Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 023: GMO? Hell No!

Episode Date: February 11, 2015

GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are getting a lot of attention these days. Do GMOs represent "better living through science" or are they "frankenfoods" that have long-term ill-effects that we do...n't even know about? While the truth is not yet fully known, find out the bet that Sal, Adam and Justin are making with their own personal health.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome back to Mind Pump. This is a fitness comedy, awesome show. Go to Mind Pump Radio.com, we got free workouts. Actually, what you'll find on there are our last workouts or samples of what we did last.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And we also got some programs on there. I have my NOBIS 6-pack formula. It's a workout program designed to develop a 6-pack abs. You guys have your nutrition survival guide. It's just, yeah, it's a basic starter kit for nutrition and what to focus on and really had to approach it in a safe and healthy way. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:00:48 So on that note, I wanted to talk about a very controversial subject. It's actually controversial, not just in fitness and health, I mean, it's controversial all over the place. I want to talk about genetically modified organisms, or as most people know them by the acronym GMOs. GM the acronym GMOs. GMOs. GMOs. So let's, I want to start by explaining what a GMO is or what a genetically modified organism
Starting point is 00:01:10 is, or in this particular case what we're referring to. Humans have been modifying food for a very, very long time. So we've been crossbreeding things. We've been irradiating certain foods to cause certain, you know, products to come out. But GMOs are unique in the sense that we take individual genes and insert them in a laboratory into a food to give it a particular trait or benefit. So to give you an example, they'll make GMO corn,
Starting point is 00:01:38 which is probably the biggest, one of the biggest products out there that's GMO. And it's designed to withstand very, very heavy doses of herbicides called glyphosate. You might know one of them by its brand name, Roundup. Yes. So they designed these plants to take these heavy loads so you could spray all this herbicide on them
Starting point is 00:02:02 so that they don't die, but the weeds do. And supposedly it's easier for a farmer's to grow spray all this herbicide on them so that they don't die, but the weeds do. And supposedly it's easier for farmers to grow. And the selling point is you can grow more plants. It's cheaper. You get more, you produce more, basically more plant. So let's talk about the controversy a little bit. I don't know, what have you guys heard?
Starting point is 00:02:19 Now, these are not, we're not gonna go into the facts yet. I want to, let's talk a little bit about what you hear about JMOs. What have you heard? Well, I think a lot of people think it's like a scam. I think people think that it's like just another ploy, like no trans fat in this, or the whole salt cake that we went through, no sodium, I feel like there's always been all these trends
Starting point is 00:02:38 in nutrition. Just like I said, we were talking about with working out and companies and businesses. There's these trends that follow nutrition where some study comes out and companies and businesses. Like there's these trends that follow nutrition where some study comes out and shows, the average American, it takes X amount extra or sodium and some bias report, so it shows some crazy amounts. And then the food industry goes, okay,
Starting point is 00:02:55 we're gonna slap no sodium on all these foods. So you're talking about the anti-GMO movement. Yeah, what you're referring to. Yeah. I've also heard things like GMOs are bad for you. Um, franken food, people have referred to it as, uh, you know, only eat organic or eat foods that are natural, quote unquote, natural, quote unquote natural unnatural. And, and, you know, and there's a, there's a counterpoint to GMOs as far as like from
Starting point is 00:03:20 the science perspective. So what, what really are we trying to do as an industrial complex is to be able to provide food for masses and masses amounts of people? So I remember some statistic that it said that, okay, everybody in population here in the United States averages about one and a half eggs per day. So how are you gonna provide one and a half eggs per day. So how are you gonna provide one and a half eggs for that many people?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Right, well, you take, you maximize production of, so this is the trend though, like you have to think in those terms as far as quantity. So, and now this is where we're in a state now where, okay, we have excess of things, but you know how are we actually manufacturing? How are we producing these? Well, I think the intentions with GMOs have been sold as good now say sold because I will say this Some of the large companies that produce some of these GMOs
Starting point is 00:04:19 And I won't name any names, but one of them sounds like Bon Santo Have a bad reputation. They just have a really bad reputation. Some people have been like evil, evil or a risk. Right and you know here's a thing with business. Here's my opinion when it comes to companies. I don't think companies are evil. I don't think they're good. I think companies do what they're supposed to do which is produce it. Provide a product that makes him a profit. However, this particular company, I almost said their name, this particular company, as well as others in the food
Starting point is 00:04:51 and the huge mass produced food industry, are probably the best examples of crony capitalism that I can think of. These companies partner with government and use and influence legislators and make laws or influence laws to eliminate competition or allow themselves to compete unfairly. Because I'm all about competition. You know, companies should be able to compete with each other, let the best one win.
