Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 019: Gym Idiots

Episode Date: February 4, 2015

Almost every gym has a few ignoramuses and self-absorbed pricks who totally disregard common courtesy and gym etiquette. In this episode, Sal, Justin and Adam call these jokers and their selfish behav...ior out. Oh, and by the way, if you are one of these people, stop being a dick.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump, ladies and gentlemen. We appreciate you listening. Subscribe, share this with your friends, write a review, write a good review. If you have a bad review, don't write any review. No more four stars. Yeah, I know you write any review. And no more four stars. Yeah, and there you.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah. We had one guy give us four stars. Like, yeah. You motherfucker. Yeah, come on. You know, I know what happened. Okay. He accidentally pushed four stars.
Starting point is 00:00:35 He meant to push five. Exactly. Oh, and visit us at mindpumpradio.com. We actually got some free workouts on there for you. I just just click on it and you'll see it. And we got a couple of our programs for sale also, but there's the free workouts you can get. No problem for free.
Starting point is 00:00:49 So I wanted to cover a subject that the three of us have run gyms, we've worked in gym for years. It's interesting, you know, and this is because I've been in gym for so long. I always forget that a lot of people don't understand this. They just don't know gym etiquette. Oh yeah. It's different than like regular.
Starting point is 00:01:07 It's not, you know, it's different than like, you go over some towns. There's no class for it. There's no class for gym etiquette. No. So let's talk about gym etiquette. You know, I don't, and do you notice that it's different in different gyms,
Starting point is 00:01:19 like how bad this is, right? When we get into some of these things, because I think it's how people care. You know, the level of people that care versus who doesn't care are, well, I guess who's ignorant to it. Yeah. Well, it's so crazy to me though,
Starting point is 00:01:33 my biggest pet peeve, okay. Number one pet peeve is mother fuckers that leave their weights on the machines or leave the dumbbells that they carry to cross the gym and that when they're done They leave them where they left them. Yeah, you know, I'm saying instead of replacing them where they were Yeah, put your weights away like how hard is that? Well, it's not even as hard as your Commendations you get you but it's almost like you're fucking lazy. You're in the gym workout and you're not gonna move your weights
Starting point is 00:01:59 You lazy bastard. Well, or they're trying to be like oh, yeah, there's that much weight Yeah, I'm gonna leave everybody look well that that's where it's even worse is when it's somebody who leaves like, you know, 12 like the late press is a late press. Yeah, can I just talk shit about that for a second? No, you're not strong. I don't care how many 45s you put on that fucking thing. You're not strong. Go do some back squats and then we'll talk. Yeah. I'd like to see guys who can leg press a thousand pounds, just do a full squat with three pounds. Yeah, that irritates me.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Just do a full squat with three pounds. Won't happen. You're back. Happened all the time at, Shmarmory Fort, Fist. Fist. I can't even mask it. Yeah, no, no, that would be trouble.
Starting point is 00:02:38 No, that was always a pet peeve. I'd read you reckons. Bro, let me tell you a fucking story. So you want to talk about gym etiquette. I'll never forget this. When I first became a personal trainer. Some that's like, you know, youngs ago, I'm training my client.
Starting point is 00:02:49 My client's doing a, and this is of course, before I knew any better, my client's doing a hack squat. So the hack squat machine, it's like the sled, right? And he's doing the sled and we have, I think, must have been like 3.45s on each side. He's pretty strong. And I swear this lady walked up in during the set.
Starting point is 00:03:08 While we're squatting, she came up and started taking the weights off one side. Like she was gonna use it. Oh my god dude, I almost fucking threw her through the window. Like what the fuck are you doing? She came over and she was like oh I'm so sorry. She was taking the weights off of one side. So, Jimedicate Rule number one. Don't take weights off a bar that's moving. Yeah. Why don't I feel like I have to say that
Starting point is 00:03:29 I don't know that's crazy. Yeah, here's another one. Do not wear fucking flip flops in the gym you moron I think the guy who wears flip flops. Yeah, is so come on bro. Do not do curls in a speedo I swear to god this happened in a speedo. I swear to God this happened. What did that have? Some, this Asian guy, he was in front of a mirror and he was just curling and he's swinging his whole body and curling and he had this like blue speedo on
Starting point is 00:03:57 and he's like extending his hips and curling at the same time. Didn't work together again. I can't unsee that now. He was in the gym. Yeah. And in his speed, I don't know if maybe he did some laps first in the pool and then just jumped out and say, I gotta do some curls. You know what?
