Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 5

Episode Date: August 18, 2021

Zakiya joins Sergio on this installment of Starforged....

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 There's four of us. There we go. Oh, I just fixed it. Here we go. It was a little glitch for a second where there was four of us, but there can only be one of each of us. I'm Sergio. I am your host for today. And with me is the amazing Zacchia. Zacchia, how are you? I'm good. How are you? How does it feel to be the only Zacchia? You know, I just got rid of the last one before I got on, so I'm feeling really good. I'm feeling victorious. Well, this is your first Starforged game. We've had all the other players except you and Aaron. You are here to bring your magic, your insight, your creativity to help us find
Starting point is 00:00:49 a new home for the Iron Lander tribe. For those of you who have been following, you kind of get the gist, but the point is, is we took our Iron Sworn tribe and just had them find a spaceship, but they took off. They were on a planet that had a kind of magical super storm that just made life very difficult. They were living in the eye of the storm. And they have been traveling for the last couple of sessions trying to find a new home. And they went to a planet called Celi, and it's orbiting Moon of Sirius. And what we came to find out, both in session zero and as individuals as we played, is that the planet is inhabited by vampires. Do you remember that, Zacchia?
Starting point is 00:01:36 I do. I do. Well, last session, Caleb was in the reins, and he decided that Nakata, who is our current main character, thought it was important that we get to the ground level of Celi and inspect a vault that was on the planet. Vaults in the lore of Starforged are like, they're like ancient ruins or ancient places that a previous race of people left behind. So we explored this place, and it was very unusual. It was kind of like that game control, where the whole building was kind of shifting, and it was smaller on the outside than it was on the inside. And the vampires followed us in. We gave chase. It was a hell of a time. And
Starting point is 00:02:28 amazingly, we got to those star maps. We had deduced that there were star maps in this vault, and we got to them. We got a hold of them, but I just realized now that we ended the last session with Nakata turning around, and there is a vampire bro having kind of followed them all the way inside. So we begin today's session. That's the fun of these games. We always end every session on the brink of chaos. So you get to start today's session with a little bit of a chase. Nakata is not much of a fighter. They are more of a naturalist. If you look at their character sheet, they have assets that allow you to secure an advantage and gather information when it comes to planet-side ecosystems. So they're kind of an intelligent
Starting point is 00:03:28 person. They probably came from the historians, that group of ironlanders. And also that you have a ship and you can use the engines a little faster than normal, thanks to Nakata's skills. The big point, though, is that Nakata is really not very good in a fight. She does have a three and edge, so if you can think of ways to chuck things at this vampire, you could maybe wear it down, but what worked for Caleb was just run like the Dickens. So I think the most sensible thing to do is let's make this vampire bro an obstacle, an enemy, and just getting away from him can be an obstacle or can be like a progress. So we don't necessarily kill it. We just have to get back to the ship, right? Okay. Cool. So in your vows, I am going to add a new vow, which is
Starting point is 00:04:25 just, it's not really a vow, it's just something we want to make progress on. We're going to escape the vault. And the threat is this pirate, or not, well, he is kind of a vampire, bro. Vampire, yes. Yeah. A vampire bro is the menace. And how difficult do you suppose this is? Troublesome, dangerous? I mean, if she's a runner, I think it's not too difficult. Maybe, yeah, I think dangerous should be okay. Let's just try to get the hell out of here, right? So we are going to try to escape the vault. We can, let me open up the PDF and get to our rolling tables. Here we are, the moves on page 224. I think the most sensible way to start this is to maybe either face danger, or if you can think of a fun way to secure an advantage. Although in a way, we're kind of
Starting point is 00:05:34 entering combat, so we might have to enter the fray. Okay, and just, just so we're clear, there's no way to like, flirt or. Hey, now that you mentioned it, you could always flirt. Okay, I'm just, I'm going to be true to myself. There is a vampire in front of me. I'm going to flirt. I failed to explain that this is a vampire that looks like those vampires from Blade 2, where their jaws would like open up, and they have like big wings and stuff. Maybe you're into that sort of thing. Absolutely flirting. Yeah, that locks it in. Absolutely flirting right now. Okay, even if she might not be sincere, I think it might just be, that's true. I'm not playing the game. I think you're facing danger. Yeah, we're gonna try to throw it off for them.
Starting point is 00:06:26 That's what you're doing. Let me see real quick here. I just want to make sure we got a little ambience playing. Oh yeah, it looks like it's working. Okay, so we're facing danger, and that means when you attempt something risky, you must act either with edge, heart, iron, shadows, or wit. Now, with shadow, you'd be rolling deception, stealth, or trickery, but you're saying you're kind of into this sort of thing. So you're kind of doing it with sociability, which is heart. Okay, yeah, let's give it, let's give it heart. It's too hard. You're gonna roll with heart. Your heart is at a two, so it's one of the better of your skills once you roll it. And I don't think your assets, yeah, for face danger, you have nothing. But that's a weak hit. Okay. On a weak
Starting point is 00:07:16 hit, you succeed, but at a troublesome cost, make a suffer move. You succeed, which is you flirt with this thing, and the flirt seems to have some kind of effect, but at a troublesome cost. So, is he the last, hmm, there were a couple of vampires before that you managed to get get away from or to kill or something like that. Okay, I'm thinking either like him being like into it, draws the attention of more vampires, or it just makes it that much harder for her to run away, like maybe it ups the difficulty a little bit, because he's like, where are you going? Okay, okay. Alright, so he doesn't immediately outright attack you. Yeah, but yeah, maybe kind of slinking around the corner is one of his allies. You realize the longer I sit here, the more dangerous this
Starting point is 00:08:20 becomes. I like that you do need to make a suffer move of some kind. So do you want to make a move against a harm move, a stress move, or a, I think there's one other kind of supply move potentially. Stress. So let's see, I'm just remembering three to one. Yeah, so because we are moving this up to a dangerous track, you only need to progress instead of three on the tracker. Still good though. On top of that, though, you're saying you want to you said endure stress, right? Yeah. Okay, you are going to roll. I believe the rule is a spirit or heart whichever is higher. But I think they are both at the same level. It doesn't really matter. It's same. Let me check real quick. Oh, then maybe ignore that. So here's the thing. First, I always forget this part of this role, you have to subtract
Starting point is 00:09:24 one spirit first. So spirit goes to one, which means you have to roll heart because your heart is higher. Okay, cool. So with that said, which one did you roll? I rolled heart. Okay, let's stick with it then. Yeah, that's a strong hit. And now that means that we let me read what it says here. On a strong hit, you may choose one, you either shake it off, and your spirit goes back up to one, or you can take plus one momentum. Let's take plus one momentum. Okay, your spirit is at a one now. You're pretty nervous about your your tenuous situation. But yeah, I think yeah, that's that's fair. That's fair. Okay, we're amongst these vampires. They're not attacking us. But we still have to get out of here. What's the next move? What do we do? How far away are we from the ship?
