Mayday Plays - Vegas by Night, Ep. 13 - "Cuttin' Cards"

Episode Date: February 8, 2023

The coterie attends a dinner party as the Anarch/Camarilla rift widens....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 listen a lot happened last time we were here it's okay guys we're gonna get through this good morning kindred and welcome to Vegas by night made a role plays vampire the masquerade Chronicle we are nearing the end to our first arc of Vegas by night and we are so excited to show you how this story comes to a temporary close God knows what that's gonna look like you and I are gonna decide that tonight and these lovely people around the table are just gonna watch as everything they love crumbles in front of their eyes if you have missed out on any chapter of Vegas by night don't fear you can still check it out on
Starting point is 00:00:37 Spotify twitch VOD and our YouTube channel as of right now if you're wondering how you can get more mayday in your life you can catch our stream here every other Saturday for our main show you can follow us on all major platforms as well as Spotify and SoundCloud for podcast friendly recordings of all our major shows and streams and finally you can give us your money on patreon and join our patreon discord cuz we don't work for free yes we do we absolutely do we work for years we work for love we love you guys we'll do this part if we could not work for free that'd also be nice yes but if we could have little
Starting point is 00:01:14 monies maybe the discord is really where we've had the chance to build a great little family around the content we put out we have patrons who have joined each other's games and played in some host by ourselves we've decided which Pokemon best reflected ourselves we made a picture of myself into a coy extremely sexy emoji and most recently we've been discussing the changes involved for a Mayday for Mayday in a patreon slash discord state of the Mayday Union address in addition to all that craziness you get an opportunity to listen to exclusive patreon content behind the scenes information we'd like
Starting point is 00:01:53 to give a shout out as well to our handler level patreon contributors it's because of their involvement in our content that we can begin thinking of all those big beautiful picture ideas we have for Mayday there's a lot slotted for this year that we want to make happen and it's because of all of you that we're able to do so so thank you to Ankh OJPAN Bimblewarts Cameron S Eric A and Jonathan M Ren WTF and finally Alex Johnson thank you all for your support means the world to us that you guys would give us that level of love that that much of a testament to our craft we really appreciate it other than that
Starting point is 00:02:31 please check out our Delta Green campaign doom to repeat that as of this moment is just a day away from the start of our internal recordings for season three today is the night before Sergio ruins our lives our fantasy campaign centered in the island world of Ashoka where Eli crafts a world so brimming with love at least in every recording and our old world of darkness campaign using the Orpheus system with the one and only Vince from black project gaming fame all of which are available on all major podcasting platforms YouTube and our twitch finally we just want to give love out to our last
Starting point is 00:03:12 member Vince who's on a little Mayday vacation he's been grown a beard he's been writing a bunch content he's coming back very soon and we're so excited to have him back I know he's been helping Sergio out doom to repeat too which is terrifying to think that they've been talking should not be allowed to talk those two but we miss him dearly we love him dearly and hopefully he can come back and talk some sense into these vampires very soon before we get started today I just want to remind everyone that vampire the mask great can be a dark setting and as such there are content warnings for any watching please be
Starting point is 00:03:49 advised that there may be violent themes plenty of adult language and the exploration of darker subjects please take care of yourself and be aware things to watch out for this episode are corpses I would say a pretty severe warning for trip a phobia fear of bugs arachnophobia and depictions of homicide without further ado let's get started humanity was cursed and because of that curse the elders desired a protection only afforded by the sacrilege of their blood the coerve rye the blood bond is a gift of the blood that has become indistinguishable from the love of a
Starting point is 00:04:34 sire to its subordinate the poison in our veins acts as oil to water when subjected to another of our curse and often the sheer potency of our curse dictates the power we hold over another of our kind three sips is all required for a submissive to recognize its master for fledgling to know their place the first sip changes the chemistry in their vitae long dead synapses begin to fire back with new life whether in an undying love that blooms in dead hearts or a seething hatred by the second there is a memory cemented in there of their new regnant a person occupying the tower of their mind a creature in a throne
Starting point is 00:05:18 dictating orders becomes all too easy to recognize them as the authority of your blood and to worship the boot that walks upon you and by the last it's over you are a thrall incapable of a love that does not belong to them the most you have ever felt is for the tunneled vision that comes about when their gaze sets upon you and with each new breath you can feel them thrum in the dead veins of your body they are the only new life you can afford the only solution then is time months away from your dearly beloved a clear mind one without mention without sight without thought for if one casual consideration should leak into
Starting point is 00:06:01 the forays of your thoughts you would find yourself genuflected at their will in the sabbat the practice is taken on new life a ritual performed in mass the vaultary which transforms the blood to be bitten not to anyone regnant but instead the pack of creatures that hunt beside you a communal blood bond to strengthen the sword of king and then in these most modern nights there is the blood wedding a bonding unlike any other an unstoppable need to meet blood to blood the roiling of two circulatory systems begging for escape from one body to another to ruling kings in the hollow shells of dead lovers a beautiful
Starting point is 00:06:47 thing warped into a cruel facsimile of human connection we will convince ourselves it is possible to love after death we will suppress all grief for the nerves long decomposed we will trust an outstretched hand at the hopes that it might lift us up we will think ourselves fortunate to have someone to call our own and time and time again we will think the power we hold over each other is inconsequential to the goals at hand that the good we plan to do will far outweigh any want for control any need to see them grovel but instead we will make them bend knee we will kill our darlings welcome to vegas by night could not even describe
Starting point is 00:07:35 what that was couldn't couldn't translate it if that you asked me to we're going to begin by introducing our cast and the characters they're playing and and we'll head into a recap performed by allison my name is calib james miller today i'll be your story teller i'm erin i'm inoc and i saved all my friends i'm a legra i play malin i forgot i was mad at burrows i'm amanda i play allison and this is going to be interesting uh i'm elie and i'm playing niles i'm sergio and i'm playing burrows i'm zikia and i'm playing a business woman named civil whenever you're ready allison
Starting point is 00:08:24 okay breaking news at allison uh network really quick lamp fight ends in chaos in a shocking turn of events a lamp lighter a lamp light fight broke out in the streets last night ending in chaos and destruction eyewitnesses report that the altercation began as a verbal dispute between two rival groups but quickly escalated to a full blown brawl according to sources burrow and alice burrows and civil two local residents attempted to quell the violence by singing and staring as the opposing group despite their best efforts of the situation it quickly spiled out of control with burrows and now getting caught up in the fray luckily they were able to wrench away from the
Starting point is 00:09:18 altercation and escaped unharmed the situation took a turn for the worse when inoc another local resident made a bomb and used it in the fight the bomb did what bombs do and cause significant damage to the area it is unclear at this time how many injuries or casualties have been resulted from the blast as the dust began to settle civil attempted to feed from the lamp light but it was reported to be as wait for it gross experience during the fight as inoc had a vision of some kind about a door but it was currently unclear of what the vision was in the aftermath of the fight lake meat is now open and safe for residents to use so don't forget to bring out those water noodles civil amow went to give professor emrick the blood he requested burrows on the other hand
Starting point is 00:10:10 killed a priest he was able to uh he was trying to start a church with and lastly inoc went to the prince to narc on the situation the story is developing and we will bring you more details and updates as they become available allison thought thanks allison looks like the fight at the lamp light has been put out but it looks like the light at the end of the tunnel might be a little dimmer for some of our participants tune in next time for more updates of this shocking story at the allison news network incredible what the fuck am i amazing guys allison had such a passion for the news it's the best part about being crazy you never know where you are yeah i just i can't tell you guys enough get yourselves a malkavian in your game it's
Starting point is 00:11:01 it's what your malkavian yeah have them on the head yeah hug your malkavian well get to what log them in the how do them in the head i love it so before we get into what is ultimately one of the most important nights of all of your uh second lives i'd like to go around the table here and discuss hunger and xp now i know that we decided hunger last game so make sure that you are not updating your score from what we decided at the end there i don't want you to go too far as so many of you are already very very hungry um so uh let's start alphabetically and just go down hunger and any changes to experience or your character sheet bubba you're muted
Starting point is 00:11:51 that's right i may i got i believe i have a one hunger and i don't gather any new shit okay inox is at one hunger that will help him out now is it too hunger um and i had 21 xp but now i just have 20 because i took something new for oblivion uh that we'll we'll see in game maybe if i'm lucky okay no hunger and no add-ons niles is at four hunger and four health and no adds to their xp's something four four hunger for health yeah i took uh aggravated damage from lint lighter
Starting point is 00:12:49 that's right burrows is too hunger uh one two three four five health out of i think six that i have so i'm a little beat up too i did use my xp because um kayla won't stop making me make melee rolls so i have two points in melee uh just because i'm using a specialized sword and uh one i took one point in etiquette as well i had nothing in etiquette uh because i think after today's session burrows is going to learn a lesson or two pinkies pinkies about how to how to interact with other kindred yeah what what an asshole i am making you roll melee when you use melee weapons i have three in brawl you gotta go talk to slo he's the respect npc okay good sib is at four hunger and has one point of aggravated damage so she's just a little
Starting point is 00:13:55 little crispy a little crispy just broiled yeah um you all wake up on an auspicious night uh a very foreboding energy is about this new life that is brought to you all of you are unaware of the storm uh that is about to roil through all of las vegas um you wake up in your respective places i believe the only three that stayed together tonight were niles and uh the kingsters god knows whenever enok came home for the night but uh the three of you wake up in club canan unless you have other alternatives there enok what's up no i was just wondering what time i would have gotten back well you went to see the the prince quite late in the evening probably about 3 30 when you arrive that conversation would have taken no more than you probably came in just under the dawn honestly
Starting point is 00:14:53 so it's like bedtime when i get back oh yeah your body was probably half dead already on the way home can we just say that i pass out in the bathroom style absolutely wouldn't say that i'm sure that is not uh unfamiliar for enok enok is half uh knocked out uh over the public restroom toilet that is i'm sure it's a feedied over perfectly safe place from the sun absolutely uh this being um a kindred owned establishment club canan does not have many windows out to the outside world and even the ones that are there have been gel shaded over and tinted to uh to a kindred's uh standard who would like to start off the night is there anyone that believes they should have first business here in this new not everyone's like don't fucking look at me
Starting point is 00:15:55 very good burles is gonna get up and go uh buy a gyro and then uh probably go to club canan to meet up with everyone did you bring me a hero i don't know let me roll a die and see if i did i did yes so you buy two gyros yeah um where did burrows stay for the night where did burrows post up knowing that i actually think he may have uh gone back to the pastor's house is probably the apartment and uh to his body right there no i don't think he would have taken his body i think he's got at least two bodies in the car uh so the body's still in the car and he stayed the night slipped in through the back window and is in a closet or a bathroom on on your way out you do have to walk past this sort of wall across the hallway leading to his his entrance hall basically
Starting point is 00:16:58 and it is just littered in these photos of him on freemont street posing with people with tourists with community members there's a picture of him with an old mayor of las vegas there's pictures of him outside of the hues center and the most prominent in the center that almost starts to kick up that ravenous blad that starts to start the Mustang in your heart there's this massive photo in the center of this gallery wall that is of him with some sort of a congregation outside of a much larger chapel than the one you know of him occupying before it's definitely not here in nevada it's probably farther south you're guessing somewhere like texas or new mexico um but he has a team of nion 70 people uh behind him and he is at the forefront behind them big outstressed arms
Starting point is 00:17:53 with all of them cheering and smiling and grinning and there's this big banistered sign over the top that says the name of the church in the congregation year um and he just looks so abundantly happy so filled with faith in this photo boros it's good to know that he had a good life and i will leave good you you imagine as you're buying these heroes the day that you'll have your congregation you can stand out in front of mal's church and hold over your kingdom but you take your sandwiches and you drive up to club canan you arrive in that back entrance the fencing around club canan as it has not been officially uh brought into vegas's nightlife yet is still there there's still this sort of safety uh chain link that has been rimmed with privacy uh tarping but you
Starting point is 00:18:51 park in through that uh that side entrance and and come in through the usual entrance yeah i'll step in and and uh probably just wait around for everybody uh eating i was gonna say if you had walked in i would have probably i would be at the bar already kind of just like any putting bottles or seeing what just kind of putting that together you guys open for service defense did you bring me one uh well it so happens i was thinking of having a second meal but i do have one here you go ah and i'm going to and i'm gonna to the liquor pick your poison what do you want what do you want um i'm just kidding i'm really not much of a drinker last night was a special case so it's it's fine i have zima when are you gonna clean this place up
Starting point is 00:19:47 i don't know that's the thing i want to clean it see that rafter up there yeah cup yes i see it i'm thinking that's where it could be spoon's nest like spoons could be over top and kind of like see whoever doesn't tip right can just turn around and just shit on them or can just swoop down and pickpocket that is awfully thought of thought thoughtful of you man or uh allison thank you um yeah i suppose we have been pretty damn busy we really haven't had much time for our own things you know what i mean been so caught up in everything now is it you what i know you like you're singing question how would you feel about a karaoke night here you know i'm actually glad you brought that up because i i had some plans to open up a
Starting point is 00:20:48 a kind of church service a kind of uh well maybe more of a musical act than anything and i wanted to do it that uh mouths place but mouths a little bratty you know what i mean and so i think that uh i think maybe i need to be at a more hit place some place like here so i would love to take you up on your offer so wait i'm i'm i'm i'm is this like a vagus show or is this actually like a church service well i mean i'm gonna be singing gospel i'm gonna have a 30-piece band i'm gonna have a full choir oh i'm just not well you see i i think i want to make a show that is that is kind of celebrating the lord but i just i don't know if a church is the right place it's not vagus you know what i mean it does need to be a venue like this that's that's my main thought
Starting point is 00:21:42 okay so how much do you want it to be about the lord and how much are you thinking of like prophet honestly prophet isn't really a big motive for me but any way that i can serve the community aka kindred community i'd be happy to i mean there's gonna be a lot of lost souls in that place and a lot of blood there's you're right there is a lot of lost souls lost money my blood we could set up a whole uh uh make a church we could set up a whole booth for confessional and really it's just a whole bite professional bite professional oh my god okay hold on i have so many ideas right now this is great um here's the thing though having a mega
Starting point is 00:22:42 church in a bar it's unusual right it's a great idea no one had ever thought of it i'm telling you there are so many churches in los angeles or in los vegas and not a damn one of them is open past midnight isn't that crazy there should be a 24 seven okay um that is true but how is that going to get in the way of the go-go dancers that i planned well is this like a very sunday you get where i'm going like because sunday it would be one day now i was i was getting ahead of myself when i said seven okay thank you one one night a week late night church service that is full music you know i'll bring a pastor in for the show somebody real flashy you know i was thinking somebody real honest but i think that's the wrong direction needs to be somebody big and flashy
