Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 013: This Episode is Dope

Episode Date: January 26, 2015

Cannabis (AKA Marijuana) is a huge subject nowadays and public opinion has changed DRASTICALLY over the last 5 years. What does MindPump think about cannabis? Should it be legalized? What does the sci...ence say about cannabis and health? In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin will answer all these questions and a lot more.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome back to Mind Pump. Please subscribe to our show. We talk a lot about fitness, and we talk a lot about other things that have absolutely nothing to do with fitness. And this is one of those episodes. So I wanna talk about a subject.
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's a little controversial right now. It's kind of all over the place. And over the last four years, it's been all over the media, the public opinion on this particular subject has changed dramatically. Dramaticly, yeah. Dramaticly.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And I have some personal experience with this stuff, myself, just some stories. But I wanna talk about, I'm gonna use the correct term, cannabis. Oh, cannabis. I wanna talk about marijuana. Marijuana. Marijuana.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah, so K-sticky. Yickey. Yeah, right. No. No. No. I've never used it before, but no, so. So let's talk about it for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:06 First and foremost, why don't we, you guys want to talk about the legality of it? I mean, what do you guys think about marijuana being a schedule one drug right up there with heroin? Well, where we are right now, like, let's talk about how many states have actually legalized it completely. We said three more, okay? Right. Yeah, so full legalization, we have what Colorado,
Starting point is 00:01:25 Washington, D.C., if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, who else is a fully legalized, Washington, Alaska? Yeah, I'm gonna say Alaska. Alaska. And then you have a bunch of medical marijuana states. California is one of them which we live in, and a whole bunch more.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So it seems like the tide is turning, but still on a federal level, marijuana is as illegal as heroin and more illegal than crack and cocaine and meth. Which is crazy. Which is insane. I mean, we can get into the, if you wanna get into the history of all this
Starting point is 00:01:59 and how this all panned out back in the days and prohibition time and basically how it just took over what alcohol was when alcohol went back to being legal because during prohibition times, I mean, there was a lot of money that was being funded to fight alcohol coming in and being smuggled in the black market. And there was a lot of money for a lot of police officers and officials and the whole political side. And when that went away, if there was no longer a need for it, when alcohol became legal,
Starting point is 00:02:33 what did we turn to? It was marijuana, right? Well, it's funny. If you look back, I guess apparently, and I'm not an expert on this, but I remember reading about this, I guess marijuana, they were using the an expert on this, but I remember reading about this, I guess marijuana, they were using the paper, they were using hemp to make paper, and it was competing with people who made paper from trees.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Paper mill, yeah. Right, and so one of the owners of, I think it's Hearst, if I'm not mistaken, who owned these paper mills, wanted marijuana out of the business, because they had just discovered how to turn hemp into paper with this really. Is that the same Hurst Castle guy?
Starting point is 00:03:09 I'm not sure, but that's a good question. I'm not sure. So he owned newspapers, and so what he did is he published a bunch of propaganda articles about how minorities in particular, because back then the whole country was really racist. So they'd say like, oh, the Mexicans are smoking marijuana and blacks are smoking marijuana,
Starting point is 00:03:28 and then they're having sex with white women. This is literally what these newspapers would say. And they named it marijuana, which is not the actual name for cannabis, and that's the name that's stuck. And as a result, what they did is they levied attacks on marijuana and said, you have to buy this particular certificate or stamp or something like that in order to sell it, and then they made none of them available.
Starting point is 00:03:50 So they effectively made it illegal. Right. Is what that would happen. And this is even hemp, like the... Hemp. All... Emails. And hemp has no, like there's no THC in it. You can't get stoned.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I mean, you have to smoke a shitload of hemp to get stoned, and you just get stoned up the smoke smoke not necessarily because you're, you know, there's anything in it. Yeah. Um, enough psychoactive in him. There's nothing in in hemp. And so they did this, um, and effectively made it illegal. And then fast forward, you had the, you know, nixon and, you know, when he started the first round of war on drugs, and at the time you had this really big, um, counterculture
Starting point is 00:04:23 movement, you know, there were a lot of protests. You had Vietnam going on, and the country was really divided. I mean, we look at politics now, and we think, oh, it's so, this ain't shit, man. People were getting assassinated. You had people, you know, civil rights leaders getting killed. You know, celebrities getting assassinated, and people, you know, speculating that it was, you know, CIA and all the stuff like John Lenin and all this crazy stuff, you know Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and you had this huge counterculture movement