Starting point is 00:05:18 But I'll give you a good example of what I'm talking about, right? So there was this huge label GMO movement, right? In California recently, that's 37. I don't remember. I think so, but it was like maybe two years ago where people were saying we should force these companies to label GMO. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Well, a little history. GMOs were introduced into the market in the mid 90s. They didn't really start to take off until about 97. This is when that corn and soy were introduced in the mid 90s, they don't really start to take off until about 97, this is when that corn and soy were introduced in the market, and then they explode it. And now today, if you eat a food that is packaged and is non-organic, probably about a 90% chance it's gonna contain some GMO in it. That's how much they penetrate the market
Starting point is 00:06:03 in such a short period of time. I think the real stat's like actually 80 80 or 85 but that's still fucking ridiculous. Oh, it's in some cases it's if you say if you eat something with corn in it, you're in it not organic, you're pretty much can guarantee that it's going to be a joke. I think that's pretty much as poor as corn is GMO. Yeah. And here's the here's the don't you I've always said don't you think this is the biggest dead giveaway you ever drive by some cornfields? No. You never drove by cornfield before?
Starting point is 00:06:28 No, I don't think so. Yeah, I was in the Midwest. Well, yeah, and is it an ironic how every single one is exactly the same height and they look exactly the same. Yeah, so they've probably perfected it. I mean, so I'm saying, like it's not like in nature, when do you ever see a two orange trees right next to the grow identical? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:06:47 No, well, you know, with GMO is the whole labeling thing. I'll tell you what, you know, what happened. Here's my problem. I'm always usually against government force. I'm pretty much against government forcing any business to do anything. I think the consumer should be the one that dictates whether a company succeeds or not.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Here's the problem I have, however, with GMO, we'll use corn as an example. With GMO corn, they produce a product in a laboratory that they then patent, okay, they have patented this product. Now, the law says you cannot patent nature. So I can't take a rock and say this is patented and this is now a rock that it's patent, you can't patent anything in nature.
Starting point is 00:07:25 However, these companies have been allowed to patent these products and rightly so because they created them in a laboratory. Now, on that same token, they can call their product by the natural counterparts name. So they've patented a product that's GMO corn, but they get to call it corn. So now nobody fucking knows if you're eating corn or GMO for GMO corn, but they get to call it corn. So now nobody fucking knows if you're eating corn You know for GMR and and here I just saw a statistic here I was talking about GMO corn GMO corn contains more than 18 times the safe level of glyphosate set by the EPA Well, and here's the thing with with with that's a scary statistic
Starting point is 00:08:01 Well here. This is interesting now. Now. this is correlation. This is not causation yet, but if you look at correlations, you look at the rate of growth of food intolerances and food allergies. Now, let me ask you guys a question. We all grew up mostly in the, I'd say in the 90s, right? 80s and 90s. Do you guys remember going to class and having five fucking kids in your class with food allergies?
Starting point is 00:08:23 No. Oh my God. Yeah, no. Never. You know what? My kids go to school now. I swear to God. There's classrooms that have to be peanut free, dairy free.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I mean, like all allergen-free, a whole classrooms. I guarantee every class has one kid at least. Right. Since 1997, food allergies have increased by over 65%. Staggering. Huge. Staggering. Huge. Staggering. Huge.