Starting point is 00:23:30 i oh okay um you can not on busy days or footballs tournaments fights once we can make we can make this work we can make that work and i promise not to eat anybody on the floor without your permission that's not related never mind okay um i do think though if this pops off the way it does we might want to include mal and uh make the mega church and therefore we can receive what do they call it the seeds of the lord and the money and they need to donate if they want good seeds in their future and all that let's do that i think i'm gonna make a believer out of you yet uh alison i'm a believer in the big ol grain trust me that's what i believe in at the mention of cleaning inoc emerges from a back hallway in a janitor's outfit with a push
Starting point is 00:24:38 broom just slowly careening around the the room sweeping up what you know the place is already pretty clean but he's doing the thing where dogs like pretend to dig he's just like pretending to clean and then at the mention of the church service he's just in the background mumbling let them enjoy the fine cloth of the kindred let them enjoy the gentle music of the kindred let them know the sweetness of our wine well i think i found my pastor i think i found the uh the showman i need oh i don't know i was just saying let them in i guess you got your boy well trained here he's already cleaning the place up i wish he was since you know i didn't show up tonight but it's all right uh you were already last night you know apparently
Starting point is 00:25:27 oh i was saving everybody's life last night because you're my friend oh oh okay yes and friends save friends lives right okay now you're picking it up he can be taught yeah he can he's a fast learner i'm and i have a surprise for you my dear but you have to wait a little bit am i going okay am i going to like the surprise i think you will well now you uh awake to the sounds of the pounding at the door below your chamber there
Starting point is 00:26:21 in the cold uh wrappings of the office to your church and you are alive again for what feels like the thousandth time mal rolls out of the bed that they've kind of set themselves up in uh glanced up at kathryn headless lady um and proceeds to shred all of the detritus and trash that they've been picking up and uh sort it sorts it into different colors um and once that's done and they realize they can't really get much further than that they'll start uh wandering through the shadows till toward club canan okay um just to kind of see what's up everyone was in a weird mood last night
Starting point is 00:27:27 just like wandering beautiful you collect all of that trash you uh put it into little color coded circles um you find uh that the church does still reek of um borosa's trappings from the last night uh and the body that was uh deposited here once he had killed uh that poor priest and there's still a stained portion of the stone cobbled uh a church floor uh where the pew had been cast aside and uh pastor dudley's body was uh left um can i grab a couple of the pews and just drag them over and flip them upside like flip them onto their back so that it's just over the stain absolutely you can uh and moving out to club canan of the sound of that beast below your uh church continues to ramble on as if saying goodbye uh you arrive at club canan some 30 minutes later
Starting point is 00:28:41 symbol uh where did you bed down for the night i think symbols at their place or what's left of it um yeah because they dropped maloft and then they went home but it's just as messy and unkept as it's always been um i think they wake up i'm realizing the blood bags that you gave me are in the club which is where her food is also so it's a tough morning um yeah i think she's just frustrated like she gets into the van the like uh circus circus van and is driving horribly to club canan understood uh we all converge on a singular point as allison and burrows and enok are discussing the merits of a mega church uh and the ability to extract funds from its users uh much the same as every other religious organization uh running a mega church uh the rest of you join in on club
Starting point is 00:29:49 canan in the central floor it is still that three tiered layer um it is almost convention empty as if some large event is supposed to move in but hasn't and everyone is in attendance in the lobby save for niles wherever niles is up to in club canan do you have any ideas there elie niles has probably we have a we have a subfloor basement like basement area i think niles went down there and niles has been like still down there um they probably woke up and realized that they're not healing and like their jacket is like soaked with like burn and you know stuff and yeah they're agitated and hungry and staying put understood for the rest of you uh you all meet in the lobby there
Starting point is 00:30:51 how's everyone we're gonna meet bride again she's been on my ass about bringing you to asylum so like oh yeah you might get like good ideas for this place or something if you check it out so would it make you happy if i did that came with you to bride like for friends i mean because that's what you're asking right you're asking a friend to go with you i'm asking you to go because bride asked you to come do you want to ignore a primogen we fucked up enough of late okay yeah you're you wake up on the wrong side of the coffin today i don't sleep in a coffin do you sleep in a coffin is that what we're supposed to do yeah oh didn't they tell you that's like vampire 101 shit you two are fucking with me you have to be fucking of course i'm
Starting point is 00:31:56 fucking with you when haven't i god it's too easy you want to go see a hot lady or not oh no i do great i will be going oh wait do i need a dress up do i look like i know you look beautiful allison you know the club scene and you would know that asylums you know newest on the block it's the hottest on the block it's a franchise across the united states it is the uppest you can get it's it's an allison spot okay the fact that that's not the response i wanted from everybody i'm beautiful no i'm fucking goddamn gorgeous all right mount come with me we're doing a makeover we're gonna make sure we go yes we gotta look if you ride with me we go look allison if you don't make sure it's all black yes makeover i'll make sure it's all black as long as i'm not wearing
Starting point is 00:32:57 a dress fine who the fuck you don't need a dress oh i'm thinking dapper with you we can make this work okay that does sound kind of sick i wait civil you want to come too oh yes i'm going going and it's like if you see the way people clutch mugs when they're clearly addicted to whatever they're drinking like this this is how the blood bag is as she follows i'm literally just gonna just if there's nothing else i will i'm basically gonna go ahead with uh mal but i do want to make sure we look very like just a little extra next level okay uh civil i assume you're drinking to uh fullness you're trying to get down to one i think i can only do two i'll do two bags under two schools understood
Starting point is 00:33:59 so you have two bodies in my car i'm gonna have to get rid of so somebody wants to drive out to the desert with me uh you can use my lab thing we got chemicals just burn them uh i'm not really well versed with chemicals uh you can use the bodies those are viable parts yeah you want to rip some shit apart all right well somebody's got to help me drag them out of the back of the car i got it put them in the ice box yes dear i have the parts while uh while uh enok is helping me get the bodies out of the car i'll just off hand at least say so where would you get up to last night i told you i saved your life well what exactly does that entail it means you are going to die and i stopped you from dying
Starting point is 00:34:49 and who was going to kill me well the prince i mean i i feel like i'm in okay place with the prince why would he want to kill me you would be wrong till you uh so what you made some kind of deal with him yeah we were all in trouble with the prince and now we're not anymore hmm well uh you you must have a lot of sway with him to just ask him not to kill us and so i can be very persuasive when i want to be why did they come back in yeah you know we're coming back in moving the bodies what if what what else that i've heard that uh outside no no no i mean if they were in like are they back inside i don't know i don't know if
Starting point is 00:35:39 the conversation necessarily would have bled into the heightened senses it's up to at this point it'd be up to enok and burrows if you guys would like it to bleed into the lobby then sure i'm cool i'm cool either way yeah i mean i i guess i guess the conversation would continue yeah allison you heard the tail end of that yeah what do you mean by that i mean you are alive you're welcome you're thanking me for being alive me that's not right what are you doing what what are you doing well he enok here is saying that he talked to the prince last night and he uh
Starting point is 00:36:32 he saved our lives wait wait wait wait you talk to the prince yeah you who couldn't talk to me really the first you are you into the prince without me without me yeah it's surprisingly easy you just gotta text him his dms are open so you're still not sure if you actually talk to him what literal fuck does that mean can you talk normal for like once i'm talking normal clarify to the prince stop knock it off i know you why did you talk to the prince without me there what did you do we just seemed busy now wait a minute did did you tell him about about what we found oh yeah what wait he was going to kill you and now he's not going to since when was he gonna kill us that's never been a knowledge that anything that's the hospital he told me
Starting point is 00:37:37 he was already to do it okay the targets were painted but now they're not now you're safe so he knows about lotta he knows about the door that's okay he only has one key gonna keep secret between us what's okay he only has the one key he knows where the door is and knock what why did you do that so if if i that yeah keep you safe now you're safe oh i got us new furniture you can get whatever you want we're not past that hold on there's knock um there's called payment with interest that's the interest
Starting point is 00:38:42 well the furniture is pretty nice no that's that's the gear that's an exchange for something what did you get out of this what did you get out of this for us then i got my friends you're alive and i told you i got you a special surprise what is the surprise you're gonna like it i didn't ask if i'd like it i asked you a question what is the surprise but then it won't be a surprise what what is the surprise um technically this is a command given to you yes by someone you have been blood married to yes if you would like to keep the surprise you may resist if wife tells me to do something you knock does what wife says and i asked what is it if you don't say
Starting point is 00:39:47 what it is in the next sentence they're gonna find your dad alson's gonna go stone cold quiet back off and just like walk away like well now nobody get to uh too emotional she's very surprised um we're all standing in front of the most influential kindred amongst us if we're smart we'll pay him our dues and raise a toast to him and i'll just raise an empty glass the enok it's a gangster ass move if i ever saw one hold on the one of the biggest pieces of information we've been given as a coterie the prince has in exchange of finding someone who i presume it must be really difficult to find this person like they're in another i don't know dimension
Starting point is 00:40:50 well we've been fucking looking okay that's also you're alive um was finding allison's daddy yes and keeping you alive because you're my friends but we were going to tell him today we were gonna plan this better okay um i thought you would be happy okay i know where the other key is well i know who knows where the other key is where would it be was that who i don't know where it is but i know who knows i know who knows who can tell us where it is which is who oh enok i command you to just get to the point you're
Starting point is 00:41:46 pissing me off the hikata have it we knew that did we i don't know if i really did but it does make sense that uh there'd be in town for that i mean we did find basically the most important thing in los vegas so i think all roads lead back to that okay and had a plan just the prince no who has the key the prince knows that the hikata key or are we still the only one he knows because he's the one who told me that they have it okay i'd love to point out to everyone that like me mommy um told us that if we told anyone she'd kill us i remember but the prince was going to kill you anyway so we've just changed one murderer for another so you really haven't done anything well i got us some furniture oh good we're not gonna be alive
Starting point is 00:42:52 long enough to see it you fuck oh well you obviously need a coffin no one sleeps in coffins mal is like mal is just like pasting the corners like okay like disappearing in shadow disappearing in shadow disappearing in shadow um so yeah okay we're about to have a lot of pissed off people i'm drinking i'm just gonna start drinking even though it doesn't do anything it's just habit wait a minute wait a minute we're looking for someone that's that's something you could in theory like visit a trimier about right that's all they're just gonna kind of like google
Starting point is 00:43:50 magic google search where this person is are they just gonna tell us that's not well now they're gonna be pretty favor what's what's inoc what's what's the prince's first move what is he doing first well he said he was gonna go look i assume they're there about now are they beginning of the night so we still got some time well they're on their way but it's okay do we tell niles where is niles should absolutely be up here yes yeah i thought niles was here no niles is somewhere else do you not notice when niles isn't here niles is downstairs that's a problem dude i'm gonna stomp on the floor hopefully the echo echo down like not like stomp on it hopefully niles will hear it i have what they call face blindness all of you people look the
Starting point is 00:44:48 same to me i'm gonna go get niles it's it's all i listen to not out i'll i'll go with uh with cybil down there okay else else alison not alison alison alison alison i'm sitting in a corner pulled up just i'm gonna here's what i'm gonna do we're gonna step down is there a door that i can absolutely i'm gonna close that door and before even addressing niles but saying this in front of niles so that they can absolutely hear us burles is gonna say we aren't just gonna let this happen right cybil this can't just we're not just gonna no i know we have to move now we don't know the folks that correct this we don't even we don't know everything that he did we know most of it but i don't even know how we would begin we would have to curry so much favor
Starting point is 00:45:47 like uh now i don't know yes we're gonna do something our boy upstairs told the prince what we found enog we can assume the prince knows everything knows where lotta is he knows what's up against him and he confessed that he has at least one of the keys niles the emotion that is brimming from this surprise from the shock is driving that power in your beast the hunger that sits in the scent of your chest that threatens to move throughout every cell in your body to metastasize and grow flesh just looking at them claws at your insides to prevent yourself from biting into two of your most trusted confidants yeah i'd probably be digging my like like like hands into the sides and like probably making
Starting point is 00:46:49 my injuries even worse um but i'm not addressing them i'm probably starting though to like shake and get very agitated like even more agitated than i already am because i'm just more focused on not eating we got to get this kid some blood you got another bag on you or there's those bodies down here that they have what won't you i do from that you do have a bag we need to get this kid under control i mean i have several i mean we need everybody a top shape niles what do you want us to do now take the bag is it regular blood yeah it's human i i'd slap that shit out of your hand if you put that in front of me i i can't what do you need niles what do you tell me you know what i need you know what i need
Starting point is 00:47:48 we don't uh civil one civil one thing at a time we need those who are going to help us those who are going to do what we know we need to do to fix this situation to meet up and discuss what needs to happen unfortunately i don't think enok is part of that equation and i don't know if allison is part of that equation okay we need to find an air and and and everyone go on and we'll talk about it on the way i don't know what maybe we need to talk to well we need to talk to a lot of people but we'll find someone and we'll all have a discussion on the way there
Starting point is 00:48:36 maybe we take mal to i don't know i don't know i mean i need to talk to some cirque people for a second just to really figure out what the fuck is going on and that's enough right for now i'm a little distracted honestly because niles but yeah we need to find an air and we'll talk about it on the way well how about that well i don't know what what if we say we're gonna go get niles to get something to eat yeah oh no yes okay if if this is just like the trimier or looking into it whoever this allison's dad is we should go talk to the trimier oh if we can catch them while they're doing whatever they're doing
Starting point is 00:49:34 maybe that'll give us enough information to go forward if not we can at least talk to them so they know that we're not whatever happened last night if the prince is checking on uh if the prince is checking on whether this whole thing with lotta is real we've got a little time before this blood hunt begins so i don't know if the trimier are going to really probably go check on her too but no all right well we at least we should get mounted on this okay i think i think we'll return upstairs and turn to niles yeah i'm gonna turn to niles and say is this is this
Starting point is 00:50:26 do we have time to find you something to eat i don't know if we have time to find uh kaleb do we have time to find something to eat you are on you are on the edge of this getting much worse you do have some time time who knows whether that's an hour two who knows shake my head hard at fucking simple then do this now and she rolls up her sleeve well i made a wait a minute if it here at least take some from me too that way it's it's a little less intense i'll put my armor too i hate that least your failure i i mean i'm so hungry at this point i don't think i have a lot of
