Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 006: Why we don't CrossFit

Episode Date: January 12, 2015

There is no denying that there are many incredibly fit and built athletes who CrossFit. There is also no denying that CrossFit is brutally hard and will tax a person’s physical and emotional abiliti...es to the limit and beyond. For those people who want to achieve optimal fitness, health and muscle growth, is CrossFit as good as it is popular? The Raw Truth may shock you!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump. Please subscribe to our awesome show. One of you lucky subscribers will receive a nude picture of Adam. So you don't know what? So you're not Joe B. You know what he's subscribers will get if they think
Starting point is 00:00:29 they're gonna still make it? All right. A lot more gay followers. What do they have to do? A lot more gay followers. I love the gays, let them say that they're awesome. All right, so let's talk about a subject. We're gonna talk about a subject that we all have
Starting point is 00:00:40 powerful feelings about. Whoa, whoa. Yeah, powerful feelings about. Whenever this whoa. Yeah, powerful feelings about. Whenever this guy opens, dude, I tell you what, he's the master of building up the intent. Yeah, where are we going here? I want to talk about something we all have very powerful feelings about.
Starting point is 00:00:55 It's something that has penetrated the industry, kind of changed the conversation a little bit. Maybe irritated some of us. And powerful penetrating, irritating. Actually, what is this? It's a commercial form. It irritated some of us. A powerful penetrating, irritating. What is this commercial for? It's STD. Do we get sponsored by Trojan Wailies? Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Did you not tell us something about our radio station? On that, you might want to put one on your body because we're about to get fucked on this day, on this subject. Let's talk about CrossFit. Oh. We love CrossFit. Let's talk about crossfit a little bit
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yes, I'll let Justin begin because Justin's has been itching To talk about it. It's a great how we're still talking about isn't it? It's like a rash. Yeah, talk about crossing Just ask it. What would you like to say about it? We like to say about cross the whole thing That's the first rule I have a big rash all over my body. It's called CrossFit. It's fucking CrossFit. Yeah. So what? And I'm in the industry. So, Todd, tell us about CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:01:49 What do you think about CrossFit? How are you going positive first? Well, just just go. I'm just going to say, well, do you have anything positive to say about them? I kind of, like I think, over here, I've tried this before. Yeah. No, like, I guess one thing that stands out
Starting point is 00:02:07 is the fact that they have definitely impacted our industry, right? There's no denying it. They're here. We're all listening about it. We can't, you know, get away from it. It's basically, so the good things, and I will go into a positive sort of spin on this just initially here.
Starting point is 00:02:28 They've brought back, we've talked about this kind of like before about the specific lifts, like the deadlift, the squat. They made a popular one. It popularizes, you know, certain lifts, like another lifting, you know, to some degree, like that was just something that like, I don't even know who's doing that besides like an Olympic lifting, you know, to some degree, like that was just something that like, I don't even know who was doing that besides only like, or like, or, yeah, with the letters. Maybe some programs in like professional athletes
Starting point is 00:02:53 were doing it, or, well seriously, we've all been in this, think about this, all of us have been doing this for well over 10 years, right? So when you saw somebody dead lifting or squatting consistently in the gym, right? Like, first of all, that was rare as can be. And normally they were, they were an athlete that was competing specifically,
Starting point is 00:03:12 specifically for either powerlifting or an Olympic lifter. Like literally that's what they were doing. Yeah. The squat racks had a common. It was very separate. Yeah. And so what basically what they've done well is they've marked in themselves. And I look at them more as a company that is great at marketing.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And like people are fanatics about what they've done. And like, so it started out while the waves are over. Navy seals. I'm just trying to give a little bit of history, right? So it started out for the Navy seals. They're like trying to come up with the craziest shit they could possibly do, right? Let's get them super overly fatigued and then see how they respond
Starting point is 00:03:52 and then throw them through more super fatiguing shit. And then it's half mental, it's half killing your body. It's an endurance challenge. It's like all the above and then some and then throw other things in there. But as far as me standing by, like the programming side of it, like it just, I can't get behind anything
Starting point is 00:04:16 that does not have any sort of academic, institutional backing. Let's just be completely clear about that. Where does it get bro, you have to get certified to be a CrossFit instructor, don't you? That's complete bullshit. Okay, that's bullshit. That's something that they can have on a weekend.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Bro, I spent $1,000 and a weekend. I think learning how to do this stuff and you're telling me it's a waste of my time. It's completely a waste. And not only that, like this has been so accepted that anybody that hears about this is gonna say, oh, well, now they're using CrossFit on a negative sense to get publicity.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So it's like this cult issue that you have to address. I know I'm gonna get a wave of negative comments that are gonna flood in just because you're seeing anything that doesn't parallel exactly what we're being taught in a little box. They're brainwashed, they're brainwashed already. It's crazy. Well, if you, if you belong, if you are listening and you belong to a CrossFit box, right, it's not a gym, you get offended if you call it a gym.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It's a box. You know what else? It's called a box. If you, if you belong to a box, by saying this is this Let's call the box. Anyway, continue. If you've belonged to a box, by saying this is, you could just tune out right now because this is a worthless radio for you to listen to that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, listen to our show.