Starting point is 00:08:47 That's not evolution. That didn't even evolutionarily happen. So there's some theories as to why that happened. But if you match up the charts of GMO foods penetrating the market and you line it up with the chart of food allergies and food intolerances, they almost match perfectly. Yeah, because at that rate, I mean, it's so unnatural. Like you'd have to account for all these mutations and everything that has happened in with that.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So, I mean, how can it really like, you have to look at it from that perspective of what else is contributing to this? Well, to be fair, GMOs are tested rigorously. They've been tested so many different times and they've been tested safe and the science that we currently have says that they're safe. Here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Here's the only problem I have with science. Science only knows what had a test, what they know to test. Okay. So they're testing for things like toxicity. Are you going to get, are you going to eat GMO corn and have a toxic effect? No. They only know how to test one generation. We're going to feed these rats,
Starting point is 00:09:45 geomocorn for six months, and then see what happens. We now know that genes can be expressed differently from generation to generation, based upon experiences of the mother and father and based upon their lifestyle. We know this for a fact now, this is new science. We are just learning about bacterial flora and the gut. This is something we never tested for before.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah, but we know it affects metabolism now. It affects metabolism, it affects your mood. Did you know that your gut has a second highest concentration of serotonin receptors in the body? I didn't know that until you told me. Yep, they call that the second brain. That's why you feel things in your gut, right? So when your gut is bad,
Starting point is 00:10:22 it'll hire levels of things like depression. So it affects your moods, it affects, it's one of the major functions of your immune system has to do with the gut. What does it tend like for every cell you have, you have tens, what do you call those cells for bacteria versus like a cell? Oh, well, you're, you're, every person is more bacteria that we have more bacteria than human. There's like a 10 to one is the ratio. Yeah, you have more bacterial cells than human cells Yeah, we're actually more bacteria than human if you right look at that one And that's a huge central point for your back to massive massive so they didn't know what a test for these things glyphosate we know they don't affect humans like human cells, but we do know that they affect bacteria
Starting point is 00:11:02 We know this But we just don't know what that means because we don't know what had to test it. Then there's gene transfer, which is now starting to come up. They're showing that these genes that we're inserting into these foods are starting to transfer over and fundamentally change some of the genes of bacteria. What the fuck does that mean in the future? Like, we don't know what that could mean.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And so it's like this, and here's the truth, the reality is it's a big fucking experiment right now. It's only been around in big penetrations in the market for maybe 15 years. Well, wasn't it, wasn't it bigger in England? And then it sort of traced, like made its way more, you know, into the United States. Well, the US is the number one,
Starting point is 00:11:43 we're the number one consumer and producer of GMO products. Many European countries label, they make laws saying that you have to label GMOs as a result. Those countries have a lower consumption of GMOs. Well, no shit. Yeah, right. See, that's what pisses me off.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Underwire, this proposition was turned down. I feel like there's a lot of people that kind of know kind of know, but they don't know, you know? Like, it's gotten around enough now, everyone's like, oh, Jimo, yeah, it's probably better to do organic, you know? It's kind of, but you don't, do you really think about the things that you eat habitually, right?
Starting point is 00:12:15 This is where this really matters. Like, what do you eat on a regular basis? What are some of your favorite restaurant chains or places that you go to get eat, your eat food, like asking yourself, like, how was that, how was that prepared? And how much of that is genetically modified foods that are you're getting?
Starting point is 00:12:28 And like how much artificial shit are you in taking every single day possibly? Well, well, do you remember for years that tobacco industry was providing studies showing how safe tobacco was? And if I took, look, if I took a group of people and I had them smoke cigarettes. I paid a bunch of scientists to,
Starting point is 00:12:43 but you don't even forget that. Let's just say I have them smoke cigarettes every day for three months. At the end of my study, I must say cigarettes don't cause cancer. Because it takes so fucking while for shit to happen. Now I'm not insinuating GMO's cause cancer and anything like that.
