Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 025: The Decline of the Modern Male

Episode Date: February 13, 2015

The male is under siege. Environmental and social factors are contributing to the decline of testosterone and the role men have traditionally played. The alpha male was once king, but is he now on the... endangered list? What will stop this downhill slide? Growing a bushy beard? Probably, not. However, Sal, Adam & Justin offer some advice to those men who would like to cling onto their manhood.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome to Mind Pump. We talk a lot about fitness, nutrition, random shit, a lot of stuff. So I wanted to cover this. This is an interesting subject. I've been reading about this now for the past It's a it's a subject that's been fascinating me for the past. I'd say probably three years
Starting point is 00:00:30 I read an article about this back in 2007. I would say Years ago and it came up again the other day in conversation the gym and it's Fast and absolutely fascinating to me. So let me I just pulled up here This is in the journal of clinical and Dock chronology and metabolism, okay? This was published in 2013, but these were things that they noticed back in 2006 And it's something that they've been noticing for a while and the conclusion, I'm just gonna read the conclusion These results indicate that in recent years have seen a substantial and as yet unrecognized, age dependent population level decrease in testosterone in American men.
Starting point is 00:01:11 It's actually alarming. Since we've been measuring the average 30 year old today has a testosterone level of like a 60 year old in 1950. That's crazy. It's beyond crazy. It's insane and the funny thing is they can't pinpoint what the problem is. They're thinking. It's all basically speculation into this.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Well, they're speculating, right? I mean, I have some theories on what might be happening with testosterone levels, but you know, everything, the theories range from, you know, diet, you know, people eat shit. They're not active. There's a lot of different theories. I mean, what do you guys, do you guys have any opinions?
Starting point is 00:01:44 It's gotta be, well, one of them that sticks out in my head is roles as far as gender roles go. And like just the rise of, I don't know, women in the workforce and workplace. And I don't know, I actually personally know quite a few guys that have taken the, basically have gotten home and become a stay at home dad, or sort of took on that role,
Starting point is 00:02:10 which that's a big shift. Like that used to be a really, a sort of a thing that people look down on almost. Well, you know, it's funny. I guarantee you right now listeners are thinking, there's some listeners saying, what the fuck does that have to do with test-offs? I'm just gonna say,
Starting point is 00:02:22 is there something that we could even prove that this is socially, socially that we're actually gonna adapt and fall? Yes, one, because it's not lower your test, us. No, you're, no, okay. What I'm thinking right now when you're saying that, right, what goes through my head is like the whole, like, the thing about, what, 25 years ago there was no such thing word as metrosexual. Metrosexual, so that as evolved as a guy who's very feminine and it's almost become popular
Starting point is 00:02:43 and cool. Where you get your ass kicked 20 years ago, if that was something that you even talked about, much less bragged about, much less creative story about. Well, here's what's interesting. So this is a trip now. When men become fathers or if men are surrounded by a lot of children, their testosterone levels will naturally decline.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So yes, those change in roles could very well have impacted testosterone levels. And it's a fact, look, check this out. If you're a guy and you compete in a contest and I don't give a shit, it could be chess. You could play fucking chess and win your testosterone level goes up. If you lose your testosterone level goes down, this is well documented. This just happens. So testosterone does get affected on a genetic level and we can't evolve to have lower levels of testosterone, but you can also affect testosterone levels right now. Literally right now.