Starting point is 00:04:15 He's like, you know what he is? No, I don't, I don't, I understand him. He was, you understand him. You know what? He took it back to like the wait lippers of like 1910 that used to work out like Moin Pro. You just try to be old school like real old school. Like Tarzan.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah, like in a low income. No, dude. We saw it's way too much. No, you're acceptable. Here's some gym etiquette for you. This is a big one that really gets in like goddamn nerves. If you're gonna do barbell curls, don't do barbell curls in the squat rack.
Starting point is 00:04:43 What if I can do, I do have your way in barbell curls. You're squat rack. What if I can do, I do have your weight in the squat. Oh fuck, you're gonna squat. What if I can curl more than I can squat? Yeah, if I can do that. That's my, you can do it only if the guy behind you. Do you do the fucking curls in the squat rack? No, I don't. But I can curl some 45 wheels though.
Starting point is 00:05:00 So I figured like, hey, if I wanted to go over there, but do that, I was. Because then I tell him, okay, if you can squat more than I'm curling, but the fuck, you can get any more. You know what, if you wanted to go over there, but you know what? Because I tell you, if you could squat more than I'm curling, but the fuck are you getting anywhere? If you curl in the squat rack, I'm gonna go squat in the curl rack just to show you how it's done with it.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I'm gonna piggyback on that though. Like I would say my gym etiquette rule is you cannot give advice to somebody that can lift more than you. Ever. Ever. Bro, don't do it. Yeah, don't be like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Don't be that guy. Yeah, do not do that. Yeah, don't be. Yeah, don't be that guy. Yeah, do not do that. No, even if you have flawless technique, and you're, but this guy's lifting more than you. No, yeah, don't get him out. He doesn't want to listen to you. Oh, okay, and, okay, if you know, okay, here's the thing to, first of all, in order to be,
Starting point is 00:05:37 have a gym membership, you have to be, I think, what, at least 14 years old, if not, it's because. With a parent. With a parent, yeah. It'd be in a gym by yourself, it'd be, so we're all fucking adults, right? So if you're an adult you know by now how much you sweat and if you profusely sweat when you work out bring a mother fucking towel, dude Bring a towel to wipe your shit off or go get trash bag
Starting point is 00:05:57 You're having around yourself, dude. That is so disgusting when you see somebody Sweat all over a machine or a bench and then just get up and walk away like there's no thing like. Here's another one. If you're going to work out and rest in between sets, don't be a douchebag and start talking to someone on the phone or reading something and just chilling like you're just chilling. And then when someone comes in and wants to jump in, by the way, if someone asks you to jump in, this is Jim etiquette now, if someone asks you can I jump in while you're resting,
Starting point is 00:06:24 it's polite to say yes. Yes, you can jump in, this is gym etiquette now. If someone asks you, can I jump in while you're resting? It's polite to say yes. Yes, you can jump in. I'm resting anyway. But if you're sitting on the bench and you're freaking jerking off and I ask you to, if I can jump in, you're like, no, I got four more sets of what? You're just sitting there. You're not doing anything.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Like, don't jump in if it's 100 rep day. Yeah, yeah, that's true. Yeah, you want to jump in with someone is using relatively same kind of weight. You don't want to jump in when I'm dead lifting 500 pounds. Like, oh, can I jump in? Sure. Let's take all the weights off.
Starting point is 00:06:49 No, we're not going to do that. No, I get annoyed when someone doesn't let me work in with them because I'm always in and out on something too. It's not going to be hovering. There's only so much space. I mean, let's all share. Do people say that? Have you had people like now?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Oh, yeah, absolutely. Even now. I mean, you're a pretty big guy. They're going to say no to you. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Either that or I'd get awkwardly guy. They're gonna say no to you. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Either that or I'd get awkwardly silent. They don't say anything to me. I give people, they just don't,
Starting point is 00:07:09 like, act like I didn't just say anything to them. Like they don't speak English. You know, it's funny. When we started working out, you would ask somebody for a spot, you know? And that's, you know, it's polite to say, oh, you know, I'll give you a spot. You know, can you come and spot me on the bench press?