Starting point is 00:12:56 But what I am saying is that it is a massive experiment. We have had a massive explosion of autoimmune disorders, things like Crohn's disease, fucking irritable bowel syndrome is so common now. Food intolerances, now everybody's going gluten free because they have food issues and food intolerances. I mean, it's just weird shit is happening. And you know, our kids go to school and elementary school,
Starting point is 00:13:16 I see so many kids with these food allergies, it just blows my mind. How did that happen? So, I mean, and we know that the gut bacteria has to do with some of that stuff. It makes me wonder Where's that where that's coming from? How many people feed their kids like a bull cereal every single morning? Oh, that's been the marketing piece since since I was a little I mean, I don't remember not seeing that
Starting point is 00:13:36 The balance part of your parents are parents of that probably balanced part of your day What is that like? What is that like? What do you guys have to do for your kids? I like I'm curious like I mean I don't have I'm the one you have to fight it I mean here's a thing with kids and this is why it's so important to me personally and you look into all these things like Basically like like cereal or or milk or all these things that were marketed so hard is as healthy and and Now you start to look at the real causation that's happening. It's a constant battle because for me, I want to instill as many good habits as I can in my kids early because the development is so crucial, especially it's so impressionable in the beginning to where they need nutrients in order to develop properly and optimally. So it's one of those things too that they hook you so early and the marketing is so,
Starting point is 00:14:32 like, it depends on the cartoons. What do you guys have seen? You have any idea how big the corn and the wheat and the dairy industry are? Do you know how massive they are? The government subsidized. So they're so powerfully subsidized that they actually tried to sell us on fucking gasoline made from corn.
Starting point is 00:14:52 We were gonna turn food into fuel and that was somehow supposed to be awesome for the environment and everything when in reality it was all bullshit. It just smells like french fries. Yeah, yeah. That's unbelievable. I mean, so, you know, for me personally,
Starting point is 00:15:03 I always try to be objective when I look at, you know, situations, I try to look at the science. But here's what I, here's my two options. This is what I weigh out because I have children also and I look at, okay, so, here's what I look at. On one hand, I look at the way foods that humans have been eating forever. And we know what they do and what they don't do. On the other hand, I have new foods introduced that they say are safe. However, we don't know 100% how the body metabolizes food, how it's affected. We don't know how gut floors affected. We know how inflammation is affected. We don't know how autoimmune diseases are created. So it's to me, it feels, it feels more like a gamble. So I don't mind spending a little bit more
Starting point is 00:15:45 on foods that are organic, non-GMO. That's just my choice, my personal choice. Yeah, and it's also seeing behavior. So for me, like, let's say, we're having a really hard time with my youngest. He just wants anything carbohydrate. He wants the breads and he wants crackers, and he wants all these things. And it's really hard for us to battle that
Starting point is 00:16:11 when we're sending him off to the grandparents, and they're giving him the treats, and then it comes back, and you're trying to instill all these really healthy habits. But you just actually see the behavior of this, not only that, but I also see there's a constipation aspect to it. So he eats so many carbs that he gets backed up. And it hurts, and then we have to deal with that.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And he cries and screams. And his behavior, when he's like, you're kids are all easy to hate you. I don't care, you know? You were talking about me. You're listening. When he eats good, he's pretty well-behaved, and he's chill.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah, you know what, for the listeners that are parents, I guarantee they're agreeing right now, you can clearly see a change in your child's behavior. I bet. Based on my crazy, my kids will eat sugar, and they're little shits for like a day because they ate bad. And it's like, I don't, you know, at the moment, I'd rather just give you away.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And why don't you guys come back when you're better? It's because like sugar at the age is like one of us probably take a line of cocaine right now. It's probably, it's like, actually the lights up the brain similar to when they were. Yeah, well, it's probably that, when you're that young, you've never been introduced to it would,
Starting point is 00:17:23 wow, you get it. Don't they actually taste their taste buds? They have like a heightened sense. Yeah, well, sweet is such a powerful taste for children and adults. But you know what's funny? We're talking about corn. They did just, some studies just came out right now
Starting point is 00:17:39 that compared high fructose corn syrup to sugar and they did this in mice. Now, for the underwear, high fructose corn syrup to sugar and they did this in mice. Now for the underwear high fructose corn syrup is a it's a sugar just like sugar is and and what they what they try to say is that they're the same because they're both sugars. So both both same calories program it's the same thing. But studies are showing high fructose and sugar is not good for you either but high fructose corn syrup was associated with higher rates of inflammation,
