Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 031: Intermittent Fasting for Fitness & Health

Episode Date: February 23, 2015

How would you like to burn more fat, increase growth hormone release, control your appetite, lower blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, reduce cancer risk, grow more brain cells and possibly l...ive longer? There is one thing that can do ALL of this for you... Intermittent Fasting (IF). Sal, Adam and Justin share the science and their personal experience with IF and what they present may go against everything you believe about eating for maximum health and fitness.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome to Mind Pump. This is the Fitness Comedy Show that everybody loves, including your mother. When did you start calling this your mother? He called this the second time he's called it a comedy show. Are we comedy show now? I don't think we were trying to be funny. I think people think we're funny, but in reality we're trying to be really serious. And everyone's like, you got to try it.
Starting point is 00:00:32 You're like, it's awesome information. So we're just going to go with it. I think it's as a plan out. You're cute. You're funny. I get offended. Like people are like, oh, when you were talking, it was so funny. I wasn't trying to be. So we're just going to roll with it now. I don't know. Okay. So I'm just going to read off a list of awesome benefits and we're going to guess. Yeah, you guys can get a randomly kind of list these off for you.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Okay, we spain these rules again here and I'm paying attention. So we have to, you're going to list off a bunch of what? So I'm going to list off a bunch of awesome health facts and then you're going to have to attribute it to something. The one thing you've got to think is you've got to find out what I'm gonna list off a bunch of awesome health facts, and then you're gonna have to attribute it to something. The one thing you gotta think is, you gotta find out what I'm talking about with it. Okay. Do we get a hint like it's a supplement,
Starting point is 00:01:11 or is it the diet, or is it what is it? Or is it an exercise, or what is it you're gonna guess? Right away. Do you want me to just listen? Okay. All right. I'm very competitive if you haven't finished enough. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I wanna beat Sal to the end. I'm gonna, I wanna beat South to the end. Hold your panties on. All right. So this reduces blood lipids, reduces blood pressure, reduces markers of inflammation, oxidative stress, and risk of cancer. It increases cellular turnover and repair, increases increases fat burning increases growth hormone release increases metabolic rate later Improves appetite control improves blood sugar control improves cardiovascular function effectiveness of
Starting point is 00:01:58 chemotherapy and it actually has shown Neurogenesis. Oh, intermittent. Okay. I know that last one was gonna be the one. You guys are gonna say that's the only thing that I know right there for sure. Absolutely. I am, that was a list. I almost wanna hear the list again. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I was gonna say sex. Cause yeah. I was trying not to give it away. Which is the way you've been. No, that was good. I was guessing all the way. This is fast things pretty awesome, but sex is way better.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Maybe we should just, cause I think sex will combine the two. Well, I don't know, do you like to eat while you're having sex? This is not even on the same plane. All right. All right. Let's fast thing is is is is tough It's not actually it's not time Well, that's because you yeah, you I don't even want to hear you I know your your your opinion is not counted this one
Starting point is 00:02:38 What wait a minute because you eat once a day, bro, so you're almost fasting already. I am fast You're always fasting. I got no let me tell, no, let me tell you how this happened. So, for years, and I mean years, I ate small meals every two out of three hours on a regular basis, I was religious about this, and I did this for 10, 12 years all the time. And I relied on things like caffeine or whatever to push me through the day,
Starting point is 00:03:02 because I used to work, I still work quite a bit. bit Well one day, I think we've even talked about this before You know one day I'm reading some articles and I come across some of the benefits of fasting now at the time I worked with some like natural Food you know kind of health hippie kind of people that worked in my gym and they would talk about the benefits of fast And I kind of roll my eyes, right? I'd be like all right, yeah detoxify. I'll borrow yeah health hippie kind of people that worked in my gym. And they would talk about the benefits of fast. And I kind of roll my eyes, right? I'd be like, all right, detoxify, obora. Yeah, more hippie. Yeah, more of that.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Anyway, exactly. Well, I read these studies and it kind of blows me away. Then I go on the fitness forums and people are talking about this one particular type of fast thing called the warrior diet, which is a book written by Auree Hofmeckler, I hope I'm pronouncing his name right. And people were talking about how awesome it was and how great they felt.
