Mayday Plays - Vegas by Night Ep. 4 - "A Conquest of Conquerors"

Episode Date: August 21, 2022

On a quest to take what's theirs, the Coterie takes on a dangerous gang, racking up some serious W's....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, Kindred, and welcome to Vegas by Night, Mayday Roleplay's Vampire the Masquerade Chronicle. I wanna thank you all for your continued viewership and all of the wonderful feedback we've been reaching on our Patreon Discord. It means a lot to me and I've really been enjoying how this is going, so I'm glad you guys are turning out the way you are.
Starting point is 00:00:21 If you've missed out on any chapter of Vegas by Night, don't fear, you can still check it out on Spotify, Twitch, VOD, and our YouTube channel as of right now. If you're wondering how you can get more Mayday in your life, you can catch our stream here every other Saturday for our main show. You can follow us on all major platforms, as well as Spotify and SoundCloud
Starting point is 00:00:41 for podcast-friendly recordings of all our major shows and streams. And finally, you can donate to us on Patreon and join our Patreon Discord. The Discord is really where we've had the chance to build a great little family around the content we put out. We have patrons who have joined each other's games
Starting point is 00:00:58 and played in some hosted by ourselves. We've recently started a Deadpool on which one of us will die first. We've debated the most vile pizza toppings possible and have all fought over who can make the most remarkable emote of Eli's hippodog possible. My next venture is to have an argument over whether the Hawaiian punch man
Starting point is 00:01:19 should be considered red or blue, so please pay now and you can get in on the argument now. In addition to all that craziness, you can get an opportunity to listen to exclusive Patreon content and behind-the-scenes information. If you're a fan of Vegas by night, there are two of our kindred origin stories
Starting point is 00:01:38 available on our Patreon and more coming soon. You can currently see the solo sessions we set up with Burroughs and Roguel as we dive in deeper into what makes their undead brains tick. We have an orpheus debrief on the way soon, detailing and answering all of the questions put forward by the fans of the show,
Starting point is 00:01:58 as well as the cast members themselves, so keep a lookout for its release. Other than that, please check out our Delta Green campaign doomed to repeat, our D&D campaign centered in the island world of Ashoka and our Old World of Darkness campaign using the Orpheus system, all of which are available on all major podcasting platforms,
Starting point is 00:02:19 YouTube and our Twitch. But before we get started today, I just want to remind everyone that Vampire the Masquerade can be a dark setting and as such, there are content warnings for any watching. Please be advised that there may be violent themes, plenty of adult language and the exploration of darker subjects.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Please take care of yourself and be aware. Without further ado, let's begin. Humanity was cursed and a curse like this can cause a hubris unheard of in mortal times. A hubris that bubbles to the surface of the blood and begs to break from vein and artery. That demands of a kindred to puppet and lead the kind underneath their control.
Starting point is 00:03:07 It is inevitable that we should think ourselves responsible for the push and pull of human chess pieces to further our own game. Immortality breeds a malicious authority that will seek to ask the question, shouldn't it be me? In the first city of Enoch, it was nearly attainable. It was so few kindred to spare, there was nothing to covet
Starting point is 00:03:33 and enough wealth and blood to spread. It was an idyllic life of philosophy, a time spent living as kings of a hidden court, foxes living among the hen house. It is this time that they ask questions separated from their need for control. But the great flood, if you can believe it, was sent to deny the cursed any reason
Starting point is 00:03:56 to respect their punishment, indirectly caused by our maker. And instead, Cain's fatherhood was used to remind him of what he had done. This city of Enoch, wiped from the face of this world, opened the way for the second generation to expand the vampiric embrace. And in their hubris, they propagated onto this world the worst that has ever happened to it,
Starting point is 00:04:24 the third generation, the anti-diluvians. These, the kindred gods from who we earned the 13 clans, spread their blood across the world and sought to genuflect the very planet before them. Make no mistake, there is no praising of these gods. They are the reason you have not earned death this night, the reason you are what you are. But to covet the curse is to misunderstand its purpose.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Their gift is a sickness, one that bleeds the earth dry. We are that sickness, wolf among herd. We will bring them close in a warped facsimile of love, but we are playing with dolls, ripping heads from joint sockets, burning them under a lamp light when mother doesn't watch. We will tell them all, including ourselves, that it is for their own good that we are their wards.
Starting point is 00:05:28 We are lying. We will kill our darlings. Welcome to Vegas by night. Let's introduce our cast. I'm sorry, they just whispered terrible things into my ears. I just want to alert everyone, if you haven't noticed already, unfortunately Vince will not be able to join us today as Rigel, but we will pick up back with him in our next session.
Starting point is 00:05:57 So please put out good vibes into the universe for our friend. Nothing has gone wrong, but the internet gods have not served us well today. So please give all the love in the world to Vince. He is our best boy. To start off, I'm Caleb James Miller, and I'll be playing your storyteller. I'm Aaron, and I am ostensibly Enoch.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I'm Allegra, and I'm Mal. I'm Amanda, and I'm Allison. I'm Eli, and I'm playing Niles. I'm Sergio, and I'm playing Burroughs. I'm Zach, and I'm playing Sybil. Hello. Perfect. Now we have a recap of our last session performed by Niles.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I'm not adjusting to city life well. Every fiber of my being is saying, run, put all this glint and glamor behind you. The only way to escape a predator is to outrun them. Him. I can't afford that. So I've opted for a more practical approach, hiding. Kindred are a lot like wolves.
Starting point is 00:07:11 They need packs to survive, even Grant or Ellis as powerful as they are, only so by the numbers of followers they acquire. Hungry Hippos as Sybil puts it. They obsess over their collection. I don't think they realize that they are both the face of a double-sided coin, and neither is in control of this city. But there is a pecking order of things, a hierarchy.
Starting point is 00:07:35 You're expected to dance and put on a show, catering to women. If they like you, they'll give you a hole to live in. And you're expected to be grateful. I miss when one's place was earned by blood and fang. You know, you shouldn't miss that. Ever since Colorado, I've been watching. It's a particular habit that I have.
Starting point is 00:07:58 It's far better than small talk. You end up learning more. The coterie is filled with bottom feeders. It's good to be in company for once. I like most of them. They don't seem so bad, eager to be collected. I keep them at an arm's length. It's better to.
Starting point is 00:08:13 We'll be able to keep going for longer if I do. I don't think anyone's noticed yet. Maybe Sybil, she keeps prying. I really want her to stop. As I said, I can't afford to keep running. I can't let curiosity get the better of both of them. I can't let curiosity get the better of both of us. Most of the coterie agreed to the terms of the prince,
Starting point is 00:08:40 so he gave us Naked City, the real Vegas, the one that isn't hiding its true self, infested and run down, shattered by its once glory. The only problem is the locals have rolled into our new haven, the Conquerors. He told me to steer clear of them. I'm not sure why. Even the weakest of Kindred could easily take them.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I imagine there are unforeseen consequences. Even more so given the last night. I hope he understands that it was necessary. I had to eat. I had to eat. Sometimes I dream about the first winter. Everything was quiet and simple. Nights of endless woods, just me and spoons.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I know he was just looking out for me, but I can't help but feel regret. Without spoons, I'm empty, a monster, just like he wants me to be. Anyways, did you know that all locusts are grasshoppers? They become locusts when too many converge on one another. And the only way to stop a swarm, the swarm is to end them before they even start.
Starting point is 00:10:01 That's it. Very good. Very good. Thank you very much, Eli. Good. Let's start where every Kindred does. Let's discuss hunger game. Let's go around and discuss where we're at.
Starting point is 00:10:17 We'll start with you, Enoch. How are you feeling today? As per usual, I have no hunger because I'm the fucking greatest. Aren't you? What about your lovely partner in crime? I was going to say, after that feeding, I did have one hunger. And also, I'm, I guess, regrowing three digits. Yes, they're very slowly.
Starting point is 00:10:42 We'll say those fingers are probably coming along. This night has not fully ended yet. And that sleep will be the best thing for your healing, but they're definitely starting to nub back together. Let's go to Mal. What's your hunger like, Mal? My hunger is at two. Getting a little hungry in the back of that church.
Starting point is 00:11:05 We'll talk about Sib. Sib, how are we feeling? I'm at one because I'm responsible. For now. Niles, you had a pretty interesting search for food last game. How are you feeling this one? I still at two, irresponsibly at two. Irresponsible two.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And finally, the big man about town. How is burrows doing last night? He was able to knock it down to zero. So beautiful doing pretty good. We're all below three. I call that a win for the new generation. This is maybe a first in our time that all of us have been below three. Let's hope that regal does not beat that number and kill our luck.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Right. Okay. We begin in the throngs of something most of you have never experienced before. Whipping all about you just beginning to die down in number is an infestation of locusts onto the city of Las Vegas. These buzzing, crawling beasts have made their home here in the flatlands of the city of Meadows. And the noise is incessant. Niles, the warehouse you have been hiding yourself in has now become a noise bath
Starting point is 00:12:20 of these filthy green creatures as they flit about every part of the empty room jumping from raptor to raptor, buzzing about your things. They're crawling through the piles of your leftover clothes and your backpacks. You stacked up by your sleeping roll. They're sitting in your bed and crawling amongst your covers. They've gotten into virtually everything around you. Enoch and Allison, the motel you've taken up in with your very important guests have all been coated in tiny plagues as they jump against the barrier
Starting point is 00:12:54 of the windows outside your motel room. Causing thuds of sound as each pound of them threatens to break through the glass. It is a sheet of insect as they crawl over each other and some become upset with the others and then bounce against each other in a way and streak across the window where some have been pressed in by the sheer number of them climbing on top of each other. I don't think we noticed, though. Oh, are we too busy?
Starting point is 00:13:22 Yeah, we're probably too busy to notice. Maybe who knows? The sound is immense, but maybe it doesn't overlay the vibration that is already coming out of that room. Our sound, too, is immense. Very proud of you, too. Thank you for that. Starting off with a bang right there.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I was going to say, not even how long are we in? How long are we in? Burrows, the church in which you've hid yourself for the night, a hunched creature in the attic, the man who watches from unhigh ready to feed on Christ's disciples. You've found that there are new guests, a pest the same as you. They've clung themselves to the circular porthole at the end of the attic that you had blotted out as the one source of light with curtains
Starting point is 00:14:09 and crates pressed up against it. The sound is overwhelming on the other side and you can already tell they've infested the lower levels as well. Sib, having pulled over the car for fear of crashing company property, your windshield wiper is working overtime to glide over the bodies of dead locust soldiers. The smear of green that is the excrement and loss of these body remains across the shield itself has now become mired
Starting point is 00:14:39 against the living dancing amongst the dead as they buzz and bounce alongside the vehicle. The smell of the exhaust of this car mixes in with the earthy tang of unintentionally cooked dead locust. Mal, the church that has chosen you as its protector has become an absurdist painting as a new host of biblical pain begins to infest the old wood and stone of this house of the Lord. They jump and flip off your body, sometimes staying long enough
Starting point is 00:15:12 to crawl across dead skin as if not noticing you or unable to distinguish you from the dead pieces of furniture in this place. Their cold, many eyes bubble in front of you, not really seeing you, eyeing through the corpse unto the world around it. Regal, somewhere deep into the sewers, the noises at its worst down there in the storm drains with him and while he follows the directions written for him by Mokur,
Starting point is 00:15:40 he trudges through shit and grey water along the jumping masses that have been flushed down into that space. The buzzing is immense as it leaps off every rounded wall of those tunnels and uses Regal for its tuning fork, like some sick tinnitus all of you can't escape. He's a few paces from Littlestrip and most certainly will spend the rest of the night down with Bugsy in amongst the flies.
Starting point is 00:16:08 But that encapsulates the new generation's night in Vegas, the first of which, as an official coterie for the Camarilla, all of these bugs bouncing around all of you, there's still much to get done here in this city. I will allow anyone to take the floor, you tell me who's acting first. What's the next move in the night? Well, we know that we're all going to get together at some point, but I guess burrows will just get up,
Starting point is 00:16:41 definitely avoid Pastor Dudley who might be downstairs, I'm not sure, I'll probably just sneak out the window that I blocked, leap down to the city and just start walking. I'm going to return to the shop that I had commissioned something and pick up what I wanted from them, and then I think that's, you know what, I just want to spend a little time using my influence and my charisma or my persuasion to see if I can get an idea.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I had an idea last night, and I want to see if I can find out a little bit more about the gang that I was introduced to in my one-on-one session, the fuck you click is what they're called. I kind of just want to know where I can find them, where do they normally hang out, something like that. Absolutely. So moving through that window outside the church,
Starting point is 00:17:41 there's this flood of grasshoppers that come in immediately off you, and with the Hawaiian shirt being as low to the chest as it is, maybe one catches through on the way down from the church and you have to flip that out of your fabric, but you're mobile again. They are streaking the night sky of Las Vegas. It is so much so that you can see them moving almost in clouds along the walls. You can see them, they flooded in through the gutters itself,
Starting point is 00:18:07 and you have to be careful not to step on one with each new move of your boots. And without baby blue, it is a grasshopper filled march through the streets of Las Vegas. But you absolutely stopped by the signage store we had talked about before, and finally you have received word that your commission is finished, you pick those up. My question to you is looking into the fucks, trying to find the fuck you click. What sort of way is he going about gathering this information? What's the prerogative here? I might check in with Ricky, the son of my girlfriend Lydia.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I might give him a call. I might also just kind of, I have a little bit of influence in town. I might just kind of ask the Ravnos that I know or anyone else that I know about any information they might have on the click. Okay, yeah, so let's say that you put in a call to Ricky. You have his number. Are you using a cell phone? Are you going to go find a landline? What's the plan there? Yeah, I'll find those pay phones. I'll find a pay phone. Vegas is one of the last dying vestiges of public pay phones available.
Starting point is 00:19:33 There's plenty of them there. Another accoutrement of a city designed for the drunk man. And you find one easily enough you call through to the number you know for Ricky, the deadbeat piece of shit son of your well-beloved Lydia. And it takes a while. It rings through nearly to the end of your call there, but then eventually he picks up on the other side. Who the fucks this? What's up? Ricky, it's me, Burroughs. Oh shit. Yeah, what's up man? Listen, I'm not busting your balls tonight. I need to know something.
Starting point is 00:20:09 These boys that had your money. Where can I find them? Oh shit. Oh, are you going back for mom's money? Don't worry what I'm trying to do. I just want some information. Where can I find them? Oh, well they hang out in Naked City, man. Are you sure you're going after the fucks, man? I'm not going after anybody. I'm going to have a conversation. That's all. That's what I can do. No offense, man, but aren't you kind of fucking old? What the fuck you? I'm going to just hang up on them.
Starting point is 00:20:45 God damn. You can get that familiar clang as the phone falls back into the seat of it. I'm like, I'm already annoyed because I keep wiping crickets out of my head. Yeah, they're jumping all over you. All right, I know that they're in Naked City. That's good. That's close by. I think I'll probably just head to Naked City and wait for my coterie. Okay, did you still want to check in with your Ravno's contact as well using your influence? Yeah, I probably would if I had the time. I just want to see what I can find out about these guys.
Starting point is 00:21:17 You've totally got the time, and while you're at the landline, you can accomplish that. Do you have a background in influence and any sort of dots that would help you out? So let's roll your influence and your... Let's call this influence and charisma. Let's see if you know anybody in town that might be able to help you out. A member of the Vardo or someone connected. Three successes. Three successes. Absolutely. You know that there is a ghoul that you were put into contact with through HH.
Starting point is 00:21:57 That was essentially like a runner for the Vardo. Someone that you were supposed to call if you ever had trouble finding anything in the city. And you think, okay, I'll call them. So you give a call into Lori, that ghoul, who you know as far as you understood, worked directly under the pre-mogen Dino of Ravno's. And the ring comes through and after two ringers, she picks up on the other side and you give the word you were instructed to give to get her answer there. And she picks up and she says, operator, how can I help you?
Starting point is 00:22:34 Lori, trying to find out a little bit about this group in town called the Fuck You Click. I know they're in Naked City. Got any other info, what they'd like to do, what they run mostly? Where I can find them in Naked City? Please hold and you get a hold line immediately. And a couple moments later, they come back and on the other side, she speaks through and she goes, Burroughs, are you still with me? Still with you, Lori. I have information for you on your Fuck You Click.
Starting point is 00:23:12 The Fuck You Click run out of Naked City. They're new to the city within a year of operation. It's ran by a gentleman named Murda. Although I assume that might mean murder. They run a meth operation out of Naked City. That's as far as we know, but there is a place of business listed commonly referred to with the FUC. The fucks hang out at a place called the Boom Boom Club, south of Naked City. Burroughs, so you know this is a strip establishment, meaning there may be some illicit goods and services there.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Please reflect the Vardo appropriately in your attendance. Thank you very much. And there's a click on the other side. Fuck. Okay. Well, I know where to find them, but I know I can't make a big mess at that place. All right, good to know. Before she had hung up on what I've gotten the impression that any kind of Kindred is attached to them.
Starting point is 00:24:19 If they're new to the Fuck You Click. As far as she knew, she would have told you that for sure. That would have been amongst the beginnings. So as far as the Vardo know, there's no connection to Kindred. Just a mortal gang. Most important part. Okay, I am done researching what I need to find out. Okay, so we'll assume that Burroughs is on his way back to the meeting point at the time we all agreed upon.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Is there anything else we want to accomplish to make us all meet back together or are we all sort of headed back to the group? I will make it a point that Niles is packing up every single thing they have in their, in the warehouse that belongs to them, like feverishly packing up shop. I have no intentions of coming back to the warehouse. So Niles, you could effectively say you're abandoning your haven here. Yes. Okay. Yeah, you are able to smash and grab everything you own together, plus a few grasshoppers for your troubles. For the road.
Starting point is 00:25:20 For Rigel. Yeah, for Rigel, who have rooted themselves into the pockets, into the sides, everything. But you have everything including Spoonz's grab bag as well and your sort of sleeping roll you bring with yourself. Spoonz, by the way, still looking ragged, still looking hurt, half of the feathers are still sort of molted from their body. But they are happy as a fucking clam, just eating grasshopper after grasshopper after. It's just, it's training day here in the warehouse as Spoonz is making circles, picking more of them. I have something from Enoch here. Yes, what are the chances that Allison and I have heard of this boom boom club?
Starting point is 00:26:05 I'm not even going to make you roll with Allison's incredible influence in the club and music scene in Las Vegas. You know the boom boom club. It is a piece of shit, nowhere strip club out of Naked City. It is like a, they do like a six dollar steak night on Tuesday. Well, wait, hold on, like steak in certain clubs, like in Atlanta is great. It is like you get a six dollar steak and a free lap dance. Two for one deal, not good. That's what you would know of boom boom club.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Of course, you can use that information when you and Burroughs meet up and you learn. But yes, Allison would know of the boom boom club you probably know by proxy. Would you two are trying to slum it and role play as White Big Dash? You probably go there pretty frequently. We do, we do role play. I'm sure that one of you, you know, Allison calls yourself Brenda for the night and then Enoch acts like he's doing Brenda a favor. God bless. Niles, is there anything else you wanted to do besides get your stuff ready?
