Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 16

Episode Date: February 10, 2022

Starforged Ep. 16 by Mayday Roleplay...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, so here we are back at the beginning. Hello, everyone. Danny Hurt says he hears me now, so it looks like it's working. Let me go from the beginning. Hello, everyone. Welcome to Star Forged. Every day, just when I think I figured out every possible mistake I could make, I go and make a new mistake.
Starting point is 00:00:26 So there we go. So Eli, we were saying hello. We were saying happy Tuesday to each other. We were discussing the fact that it's a nice rainy day. So let me recap what happened last session. Last session I had Aaron on, and Aaron had taken us into the vault. We had found the vault that supposedly holds the planet that is going to save the Ironlanders. No one, not even the jungle, knows about this planet, so we ventured in.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Upon getting in, we get bombarded by radiation, and we had to use the water in the ship to kind of shield ourselves and protect ourselves. We survived this bombardment of radiation that I think can be interpreted as almost like we were teleported somewhere else, and there was this shaft of light that appears, and we descended down into it. While traveling through this shaft, we had to get rid of the irradiated water that we had, and getting a little low on resources, we fortunately came across what turned out to be self-contained biomes, maybe former experiments or former half-baked projects of these progenitors that created the vault. We harvested some resources, water, food, etc.
Starting point is 00:01:53 But while exploiting these biomes, we were attacked by a security system, or the immune system of this place, and we had to get away. A very strong magnetic beam was shot at us from the darkness. We continued, and we eventually reached more of the interior of the vault, deeper inside of it. And here a strange thing happened, which was we started experiencing ghosts, or what we interpret as ghosts, former members, former crewmen of the Chum Bucket, the ship that KV runs. We found that when we would attempt to make a change in the ship, trajectory or something, the ghosts would come along and change it back, them kind of following their own course or their own plot or whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And we ended the session with this conundrum of, okay, what do we do? We're having these apparitions appear that are kind of changing what we're trying to do with the ship. It sounds like we have to make some kind of move to try and solve this problem. So the problem that Aaron has left in your lap, Eli, is your nadir, your cutthroat nadir, willing to trick and lie and swindle your way through anything. And you have this issue of ghosts messing up the controlling of your ship, so how do you try to solve this problem? Well, my first question is, are the ghosts leading us to somewhere bad? Or not, because part of me is just like, let's go with the flow, let's see where these ghosts want to take us.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Hey, I kind of like that idea. Yeah, I mean, we rolled a weak hit, which means that there was some kind of complication, but I don't necessarily think a weak hit is a miss, it's not a complete failure. So perhaps that is something that nadir realizes is this is unusual, but maybe purposeful, and maybe we just need to let it ride. Instead of fighting the ghosts off, we just, you know, because they keep putting it back, like one of those mystery boxes where you flip the switch and it just switches itself off. So we might as well just see where we're going to go.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Interesting. Well, I suppose we simply have to undertake a journey and kind of see where it leads us, but I want to add a wrinkle in it because we're not really in control at this point. We're kind of letting somebody else take control, but I suppose there's not much more we can do. Let's just make the move and see what happens. Instead of letting the space whale take the wheel, we're going to let these ghost crewmen take the wheel. I think actually what we should do is maybe we face danger. We're letting them do it, but it could be disastrous depending on what's going on.
Starting point is 00:05:05 So you can move with edge, heart, iron, shadow, or wits. The stuff that makes the most sense right now is using your observation so you'd be rolling wits or your command rolling heart. Neither of those are particularly good for you, but... Probably with wits because Nader is probably just going to observe on this one so that maybe he can flip it later depending on how good or bad the end of the rainbow is. Okay, gotcha. We are facing danger with wits.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I always forget whether your assets have anything to do with this. Facing danger... No, it's always just like securing it. So you're going to roll just with wits. Let's see how we start our session today. We hit. Why don't we hit, you succeed, but at a troublesome cost, you must make a suffer move of some kind. So first, we succeed, meaning this isn't a completely hazardous, destructive pursuit.
Starting point is 00:06:21 A part of me wants to think that maybe the ghosts take us out of the beam of light, like they take us out of what we've been doing, our normal trajectory, right? And so in doing so, what might happen that might require a suffer move? Ship damage is always the first thing that comes to mind because that beam's been just constantly like, right? Hitted up against a whole other ship? No, we're in a shaft of light that has not harmed us in any way. We had a magnetic blast hit us a while ago. We're okay now. It doesn't seem to be following us. At least we didn't get that impression.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I mean, this is stressful. We don't know what's going to happen. Perhaps the crew is yelling at him that this is a crazy idea and he has to endure some kind of stress. Yeah, because Nader's not winning hearts these days, right? No, he's ruling with an iron fist. He's launching people out of airlocks. He's performing pretty heinous things that he will probably have to answer for in the future. We're going to endure stress. Let me pull up that move. Yeah, then it has to be the crew because now he's falling ghosts. I thought it was the space whales. Right. What is it?
Starting point is 00:07:55 So we'll say this is a minor stress. You're going to reduce your spirit by one, which I think brings it to zero. Yes. If your spirit is zero or you choose to resist the stress, you will roll spirit or heart, whichever is higher. In your case, it's heart. So roll plus heart. Roll plus heart. Yeah, go ahead. Let's see what happens.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Did it not roll? No, nothing that seemed to have happened. I want to try again. There we go. No, now roll twice. God damn it. For some reason it's not showing up on my end. I got two weak hits on my end. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:08:48 There we go. Disappeared three. Okay, so we'll just say a weak hit. On a weak hit, if you are not shaken, which I think you might be at zero, you may lose momentum in exchange for one spirit. Otherwise, press on. It looks like our momentum's at zero. Yeah, your momentum's at zero, but I don't know when you become shaken. Let me look that up very quickly and see if there's...