Starting point is 00:07:20 Now people are asking other people to take pictures of them. Hey bro, can you take a picture of me when I do this, Coral? I got a post on Instagram. You know what? I've done to take pictures of them. Hey bro, can you take a picture of me when I do this, Coral? I got to post it on Instagram. You know what? I've done that a couple of times. I know you have to do that.
Starting point is 00:07:30 No, no, then they review it and they're like, no, no, no, no, no, no. You would get something to write, ain't no. Get this one. Get this one. Yeah, this one, this one. Bro, check this out. This is horrible. This happened recently.
Starting point is 00:07:40 So I'm working out my workout partner, Doug. He's sitting here to put the producer. And I'm getting, I have this fucking deadlift, right? I'm gonna pull like 530 pounds, which is just pretty decently heavy. So I'll like, I'll dig, take a video this second, you know, post it on Instagram. So I do this fucking heavy-ass lift, I put it down. I go to watch the video, he did a fucking push play.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I love it. That's what I did to Adam when he was doing the pegboard. Yeah, yeah. I was like halfway done. I love, I look at the pegboard, yeah, it gets like half of it like halfway done. I don't know, I'm like, we get the pegboard, yeah, it gets like half of it. I'm like, oh, they're flunker dude, I can't do that again dude.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I got one of these. My arm's gonna fall off, yeah. Yeah, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm done, he's like, what else you could do it again? I'm like, what else you could do it again? I'm like, what else you could do it again? Record me doing curls.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I'm done with the deadlift. Jim etiquette, make sure you record if they ask you to. Yeah, just record everything at that point. Absolutely. Hey, no, here's another Jim etiquette guys You want to talk about spotting have you ever been have you ever seen the guy who puts like seven plates on the bench press and He can't do two plates by himself And he's put seven and he's got he's got him and his two two guys on the outside spot the guy in the middle Or he or you're the guy he asked the spot. I've actually had to tell I don't touch the bar. I had a guy one time bench pressing seven plates on each side on seven plates on
Starting point is 00:08:49 He said this is at our club. No, I don't know if you remember him or not Seven plates. I should Yes, no, so he you would walk around like a like this peacock and would like yell in the air He put his I need to know you don't have to name the gym, but what city was this gym was a yell in the air. He put his you put like four plates on there, I'll get another spot you, but you can't do seven plates. What are you doing doing seven plates? If you can't even do four by yourself.
Starting point is 00:09:31 That's so out of, yeah. So beyond, and I understand, I understand negatives. I understand, you do that. I understand trying to get your body used to holding a certain amount of weight. What would you do when you would do it? Like a two inch do-ish. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:09:43 And the guys who spotting were fucking People need to learn to how to how to fail like correctly So how to how to dump weight and and how to do approach a left where if you're gonna get in a situation You dumped the weight yeah, and you're able to get out of it without a spot Have you ever had to dump like a heavy-ass? Yes without a power rock? Yes. Oh my god I did that I think I was doing like 400 something pounds and then I dropped it behind my... I'm down at the bottom and I got like up like halfway up.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I hate that. And oh, it just, I don't know what it was. I think it was more psychological, but my brain was like, no. I'm not going anymore. Yeah. And I was like, oh no. And like, so I just immediately,
Starting point is 00:10:21 I dumped the weight behind me and fell on the ground. I mean yeah, everybody is so scared Oh my god I was like whatever so when I was when I was 14 years old one of the first gyms ever worked out at was the YMCA So I'm working out at the Y and I never put collars on the on the bar Which by the way is a big pet peeve of mine if you're gonna work out put collars and gyms that don't have collars I fucking hate you like put collars on the gym It's a. And this is why I'll tell you why. I'm 14 years old. I'm bench pressing. And of course, you know, back then when we were working out with our kids, you went to like complete and utter failure on every set because you wanted to get big so