Starting point is 00:04:51 That was growing and so how do you throw all these protesters in jail when there's freedom of speech right what do you do you make their drug of choice Schedule one you make their drug of choice schedule one. You make marijuana extremely illegal. And they throw LSD in there as well, right? LSD mushrooms, heroin. So all these are all the drugs that the hippies used to use. And so they did that and it was more of a political move. It's all political and you know, those listening probably don't know this. But I know you guys know that,
Starting point is 00:05:25 I mean, I had an opportunity to open up two of the first cannabis clubs in the Bay Area when they, and so I was part of the front end of all this movement in San Jose. So, you know, talk about really digging in and seeing all the politics, you know, it was always about that, you know, and very similar like you're talking about
Starting point is 00:05:44 how it started way back in the days, like, you know, it started off and there was, there's gonna always about that. And very similar, you're talking about how it started way back in the days. It started off and there's gonna be so many permits. And we supposedly knew somebody who knew somebody who was gonna get us in for X amount of permits and we were gonna monopolize it. We're gonna be the main all the clubs that were even allowed to be there.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So we had this plan. I don't wanna get too in detail of stuff. I'm pretty sure I could probably go to jail for talking about something in Lomila. And so I'll keep it at that as far as my experience. This was the medical marijuana. I mean, you followed all the state laws and did a lot of that. Oh, yeah, I'm so really pay taxes to all this stuff like that. But, you know, it's kind of, it's crazy that it's how,
Starting point is 00:06:20 I mean, first of all, there's no, there's never been a death because of marijuana. No. That to me is the most alarming statistic that we have out there. For as many people that use it, abuse it, and whatever you wanna say about it, that to have never had a death from it and that we actually have it illegal,
Starting point is 00:06:36 is crazy tiny. Well, how do you know how you die from marijuana if like a marijuana, like bail of marijuana drops on your head? Or like- I was gonna say- I'm a cop breaks in your house and shoots you because you're smoking a joint. I was gonna say if you're riding a bike,
Starting point is 00:06:51 pass the drive-through. I'm like, that commercial, God, that was such a dumbass. Do you remember when you were kids, like all the- Or the dog, do you remember all the anti-drug commercials when you were kids, like your brain on drugs? And a lot of this stuff was like, marijuana ones, do you like the- I'm gonna admit right now, now in high school I tried marijuana maybe twice, maybe two
Starting point is 00:07:11 times. I was really into fitness, I bought into a lot of the stuff and for me health and fitness is a priority. So I never really did any of this and then after high school I might have tried it another couple times. It wasn't a, you know, that big of a deal for me. Much later, I'd say probably, I think, when I was 29 or 28, 29, I had some really bad issues with digestion, like irritable bowel syndrome, maybe borderline crones. And you know, it was really bad.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I was losing weight. It was scary for me. I ate very healthy. Doctors couldn't figure out what was going on with me. And right around this time I went on a vacation with my wife and a couple of our friends and we went to Belize Okay, so we're down there and this friend of mine He you know every once in a while he would smoke pot and he bought a bunch of this marijuana
Starting point is 00:08:00 And it was like this dirt, you know the dirt weed that you get like in Mexico or whatever right? So it's like weed. And so we smoked a bunch of it. And while I was on vacation, I ate whatever I wanted and I thought for sure I was gonna pay for it because at the time, if I ate anything that was outside of my diet, I'd have severe stomach problems. So I'm like, okay, I'm gonna pay for it.
Starting point is 00:08:21 This is gonna be horrible. And I had nothing. Not a single, nothing happened to me when I was down there. And I couldn't figure out what it was. And I thought maybe it was the fact that I was relaxed or on my vacation, maybe stress. I couldn't, I literally could not figure it out. Then when I get back to the States,
Starting point is 00:08:38 I don't have this marijuana anymore, and the symptoms come back. And I have all these issues again. And you know, people are thinking like, oh, it's not the big video. Listen, if you have severe irritable bowel syndrome, it is de-abilitating. You're weak, you feel anemic, you lose strength,
Starting point is 00:08:56 you lose energy, here I am, very motivated. You're not motivated. You're not motivated, you have pain. It's like you're dying. It's a horrible, horrible feeling. And so I would go through this and I couldn't figure out what it was. And finally I said to myself, I said,
Starting point is 00:09:09 I wonder if it's the cannabis that I used down in beliefs. So I actually got my hands on some and I tried it again. And it actually did not work. And so I said, okay, it's not the cannabis. Fast forward about six months later and being myself, I'm doing all this research and I come across this forum where people are talking about Cannabis and how it helps their irritable bowel syndrome and I'm like, yeah, you know, I'm thinking my head like it didn't work for me Mm-hmm, and then I read about the cannabinoids that are found in cannabis and there's one cannabinoid in particular called cannabid dial CBD, which you actually probably hear about a little bit now on the news, I think Dr. Sanjay
Starting point is 00:09:48 Gupta did a whole special on CBD and how it helps with epilepsy and this and that. Anyway, it's a non-psychilactive cannabinoid found in marijuana. So in other words, you don't get high off of it. Okay. THC is the one that gets you high. There's a couple of those. You see the medical benefits from it. It depends on what your medical benefits are looking for.
