Mayday Plays - Vegas By Night, Ep. 1 - "Death Valley Drive"

Episode Date: July 10, 2022

Mayday is back for the first installment of Vampire the Masquerade: Vegas By Night. A new coterie is established and sent on a mysterious errand to pick up a package from Denver, Colorado, via the I-1...5. What they find, nobody expects. And yet, everyone does.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, Kindred, and welcome to Mayday Roleplay's Playthrough of Vampire the Masquerade. Chronicle, we're calling Vegas by night. We want to thank everyone for tuning in and subscribing to our Patreon and for sticking by Mayday Roleplay for two years already. It feels incredible to say that we have been creating wonderful content with some of our closest friends and engaging with the community for two wonderful years. If you're wondering how you can get in on that engagement, you can catch our stream here every other Saturday for our main show. You can follow us on all major platforms as well as Spotify and SoundCloud for podcast friendly recordings of all our major shows and streams. And finally, you can donate to us on
Starting point is 00:00:42 Patreon and join our Patreon Discord. It's a wonderful space where you get the opportunity to speak with us on a personal level about everything we're creating and get in on Patreon community rand games, tabletop discussions, and the most important, the sharing of all of our pet photos. In more news, there will be a Doom to Repeat debrief as well as an Orpheus debrief on the way soon, detailing and answering all of the questions put forward by the fans of the show as well as the cast members themselves. Keep a lookout for its release. I don't think we have a date yet, but I'm sure someone will correct me very soon. Other than that, please check out our Delta Green campaign Doom to Repeat, our D&D campaign Ashoka, and our old World of Darkness campaign using the
Starting point is 00:01:29 Orpheus system, all of which are available on all major podcasting platforms and our Twitch. Before we get started today, I just want to remind everyone that the Empire of the Masquerade can be dark setting. And as such, there are content warnings for any watching. Please be advised that there may be violent themes, plenty of adult language, and the exploration of darker subjects. Please take care of yourself and be aware. Humanity was cursed. And through our own selfish nature, we were mutated, changed. The jealousy inherent in every red blood cell led to a brother killing a brother in haste. So now, we walk forever. As Cain did, we die forever. And we will never know the
Starting point is 00:02:24 compassion Abel was capable of in punishment for our hubris. We will hide among them, acting like sheep. Waiting for the moment the vein is exposed, we will call ourselves kindred and those we eat kind. We will convince ourselves that power is tangible after death and that to kill is human. We will build towers in our own name in an effort to build something that will outlast our pain. We will lie, buy, cheat, and steal until the only thing left is a shell of what we once were. We will kill our darlings. Welcome to Vegas by night. Las Vegas has always been home to the lost. Formed into every slab of concrete used to construct the modern-day kingdom in the desert was an unexplainable love for the broken, the bad,
Starting point is 00:03:20 the fleeing masses of the world. If you were broken, destitute the city, promise to life, luxury if you only pulled the right lever. If you were rich and lacking in any moral proclivity, this was a haven for your darkest desires, your worst wishes where you could truly see the expanse of your own power. If you were on the run from a version of yourself you no longer wanted to see on the other side of the mirror, a name that no longer exists, an address that only returns to sender. Las Vegas would open its gates and embrace you with its loving arms only to loot your wallet the second your back was turned. In this way, Las Vegas has always been a vampire. Feeding off those seeking haven, taking from a herd it promised a life to, and subsisting
Starting point is 00:04:06 off the corpse of a dream that is already dead. That's what drew the kindred here. It drew Howard Hughes and Ellis Iverson so long ago, then Benedict and the Rothsteins in the 80s, Arthur Coste at the turn of the millennium and finally Prince Aloysius Grant. It brought leagues of the world's most ambitious kindred to establish a life in a den of sin. A place where the city never truly slumbered through the night, where strangers always a friend and the blinking lights of neon signs only offered safety. The city now sits in the state of torpor, a gridlocked moment of gritted teeth. The former administration of the kindred's political giant, the Camarilla, have been all but eradicated from the city's face in the wake of a very public assassination of their previous
Starting point is 00:04:59 prince, Arthur Coste. It only meant for a Pyrrhic victory, though, on the side of the Anarchs, headed up by Ellis Iverson. The death of a prince causes an attention unlike any kindred has ever seen, and soon the force of power that every kindred fears was laying wake to the city in a string of firestorms. With both sides retreating to bolster forces, a strange, unspoken truce entered into Vegas's politics, and the desert began to calm. But away from the mind of ever living kings, a smaller world still breathes at the street level of Vegas. Far from the penthouse view, all manner of Vegas's own begin to rise. Tourists and gamblers, showmen and fighters, the starlets and sect workers, the junkies and prophets all move through the strip to try and scrape a living
Starting point is 00:05:52 out of what's left. And even lower, the lowest, some would say. The childer look up at a city that could one day be theirs. For now, our childer, our coterie, are far from the neon gates, in an unmarked vehicle provided by a Camerilla representative. Santos, one half of our kindred, are on their way via the I-12 and I-70 on a 20-hour round trip to meet on the outskirts of Denver, Colorado at the dreary trappings of an old warehouse by the name of Golden Shipping Limited. To begin, I'd like to introduce myself and the cast. I'm Caleb James Miller, and today, I'll be your story teller. We could start with Aaron, please. Oh, sorry. I'm Aaron and I'm playing Enoch.
Starting point is 00:06:52 No, go, go, go. You're already there. Okay, I'm Allegra and I'm playing Mal. I'm Amanda and I'm playing Allison. I'm Eli and I'm playing Niles. I'm Sergio and I'm playing John Burroughs. I'm Vince. I will be playing Regal. I'm Zach and I will be playing Sybil. This is to be their first step in a long journey to understanding who they are, all of them untested, afraid of what they've become, and only barely initiated into their current cursed state. This is the beginning of the end of Vegas by night. Now, we start in this car. You're heading down I-15 straight through to I-70 all the way from
Starting point is 00:07:39 Las Vegas to Denver, Colorado. Those in the car are Eli, Sergio, Zacchia, Amanda and Aaron. Now, you've already had this day ahead of yourselves. You've spent the day in this car. Let's start with Sergio playing Burroughs. Burroughs, could you tell me how this last day with the rest of your shortly-met compatriots has been? How have you guys made it through? How did the first leg of the journey go? You're now in your second night, or did you guys bed down? How is the car? Just tell me anything you'd like to tell us about Burroughs and his time in the last day, as well as anything we need to know about this situation. Well, maybe we all give a little character description, too. What do you think for everybody? Burroughs is a gentleman
Starting point is 00:08:29 in his... It's a little hard to tell. It looks like he may have died at the age of 38 or 45. It's a little hard to tell because he's about 50 pounds overweight. He has this kind of light, almost blonde hair, beard, lots of grays in it, and he wears a red Hawaiian shirt, has these prayer beads around his neck, and he's got a bunch of rings on his fingers, but dresses in shorts and flip flops. And he probably would have insisted on driving. He has his own vehicle. Is that something that he could have taken was his own vehicle? Absolutely, yeah. Do you want to give us a description of what this very overweight vampire grandpa in his beach shorts and prayer beads is driving around? He's driving a baby blue Lincoln Town car convertible. At night, he'll lower the top,
Starting point is 00:09:35 but obviously during the day, that's not possible. Burroughs is a Ravnos, and I think that he probably would have asked some of the other local Ravnos in town what would be some good spots along the way towards Denver to stop at. I know that the Ravnos, they have their hideouts and their stowaway places, so I think he probably would be aiming for those, and if we miss those, then we put garbage bags over the windows and spend the night in the car. But I think the first night, we probably would have found a spot of an abandoned gas station, or I like to think maybe there's an abandoned bowling alley because there's no windows in a bowling alley, something like that. That was the first night, and Burroughs is a very friendly, outgoing guy, so the group by now either
Starting point is 00:10:30 likes him or really finds him obnoxious. I love that. We can work with the idea that you spoke with Dean, a member of the Vardo, the most important member of the Vardo clan of Ravnos out of Vegas, and he located some spots on a map for you. Let's assume that you have that map with you now, and I love this idea of you guys staying in a bowling alley. You found friendly lanes along the way that was in a two-shit town off the side of the I-15, and you spent the night there before moving on to your next part of the journey there. And as Burroughs said, he's a very charismatic guy, but maybe some of you have grown tired of the powder blue aesthetic on this old man, and I'm sure you've been playing music throughout this town car. I've been playing a lot of music,
Starting point is 00:11:16 been asking everyone about music, like almost as if he's been in a time capsule or something, and is just like so curious about, oh, you know, what are the kids listening to these days, and just asking questions and things like that, being very chatty. I love that. Perfect. So moving on to our next compatriot here, Eli, do you want to tell us a little bit about how Niles has been taking in this last day, some of the preparation that goes into it, and as much as we can know about Niles at this point? Niles is probably been trying to keep to themselves most of the time. They've been, they have a Raven with them, so they've been primarily just kind of like low-key talking to said Raven, like, and it's been like squawking back at it, so they've just been kind
Starting point is 00:12:06 of doing that thing. But for the most part, just absolutely just tucked in a corner, keeping to themselves. Niles is kind of like, today's look is, because Niles kind of changes her look up, but Niles has like a mop of like messy hair that just kind of goes all over the place, a long flannel jacket with a tank top underneath and just ripped up jeans and some boots. She's just been like lazy and loud about, like, once we're in the bowling alley, just found a place to just kind of kick up boots and just slouch heavy into a chair and just arms cross and just hanging out. That's pretty much what Niles has been doing. I love that. Has spoons your Raven been cautious of this environment? Does it seem excited to be
Starting point is 00:13:01 out here? What's the general feeling for both them and Niles? The initial, like, traveling has been like bothersome. Like, it doesn't like to be contained in like a car moving. It would rather be out and about. But during, like, when we're resting, spoons will like hang out for a little bit, but then we'll kind of like bounce around to the different members who are with us, kind of observing them and just looking. And then like might run outside, do like a perimeter sweep and eventually come back and then seems to like just be like whispering and Niles is kind of like talking to them once they return and they're like exchanging like conversation a little bit. Absolutely. So flying down I-15 as fast as we can get it with the top down, gospel music blasting,
Starting point is 00:13:49 a raven perching on each of your shoulders or occasionally dropping back so we get this beautiful bird's eye view of six kindred or five kindreds cutting through the desert into the night there. Burroughs has a quick question for Niles. I think potty train. It's not gonna shit on my car, right? No, I mean, yeah, it won't show in your car, I promise. What's his name? Spoons. That's me just spoons and I'll just, I'll just keep driving. It's like a weird like head nod. With that out of the way and the first two of what is eventually going to become an absolute shithouse of a convertible with the bird and gospel music blasting through, let's go to Sibyl.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Sibyl, do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself, Sakia, if you want to go through? Yes, Sibyl is probably the like smaller, I think shorter person in the group. They have a collared shirt on pretty much always and this like floofy jacket that does not match the tone of the shirt at all, but it is all giving raw stress for less realness. They have bleached short cut hair, dark red lip and eyeliner that definitely was started and restarted, but it's fine. They have been psyching themselves up for this trip for a very long time, pretty much from once they found out about it. It's been like planning about how good and perfect it's going to be and then immediately getting in a car with gospel music
Starting point is 00:15:38 and a whole bird has just completely thrown that out the window. I think Sibyl is constantly mean mugging spoons. I don't think they get along and at first she thought she was going to have a problem with John because of just his overall vibe, but it is like spoons is the nemesis. Yeah, I think that's it. They're still trying to like get 10 steps ahead of this part of the trip that is just driving, so they're like checking traffic and like looking ahead and looking behind all the time, but it's just the road. I feel that there's a lot of concentrated silence in this car that Burroughs fills the noise because he's so used to it, but for the most part all of you are thinking about just how
Starting point is 00:16:25 important this could be. Everything that I was on on the other side of this and that is no more true than for Sibyl. This is Sibyl's big moment, right? Yeah, yeah, I think she's just counting variables. I love that. Finally, to introduce into this car the next part of this shit show that exclusively comes in a pair. I won't tell who to go first, but Amanda and Erin, if you guys would like to introduce a character. Speaking of quiet, that's not happening right now because you will be hearing a lot of ruffling and like because Allison right now it is she's right now in the back straddling and they're just making out ignoring everybody else right now. Perfect. I would like to know now who is sitting in the back with these two.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Your choices are the bird and the gospel singer or the two that are now eating off of each other in the backseat thing. Literally. No, it's only the first one. Yeah, we'll start off right there. We'll assume they get the empty seat then. As for my two, could we get an idea of what Allison and Enoch look like, what they've spent the last day with, what they've been up to since leaving Vegas? Well, I will let Enoch go into description of himself. I would say right now she is dressed very simply because of this mission, so she's not bringing her good gear. She's not bringing her good clothes. So but we got leather pants and a simple black t-shirt because you know hides the blood
Starting point is 00:18:32 and you can throw it away better. It doesn't matter. But her little makeup kit and hair stuff is already in the trunk and frankly she is a little she's a little bit she tried to take over the music but they kept like that other Christian music was just too much. So she just said fuck it literally and it's just making out with Enoch. So like high I would think of it like a high end kind of society like reality Kardashian kind of character that's Allison for you. Love it. Enoch, you want to tell us a little bit? Yeah, so when Enoch isn't busy, he is kind of just you know staring out into space, not looking anybody in the eye. It's like if someone's you know trying to like address him or make like a like a social lock on him he
Starting point is 00:19:26 kind of just looks through them not at them and he's he's a taller kind of gonter guy dressed in a black on black Prada suit. That's all messed up like it's it's not like like it was nice maybe two days ago but it hasn't been changed in a while so it's like got ruffles in it some of the buttons have like fallen off and are undone and his hair is kind of like the same way it looks like it was done up nice maybe like two days ago but now it's all just kind of like frizzy and and messed up. Beautiful. Mostly he'd occur in actions that's all but yes. Yes of course he's busy he's been working accomplishing things in this car. Our powder blue convertible is rushing down this this I-70 road on the way through we've had this long leg of journey it's a 10 hour trip so that first
Starting point is 00:20:23 night you had to accomplish a sheer amount just to get through Utah and and moving towards Colorado itself along I-15 through I-70 right. You stayed in your bowling alley and it seems as though there hasn't been a lot of conversation outside of boroughs asking for music taste and Enoch and Allison accomplishing what they've been accomplishing but now we're closer to the end of this first 10 hour leg. We are approaching into Colorado just on the outskirts of Denver we are just about arriving at our destination. The car is speeding through is there any conversation in the car there's nerves you can feel in your chest you don't feel anymore but sometimes there are these twinges of that other voice that lives in the cavity of what your body
Starting point is 00:21:19 once was and they feel for you and you can hear that that that voice inside of you that person that is also there with you it's very excited over the prospect of what could be on the other side the horizon of Denver but what's happening in this car? I think as we're passing through Utah Enoch will probably mention at some point that um sorry I kind of lost my train of thought um so sorry um I'm a little nervous but he's I I think he he'll probably at some point take a break from what's going on with Allison um I assume they kind of tire out at some point temporarily temporarily okay okay you're knowing me now but he probably um he he makes some remark about Joseph Smith and
Starting point is 00:22:26 false prophets and how weird it is here and there is a huge amount of that Mormon population in Vegas you've just come from the old Mormon fort a huge population that rims out the locals of that community in Nevada so you guys are all vaguely familiar of the Mormons and their their prophets and their goals and all of it seems very futile now that you've experienced what you've experienced or maybe it feels the opposite more important than ever the pious ones taste extra good what does that mean speaking of tasting good you get driving through Denver reminds me of uh I used to do a lot of tours through Denver y'all ever been to the uh what's it called the the coal mining company I think it's the name of it you've ever been to that restaurant there's a place in
Starting point is 00:23:20 Denver no no that does something called the fool's gold loaf all right listen to this it's a whole french roll they take a whole thing of peanut butter and put on one side they put a whole thing of jelly on the other side and in the center is a pound of bacon it's really okay no I was um and this is some kind of pride for hell no it's a delicious sandwich I was gonna suggest that we uh we go after we finish whatever the hell it is we're up to no do you do you still eat food yeah don't you no no not really oh I feel so bad for you too it's it's so you do eat oh absolutely I just I just like that's too much though that's if you're gonna do it you do it delicately like get chocolate
Starting point is 00:24:20 give me well what's the point of being dead if you can't eat all the good stuff now you eat the quality don't yeah but don't eat trash I mean you're gonna get a stick get a steak don't get like McDonald's well you're gonna be rethinking that steak once you have this fool's gold loaf I'm telling you let me tell you let me take you to another place it's near the four seasons that's where we need it all right that's where the best stuff is the spot job not to sort of think outside the bun of this conversation but what if we just did the job and then went home oh you gotta celebrate a little bit civil I'm celebrating by going home you do realize that we are being watched an exam you might as well