Starting point is 00:05:35 No, they can't do the brainwashed already right now. It's just, he's just tuning next week because this one right here is just not for you right now. And you're not gonna agree with anything we have. Unless you wanna build more more muscle for a more body fat and train more effective and not destroy all your ligaments and then you know so be able to move later in life. Yeah these are problems and things I want to address that you know they're really are high statistics for
Starting point is 00:06:00 people that are getting injured and you cannot deny that you cannot wrap around the fact that like each box is different. And each, you know, each program is different, you know, based off, you know, that's great. But if you're gonna look at something as a whole and you're gonna look at it as an institution, you have to, you have to say whether or not this is beneficial to somebody that's, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:22 going through the program. Like, so say, I've never even done fitness before, I'm going into a CrossFit box. Can you describe to me what it is that actually I'm gonna experience? Well, here's the thing with CrossFit. Yes, there's some good trainers, some bad trainers, this is true for anything that you do.
Starting point is 00:06:41 But there is a general mentality. There is a general idea and concept of programming when it comes to the training to the system. Crossfit is intense, heavy. Intensity is the key period. End of story. This is bad. Intensity is a tool to be utilized. That's the truth. You use it when you need it and you modify it and move it up and down to get your body to move along. It is not the end result. That is not the goal result, that is not the goal. The goal is not intensity. The goal is not to go in and then you can't move anymore.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Unfortunately, CrossFit tends to take that approach. And the real statistics on injury, just to brought this up, these are real statistics now. When you look at all forms of exercise, there's only one form of exercise that ranks higher in terms of injuries and that's long distance running. Ultramarathon. The long distance running has more injuries than CrossFit
Starting point is 00:07:26 and then second place is CrossFit. So the injuries are high. And the problem with it is number one, its intensity is the key goal, that's it, just blast yourself. And number two, it's their programming. And I'll point in people gonna ask me for specifics. Well, here's a specific, okay? Olympic lifts.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Let's talk about Olympic lifts for 30 seconds. Olympic lifts are highly technical exercises. In fact, they're so fucking technical that if you worked out for 15 years in the gym doing traditional bodybuilding exercises and then you went to an Olympic gym and you were really strong already, they would start you off with a broomstick.
Starting point is 00:08:02 You would learn how to do these lifts with the broomsticks. Because they're extremely technical. Number two, Olympic lifts. You never train them to fatigue. You don't do a snatch or a full clean to fatigue. You do or start them while you're fatigue. Never. You do them. You do five reps, you rest.