Starting point is 00:10:03 If you want to fight depression, THC might be better, right? But for inflammation of the gut and for the immune system modulation because in my case my immune system was overactive. This is what was causing all these problems. So I said, oh my goodness It's a wonder if it was the CBD and I remember down in Belize we had this quote unquote dirt weed Where we had to smoke a shitload of it to get high and I thought to myself I bet that stuff was just high in CBD Yeah, yeah, so I went and I got my hands on some high CBD Cannabis and I'm like 30 I'm like 30 years old. I'm a father. I'm a you know business owner professional
Starting point is 00:10:41 Here I am I'm buying you know we for the first time. I'm a little bit like all right Whatever but then again, I'm buying weed for the first time. I'm a little bit like, all right, whatever. But then again, I'm tend to be a free thinker. So I'm like, fuck everyone, if it works, then you can go fuck yourself, I'm gonna use it. And I used it and within three days, symptoms were gone. And till this day, I use a little bit every night of this high CBD strain of cannabis.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Now that's not to say that sometimes I don't use a high THC strain, I'm not trying to be some elitist not to say that sometimes I don't use a high THC strain. I'm not trying to be some elitist, like, oh, I don't get high. Like, you know, every once in a while, I do, and I'll talk about why I might do that as well. But the CBD controlled my symptoms. And at that point, I was sold.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And I said, oh shit, there's something that goes into this. So that's interesting. I actually have a very, very similar story, except for mine relates to pain, and actually relates to the first time in my life that I had ever felt dependent or addicted to anything. So, like Sal, all through high school and stuff like that, and even college, I was a good, goody boy,
Starting point is 00:11:36 so I actually didn't do any drugs at all. I didn't even try marijuana when I was in my teens. The first time I even tried it was when I was about 23 years old. And at that time, I didn't have any major pain or any reason to take it. I was trying to get high with my buddies and I figured I was more than an adult by then if I was gonna decide to try something like this
Starting point is 00:11:57 and see if it was my thing or whatever. And I didn't have a great experience. It was, I smoked a lot. I had the paranoia from it. And I was like, this isn't for me. So I pretty much stayed away from it for a long time. Fast forward to my late 20s. And I ended up tearing my ACL and my MCL.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And when I did so, I was on painkillers. And I was on painkillers for quite some time. And I'll never forget one of the things that I was complaining to the doctor that maybe I need some stronger stuff because I'm in so much pain. Anybody who's had their ACLM, CL, a torn surgery, it's up there with some of the worst surgeries.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And I've never had obviously back surgeries, I can't say it's worse or whatever that, but I know it's up there with one of the worst. So it's the worst pain I've ever been in my life. So here I am taking these viking and prescription hydrocoding. Opiates. Opiates, exactly. And I'm telling the doctor that I'm in so much pain,
Starting point is 00:12:51 they're like, well, how many are you taking? And I'm like, well, you know, I'm taking, I'm only trying to take two or three, they're like, oh, no, no, no, no, no, you need to stay ahead of the pain. So even though it says every four hours, you're taking it on there, before you start to feel the pain,
Starting point is 00:13:01 come again, take another one. So here I am, I'm training myself to take, you know, every three hours now, I'm popping a, you know, a Norco, you know, which is a double strength. It was just doing to your liver and kidney. Oh, yeah. And most importantly, what's happened is in the side that like I said, and I was never somebody who was addicted to anything or a did drugs or a smoke cigarettes, none of that stuff. So for me, this was my first real experience of what that feeling feels like. And if you've ever been or anybody who's listening has ever been addicted or at all to an opiate,
Starting point is 00:13:31 you can relate. It is the most miserable feeling to try and come off of it because opiates, those opiates are naturally producing your body. And basically what you're doing is you're giving it an excessive amount, which feels wonderful while you're taking it. It's the same feeling that you get a satisfaction feeling of happiness and joy comes with opiates or released in your body when that happens. So, you're getting an overwhelming amount of that more so that your body naturally produces and it starts to shut it off and produce it itself anymore. So, then you get this huge high level and just like I did, I was like, oh, I'm done with
Starting point is 00:14:03 my surgery. It's been months now, I'm just gonna stop, you know, going from like seven of these things a day down to zero. And all of a sudden, I'm in this fever, cold sweat, some shivering, I'm shaking it. And I just thought I had like this nasty flu. And then all of a sudden, I'd take one of the pills and then I feel amazing. Wow. You went through withdrawal. Oh, yeah. No, it was a trip, you know, and lucky for me that, you know, I have pretty good self-disciplined and I did a little bit of research myself on how to come obviously going from 7 to 0 is not what you're supposed to do and, you know, I winged myself
Starting point is 00:14:34 off and brought it off. So, you know, and forever, I'll never forget that. Now, I still dealt with the pain. I still deal with sleepless nights to this day. Like, I don't sleep very well. And night, part of it is through achiness and so it joins into that, the other part of that too, is I just, my mind never shuts down. Well, I was introduced to cannabis and someone kept telling me like, well, you should do this instead.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It's such a better alternative than taking pain medication. I'm like, ah, I didn't have a really experienced. Like, no, no, no, no, no, you need to try things that are higher in CBD and go that direction. And at this point, I was like, you know, anything was a better feeling than that feeling I had from trying to come off the bike at end. So I thought, okay, I was open minded
Starting point is 00:15:09 to try something different and stuff. And exactly just like you, I remember having like, just a most amazing sleep. And I was just like, I was sold. I was instantly sold at that moment on how well I felt on something that, and it wasn't something that I thought, I needed, I could go weeks without smoking weed and there's no withdrawal filling. There's no, like I needed or something like that or cold sweats or anything.
Starting point is 00:15:31 If I don't, matter of fact, if I don't smoke weed for five, six, seven days, it's awesome. Because the next time I smoke it, it's like instantaneously filled. It's like, it's easily flushed in and out of your system like that. That it's not something that, you know, your body becomes addicted to. So, yeah, I was immediately sold so real soon. Well, I think if you examine the, if you look at the science of cannabis, well, here, well, if we wind a little bit and we look at, you know, how substances are regulated, there's different, you know, degrees of regulation, right?
Starting point is 00:16:00 You have absolutely free zero regulation, like if you buy water, like a bottle of water, has almost zero regulation, anybody can buy water, to a little bit more regulation, like if you go by alcohol, you have to be 21, right? To extreme regulation, where it's completely illegal. You, I think marijuana, I think most drugs are way too far on the complete regulation. As a result, you have this black market, which is massive, and nobody really respects the law, because by this point, nobody buys the propaganda. Does anybody buy the old hysteria about marijuana? Any more nobody to be fucking buy it?