Starting point is 00:03:47 So I took a leap of faith and I thought the first day for sure I was going to feel like shit, right? I'm like, my workout's going to suck. So that morning I had a piece of fruit. I ate nothing. I worked out, I had an awesome workout. I had a small post workout shake and then ate nothing till dinner and I felt fantastic.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Never went back. Never went back. I don't need nearly as much caffeine. Just like that for the first time, mom. First time it was like instant. Love it first time. Yeah, instant. It just felt amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yeah, absolutely. I mean, well, do you know that it's been around like the 70s, right? So it's, it's just no really. What's the way humans ate? Well, okay, well, yeah, you could talk about that. Well, the answer that. Yeah, the, the whole intermittent fasting humans ate? Well, okay, well, yeah, you could talk about that. Well, that, but the whole, yeah, the whole intermittent fasting and the warrior diet and things like that.
Starting point is 00:04:28 This has been around for quite some time now, but why it's getting so much popularity now is what, when Justin was reading off, which I would have never been able to guess all those benefits. I didn't know that. But some of the ones like the growth hormone production and the neurogenesis, I mean, that this is new science that's coming out about it. They've kind of known, there's been a lot of benefits
Starting point is 00:04:49 to fasting and some of that in the past, but those two alone is enough to make a really big deal about it as a method of methodology of eating now. Well, we want to be clear too to the listeners, just before we continue. These studies are done on healthy individuals. So, for those of you who already have or just before we continue. These studies are done on healthy individuals. So for those of you who already have
Starting point is 00:05:08 like glucose issues or diabetes or certain health issues, your body's probably, it definitely operates differently than a healthy individual's with. So it might not be. Yeah, if you're extremely obese, you know, and you're battling that, like this is probably not. Oh, I would never teach you. I would ever. If I took a client on who's extremely
Starting point is 00:05:28 overweight, I wouldn't. Would you? No, no, no, they have a different attachment to food among other particular. Yeah, and there's there's there's special clinics and things where they really restrict calories and they have like physician controlling that. So, you know, I have mixed opinions about that personally, but I don't want to like, you know, go against that or anything, but that's all there is a resource for people that are struggling with that. But yeah, a similar sort of a coming to knowledge as far as like intermittent fasting goes for me is, is Sal, I actually just, I've been experimenting with a lot of different nutrition plans and diet plans because you know, for me, like in my body type, I was still kind of searching for something that I was really going to respond to.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And I actually decided to give it a try and I started out with the Eat Stop Eat method, which was basically once a week, you know, for 24 hours, I would fast and be on water. And I was like, Oh my God, this is, this is a mine. F, if you will. Can I say fuck? Yeah. I'm already. You do realize you're on mind pump. This is true. I forgot for a second. Yeah. So anyway, I went through the entire day and like I just kept hydrating my body and I felt so energized It was it was crazy and then you know, then you get back to eating the next day and Just the discipline of that. I wasn't really like you'd think that you're gonna binge out and go crazy the next day or something But I really didn't want to I wanted to keep it, you know manageable and manageable. And from then on, it sort of put me in a different mindset about eating.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And I actually ended up scaling that even further to meal skipping. And so this is something that I practice constantly. Where you skip it. Did you notice when you did the fast for the first time, because I noticed this right away, was as I went on without food, because you talk about being energized, and people, and I know people right now are thinking how the fuck could you be energized
Starting point is 00:07:31 when you're not eating food? And I wasn't even smoking crack. Right, and you weren't not that day. No, no, it was a previous day. Yeah, exactly. So don't smoke crack, by the way. That's a horrible way to lose weight. It's guaranteed to lose weight,
Starting point is 00:07:42 just war with you. It's guaranteed to lose weight. So, you know, I've said, I've noticed the same thing, other people have noticed the same thing and they've done studies on this, and this does in fact happen to quite a few people. When you fast, you have this surge of energy. And they theorize that this happens because our bodies, of course, evolved during a time when we would have to hunt for food. And if you went without food for a while, your body would give you more energy and heighten your senses to help you find that food or to kill that, you know, whatever you're gonna kill.