Starting point is 00:10:25 You're in a constantly changing and moving environment that is like the inside of like a vault. It's a totally like MC Escher-esque type building, where you now have a gauntlet that was on one of the vampires that can control things. So you can get through this place faster, I would say. But it's the fact that now you are surrounded by the enemy. Right. What is the likelihood? I'm thinking, if I want to kill two birds with one stone, moving a rock or like something substantial enough, like putting it in front of me and maybe hitting the vampire, but also like using it as like a step. If that makes sense. So are you attacking the vampire? Is that what you're saying? Yes. Yeah, it's an attack. And we're going to run once I can.
Starting point is 00:11:20 All right. So here's, here's the thing. It should have been a secure and advantage. Because it sounds like you were ready to switch on a dime. With that said, though, let's see, maybe we could now try to secure that advantage. And then if you succeed, you could make a plus one on your next role, which will probably be tried to escape this place. So let's, let me go to secure and advantage. He, what, what attribute do you think you're using for this? Hmm. Maybe I want to just say edge. That might just be me looking at these numbers, though. Speed, mobility or agility is why you'd be rolling with edge. Resolve, command or sociability is heart. Deception, stealth or trickery is shadow. Expertise, focus or observation is wits. I would
Starting point is 00:12:24 maybe say wits is the, is the closest excuse because like you're trying to focus your mind and use this device you've just discovered, right? Right. Okay, cool. Then yeah, we'll do wits. Give me a wits roll and you can add plus one because of this device. It's a miss unless you want to burn momentum to make it a weak hit. No, no, we'll leave the momentum. All right, we're embracing it. Yeah, let's do that. Artemis, you fail or your assumptions betray you, you're going to pay the price. So roll a d 100. And let's see what that price is. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. Okay. 81. 81. You are harmed.
Starting point is 00:13:21 There. Okay. So it sounds like you attempt to use it and like a block suddenly just like grows out of the ground and maybe hits you. Yeah, I mean, if he if I'm flirting with him like right in front. Yeah, we're only like two feet apart or something. All right, so did not leave for the Holy Ghost. You got to endure harm that's going to let me find the face death, recover legacy fate. I must have passed it. Suffer. Here we go. Endure harm. You are going to first subtract one from your health. Okay. And then if your health is never mind, you then roll either health or iron, whichever is higher. Health. Definitely. Health. Let's see what you get. Hey, we can hit on a week hit. You are not wounded. You may lose either one momentum in
Starting point is 00:14:15 exchange for one health. Otherwise you press on your your momentum was was not reset. So it's still pretty high. I think it's like a six, right? I think I'm okay with where my health is at right now. Let's just focus on getting out of here. Just pushing on just pushing on despite it's you that means your health remains down. But you are not wounded. So you're okay. So basically you're you're embarrassed, but you're not dead. Yeah, exactly. You could maybe have a bloody nose or something. You've got to if you have a bloody nose with these vampires suddenly like, oh no. I didn't I didn't say no. Yeah. This is bad. Do you have a bloody nose? Do you want to make an oracle roll? Yeah, yeah, I want to roll for it. 51 or greater. You do have a you do not have a bloody
Starting point is 00:15:10 nose. Okay. Roll a d 100. And let's see what you get. You do not. Is that what I said? 50 51 or greater. Do not have a bloody nose. Yes. Okay, no, and I don't don't freak out. He lies. Fine. No bloody nose, just a hurt, a hurt sense of pride. You do not activate rage mode in these vampires. The vampire probably looks at you quizzically is probably like asking you things like, why are you here? What are you doing with those maps? Um, no, so far she's she's flirted, hit herself with a rock and is going to run away. This is like a love story, like a romantic movie or something. So it begins once bitten. Okay, so what are we
Starting point is 00:16:03 doing? I mean, I think you're going to have to make some kind of like, I don't know, compel move or something to. So is, are we worried about if I turn and run away, like them responding? Do I have to like get rid of them first or shake them off? I don't think so. No, if you wanted to literally just try to undertake an expedition to escape this place, we could even say, let's see, you can't finish an expedition when your exhibition comes to an end. Although, effectively we could escape the vault. No, because we have a tracker on that. I think what we do is we try to undertake an expedition. Now see, here's the thing is that I just think these vampires would be like, you're not going anywhere until you give us a reason for why you're here or explain
Starting point is 00:17:00 to us why we should allow you to walk away with these star maps. I think we may have even established last session that they also want the star maps. Yeah, then that would be rough. Okay. So if you're not going to talk to them and just run, you can face danger to see if you can get away from them and start a chase. Okay, I think let me, let me make this decision considering my stats because we already, she's not a fighter. I think it might be best. Your best stat is edge and if you just booked it, I mean you could totally use edge. Okay. Yeah, we're just gonna, we can't do both. We can't negotiate and run away, right? I can't be like, I'm using these for science. You kind of seduce them into giving them a moment of your time, but at this point they see you like raise the gauntlet,
Starting point is 00:17:54 get hit in the face by a brick and they're like, what is this person up to? So if you want to compel them, you can. There's a move called compels. Yeah, I'll compel them. And what are you compelling them to do? I mean, I think the case at this point is like, clearly, I'm not a danger to you. Yeah. But you are taking their star maps that they also want. I am. I am doing that for, it's not a lot of space like altruism for the greater good, especially if they're vampires. Boy, I can't like promise I'll bring them back. I don't see how we compel is working right now. No, we're just gonna face danger. You're gonna face danger. Roll plus edge. I will go ahead and use a plus one on that because you