Starting point is 00:16:40 No, everybody laughs at it. What the fuck are you talking about? Why is it like heroin? It's not like heroin. So I think it would be smart to take marijuana and let it be regulated maybe like alcohol. As far as addictive properties, studies will show that there are some addictive properties to marijuana, but it's not addictive like. You mean the happy sleepy and horny feeling
Starting point is 00:17:03 that you get from it? Yeah, I think it's because people like it. Awesome. Yeah, because people like it. It's funny. Caffeine is more addictive. Look, okay. So substances have something called an LD50.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I don't know if you guys are familiar with this, but an LD50 is the amount or the dosage required that they estimate would kill half the people who use the substance. This is a number that they give something. So shit. So like caffeine's LD50 is, I don't know, 2000 milligrams or something like that, right? They have a tough time establishing what the LD50 is for marijuana because it's so difficult to overdose on it. In fact, it's so difficult to overdose.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And I blame you stupid stoners who make shit for these dispensaries in California. I blame you idiots because you're gonna you're the ones that are gonna get people in trouble. I went to a dispensary because I go to a dispensary locally to get you know my my stuff and I go in there and have a brownie and this one brownie this one brownie now an effective dose of of THC is anywhere between five to 15 milligrams. Some people need a lot more, but for the average person, five to 15 milligrams will feel something right. This brownie had a thousand milligrams of THC in one brownie.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So you break off a little piece and you power brownie. But oh fuck, you idiot. It's like, what are you doing? You're gonna get people, like, someone's gonna leave it out and then someone else is gonna eat the whole thing. And they're not gonna die because... Because you see leprechauns, but they're gonna have a tough time They're gonna have a really bad time and so you have all these people overdosing on on these edibles as a result So I think there should be some regulation if we're gonna make it you know legal
Starting point is 00:18:37 But you know kind of like alcohol. I don't think it should be I don't think it should the way it's illegal now You know, they've made it so illegal, it's almost impossible to study. Did you guys know that? If you're a scientist, you could study Ebola, but you can't, it's like, it's hard to study marijuana. I used to be on one of the other sides, and to be fair, like I probably was on the other side of the fence of you guys as far as like, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:58 marijuana, and there's a stigma to it where I, I just, you know, I had friends, and I hang out with people that smoke and it's not an issue to me, but I was never like one of those like, I'm jumping all in and I'm on the like, let's go get pot free and let's make this happen and like I could care less about that. Like there was like this sort of thing for me where I don't know, I didn't respond to it.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I had a lot of the paranoia as a result like Adam was talking about So it was not an appealing thing for me like I alcohol was much more friendly to me You know things were mellow and like that's cool, you know, that's great. Well, don't you have Irish in you? I do I do and so I guess I got a racist In your veins, bro Yeah, whiskey is much much better for me, but I do, and so I guess that's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist.
Starting point is 00:19:48 That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist.
Starting point is 00:19:56 That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist.
Starting point is 00:20:04 That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. That's racist. life, you kind of see all these patterns. Like, what, why is it that, you know, like, if you're selling like, vikin and people are taking this, you know, from a prescription, like doctors are afraid to prescribe marijuana. And we're insane. It's crazy. Yeah. You know how many deaths happen every year to opiates? It's something like 10,000. That's a much higher. Yeah. And you want to know another statistic that's weird. States that have legalized medical marijuana, have a dramatic reduction in addiction to opiates. Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:32 This is a real statistic. Now, I wonder why they fight so hard to keep it illegal. You guys think about that. So I don't know, I think. Who are they competing with, right? I can't confirm this, but this is what I've been told. So maybe a listener can can educate me further on the laws. But I've been told that Florida is like what we are if for
Starting point is 00:20:53 prescription pills, or is like how we are with medical marijuana. So those that do not have medical marijuana card, because there are so many things that cannabis can aid as far as what it can help you with. It's pretty easy in a state like California to actually get your cannabis California It's probably the easiest medical marijuana state to get a medical marijuana. I remember walking in Do you remember getting your card? Yes, I remember walking in here. I am all educated about my issue I have on my my I brought my x ray in I had everything for my doctor I'm gonna talk to this guy this fucking fucking dude looked at me He's like mm-hmm sign off some papers give to me. Okay, go take a picture at the front I'm like wow, I brought my ex I wrote my ex-ray from my knee
Starting point is 00:21:30 I brought my prescription pain medication that I didn't want to be taking and I was like this is why I'm here And it was so funny because you didn't even look at any of my I was like well, I did I go through all that super it's super easy. So yeah point point being told that for it I make there you go. I've heard that that's how Florida is for prescription. Well, maybe because they have such an aging population there. Maybe that maybe a lot of the retirees. And so the big thing there, like you see with cannabis over here is, you know, the black market side,
Starting point is 00:21:59 as you see a lot of people from New York upstate that drive down, they get all these easy prescriptions and they head back up and then they're selling them back. Well, you said something interesting and I think I've heard this from other people who are against medical marijuana and they say stuff like, oh, what is it? Snake oil. What is it? You know, it takes care of everything, you stomach problems PMS you know pain you know depression
Starting point is 00:22:26 And and so yes it sounds Insane right it sounds like how the fucking one thing treats so many symptoms Well, I'll tell you why get ready for the science here's this is this is why it can treat so many things So the body has a natural endocannabinoid System so the body actually makes its own endocannabinoids, one of which is called anandamide. So your body naturally produces this. As a matter of fact, there's a high amount
Starting point is 00:22:53 of this produced in breast milk. So you ever seen babies, isn't it stored in your fat and released when they're all lipids? They're lipids. Canabinoids are lipids. They're fat, soluble. So when you see like a baby breastfeed, and you've never seen a baby eat breastfeed,
Starting point is 00:23:06 and then just like crap out afterwards, and they got like this goofy look on the face, or high on a randomized, that's true. That's so high, okay. So we have our own endocannabinoid system, and cannabinoids attach to a, what are called cannabinoid receptors. And there's two that we've identified.