Starting point is 00:08:12 That makes sense. So that's what it's- You're gonna survival mode in sense, right? It's somewhat, yeah, somewhat. So I noticed that. I got this kind of like this hyper energy. It's really hard to explain, right? It is kind of hyper like the sympathetic response
Starting point is 00:08:23 in the body, which is by the way a fat burning response as well. Fighter flight. All right. Well, now that you guys have all said you're, let me give you my take on, on intermittent fasting and I definitely love using it. But I use it as a tool in my lifestyle. And for a couple reasons, like we talked about earlier, first of all, I would never take a first time client or somebody who hasn't even really started tracking
Starting point is 00:08:48 their food or pay attention to their caloric intake or macronutrients. If you're that green where you're just getting to swing at things, I want to teach you about balance and food and stuff like that. I find intermittent fasting is a little bit more advanced. And the reason why I found it to be advanced was, when I did it, I felt exactly like you guys did.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I had all the great benefits, but the one thing I struggled with that Justin said he didn't struggle with is when I come off a fast, I do tend to want to eat. I want to eat more and I want to keep feeling, you know, because I've depleted the body pretty pretty hard and my body is like craving. And but let's be honest, it's a mind thing. So it's not like what's going on chemistry wise and the science of it is 100% love it. Everything about it and everything is true to what we're talking about. But for me, it was a mental struggle of, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:42 to not overeat the next day because I was so hungry. And so for that reason, when I teach somebody with a client, I always end up teaching intermittent fasting because I love it as a tool, but I wouldn't tell a client to do that right out the gates. I want to teach you first to understand foods and the balance of them. And then I start to like Justin was saying, I also use meals skipping. So I yesterday I had three meals. the day before that I had two meals. Day before that I entered me fast. So I'm here I'm getting ready for Cabo.
Starting point is 00:10:12 So I've been like pushing pushing my body and been utilizing all different types of tools of eating. And that's what I'm a big believer in also, which you guys know, I always preach the whole confusion thing with everything. I'm that way with cardio with weights with nutrition You know, probably the drawback of what I do It's probably hard to see what is the most effective out of all the things that I do as far as changing up things up because I don't do anything for very long And and with intermittent fasting It's so inconsistent in my routines not like I every week like every week, like you did for a while on a Sunday. I throw it in in places and typically I do it after I indulge in something that I normally wouldn't or I shouldn't have done.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I think too, like your goals are different. I know that you're always trying to gain and build, right? Yeah. And your body type is definitely different than mine. And we've kind of talked a little bit about body types, but really it's about the biochemistry of it. It's how your body's responding. And so my bodies are gonna respond differently to you
Starting point is 00:11:14 and Sal as well. And so it's really just about figuring that out. Well, that's a very good point. And I'll also- Well, as I said, we gotta go into some of the, because you just talked about wanting to binge afterwards. You know, you've talked about some of the because you just talked about wanting to binge afterwards You want to you know you talked about you know some of the differences between between people I think it's important we we one major thing we need to talk about is people have
Starting point is 00:11:34 Different people have different relationships with food. So right now we're talking about You know what's going on with with your body when you fast or when you eat proteins fast Commerages we've talked about these things before, but there's this big factor that we haven't talked about, which is the relationship people have to food. And here's a deal. If you're going to fast, you have to have a healthy relationship with food. And I've worked with lots of clients, we wanted to lose lots of weight, you know, 50, 60, 70 pounds or 100 pounds. And before we work on anything with diet, we have to work on the relationship that they have with food. And here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:12:07 If I tell someone who's got a bad relationship with food, hey, you're gonna fast for 12 or 13 hours, that's shocking. Oh yeah. And so for that way beyond where they need to go. Right, so for them it might be, it's beneficial to eat these little meals throughout the day because they get to eat something. Can I stop you?
Starting point is 00:12:25 It's real similar and I know we hate to we continue to pick on CrossFit. But when you talk about the extreme of it, that's how I feel like. There's no need for you to go to that level yet because like you said, there's so many more things that are so much more important, the relationship of food and understanding what food is, what a protein, what a carb, what a fat is, and different macro and micronutrients, and all that stuff is so, learning that balance first. It's your building blocks. Just like with the training mode out, the same thing too. Yes, you could go join a crossfit and go balls the wall route, the gates, and see yourself change right out in a week or two because of how intense and crazy it is. But it's like there's so
Starting point is 00:13:01 many other things that are so much more fundamental and foundational for your body and overall longevity and sustaining your results that you need to learn and should be putting the work in before you ever even consider doing something that really. That's it being said, if you're a healthy individual who eats a relatively healthy diet, then you should, I think you should try it. There's different ways to do this. One way is, like Justin talked about, where you do 24 hour fast and the next day you eat normal. The way I eat every day is I eat very, very little in the morning.
