Starting point is 01:14:13 So that means breathable. There's probably some complications with it. You know, maybe yeah, whether the atmosphere is light or You know, whatever But it's still left. Yes. It's workable Uh, we decided that there are no settlements. So we don't have to decide that Uh, what can we observe from space roll another d-100? Um 39 39, uh, where are we we are in the expanse Oops wait, uh 39, um a large moon. It has a large moon
Starting point is 01:14:54 Oh, cool. Uh, there is the option to roll observe from space again So if you want to do it one more time, maybe there's something else about the planet Do what else we see or we will see 25 Bente cinco that is uh High gravity High gravity. Okay, so gravity is Dent like we are dense or not denser, but we have more weight Yes, and there's so it takes more effort to
Starting point is 01:15:25 Do anything. Yeah, the moon. Maybe the moon's like, oh, no, does the moon affect gravity? Uh, I don't know. Yeah The moon affects the tides never mind Unfortunately, Aaron is not in the chat and so I don't know the answer to that But we'll say yeah, for whatever reason, maybe it could be that the moon is affecting it But it's just like a super dense core of the planet or something. Right, right Either way, there is high gravity, which means we're all going to get shredded in a few years because we're just like Constantly fighting gravity a little bit more our kids will certainly be shredded
Starting point is 01:15:58 um Let's decide the the diversity on this planet roll a d100 Up not d10, dammit 33 33 uh that is it is diverse. So there are at least three biomes Uh, so we're gonna roll three times. So roll three d hundreds to determine the biomes Roll you said three d 20 three d hundreds. I'm sorry d hundreds. Sorry Three d hundreds it is looking like 18 8 and 61
Starting point is 01:16:40 18 Which is glacial or snow. So there's definitely like big ice caps. What's the other one? eight Oh eight, uh, that's a cold forest interesting Maybe like top down and then 61 61 is shallow seas Interesting so there is
Starting point is 01:17:06 Large glacial areas there's cold forest I don't know what a cold forest is and there are shallow seas. I mean Maybe like the black forest and and was it france? Ah, ah, yeah Yeah, maybe just like really dense forest dense quiet forest or like coming down off a mountain like in the like in the pacific northwest either way There could possibly be other biomes, but I think these are like the major biomes Yeah, so honestly the iron landers are kind of used to it being cold. So this isn't that bad Yeah, this is familiar
Starting point is 01:17:40 Parker Woodley makes a good point the seas are shallow because the water is all locked in glacial ice. I really like that Makes a lot of sense. So we're we're kind of returned It's almost like an ideal place for the iron landers who are used to these like tundra like conditions Uh, a planet side feature roll 2d hundred and let's figure out two of them for this place 72 and 70 uh the okay scarred or excavated terrain and signs of an engineered biosphere Hmm Okay, so maybe maybe there are like scarred
Starting point is 01:18:22 An excavated terrain. I mean it could be the uh You know, there are these things called vaults which were created by kind of like predecessors some kind of alien race Maybe it's their work, you know Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe that it's just like a Like they they went off in search of like somewhere warmer. Maybe yeah Like dug out caves in the size of glaciers or in the size of mountains. Mm-hmm. Okay. And then final machine you like says Weather control machine not again Um
Starting point is 01:18:53 I do like the idea of kind of running with the idea that like this is a planet that was kind of created um To possibly house life, but it was like left alone and Yeah, or like there's some ancient technology that no one really knows what it is anymore But it's like there might be something that is workable there. What if we have to travel through a vault to get there or what if like You know, i'm thinking about your idea about like the weird way of getting there What if they they tell us it's there's not a stargate, but there's a vault that will
Starting point is 01:19:30 Allow you from one planet to another Yeah, yeah I like that you like that. Okay. All right, cool same idea, but also like there's more danger potentially I'm gonna leave the next person more danger. There's a vault you must Traverse to the other side of To get to this planet I think it's kind of like the like the like the asteroid with the worm in in uh
Starting point is 01:19:57 The uh, oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yes, exactly. You got to travel through the worm to get to the other side Um I don't know. I just like combined two things there Okay, so we we've gotten rid of the the couriers are our progress of finding a new home. We've marked that um I think we can either end it here or if you want to Begin the expedition undertake the journey to start heading to this vault. Whatever whatever you want to do I'll leave it. I'll leave this journey. I've I've caused enough problems
Starting point is 01:20:31 I will leave this journey for the person who comes after me to start as they as they wish Hey, we made some progress, which is not a problem. So I I would say you helped out Allegra, thank you for playing with me today. Thank you for having me search I always I always forget how much I love playing this game and then we jump on and I'm like, oh Shit, let's go. I just love the the weird places. It takes us. We never know where it's gonna go Yes This was great. Thank you. Thank you everyone who's uh watching everyone who's uh with us now in the chat We love uh using your ideas and and adding it to our crazy story. The space whale is is part of all that
Starting point is 01:21:11 um Allegra anything we should mention before we bring the show to a close Um Doom's repeat arc two is coming out now. Um this week There's gonna be a little bit of a break where just for like everyone's sanity and mental health We're gonna start having it broken up a little bit when episodes get released. So not this week, but Week after I think so. I think the goal is next week. Not this week. We will release episode three Yes, are you gonna grace us with another heroes? You should know soon
Starting point is 01:21:41 I soon. Yes. I'm still I'm looking for like the right person. I have like all of my people that I'm looking through I'm just like this doesn't fit right now I'm trying to I'm trying to find some someone cool, but I promise we will be lack very soon very cool Can't wait for that next one. Um, maybe we'll run something one of these fridays Yeah, I have I I'd love to run um What's it called? I can't there's a there's a one page rpg. I'd love to run maybe this friday if everyone's game Okay, all right It's about uh making a band and trying to write one hit song before we all break up
Starting point is 01:22:14 I I I like where that could possibly lead us. I like that. Yeah, all right So hopefully maybe that'll happen this week. We'll see we'll see we'll see awesome Um guys, thank you again for supporting us parker. Thanks for subscribing to us on twitch That's certainly a lovely way of uh supporting us. We also have a patreon um There's not much more to say Oh, wait the last thing which I always forget
Starting point is 01:22:39 Roll a d6 and we will pick the next player now very quickly. I had written down here I have written down in front of me the the names of everybody. So you are three. So we'll re-roll on a three Roll a d6 let's go Six a six which is zakia So zakia will return next week Bouncing back to that bounce right back That's happened with you before where we had you offer just one one session. You came back. This is good
Starting point is 01:23:09 It means that she'll actually remember what we did last time as opposed to like waiting to see all the terrible things Yeah, exactly in one session. Well, awesome. We'll try to have zakia on next time. Uh, thanks everybody for watching We will see you next time

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