Starting point is 00:25:04 just show and relax that's what I'm saying imagine even if we execute this exactly the way I hope that we will they're watching us and we stop at this I don't even remember what you called it my brain is just telling me slot oh my company and just have this crime sandwich if we had a perfect score that would bring us down at least a letter grade right uh you're being too hard on yourself I do realize I mean how would they even know it's not all it's how are they watching us right now because they are yes who cares why are you asking questions you just go and you just do it you remember it's all politics too so and if you're just this buddy duddy they're not gonna talk to you all right well drop me off I don't want to be seen or associated with this place
Starting point is 00:26:00 all right all right well where are we supposed to go anyway something about the the mcarran airport right uh or outside of it or something okay so no no no my contact works out of the mcarran airport uh we're heading to I'm looking here golden shipping limited yes and you guys know you're about 10 minutes away from that location now but yeah I remember there being a roadside phone supposed to get a hold of for further instruction very mysterious they still have those things apparently yeah I think uh yeah I think we'll we'll drive towards that phone we're supposed to meet up perfect okay so
Starting point is 00:26:50 I just before we uh continue in with arriving at this place I want to make sure that we establish some things for ourselves let's establish hunger for ourselves so since we spent the last day without feeding we're gonna start at a one and we'll start there for a base of everyone let's assume that when you left vegas you had a meal understanding where you're going to be now but let's establish whether over the last two days you've gained something hunger I would like you all to commit your first rouse check I would take uh one d10 doesn't matter which you're going to roll it and if you have a success you are not gaining hunger if you have a failure you are gaining one hunger a success is anything above a six
Starting point is 00:27:41 failure is six and below so that means we go if we fail we go from one to two yes okay well yeah good thing I succeed then I'm going to two I rolled a one oh oh oh someone real hungry so that critical failure won't earn you anything other than the shame and the extra point so I believe that niles and burrows will move from hunger one to hunger two is that the only of us that need a bite as well as civil hunger two perfect okay so what that means of course is that whenever we take dice pools whenever we're pooling for success you're going to replace however much you have in your pool with however hungry you are so burrows has two if he has a pool of four you replace two of those healthy dice the two of those
Starting point is 00:28:32 hunger dice to form your four got it four people watching for the first time if you've never played through uh v five all the hunger dice mean is that they're now open to what we call messy criticals and bestial failures messy critical means that we succeed very well almost too well and a bestial failure means we fail to the most possible answer so moving forward we've established our hunger this is beautiful we uh before too long as you're taking as much value as the night will allow you pull from i-70 and take the back routes that the gps is barking and chase down the full moon out in the sky as you turn down road after road of darkness eventually with the scenic view of denver on your side you pull up to a monolith caught
Starting point is 00:29:22 against the side of a hill a massive shipping warehouse that forms a complex surrounded by barbed chain link fencing the warehouse is large and empty with a series of bay doors where the trucks load bright and early come dawn a dawn you will never see again in a life you'll never know something the world doesn't tell you is that places we create can die too this one has passed over leaving behind empty limbs and for lease signs broken fencing and detached cctv cameras hanging like eyeballs free from sockets the goalpost of a guards check-in stand lim the stands limp and half snapped and the shack itself vacant the parking lot beyond is completely empty and only a single parking lamp still flickers at the far end against the warehouse itself
Starting point is 00:30:13 to the right of the shack is a spotlighted yellow road side assist this phone who's casing already swings open with the breeze and this big spotlight zooms in on it and highlights it against the road you're here who's making the call do we have to call or somebody's calling us i'll go up and we we have to wait for the call that's weird parked long enough eventually with the case still swinging side to side the phone begins to ring off of its rest else i'll go i'll go for it as allison goes up uh burrows is going to turn to enok and just go uh she's a feisty one huh could i have heard that i i wouldn't have tried to make it obvious for her to hear but if i did i would i'm gonna literally as i walk past smack the
Starting point is 00:31:19 ass and then kept walking as i picked up the phone you are you move to the phone and uh on the other side through this crackling crunchy uh radio static you hear some uh some waiting music through the audio speakers smooth jazz just for a moment you're waiting under this vast spotlight and eventually on the other side the line picks up and stays completely silent a moment you all say rang are you the new licks that the neon city sent for me that would be correct perfect i want you to pull up to the second loading gate in reverse back up to the door open the trunk wait for the door to follow don't make any sudden movements unless you want me snort lines off your ashes backing up to the second dock open the trunk
Starting point is 00:32:30 sit our asses wait till something happens to the door i will follow those instructions and do exactly as told you roll through this dark parking lot you back up the the trunk of the powder blue convertible town car that we brought in um and as you level the reverse back into this bay loading doors you you feel that slight incline as you're coming in um and the bay doors open immediately um and uh as soon as the the door is open far enough to feed in you can see the barrel of a bullpup submachine gun uh leveled at all of you um are there any reactions as the barrel of this gun shows itself immediately no i'm kind of like yeah like i'm gonna get like really small like i you know just stand in there completely calm you hear okay for a moment sip looks at the
Starting point is 00:33:28 steering wheel just in case because that's immediately go um but for friends uh the the gun does not fire it stays watching sentry uh position against all of you and you can hear that gruff voice on the other side say uh you're all gonna crawl inside on your bellies and if you've got any firearms weapons anything you brought with you you're gonna toss them to the side and then i'm gonna strip search it oh crawl this is a new shirt man really what's your safe word welcome to denver get the fuck inside weird choice but okay john do you yes yeah i mean i think i got some trash bags in the back there i want to lay some down this is why knock i told you not to wear a product and i'm gonna go ahead down and just crawl
Starting point is 00:34:23 i will follow suit yeah i assume we're all crawling inside then perfect like damn worms uh greeting you on the other side as you're sort of wheeling yourself inside and the door shuts behind the last of you is a bullpup submachine gun poised at the entrance and wielded by a mountain of a man he's dressed in black sneakers joggers a Gucci belt a white white pleaser and a big blue car hood he's a dark skinned man with a shorn head and a pair of gators sunglasses he's completely bald save for a goatee that's grown over enough that he's beaded turquoise jewelry into the tangles at his side in a holster is a machete he carries open you can imagine him easily as a bouncer outside the club or a football coach at the miners level
Starting point is 00:35:13 that was long before his skin turned that ash gray and his disposition sharpened at the canines now he's just an apex predator he's looking over all of you uh who was the first one through the the gate there probably it was allison right yeah so allison he goes to pick you up from the floor and rise you to your your standing position is there any uh retaliation no i'd be just like at least take me out for dinner first with his intense strength he lifts you free from the ground so that for a moment you're floating two feet from the surface and then he stands you down with enough force that your ankles bounce as they land he then aggressively strips searches you for any weapons wires and checks your belly for uh cabling for any taps he seems to do the same i will be
Starting point is 00:36:13 doing like oh yeah right to the left look would you calm your fucking shit stand over there please oh i'm sorry am i making this awkward who the fuck are you people he moves on to the next one he's going to go down the line strip searching each of you is there any sort of retaliation from any of you as as they're putting through i'll probably be a little weird about it yeah for sure yeah especially somebody picks me up he uh grabs you by the collar as soon as he shows that sort of restriction between the two of you and he says look it's going to be a lot faster a lot better for your fucking life if you just sit there and take it yeah i'm just like squirming but not looking him in the eye at the same time it's like man i just don't like do you have
Starting point is 00:36:59 burrows burrows kind of tries to help her help them a little bit and like calm down man if anything it's that raven you gotta look for he's the one that's trapped excuse me anybody ask you to fucking talk oh man i think gun smokes on you want to go fucking watch that sit in the fucking corner you wait your turn i think the one thing enok doesn't offer any resistance necessarily but after watching him pat down allison he flips from being somewhat jovial to staring the guy's stone cold in the in the face and he's not breaking eye contact with him the whole time just aggressive menacing stare this six foot six linebacker of the man continues to walk through each of you he does meet your gaze you know is this an intimidation that you are trying to make him
Starting point is 00:37:58 feel or is this a woman i just want him to know that i know who he is hey perfect let's go ahead and give me a manipulation plus intimidation this is not going to go well oh i hope you have this is um i'm sorry this is orpheus rules right yes so you're gonna build a pool you're going to take however many dots you have in manipulation and then however many you have an intimidation roll that all together anything above a six is a success just tell me how many successes you have so that's no successes god bless god bless america happy for the july support the jews um he meets your gaze and you can see these bright orange irises behind those gators as he peeks them down against his nose and he openly laughs
Starting point is 00:39:02 you don't like me touching her i don't like you in general that's okay i'll keep that in mind fact maybe i'll let everybody know he steps back he looks at everyone it's a bold statement it's nice to meet you all i'm sheriff davon of denver i was sent by prince rimbrant as a representative of the denver camaria i am here to make sure that you receive a package and then two cases to go along with it now it is of the most imperative business that you ensure that this package makes it back to las vegas that is twofold one you are filthy grubbed lives are on the line if you die on the road they will find a way to make the rest of you die too if you got any last live invested in something you love in this
Starting point is 00:40:10 world they will find it and they will kill it and twofold the camarilla needs it so you're going to fucking deliver are we clear and he waves that bullpup machine gun like a talking stick like he's giving a ted talk crystal beautiful somebody gets the fucking answer i say yes you say yes that's all now this situation is getting out of hand everything that's happening here in denver has hit critical mass and this needs to get back from prince rimbrant prince grant and if it doesn't it'll be your heads but the other two i could give a shit and he goes to move out to this big shipping container and to give you an idea of what this room looks like you're staring at a sparsely filled huge storage racks that line and aisles across the entire entire way
Starting point is 00:41:13 there's shipping wrapped in cardboard and then shipping tape on top of that directly across from you past the rows of storage are these double doors leading into what you can assume is the lobby of the warehouse and then the main entrance just past that is a second wing of bay doors you can spy a foreman's office on this sort of scaffolding catwalk up to the second floor and there are huge big skylighted windows that feed out of the ceiling in diagonal a frame style and windows that line the walls one each side of the warehouse you imagine this would be a terrible place to see the sunrise but at least devon has shielded the nearest pains to you can see he's put up these cardboard sheeting and then garbage bags that have lined through and seems he's been holding up in
Starting point is 00:41:58 here for a while at least taped through the first layer completely um but he moves over and from one of the big storage racks he pulls these huge think like um indiana jones level wooden crates that are huge uh like seven feet four feet tall that he pulls out uh in front of the the the lot of you um and the strength on this man is massive he is moving these with zero to no problem uh one handed and then he grabs the other and just sort of drags them out there with this big push as they collapse right in front of you um he comes over i got a big car but my car ain't that big and i point to these giant crates that he's pulling out oh don't worry these these aren't going with you we're keeping them here you're just taking what's inside and he goes what's in there to the side he
Starting point is 00:42:51 pulls out that machete he goes over to the crates absolutely i'll show you exactly what's inside come over here old man big burrows come over here old man he hands he hands out the machete to you in hand this is you just pull it those nails right there you can see for yourself i look at it i look at him you know devilishly and then i'll i'll give it a hack yeah you hack through you break through and the the wood is sort of like pallet wood it uh shirks immediately it breaks off the side you can sort of pull back at the nails then and these facing nails come free and you can see that there's all of this packing material on top but moving across this sort of shredded paper uh packing material you find that inside is this big steel engraved coffin um that looks like it has three
Starting point is 00:43:45 indents across the center that almost would hold like um they're like little rings of indentation two inches deep that might have held something before it doesn't now and then on the center is this long elaborate onk that uh you know burrows is representative of the camorella seal you've never seen anything like this uh but davon gives you a look that says go on open it yeah i'll take the final pieces off and you said it's like a steel steel casing there's like a latching off the side think like a steel coffin um it's pretty easy to unlatch and then pick up if you would like to anybody else wants to get a look i'll unlatch it and open it up i'll take off absolutely you pull this back you push it over and the steel casing
Starting point is 00:44:35 sort of slides right over the two of you are strong you've been given that immortal undead strength and it shows this the steel collapses off to the other side there's this big clang throughout the warehouse and then it's as if every light is zoning in on the surrounding of all of you around the steel coffin and inside perfectly still uh shocked beyond all belief uh vince do you want to describe regal and what he looks like i do yeah um he is uh looks to be in his early 30s pale skinned obviously probably 511 about 180 pounds uh you can see kind of dark brown almost black hair kind of crawling out from beneath this wash cap he's wearing on top of his head green eyes black hoodie um definitely a smell to him um a smell of old water of of must of the
Starting point is 00:45:36 outdoors um and looking absolutely fucking shocked that this is to be looking up at that you people like we open the thing and you're just there like eyes wide open yeah like almost me i'd say almost immediately like as if he was waiting for a fight he shoots up out of the out of the the coffin yeah i think i'm back up what the fuck you got a mouth um is there no toon common for the record we don't have room for that either i i i don't know what to fucking tell you you gotta take him back to prince grant too hope you like the trunk this is gonna be very important do you how do you feel about prince grant just to decide how we proceed from here you're asking me yeah you i don't know who the fuck prince grant is perfect we're gonna be fine uh
Starting point is 00:46:31 we're just here to take you to another location are you you're gonna take the other one too yes no wait a minute is there another one of these uh jumping beans in the other one well i'd assume i don't know why they give me two coffins to leave one empty well let's get them the hell out of there man they can't just be sitting around i won't give a shit working on opening up the other crate and eventually open up the other coffin through that coffin uh mal would you like to tell us what you look like what you're going through uh yeah mal is um i'm gonna start off by saying non-binary people don't owe you androgyny um but that being said this is the
Starting point is 00:47:14 most androgynous person you've ever seen in your fucking life uh they have um like shaggy short dark hair uh makeup that looks like it's been smeared over however long they've been in here and probably before that um they've got a bunch of earrings in their ear they're wearing a kind of like burgundy crop top long sleeve uh under a mesh white shirt with like gold stars all over it um and rare regal sorry will you say your name again i always say it wrong yeah regal regal thank you um where regal was up and ready for a fight immediately mal is stone cold doesn't move just blinks up at them that's because i knocked before i opened it um is there a door open like is that bay door still open or is it closed bay door is shut so uh and divan is sort of in the way of that
Starting point is 00:48:16 exit that he set up for your car there there are double doors behind you and it looks like you could make a clear break for it the only person in your way would probably be peros oh yeah he uh yeah regal takes off absolutely he's booking it he's booking you make a gland for the door go ahead and give me a dexterity plus athletics role to see if you can outrun any pursuers can i chase after him yeah we're supposed to go after him i'll go after him let me get contested dexterity athletics between regal niles and from enog as we have this chase ensue you'll be fine it's one success absolutely successes do i get anything special if i roll a ten if you get two tens that's a critical it counts for four but one ten it's just three successes with a combined five successes
Starting point is 00:49:11 and regal's unfortunate one makes it through the double doors how are you guys catching him i'm pouncing on him okay that works perfect both you and enog catch up niles you collide with your chest uh running straight into regal and regal it's like you've been hit by a linebacker you collide into the double door the glass breaks out the other side you both sort of collide to the floor and you can see this gaunt individual in a perfect product suit that has seen better days standing over you as this uh strong strong person is on top of you pinning you to the ground yeah i'm gonna be i'm gonna put like a hand on his throat to make sure he doesn't move thanks for playing it's more fun this way as we said we are here to transport you to another
Starting point is 00:49:58 location we would like if you would cooperate it would ensure all our survival right question in all of this chaos uh kaleb i want to try and use shadow cloak to uh disappear yes this is how we're starting this beautiful we made it more than half an hour that was about well why do you think i split you all up yeah um there are plenty of shadows in this place and you don't know much about what you are but there is this instinctual power in you that every time something starts to go wrong it it asks you suggests to you talks to you to disappear and that voice comes again in your chest now go away and you can feel that shadow cloak start um i do not believe the shadow cloak was uh resolves the rouse let me double check on