Starting point is 00:09:25 The effect rules are a little wonky to understand, so I'm trying to find where it says it. Either way, I think I'll just make the decision that you can lose one momentum if you want to go back up to one spirit, so you'd go from zero to negative one in your momentum if that's what you want to do. Otherwise, you will be shaken. I'd like to maintain the spirit. All right, so I think for the first time, maybe ever, we are now in the negative momentums. I'm pretty sure all this means is it's going to take us longer to get back up into the positives to actually use momentum. Momentum is basically useless at this point, so we are on our own right now.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Let the space wheels take us where we need to go. This is definitely stressful. The momentum is lost probably in the sense that we probably feel like we're going nowhere. We're traveling away now from the shaft of light. We don't know what we're going into. What changes? At some point, we have to either take control from the ghosts, or we need to maybe try to gather information as to what the ghosts are trying to take us to.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I would gather information first, and then we'll see if we really need to fight these ghosts, because maybe they are leading us somewhere that we're not supposed to go. All right, so we're going to gather information. This requires us to roll wits. Boy, it's been nothing but weak hits for at least an episode and a half. Yeah, I know. On a weak hit, you discover something helpful. The information provides new insight, but it also complicates your quest.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Envision what you discover, then take plus one momentum. So there is some new insight. We discover something, but it's a little complicated. It's not necessarily all good and all bad. Maybe they're taking us somewhere unexpected or to a different part of the vault that we weren't planning on. Yeah, they got to take us to some weird dark pocket of this vault. Okay. Like maybe where they came from.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Like their origin planet or something. Yeah, something is drawing them somewhere else. So maybe what we do is we need to roll for a new aspect of this interior place. I see Mirrod Onk is in the chat. Good to see you, Onk. We're going to look up an interior purpose, interior feature. Roll a D100 and let's figure out the interior feature. You let me know what you roll since my roll 20 is being slow.
Starting point is 00:13:08 18. 18. Damage or debris. We are being led to damage or debris. I immediately think of like a derelict ship. Yeah, or like one of those planets that have been like core busted up and all it is is just the remnants of a dead planet. Okay, okay. So we have this, you know, we think, I immediately think of Star Wars where they're like,
Starting point is 00:13:38 there's not supposed to be a meteor thing here. It's like, no, it's the planet that blew up. So yeah, you know, that's kind of what we find. Damage or debris is what we find. The ghosts are leading us to there. I wonder, yeah, if they don't have some connection with this, this planet. I mean, KB is an odd ship because KB is artificial intelligence. So we've established that there is no AI.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So it's almost as if the, I mean, this, this crew had KB, they were on this ship. Yeah, maybe they came from this planet like you, like you had suggested. And we realize, you know, maybe the progenitors created humanity and then like seated, you know, the forge or something like that. Nonetheless, we have been diverted. And I think we realize now that we're not heading in the direction that we wanted to head, right? So I don't know if they're necessarily malicious, but they are causing a problem. Do the ghosts stop what they're doing once we reach this place? I feel like we should ask the Oracle whether or not maybe they just wanted to ride.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Oh, maybe they, maybe we can just drop them off. I like that. You know, like, yeah, you know, like an Orpheus where we're like severing tethers. Right. That's what they needed is just a ride home. Amazing. So, so Orpheus has been invented now in Starforged on this day as we sever their strands. There's going to be a whole crucible of iron landers now.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yes, that play D&D. So they, I like this idea. I don't even think we should roll for it. Let's just say that we learn. Okay, we've got to drop these guys off. And so that's what we do. Now, the complication has got to be that it's maybe a little dangerous. Or it's got to be a specific place.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Like we got to look for the one, like the place that they want, you know, maybe, maybe it's like a ship or old building or piece of the planet that they liked or something. Right. Maybe that's what we can find it. They're not going to leave till we find it. Exactly. So let's see. How do we define it then? We could ask the Oracle, you know, is it likely that is it likely that where they want to go is.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I don't know. I don't know what the right phrase to ask is. Because I mean, wherever they want to go, it's probably smashed a bit since it doesn't exist anymore. They're ghosts. So it's like, in fact, I think that's even the better complication is that it's like, how do you sever the strand to use Orpheus terms for these ghosts when they, when where they want to go is no longer exists. Yeah. I mean, I think we have to find a workaround of some kind. I think almost Nader has to use some kind of deceit to trick them into thinking where they're going is right.
Starting point is 00:16:51 You know what I mean? So maybe we just find the biggest rock and say, Hey, this is it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no. Yeah. Totally.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Okay. So I'm trying to think of some dumb way to trick ghosts into staying with it. Just boot them off and fly out of there. Project like other people that look like them onto the rock. Sure. Sure. Like it's your friends and then just maybe KB could project something onto the moon and make it seem like or like you use our lasers to carve like fake buildings out of the ground or something like that. Like you watch Guardians of the Galaxy, right?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Sure. Yeah. There's like the desolate planet he shows up on. They like he has like this projection that shows like the people that used to live on this desolate planet and like has people like walking down the streets and shenanigans like that. Okay. So he. So KB uses his hologram technology, which I think we've established before to like, yeah, to like. It's the ghost that they're home.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I think it's a brilliant plan. I don't know if we need to do much more than try to compel them. Let's go to our moves here. And we're going to compel. We are going to be swindling them. So we will be using shadow. And I don't think there's an asset where you can compel. Let me look real quick at your assets.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Like size of action. Heart and secure an advantage. Gain ground. No. So you will be rolling shadow, which is still your best stat. So hopefully that's enough. By the space. Well, it will be.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Oh, it's a miss with a match that's a critical failure. Oh boy. Interesting. Throw these dice away. Artemis, they refuse or make a demand which costs you greatly pay the price. So they don't fall for it. Roll a d 100. And let's see what we have to do about this might might end in all out ghost war.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Is it I've always. 81. You are harmed is what it says. You are harmed. So they, they, I mean, doesn't necessarily attack, but it's like a possession. Oh, interesting. That's very interesting. Nader has a legion inside of now.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I want to roll with this. You are harmed in the sense that every ghost says, okay, our home is destroyed. So we're going to just inhabit. Yeah, you're our home now. This is, um, I think you definitely endure some stress at the least. Oh, yeah. So perhaps instead of, well, unless we have you take harm to signify like, you know, the, I would assume there's some kind of physical shock when, you know, 100 souls into your body.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Like some health, like some health damage. Yeah. I mean, and let's say if it, if it is significant enough where you don't roll well, who knows, maybe he falls unconscious or maybe something else happens because I think at the end of the day, we have to get like, we can't be stuck forever in this, you know, purgatory with these ghosts, right? Like we've got to figure out. So even if it means getting rid of Nader, but I do like this. Um, how about, how about this?