Starting point is 00:03:31 If you were trapped in a room, for example, with three men and 10 women for a week, your testosterone levels would increase because you have to compete with those men for all those women. If you go to that rate, we could speculate even then to the point where getting picked for a sport, like now, or if you go to that, right, we could speculate even then that, like to the point where like getting picked for a sport, like now, or if you go do a sport, right, and the kids now for a second,
Starting point is 00:03:50 if everyone gets placed, there's everyone's a winner, there's none of this. Those are things that forced you as a kid to like kinda rise up, right? So you could even speculate and say that has almost demasculated rise as a man, right? Something that you, to be a win, to be conquer, to whatever, you? Something that you to be a win to be conquer to whatever you know
Starting point is 00:04:05 And now everybody's a winner. Well, that's I mean as far as like we're at night now is a society like I see so many different demasculizing Things that that are happening as far as like I don't know like I don't know Why you do anything with the menstrual directional and I was saying that I mean the with that, but yeah, I like skidding. Oh, you do anything with the menstrual sexual direction when I was saying that. I mean, the fact that we have stores around it, like, come on, like, that would never, that would never exist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Well, you know, it's funny because it shows on, you know, TV and everything that are very much geared for, like, looking a specific way and being very clean cut. Like, like, we mentioned, I might have mentioned this before, but like, you know, beards and mustaches and all these things are sort of making a comeback. And I think that that is something that is interesting to me because it's like the last for all, you know, for man to like, no, I know there's a grab onto it.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I know this is a masculinity. I know this is like an overgeneralization, but in my, at least in my experience, a majority of those guys too, aren't the most manly of man guys. It's almost like guys that are like trying to be that way. Now, I know some guys that rock in the full beard, and they're, you're manly men. Now, let's think, they're more like hipsters. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:16 They're more, they're more like, it's because it is the trendy hip thing to do right now. Now I, I'm going to grow it. I'm going to do it, which would have, or two each their own. You know, I'm not saying these wrong with that But it's kind of ironic that you know, that's something that we would relate to something very masculine But it's probably very unmasculine men that are kind of doing it. Well, by the way, do you guys know what the evolutionary purpose of a beard is? Let's see. This is weird. This is funny. I fucking look at so I have a beard. I just tell me Dr. Seuss. No, yeah, check this out. One fuck, fuck, fuck, blue fuck, green fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Tell me Dr. Seuss. No, yeah, take a sec. One fuck, fuck, fuck, blue fuck, green fuck. So a beard, they're trying to figure out what the evolutionary purpose of it, because why do men have beards of women don't, right? Fatal hair actually gives you no advantage. That's for the most part, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So it's a success. It's a big hit. There's always exceptions to the rules. I am Sicilian. You can see some little women from my. So the beard has no advantage because it can hold things like lice and mites. I mean, we're talking about through revolution, right? This is why we're naked.
Starting point is 00:06:09 This is why we're hairless because humans are such social creatures. Well, we're such social creatures that having lots of body hair became a problem because you would get mites and lice and stuff like that. So it became better to be naked. But a beard, why do we have a beard? Well, if you're a male displaying this
Starting point is 00:06:26 nice thick, healthy facial hair, then you're probably healthy. So it's like a peacock's feathers. It's like your way of showing a woman you're healthy with your big beard. And so that's what they think, the evolutionary purpose of a beard is. Really? Yeah, it's like, it's like, it is split.
Starting point is 00:06:40 It's like split, like, for, I don't know. I see a lot of women, they either love beards, or they're just like, oh my God, you got too much beer. Oh yeah, absolutely, that's disgusting. Oh, I love it, we're gonna say this is good. So, women, so they do studies on this, and they do find that across the board, women think men who have short beers to be the most sexy.
Starting point is 00:07:00 No, that's wrong, dude, I've seen an article somewhere that it actually was like, my wife would have tested that. No, I think clean Shaven's number one. No, no, I will bet money on that. Now you're making me do a stubble. I'm agreeing with you. No, it's a fact.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Look it up. It's a fact, Google this at home, ladies and gentlemen. Women generally prefer men with a short, clean beard as the sexiest. However, we're gonna go step further. Men with big full beards were not rated as the most sexy, but they were rated as the most assertive, most dominant. This is just off looking at pictures.
Starting point is 00:07:31 The best leaders and the best fathers. Wow, all from a beard. From having a big beard. Fucking an inch. And what they'll do. And these are pictures of men that they'll do these tests. Well, they'll have them the same man. They have flattles on too.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah, a log of wood under their arm. So, yeah. So, I mean, bringing it back to testosterone levels, women are ovulating, this is another interesting fact, scientific fact, when women are ovulating, they are attracted to higher signs of testosterone. So what they do with these studies is they take pictures of men and they computer they use CGI
Starting point is 00:08:09 Or you know like Photoshop and they'll take the man's face and then they'll masculineize it So we'll give them like a little bit of a square job more square jaw a little bit heavier brow ridge Maybe a little bit of facial hair same face. Okay, same person. It's not that radically different Just signs of higher testosterone when women are ovulating 10 at a 10 times they prefer the man who looks like he's got higher testosterone. When women are ovulating, 10 at a 10 times, they prefer the man who looks like he's got higher testosterone levels. They think he's the most attractive. When they're not ovulating,
Starting point is 00:08:31 they actually prefer the man's with lower signs of testosterone. So they want to cuddle. Yeah, all right. Well, so when they're ovulating, when women are ovulating, that means they can get pregnant. So they want to sleep with the guy to get the strong genes.