Starting point is 00:50:59 that do you know if it requires anything i don't think so i only have like the short only five version of it um let me look at it again hold on i do not believe you i don't think it does uh i just add two dice to stealth pass uh in the same amount to intimidation beautiful so uh you are basically vanishing into the shadows what does this look like for now um i think they they got really comfortable in the darkness and it was very safe and almost better and so as soon as the light is on they're looking for the darkest place they can go so i think as the shadow it it's almost like the shadows encroach on any light that it is and start to swallow them up and then recede as they fall back with it when burrows
Starting point is 00:51:55 looks back to the coffin and they're gone he goes uh the coffin cutie's gone start looking around so i believe we can do a contested perception check if you guys are actively looking for the one that disappeared yes so let's do uh mal whatever you're pooling and cloak against their wits and erin's got something to say oh go for it inok can i when i see them disappear can i just do um ospix sense the unseen sure absolutely so when you sense the unseen how does that work mechanically do you do a pool let's check that out um sorry i should know off the top of my head no you're fine we're all learning i'm glad we're getting a little showcase and kaylan when i roll oblivion i roll the two dice that i have in the dots and then stealth uh yes
Starting point is 00:52:49 or whatever it tells you to off that uh it gave you a dice pool right it didn't it just said i get plus two to stealth test yes so you're going to roll the dots in cloak and then stealth okay and then you get a plus two okay sorry is that plus two dice in the pool or is that just plus two to a dial plus two uh dice in the pool baby oh and did uh regal and i have different hunger than everyone else because we've been trapped in boxes yes you are at hunger three oh fuck me oh fun all right oh you're a little hungry thanks for asking yeah i feel like the kid who was like you forgot to give us homework all right
Starting point is 00:53:40 so it says that i can um detect you can make them yeah yeah so uh we'll say you don't even have to roll for this because you were already aware of them before so you can see where mal has appeared in the room um but the others are subject to whatever we have from now they're now what's your pool uh how many successes we got i had four successes one of two of them were on the hunger dice brutal okay four successes civil and burrows did we have uh let's do wits and awareness to see if you can see them too or anyone else that would like to see them allison if you'd like to get in on that sure wits and awareness nothing that all right here we go oh boy is this a situation where i'm rolling my hunger die alongside yeah so every uh time we make a pool that hunger die comes
Starting point is 00:54:45 in all right so one success uh with my normal die and two successes with my hunger pool okay so a three success three unfortunately you cannot see now they've completely disappeared the shadow cutie as you put it is gone um okay look if i get uh one success but uh one of the failures is like a four and it's a hunger dice what is that that is okay it just means that we only had one success okay the failures do not uh kill off your successes you just count your successes oh then four successes four successes beautiful so you can see mal you you've just sort of followed this moving shadow that is shirking around the room and chasing into more of that darkness and and mal is visible to you as this big black looming shadow you know we can see you right last chance
Starting point is 00:55:46 i mean if you think about it it's just gonna get dragged out we want to go we don't have all night alice i go get him you got until five we come in peace uh we're not gonna hurt you or nothing we're just trying to get you from one place to another oh yeah you come in fucking peace you've got fucking magilla the gorilla over here with a fucking s and g leveled at everybody you're threatened to put me in the fuck you you're threatened to put me in a trunk this is the first time we met this guy where's the miss same first time with me you fuck this guy don't fuck you not you him all right we need to be more five seconds i'm climbing up the tallest fucking pillar of boxes i can find don't climb lady hey you you need to fucking run get the fuck
Starting point is 00:56:44 out of here i wouldn't do that so let me get a dexterity and athletics from mal as they begin to climb the sides of these aisles davon shouts out to all of you i don't care where the fuck you're going you gotta get out of here because in a matter of minutes we're gonna have people fucking crawling on this place you stay here any longer what's that supposed to mean it means exactly what it fucking means denver's been burning for weeks and you people are standing around who the fuck did the prince send me i was in louisiana fuck louisiana you're in denver now baby burrows as burrows is like fed up with this he starts walking to his convertible and he says anybody wants to head to vegas jump in otherwise sunrise is in t minus and
Starting point is 00:57:38 i'll save however long an hour or something beautiful jump and i'll get in the car turn it on and i'll wait for him to start lifting that gate actually i'm gonna start heading towards the car but um the the one who touched me inappropriately where is he at he is standing just by those safes that regal and mal were kept in he's standing perfectly still that some machine guns down at his side he looks more like he's at a daycare than he is uh aggressive in any form of fashion he's staring up at the one up there i'm gonna like to pass him and like kind of like run my finger down his arm to see if i can get him to lock eyes with me okay because i would like to try to mesmer him okay uh yeah let's let's fucking do this okay uh so he'll absolutely look at you as you
Starting point is 00:58:30 trail your finger around him and he looks you square in the eye he says what the fuck is this um so let's build a mesmerize uh pool yes please so it should tell you under mesmerize what you know will be building yeah because none of the commanding a resistant victim or another vampire is a contested manipulation dominance or intelligence plus resolve okay so i'm gonna say this is this is definitely the manipulation version of that so you're gonna build what was that manipulation in what it was manipulation plus dominance i'm like okay so go in it's your discipline so if you go down to discipline should tell you how many dots you have two dots and yeah oh okay so you've got a pool of whatever your manip is plus two okay actually pretty decent
Starting point is 00:59:28 oh hell yeah oh hell yeah oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry i have my cat on my lap i have four successes nice beautiful four incredible successes are any of those tens are we good to go we're no tens i have uh i have like three nines three nine okay so uh he stares you straight in the eyes you have done this before allison what what does this mesmerization look like to you what how have you turned people in the past um the best way is allison's eyes um they actually have when she does this and she puts the intention like her irises kind of have like almost like a pearl like reflective kind of like like a light that kind of gets them memorized and it kind and a little slightly swirl so it's like a like that little hypnosis a little bit so it's like a little
Starting point is 01:00:27 bit of like that like pearlish swirling kind of light that you can't just help but just kind of fall into so as this optical illusion zones in right as he starts to feel that pearl go ahead when i give the command i don't like i'll do it through like it's all in his head so once i kind of do that i'm gonna be like i want you to swallow your tongue and choke on it and i'm gonna go ahead and try to take the machine gun and then walk away okay um are are you waiting to see if this works or are you going straight no i don't know it worked go ahead and roll uh a strength plus brawl to try and take that some machine gun i must it always go this way oh boy start with guns of blazing as we drive away this is classic us to be fair start with mal uh three successes
Starting point is 01:01:34 three success okay against a literal gorilla i mean the fact that it's all six six six negative three successes was your pool correct yeah yes yes yes you take four points of uh superficial damage as he catches your wrist and snaps it a clean uh a clean break as though the hand falls limp in front of you now the healing factor on vampires as you know on kindred are incredible but the pain is immense as you can feel the wrist bone has absolutely snapped in both parts your hand looks more limp than it ever has before and as you're staring at it he grips it and brings your eyes back to his he says if you ever try that again i'm gonna make sure that you never see another fucking night piece of shit get in the car and throws you towards the
Starting point is 01:02:38 bay doors not enough to throw you as he did the safes but enough to tell you who you're dealing with going to mal climbing up the sides of these aisles three successes one messy with one messy critical okay messy critical will only matter to us if we get two of them so we're good to great then just three successes you clamber up the side like it's nothing mal you're quick you've always been quick and even moving as this shadow you make to the top easy as all hell what's the plan now you've got uh vorose who has left the room entirely throw through through open the bay doors and gotten to the the lube powder convertible and is getting ready to go allison who is nursing a lack of a wrist right now inock who is searching for you on the bottom level and
Starting point is 01:03:28 sible who has joined that search niles who has regal pinned to the floor as this mania has broke out across a series of people who believe they're the most powerful one in the room and are quickly learning that none of them are right what's the move um i'm continuing i'm trying to like just skip from every every tall uh every tall stack just further into shadow so that i can kind of coalesce it around me and have a little bit of like shadow cast going so that if anyone comes near i can stop them you all see that there's the spectral like gas of shadow that that drifts off mal's arms and begins to coalesce around them um you've heard horror stories you don't know much of the clans but those of you who do who have some awareness of the types of curse
Starting point is 01:04:25 a vampire can have you know that this is the one they don't talk about this is the one that everyone is afraid to see on the other side of them it is coalescing at the top of this inock uh regal sible niles any actions here before i moved to boroughs in the car yeah uh go ahead please i was gonna ask if if we have house lights anywhere the the warehouse is lit there are fluorescence that run the length of the aisles it's still darkened off the sides and you can tell that this is a derelict building so whatever has been turned on it was done by davon most likely but there is absolutely light okay um then i think i'm just gonna keep trying to reason with mal and ask do you have a plan other than to hide in the shadow because the sun is still coming
Starting point is 01:05:16 we're just trying to take you to a different place you can be shifty and weird after we leave but can we please focus on the mission i'm sible by the way what's your name good i think with the reminder that the sun is coming and seeing that this is not a place we want to be when the sun comes up mal i'm mal and i slowly start using all the like root tendril vine things of shadow to sort of spider web my way down okay and i'm not gonna go all the way to the floor i'm gonna go like halfway up and just keep holding on right you drift halfway down the sort of parkour uh monkey bar down the side and again those shadows are starting to drift in these miasmic uh uh circles that enshroud mal as they they come there have been stories sible of what
Starting point is 01:06:27 this is of of who they are even more so you remember theresa telling you of where they come from sible this is a lasombra the betrayer clan the clan that took over the sabbatan ruled the world in terms of hunting down every last elder this is what happens when power goes unchecked and you can see someone has coveted enough to order her halfway across the country and join you here moving from this situation as mal starts to climb down inox sible annials and regal wait for this sort of leveling at the floor we go to burrows burrows do you have any sort of aspects or awareness is burrows a type of guy that knows what's going on uh not really know he uh he's got presence he's got dominate he's got animalism but he's not uh he's not paying
Starting point is 01:07:19 special attention to much i just wanted to reaffirm that burrows is sort of an easygoing guy you can hear the chaos that is now happening in this warehouse as you're waiting for the get up and go divan is clearly uh conveyed well enough to you that you need to be out of this place with what's happening in denver and you took that advice uh what's happening in this car what's going on in this car turning it on got the music on and i'm as it's as the the gate is like lifting it's not automatic do i have to lift it manually it's one of those gates i got to lift up yeah yeah definitely i'm just thinking i throw it up sit in the car and i'm going to count to 10 if nobody jumps in the car by 10 i'm out of here okay you're counting to 10 you've got that gospel
Starting point is 01:08:08 music on as it's starting to sing hymns through the radio yeah could you give me a um let's see i know that there's some form of intuition in here yeah could you give me a wits and insight wits and insight okay i got some insight i can make that happen um and i and i rolled my my hunger dice as part of this pool or like separately like add those so they're going to be a part of the pool there okay got it got it just know which dice are your hunger dice and if they fail we're in bad luck so uh they're all above six so they're all successes three successes beautiful so three successes burrows is not at all the sort of person that notices when things are going wrong and you already know that the warehouse itself is just gone completely to shit already you're
Starting point is 01:09:06 thinking of being in that meeting sitting across from that man and hearing how important everything that is here is and as you're considering just how much this could mean for you and for everyone else that counter in your head starts to go off ten nine i think i'll start singing ten nine eight six just so that everybody knows you get down to one with those beautiful pipes and you're about to hit the key in the ignition when you see two suvs in all black fly through the guard post through the uh the stack of uh uh basically flying through the shack that a guard would stay at through the front of peeling out through some barbed wire fences and parking into the side of this parking lot just maybe 30 feet from where you're parked in the bay door now the ramp that
Starting point is 01:10:06 heads down gives you a nice little piece of cover but you're not sure how long that's going to last and to be clear let's say i were to back this vehicle directly up would i go into the room that the rest of the group is in you would not there is this sort of level where the trunk is level with the start of that bay door now they could hop in if the bay door was open but at this point of view you would have to pull some fancy drive and then jump through the door essentially um but you feel these suvs peel in uh it is by no means a subtle entrance and then they crash into a park you can feel the squealing of the tires outside and the doors open immediately and you get a glimpse of two planes clothed cops with ties and suits on with revolvers at their
Starting point is 01:11:02 side and then four people who pile out of each car so just to put this in perspective we're looking at about 10 people that have just peeled out two suvs the people who are not your planes closed cops are some sort of swat to you um full riot gear uh elbow pads knee pads full blacks uh submachine guns in their hands and jack booted to uh to the highest degree and they're stepping out from the suv back in the warehouse davan causes uh an uproar looks to all of you uh as a tarantula begins to climb across the wall and he points it out he's fuck there's something wrong somebody's here they fucking made us we gotta get out now look they don't know you're here they know i'm here i'm getting the fuck out of here and davan uh davan starts running for the double doors out
Starting point is 01:11:58 the main entrance past all of you he books it past niles and regal unless you guys are stopping him the briefcase still sits in the center of the room past the two uh two cases the two safes in which regal and mal was held but davan is busting it he's gone completely wait wait did he he already left yet no um he's going for it uh if you'd like to do anything before he leaves the room isn't there like a bunch of like shrapnel from like the wood or anything nearby absolutely there's pallet wood there's the safes absolutely if possible i would like to go ahead and uh take like one of them and like like aim for the legs on davan let him fall let him get shot up this guy okay beautiful go ahead and build a pool off of dexterity and melee
Starting point is 01:12:55 okay you can do this oh no but i'm i didn't say i was thinking right 66 i don't know if that's an omen but yeah that's two passes right yeah six yeah okay yeah you managed to uh stab him uh and the the piece you're trying to trip him okay no that's fine i'm better with that trust me stab me bitch uh the piece of pallet wood goes clear through the joggers he's wearing off the side and collapses in through his thigh or i'm sorry not his thigh his calf and you can see the jagged wood poking out the other side oh that looks like that hurts he looks to you he says you fucking bitch you're gonna die here and he runs
Starting point is 01:13:50 completely unperturbed past the doors oh i'm laughing at him absolutely fucking bitch that's the best he's got can i ask a question yeah is he is he kindred and he's bleeding as he's wanting to ask me uh no he's not bleeding the the um the the yeah it's just gone through oh okay well so sible's gonna grab the briefcase okay absolutely sible grabs the briefcase davon is making for the exit here he is he's not sticking around uh we come back to burrows burrows you have these cars outside they've just parked in uh they're made a lot of fucking noise and and they're primed and ready to go i mean i have awe i had the presence rating to any skill roll involved with persuasion but i can't be persuading 10 of these dudes the fucking i just
Starting point is 01:14:46 can't waste any more time i i think i'll probably drive we gotta go i'm gonna call back to everybody we got company and i'm gonna get into drive and by the time these people reach the the dock if nobody's in my car i'm driving i'm going okay yeah you hear burrows bellow out through the bay doors loud enough for you to hear hopefully not loud enough for them to draw attention to the old man um he's calling for company on the other side uh and it seems that davon running out in the the alternate route uh is running coinciding exactly with whatever's happening here i'm i'm gonna look at regal since i'm still like on top of him and we'll be like look i know you have like probably like a million questions or answers or whatever um but if you don't come with us we're
Starting point is 01:15:34 gonna die and i'd really like to get in the car yeah fine fine fine let's go okay i'm gonna let him go and i'm gonna head towards the car all right you're throwing up in the bay doors who you know me or oh yeah is anyone throwing open yeah i'm gonna go i'm gonna try to open the bay doors yeah okay yeah um so you get them up open easy um and you see that on the other side you can see what burrows is talking about because as soon as the bay door is open you can see the two suvs who have uh been uh evacuated and you can see the stomp of the the swat team that is making immediately for the door and you also see the two have ID'd you um and the two look immediately they call out to the bay door they see burrows and yourself out in the the frame of the
Starting point is 01:16:26 door and they call throughout uh out to the people in front and also into a radio off their side we've got two blank bodies ID'd they're in the bay doors we need we need to invade infiltrate and there's movement there they're going immediately for the main entrance and then four are bringing off to the bay doors and they look like they're primed ready to shoot can i get two actions from my vampires first burrows niles any retaliation before the the shots fire can i can i activate cat's grace absolutely you can yeah so if you run into any balanced situations or anything like that you will have some added uh dice to the pool i hate to do this but i have no other option i'm gonna just i'm gonna drive the car i'm gonna try to hit them okay and then kind of