Starting point is 00:18:09 higher rates of just poor health. So sugar was actually better than high fructose corn syrup. Now all your soft drinks in America, they're all flavored with high fructose. As a matter of fact, it's cheaper than sugar because of subsidies. So most things that are sweet are flavored with high fructose corn syrup. And they're trying to change the name now. If you look in the back of products, it won't say that anymore. Let's just say fructose. How do And they're trying to change the name now. If you look in the back of products, it won't say that anymore. It'll just say fructose. How do we explain aspartame? How does that still exist in our food? Well, what's funny is, so again, aspartame, sucralose, all these artificial sweeteners
Starting point is 00:18:35 are safe according to studies because we only know certain things to test. So are they toxic? No. Are you going to die in six months by ingesting them now? Right. But lo and behold, the year later, well, aspartane has been around for a while now, all of a sudden, we're noticing, holy shit, these people consuming these sugar-free drinks are also getting higher risk for diabetes. How's this possible? It's not affecting their blood sugar. It's a chemical that's supposed to just go through the body and yet it's giving them but this is why yeah These this is a point why people need to understand like die like zero or die it or something that they're drinking as far as a soda
Starting point is 00:19:13 Goes like these are still at you're still at the same risk isn't this isn't this discussion kind of like what we had with a if it fits for your Macros guy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah Well, what they found with this with swingers, it again, it fundamentally altered. Don't you share that story with the listeners? What was that guy? Well, I had, you know, it's funny. I had this debate. We actually, me and Adam kind of tag teamed on this debate online
Starting point is 00:19:34 because we're dicks and... Pfft. Someone disagrees with the subject. I actually like, so we call in the troops. Before, before you get them pretty good right here. I actually like the kid because I like a kid that is, first of all, he's intelligent. He had an intelligent debate.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Oh, he's a smart kid. Yeah, obviously. I have no patience for someone who's just gonna like, you know, don't shit and just, he wasn't like that. He'll debate, he was debate giving you back studies left and right, like that and trying to back up but he was trying to say lots of great points, really smart to do. But there's just things.
Starting point is 00:20:06 His step was all, completely on a stubborn sentence. Yeah, and there's a lot of stuff too that we just, we, none of us know, because there's been studies long enough. We haven't had, we're creating things that we can only test for so long that it's only existed for four or five years.
Starting point is 00:20:21 You can't test for, but what does it do 20 years down the road? Right, or how does it affect your't test for, what does it do? 20 years down the road. Right. Or how does it affect your offspring? You know what's funny? Mothers who are while they're pregnant in stressful situations, it will, the genes passed on to the child are the same
Starting point is 00:20:34 because they're still from the mother and the father. However, the way the genes are expressed are different. And the children will be born and they'll be more susceptible to stressful situations. They're in a heightened state of stress and this makes perfect fucking sense that a fetus in the womb is going to try to evolve to its environment that it's being born into.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Okay, so what does that mean? Well shit, what about what she eats? What about what the father ate when he produced the sperm cells? So these are all what ifs. So impressionable. These are all what ifs and they're big what ifs. So anyway, with this gentleman,
Starting point is 00:21:09 this guy, that me and Adam were protecting me. So this kid, he posts a picture and got such a dick online, but he posts a picture of like, it was like two donuts and I don't know, some, it was like cocoa puffs and two donuts or some shit like that. Hot dog and. Yeah, and he's like, this is my,
Starting point is 00:21:24 this is my, this is my pre workout meal and it fits my macros. And you know, awesome, I'm healthy or whatever. And so I got into it with them. And I'm like, listen, that's a horrible message that you're sending people. And he's trying to explain that, no, my fats, carbohydrates and proteins are within my ranges, so it's perfectly fine.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And my, of course, I was telling them, listen, it's not the same. You know, if you eat your mac. And might, of course, I was telling them, listen, it's not the same. If you eat your macros coming from, let's say all you ate were meal replacements, and you had perfect macros, you're not gonna be as healthy as if you ate whole foods. You're just not going to. Do I have the science to back that up?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Well, there's some studies here and there, but it's also common sense. I think most people can agree with me. It's common sense. If you eat, if all your calories are coming from these processed foods that are in packages that have, you know, a shelf life of five years, you're not gonna be as healthy as if you get the same macros.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Quote, I quote. And that's just it. We're starting to slowly see little bits of it, like getting to your gut floor. Talk to us in 10 years. We're starting to see things come out that are like, but we haven't linked it yet. It's only a matter of time.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah. Here's another one we just talked about off the air was food rotation. You know, you look at these guys on Instagram and on Facebook and YouTube that are planning out their meals. Oh, that's huge in my business. Yeah. They're like meal prep. And it's like seven of exactly the same thing.