Starting point is 00:08:21 You do five reps, you rest. You do five reps, you rest. You never train them to fatigue because Olympic lifts, the slightest breakdown in form turns a safe exercise into a very dangerous exercise. Now this is not the case with like a bench press or a curl or a shoulder press where you can actually, your form can be off a little bit and it might not be ideal, but you're probably not going to hurt yourself if you swing a little bit with a curl. But if you do power snatches and your form is off a little bit, you're going to hurt yourself. It's a matter of time before you hurt yourself. And what they do
Starting point is 00:08:51 is they take these Olympic lifts and they insert them into fatigue based circuit programs. So you're doing them in circles, you're trying to do them for time and how many I can do and your form is going to fucking suck. I don't care how good your form is when you're doing it normally, but your form's gonna fucking suck eventually because you're fatigued, and this is asking for trouble. And this is what CrossFit is doing. It's kinda like drag car racing without a helmet. You could do it, but it's probably pretty fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And how far, let me ask you this question. How far are you gonna, if you're traveling from one side of the country to the other in a drag race car or let's say like a road rally car, like how far are you gonna end up like with a drag racing car? Like you're gonna burn out, your engines are gonna explode, maybe like somewhere in Utah. Let's just say, hypothetically. I mean, and then I'm fucked. I couldn't really, you don't really follow the way. I couldn't really follow the example, but I think you're not.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Come on, you know what I'm talking about? You know what I mean, right? You know what I mean, right? You're not gonna have a fucking drag car. Well, I mean, with CrossFit, they put these, they put these exercises, they're fatigue-based,
Starting point is 00:09:57 people's form breaks down. They get hurt, and in meanwhile, you're in this class setting where people are pushing you to keep going. Go fucking harder and harder and harder and so injuries are super common. Results are not that common.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Some people get results because they're working out. Some people get better results and will work out on their own because now they're dead lifting and they're squatting and they're doing other things. So previous athletic experience. That's right, but otherwise, otherwise the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:10:24 this is what CrossFit gets you good at. CrossFit gets you good at doing CrossFit. They talk about it being the most effective form of exercise for sports. This is fucking false. Sports are very, very different from each other. Football, you train differently for football, then you train for basketball, then you train for baseball, then you train for swimming. CrossFit is not the best way to train for all these sports. The best way to train for all these sports is the best way to train for each sport. But when are you at your highest performance? Like when you're going into the sport, when you're actually playing, right?
Starting point is 00:10:51 That's when you really practice when you play your new perform. That's right. Right? That's right. Now I want to hear Adam because Adam, Adam's the opposite of CrossFit. I very much so. So here's one of the biggest problems that I see is it's unfortunate because people, why people will argue this till they die is because you have some people who have worked out before in their life and now they say, I'm in the best shape of my life doing CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And so to them, you could say here and tell them all the stuff all you want, but inside their heads already, they've been shown that training themselves till they throw up every single workout and destroying their legs to where they have a hard time walking around for the next four to five days has been the most effective modality of training for them to get themselves in shape. So that's the unfortunate part is that these people have, because of this great marketing like Justin said, and all these people have jumped on the bandwagon and started doing it, now a good majority of people have seen great results from it.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Now the problem with that is, you know, sometimes all the majority means, you know, sometimes all that means is all the full, all the fools are on the same side. You know, and that's really sad, but it's true in this situation with CrossFit because 90% of the people that join CrossFit, you join CrossFit for the most part. Okay. I'm not saying everybody 90% join because you want to get in better shape, you want to change your physique, you want to look better. There is that small 10% or less that actually are inspiring to be a cross-fitter or cross-game, whatever the fight is. So, and I think that's important about before I bash the shit out of them. I think it's important you understand why. And the reason why I'm so