Starting point is 01:17:16 stop absolutely so we get cat's grace from niles we get a drive roll from burrows burrows go ahead and give me a dexterity plus drive okay mostly guys out uh i have to add one of my hunger die so replace so what's your pool uh one so it'll just be your hunger die okay okay it's a six it's a success okay beautiful so uh we will call this one you only have a pool of one in well i have one dexterity and i've got zero in dry brutal okay god bless america if you would like a better driver a six is technically a failure if you would like you could use willpower to re-roll the dice yeah i think it's worth it is it just one willpower or two what does it cost one willpower gets you three dice unfortunately you only have a pool of one what we'll add together
Starting point is 01:18:15 two are you sure go or can i can i do another two rolls you could do yeah we'll do the second the latter we'll give you three re-rolls essentially all right so that's a failure a six is another failure oh three failures god bless um you feel uh compulsion uh burrows you can feel the shit hitting the fan you can feel this all falling apart and you can hear the prince's words echoing in your brain again just how important this is and you feel that fire start to seep through your veins again rav nose is speaking to you and that raven is running across your blood it is telling you over and over and over again burrows drive through them drive through them in a way drive through them in a way you are compelled to follow this voice but with that
Starting point is 01:19:14 failure you pull through up and around the ramp you drive immediately for those jackbooted swap members and they dive out of the way just in time as you peel through with that powder blue convertible and smoke starts a dust and smoke starts to kick up in the parking lot and you've made yourself incredibly known to these 10 people um if i miss them i will continue like i'm not stopping i'm still going yeah my turn is over i see you whipping around and then driving out the other way and coming around for a second turn whatever it may be but you're definitely your Vin Diesel in the parking lot right now for sure it's Niles it's about family drifting episode one on brand Niles is there anything you would like to do in addition to cat's grace here in your
Starting point is 01:20:02 reaction did did burrows uh like offer like a way out like enough distraction where i could like at least get out of this area because definitely think that they are focused on those uh the car that just sped through and tried to kill them but there are about six other people who have not been a part of that sort of crash course so you would definitely have to get around them and they seem to some of them are diverting for the double doors but a lot of them have turned around to see this this crash course and are trying to get in on that action so you're it's easier to get by for sure there's definitely more of a distraction but there's still a lot of players on the field then yeah then i'm gonna try to keep trying to get towards burrows in the car so if there's
Starting point is 01:20:48 anybody who's like in my way then i'm gonna try to like again like pounce on them and like try to or knock them to the side or off their bounce so that so you're running for the car and if anyone comes for you you're taking them out as soon as you can i want to just this is a non-important question but uh-huh does anyone have a weapon no just checking okay um go ahead and give me a dexterity athletics there Niles my body is my weapon yeah i am a weapon yet these hands these hands are rated e for everybody there we go uh one success uh and one of those failures is on my hunger die okay i will keep that in mind um in in terms of this i'm going to use your dexterity athletics
Starting point is 01:21:50 also as your dodge roll for the inevitable submachine gun shots that are coming towards the both of you right now so uh building a pool this is uh to see how well the both of you dodge unfortunately so both of you will take four superficial damage so just to remind you how combat works in here or at least health works for us as the undead we have two forms of health that's superficial damage in and um aggravated damage superficial are things that would kill a human bullets uh stabs uh punches big bludgeoning damage right aggravated damage is what can kill a vampire fire uh extreme amounts of damage uh beheadings things like that that actually harm us right superficial fills up and then becomes aggravated damage so you have to take all of your health bar and superficial
Starting point is 01:22:47 and then you begin to take aggravated damage after that we all clear on that so you basically got double whatever your health is as long as you're not getting hit with aggravated damage now if they for some reason start shooting fire bolts at you we're in situations that are dangerous um fire is immediate aggravated damage and drives the beast insane it's a primordial fear it's one of the things that the vampire films got right so uh you guys take four superficial damage burrows and Niles both Niles you can feel the bullets start to line up the right side of your leg as these submachine guns pop off and these bursts that climb up the side of you and the pain absolutely is immense but your body does not even flinch as you continue to run for the car burrows your
Starting point is 01:23:38 beautiful baby powder blue is getting a little more steel off the side as it chips the paint through all of these bullets are going straight into the main frame of this car the chassis has taken a lot of hurt and then through the window you can feel this six bolts pepper your chest and you're aware that if you were still living you wouldn't be but as you are what you are you take them and just feel the fire begin to grow inside of you you can hit them you can run fuck the rest burrows you never needed them your solo act baby you were built for tours you were built for yourself fuck these people it's climbing in your chest it's building in your chest to leave we're moving on to the center of the warehouse uh you feel as a Doris kicked down in the other room and as you are all standing in the
Starting point is 01:24:32 center Sybil has the briefcase the rest of you are looking out to where Devon is just left the tarantula off the wall has made its exit as well and you are beginning to realize that you are in the middle of your second death if you do not act correctly what is the move um i'm uh Caleb i'm going to go ahead and uh actually uh do like my silence of death uh or off a skate and so basically what that means is i create no sound i would have to but i can throw things out and they can't they could still see me but they can't hear me so i can at least start moving and around and my just so you know my objective is to get sneaked through and take one of the other cars okay absolutely so you're trying to get outside yeah into the field right and i'm gonna take one of the SUVs right
Starting point is 01:25:25 and because it's like what you said that uh what right as a little was it like an indie where there was just like all those crates and all that i'm going to use all that to my advantage to get out beautiful second okay so enok you're pulling the same thing you're gonna try and sneak out with that silence of death suddenly uh surrounding these two any breathing you could hear off of them in the blush of life or any movement any sound of their footsteps anything that they were giving off the demonic black clothed couple now suddenly vanishes from all audio and become this walking silence this error on the audio file this static in the air and they walk on silent footsteps out into the the uh the bay doors out to the field where burrows is fighting for his life and Niles
Starting point is 01:26:21 is rushing for the car my yes enok as we're um as we're doing that yeah i just want to look uh i'm sorry oligar i already forgot your character's name mal mal i look mal directly in the eyes and i say you're not the only one that can disappear there sarana as i slunk off into the shadows i see as you both have eliminated all sound on your bodies you become much harder to detect you move out into the field go ahead and give me um a stealth and dexterity with two added to your pool so whatever your stealth and dexterity is add two to the pool hell yeah out of six dies it's two successes oh that's something okay that is something
Starting point is 01:27:24 out of five i have three successes and two of them are tens but one of them was the hunger dive for a 10 so i don't know that is okay uh what you have there is a uh a crit so those two tens count for four so whatever your success yes so just add two successes onto whatever you have what's your total um in in this game does a one also negate a success no okay good it just means you didn't get it the ones really only matter if there's only ones so wait yeah so because if two equals four right mm-hmm so i have five you had three right two tens and then however many successes on top of that right yeah i had two tens and then one success so yeah so a total of five yeah sweet okay so uh we we moved through uh with that the the couple are making their way
Starting point is 01:28:24 for the field civil uh regal now what's the move are we going i feel like i don't have to convince you good yeah now i'm already coming down great we're going rush um well so oh go ahead go go go go uh so what way so we're not going out the beta worse that's stupid what where did davon go no he went out the double doors that you were trying to escape before we're going out the back okay don't have the back regal turns and helps it out the back beautiful okay so regal makes for the back entrance our mal and civil following as well can we see john like can we see his power you are hearing these squeal of the tires you can see through the bay doors that he has made this big whip with the convertible you heard
Starting point is 01:29:21 the gunshots which were like six different bursts that went out um and you could hear the gunshots commit to the car you can see a lot of that okay yeah then out that door towards the front of the building okay okay so you're going with regal towards the front or out the bay doors just to confirm out with regal and then around yeah around okay and mal uh same i i think i think like the only person that's talked to me in a long time not likely like a person and the other person that was stuck in a box are going somewhere else so i'm like fuck everyone else i'm going there that is fair thank you to lord of stinder for our tier one subscription yeah awesome thank you lord hey yeah thank you buddy appreciate it um to resolve we'll go with the hallway crowd first
Starting point is 01:30:14 then we'll come out to the outside crowd um in the hallway regal you push through the double doors thinking that you're going to uh you're going to follow where davon went um off the right hand side is this big bay window that has not been opened or broken through uh there's a door through the front that you imagine might be an administrative office of some kind and then down to the left is the entrance into the lobby um and just as you clear through the double doors you can hear this pulling of a pin this clear a pin drop there and then a toss um that collides in the other room and then there's this incendiary explosion as you can feel uh in in the other room something has gone off something is uh exploded in the other room there um
Starting point is 01:31:06 and it feels as though they're they're going to breach the doors down there on the side based off your awareness uh as a kindred the salubri are famous for their site and you can already see what's coming down that hallway uh the three of you pile into this hallway again window off the right hand side office in front of you incendiary down the entrance what's the plan window window okay yep all right how do we get through it um can i use um lethal body to just shatter the window yeah absolutely now you prime yourself up and you jump through what does this look like um it's so the the shadows are still kind of like swirling a little bit though it's lessened and i think the shadows impact first and it's like that buckling of glass where it all spiderwebs out
Starting point is 01:32:00 and then they just like tap it with their middle finger and it shatters beautiful you push through and even the iron bracing's have pulled through warped and then opened to create this sort of womb for all of you to climb out from um let me get uh dexterity and athletics from all of you to climb out of this window safely before they break down the door and give you whatever hell they have prepared that's no successes but i'll spend a willpower god bless yeah do that two so i have two successes with mal three with sible and regal what's our new number burning another willpower sir god bless okay got my luck today dense huh that's uh one success okay one success um mal is the first through as they've created the
Starting point is 01:32:58 window themselves rolling through and coming out to the other side you fall farther than you expect to mal but for your body that's that's no use it doesn't do anything to you that the dying hasn't done already you collide with maybe a 15 foot 20 foot drop into a ditch off the side of this warehouse and you can see some of the the feet off the pipes that come out of this big warehouse digging into the ground there and you may have to climb your way up this sort of expanse of of soil that leads back up into the parking lot but for the most part you're safe and soon after sible comes piling through sible uh how do you push yourself through that window uh if the glass has already been broken through i think it's like pure olympic dive style just and then
Starting point is 01:33:47 a three point turn or a three point landing that is not as cool as she thinks it looks it's a little but she's right you try the superhero landing and find out that wow you can have incredible undead powers and live forever that thing never truly turns out the way you want it to on film you know that's the final push you shoulder through and as you're coming through you you feel yourself snagged off of the the sweatshirt you have off your side the hoodie snags off those iron bracings and you can feel yourself dangle through and it rips the fabric and you nearly hang yourself and as you're trying to finagle this off your side in through the doors are those two planes clothed cops that peros had seen before only they're wielding something you've
Starting point is 01:34:36 never seen in your life slugging into this large six shot revolver eight shot revolver it's a massive magnum class weapon that loads in what is almost a slug um there is this bizarre vial at the cap that is then pressed in like a glass bullet into the revolver itself he rolls takes aim speaks through the headset he has as at a cheek mic and then takes a shot immediately after yes uh am i still close enough to fuck up their electronics let's see yes he speaks through on the other side and there is a bizarre static that feeds through the radio as as he hears something on the other side this bizarre as it breaks through and this crackling stops through he realizes the radio isn't working and it gives him pause for a moment
Starting point is 01:35:39 but it reinforces his next action to take a pot shot at you regal um it's been fun kids you take three points of aggravated damage as one of those slugs hits you square through the chest oh and you can feel as it hits you just below the ribs basically and you fall through the window rather than climbing through sprawling back down to the floor you take an additional one point of superficial damage so that'll be a half box um and that's your life regal uh we go back out to the field burrows you are manically pushing the the wheel as far as you can desperately trying to solidify yourself after taking so many shots in the chest niles has just arrived at the car itself and you can see sneaking off the side under the shadow
Starting point is 01:36:36 of the missing spotlights are two silent beautiful black clothed predators the saying that we're making out in the backseat of your convertible before are walking as though nothing is happening and they are strangely in paused silence on the way back what's the move burrows what are you doing old man so i am this voice is telling me to run i'm kind of like just doing like doughnuts and and and am i trying to hit them really mechanically i'm just trying to stay close so that everyone can just get to the car and go um so i'm not going to run if i have control to do that but i am probably going to try to hit these guys again just to continue to distract them yeah with your great dexterity drivel i'm sure this is going to go well yeah here we go i believe that's
Starting point is 01:37:28 four i'll spend willpower to do it one more time or that's one success that's a failure one success okay one success all right with that one success you managed to roll into these four gentlemen we'll say you hit one they're going to roll in response basically they're going to take their action to dodge out of the way dip and die from the car let's see if they have any chance of surviving this they are rolling worse than you uh with no successes what happens to this man as his life ends i just like to think that as i'm turning the vehicle to get towards my allies the the back bumper just hits them and like crushes his pelvis yeah just hits them and he crumbles to the ground you can feel the pelvis well you can hear the pelvis shatter as the turn of the car causes
Starting point is 01:38:25 this massive break in the side no amount of right gear is going to save you from that experience and as he rolls over the side of the flat back of that town car he lands onto the floor on the other side and cracks his mandible on the way down completely dead nearly snapping his neck listen listen when you're going 40 miles per hour anything can happen death is inevitable man dies and you are left on the other side pull through i imagine i have to think that boroughs drive stick right yeah you slam back you're you're holding it in stick position you're much closer niles is within grabbing distance to get to the car the other two are on the way no side of the other three but you've managed to take out one of ten of these folks as it looks as though only four are left out here on the field the other
Starting point is 01:39:18 two have cleared into the building thinking there's anything for them in there so dealing with these four will move to niles you're just a few seconds from this car you could get in now if you wanted to there are still four submachine guns poised against you i'm sorry three after boros has just demolished a man's life and ended his existence you will not be going home to his kids instead we will be seeing what you're doing next niles huh i could get in the car you could oh or did they like the three that got like not i assume those are the ones that dug away from boroughs right dived from the way they were also the ones who fed you bullets last turn hmm yeah could i could i use vicissitude
Starting point is 01:40:10 can i use vicissitude to change my body type to kind of match the overall build of uh divan or whatever his name is the guy who was in there sheriff divan yeah absolutely you form yourself into a mass that simulates divan's great strength and you can feel as this almost metastasized cancerous flesh begins to build on your shoulders and across you what do you look like now how does this manifest um yeah it's it's kind of almost like a bubbling that just starts to just like build like muscle over and just grow it's like stretching out like the shirt that i have and the jeans that i have and even the boots on my feet are kind of getting like like swallows of white words like bursting at the seams um and yeah it just it doesn't look great
Starting point is 01:41:00 make one mistake niles this still hurts yeah everything that we are after death is pain and if anything is indicative of this it's vicissitude as your body changes shape to your mere will to the thought that you might be better you become something to be feared what do you do with this power uh i'd like to capitalize on the three guys who are uh not uh ready for this and like attack them or like yeah yeah yeah fucking capitalize let's do it what do i need a do i need anything uh so let's do a strength plus brawl um what is vicissitude uh does it give you any mechanical function or do we come up with that i don't think it gets me any uh the what i'm using is only to change is my appearance okay this changes your yeah it's just for my uh yeah that feels
Starting point is 01:41:58 lame to me add two dots to your role yeah i love you so much he's a benevolent story telling that yeah keep him entertained y'all let's keep him entertained hey katelyn do i need to roll any kind of frenzy test with the fire yeah i don't think that you were close like the fire was happening in the other room oh no the the incendiary the incendiary around to the chest the slug is not what you think there's no final fear of fire yet got it thank you i'm sorry no you're fine but i i know what you're thinking of that comes later i have three successes but uh my hunger dice i failed both of them failed like ones uh one was a one okay we're okay we're good okay and as long as you succeed with your hunger die you're never in danger of the beast you'll fail beast you'll