Starting point is 00:20:58 Maybe we roll harm and if you do well, maybe they don't possess him. I'm trying to find the steps here. Do we just love the idea of him being possessed by? I mean, I see what you're saying. Um, no, let's roll because like it could be one of those things where it's like they live in the body, but it's not like, you know, that fully controlled possession and stuff. You know, now you just got a roommate in your house, you know, like a squatter. Kind of like Agent Nancy and all the brains she's had to eat. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Um, all right. We are enduring harm. Let's say that this is a serious harm. So we are going to reduce our health by two and then you're going to either roll health or iron, whichever is higher. But I think your health is higher. They're equal. What? Because they, uh, they have three right now.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Oh, and it was one. Okay. Uh, roll either one, your dealer's choice. The results will probably be the same. Don't say that. Okay. I'm going to roll health. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Resonance with me. To health. Oh, it's a miss. It's a miss. So they definitely infest his soul. Oh, no. They definitely like take over in some way. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So we have Nader full of, Nader is Legion as Ong says in chat. I can't imagine this being good. Um, I would imagine the ghosts probably want to do something like crash the ship or something, you know, into something. So somebody's going to take over. The wouldn't it be crazy if they also had the same goals that we had? Okay. Okay. Do they have their home is destroyed.
Starting point is 00:22:53 True. Do they have the same goals as us? We could say likely. So 26 or greater. They do want to roll the D 100. 26 or greater. They have the same goals as us. This will, this will determine it.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Oh, by the hair of your chinny chin chin. A 29. Okay. So now, now that they're on board, we know that for sure. My question is, why does anyone leave Nader in charge when he is possessed by a hundred souls? True. True. I mean, spirit is very low.
Starting point is 00:23:38 So I can't imagine our health. Yeah. Our supply. I can't imagine spirit being the morale of this crew watching him being possessed, being a good thing. Right. Right. So what do we do? I mean, one answer is we roll up a new character that kind of takes over for Nader or we, you
Starting point is 00:24:02 know, Nader compels them and says, no, my spirit is stronger than ever. You know, he could attempt to proselytize. I would imagine shooting a shot, at least trying to see if he can maintain control. Okay. He's, he's devious enough where he's going to, he's, he seems like the one who's going to like, keep fighting until they put him in the game, put him away. For sure. And lock him up.
Starting point is 00:24:30 He, he does actually pretty well on these compel rolls whenever he's trying to convince the tribe not to get rid of them. He's a crafty son of a bitch. So, you're going to roll either heart, iron or shadow. If you're trying to pacify, it'd be heart threatened. It'd be iron, lyre swindle would be shadow. Well, it's, it's definitely got to be a lyre swindle. It's like, you know, it's like you got a gash on your arm, but you're trying to play it
Starting point is 00:24:57 off like you're fine. Yeah. It's, it's just a flesh wound. Exactly. Roll, roll shadow and let's see if we can compel the iron landers to let us continue. No, I didn't get to possess by a hundred ghosts. No, it's fine. Well.
Starting point is 00:25:15 All the week hit. They'll do what you want or agree to your conditions, but they come with a demand or a complication in vision, their counter offer. So they say, okay, Nader, you know, probably half the ship who was like, who are devoted to his whale religion anyway, are probably like, yeah, this is, you know, okay, this is one to be. And the other half are like, I'm a little suspect about this. So what's the, what's the complication?
Starting point is 00:25:47 What's the, the demand? I feel like it's just like, this is the, this is the last straw. Like if you don't find us a planet for us to live on, like by tomorrow, you're done. Like it's an ultimatum at this point. Cause with such a low spirit and stuff and all those shenanigans of eating people out of an airlock and stuff, like, you know, people are going to start to revolt. There's going to be one after another. Yeah, we've been on.
Starting point is 00:26:21 We have, yeah, literally been experiencing one coup after another. He is able to convince them for one more day to let him lead. But I think you're right that it's on the verge of things getting very bad. I'll say that maybe even if he, if he hits zero spirit or is shaken or something like that, maybe we decide. We get it. Yeah. There's something wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:43 At some point later is going to go insane. Okay. So, so where are we then? We fuck. I don't even know if like we've been marking progress the way we should or not because we rolled. We, I don't think anything we've rolled so far has no, no, this is all, this is all been a deviation.
Starting point is 00:27:06 This has been, this has been detracting from it. So yeah, we're, all right. So we, we, we turn back, we turn around and we keep. Yeah. We keep heading back. I do think let's see. I'm looking at our vows, survive the vault, get to the other side. Yeah, we can't mark progress.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Okay. So we're going to continue and I think we're going to undertake an expedition. My question is though, how easy it is it to get back to that shaft of light? I mean, what if it's a little harder than we thought? Should we face danger to achieve that? Should we, I think one role to kind of determine whether we can find the shaft of light and then continue undertaking an expedition. Then yeah, I would say face danger just to see how, how bad, you know, how bad it would
Starting point is 00:28:01 be to turn around. Are we moving with edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits? Shadow, would shadow be like being careful and sneaky? Well, I would argue, yeah, because you're using stealth. I think you could try to use it. Yeah. I just want to be like careful because now you can't, you can't fuck around anymore. So I don't want to like rip a hole in the hole.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Gotcha. I think, I think Nader's also trying to keep the spirits from, you know, completely controlling him all the time too. So roll shadow. Oh boy. Fuck. This with a match. This is another critical failure.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Okay. On a miss, you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. Roll a V100 and let's pay the price. We could find the shaft of light, but maybe there's something bad waiting for us or something bad happens to us. Okay. So let's roll. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Roll V100. Yeah. 100. 100. Please roll twice. Roll twice. Roll me two D100 rolls. Now things are getting spicy.
Starting point is 00:29:31 No, I don't like that. Spicy is not good on this. Spicy is dangerous. I'm a danger. 45 for the first roll. Okay. And second roll is a 92. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:47 You were just under roll twice again. You are delayed or put at a disadvantage and a new enemy is revealed. So the 45 is a new enemy is revealed. You are delayed or put at a disadvantage. God damn it. What's, what, what, what more? Who else? A new enemy is revealed.