Starting point is 00:51:19 self-control here so yeah um who's first who are you biting first i don't know um before you before you bite either of them make a frenzy test for me that is your willpower pool uh plus uh i think it's a third of your humanity it's gonna sound like mal's basement down here no i'm sorry half of your humanity rounded down i have two successes but one um failure on my hunger dice um one one on my hunger dice not a lot of certainty from the storyteller here i don't like it shit would you like to spend one willpower to ignore a frenzy for one turn
Starting point is 00:52:27 yes yes i would yes i would okay um let me roll what dice i can roll that isn't my hunger right well first you're just going to slake how much how much are you taking from who who's the first one you're biting uh surge odds or even odds uh civil okay so how much are you taking from civil i would like to take one from each i'm trying to get down to two hunger i do not want to eat more than that okay by suppressing the frenzy that is in you you are able to slake one hunger from civil civil it is one of the most painful feeds you have ever experienced i don't know that you've
Starting point is 00:53:22 ever given this to another kindred that you've ever fed someone directly from your vein but it is as though niles is chewing on you opening you you look down and you watch as your forearm is gourd open by the sheer size of niles's teeth and niles you are not kind you are not gentle you are forceful so much so that you can begin to see forearm bone beneath and it is as you slake one hunger that you go into the frenzy that you delayed that frenzy means that when moving on to borosa's blood you cannot contain yourself from drinking more you both must make a contested role to get niles off of you as niles pivots directly off of civil and clamps on to borosa's wrist and begins devouring eating harder than you ever have in your life so much so that you can
Starting point is 00:54:22 hear those wrists snap the second that niles gets to the hand and the hand falls limp and boros immediately you're trying to wrench your hand away from a mad dog that is gnawing at you um i need it didn't look that bad to me from civil but from me i'm like oh god so first first do i gain a hunger from her feeding on you yes we're going to go with that mechanic i believe that's house ruling for us but i think it makes sense the two of you become hungrier as you give over to niles so then all right it's either that or we could take damage but i'd rather give you hunger than i would damage sure all right so i've got three hunger and what would you like me to roll to try to i'd like you to make them off me well let me ask you is your
Starting point is 00:55:08 first instinct is the roiling of your uh ravenous blood runs through you as the Mustang begins to rev in your heart uh is it to fight back or to push off i i think it is to push off okay so make a strength plus athletics like maybe even put my boot on their head and try to like kick them off me but strength okay yeah strength plus athletics niles i would like you to make the um strongest attack pool you can against burrows i believe it'll probably just be strength plus brawl yeah but in your frenzy i would also like you to initiate whatever um fleshcraft can do to make you more powerful in this circumstance holy nuts i will use fleshcraft i'll use vicissitude yes um yeah i so what does this look like um it's obviously not your hands it's your teeth but
Starting point is 00:56:05 what what what does this look like as niles tries desperately to hold on to his wrist um hmm i think i would grab him by the hands though yeah um and i've already been growing talents so it'd probably be reaching out and like just latching on to burrows which is inadvertently probably making him bleed even more um but yeah it's just to make sure that i do not let like if he's gonna boot me i'm gonna try to not take the boot right i totally judo flipped niles before so my guard is down i'm like oh this you know this kid's not that bad okay i rolled five though i got two two crits so that's that's a four and another one that's and then one i burned one willpower to get that other success god total just about the best i could have gotten with the dice
Starting point is 00:57:03 only one success only one success okay uh you slake two hunger off of burrows before he is able to get you off you feel as those sheen doubt knived hands that don't look unlike lotta from below as uh the disgusting fleshcraft takes over across the hands and the vicissitude implies into burrows is forearm uh you can see as it creates these you know the 10 different entry points into your arm and you become a ribbon of swords through you uh how do you pull that off of you burrows what does this look like in your defense i think it's literally just like not even caring i mean you know i assume the arm is completely eviscerated at this point so i'm just like taking one of my feet and just with all of my might kind of like kind of like how vegeta did dragon ball z
Starting point is 00:58:02 with one of those robots i forget the name of them but you just like tear you know just tear myself off of her with right i suppose my strongest muscle which is one of my legs got it yeah you really boot or uh boot them off and finally there's this separation between you two i want to just decide if this frenzy continues or if this moment the slaking is enough to uh contain niles now as could you make one more frenzy test yes uh the the folks upstairs you do hear a crash uh a commotion downstairs as the echoing of the floors go through and niles is booted to the other side of the room okay anyone is free to make action i would be coming down at that point uh three successes but a uh a bc l failure on my one hunger dice that i have with your reduced hunger and the three
Starting point is 00:58:53 successes uh you are okay there is no additional frenzy the kick to your skull is enough to bring yourself back to some semblance of control for your trouble burrows you're going to take one aggravated damage uh okay niles is gonna let go and retreat immediately to a corner and just back away got it mouth did you come down with me when we heard that noise um well upstairs mal has been continuing to rant at enok um and was on the point of like sending out a tendril of oblivion to do touch of oblivion on him just because they they're so pissed off but the crash from downstairs probably pulls them out of it and they'll trail behind allison after one last dirty look at enok i had i had fucking plans for that secret you shit knock it off and i'm
Starting point is 00:59:49 gonna be a look i'm like whoa okay everyone's fine where does anyone need what the fuck happened now blood shit mal we're preventing an emergency i'll go over to burrows and like try and i don't pick them up or something as she's as they are picking me up i'm just gonna kind of pull her close within my ear what we need we need to meet outside this club just the four of us um use her to use them to get up i'll i'll i'll just start moving him outside then yes if you drained your bodies which have been on ice for quite a while they're still alive they're still knocked out if you drain them you could slake probably too hunger sorry we have amanda is not in the video right now oh no no they're here they're there okay good
Starting point is 01:01:06 so if you're maple dripping them as you're saying yes if i'm able stripping them if you are sapping these folks it's probably just gonna slake one hunger from someone i would i would there's not a lot but it's if it's one bag it's one bag and i'm like anyone want it you take what's on tap it's fresh very cold blood i could i could use it yeah give it to burrows i will give it to burrows you are able to slake one hunger off of this it's a very unpleasant experience the radnos like their meals hot and this one is freezer cold and i personally like my meals from the people i love so it's even harder i would have warmed it up but it's i mean it's alive it should be relatively warm right they're not dead they're kept in uh the cryogenic freezer that's true i i would have
Starting point is 01:02:01 warmed it up with my hands but that ain't happening so what what when when mal takes me out of the way upstairs or whatever i'm you know again like through clenched teeth and pain i'm just like the four of us we need to we need to reconvene we need to fix this okay uh we can go to my church if you promise not to fucking kill anyone there again we'll get back to that but yes okay should we wait for seven i'm gonna find symbol yeah yeah i was gonna go back to niles and get as close as they will let me get and just try to smooth it over are we ready to go i understand that was a lot and we'll get to that but are you okay i think niles will eventually nod their head um and try to get up but they're
Starting point is 01:03:09 not making eye contact with you um and we'll allow you to lead them to wherever we're supposed to be going okay i'd lead them towards the whole way we're burrows and malar all of you are up there in the lobby enok and alison included uh burrows and i are gonna go deal with his arm yeah i need to wrap this up yeah we'll be back later okay i bride what we'll go see bride we'll go see bride later alison okay let me know when you're ready to go shopping yeah sure all four of you leave in tandem or is it just malon burrows for now i think in pieces is less suspicious hey that's suspicious the four i could wait did you guys tell me everything that i think i'll just um i gave you some some uh
Starting point is 01:04:09 some highlights about the prince yeah yeah i think i've averted my attention to enok then but i'm still standing behind sible okay so mal and burrows slink out of the lobby leaving sible and niles standing in front of the kinksters well this is not awkward yeah um shall we uh look can we just rip the band-aid off and just gonna go and say uh if you try to kill him which i've tried to as well just know by default i can't allow that why would they try to kill me i saved their life because we're friends no you're an idiot you do
Starting point is 01:05:07 things without thinking you're a genius when it comes to math computers but you are stupid as shit when it comes to people in politics like i have told you many times so and i'm gonna turn to the other two and i'm gonna be like do you see what i'm working with i think i'm the least of uh i'm the least of enox worries if oh i know how to find out i know unlike him i can figure that part out so i'm not responsible for his safety i know i'm not responsible for your safety obviously you're not responsible for a lot right now so why don't you shut up and clean see uh symbol's gonna take miles outside bye let us know when you try to come back and kill us quick heads up baby when they leave i will tell you like you can speak now
Starting point is 01:06:15 but i hope you do know that it's not just you set things in motion like um they'll now be coming after us so now we have a lot more to worry about but okay now we have air cover from the top the tippy top but could you have done it better that's the thing you could have done it better you know no you i get like how are you this smart you are so like from now on you touch nothing you don't do politics go and examine the blood that's in the bodies i need to know why that blood is so good that's your job i don't know what else you got but i'm so good at it you're good as a hammer it oh my god okay that's fine um think about what i'm thinking i'm waiting you gotta you gotta sell this to me harder you haven't yet
Starting point is 01:07:24 i just wanted you to have everything that you deserve and now you have it oh god is this all the power all the influence really daddy is gonna get what's coming to him now you get everything you want right now i don't have everything i want right now i have a bunch of pissed off vampires waiting to find out what you said is true or not so either they find out it's true and now i gotta deal with these assholes on top of us i'm trying to kill us because now it's personal or they don't and now not only are you on the prince's radar put you then you put to me in danger i think you see where you could have talked about this with me and the fact that you didn't tells me a lot more
Starting point is 01:08:25 i was just trying to make you happy then why do you keep pissing me off because i love you no you no if you loved me you would do things that would make me love you you are doing things that make me annoyed at you you are not my child what is this incest crap with these people always saying that you are not a child i'm not your mother nor will i ever be you mommy wise i oh well you can be mad at me with those eyes too you fucking weird just stop looking me with a puppy dog eyes too look at the ground oh you can be mad at me oh that's okay but you're safe and you're powerful and you're rich and you're in a club you're at the top now baby i am in a dirty
Starting point is 01:09:29 club with a guy looking at the floor whimpering and i have a bunch of vampires pissed off that is what i have right now everything you're saying is a possibility in the future that's the problem that's what i'm talking about you are great with science so do me a favor and find out what's with the bodies downstairs because that's the only thing i can think i can trust you with all right don't and as you are we like don't make any plans without me knowing all right all right and do me a favor you're you're kind of like wimpy attitude is really dragging me down i'm going to need you to vamp the fuck up well which is is it look at the floor or is it vamp the fuck up those are conflicting that's conflicting information baby oh my god you can look up now
Starting point is 01:10:38 as enok looks up we smash cut to baby blue outside of the church the church's still foreclosed yes i would have asked mal to drive well and um on the drive you know burrows is really in a lot of pain um i think through that pain he's just trying to ignore it by just like talking out loud and he just you know squeezes out things like what i did last night it was fucked up but you gotta understand mal when people put me in a corner i don't usually tell them the truth that but the fact that i that i fessed up it's a sign of progress and um i'm sorry but if it means anything i didn't i didn't want to lie to you i didn't want to do the same thing i've done to everybody else in
Starting point is 01:11:52 my life that's actually kind of nice i'd respect the intent i'm still pissed though you're still not doing church in my church yeah if it helps at all i am in so much goddamn pain yeah that does actually help a lot i'm glad that's good yeah what the fuck are we gonna do dude like what the fuck are we gonna do i had plans for that secret like i would have talked to you guys first obviously but i had plans and now it's fucked and what do we do do we joke check on lotta is she gonna fucking kill us i don't really care actually you know what no i don't care if she kills us great if she doesn't cool i don't care i don't care i mean we all had plans uh we all wanted a meeting with the prince and i think we all understand even if enok doesn't that we just got screwed tonight
Starting point is 01:12:50 yeah but i gotta admit something that i've been on the fence this whole goddamn time ever since i got out ever since i've been able to finally do my own damn thing i i've just i've been trying to do the same thing i've done my whole damn life just make those people at the tower make those people above me happy kiss their ass dance and do a little jingle for them and i don't know so something about something about finding out from enok no one what he did it just it clarified things for me i don't i don't know if i really care so much about the camera really anymore but i know for one goddamn sure thing we we can't just let them have everything we can't just let them have this this door so
Starting point is 01:13:40 whatever we can do to bring some kind of balance back to this i'd be happy with that it's good to hear i've been fucking done with the cam since we got here they're a bunch of weird assholes they're a bunch of weird assholes yeah what the fuck is up with them i've been asking that my quick that question my whole life because i've dealt with people like them since i was a kid it sucks let's wait for the others we can hash something out glad we're on the same page at least niles excuse me niles and uh civil is there any conversation on the way or do we have a cataclysmic meeting at the church i don't
Starting point is 01:14:32 know because i want to i i wouldn't mind talking but i also would like to have my bike with me as the same time because it is like club canaan and i don't want to leave it behind so i don't know how that happens i mean i could we could take your bike i don't need to like the van is marked so if we can that's easier to take the bike that's cool okay so circus circus stays at club canaan and the two of you are on uh niles's bike yeah got it keep it on the keep the wrap around on the low part of my fucking please don't touch the the open bleeding yeah i'm not gonna yeah i'm not gonna tuck my hands in your rib cage that's not gonna work appreciate it yeah yeah keep going until we get to the church
Starting point is 01:15:25 okay without further ado then we arrive at the church i'm the last one to enter quite a shit okay so what the fuck yeah let's let's let it all out now that we didn't do in front of venoc oh i did i did sorry i didn't realize we were keeping it in the only reason i'm keeping it in is because uh i've learned my lesson you you don't slap a kindred in the face you you wish them well and and you work behind their back i'm slow but i'm not stupid and i'm learning i might be stupid then that's all right we're we're all a little bit stupid look we got to get ahead of this uh we we got to divide and
Starting point is 01:16:15 conquer if possible yeah i think best case scenario is we find that other key and and i don't know maybe we give it to the anarchs we we do something so that the prince can't open that damn door yeah great we need to put a bigger group in front of us and the can can't be that group anymore no we can can we still play both sides of it is there a way i don't know i think i mean absolutely i still have civil you think that i still have if the prince finds out that we gave the key to the anarchs he's just gonna be okay with us no not no but no one's told us to go get this key for the anarchs yeah so we don't have to report back on any of these activities we just have to stay quiet which
Starting point is 01:17:08 is something we struggle with but if we can get the key and make sure the anarchs get it mike said we're in better graces now we just have to keep doing our jobs we wouldn't end with the in our anarchs too with niles they already kind of know she's they're in there kind of i'm gonna gesture to niles and be like what about a lot of i mean we really don't tell them anything they're i gotta admit i i owe her favor or anything i don't but we promised lada that we wouldn't say anything if she finds out that people are coming for her that means that she knows and that's i don't know i don't know what that means for us but she's the lions why don't we throw him we say we didn't do it he did we did without us knowing