Starting point is 00:27:12 You're going back to meet the group? Yeah, I have intentions to go back to territory that I hope is safe. Niles, could I get an awareness plus intelligence? No. You can say no to any role. Actually, that's in the book. You can't deny the storyteller. I'm sorry, intelligence and what?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Awareness. Awareness. You're going to need that awareness. Too bad I don't have awareness. That's a failure. No successes. Any hunger failures I need to worry about? No hunger failures, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I just want to draw people attention to my little gimmick here. Anytime that I pull out these little coffin dice, it means something's gone wrong or someone very important is involved in what's happening. So I'm going to make a role. Well, you have to make a big show of it every time because we don't see it on your desk. I will absolutely pull up the coffin for you. This is a coffin roll. Coffin roll. Coffin roll.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Coffin roll. Coffin roll. Coffin roll. Coffin roll. Okay. That books it for Niles and Burroughs. Anyone else actions before we gather again as a group? Let's go with Sib first.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Okay, I was going to say Sib is going to send an overly formal text message in the group chat. Sorry, gang. Quick, just a stand-up meeting at Lucky's just to make sure everyone's doing all right. And then send a, also send a text to F, not as formal. We need to meet. When are you available? And then immediately just U-turns and follows her heart. She drives the Cirque truck to the club.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Alison's going to respond to that text, by the way. On the way. But, where are we at really quick at that point? We're in the hotel. Okay, so I'm in the hotel just so you know I am literally like choking Enoch as I live. Oh, piggyback ride as we're about to egg roll. You're back right here. Oh, this is a picture you're sending.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yes, I'm sending a selfie look. I'm choking him as I'm like on the way. I immediately deleted it. I still got it. I still got it. I still got the phone somewhere around me. Yes. A quick question, Alison.
Starting point is 00:30:01 In this picture. By the way, we're going to send a brawl pic just separate. Stop this. It's not even mine. That's going to be the response. That's what you get for saying we have to do a stand-up meeting. What's the point of being dead if you have to do a stand-up meeting? I love being technologically incapable.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I have a very important question. Yes. And I love that this is the distinction I must make in my games. Are there any, is there any show of blood or fangs in this very romantic mid-coital picture that you've just sent? With the exception of my nubs. Okay, so just some nubs. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, no, this is like casual. Actually, it's a good question. After that night, is my hunger down or is it still at one? That's how we got to one. Yeah. Almost positive. Yep. Can we take a quick pause?
Starting point is 00:31:01 I think we're getting an echo. Are we noticing that? Yeah, there is a little bit of an echo. I'm trying to mitigate it on my end. I think I'm not really sure how to solve it other than you guys just separate a little bit. Separate? Yeah, talking directly into your mic helps too. I'm going to get right on this mic.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, that's my. I think what it is is that it's the echo within the room that it's like, you know, going into both mics. Oh, I think. Sorry. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:27 So should I continue then? We're good to go? I think we're good. Okay. Those selfies go off without a hitch. They are absolutely censored to the group chat. You get this very racy picture of one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen in the world choking back her also incredibly gorgeous man.
Starting point is 00:31:46 But there's always this sort of sense about the kingsters that they are horribly beautiful in a way that feels unreal. Everything about them is that basest instinct, right? But you get one of the quickest responses in the world, Seb, to your message off to F. Like as if he was waiting by the phone, he immediately responds. I'm available all night. I'll see you whenever you tell me when pick a good place for the turning as he calls it somewhere thematically appropriate.
Starting point is 00:32:23 It'll I literally just text back like whatever is like five blocks away from the club to where you can't see the club and you couldn't pinpoint it, but where I don't have to walk that far. Okay. Yeah, I'll just drop a pin there and share my location. He asks in another text is like, is that a castle or like a like a abandoned building or like a hotel? We can get a hotel if you want to if it's like that sort of it's bullet text.
Starting point is 00:32:53 It's not like that. It's just a place. Please be normal. See you soon. He sends back a gif of Antonio Banderas from the film interview with a vampire with the text that says, got you, Bay. You also receive a notification on your phone as you're staring at it. You're waiting for these crickets to get the fuck off of your vehicle.
Starting point is 00:33:19 You get a notification from Instagram. And it's a comment on one of your posts. Let's start off with the post. And then I can sort of tell you what the comment says in response. Simple. Could you read me your, let me find it right now. Could you read me your Instagram post parking lot blues, please? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Let me pull it up. My God, we have to become friends on Instagram. Girls as an Instagram. I didn't know this. All right. Parking lot blues. They say to shoot for the moon. And even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Like that's a good thing. I've landed on a star and it's blistering. Noxious, unbearable asphalt, tarred lungs that don't breathe. This stupid star. Moon still hanging, painted white lines sinking above, mocking what almost was you stupid dream. Hashtag poetry, hashtag weird core. My heart.
Starting point is 00:34:28 There is a comment from a familiar username. One that has followed you for a while. It reads, feel my darkness 666. And it reads in response. Star girl, I see you burning up like dead light, choking on the fumes of dying worlds. From where you are, you may feel gone. But from where I am, your light still glows dreaming of you.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And below this is another line past the poem that reads missing you. Don't know what happened starting to get worried. Please reach out. People want to know what happened. The second comment, where is that? What is that? Who is that? Still from feeling my darkness.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Got it. It's as though he was or they were writing a response because you've never really been indicated to who this person was outside of your parasocial relationship, right? Indicating a poetic response to what you wrote and then actually speaking below that. I'm just going to like it and leave it alone. Smart choice.
Starting point is 00:35:51 And the rest of your notifications would be feel my darkness liking everything you've done since the account was wiped. Okay. Okay. But that is civil heading back to the group. You've all received a group text except for now. Now you heard some disgusting chirping from a long dead cell phone you had from when you were alive.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Obviously that's all you can ever hear. There's no notification or anything from this group chat. But you do know that you were meeting up and I'm assuming we told each other when we were doing that or does Mal sit in the dark here? I left pretty quick. I don't know if I know exactly when. But I think hearing like the chirping from the phone that's at like the demonic chirping,
Starting point is 00:36:45 I think I kind of assume something's happening soon. Okay. So I have a couple things that I want to do really quick. I want to take the... Can altars move in churches? Can you move an altar in a church? So there's like the altars like the platform on which this sits and then there's this like lectern podium
Starting point is 00:37:07 that could be moved from out of the altar space. That I want. Well, I'm already cursed. It's fine. I'm going to pick up the little lectern open to the protection whatever and I'm going to move it directly in front of the stairs to the basement. Okay. Are you like at the top of the stairs like a guardian sort of thing knocking that thing down the stairs?
Starting point is 00:37:31 No, I'm going to put it like a guardian, like a little post for me to remember, even though I don't think I'll forget. Okay. As you set that up and you're moving that sort of statue into place, that guardian into place, some of the shadows do sort of cast and move. Imagine like if you've ever seen like those time lapse videos
Starting point is 00:37:54 of like the sundials making movements around in circles, right? Yeah. It is that sort of a cast off swaying of the shadows as if responding to your presence in the room and staring down, you get this glimpse of that door again and almost like a goodbye of sorts. The handle jiggles just two times in response to that guardian being set. But outside of that, there's not a lot of response to the room.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I will say in the time between, you know, we can all sort of guess in that ambiguous time between when you guys ran off and the locus began, you've noticed that the church has three auxiliary rooms, a rec center that is like adjacent to the actual church itself. And you found where the priests used to live. There's like two dormitories almost with two full master bedrooms off the right hand side away from the basement there.
Starting point is 00:38:49 So you've got sort of a sense for this place and you have a feeling you could get back here pretty easy. It's still a naked city. You're not very far from the bar. At all intensive purposes, if we're speaking gameplay, this is your haven as well. What's the plan? Are there windows in the dormitory area? So the dormitory, each master bedroom has one solitary window,
Starting point is 00:39:14 like think long and rectangular. The main chamber of the actual church has like a fucking million of them because it's a church. The rec center is largely like three main bay windows, but the least amount of windows is definitely in the master bedroom or the basement. You imagine the basement's probably the best place to sleep if it wasn't for whatever is behind that door.
Starting point is 00:39:40 A little spooky monster down there. I'm just going to hang up a bunch of... I'm going to hang up a bunch of blankets and everything, try and black out the window, take out all of the little pamphlets and colored bits of paper and trash that I found on my way here and leave them on the bed. That's why I've roomed in my pockets for more.
Starting point is 00:40:04 You find this particularly perfect tapestry that is like church thick where it's like a couple inches of real fabric there. It is like a renaissance level painting, at least a dying of the rug, with a woman who holds her own head in her hands and is headless at the top there. It is inscribed in all of this thing like Catholic imagery and filigree that expounds around her.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It fits perfectly around the window along with all of these different fabrics you've accumulated. It's a little gristly to look up at her every night. It will keep your room safe, you think. I'll do a mock little bow and say St. Catherine, I assume. She is notably silent in response. Unsurprising. I'll go back downstairs,
Starting point is 00:41:04 and I think the last thing I want to do before I leave the church, those little books that are in pews, are there any of those around? Yeah, there are a couple discarded prayer books from when this church was active. Okay, I think I just want the outside of it, I don't want the inside of it, so I guess just the two papers at the end
Starting point is 00:41:28 that just say what the book is, or the blank pages that they leave in books, I'll leave those two in and then I'm just going to pull the rest of the papers out. And as locusts shoot past me, I want to try and rip their wings off and put them in the book. There are many that sit on top of you,
Starting point is 00:41:51 and you all will find, especially burrows you've been feeling this firsthand, the locusts do not register you as a person. Whatever it is that is primal about insects being afraid of humans, of animals, whatever it may be, they host on you pretty regularly, simple burrows, and now they sit like you're a branch
Starting point is 00:42:16 or a tree off the side of the road. So it's very easy for you to pluck at one locust who tries to leap out of your grasp, but you already have it before to even understand and then pull away at its wings. I don't think I'm using two hands, I think I'm catching it by the wings and just flinging the body down to the ground
Starting point is 00:42:35 absolutely. So you collect as many wings as you like for your little book. And then I stick it in the back waistband of my pants. And just as I'm walking, I'm just pulling locust wings off and sticking them in the book as I head toward the rest of them.
Starting point is 00:42:56 There are plenty of them. Some lay host across your collar bones and shoulders and down your arms. You can feel some of them trying to wriggle through the sleeves of your pants and you have to sort of swap them off. They're in hosts, so you definitely have enough wings to last a lifetime.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And I assume you're making it back to Club Lucky. Lucky's perfect. That leaves the Kingsters. Kingsters, is there anything on the docket? You have two people who are like, in a catatonic state after you have rocked their fucking lives in so many ways, in so many indications.
Starting point is 00:43:37 They've had the night of their life. The man, the portly man that you picked up from the bar just a few hours early looks as though he will probably take this experience away for the rest of his life. Yeah, he will. With his performance, you could have easily taken the guess
Starting point is 00:43:55 that maybe this was a first for him. But he has just passed out in the corner of the room seeing God in another life. The female bartender you took as well is just as tired as a person can be, drained of all energy and blood, and the two of you are sort of in that post-coital bliss
Starting point is 00:44:16 that comes for both of you so often. What's the point? We're probably going to find like a dumpster in the ditch. No, they're alive. We kept them alive. I know, but I just want to put them in a dumpster. No. Why not?
Starting point is 00:44:31 Because we're not being sloppy today. Okay, fine. Then where do you want to put them? Let them pay the bill. It's actually funny. I know it's funny. Let's leave them right now and then they have to pay for the room. I mean, frankly, it's only fair. I just think that'd be funny. He's just sticking with the bill.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Should we take off the clothes? Let's take half. Yes. Even worse. Let's take half. Let's only get a shirt. Alright, yes. Okay. Caleb, Lucky's is like right across the street, right? It's not very far from where you are.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Yeah, this is a piece of shit motel. You're probably in sight of your new place, Ina. And it's probably exciting for you. It's a little horny to think I have property a couple feet away from where I get to eat. You have power, Ina. Fuck yeah. Can I ask what the bikers are up to?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Are they still hanging out? So if you guys are walking back over to Lucky's on this great victory tour having taken whatever you like from the two sleeping compatriots, we said you... Honey, that was the first thing. You both earned about $2,000 as the man had drained his entire bank account for you
Starting point is 00:45:51 and what we can assume is some sort of like Zell Bank transfer into Allison's money bank. Yes, any watches or anything like that too. Yeah, it's a pretty sorry checking account though. Two grand. Every time he had, he's here on vacation. Yeah, there's a watch. He was wearing a watch that he thought would make him
Starting point is 00:46:13 look more attractive to people. It's pretty nice, probably worth about $100. But back at Lucky's, the same sedans and those bikes are still stationed out in the backyard basically, in the entrance to Lucky's essentially. They're still past the sort of security gate fencing that they clearly broke down themselves
Starting point is 00:46:36 and you can still see that the lights are on. You don't know if maybe people have been walking away on foot, maybe there's less of them, but it looks largely the same as when you left. So what shall we do until the others get here? Well, this isn't where we're meeting them. We're meeting them at Lucky's, which is... Just saying.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, this is Lucky's. We're in the parking lot. You know how I get when I've had so much blood. So I was going to say, I mean, at this point that we're just waiting for Lucky to leave, I don't like to be bored. So I'm just going to probably take him up against
Starting point is 00:47:23 near the brick wall until everybody gets there. I see. I'm trying to be elite, like you get. We're keeping it PG-13 for outdoor content though. So we're being very gracious in that sense. Heavy third base, maybe. Heavy, heavy, heavy. It's like wrapping second into third type situation.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Right, right. It's nice to see you two show a little restraint. I'm also trying to make a show for any of the people outside for a reason. Sybil, you pull up in the company van and find quite the show going on in the alleyway by Lucky's. As you can see, two people you immediately recognize as your new friends as they are rounding third.
Starting point is 00:48:09 She parks the car. She just keeps going forward almost until they're between her and the wall and then turns off the car. Nice. Nice. And then Burroughs, you arrive on scene following Syb. I'm probably wiping my shoulders of the bugs
Starting point is 00:48:32 and I'll just very grumbly say, I hate these goddamn cockroaches. I hate them when they come into Vegas. Niles, you can arrive shortly after that and then Mal joining us as well. I'm just going to drop one of my bags down in front of me. You're moving somewhere? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Where are you going? I thought this was supposed to be our new place. No? There's plenty of abandoned buildings for you to choose, that's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:49:19 If anything, a move of confidence. Right. OK. Where's Raigale? Shit, I was hoping he'd done a little research into our boys. This turn is to watch him. He's very unprofessional.
Starting point is 00:49:41 That's all right. I think we can work without him. Listen, before we begin, I just wanted to hand something out to everybody and I hand each of you little black, kind of like what you would expect some jewelry to come in those little black boxes. I hand you each one of them.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Just a little something to kind of make it feel a little more official. What the fuck is this? Open it up. Inside are metallic badges and the badges say Committee of Public Safety Watchmen Las Vegas, Nevada, and your name is everybody's names are individually on these badges
Starting point is 00:50:24 and girls is like, well, you know, I just think now that we're officially Watchmen, it'd be nice to have a little way to, you know, a little something to flash around so the normies think we're official. I don't know. I'm going to take a badge and run it just down, you know, like, this is going to be so...
Starting point is 00:50:43 I can fly later. Okay, you have to stop. You literally, this is... Stop what? There is a kindred resources department. I've looked. There is none. I thought, I thought we were dead
Starting point is 00:51:02 so that there wouldn't be any rules. The rules we make. There's the rule. Isn't the masquerade like a huge rule? It's very important that we have, we have at least five rules. Girls is confused. He's like, does this badge
Starting point is 00:51:18 mess with the masquerade? Well, no, no, they were being gross about it. This is fine. Maybe I'm just used to it by now. These are perfect. I just think it'd be great for, you know, role play for normies and us. Sure, yep.
Starting point is 00:51:35 It might be troublesome to have something on us with our whole name on it, but maybe. Well, I think as long as we don't go flashing them around to, you know, people with a beating heart, it's I think we will be finding. Just first names. Just first names. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:54 This is for showing... The badges themselves look pretty expensive. Like there was a lot of thought put into them. They're actual metal. You can't tell if it's like a pewter or a silver, but it's it's real, whatever it is. Very well made. It looks like it was put through its paces for sure.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Burrows expended some physical money to get this done. I'm a pin in on my shirt. Pin it. Is baby blue fixed? No, that was something I was also going to talk to you about. So I got a situation where baby blue is going to cost quite a bit to fix and I don't have enough money. How much?
Starting point is 00:52:37 Now, hold on, I'm getting to that. Too fast. Now, the whole thing is I know we got tonight's schedule to talk to these conquerors, but I know we're also a little, I don't know, a little cooped up, a little eager to put ourselves through the paces. So well, what I'm trying to say is my old lady got stood up by some gang members.
Starting point is 00:53:01 It's this group called the fuck you click. I don't know if any of y'all heard of them. I guess you haven't heard them. Well, anyway, they took some money from my old lady and I'm thinking maybe I get it back. I use that money to fix up baby blue, whatever extra they have. And if you guys help me, we can say she ate whatever itch we need to scratch before we go to talk to these conquerors.
Starting point is 00:53:31 That way we're at our best behavior. Allison's going to take out the wallets that she just lifted and like take out whatever cash and hold they'll be like, we can bankroll this. We also have like five credit cards. All right. Well, that's a start, but I mean, we're still going to need more money and these guys are kind of a pain in the ass.
Starting point is 00:53:53 No, no, no. That's like if we wanted to start like what you said, we're in a gambling capital, we could. Are you suggesting that we fuck up the fuck you click? Most definitely. What if we just turned them against the conquerors, killed two birds with one stone and then take out the losers left. Excellent suggestion.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I don't think it's a bad idea. I just think the conquerors are more useful alive than dead. Not to mention we've already we know that there's somehow involved with another kindred. I don't want to mess that up. We can still start a light game war to thin the herd out a little bit. How big is the fuck you click? They're pretty new.