Starting point is 00:23:22 We know there's more, we think there's more, but the two we've identified are the CB1 and CB2id receptors. And there's two that we've identified. We know there's more. We think there's more. But the two we've identified are the CB1 and CB2 receptor receptors. And they're found in the central nervous system and in the peripheral nervous system. These receptors are what are called, I'm gonna get real technical. They're called G protein coupled receptors.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And I don't know this, I'm not gonna go into the science behind what those receptors are mainly because I don't know. But what'm not going to go into the science behind what what what those receptors are mainly because I don't know. But what I do know is these receptors are targeted heavily by pharmaceutical companies because they sit on a you know your target cell and when you attach to it, they tell inside the cell what to do. So it's a good place to dock your you know, whatever chemical it is. It's a good thing to target.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Okay. The cannabinoid receptors are easily among one of the most, if not the most, abundant G-protein-coupled receptors in the body. They're found fucking everywhere. So now it makes sense. If you take an external cannabinoid, a phyto cannabinoid, which is from a plant, and it attaches to these cannabino
Starting point is 00:24:22 receptors, which are found everywhere, you can help all kinds of different people. You have lots of effects. Exactly. So it's in the liver, it's in the stomach, it's in the gut, it's in the brain, of course, it's throughout the whole body. So this is why people get pain relief, this is why people fight things like depression. This is why you have these, you know, these psychoactive mind effects.
Starting point is 00:24:41 But one of the things it doesn't do is it doesn't shut down breathing or vital functions, which is why it's so easy to overdose on things like opiates because you take too many opiates and your body forgets to breathe and you die. What about when you smoke too much? And you're like, dude. Just breathe, bro. Just breathe.
Starting point is 00:24:59 That's paranoia. There's a part of the brain that's heavily concentrated with cannabinoids. I can't remember which one it is, but it controls things like fear. And so it can artificially stimulate this sense of fear and paranoia in your inner brain. And you feel like your heart's really beaten. Well, your heart does beat faster because here's this is something cool too. I love that you're asking these questions just something.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Hey, I'm going to be the guy. You're totally setting me up. So cannabinoids are what are called vasodilators. So they open up the blood vessels, which artificially lowers blood pressure and what ends up happening is your heart in order to keep up with your blood pressure because it lowers beats faster.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So it's actually an effective, not only is it an effective vasodilator, it's also an effective bronchodilator. Did you know for asthma cannabinoids are actually quite effective. They open up the lungs. Unlike, which is the other thing. The other thing is you're smoking it. Correct.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Unlike tobacco. Now smoke might irritate the lungs, you might get this dual effect, but if you vaporize, you'll open up or consume by side. Or consumables. Edibles, right. So here's something interesting that's funny. People don't realize this. So cannabinoids are potent neuro protectors. So you know they always say, if you smoke pot, it's going to that's funny. People don't realize this. So cannabinoids are potent neuro protectors.
Starting point is 00:26:07 So you know how they always say, if you smoke pot, it's going to kill your brain cells. It hits opposite. It's bullshit. It's actually a potent neuro protector. And if you don't agree with me, first of all, don't ever not agree with me, because I'm always right. But actually, one time I was wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:21 It was the one time I thought I was wrong, and I was actually right. He'd bust a lot of his lost. No, this is... So check this out. Google this. Just type this in. US patent 6630507. Just type that shit in Google and see what you find. It's a patent by the US government on cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. The same government that has made marijuana a schedule one drug also holds a patent on cannabinoids.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Inelorium. That's right, Ronnie. That as neuro-protectants, in particular for people with Alzheimer's or brain diseases. How about you smoke that? Yeah, I wrote in your pipe. Roll that up and smoke it insane So there's some interesting effects of marijuana what about the negatives?
Starting point is 00:27:09 Let's talk about some of the negatives of marijuana I mean are you guys familiar with any of the negatives? Have you noticed anything negative from whoever we talked about perinoids? Maybe some short term memory a little bit. That's true short term so it's the two of dreams Yeah, very good. Yeah, you don't dream as much. That's true. That's actually true. They've studied that. Shits I know it shuts off some neuro connection between the frontal lobe that has something to do with dreams I don't know all the nerdy science. You get a little bit of Helotosis if you're smoking it too often like right now. My buddy It's shit. I'm always like bro Step back
Starting point is 00:27:41 Why is I, bro? Step back a few. Why is that? I have a bra, I got one. No, no, no, no, no, no. Anyway. No, so it's thanks, dude. It's thanks after a while. If you're a chronic smoker, like that adds up.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, I think that's because of the dry mouth, maybe. Yeah, maybe. It could be all that paper you're smoking, too. It could be, or the tobacco. Well, here's what's interesting. So yes, it does affect short-term memory. It also affects reaction time. So if you smoke, pot, and then you go do reaction tests,
Starting point is 00:28:08 they show that it slows down reaction time. However, it does enhance other ability. Oh, like sex. Oh, well, besides that. We'll get in the blue, yeah. We'll get into that. You want to talk about slowing things down? Yeah, it slows down sex to be like,
Starting point is 00:28:22 you're literally watching yourself in slow motions. Things are happening. Yes. We didn't talk about that benefit. That was just like it. I found out that's just to be a plus when I was medicating myself. Incredible. It's an incredible libido. I mean, it's great A8 for intercourse.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Absolutely. I think it should be something that therapy is special. We better my agra. I'm assuming. I'm assuming. Well are you got a vasodilator we just talked about that right right right yeah you want to get a boner easier right right unless you're paranoid I'm telling you right the right strain every every every struggling relationship out there that's listening if you're married and you guys smoke a joint with your wife exactly you haven't had lead and you haven't smoked weed and probably since you go get high with your wife wife I'll start I'll throw a spark here. You okay We got to make sure we say if you're in a place. It's legal. Yeah, sorry. Not breaking. We're not we're not telling them to bring adults and
Starting point is 00:29:12 Take your prescription take your prescription If you were to smoke weed is what you might experience well, so trip off this so it decreases is short-term memory reaction time But it increases increases connections between distant parts of the brain. So they do these tests where they have people, they'll tell them, okay, tell us everything that relates to the color blue. And when they do the sober, they'll come up with so many words. Then when they're under the influence of marijuana or cannabis, they'll come up with more words.