Starting point is 00:18:49 have that groovy gauntlet on your arms. Add a plus one. Oh my God. Cool. Oh no, a miss. Okay, this is interesting. Okay. On a miss, you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. So you could give yourself some kind of success, but there has to be a dire turn of events. Pay the price is what it says. We could try to pay that price to see what it is. Roll the D 100. Maybe it'll help clarify for us what this dire set of events is. 65. Your vehicle suffers damage. Oh man. Okay. So what, like I, I start running. Maybe the gauntlet is still going or maybe like the vampires have damaged my ship in some way. Or I mean, did the rock
Starting point is 00:19:50 ever stop that hit me in the face? The rock did it. It definitely hit you in the face. I don't know if it's gone out to your ship. Your ship is outside of this vault. Okay. Okay. I mean, maybe I like the idea of maybe, you know, as you're running away, the vampires are screaming, we're already taking apart your ship or we're already attacking your ship, right? Something like that. I think your ship needs to endure harm. There is a move for that. Let's look it up. Whoops. Your age, your ally, quest, combat. So endure harm. Here we go. Not companion withstand damage. When your vehicle faces a damaging situation, first, we have to reduce the integrity by one, we'll say. Okay. Real quick, if you look
Starting point is 00:20:52 on your assets, your ship has, it's currently set at four, because it did take some damage. So we're going to, we're going to reduce it to three. And then we are going to make a integrity roll, which is trying to zero in my eyes here. Your integrity is, if your integrity is at zero, which it's not to resist the damage roll plus integrity. Okay. Basically, do me a favor and roll. How do you roll integrity? Well, the way you would do it is, why don't you roll edge, because that's at plus three. And that's what you would be rolling. You'd be rolling a D six against two D 10 plus three, which you would be doing with edge. So just roll an edge. Okay. See how you do on that withstand damage roll. No modifiers. No modifiers. I don't think let me look real quick at your
Starting point is 00:21:52 assets. Your bubba butt. Nope. Nothing about that. All right. Straight. Here we go. Yeah. Nice. A strong hit. Let me make sure the audience can see that. It's the first strong hit and finally. Yeah. Say I never do that. All right. So with a strong hit, you bypass the damage. You can choose one of these. You can either bypass the damage so you would increase the integrity back up to one or you take plus one momentum. I feel like I'm going to need that ship. So I'm going to keep all right. I'm going to up that up. Yeah, put that back to four. Go ahead and put it back to four and then so we know now that the longer we're in here, the closer our ship comes to getting broken into or
Starting point is 00:22:49 torn apart or disabled or whatever, right? So I'm going to say that we rolled a miss, which means the menace is going to increase. The vampires are going to go up by two. So now it's two and two. If they reach 10, it's over. We are running, I assume, correct? Yes. Okay. We're going to either undertake an expedition to get out of here or face danger to continue to kind of navigate through this place. What are you feeling? I feel like it's more facing danger at this point. We're still facing danger. Okay. Let me get back to that. Again, with edge plus one, roll face danger. Let's see what you get. Strong hit. Nice. I'm not killing a character today. On a strong hit, you are successful.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Take plus one momentum. So momentum goes up to seven and I am going to increase our progress another two. We have four out of 10 to get out of here. So, you know, describe to me how you're bobbing and weaving and getting closer to the exit. I think it's, we have, there's gravity in this vault, right? Yes. Yes. Okay. Sometimes the gravity is reversed. Sometimes it's like weird positions. Yeah. Okay. Then I think, yeah, I think Nikata is like, like full, like football scrambling, but using the upside down part to her advantage. Like I assume I'm just thinking of like space vampirates. Even if you start sleeping standing up, like you're going to eventually end up upside down, like she's like trying to weave around the
Starting point is 00:24:45 ones that maybe are sleeping or like, yeah, she's just like using lack of gravity to her full advantage. You know, and maybe that's one of the reasons why this vampire bro has fallen in love with them is that, you know, he's watching her adapt so wonderfully to this place and he's like, oh my god, she make a great vampire. That's terrible. But yeah, yes, she doesn't even know. She's screaming like for her life and he's like, wow. His arms flailing in the air as they run. Yeah. Okay. All right. That's some progress. I would say that you, because you've succeeded, maybe you're not immediately in danger. So either undertaking an expedition to get out of here or something else, you know, gathering information or trying to secure an advantage makes sense.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Yeah. Is there any, my ship isn't a good enough place to take off, right? Right. Yes. Okay. Yes. Okay. Then yeah, I think we should undertake an expedition. Okay. Trying to get out of here. Sounds like you're moving with edge. Go ahead and add plus one. Let's see how you do. You've got all these things to your advantage. At least you're on a weekend. On a weekend, this progress costs you. Choose one. So you do gain some progress and you do reach a waypoint, but the progress costs you. So first, let me add the progress. Another two checkmarks. We now have six out of 10. And we reach a waypoint. We can roll for that waypoint or if you can envision something.
Starting point is 00:26:37 But we have to either suffer a move or face a peril at the waypoint and envision what you encounter. So first, let's go to our oracle and see if we can find a waypoint option. Action and theme. Is there any sighting? Yeah, let's do the first part of that. 133. Roll 2D100, please. 2D100. We'll figure out action and theme. 77 and a 30. All right. For 77, we have remove and the theme. So the action is removed. The theme is duty. I think I've gotten this with Allegra in some form before. Okay. Is this a lavatory? Is this a...
