Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 002: The Truth About Workout Supplements

Episode Date: January 5, 2015

What is in those workout supplements you are taking? Do they really work? Are they backed by science or pseudo science? Did those massive and ripped athletes that promote supplements get that way beca...use they took the supplements? Sal, Adam & Justin expose the truth about this multi-million dollar industry and you may not like what you hear...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. One of the topics I want to bring up is supplements and one in mind, specifically just because I get asked probably on a daily basis if it's not from one of the gyms I'm in or from social media is what pre-workout do you take dude? Everybody wants to know what pre-workout I take. Pre-workout. And it's like this big, it's so funny to me because 10 years ago this shit didn't even
Starting point is 00:00:38 exist. No, there was no category of supplements that were pre-workout. Yeah, no, it was exactly. And so to now see it, and if you were to pull up any of the, like, you know, top supplement selling websites, you'd see that pre workouts and, you know, two to three of them are in the top 10 selling supplements that are out there.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And it's like this huge craze over something that is so, not only simple, it's so little as far as what it does for us. Now, don't, and before I talk shit about it, I use pre-workout every blue moon. I'm looking forward to for Sal to talk about this because I know how he does it. It's probably the way I'd like to do it if I wasn't so lazy is to actually break it apart
Starting point is 00:01:18 because there's only a couple things in a pre-workout that actually makes us feel what we think is helping us burn fat. Well, the pre-workout, you know, it was Gospari. It was Super Pump 250 is really the supplement that broke this new market of supplements. I remember that. Yeah, because before that, you know, people took supplements before they worked out,
Starting point is 00:01:41 but there wasn't a pre-workout category supplements and so super pumped 250 came out and they would have these before and after pictures I don't know if you guys remember them the dude before he worked out and the dude after he worked out And he's like super pumped and you look real, you know massive afterwards So what they did is they sold they sold it on the the pump and every like everybody that works out all you listeners That lift weights your favorite part of working out. Let's be honest while you're working out is the pump. And everybody that works out, all you listeners at Liffway, it's your favorite part of working out. Let's be honest, while you're working out, is the pump. It's awesome. Whether or not it builds muscle or not, really doesn't fucking matter. By the way, it does help build muscle, but we love the feeling of artificially looking bigger for 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:02:19 after your workout. The technical... If you see you, you know, you're a liar. You're a fucking liar, if you don't see it. That's the coolest part. That's why there's mirrors all around the gym. This is exactly what is a pump, right? The technical term is transient, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, I think is the name of it. This is because more blood is rushing into the muscle that comes out. It gives you this big, tight feeling. Essentially, it's in your reaction for your muscle. You're getting a bicep boner. It's what it's like Arnold, you just say it's like calming. It's like coming coming. I want to talk to Arnold
Starting point is 00:02:49 By the way you liar like I've never had a pump that's like coming a pump is awesome And I've never liked had a pump it like yeah, I got it like orgasmic. I'm just He's not It's a pump but but so we're not his level bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah, shit He must have got some amazing But so what just went on his level bro. Yeah, yeah shit. He must have got some amazing Some serious pre-work out he was taking let me tell you something If a pump was like coming every 14 year old God would be walking around 18 and you know 18 in charms
Starting point is 00:03:15 So what are pre-workout supplements? What is the goal of another selling you on Getting a better pump and getting psyched up before your workouts So what do they put in these supplements that in these pre-workout supplements that really do anything? Well, I'm gonna tell you right now, 99% and I will stand by this figure, 9.9% of these pro workout supplements
Starting point is 00:03:36 are absolute bull shit. They're full, this is what they are. They're full of stimulants. They're full of things that are gonna crack you out, get you super hyped up and stimulate it. Exactly. And then they, they, what do they do? They, they pixie dust a bunch of shit in there and they call it a proprietary blend. Yeah. So like six grams of proprietary blend of, you know, cinnamon extract. Nothing. Yeah. Nothing. Yeah. White willow bark. You know, like, a bunch of different,