Starting point is 01:17:58 okay but he did he did do it but if he's under protection of the prince then whatever happens after that technically doesn't have anything to do with us what do you mean if they kill a lot of if if lada finds out what she's going to because they're going to come for her we tell her the truth exactly what happened inok told now she might still be mad at all of us but if we can single him out and he's under the protection of the prince if she goes after inok she's going to run into the prince and whatever happens there i mean if we convince her that protecting the door is more important than our mistakes that might be the only thing that would stop her for the time being but and she does have an army
Starting point is 01:18:52 those fish fucked you guys up i don't think we have to convince her she's got an army of that undead too those folks float floating in the water that's true all right but but but inok said something about you know the prince is currently checking that out i mean what what if he found nothing i mean is there some way do we have some ability to make whatever this team is going out there to not find anything i know i don't have that ability sure to kill him yeah i don't murder is my only option too all right so maybe maybe we we can't stop at a time listen maybe we let them know the prince is going to find out one way or another maybe what we do is we focus our
Starting point is 01:19:35 energy on on getting that key uh i mean what are the most obvious options uh that caught her in town maybe they know something or maybe we talk to somebody that knows something i mean sorry i got distracted by kira snoring no it's good it's so good um i mean it depends on niles how do you feel about a lot of maybe dying like that's a that's a thing that you're gonna have to sit with and i don't know where you're living on that dude i've niles does not answer you on that question because i don't know no great there is this flash uh through your mind at the the concept as soon as the words leave mouths lips and you
Starting point is 01:20:33 uh remember the cottage she woke up in with the thatch roof a farm and a family you once had you remember the first time you ascended the steps to lada and she put out her hand to you and you are stepping through a few flashed seconds of the memories of casimir and filled with this bloom of love across your chest almost like the spirit of that man is trying desperately to speak through every cell of your body we just if we can do whatever we can to help her i don't want to leave her just hot and dry i don't either i don't either so we divide and conquer i guess i can get us down there secret and fast if you political people can talk your good talk i don't know that's what i've got that's that's where my brain's at is two of us go protect
Starting point is 01:21:40 her as much as we can two of us try to get the key okay and we treat it like a breach like a like a we were hacked i don't think she'll understand that but that's how we should present it yeah use maybe a more medieval term like a like a infiltration castle's raided or something yeah the trail still a crow so we'll we'll find the right words maybe i don't know it's not also me we don't talk that great all right so good time we got time so who do we go talk to then we go into the hikata i thought i thought maybe what if we see i i don't want to include enok anywhere near this but i mean what if we did go under the guise of of all of us that way nothing seems too suspicious
Starting point is 01:22:40 that only two of us showed up what if four of us showed up we just don't tell enok what we're doing how do we explain where niles and i are then niles is i don't know eating that wait i i was gonna say i think i have a thing that i need their help with because that's technically true and that we'll meet up with you guys later all right i work that's nothing serious niles okay so is there any way that you guys can communicate with us while we're at the hikata maybe you can send spoons but that'll be a couple hours if you're all the way in lake mead i'll stay far away if you want to use the phone
Starting point is 01:23:29 yeah we only the we we've determined their cell service down there oh it's so did we know we had a phone i don't know if we had cell service but we we googled something i don't know what we did what about that what about that house in there we got bars can't you talk to them that way house in the oh can she send a bubblegum no desert mansion that'll at least be with itself and we can at least we can at least warn her if we're not ahead of those who are after her and they won't be able to see it and they won't see us there so it won't be obvious that we're telling her so we can go to the mansion first and then go to mead then mansion i don't think we even need to go to meet if we go to the mansion
Starting point is 01:24:20 if we if we warn her ahead of time she's got the army okay unless you want to go also if she responds badly we're farther i don't yeah yeah exactly uh we'll see i don't know mansion first and then we'll see okay if you go to the mansion and we go to hikata we'll probably be there a little bit longer than you i think what once you get that message across you head to where we are and maybe wait outside that way if we do get the key and we have to mad dash scramble the hell out of there we can at least toss it to you before they pull us back in you know what i mean okay yeah okay do you feel good about this you don't look certain i don't feel good about anything but i'll make you feel better nothing's gonna make me feel better cool then we just gotta go
Starting point is 01:25:16 actually i do have something that might help and i'm gonna pull out a little bit of lip balm a little bit of like tire balm that i bought and um i'm just gonna offer it to now it'll be like i've been putting it on my burns and it kind of helps with the itching so i don't know just help a little bit with the with the whole crusty side of you miles hesitate lily grabs it and takes it you're welcome for eating half of me sorry it's all right i wanted to do it i willingly did it and i do it again just remember that you gotta watch your channels does not like that but okay okay i do it please i do it two more times and then not after that all right break i guess yeah i think sybil and i are going to head back to club canan
Starting point is 01:26:16 with the thought of telling a man or alison and enok that we're going to go to the hakata tonight and mal and uh niles of other business okay kinksters is there anything that you too would have discussed during the church or would we like to just jump to um to burrows asking you all to join him which we don't necessarily need a scene for unless you'd like one i'm starting to look at this clock and realize that we're a stream show so um right yeah no no no i the only thing i would have covered is like we would have just been snipping i would have been cleaning up my area with the blood and the carnage i would have been just snippy at him as i clean up my bitchy and i would agree to that if it was a quick phone call got it and burrows did you
Starting point is 01:27:04 want that to be a scene or do we want to just put in a call and get them a yeah i think i think all i'll be doing is just like buying a bunch of like i'll just get like a sling and put my arm in a sling uh but uh i'll put on my nicest printed shirt and uh it's uh it's it's it's like a printed shirt like this but it's got a uh a tuxedo and that's what i'll uh that's all we're terrible yeah okay bring my samurai sword otherwise oh yes um yeah yeah let's go through uh alice and enoch and sible you can sort of describe what uh what preparations are put forward to get warmed up and ready for the hikata mansion for the roth steen estate so like are we yes the decision that we're going there immediately like straight away
Starting point is 01:27:57 we'll pick you up in like an hour or two okay in an hour are we going in a theme by the way guys are we they should and powerful the invitation you were given through santos and elysium actually did give indication uh it's a black and white party excellent thank you i think the thing that i would definitely especially even if it's going to be in an hour or two we don't need to necessarily have a scene for it but i think enoch would definitely make sure that allison understands like what's gonna happen with her dad like if we don't like if we don't go look for him someone else is gonna gonna someone else is gonna is gonna get to him and there's not gonna be anything left of him okay all right that's what allison was just like okay you won't know what that means but okay
Starting point is 01:28:56 okay while she gets dressed beautiful is there anything else we want to declare uh in preparation for the party and for the the trip out to the mansion and like me i um i have had my fucking shotgun in boros's car for a minute so i will make sure to take that out and put it in its nice fancy holder on my bike pretty good and i make sure that i have whose knife did i have i have someone's knife i have three-foot knife i have three-foot knife in my boot three-foot knife i forgot about that thing i have an inventory three-foot knife i also have our busted checkerboard how many how many revolvers do you have i have zero guns a knife it's not like gun foot roll to help here anyways so so we'll get a haircut that's the prep is a haircut beautiful all right
Starting point is 01:30:07 unless there is any other business we want to accomplish here only that my nails are very i purposely sharpen my nails kind of to be ready to go like a cloth i need to like do some digging they are razor sharp beautiful and deadly just like allison absolutely gorgeous but could kill you in a second okay with that then i think we should take our break we should come back with a lot to do in the next two hours of our early halfway fucking done it's been 10 minutes wow should we be back in 10 12 we will be back then bye guys i was just given the worst alternative to the grapefruit method i think i've ever heard in my life i changed me as a human being i don't know if i could do the rest of this session but i'm going
Starting point is 01:31:08 to try okay north east of nellis air air force base south of the valley of fire high on the ridges of the canyon overlooking your first trial the i-15 there is a climb in through winding roads in desolate red sand stretches of verticality it's nothing absolutely nothing but baby blue against the dust kicked up with every push of that engine until it isn't we're driving through to the rothstein estate and as you round the peak the wind whips your dead faces you're greeted with it a massive acreage of land that is buried by a desert stucco wall that runs the length of the mansion from what you can see here there are as many as eight buildings all of them mansions in their own right besides the ninth sitting at the main perspective of the estate the ninth the largest
Starting point is 01:32:09 is a monolith to the sky its sheer size is enough to make you wonder for its virtual invisibility from the real world its stone facing reads more like a cemetery or a prison than it does a home the gravestone stands tall and unbroken in its design reaching up to near eight stories as far as you can tell the estate is littered with tall lights that dot the entry streets into the main quad there's a person in full service uniform standing nearly every 10 feet into the estate standing perfectly still as if at back and call they barely blink look sickly and hazed the gates are closed but it seems as though the estate is very much alive tonight there are lines and lines of cars parked alongside the inside of the estate and there are droves of people mobilizing across the
Starting point is 01:33:03 main lawn as many as hundreds you'd guess even just here in the quad you're looking at maybe 300 people in attendance before you've even entered any of the main buildings it is massive property as you arrive you're in line with at least 10 other cars you're the last in that line and they are checking names at the gate this massive wrought iron affair that enters into the Rothstein estate are there any preparations anything you would like to say anything you would like to do anything you'd like to accomplish before you arrive for your own name check at these wrought iron gates yes i just want to check if allison would make me change or if i could get away with wearing my janitor outfit no there's no way in hell you look good yes let's go around the four of us joining
Starting point is 01:34:06 the hikata for the night just give me a brief description of what it is you have on i know we started with burrows but is there anything you'd like to add on to that beautiful tuxedoed pattern shirt burrows uh maybe some of the rings i've collected i put a couple extra rings on maybe a gold chain or something yeah okay that's about it what about you enok now that you've been forced out of your janitorial uh debut well if i must i'll go back to my black on black on black on black on black prada with the um i've never said this before but i like to think enok wears like a really nice wedding ring okay like a nice like band love um and then also i have the knife that the prince gave me tucked into into my lapel that's on open display can we see the inside like okay inside of
Starting point is 01:34:57 okay perfect concealed carry um you fit in right at home in fact many of these guests look like enox felt slim all black to individuals moving towards the front gate uh civil what about you yes so civil has a clean cut platinum uh shave with some abstracted like wing stuff going on over the years uh they have an spring armani 2023 but don't worry about it suit which is oversized white blazer with one button but the button is like at the belly buttons what's the deepest beat you've ever seen this um oversized oversized boot cut black or no white um like slacks and then um a almost completely transparent but plastic chunky four inch heel uh with white nail polish on the hands and the feet and uh pearl studs
Starting point is 01:36:04 here and it looks like a chest piercing but she doesn't have her chest pierced she really just probably glued a pearl to her clavicle and um i think that's that's where we're at beautiful and uh not to save the best for last but allison no no um in a very similar uh allison went and got some versace uh so she's wearing some lovely uh versace suit but she has a custom corset that she had done in uh paddy if you will and she purposely is black black but she has her accents are so she has a ruby necklace pop and red lipstick and even a good four inch spike heel red pop there we go hair is also actually sleeked back to do counter uh contrast so very sleek back beautiful i'll take it and as we're going in there i like to think that yinok is just standing
Starting point is 01:37:09 behind allison like yeah the the blood is boiling underneath yinok's flash definitely like i don't even have to make a roll to rouse the blood like it's like we're roused it's roused we're all pretty roused in this car right now everyone i want everyone on their best behavior let's be nice and charming uh allison's prepping yeah got it they allow you in after checking your names at the gate there's a brief ask on whether niles and mal will be in later attendance uh is there anything you'd like to tell the doorman as he uh questions uh we do uh we would like to have a little bit of an audience with our friend
Starting point is 01:37:59 shlomo if you know that he's uh here rothstein jr will be in attendance of course he will be giving the main address i'm sure there will be some time for you to speak with him before the night is over as for your friends do they plan on joining us later or is it just the four of you in attendance and he gestures to the the two names on the list of which uh niles and mal is not in attendance uh it'll be it'll just be the four of us they're they're finishing some business if that changes we'll let you know understood it's they haven't let's just say they're not feel they haven't really gotten up time to eat and they're not up to our standards well it is a shame we
Starting point is 01:38:46 can't show them the lovely festivities we've prepared for tonight all of you will be dining quite well what does that mean oh are we supposed to have a response to that no uh you all are by any means allowed entry into the estate you are free to patrol the grounds and you may speak with rostine jr as soon as the address is over now may i oh go i hate i i i just want to be crystal clear we're your guests just so it's all laid out explicitly for us is there anything we absolutely should not do ignore this one what he would like to know is since this is our first time here what would you recommend we start first where we're where do you think we should go first well the main hall and he points to that largest building the the gravestone that sits in
Starting point is 01:39:44 the center will be where uh rostine uh uh the the master of the estate will be giving an address on well a sort of point of celebration after the successful uh right proceedings earlier in the week this is where you this is where you could this is your territory i'm asking the local knowledge where do you think like where's a where's a good part for us to go check out well uh i know give me one oh and i uh just so you know i have activated uh aw so hopefully that a little extra of baba genetic you do notice that this man is most likely mortal you do not sense that this is kindred uh he really is just a doorman but he speaks out and he says well i know the countess love for all of you to attend one of her uh exposés she will be putting on a presentation
Starting point is 01:40:43 did you say one a whore or one of her her okay i'm excuse me there are plenty of escorts around here i didn't know was that kind of thing you're interested in i i could arrange something would would you appreciate some horse sent your way uh we prefer sex worker i was going to say um i would just ask politely that we use the proper term with them we do not call them horse i'm just saying we're in we're all grown like are you are are you instructing me on what your friend said i'm saying for everybody because yes this is your fault everybody it's your fault that he said that i i apologize whatever i can do to rectify this mistake please allow me and i will i will just please don't speak to master rothstein about this especially not the
Starting point is 01:41:38 countess you know what that will be between us how about this i'm so sorry your friend okay how about this uh i might not now but a little bit later tonight what's your name it's ronald ronald mcdonald i feel like i've used that name before no ron can i call you ron that's not the guy at harper fray is it somebody name check that no everybody's name ron it is and it's ron no my name is armand armand armand armand um are you where are you that's okay armand i'm alice and you i this will be between us don't worry if i get a little lost or may get confused or work do you mind if i come back a little bit later where are you located at the he points at the gate okay you're always at the gate i'll be running the names and he holds
Starting point is 01:42:35 something name that he's checked all of you off do you have a cell phone do i have a cell yeah of course i have a cell phone he rummages through his pocket and brings it out i'm gonna go ahead and uh yeah i'll take one of our phones i'm gonna go ahead and take his number and put it into my phone and i'll be like perfect if i need any assistance i will be sure to go ahead and by the way i marked me as vip on your phone in favor so you will find me of course if there's anything i can do for your group again i i'm so sorry that your friend said that it's you know it's it happens it's okay we're all people of course and if you could just not mention this to the countess our secret beautiful thank you um you have a fabulous evening and shift armand