Starting point is 00:08:44 But then they want to be with the dude that's going to stick around. So they wanna sleep with the guy to get the strong jeans. But then they wanna be with the dude that's gonna stick around. So why don't they just have two husbands? Well, they theorized that women probably got pregnant from men who were not the ones that stuck around. So they went and screwed around with the dude, the testosterone dude,
Starting point is 00:08:57 and then they had the little wimpy guy that kind of stuck around. So, isn't that funny, right? Gave him a little massage. Like, cave women horrors. So that's interesting now. So check this that funny right? Give him a little massage. Like, cave women horrors. So that's interesting now. So check this out, right? So then we introduced birth control.
Starting point is 00:09:12 What, in the late 50s, I think, but they didn't get widely used until the long. Yeah, that's when it started using it, but really got popular in the 60s and 70s. I don't even know if that was some of the 70s, I kind of, I didn't know it was that far back. Yeah, the invent, they introduced it in the market. Was it successful back then? Yeah, I mean, now where they's 99.7% percent, was it? Yeah, they haven't checked it. Yeah, I didn't know was that far back? Yeah, the, the, the, the introduced in the market. Was successful back then. Yeah. Now were these 99.7% percent?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah, I mean, they haven't checked it. Yeah, they haven't changed it much at all. It does the same thing. But when women are on birth control, those signals go away. They actually lose that ovulation signal. And so I'm wondering if, you know, they're just the alpha males dying out
Starting point is 00:09:40 because women just desire less. Well, so that, that being, that being, that being, you know, signs of testosterone. That being, that being, that being, that being, that being, that being, that being, that being, that being, that being said, then, I mean, you could also speculate that's what other causes for what could be going on with many back to our original topic. You were talking about with the lower testosterone levels and men, like, what about the possible things that are being pumped into food? And when you talk about hormones, you know, you talk about something like birth control,
Starting point is 00:10:02 which is supposed to be completely healthy, that's been tested, everything's fine, so that you do it. But over the time, what is it doing as far as evolution? Is it actually making our bodies evolve differently? So each woman that produces going forward, she starts to change. Just like a man possibly could from things like, you know, foods that are artificial. I don't know that you're getting pumped full of. Well, of course, you add, if you add, if you look at society, society now is very safe.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Women don't need a man to protect them from people who are going to, you know, try and take her safe. Women don't need a man to protect them from people who are gonna try and take our resources. They don't need a guy to hunt for them. They can get a job. So that all the things that men were really useful for. Because really, if you think about it, that's what men were evolved out of the human species. Now we just kill spiders.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah, like, it's exactly what we can do. And I don't even do that shit. I hate that. Fuck this. And I can't fix anything either. I'm worth living. So it's like, I wonder if just because society the way it's evolving, if eventually, you know, men and women are just kind of become this kind of homogeneous species with like different anatomy, but they kind of look the same. Well, wow. Now you can really start to dive into the, you know, same sex marriages and getting into like if there's more people that and of course We know that you know because it's more widely accepted now. It's the norm. It's not a big deal, right? So but you see so many more
Starting point is 00:11:14 Gay gays and lesbians that you probably saw 20 30 years ago. Now I'm sure somebody else would debate that that's because everybody was in the closet So I'm afraid to come forward, but is it really, is it more and more? Are we actually... Well, I don't know, man, you could actually... Go back to the Greek Empire. Are we in for romance? I don't think so. Yeah, I think it's been there.
Starting point is 00:11:31 And it's just that they've been oppressed for so long and that they just kind of kept to themselves. Well, testosterone levels, back in the, I mean, they did these horrible studies back in the, I don't know, 50s maybe where they took gay men and they said, okay, we're gonna make you straight and they just gave them big doses of testosterone. And they just ended up making these gay guys hornear.
Starting point is 00:11:48 They didn't make anybody straight. They just made him horny. That reminds me of a golds gym I saw in San Francisco. Actually, you know, on that topic, some of the frickin' ripped-as-dudes I've ever seen in my life. Dude, like they're you. You're just straight.