Starting point is 00:04:02 you know, a bunch of different. Explain to them too that when you look at the ingredients, a lot of people don't realize this, but and this goes for all foods, right? The way a label is set up is it's organized when it says ingredients. The first thing that says, that's what is primarily what you're, you're taking. And then it diminishes as you go through the list of, yeah, so they could put like point zero, zero, three grams of frickin, you know, something and then they'll say oh, it's got you know, you know You know milk from a blessed yak of monks and you know it's got like you know some spiritual you know some crazy This is super anabolic and there's like beerly in of it any of it in there
Starting point is 00:04:35 So really you know you're taking a lot of stimulants and most stimulants. Here's a craze. Here's a funny thing now Pre-workouts increase your pump the way they're supposed to is they're supposed to increase vasodilation. So what is vasodilation? Vazodilation. That's what I'm gonna say. This is when your blood vessels open and increase blood flow. So I'm gonna talk about a pharmaceutical drug
Starting point is 00:05:01 that's a potent vasodilator, okay? Viagra. Viagra is a potent vasodilator, okay? Viagra. Viagra is a potent vasodilator. It's a it's called a it's a PDE5 inhibitor. So it inhibits this enzyme that degrades nitric oxide. You guys all know what I just got. Does this explain why when I was a kid when I was like 17, 18 years old going on the gym and I used to see Viagra pills on the on the floor in this gym floor. I used to go to all the time. It could. Yeah. it could absolutely, theoretically, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:26 It was like once or twice, like at least, I don't know, at least five. Did you work out in West Hollywood? No, I don't. It's actually make some small talent, too. What's funny you bring that up because of these other supplements that I use to say, had traces of viagre in it,
Starting point is 00:05:39 which makes sense to that. And also the other one that had actual, like, methamphetamines, yes, to the pre-workout. Oh, now you're now you're actually taking it to that work. That's similar like probably worked pretty well. And they were awesome guaranteed to make you learn here. You can lose some teeth. You're going to be a fucking lean on meth.
Starting point is 00:05:58 So so with the vasodilators are they open the blood vessels, you get more blood flow. And this is supposed to enhance the pump and enhance the anabolic effect of the pump. So what they do is they focus on nitric oxide, which is this chemical that your body releases, it opens up your blood vessels. There's a couple ways you can increase nitric oxide or the effects of it. You can increase the amount of nitric oxide by supplementing with things that are precursors. So like argonine is a amino acid that your body turns into nitric oxide. Theoretically increase argonine in your blood that your body turns into nitric oxide, theoretically increase
Starting point is 00:06:25 argonine in your blood, you get more nitric oxide. The other way is to block things that degrade nitric oxide, which is what biagridus. It degrades, there's an enzyme called PDE5, you block that, more nitric oxide, okay. So we can get into how pumps might stimulate more muscle growth, but it's really mainly they're selling it on the fact that it feels good. And so they'll include things like argonine and citralline and things that are precursors to nitric oxide. You don't need to buy these pre-mixed,
Starting point is 00:06:54 pre-workout formulas. They're mostly stimulants and they have some argonine in them or some citralline and that's it. And then there's a bunch of those shit. And so you're spending a lot of money and you're wasting your money on these supplements. I recommend you buy individual amino acids and things to make your own pre-workout.
Starting point is 00:07:09 And let's talk about stimulants now. Stimulants do the opposite. They're not vasodilators, they're vasoconstrictors for the most part. So you've got like this competing, you know, for example, if you smoke a crack, it's gonna, that's gonna hype you up, but it's also going to,
Starting point is 00:07:24 not that I've ever done it, I've never smoked crack. Yeah, yeah's gonna hype you up, but it's also going to, not that I've ever done it, I'm never smoked crack. I promise you, but it'll constrict blood vessels while you're trying to open them with a vasodilus. You're kind of getting this conflicting, fighting, things, so all these stimulants might make you hyped up, they probably don't help you build muscle, and they might actually help you,
Starting point is 00:07:41 might make you burn muscle, matter of fact. Well, yeah, it's gonna give you a bunch of more energy, which in turn is going to make you burn more calories, which in turn could sacrifice that, right? If you're not consuming enough nutrients to feed. There's that and there's the stimulatory effects on the central nervous system. So it puts you in this fight or flight response, which increases cortisol. So you have tons of stimulants. Do you want cortisol? No, you don't want cortisol. It's going to eat up on your, it's going to eat up your muscles. And you're going to lose muscle, do you want cortisol? No, you don't want cortisol, it's gonna eat up your muscles and you're gonna lose muscle as a result of this.