Starting point is 00:13:32 So I literally, I might have a piece of fruit, I might have an egg, or maybe a scoop of protein powder. So that's like 100 calories. I won't have anything until a post workout shake, which is something small. It's usually another 20 grams of protein and you get your branch ching and you know, that's just maybe. Exactly. And then, and you get your branching, and you mean your asses, and maybe. Exactly. And then at night, I have a big meal.
Starting point is 00:13:48 So this is more of the warrior diet type of fasting. So there's different ways to do this. But the benefits come from the lack of food and calories for relatively, and I say relatively long periods of time, is when they see these benefits. This is a cool study. I want to bring this study up because we've talked in the past about calories and versus calories out, but this is a very fascinating study. In this study, in this study was done in 2007 by Stote STOTE. He had normal healthy individuals consume
Starting point is 00:14:24 adequate energy to main body weight in one meal per day or three meals per day for eight weeks. So he took two groups, you eat three meals a day, same calories as this group over here is in one meal a day, same calories. Here's, no, you know, what we would have normally thought was same, right?
Starting point is 00:14:39 There's no difference. Well, despite the fact that they consume the same number of calories, the participants lost weight during the one meal per day period at a faster rate. They got leaner, faster in the eight, once a day, the same amount of calories, which, to me, is fascinating. So there's other things that are going on there. So there's a lot of thermodynamics and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:15:02 It's just a balance of calories, calories expended and calories in, right? But now that, you know, throws a little bit of a ring. It does, but I don't think that the thermodynamics has been, you know, I don't think we've proven it wrong. I think what happens is the body just burns more calories. Right, there's just a different, you know, mechanism in place there. There's a hormone, there's all these other little things.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Right, to me, to me, it kind of makes, it's, to me, it's kind of logical because you think of, you know, it's the opposite, right? It's the opposite of what they've always said when people have the teach. Yeah, right? I mean, when you think about it, your gas tank is completely empty when you're in a fast state, right? And at one point, your body has utilized all its source of glucose basically to use as a primary source of fuel. We know that it wants that first. Then the second place it wants to go is fat. So if you're at hour 12 or 13 and you could be sitting at home chillin' watching TV, not even exercising, and now your body is still needing fuel
Starting point is 00:15:58 and you're not giving it, it hasn't had fuel so much. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. Switches off. So it's a different fuel system. And it's perfect because because you're sedentary or you're not pushing the body really hard because I think that's the part and Not to go off on another tangent, but you know part of why I didn't want to do it before I was also a fraser lose muscle. Yes. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:16:16 I was I. Yeah. No, I can't do that like I've you know I'll just all the muscle just fall off my body because you know to me like building muscle is just oh my god It's the hardest thing in the world for me. And that's the thing that I've always struggled with. It's funny because you don't look like that. Well, yeah, I'm looking at you right now and I'm thinking, you're a fucking liar. Well, you know, really?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Many, many years of trading. When you were two. Yeah. So definitely, definitely, that was my biggest fear was learning that. And you know, it's, there's some things that you have to be aware of. So if you are someone who tries to do this, and I was just, I was coaching a guy who's built, real somewhere,
Starting point is 00:16:52 built a me, he's about six two. We're getting ready, we get started this month, right? And he's 235 pounds, pretty lean for 235 pounds. And he wants to get even more shredded. And, you know, I was talking about, we're talking about intermittent fasting, and I'm kind of talking about it. And, you know, we're talking about intermittent fasting. I'm kind of talking about it. And I know like it's him just like myself
Starting point is 00:17:08 was the same fear, just like, you know, your friends muscle. Yeah, the muscle will just fall off, will fall off of you. But in reality, it's, it doesn't work that way. But what does happen, because just like I said, you're in a fastest state, so all the glucose is getting pulled out your body. And it's also getting sucked and extracted from your muscle bellies. So, and somebody like me who's a big tall guy,
Starting point is 00:17:27 I have very long muscle, big muscle bellies and when it gets sucked out, you can, I can see a huge difference in my physique. I look the flat, the term is flat. Yeah. I look flat and sucked out and I look skinnier and I look, my muscles don't look full because they're not full because they're completely depleted. You're freaking out a little bit. Exactly, and it's hard not to freak out because not only do you seat on the scale, but then you also look at yourself the mirror and you're like, oh my God, I can tell I look terrible
Starting point is 00:17:53 today compared to what I did two days ago. And so you gotta be able to get past that kind of mental piece that happens. Once you break past that mental piece, you will see the benefits of incorporating it. Once I had ran a couple of them back, a couple weeks of consistently incorporating the intermittent fasting, it was like,
Starting point is 00:18:10 whoa, I saw a huge difference. When I tell people about this, I have a lot of people say things like, oh, my blood sugar. What about my blood sugar? Now, unless you have blood sugar issues, unless you're diabetic or prediabetic, studies show, and this is almost conclusive.