Starting point is 00:30:08 You are delayed or put at a disadvantage. So obviously the delay is this enemy shows up and maybe are keeping us from entering the shaft of light again. Because you mentioned the thing that caused the magnet beam on the hole. That was like a internal reaction in the bolt, right? Yeah. I almost explained it like an immune system reaction to us. Well, if it is an immune system, then like wouldn't it make like antibodies or something
Starting point is 00:30:39 that like, that would go and eventually like if the beam wasn't the first thing, then you send something else to go and tear whatever it is apart. Yeah. They've sent their white blood cells to come at us. So we have some white blood cells. Let's decide how many are here. I think it's a 50-50 chance. 51 or greater, there's only a handful of them.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Under 51, there's a lot of them. Roll the D100. Let's see what we get. Who's 17? Okay. Under 17 meaning there's not a lot of them? Or no, I think the better outcome, it doesn't matter. I don't remember what I just said, but it's fine.
Starting point is 00:31:25 There are not a lot of them. Okay. Right? So there's enough that we could reasonably combat with them or we could try to outmaneuver them in some way. Our ship, the Excalibur, the Jungle Ship is pretty beat up, two out of five health. It could sacrifice itself to buy the Chum Bucket some time to get out of here or we could try to just run.
Starting point is 00:31:56 What do you think is the best move? Isn't all of our people on the Excalibur? There's split 50-50. So if there are 100 Ironlanders, there's 50 on each ship right now. We can't keep doing this, Sergio. We can't keep sacrificing our people. Let's try to maneuver. A possessed Nader would probably beg to differ, but go ahead.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Continue. You've got to go against my morals. No, I think it would make sense that Nader would, if he has his senses, would say let's just try to outmaneuver these things and get out of here, but because they didn't seem to ever bother us when we were in the shaft of light. So the goal is to get to the shaft of light. That's what you would like to do. Yeah, I'm going to make a run for the shaft of light.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I'm more out of desperation then. We're going to try to outmaneuver them. So let's see what move is appropriate. This is, I think we have to kind of make a combat move to do this right. When you fight in a battle and it happens in a blur, we can either fight at range, rolling with edge, fight depending on your courage with heart, fight in close quarters with iron, fight using trickery to befuddle your foe using shadow, or use tactics with wits.
Starting point is 00:33:26 But I feel like there's a better, when you initiate combat, entering the fray, we can be on the move, rolling with edge, prepare to act against an unaware foe with shadow. That's not it. I guess we could just use a battle move and just decide if it goes well, it kind of defines for us what happens in this moment. We are moving, I would argue you could use shadow in this instance, but you got to explain to me a way in which you try to befuddle them so you can get around them. Do we have those flare guns kind of things?
Starting point is 00:34:13 Because if they're light sensitive, because they haven't bothered us in the light thing, if we have those things that pop off to deflect missiles, try to pop that shit off. I think we might as well say we do have it and that is what we use and that way you can use shadow. So go ahead and roll shadow in this battle to see if we can safely get into the shaft of light and avoid these white blood cells. That's a strong hit. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:44 All right. You're here to see it. On a strong hit, you achieve your objective unconditionally. You and any allies joined the battle may take plus two momentum. So that momentum is going to one and describe to me what happens, how you make it back into the shaft of light. Well, I feel like because Nader is possessed by the ghosts and the ghosts are familiar with KB's ship, they kind of just go and slap a button and it just pops off these flares
Starting point is 00:35:18 and then they just start weaving in between these bots or whatever these white blood cells are and are just cramming and weaving through. Maybe you have to scrape us alongside walls, but eventually find their way back to the light and just get back at that beam. Nice. I think had you rolled a weak hit, we might be withstanding damage with the white blood cells kind of reacting to you, but I think you managed to be nimble enough so you get back into the light.
Starting point is 00:35:48 We're safe. They don't attack you. They're just kind of circling and then maybe they just float away. But we can now continue to undertake an expedition. Now, every time we've done this last session, it was a weak hit, which meant we made progress, but there was a complication. We could attempt to secure some kind of advantage and that would make the next roll you'd have a plus one to it.
Starting point is 00:36:17 So that might better our chances or we just continue to undertake regardless. I like securing advantage because there's got to be something at the end of this tunnel. Good or bad. What would be securing an advantage? Yeah. We've used the computer's systems to scan the area before. Can we scan the trajectory of the light to see how long it is or where it might anticipate dropping out of?
Starting point is 00:36:55 For sure. I like that idea. Sounds like we're using our observation and expertise, so we're going to be rolling with wits to do that. So roll with wits and... Securing advantage would give me a plus one to that? Yes, if you are... When you secure an advantage by setting a new found place, which I'll say that's what this is,
Starting point is 00:37:19 you can either use your devotant feet to where you have to kind of call upon the space whales or you use your explorer feet. I'm going to use my explorer feet on this one because I don't think I need divine help on it. Alright, so you'll add plus one and if you succeed, you get an extra plus one on your momentum. Cool. This one's the... Weak hit. Alright, better than a miss.
Starting point is 00:37:52 On a weak hit, you may choose one. You can either take plus two momentum or a plus one on your next move. I think we came for the plus one. Yeah, plus one on the next move would probably be the choice. Alright, so we study the beam of light and we do find maybe there's an end or there's something concrete about this. It's just not endless. So we're going to continue to undertake the expedition and you can either roll with edge, shadow or wits and you will have a plus one.
Starting point is 00:38:33 If you keep under the radar, you're rolling with shadow. Yeah, I want to be the least problematic person right now. Yeah, so you're saying it's more about on board the ship like Nader is hidden because I'm thinking like the ships are literally in a shaft of light. Like you can't get more visible. No, not like him hiding and stuff like that. And just like shadow in a way of like he's trying to smooth out the issues and stuff. So he's trying to like give the people what they want.
Starting point is 00:39:05 So he's just right now buying time. So as long as he's just maintaining the what they want is like gotcha place, you know, roll plus shadow plus one. And let's hope you roll well. Even a weak hit will buy us some progress. That's alright. Buy the space whales. Strong hit. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Nice. On a strong hit, you reach a waypoint, envision the location and mark progress per the rank of your expedition. This is a formidable, so we'll just add one full checkbox. But we find a new place. We can decide what that waypoint is. Let me pull it up. Would the waypoint be finally like the end of the tunnel or are we still working? It could be.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It could be. It doesn't have to. We don't have to be in a in a light shaft that, you know, this interior in this entire time. I want to see what's at the end of the rainbow. Alright, so let's roll out to it, you know. Right. Let's roll a D 100 to find an interior opportunity. Maybe something good happens here.