Starting point is 01:43:29 i don't want to hold you up yes of course it was just as i said the the estate the the address to the celebration of the ritual's success will be going on in the main building uh you can go and see countess's presentation and then mr smira will also be hosting a feast okay and where do we not want to go so we don't insult anybody just avoid the the upper floors of the main building the the party is only taking place on the first two floors of the main building oh excellent i just i you know it's we just want to make sure we pay respect and we don't overstep any of course you are our gracious guests as members uh and esteemed task force of the camarilla it is an honor to have the camarilla's favorites here at the mansion
Starting point is 01:44:22 so i will let you get back to work but thank you so much iman thank you all again i'm so sorry you said that as we're walking away i pat him on the chest and i just lean into him and i say listen if you ever get sick of working for these assholes i recently got free reign to take on a few pets so if you ever want a different job you just give your old pal yinaka call here's my card here's my card do you give him a card yeah are you okay it's just a post-it note with my phone number it not it but i call it my card beautiful he looks at you and he says uh that won't be necessary when you're a part of the Rothstein's you're within the family and i do appreciate my place in the family and he becomes very serious for a moment before he starts to walk back to his stall
Starting point is 01:45:12 suspicious i'm going i'm gonna you know i'm like this can you not insult people while we're trying to be smooth i'm sorry he looked into stress right okay think of it like twitter you say less than 60 words short i'm pretty sure that was less than 60 words okay that's true i'm trying to i'm walking i understand what you're saying i'm sorry let's go i already walked in you drive baby blue in through the estate um is there anywhere in particular you'd like to park is there anywhere you'd like to check out again there's like a field it's like um almost like convention center size estate uh huge amount of people everywhere they're all walking in a part of these beautiful you know black and white couples that are uh strolling up to the front estate and gathering into this large
Starting point is 01:46:12 crowd while we are all together all four of us i kind of want to lean in and be like clarifying objective like where are we split it's staying together splitting off we're just uh go ahead i think we should all work the room do the crowd work yeah i think you know right we're just here as watchmen okay would you like to uh like me too i know it's been a long time since we remember what the camera asked us to do here would you guys like a clarification on what that is yes that's probably a smart idea you were instructed to speak with shlomo Rothstein senior on uh the uh requirements in assisting them in a ritual that was to take place this week and to make sure that that went off without a hitch while reporting back to the camera rilla
Starting point is 01:47:11 on what that uh maintained now the hakata is assisting the camera rilla with that ritual or the camera rilla is assisting the hakata really you all are here as witnesses and gophers for Rothstein to uh really report back to the prince on what's actually happening here while assisting them that's the quidbrook quote this was of course uh also in an effort to bring back dino the uh premagin of the abnus yes yes and of course you also have this ulterior motive of trying to find the key now i speaking of which can i while we're going in and you can tell me no of course can i try to do a rouse check and evoke a premonition sure give me a rouse so rouse and then resolve plus aspects yep
Starting point is 01:48:16 rouse check first uh fail i get hungrier so let's be a two hunger before you roll for your premonition what is it you're looking for and specific when it comes to the universe and the cobwebs response to it i would like to i would like to a see who's been coming and going from this place b see if i can glean any information about the key see see if the key is on site pick one of those letters let's go d i'm sorry i didn't mean to flip you off okay so you're looking if the key is here yes okay of course you know it's a premonition so vegas terms possible two one two three four that is six dice
Starting point is 01:49:15 uh just one success just one success um you get uh basically a salt it feels like a bullet wound um enters into your forehead as this massive memory pushes its way to the forefront of you and you lose sight for a moment and in your mind in your mind's eye as your eyes close behind itself you can see the only true vision you get is a swarm of wasps over each other and this sort of buzzing that fills your head and for a moment feels like your mind is filled with uh bees with wasps so then out of nowhere you know it kind of starts like freaking out a little bit and just like starting to battle away the insects there are plenty of these guests that have stopped and stared as you are fighting
Starting point is 01:50:12 invisible insects the rest of the group is not going to be dealing with this so while they're doing that in the background um i think burrows is like kind of surveying the land and seeing where the party is congregating and realizing that whatever we really want to truly find here is probably not going to be available to the public and probably turn to niles and civil and say something like uh the situation we really could have used mal as me allison oh excuse me so just allison or excuse me just civil is who i'm saying it to yeah um you want to give her a call give them a call wow shit you can contact niles yeah i mean but what do we say there's a there's there's some good
Starting point is 01:51:09 sneaking here you think you can be quiet because i sure as hell can't be quiet if you try to sneak no but i don't think we have to be sneaky there's there's some things that people let kindred do like find something to eat and sneak off somewhere privately all right um is oh i think i just would probably end the conversation with well all right maybe i just work the room and uh oh actually good point um we're in the we're like in the woods in like not the woods because it's the desert you're in like a canyon you are a you're in the valley of fire basically uh this is like an empty fucking empty imagine the same sort of circumstance that niles's mansion is within this place is so high up so detached
Starting point is 01:52:05 and so removed that you can't even see the huge mansions from i-15 well who knows we even have an internet service center a cell service well you do at the bottom of lake mead because Caleb's a fucking idiot so we had cell power we didn't have an actual connection i don't think we didn't reach out to anybody right yeah i can't remember what it was oh okay i couldn't remember if i let you guys make a phone call but i let too much shit slide like that we had our phones but we didn't communicate with anyone okay thank god can i can i summon some snakes a snake why not yeah absolutely you can do you have to roll for that whatsoever or just have you and suddenly snakes okay we'll throw a danger noodle into this yeah so there's a
Starting point is 01:53:01 a roll for success manipulation and animalism or charisma and animalism okay what are you trying to accomplish with these snakes i want a snake that'll look around for us and tell us when something is weird um or like even just like a lookout i basically just want to hire a temporary familiar for this party got it go ahead and give me that roll then okay while this is happening very quickly i didn't uh alson kind of didn't expect that from enok where he's just flipping and it's like like i'm gonna go ahead and start uh i'm gonna go um silence of death so therefore i can start muting my sounds because my objective is to eventually go into unseen passage so no one can really keep an eye on me so i can get in the crowd but i need to know how close i am to enok
Starting point is 01:54:02 when all this was going down and how much is how much attention's on me i imagine you were probably standing pretty close right the four of you came in together yeah okay and they too slipped off okay i'm gonna try to i'm gonna do silence of death because that's still a free roll and i can still just quiet my footsteps but i'm going to try to get his arms down i'll be like beast beast beast stop stop if you can't get your fucking shit together go to the fucking car because that's apparently the only fucking thing you could do do you understand me yeah no shut the fuck up do you understand me get it together or fuck off which one is it what is it get it together i'll get it together i'm sorry thank you shut the fuck up now and try
Starting point is 01:54:49 actually no don't shut the fuck up because you'll do it be charming just chill okay thank you and then we're gonna turn back to the crowd and smile like nothing happened like performance art they all you know it has now escalated from what was a man fighting invisible bees to one of the most toxic displays of love ever conceived and while many people believe that you probably need therapy there are so many kindred among these hundreds that you don't stick out that much this is sometimes the affliction of what we are um i will reconnect with uh allison and enok letting civil do what they want to do because as far as i'm concerned civil is the only one
Starting point is 01:55:44 who can sneak away at this point i'm gonna try to um i'll go with allison enok closer to like what everyone's doing and like really try to ingratiate ourselves introduce ourselves and just get a vibe of what's going on see if there's any music playing you know anything you know what's what's happening at this party absolutely uh let me get that animalism check first uh how do we do that that's three successes okay yeah you uh you do what does this look like when you call these snakes how do you do it you know what's the what's the concept at this point now that she's gone up in animalism a little bit it's really going to a window and like going fully out the window and sticking her hand down and a snake crawls up her arm okay and that's
Starting point is 01:56:32 then she comes back into the party got it so out here on the quad you reach your hands down and the night snake which is a form of las vegas and really the mojave's desert smooths itself out onto your arm it's this beautiful copper spotted snake that coils itself very nicely around you you definitely have a familiar at least for the duration of this party okay good um um i don't have an action for it i just want it now okay um i i agree with boroughs i think either the the you said there was a presentation later and a feast right you all as boroughs is ingratiating and you're picking up your snake as you all are on like the front lawn quad imagine that this is a massive like eight structure long quad that leads up to the main house as you are
Starting point is 01:57:31 walking down this portion and you can feel the night air on you you can see the starry sky of las vegas overhead the big moon in view you do notice that one of those presentations they had mentioned must already be on display out here before the is the address has been made by Rothstein um it looks as though a like 24 person seating has been set up on on tarps along the front lawn of the main proceeding on on that ninth building basically so this long stretch of grass has been tarped over with this very nice white fabric and then a beautiful table setting an antique probably made of this very nice um stone tablet like perfect slate gray but that then has also been tarped over with that same very um almost like satin white fabric that runs along it
Starting point is 01:58:32 those place ceilings have been made uh currently there is only one person at the table um and she is absolutely gorgeous of a middle eastern descent you'd guess um long flowing brown hair that has been made up in these very wavy curls that have been perfectly curated on an asymmetrical side of her face she's older she's probably in her late 30s early 40s so closer to burrows than she is any of you um uh she is a beautifully bejeweled and in this long flowing white dress uh that is sashed over with fabrics and uh accented with many different colors she has this very long elaborate swirled out eyeliner that crawls down both sides of her cheeks um and displayed out on this 24th seat uh table are six bodies um that have been sectioned and quartered uh like slabs of
Starting point is 01:59:39 meat um first cut off at the shoulders then the midsection then down to the pelvis then the legs and splayed out uh accordingly like like butchers cuts across the entire uh seating um and she is sitting in the center um it is clear as the two of you are sort of engracing aiding into the crowd the couples and guests are talking to each other and chattering over the sound of this beautiful classical music that is pumping through the loudspeakers across the entire quad um just from the sheer smell and sight these bodies were just killed and just maimed it is beginning to lift up into the air and if any of you were hungrier than you are now um you would be in a lot of trouble but for now it is just the smell of freshly made corpse and it's clear
Starting point is 02:00:39 as you get closer that she is speaking but from the sheer distance you're at now it's it's harder to make out um burles is going to hear the the music and uh turn to allison and say uh care to dance you're i think you might be muted allison we'll go ahead and smile and go ahead and go ahead and grab the hand and we'll go and dance even if we're the only ones uh burrows will kind of make a show of it even more so and while we are dancing burrows is going to say um how you feeling stressed but do i look at the look fabulous darlin that's all that matters right now okay so let's let's lay things out on the table right i think you and i can just be blunt about that i've always known you to be someone who i could
Starting point is 02:01:47 be blunt with yes do i have to worry about uh people coming and burning us at night that's a question i'd need to know no what i need to know from you is are you happy with the situation or are you willing to maybe rectify things a little bit i am not a hundred percent happy no i'm not happy with situation but you also know i am also a survivor fair so that's where we uh that's where i have to keep all my i'm just letting you know my options look uh where all this falls in the end i really don't care and i have nothing no malice certainly against you but if you could help us tonight we need that key and we have a suspicion that the hakata have it i know you're one of the only ones amongst us that
Starting point is 02:02:45 can sneak around better if i make a show of things would you mind looking for that key and if you find it would you keep it from enock and give it to one of us i i'll go find the key and i will keep it from me knock and i will make sure that it's protected all you gotta do and then if i feel like you're honest then i'll give you the location how's that i've never not been honest with you none of us have anything we want to do against you we just want to make things right i'll go for the key i promise i will go i will do i will do my best to get the key do you have what are you planning on we'll show shall we wait till after the speech definitely after the speech maybe even during it but i'm just going to spend my time trying to be my usual charm and self to
Starting point is 02:03:49 keep everybody distracted from whatever you guys try to do i know symbol's out there somewhere so if you run into her just work with her do me a favor dip me really quick okay thank you um okay we'll do that if i get the key do i just head straight out find one of us find one of us if you're under heat then get the hell out we're hoping the Niles and Mal catch up to us before the mat's over we need to get this away yes that i a thousand percent agree i'll go for the key please allison don't fuck us i will do my very best and if that's and i hope we get more of it i've already told you the the offer still stands you're always welcome
Starting point is 02:04:51 back uh that's the thing about some marriages and relationships there's got to be some terms with that but that's for a later time okay could the two of you make me a performance plus charisma okay definitely pop it off presence definitely pop it off i am definitely got you there and you said performance plus what charisma okay should be very easy for the two of you it should indeed um hold on let me get them one two four five and charisma i'm almost out of dice here geez all right here we go we got seven just about a little bit more four totals okay successes in my part so a total of eight successes between the two of you four for each uh you are a spectacle
Starting point is 02:05:58 immediately uh in fact most most folk there consider the two of you to be a couple almost immediately e-knock that might rile some of that blood to the surface as you see yet again burrows is making a cuckold of your family is this to the point where i need to make a roll um i don't know do you think the side of burrows dipping her and them in very close conversation would drive you insane currently it's definitely not gonna be easy but like i think from a will point of view um i know if i did it just sit there and take it allison would be pissed so i'm going to try so the directive the directive from allison i think will override that i think you're right that your allegiance to her is more important than the jealousy you're feeling right now so it is
Starting point is 02:06:55 biting everything back it's so hard to watch but you do your best and it doesn't seem as though you have to kill anyone yet um but there is a noticeable crowd that forms about and claps with the dip and then begins dancing alongside you as well and it becomes a phenomenon enough that this dancing circle becomes closer to that festivity happening at the 20 uh seated table and it seems as though that woman has moved on from that speech there's a rousing clap of applause and she takes her hand dips immediately into one of the corpse's rib cages and pulls free this long piece of intestine holds it up to the crowd they all clap and some move into their seedings and she begins devouring and eating the organ completely feeding through the intestine and taking each
Starting point is 02:07:52 piece of this body and and sort of cascading over her dress as she dirties all of that white across her fabric dress and muddies herself in the gore of these people at the table and it seems that uh six others who do look as though they resemble her in some way there is some familial similarities there begin to dig in along the other corpses and then it becomes this rousing almost museum experience where ongoers are looking at it and ooing and awing and clapping and it's almost as though they're watching some sort of a performance art as they begin to dig in and physically eat the corpses as you all dance beautifully in the background uh i think i'll let allison go uh and sybil are you kind of around or no yeah i'm i'm