Starting point is 00:18:26 There's actually a few studies that show that fasting actually gives you more stable blood sugar than eating small meals. But see, the crazy thing is that the opposite is what's being preached, right? They all say, oh, you eat little meals throughout the day, so you don't get big spikes and sugar. But it's not true. You actually get a more stable blood sugar response according to these studies with a one or two larger meals versus five or six.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Well, which goes right back to what we said before too. It's one of those things to me that just makes logical sense in comparison. I mean, why would something, we know that any time that you ingest anything, any carbohydrate, any food, it affects our blood sugar levels. Some of, and some more than others. If it's lower, high glycemic, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:04 you're gonna get a much larger spike. So that being said, every time you take something, you're getting, you're throwing that off. Where when your body's at a fasted state, it, you know, it levels out. It's, it's linear. It gets, it's this flat line basically, because it's, it's not getting thrown food in and out
Starting point is 00:19:20 of it every two or three hours. I said, in the pancreas, I'm trying to sport out insulin every, every, every other hour. Exactly. So to me, it just makes logical sense. Well, you know pancreas, I'm trying to sport out insulin every other hour. Exactly. So to me, it just makes logical sense. Well, I always go back to evolution. Whenever we talk about anything like this, and let's face it, the human body evolved to eat infrequently
Starting point is 00:19:35 and to perform in between eating. Right. This is just a primal thing. I mean, we were doing to survive. This is way more paleo than paleo. Yeah, exactly. This is going to bring that up. This is legitimate more paleo than paleo. Yeah, exactly. This is gonna bring that up. This is legitimate paleo where you eat infrequently because if you're in the savanna
Starting point is 00:19:51 and you're a caveman or whatever, you're not gonna have a refrigerator with you or a little bag with six tupperware containers of chicken rice and broccoli. It just doesn't fucking, you don't have a bar. You can't constantly fuel yourself. And you can't keep food fresh. So what do you do when you kill that frickin buffalo?
Starting point is 00:20:06 You freaking eat the whole thing. You eat the fuck out of it. You eat everything. You goreans and eyeballs and. Right. So there's more, there's so many studies on this. I tell you guys, go online, your software you listen to have your downloads through the show,
Starting point is 00:20:21 Google, the benefits of fasting or fasting studies or intermittent fasting studies, and there's more than you can read in a day because this has actually been studied quite a bit now. There's studies that show that you increase protein synthesis from eating less frequently. This is again, the opposite of what we've been taught, we've been taught you need to eat all the time
Starting point is 00:20:40 to have amino acids in your blood all the time. And they find that you actually utilize amino acids more efficiently when you eat less frequently. Which goes back to another to me, logical thinking, because you talked about before about how the constant eating of overeating of protein, how your body desensitizes your body from protein. So of course, restricting it for long periods of time,
Starting point is 00:21:02 I would think would make your body starving for it and can't wait to get it. And use it. Yeah, and utilize it for what it needs to be used for and what you ideally want for. Well, this was even before, like you mentioned the 70s, like think about like what religious practices were doing. Right. Right. There you go. A lot of religions had fasting is part of their culture because there are health benefits to it.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Absolutely. And you know, this is anecdote now. I don't know if there's any evidence behind what I'm about to say. But I eat far less protein now than I used to. Now, here's the thing. I build muscle better and easier than I did before. Now, I attribute that to two things. Number one, you don't need nearly as much protein as the protein powder companies will have you believe. But number two, I think the infrequency of my eating is whatever amount of protein I'm eating, it's being utilized more efficiently. Because now I'm eating, look, I wait right now
Starting point is 00:21:59 about 194 and I'm relatively lean. I'm really lean about 190 and I'm a little bigger at 190. I'm in between, right? I ate about 150 grams of protein a day. Which for less than a one to one. Rich for muscle building standards is like, you know, I'm like, I might as well be a vegan, you know. So you pretty much hover around exactly what the RDA is. You're RDA is 0.7 grams per leg.