Starting point is 00:27:39 Remove duty. Remove duty. Now it's spelled D-U-T-Y. So if you can think of what removing that kind of duty is. Okay. Extra bonus points for you. But we can always go with the base duty concept. Okay. There aren't really living things in this building besides the vampire. So I don't think there'd be a reason for a duty remover. No, unless it's like... I'm thinking like if there's a robot or something that they're not. It's vampires. Are we adding robots to vampires? We did establish that there were golems, like kind of robots, I guess, in a way that were kind of watching over this vault. So yes, what kind of duty would a robot or a golem produce? I mean, if they're just sort of walking around, they're probably like security or doing like
Starting point is 00:28:44 basic job. And duty, like they have a duty to inspect this place. Maybe this is a room that shuts them off or like... Yes. Oh my god, I am so glad we got out of the toilet with that one. I am so proud of us. If it was Allegra, it would just be a big toilet in the middle of the room. So this is like a maintenance room for these golems. Yeah. I'm into it. Okay. What are we doing in this room? We could attempt right now to finish this expedition. We have six out of ten, or you could try to make some more kind of progress to get closer. Okay. Can I take one with me? Is there a way to like get a golem? Well, are they all on or off? I'm not sure. If one of them is on, it would be probably pretty aggressive towards you. So that's... Yeah, if there's like a sleeping
Starting point is 00:29:46 one. All right. First, let's roll to see if there's any that are currently active. Make a D100 roll, 51 or greater. None of them are active. Okay. Okay. None of them are active. They are all off. Good rolls today. So now you've got to figure out how to turn them on, and this place is very alien. So you've got to either gather information or do some kind of reconnaissance roll like that. Yeah. Do we know the... Do we know if the Vampirates made the maps I stole? They did not make the maps. Okay. Never mind. Then I think... is... Yeah, I'll just look around and see if there's any like instruction manual or any like power button. I'm visualizing like full Baymax. You are going to need to roll plus wits.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Okay. Which I don't know if that's one of your better... It is one of your better moves. Are you burning that momentum? I will. Okay. So reset your momentum to two, but you do now have a strong hit. On a strong hit, you discover something helpful and specific. The path you must follow or action you must take to make progress is made clear. Envision what you learn and take plus two momentum. So momentum goes to four, and how do you envision this this information gathering that tells you something very specific about how these golems work? I think maybe they put it together. There just happens to be like Nikata staring at this golem, and then it like cuts to the side, and there's like a...
Starting point is 00:31:39 Like, you know that like bad evolution poster of like the man slowly standing up? Yes. But that's what's happening with golems that are being built. Ah, so there's like hieroglyphs almost that are showing what to do. Yeah, and she starts like putting it together and she's like, okay, okay, this makes sense. This makes sense. And then that's how she gets... And does she like push a button? Does she pull a lever? Does she touch one of them? Yeah, I think it might be like something as simple as like like putting her hand like right at like where the heart would be on it. And that's like maybe what starts it. Okay, it comes to life or it becomes active. I mean, what are the chances that it's friendly? Do we make an oracle roll or do we make some kind of roll to compel it to do
Starting point is 00:32:26 something we want? I want... I think... I don't know if she... I think she's just gonna try to turn it on. I think that the next step would be a compel, but let's do oracle first. All right, let's first roll 51 or greater. It is... Well, we'll say 51 or greater. It is friendly or not threatening to you. Okay. Let's see how you do. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Can't do it three times. The rule of three. So this thing like, you know, comes to life and it looks at you and it's probably its eyes like turn red or something, you know? Yeah. Yeah. It's not friendly, but it doesn't mean you've got to defeat it in battle. Maybe you could even get it to attack the vampires that are coming after you. Yeah. But it does seem to be aggressive. So we've got to get away from it
Starting point is 00:33:24 and we've got to... It would be nice if we could get it to, you know, distract the vampires, right? Yeah. What are the odds that she could... Okay. What are the... I'm thinking like the equivalent of like, you know, when people go in toy stores and they turn on all of the like dancing dolls by pushing all of the buttons. Oh, interesting. Interesting. Okay. But that's... If it goes bad, then I'm just in the room with all of the bad. With like a dozen golems that are just going to smash you in the jelly. Exactly. So maybe not that. I think she's just going to try to like sneak out of its like view. Okay. So it just sees behind her and like the like the vampires running towards her. Okay. Gotcha. You are facing
Starting point is 00:34:27 danger, it sounds like. You know, you could try to secure an advantage, but if you want to just face danger, that's fine too. Okay. Are you moving with edge or with shadow or with wits? With edge, then you're basically just trying to run as fast as you can away from this thing. You're speedy Gonzalez, so... Yeah, but I wanted to like purposely try to not be perceived. So I think it actually is... It might be shadow. It might be shadow. And thank God that you are a player willing to roll one of your lowest stats. Go ahead and roll shadow. And let's see what happens. We learned today that when you have a one in a stat, thanks to our patron friend Chief McClain, there is a 41% chance you will roll a miss. So the odds were not necessarily in your favor.
Starting point is 00:35:23 When you... Let's see what happens here. When you... What do we just do? Face danger? I forgot what we did. Yes. Yeah, we didn't face danger. When you face danger on a miss, you fail or a momentary success is undermined by dire turn of events. Pay the price. Roll a d100. Good. 83. You are stressed. Yes, what happens in the game? So explain to me the situation where there is a minor success. You aren't turned into jelly or anything like that, but you are very stressed by what's happening. I think it's a combination of the horde of vampire bros and the one that's way too into it and is
Starting point is 00:36:23 doing another thing that's not just hunting. That's throwing her off her rhythm. Come back to me. Yeah, way too early. We really had a connection. Space iron giant in front of her is already seeing red. I think she can see her ship right behind the golem's head and the distance. There's too many enemies. She's just freaking out. This is just the most stressful and tense situation they've ever been a part of, right? Yeah. Okay, so you're going to reduce your spirit to zero. What that means is let me get to endure stress here because it's not good. Here we go. You're going to endure stress.