Starting point is 02:08:50 staying around the action i think i'll probably be closer to this display that's happening at the table um yeah i was just gonna say that i would probably approach the table and uh uh you know maybe even take sybil's arm and be like we should introduce ourselves sounds good and we the woman that was giving the speech she's she's just eating right she's not addressing she is right there in the center she is like engaging in casual conversation at this point but it's not a presentation you'd be interrupting and she is very much available you you could walk up you want to start or should i i can start uh syb walks up to her um and just kind of starts taking pieces to eat as well but it's clearly not eating them um and just says that
Starting point is 02:09:42 was a a wonderful presentation uh could you make a um are you doing this out of etiquette or do you think that you're actually trying to convince her you're going to eat this flesh etiquette she will eat it if she has to but she's not trying to okay uh go ahead like holding a glass like at a party yeah yeah etiquette plus uh either charisma or manipulation whichever you think is more appropriate here that's my willpower okay that's one success beautiful um with one success she looks at you uh and she takes her hand and she presses it to your palm and then gently guides it back down to the table almost to uh ask you to remove the food from your hand
Starting point is 02:10:50 oh that's fine apologies my name is Mira and i do not believe you are one of my family i apologize i wasn't aware that this was an exclusive uh feast but no i am not my name is Sybil it's good to meet you this is i'll i'll give a little bow sorry i forgot your name for us i guess i will uh give a little bow and introduce myself and um say uh please allow me to introduce uh one of our allies enok and i'll gesture towards enok wherever he might be someone actually wants me to do something oh i mean hi hello good evening to all three of you it is not often that someone is so brazen enough to pick from my table especially
Starting point is 02:11:48 when such sweet treats are on display i take it more as a piece of manners than i do in a fence i promise my name is Mira i am of the family and obviously you all have been invited to participate as well of what of what death do you bring how do you mean of what clan family do you belong oh oh i am ravenous well actually i'm curious i'll put my arm around allison what do you think we are
Starting point is 02:12:42 was i there yeah i was gonna say sorry i didn't realize what do you think i am well given that your guest just outed himself as a ravenous i guess that the three of you are not well maybe your formal guests of the house not of the clan of death whatsoever the three of you were asked to be here oh of course we're we're the uh we're the new generation we were asked to attend as sort of a representation our more official title is watchman of the camarilla we're not party crashers of course you're the prince's little man good good i don't know if i'd call myself a little wow certainly burrows is not little the unfortunate circumstance of our lives is that we do not pick how we are perceived it is good to meet all of you
Starting point is 02:13:45 and good to have you of guests of the rostina state it is clear that you are making yourselves comfortable amongst the families of death and while you may not understand you do have the spirit clearly she gestures to the organs you almost ate we are trying to learn uh you wouldn't happen to be the countess would you oh no no no i do uh live in service to countess alanore and rafstein jr but uh myself i am not i'm merely a guest uh i was brought here to show off some of the courtesies of my way of life she gestures to those corpses and her her fellow family members that are just gorging themselves on the organ smashing them into her face so you're telling us that you're a chef i suppose you could say i'm known for my culinary greatness sure
Starting point is 02:14:42 would it be rude of me to ask what your death is my death you're already learning lexicon that's very smart of you i am of the nagaraja do you know much of my people sounds faintly indian world you would not be incorrect we are the flesh eaters well i know for sure the ravnos aren't that far away from uh being of that part of the world we're practically cousins wouldn't you say i know of your people for sure i have an understanding of the fire in your blood i am recently told that you've lost one of yours have you not due to complications with his sire yes what a shame i hope that yours is brought back to you very soon hate for a raven to be gone for too
Starting point is 02:15:46 long well you know sometimes dads get hungry too well i hope you all do enjoy the festivities and it is wonderful to meet all of your acquaintances if there's anything that i can be of service through please let me know and if you would like to partake i can teach you how to do so safely i reach my hand out to shake hers and she delicately puts her hand forward scry the soul okay absolutely um do you rouse the blood before that i believe so it would be reasonable um one rouse check is the cost so yes beautiful and if it's a contested role um are there such a thing it is intelligence plus aspects versus composure plus subterfusion okay and for me that is one two three four eight dice
Starting point is 02:16:51 six successes oh uh that is actually a messy critical okay so what does that bring you up to uh what do you mean oh it's six well it's six successes in total okay with your critical with uh yes with two with with uh two with two of them on the younger dice got it she comes back with 10 successes well let's determine the messy she stops and the second that you touch to her hand and the cobweb begins working and you exert that powerful blood to the surface of your body she removes her hand quickly and she stares at you and says had it not been for terms of amnesty during this party i would say that that was the biggest mistake of your life i just like to know people i'm just trying to get you know
Starting point is 02:18:00 to get to know you better if you ever probe my mind again i will have you know that i will hunt you down past this estate and any rules that rothstein has set forward i will eat your body all right well the others aside six of them aside stop eating completely and six different visages zone in on you hi i will season you oh yeah what are you thinking what what do you think i'd pair well with that and she steps back and she calls over one of the doorman who come by with a silver tray and she um she speaks plainly doesn't even bother whispering uh excuse me could you grab champagne i have something to tell him and the doorman looks uh really really visibly upset are you
Starting point is 02:18:59 are you sure this early in the evening yes bring me puta naska and the doorman leaves i will have to bid all of you good night thank you so much for bringing this barbarian around me uh i will see to it that he does not live long thank you all and she snaps at the others and the crowd is suddenly uh disturbed upset everyone around here suddenly looks around as the table is beginning to be unfolded and the corpses are removed from off of it and it seems that mira and her posse are mobilizing removing everything from the display well that went poorly okay you know you you might want to run back to the prince yeah well they can get in line i don't think these are the the people that respect a line
Starting point is 02:20:01 and well i mean we can implement some kind of a fast pass system i will say this is not you are uh you're working on that i can say this you are one brave son of a bitch was i not supposed to do that i thought it was allowed well i've never heard someone say i will season you before but i do think that that doesn't indicate that that was not the move burrows i can't think about that i burrows is just constantly looking for an opportunity in which sybil or allison can slip away so like you know when it seems like people are looking or are distracted by our new offended guest he's looking at them like now see it was a distraction that was my plan all along i i would wait wait i during that whole time i was because i was purposely
Starting point is 02:21:01 quiet i was like may i have because i did the uns uh no sound can i just start walking and do that unseen and just kind of had i would have done it like slowly strategically like you know hide behind a pillar do it something where it's just been been natural to have someone's link off right yeah absolutely oh god is that snake near me by the way where's that copper snake that snake is currently on yeah i'm wearing it like a necklace uh but if there is a way to do well no if you're nearby do you need the snake you can motion for the snake i will motion for the snakey okay okay i go over to allison is that thing uh can that because i'm going to slip out can that thing go ahead of me and kind of report if they see
Starting point is 02:21:59 stuff so i can avoid it like even ahead yes however they are they're a snake so their memory is about as long as the snake's memory is but if there's an issue and she turns the snake you will let us know and the snake just sort of picks up its head i'm going to call it as naked let's the snake slither down i'm going to literally call it snakey this is kendrick this oh kendrick my apologies get it right so once you have kendrick in arm where are you and kendrick off to okay so from how you described it i believe you said there was um because i know there was like a staircase but is there usually in those kind of places you can always go off to like a side area
Starting point is 02:22:56 like a kitchen or something for another back staircase almost right behind where that 20-piece seating was there is a stretch of land that goes back to what you imagine is a service entrance um something that must go into the side or the back of the estate yeah excellent i'm going to go in that direction and it's when we if i can get that far even up to the stairs that's when i'm going to release kendrick okay um there don't look to be any stairs up to the second or third floor here but there does look to be an entrance into the actual ninth building the the gravestone main entrance okay so you're entering through you have to be stealthy not to touch any of the living mortal servants that are moving through this place
Starting point is 02:23:47 you're desperately trying to weave through without uh disturbing them go ahead and give me a stealth plus dexterity to make sure that you do not bump any elbows you don't mean to okay feel free to burn some willpower if you got to i will right that's the thing we can do that's okay i have a lot of willpower power okay we're burning uh we're yeah we're gonna burn willpower aha okay uh three successes you believe yourself to be invisible is there okay you move yourself through the kitchen and through uh two little hallways that uh split off into two service dormitories and then up through a set of stairs uh and there is sort of a split off
Starting point is 02:24:40 where on the left you can hear the the roar of the party that is going on in the what must be some central lobby or closer to the center of the actual building and then there's a split off to the right uh that continues on to a set of staircases that might move uh higher up i'm gonna go to the one that's the one that's a little bit higher up and the other one you said was flatter yeah if you go left it's to the flat lobby of the party and to the right is a set of stairs moving up right sorry set of stairs of course uh you move up you go up the set of stairs and into are there any cameras and i'm also on the corners looking at any security cameras go ahead and roll an awareness plus wits the boomer came out sorry
Starting point is 02:25:34 awareness plus wits yeah got it okay okay yes uh three successes but two of them are a crit okay so seven successes uh cool yeah you notice that uh just about every other corner uh has some sort of surveillance yes fuck okay i'm sending the snake in okay sending the snake in so right to do aren't you invisible though yeah wait but no cameras cameras cannot see yeah no cameras cameras can't see you electronic yes it says explicitly in oh doesn't get to me oh unless you have unless you have the higher version of it i'm thinking of uh mal yeah i mean now out of the game like like the fire is
Starting point is 02:26:29 about to start with it's okay yeah it's like we gotta get this we gotta go yeah i'm just gonna go quicker it's it is what it is i'm caught i don't care we're fucked anyways okay go cool you move up into the second floor uh it is populated by house guests you enter into what is essentially like a library um in the center of the library uh in front of what is essentially um almost like a slab that has been moved into the central library uh along the walls are these huge bookcases that run up to about 16 18 feet um but in the center on a slab where most of the sitting furniture has been moved uh is this body uh that is completely still completely unmoving and around it is a series of guests uh it's much more intimate than it is outside front
Starting point is 02:27:28 that's maybe about 20 people in here but at the center is a woman um let me get you her description she's wearing a stark white mask with a painted doll's face along its porcelain front it is in a glazed red crimson uh it shows no part of her eyes or mouth and almost completely blanks out it looks like it's made of very expensive uh like porcelain level um she is beautiful and wearing a modernized rikoko inspired dress and pure white that matches the clinical white marble of this entire place um but her hands have been tattooed or died or changed to a point that about three fourths of the way down on diagonals they are stained red
Starting point is 02:28:39 almost to match the glaze of her mask absolutely gorgeous she carries a mirror in one hand and sways about the room with the the understanding that everyone's eyes are on her and she walks up to that that dead body and she glazes two fingers over his lips and speaks to the rest and says this is my darling cousin Waylon and we just found uh recently that he passed from our from our family tree and we were thankful enough that we could recover the body fast enough that well i'd like to show all of you something that is unique to me and mine to all of our people Waylon unfortunately died a mortal like any of us would wish right but in his unfortunate mortal death there is opportunity there is a sacrament there
Starting point is 02:29:44 is an understanding that there can be more would you all like to see and the 20 or so around them all swirling blood in their cups and sort of roaming around this body are all staring in and nodding in agreement she says well then just watch and she reaches down and takes the corpse's face and removes her mask just enough that you can see a smile but from underneath the mask which is very much an intimate moment you see that there's no flesh to the other side it is ivory bone complete skeletal and as those skeletal coffined teeth meet the lips of her dead cousin um something slips forward this black ichor that drips from the edges of ivory bone and then in through the lips of Waylon and the mask replaces and the others watch in on horror as there is this
Starting point is 02:31:01 writhing shake in Waylon as the body changes and moves and breaks and cracks as it comes back to life and you can see as Waylon comes back onto the table reaching himself up and cascading off of the slab and falling to the floor he stands himself up just a moment creaks his old bones and it's clear that he's become something halfway alive and she comes back up and she hugs Waylon deeply and he stands there crippled and changed and ambling about the room and she snaps over to one of the doorman by the sign says be a doll could you get Waylon some serving gear get him a tray send him out to the lobby put him to work thank you all for being here for my presentation it's so wonderful to spend this time with all of you and i'm so glad that i could share my death with
Starting point is 02:32:05 you and they all clap like they've just seen something out of the Louvre and they all begin to sort of fade from the room unfortunately as they begin to leave out one of two doors before they all leave the last one is of course the Countess Eleanor and her beautiful mask and she stops unmoving turns around and stares directly in your direction Allison did my heart love till now for for its sight for i never saw true beauty till this night wow you're speaking beautiful uh i mean you already see me there's no point i don't care that's right it's go ahead i don't care go ahead make a manipulation plus uh persuasion i guess oh thank you so much for that one hey you know you you just wanted to get in on the display you
Starting point is 02:33:12 wanted to see what they were up to okay one that is six successes because i had two crits again she can't be read she's only wearing that mask of hers it's hard to tell whether this is even a success or not i don't care she stops she speaks i would caution against going any further than this floor i would hate for champagne to find you and she leaves the room we are going to just for a little give us a little break we go to Niles and to Mal the two of you have other plans for the night there's much to be done and much to be seen and there's someone to save who that is god knows what can i do for the two of you
Starting point is 02:34:21 uh i think we're heading to the mansion mansion yes beautiful okay so uh are we taking one bike are we putting Mal in charge of the second bike what's the plan here okay let me try again it feels weird for us to do it together like if we need to split off let me try again let me just try again just tell me again slower okay i'll show Mal how to ride a bike again i still don't have anything in drive fuck yeah i forgot that i have to roll about this yeah you have to like decide to actually want
Starting point is 02:35:13 to be good at driving yeah i use it to do something cool instead of driving which i do in my regular so true yeah i would rather shadow do anything shadow than drive a bike uh so i'm gonna try and drive again i guess before you do that could i get uh niles could you use leadership and uh either charisma or manipulation whichever you think uh niles would use to teach uh manipulation because yeah i'll let you to assume leadership was on niles oh two successes though oh okay oh you actually get some teaching this time niles is teaching just as fast as they did last time with just as little explanation but for whatever reason you're you're zoned in this time um you will get in a one two three four