Starting point is 00:22:19 No, RDA is less. RDA is, um, not for training athletes. They say 0.7. 0.5 for a normal center. And they say 0.7 for athletes? Yeah, I would consider you as a little. You train hard enough for this. Yeah, yeah. I was, you know, 0.5, you're right, for average person.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I did do concentration curls today. I supercited them with cable kickback. So yeah, for me, I just don't kick kicks. So you're having a power run over on that 0.7, right? So which is just. Yeah, I just don't keep kicks. So yeah, so you're, you're, you're your summer right now around that point seven right? So which is just yeah, and, and I build muscle better now as, and I feel so much better as a result. And this is anecdot again, this is my personal experience. But listen, I was religious about, I mean, anybody who knows me
Starting point is 00:22:57 will tell you man, when I set my mind to something, that's, that's what I'm doing. I used to have a freaking little grill in the back of the table. Yeah, you had to lobby a t-shirts and shit. I would, they gave me free time. I made to lobby a fricking little grill in the back of the table. Yeah, you had toloppy a t-shirts and shit. I would, they gave me free time. I made toloppy a stock, though, up. I'm gonna talk more to it. I ate so much toloppy.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah, so here's some other cool stuff. Here's some other cool science. It reduces tumor growth and actually kills cancer in certain cases. Now this is animal studies, once again, this is not done on humans, however many times what we've discovered animals is true for humans. So it's actually, it's even anti-cancer and they attribute this to the fact that fasting
Starting point is 00:23:32 increases the cells' waste removal process. So the way that the cells remove waste accelerates when you donate for a prolonged pair of time. And they think that has to do with the, that's why you get less cancer or animals get less cancer when they fast. It just seems like, you know, when you restrict calories to a certain degree, you're allowing, you know, everything internally to work properly at its highest function.
Starting point is 00:23:58 It's like when you're overloading it constantly, you're never really giving it a chance. Bok down, yeah. Bok down, everything's bogged down. Everything is just constantly going, okay, what are we gonna do with this and transporting it? And they're never really in a state of depletion. Well, I wanna compare the psychological effects too.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Let's just talk about that for a second because when you were so attached to food like I was because again, Adam talked about how he had a tough time building muscle, I was exactly the same way, very skinny. This is why I started working out. So I had this crazy attachment to food in particular protein. If I didn't eat protein every three hours, I'd freak out, right?
Starting point is 00:24:32 So I'm a loose muscle. So fasting for me broke that unhealthy relationship with food. Then I realized, oh fuck, I don't have to have a protein bar in my pocket when I go somewhere with my family. You know, it's not that, it's not going to kill me. You don't have to give a protein bar in my pocket when I go somewhere with my family. You know, it's not that, it's not gonna kill me. You don't have to give your kid snacks every two seconds. Yeah, exactly. So, for me, it was like, I broke that unhealthy attachment.
Starting point is 00:24:57 So it gave me, in the psychological benefit for me, was that, and I think for some people, little do that as well. Also, I noticed my stomach shrank, so I couldn't eat as much for one meal. So I know you had the, you know, Adam had the binge issue. Actually, I don't, I don't have the binge issue. And matter of fact, if I start eating throughout the day, I'm going to eat a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:14 So when I, let me, and I should clarify that too, because I, because of the fact that I said that, then I also turn around and say that I used a lot. So obviously, if I was struggling that much with it, I probably wouldn't use that much. So where I found I struggled with it was if I consistently incorporated it like weekly into my routine. Like if I intermittent fast every single week, at least once or twice in a week, I was doing it. I was getting so hungry that I would do that.