Starting point is 00:12:01 I think it's, I can't remember where I was with the staff, but I mean, in my field, man, the bodybuilding, men's physique world, that whole world, I think it's like I can't remember where it was the stab but I mean in my field man the bodybuilding men's physique world that whole world I think it's like 60% or something. It's you're kidding me. Yeah, no, it's really high. It's really high I've got a man or gay. Yeah, you know, I can't speak from personal preference as far as no one no one any that are that are I mean I mean That would I just said prefer I Want to say Refer to dude last time I let Sal make my drink. Oh Freud and Freud and slips are great Just just to give you guys a little background. I mixed these gentlemen and look you guys you fuckers miniature drinks
Starting point is 00:12:34 Hey, we're off I got nothing I got nothing to drink on do you know you got is this vodka and water But I don't think there's any fucking water Is fired as a bartender, man. I love it. I just wanna go ahead and apologize ahead of time right now for the disinterference. Because I cannot promise you what I'm gonna say or not say. Oh, you're good. I'll probably make up a few words along the line.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So just roll with me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, vodka's sell-ster. That's all I do. It's good. And then I got mine. It's like half a glass. And then I got a sell-ster. And then I have a glass of water with a bottle. I'm just with the emergency in it.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah, I told you guys I'm trying to get you guys drunk. A little under the weather. That way after the show. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think you know, and then you have Xeno estrogens. I don't know if you guys are familiar with what Xeno estrogens are, but these are chemicals that are found in like plastics and certain pesticides
Starting point is 00:13:22 or basically a Xeno estrogent is a chemical that has an affinity to the estrogen receptors in the body. So these are chemicals that can attach either weekly or strongly, most of them are attached in a very weak way, otherwise it usually wouldn't be approved to be used. But over time, the estrogen receptors expresses itself and you get estrogenic side effects. So if you're always around these Xenoestrogens, you can get like gyneocomastia. What? Yeah, which is gyneocomastia is breast tissue in men. Bodybuilders commonly refer to it as bichdits. Gaino, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Organo, right? Gaino bichdits. Yeah, high levels of body fat, it can increase body fat levels in man. I almost feel like testosterone's under siege with all these different things, right? It almost feels like it's understated. What about like, you know, in dairy, how they would pump like cows and what not with hormones and what they still do. Why me and they still do, but I mean, obviously you're consuming it. So you're going to be consumed along that with like, like what they what they use also, not antibacterial. I'm trying
Starting point is 00:14:32 to think of like, antibiotics, antibiotics. Thank you. So that they pump on full that to, you know, keep them healthy because obviously they live, they're living in like terrible conditions. But I mean, all that, all that comes back to you eating it and consuming it. So, I mean, how much does that really you think affect alongside, you know, the farmland, the soil, like the environment, the toxin, and that's why I wonder how. There's just so much, so many things that have changed over the years that, you know, how can we not account for all that stuff? Well, you know, I think, I mean, it's probably not fair. It's probably, it would be, it's
Starting point is 00:15:04 not fair if we don't cover now how you can naturally raise testosterone levels. Cause I knew people are hearing this and they're like, oh shit, you know, my testosterone levels are lower, or they're lower than they would be in the 1950s. How can you naturally raise testosterone levels? If you're a healthy...
Starting point is 00:15:19 Working out? Yeah, that's one. One of the absolute best ways. You lift weights. If you lift weights, whether you're male or female You will raise testosterone levels now women don't freak out. You're not gonna get ridiculous surges into testosterone You'll just get healthy levels of testosterone, which means you'll have more You have higher sex drive you'll have more energy and this is gonna be funny. You're gonna love this When women lift weights and testosterone levels go up a little bit their spatial skills increase
Starting point is 00:15:45 It's like a sense of direction increases. Yeah. What could, who does a study like that? That didn't even make sense. The serial type. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna pump some steroids into her, and then we're gonna make her make left turns all day and see how she does.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And this is all, you know, for me, this is already good at that, right? You know, I can't comparison to us. And I hate this because I think I have decent testosterone levels. However, I have the worst, I sort of got the worst fucking sense of direction you've ever seen your life. I can't drive the ball.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I think it's more of a distraction issue, especially for I know I've driven in a car with Adam plenty of times to know that we start talking and we're like, yeah, this and that and business and oh shit We've lost our exit like you know miles. We go it's probably a good thing that none of us But we've never all driven together. Yeah, we probably should we need like a designated navigator We need like a little table like this that holds a station We'll have Doug drive for us and then we can text and do social media and talk. Yeah, like to do each other's nails So raising to, right?