Starting point is 00:54:33 They're not more than a year old. Okay. Because what that's like eight against 20 conquerors are still probably going to win. You just have less to deal with. I think that's going to take a lot of time to convince two fucking crazy sides to just fight each other. Well, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I'm just dragging them literally to luckies. If you rate the how would you rate the fuck you clicks toxic masculinity on a scale from 1 to 10? I don't exactly know what that means, but I'm going to say it's pretty high. That this should be pretty easy, right? I just want to have time. We just told them one was fucking shit. We literally go to one gang say the other gang was talking shit.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Hey, they're holed up in this spot. If you want to keep your balls, go do something about it. Bada bing, bada boom, people are dead. We don't have to deal with them and we have our place. Right. But then they're going to have. Yeah, they're going to have a meeting deciding how they're going to turn two other gangs against each other.
Starting point is 00:55:32 It's too much time. That's what I'm trying to say. I don't got a lot of time. I need to get this fucking car repaired. You want to be able to drive around town? I need this thing repaired. I said we cut a couple of threads. I say, but before the end of the night,
Starting point is 00:55:45 we'll be talking to the conquerors. I'm in. I in. It sounds like a good way of the flex. Our muscle is a little bit. Teamwork. A team. I know where they hang out at this,
Starting point is 00:56:00 this strip club called the boom, boom club. It's even more freaky that when your life is echoing. Yeah. At night. Oh, we are also. Yeah. That is one condition of this war planning is that as you stand around in this parking lot of luck,
Starting point is 00:56:23 he's I'm assuming you're as far away as possible so that no bikers get wind to a group of people standing out here. But still underneath the Las Vegas lights and the night skies, you guys are being swarmed just combined by these grasshoppers that are leaping from one of you to another. And some of the sometimes they'll crawl across your face. And that's when you feel them the most and the swat away. And this whole conversation is swarmed by them.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I'm. The entire time. I'm not breaking eye contact with anyone. Okay. Let's keep walking. It's easier to keep them off if we're walking. Okay. So we are warming up with the fuck you click.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Boom, boom club. I recommend we maybe draw them away. Say something like, Hey, let's have a party in the alley because the boom, boom club is kind of off limits to make a big mess. Well, now here's the thing. I don't want to alarm anyone. But everybody in the boom, boom club is going to recognize Alice and I immediately.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Yeah. All right. Maybe. Why? Do you want me to do you want me to answer that question? I love the context just a little bit. That would be helpful. Listen, sometimes.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Sometimes it's just fun to play. It's, it's fun to play cheap tourist every once in a while. We're poor. What does that mean? What he means is we, I get into my character of Brenda. And you just basically like to act. Different. Like an act on impulses that we always had, but never.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Listen, when you're together. Okay. Do you have. And sorry, Brenda. And then Enoch, what is your. Not here right now. It's, it's right now. You'll know when Brenda comes up.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Is Brenda in the car? Could we utilize her tonight? I think that sounds like a lot of fun. I'm just Enoch. I don't have an alias. I'm also okay with just drawing them into like a private room or something. We just make a small mess in one central location. Instead of all over the club.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Okay. I think we can, I think we could probably broker that. Yes. In fact, Allison has a way of, a way of talking anybody into any room. Yes. Especially if there's fun stuff with, attached to it. We get them in a room. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And so far beat their ass. What about the bathroom? Get them all in the bathroom. Oh, I can easily. That way we can pound their faces into the faucet. Then it looks like they just beat each other up. Exactly. I like that.
Starting point is 00:59:10 This is, this is all the planning we need. I think we're good to go. We're walking. We're walking to the boot club. Okay. So we are leaving the circus circus van here parked in the parking lot sip. That's not great. I'm going to leave it away.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I feel like F knows I work for the circus. So I will leave it as a marker for him. Okay. All right. So you drive down a block and then rejoin everybody and you guys start walking towards the boom, boom club being on foot. It takes a lot longer than you expect. That's just sort of where you guys are, are eating right now as child or of the city.
Starting point is 00:59:51 It's while you're walking low class for a while. There's no ivory tower for you. There's no big casino. You're not at the top of the echelon or the arcade. You're a group of six kindred, usually seven that walk with their bare feet to the ground covered in the locus and shit of Las Vegas is naked city. That's your identity. But eventually you do arrive to the outskirts of the boom, boom club, which has, it's on
Starting point is 01:00:24 a, on a main street, basically the entrance into it is off of a main street. There's a bouncer out front in a black suit that is maybe a whole size bigger than it should be. So it hangs a little loose around them, but still very big dude. The strip club is exactly how you'd imagine. It's almost perfectly black building, sort of glassed fronts as well. So you can see your sort of silhouette and shadow shaded through the front. And then at the very top, it has this neon sign that are two explosions and inside of
Starting point is 01:00:59 the explosions is boom, boom. And they go off one at a time like TNT explosions and then club and big cursive letters. There are marquees displaying who's dancing at the club that night. There's one for crystal who looks very classy in her, you know, X pasties across her front and a whole little list of events that are coming through bit comedians that are going to do Friday night sets right next to people shaking their asses and poor musicians that are trying to make a living. The man who's decided he's going to be the next big DJ in Las Vegas thinks the boom,
Starting point is 01:01:37 boom club is the first place to go to. And all those lost, lonely souls are holed up in this place. Does anyone have the street wise skill? Yes, I think I did. Stibble. I do too. Oh, who has the most? I just have to.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Okay. Stibble probably is the most. Stibble, go ahead and give me a street wise plus wits roll. Wits. Amazing. One, two, three, four successes. Okay. You upon sort of walking up, you guys are all sort of walking up the main road.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I'm assuming you guys stopped a few buildings before the boom, boom club. You don't want to announce yourself before you've arrived, but you guys do get an idea of the space and there's a public parking zone right across that, you know, you'd pay something like $15 or if you're in closer to the strip, you're paying like $25, $30 just to park there. But there in some of the front few spots are these older sedans that the Stibble U mark immediately have this bald up wadded black T-shirt set into the front windshield basically that if you were looking at the car dead on, you'd see
Starting point is 01:02:58 it in the bottom right. And you know that that would be a code for flying colors. So they're flying black colors in like six different sedans you'd see in this parking lot God knows how many others you would also see with your good eye this good street wise immediately as you clock in on those colors you see that the bouncer is also wearing like a black wadded fabric out the back pocket of his poorly worn slacks. Okay, she's just going to say while we're walking in, it does look like they're
Starting point is 01:03:34 rolling deeper than usual tonight. Just be aware they're human, right? Definitely all human, definitely all shitheads. This should be a cakewalk. Just got a matter of catching by surprise, I think. Okay, cool. So it sounds like though there's a lot of listen, I am all for causing chaos. I'm also for not making the prince chop off my head.
Starting point is 01:03:59 So we should probably be really careful about how we do this. I have an idea. Wait, we need to make space for what he not just said because that is the first. Well, he's going to undo it very quickly because I have an idea. Okay, okay. And I'll do whatever she wants me to. Well, no, I need you guys to keep him from killing everybody. And Allison's going to go ahead and walk up to the stage and actually start taking
Starting point is 01:04:30 off of her top and see if she can get a strip. Fuck this. That's incredible. So you guys from outside the club watches Allison moves up through to the door. There is like a line of people. It's it's I believe we're either on a Friday or Saturday night. God knows I should probably know that. But it's the weekend in Las Vegas and it's a strip club.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Someone's trying to get in there. You know, they're trying to get their six dollars stake in their free lap dance. Right. So there's a line of people out. But as soon as Allison steps up, this guy takes one look at her and gestures her straight in, does not even throw his face, his cheeks and is like and as I pass, I am going to grab his ass and I will shoulder check him. He goes to pay the kindness right back and goes to swatted Allison's ass and tell the
Starting point is 01:05:23 shoulder check comes through. And it gives a fucking look to to Enoch there and watch your hands. Remember, guys, watch him. We did not agree. We did not agree. No, the bouncer does give you a look, you know, like he's testing you up. He doesn't go further than that. You're lucky enough here.
Starting point is 01:05:48 And it looks like he's staring right at you, Allison, as you're going through the door. This fucker with you. Could be you. Later. Hey, if you want this fuck to live, you better tell me. He's mine. Be nice. You keep a short leash on this one.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I can cap him inside. I'll be seeing you later. Oh, fuck. Get in there, you fucking weirdo. I think the burrows would be trying to like, you know, we all just try to bum around like Allison goes in. Because I can keep talking to him. I'm like, I'm going to be like distracting.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I'll keep doing like a stroke cheek. Me like, he's, he's like an, he's like, he's, I know. He's a little bit. So let me get a manly enough as you. Let's get a manipulation manipulation and oh God, they ought to just give us a sex stat. Manipulation and persuasion, Allison. Oh God. If they succeed, the rest of you can sort of file in, which I'm sure they will.
Starting point is 01:07:14 This is their shit. Four successes. Four successes. Okay. Yeah. Are you employing awe or anything to draw his attention in this supernatural? I'm adding awe to this. He stares you in the eyes as your sort of, you know, apologizing for Enoch and pulling
Starting point is 01:07:39 him through and he says, Hey, if you get sick of this little pasty fucker, you and me, we should meet up afterwards. I'm only on shift for another hour. I'm going to run my hands down the shirt and I will go ahead and graze down below just to get hit like that. And I'll be like this. Oh, definitely. And I will wink and I'm just like smack ass and go on it.
Starting point is 01:08:03 You know, I'm going to wear his dick as a necklace later. What? So let's get Niles, Mal, Sybil, Burroughs. Go ahead and make a dexterity plus stealth to try and smooth in behind them. You all get an additional one dice to your pool because Allison is made for it. Thank God. Remember that you can spend willpower to re-roll up to three dice with one. I'm going to spend a willpower.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I'm going to spend a willpower. Oh my God. What did you roll? This wasn't great. I will spend a willpower. Mal is good. Sybil's success is for me. Burroughs is good.
Starting point is 01:08:51 Niles, you got a stealth plus dexterity for me. Oh, yeah. One second. Oh, I guess I have to do this, too. Well, can you do... Well, now you're in a scene. Oh, that's right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Right. You said stealth and what? Stealth and dexterity. Also, just to review, skull on the hunger die is fine. As long as it's not the only thing that's rolled, right? Okay. Three successors. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:09:26 You all make it through just fine beating the most dreaded rule in all of Las Vegas. The two females to any one person rule. Congratulations. You've all made it through, through the glory of Allison's ass. Walking into the Boom Boom Club, it is exactly as you picture it. It is all black and pink, laced in very poorly made glow lights. Low lighting, so low that you can barely see the girls, because that's the caliber of strip club you're at.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Oh my God. It's reeks of weed and smoke and spilled beer and vomit somewhere off in the corner, the most distant smell of them all. It is carpeted, not floored, which I'll also tell you where you are. So there are like 30 years of cigarette smoke just sifting out of this place, added in with the dead locusts outside. This place is made for quite, quite the environment here. So filthy.
Starting point is 01:10:31 I love it. The people are cheap. They are just as cheap as the environment. People of all colors, flavors and sizes, but they're all of the dollar store variety. There are waitresses. They're all pretty gorgeous for this tax bracket. And walking about with drinks in their hands, with beers in their hands. There are so many naked people in this goddamn room of any flavor and size you would like.
Starting point is 01:11:00 There are male dancers, but they're excluded to this corner of the room. That is not very well populated. This is definitely a guy's joint. And the bartender off the left-hand side probably pours pretty light for this room. There's a main stage where right now Crystal, the woman out there on that sign, is dancing her heart away. She has these bleached out locks that are starting to go back to her original color at the roots. She has a C-section scar above her belly there, some ill-fitting dress,
Starting point is 01:11:36 and she's shaking it like she needs to pay rent. Welcome to the Boom Boom Club. Let's go ahead and get wits and awareness from whoever we trust the most out of these seven, six people. Wits and awareness. Pretty solid on that, actually. I have four. All right, now. Give it to me now.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I got a solid six. Oh, now. Yeetie. Four, five, six. That's the digits for this one. One, two, three, four, five out of six. Now you probably clock six to eight people in this room you think are probably strapped. Probably a member of whatever this gang is most known for.
Starting point is 01:12:27 And Burroughs, you see at least one of those t-shirts you saw before. You remember seeing that man running past the alley lights in the back of the trailer park Lydia lives in, and you spy that big graffiti hand-drawn FUC on the back of a plain Black Haines t-shirt. You see plenty of them in this place, at least two. Now. Would a ten successes make a difference? Because I forgot that having two. Do you have two tens?
Starting point is 01:12:56 Yeah. I had three, technically, with a fangy one. So rather than it being three tens, it would be four successes. So five successes instead of the three. No, I had five successes in total. You would have got five off your three tens. Then it's eight. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:18 But the success of eight, you know for a fact there's eight people in this room that you would clock, have the body language of someone that's ready to kill. Eight. Fun. And it does, there's a second floor. I should tell you there's a set of stair, like a staircase off the side of the main stage leading up to a second floor. How many of them are on this floor and how many of them are on the next floor? Eight that you can see are just on this first floor.
Starting point is 01:13:46 There's a room behind the bar and there's a restroom. I'm going to sidle up between Niles and Sib and just quietly point out all eight. I think Burles is going to real quick go to the bar and just probably order like an orange juice and then ask if I'm going to kind of look to see if the bartender themselves are strapped or they seem like if they're part of the fuck you click or they just an employee or something. Right. Let me get a composure plus insight for you to see if you can sort of distinguish that as you sidle up. Plus insights.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Ooh, that's pretty good for me. Here we go. Jesus Christ, all those dice and only one success. You like a willpower lets you reroll three. Yeah, fine. Here we go. That's one more success. That's two successes.
Starting point is 01:14:52 That's enough. Burles knows when somebody came to party. Burles knows from himself somebody who walks with that sort of distinction, right? The bartender is absolutely strapped. You're probably guessing they might have something behind the bar to just from the way they hold themselves back there. And there's a noticeable bulge at the back of his belt there. Pulling up to the bar. He comes over.
Starting point is 01:15:17 He doesn't say fucking anything to you. It's one of those bars for sure. In fact, he serves the three women off the side of you before even fucking acknowledges that you exist, but eventually comes to you. What you want? You got any orange juice? Yeah, I got fucking OJ. What you want with it?
Starting point is 01:15:36 Rum, vodka, tequila? I don't need anything. Just give me some orange juice. I don't drink. What you got fucking gout or something? I'll pay for the orange juice, man. I'll pay for it. All right, you're paying cocktail price for OJ.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Fine, whatever. All right, he walks over and he pours you just a plain glass of OJ. Hey, when he comes back, you know, murder's in? Murder? You're looking for murder? Yeah, I got some business with him. You got business with murder? Yeah, man, I have business.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Are you his fucking grandpa? Who the fuck are you? Is murder in or not? Yeah, that's gonna be the wrong fucking questions around here. Go ahead and give me a charisma plus street-wise. Thank God you have some street-wise. You're asking questions about the big gang member in the room, and he's never seen you before.
Starting point is 01:16:43 That's four successes out of five. Shit, yeah. Do you have any amount of presence that you can tap into this, or is that a disadvantage? Well, yeah, I do have presence. I suppose I would tap into it to ensure I get what I want. So are you inspiring awe or dawn here? Are you trying to spook him into it?
Starting point is 01:17:05 Not always what I'm using. Kind of just making him feel like, you know, though he's never seen me before, this dude's cool, you know. He looks at you and he gives you this, like, lukewarm cup of OJ that came from a carton that's been sitting out for too long, and he slides it over to you. It's the type of glasses that aren't see-through,
Starting point is 01:17:26 because they don't want you to know how bad the drinks are. But he looks at you and he says, I didn't know murder was doing fucking geriatric volunteer work, like he's working at a fucking home or something. Yeah, murder's in. You want me to say something to him? Should I tell him who's come calling? No need.
Starting point is 01:17:47 I'll go say hi to myself, and I'll point in the... See, I'll just kind of point in the audience and see if he can direct me to who murder is. Upstairs. Upstairs. All right. You've been here. You know murder, right? I've been murder... No murder, I just don't...
Starting point is 01:18:01 I've never been here. It's my first time. Oh, you're one of the bigger players, huh? You old Vegas? You could say that, yeah. Running around with fucking Tommy gunned you? Hey, I'm not strapped. I'll come in peace.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Yeah, well, you keep whatever fucking flintlock you brought in this place, old man. Don't show it, because you'll fucking be blown away. Yeah, fuck you, man. I'll tip my glass to him and go walk to see where the others are, and join them. Any other actions on this main floor? You do notice, as you walk away, Burroughs, that he reaches down and he takes out his cell phone,
Starting point is 01:18:39 and it looks like he's sending a text out. Do I see that? Yeah, yeah, I'll say you can say that, yeah. Wait, is Mal in the room, right? Oh, I'm here. Yeah. So cell phones, they don't work. It's a noticeable distance.
Starting point is 01:18:58 It's a proximity thing. Yeah, proximity changes everything, and a lot of it is individual. Like, for example, the cell phones that didn't work for you guys was in the proximity of a sedan, but the distance between you and the bar is maybe 30 feet, 35 feet, something like that. I mean, I do think I'd come over immediately to the group and be like, all right, I heard Murda's upstairs. We should probably do something quickly as, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:24 that he's going to get word soon, and we don't want him to leave. But do we need to roll up the whole gang, or do we just need to get their leader? I think the leader should be enough, so let's head upstairs. Okay. Okay. Well, if we need a distraction, I have a plan ready to go. She just wants to strip.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Why don't you go ahead? Why don't you go ahead? If he buys off all of us. You want? I'm going to stay down here, too. All right. Yes! Yes!
Starting point is 01:19:52 I'm going to act really drunk, but I'm just going to go. Congratulations, everyone. Yes! Oh, my God! Girls' trip! Woo! I'm going to start taking off shirt and, like,
Starting point is 01:20:04 kind of twirling it around the bar. Immediately. I'm going to splash a couple, like, dollars from the stolen money. Be like, oh, my God! Shots for everybody! Woo! Across the Boom Boom Club, including the eight figures we've noted as possible gang members,
Starting point is 01:20:21 they look and start fucking cheering, yipping, calling, dying for Allison as she pulls out what is one of the most beautiful rack you have ever seen in your life, again. Just gorgeous. Perfectly formed breasts, okay? As the entire bar sort of kicks up and the music is playing loud overhead and the money gets flashed through, the bartender comes over to Allison and sort of calls her
Starting point is 01:20:48 over to pay for those shots she just called for. I'm going to grab him and motorboat him and then put him back really quick. Of course you are. You're beautiful. I'm going to grab the back of Enoch's neck and turn him toward the... You better get me out of this room quicker.