Starting point is 00:10:55 better. So I'm lifting this weight and I'm shaking and I'm like, I think I have one more, which I barely, I didn't. So I bring the bar down. I'm trying to press it. I'm shaking. I'm shaking and it starts to turn like kind of tilt to one side I've seen this my Meeting me to the house to me too bro the fucking weight slid off one and it's sling shot The other hands it as it's sliding down right it's moving down the the weight and so the lever is getting longer One side so it's getting heavier on my left and so it's pulling the left down as soon as that weight comes off It flings the bar out of my hands into the fucking mirror.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Screech, broke everything. No. Every shattered the fucking mirror. Everybody in the gym is looking at me. I'm like, and there's some, you know, girls in there. I'm trying to impress. And at this moment, I'm like, I'm so done at present. I'm fucking mortified, right?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Did you have any luck seven years later? Yeah. So after fucking shattered, I basically looked at everybody and I left Never went back I ended up signing up as another gym That's the only way you could approach that Flinging a barbell out of my hand you be that guy forever I'm with you in that gym you'll be forever known as that guy you gotta leave That's good. I don't care if you're a gym you gotta hang it up you gotta leave that's real number seven now. Yeah, yeah, don't put
Starting point is 00:12:08 Callers. I'll just leave if you do some if you do something stupid leave the gym and go somewhere. Well, There's a new members here's here's a gym etiquette by some guys actually that are veterans that you see that I really call And it's a pet peeve of mine. So maybe it's not a gym etiquette. Maybe this is one of my personal pet peeves We'll hear what you guys say is I don't like when you go and you save like three machines. Like you're working, you're like, no, that's too medicate. That's bad advocates. Yeah, like you're working on three,
Starting point is 00:12:31 you got your towel on this one, you get your water bottle on another one, and it's taking you a half hour to get back to that machine. I'm like, I'm trying to get in there real quick, you can use it once or twice, too. Organizing your workouts is a big, you know, big part of it. You have to really be respectful of other people.
Starting point is 00:12:44 You can't just, you can't do a circuit like this is where I had a problem too, as it being a trainer, like, even in the studio where it was a big studio, it was actually a warehouse, but there's this guy who would set up, I swear, I shit you not. It would be on one corner of the gym, the next, all four corners of the gym and upstairs and downstairs. You would have like his client doing the circuit all the way around the gym and
Starting point is 00:13:11 then up and I'm like, dude, you're taking up everything. You're such an asshole. Right. Bro, you know what happened to me recently? So this just happened recently. I just sold my gym, but my studio, but I still work there, right? And there's this trainer there that is just, she's a good trainer. She's old school. She's been in the industry for a long time. And I sort of got this chick, man. She trains her clients and she sets aside like 15 different pieces of a medicine ball,
Starting point is 00:13:37 a bosew ball, a band, two sets of dumbbells, a cable. So I'm walking out and I'm like, so I basically, I got frustrated and I'm like, I asked her, I said, what are you not using? I know what to do. Like, what are you not using in the gym? So I can do something. I don't know what the fuck, it looks like you're using everything in here.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Can I get one dumbbell that I can decide to hold brother over there? There's no reason that, you know, you know, she's in equipment hoarder. You know, who's a big culprit of that? Who's these fucking crossfit guys that get in the gym. They get in the gym, they take the squat rack,
Starting point is 00:14:07 they're on the pull-up bar, they got an extra barbell that they have set up for their deadlifts, and they're using the bench press. They'll take the barbell out in the middle of everywhere and do these like, oh, snatches, and then they run, and then do burpees over it, and then they're running, and they're trying to run into you. Nobody's doing jump ropes.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah, nobody wants to see your snatch in the middle And let's your hot chick If you're some do to your box bro. Yeah, go to your box if you're gonna train your cross it like that Go to your box. What's so much work on your dirty snatch so many care? Oh my god so many characters in the gyms though It's it's it's strange There was this one dude that used to work out and used to wear these dark sunglasses and these black They were like dickies pants and he'd look like this crazy gang banger when you come up with these great this super dark Sun he was an older guy and he'd work out and so intense. I was like most intimidating guy versus him
Starting point is 00:14:56 That reminds me of more gym etiquette. You just said it don't don't be the guy who comes in and works out in fucking jeans Like you can not not only is it good. What about Garden Gloves? You're seeing dude, Garden Gloves. That's like a trend, bro. That was like a trend for a while. That was like a squeetree. Yeah, I've seen that. Yeah, I've seen that.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I actually, I actually have a buddy. I hope he's listening to the trend. He does. Mike, I hope you're listening to this. I'm gonna call you out. You've been wearing Garden Gloves for like 10 years to call Mike a word. Well, he works out.