Starting point is 00:37:21 No, suffer. There you go. If your spirit is zero, lose momentum equal to any remaining stress. So then if your spirit is zero, you choose to resist the stress, roll spirit, then if your spirit is zero, you choose to resist the stress, roll spirit or heart. I guess you're rolling heart regardless of what happens. Okay. So go ahead and roll heart. Okay. On a week hit, if you are not shaken, which I think you are now, you may lose momentum in exchange for one spirit, otherwise press on. So I think you are of the shaken condition. Let me find shaken in the manual because shaken is a condition and I'd like to know what it means.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Let's see. Continue the legacy. Okay. Shaken may be marked when you are at zero spirit and fail to endure stress, which you did. You are despairing or distraught. So on your character sheet, there is shaken. That is a condition. I think right now it seems to sound more like just flavor wise that you are extremely distraught and you cannot raise this up until you do a certain thing. I think you have to like, it's some kind of sojourn or something like that. Point is, is that you are at your wit's end. I'm going to count this as another success for the vampire bros. Four out of six versus our, excuse me. Yeah. Four out of 10 versus our six out of 10. What are we doing, Zakiya? I would recommend you just try to get the hell out of here by
Starting point is 00:39:14 finishing your expedition. I was going to say we don't have anything else to do. We got to go. That comes with its own challenges, but let's see what we do here. So when you finish an expedition, you're going to roll 2d10 or yes, you're going to roll 2d10 and you want to hope that they are both less than six. Okay. Okay. Be cool. The good news is at least one of them is less than six. So that is a weak hit on a weak hit. Sweet. You reach your destination or complete your survey. In this in this case, we get the hell out of here. We can mark a reward on our discovery's legacy track. And, but we face an unforeseen complication at the end of the expedition. Make the legacy reward one rank lower and envision what you counter. So as you think about what is the troublesome cost,
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm going to increase our progress on our discovery track. What are you thinking? I'm thinking of bad things that could happen when the whole goal was to take maps in the first place. Yeah. Was maybe most of the map is taken, but there's like a gap. Like somehow like like where they are is clear and where they want to get is clear, but there's there's a missing piece in the middle that would be absolutely vital to how this goes and it is gone. Gotcha. So the way it currently is understood in our game is that the star maps lead to like star gates like like uh uh uh interdimensional or not intermittent maybe interdimensional but you know transportation uh uh buoys in space that are possibly created by the same people that
Starting point is 00:41:15 created these vaults and we can travel through them. So maybe what we're missing is the star maps that go to the next sector we're going in. Right now we're in the void. The next one is a slightly more populated area, but maybe we're missing the star maps for that, but we have it for the core and more inner forge areas. What do you think of that? Yeah. No, that doesn't mean that she's like stranded, right? No, it means that when we get to the new sector we have to either find new star maps to move to another sector, you know, because like we just don't know where the the next star gate would be, or there's some kind of challenge or maybe the star gate is that goes to the next sector is down or something like that, you know what I mean? Okay, okay. I think yeah, I think let's do that.
Starting point is 00:42:09 All right, so Nakata manages to get out of this crazy vault, gets to the ship. I'm going to say that there's maybe vampires around uh and uh vampires maybe even crawling over the ship and stuff. You might need to face danger to get into the ship safely. What do you think? Yeah, let's do it. Sounds like you're going to move as fast as you can. You're going to roll with edge. Yeah. Okay, you do not add plus one to this, unless actually I think I always forget one of your assets might have to do with facing danger. No, it doesn't. Never mind. Okay, just put just your your edge roll. Okay. Yeah, weak hit. All right, so let me go back. We just try to face danger and on a weak hit you succeed but at a troublesome cost
Starting point is 00:43:09 you must make some kind of suffer move. What happens? Trying to get away from the vampires. Trying to get just onto our ship so we can get the hell out of here and something happens that causes us to endure a suffer move. Maybe they take a couple swipes at us and scratch us on the way. Yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah. One of them tries to bite us. Do we have lore about the ship, about how it's built, or what it looks like? No, not really. I mean, it's pretty nebulous at this point. We know that it's big enough to hold
Starting point is 00:43:48 about 50 people. Okay. It has, we've kind of established softly that it doesn't have the best weapons system. Maybe it's got a decent shielding system, but okay. Yeah, I think if she's coming in through like the the hatch, the garage, the hatch, thank you. Yeah, she's coming in through there, the likelihood of her getting like a bit and is pretty strong. All right, so that might be the thing. You're going to reduce your health by one, so it goes to two, and then you're supposed to roll, I think it's hard. Uh, let me see. When you endure harm, you're rolling health or iron,
Starting point is 00:44:31 and your health is still higher than your iron, so roll health. Did you roll? No, you didn't roll twice. Oh God, oh man, I miss. I'm trying to give you any any way to succeed here. I was going to say, is she, is she a vampire? On a miss, it's worse than you thought. Suffer an additional minus one health or lose momentum by two. I feel like I need that health. Reduce your momentum back to two. Uh, your health is not at zero. Uh, but let's see. Actually, your health does go down another one, it says you definitely suffer. Oh, then yeah. Minus one. Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm totally, totally wrong. You just lose that minus two to momentum. Your health stays at two. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Uh, that's it. It's worse than you thought. So, I mean, not only do they bite you, but I don't know, they kind of maul you and stuff. Yeah. And we don't have a lot, we don't have a lot of lore about space vampires. No, I don't know if it's like, the bite turns you or you're born a space pirate vampire. Um, well, actually I'm lying about the lore. One of the things Caleb discovered while he was traveling through this, uh, this vault is that there were human explorers on this, uh, planet who were using, this entire planet is surrounded by a nebula of some kind. And the nebula dust that would float down to the planet, they were studying it. And it's heavily implied that that's
Starting point is 00:46:22 what created the vampires is trying to inject this nebula dust into human DNA and kind of mess with things. So, so I apologize for not giving you that very important lore dump. But, uh, with that said, does that, does that change your idea about what, what's going on? Yeah. Cause that, that seems like it would take a little bit more to maybe make her a vampire, which I'll just get him next time. Right. Yeah. So, so maybe they are bloodsuckers, but it doesn't mean it's necessarily transmitted through the bite. Right. So she's, yeah, I think she's just like fucked up. She's just tore up. Really hurt. Okay. So we're gonna, uh, your health is still a two, uh, and we are going to, we'll say you get onto the ship, door closes, you start to take off.