Starting point is 01:21:05 I'm going to kill every single person in this room. The dude's name is Murder, he's asking for it. Yeah. Let me get a Charisma and Persuasion from Allison to keep the room entertained and the drinks flowing. Okay, Charisma and Persuasion. Or... Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Gang, remember the last time our group was in a club? I can't stop thinking about it. Oh, well, that's what we do. Clubs have never gone well for us. Amanda, we weren't there. We have a plan. Jump them in the bathroom. It can't get to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Yeah. What's a good plan, wasn't it? Four successes. Four successes. Yeah, the room is yours for now. You're totally seen through. You know, guys are now throwing money at you and, like, coming through and taking the shots
Starting point is 01:21:55 that the bartenders pushing out there. I'm also going to throw some back to the strippers to be like, yes, girls, all together. They come up and they start dancing with you. You're a scene, an absolute scene. You are trailer trash royalty right now. We are. You are the queen of Naked City here amongst the people.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Yes. That leaves the rest of us. Well, I think you had something heard for down here. Am I right? I was just going to try to distract him from sending that text upstairs. Okay. But we may have accomplished that.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Yeah. It's like, I think we got it, so we're good. Allison, you had something else? A question. If I, because of how I normally feel because of, like, that fan, does that make it more powerful at all? Your influence as a well-known music producer? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Let's just call this sex appeal right now. I will remind the kinksters that you're known around these parts. So maybe some familiar faces know what's up when you take your shirt off. Maybe some people know exactly what it means when they see that pair of breasts. Shit.
Starting point is 01:23:09 We've pulled this racket one too many times. It's effective. The rest of you, the tits are out. Rack a joke. It was Rack. This Rack. Rackity bitch. So the rest of us are going to start heading upstairs, right?
Starting point is 01:23:28 Now, I don't know how we're going to get this guy into the bathroom other than say, hey, you want to try a new meth that we have for you or something. But even then, I don't know if that's going to work. You might smoke it right there then. I technically have looks. Could I use looks to try and get this gangster
Starting point is 01:23:50 into a bathroom? Looks has a function. So I don't know what it does. I'm going to have to look it up. But it does help you in moments like this. I believe it's anytime you use your charisma. Let me look that up right now. I have to make hot people.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Yeah. Who could blame you? I have it right here. Looks, are you beautiful or stunning? I have two. I have two. That means you're beautiful. You can add one extra die to all appropriate social dice pool.
Starting point is 01:24:28 So anytime you use your looks in a situation you get plus one, Enoch is stunning, meaning he gets plus two anytime he uses his looks. Ooh. See what the dude's flavor is, I guess. I mean, we're similar flavors unfortunately. We'll play it by ear and adapt accordingly. Sure. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:55 So yeah. So we head upstairs and we head right to where we think murder might be. I assume there's like a VIP section or something. There is a VIP section. In fact, as you climb the stairs to the second floor, there is this sort of shaded glass door. I think like two windows that have been fogged up glass and then metal handle there. And then at the end of the hall is another set of restrooms.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Looks like a personal restroom almost like one of those that gets the lock on the doors. And outside of that shaded door is another bouncer in another ill fitting suit. Mountain of a man, probably six foot two, six foot three wide, 300 pounds maybe. And he openly has a gun nine millimeter right there tucked into the front of his belt. And he's standing as prim and proper as he can outside the door. But he's kind of fidgeting, you know, none of these people were really made for a formal setting. And it's very clear this guy was just made to walk outside of a door and wait. That's what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:26:02 All right. Well, with presence activated already. Burroughs is going to walk up with his group behind him. And he's going to start by saying, you know, he's going to walk up to where we assume murder is. I assume I've gotten some kind of description of him. Yeah. So murder is probably on the other side of this door. It looks like shut door bouncer in front door in between.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Sorry if I didn't explain that well now. No, no, no, I understand. This is like a hallway before you lead into the VIP experience is your guess. All right. I don't have any great ideas other than to walk up to him and say, we're here to talk to murder about business. You walk right up. Or is that the discussion? Are you guys stopping the game plan or are you walking right up?
Starting point is 01:26:54 I don't have a better idea. I don't know how to get through the door. I think I think I have an idea. I'm very hesitant. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Follow my lead. Hey, hey, hey, buddy, what's up? What's up? Yeah. My name is my name is spicy cook. I got some hot new shit to pitch your boss. Yeah. Burrows just going along with like, yeah, man, he's going to be flipping his lid when he when he tries this stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:25 This man just scans through each member of the most eclectic group of dead people he's ever seen in his life. And without the blush of life, you all look pretty fucking dead. Oh, that's right. Pale and vain. It's dark in here enough to think that he probably thinks you're all cancer patients or something. Shit. We walk a lot, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:50 You do. You look like the clientele. Like you've been through a few rocks and just each one of you reflecting a different portion of fucked up Vegas. And he looks totally confused and immediately weary. Enoch with an additional dice pool. Let's get manipulation plus street wise. So plus one for burrows giving you the help there. I've got a pretty good manipulation street wise, but I suppose it's Enoch that was leading.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Yeah, this was I have to. So, you know, you can't wait to get it. But you're going to fuck you, right? It was super cooker that's leaving. I love you. I love you. I love you. Spicy.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Spicy. Spicy. I don't think you're trying to fuck this, man. That's what I thought. Damn. I mean, unless spicy cook is trying to, you know, if you don't let me in, you'll get a little something. I mean, I'll put the vibe out. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Unfortunately, the vibe does not give you plus two. So just your regular dice. It does not look like this man is in for what you're cooking. One success. No, you got two. Oh, two successes. Oh, that's right. Yeah, that's a 10, darling.
Starting point is 01:29:06 So two successes. Two successes. He looks unconvinced, but willing to negotiate. He looks at you. He looks again across all you. And he says, uh, just wait out here. Give me a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Yeah. Cool. Cool. Cool. Yeah. Cool. And he opens the door as soon as he opens the door, I'm going to push him through the door and, and like go with him.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Like I'm getting through that door with him as soon as the door opens. I like that. Can I help with that? Cool. Yes. Let me get a, uh, strength and brawl from burrows. That's good. I've got some strength.
Starting point is 01:29:53 I will get a decks and athletics from now. Three successes. Beautiful. Also three successes. No, sorry. Two successes. Two successes will do just fine. Burrows, you grip his shoulder.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Uh, how, how rough are you being with him? I'm not trying to be rough yet. I'm trying to be assertive. So I'm pushing him. Like as he, as his momentum is going through the door, I'm just kind of like training with him, you know, joining the train, pushing him through the door, you know, encouraging my allies, but still friendly. Like, all right, I'm so glad to be in here.
Starting point is 01:30:35 We got some good stuff for you. You know, just like keep, keeping the positive vibe. But was that aggressive push through the door, following him through now catches the door and white ends enough for the rest of the coterie to fall through. You guys have gained entry into the room and it is this forceful push into the room that opens all of you into, uh, what is probably six people at one large booth. The man in the centers, who you would assume is murder. He has these long, uh, dreads pulled back into this, uh, sort of black scrunchie that he's
Starting point is 01:31:09 kept back there. Um, he, he has some fake teeth in, um, this long wife pleaser, uh, that is extended over some joggers that are sliced at the half. And then FUC is, uh, pulled out on some colors. He keeps off the right. Uh, in addition to that, he's got, uh, two women off his side. And like I said, about four other people that look strapped for guns and then two more off the side at a personal bar cart to the left of the room.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Um, they all look stunned that this guy just got pushed through the door here. And the room comes to a hush as, uh, the six of them stand up and guns are drawn off the side. Uh, the women looked spooked out of fucking nowhere and the two off the side, uh, pulled these sawn off shotguns and cocked through. And you can feel is probably, uh, six guns, seven guns are pulled on you all at once. Uh, whoa, whoa. Hey, no, no, no need for, uh, big guns.
Starting point is 01:32:13 We're, uh, you know, doing my best to like do with Enoch, like this kind of gutter street punk kid. Like we got some good shit for you, man. We hear you're into the strong stuff. We're going to rock your world. Yeah. We've been cooking all day and night. And the man that you have by the shoulder gestures back, he looks pretty spooked by the guns on
Starting point is 01:32:35 his face too. And he's like keeping one hand low to his belt there. He says, this is straight cooker. He wants to sell some shit spicy cooker. He wants to sell some shit, man. And murder murder sort of, uh, puts up his hands to the room. Let's very quickly get a manipulation and street wise from you burrows to see if we can sway the room into believing your, uh, actually spicy cook.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Come on. Here we go. I want to know burrows plug name. Yeah. Burrows would be, uh, uh, big, big something, big, what big, uh, big, what, big, what. Big what, big, what, big, what, big, what. Murda puts up his hands and after a slow, the guns start to go down. They're still kept by the sides there.
Starting point is 01:33:37 He says, hold on. I don't, what the fuck is going on here? Spicy cook. Yeah, man. And big what? You know, big what? Yeah. Is it, is it murder?
Starting point is 01:33:51 Like a, like a, like a, like a descriptive term. You don't need to know my fucking name. You trying to sell to me? You got shit? Then show your shit. You got shit. And, and you can feel is, uh, the, the man you have by the shoulder tries to shrug you there for us.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Do you let him? Shrug me like, like just kind of push me forward or? Like, like get your grip off of him. No, I won't allow him to do that. Yeah. I'll probably just try to move away from him. Yeah. He goes to move from you.
Starting point is 01:34:22 You deny his grasp and murder goes. Oh, I see. Uh, I would, I would, I would let him go. I'd let him go. Okay. He breaks from the grasp, moves behind your group and shuts the door behind, uh, locking it from the inside. That's exactly what I think we would have wanted.
Starting point is 01:34:40 That is exactly what we wanted. It's not the bathroom, but it's close. All right. So murder comes up straight to spicy cooker, um, and makes eyes with you. And he's a grody little dirt bag, just like everyone else in the room. Um, but he makes eyes at you. He says, if you got shit, you show your shit. You know, you look, look, I don't just bring, I don't just brain my good shit like with
Starting point is 01:35:06 me, you know, like that shit is valuable. It's a proprietary formula. Eleven herbs and spices, my guy. We, we have a Sibs piece up. We have a special way of delivering it. If you're willing to try his little sip. Little six. He looks between all of you.
Starting point is 01:35:29 So you came here not knowing me, not knowing anything about me, me not knowing you. And you bring no product to show who you are and you expect to just get in this fucking room. You know what? We should kill these fuckers. We got it. We got it. Now wait, I didn't say we didn't, I guess, I didn't say we didn't have product.
Starting point is 01:35:51 We don't like to bring it out to disperse the people. So you got it in the building. We got it outside, outside in the, in the, uh, in a, in a secure locked container. No, no, no. One of us has it in the bathroom, right? That's where we said we were going to put it. Exactly. We like to do it in the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:36:11 That's right. We only do our sample. It's, see, it's for, it's for sanitary reasons. What are you selling? It is a very virulent form of meth and crab cocaine. You guys, you got to stop using words like that, that virulent. What that mean? Virulent?
Starting point is 01:36:33 It just means that it's, uh, if that's a color green, it means it's real strong. It's undercut with, um, what's the medicine that's for erectile dysfunction? I don't know what you mean. Yeah, put a little, put, yeah. It's undercut with Viagra. A little Viagra in there just to keep things interesting. That's why it's virulent. You got meth that's going to make my dick hard?
Starting point is 01:36:56 Don't you, isn't that what you want out of meth, man? Like you're trying to have a good time, man. Like you, you want to, you know, come on. You got like these girls around here and you need drugs and the alcohol. Yeah, we bet it's going to be the new party drug here. Yeah. You know, sometimes all that drugs and alcohol can make you feel a bit soft and you need something to give you a little bit of a...
Starting point is 01:37:14 I don't get soft. Fuck you. I don't get soft. I'm hard all the time. Fuck you. Oh, of course. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 01:37:22 But we've seen some of your clients. That's why you got to be out here swinging your dick around so much. What the fuck you say to me? Ah, you fucking hurt me. Now, now hold on now. Hey, let's, let's, let's keep it cool. It's clear that the... It's time to do some business.
Starting point is 01:37:34 The room has become very tense now that the big dicking has begun. Myrta is looking straight at spicy cooka. Yeah, I know what I'll do. I know what I'll do. I'll grab both their crotches at the same time. Oh my god! Oh my god! An hour move.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Yes. Who? I'm going to grab Enoch and Myrta's crotches at the same time. Well, this took a turn. They'll say, uh, they're about equal. Make them manipulation. I'm trying to make Myrta laugh is really what I'm trying to do here. You want to grab another man's dick to try to make him laugh?
Starting point is 01:38:09 This is a guy thing. This is apparently a guy thing that can sometimes work. They keep other than that. So this makes sense. I hate that. Is it? I don't even, I know this. It's the punchline of they're about the same.
Starting point is 01:38:22 You know what I mean? They're about average both. Make a charisma plus intimidation. Check. Out average, my ass. Zero intimidation. Can I assist? I should be doing it.
Starting point is 01:38:31 No performance? Persuasion? Performance? Yeah, no performance. Exhibition plus charisma. All right. You grab a man's dick. That's intimidation.
Starting point is 01:38:39 I'm going to burn a willpower. That's two successes. Toot it. Toot it. I didn't use any of Sybil's dick. I didn't use any of Sybil's dick. I didn't use any of Sybil's dick. I didn't use any of Sybil's dick.
Starting point is 01:38:51 I didn't use any of Sybil's dick. I didn't use any of Sybil's dick. I didn't even use any of Sybil's dick. If I was allowed to type. If I was allowed to do something. I'll give the dick. What are you doing, Sybil.... To assist this?
Starting point is 01:39:06 How are you saving this? I was gonna... I have no choice but to join in. I have to join in. What I'm going to do is guide, seductively guide John's hands to the dicks. It just goes with it. Yep. Yes, Andy.
Starting point is 01:39:25 Does that help? Caleb, does that help tell your story? It doesn't help. I'm sorry. There's a lot of things I can do for you. I can't do that for you. We're circling the drain at this point of the inevitable, so... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:38 I'm about to start fighting folks. I just never thought an intimidation tactic would be to crab some dick. Hey, at least I've got a hand on the enemy. Actually, it's anything. Let me... This is actually... No, I'm with you. You have him by the balls.
Starting point is 01:39:57 I just want to kill them already. I just want to kill them now. So reiterate, this is a mature content. Yes. Oh, God. I got it. Mal. In it.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Yes. You have an opportunity in this room to dodge. Would you like to? I have to fucking lose it. Okay. Go ahead and give me a dexterity plus athletics at this moment. I'm secretly cursing Ragell for not being here for this. I'm like...
Starting point is 01:40:25 This is what happens when you're not with us. I'm kind of now upset that I'm just doing the stripping down there. Two successes. I... Two successes. I'm going to burn... I'm actually going to burn a willpower. A willpower.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Okay. And does a willpower burn just get you to roll real one? Three. With one burn, willpower, you can reroll $3. Ooh. So I got one critical success with the fang and then I got a second critical. So my two turns into four. Yes.
Starting point is 01:41:01 But you have a critical and a fang critical? Yeah. Okay. That's a bestial success or a critical thing. Yeah. A messy crit. Okay. So hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:15 First one of the campaign. The shots go off, but for you now, you dodge well enough that you fall into one of Myrta's members and the beast inside of you is so inherently just torn to shreds scared over the idea of the gunshot blast going off and that fire from the muzzle flashes exposing that you are drawn to intense uncontrollable fucking rage to tear this man apart as best you can. Hell yeah. So before we get to the success of that messy critical, I'm going to go to the others because
Starting point is 01:41:53 burrows, two nine millimeter shots are cast off in your direction as you have two hands, one on Myrta's dick and the other on Enos and you are riddled through the chest with two bullets that go straight through the heart. Give me that. Come out the other side. You get two superficial damage as some of Myrta's gang look immediately and see that you've just been pierced through the heart and are still standing there gripping like nothing happened.
Starting point is 01:42:23 They look shocked and appalled at the fact that you're still standing as though nothing just happened as you pull it back. The hands from the dicks are free and you're torn back by nine millimeter blast. Enok, a shotgun blast goes off just a few inches away from your chest as he attacks you. Oh God. You take two superficial damage and you are rocketed back against the wall as this thing fucking flies you into the back of the VIP. You collide with the wall.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Two superficial damage for you. Sybil, another two nine millimeters going off in your direction there. That'll be the last of the firings here because you take one superficial damage as a nine millimeter blast through your cheek and out the other side. You feel a hole in your mandible filling up. Those gun blasts create a huge amount of noise and Allison shirtless down in the first floor shaking your ass, being the bell of the ball. Immediately you see as eight men stand up and guns drawn.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Two of them start rushing for the second floor. Six of them. Yes, Niles. I had asked to stay down below. I didn't work down here with Allison. Niles are down there, yeah. Is there any way I could step in front of the group before they go up the stairs? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:43:51 Let me get a dexterity and athletics to beat these guys to the stairs. I confess you're undying love for someone. That worked last time. Yeah, just grab some dicks. No question. Caleb? One second, Allison. Let me do this with Niles and then we'll get to you.
Starting point is 01:44:07 Sorry, decks and what? Decks and athletics. Let's see how quick you are. One success. One success. Okay. Allison, what's your intention? Okay, so while doing the stripping and make out show, whatever,
Starting point is 01:44:27 can I have possibly been lap dancing one of the lectures at this time? Absolutely, yeah. Okay. So if I'm lap dancing, then basically I'm just going to do a next nap. Oh, shit. No, you're good. You're good. Killing, right?
Starting point is 01:44:52 Do you think? Yeah. Do you think? I'm just shocked. That's awesome. Give me a strength plus brawl. This has become a bordello of blood. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:05 I have a meeting after this. I have two successes. Two successes. That is one. And one one. Okay. Yeah. Are you applying any disciplines to this or this is just straight vampiric strength?
Starting point is 01:45:30 Ideally, because I was lap dancing him, I would like to have a little bit of awe. Okay, so he's at least relaxed when this is happening. He's not expecting it. And I don't want to break a big show. It's kind of one of those like, like that kind of really. Oh, so this is stealthy. This is not showy. Yes.
Starting point is 01:45:48 This is actually more stealthy. Okay. Okay. Bring him in for a motorboat. So doing this across the dance. You know what? If I I'm going to try my best to just start merkin by. He does die instantly.
Starting point is 01:46:09 Describe what this looks like as he loses his life. Okay. So basically, because I can see off to the side, I know shit gone south and I can see the gun. So the one I'm on. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to go ahead, take the back of his head, just shove them right in between
Starting point is 01:46:27 the girls kind of get a little and I'm like, okay, and while doing it, I'm going to go like that kind of subtly. Right. And then I'm going to take because he's dropped head back. I'm going to take him and kind of just make close his eyes and the way down like he's out, knock his beer over, be like, Oh, baby, don't you got you're getting too worked up. Also, if he has a gun, I'm going to take it. Got it.
Starting point is 01:46:49 Yeah. You snap his neck. The life leaves his eyes and he falls back into the chair. You search him through and you do find a nine millimeter pistol like a Glock in the side of his waistband. But pulling it back up, you make direct eye contact with the bartender across the way who just so happened to see you just snap a man's neck. And you can see he's reaching for his gun.