Starting point is 00:22:40 So like Talapia, you know, asparagus and rice or whatever. And it's exactly the same sort of stuff. It's so huge right now because there's all these businesses popping up that are delivery services now, like crazy. I've seen that. Every week there's like a new delivery service now because it's a booming industry right now for these athletes just to pay. They do it for good price.
Starting point is 00:22:59 They buy all these meat and stuff all. Because it is that's like a labor intensive thing for these businesses. Yeah, but it's like it's like a three basic thing, you know. It's all the same. Yeah, and you're just like, you're not rotating your food around and getting different colors and different things. Yeah, you're not getting your phytonutrients, like, it's not, you know, well balanced at that point as far as your micro.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Right, and there's also enzymes that you end up utilizing or depleting in the system due to certain foods and others you might not, and then you promote certain gut flora and you kill others off. Food rotation is very important for overall health. Now you have to eat like radically different, like zebra meat, one day, one day, you know, buys in the next day and ostrich the next.
Starting point is 00:23:38 But if you just- I never tried that, that would be interesting. Zebra meat? Yeah, it's all even, sounds good. But if you eat, you know, generally change your foods from here, you know, from one thing to the next, and you stick to like maybe four or five types of foods, you're probably rotating enough. But eating the same thing every single time is not only sounds fucking miserable, but that's
Starting point is 00:24:00 also not good for you. You guys, I even rotate like how I eat chicken. So like maybe for a couple of weeks, I'd be eating chicken breasts and I'm getting a lot of my fat from a steak or something like that later on in my day. Well, then when I stay on my course, I'll flip flop and now get chicken thighs and get my fat from my chickens and then reduce my and go bison instead of steak,
Starting point is 00:24:20 something that's a leaner meat. So I can, so I'm like staying within my nutrients where I want to be in some of that, but then I get, it's like I'm getting different, you're getting different benefits from the different fats and different foods. Those are always little ways that you can also rotate too. You just have to be so crazy in dynamics like South Stain, where you zebra meat. You get these all in the air. Yeah, every rotate, all kinds of, just keep it, you know, like guessing like everything
Starting point is 00:24:42 else that we're working out, everything. Well, I think you know We number one. Yes rotate your food, but let's look at the the big picture right of course It's not going to replace eating you know within your calories. It's not going to replace like if you eat too much food You're gonna get fat. I don't care how healthy your diet is sir plus. It's just math Yeah, and it's and it's always healthy It's always healthy to not eat too much. Even if you eat shitty food, it's healthier to eat
Starting point is 00:25:08 less shitty food than it is to eat more shit. And there's all kinds of studies saying that we should actually be living in a deficit, right? We should be, we should. Oh, for longevity. Yeah, for longevity. Maybe not for performance, but definitely for longevity. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:19 So, you know, if you're eating, you know, I guess the takeaway from this whole conversation that we're having, number one, I definitely recommend trying to eat non-GMO organic foods. I don't have the science to support the benefits of it, however, the science is emerging. And again, my case comes from A, the cronism that comes from those companies. I just don't support companies that don't compete on the market like this should. So if you're an asshole, I'm not going to buy your products. And number two, we just don't support companies that don't compete on the market like this should. So if you're an asshole, I'm not going to buy your products. And number two, we just don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:49 So I'm going to get I'm going to take the safe bet. I'm not going to gamble with the one that we don't really quite know it. No yet. Number three, rotate your foods. And number four, don't eat more than you need to. And I think you're kind of good, right? Yeah, you're pretty much good. I mean, I as far as like, you know, not
Starting point is 00:26:07 trut, having a general distrust of the food that you're eating in general is how I feel. You know, coming from, from a big corporation and company, just look at, just look at who's really looking out for your health. You know, it's funny too, because we're in fitness. God, you know, a lot of people in our industry, a third of their meals every day are extremely processed bars or shakes. Yeah. You know, when we talk about processed foods, ladies and gentlemen, we're not just talking
Starting point is 00:26:38 about a box of pop tarts, it's also that bar that you eat. That's extremely processed. Which is really just the candy bar. So what I had a chance to do, which was really cool. Now, and I don't know the science behind it, but I did a show where when I died a down, I did 100% all food, all natural organic, and all the way through.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And then I did a show where I actually introduced and just let myself, when I needed a shake or I needed a bar, I wasn't so strict about always making sure I was getting it all from food and Not even going from a hundred percent over to artificial like bars and shakes I mean maybe introducing it once maybe twice in a day tops ever You could see a total difference on my physique. You know, it's funny You told a different you hear a lot of these coaches to telling their athletes no shakes and no bars
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yeah, when they're going up to a show right? Yeah, so if it really is all about the macros I would even say that. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. And think about this. Look, you want to talk about artificial sweeteners. That protein drink that you have every single fucking day for the last 10 years.