Starting point is 00:47:16 What are the chances that the ship has no vampires kind of crawling all over it or anything? That feels low, especially when they got a good hit in there. Yes. I mean, do we want to even roll for it? It doesn't like a luck roll. No, I even think that Nakata gets onto the ship and they're like checking on her and she's like, listen, it's not over. There has to be more on board the ship. Right. Yeah. Let's, I think now, uh, Nakata should gather information or something to try to figure out if and where these vampires might be. Right. Okay. Yeah. Let's look around and we're going to gather information. You are going to roll plus wits. Yes. Um, I think if you're, if maybe the entire tribe is helping, so you can add plus one to
Starting point is 00:48:10 that roll. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. On a strong hit, you discover something helpful and specific, take plus two to your momentum. That's right. Can we keep bouncing back and forth? I know, right? So, so what is that progress that is made? What becomes clear? I think, um, maybe they find exactly like the weaker points of the ship of where they could be coming in. I think maybe they catch one that's like almost, like almost fully inside the ship. And is it, is it, is it a door? Is it the hatch? Is it? Yeah, it's like it, like a, like it, there's like the hatch and then there's like the airlock room and then there's the inside of the ship and they probably catch one like in the airlock room. Gotcha. So, so they're trying to get into the airlock room. Um, how do we get rid
Starting point is 00:49:05 of it? Uh, keep one side closed and open the hatch. Okay. And just, and, and, and hope that once we get into space, they're sucked out. Yeah. Like here's the thing. I think that only works if you go into a vacuum, the air is going to all just escape kind of naturally. But if you shut the hatch and then release it, then there would be that vacuum to suck the oxygen out, right? Yeah. Okay. Okay. So yeah, it came in through the hatch, came into the, um, I just said the word for it. Yeah. The airlock. The airlock, thank you. So, okay. So we're going to close the door in that room, right? I think all we need to do is face danger to, to see if this vampire makes any progress beyond this room. You know what I mean? Okay. Sweet. Roll face danger. I think you're using
Starting point is 00:50:03 your wits because you are... Since we're not fighting it directly. You're not fighting it. You're trying to use some kind of intelligence about this. I think you should roll wits. Come on. Oh, man. Oh, no. Get on in here. On a miss. Uh, let's see. Hold on. You were, you were facing danger with wits. On a miss, you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. I was going to say, I think we get it wrong. I think, well, we might get it right, but it's not, maybe it's not just the vampire. Like some of the people that are on the ship or... Oh, wow. Oh, so there was, oh, this is interesting. So like maybe there was a person in that room that was hiding from the vampire. Yeah. And when like the like
Starting point is 00:51:00 airlock opens and the vacuum starts, we don't, we don't know until it's too late. Oh, no. I think that Nakata would have to endure stress over this. Yeah. Yeah. That's not good for her socially. It's not good. It's especially not good because you are shaken at the moment. If your spirit is zero, you lose momentum equal to the, to whatever the stress costs you. I'm going to say that it's going to cost you minus one stress. So your momentum is going to be reduced to three. Okay. Can you die of stress in this game? No, no. But you know, you could face desolation or you could forsake your vow because of too much stress. Mm-hmm. The problem, so the point is, is that you've reduced your momentum to explain that stress,
Starting point is 00:52:02 but then you must roll heart. So regardless of what happens, you have to roll heart again. Okay. Yeah. Nice. You can either shake it off, which you would bring that momentum back up to four or embrace the darkness and take plus one momentum. I don't know what that, how we... What's... It sounds like you said take one or take one. Yeah. Yeah. Because normally you either take one spirit or you take one momentum. But in this case, I'm trying to, I'm kind of like home bring a little bit of like how we, how do we show going back? I guess either way you take plus one momentum. Okay. All right. So back up to four. Constantly seesawing with our momentum. We, I mean, you know, Nakata was feeling pretty distraught and now they are completely heartbroken
Starting point is 00:52:59 over the fact that another member of the tribe has been sucked out into space. Allegra did that in their episode. They suck somebody out into space. That means there's only like 47 members left of the tribe in the ship. So Nakata is pretty beat up over this and is maybe even letting somebody else kind of like get the ship out of orbit or something, huh? Yeah. She definitely deserves to take a beat. Now here's the problem. On the descent into orbit, we did detect a space vampire pirate ship. So I think we need to either need to try to lay low and stealth our way out of here or use one of our abilities to get out of here. Let me look at our assets real quick. We could try to secure an advantage or gather information using the ecosystem knowledge that we have of life forms
Starting point is 00:54:00 and planet side ecosystems and add plus one to our role. Yeah, I think that's all that's all she can do at this point. All right, so explain to me how using your knowledge of nature and such, do you try to guide us out of the planet's atmosphere and avoid the vampires? Okay, this is gonna be, yeah, because I don't, I don't know a lot about space, but I feel like... The good news is you don't have to to play Starforged. That's, no, that's true. That's true. Yeah, we're gonna make up space rules as we go. I think she's like bobbing and weaving like whatever the the bane of space vampires is. It's not the sun, but whatever it is, she's steering the ship in that direction to sort of cut them off. Like if
Starting point is 00:55:00 they became vampires because of terrible dust, then... Right. Maybe, I mean, I assume maybe the enemy of them is like water, maybe they're going through like purposely going through high moisture areas and fog would help them anyway. Okay. So maybe she's like steering through that. I went from being like, I don't know, where's the key is going with this too? Okay, okay. You are going to make a, what's it called? A, what are you making? A face danger? What did I say you were doing? Using your expertise? Is it, is it wits? No, no, it's, it's, it, we're, we're really trying to just face danger here. You're, you are rolling wits and you can add plus one because of your, using your naturalist kind of mind to, to navigate out of here. Oh God. Oh my God, a