Starting point is 00:15:22 That's the greatest thing. It's the greatest thing ever, dude. This is not a gym etiquette thing, but if you wear a weight belt to do every exercise, yeah, you're an idiot. You're an idiot. Wearing out all your sit-on benches of machines, you see that all over Instagram, bro.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Oh, with the weight belt? Oh, I like tagging you guys in those. Dude, there's a guy, there's a guy I work out at, where I work out right now. He wears a belt for everything, but it's not even tight. It's like, it's loose, it's kind of like hanging around his gut. Just holding the gut in place.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I'm like, why are you wearing, I don't understand why you're wearing it. It's like a fashion thing. I'm joking, I think it was. I think it was. Whatever happened to Fanny Packs, by the way. I don't body before Fanny Packs anymore. They're coming back. Are they really?
Starting point is 00:15:59 They are. I've seen some Fanny Packs coming back to their house. Bro, we need to bring back the Fanny Packs. Well, we'll jump Sonic in Zumez or those pants,. Oh, yeah, no, I'm rocking it right now. Listen it's I got some skinny sweats on right now. Listen to listeners. If you would buy a fanny pack that said mind pump make sure you review it in our review. We're not in there and we'll make we'll make a fanny pipe. No, we're not. Yes, we are. No, bro. If people are gonna buy it, let's make fucking fanny packs, let's say mine parts.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Let's start a fuck. You know what, let's be trend setters, bro. Let's bring the back to fanny. Where were those pants called that like those guys used to wear that? We're like, no, no, no, no, no. I'm talking about jeans that like some of those
Starting point is 00:16:36 hacky sack guys use. Janko jeans. Jankos. Remember those? I wore those. We should start that. You did not wear those. Bro, wow.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Bro, I thought I was a gang banger. I'm looking at you totally different. I was at Wow, bro. I thought I was a gambler You totally different I was it. I was it. I thought I was a gang banger I went to this freaking gangster junior high school Wow, I went from elementary school then I go to junior high and I see dudes freaking with it You know the top button buttoned on their Pendletons. Did you listen to it in town posse? It's it. No No, no in same clouds now There's like two people that listen to them. They'll know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I know who they are, I never know. I never listen to them. So, okay, back to your gym. It's so cool. There's so many more gym etiquette things that we have an attack that people do that absolutely drive you crazy. I think the caller's one's a good one. I definitely think the towel thing is super important.
Starting point is 00:17:23 What are some of the things that you guys see like on the treadmills and stuff like that, and the cardio equipment? Like I think one of the most silly things that I see people do is waiting in line to do cardio. Yeah. It is so funny to me. It's weird. I guess it's not an etiquette thing,
Starting point is 00:17:41 so it's not like, but to a fitness professional, okay, you look silly. Maybe the average person doesn't think that's your stand. You can be burning calories. Doing anything. I mean, jumping jacks while you're in line, do that. Yeah, just, that is the most ridiculous thing. I have seen people wait 15 minutes, 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:18:00 to get on a piece of cardio. I got one. So stop being so creative with these treadmill. Okay, stop it. Yeah, the back, no, like on their hands and then carry out and do the ballerina move on the stair vaster. Those are all my favorite. Do like mountain climbers or they're like walking backwards
Starting point is 00:18:17 at the feet and then they're doing the little sideskippy thingy and I've seen that. That's a lot. If you want to get cute, Go ahead. Yeah, do it outside This is that's ridiculous. Don't be cute. Oh, you know, it's a good here's a gym etiquette one because we talked about we've talked about this in the past about And this is obvious like don't be stinky That's just an etiquette. That's not even gym etiquette. Just don't be fucking But here's the one and this is much this is usually a swim in that'll do this
Starting point is 00:18:44 They'll come in with shit loads of perfume on oh yeah, and the gym that fucks me up I can't work out with you. Yeah, you know where you're freaking you know whatever you're wearing floral essence That's just destroying me because it's so strong for long right there's no need to wear lots of makeup and perfume When you go to the gym. Yeah, I know what you're trying to do all right You want to pick up on right? You want to get you bring yourself a juice monkey home But you know, you're probably better off just getting a shape Don't wear makeup and shitloads it for you. I'm just gonna go to the local techno club. You all see him there too At the where at the juice monkeys at the ED. You don't like electronic dance. I feel like I feel like you're picking on me
Starting point is 00:19:19 So what are you talking about? I have another pet peeve of mine. I'm talking about the fist pump and stuff. Bro, that's how I dance too. You're going down my list right now, right? Just knocking me out. Here's one thing that drives me crazy that don't be this person who does this in the gym. So I carry my gown a water when I'm,