Starting point is 00:08:08 So, I know guys that would take a shitload of a fedra, trying to get lean with their workouts and they end up losing muscle along with body fat. So they'd lose both and end up in the same spot they were before or worse. So let me explain to the listeners then, because I mentioned that I do take a pre-workout every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And like Sal said, it's full of nothing but a bunch of stimulants, which I know are not ideal for my body, but I sometimes am drag and ass, and I don't have anything, I don't have all other stuff that I'll separate it like I should like Sal has. And my lazy ass goes in my cover and scoops out a scoop of pre workout. But I solely do it knowing that I am taking this right now because I need this crack of feeling right now to motivate me to get to the gym. And then just get that from coffee.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Yeah, yeah, one cup of coffee is not enough for me. So I need this super scoop of like what is probably equivalent to like six cups of coffee of a stimulant to get me going. And that's it. And I know that, which is also why I don't make a habit of it. It's why one pre-workout bottle will probably last six months or more inside my cupboard. Not to mention, I also believe that your body starts to get adapted to a lot of those things, when you start taking it. So somebody starts taking, and I know a lot of guys that are like this, where they're taking this. Now they're combining this pre-workout with that pre-workout, and then before you know that they're taking so much of the stimulants just so they can get stimulated, still from
Starting point is 00:09:31 it. So your body adapts to it. It's like caffeine, right? You have, you know, coffee, if you never had coffee before, gets you all psyched up, and then you keep drinking it, and then all of a sudden your body gets adapted, and then you need the dope, you're dose. You need the coffee to be normal. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Which is why I do not use this on a regular basis, nor recommend it for anyone to use it on a regular basis. Or even at all, I mean, the ideal situation is to do exactly what Sal does, which is to try and go after each component of this pre-workout or any supplement for that matter that's doing any sort of true benefits to your body and take it to the list.
Starting point is 00:10:03 You'll save money, first of all, going that route, and it's a lot smarter and a lot healthier going that route. Well, what are the real, I mean, is there any health benefits to this? Well, I'm assuming probably between the three of us, you probably take the least supplements, right? Honestly, and I was going to, I mean, I'd love to chime in, but for me, it really just amounts to like a large ice coffee, You know, that's what you do. If I need to pick me up and then it's just, it's maintaining that level of hydration
Starting point is 00:10:30 and just being super hydrated. I get so much more energy out of that. And just eating on, on a sort of a, a certain schedule where I know that I can pull from my nutrients and everything else that I've, you know, eaten. So I, I honestly like, I don't, I don't have a whole lot of belief in a lot of these products and a lot of the ways that people use them. And I think that it's just a marketing ploy.
Starting point is 00:10:56 A lot of times in that most of it is masked with like, certain things like Adam was saying, the first three ingredients are typically caffeine, sugar and some artificial dye or Something like that right blue. How are you? For you. Yeah, I mean yeah, so you're gonna feel you're gonna feel pump You're gonna feel energetic and you can feel this crack kind of sensation, but You can get that from just working out more frequently
Starting point is 00:11:21 Well, you know as especially for natural you guys who work out your natural You know the most anabolic thing you're gonna do all day long is workout. There's nothing you do at all that is even close to as anabolic is lifting weights, right? So for me, I use supplements to maximize the anabolic effect of what I'm about to do when I work out because I know the rest of the day
Starting point is 00:11:43 I'm just average Joe guy, I might be recovering or whatever, but I want to maximize the antibiotic effect. So more than just get a pump, what I aim for is to dramatically increase the amount of punishment that I can take from my workout. So increase my to improve recovery. It's really the main goal. It should be the main goal that you're pre-workout.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So in my pre-workout, I do take citrilline, which increases nitric oxide. So let me tell you why citrilline is better than argonine. Please bear with me. I'm about to get nerdy. I know Adam loves it when I do this. So argonine is a precursor to nitric oxide. So people are like, why don't you just take argonine? Well, this is why.
Starting point is 00:12:18 When you take argonine, your body actually degrades it quite a bit before it gets to your system. Citrilline gets converted to argonine and it makes it pass the degradation point and then it turns into Argonine. So, if you take Citraline, you'll actually get more circulating Argonine than you will if you just take Argonine. And so, you get more nitric oxide as a result. So, I take Citraline, but then I look at recovery.