Starting point is 00:27:35 That's probably flavored artificially. It's probably got sucralosinate. Hey, can I say, can I say just an I've been doing that? Did you, did I tell you that I ordered his whole? Oh, my supplement mix. Yeah, his supplement is cocktail. Yes, cocktail. been doing that. Did I tell you that I ordered his whole... Oh, my supplement mix. Yeah, his cocktail. His cocktail, all raw stuff. I've been pretty consistent with the dude I love it, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Oh, no, so, so, so, so, I feel it. So for the listeners, for the listeners, we had an episode about pre-workout, shakes, and I, or pre-workout formulas. And I mentioned I would love to break it down like Sal does, because Sal does a really cool thing, which is he takes Individual I take individual amino acids and so you get the right dose of each there's no fillers no flavors
Starting point is 00:28:10 It tastes like shit, but it's but you get what how did you feel when you took it the first time the first time the very first If I took I actually text you remember I said what the fuck is this shit? And you're like dude, that's supposed to taste good. It's supposed to be fucking great for you I'm like great fucking point dude I'm like it's like great fucking point, dude. And I'm like, it's like, it tastes like anything else. It's like, you know, it tastes like lime and water. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:28:30 Just a real, a weird taste, like lime. That was just, that was just, that was just, that's all you taste, right? How about the effects in your workouts? Oh yeah, no, great. I can tell like, I know my timing. Like I literally, when I hit, go head to my card to the gym,
Starting point is 00:28:43 like that's the perfect timing because as soon as I get to the gym, like instant focus, instant fucking energy, like right away. Or do you get better pumps, do you know, it's recovery all that stuff? Oh yeah, no, and then my recovery time's been great too. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I mean, I just because I've never been that regimen to break all the wrong regions down, actually preload at time it, and then time it on the way. You know, my post-Astero, and actually break down the Dexatros like that. Like I've never... You know, we need Dexatros. Dexatros. You know, we need to do, we need to just put this together
Starting point is 00:29:12 in a short formula, write it out for people, let them get it for free on our site. Yeah, that'd be helpful. Yeah, that'd be helpful. All right, we'll do that for you guys, because we let you. One of the things I talked about before, and if you guys haven't heard before,
Starting point is 00:29:26 we've talked about, I'm not a big fan of supplements. None of us really are and so on that. But, and the main thing was it because it's, cause what we're talking about right now, the artificial shit that's in it. Yeah, that's the problem a lot with a lot of these things. So it's the marketing behind it. There's things that have benefit.
Starting point is 00:29:40 I mean, we all utilize, you know, way protein. We all utilize things like that in our diet and branch hand to be honest with them. Do you guys think you would do it from a raw stamp? Now, I do take protein powder. I don't know if I can name their product here, but I've talked about it a couple times on my Instagram. Do you guys think it would be beneficial if we listed also
Starting point is 00:29:57 a couple proteins that we think that we actually think are good in terms of because they're not, you know, quality wise quality. Yeah. All right. We'll do that too. Let's put that all together for them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Alright, beautiful. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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