Starting point is 01:42:53 failure comes into play if we have zero successes and the beasts so a double one with no successes that's when we're that's why it's so very scary because you almost never roll it but when you do you now lose basically complete control um all right niles uh i'm gonna roll for their defenses but come on come on um one of them manages to beat that what you're doing you said three successes three successes yes okay so tell me what happens to two of these fools as you uh descend um yeah i just like get in between like two of them and i just like i essentially just chest punch them straight through um and then i might throw the i might take that one guy and then throw him into the other dude and then jump on top of him and just like rip his throat out straight right
Starting point is 01:43:53 in your life you never truly understood what it meant to cave in someone's chest but here it's commonplace you've broken the rib cage so tremendously that it could almost be used as a handhold to then pick him up and pummel the other and these two men lose their lives screaming dying crying in front of you as they're fighting for everything that they have and then they're snuffed out completely the last who has fallen prone and crawled backwards with his submachine gun has a sense of fear in his eyes you have never seen in your life he is looking at the devil he's looking at a monster and the unfortunate part is that he's looking at you now it's a bizarre feeling to know that you're what people are afraid of in the dark there's no mistaking this here it's a
Starting point is 01:44:44 shirk of humanity it's a change in what we are and it makes you think that maybe you're losing part of yourself in doing things like this but it also feels so easy and that voice begins to speak up in you Niles you have to grow and change and adapt until you have become what they fear most strong Niles we go from this group to our sexy couple sneaking through the dark walking as nothing is wrong in the world i'll let you guys decide which one of you would like to go first you're both succeeded on stealth so what is happening out here in the field is not perturbing you to in in the least and the people inside of the building have no knowledge of you as well you're you're free to roam what's the plan
Starting point is 01:45:45 question um baby quick what do you think should we take the two and run them all down or should we just take the one i think we both deserve to have a little bit of fun don't you wait should we make a contest out of this what do you think yeah whoever bags the most bad guys wins or good guys i forget how this works now who cares who well the fact that they're shooting and they've ruined my fucking shirt is enough how about this the one who spills the most blood gets to oh gets to use basically gets to be the one chained up for four hours all right maybe we can mop the blood up after good time we mark like this get set go and then i'm gonna go ahead go to one car we were gonna do that
Starting point is 01:46:44 okay so there is one left out in the field meaning that this contest is which one of you can get to him faster so there's only the one car left i thought there was two oh we thought there were two yeah there are two suvs the rest are the rest of the folks are inside the building itself yeah and there is one SWAT member left after Niles had their way do you think a wall is gonna stop this you could absolutely go back inside and and have your stay of the the warehouse if you would like to oh no like okay let's uh uh listen we have a plan it might not be a good plan but we're sticking to it well no no we could both take him out if you want because we can't hear i just want to remind you regal took three points of aggravated damage just you know made a role play stats if you were
Starting point is 01:47:37 looking at the website three points of aggravated damage but you do you you live your life in fact i mean there is one guy still alive if you both want to pounce on that guy that's by my car i just agree with girls i think it's a great idea i think you should go back in the warehouse okay it was wildly swinging from protect your children to absolutely endanger your children i am right now like totally like is kaylo fucking with me or is he actually trying to say he is talking with you okay he's talking with you you're sticking we're sticking with our plan we'll see how it goes perfect so what is the plan then who's acting first where are you going go ahead erin oh i think our plan is just to run as fast as we can get in a car and we both charge
Starting point is 01:48:22 this guy simultaneously and if we t-bone each other so be it okay perfect so you're both going for the first one let's get contested uh dexterity and athletics to see which one of you is quicker to the kill and enoch is just cackling the whole time there is no question to everyone watching this feels like bizarre mating ritual there is an idea around this that feels as though they're both getting so off on the idea that one of them is going to get there first uh i only got one success i'm sorry i totally missed what the pool was it is uh dexterity athletics my friend all you got to do is be the one if you got any celerity this would be the time to do it but i don't think either you do i got two fives two fives okay so i double failure for enoch one success for
Starting point is 01:49:18 the the beautiful allison allison you beat your boyfriend for the kill you arrive on top of this man before enoch has any uh motion to make what's the action uh i would uh since i made it already on top i'm oh they don't suspect me correct they do not haha they're terrified of what you can see is this massive flesh that used to be the quiet one in the corner okay so because i can uh mesmer like that uh on unsuspecting uh people i'm going to go ahead and grip and immediately lock eyes and do my thing to hypnotize him okay i just want to remind you at this level you cannot force the person to commit suicide no no no yeah can commit them to torture themselves or to hurt themselves in some sort of way but nothing that would cause fatal harm anything that would put them in direct
Starting point is 01:50:16 harms way they will not uh obey okay but just whatever you're gonna do go for it okay i'm going to say i'm going to say because i can do like a small complex command i'm gonna be like hand us all your weapons okay and wait wait wait hand us all your weapons and walk into the fields until you physically can't anymore okay all right um i don't think that's too complex for him it's immediate you meet him in the eyes as he looks to you thinking you're one of his compatriots someone that he can trust and immediately he realizes that no you're the love of his life he falls immediately for that opalescent illusion as you can see his whole body go lax as though he's he's never been in a nicer place and he stares at you in awe as you tell him exactly
Starting point is 01:51:26 what to do and he nods the entire time he drops the submachine gun to the side the side arm he's dropping his elbow pads his helmet his vest anything for you if it helps i'm also kind of like stroking his face too so he's really getting into it he's nodding he's holding at your hands and as soon as he feels okay he looks to you for permission to run keep running and don't look back oh yeah i line king okay okay and he turns around he runs full force as far as he can as fast as he can in the opposite direction inoc i know what you're doing tell me what it is can i pick up his gun and shoot him in the back absolutely you can go ahead and give me a keep in mind i have no firearm skill well it's god bless i'm like you don't want to go up for the kill that's so disappointing
Starting point is 01:52:21 but like i love that nobody took like drive or firearms i do have drive that's why i was like i can drive so give me um give me a dexterity in firearms pool you know if you shoot up my new car one success one success is all you need in a situation where it is a harmless target this man is running for his life he's running like he used to in track he's running like he did when he went into the police academy he's running like he has his entire life but this time he has no full understanding because of the sway over his mind that this is the last time he will ever run and it's a burst of three shots that go straight through the back and come out the heart and without the vest to stop it he comes to a screeching halt he screams
Starting point is 01:53:16 out one last cry into the parking lot and with your cloud of silence the bullet doesn't even make a noise as it comes out through the other side how far away is the body um 45 feet i will say that drinking from dead flesh you have maybe 30 minutes before it starts to go bad no no no no babe babe um i actually i really need a clavicle can you can you go get it for me okay yeah okay thank you remember how i touched you that's what i can clean cuts while i get the car right just yeah jesus christ okay i'll carve his cloud yeah sure let's do it wrap it up put in the trunk let's go it time is of the essence i know but this is very important why absolutely all i'm saying is we'll need a roll to see how quickly he can do this but we'll do that when
Starting point is 01:54:17 we come back around we're going back to the side three folks are in a ditch you can see that the planes closed detectives have moved to the window itself and are priming those revolvers out the side and you can see that the the SWAT team are behind them moving into the warehouse that you were in just before in fact burrows you can see over the side shoulder that they're filing into this room where you used to be in the bay um regal now civil what's the move you're stuck in this this ditch you're sure that they may be able to get a couple shots off on you through the window there's running out to the parking lot what do you want to do here parking lot okay i think yeah i'm making sure that they get to they get out of the ditch first okay so civil you're staying around
Starting point is 01:55:07 you're watching for these two to leave you're looking over your shoulder let's go to regal then regal you just took a nasty fall you can feel the fucking gaping wound in your chest as it's flown out the other side there um luckily there's no shrapnel that you can tell and with your healing the wound that open hole in your chest is already starting to form new cells trying to meet back together to remind you that you do not get to escape you have to live you have to live your eye is pulsing that the dangerous hole in your head is telling you that you need to get out of here and you can hear mo curse teaching in the back of your mind reminding you that you are the next in a long path and that if you die nothing is left what's the move yeah um just gonna get up
Starting point is 01:56:02 and get moving and just try to move as fast as he can out of that ditch and around to the to the parking lot perfect okay give me a dexterity and athletics okay that is uh one success beautiful that's enough to get you out of the ditch for now you're making it towards the top you think you're out of the way of those revolvers too we go to now uh before i start running to the parking lot i want to uh strengthen my shadow cloak again and um just have it bleed out so the most deep impenetrable darkness envelops all the space around me and it's just a void of nothingness and i want them to look into the void and see the futility of their existence and i want to uh try and intimidate them back inside beautiful that's fucking awesome so we're going to use
Starting point is 01:57:04 manipulation and intimidation we'll give you an extra dot for the use of oblivion uh it says i get two for hiding correct uh for both for self and i had no idea you had to do two then i thought this was a alternative choice i'm done at least i think it is let me let me try you gotta love lasombra i'm sure of it it's spooky scatter um remember if it's not a roll you like you all can use one wheel powerpoint to re-roll three dice i have seven dice in this pool and i got six successes holy shit oh my god it is hot damn the deepest darkest void they can imagine there are no stars there is no pinprick of light there is nothingness and they like the the human the human mind idea of i'm going to create something out of whatever i'm seeing there's nothing to create
Starting point is 01:58:03 you are alone and it is forever there is no escaping this darkness and they will die in it and they won't even know if they're dead because it won't change this miasma this portal this hole in the universe where mal sits where mal has made a living envelops all of you regal uh uh sible and mal in this echo this shadow of what you truly are and you can see this man who had leveled that revolver against you ready to hit another slug in one of your chests pause hold the gun and stare it's familiar to you mal you felt it that feeling he's in right now on the side of a road and a wreck of a car but for him this moment where life ends and you truly realize that there's nothing out there that nothing's coming for you that it's just you and when you're gone nothing
Starting point is 01:59:12 comes that moment for him is you sible i need you to try and resist this give me a resolve a resolve and survival okay you got this okay that's two successes and a skull so i think that's still two yes two successes you managed to fight back whatever shallowness mal has just invaded into the cavity that used to be your heart there was that voice talking again that one you're familiar with the one that begs you to remove these trappings and become what we really are it's asking for the beak the talons for the feathers for what we really are be the beast but you fight it back down fight it back down the three of them drop their guns and as some of the swat speak to the others
Starting point is 02:00:22 there's this high pitched wine that is running through their their radios that's so loud full of the static that they can't really focus on each other and one of the swats says to them are they out there did you get them to take a fire they had to be out there they ran out the window what are you doing the other says there's nothing there there's nothing there i didn't see anything they must be in the other room and they they file out away from the window back into the bay uh the three of you pile back into the parking lot you all three have a good shot at the car we'll go back to enox clavicle if you could give me a clavicle roll i don't even know what the fuck to do here i love that show do you guys see the show clavicle roll clavicle roll
Starting point is 02:01:06 maybe i should have done it because i do have surgery let's get well you have surgery yes sorry let's get intelligence and medicine enox okay well i have no medicine but i have four intelligence i would say you also know biology i'm sure you've dissected things in the past i don't know if they were phones but let's say intelligence and science then my friend which should be an obscene pool that's a pool of eight no bless so that is one two three four five six seven successes yeah you don't even have to surgically procedure this there's no plan here you are so familiar with the body that there are these books you can picture inside of the cob web that is your mind and it's like picking out iodetic memory pictures here you're going immediately back to the first
Starting point is 02:02:00 time you looked at the human body you reach in it the clavicles in your hand before you can even think it's perfect it's beautiful ripped and gore and hanging pieces of flesh still from but it is perfectly pristine oh can i uh lick it like a popsicle sure if you so choose there is a perverse question of the beast inside look it look it you should lick it like a fucking popsicle and you reach out you grab it and you lollipop that shit um go ahead and slake one hunger off of the drippings of this flesh from the bone uh you are drawn margots of hounds good you are drawn to drink from the rest but we'll say you slake one blood off of this body are my kinksters going to the car now i think i think we've done enough damage yes yes
Starting point is 02:02:54 yes very baby did you know that the clavicle is the only long bone that's horizontal in the human body that's why it's why they're hard to find sometimes that's what like it's gonna look really good i know on the map no no i got plans we go to i'm in the driver seat by the way i can drive so i'm in the driver seat yeah let me drive beautiful now civil regal can i get a final run to the car to avoid the submachine gun spray from those in the bay doors and you say that was austerity and athletics yes unless you have celerity in which case you can use that to assist your role this is the only game i've ever rolled well in i got four successes on four dies
Starting point is 02:03:48 that's incredible very happy and it doesn't matter it it only matters if i have two of the fang ones not one if you have two of these unks with stars or two of the unks with fangs that's what i need to know if you ever rolled two tens or two of the unks with stars let me know that's a crit that counts for four not two okay cool i have one to do it sip we have one success from regal how much from sip one success okay beautiful um so in getting away you all make it to the car i'm assuming everyone is hopping on or at least piling on to the flatback there's definitely enough room for six of you seven of you uh but which i think will work out because it sounds like allison and enok are going to steal one of the other cars oh oh that's right i'm so sorry they're
Starting point is 02:04:42 taking the suv correct um so enok and allison pack into one of the suvs the rest of you pack in a baby blue um there are submachine guns yes uh niles actually could i go in the suv with enok and allison absolutely you can so you hop in with mom and dad the rest are in baby blue kayla just be mindful we would have taken all that shit that was left behind like the the bull all that guns the vest all that bullets the even if there was a pocket knife we would have taken everything i'm going to include you guys in this shot then okay here we go um um you had one success civil and regal okay so the two of you take two superficial or i'm sorry one superficial damage each um and then that goes for my romantic couple as well you both
Starting point is 02:05:36 take superficial damage how much uh just one for each of you so how much is five supermen uh like those damages so uh basically you have superficial until you run into aggravated so how much health do you have uh well i had four because of the arm yes and then one just now so i have like five superficial what's your total oh health oh isn't it just like it's just five okay so then you are now in aggravated damage territory so that one you just took will be aggravated if you take four more points of that you'll die uh dead fully dead gone forever gone uh regal same for you whatever your health is you're at three aggravated damage whatever the remainder is if you've taken it in aggravated damage you're in trouble um the boxes still
Starting point is 02:06:31 fill in superficial as long as you haven't already filled them with superficial so for example if you're at full health you take two aggravated the remaining five of that seven pool still takes superficial before it turns to aggravated unless it's straight up aggravated damage i know that sounds confusing but i will try and remember for you so it makes more sense right aggravated damage goes straight to oh my god it fucking hurt if that happens to me again i'm gonna die superficial always fills half a box okay uh just so you know i would have done like she doesn't really do moans of pain it's gonna sound like a weird like kink thing yes we know we know i just want yeah thank you yeah i'm sure that's all we can picture i'm sure everyone watching right now knows that
Starting point is 02:07:19 she's moaning um okay uh we are all in the car as the submachine guns shoot out of the the bay door but the two cars burst off into the denver uh horizon pass down the the the the mountain that you have sort of built into with this a shipping company the suitcase is with sible and the two packages are in baby blue uh those packages being regal and now as you guys speed off and the stranded si members stuck in the bay doors watch as you leave uh they they push to their radios trying to get them to work and they click and click and still the static that is until you guys turn the corner and finally they have word to speak back to their superiors with that it's 12 15 we're gonna take a 15 minute break we'll be back at 12 30 thank you guys so much i know we ran a