Starting point is 00:12:40 That's really my goal. My goal is to maximize how hard I can work on maximizing antibiotic effects. So I take branch chain amino acids. I know I said, yeah, I was going to. Thank you. Glutamine. And I'll take some creatine. Creatine, there is no supplement that is more studied in terms of its ergogenic effects, you know, building muscle than creatine. Creatine taken before and after workouts increases the amount of ATP that's in your muscles. That's the muscle energy that you use when you live weights But it also lowers something called myostatin
Starting point is 00:13:08 Creatin lowers myostatin Creatin lowers myostatin if you google right now if you're on your computer and you google the word myostatin You're gonna get a bunch of pictures of these really muscular-looking Animals because scientists are doing studies on this this it's a protein. naturally, that's found naturally in the body that regulates muscle growth. And if it's the lower your myostatin is the more muscle you have. This may be one of the factors that, you know, for example,
Starting point is 00:13:34 some people are genetically gifted, we'll call them, they just build tons of muscle and we don't know what the hell is going on. They probably have lower natural levels of myostatin. And they've done studies now where they block myostatin and animals. And these animals look like freaks. There's actually this whip it. It's a dog, it's a whip it breed which is normally a very skinny dog.
Starting point is 00:13:50 You should Google myostatin whip it. I want Adam to check this out. You guys gotta take a look at this. I've seen the bull ones. I've seen the bull ones. You gotta look at the dog. So you know what a whip it is right? It looks like a mini gray hound. Yeah, yeah. This dog looks like this dog looks freakish. They blocked the myostatin gene and it looks like the terminator. It's freaking insane. Yeah, look at this dog right here. It is it is the baddest ass looking dog I've ever seen in my life. So, Crateen naturally lowers myostatin. So, you want to take some supplements, increase blood flow because that's probably good. The jury's still out of it, makes a big difference, but it feels good.
Starting point is 00:14:25 So who cares, fuck it, you wanna work out, have fun. But branching amino acids, glutamine creatine, some caffeine give you a little bit of that stimulatory effect, and that's pretty much it. You don't need to go crazy with all the other stuff. And pre-workout, pre-mixed stuff, it's just a shitload of stimulants. And if you want stimulants, just buy stimulants.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Go online, buy some of Fedra, buy some caffeine, buy some siniferin, buy some frickin, you know, what it is. What it is, quote unquote. Yeah, what is that one? What is that one? One, three diaphellama, some long ass name, that's like a, they actually banned it because it's like,
Starting point is 00:14:57 it's like meth. It's insane. The worst part, and I've talked to you about this before, Adam, is that these supplement companies use these, these quote unquote athletes to promote their supplement. Can you please enlighten the listeners about that? Okay, so first of all, this is a great chance for me to finally talk some shit to everybody that annoys me with this. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Yes. So, everybody gets this, you know, I don't have a coach, I don't have a team, I don't have a supplement company or a brand that I represent other than my own or my partner's company. So everyone's confused because every other pro has got all these supplement lines that they're pushing or they're talking about because this is what they love to take before they work out. Yada yada.
Starting point is 00:15:43 So I'm going to get a lot of people that are going to hate me for this right now, but oh well, fuck it. So I get hit up all the time. I've had at least three different t-shirt companies, at least five different supplement lines, all kinds of different companies that want me to sponsor their shit. Now let me tell you, let me break this down for those who you guys that are inspiring,
Starting point is 00:16:03 physique athletes or bodybuilders, and this day will come for you one day where, you know, and a lot of these guys think that this is the pinnacle of bodybuilding world and it's really, really retarded to think that way or it's very small-minded to think that way if you ask me because these guys, what these supplement companies do is they pray on these guys that have busted their ass to look this amazing and they offer them, but normally, now mind you, okay, I'm not talking about every supplement company. There's some out there that are reputable bands that actually pay athletes decent amount of money.
Starting point is 00:16:35 You're just talking about most of them. Yeah, most of them, like 98% of them are so. So the higher majority, but 98%. So what they do is, you know that they give you a percentage commission Okay off of a fucking supplement that they probably make for 50 cents So they're already making money off of you just but you push themselves you get a small Commission someone we're gonna range in we're between 20 to 40% commission on all your supplement sales And then you get somewhere between three to what they
Starting point is 00:17:01 with a retail value of three to five $500 worth of supplements for every month, and then we'll do free shooting, you know, we'll shoot video of you, we'll shoot pictures of you, yada, yada, yada. So I've turned all that bullshit down because first of all, if I'm going to push something, I want to want to believe in it. Yeah, like half these guys don't even take yeah, exactly. These guys don't, they don't look like the way they look because of any of that shit they take. None of it. None of it, none of it.