Starting point is 02:36:19 so huh you will get an additional die in your pool for this drive so um i i think niles knows how to drive i'm just gonna make you do it now give me a drive plus dexterity with an added die please don't take this bike one two three plus this special one roll well we don't even get to a lot of we just die on the highway okay it's two successes two successes i will say you make it to the mansion there's only a few stops uh niles has to go painfully slow yeah definitely some some uh weird moments but eventually you arrive uh at bubblegum mansion at niles's haven um outside of casimir's home and now niles is home uh it looks much the same this is not exactly a a place of business that
Starting point is 02:37:22 people would like to fuck around with and if they do they'd end up much like uh the last man who chased niles through this place so it remains largely unscathed all right you know how to play this bubblegum or do we just hope um well let's go in the house first um and i'll walk in this time i'm not walking in like sneakily i'm just walking in like a normal person it feels very much homey at this point you're starting to realize that this is more yours than you've realized it's been yours in two lifetimes now um but yeah beautiful mansion um hmm how far do i want to go up maybe can i go up to the third floor sure where i assume where casimir was uh nestin is still there i'm gonna go there to get to the third floor you do walk past the uh sort of ligamented body
Starting point is 02:38:26 for what must have been lamp light's brother um who you know uh was here uh the very first time you were here that big gluttonous form is now even more important to you realizing that you've actually fought one in the flesh now um and it is disappointing to see the lights gone out on this beautiful flesh built creature uh and you're definitely starting to connect more of the dots between your encounter down below lake mead and your first encounter here in the mansion moving up to the third floor you pass by that gallery wall with the depiction of casimir and it's in its middle that beautiful depiction of lada and it becomes a little more clear just how many portraits are on this wall um how many sit underneath casimir how many might have been
Starting point is 02:39:24 sired by him it's as many as 20 maybe 30 portraits and then you uh can move straight into casimir's bedroom where it has still largely collapsed in on itself it's precarious it's hard to move on this third floor it's by far the most fucked up it will need massive repairs eventually um but where the parts of this floor has broken apart you can also use the ligament almost like um like those old jungle gyms or like a chunky cheese like net uh a crawl um to to get yourself across and you do see this massive webbing where casimir was taken taken by you look at mal for a second it's your alternate self i guess uh
Starting point is 02:40:33 i mean do you just talk into him or do you like play out a special tune what i guess we didn't really think this through uh um i think while while mal's saying all that niles will finally go i guess to that that center part where casimir was arrested um i think they're gonna take one of the bands um and stretch it and before uh he lets go niles is gonna say a lot of the mires my heart is yours even as i am dust i carry on winds to your feet breathe me in and i snap the the the band and let it just ripple through the whole house i love that um hot damn dude that was a good one if she doesn't i mean she might not forgive us and she might still kill us but what a way to go that was hot that's what i'm saying is that was hot that was hot whatever
Starting point is 02:41:43 okay give me one second guys i'm gonna reset my mic screwing around can we hear me okay we good yeah we can okay all right um give me a manipulation plus whatever you have in either fleshcraft or vicissitude one success okay can i do anything to help what's your suggestion um you can't expend willpower by the way if you'd like yeah actually let me yeah let me do one more willpower i only have so much willpower um but i will do that for this one okay okay um two successes okay a little bit better now do you have any ideas um i think i'm just so stupid i think i'm just gonna start plucking different strings
Starting point is 02:43:14 and trying to make something melodic to oh to go along with whatever niles is saying to try to make it like romantic ish and like pricing beautiful could i could i get um charisma plus performance with negative two to the pool whatever no dice well now you're plucking dude is that anything i remember like doing and playing guitar like how he would like play the flamenco on the guitar and so i'm trying to like emulate like the way his fingers would but i that's cute give me one dice yes it has to be a hunger dive but whatever when in doubt pull out your touchstones
Starting point is 02:44:15 a success that's three successes it is a messy critical though oh okay as long as it's not two we're good okay um beautiful uh yeah you um you uh how do i put this you receive something back through the ligaments um so as you do that you speak those heavenly words the same words you heard right on the the rim of the boat before you swam down to the bottom of lake mead um there is this sonorous effect as if um it's almost like the sound of an orchestra warming up as every strand in this room as it cascades into the canopy where kasmir died begins to hum alive and true and then in the deepest parts of you in the back of your mind there is a vision and it is of lada pulling at their strings deep below
Starting point is 02:45:20 lake mead and um them walking through their throne room um and sort of looking quizzically through this vision of them on the other side keep going tell her i have to ask something of you forgiveness something has happened and i made a promise to you and someone that i thought would honor an agreement chose not to and you are in danger and all i want is to see you not be harmed there is another hazy almost like seeing through water uh vision not a lot of this time but instead it pans away from her at the strings as they pluck and pluck and
Starting point is 02:46:29 it's instead pans through and there is this flash as you're looking at um a seat at the right of her throne um a seat that looks like it could fit you and that's it that's it you can take from that what you will what she say what she what can you hear her do you what's going on she mentions what she wants what does she want me to go to mead okay um is that safe actually no fuck it that's not safe i i actually know that's not safe we don't have much of a choice do we now we can't get further apart though i who's to say she's not going to keep you there
Starting point is 02:47:43 there's got to be consequences for breaking the agreement we gave you didn't do anything though you had no control over this this is fucking enox fault doesn't matter don't don't fall on the fucking sword for him i'm not do that for any of us no matter what he thinks it's not just i'm not falling on the sword for him what about everybody else i didn't just blanket you know i can't guarantee that she's gonna not come for you guys so we'll deal with it together we're supposed to deal with it together last time someone went off on their own this is what started this we stick together come on dude what am i supposed to do what do you want me to do
Starting point is 02:48:31 what do you know tell her it's not safe for you to go tell her what's going on tell her tell her specifically what's happening don't just don't talk and like soft riddles tell her explicitly and then and then we go from there i don't know the princes people are going down there and they if they see you they're gonna kill you okay i guess i'll go back to the the tendon i guess and and try to explain that we're hoping to avoid the conflict by trying to get the keys and restoring the balance so that she can continue to do what she's supposed to do there is another flash of memory premonition presence communication
Starting point is 02:49:31 could be time travel could be a dream could be anything but it comes back to your mind and it is a flash of headlights on a freeway driving fast and then the surface of lake mead by the shore and the waters are disrupted they're loud they're crashing against the the shore um and unsettled um and then uh of something cutting through the water um towards that sea of black um and then finally the last vision is again of a seat at her right hand it's kind of the same thing i don't know if that they're already there she knows or i'm gonna elbow past niles and go to the the same little string she's been plucking on and sit down and yank it closer to me and say uh this is mal hi uh lotta um
Starting point is 02:50:50 um you said that the world is brighter for things that we've made and we've made a group that somehow fucking cares about each other or like most of us do not all of us but niles is part of that and if you if you call him back then then we might lose that and that's not fair and we'll we'll pay for enox discretion a different way but i can't let you keep niles down there we need we need him he's he's staying with us love is the greatest thing to create from so i'm trying to do that there is a vision again uh in casimir's mind of first of lotta laughing um and she too wrenches the the ligament and all of a sudden the ground shakes tremendously under both of you um as if that same motion had just been brought forth uh to the two of you
Starting point is 02:51:59 um there is a vision of you moving through an open door both directions um and then of your vision on the surface of lake mead staring out at an approaching vehicle well if you're going you're not going alone i think niles is going to exit the house because there's nothing more i can gain by i've told lotta at the very least um yeah let's just get back to the bikes first before we talk any further okay what did all that mean like what the fuck why can't they uh i wish people would just say what
Starting point is 02:53:08 they fucking mean yeah well i'm not the premonition type um so i don't know if she's pissed she's angry of course she is what do you want to do kick nons ass for once we have it's not going to help anything though so we have to appease her just as much as we have to get the keys because even if we get the key and it we don't stop loud as ire that just speaks a lot of things worse what if we bring her the key what if we don't keep it what if we don't give us the anarchs what if we give her the key i'm not i obviously we should talk to the rest of the group but i that might work lotta has no interest in playing the politics that the camarilla and the anarchs would it might be enough to satisfy her if the the if her job and her
Starting point is 02:54:16 her stuff stays intact maybe okay so we hope she uses her fish army we hope that she doesn't the hope is that to give her something worse keeping her there for but if they're already there looking through lake bean then we are running out of time do they know exactly where it is like we we don't know where we don't know if you not tell them exactly where i mean he told lake and he's probably told them the lake he probably got the lake the lake's big ish we're we're making assumptions that we don't have a certain tease for oh i know i know so what now there are some positives the lake is anarch territory so it's going to take them a lot longer to get through that's and they don't know what's going on at the
Starting point is 02:55:13 bottom of it they just know it's at the bottom all we can hope is that they're going to have a hard time getting out there but what do we do now do we go to the lake do we go back do we find the rest of them and make sure that we're there for whatever they decide to get through it at the i think you should just i think you should call the others and tell them what's new i think i think we have to be done keeping secrets from each other or at least from most of the others so we call said we call boroughs we let them know what's happening we see if they need us and if they don't we go to the lake or i can i can i don't know i can try to talk to cisco maybe see if they have any let's talk to the other sure see where we're at
Starting point is 02:56:06 and then maybe go from there okay um you have to call call me yeah i'll call boroughs okay um niles takes a long hike away from mal until your phone comes back to life i'm gonna lean up again something and just like i just like look at the fucking state of my fucking shitty ass wounds at walleye like still pretty bad but you are kindred it's starting to look better and better sticky and gross i just feel uncomfortable yeah if anything the wound makes you tired you feel so much closer to sleep you desperately want to go to sleep but you call boroughs hey fellow uh friend who's missing an arm how you doing um a lot of no's i guess but yeah i told her all right what's why don't you come back over this
Starting point is 02:57:14 way you can um she wants us to go to or she wants at least me to go to me though so what do we do she made it very clear that she just wants you there because she loves you or whatever but i think we got a couple priorities before you go over there i mean okay listen well i've been thinking here why don't you let the anarchs know after all that is anarch territory why don't you let them know maybe they can cause some trouble to keep those assholes from getting into the lake sure i can try to call he you let him know and just tell him to make their life difficult for a little while longer if we can get that key then then then we're in the clear and we're currently working on that at least sibil and alison are okay yeah i'll um i'll
Starting point is 02:58:04 talk to you then i guess and then do you want us to come to you after things are shaping up in an interesting way thanks to enoch again so yeah it would be probably good to have some back up here sooner than later i hope they don't mind blood stains on jackets but okay we will be there as soon as possible tell mal we think what we're looking for is in some part of the house so as soon as they get here they should drop shadow and look too we need as many eyes as possible all right sure we'll be there as soon as we can i hang up and i guess uh i'll call you all right the old emergency call to you we've done this a few times daddy help please yeah you you call and it rings quite a few times but eventually the other side picks up he says
Starting point is 02:59:06 hey where have you been um just got back to vegas actually um just just got back niles i've been calling you we needed you to talk for your people we're on like the edge of a fucking war now um we didn't get out of mead in time and we got stuck doing that and now i'm i'm back and that's so you're not mead anymore no so what the fuck am i hearing from shelly that there's a team moving through there we we were moving what a team yeah you're not working with the sheriff no that's actually what i'm calling about well they're in fucking town yeah i've heard that a group of them were heading out to mead i don't know why oh fuck i i mean we can't have the sheriff
Starting point is 03:00:16 breathe them down our fucking backs i mean if they step to shelly then we're on the other end of another battle and i don't think we can take another day like the hospital which by the way we still have no fucking answers for and emmerich spoke to our people doing it to the prince i don't know what the fuck to do here so if you can tell me what the fuck the sheriff's up to what i'm supposed to do in this situation how i'm supposed to make this look like anything other than you and your people fucking us over for the start of a war i'm searching for answers here niles listen you're great i've been so happy you came into whatever the fuck i call this life but you keep you keep asking for things i really want to give you everything i can but
Starting point is 03:01:11 but ellis is not going to keep giving like this even if i want to you things are they're building here it's really scary ellis is starting to talk like he used to what what do you need this time i mean i mean lee i was like trying to like take a second because like trying to figure out if they're going to go fuck it we we have no choice we need to include the anarchs to help us we found whatever was at the bottom of lake me okay shelly was was shelly was looking for and the camera rilla is going after it
Starting point is 03:02:30 what the fuck did you guys find a door okay like what a special door whatever you guys were trying to figure out at the mansion remember the day we found each other yeah what do you know about that it's what's down at the bottom of lake mead and if the camera really gets their hands fully on it then you don't have any worry about a war because it won't be a war so this is something that could end everything for them for you for you guys for whatever the anarchs want in this city
Starting point is 03:03:27 the camera rollo have the leverage they've been looking for i think and that's why the sheriffs and shelly's territory yeah because one of my coterie said told about the door and now they're trying to confirm it so if i stop the sheriff you'll show me the door okay sure Hugh if you stop the sheriff we can figure that out yeah yeah okay okay um i'll i'll get me and some of my boys together we'll we'll write out there right now shelly's
Starting point is 03:04:27 uh keeping that sheriff fucking conversation right now and we'll do what we can whether it comes to blood or not we'll do what we can we'll keep them away from the lake but i don't know how much time that's gonna buy any of us there's sheriffs no fuckhead some of us are trying to find a way to even the odds because the door needs a key we're trying to find the key if you can keep them from at least that and we can locate the key then maybe this will work out okay yeah that's that sounds good i'm gonna give ellis a call i'm gonna get him notified i'm gonna make sure the barons know everything and and then we'll mobilize on on boulder okay um i'll keep in contact i'll let you know what's going on
Starting point is 03:05:23 and hopefully this doesn't come to blood because if it does it could mean all out war tonight okay okay um just be careful yeah uh you too we should talk after all this um when the world's normal again okay yeah okay um i miss you i'll see you soon okay bye um bye hang up i want to check my phone but i won't all right when you come back to the bikes mal is like twiddling their phone in their fingers okay i know you just had to be like a messenger and stuff um can you do my favorite though okay what what's up there's a voicemail on my phone and i can't listen to it obviously um
Starting point is 03:06:37 but i just need to know what it says cute check it for me i mean yeah okay i know that doesn't seem like a big deal but i uh i i i you don't have to owe me anything mal it's stupid that we have to do this these boons for boons shit um just yeah fine let me we'll i need a breather anyway so i can take that while i read listen to your voicemail um and then i'll go back to walk all the way over to where i just came from and click the boy activate the voicemail box there are like like a million different notifications a million different things going through uh it's a miracle still that the phone is still in service um social media updates there are uh you know old wallpaper backgrounds from the