Starting point is 02:08:15 little long but we'll be back at 12 30 okay we'll be back okay for a second there i forgot i'm the one that has to say hey um i was just sitting here going all right can't wait till sir to your events start talking wow you're in the hot seat this time yeah so driving away from the warehouse and out of denver you are greeted with two new friends in the back of uh baby blue as well as a new vehicle congratulations to the new car owners um you you now own a uh a brand new black suv government issue baby it's it's tagless uh no license plate no no registration nothing inside of the uh the dash itself it is flying completely blind um and inside you do manage to find um some various uh technological aids it looks like some sort of form of radio
Starting point is 02:09:25 or long range um it does not seem to be on or anything like that but it's definitely in the vehicle itself there's also two kevlar vests uh and then two shotguns that were kept in the back of the suv itself um but so what is the plan here we're in baby blue i assume that baby blue is leading the charge here uh i apologize for giving your car a nickname already but it fits so god i i think chat also decided that that's the name of the car so that's fine um would would i know that there is a close enough ravenous spot for me to hide us all in absolutely you have the map given to you by dino the the lead member of the vardo who runs back in vegas and has mapped out the whole west coast for the ravenous nation and burrows is definitely old school enough that he
Starting point is 02:10:14 does have like a foldout map that he's like half drive and half got an open look yeah and and the vampire world has become such that burrows that is the standard not anything to do with cell phones or gps or anything like that you are a part of a new topic within the camarilla as well as vampires at large that the thing that got us into this mess was technology to begin with they have all sort of adopted a boomer like uh revulsion to the idea of technology as an aid so much so that the camarilla blame it for their recent debacle and the um the main reasoning for why people like the people you just encountered are coming down on the kindred as a whole so these handmade maps is how dino works as well you've got a couple of different spots throughout this map
Starting point is 02:11:08 that are located off of i 70 and i 15 um there there are three places that stand out to you the first is a gas station that's within 30 minutes of where you are now the second is a trailer park squat is what they call them but it's just a place where they know for sure a building or structure is not housed by anyone and can be used by kindred so that's a trailer squat that is passed the the i 70 into utah and then there is another in black dragon canyon in utah that is an auxiliary route that would take you through to a small town of emery where there is a no a kink oh shit i think erin might know um that would take you to a motel uh that is kindred friendly and that may even have food for you if you stay um that route would take you off the beaten trail
Starting point is 02:12:09 for two extra hours so it may slow you down a little bit i'll open it up to the group and just say uh i got a little experience with the uh with johnny law and i feel like if we stay the course they'd be the most likely they'll pursue us i think we we should go off the beaten path agreed don't think you know that sounds totally logical i'm on board with that also uh to our guests is anyone hungry can we get you anything specific obviously not right now but i think they packed some blood bags for us those are for me oh there is a blood bag uh for each member here essentially they've packed six blood bags for you to leave with uh one i just think it a symbol says they're all hers yeah no i definitely want that no no no no i also want to point out
Starting point is 02:12:59 that because the other two are in the suv how are we all communicating the radio wait wait wait ina you have your figure that radio out no no no no they don't have that radio also no state state it's a call i'm out there i'm out there i'm out there i know i listen i know my way around our radio can i go ahead and give me a intelligence plus wait wait wait wait oh no no no wait i can't control the intelligence no technology in there or wits and insight whichever you prefer only this is not concerning the radio i see oh so that's oh we we we we we we fucked ourselves i didn't know that is um well that's four six that way there's a six a success or is the other seven six is not a success okay so that's five a six success six and below failure
Starting point is 02:14:00 three successes i mean they would also understand we don't have any radio so unless there was a you know i thought yeah no what your insight role gains you is that one you know that this radio probably couldn't communicate with baby blue because they have no receiver two that you know these situations pretty well that either the equipment is tracked by some way because it's the government uh either the equipment or the car and that turning this on would make your presence known to them uh you're a very smart guy inock you know that messing with this thing could draw them immediately on you if they're not already tracking well just all right is should we pull over like let's say we pulled over really quick so we can actually can we just follow baby blue and
Starting point is 02:14:49 yeah that's true we wouldn't know we would just follow them you do have cell phones if you'd like to call them say i want to call allison uh from baby blue you call allison the call goes through i assume you guys all have your numbers for each other right i can assume allison the call comes through do you accept oh absolutely you do and on the other side all right i need you to do the exact opposite of that and just do it one more time whatever is going on with the cell phone it's not operating the way you know a cell phone would hang up and text and be like don't do that again pull over yeah so you you uh cancel the call and you get a text symbol um and the text comes through and it says all bathe in your organs all dance in your blood death for all great so
Starting point is 02:15:48 communications tough why and then the letters start to shift and then the cell phone goes black and then zaps back on and then starts to shutter like dead pixels across the screen as soon as it goes black i'm just going to turn towards mal and you can see like a like a compass the black is centered exclusively off mal who has no real awareness of what's going on but you you point it around the vehicle and yeah they're the dead spot okay um i don't want to make you uncomfortable but is there any way to turn this off i'll i instead of turning it off kind of extend the shadows a little bit extra and just kind of tap on the screen looks fucked what you do
Starting point is 02:16:43 the shadows move out to touch your cell phone and you can feel it completely turn off in your hands vibrates off um and then trying to power it on after that you get that dead battery screen coming up telling you to plug it into a charger kaleb yeah i would like to flick the emergency lights so i can signal and then i'll like roll down the window just be like baby blue out the manual sort of mirrors up there up the top you can see the flash of the hazards go out behind you it's clear that the suv is signaling you i do i feel like we've gone enough of a distance that if we pull over suddenly a bunch of cars aren't just going to pull up you've been driving about 15 minutes it's not long enough i don't think i know that i don't think i know
Starting point is 02:17:35 that you may be gone about 10 miles from where you were i think as i pull over and we're hitting the dirt and slowing down i'm gonna say whatever you're gonna say make it quick we gotta get on the road where location dump your car and get inside no but we got stuff here we got a whole bunch of like uh weapons and throw them in the trunk baby and tracking devices fine did you check for a gps tracker all these government rides are equipped with gps trackers okay okay everyone on my ass let's just go i just thought we could use a few more playmates that was fun what kind of fucking chicken shit outfit is this who the fuck are you people i'm simple burrows grabbing the nails they're calling me regal as soon as everything's back in the trunk i'm gonna literally
Starting point is 02:18:28 like lean over because i'll be like i'm allison now move it's real tight like it fits like maybe six and now we're like eight so yeah allison is definitely propped up in enox lap but it is it's a tough thing all right is there well strapped in regal you expressed interest in checking for a tracker is there any immediate physical move to do that or was that just verbally well for me in the car behind seeing seeing how tight it is in the car first regal is going to rip the radio out of the the back of the suv and then start start checking the engine block and the undercarriage for any sort of tracker yeah absolutely let me get a do you girl a uh intelligence plus investigation we got time for this now i'm now i'm cooking now i'm cooking baby now i'm cooking
Starting point is 02:19:24 baby can you like change the music because if i have one more christian five successes thank you i'll change it five successes five successes you absolutely find a gps tracker hidden inconspicuously in the engine block it even has sort of a readout on it and is communicating a name which is delta four and then after that it has like a string of coordinates and with your mind and your level of success you could tell that this is absolutely communicating a location of another vehicle okay i will i'll make note of the coordinates and then i'm going to crush that thing underfoot okay you crush it the electronics break and there's this snap as the digital readout screen dies below you and you're pretty sure you got everything that was tracking off this vehicle and the radio
Starting point is 02:20:23 did you rip it to shreds or the radio which yeah fucking destroyed it yeah got it you're clean you can use it so what are we splitting up staying in two cars what i thought we were moving the car anyway just in case our new friend here just crushed it yeah but we're already in the car and we just moved all the shit let's just go i'll hit it in the drive probably better not to have a government car anyway yeah fucking you leave a government issue suv on the side of the road sands radio shotguns kevlar oh no no we took that shit where did we take it we're in the trunk yeah they were stuffing into my trunk yes sands i'm sorry removed oh sorry i didn't get that part empty of what it used to have excuse me public school and it is now stuck on the side of the road
Starting point is 02:21:18 there in the sort of turnout ditch the gravel out road off the interstate and baby blue drives back on to the main road of i-70 heading into utah and out towards the i-15 that'll take them back to vegas what is the next stop are we pulling off the inlays like we were talking about into the alternate route yeah we're going to head to that alternate route and try to lay low there okay um let's take a reminder let's just see our hunger levels enok has slaked one so enok what are you at zero presently okay enok is not hungry at all allison i believe you're at one and at one beautiful regal three we've got burrows at two civil two niles two and mal three three okay so some of us are getting a little hungry in this view we know that going through the canyon will be a
Starting point is 02:22:19 little longer into emery but as long as you can make it past the drive there will be plenty to eat past the canyon um so you guys make your way through the alternate routes uh it is an expertly done position for burrows here burrows may not be the tightest action driver he's not ready to knock somebody off the road but damn is he a cool rider when it comes to easing down and following a map he knows exactly where to go it's like his soul is directing the vehicle before his hands are um and humming those gospel tunes underneath uh by this point i can tell everyone's annoyed so i've switched to a hip hop station or something you know there you go and i'll all say yeah you know what song i like i like that one that goes uh i'm gonna take my horse to the old town road
Starting point is 02:23:11 and gonna ride till like i'm gonna sing along with him i'm gonna move does the radio still work it comes in um but it comes in jarbled with that sort of bizarre screeching like the phone coupled and the static the wine off of those radios from the the si before it's similar so you do you'll get old town road but you'll get old town road mixed in with this terrible with a demonic yeah yeah technology reverb that is breaking through and every so often you get those bizarre whispers that come around with mal uh enhances that oblivion so it is it's a good vibe but it is definitely one that can only be reserved yes it is made for kindred and i'm sure enok is in love with this noise look thanks for getting me out of there but can somebody please explain to
Starting point is 02:24:12 me what is going on i think you're in order i think you're under the impression that we know a lot more than you do and that is not the case i guarantee you do i guarantee you do i was told we were told to pick up some assets you're the ass we picked up and now we're on our way back can i ask who asked you to pick us up and why the camera rilla of vegas as far as i know are you familiar with santos now imagine a lot of things well uh we're vampires so i just assume you are too yeah yeah well that's step one so we're all on the same side no reason to be uh so paranoid are we though i've seen plenty of intro to kill other kindred i don't think that necessarily tells us we're the same side well i no intention
Starting point is 02:25:16 of killing anybody except those assholes back there what do you think they're gonna do to us who you have to be more specific the asshole back there or the first assholes that delivered you to us yeah well wherever you're taking us i mean they cared enough to box us up in these steel fucking coffins and transport us halfway across the country now you're delivering us right to their fucking doorstep it ain't to say hi how do you know because you know more than we do what why are you in the box i don't fucking know why i'm in the box well there we go no one knows let's move on from that we don't know it is to say hi at least a little bit you have to present yourself to the prince that's just how this works he has names part of something politics suck welcome to it
Starting point is 02:26:08 that's what this is this is so so we can go and like kiss some fucking ring isn't that some bullshit partially what do you know uh you what you called yourself civil right yeah you seem to have some kind of insight into this well that's basically what i told you this a prince we all do what he says for various reasons and we mind our business just to grant guy right grant something i'll always just grant it's a stupid name that's a stupid fucking name that's probably the last time you can say that fair enough i'm sorry obviously you have some feelings involved here so i don't listen this is this is work i don't this is customer service that my opinions are my own you got to be careful with what you said because he has fanboys in a way fanboys like knights like
Starting point is 02:27:00 sheriffs i would say more like rabid k-pop fans if you think about it both equally as dangerous with big fucking german executioner swords i seen it why do you sound like elvis he can live his best life a man can't come from mississippi and be called elvis you said your name is burrows that's right burrows yeah burrows niles sebel mal inock a man uh allison allison i'm gonna try to interact with you too as little as fucking possible i would i would advise that yeah don't worry i'll be watching you don't for the love of god please don't kaleb do i still have the book and the cube on me yes you have the the cube of display yeah that you got new orleans you also have the book that was
Starting point is 02:27:58 given to you by gabriel awesome okay cool just making sure i'm also going to sneak a hand into my pocket and just make sure my two little film canisters are in there they absolutely are whatever they were doing to you no items were taken off your person all right and you are reasonably intact i mean you do remember both of you around two to three days or rather nights for you in which you were awake in the coffin completely conscious and all you could hear really was mothel speaking on the other side through the steel and after three days you're here does anyone recognize the name cur do we mean anything to anyone it's not being anything to anyone i know curb b but i don't know cur curry that's a good food good food yeah take your word for it speaking of food i would very
Starting point is 02:29:00 much like to eat at some point hey you know that's a good thing i brought up this good restaurant called the colorado mine company you too can you eat like like like people i don't know that'd be nice right now if you try it okay all right well uh i don't know if this place we're driving to is going to be populated but check it out i just need an animal or something a bird symbol you think you can share you this uh these blood bags with our new friends we got six of them now i guess thank you that's good customer service no i i mean i'll yeah i'll signal to where the blood bags are probably in a cooler or something absolutely there's a portion in the trunk but there is an access point through the back seats
Starting point is 02:29:51 and regal you would know just from the clear color of it already through those coolers and niles it does sort of set you off a little spoon's hops a little when regal mentions needing yeah i like immediately scoop spoons and put spoons back in my jacket pocket no i'm not gonna no don't don't worry there is blood bags in there six of them if any of you would like to slake some thirst i will say that depending on your predatory type it may not benefit you as much as the others i won't eat burrows will not eat either i'm gonna look civil dead in the eye and drink one mal you slake one hunger nice you're at two
Starting point is 02:30:44 thank you what is the energy in this car it feels tense in a way that uh all of you are forced to be a part of this group but it is also that dying adrenaline of having survived something again not only the part of us that used to be human that loves the idea of survival but that beast inside that thrives off the idea that we succeeded we were more powerful than the other and so there is this sort of quiet as you guys are feeling each other out and it feels as though baby blue is the only thing on this earth as you are cascading through into utah and you start to make into these long big red clay planes that lead up until the canyon passes into black dragon you're making your way but the roads that burrows are taking are obviously made by the vardo because they are not
Starting point is 02:31:41 on traditional uh street or anything paved so there is this bounce of the car of the town cart desperately trying to survive the desert as you guys peel out kicking up dust the only thing you can see are the headlights out in front of you and it barely tells you what's five feet in front but you're making your way the brights are on you can see sometimes desert hairs will jump past and uh different um uh animals who take up this portion of the world are making their themselves known across the headlamps i'm gonna hop out rugal hop to it jump along that's okay let's just get to where we're going i'll say that unless there is anything else there is another two hours of driving uh before we arrive at uh black dragon canyon um and it is even more desolate
Starting point is 02:32:38 than the planes before but it eventually levels out into these long huge uh rocks that sort of cave you in to this long stretch of plain in between and it is red dirt uh clay planes that extend out sparsely there are patches of grass and trees that will come through but they're they're very few and far between for the most part it is you and the tumbleweeds and the full moon peeking out over these rock towers out in front of you you understand that you're cutting it a little close to that moon falling and the sun coming for you uh the intuitive sense of a kindred tells you that you have maybe an hour and 30 if you're lucky and you know that to get to emory you probably still have another hour of driving
Starting point is 02:33:31 such as a rose does not change his speed he continues how fast are we going 40 miles per hour to make it within an hour yeah 40 no no no more like 50 60 can we do 80 pull in a california 80 no but by the looks of it i think we'll be uh safe within an hour sun doesn't rise for an hour and a half will be good right um well you go through for another about 30 minutes of driving and um there is uh how do i put this driving through the more pass uh the scenery changes into an uphill climb into empty wide red planes uh the interstate is left far behind and quickly it becomes clear that there's no living thing in sight not even yourselves drive is silent save for the constant maneuvering to