Starting point is 00:17:30 You mean Zennerd Dream? Yeah, none of it. That's a gift, yes. Yeah, none of that shit makes, and the amount that it helps, I wish I had a great analogy off the top of my head right now for you guys of how my nude it is in the comparison to nutrition and hard-ass work in the gym.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Like, it's a joke, but yet they market it that way. So it's always the number one thing that's asked me, what pre-workout, what supplements you take, what do you want? That's what everyone wants to know. It's like, dude, equipping so fucking lazy and actually put your nutrition together, put some consistency and some time under the iron for a little bit and watch what happens. It's fucking amazing. You'll start to change. I promise you. And after that if you reach out to a couple smart guys
Starting point is 00:18:08 Hopefully they can help you or educate yourself on what you should be feeding your body and how you should be training That's the way to go with these supplements coming. It's the total opposite and that's what drives me fucking nuts is It's and it's to the point where just so you they set the sign of contract when they get in with these guys and get not only the shitty money that they're gonna get, but then now they have to rep them all the time and then they can't say, let's say they take antibiotics, they can't say they take antibiotics because that would make everyone think that,
Starting point is 00:18:38 oh, that's not because of their supplements that they're getting that way. So let me tell you something, somebody who's on any sort of antibiotics or what about that, for sure, that is helping them out a million times more. Do any fucking pre-workout ever possibly could help them. So it's not because of their rules.
Starting point is 00:18:55 So D-ball is more effective than that. For you workouts, I'm absolutely. Yeah, man. Let me write that down. We're gonna real fabric and take some wind straws. Yeah. That's where, that's what really works. Okay, so these guys that are talking all this shit
Starting point is 00:19:08 that, you know, rep and supplements, it's just not my style, man. That's why you guys won't see me do it. And I'll tell you right now, if you ever see me do it, I'm getting fucking paid. That's, you know, I am getting paid, and I'll just tell you guys, you know, this is where you guys will get the truth right here.
Starting point is 00:19:21 If you guys tune in, you guys listen here, you always get the raw side of me, you always get the true side of me, you always get the true side of me, the face that I might have to put on for business reasons or whatever, because I sign a contract that I'm now a part of this whole IFBB league and stuff like that. Well, that's a whole other story
Starting point is 00:19:33 when I got to put myself there. But here, you guys will always get the raw truth. Well, I'll tell you what, I mean, I wouldn't mind promoting a supplement if it was legitimately effective and groundbreaking. The, I can count on one finger, literally, one supplement that really was groundbreaking. Creating.
Starting point is 00:19:50 That's it. Yeah, that is it. Let's see, that's the only thing I could actually see progress. It's the only thing that we, we first actually worked. Yeah, we have got studies that have shown all the, absolutely. Creating is the, that's the number one supplement when it comes to helping, helping. Yeah, if you, and's the number one supplement when it comes to helping help.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah, if you, and it's not everybody, believe it or not, there's people that don't respond to creating, but for most men and women, if you take creating, you're going to get stronger, you're going to build more muscle. Done. Everything else, pretty much, bullshit, absolute bullshit. You know, protein powders, they're convenient sources of protein, but can you do without protein powders? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:26 If you have a great diet, it's taking protein powder, gonna make you build more muscle. No, no, diets fine. Actually diets, you know, real foods probably better. Absolutely. Crayotein is really the only supplement that I remember too when it came out.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I don't know if you guys remember this. You know, I've been working out for a long time, and I remember when Crayotein first came out, it was EAS. That was the first company. I mean it made Bill Phillips Incredibly rich. Oh, yeah, and at the time it was like a hundred grams of Crate team Which is like a small-ass bottle was like 60 bucks And this was like in the mid early mid 90s was like 60 bucks and they could sell it for so much Because they're the only ones that were making it well
Starting point is 00:21:03 I remember my coach was really worried about it because there were kids in high school were taking it and they really didn't know the long-term effects of it at that point and so they were like, really cautious about it and they weren't so bad. People came in and talk about it and it was like, I snort-crate, yeah. It was, it looks like this white powder and the chocolate.