Starting point is 00:16:45 Please. Lip weights. Step two, eat, meat, eat saturated fats and eat cholesterol. Yes. Don't be afraid of saturated fats. Absolutely. We can conclude that in your diet. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Natural saturated fats. Yes. And cholesterol. What about cholesterol? Don't eat cholesterol. Oh, here I go. Did you know how long people thought eggs were bad for you? Oh, you, it's too bad.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Oh my god, yeah. That's the thing. That's the thing. LDL and HDL. Well, you know cholesterol is. Cholesterol, the building block for all hormones. Cholesterol is a steroid molecule. And if you don't eat enough cholesterol,
Starting point is 00:17:20 if you don't have enough intake of cholesterol, your testosterone levels are likely to decline. To diminish. So eat cholesterol. Now, I'm not recommending that all you eat is cholesterol, but don't go on like this low cholesterol diet, unless you suffer for some weird, you know, like hypercholesteremia or something like that. Cholesterol saturated fat, they will raise your testosterone levels
Starting point is 00:17:40 along with lifting weights. Sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, your testosterone levels will drop. Absolutely. Don't have kids. That's not necessarily true. If you have children testosterone levels due to clients.
Starting point is 00:17:51 So if you don't have kids, you'll have higher testosterone levels. Compete. That's why you turn into a big softy. You do, you do. And I got two kids. Yeah, yeah. I notice it.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I got to hit the weights, man. I got to hit the weights, man. Competition, competition's another way to increase the sauce from. So, compete with your friends and sports or in video games even. The body actually can't, the brain doesn't really differentiate between whether or not you're playing... Visual or physical? Yeah, if you're playing, you know. The visual or physical. Yeah, if you're playing, you know, you're playing bass,
Starting point is 00:18:25 aside from the physical activity aspect of it, you know, if you're playing, you know, metal of honor with your buddies and you win and you shot everybody, you'll actually get a little surge of testosterone. So yeah. Yeah, so I mean, I winner. Yeah, I mean, who knows, you know, people have argued
Starting point is 00:18:40 and said, oh, it's good that testosterone levels are declining and that men are becoming less manly because you know, men made war and, you know, they're the ones that start wars or the ones that cause all these problems and that. But you know, I like to point to the good things that men have done. You know, men are fantastic innovators. Now it's not because we're smart or smarter. It's because testosterone is a risk-taking hormone.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And in order to be an innovator you need to take risks Right and you lower testosterone levels or you start, you know, the men stop becoming so manly You get less risk-taking less of those visionaries those entrepreneurs making new products and you know Kind of the conference. We're always on a quest to impress women Yes, geez. Yeah, this is like what the world is. Yeah, I don't know, man. What would the future be like? What the, you know, who's just us?
Starting point is 00:19:29 I'd be like, hmm. Yeah, I don't know a little bit. We don't really need cars. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I was hunting kill stuff. So I guess at the end of the day, what are we recommending? Lithuates, eat red meat, eat some eggs.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Absolutely. I mean, they also have have a jerk off too. A lot of people are talking about jerk and a jerk and a no joke. Frequent ejaculation raises testosterone levels. I just told you to jerk off. I'm listening. This is actually where this is where a lot of people don't know this, but there's actually there's hormone therapy now too, which is was never existed before.
Starting point is 00:20:02 So you can actually go see a physician that specializes in just hormones and they test your blood and they see where your average testosterone levels are. And if you're below what an average man, your A should be, they can actually prescribe you testosterone and balance your hormone levels. Much more common nowadays. Oh, very common. I actually, I actually always tell any, any male that I ever trained that's over 40 years old, like that's one of the first things that tells me to go take his blood test
Starting point is 00:20:25 and check his hormone levels. Just because I wanna know what we're up against, bottom line, whether he ends up going through and doing home on therapy and take synthetics or not, that's up to him in his choice. But the I wanna know just from a standpoint, like what am I working with, my working with somebody? Because we know too, if you've got abnormally low testosterone levels, it's gonna be significantly more
Starting point is 00:20:43 challenging for that person to lose body fat, to build muscle, and compare some to the guy that's at either really good levels or high levels even at that. They have a much greater rate of fat loss in muscle build. Well, did you guys know that low testosterone also has health detriment? Not just you can't build muscle in your, your, your fatter.