Starting point is 02:34:29 check over your shoulder for anything chasing in black suv's and before long you start to feel safe again it's nowhere to bed down but if you stay on this road long enough maybe you're going to find it that rest stop sanctioned by the varda but it's the quiet desperation filling this car and leaking out into the red clay that lines the pavement you're burning that draws your attention outside to the myriad of desert sky stars beaming down on your crawl across the sand regal it's your vigilant dead eye that doesn't allow yourself to enjoy the view for too long you feel like something isn't right could you give me a wits plus insight yep all right that is
Starting point is 02:35:31 five successes five successes it's and i will actually i will as as that sensation takes over he'll actually take off the the watch cap and expose the eye in the middle of his forehead do you want to tell everyone in the car what they see if they happen to look over it regal yeah it's um like broken rendered flesh like it's not a clean hole it looks like something either forced its way through or was peeled back um and it is a black like the whites of the eyes it's not white it says jet black with like a red iris and a horizontal slit so it's not your two eyes that discover this out of the corners of the brights it's the third that moves independently of the others and you're still getting used to that sensation of
Starting point is 02:36:23 your body looking one way and your mind looking another but it's drawn immediately in this new perspective to something just out of the corner of all of your eyes you're the first to see it you're welcome to let the others but this is what you see out there in the plains in the clear shine of the full moon is a triangle formation of naked bodies standing still with their heads to the sky and their arms outstretched they move in tandem a sway that pitches and yawns in all directions until you're sure that you can hear them a low rolling roar of voices primal and guttural and animal like they're dying they're believing they're losing they're lying they pay you no mind as you traverse the dirt road around and you can see just off the side there as as burrows has to pull
Starting point is 02:37:23 short of a tree in the side of the road there you get an even clearer picture of them but they don't even turn to look they don't move there's no recognition but you're sure that they're aware of the sputter of your car's muffler in a haunting way there are ash pale skin dancing under the wind seems beautiful there's a part of you the beast within that wishes desperately to dance with them all civil and niles could you please make a frenzy check what is that what do i have to roll willpower plus a third of your humanity rounded down so for example if you have a seven humanity you're rolling willpower plus two if you have a six humanity you're rolling willpower plus two that's one success
Starting point is 02:38:28 okay that's four successes you bite back the urge to join you bite back the urge to feast on the person right next to you to take their lives shed your clothes and join but just in that moment you're all seeing this it's all come into view for you now whether regal informed you or not what dad pointed out what the hell is that not curious enough to find out not my problem not my business keep fucking moving agreed let's go the lamp light is illuminating their bodies as they sway they move and they shake and they move and they sway and you're just sort of entranced for a moment as boros has the car pulled to a stop yeah i think probably slowed down a little bit just to
Starting point is 02:39:46 a crawl it's kind of crawling along watching why why why are we watching it's just kind of captivating ain't it not even remotely get the fuck back on the gas i think boros is going to do the sign of the cross and then just drive you begin to drive um and and are you adopting the same speed is it slower now with the uh the feeling there i actually think everyone being kind of weirded out by it i would be driving a little bit faster okay i'm worried something like this is going to derail us and getting somewhere safe who's sitting in the passenger side up with boros there's there's space for two up by me who's on the farthest side of the passenger side by boros i think i'd be in the front civil roll wits and awareness i probably went to okay oh that's right awareness
Starting point is 02:40:40 that's good oh um two tens so four five six seven successes nice simple something is hurtling towards the car just about to break into the side of baby blue you have just a moment to tell boros go gas go i'll i'll i'll hit the gas they're cleaning off to the side you're hitting the gas is their defensive driving is it just full on forward are you leaning into it what's the plan boros i think she she told me to drive so i i'm just i'm just following what she says and just foot to the foot to the floor don't sorry kaleb we can reach the trunk from the backseat right yes there is an access point through the backseat you just have to pull it down so somebody has to great here uh
Starting point is 02:41:33 i'm gonna pull out a shotgun okay so let's go in this order uh we'll start with boros then we'll go to allison with a shotgun and then whoever would like to call dibs after that boros let me get a drive roll with dexterity you're going to get one in the pool additionally because civil informed great okay that's that's great uh a nine and an eight so i think those are both okay those are both successes good two successes so you feel the crunch of baby blue off the side as the door closest to civil is indented with a body there is off the side of you civil a blur of not quite human form as it collides with the vehicle there is a sound of wrenching metal and the skirting of the back wheels against the the uneven dirt ground and a huge skid as you threaten
Starting point is 02:42:27 to spin but you manage to keep yourself going you do not come to a stop you're pulled to a skid you you level yourself out and whatever this is it is a flash of white uh we're going to go to allison allison let me get a uh a dexterity and um no let's get a composure a composure and athletics to get to that shotgun even through the impact of the the beast one two oh shit okay so i have three successes yes and one is a crit fail or the number one and it's the red dice or like my hunger we're all good because as long as you succeed that crit fail don't mean shit to us great you are so cool you're allison you are the thing that that should be afraid of you are the scariest thing out here in the desert you climb yourself back into the back and you have to push the seat
Starting point is 02:43:28 down you know sort of skirting regal and nile out of the way to reach in you pull out that shotgun and rack it you'll have that ready for your next turn who has an action next who would like to go next actions there's a huge crunch against the door mount i want to pop my fist against the the side of the the car where it's crunched in and try and pop it back out and push whatever was on the other side away absolutely you're trying to buff out the dent right you crunch in your elbow let's get a strength and brawl to see if you can hit the monster on the other side are you trying to go through the door or are you trying to keep the metal intact uh how much are we hurting burrows here i think i'm probably i think i'm probably just trying to get
Starting point is 02:44:12 it away and not really hurt it it's a defensive move yeah it's i know that like the sun sunlight's coming so we probably we need to hurry rather than fight yes um i'm gonna use a willpower to reroll three successes three successes wow you throw in against that door what does this look like how do you skirt this thing away from the car momentarily um it's it's if it's if it's still like its shoulder is still in it i think i just pop my fist against the like the central point of where the the crunch is and uh try to just like crunch like crunch it like compression fracture its shoulder into its glavicle right you see it and you can hear a human yelp as you hit it but it sort of descends into this guttural animal scream on the other side and you see a flash of
Starting point is 02:45:14 what must be pure white alabaster skin but that has been contorted into bat leather off the arm this huge maybe five foot wingspan off the side flies back and is tossed off the side rolling through it is this pure white creation with this raggedy wet uh clumped in hair that is cascading around its front in these big flapping wing caught in the bright lights uh who's who's next the thing's disgusting what the fuck is that uh is it oh no now go ahead oh is it still on the car looks as though it's rolled away for just a moment but it's probably readying the next attack you could look for it you could prepare for the the next oncoming whatever you want to do but it looks like it was at least pushed away from the side of the vehicle still pursuing then yeah
Starting point is 02:46:09 i'll go ahead go bow you niles oh uh yeah i just wanted to look to see where it's going to come back around if it is pursuing us okay absolutely uh do you have anything to enhance your site or is this a straight roll uh i have nothing to enhance my site beautiful give me a uh let's do composure and investigation uh those are fails and that's supposed my hunger hunger dice beautiful beautiful no uh bee seal failures though right no one thank god you just failed you're you're looking out the side of the convertible the wind is whipping in your hair and it's coming across spoons is sort of pecking at your shoulder and you're trying to get a look at it you're still feeling the remnants of that voice telling you to dance and there's something out there niles about that
Starting point is 02:47:06 bat wing about that thing about its wet features that feels like home that feels like you it feels like a mirror this is this is you attacking this car this is this has always been you we'll move on we're going to civil who had the next civil what are you doing uh i was gonna try and sense the beast but i don't think i have to at this point um can i how many weapons are coming out of the back there's one shotgun in allison's hand and she has beautifully wrapped it she looks like a gun magazine cover right now she's got her shades on she might as well be smoking she's ready to shoot there are still uh there's still one rack shotgun well not one shotgun uh in the back trunk that you'd have to climb through and get you okay i'll i'll see how that goes first otherwise
Starting point is 02:48:01 i'm just going to lean my seat back you can just ask so one gun's enough you're you're waiting to see how allison does with that shotgun right beautiful regal you had something yeah um i'm going to activate heightened senses beautiful and uh tell allison uh or say to allison you got another gun oh do i pass it i'll tell i'll give him actually the cock shotgun if i can just go back under and grab beautiful no role for that the shotgun's passed over to regal you're enhancing that sight your your third eye begins to bleed in rivulets down your face and it sort of clouds your vision in this red but in a way it enhances and zooms in that vision enough that you can feel everything you can see this thing out there go ahead and give me a what does heightened senses do for us
Starting point is 02:48:57 first off let's go into that mechanic yes so and i can add my auspex ratings all perception beautiful okay give me a composure and awareness plus your uh your auspex okay so all right here we go that is four successes four successes yes you easily pick this thing out of the crowd your eye has zoomed in even if you can't physically see where it is the third eye knows and there is this bleeding red aura that matches the red in your eye around this winged beast and you have a clearer sight of it as it starts to speed back up to the side of the vehicle meeting with you it's coming up for another ram but now you know what it looks like you have eyes on what hit you
Starting point is 02:49:52 the answer makes little immediate sense it is a massive beast standing at nearly seven feet tall with its arms extended to reveal massive flesh fat wings that have stretched past and out of the scraps of clothing clinging to the body of something that clearly used to be human it may have even used to be kindred their face distended and jaw pulled free from the skull and hanging limp leak to expose incredible sharp razor fangs that stretch the length of their face out like tusks their eyes a bright glowing yellow and their ears flared out in the same pale flesh it may be a gangrel or it may be something worse you've never seen anything in your life and whatever they are now they're not in any right mind as they rear up and run past the car
Starting point is 02:50:47 they spin out in front of the vehicle and cast up sand and dirt as they ready another charge of the car we have sight on the animal regal what's the move can i shoot yeah we'll allow you to shoot are you informing the others yeah well absolutely shotgun blacks is as good as informing as anyway you prime up shotgun goes in between are you shooting through the the windshield or are you standing up in the vehicle actually i was going to lean out the window oh beautiful okay it's a good look at the top down oh top down oh yeah then i'm staying i'm just gonna i'm just gonna sit up in my seat and fucking pop it yeah i think you even slot it on the front of the window pane the the rim of that front shed and you line up your shot go ahead and give me a dexterity plus fire arms
Starting point is 02:51:35 let's see how they shot regalis he's got the eyes for it let's do it i believe i believe that is three successes two successes three three successes beautiful you body this thing as you can see the shoulder blade become exposed as the shell rocks it off the side and you can see the wing fly back and become fully extended you can see that it's been through something it's holed through on the bat leather that forms its flying wings and it is screeching in pain it is crying from the eyes and looks desperate afraid more than anything else but after it's been rocked back it comes in and makes an attack at the car burrows could i get a response how what are you doing in response is this thing charges through to you well i i want to say that
Starting point is 02:52:30 uh could i use brawl in the sense that i would probably want to assist it in getting it off the road like by hitting it with the car i wonder if i could use a brawl plus dexterity or something since i'm actively trying to hit it how about this let's make this physical but in a drive sense could we do strength and drive sure perfect that works for me here we go one success beautiful one success as you whip around you crash into this thing you negate some damage to the front of the car with that and as it comes through it collides onto the top of it but is wedged on the left headlight basically oh shit so it is gripped onto the car on the driver side headlight it's yes yeah right in front of you basically and it is am i
Starting point is 02:53:21 still driving or has it stopped us still driving has not stopped us you managed to keep us going there's no damage to the car yet just cosmetic peels into baby blue she's definitely gonna need some detailing work i think we chose the wrong road it pulls through and starts to climb up we go to enop enop any actions yeah uh everyone else seems to have this pretty much on lock so i'm just gonna take my little field notes notebook out of my lapel and just start taking notes about the creature and what's going on because i'm curious about it what does this look like for inoc to take notes he's a very interesting guy yeah it's like obsessive so he's like really like hyperfixated on the notes his handwriting looks it's worse than a doctor's no one no one could
Starting point is 02:54:07 possibly read it but him and he's just alternating between manically scribbling in the notebook and looking up at the thing observing it for a second and then scribbling down some more stuff i love this let me get a uh composure and science or a cult if that's higher on uh tracking the anatomy of this beast and everything you can remember for later composure and science is five d ten um three successes three successes you managed to get a lot of the detail on this thing you're speaking out the words and making them real and your mind works in such a way that you you are able to capture anything your eyes can set on and it is no joke before long you have four pages of detailed mass written notes on this thing that you could take home uh this is filling
Starting point is 02:55:05 out your journal as you're going along you you're managed to stay composed in this moment even though certain death is hanging off the front fender of your town car moving from there um are there any other actions uh before we we go around back to the top here no beautiful okay so this thing is going to try and make a crawl up to you boroughs it is leaching these big massive talons into the side of the car and you can see the bat wings start to sweep in as the only illumination is blocked halfway by this thing crawling up to you it is going to try and make a grip through the front of your windshield at you uh is there any reaction to this for your turn or would you like to say that for your action no if i could use something i have the discipline of presence could i attempt
Starting point is 02:55:57 to get this thing to to freeze long enough for my allies to shoot at it hell yeah baby maybe you'll cause a deposit okay so i'll i'll i'll try to you know just say like chill baby be cool and i just want to see if i can freeze i got two points of presence okay so go ahead and put those two points up against let's call this charisma uh and persuasion three okay okay another two that's a lot um so i need to just replace two of these die with my hunger die that's uh four successes okay four successes wow all right uh it is going to roll in response to which it takes a look at you and for a moment you can see the person behind whatever this was you can see someone crying out for help it's lydia it's jimmy it's father it's it's every human being
Starting point is 02:57:06 you've seen on the side of the road it's someone trapped in whatever they are now and they are begging to get out and for just that moment as you offer that small reprieve be cool she's cool but only for a moment that lasts within a millisecond before it's back against you enough for a distracted swipe against you for you it does not break the windshield but it climbs in through the top and swipes in against your left arm you're going to take two points of aggravated damage okay oh i'm okay i'm probably just like tore open my chest we'll go to open call is there anyone that wants to react as burrows stop this thing yeah let's go to allison allison let's go you're grabbing the other shotgun i already have the other shotgun i'm standing up e not cold me like like as a seat
Starting point is 02:58:01 belt so i don't fall and because it's point blank yeah stick the thing like literally barrel to head right and pull absolutely uh let me get a dexterity plus firearms let's see if you can keep a steady shot it's a wild mess inside this car as burrows is hitting the car starts to skid again e knock is holding you tight like he always does you prime that shotgun racket right up against the forehead and let's see it dexterity firearms okay i got one pass yeah one pass one fail one pass one fail okay so you fire in at this thing skull and it clips through the side and off the ear shedding this huge extended out bad ear and it has pulled through but it stares at you unaffected ready to take out the next one uh let's go to someone else anyone else actions in the car niles uh
Starting point is 02:59:04 yeah i i want to like get by allison but um i just want to get over the top of the windshield and try to use vicissitude to try to like compact the the monsters like joints of its fingers together so it can't grip on to those sides of the the window anymore so it will slip off the side of it i love that let me get vicissitude and composure together monster arthritis yeah that's slick respect is that in composure yes gotta keep cool i got one success one success okay you managed to get one of those hands to form over against it and you can see is the hand begins to web and then form and become
Starting point is 03:00:03 that same metastasized flesh but in its own alabaster white and it stares down as it loses grip off that one and begins to flail from the car uh it looks like it's struggling to keep on but it has one grip still on the front fender of baby blue what are we doing to save baby blue who's next i'll see that that's successful and try it with the last claw beautiful all right civil what are you doing to that last claw i'm just gonna like brute strength like lift it try to lift it off of baby blue is there anything you're doing to assist that brute strength um no okay are you sure i don't think i have anything to do that i mean not really okay let's do it then go for it let me get a strength plus brawl okay i can yeah i got