Starting point is 00:29:42 They can associate things. They have better connections with abstract thought. And if you don't believe me, if you disagree with me right now, then throw away every fucking song. Yeah, I just never listen to or movie because artists use marijuana heavily for that particular reason. It's the abstract thoughts, the creativity that they get from it. And that's a statistical, that's the scientific fact. So they've actually studied that specifically, because I mean, that's almost an obvious thing. Oh yeah, can you?
Starting point is 00:30:13 When you look at it like with music, and you look at it like, I don't know, just just random thoughts like, who's to say that like Socrates didn't come up with all these ideas, you know, or the founding fathers for instance, like it was a lot of growth. You had to grow, like hemp and stuff,
Starting point is 00:30:28 like Virginia. But it just changes that mindset to some degree. I know that is, you know, it helps you sort of like fire a different part of your brain. Maybe one day we'll let these viewers hear what it sounds like, what we are because you want to talk about some forward thinking. I'm not sure if we're going to get in.
Starting point is 00:30:51 They can't handle that right. Well, you remember how earlier I said I used high CBD regularly to help me treat some of my issues with my digest and my stomach. Every once in a while I do throw in a high THC strain, because I have found for myself, the, for me, the ability to think and really stretch my mind is enhanced to quite an extent with some of these, some of these strains.
Starting point is 00:31:16 So some of my theories on exercise, some of my ideas on certain things. Oh, right. I'm gonna say that for another episode. I'm gonna say that for another episode. I will. I'm not gonna go 100 in a detail. But they were under the influence of some higher THC strains
Starting point is 00:31:28 because I find that I can take my mind places. It's an altered state of consciousness. Let's just be real, right? You're on the same channel every day all day long. You change that channel a little bit. You're going to look at things differently. It's like, if you flip the world upside down, you're going to see things differently, right?
Starting point is 00:31:41 I'm going to do perspective. It's a different perspective. So I will enjoy every once in a while. I'll enjoy that altered state of consciousness where I can come up with some pretty incredible thoughts and ideas and I'll write quite a few things down. This is something I think is important that I say right now because I like you,
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm a huge activist and pro cannabis. And but let me tell you something. Both of us experienced this later in our lives and I have a younger brother who is, you know, smokes recreationally quite a bit and I'll never forget having the first conversation. So it's tough being an older brother. We're separated by, gosh, we're separated by like 12, 13 years too. So I'm quite a bit older
Starting point is 00:32:26 and he is. And, you know, and so this, you know, this was not that long ago that I had this discussion of marijuana. And of course, the older brother who's, you know, started to cannabis clubs and I thought, I can't, can't quite tell this kid don't smoke weed or I don't think you should smoke weed. But one of the long conversations I had with him was, you know, one thing that I noticed about myself is I'm not the most productive guy. Now, some people are totally different. So I know some people, they feel they can, they can medicate and they actually use strains like sativa that actually give them motivation. I'm, I'm opposite. Doesn't matter if it's a high CBD high THC medium hybrid whatever I've tried all different type of strains
Starting point is 00:33:08 I'm not a very motivated person. I'm definitely deep in thought and I definitely have came up with some amazing Business plans and some serious creative formula formulated plans and stuff like that from from that But as far as being super productive and motivated that's also why that I'm not somebody who can smoke on a regular basis. So my brother, like you don't engage in day smoking. Exactly. So, you know, I'm just not,
Starting point is 00:33:33 and I don't articulate very well. So my brain doesn't move as fast. You know, I can't think as quick. I like to think of a pretty quick wooded person, and I lose that when I'm heavily medicated. So I remember having this conversation with them and it is unfortunate when you see someone and because it can be anything,
Starting point is 00:33:50 it doesn't even have to be a drug. I believe that anybody can abuse anything and you can, it's a cool thing to do to get smoke again. I don't want anyone to think that any of us or somebody who's liked that who promote it for those purposes is like, oh, they're so cool, they smoke weed and they work out.
Starting point is 00:34:05 There's definitely things that we agree with about it and find some serious benefits behind it and learned how to balance that in our life and use it for those benefits. But also for me, priorities and other things come first and then taking care of myself like that as far as pain or getting a great night's sleep or whatever it may be. Or even like you said, there'd be purposes
Starting point is 00:34:24 for recreational or experimentation purposes, because it is such a new thing to us. There isn't a lot of people that studied it. I'm like, Sal, I'm fascinated by it. I like to see how it affects me. It's helped me tremendously trying to gain weight. My entire life, I've had a really hard time. I've always been a hard gainer.