Starting point is 03:07:40 last thing that now had set on their phone which now what do you think that background would be that they're staring at now uh for the for the one when you close your phone uh it's this little um like flower ring on a tiny little like not tiny little hand like a like a kid's hand there's like a clover ring on a kid's hand uh and then when you open it up around all the apps in the background there's a picture of a human mal and um a like tall mixed black dude with um dreads pulled back in a bun um he has an arm around mal and then there's uh like a 12 year old ish like 11 or 12 year old little girl uh in uh yeah like a daisy turtleneck and corduroy pants and they're just kind of like sitting and laughing together
Starting point is 03:08:55 um there are a lot of different phone notifications miss calls texts things like that but the voice mail box is easy to get to um and it's threatening to be uh too full to take another message so basically it's been deleting the the eldest but it does have a brand new voicemail on it that looks to be the most recent the others are from months ago even but this is the first one she's received a call from in months yeah i'll activate it i'll turn it down it plays through um it actually lists uh the the the name itself um and it just reads baby with a heart um and then the message begins to play through that visual voicemail and a voice rings through and it says uh hey sunshine um i'm just calling because i i drove past the bridge tonight and i
Starting point is 03:09:57 i just couldn't stop thinking about you and i couldn't imagine what this place would be if you were still here and i think every day about how much you mean to me and how much this hurts to know you're gone i just want a world where you're still breathing and i just want to know that i could drive past this bridge and not feel this way every single day of my life thank god she's getting so big i can't even tell you she's so big i just thought i'd call because i don't know maybe that bring you back maybe i could see you maybe i could just hear you one last time
Starting point is 03:10:47 anyway i can't keep paying this bill so i i think this might be the last one i love you please be at peace please be loved and he hangs up i think niles will make sure that that message is saved so it's still on the the phone and on the inbox niles is gonna walk back to mal and then the phone thanks what it who what did it say um just you're just loved and missed and uh niles is gonna get on the bike uh did um did they say anything about
Starting point is 03:11:53 never mind uh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter nothing matters nothing fucking matters it doesn't matter um thank you for looking um just getting really big and uh yeah niles is just gonna turn on the bike and start heading to the direction they were supposed to go let's return back to the rothstein estate the party is in full swing we've just had the dance of our lives alliston has been mingling with some of the guests upstairs but for the rest of you you are still out here on the courtyard adjacent to the main building are there any actions movements uh declarations for the night are we all kicking around for the address do we want to hear that what's the plan here i think we probably want to hear that just
Starting point is 03:12:50 because we want to know what the fuck is going on and also we still do need to talk to that guy considering that was our whole purpose in coming here in the first place it's going to be suspicious if we're looking for the key and we don't do that so i think we're gonna trust allison to do our thing we're gonna listen to the address and then we're gonna talk to shlomo i had a very you said the whole because it was a library that that happened everyone left the library correct yeah yeah i wanted to do like a look around and even have a kendrick do if there was like i don't know like a book some kind even a fake book word that if there was a knife if there was a secret compartment under the table under the sides under the i ransacked it's not my first time being
Starting point is 03:13:37 basically you are james bonding for a secret entrance you're hoping there's like a bust of shlomo rothstein that you can push back and press the secret button i get it um in your search for the back cave give me wits and awareness to see if we can find batman uh three successes okay um nothing in this room screams secret entrance and you do recall from the doorman saying that the party was on both floors this would constitute probably floor two so you imagine maybe a little higher definitely not in this room maybe across the floor who knows but this room seems very much like a like a foyer it seems this is probably where they entertain a lot of guests frequently got a double check and we will go ahead and proceed uh onward beautiful
Starting point is 03:14:41 okay and rick still in the lead are you uh you empty out into uh one of the two doors out of this place and it empties out into a balcony where there are more people out here seated there's a lot more folks out here you can see the full birth of the lobby at this point the building let me give you a little description of that since you are seeing it for the first time um you're walked into a dinner party in session the main floor of this stark white marble inside of this massive estate is filled with people circulating the serving trays of a mass of those in a uniformed servants which you notice now a lot of them bear a shocking resemblance to the way that wayland walked uh uh post experiment uh you're starting to get the sense that maybe
Starting point is 03:15:29 more of the service staff are dead than you've begun to realize um these myriad attendees eat and drink happily of the appetizers on display there's equal parts servings of true food and blood dolls that float about exposing their dripping wrists to hungry guests the blood from those exposed veins leave trails along the white marble that mirror the patrols of those dolls so much so that the floor has become almost like an abstract painting of where these party favors have been from each of the kindred to each of the kindred it's a wild assortment of both mortal kindred and ghoul in between renfield who knows some of them are magnificent in appearance some of them reflect some of those baked in skulls that you'd witnessed on the countess others are of
Starting point is 03:16:25 Haitian descent others much more Middle Eastern uh similar to Mira there are a lot of Italian gentlemen uh in these big garish like big top suits that clearly they spent a lot more money on than they had taste um it's just a huge assortment of people around here and all of them partaking all of them enjoying the festivities and I just want to be um are the servants also wearing masks or they're not wearing masks they are not wearing masks they they look like uh you know they have their faces out okay damn we're gonna try to see if I go go ahead so far the only person wearing a mask was the countess okay just one check um I'm going to swipe the thing of shampoo well no because I'm still kind of invisible you know that I'm gonna just gracefully because it's all about the
Starting point is 03:17:21 confidence where you walk because if you look scared they're gonna check you I'm going to confidently not touch people but try to get my uh gosh do I notice any kind of other side doors or something that I could instinctively like ooh let me I gotta check that out down the hallway yeah there is another set of stairs leaning up to the next floor okay and there's also a bunch of different doors into what must be guest bedrooms or different studies who knows okay and all these people are blocking me from the stairway right there are plenty of people in the way in every direction let's do it you can move through them easy enough yeah you do notice by the stairs there are uh guards armed guards very armed very openly armed I would say with uh what most would call an assault
Starting point is 03:18:15 rifle that's what I okay how many specifically like you said two to each staircase on either side so two at one end of the hall two at the other okay I'm I'm going to oh no not a ring because I can come back and haunt me is there anything nearby like a glass you seem a little nervous Allison are you okay there's plenty of plenty of glasses around you would you like in the glass and knocking it over on the other side hopefully and then I'm just gonna confluent walk on up make us like a distraction sounds wonderful okay so you're causing this distraction by knocking over a glass is what I'm hearing or I'll have Kendrick slither away make a ruckus okay you're snaking I'm snaking like just make some noise
Starting point is 03:19:12 and then I'm going up and then come up go ahead we're gonna take um civil score in animalism plus we'll call this subterfuge so Allison's subterfuge civil's animalism create a pool for that and then Allison will roll it okay that's three animalism three animalism okay thank you for your animalism uh I have three three successes okay yeah there is easily a distraction of this snake uh as it moves through the crowds the crowds are distracted away from your movements doesn't look like they're paying a lot of attention to you you're still invisible if I'm remembering correctly right and you haven't made enough of a ruckus because the snake has um it does not seem as though the guards have lost their posts uh
Starting point is 03:20:10 they are not in charge of chasing down snakes they're in charge of chasing down you okay but it does mean a clear uh entry point and it's not as though anyone has noticed you so far all right we gotta do it gotta do it gotta do it and what is it we're doing just walking straight ahead okay are you gonna walk right past the guard in between well they didn't I'm like at this point what else can I do okay yeah I agree what else could you do um let me get uh dexterity plus stealth stealth is stealth is not that good guys what else could you do though yes what else can I oh wait I can't command you could but have to lock eyes with them you could yeah you can they lock eyes with somebody who's invisible no but if you were somehow visible in front of the men with
Starting point is 03:21:09 assault rifles oh you really want me to come out no I don't want you to do anything I want you to live your life um life yeah on life okay uh if they don't I will I'm gonna go ahead grab that stupid glass and I'm oh shit okay okay you know what they're gonna stop me or they won't I'm just gonna act dumb okay just gonna walk up and see if they notice as I just go with purpose confidence okay so are you still invisible when you walk yes I'm still invisible okay thank god okay cool oh you mother fucker I think you were wrong roll me a dexterity plus stealth okay okay I have uh yes two I have two nines so I have two successes okay beautiful you have two successes you walk past the guards with assault rifles one will yes they're gonna stop or don't the others
Starting point is 03:22:19 downstairs uh as Allison moves up to the third floor yeah um burrows need to be at his best so he is probably going to feed on one of these blood dolls to see if he can reduce a hunger absolutely they are more than willing in fact it's a little off-putting how much they want this yeah I do fight back killing one of them to get zero hunger but I will um reduce my hunger by one and then kind of like renewed with vigor I'm gonna find Enoch and say it's time we meet the shlomo huh let's go let's go get this show on the road well I think we're just waiting for him to speak right and at that moment speak of the devil before he gives his address I just want to check in with Sybil do you have anything to do before I
Starting point is 03:23:09 start this big speech no no I have something to do after but it it's not urgent do all fill into the central area the big lobby of this marble tombstone you found yourself inside of and uh there is a moment as the party comes to a halt and an individual steps into view on the landing of the balcony on the second floor it seems as though he's come from the same building that if you were Allison you would recognize as the the library he has impossibly white skin so white it is jarring past albinism he is matching white irises that are rimmed by a subtle flare of the red of fresh vitae rimming them his black hair is slipped back into the side with a sheen of palm made his very thin frame is held up by a cane that supports him and the head of which is a silver
Starting point is 03:24:06 crown that his fingers are wrapped about now he is flanked by a woman in a stark white mask with a painted doll's face along it with a white porcelain front it is in a glazed red crimson she is beautiful and wearing a modernized rococo inspired dress in pure white to match the clinical white of this building if you were allison you would recognize her as the woman who brought weyland back to life on the opposite side is a portly tawny skinned italian man with a broom handle mustache and balding white hair that sits combed over the side he is tattooed along all of his body but it stops starkly at his jawline uh you uh enoch and burrows have well i'm sorry uh who has the highest awareness scores among the three two okay i'm at three okay okay enoch with his
Starting point is 03:25:09 ausp I'll say all three of you can see this uh anyone close enough can read that his fists on one hand read son of and the other read whore um the caned individual clears his throat and grabs the attention of the guests tonight the truce of the family's welcome all hikata back home to the grave of the desert and there is this massive round of applause my name is shlomo rothstein jr I apologize my father could not be in attendance with us for the duration of our ritual but as I explained to you a week ago when we begun this process he is indisposed we welcome guests and representatives of the world's ivory tower into our fold tonight my friends uh could the members of the ivory tower please identify themselves while I have you in attendance I was notified by the
Starting point is 03:26:10 gates that you've arrived hey president andres everyone begins to clap turn and clap for you including shlomo rothstein jr who gives you a big bow against his cane a show our esteemed camarilla agents the hospitality of the dead tonight and ensure that they feel uniquely included in our intentions in the ancient world the offering of a hundred auxins guaranteed good harvest it promised the world that the gods showed favor to those who understood sacrifice and now in this day and age the need for a god's eyes is no less important but requires much more to earn their attention we call this process hecatom and while our sacrifice has changed due to the shocking absence of oxen in the nevada desert and there's much pitter patter of dinner party
Starting point is 03:27:09 laughter at that joke we intend to give reverence to this our new gods we thank you all for being in attendance so here in celebration of our commitment to our practice and to the grand success of our ritual this week we celebrate the success of one of the most important moments in our eternity and our family we have given hecatom and all its gifts so that we might draw a god here to this very desert and the crowd erupts in this raucous applause huge applause hundreds of people have gathered as much as they can into this building they spill out into the quad and all of them huge in their applause that we might set the world stage here in the valley of fire i thank you all for being here enjoy yourselves let your celebration ring out the praise of our success and the
Starting point is 03:28:12 forward movement of this our closest family partake in the flesh for nothing is guaranteed this week i just have to speak truthfully to how thankful i am for everyone who gave their lives earlier this week it is not without our understanding it is not without our peace it is not without our gratitude that your families gave so willingly from your trees we understand in the hakata the clan of the death that there is nothing more precious than the lies of our family and of their remains and now there remains a hundred fewer i do not take that lightly and i appreciate your contribution finally as a show of support we welcome our most important guest into the fold tonight far from the east and i'll never tell how far and another pitter-patter of dinner laughter
Starting point is 03:29:15 we are visited by the great beast ker and with that we will conduct the rest of tonight's proceedings and stepping out into the center sort of splitting your group truthfully uh is this man they refer to as ker he is six foot eight probably around 250 pounds incredibly strong almost the countenance of frankenstein's monster he is shirtless save for a very long coat that sits about his ankles and in a set of painter's pants that have been on his person for some time they are clearly of nosferatu descent and as he weaves through the crowd there are noticeable gasps and movements along everyone it is clear he brings an air of intimidation there is also a constant buzzing heard on his approach as wasps begin to fill the air
Starting point is 03:30:24 and wild crowds about his countenance peace pock marked along his flesh are holes that make up maybe four inches in diameter at each opening in which the swarm of insects have created a nest in the shell of his frame there are mantises locusts buzzing about tarantulas that house out from his rib cage and begin to crawl along his chest there are aphids beetles bees wasps every host of these six-legged beasts that crawl across his form his ears are grotesque wide and bat like pierced over with many rings along the bat skin his face is so pulled back against itself that his nose has been removed enough to show a glint of bone beneath more resembling a snout than anything else his eyes are an albinized white and his countenance
Starting point is 03:31:32 is one of intimidating disdain he walks up to Rothstein ascends the stairs and they begin a conversation there on the front it is just a few moments unless the rest of you interject before they begin to move down the hallway if you were allison you would know towards the same steps you had just entered and i believe that is where we will leave this session oh jesus christ all right normal we're getting there nothing unusual just a hive man like braggel saw nothing to see here move along wait he saw a hive man he saw he saw wasps like wasps was a big thing in his visions yeah yeah for sure if you recall the rabbi spat wasps that too
Starting point is 03:32:35 oh shit so yeah this dude is working with makur i think in some way i suppose we will find out when we return you never let us talk about our theories talk about your theories go on go on let them know we don't want to know we're taking up enough of these people's time yeah in two weeks we will decide the fate of lada a lot of the mires in lake bead and apparently the fate of uh sheriff sisco of the camarilla oh yeah and in addition we will return to this lovely party we're hosting and try and find a key we're not allowed to find yeah and hopefully get some one on one time with rostine jr next time hey there's only there's only what uh two more left three uh 14 15 6 three left
Starting point is 03:33:37 three left and then this is over folks wild jolly walls here we sure are man oh my god that's so soon all right we'll see y'all later we gotta go record doom to repeat so we'll see you guys

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