Starting point is 00:40:21 82. 82 secure area offers a moment of peace. So yeah, maybe we do come out of the shaft of light into a new place that isn't hostile and is like a in between space. Yeah. What does it look like? Is it just more blackness? Is there a nebula now? Is it maybe more colorful and more inviting?
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah, fucking nebula. Some nice like like a beautiful scenery like a piece like a space version of like a garden. Nice. Okay. Okay. We have talked about like, you know, there were different biomes and stuff up higher. Maybe this is some some new place that's like that. That's a we've also described the the vault as having a plant like material that it's made of.
Starting point is 00:41:13 There's something organic about this place. You know, like those like floating rocks in fucking, what is that? Man, now I spaced out on it. Space Pocahontas. What the fuck is that? James Cameron movie. Oh, oh, oh. Avatar.
Starting point is 00:41:30 The blue people. Yes. They have like fucking like like cliff sides with like floating rocks. Oh, okay. Like jungles and shit like that. Okay. That's cool. I like that.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I'm just kind of, you know, I'm thinking of like the astral plane too. You know, just kind of nebulous place. But we find this moment of respite and because there is this moment of respite, you know, I could or we could offer the chance to harden or to regain some health. I think it would make sense that maybe we have a little bit of time to recover. Yeah. I think this would be maybe hopefully an opportunity to bolster some spirits to get some health back.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I mean, we're good on supplies. I don't know, like repairing ships is an option here. If we can get the Excalibur into a little bit of a better place would be good. I mean, I'll say this, I think that we can, we can roll to do anything we want. I think the moment we roll a miss, maybe things start to get complicated. Something interrupts the process. But if you want to, we can just try to do some sojuring. And I think that allows us to do multiple moves, including harden and recover.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah. If I can at least regain some health and some spirit so that people are, people are mad and madder, that would be the ultimate goals and then ship if we have more opportunities. So if we sojourn and you roll a strong hit, you can choose to heal, harden, repair, or supply, or you can choose to do each one individually. But if you miss on any of them, we'll say that you get interrupted and yeah, we probably have to move on. So for best bang for your buck, sojourn is probably the best option, but hard is also
Starting point is 00:43:29 not your strongest stat. Yeah. The problem is that with healing, you can either roll iron, wits, or heart with harden. It's heart with resupply. It's iron, shadow, or heart, but you don't need to resupply. And then repair is with wits or supply. So it's not a... It's pounding away.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Which is the way? To sojourn or...? Yeah, let's try the sojourn. All right. You will be rolling with heart. Oh, also I will point out that when you harden, you have an asset that allows you to harden using shadow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:17 So at the bottom of devotant, when you harden through contemplation or sharing your faith, you may roll the link stat, which is shadow. And so you could... So honestly, your best statistically, I think, is this devotant using heart and you can roll shadow because that is your strongest stat. Yeah. No, I mean, that would... I mean, if you're going to be at like an oasis for a little bit, you would probably start
Starting point is 00:44:48 being a little preachy. All right. Sharing the good word. Trying to convince them that these souls are good for you. Yeah. All right. So roll with shadow and hopefully you roll well and then you'll be able to harden. Your spirit will go up.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I don't add any modifiers to that, right? No, I don't think so. Okay. Just shadow. Oh, no. Oh my goodness. A miss. On a miss, you take no comfort and the situation worsens pay the price.
Starting point is 00:45:21 We don't have any helpers spirit. Well, fortunately it doesn't drop. So that's the good news. But because it's a... For now. Yeah. Roll a D100. 66.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Oh, that's 66. 66. You're good. Your vehicle suffers damage. No. Your vehicle suffers damage. So what, in the attempt to try to like, you know, land on one of these paradise rocks, we screw up and damage the ship?
Starting point is 00:45:57 What are you thinking? Yeah, maybe it's time to... Now we don't have the Excalibur anymore. That would be shitty. Oh, Jesus. Well, we could call it a minor damage which would reduce the Excalibur's health to one, not two or not zero. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:17 It's still in the game. Let's do that. Yeah. It like... You know how like when you... Yeah. Like it tries to land, but like when, you know, it's suspended. So it just kind of ends up moving it.
Starting point is 00:46:29 So it ends up colliding into another rock just by the momentum of it. Yeah. And the gravity is probably weird here. Like the different sized rocks of different gravity. We're going to withstand... They're like moving constantly. Yeah. We're going to withstand damage.
Starting point is 00:46:42 So because our integrity is now at one, you're going to roll one. So just go ahead and roll like iron or edge as your one stat. And let's see what happens. Automous, it's worse than you thought. Suffer an additional minus one integrity, which will bring us to zero. If your integrity is zero, also suffer a cost according to the vehicle type. If it's a command vehicle, which it kind of is, mark the vehicle as battered, cursed, or broken. Or a module as broken.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Destroy a broken module by discarding it. If the command vehicle is destroyed, overcome destruction. It's either... Well, Mirrand Ong has a beautiful idea of curse with ghosts. Perhaps... Perhaps Nader can control them. What are you thinking? We just found the ghost in new home.
Starting point is 00:47:49 All this broken-ass ship in this Oasis place. The only problem is now we don't have enough referral for the whole people. Oh snap. So what do you think? Do the ghosts like crash the ship? And I mean, it's basically useless. It's not working anymore. It's battered.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I like the cursed angle. Yeah. But it basically brings it out of commission. Let's see real quick what the cursed condition means. Let's see... It's a totaled car. The frame's bent. The car is totaled.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Let's see... Cursed by those... Starts to command. Suffer from battered. Cursed. Page 45. Let me see what is on page 45. Maybe marked when your command vehicle is at zero integrity and you fail to withstand damage, which we did.
Starting point is 00:48:42 This is a permanent impact. Your ship will never be quite right again. Vehicle troubles. Repair of that vehicle. Include the trouble. Until you do so, you cannot raise the vehicle's integrity. Okay, so we can attempt to repair the ship, but right now it's at zero. Do we go through the trouble or do we try to land the chum bucket, get everybody onto the chum bucket, and continue without our...
Starting point is 00:49:10 Can we sustain all of our people in the chum bucket? If we can, I'm down. That means we can get rid of the ghosts. It's like going over the maximum occupancy of a McDonald's. It's like you can do it, but it's not safe to do it. We can attempt to fix it, but it's going to cost us time. You know what I mean? It's going to cost us time.