Starting point is 01:47:13 You just pulled your Glock will decide that just next Niles with your one success. You just meet two of these men trying to move up the second floor there. Is there any action as you guys are basically chest to chest to prevent them from getting up the stairs? What's the move? There's two of them. Yep. You've got two hands, Niles.
Starting point is 01:47:37 Two hands. Yeah. I'd like to, yeah, I'd like to, you know, chest punch them. Okay. And I'm hoping to cause like a, you know, a blockade in front. So it's going to take a little bit of time, like, you know, pinch, like, you know, narrow it down. Right.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Take on how many people. And my question here is how inhuman is this chest punch? This is a room of about, you'd guess, 25, 30 people. A lot of them just trailer trash in off the road. I'd like to not punch through. But I'd like to hard enough. Understood. If there's a, if there's a balance.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Sure. There's always a balance to these things, right there. I hope so. Go ahead. Met a moment. Eli also crushed someone's chest last time we were in a club. That's what I'm saying. There are some things that have to be done.
Starting point is 01:48:37 Strength plus brawl. My favorite pool. Three successes. That is enough to stop this man's heart. What does this look like as his life ends from a single fist to the chest? I just, yeah, I just square punch him and I'm just watching him as the lights leave his eyes and let him collapse right in front of me. He dies confused.
Starting point is 01:49:10 He looks as though he never saw it coming and he can't fathom what's happening to him and you can see him as asphyxiate as you can sense that your punch just stopped his heart and he claws for air at his throat and then chokes out falling to the floor in front of you. The man next to him looks stunned in response to this, looks down at him and then looks up at you and is fucking terrified at what you just saw and women are screaming off the side. Crystal is leaped off the fucking front stage as these guns are drawn and some of them are pointed in your direction and the bartender is pointed now at Allison and the first floor has gone to pandemonium as much as the second.
Starting point is 01:49:52 We come up to the second with Burroughs and Enoch. Burroughs, let's start and with Sybil. Burroughs, let's start with you. What's the option here? You've been shot twice through your unbeaten heart. Your hands have been de-gripped from dicks and you're free to operate in this room. Murda is looking at you with this insane glint as he's reaching for a submachine gun. He keeps that aside.
Starting point is 01:50:14 I'm never losing my smile even through the gunshots and stuff. I'll just say, oh Ricky sends his regards and I'm going to grab his nuts again and rip him off. The old dick twist! The old dick twist! Gotta give it to you. You know what you got? Raw plus strength? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:50:33 Raw plus strength, baby. If you got any discipline to pump into it, I would. A discipline? Maybe something like code inside. I don't know if you've got it. I don't. I've got presence and dominate. That's about it.
Starting point is 01:50:47 God bless, baby. It's just a good old fashioned dick twist then. Free successes. Beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah. Murda looks absolutely shocked. He goes, who the fuck is Ricky?
Starting point is 01:51:03 He still falls. Are removed from his skin. He has leather pants that I rip off. Everything is pulled away. You're firmly aware that you are gripping the disembodied remains of whatever you have pulled free. And he grips. Can I lick it like a popsicle? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Please don't. Jesus. He's in a very mature state. Please take care of yourselves. Okay. Am I able to do anything other than just kind of move behind him so that he becomes a body shield? Yeah. If I have the action to hold on to him, I will, but otherwise I'm just getting out of the way of gunfire.
Starting point is 01:51:49 You absolutely do. You grip behind him. You're using him as this body shield as you sort of elbow around his neck. You become acutely aware that he's sort of leaking out the bottom of his, his self. Like he's now dripping everything that's left of him through this vacuous hole you've made in the center of him. And you can feel as he's like struggling to realize what's happening as the blood is leaving his body and he's in this state of shock in your hands. And he's grasping at your arms as you've just displayed complete dominance over a man who will never know why he died this way. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Enoch. How many other guys are left in this room? There were six with Murda slowly dying and aspirating on the loss of his genitals. That makes five. And there's also the man outside. The man outside that we pulled in with us? That he shut the door behind and yeah, was locked behind. So he is out in the hallway, presumably trying to kick down the door in a few seconds.
Starting point is 01:52:52 All right, we got six guys in here. Are they like clustered? There are two off by the bar and five in this booth around two innocent bystanders. Well, we don't give a shit about the innocent bystanders. Yeah, of course. Think of the five as having small arms and the two off the side, those were the ones who shot you with the shotgun. All right, I am going to cackling like a madman. Charge at them and I'm just going to try to give them the full average.
Starting point is 01:53:23 Are you talking to people in the table or the shotgun guys? The shotgun guys. I'm trying to, you know, just give them that crazy guy dead weight. Absolutely. Okay, go ahead and give me a strength and brawl. See how this goes. Five deaths. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Starting point is 01:54:08 So that's three successes. Beautiful. Three successes. That is absolutely enough to end this first man's life. What's that now? Wouldn't it be five? Did you have two tens? Yeah, he had two tens.
Starting point is 01:54:23 He had two tens. That's a crit. So that counts as four, not two. Even better. So five. Were any of those crits red? No, they were full black. They were not hunger.
Starting point is 01:54:35 Okay, good. Then it's a natural crit. How do you destroy both of these men's lives? So I try to push one and so like I try to like close like one. Right. Pull him into the other and then I grab them kind of like, you know, both around the neck like this, smash their heads together. And I just like, you know, mount their backs and I just start
Starting point is 01:55:01 There is a crunch as the back of the skull of that first man connects with the face of the other and sort of pancakes in. And then with this deep hold on their next, you can feel them clawing again at you as the every last breath in their body leaves. And you keep squeezing so much. So, you know, your strength is immense. All of your strength is superhuman. You managed to lift them a few inches off of the ground lifted from
Starting point is 01:55:27 the world as they lose their lives in your grasp. They're both there. Civil. There are only five men left all with small arms here by murder who is in the hands of bullet shield and burrows is grasped. What's the move? All right. If it's all right with the court, I'm going to go ahead and activate
Starting point is 01:55:48 Eyes of the Beast. Yeah. So civil's eyes are just bright going red now. And she's going to go towards the person that shot her in the mouth. Okay. Oh, yes. Do I have to make a rose check? No, that's free.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Okay. Yeah. And I'm going to just eat his throat. Okay. Now Eyes of the Beast. What in specific does that do for us everything that it does for us? So it's really good. I can see in the dark, but also it adds a two dice.
Starting point is 01:56:23 It adds two dice to an intimidation roll, which I don't want to make this turn, but just in case last as long as I want and bites do an extra two points of damage. Is that also the one that can tell you whether someone is a vampire or not? Since the Beast is that one. Okay. Never mind that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:40 Yeah. You reiterate again what we're doing here just so I can tell you what roll. Sorry. No, no, you're good. I think at this point, Sib's hands was still around John's hands around murder's dick. So she backs off of that and then goes to the person shot her in the mouth. Eyes flash red and she just grabs him by the shoulders.
Starting point is 01:57:01 That's right. Okay. So this is a bite attack. We have some rules for that. Let me find it. Bring yourself just a little bit closer to the mic or bring your mic a little closer to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:15 How's that? Is that better? Maybe back off just a little bit. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. How's that? Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Yeah. Okay. Okay. So a bite attack. We're going to do strength plus brawl and you're going to minus one dice. I suppose it's not as good. It's just a little peeky, huh? Your gain is insane.
Starting point is 01:57:34 What about now? Maybe turn the game down just a little bit. How's that? It's good, but now you have to get close to the mic. Okay. How's this? Better. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:45 Beautiful. We're beautiful? Yeah. Sorry. No, you're all good. Okay. I had to spend an extra willpower, but that is five successes. Very good.
Starting point is 01:57:57 Yeah. That's going to be more than enough. Are you drinking this man dry? No, I'm just ripping out his throat. She's actually consciously not drinking anything. Oh, you're just eating him. Yes, she's just ripping and then spitting out. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:58:15 Yeah. You end this man's life this way. You pierce through the jugular and there's this big spray. The room is doused in this blood the same as you are and it starts to drip onto your clothes. It is just viscera everywhere. Is this man again claws in at what you've done and then grasps your face as if begging for you to stop begging for any of this to end as you demolish this man.
Starting point is 01:58:40 He's dead. There are four in the room. We go to now now your critical success. This, this will be the first and then you can act again because this will be your second action. Oh hell yeah. How do you end the man that you fell into that beast is speaking to you. That that that voice of the Lusombra is telling you what to do.
Starting point is 01:59:00 What does this man's death look like? I think from the outside the shadows flare around Mal and then they're just gone. That man is in a corner somewhere slumped, throat ripped out. I'm going to try and satiate one of or some of my hunger and just drink this fucker dry. Yeah, absolutely you abandoned this man's life and you you drink everything that he is enough until he's gone forever. Go ahead and slake until zero and we'll say that you're fully fed. The beast is very happy with you as well.
Starting point is 01:59:44 We'll deal with the ramifications of that later of course. Naturally. Now let's go through to your second action. You've fallen into this man enough that you had a moment to just drink everything that what he that he was and now you're left with three three people left in this room with small hand guns. They're backed up against these women that if you were any other person you would realize you're the villain here.
Starting point is 02:00:10 They are they were desperately trying to keep these women alive. They're terrified by what's happening to the others. They're fucking priming their guns. They're wishing for this to be over as the I think it's the four of you right. The four of you start to and crowd these people into the corner of this booth as they shake their hands on the grips of those glocks. What's the move? I would like to use to do to do to do.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Oh, where is it? Potence and do a shit. Where is it? I think it's lethal body that makes me stronger lethal body does make you stronger. Let's find out what it does for you. Or maybe it's prow at lethal. Yeah, it's part of potence and I think it's called lethal body. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:04 Can cause serious damage to a mortal capable of tearing skin and breaking bone. I think I just want to rip the gun out of one of the dude's hands and maybe his hand to who knows. Okay. Yeah. Go ahead and give me a brawl plus strength for that. Oh, I don't have any. Do I add anything for potent? Let's go ahead and give you an extra one a plus one dice pool.
Starting point is 02:01:39 Okay. Let's see. I'm going to use my willpower to reroll three successes. Three successes. Yeah. Absolutely. You pull this man's hand off at the wrist and there is a tearing and then a crunch as the bones are separated completely. And he's left with this exposed bursting wound as the nubbin of his wrist bone is exposed to the world.
Starting point is 02:02:15 And he just stares down at it and then stares back up at you and stares down at it and falls back to the ground. He looks terrified and he stops in shock. He just fills himself up into a fetal position on the floor and begs for forgiveness. He shouted, please don't fucking kill me. Please. Please don't fucking kill me. Mal is still surrounded by just void and darkness also because the cloak is still there. He's terrified.
Starting point is 02:02:41 He's not going to act in your direction whatsoever. In fact, there are two left and they look as though they're not even going to pull their triggers at this point. We go back down. Let's start with Allison. Allison, you are meeting eyes with the bartender across the way. It is a pull of gunslingers, gun to gun. I'm going to shout, don't move. Don't end up my compel.
Starting point is 02:03:03 Okay. I'm going to because I lock eyes. I believe I have a charisma plus dominance versus your intelligence and resolve. You absolutely do. Let's build a pool against each other. Let's see how you do. Don't move. Out of all that, all I got is two successes.
Starting point is 02:03:45 Two successes, okay. Well, with his no successes, you still managed to convince this man that he should listen to you. He stares you in the eyes and he had just pulled that nine millimeter in time to prime it against you. And you were maybe within a few milliseconds of having it shot in your direction, piercing through your skull. But instead, your very word stops in his mind and you can see him freeze almost shakingly so in that position as he's transfixed into your eyes. And he's struggling behind a body he no longer has control of. The only thing in motion is his eyes as he is no longer himself. He's yours.
Starting point is 02:04:25 So with that in mind, because ever because only he spot me, I'm going to like slide the nine millimeter in the back pocket, put my shirt back on, go to him. And I'm going to take, well, can I take the gun away from him? Yeah, he is frozen. Okay, good. I'm going to take the gun, put his arm down so it looks casual. And I'm going to whisper in his ears, the conqueror send the regards. Okay. And I'll give him a kiss on the side of the cheek.
Starting point is 02:05:01 And I pocket that second gun. I'm going to take a bottle of bourbon, walk back around the bar. Okay. Because no one else like, they're not really. There are five other members still in this room. One of which is on Niles and actually there are three people focused on Niles and then two that are going for the front door. So no one as far as you understand knows what you are. Okay.
Starting point is 02:05:32 Can I, I don't know if that's the end of my action. The only thing I want to do is head like. We'll say that with that conqueror's message, that's the end of your action, but you can move if you would like. I want to start heading towards that front door. Okay. And I know this is a lot. Is there any way I could just activate my silent to death so therefore they can't hear my footsteps? You can if you would like to wait to move until you're next.
Starting point is 02:05:53 I will. Yes, I can do that on the next one. Perfect. Niles, you have one person directly in front of you and three that are, I'm sorry, one person in front of you and two that are right behind them. Sort of moving through that second floor. You've created this nice little wall with this dead man in front of you. How, how else do you want to deal with these guys? I just want to defend the position.
Starting point is 02:06:16 If they're going to try to go upstairs, I'm going to be the one that stops them from doing that. Okay. So one is going to make a move against you. What is your move in response? Are you going to dodge out of the way? Are you trying to kill him before he kills you? What's the move? It's, is that the guy who's closest to me or somebody else approaching because I would rather just, I rather grab the one guy and try to like throw him, throw them like to knock into the other three guys.
Starting point is 02:06:46 Yeah, let me get a strength plus brawl. Another three successes. Yeah, you can absolutely do that. You toss this man into the group of two and you managed to sort of impede all three. It looks like the first one might have broken an arm on the way down from the way that his limb extends out from his body on the fall and dislocates in a position and arm probably should never be. The other two look fine underneath him, but he looks like the one mainly affected by that. Let's see. Yeah, he takes some serious damage from it.
Starting point is 02:07:34 Let's move on to my first or my second floor folks. We'll start again with burrows burrows up there on the second floor. So I've got, I've got murder bleeding out in front of me and anyone else who seems very alive. There are two that have all but cowered in the corner with the women that are left that were at murder side there. They still have guns drawn, but they look as though they've lost all morale to fight back. They're now just sort of cowering for their lives. I think I'm going to bring murder over to them and then probably probably just like punch my hand through his chest and then let him drop. Would you like me to roll to see if I can successfully do that?
Starting point is 02:08:37 No, with him in your grasp, you can do this. And as he drops, I'm just going to look to them and say, I suggest you get the fuck out. Okay, okay. Murder dies as your hand escapes out the other side of him and his last breath gurgles through. Chokes sort of blood in the throat and that fire extends out through your whole body. You are a wildfire, a flash fire. You are flame right now and you feel Ravnos here with you in the boom, boom club as you toss murder off the side. And it's very clear that these two intend to take your advice.
Starting point is 02:09:17 They drop their guns to the floor. Leader wallets behind. What? I just tell them to leave the wallets behind. He goes into the pockets and they both fucking toss their wallets. The girls, you know, half clad in their own. They're basically half naked themselves, but they go over and they toss their purses. And it looks like the two men left over are trying to sort of care for everyone left as the four of them go to move out the room. Does anyone stop that process that Burroughs is set up?
Starting point is 02:09:49 No. No, they go to unlock the door. The door is opened and the big bodyguard on the other side comes through with this submachine gun he had pulled from his belt and he's going to take a shot at you Burroughs. Jump on his head three times. Burroughs, unexpectedly having this happen, you take three superficial damages. You're riddled with bullets as this last man gets through the door. He primes his gun again to go for this big sweeping shot of the submachine gun through the second floor. We'll go to Enoch next.
Starting point is 02:10:27 Glad I get for being a nice guy. Yeah, I'm sorry if I missed this, but the strippers are still in the room, right? They have left through, basically imagine the four innocents that Burroughs has just let free. They go out the door first and then big guy comes in after. I see. Right now it's the four of you and big guy. Can I try to just so he has the big heavy machine gun? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:53 Can I clock him from the side and just try to grab or like wrap up and hug his gun and just throw my weight into it? Absolutely. I love that. Let's get a dexterity and brawl to get yourself up around them. The dexterity and brawl that is five dice. One success, two success, two successes. All right, with two successes, you managed to get yourself gripped around him. You got him held tight enough that you won't be able to take a shot, but it doesn't look like it's affecting him so much as restraining him.
Starting point is 02:11:28 I'll take it. Okay, cool. We're going to go from you to Mal next. Mutant. I am. You're right. I'm an idiot. So the fellas, the four people that were in the back have run out.
Starting point is 02:11:47 We've just got the big guy. We at least have him restrained. Yeah. I'm going to let Enoch take care of that. Okay. And I'm going to go. How generous. I'm going to go downstairs following the two fellas that ran out with the ladies.
Starting point is 02:12:10 Okay. Do they have the flag also? Yes. Yes, they absolutely do have the flag. They had dropped their guns. They're now heading for the staircase where you can see Niles is blocking the exit. Is the staircase, is it wide enough that I could maybe drop kick one of them over the side of it? Like kick him into the thing and then.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Fall over? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Great. That's my plan. Okay. Let me get a dexterity and brawl to send him sprawling over the side right next to Niles. I'm trying to like kick him so that he doesn't encounter Niles.
Starting point is 02:12:55 Yeah. Two. I'm going to use another willpower. Four successes. Yeah. You absolutely fucking launched this guy off the side of the staircase. He exits the railing just before Niles and plummets over the side onto the main stage. It looks as though when he falls, he probably breaks his neck or something of the like.
Starting point is 02:13:25 You can hear a sickening crunch as he connects with the sort of oiled main stage. But you've stopped him for sure. One left with the two strippers, but the three of them do not look fit to fight or. I'm not going to have the strippers. Fleeing for sure. We go to Sib. Okay. How far is this last one?
Starting point is 02:13:49 There's big guy in the room with you that is held up by Enoch. That is probably five feet away from where you are now. There's one with the strippers who is unarmed after Burroughs let him go. And then there are two more downstairs, two more outside. Okay. I think they're in a club and the music is loud and Sib just killed someone. So she's going to go up to the machine gun guy, give Enoch. It isn't a smile.
Starting point is 02:14:22 It's just like a hmm and put her hand inside of his mouth, grab the bottom of his jaw and just rip it out like a CD drive. Yeah, beautiful. Let me get a strength plus brawl. Okay, that's reasonable. I'm going to locate those skills for you. Okay. Four successes. Four successes.