Starting point is 00:19:39 especially when I'm in compete mode and I'm measuring how much I'm in taking. So, You're one of those guys in the gym. I am one of those guys in the game. I am one of those guys. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I know people like tease those guys like, you know, so you can tease me. But, you know, it's what I'm, I'm measuring. And I, that's my purpose. That's my reason. Whatever. Fuck you. So the, what drives me crazy though is these people that have big jugs like mine or ones that are maybe a half gallon even and they fill it up
Starting point is 00:20:02 in the fucking water faucet. There's one water faucet. You're really thirsty. It's like, there's five people. They know about it. You're about right, Bob. Yeah, dude, it's like, dude, could you literally, I'm gonna see here and watch you fill up your half a gallon of water right now? The fucking secret, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Do that shit at home, bro. You know, it's fun. Why'd you come in with a fucking half drain fucking water bottle? That's so annoying. Yeah, I have totally. But you know, it's, you know, it's funny right now I'm laughing because we're talking about all this stuff, but I guarantee you, I know it. I know it. We all do shit in the gym that I guarantee people look at us and they go,
Starting point is 00:20:30 what the fuck are they doing? Like I'll do my sets. I'm off for sure. Oh dude, I'll get a really good pump and they're in each gym that I work out at. I know the fucking selfie mirror. Like there's a mirror in each one. Like the one that one, the one gold that me and you have worked out the past. There's such a new phenomenon. Bro, there's that one mirror in the corner by the frickin shoulder press
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah, like the light from the sun comes in and you just look more like I recognize like Location wise between some of your guys as well. Anybody anybody who know anyone who's been taking the pictures in there a lot of Nose there's that there's the there's the mirror like GPS tag that I think Johnny did one time. Yeah. Which you brings me to something else that's funny that I have done that.
Starting point is 00:21:08 He busted me at one time. So I was just talking about how I talk shit about somebody who puts water bottles and weight and towels on their machines and holds them. Well, I am notorious for setting my water bottle on my machine that I'm using or whatever I'm doing and running the bathroom. Because I pee like five times during a workout.
Starting point is 00:21:24 So I have the smallest bladder in the world and I plus I pound a gallon of water while I lift. So I'm doing and running the bathroom like, because I pee like five times during a workout. So I have the smallest splatter in the world, and I plus I pound a gallon of water while I lift. So I'm going to the bathroom. In between sets, you go piss? Yeah. I can't do that. I gotta finish the body part. Well, see, that's cause you do the single body part
Starting point is 00:21:34 sometimes. Yeah. So I will, I will go, yeah, no, you're playing into the pump and I'm gonna die. Yeah, mine, I'm working, you know, primarily one. You should just be like marathon runners and just fucking, you're in the mo,
Starting point is 00:21:45 you're in the motion. Get this stadium buddy. Just piss yourself. Stupid dude. What's this stadium buddy? But it's like this, it's like this strap, okay, so it's like a catheter basically that, that it gives this pouch that you strap onto your bottom
Starting point is 00:21:57 of your leg and you can just let it go. Wow, yeah, you sit there and it's real. How many? I, it's a real thing. How lazy have men become? We can pee standing up But we invented We hook up so we don't even have to get up. Yeah, I'll get to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:22:10 I get great. Yeah, yeah, so I I was doing that one time and I came back and I was plugged by the way I tell you I get to the bathroom and back when most faster than most people's respire It's like I don't I find it. It's okay. So I go to the bathroom. I take a shit Yeah, I leave my I leave my water bomb on the sheet and say I go take a piss real quick rinse my hands I'm right back on the machine. I mean, it's maybe a minute 30 maybe 90 seconds. I can get that done it right so By the time I got back Johnny had taken my bottle and and moved it and I was like and he happened to be on him It right next to where I was at and I said hey, did you see my bottle was right here? He's like, oh, that was you. Aw, fucking hate when people do that.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I put it in, he like hit it in the other side of the gym, dude. I was like, you dick. I was like, bro, I was just here like this, like literally 60 seconds ago, man. I'm like, come me some slack. And he started laughing. He's like, oh, I thought that was some wannabe body. He calls you out right there.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Oh, he did, he totally called you. He totally busted me out. Dude, how are we doing on time? So I want to go into 23 minutes. Oh, beautiful. Do you. He totally busted me out. How are we doing on time? Cause I want to go into... 23 minutes. Oh, beautiful. Do you guys have rituals that you do before every workout?