Starting point is 00:12:38 anti-it and the opposite of it is because I'm in the sport of looking better. And I'm trying to build the ultimate aesthetic physique. I don't give a shit if you row faster than me, jump higher than me, punch harder than me, and most certainly deadlift after a five mile run more than me. So all I care about is when I get on stage and the judges are judging my body that I'm symmetrical, that my shoulders are proportionate to my chest, my legs and my calves and so on and so forth. So I'm always building the ultimate look.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Now the sad part is that the 90% of the people that are in the same boat as me just don't want to agree and say that they want to say that, oh, they think they are. We're going to compete in the CrossFit Games one day. Or they want to act like that's, you know, oh, I just want to be healthy and great in shape. And this gets me healthier and better in shape there. And that's, and it's such, it's a, it's a crock of shit, you know, you're not, you're, if you're working out and you're working on the best state, they're, they're, you want to look better. Let's be honest. You want to feel better, you want to look better. It is not the best approach. Not only is it not the best approach, it's probably one of the worst approaches,
Starting point is 00:13:45 because here's the problem, you start training that way, and you get these phenomenal results. The here's the thing, it hasn't been around long enough for us to see the long-term effects of the fucking joint issues, all these injuries that are happening now. We're seeing them, we're seeing them. And what happens to the guy who, for eight years did crossfit hardcore and maintain the best shape of his life?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Then he goes to eating like he does because he doesn't ever learn how to eat properly other than his paleo diet is what they all believe in, right? And he goes back to eating bad and he doesn't have that intense workout every single day that burns 5,000 calories because it's so ridiculously high that now he puts on excessive amounts
Starting point is 00:14:25 of weight. Well, let's talk about health. It's not the healthiest way to train either. If you want health and longevity, then balance is the key. So Adam is talking about training for the sport of physique to look a certain way or just to look, even if you're not competing in physique to look a certain way. If you're training for health, Crossfits not good either, because health and wellness don't come from the extremes. Health and wellness come from balance. And if you examine populations where people live a long time with lots of
Starting point is 00:14:55 long-term health, you go to what are called the world's blue zones where people, a disproportionate amount of people live past the age of 100. These people do moderate intensity levels of activity on a daily basis. And they don't eat. And shirt of calories. Yeah, they don't eat extreme, they don't exercise extreme. And that's what health and wellness is.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Now, again, if you want to compete in CrossFit and you want to be really good at CrossFit, then you probably should do CrossFit to an extent. However, I will point something out. Most of the top CrossFit athletes do not follow the exact work out of the day thing. Many of them go to specific Olympic training camps, many of them do powerlifting, many of them do auxiliary work that you don't find in your box. So, and a lot of people don't know this little secret. But I do. I think that I think that I go on the other end of the spectrum.
Starting point is 00:15:43 So Adam was talking about like building for just purely aesthetics. And like for me, it's really about building like this fundamental sort of movement that my body's capable of and can sustain for, you know, for from here on out. And for me, there's a lot of crossover. So like what I do is a lot of functional exercises
Starting point is 00:16:06 that look like CrossFit. So everybody like that may see like the way I train some of my clients or whatnot, it looks very similar because there's a lot of concepts that CrossFit has adopted. And they've done a great job of extracting a lot of different concepts from like pushing a sled or flipping a tie.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Or gymnastics or using rings or flipping a tie. Right, or gymnastics, or using rings or suspension training or... But you've got a foreground. You've got individualized firms. It's completely different, but people don't understand that. And here's the thing, is that, you know, it's just tough because that's something that,
Starting point is 00:16:39 like I'm always gonna have to sort of address and define as far as like, okay, what's the difference? What is the difference? And so, I don't wanna interrupt you, but I think it's important that you explain deep what you're getting into, because here's, I think it's a very big piece that people are disconnected,
Starting point is 00:16:56 and they don't understand, because if you're somebody who loves CrossFit and you believe in it, this is the part that you think is why it's so good, exactly what you're saying. You do all these great functions if you were to ask it personally for a heart, you can like, I row one day, I buy another day, I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Variation for the tightest. It's so interesting. They will talk about how great this. Now, what Sal was saying that you're talking about how you actually utilize it. I do the same thing too with my clients. I do a lot of processes. So people think that I'm all into it also.