Starting point is 02:14:54 You absolutely do this. You rip through, grip his mandible and you can already feel some of his teeth crunching underneath your fingertips. And with a firm grip of those fingernails into the fleshy insides of his mouth, you pull and pull with two tugs through. He is now sans mandible as you can see some of this coat that he calls a face is now wrapped over the misting parts of his jaw. You have it gristly dripping and half torn in your hands. I'll hand it. I'll put it in Enoch's back pocket or something. I don't need it.
Starting point is 02:15:32 The beast is incredibly happy with you. That voice, that bird that flaps around in your veins, he's very happy. Let's move on back down to the bottom floor where we will deal with Allison. Allison, there are two leaving for the front door. You said you wanted to start a silence of death. Yes. And you absolutely can do that. Does that require a rouse check?
Starting point is 02:16:03 Do we know? Two seconds. Sure. Oh, presence. That's what that means. This is going great, guys. It's great. Feels good.
Starting point is 02:16:22 Feels good. Try it. Try it. Where are we actually? No witnesses. Where is it? Where's the rouse? It's like that.
Starting point is 02:16:33 Let me see if I can find the card for it one second. I'm catching up. Leave it to the rules to slow it down. Aren't the kinksters always doing a rouse checks? Yeah, basically. You know what? It gets the job done. Got it.
Starting point is 02:16:50 Thank you, silence of death. What do I got to do? Please give Kyra good pets for me. I'm like, Jen, the power works only. Does it say under cost? That's great. Beautiful. So this doesn't cost you anything.
Starting point is 02:17:04 You become as silent as possible. No one can hear you as you step out towards the two that are heading for the front door. What's the plan here? Okay. They're the only two that are like leaving that are like the, okay, that game. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to speed up kind of with my
Starting point is 02:17:26 strength, kind of grab them by the back of the shirts, pull them back together so they can get off balance. Right. And we want to, because I want to do it stuffily, but I want to kind of like crack their heads together. Okay. Like I'm like, oh my God, I'm drunk. That's what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 02:17:45 All right. I'm going to drown. Let me get a strength plus stealth. Damn. I do have strength. You can also use a willpower to reroll three dice. If it goes wrong for. I burned a lot of willpower this session.
Starting point is 02:18:13 Willpower is of course tied to a very important stat called humanity, which we'll get into later. Oh, losses of humanity usually occur when you use unneeded violence on innocents, like people who have unarmed themselves for your entertainment. Okay. Oh my God. I didn't know.
Starting point is 02:18:34 We, good thing we haven't done that though. So it's kind of irrelevant for you to share. I have one 10 and we're just going to leave that. Okay. One 10. So bad for those two. Oh my God. That is one success.
Starting point is 02:18:52 Would you like to roll willpower to reroll three dice? I'm going to just do it again. That's three. Thank God. How's two successes? That's better. Yeah. You can usually add it to the previous right.
Starting point is 02:19:12 So it's on top of. Yeah. Trust me. It was bad. Everything was just like straight twos. Okay. They, it's enough to knock them out. Perfect.
Starting point is 02:19:26 That's two of them. I'm glad. Go unconscious in your hands and then fall to the floor. I'm going to make a challenge. Finally. How wrong can we tell to the ground? Perfect. We go to Niles with the last three.
Starting point is 02:19:38 They're sort of falling over themselves on the floor there. One is on top of the other and they haven't formulated a defense enough to get themselves back up to attack you. Oh my God. Can I jump? Can I jump on this pile? Sure. Jump on this pile.
Starting point is 02:19:56 Um, I want to use vicissitude to change my claws. I'd like to kill two of them and keep one of them alive. Okay. Preferably the one who's on the bottom of the pile so that the bodies can add on top of it so that they can't escape. Love it. Vicissitude is a very particular discipline. It requires a physical change.
Starting point is 02:20:18 What does that physical change look like? Um, it's just like the, my fingers just start to crack and extend itself as they're just like bone and muscle is breaking until it just finally point, like goes up into a tip and a point. So they're just like five little sharp talons. Essentially. Perfect. Let's call this strength and brawl unless your melee is higher
Starting point is 02:20:46 than your brawl. I believe my brawl is highest. Good. So strength plus brawl and then whatever vicissitudes melee or attacking component gives you. Uh, four successes. Yeah. Uh, describe how three men lose their lives because of you.
Starting point is 02:21:25 Uh, two of them. I want to keep one alive. Oh, I'm sorry. Two of them die. One of them is kept on a spike. So like I jump on top of this pile and I managed to kind of like hold them all pinned down for a second and I'm just kind of watching both of them for a second and I just without
Starting point is 02:21:44 hesitation after that brief moment of watching you just slice through their throats. I just want to make it quick, efficient and yeah. And then let the blood just pull over this one guy. The one cut in the middle. Well, yeah, that now I'm keeping an eye on that guy as I'm just these other two are dead. One cut in the middle is screaming for his life as he's
Starting point is 02:22:07 forced to drink essentially from the two sprays of blood from his friend's throats that are now dousing across his face as you have effectively trapped him in with these human knives on your hands. He looks panicked beyond all belief. We go back up to the second floor where our last outlier still is in the arms of Enoch. Enoch, what happens to the big man?
Starting point is 02:22:33 I am going to try to using the back of my elbow. I'm going to throw it back into his nose and try to collapse his face into his brain. Beautiful. Let's make a strength plus bra. Well, you know what? You have them in your hands. Let's not even bother.
Starting point is 02:22:50 You create a cavity in this man's nose. It's an old seals trick, right? Of pushing the nose bone into the brain. You've elected to modify this to what you would call Enoch's method, which is taking every face bone and putting it into the brain. His life is collapsed before your eyes. And everyone that had a weapon is now like dead at your feet.
Starting point is 02:23:16 And the boom, boom club is the boom, boom club massacre comes to an end, or at least as far as you can perceive it. Yeah. We'll call this out of combat and we will call this a break in the stream. So everyone go use the restroom, refresh their drinks and think about what sins we've committed. Hey.
Starting point is 02:23:36 We'll be right back. We'll be right back. Welcome back, everybody. I hope that we all had some time to think about the things we done. Good. Good. Regrets are important to reference.
Starting point is 02:23:54 And if you don't have any, then that's fine. Some people don't have scruples when they pull a man's jaw square out of his face or remove his genitals post haste. That was natural. That was always like that. That was like that. That's true. And they had it coming.
Starting point is 02:24:13 They did crime. They always have it coming. You do crime. You lose your job. That's the rules. For sure. The fuck you click deserve to come across burrows. They did.
Starting point is 02:24:24 They were not tipping the wait staff nor the dancers and frankly, no. Well, they no longer exist. So that ends today. Did you get tips? No, that's why I fucking got mad. There. There are no patrons left in the boom boom club by the time
Starting point is 02:24:45 that Niles pierces through the last two men. The two that have been knocked unconscious by Allison, the big man. Oh, I'm sorry. Not the big man. He's gone. He's got murder in burrows his hands are the only people left basically the two strippers and the man who dropped his
Starting point is 02:25:07 Glock made their way out of the front door. The bartender is nowhere to be seen and all the innocent patrons left over from that aftermath that ten or so people have made for the front door and a manic dash a huge run out of the room where they will inevitably move to call this the boom boom club massacre and speak of its name everywhere. Burrows, you had a question. Burrows just like immediately kind of, you know, just kind of
Starting point is 02:25:38 gestures to the others with no one in particular in mind. It's like, you start collecting the cash. I'm going to start just going through wallets and I'm going to see I'm going to pull every dollar and cent I can pull off these people. Um, can. Yes. Allison, did you have something?
Starting point is 02:25:53 Can I go to the like office to see if there's any security cameras? Yes. Okay. Let's start with burrows. Burrows use check the bodies in that room. A question for you before you steal from these dead men. Um, murder.
Starting point is 02:26:10 He is still breathing. Jesus. In a daze. He is slowly bleeding out through the gaping wound and well, you know where I also kind of punched my hand through his chest. Oh, I'm so sorry. Yes.
Starting point is 02:26:25 He's on his last dying. There is there any attempt to keep him there? No. Um, all I'll do is I'll put him in my hands, kind of cup his hand with, with mine. Um, look him in the eyes and say, you've got a chance, my son. Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone? Does the road you travel?
Starting point is 02:26:57 Harbor dangers yet unknown. When you get discouraged, just remember what to do. Reach out to Jesus. He's reaching out to. I just snap his neck. Yes. Yes. Loses his life in front of you.
Starting point is 02:27:20 Looting his wallet, you gain $650. Hell yeah. That's right. And looting the rest of the wallets will say all in all, you come to about lump sun, including that 650, you're probably around $1,000. Um, it does look like there is a safe on the left hand side of the room behind the makeshift bar cart.
Starting point is 02:27:44 Uh, as you kind of call out for someone to, to go secure the money, but we'll move down to Allison real quick. Moving for an office on the first floor where there may be security cameras, and you absolutely find one moving inside, you find a sort of a makeshift, uh, like off the stage area that's very small. It's like small enough for one person to stand in, but it's a layer of like a server block and then a home computer that is
Starting point is 02:28:14 this dingy old monitor that has some poorly executed grainy footage, CCTV cameras on them. And there is function for fast forward and recording. Basically it's, it's in a live recording situation. Um, but it doesn't look very advanced. It looks pretty non technical, especially for a place like this. It's what you assume, but you do catch a glimpse of this very
Starting point is 02:28:39 obscure, difficult to watch image of burrows in that room cradling this man's neck and singing so sweetly into his face. And you watch and you can hear sort of through this muddled pixelated audio through the CCTV is it records back that sort of a modulated tones of burrows singing a gospel hymn and then snapping that man's neck. Um, it seems as though I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:29:14 Oh, I still got it, but you, you have a feeling that the server it dumps to, which you assume is right below this rack here has been recording all night. Oh yeah. So I'm going to take care of that. But not only that, uh, so the computer, is it like a desktop or is it a laptop connected to a desktop? It's a shitty, like, uh, probably running Windows eight
Starting point is 02:29:44 and, you know, years in the past. Um, I would, we wouldn't, you would probably maybe taught me this cause command eight. I'm going to basically just not only erase it, but I'm going to, I want to snoop. Yeah. I want info. I'm going to like any kind of files.
Starting point is 02:30:01 If not, I'm just going to take the desktop and just like any server or anything like that. Take, rip it, break it, smash it. But I will like to take the desktop though, just in case. Oh, just in your preliminary search. Go ahead and give me a technology plus. That's fair. Intelligence.
Starting point is 02:30:22 Oh, not total shit. Enoch's been giving you lessons taught you how to get to your Google drive. Well, I might have accidentally done a couple of things just as punishment. Don't know what that means. Don't want to know. I got one success a nine.
Starting point is 02:30:40 This is sort of over your head. It looks like you get through to a password protected folder on the, and you're like, I'll fuck this. I'll just have boyfriend do it. Exactly. But you stash the hard drive. You have that. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:30:53 Click hard drive with you. The rest has been smashed through. It becomes a mess of my wires as you destroy the whole system and make sure no one's going to find any CCTV footage of what the new gen has been up to. Is there money, safe cash bags nearby since it's an office? Not in this room because it's like just off the first room in the stage.
Starting point is 02:31:15 It looks like this is where you HR the girls and things like that. Let's go up to Burroughs first, who I think was waiting for me. As soon as I see that safe, I would just point it out to Enoch and say, buddy, I got a hell of a puzzle for you if you're interested. I'll point them at this safe. I'm sure I can figure it out.
Starting point is 02:31:34 I believe in your boy. I actually have no idea if I can figure it out, but I'll give the shot. Perfect. So then we'll go to Mal now. Mal, you had something? I was just a logistical question. Do vampires have fingerprints?
Starting point is 02:31:50 Do vampires have fingerprints? Yeah. Well, in life, you have fingerprints. Sure. So in death, you absolutely have fingerprints. Cool. Because I'm notably missing and or dead. I think I'm Mal is just going to start like scrubbing their
Starting point is 02:32:09 hands on like people, anything they touched, they're just trying to scrub their presence from. Okay. And like pickpocketing little trinkets or whatever as I go. Sure. Let's go ahead and do either stealth or street wise with your wits, whichever is higher for your stealth or street wise. Stealth.
Starting point is 02:32:41 I have nothing in three ways. So two, three, four, five, six. And if my hunger is zero, I don't have to roll any hunger die. Right. Yep. Three successes. Three successes. There we go.
Starting point is 02:33:03 You think you've done a pretty exceptional job of curing up any trace of you. No one's going to find the legal dead person snooping around Las Vegas as far as you can tell. Great. Any other actions? Does murder have, does murder have jewelry on him at all? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 02:33:27 He's probably got a bunch of chains around his neck. I will take one of the chains. He's also got gold caps in his teeth. God damn it. Are those values? I'm not a bone person in this game. This game. This game.
Starting point is 02:33:42 Are they a valuable suit? You think they'll go for something, those teeth? Oh, yeah, they will. Just start stomping on his head and then I'll pull those teeth out. Oh my God. Proceed. She doesn't know what to do other than to try to be encouraging. And we'll go to the bathroom, wash off the chain she took, and then
Starting point is 02:34:10 just start washing her face, including like through the hole in her face. And then quickly response to the comment on Instagram to sort of recenter herself and just say that she's been hanging out in a different scene, but she's not too far. And then go outside. There was a moment staring through in that mirror and placing through two fingers in the hole that's now been made in your
Starting point is 02:34:40 cheek and feeling in at the teeth underneath and realizing that you removed that piece from another person tonight while he was still breathing, while he was still looking you in the eye. At the moment it feels difficult to even think of how you could tell another person that this is your life now. Because of that, I want to engage with the idea of humanity. What? No.
Starting point is 02:35:13 In vampire, we obviously are fighting desperately to be what we started as mortal. We want to attain humanity or at least keep it for as long as we can. Sometimes that becomes a little difficult when we're looking at morality, how we treat other people. And even worse when put up against touchstones like yourself, Sybil, it can be harder to keep strong to it when you realize
Starting point is 02:35:43 your breaking promises you made to people you cared for. I want to see just where your mind is at. Let's make what is normally a frenzy test and see where you're at. So that's going to be a third of your... A third of your humanity rounded down. Cool. Plus your willpower.
Starting point is 02:36:10 And that's unmarked willpower. Meaning that it's your max willpower, not how much you've spent. Okay, cool. Okay, got it. Okay, it's pretty big pool. One, two, three, one, two, six successes. Luckily, I put this humanity loss at a three. So for now, you still feel in touch with who you are.
Starting point is 02:36:44 But the things that you've done here will carry with you. And you're reminded again that you used to be a person, someone who cared about people, someone who wanted to do good things. And now you're whatever is left in the Boom Boom Club. Let's move on. We are moving towards the safe with Enoch. Yep, I am going to... I am not going to tell anyone that I've never cracked a safe before,
Starting point is 02:37:15 but I'm going to pretend like I know exactly how to crack a safe. Of course. And I know, like, I have a, you know, intellectual understanding of how the pins and lock works. Right. You tried this once before in the briefcase and that worked out great. That was me. You remember what I did.
Starting point is 02:37:31 It was like, just remember what I taught you. So I would like press my ear up to it like I've seen everybody do in movies and I'm just going to grab the dial and I'm just going to kind of start like twisting it until I hear, you know, like the distinctive click and then I'm just going to keep going through that process as best as I can. Let me get a larceny plus dexterity. Good God, how do I not take points in larceny? Click.
Starting point is 02:37:58 It feels like an Aaron Stath. It feels against nature that you didn't take larceny. The stat. Well, that is out of the two dice I have. There's two successes, seven to nine. Pretty good. You almost look like what you know what you're doing, but the clicks do not lead anywhere.
Starting point is 02:38:20 There's no sort of final conclusion where the safe opens for you. God, you feel like my way through. Sure. Go ahead and give me a strength plus brawl. This is also going to go great. She's so surprised. Burrows, you're watching. He had a little trouble the first time through.
Starting point is 02:38:40 He went through two rotations. You're like, oh, maybe he's got it. Then he rears back and he's just like fucking like punching it. What is this kid doing? So that is four successes. Four successes. Absolutely. You managed to dent it in so far that it breaks off the other hinge.
Starting point is 02:38:57 I mean, it's a safe, but it's not that. It's not Fort Knox. Your hand sort of pummels through and you can feel as pieces of your fist sort of peel off from the knuckles. And it caves in off the other side. So at first, that very clinical movement of the lock picking of the safe cracking looks like, oh my God, Enoch's got it. And then fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
Starting point is 02:39:20 Through finally brings you in. And there's a whole lot of fucking money on the other side of this thing. There, I solved it. How much you count, Enoch? At first glance, it's exactly. He looks through. There's a bunch of piles of unmarked bills. There's jewelry.
Starting point is 02:39:38 There's gold. There's all sorts of different things. What kind of jewelry? I think rings and watches. A lot of like Rolexes and expensive professional watches that were probably nicked off of like Fremont Street. Are there any like, you mentioned reins. Are there any like necklaces?
Starting point is 02:39:56 Yeah. Yeah, there's some pendant necklaces that would look nice on a chain and could absolutely be taken. Are you looking for anything in particular? Maybe I can tell you whether it's here. I am just looking for something that's going to accent Allison's clavicle. There is plenty of what you can only assume are rich, rich people come to gamble with their very, very rich husbands.
Starting point is 02:40:19 Burles will also grab one of the stacks and, you know, put it into Enoch's chest and say, get yourself some nests and all that. I'll start pulling out cash. All told, everything within the safe amounts to something around $11,000. Goddamn. It's not going to complain. I'm going to take at least eight. Hey, you got to get that.
Starting point is 02:40:41 You got to get baby blue. Yes. Yeah. That thing took some serious damage. So there's $3,000 left to disperse amongst everyone else if you want. And then golden jewelry. And yeah, and I'll take a ring for sure. I'm going to take whatever the gaudiest, shiniest ring.
Starting point is 02:40:58 There is another finger. Plenty of burrows level rings in here. In fact, some of them look like they were probably grifted off older gentlemen to begin with. So they're they're definitely in taste. I will say that there is also a Nokia cell phone in there, not powered on, but it looks like some type of burner. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:41:23 I mean, unless Enoch notices it, I think Burles will grab it. Yeah, you can take it. I'll take it. And I just I do want to point out maybe a moment of humanity. Like thinking about it where as I put the rings on and I take the phone, I look down at my hands covered in blood and burrows. Doesn't feel that guilty because these aren't good people. Good people deserve to live and to be fought for.
Starting point is 02:41:55 These people are trash and they died like trash. And regardless of what happens with a humanity role, he feels good about what he's done. Right. I think that this deserves some self reflection. Maybe he's lying to himself in this moment had to be done. He's always been big on confidence. But what happens when that confidence goes in the wrong direction? Go ahead and give me a role of a third of your humanity plus your willpower pool.