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah. I knew it. Same thing. What's your ritual? Well, I have a certain kind of routine. It depends on how I'm... A lot of it has to do with my warm up. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah. Do you take a shit before you lift weights? Yeah. Every time! No! Every time! What's the matter with time of the day? It has to do with like my warm up right right yeah Do you take a shit before you lift weights? Yeah every time Yeah, you have to take a shit before you work out because you don't want to you don't want to come during during your workout Mess up. I think that's just there's nothing because trust me. I there's been time So you squatting Nothing kills a great workout to then having to think a seven to ten minute shit You're right you're right in the middle of your pump,
Starting point is 00:23:48 and you're like, oh, shit. This ain't gonna wait until home. I should have taken care of this. This isn't waiting until home. I'm gonna have to go take care of this right now. I can't hate my abs right now. So it's funny because that actually, when I'm on the bulk and I'm aggressively bulking,
Starting point is 00:23:59 that happens. But when I'm anytime eating normal or cutting, that's not a problem. Oh, bro. But man, you do not want to be around a freaking bodybuilder But when I'm anytime I'm eating normal or cutting that's not a problem Man you do not want to be around a freaking bodybuilder who's eating you know 300 grams approaching a day on an aggressive boat. Don't drive anywhere with them long distance You're gonna get blasted. Yeah, you gotta have the pre-workout shit. Yeah, they work They used to make they made fun of me at my at my gym the trainers Because I would do that they'd be like oh so it looks like it's gonna work out soon
Starting point is 00:24:22 And my gym, the trainers, because I would do that. They'd be like, oh, so it looks like it's gonna work out soon. You gotta do something. It's not the worst when they like see you go into the bathroom. You hope you don't make eye contact with people. I get to the point where I didn't care anymore. I just like, hey, I'm all, yeah. And then, you know, I put, we put little sprays in there. I'll take a plazis sometimes.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Really? Oh, when you come out? Yeah, yeah. The worst is when you go in there and the seat's already warm. You're like, who is here? Yeah. For a long time before me. Yeah, that's a little awkward, because you're like,
Starting point is 00:24:51 I don't know if I have so much of a ritual as I have, like, for me, I take my outfit seriously that I wear to the gym. Like, I have to, just like anything, I have to match. Really? I have to feel, I have to feel I have to plan my shoes bro I the last time I saw you work out you had you had cut off yeah cut off sweats yeah which I which I'm not seeing I'm dressing up I'm not saying I'm getting dressed up but I'm I'm saying like I'm coordinated yeah you're
Starting point is 00:25:17 matching yeah I had it I hadn't seen cut off sweats since I read my 1983 edition Ironman Ironman magazine then you have then you start off in a sweater sometimes, or long sleeve, and I think you wait till you get a pump before you take it off, right? Fucking genius. I do the same thing. I have like 150 shoes to match whatever color or shoe. Yeah, you have a lot of shoes.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I have a ridiculous shoe that I've just did. Ridiculous stuff. I had a control. You probably have a problem. I have shoes that are way more expensive than most females I have. I'm gonna be finished dude. I'm gonna be ridiculous. I gotta control it. You probably have a problem. I have shoes that are way more expensive than most females I heal. So, yeah, I have some sneakers that are pretty rare.
Starting point is 00:25:51 What, that's awesome. Yeah, I'm a pretty, you know, maybe one day we'll count them or we'll talk about them. Bro, I dress like shit when I work out. I wear a white beater and tin fucking shoe. Okay, so I have cut off sweats on. I've got a pair of chucks on. So I'm done, I'm done up. But, like, I like that stuff. What I'm, the reason why I have cut off sweats on I've got a paired chucks. So it's not like I'm done up right but like I like that stuff
Starting point is 00:26:06 When I'm those the reason why I wear cut off so I'm comfortable It's like that's what I like to be in like I wear a shirt That's like a very soft shirt that I like to work out in or tank top if I'm working out in tank top And I'm in my chucks and my chucks definitely it's the mental right it puts in the mental stuff Yeah, see what if I'm if I'm lean I wear a wife beater Like this is straight up like we do Guido style wife-beater, and I tuck it in. I look like I wear a tank top, if I'm lean.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And if I'm just like, dude, I'm just like, bulky, I'll wear my t-shirt. From dude arms, I'm wearing a tank. Tank, yeah. I'll start off with a t-shirt, get a pump, then take it off, and then I got the tank. There you go. You got both areas, cat.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And I noticed I got all these. So these are all appropriate. This is okay. You're allowed to do these things, because we said so. Yeah. Jim etiquette. We're still talking about that. Yeah, we're fucking hypocritical.