Starting point is 00:55:59 complication. That is a critical failure in Iron Sworn Star Forge. On a miss, you fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. We can either pay the price or we say what is the most obvious thing, which is the pirates are on our ass. Right. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. Have you seen Moana? Yes. Okay. So where they, one ship turns into three ships, one super Zord ship. Right. I think there's a clean, a very clean moment where they think that they've completely avoided the vampires and they've entered this fog and then they keep going and they see this thing that maybe looks like a fucking planet and is the ship that the other vampire ship came from? Oh geez. Yeah. I don't know why I'm doing this because it's not good for me. Well, it's not good for you,
Starting point is 00:57:06 but it, mechanically, we have to come up with a pretty bad situation. It's a complication, which is a very bad role. So the vampires find your ship. They are after you. Um, you've got to get out of here. And I think that it's a bad enough thing that we need to add a new kind of progress track to escape them. Just how we escaped them in the vault. Now we got to escape them in space. Right. So escape, see Lee, avoiding the vampire ship. And, uh, I'll reset the menace track, but we also have to reset our progress of this. And we'll say that this is dangerous. Okay. Okay. So once again, we are escaping these guys. You are in the ship. What do you want to do? Do you just want to fly away? Do you want to
Starting point is 00:58:07 outrun them or, or try to shoot at them? I think the only thing to do is outrun. Okay. Again. Yeah. You're facing danger. You are rolling plus edge. Add plus, uh, you do not add plus one to that for any reason. Come on. Oh no. Okay. I'm so sorry. Things are not looking good. Another complication is I think that they start shooting at the ship and they have superior firepower. Um, I think the ship is going to have to again take some damage. So let's go to suffer. Uh, let's see. You got to find it with stand damage. The ship's health is going to be reduced. So if we look at our assets, the ship's damage is going to go to plus two. Okay. And you are going to roll plus two, uh, that represents the integrity. So
Starting point is 00:59:10 if you want to roll with one of your assets that are too hard or wits and, uh, let's, let's see how you do. Let's roll with heart. Okay. Okay. We can, if your vehicle is not battered, which it is not, you can either lose momentum in exchange for plus one integrity. Otherwise you will press on. Let's. Momentums out of four. Integrity is out of three. I don't want to lose my momentum. And if we're leaving, then we'll be okay. Let's just keep going. Okay. We need to keep going. We are going to continue to face danger unless you can think of something else like secure an advantage, gather information. Can I, can I try to find like a blind spot? I don't even know. Yeah. I think that that's the only thing I could think of. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:16 You're, it sounds like you're trying to, uh, uh, secure an advantage. Yeah. You're using your expertise, focus or observation to deduce where this blind spot is, right? I think you need to roll plus wits very quickly though. Let's check to make sure. Yeah. When you secure an advantage, uh, using your knowledge of life forms or planet side ecosystems, you can add plus one. Can you reason why you're using your naturalist ability to get this plus one? Hmm. Hmm. Maybe. I mean, maybe a blind spot isn't a blind spot. It's just a, a way to get out of their view. Like go, like duckie cloud or something. That's yeah. I might be, um, like anticipating
Starting point is 01:01:12 like if we're still in that area of like just big rocks and shapes just moving around in space. Maybe she's sort of gotten tuned into their movements. Like she can kind of clock where things are going and help steer the ship that way. Okay. Gotcha. Got it. Yeah. That makes sense. Add plus one to your wits roll. Sweet. Let's hope that you make some progress. All right. Okay. Okay. Okay. Uh, on a week hit, uh, you choose that one. You only, you can only choose one. You can either take plus two momentum or plus one on your next move. I want to, let's take two a momentum. Let's get out of four or two.
Starting point is 01:01:59 All right. You are now at a six. Okay. The ship is still on your butt, shooting lasers at you, shooting missiles at you. The ship has taken quite a hit, but it's still chugging. How are you getting away from these guys? Uh, you, let's see your week hits. I don't, I think they do count as progress. So we'll say you have a total of four progress out of 10. Getting closer to getting away from these guys. How do you want to make some more progress? Okay. Um, gotta think out of the box here, I think we got to try some moves or something. Because there's no like, there's no like, like portal to actually leave. We haven't even gotten to the stargate yet. And we know where it is. It's not, it's, it's within this system,
Starting point is 01:02:54 but we have to either continue to face danger to kind of evade these guys, or we have to think of something else. I want to try. Ooh, can we do some, can we do some like precision driving? Like what are the, the odds that we can get one ship, the bit, the smaller ship to crash into the big one? Oh, that's interesting. I like that. We can totally do that. I will also give you another option. Maybe you can either, you can test your relationship where you call over into the ship and say, hey, if vampire bro is on there, you want to try to convince them. That is way better and so bad after running away, stealing a naps,
Starting point is 01:03:45 almost dying, killing one of my own tribe, calling being like, hey, you up. Absolutely. Absolutely. We're doing that. All right. The most likely thing that we should do first is we should make that connection. So if we roll well on make a connection, we'll say that, you know, his love for you is kind of infused and kind of makes, takes hold. When you search out a new relationship or give focus to an existing relationship, you must roll plus heart. Okay. Come on. Come on. Heart is a decent stat. Hopefully it's okay. No, a strong hit. We did it. Yes. Yes. Are a strong hit. Never that thing. You create a connection. Give them a roll and a rank whenever
Starting point is 01:04:39 your connection aids you on a move closely associated with your, their role, add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit. Yes. So first on your bonds, we are going to add vampire bro. Do you want to name vampire bro? You want to have the honor of naming them? I do. I do. You want to roll for it? I want. Do you have an idea? Lestat or something? I was going to say, I'm trying to think of vampire names and taking it as a step to the left. I landed on blade and blade became knife. If you want to name him knife. I do want to name him knife.
Starting point is 01:05:27 All right. Knife the vampire bro. That's what boy knife. He is a space vampire it that has fallen in love. I'm sorry. Sorry. Emo name is dagger. I'm obviously obviously dagger. Dagger. His location is the, we'll say it is the space vampire ship and they are a space vampire that has fallen in love with Nakata. And they definitely like you. We'll say that you have the expected plus three progress in your relationship with them. And there we go. All right. Great. We now have a NPC that is kind of a bad guy, but kind of also an ally. Enemies to lovers. I think they love you, but they probably still want to suck your blood.