Starting point is 02:42:24 Third one, two, three, four, five. So I've got seven. So a third of it is four or I'm sorry, three. Third is two, I think, because it's rounded down. Let me do quick math to humanity. And then what else was it? Half of my your your whole willpower. So every willpower slot you have.
Starting point is 02:42:43 OK. Got a lot of willpower, fortunately, even though even though I burned a bunch of it today. Yeah, you use the the max, not the current. All right. So I'm going to roll my humanity die. That's one success. Total of four successes for successes. You feel fine.
Starting point is 02:43:11 You're right. Murder deserved it. He took money from your sweet Lydia and no one does that and gets to live. There are rules to live in. And you can't just go off half cocked. Otherwise, they send the watchman after you and there's only one watchman that matters. Burrows and that's that's you, John. You got this.
Starting point is 02:43:35 Anything else that's happening here in the boom, boom club, Niles. I have a living person I need to deal with. You have a hostage with you. Yeah. Who else is still on the bottom floor? I just like to give a cursory glance to see if anybody's paying attention to me before I continue. Sib is always paying attention to you. Sib is down there.
Starting point is 02:44:00 Allison is in the other room, but still on the first room, a first floor. Yes. I'm going to try to block Sibyl from what I'm doing. I don't know if that's possible. I did go in the bathroom if you want to try and do this while I'm in the bathroom. I'm going to try to do this then when Sibyl goes into the bathroom. Okay. What are you doing exactly?
Starting point is 02:44:22 I want to use cloud memory. I'd like to obscure this guy who is alive's memory to believe that it was the conquerors who came walking in here. Guns of lazing, killing everybody. Okay. Yeah, let's do this. How do we mechanically go through that one? Does it have a role on there for that to happen or is it instinct with mortals? It's charisma versus dominate versus wits and resolve.
Starting point is 02:44:57 It doesn't say anything against humans. So, yeah. Oh wait, no role is required against an unprepared mortal. And he is not prepared for you to cloud his memory. By all means, this, what sort of memory are you implanting in his past? What does he see now for the last few minutes of his life? I want him to hear the sounds of the pack of Harleys that is known for the conquerors, you know, just their particular sound. I want him to think that a group of them came in here to start a fight and it escalated into an unnecessary brawl.
Starting point is 02:45:37 And it escalated all the way upstairs. Maybe he doesn't even remember what goes. He knows that a couple people went upstairs and that's it. That it wasn't us, our faces who did it. It was the faces of those conquerors. I love that. Absolutely we can do that. So that is his memory now and he shakes it off in a moment as you can see his eyes sort of roll back in his head as you implant that new vision.
Starting point is 02:46:06 But he looks panicked in your grasp. What the fuck happened, man? What the fuck? It's going to be OK. I'm going to hopefully right before Sybil comes back from the bathroom, I'm going to sucker punch him and knock him out. He's out. Just out like a fucking light the second you hit him. I'm going to look at Sybil for a second.
Starting point is 02:46:28 I still have my Talon Claws, so I'm going to tuck him away and I'm going to go outside. Are you going at the front onto the main street? You're going out to the back. I'll go at the back. OK, yeah. There's a little alleyway and auxiliary parking lot behind it and under the lamp light of the outside lamp. You're alone for the most part back there. It looks like everyone's gone.
Starting point is 02:46:56 Still so many locusts and grasshoppers out here, but you hear something else in the distance. And that's the roar of police sirens. I think that's our cue. Yeah, I'm ready to go. Let's go. We got what we need. Cool. Let's go. I think we'll follow Niles out the back. OK, are we all making for the exit then? Yes.
Starting point is 02:47:22 Yes. Please make sure no one forgot anything. On the way out, I want to try and wash my face and my hands really quick. I don't know if I have time for that. You absolutely do. Caleb, with that bourbon that I had, I'm going to go ahead and splash it on me to wipe off any, like, if there was blood or anything on that. That's gone, but it also made me smell really intense. I also want to take the weapons of the two guys I knocked out.
Starting point is 02:47:48 OK, you run away with your whiskey for breeze and two nine millimeters. Congratulations. Well, just so you know, I have a total of four nines. Oh, my God. Just absolutely strapped so that we can go put them in a trash can later. I also want to activate Shadow Cloak so that I'm hidden as we go into the night. All right, I think we'll probably reconvene like in an abandoned building or something. I consider that the end of Boom Boom Club is you guys run away. You meet in a in a clear parking lot a couple blocks down.
Starting point is 02:48:24 Sort of the midway point between Boom Boom and Lucky's and find each other all under the amber light of a street lamp. The locusts are still dancing in the cone of light that overshadows all of you as you catch a breath that you do not have to take after killing close to 10 people, 15 people. Feeling pretty good. How about y'all? I don't know how you can equate that to good. Well, believe me, we did a lot of good. We're going to get baby blue back. I got some friends that need some money. Not to mention now we got a chance to communicate with the conquerors, maybe offer them that place. That's like you're coming up a lot of wins, bro.
Starting point is 02:49:14 I would like to just state for the record that I did not fuck shit up. I saw your look now and I know you were waiting for me to fuck up. You did great for anyone to fuck up. I'm just tired of fucking locusts. Yeah, we haven't talked about the locusts. Should we like, is that relevant for us at all? It's pretty normal for Vegas, isn't it? It's very normal, unfortunately.
Starting point is 02:49:43 Yeah, no, that honestly the locusts are the most normal thing that's happened tonight. Great, just a casual plague of locusts. Love it. Did anyone grab a gun? Did anyone grab a gun? How would you want? I'm going to literally off the three nubs. Three of them are dangling.
Starting point is 02:50:06 I'll grab one of them for sure. My girl. The very topless naked Allison. Hold on, the shirt's back on at least. Oh good, the shirt's back on. Offers you via Nevin. There are four nine millimeters. I'm keeping one.
Starting point is 02:50:21 But someone has to show me how to shoot. Keep one for Roguel. He probably can do it. Yeah, Roguel might know how. I know my way around a gun and I'll spin it stupidly and like put it in my fucking pocket. Yeah, probably mimic that. You're like... That's two.
Starting point is 02:50:41 Are we feeling good? We want to maybe consider heading over to Lucky's. What time is it right now? It is probably approaching three o'clock in the morning, 3.30 in the morning. Come on, let's ride that lightning, come on. Do you want to test it? Do you want to go two places in one go? Just think about what happens if we walk into that place with a bunch of fucking bullet wounds covered in blood and say,
Starting point is 02:51:06 Hey, we're the new neighbors. How about you get along with us? There's that voice inside of you burrows that bubbles up with that fire. Burrows, you fucker. You know exactly what you're doing. You're riding that high, baby. We can take some conkers. We can take all these fuckers right in.
Starting point is 02:51:22 We ought to go back down there and grab some more dicks. Let's do it. Usually burrows will like bury it, but he's riding that. He's riding that and yeah, it's coming out. We should let it breathe. Let what breathe? Now is the time to strike. We killed 15 people tonight.
Starting point is 02:51:40 Nothing like celebrating 15 kills like 20 more. No, no, no, no. We don't gotta kill these people. We're not going to kill them, are we? I think we've decided we're not going to kill them. We're going to talk to them and intimidate them. They shot me. They shot you.
Starting point is 02:51:55 Oh, they shot you. I need to make a stop first. And then, yeah. The sun comes up in like two and a half hours. Plenty of time. Plenty of time. I agree. Plenty of time for you, Seb.
Starting point is 02:52:11 But if we give it the day, then we're going to spread about what happened at the Boom Boom Club, and that might give us a better advantage. Burrows is going to very frustratingly like kind of like walk away from the conversation, letting you continue. He's annoyed at Niles. I think we should wait. I don't want to double up. And we took, we got hurt.
Starting point is 02:52:33 I just don't want to gamble that again. I think we did one risky thing for the evening, and we should wait. I agree with Niles. Someone touched my things, though. They're dead. Someone touched my things, though. So it's not like, start, she's going to moderate herself. Like, she's just going to start to touch my things, and it literally has two like guns.
Starting point is 02:52:58 It's not like you don't already hurt Enoch anyways, Allison. So why don't you just let it breathe? Because it's not me. Boom, boom. And I'm muttering and like, literally hitting the, if there's brick walls nearby, I'm going to start punching her. You hurt the lady. I'm getting really like anxious and aggravated.
Starting point is 02:53:21 I'm taking a step back because I don't like this. Okay, this is what I'm talking about. We shouldn't go into another project with this energy. We need to take a break, have a debrief, and circle back. I'm sorry someone touched your things, Allison, but we'll get them back. We need time to stew. If anything, they'll get more scared and it'll be more satisfying when we rip their dicks off. Wait, the ones that touched your things are dead.
Starting point is 02:53:44 They're dead. Oh. So like. Oh, that's right. Also that. Okay. Why are you, oh my god. All right.
Starting point is 02:53:52 Yeah. You're okay. All right, all right, all right. Fine. We can take a nap. Do you need to be, do you need to see the doctor? I could always see the doctor. Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:54:06 Niles is going to grab that bag. Yeah. Niles is going to start grabbing their stuff and making motions to leave. Yes. Arrows, do you need to see the doctor too? What, what kind of doctor is it? Just private practice. Doctor feel good.
Starting point is 02:54:24 I poke at some of the wounds in my chest and I'm like, well, I do have some, some fixing up to do. Oh, it's not, it's me. I'm literally asking if you want to join us. Oh, I think you actually thought I meant a real duck. No, that's not what I meant. Burrows for fucking. It's for fucking.
Starting point is 02:54:49 You know, you cool. I do whatever Allison says, baby. I do the same thing that you asked to. If this is what Allison wants, this is what Allison gets to Allison. I only allow people, I just send the offer. The ball is in your court, which I've been told you're very familiar with. I'm dribbling, baby. Okay, so, so it's settled.
Starting point is 02:55:28 Anyone who wants to have an orgy come this way. Everybody else have a nice night. Sips sprint. I'm already gone. The bangers are gone. So. Oh, shit. I'm just saying I'm a nurse practitioner by trade.
Starting point is 02:55:44 The keysters and burrows begin moving in one direction. I hope that's all I have to say. Mal said more than over my shoulder. I just. Okay. All right. Soon. Um, we have some options here.
Starting point is 02:56:06 You can either continue your night. If you have something else planned to get done, or you can say you're going to sleep, whatever it is, but we can accomplish some business. I know Sybil has something. Um, and then Niles is obviously trying to find a new Hayden. So I have those two. Mal, do you have something for me? I want to catch them before we get to spread apart.
Starting point is 02:56:26 The gang girls. Yeah. The gang girls. Okay. And burrows, the kinksters. Do you guys have anything planned tonight that I need to describe? Or can we just assume? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:38 All I want to point out is that the next evening, whenever he comes to consciousness again, he just will probably wake up next to them and just be so full of game and regret and shock. You know, I think it's for the first time he realizes what happens when you let the beast take over and burrows is a very kind of a conservative guy overall. And this was a wild night for him. He does his best to hide it, but he is really embarrassed. I love that.
Starting point is 02:57:12 I would have had a candy stripe, you know, thing at one point. Allison is just bringing us all closer together. I thought Orpheus was like the horny cast with that being said, as Niles and Sybil go off in one direction. Mal, you were able to catch up to both of them. Yeah. So you guys, you guys kind of have like an idea of what the fuck's going on at any given time.
Starting point is 02:57:58 Kind of sort of a lick at Sybil. You have to stay a lick at Niles. Okay. Let me rephrase. You weren't trapped in a box for the last two weeks. Definitely not. Never. Great.
Starting point is 02:58:11 So I found this place and in the basement, there's something. I don't know what it is. It's loud and it like tries to break the door down anytime I'm close to it. Um, I'm not really that bothered by it. Okay. But like, what would someone keep in the basement of a church with like a prayer book open to like protection or whatever? Oh, just something I don't want to find out.
Starting point is 02:58:51 I was going to say, Sid thinks about like the like fucking spider wick field guide she had when she was younger and was like, nothing good. It's something like what we might have seen in the desert. Like, you want to open this door? I mean, the basement's probably the safest place to sleep. Is it? No, because it sounds like that's where the wild things are. I mean, if the wild things aren't there, yeah.
Starting point is 02:59:17 Okay. Why not just move? No, it's mine. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you just wanted to know what we would do or do you want help? I just wanted to know if you knew what it was.
Starting point is 02:59:33 I'm not asking for help. That's no, I'm not asking for help. I don't need any help. Okay. No, no, great. You could just say you don't know. Yeah, no, we don't know. Great.
Starting point is 02:59:47 Have a good night. And I'll start stalking off back toward the church. In an exceptional display of how to ask for help, Mal has efficiently cut off communication with the two that offered any sort of appreciation for what they're going through. I assume that this huffy, undead teenager heads back to the church. Absolutely.
Starting point is 03:00:16 I bust into the church and I go directly down the stairs to the door. What the fuck's your name? That handle begins to jiggle once again. Okay. Handle jiggling isn't an answer. If you have a mouth and you have a brain and you were once sentient and human, try harder. There is a connection of large shoulder on the other side against the doors
Starting point is 03:00:46 of someone's trying to break it down. I'm going to turn to all the things that are in the shadows and kind of try to look them in the eye and say, do you know what the fuck that is? The shadows move in that same sort of sundial revolution until the shadows have made this complete circulation around the room. You're upset, that door is still shaking, begging to be opened and there's a voice inside bubbling up to the surface,
Starting point is 03:01:20 that same one that speaks to you most when you touch the shadows. Now it speaks again. Maybe we should open it. Maybe that's where we're supposed to die. Now like half reaches for the doorknob and then their other hand goes into their pocket and pops the top of the other film canister and reaches in and pulls out a tiny slip of just like mangled, soft, old paper
Starting point is 03:01:57 and holds onto it and pulls their hand back and goes back upstairs. Is that all now would like to accomplish for the night? Yeah. Sibyl, are you breaking from Niles? Is there more you have to say to Niles, gangrel to gangrel, or is it time to go and catch F? I think she's going to start going towards there
Starting point is 03:02:25 but because they're going in the same direction, she's going to ask, are you stalking me tonight or what? I have something else to say. Seems like you were following me. I left first. No. No, we all left the club together. Again, do you have something to do tonight or you're just...
Starting point is 03:02:41 I'm just going to bunker down for the night. Okay. Why my business? Why? You have all your clothes on your back. So... Yeah. You got a place to be?
Starting point is 03:02:55 Not particularly, no. Do you want to hide in the van? Frankly, no. It's kindred proof. That's nice. In the back. I don't like you, Sibyl. That's fine.
Starting point is 03:03:21 So I'd rather figure it out myself. Okay. The sun's figuring it out faster, but by all means. All right. I'm just going to walk off. Good night. This is where the two of you split. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:03:41 And the camera pans to follow Sibyl in this new direction as you arrive back at the circus circus van, which is parked under the van. Which is parked under this sort of gloomy parking lot far from where it's supposed to be. There's probably a member of circus circus employ wondering desperately where shuttle D is, but it's out here in Naked City,
Starting point is 03:04:09 sitting in this parking lot. It's illuminated under a single street lamp, and it's extended out into this area where fucking no one is parked at like four o'clock in the morning. And you step in to find a trench coated individual with his hands in his pockets, a long hair standing underneath the lamp lights,
Starting point is 03:04:32 trying to look as ominous as possible. He's got these big jack boots like demonias with a big like belt buckle, like seat belt buckle clasps on the front of them to go up to his knees. He's got like paramilitary pants that have been tucked into those and a loose belt that is sort of like
Starting point is 03:04:53 velcro material almost. And he has a graphic tee that is an advertisement for the cult classic movie The Craft from 1997. Long, long brown hair with a goatee that is very poorly grown in. Hispanic individual, you know them at least a little bit. Most of your conversations happen through text where he is only mildly annoying,
Starting point is 03:05:22 but here in the flesh he is full annoying. This is F under the lamp light waiting for you. She's going to... Yeah, I'll gamble it, because there's still a hole in her face, so she's going to try to heal that. Okay. So you're going to make three rouse checks.
Starting point is 03:05:43 It is largely superficial damage, so as long as you pass these... Well, it's going to go away either way, but it'll cost me three rouse. Okay. And how do I roll a rouse check one more time? Just 1d10 if you succeed. No hunger if you fail hunger.
Starting point is 03:05:58 So you have a possibility of gaining three hunger right here. Okay. Oh, that's three successes. Okay. No hunger and your face is looking very human again, even if it does look a little pale for anyone alive. That's fine. Felix.
Starting point is 03:06:19 He looks at you, hands in his trench coat, he's making eyes with you. You get the package. Yeah, I got it. You can just walk out of the... You don't have to do any of this. No, it's better like this.
Starting point is 03:06:34 Okay. It's time, Sybil. I've been waiting a long time for this, and you're going to fucking let me in, man. Are you sure about that? I'm fucking sure, man. Hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 03:06:50 Listen, I've been wheeling and dealing for your ass for a while, man, and it's not like jobs at the blood bank just come fucking easy to a guy. You know, I barely got my GED two years ago. Do you know how much work it took me to get that job at the blood bank? Do you know how many times they ask me about that shit? Oh, looks like another one fell off the inventory shift. I'm going to get fucking pummeled, dude. And what am I doing it for,
Starting point is 03:07:22 off some fucking hundred dollar bills from the circus, circus driver? It's fucking low life bullshit, and I'm ready for big time. I'm ready for fucking grandpa monster, bitch. Before I... You got it. What the fuck does big time look like to you? Look, I know what the fuck you are, man.
Starting point is 03:07:49 Like, ah! Like, ah, fuck, man. You can't be using that much blood for an art project. It's bullshit. I've read your poems. They're not that good. You are throwing out a lot of powerful statements tonight. You fucking got to if you want to fucking bite the world, man.
Starting point is 03:08:09 I know what you are. Bite the world. Say it. Okay, I've been talking to my homie, Grease. And he's like a fucking supplier, man. And he thinks he knows too. We've been talking about, like, nobody... Why does Vegas need so much fucking blood, man?
Starting point is 03:08:31 Why do people like you need so much fucking blood, man? It don't make sense, man. I know what this is about. I know it. Again. You're one of them fucking Dracula's. There's so many things. I think it's the dig at the poetry that gets it.
Starting point is 03:08:56 She's going to put her hand on his clavicle, actually, and push him against the van. Not up close, just push against the van. Oh, shit, man. I was just fucking... I was playing at those jokes, man. Grease told me if I was rough, maybe you'd tell me. But we just want to know, man.
Starting point is 03:09:19 We just want to know we're fucking nothing, man. We're nothing. Mm-hmm. Tell me about Grease, Felix. I don't know. You just got into the blood game. You started throwing out fucking money like nothing. Like fucking nothing at the bank.