Starting point is 00:34:40 And a lot of that is just, I just did have that appetite. Like I skipped meals, I didn't want to eat as much and, you know, I'm very tall and lanky guy. And so cannabis I didn't talk about this, but it helped me out a lot with putting size on. That was a big part in me being able to break the 200 pound mark for myself was the ability to eat my meals. And then when I was at hunger anymore,
Starting point is 00:34:59 then I'd actually go smoke cannabis. And then that would kickstart my, want me to eat and much again. And then I would just go back and eat again and eat those additional calories helped me put mass and size on. So, I experiment like that also, I think it's very, very cool and I'm very fascinated. But, you know, a user beware, you know, user beware, it's not that cool that you should do it all day long and only do that and then become a loser because you're not taking
Starting point is 00:35:24 care of your business and shit. But I believe a lot of that has to do it all day long and only do that and then become a loser because you're not taking care of your business and shit. But I believe a lot of that has to do with the personality trait. So it can be something that somebody does let take control of their life. So those that are listening, although we're huge advocates of it and everything like that, we're not promoting it as something you should do all the time. Well, it's funny when you say that because the stigma is so interesting, you know, regarding cannabis. Like, if, for example, let's say I told my whole family, hey, listen, I sold my business
Starting point is 00:35:52 and I want to open up a winery, right? Everybody be like, oh, great. You want to open a winery? You want to make wine? Yeah, that's interesting. You know, hey, come enjoy this bottle of wine with me. It's fantastic. I just made it.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Fantastic. Could you imagine if you told your whole family? Did you imagine how about I had this set conversation? I grew up in a very, those that know me, grew up in a very conservative family. I was in church two to three times a week, my entire life. I was a youth leader when I was in high school in college. And then here I tell my mom, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:23 my mom was very proud of me being a personal trainer. I was very successful at it. Made a lot of money doing that. And here was the new. I'm gonna grow a week. Now, I'm like, now. So we, her son who'd never done drugs and never done anything like that.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Like, hey, mom, I'm gonna actually open up a cannibal medical marijuana club, you know? Like, that was really tough. But it's interesting. The stigma is interesting to me because if you really examine it, it's so much safer than alcohol. If you're a businessman, you come home at night
Starting point is 00:36:48 and you need to relax, first of all, I'm not gonna judge you, you wanna fucking relax, that's fine, you work hard, you do your job, you pay your taxes, you're nice, you're good to your family, you wanna come home, you wanna relax, you wanna have a glass of wine, that's cool, or you wanna have a joint, that's fucking cool too. I don't understand why there's this weird judgment over like, oh, he at night he's a stoner and you know he smokes you know he drinks a
Starting point is 00:37:08 beer every night he's a cool you know he watches football and drinks beer yeah they're both psychoactive actually alcohol is a fuck a far more potent and dangerous psychoactive you know you give you know you take two people you give one guy a huge bottle of vodka another guy you know 15 joints you say okay you guys keep going till someone dies. Who's gonna win? Yeah. I mean, so to me, it's very fascinating, that whole, that interesting stigma,
Starting point is 00:37:34 but that has to go back to some of that propaganda that I've read. Yeah, it goes back, I was gonna say. And the act of that Reagan, sort of like the no drug. Well, and the outfall. There's just a lot of propaganda that we experienced as kids, and that just has stayed with us. And that, like, even my whole experience with it revolved around that because it was so ingrained,
Starting point is 00:37:56 they get you like, oh my god, like, the two eggs and your brain on drugs. And it really makes an impact as a kid and you just look down on people. Yeah, well you don't know all the facts, you know, until later on in life when you really decide it to. Well here's the, you know, there's a there's a part. There's a problem with that. And besides the fact that the propaganda's false and you know, you have all these huge lobbies like alcohol lobby, like they don't want alcohol lobbies don't want marijuana legalized That's a company that's competition in marijuana people who smoke more pot end up drinking less
Starting point is 00:38:30 It's it's a fact, right? But you know besides that you have this problem you lie to the public you tell them something is horrible dangerous for you And eventually they find out that you're full of shit. They stop believing you And they stop loot they start losing confidence in everything you say. And there's a saying that if you make too many laws, people stop following all of them, or if you make stupid laws, they stop following even the good laws, because you lied to us.