Starting point is 00:21:22 You guys ever travel with a bunch of your fucking supplements Of course and you're worried that they're gonna oh yeah I got a beard. I look like the goddamn television. I look like the Taliban. I got a little shiny I'm back at creative about that. You talk about crazy. How about I don't know do you remember taking cell tech when you were kid I used to sell tech oh my gosh was like and and 75 Ransom Sure fucking glucose. Yeah, sure and it was so awesome because everybody had all these great I mean man if we just people didn't know like scanner. Yeah, sure. And it was so awesome because everybody had all these great. I mean, man
Starting point is 00:21:45 If we just people didn't know this game. Yeah, dude, the exactly brilliant. I got a story So I so I you know when I was a kid working out I wanted to get big so bad and I'm a classic ectomorph right muscle does not come easy for me I'm just you know very consistent with my workouts and my time but working out since I was 14 I don't think I've ever taken longer than a week off. I mean, very consistent, right? So I was really into supplements. Like I needed, I wanted something to really take me to the next level.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And so I would take these gainers. Remember when heavyweight, remember when gainers were all, but yeah, 1,000 calories. You know, super 5,000. 2,000 calories before my first class, you know, I'm just chugging this. So I bought this, this one gainer.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So I would try them all. I tried mass 2000 and then they came off mega mass 5000 It was all step your game up It was all about the higher number and you'd open up this container and there was like this It was this you're the Cassie Kid in class dude. It was this massive jug like it was a fucking bucket I swore to God and you'd open it up and there would be, I'm not exaggerating, it was like a mini shovel. And you'd look at it, it'd be a 5,000 calories, wow this is amazing. And you'd look at the back and there's like 10 servings.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And this big ass pocket, oh my God. So you'd mix this huge, so all your, let's just be real though, so all you're really doing is taking like 15 scoops of regular protein. It was like protein and a shit load of multi-dextrin. And that was it. And then you had to mix it with whole milk.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Otherwise, it wasn't the $5,000. And I put peanut butter with it. Yeah, and they're like add two scoops of peanut butter. So I would do that stuff to try and gain weight. And I would literally choke the shit down. Well anyway, I remember this one gainer came out. Heavyweight gainer 900. And fuck, I hope it don't trouble for this.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I've made a ring sufferers though. Heavyweight gainer 900. And it like promised more muscle and oh our calories are more effective and you don't need 5,000 pounds. So I'm like, oh, this is this must be a fact. This sounds awesome. So I bought this stuff and it was strawberry flavor, which by the way never tastes like fucking strawberry.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Strawberry is the worst flavor. It's not any fucking any creative flavor is absolutely. No, just stick with chocolate. Chocolate. Mixed. It tasted nothing like so, I was pink, that's why it's so strong. So, I mixed this stuff up with a whole milk
Starting point is 00:23:50 and I just pound this drink, like right after my workout and it was absolutely horrible and it would give me the worst shit of all time. So, it was like giving the opposite of what I was supposed to do, I was actually losing weight because I'd shit myself.
Starting point is 00:24:03 So, this is a true story. So, I drank a heavy weight gainerer 900 with the whole milk and everything right pound By the way, I'm lactose intolerant. I discovered I discovered later on So we go to the pool right. I'm like 14 years old the whole family goes swimming right so we're in the pool And I got you know, I got this oh my god. Oh, so I'm swimming around and my stomach starts hitting right and I'm like oh man This is heavyweight gainer and I'm starting. It's getting in here. I need to go now.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So I jump out of the pool, I run the bathroom and the door's locked. So I'm waiting because someone's in there. So I'm a little bit, I'm waiting there. And you don't even have to take a shit really bad and you're squeezing with all your might. Like your sphincter is just clenched. Like any wrong move and stuff's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:24:41 So I'm holding it, I'm holding it. Lady opens the door, I run in there and my bathing suit was wet. So I couldn holding it, I'm holding it, lady opens the door, I run in there, and my bathing suit was wet, so I couldn't really get the drawstring unbeam. So I'm trying to get this drawstring unbeam, and I'm like, fuck, I'm literally cussing. I'm like, fuck, come on, fuck. Finally it starts happening.
Starting point is 00:24:57 There's nothing I, so I ripped my shorts off my body, like ripped the back of my body, and I just started having this torrent of fucking heavy weight gain and 100 come out of me. And so I ended up in there. So I had to come out of the back and I was in there for an hour because I had to clean things up in there.
Starting point is 00:25:12 And I came out with these like half torrent shorts and just kind of chilled by the pool for the rest of the day. This is how dedicated I was to trying to build muscle. We're right back to taking it into the shit. Next day I had some more heavyweight gain, some fucking strawberry shit flavors. You know when a 14-year-old would go to your head, you're like, man, now you just have this new respect
Starting point is 00:25:32 for these guys that are huge, like man, they must have to go through this shit every day. And they're, I mean, you just step up your game to the end. Dude, let me tell you something right now. I have tried every fucking supplement that's on the market. I think I'm definitely, I'm definitely so. Do you remember that one called Muscle Mix? And it was, they had a picture of a bio.