Starting point is 03:09:34 Just for some extra bags. Way more than you give off. Like $1,000 a bag. Man, I could have passed it down. And then we got to talking. And he helped me put some things together, man. Like some things about you. Like what?
Starting point is 03:09:50 Like what did he tell you? I mean, he opened my eyes, man. He brought it to the light. Why else would you need so much of this shit? And it makes sense why you look so fucking dead all the time. And like, I'm just struggling to fight any other answer than maybe there's some truth to it, man. Why would he just say something like that offhand?
Starting point is 03:10:15 You got to let me in. Did you ever think for a moment that if you're right, let's just say, let's play around in the space, you and Grease are right, that I'm not doing some sort of art project with it, which I am. And we're doing something spicy with it. Getting you in. Did you think that would be a threat to your life at all?
Starting point is 03:10:41 Did you think about that? No, no, like, I just wanted to like. You just wanted to feel important. Oh shit, dude, there's got to be like fucking parties or something you people are having. Like, you got to drink it somewhere. And like, I read this thing on 4chan about like these parties that these really rich fuckers have.
Starting point is 03:11:06 When they get together, they drink fucking blood and they just like, they cabal over the fucking world. They control everything. He punches the van next to his head. Those parties aren't as fucking fun as you think they are. Okay, and there's no way for someone like you, and she looks at his throat to get in there and possibly have any semblance of a good time.
Starting point is 03:11:32 I'm keeping you exactly where you need to be. So it's true. It's fucking true. I didn't say that. I said I'm keeping you where you need to be. Now, if you suddenly have disregard for your life, your safety, or those boots you have, then by all means, keep pressing.
Starting point is 03:11:52 But otherwise, stay the fuck where you are and run me my shit when I ask for it. Is that clear? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I meant what I said. You wouldn't have to pay anymore. I just, it's yours. I just, simple.
Starting point is 03:12:11 I've never been anything in my fucking life, man. I just want one chance where somebody would fucking look at me, man. And if that shit's real, if you're fucking what you fucking say you are and he looks at the dent in the car you just made, then we could fucking be something, man. I'm just asking for a chance, man.
Starting point is 03:12:34 This isn't the chance you want, Felix. This isn't how you get it. Trust me. I know what you're talking about. This is not it. Now, you had a condition the last time we talked on the phone. You said if the plan doesn't go your way,
Starting point is 03:12:56 then the bags will stop. Is that still true? Are you gonna kill me? I asked you a question first. Go ahead and make a manipulation plus intimidation. This is so cool. This is so cool. Ah, manipulation and intimidation.
Starting point is 03:13:21 Okay. I don't think I turned my red lights off, which is pretty fucking telling, but I did try to heal. Yeah, we'll say they're off. I don't need it. I don't fucking need it. That's three successes.
Starting point is 03:13:33 Yeah, he's terrified. If you were looking any further, you'd see a clear line of piss that's rolling down his leg. He's staring at you and he says, I'll give you whatever the fuck you want. Whatever you need, you don't gotta pay.
Starting point is 03:13:49 I'll give it to you. I'll tell Greece. I'll back him off. Whatever you need. Good. Actually, I want information on who's buying these bags, as much as you can.
Starting point is 03:14:04 Whoever's throwing down a thousand, you said a bag? It's Greece's guy. Yeah. I want info on that. Continuous info on that. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:14:19 And like, what do I, what do I get out of it? Money. And she hold out her hand, the space between his skull and the dent in the car. Seven inches of grace. Okay.
Starting point is 03:14:45 Okay. If it gets better, for me, it'll get better for you. I promise that. There's something that bubbles to the surface. Civil. Familiar voice. He could be yours.
Starting point is 03:15:00 You could take this fucker to the limit. Call it a merger. An internship. He's terrified of you. Pressed in against the dent off the side. His hands are still pressed in. He's staring at you like he knows for a fact. This is seconds away from losing his life.
Starting point is 03:15:25 She takes his, her hand off of his chest. And runs her hand over her head. We'll consider this an application. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No shit.
Starting point is 03:15:47 Yeah. Okay. Application. Sure. I fucking, I bomb those. Yeah. Can I go now?
Starting point is 03:15:55 Yeah. Okay. Civil. Civil. Okay. I'll be in contact. I'll stop that fucking monster shit. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 03:16:04 Bulls. Just busts it. She falls back against the truck. Okay. And just catches her breath. She doesn't need it, but she catches her breath. Okay.
Starting point is 03:16:19 We will assume that Burroughs, Allison, Enoch, Mal, and now Sybil have returned to their appropriate havens to complete whatever it is they need to before the night and then rest. Yes.
Starting point is 03:16:33 Okay. We'll get into the next session, but that leaves one last member. Niles. Yes. Hi. You're walking into the Las Vegas night without a haven, without a direction,
Starting point is 03:16:50 in whatever direction you so choose, North, South, East, West, whatever it may be, about 10 minutes into that walk through Las Vegas, an old band that pulls up to a stop sign
Starting point is 03:17:03 and then begins to follow you on that journey. It is blatantly obvious, blatantly clear, and follows you for as far as you walk, but if you stop to address it, it stops with you. What are you doing? I'm going to keep going for a little bit longer,
Starting point is 03:17:25 just to 100% assure myself that it is following me, but eventually I'm just going to have to stop because I'm not going to be able to outrun it not with the time I have. You stop most likely at an intersection. It flashes its head beams twice and then the side door of the panel van opens.
Starting point is 03:17:51 Yeah. Inviting you inside. I'm going to open my little shirt pocket a little bit just to see spoons. I'm going to stroke him a couple of times, pat him, and then I'm going to walk into the van. Okay.
Starting point is 03:18:07 Spoons is with you, I'm assuming, or do you send him off before you enter? Spoons is with me. Spoons as a comfort crow is in against your chest and you get in and there's a single car from Spoons and the familiarity between kindred and fabulous runs deep. It's a bond created in the curse, not in kinship.
Starting point is 03:18:37 Spoons is bound to your soul, essentially, a covenant born from beast to beast, but you can understand things from Spoons. No other person could interpret. He warns you, but also reminds you that you know this person and immediately as you slide into the back seat realizing there's only one other person in the car
Starting point is 03:19:00 and as the automatic doors shut behind you, you can see through the rear window up to the driver's seat, you remind yourself of the very powerful amber eyes of Hugh, the very first kindred you met here in Las Vegas, also known as the right hand to the anarchs. He is behind the wheel. He's eyeing you already. He's a Korean man who must be about 30 or used to be at least.
Starting point is 03:19:32 He's conventionally handsome, striking even and has angular features and two cool amber pools for eyes. Smaller in stature but still fills out the embroidered chambray work shirt he has on that height. He was the first kindred you met in the city and there's a voice in the back of your head that's worried. He's also the last one you'll see. I make eye contact with him through the mirror,
Starting point is 03:19:56 but then I immediately drop my gaze like I normally do and not make eye contact with him at all. He meets you and there is this sort of heartwarming smile on him that reminds you of when you're in trouble with your parents, but only one of them is really mad. He speaks up and he says, where you been Niles? Been with the coterie you assigned me to.
Starting point is 03:20:24 Yeah. I wish you would have told me when you got back to Vegas. Things were a little bit complicated at Elysium. I needed some time. Complicated is definitely the word I'd use and he puts the car into gear and starts driving. Why didn't you get in contact? Just no moment for it?
Starting point is 03:20:48 Yeah, I'd gotten shot. I needed, yeah. It was a more difficult mission than you had mentioned. Got to meet the Prince. Well, I hope you don't blame me for what happened. It's hard to mention what anyone's going to throw you in in this world. I was trying to do you a favor. I know. I know you're doing me a favor.
Starting point is 03:21:17 And I wish I could have done you a bigger favor when I found out what happened tonight. Did you go for any trips around the neighborhood? I might have. Somebody match in your description. He was in some powers that we're not usually used to in this side of the strip. Attacked two very important people. You know anything about that? Niles. I shake my head at him.
Starting point is 03:21:53 Niles, you don't have to lie to me. I'm not them and I can't help you if you do. I'm out of my stash. I might have stopped by the bar. I warned you not to go around, didn't I? I need to eat. I know. You may not have to worry about that pretty soon. What does that mean? What happens next is up to you.
Starting point is 03:22:30 And after that he's mostly silent for the ride. He drives you to north Las Vegas. At first you're worried he's taking you somewhere you don't know, but then familiar sights begin to file through. The bright lights of the strip get closer as he pulls into the chaos of the surrounded Fremont streets. He parks a couple blocks from the main action in a public parking structure. He bids you to leave the car. Do you follow?
Starting point is 03:22:57 Yeah, I'll get out the car and follow him. As the both of you do get out, you're able to clock the submachine gun. He has strapped about his chest on a harness, a hand casually at its handle. It's a firm negotiator as he asks for you to continue through to a chain link gate that's opposite the parking structure at the end of the alleyway. Do you follow? Yeah. Good.
Starting point is 03:23:24 He rests the gun for a moment against his stomach to fiddle with the keys for the gate, pulling it back to let you in. You know where you are the second that you step inside. In through a back entrance you are shown to a sea of neon signs. Most of them broken, old and decaying, all of them behind guard posts. It is a carefully curated junkyard of long dead casinos that have been arranged to show off the still blinking bulbs of each sign. You're at the Neon Museum after hours.
Starting point is 03:23:57 It is dark for the most part, but the dull glow of each of these lights creates a nice path of luminescence to follow Hugh as he comes behind you to gesture with the submachine gun to move. You can feel the cold barrel press against your back. It's just how things get done. Remember, it's all up to you. You can see, just at the end, in front of a huge neon sign, red and yellow, that reads out star dust.
Starting point is 03:24:32 That's about 20 feet tall, or 20 feet wide, excuse me. There are two men. One of them is smoking a cigarette that burns hot at the tip. The other looks tense. He kicks up the dust with his movements through the dirt. Hugh brings you in closer and asks politely the first time. Neil, Niles. I'll do what he asks, and I'll take Neil.
Starting point is 03:24:59 Do you kneel with one knee or two? One knee. He kicks down the other knee so that you understand that this is an execution position, not one of monarchy. I'm going to keep my eyes attend to the floor. I'm not looking up. Hugh is kind the whole way through. This is not even an aggressive kick in.
Starting point is 03:25:22 If anything, it is him informing you of what's to be done. You're met with the ground a few feet from the strangers. The first is a man dipped in well-kept denim, a shirt unbuttoned deep into his chest to show off, blonde hair that sits in waves down to the backs of his ears, shockingly bright blue eyes and a handsome face that promises years of work behind the first touch of wrinkles that begin about the eyes. A real Paul Newman type, right down to the silver-plated tips of his Take of Us boots.
Starting point is 03:25:56 There's a combat knife strung into a sheath hanging low to his belt. You know purely from the look of him that this matches the descriptions of Baron Alice Iverson. The right of him is the other, a shorter squatter man bawled with a patchy beard. He wears a biker's vest that you'd be familiar with. There's a skull underneath a boot on the back of it that reads The Conqueror's. His eyes are wild and he flexes and unflexes his hand at a rate of 30 times per second. He's packing a 9mm tucked into the flare of his belt. He sits you down.
Starting point is 03:26:38 Alice is just sort of regarding you for a moment. He keeps looking between you, Hugh and now this new individual off the right in the biker's vest. And he finally speaks up and he says, thanks you for bringing her. We've been looking for her for a while. It's nice to meet you. I'm Alice Iverson. What's your name? I'm Niles. Niles Ames. That's right. That's right. That's good. That's good. You're the right person for this then. We're broadening the right person. That's good.
Starting point is 03:27:14 This is Sylvester. We call him Sylvie, though. Sylvester, introduce yourself. He spikes up. You're going to fuck this bitch. Thank you, Sylvie. I kind of run things around here. You heard about Fremont Street. You heard about the Barons. I'll let you in on some of the things I do around here. A bit, yeah. That's good. That's good. So you understand who I am. I understand who you are. You understand what you did, right?
Starting point is 03:27:49 Yes. You went to a bar. You weren't supposed to. You talked to some people. You weren't supposed to. You were told you were given a warning, a proper warning by a proper man. It's always good with new customers, but you double-dipped, didn't you? Yeah, I might have, yeah. Yeah, yeah. You were hungry or what was it? You were amped up? That voice in the back of your head speaking for you? What was the habit? What gets into the mind of a person that would make that mistake?
Starting point is 03:28:22 I just want to make sure I understand before I cause any judgment upon you. I was hurt and I needed to eat. I hope you're feeling more fed now. You feeling better? A bit. Good. It's important to stay healthy. It's important to understand our place in the world and know exactly where we're going from moment to moment. What sort of place do you think you're going next? That depends on you, doesn't it?
Starting point is 03:28:58 I think that's a good answer. I think it absolutely does depend on me. I mean, what do you think, Sylvie? And Sylvie speaks. I think we should kill the fucking bitch right here. Oh, Sylvie, you've got to calm down with all that shit. We're talking here. We have a unique position, you and I. Niles, you know that? I don't. I don't really know. You met a friend of mine, didn't you? You met old Louie up in the tower? Prince Grant.
Starting point is 03:29:31 Yeah, that's the man. Yeah, I met him last night. Yeah, you were part of that truce team that they sent out to Colorado? Yeah. That's good. That's good. You were made coterie as I'm to believe. Good. Yeah. Right now, if I'm being 100 percent honest, the only reason that you still have a head
Starting point is 03:30:01 is because you believed in you enough to give you an opportunity. And I do not take his word lightly, so I will not take yours lightly. So now you and I have an opportunity, and I'm only going to say once, you would like to continue living your undead existence and have a shot at a better one. A team of people looking over your shoulder who treat you right. Don't hurt you for the wrong reasons. Then you're going to say yes, and you're going to nod your head to everything that Sylvie says in a couple of seconds.
Starting point is 03:30:39 If you think that living has just gotten to be too hard and you'd like to go and meet your maker, become dust and never see the light of heaven, then I can arrange for that as well. You have an answer already? I just nod yes immediately. Good. Good. Because I didn't want to speak out of turn if you weren't going to listen to all that and then just choose to die anyway. That would be a waste of our time and yours.
Starting point is 03:31:03 So here's my proposition. I'm going to keep you alive. I'm going to keep you alive, and even better, I'm going to watch over you. We're going to take care of whoever it is you end up being with, right? That group of yours, if you continue to go with them, which in this plan you absolutely do. You can consider this your fucking mulligan. Okay? You know what a mulligan is?
Starting point is 03:31:24 You play golf? No. Can't say that I do. It's your freebie, babe. Your freebie. You good with that? You know what that one means, right? Not yes.
Starting point is 03:31:36 Good. Good. Good. I just want you to know where your side of the bread is buttered now, okay? That's on my side. You're going to be one of my people for as long as you live. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 03:31:52 Makes total sense, right? In a second, you aren't swell. We know the consequences to that action, but we're going to let you prove yourself. We're going to give you an opportunity to put the metal out, right? You are going to be our man on the inside. You and I's are going to continue working for the Prince for as long as the foreseeable future is with us. And you are going to tell me that everything old Louis says up there in his white throne, and you're going to bring that back to me.
Starting point is 03:32:23 And when I ask, you answer. And when I beg, you plead. Easy, right? Not head yes. I like you now. You got to weigh about you. And I promise in future conversations, you're going to have a lot more to say to me. I promise.
Starting point is 03:32:43 This is the most scary I'm going to be because I am not going to kill you today. Despite Sylvie begging me in that car, I am not going to chop your fucking head off. I'm going to give you an opportunity because I want you to see what Vegas could be. And I want you to be a part of what it could be. And Hugh does too. I can't call out Hugh. Hugh was my first child in this place. He was the first person I trusted in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 03:33:14 And he chose you. So that must say something about you. Now there is one final clause to what's going to happen here. I'm going to let Sylvie take over. And he steps away and takes out another cigarette, starts to smoke that, walking down past the neon and leaves you with Sylvie. And he comes up, he cracks his knuckle, comes around and smacks you as hard in the face as he can. Just wallops you across.
Starting point is 03:33:46 And you know what it is to be hit by another kindred, but maybe not in this level of strength as you can feel your mandible break off one side and it becomes hard to talk as a pool of vitae floods into your mouth. You fucking bitch. You're so lucky you got a cowboy in your corner. You're fucking lucky you know that. It grabs your cheeky, pulls you back up to look at him. You're going to do right by me.
Starting point is 03:34:13 Your friends too, you're fucking stuck with me now bitch. There's a casino and it owes me money and you're going to get it back. You understand? No, say yes. Good. You speak through the teeth and it spits blood onto his face and he licks it back up from the top lip. You gather your little team and you bring them back to my own bar in South Vegas. Hugh's going to give you the address.
Starting point is 03:34:41 You're going to go there. As soon as you like, you take your fucking time because maybe you don't hit the time frame. And I get to decide I do whatever the fuck I want with you. But you're going to go there. Bring your little fucking cronies and we're going to talk about what needs to be done. Are you understood? Yes. And you try any of that shit in my bar again.
Starting point is 03:35:05 I promise you, you will see the fucking sunrise baby. You will feel it on your skin. I'm done with her. He walks away. Hugh steps up in front of you. He wipes some of the blood away from your face with a handkerchief and picks you up. Are you good? Are you okay?
Starting point is 03:35:32 I flinch him off. He takes the cue. He pulls back. He throws the handkerchief away. I just... That went pretty well. We got to get out of here. Let's go. I follow him. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:35:49 He walks you out past the chain link fence. He closes the gate behind and locks it and he goes, Holy shit, they let you live. Holy shit. That's what you call living. Yeah. Well, Niles, you could be fucking dead. You're not happy about this?
Starting point is 03:36:11 I'm grateful. Fine. You'll learn. You'll learn what this means. I promise you, they're doing right by you. Here, do you have a place to stay tonight? I don't. You can come with me. I love the warehouse, yeah. We have a place at the Belvedere, Alice's place. You can stay in one of the private rooms.
Starting point is 03:36:36 We'll get it blocked out for you. You can stay as long as you need. Are you hungry? I just, yeah, I nodded because I haven't eaten the blood bag at all. I think I can get you something. Some of your stuff. Okay.
Starting point is 03:36:59 Yeah. He takes you in the panel van and drives off into North Vegas to the bar called the Belvedere on Fremont Street. And we're going to leave our session as Niles drives away in that panel van alive and well as the baron of Fremont Street leaves the Neon Museum.
Starting point is 03:37:27 God damn. There we are. Great session, guys. Wow. There we are, folks. Thanks everybody for tuning in. We will be picking up next time with our dealings with the conquerors.
Starting point is 03:37:53 We'll have Regal back, hopefully. And hopefully Niles will have some things to tell the party. We'll see how that goes. But thank you everybody for tuning in. It was a lot of fun. See you next time. Bye, guys. See you, guys. Bye.

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