Starting point is 00:49:37 This is a permanent impact. Your ship will never be quite right again. So yeah, maybe it's just going to always have ghosts lingering on it. Like those cars that had like the suspensions like bent on it so they don't drive straight. It's just always sacked it up. Yeah, for sure. Battered can be overcome with a repair. Until you do so, you cannot raise the vehicles integrity.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Cursed is a permanent impact which will forever plague your starship. So actually there is no way of even fixing a cursed starship. Then we're putting the family in the whole van. All right, so just to be clear, we could still keep the Excalibur. It's just cursed. Would you rather keep it or would you rather leave it behind and not have to worry about whatever this curse might mean? Not dealing with those ghosts anymore, probably even leaving Nader behind. Wouldn't that be hilarious?
Starting point is 00:50:37 Nader never makes it to the promised land. It's down to you. I like that idea a lot. Good idea a lot. Yeah, no, we leave the Excalibur and maybe Nader. Maybe Nader, how do we decide? Do they decide to leave Nader? I think it's kind of likely.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Well, yeah, with such a low spirit, the warning earlier, now the Excalibur's busted. Everybody's looking at each other. It's just like, hmm. Hey, Nader, why don't you go over to the Excalibur really quick as everybody just gets into it? Yeah, I forgot my handkerchief. Could you go grab it for me, Nader? Yeah. So that means 26 or greater. Yes, they leave Nader behind.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Roll AD 100. Let's see if Nader's luck holds out. Oh my God. Not today. Nobody on Nader refuses to die. So here's what I think what happens is they just don't. They just think, oh, let's just put them in the cargo hold or something. Let's put them in the break.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Unbelievable. Nader, the man that won't die. Now, I don't know if Nader continues being the leader. Do you think that he continues? No. He's disappointed us. Yeah, he's lost us a ship. He's just kind of.
Starting point is 00:52:12 He did people out of airlocks. Can't forget about that. It's actually quite unbelievable considering he's done that, that he has not been left behind. Yeah, we kick Nakata for a lot less. We kick Nakata because. He's just such a charming bastard. All right, so he's still around.
Starting point is 00:52:37 He could, something could happen to him. You never know. He's not possessed anymore. We left the ghosts behind. Perhaps more importantly, he's not. Yeah, he's not possessed and he's not in charge anymore. So this leaves us with the question of who takes over the. I assume the both the OG iron landers and the iron landers that have been in
Starting point is 00:53:03 space get together and they now have to choose a new leader. What are you thinking? So we we still have people that. Who's who do we still have? Oh, we got everybody. We have all the OG characters who are not dead. I think Ila was the only dead character. There's half, half surround.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Sean is around. What do we still have a list of like the old and like other NPCs from the iron landers like within the character. OK, like if you look at half's character sheet, it lists all of it. Well, actually. Because I remember the I had imagined like the members of the triumphant or whatever they were called are still there. You know, the difference like organizations of the iron landers are still
Starting point is 00:53:51 there's still some type of hierarchy. I think they do. I. Where are you at? Connections. Yes. So what happened was is I updated the sheets. And over star for.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Yeah. And I think that may have lost us some information. So we have some stuff like we have a Shana that she is corrupted. This and that. Shana is still injured, right? Is Shana is still injured? That's right. She's still in cryo freeze.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Yeah. Shana. No, we have never the return of half. Hey, I'm down for it. You know what? That would be good because like half had a larger goal about like either like leading the iron landers or like trying to secure like a high position in the people.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Yeah. I'm looking at minute. I'm looking at his vows. Gain position of power to fix tribe issues was bring half back. Yeah. I love the idea. For sure. For those of you who have not been watching from the beginning half is
Starting point is 00:55:00 the OG iron sworn character that we created. He survived a number of sessions, at least five or six sessions. And then we like transitioned to a different character. Yeah. A storm bird. It was great. Oh, that's right. Hell.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Well, let's see. He probably still has the storm. Prophecy. Oh my gosh. Now here's the thing. Chosen child. I don't remember what assets he had. And if he did, we're going to have to change them.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I remember one of them was like thunder something. Well, he had the hammer and then he had a companion, which was the hawk. Oh, that's right. Okay. He was one of the members of the, it's been a while, of like the outside recon people who were like monitored the storms. Right. So I'm looking first for a companion asset, which I don't see at the moment.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Homesteader, healer, glow cat. Glow cat is a companion. I know that. Let's see. Glow cat. I think we can. Do you want to have the bird as your companion? I think it was a hawk of some kind.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Or do you want to have the storm bird as a companion? I can't remember if we lost the bird. We did, but I think we got it back. Well, that the question would be, would they have brought the storm bird with them? I mean, yeah. Yeah. Good question. Actually, would they have been, there was no significant purpose of having that on a
Starting point is 00:56:51 ship like that, you know, right? I would let the storm bird free. Okay. All right. Let's, let's say the storm bird is free. So let's, yeah, let's keep the, let's keep the original hawk companion if we can, or maybe, I don't know how long, how long was travel between getting from the, from picking up the rest of the iron landers and then getting to this whole, I mean, it's, it's been a while
Starting point is 00:57:13 since we've seen half. Yeah. So we could definitely give him some experience as well. Cause I'm saying like, maybe we can give him a new companion. Like maybe if half was there on that little oasis thing, he found a little fucking companion person and now he's got a brand new, so we can integrate some of those stats from star forge into his, his new character. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Let me look up what the companion options are. There is, let's see, companions. Here we go. Companion book. Nope. That's not what I wanted. Let's look up what our companion options are. One of them is a glow cat, which I can describe what a glow cat is.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Yes. What's life forms. Let's see. Okay. Companions are NPC helpers. Let's find. There's not like an obvious, no, that's not interesting. Burdens.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Hmm. Where would I find creatures? Maybe that's it. First look. No. Okay. Let's see. Let's see what happens if I look up companions.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Star forged. Let's see. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. Bonds with companions. Hmm. There's like a page where I need to go. And for some, say connection to our shipmates or companions. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Companion takes a hit. Companions utilize health. How do I find this companion? So I see glow cat, but I can't. Okay. There are six different types of assets, one of them being a companion. Boy, this is frustrating. We could just kind of, I guess let's see.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Because the character sheet like lists everything that currently is in. There's something called a void glider. There's a rock horn, which is like a rhino type creature. And there's a glow cat. We've kind of been circling the glow cat for a while. A little bit. Let me read to you. If you look at your, if you look at half assets page, your glow cat companion.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Your glow cat companion perceives the inner emotions and intentions of people and creatures in its vicinity. And embodies those impressions through the colors and intensity of its luminescent fur. When you secure an advantage by studying the glow cat's reaction in a charge interaction, you may add plus your companions health to the role. That's kind of cool. I like that. So you can tell when somebody's lying or not. Oh, basically.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Yeah. Okay. Hell yeah. We're sold on the glow cat. Now we need to kind of define half in the star forge sense. So if, um, uh, if you have thunder bringer was like his thing, like if the hammer was his thing. Yeah. Then it's got to be something like, let's see, blade master is a possible option, brawler,
Starting point is 01:00:55 uh, not a diplomat, um, fire brand, maybe a gear head, a gunner, gun slinger. Maybe he's transitioned to weapons kinetic, which I think might be what we're looking for. Uh, no, no, you wield kinetic powers. I don't think that, uh, was that fire brand? Let's, let's look it up. Let's see. Uh, modify. Just want a new one.