Starting point is 00:17:22 But in terms of... No, those exercises were around. Way the fuck before. Exactly. Flubbing entire was not invented by a crossbutter. Is it? Tettlebells existed back in the 17th century. Yeah, yeah, kettlebells.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So those, those, those, those, those, those, I think it's important to explain to them that exactly we're going to a little bit more in depth because this is, I think, one of these points that if you're somebody who is talking to your friend who is a huge crossfitter and you're trying, maybe you listen to our radio and you're trying to talk to them about like, Hey, you know, I was listening to these guys and they're explaining that this, this is the point right here that they're going to defend themselves by talking about how great it is because how they do all these different functional movements. But what's so bad about it is,
Starting point is 00:17:58 well, I have no problem with actually like taking all these different concepts and then putting it together. In fact, that's what has really defined the way that I train people. So I seek out information. I seek out different modalities, you know, different modalities, rather, that I can utilize and I can, you know, people can benefit from. And, you know, training, it creates a new stimulus. It creates something that people are gonna be interested in
Starting point is 00:18:27 and actually, you know, gain from if they need some sort of shock in their programming. A lot of, as far as me personally in my beliefs, like I like to train the body as an entire piece. So I want everything to function at its optimal, you know, ability. And so for me to do that, I have to address things one thing at a time. So one thing at a time I start off with is, you know, how do I have to assess the person? How do you clean? Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:56 you can't because your shoulders are not even getting there yet. Right. Right. Is my point. I just, I want to look at you and see your ability as far as your movement. Yeah, right. How effective you are. How well you walk through it. How well you walk through it. How you get up off ground. You know, like, how do you squat? Like, what's going on with your knees?
Starting point is 00:19:12 What's going on with your ankles? What's going on with your back? Does CrossFit do any of that? You know, they do like a, they have way call. I think they, I don't know what they call it. They have like a beginner class. They have a beginner class, but it's not an assessment. They have to graduate to the next class. I'll tell you what I fucking hate. not an aggressive. I'm at the graduate's and I say yes, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I'll tell you what I fucking hate. The dude in the gym that does CrossFit. Get the fuck out of the gym. Go to your box. With your 15, go to your box. You set your 15 dumbbells out, you run on the treadmill, you come back, you do your weird shit. Get the fuck, okay, and here's the other thing I can't stand.
Starting point is 00:19:38 What is a keeping pull up? Oh gosh, you did it. That's my, I didn't get the chance to tell you about how I'm trying to hate. I'm bringing it back to the negative. That is the other way. Why are you fucking swinging on the bar like I'm monkey? That is decent.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Which it looks fun. It is. Stop doing it. You're taking an exercise though. They do it in gym nasty. Okay. Just to be fair, but at the same time, like it is so specific to like movements
Starting point is 00:20:01 that you're trying to produce in gym nasty. Right. To do it in the same way. By themselves. You're taking so much tension and stress there and impinging the shoulder that I can't even tell you. to like movements that you're trying to produce in gym, NASA. Yes, to do a move to yourself. You're taking so much tension and stress there and pinching the shoulder that I can't even tell you. Oh, dude, why is that good for you? It's so retarded.
Starting point is 00:20:13 It's you're taking a movement that is so beautiful. OK, it's up there with squatting and deadlift. Yeah, it's full of it's fundamental. Pull up is one of the best muscle building things for your back, right up there with deadlift. And you have no interest in being a gymnast. And we're gonna make you do like kippings. And then you do this work on your strength, man.
Starting point is 00:20:28 You do like kippings for long first. Yeah, and you just, oh, painful to watch someone do it, dude. Well, what they did is they took a whole bunch of stuff that they thought was cool. This is exactly what happened. This is what the owner did. This is what, I gotta love respect for him
Starting point is 00:20:42 because the dude marketed things amazing. And he's brilliant in the way he's done Oh, he's so good. He's probably got these knuckleheads doing something and I'll say what I respect the fuck at you So even though I'm talking shit about your program or respect the shit I did I know what you did, bro I know exactly what you did you took a bunch of shit You thought was cool from different things and you said oh Jimness do this and wait lifters do this and this is oh and and let's eat like a Fucking caveman because that sounds tough Let me tell you about paleo, okay, let's just talk about paleo
Starting point is 00:21:08 Let's talk about paleo for a second. Do you know what caveman ate? Whatever the fuck they could yeah Rinse sex do you want to eat like a real caveman? Then you eat insects. Yes you eat bark you eat rats. Right you eat your friends shit You're lucky if you eat your dead friend. You eat your dead friend. Yeah, your friend dies, you eat his fucking leg. A-man, eight, whatever the fuck, whatever they could. There is no such thing as a paleo diet.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Okay, let's be straight up here. Oh my God, I'm gonna have 100% of that. That is a sound clip. That is a 100% scientific truth. Now it's paleo healthy, sure it's healthy. You're eating fruits, vegetables, meats. That is 100% scientific truth. Now it's paleo healthy, sure it's healthy. You're eating foods vegetables, meats. Yeah, it's fucking healthy. You stop calling grains and any sort of like refined sugar.