Starting point is 01:06:25 I mean, they are vampires, but either way, this connection was a strong hit, which means we can make progress. I think that two, four, six, we have six out of 10 progress. I personally think narratively it's kind of like a linchpin. Like you're going to get away, but if we roll to escape them or escape kind of kind of make a progress move to finish this, if you roll badly, it just maybe means not everybody is in love with you amongst these vampires. You know what I mean? Yes. Like just because one of them likes, he doesn't mean they're not all going to still want to come after you. So we're going to finish the expedition, roll 2d10, and hopefully they're both under six or at least one of them is. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:15 A seven and a five. That's a weak hit. Okay. On a weak hit, you reach your destination or complete your goal. You can mark a reward on your legacy track. We'll say that you're going to mark under legacies or under progress. We're going to add relationships and we'll mark progress for that. There's discovery, relationships, and some other thing that like gives you experience in Star Forge. Okay. Sweet. So what else? As above, you face an unforeseen complication at the end of the expedition. What do you think that complication is? I mean, maybe it's just something as simple as, you know, Old Dagger says farewell, mon ami, but you hear all the other vampires like, we're going to get you. We're going to tear you
Starting point is 01:08:14 apart. Yeah, I think, I think, yeah, I think the only vampire I've saved myself from is Dagger, but not even, but not even because love. Yeah. So yeah, I think, I think that's it. If anything, convincing him to chill has only made the other vampires more upset. But he does, he does something on his side of the ship to divert it, you know, and you, and you probably see it suddenly divert course or something happens to it. Maybe the power turns off. But we are finally out of the orbit of Sealy and on our way to the Stargate. It took an entire episode to escape the clutches of these space vampires, but it was thrilling the entire time. Yeah. And unless you would like to leave it on one last roll to undertake an expedition
Starting point is 01:09:07 towards this Stargate and kind of set the scene, we can kind of bring the thing to a close here. Yeah. I do. I do want to do another roll. All right. Because there's always a chance to make it. We are going to undertake an expedition and let me very quickly set that up on our page here. So we are going to reach the Stargate. The menace could still be the vampire bros where we are. We'll keep that menace. How difficult is this journey? Excuse me. How difficult do you think this journey will be? Troublesome, dangerous or formidable? If the vampires are gone, I think it's just troublesome. Okay. All right. Yeah. We'll set it as troublesome. The Stargate is just a sub light speed journey away from us. The ship is kind of banged up. I think that because of the
Starting point is 01:10:08 state of the ship, I might ask us to increase it to dangerous. Let's do it. Right? Let's do it. We can't sustain much more damage, you know? Yeah. And what could go wrong? Yeah, exactly. What could go wrong? So speaking of what could go wrong, let's have you roll to undertake an expedition. You can either roll with Edge, Shadow or Whits. Edge being, you know, Nekata takes a hold of the control of the ship and tries to fly it away. Let's do that. Let's do Edge. Roll plus Edge. Let's quickly confirm you don't have some modifiers. Modifier. No. No, not yet. So go ahead and just roll your Edge without any modifiers. Ending on a good note? Ending on a bad note. Which is not a bad note.
Starting point is 01:10:58 On a weak hit, you reach a waypoint, but the progress costs you. You can leave it up to the next player or you can define it right now. We still have like 10 minutes. I think. You reach a waypoint, but the progress costs you somehow. You'll either have to make a suffer move or you face some kind of peril at the waypoint and we could roll for what that peril is. Yeah, let's roll for peril. All right. I think that's a good, good thing to start off at. That is a good way. Roll a D100 and let's see what the spaceborne peril might be. Okay. 20. 20 even. Familiar foe appears or sends an ominous message.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Yeah. I'm so excited. Oh my God. What is it? What is that ominous message? It's like, I think maybe, okay, so, so, Nikata sees Dagger pull the ship away and think she did it. She's got it like that. She's locked it down, but maybe like, and this is Bunker, so roll with me. But flashback to the vampire that got into the ship, right? Yeah. Maybe he was doing some sneaky shit and he actually has the ability to communicate with the ship because of what the vampire did before they died. Something as simple as like slapping some like techno shit on the wall. Like something that's like hacking into the ship or something? Yes. Okay. Yeah. All right. So now he like is sending her aim messages like something terrible or like creepy,
Starting point is 01:12:55 but like now it's very clear that the vampire has access to the ship. Maybe he can control it, but he knows about the ship. So the vampire is like floating in space like in like, you know, just above the atmosphere and it's communicating through the ship through this link that it's created and it's saying we're coming after you. Yeah. I'm going to figure out how to hack into the ship. We're not going to stop and it's just like a dire message. It's, it's, it's, yeah, this is not going to be an easy trip to the Stargate. Yeah. I think that's a great way to end it. Sweet. What, what a ride from, from getting into the vault to now getting out with you. Thank you for joining me today, Zakiya. You have a super fun. Yeah. I hope you like the new,
Starting point is 01:13:44 the new StarFord system. It's basically the same, but there's little changes here and there. I like it. I like being in space. Yeah. Having a ship is one of the things. I like being in space too. There's just something like I just can, it's just a creative headspace. I feel like we all can work in well. Yeah. It also feels cooler because it's, it's just hot outside. I don't know why I like doing space things. It's like, okay. Yeah. You are starting at a blue screen as opposed to like a red screen would work for Iron Sworn. But yeah. So we have, we've left it with Nikata on their way to the Stargate. Hopefully we get out of here. The next person will be Aaron. So Aaron will be leading us on that expedition to, to the Stargate and hopefully through it to the
Starting point is 01:14:30 other side. Hopefully those space pirates don't, those space vampire pirates don't get us. Zakiya, you just finished a cool chill art stream the other day. How'd that go? It went so well. It was so fun. Obviously, thank you everyone that showed up. We're going to do it again sometime. I don't know when. I think you definitely should. I didn't realize until I started watching that it was, you know, you polled Twitter like, Hey, what should I do? And, and they gave you the idea of, of doing like a mashup between the Shoka and Doom to repeat. That was fun. Yeah. Yeah, it was nice. You should definitely keep doing those. I'm thinking maybe I should start doing like a little painting miniature stream once in a while where I can, I can do some mini painting. I mean, we,
Starting point is 01:15:16 all of us at Mayday have all these kind of fun talents that we should, you know, try to use and show to people that, that like watching. Thank you everyone for watching. We will see you next Tuesday with Aaron. This week we are going to have an Ashoka Parley where we will be answering new questions. That is very fun. We're looking forward to that. And we've got a bunch of other stuff coming up too. I'm going to be running a Delta Green one shot soon. Let me look at the calendar actually. I kind of want to see if I miss, if I'm missing anything. There's a few one shots happening. Yeah. Yeah. There's Parley. There's a DG one shot. There's some, I don't know if I, I don't know. We don't have like, if I'm allowed to say it.
Starting point is 01:16:03 You could say whatever you want. Okay. I think there's an Ashoka one shot coming up soon. Oh, okay. Cool. Yeah. I guess one that Eli is running you and Caleb through. Yes. Awesome. So lots of more content to look forward to, but as always, thanks everyone who supports us and who likes watching us. We'll see you next time. Goodbye. Bye.

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