Starting point is 00:26:55 You know what happens? After a while, if you go to the gym long enough, you just, you kind of don't give a shit anymore, and you just like, you just do your thing. Well, that's, I like to do that. So maybe that's what the dude, maybe that's what we're talking like the people with the freaking garden gloves.
Starting point is 00:27:06 That's the definition of getting all. No, no, no, you know why? Because lots of other people do that. It's not like one like okay you said it best. How many? When was the last time you saw someone wear cut off sweats to the gym? You I mean.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Yeah, 1983. That's me bro. I that's I rock that shit. You know what I'm saying? I rock that shit because that's that's how I work out. That's how I train. You know, it's like that's what I feel comfortable in. I've turned up a bunch of my friends.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Old ass sweats. They're sweats I've had forever that I've just chopped them off and they're shorts to be comfortable. And I didn't do that until I actually had some calves. So they were full sweats until I started. Oh, you got them. And they got them like that. They might start to build my calves a little bit.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And then, okay, they're shorts now. They're shorts now. Of course. Yeah, I was gonna say so many of my friends, they got inspired by Rocky. And so they literally dressed exactly like Rocky. They go workout and they wear the gloves and the cut off sweat.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah, you know what, I hate more than like sweat on the back of the machine, is I hate it when someone sits down on a machine and gets up and there's ass sweat. You know I'm talking about where you can see like the outline of their... That's the worst. Well that's a wipe it, ring a towel.
Starting point is 00:28:08 You everybody knows you know that's another gym etiquette rule, right? Yeah, ring a towel. Or if you go to a gym, like the wipes available. The goal that we work out at has to have spray bottles and wipes and stuff. And you'll see me. So I actually, that gym I don't ring a towel
Starting point is 00:28:22 because they actually have that. So, but you will see me anytime I use a bench, I get up. If you ever watch people, I will walk, I'm fucking sweaty. So I walk over, I spray it, I wipe it, I clean the machine, or I clean it. It's like the respectful thing to do. It's like, I don't want the next person to come behind me afterwards and be like, I'm grossed out because I just went all the way. I just thought of something.
Starting point is 00:28:40 That's kind of gym etiquette. If someone's lifting weights, they have mirrors and gyms for a reason. Number one is to look at yourself, but the second reason is to watch your form. You ever do an exercise in front of a mirror and you're watching your form making sure that you're in front. Somebody comes right in front of you and starts
Starting point is 00:28:52 through their exercise. It's a great one, bro. Right in front of your fucking way. That's a great one, bro. I didn't think of that. That just happened to be just the other day, bro. I was doing something too.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I was like doing an alternate single dumbbell press So I'm like really want to watch you for me. I make sure I'm stabilizing evenly coming down on both sides And some dude just stands right in front me starts doing fucking bicep curls right in front of me Mother fucker dude like can you can see I'm like stuff like trying to pay attention Dude, I'm doing I know I'm doing power cleans on the platform and right in front of me is a squat rack and I know I'm doing power cleans on the platform and right in front of me is a squat rack and Ever you know there's a couple other places open to do stuff and this guy this guy just starts doing Squats right in front of me and there's one mirror and it's facing you know directly in front It's like you're squatting. I don't know what like so I had to time it out
Starting point is 00:29:39 So I didn't do a rep when he was doing his rap and I'm not looking and I'm like, oh god This is so when he goes down, you go up. Right, exactly. Hey Brody, but if we should- Then it started to look kind of funny. Right, like, you're tortinated. Pistons. Fuck, that is a good one, bro.
Starting point is 00:29:53 That's a really good one, because that drives me crazy when people, and people don't think about that. So next time you're standing in front of me or paying attention if there was somebody that was watching this for us. Just wait till that person is done. Don't get in front of Adam for me. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Stupid. That's do this. That's fucked up. You'll feel small. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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