Starting point is 00:21:53 But let's stop calling it caveman diet because it's not a caveman diet. Unless you're throwing freaking beetles and fucking your friends you know, thigh and you know, some muddlers right off of the, you're not eating like a caveman. So shut the fuck up. Oh, and by the way, cavemen lived to they were 30
Starting point is 00:22:07 So I don't know if you necessarily want to follow the caveman, but they're ripped Were they I picture caveman looking like a bunch of old foreheads I picture caveman looking like a bunch of concentration camp victims because they can't find food and they're trying to survive He's ripped yeah Because they can't find food and they're trying to survive. This is a beast rip. They were rip. Yeah, shreds, I mean. You're fucking so shredded.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I can see you're splitting. That's for the fasting, though, let it out. No, I don't want to be a KMM. You know, you died, all your teeth fell out and then you couldn't eat anymore and you fucking died. You know, it just goes back to, it goes back to, how, I love how you get some of that, right? So, you have this, the pain,
Starting point is 00:22:41 how painly it goes hand in hand with the whole cross with the thing. It's just so funny to me that it's brilliant You know extreme It could have been you know what it could have been it could have been the zone died could have been gin it should Ginny Craig and in Crossfit right? It could have been anything and and people would bring drink in the juice Dude you'd be drinking the juice because it just you know what I okay?
Starting point is 00:23:02 I'm gonna say this right now. Yeah, you need to come up with our own diet Let's come up with like let's do like some obscure like you know what? Okay, I'm gonna say this right now. You need to come up with our own diet. Let's come up with like some obscure culture, like the Eskimo diet. Did you know Eskimo people don't suffer heart attack? The Jurassic, you like Eskimo. The Jurassic diet. Yeah, eat seal fat and fucking seal meat.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Oh, there you go. Can we say how awesome what you're saying right now is this is a genetic diet with John. I bet you we could sell it. If I wrote a book called the Eskimo diet and talked about all the health benefits of it. People would fucking buy it. So why don't we give our listeners a list.
Starting point is 00:23:30 We give you a little. Yeah, but let me give you a little 411. Let me give you a little bit 411 on all diets that are out there. Okay. First of all, if you guys ever talk to a real registered dietitian, we'll tell you any diet that is restricting or taking a macro nutrients. That's essential to your body out of it is not an ideal diet.
Starting point is 00:23:48 So anything that any cabbage diet, zone diet, okay, all these diets. So there's one law that applies to losing weight. Okay, the law of thermodynamics, calories in versus calories out. It's the oldest law in the book when it comes to fitness. And they all are based off of that first and then they have this great like with salicyne. Oh somebody did somebody did some study that cabbage does something great for your skin. And does this whole spin on how you do this cabbage diet. And you can sell the shit of it. And all you have to do is you give them 1500 calories. You give a male who is six foot five
Starting point is 00:24:24 and two hundred fifty pounds. 1500 calories for the cabbage. Personally, I just got a fucking brilliant idea. I sort of listened to listeners. Listen to this. Should we tell them? I'll just sell it to them. No, this is brilliant. This is brilliant. If I invented the pizza diet, but the pizza diet include another one. There's the cookie diet. Not the right one. All you eat is a thousand calories with a pizza at the day. You'll lose, you'll lose fucking weight. It's called the pizza diet.