Starting point is 00:25:50 And it was like a little tiny bio and it would show up before, I don't know, I'm older than you. So maybe it was before you, it would show these before and afters that were ridiculous. Obviously the dude went from like, no steroids that shit loaded juice, right? So I ordered this stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:04 And it was a dropper. It was like a dropper shit loaded juice right. So I ordered this stuff and it was a dropper. It was like a dropper like bile or whatever. And it had smilax. And it, do you guys remember the supplements to my lax? No, no, not at all. It's this herb that's supposed to like increase testosterone. They use smilax to make root beer. So I put this under my tongue every night
Starting point is 00:26:20 and I try and I imagine that I was building muscle but I didn't do a goddamn thing. It was insane. Yeah, do you guys remember the first time you took a crate team? My was cell tech. Cell tech was the first creating I ever, I was right, I blew you away.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Oh yeah. Oh yeah, I was the only thing that ever put a couple pounds on me because I couldn't just like you, I couldn't gain weight from life for me, dude. I would, I remember sitting down and pounding the same gaiter shakes, followed by a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Starting point is 00:26:43 and just, just miserable trying to stuff it down, dude. Just, and then waking up the next day lighter. Yeah, it was frustrated. Like what happened? It was frustrated, you know. What about you, Justin? I just went from like the skinny kid and then it was junior year of high school and I started taking the mask gainer and then I would mix creatine in there.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And so I had this like sort of cocktail I would make where it was like two or three scoops of this mask gainer and then Criatine and then peanut butter and then banana. And I'd slam this shit down. I go work out in the six a.m. workouts in the mornings and just being like my second class and I had similar situations like that where I seriously was like holding on for dear life as I was running to the bathroom down all night. Last night teacher, I'm like, I gotta go, I gotta go. I'm in. Oh my God, yeah, it was just hit. It was just like a moment all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:27:33 you just were normal and then I'll sit and you just hear this rumbling. And it was really loud. Like it was very audible. Like my stomach was just, you have to think that kids are violent storm kids are still doing that now You know, there's got I mean, I mean we were I mean, I like to think too like so. I mean obviously All three of us have educated ourselves a little bit more since we were 14 14 16 years old so I couldn't imagine having
Starting point is 00:27:57 But you know that I think that's the neat part about Getting a chance to to discuss this with us is at one point we were on that side of the fence We're hey, I did try every single supplement and there was a part of me that thought man You know these guys do like this because he takes this and he takes that he takes this and you do think that because that's what you see And you're getting you're getting in doctrine with it when you when you open every single muscle magazine When you see any sort of commercial that's all and then you have these guys. That's all they wrap they wrap you see Oh, then they're wrapping it so they be, they're the ones who look awesome and they're saying, this is what they take,
Starting point is 00:28:27 and this is what they use. It's like, what do you guys remember? It's the same, do you remember cyber genics? I've, yeah, I remember that name. Oh, they were the king of the before and afters. Yeah, I was just gonna talk about before and afters two and a half years too. And you would buy, yeah, and it was like a stack of like 10 fucking supplements. And so you thought, for sure this is gonna work.
Starting point is 00:28:44 There's 10 different supplements in the same thing. To those before and after, those are so powerful for selling anything. And you know what, you want to be more successful to take a cool look at about those before and after. Let me guess, let me guess. Oh my God. I think I know what you're gonna say right now.