Starting point is 00:21:00 You actually have increased risks for certain diseases, heart disease, your chances of heart disease go up if you have low testosterone, certain types of cancers. Go up dementia, you know, your chance to get dementia and age-related diseases goes up. So low testosterone is bad for you. So it's actually, if you have low testosterone and you're, you're exercise, you're doing anything right, but you still have low testosterone, you'll be healthier if you go get supplemental testosterone to bring it back up. I've actually heard as far as hormone therapy is concerned, they're finding positive outcomes
Starting point is 00:21:35 for that for people that have had traumatic brain injuries, which is something that I do pay attention to because I played football for probably like 10, 11 years. And I suffered from a couple of concussions, like a couple of them that were really bad. And I'm really affected me, yeah, in my school world. Like knocked out? Well, no, but I mean, it was to the point where I could not, like have you ever like talked to somebody
Starting point is 00:22:04 who's had a concussion? Well, I guess I am now. No, I don't mean like, when it actually happened. Oh, afterward? No, I haven't. Yeah, it's hilarious actually. Really? Yeah, you just, I mean, they just spout off
Starting point is 00:22:18 the concussion. The most random stuff, yeah. That's why they always like, okay, what year are we in or who's their president, or whatever, sort of grounding information they can get from them. But yes, I was just spouting off all the brand stuff. So that's something that's interesting. It's an injury, you know, that I'm sure that I've acquired. But at the same time, it's one of those that you don't see the effects of it probably for years and years. Yes, right? Well, you know what it reminds me of,
Starting point is 00:22:45 have you heard of the term punch drunk? Yes. Like boxers, like old boxers, and they slur the words when they talk. It's almost like they're drunk, but they're not. It's just because they've got hit in the head so many times. And what's the statistics on football players?
Starting point is 00:22:59 Isn't it like, don't they have like a dramatically increased rate of like depression and dementia and stuff later on in life. Yeah, they're finding a lot of their average life expectancy is like in the 50s. Really? Oh yeah, no Google Google that if you get a chance it's great. It's so significantly low. It's unreal man. You know, I had a chance to watch. I think it was like one of those Brian Gumpel specials on sports, whatever. And he actually dove into all these. And I was super fascinated by it.
Starting point is 00:23:27 It's really sad, dude. I mean, what it was was, they just had something. And I don't know, it was a few years back where retired football players, their retirement and some guys that played X amount of years if they were before a certain year, they got kind of screwed type of deal. And they were lobbying and trying to.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Wow, I just look at Check this out. I'm looking at it right now the National Football League now this is a Boston Boston calm, but it was on a couple other sites also. I'm looking at it right now the NFL players union Alarmed that its members died nearly 20 years earlier on average than other American men. Wow. Yeah, that's a big difference We're not talking about 20 years, bro. It's a long time. It's interesting because I mean, for me, I was talking to a guy who played rugby.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And so a lot of people, a lot of times, there's this misconception with that, you have all these pads on. And so therefore, it's probably not causing his mushingery or you guys are weenies or I've gotten this from like rugby players and I've actually played both so I know that in rugby the technique is completely different. You can't blast with your head.
Starting point is 00:24:32 No, you're absorbing the impact and you're rolling and so you're basically tacking your whole tackling process is completely different and which is funny because I tacked on like a football player like an idiot. So you have this first raging with your sauce for him. I think we need to paint the picture here because Justin's a, he's like a, he's a thick fucker. He's a bowl for sure. Yeah, I like a Kim Kardashian thick.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yeah, he has a massive ass. That's a football yeah. It looks like you could plow through someone with that thing. You know that, you know that like that that's their studies already on that right now. That's why MMA too is, they say it's so much better for you than boxing because the pads, you would think you have these big old gloves on, you're getting hit in the head that they're much softer than almost bare knuckles, but it's not true because you get more superficial injuries than MMA.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Exactly, yeah, right. So you get knocked out by one punch in MMA possibly if someone connects just right because of how solid is it but if you get hit in boxing like that you could take 15-20 those so the vibrations they're saying the brain there's also so many ways you can win in MMA too it's something like 30 or 40% of the fights are done by submission if you knock a fighter down you jump on them all real quick and try to finish it whereas in boxing they get an eight count and they can come back up and take more punishment. And there's really only one way to win in boxing.
Starting point is 00:25:48 It's TKO, you know, decision TKO, but you beat the shit out of each other. Whereas in MMA, there's other, I'm a big fan of MMA. And you know, I think it's safe to say, look, I'm a fan of all these sports, even if they're dangerous. We're talking about football play, football have dangerous, you know, dangerous it is. Look, I'm not, I don't support banning any of these things. If you enter this thing voluntarily,
Starting point is 00:26:10 I agree. You want to get into a knife fight with someone and you voluntarily did it, then that's your choice. That's your dumbass, right? That's your choice, right? That's how I feel. Yeah, so if you play football, or you go in an MMA, I don't think they should be banned or anything like that
Starting point is 00:26:26 And if I think they're too violent for my kids, I just want to watch it. That's a last thing we need someone else controlling more shit Come on, dude. Yeah, get out of here. No, we want to be free and we want high testosterone You got it. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin Visitors at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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