Starting point is 00:24:49 You know what, Adam, we could sell that shit. The pizza diet. And that's how that guys, ladies and gentlemen, this is how they sell you their diet books. It's a low calorie diet with some kind of hook. And whatever's gonna give you diarrhea, we'll give you, make you lose weight. And CrossFit is the low calorie diet with the hook
Starting point is 00:25:07 in terms of exercise. Beautiful. It's exactly what it is. Maybe we should end it there. No, that is not what we are not. I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding, we warmed up on Crossfit right now. That should be the kick off,
Starting point is 00:25:19 the kick off to Crossfit right there is that. Is exactly that, is that all this bullshit is, is it's the same, okay, we're gonna blow up other stuff too, since we that, is that all this bullshit is, is, it's the same, okay, we're gonna blow up other stuff too, since we're blowing up cross to when it come to this, is when you write something like a program that is, is, and I, I, I hate to do this to fucking, typo guy and the frickin thigh-mastic race, Billy Blanks and, and the P90X, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, the P90X and the P90X and the P90X. Listen to me, guys. If it sold millions of copies,
Starting point is 00:25:46 there is some sort of scientific backing to something that's going on in the program that has some sort of benefits. Absolutely, for sure there is, okay? That's why it's sold because some smart guy took one positive thing, let's say P90X, for example. Let's pick on that one really fast. Super high intensity
Starting point is 00:26:10 You're doing all these plyometric plyometric work your bus and your ass comes with this low calorie diet that comes with it No shit. You're gonna lose weight. No shit. You're gonna get ripped in that 90 days It's sustainable. Yeah exactly. Are you gonna get it every day always lit? Is this sustainable? He's a realistic you like doing it like all these things matter It's like you guys do a little bit of homework and research Everything out there. That's also too why when I think on a client I actually like to coach and educate on all this stuff So I teach my clients all different types of dieting all different ways of training and explore I'll say this I'll say this right now the three of us have talked what we're obviously friends and we talk quite a bit
Starting point is 00:26:41 We have some of our own concepts when it comes to exercise. And I'll say this legitimate, straight up, 100% truth that we have legitimate revolutionary concepts that are not utilized and discussed, that are actual things that will are effective and that are somewhat of breakthroughs, if you, if you will, right? Wouldn't you guys agree? Well, I like something like that. Some of this stuff we talked about, including how to utilize things like occlusion, maybe my trigger session constant These are things that nobody uses that actually have some benefit that nobody's talking about
Starting point is 00:27:11 It's rare to actually see that in other programs. It's rare to actually see something like They're basically most programs or rehashes of old programs Well, I think part of it when you when you talk about your trigger sessions and BFR and stuff like that The reason why I feel like you don't is because it's we we simplify something It's something that's actually it's a really simple you the science backing between your your trigger sessions with the blood occlusion Like it's pretty simple pretty simple science when you think about it break it down and just by simply Incorporating it into any program now. Yes We've gone and figured out
Starting point is 00:27:45 like what are most ideal ways to introduce it and everything like that. And that's just through trial and error of all of us doing it for so long now. But overall, the concept is, I mean, once you, once you, we teach it, once we show everybody, and once everybody does their own homework and research,
Starting point is 00:27:59 and like you can look up and figure it out, it just makes sense. And that's the problem with a lot of these diets, these crazy things that crossfit. They're just so crazy, it's almost like they're pulling this magic trick on everybody of like, all of this crazy shit and they distract you with like really the reason why Crossfit's working so well
Starting point is 00:28:16 is because you're burning 900 calories to 1000 calories. It's because it's hard. Yeah, it's hard, it's that shit. That's the only reason. It's because it's... Can I just say that? People share that shit because it's hard. Yeah, it's hard. It's shit. That's the only reason. It's because it's. Can I just say that? That people share that shit because it's like they're going through some sort of like groundbreaking.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Oh my God, like, ugh, dude. Can you believe what I just did? You know what I'm saying? That's what it is. It's like the power of like, you know, their peers, you know, they want to talk about their suffrage. You know what's funny? If you take men who've been to war or people who've been in like very stressful situations, they want to they want to talk about their suffrage. You know, it's yeah, yes You know, it's funny if you take men who've been to war or people who've been in like very stressful situations
Starting point is 00:28:48 They tend to bond because that stress if you take a group of people and beat the fuck out of them to like almost death So they're all gonna walk out and be like we did it together CrossFit does that CrossFit build maybe that's why it's a cult Because they all survived their workouts. I'm sure there is, I'm sure there's something to back that up for sure. 100%. And it works the same reason why Adam's clock works, because it's hard.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, Adam, and Justin. Visit us at www.mimepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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