Starting point is 01:01:21 How do I add a new one? Oh boy. This is frustrating. Uh, here we go. I'm going to add fire brand. Whoops. Fire brand. Let's see what that one is.
Starting point is 01:01:35 You wield fiery energy when you rest and meditate to gather this energy roll plus spirit on a strong hit. Take plus three fire on a weak hit. Take plus two. Um, uh, your max fires plus five when you make moves aided by this energy to attack or overcome obstacles, add that add plus two and suffer minus one fire. Oh, weird. So you have like fire abilities. Not necessarily on brand, but cool. Very cool.
Starting point is 01:02:06 If we did weapon master, let's see what weapon master says. You are a walking armory with a weapon for every occasion. When you enter the fray, you can take plus one. Uh, you have abilities for striking and for security advanced, securing an advantage as well. That's something. That's closer. Closer. Let's see if there's any other.
Starting point is 01:02:33 There's veteran, which might actually work just as like a, he's just a veteran. Um, the veteran path when you are in a fight, increase your momentum reset by one. Then if you burn momentum to improve your result, add plus one on your next move. Or you, when you make a connection or when you secure an advantage or gain ground by recounting or recalling a hard one lesson from your battlefield experiences. You can take plus one. That's kind of cool. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Yeah. Okay. Definitely veteran. Okay. So we'll take the veteran and we have a glow cat. Now we just have to decide whether, uh, we want to go with weapon master or fire brand or, um, something else. Fire brand is cool, but I can't justify how he would get fire abilities, especially when lightning was his original. Kind of.
Starting point is 01:03:24 So there's kinetic and weapon master. I mean, I could justify weapon master because he started off with a hammer and then maybe he developed stuff as he's been on the ship. He's been looking at new weapons figure and shit out. I think that makes sense. And I think that, uh, uh, we can, we can justify that for sure. Now under his experience currently has three. We'll say that he's got four to spend. So if you want, you can improve two of these assets.
Starting point is 01:03:54 You can basically click two new abilities under any of these. Okay. Well, I don't know how many connections we're going to be making in the future. Um, I, I also don't know how much hand to hand combat we're going to be taking. So I don't know if veteran is worth filling out. Um, but when you secure an advantage by suiting up and gathering your gear for a perilous encounter, you may roll plus supply. If you do plate, take plus two momentum on a hit, uh, when you strike using a personal weapon, add plus one and mark progress and sacrifice resources. It's kind of a complicated one.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Or you could give your glow cats some more abilities. When you compel the glow cats reaction will help guide your approach. If the value of your action dies less than the glow cats health, you may re-roll it. So you will always be able to roll at Lisa a three on your compel rolls, which is not the best. When you endure stress, yeah, when you endure stress in the company of the glow cat, add plus one. So he basically keeps you calm. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Uh, or a mood ring cat that, uh, like Ong said, mood ring cat. Yes. Oh, it's got. Yeah. It's got to be just constantly changing colors. Um, I don't know. I think maybe the securing the advantage by suiting up might be a good one for us. So that's one.
Starting point is 01:05:26 What's the other one? Uh, then, okay. Yeah. Then I'll give one to the, the endure stress one for the glow cat. Copy that. Keep us calm. All right. So we have added some experience.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yeah. Our boy has returned. We'll put his spirit at max, uh, his health and his supply at max. How old was half when we first ran him? Cause it's got to be years, right? Since, since old, since they first went up into space. I don't know if it's been years, maybe months, honestly. Cause like, you know, with, with lights be traveling, all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Can't have been too long. Uh, yeah. Yeah. I mean half is maybe a year or two older, but he's still, you know, I just want him to look significantly different. You know, you know, when you like, when you see a character come back, you know, and he's like, brand new. Well, for sure.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yeah. You know, maybe, uh, you know, they, they make the vote and, and he's the one that wins. And when he comes out of the crowd, he's got like a beard or something on, you know, he's grown the mustache. Yeah. So good. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:34 So we, we have, uh, we have a new leader. We have half in the seat. Um, if you look at his stats, it's kind of interesting. Iron heart are his best stats, edge and wits are the lowest. Funny enough, shadow is one of his better stats. Not sure why, but he was a little trickster kid. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:56 You like to play tricks on people and stuff when we first, when we first started with them. I'll say that because it's been some time, if you did want to shuffle some stuff around, I'll allow it. If you feel that maybe, you know, half has matured and maybe he's not so mischievous anymore. He's a little bit more heart or he's a little bit more edge. I like that.
Starting point is 01:07:20 I like that. Uh, yeah. I definitely don't want a more shadow to him, but the question is more hard or more edge. I feel like you can switch him like, so if you wanted to put your plus three into heart, then the shadow would be too. Okay. We're basically just like switching them.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Yeah. I know. But the question is, should I, should I give it edge or should I give it heart? Edge is all about speed and precision and, you know, dexterity. Heart will certainly do you better in social situations. I think I'm going to do heart because I think that fits more with, uh, half in general. I think he grows into a person more.