Starting point is 00:28:57 So they'll take guys who are ripped and shredded. They'll take a picture of them and they'll say stop working out in each city and they'll take another picture of them later And then they'll make that the before picture even though it's the after pictures Or they'll just eat it so I've been to get them bloated, you know that same day So I've been offered money before to do this to actually take it take it and then you've been offered money to do a lot of So that's how this works. So what they do is they they find a guy who's in great shape and they pay them to get out of shape
Starting point is 00:29:24 And that's that ends up becoming the before. Yes. Oh you motherfuckers. Yeah what they do is they find a guy who's in great shape and they pay them to get out of shape. And that ends up becoming the before. Oh, you motherfuckers. Yeah, that's what I thought. And to me, it's once I knew that, and then I go back and kind of, to me, it's kind of obvious to me to do that, because you can kind of see the guys and girls
Starting point is 00:29:37 who like have some really, you can see they still got good muscle in there. Underneath, they just got big, they just have super bloated. Yeah, they just look super blo it and watered down and fat. You know, they put on 30 pounds and then all they do. And they're pushing, you know, stomach out and then the after picture is where they were before. I think the best advice we could give our listeners in regards to anything supplements, training techniques, diet
Starting point is 00:29:58 is to remain objective. Okay, what does that mean? Try to enter without bias, try not to be sold with the before and after. Look at the science. What is the science behind it? Look at studies, you know? Yeah, definitely look at the studies. Look at legit studies and actually read those things and learn how to read studies
Starting point is 00:30:16 and see what is actually legitimately working. Don't just because some big dude says he takes freaking, you know, try to stand or whatever, because a lot of these guys in the gym are big because they were born to be big, or maybe because they work out really hard and consistently and they eat right, not because of some supplement.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So I'd say remain as objective as possible. Well, it really is you want is, like I said earlier, is take the first three ingredients and just look those up. Just Google the first three ingredients, read about Wikipedia and most of you guys are intelligent, hopefully are intelligent enough to be able to read it and understand what that supplement, what that individual thing by itself is doing to how this supplement makes you feel that way. Like if you read up on caffeine, what it's going to tell you as far as being a stimulant, you can hear those things. If you read up on niacin, one of the things it'll tell you is
Starting point is 00:31:07 you will, it will increase your body temperature. Oh, yeah, they all have niacin in them. Yeah, they all have niacin. Go buy some niacin at your local Walgreens, take 500 milligrams, don't go anywhere and watch what happened. Exactly. You'll start sweating your dick off sitting in bed, not even just sitting in the fun way. Yeah, he said you were literally just starting sweating. Your skin turned red. That's what you take when you take all these pre workouts. They all have nice in it. They all got nice in it because they know that. They want to show an effect.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah, they want to show you feel hot and sweaty like that. And it's working. Yeah, you mean, and I mean, I'm so crazy that I've tracked this myself personally. And when I'm on a pre workout and I've got something like nice in it, me, it's by the second set of an exercise when I first get a gym and I'm already breaking my first sweat. It normally takes me at least two exercises, maybe three.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Just start sweating. To really start sweating, to get me going and so that, but it's just because I've taken something that's raising my core temperature like that. It's not like I'm not building any more muscle because of it and I'm not burning any more fat because of it. Well you know what's interesting, we're touching on this kind of like this. I hate to call it a dirty secret of the fitness industry, but I'm gonna call everybody out on this. And this includes us sitting at this table. We actually touched upon this, okay? Most the people, most, and I will stand by this. The majority of people in the fitness industry
Starting point is 00:32:22 Started out with some kind of body image issue. Absolutely. Absolutely. Most of us who work out for a living did so because we kind of felt insecure about how we looked or because of something like that, right? And so I think that's why supplements are so popular in the fitness industry because it's like,
Starting point is 00:32:41 we just wanna do anything to maximize how we look or change, you know, how we look or change, you know, how we look or whatever. And they definitely play off those insecurities. I mean, that's just one thing that's very obvious in all the clients that come in to me. It's still, even though they're brilliant people and they have awesome careers,
Starting point is 00:33:00 they make a lot of money and they know better, they still fall into the, well, I saw this girl and she looked this way and there's this association there with whatever she's doing. I want to try it or ask you about it. If, you know, is this legit? No, it's not legit. And you know that. And they do know that. But that's the shit that drives me crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Is when they, they know you've told them you've educated them on it, yet they still will go do some of me crazy. It's crazy. It's when they know you've told them, you've educated them on it, yet they still will go do some of that stuff. It's like, there's a show by how in the sauna. I'll be like, you know what, yeah, I'm just gonna sweat right here on my stomach. Yeah. And I'm just gonna draw this water out and, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I'm getting slapped. No, the saran wrap. You see now that's as hot and hot. And two is people wrap their fucking abdominal area. They saran wrap it. Like, do there's so many things to counter? I mean, there's definitely, there's definitely, you know, the, the, there's definitely a sexual side to that.
Starting point is 00:33:52 We're gonna, but as far as fitness is concerned, yeah, you're saran wrapping yourself is not gonna increase your fitness level or actually make you leaner. You know, we can have some fun with that, I guess. It's not gonna, it's not gonna necessarily increase the amount of leanness you have or burn out. I know where you're going with that, but, but you like to hear it. Yeah, but it's a run rap keeps things fresh. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.minepompradio.com.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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