Starting point is 00:25:35 When I found that I just did it strategically and just kind of incorporated it randomly in my diet, it's worked really well for me. Because it's for me, when I know it's one day, this and that, and I just gotta recover one day, I'm a lot more disciplined, whereas if it was something more routine in me, I found that it was harder for fight to craving.
Starting point is 00:25:52 So, and I'll tell you, you wanna know the, so I've probably taught hundreds of people how to do this by now. And because like I said, every time I take someone on or teach somebody a nutrition, I teach all facets. And I believe, I 100% believe in intermittent fasting. I'm a huge fan of a warrior fast.
Starting point is 00:26:08 And that's the one I utilize. And that's the one I teach most. And you wanna know the number one way people, so, and I utilize it. So, it's rarely ever for a holiday or a birthday. Yeah, so it's rarely ever my competitors or anyone like that that really is interested or wants to learn more about it.
Starting point is 00:26:26 It's the average person, and this is how Katrina uses it. Many of my family and friends use it that I've taught is they will do it post a night out of enjoying yourself. So, let's say... Yesterday, I picked out. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. So, let me tell you an example. If you're, you know, and this is for those of your listeners that are, you know, just
Starting point is 00:26:43 interested in a healthy balanced lifestyle. And at the same time too, you like to have your glass of wine and a nice, you know, to restaurant with your husband or wife every down then and want to find a way that you can still continue seeing results and not letting that set you back. Here's a way you can do that. And so what I would do is explain that, okay, so, you know, let's say Friday nights, your night that you go out with your husband and you guys go have you know your fancy restaurant And I'll get your or you know all your or derves and all the other in class of wine or two with it and kind of over you know
Starting point is 00:27:12 You're over indulging right? Is from that point you hit a 17 hour fast? So the little bit of damage you may have caused to yourself during the dinner a night of over consuming You you basically make up for it. Exactly. You're going to get negated by the extra benefits that you get by incorporating fasting into your diet. And I also, and so how clients have used this, and how I've taught even myself and how Katrina is, you kind of check yourself on, you know, how important is it to, to night
Starting point is 00:27:38 for me to have these couple beers? Or do I really need that, do I really need to go have pizza tonight, you know, or is it worth it for me fasting? And that's, so that's kind of how I would mentally play with myself like that. It's like, okay, I really, or if I really wanted it in an out burger, I'd be like, okay, you know, I know it wasn't planned or scheduled for me to have it. I'm not, and it's gonna, over, I'm gonna overeat. I know I'm already up for my caloric intake, but hell, I still want it.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I'm gonna go eat it. And then I'll just fast right after that. I got a question for you guys. I've asked people this too who've debated this, you know, over intermittent fasting. Let me ask you guys this question. Let's say eating six times a day gave you identical results. Everything was identical eating six times a day versus eating once or twice a day.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Which one do you think would be, which one would you choose? I should say once or twice a day. Yeah, what the fuck wants to walk around with like food everywhere they go. It's so stressful. It's so annoying. Well, let me and let me defend that a little bit too, because I happened to be more of a person. I own six pack bags and I carry I carry food around.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Now, I don't always do that. Yes, like I told you guys I had one meal to meal. But if you weren't competing, would you do that? Well, you know, I guess to know and I'll tell you why and and but I also explain that what I don't do is stress about it anymore like, you know, hey, if I only got three meals a day, I won't you're not gonna see me carrying my bag somewhere weird, you know, like I'm gonna go into a restaurant with it anymore or do anything weird like that, which I've done stuff like I've been that crazy insane about it when but this was pre-understanding, like, the nutrition like we understand it now, right?
Starting point is 00:29:07 So, and what's came out with fasting and not in getting beyond that fear of losing muscle. But for me, what I noticed is it keeps me consistent with like never really getting hungry. I'm never getting to that point where, where when I fast, there is a point where I'm like, bro, I'm hungry. I'm thinking about the foods that I want to crush where if I every time I eat two or three hours I never really get to that. It's more like oh, hey, it's about time to eat again I'm gonna eat again even knowing that I don't necessarily need to knowing that I could stretch out long to get benefits from it It also makes it easier for me to hit my protein take so I'm not quite as low as you I'm about 200 grams of protein to 220 grams of protein.