Starting point is 00:38:58 You said all this shit about marijuana, how horrible it is this and that, and people started using it and they're like, it's not that bad. Now I was not that bad, It's gonna like good to it. And you know, and you look, there's some addicts, there's some idiots that abuse marijuana, but people abuse milkshakes too, you know, and it's dangerous, you know, people, every year, more dangerous. Every year, people choke on pencaps, you know, I mean, there's stupid people out there
Starting point is 00:39:19 that are gonna, that are gonna do stupid things and it has nothing to do with marijuana, they're just idiots. So you take marijuana out of the picture and they're gonna be idiots no matter what and you know I mean what can you do you can't control I mean it's you know oh no absolutely I have I have a I'd have a problem more if I had a kid that was addicted to cheeseburgers and french fries from McDonald's then if he smoked a weed occasionally that's how I feel I feel like that one of them it's one of them is heading down away absolutely way worse road for sure absolutely And I know a lot of people here that are like, Oh my God, no, you do not just say that about McDonald's and versus marijuana. Like, well,
Starting point is 00:39:52 here's your check this is this is going to trip everybody out now. Now that that the tide is kind of turned and marijuana looks like it's about to get legalized or at the very least get rescheduled down the list from schedule one to something else. Now you're seeing pharmaceutical companies like jump on it because now they're like, okay, fuck, we better start making some money off this.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And here's what's interesting. So there's some studies, there's a lot, actually no. There's not some studies, there's a lot of studies. And they're all animal models and in vitro and there's maybe a few population surveys with humans that find that cannabinoids in general have potent anti-cancer effects. I don't know if you guys are familiar with this. Potent anti-cancer effects
Starting point is 00:40:36 And there's some huge survey some huge population surveys where they do all these controls and they find that people that smoke marijuana regularly have like ridiculously lower chances of getting certain types of cancer, like head, neck, and mouth cancers. And yet, they're smoking all these carcinogens on top of it. Anytime you breathe in smoke, you're breathing in carcinogens. So the cannabinoids are offsetting that. You have some pharmaceutical companies now that are testing the anti-cancer effects of cannabinoids. One company in particular called GW Pharmaceutical, which is running some test right now on what's called
Starting point is 00:41:07 a multi-form glioma, like a type of brain cancer. And they're doing some tests right now. They're also doing tests on things like epilepsy and irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. And my belief, and I'm not one of those people that says, oh, you know, use the plant, it's gonna cure everything, it might help. But I'm also a realist people that says, oh, you know, use the plant. It's gonna cure everything. It might help But I'm also a realist. I also understand science. I will make a prediction right now that the next breakthroughs in medicine
Starting point is 00:41:36 The next huge breakthroughs in medicine and in cancer medicine will be from cannabinoids will be from some type of a cannabinoid molecule whether it be synthetic or Altered you know an altered phyto cannabinoid molecule, whether it be synthetic or altered, you know, an altered phyto cannabinoid. And they're gonna, it's gonna be an absolute fucking breakthrough because it's a new molecule, it's in a new class. And when's the last time we heard about a cancer drug that was non-chimo, that had any type of an effect. And actually boosts your appetite. Well, it's non-toxic. Yeah. Isn't that the biggest, the problem, right, when you go through chemo and everything, is it like, I mean, obviously other than that it kills
Starting point is 00:42:09 all these cells in your body. Well, I have a personal story, and somebody very, very, very close to me, you know, was diagnosed with a horrible form of stomach cancer, known as, it's called lannitis plastic and the five-year survival rate on it's like 5%. So basically you don't, it's terminal, you're not going to survive. So she was in a late stage, unfortunately when people find this cancer, it's usually late stages because you don't necessarily get symptoms
Starting point is 00:42:39 until it's too late. And you know the doctors, you know, they basically throw everything at it. They put her on on extremely aggressive chemo to try and do something. When looking back, we probably should have said no to all that stuff because we knew the statistics. It wasn't going to shit anyway, except maybe Maker Sick. So in typical, you know, and something, how I typically handle crisis situations is I go into research mode. So I dived in so deep into alternative treatments
Starting point is 00:43:08 because I knew at the very least my alternative treatments would be as effective as chemo, which for her, the chemo, the statistics show that to do would do nothing. So I knew at least I'd do nothing. So I said, okay, I'm gonna try and look at alternatives. And that's when I came upon all the cancer research on cannabis.
Starting point is 00:43:24 So at the time of her diagnosis, her life expectancy was between six to eight months, maybe. I purchased her some highly concentrated cannabis oil. Edible form is the best way to use it if you have cancer. It's longer acting in the system. You're not smoking anything, so you're not getting enough stuff. It's not as quick acting, so sometimes if you have, if you want like, palliative effects, like if you have nausea and stuff,
Starting point is 00:43:50 you might want to smoke it. But I bought her some highly concentrated role. Now this is a woman that she was an immigrant. She never used anything, she barely ever drank alcohol. So now I'm trying to talk her into using this highly concentrated cannabis wall. Anyway, long story short, from she survived over a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:44:11 So this is someone who should have died six months later. She survived over a year and a half. And she did relatively well up until I'd say the last three months. So up until three months into it, she was considering what she was going through and the chemo and shit. She was going through some harsh chemo She did relatively she did very well actually for the first year She's babysat my kids. She would walk around with this little chemo
Starting point is 00:44:37 Machine on her pumping chemo into her and she'd have the energy to watch my kids and we were blown away Part of that was her attitude She had an amazing attitude, and the other part of it was the cannabis. And it's funny because we go to chemo treatments with her, and she'd be sitting in this room, getting her chemotherapy with other people, and she'd sit there and tout the benefits of cannabis.
Starting point is 00:44:55 That's bad, that's bad. She'd be like, you gotta try this stuff, and I don't have any symptoms, and I hear you guys saying about throwing up, and this and that, but I'm not throwing up, and I feel great. Well, you, I was sold right there. You make the prediction that I'll tell you one
Starting point is 00:45:07 that I've been saying for at least, anyone that's known me, I've been saying this for at least five years, maybe more now, that I believe this is what will take us out of our economical depression that we've been in forever too. You want to talk about the millions of this. Oh, yeah. You're talking about so much money out there
Starting point is 00:45:22 that we can, money that we can even track. They've tried to estimate it based off of the black market and what they've busted, what they've found, what you can't even come close to. It's the number so beyond that, it would literally pull us right out of our economical depression that we're infertile. Well, it's a huge market.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Why not profit a little bit off of it, regulate it, so people are not buying it from a drug dealer who's also selling other shit. Right. Make sure kids don't use it. I mean, they can go to a lot just like with other shit. Make sure kids don't use it. I mean, they can do it a lot just like with alcohol. I mean, I don't understand why they just treat it just like alcohol.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Yeah, absolutely. So, leave it at that. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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