Starting point is 01:08:04 More interested in the people. I think we need a man of the people. Sergio. Absolutely. We need a man of the people. Uh, half is back a little bit different, a little wiser, a little stronger baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:18 A little adapted to the star forge world as the new leader in charge. What is half's first decree? What do we do in this strange nebula that we're in? You know, how do we move forward? We just need a heading on a place to go. That's, that's all we really need is just one final good heading to the, the place we were promised or place where we need to go. So do you want to undertake an expedition or do we want to gather
Starting point is 01:08:50 information or secure an advantage? I want to gather information. I want to see if there's maybe another place in this nebula area, like another, a new trail, a new horizon somewhere, somewhere else. Okay. To, to gather information, you will have to roll wits. Damn it. If you secure an advantage, you could roll with edge, heart, iron,
Starting point is 01:09:16 shadow or wits. You have a little bit more flexibility there. Well, could I maybe lean instead of it? Cause Nader was very him, you know, me, me, me and my ideas. But if I opened it then to the. And we, in some democratic way, find a solution together as a tribe. Could I roll with heart instead? Um, I'll say yes, relying on the collective consciousness of all of us.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Someone's got to have a good idea. Yes, but I still think you're securing an advantage, which will still either gain you plus two momentum or plus one on your next move. So. Okay. Still good. So you're going to roll for heart because of your sociability and command abilities. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Let's see how you do. There are secure and advantage assets that we selected. Oh yeah. Yeah. We immediately forget those as soon as we pick them. Uh. So you have an advantage orc-ing crown. You recalling cardboard lesson from the battlefield experience and vision, the memory.
Starting point is 01:10:25 See, what I like about that, and especially with half is that half spent a lot of time looking for stuff in, you know, so I would say that maybe he's recalling a time when he was like, you know, cause he got caught up in the iron storm and had to find his way out. So he knows that like sometimes in like maybe the harder places, like instead of it being a night, you know, like trying to, I don't know, I don't know. No, no, I get exactly what you're saying. It's a perfect, uh, a perfect character for this moment.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Yeah. It's a, it's, it's, it's great. I love it. Let's secure an advantage. Um, you're going to add plus one to your role. So heart with a plus one. Just exit out of the fucking cheese. Heart plus one, you've got all the advantage you could possibly have.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Please. Let's hope you're all well. We don't want half, uh, shot out the airlock or put into a break either. Please. Leadership here. All right. A week hit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Um, on a week hit, you can choose one either plus two momentum or plus one on the next move. Yeah. Half has a lot of momentum, so I'm going to get the plus one on the next role. Okay. Plus one on the next role and, uh, we'll say, uh, you know, talk to me about what advantage he does secure. You, like, like you said, he does talk to everybody.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Maybe putting our heads together comes up with a good idea. Yeah. I think does one of those speeches where he's trying to rally everybody and, you know, trying to keep everything going, but he, yeah, he just turns that over. It's like Nader, Nader was all about himself and what he wanted, but someone amongst us has like a good idea. And maybe with maybe, I don't know, somebody who's like more of like the trackers or the hunters in our group might be able to, like, come up with some type of solution in a direction
Starting point is 01:12:41 we should go. Okay. Either way, we're working together to do it and we are going to undertake an expedition together. Yeah. So, uh, you can either roll with edge shadow or wits to undertake this expedition. Hmm. Roll with edge or moving with speed under the radar with shadow and staying vigilant with
Starting point is 01:13:02 wits. I think shadow, because we're, we're still, you know, because now we're one ship. We got to, you know, with a lot of weight on it, we got to be as careful as we at least keep moving forward. For sure. Roll with shadow. Shit. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Oh, boy. Our, our mission to find this planet is, is, uh, difficult. It is difficult. Well, I think this is actually a pretty good place to maybe bring the session to close. Right. Um, I do want to say that all of this does or should count as some kind of progress. Let me open up Nader's character sheet because he has all the progress on our vows and maybe I'll, I'll transfer this all over at another time.
Starting point is 01:13:57 But we're trying to survive the vault. Get to the other side. We picked a new leader. Um, I think the progress is worthy of moving forward. We now have five out of five under the, uh, bring the iron landers to the vital world. Um, I think that, I think that counts for this entire session. That miss is for something else. We are going to make progress in, in getting to the, uh, the interior of the vault, which
Starting point is 01:14:25 is known as the sanctum. So that we still have some progress on, but I, I, I think it's worth marking out. Making progress on our bigger goal. Uh, we have a new leader after the, the, the, the, the, the rain of Nader, the, the terror like rain of Nader, uh, who got us very far using some less than scrupulous tactics. But here we are, uh, half his back and hopefully things go a little bit better. We'll see about this miss next week. We, we have some, some players left to, uh, decide.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Let's roll a D two, Amanda's one, Zacchaeus two, wait, no, no, no, not Zacchaeus Caleb. That's right. Caleb. Let's, let's see who's next. One Amanda to Caleb flipping a coin, Oh, one, Amanda, Amanda will be with me hopefully next week to, to continue the story. Eli, what a session. Thank you for joining me.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Thank you. It's always a pleasure to have you on. Um, any, any parting words before we leave? Um, well, remember to give your thanks to the space whales as always. Always. Yep. The will of the whale. We will be running our, the second part of our double feature of Orpheus on Saturday.
Starting point is 01:15:49 So please be sure to come check us out. Um, and then as well as Friday, we'll be releasing, uh, episode 15. That's right. So excited for that spooky, spooky holidays ahead. Um, and then, yeah, and then more, we'll probably take a little bit of a break around the holiday. So expect a little bit more, a little more, uh, interspersed streaming and posting. We're, we're trying to, uh, you know, spend time with our families and just kind of have,
Starting point is 01:16:18 have personal time, et cetera. But you guys are amazing. Thank you for always, uh, showing up and supporting us. Everyone in the chat. So much fun, uh, lending ideas and just, you know, lending the peanut gallery commentary as we, as we play, um, it's, it's, uh, it's wonderful to have you guys, uh, anyone. If you are watching and you are not yet subscribed to us on Twitch, please do, uh, another way of showing support is to join us on Patreon at the $5 level.
Starting point is 01:16:47 You can get a whole bunch of cool, uh, stuff joining our discord and seeing some behind the scenes stuff, artwork, et cetera, that you can only find on our Patreon. We love you guys. Eli. Thanks again. And, uh, we'll, we'll see you on the next stream. Have a good one. Bye.

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