Starting point is 03:00:59 that all right babes one two three four successes beautiful uh they failed miserably nice for you what does this look like as you keep this thing off of baby blue and give you guys an exit uh cib had been in sort of a like disengaged position up until this point like seat lean back waiting for all the fighters to finish um and seeing niles successfully rip a claw she like fine and gets up and almost like bruce banner asks you see the shirt kind of get a little stressed and she rips it and there is a uh like excitement with being able to just like spend a little bit of that energy as it flies away and then she just all right okay you launched this being the seven foot monster into the air as it cascades off the rim of the windshield
Starting point is 03:02:02 burrows ducking down in the whole front half having to pick themselves down to see as it flaps out and unfurls completely the wings encroaching over itself as it bodies out the back and collides with the back fender before full on road killing into the the road behind you falling to the floor completely looking back as as the second row looks back to see how it fared whatever civil is just accomplished here it's not moving not yet it's crumpled up in its wings and shattering on the floor and cracking itself out but with a successful drive roll burrows you believe this could be the moment you need to get away nice i'm taking it just mean whatever i can to try to as fast as uh quickly as i can i'm going to get the hell out of there
Starting point is 03:02:54 right let me get a dexterity plus drive my friend can i assist him yes you can how are you assisting can i let the shadows uh coalesce again and reach out and try and like obscure the car a little bit i don't know if i'm i don't know if i'm overreaching my abilities no i love that tail lights there are plenty of shadows because the the only light coming off this car or the headlamps which one has been broken now and then the tail lights themselves so this is all shadow you can absolutely put that to help so let me get a dexterity drive from burrows and let me get a oblivion plus stealth for you not not to pile on keila but if i can give this thing a part a parting shot that would be absolutely yeah let me get a firearms dexterity from you can we both
Starting point is 03:03:44 just do a parting shot as we do that yeah so let me get burrows with this drive first for sure so i failed the first one i'm gonna burn a willpower and i now have two successes beautiful two successes i also got one success three successes and then let's see our shots four four successes only one success so ten total yeah something like sick enough you fire in and you can see this thing crumpled over as the two buck shots collide they roll over again and their wings begin to bleed as those uh outstretched uh body bat leather uh begins to hold through um like swiss cheeses you guys pull away in this shadowed uh miasma of oblivion as you pull through you punch it to 90 miles per hour and make for the uh the exit that breaks out into actual road um we are going to say
Starting point is 03:04:44 for time's sake that you absolutely get away from whatever this was and have successfully outrun the beast of black dragon kanya moving the sam hell was that shit anybody ever seen something like that before it looks sick not like oh thank god no i'm gonna have to talk to dino about this you know weird as hell you know babe i don't know what it was but i'm gonna find out oh thank god this is good for that does this look like a a gang role that just had a really bad day a really bad day though that must be like fucking gang role with rabies i don't know what the hell that was simple that that sounded like a check here let's go for um intelligence and a cult cool
Starting point is 03:05:47 okay that's uh that's two successes nice you definitely with your close personal understanding definitely have seen some of those powers on very powerful gang role but there are aspects of this you have never seen in your life if that was a gang role it used to be one whatever it is now is different more powerful scarier than you've ever seen it's not anything you can do this is look kind of like you said allison gang role with what rabies something there's a bad rabies kind of it yeah called it carry around a water spritzer they're hydrophobic aren't they bats are gang role rabies rabbit rabbit things are hydrophobic we spritz them with water they go away it's i don't think is that what it's not phobia it's the the muscles of the
Starting point is 03:06:48 next spasming all right there's a whole lot of science talk going on but i'm more worried about getting us fucking home so i'm just desperately looking for this this place that we're supposed you peel out and arrive at the small town of emery which is a podunk town which houses a motel that you know of to be safe it's called the one night and you were told by dino that this is one of the places safe to kindred on the way back to i-15 and even more so that if you pay a fine price then you can get food uh not the kind that burrows is looking for the kind that most kindred are looking for well i didn't we didn't pay full price so i think uh we'll pull in and as everyone is filing out burrows will look at his car and just shake his head and be like kasey's gonna kill me
Starting point is 03:07:51 man i'll tap his like side to be like you're fucked and bye walk by sorry about that though is there uh is it like a motel does it seem like we could take our own rooms or something yes it is absolutely a motel it's like uh one of those like uh rectangle three rectangles together sort of layouts where you've got uh three uh stories of rooms all of them separate from themselves you get your key from the auxiliary building and then you're free to pick whatever shitty room you'd like to stay in whatever roaches you'd like um the person at the front um almost looks expectant to see you burrows and um slides you uh room keys three of them now i'll say this uh we're all welcome to say where we like we got three rooms but uh
Starting point is 03:08:48 let's remember what the hell just happened about five minutes ago so i'd maybe recommend we are together tonight huh maybe keep a watch out i think that's actually very reasonable sure i haven't had any say in anything so far why would i start now well you got to say now you got to say now you can say with us so you can stay in the random room can we trust them not to run safety in numbers i said fine and you can turn the lights off it'll be really fun i'm sure all right so i would not recommend turning the lights off with us unless you would like to gross uh actually i will not be sleeping wherever those two fuckers are sleeping that's disgusting actually give me one of those keys anyone who wants to
Starting point is 03:09:41 join me away from these creepy shits fine all right they get their own room we're going to our own room very wise of you safer there is uh one individual in the lobby alongside all of you that is getting uh coffee from one of the instant coffee machines the sort of vending machines off the side with these big open windows that look out on the property and they do kind of give you guys a peculiar look as you're as you're walking out the building and discussing all this and it's clear that it's been impressed upon them that you all are a very interesting group an old silver fox gentleman with a gray beard and slick backed perfect white hair and he just sort of glances at all of you sips his coffee and he leaves through
Starting point is 03:10:28 as he leaves the way that if we lock eyes can i do like all on him for my presence absolutely you can okay i can see you i can see you just rolling your just just looking just waving like as i wave by oh uh a good evening to all of you you guys have a good night i'm directly behind allison doing the exact opposite he does wave off denials to who gave him the courtesy uh but he does as he's leaving he he looks back and takes a second glasses a glance at allison just for a moment sort of furrows his brow and scratches at his beard considering her and just sort of transfixed in that moment along i wrap my arms around allison's shoulder and say are you looking at something buddy oh no not at all i was just uh you're all good-looking people
Starting point is 03:11:25 you have a good night and he goes and before he does he looks to a beeper off his side he goes oh shit he goes off into the parking lot a fucking beeper what the fuck could i tell that these two folks that we've interacted with so far uh are humans yes so the the mortal behind the bar or behind the sort of receptionist desk is absolutely human you do get the sense that someone has been feeding her um she has got a healthy glow for someone of her considerable age she's maybe in her 80s but looks uh like she's been 80 for a long time would be your guess um she has a very clear powerful skin um and she seems to hang on each of your words um almost like a mosquito might around a fresh body right um but she's absolutely mortal the other gentleman human off the side of
Starting point is 03:12:22 the road uh you think he's just staying in one of the the brooms there and he has a beeper yeah are there any of those like colorful brochures for like here the sites around here the like there are and all of them are sort of for major cities in utah not a single one for emery there's nothing in this place when you roll through there are like two trailer parks and some little uh like what you could think passes for a suburb but they're tucked into this canyon sort of lost to civilization the most you could see for activity around this place is there's a mechanic shop up on the hill past the motel and then there is a biker bar or at least what looks like a biker bar down uh towards the the sort of on ramp back through to the
Starting point is 03:13:15 interstate um and it looks like that place looks like the most lively thing here in emery is these people who have loaded up their bikes in that long row outside of the bar they're they're in the dive drinking that's really the only light that's still going around at four o'clock in the morning you do all become aware that you got maybe 30 minutes before dawn starts to peak and you all die i take three of each of the brochures like every single brochure i take three of them absolutely yeah you've got plenty of brochures for what to do in salt lake city if you ever visit thank you um i'm gonna take um make sure we i have our weapon but i'm also gonna take a couple of blood bags okay so are you doing this out in the parking lot in the middle of the motel
Starting point is 03:14:01 i'm gonna try to be subtle like i wouldn't like go walk around with this thing i'm gonna like put it up my back go straight to the room yeah straight up like i'll hide the shotgun in the back of my shirt in the ass pocket you know like just slip it in there oh yeah pocket a shotgun not like it's like it's hidden under not ass pocket like you're sticking it in the pants like yeah that's good between the clothes guys i'm hiding like wonder woman yeah this is a kindred friendly place you know that this you can be a little less guarded here it is still a little worrying to you to bring out the shotgun and kevlar from the baby blue which has clearly been mauled by a bear or something to pass her by but you managed to do so and you take it back
Starting point is 03:14:44 up to your room not to make you roll for that i'm assuming everyone is going back to their rooms for the night yeah i have to say maybe the last thing we do here but some of you are very hungry i want everyone to finish but i have one bit of business left okay yeah some of you are very hungry are there any attempts made do i have time to try to find some local wildlife yeah absolutely so before you go to sleep tonight you're gonna go back out into the wilderness you got about 15 minutes you got to hope that something's behind the motel basically yeah okay uh go ahead and give me yeah no dogs give me a survival plus wits and let's see what you can find on vegans can't be choosers vince yes you're right you're right all right uh okay
Starting point is 03:15:39 sorry uh that is uh two successes see you find uh along the chain link fence that sort of scopes out the trash area behind this motel behind the one night where it stinks of filth and shit it seems that someone's been living back here and it's just a wretched place to be in but this is usually where you eat especially in a city um you do manage to find perched on that chain link fence a salt lake city possum um that is sort of curled up and you can see that there are two children along with it that are climbing along the fence little babies uh you'd assume the babies are newborns uh within a few weeks of being born and the possum is still uh fat with that mother's shape after giving birth and um that's real for regal yeah those little babies this is what's on
Starting point is 03:16:39 the menu unless you'd like to go to bed hungry nope uh so long uh yeah what does this look like regal and what does this feel like he uh it it takes a lot for him to get through it but he thinks back to the horse he thinks back to the horse beneath um that you know the sands of las vegas you know all those probably months ago um and how good it felt and he just he doesn't think about it too hard he just closes his eyes doesn't think about what he's doing and just consumes the fangs extend and then he just begins drinking regal this is no quarter horse the horse had power and strength it was clearly purposefully selected by mo kur to be your animal this possum tastes of shit a filth of a scavenger's life of something that is not ate well and now
Starting point is 03:17:36 neither are you and as you are sinking your fangs deep into the the neck of this beast the children watch you and scurry your way into the shadows of this backyard uh and they they move back into the shadows into the plains of utah and god willing they'll survive but without a mother things are harder and when a predator decides to take what you love there are no concerns made for who you lose would anyone else like to feed for the night uh no i'm gonna go to bed i'm gonna go to bed hungry i mean i'll feed but we're feeding in the room okay yeah oh god i don't want to know what that entails no not that no we're not gonna say it but kayla we're we're gonna say it i get it um niles uh you will start next session with 400
Starting point is 03:18:40 i'm gonna just caprice on my meal but i'm also gonna try to open the briefcase yes yes really oh okay if i can i just want to know what's in there oh understood okay oh how many hunger levels did i lose there uh use like just one hunger yeah got perfect perfect thank you eating off animals does not exactly give you a filling meal unless you're stealing cattle simple i'm gonna come back to you um nile is going to bed without food uh enok and alice and i assume you are dining off of each other for the night um are you using one of the blood bags what's the situation here a little bit of both we gotta have something to roll around in that's fair uh the blood bags yes but because of uh how
Starting point is 03:19:36 you specifically feed to it's going to be on each other as well yes so uh i just uh want to make that clear from a mechanic standpoint so everyone knows oh i did they are playing science mechanics yeah yeah well siren oh cyrus it's it's uh energy and you not can only feed during intercourse yeah and uh allison can only feed from a fan or energy yeah like energy it's a good thing they're both they're number one fans exactly um so we'll say that you expend two blood bags during whatever the fuck that room looks like after that yeah i assume a maid is very upset the next day um god damn they're gonna be they're out some sheets they're burning the sheets they're gonna have to get a new mattress like okay and a pretty mal burrows are we feeding
Starting point is 03:20:31 mal what are you doing uh i already ate one of the blood bags yes so i'm good for the night or i'm not good but i'm fine burrows burrows refuses to feed outside of what he's used to so he is going to resist um i'll go up by one in hunger okay and you know as everyone kind of files in i know i've got a couple of minutes left i'm just looking out i see just the beginning of of the of the light begin just just the blue beginning to appear in the sky and i just can't go a day without it so he kind of leans himself against the post and he can feel the tear in his shirt the tear in his chest and he says oh well i'm tired so lonely but i must be moving on home till the lord comes and calls calls me away oh yes
Starting point is 03:21:42 there will be peace in the valley for me someday there will be peace in the valley for me oh lord i pray there'll be no sadness no sorrow no trouble trouble i see see there will be peace in the valley follow me alson would have been clapping from the windows as he turns around mal is just kind of sitting in the shadows just against the door jam watching there is a familiar feeling um burrows one that you have been drawn to um since becoming what you are now and that is this spike in adrenaline when you can tell that the last dying specks of night are going and the first embers of dawn are reaching on the horizon it's maybe the last few minutes you have before the sun peeks over
Starting point is 03:23:14 and gives you a final goodbye it's just enough time for your song as mal peeks in and listens does anyone who would like to has heard that song i'll turn to mal i'll turn to mal and just say sleep that and i'll i'll go inside moving to all our final moment um assuming that the rest of us have gone to bed we go to sybil sybil you've had your capri sun uh you're now looking down at the briefcase it is a simple affair those silver aluminum casings with the sort of ribbed edges so that it's uh comfortable for travel it has a lock on the end and then an additional padlock off the handle itself and it also has a set of hand cuffs that are attached to the handle just in case you need to apply it to someone for protection um it looks expensive it looks well locked
Starting point is 03:24:10 but there's no telling you couldn't get in you've died and lived again and you'll live forever and if you wanted to you could open this your mind thinks back to people like teresa people who took chances people who thought that they knew fully understood and made a decision that would cast them against people who blended into the crowd you think that maybe with the turn of a few locks and the key on the other side you could be like her or you could be like anybody you could be like grand what's the plan if i'm convinced there's a way to open this without being caught then i will open it you think that if you could manage to pick the lock correctly
Starting point is 03:25:10 you could do so in such a way that it would seem as though it was opened correctly um it just depends on how well you think you could do it i'm gonna do it i think we got we got in a fight and i can as i do with most things blame the second inquisition fuck yeah let me get um we'll call this uh dexterity and larceny nice i forget there's that skill great um and now that i've fed my hunger is back down to one yeah bless the lord already oh right love will power great that's one success you cannot open this lock unfortunately you do not gain access but with one success there's no clear sign of your entry
Starting point is 03:26:22 fact you could probably try it again i will that's only 110 so one success actually again no no will power will power will power you get three yeah yeah uh there we go that's two successes okay unfortunately you do not pass the lock but it does not seem as though it's been tampered with in any way okay for now you'll have to wonder what's on the other side or maybe take it to the rest of the group sometimes it doesn't hurt to have friends even when you're dead because everyone is plotting to kill you you might as well have some people that are plotting with you as sun begins to dawn over the small town of emory just a few hours away from las vegas
Starting point is 03:27:25 we are ending our first session our first chapter of las vegas by night and we will meet up with all of you two weeks from now thank you all very much yeah all my friends are dead all my friends are dead thank you guys so much for being here i had an absolute blast what a great first session kaila thank you excited this is do i say anything else i don't have to say anything else right thank you guys thank you patreon thank you thank you the chat has been great this whole time thanks guys yeah for being here thank you much chat we had a great turn out i don't know if anybody noticed but uh who was the gentleman in our uh jason carl was here like carl the cranny vampire
Starting point is 03:28:08 vampire was here so so that was exciting yeah uh so happy to see him at all that's very cool daddy vampire he's never coming back you know what i'd rather be me yep maybe he'll like it okay maybe who knows he's gonna be like i gotta turn up my new york by night game well uh we have another game in two weeks right we're gonna try to do this by weekly absolutely we are so we're taking next week off and then we'll be back on i think that's what like 16 16 the day after my birthday and so try to be extra as fuck
Starting point is 03:28:55 on the 16th we'll get to see what elysium is like thanks everybody thank you everybody for tuning in we'll see you

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