Starting point is 00:29:46 So I'm more like the one to one ratio. Which is still low if you, if you get a, oh yeah, comparative anybody. I mean, they're like two or three, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is ridiculous. Most guys that are into body building and competing so that are, yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:59 yeah, your size will be 300 grams minimum. Oh, yeah, which is insane. Yeah, yeah. So a wasted chicken. Yeah, it is. So insane. Yeah, yeah. So, uh, wasted chicken. Yeah, it is. So, I'm low, but not, I'm not low as you, but even 200 and which is always blows my mind to talking about someone who eats four to 600.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I always think like, Jesus, how did you, that's so much meat you gotta eat all day long. So, you know, but even 220 grams, that's a, you figure your average chicken breast is 35 grams of protein, you know, divide that into 220. You figure average chicken breasts is 35 grams of protein. You know, divide that into 220. You're talking about seven chicken breasts in a day that I got you can assume.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Well, I'm probably not gonna do that in one or two settings or even three settings. So spreading that over four or five meals for me actually makes it easier for me to consume. Well, to be clear to people, I've had guys tell me, how do I build muscle doing this? And if you need to add an extra meal to build muscle, that's fine. You know, you can do that. Some people burn a lot of calories. Look,
Starting point is 00:30:52 if you're burning a shitload of calories, if you're an endurance athlete and you need to consume 4,000 calories, you're probably not going to be able to do it in one meal. That's a very good problem. I didn't speak on this either, but I actually, that's how I do the fasting and I really start to meal skip and do a lot of things like that when I'm cutting. When I'm less concerned about, oh, so what, maybe I do you a day where I get less than my protein intake. It's not going to hurt. It's not going to lose a bound muscle because of that.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And I don't care because I'm trying to cut. So when I am cutting, I'm definitely rarely ever hit six meals a day. It's more likely four, four would be the five would be the absolute most, four is the more average. Well, you know, that being said too, all that being said, there's also this other facet that I like to make clear to people. When you gain, first of all, if you gain a pound of muscle a week, you're, you're Herculee's. Okay, that's a ridiculous amount of muscle. But let's just say week, you're, you're Herculees, okay, that's a ridiculous amount of muscle. But let's just say for, you know, shits and you're like,
Starting point is 00:31:47 10 pounds in a month, bro. Yeah, right, bro. Eight pounds of fat. So, so if you gain one pound of muscle a week, how many grams of protein were needed to build that pound? Realistically, maybe 60, maybe 100 for the whole week. So, you know, a lot of guys will be like, oh, I need to, I need to,
Starting point is 00:32:06 shit loads of calorie to gain muscle. You're gaining fat. If you send the right signal, if your body wants to build muscle, you don't need that much extra to build that lean body mass. And for anybody who debates me, here's an example.
Starting point is 00:32:19 You take an individual who's lifting weights and eating a certain way who's having a tough time building muscle, don't change their calories at all. Give them anabolic steroids. What do you think will happen? The gain muscle gains. But no extra calories, no extra protein.
Starting point is 00:32:32 The only thing that's changed is the signal. That's horrible. Yes, the signal to build muscle has been increased. So you don't need that much more to build muscles. So stop the whole bulking, like eating shit loads of food to gain lots of muscle. Unless you're, you know, you're in a sport where weight makes a big difference, like football, or, you know, you were super, super shredded and you're going to get up to like 10 or 12% body fat. But some of these guys that are bulking to, you know, 17, 18%, by the way, they call
Starting point is 00:32:56 them dirty bulks. That's not your, when you try to lean up, you're going to lose so much of what you think you gained. Oh, yeah. It's ridiculous. Yeah, for sure. So, you know, intermittent fasting, I would say, is a great way for people to eat, for longevity, for health, for overall fitness and health. If you have a specific goal, like you want to build it. It's not for everybody. It's not for everybody. It's not for everybody.
Starting point is 00:33:16 But the studies show real health benefits, you cannot debate that. You can't deny that. Look them up, it's pretty insane. Three thumbs up for mind pump for sure. Three thumbs, three, four. I think Doug eats the same way. Yeah, Doug is the same. Nice. Four thumbs up from mind pump all the way around. Doug, did you eat that way before you met me? Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. So you did before I even taught you or before I, I wondered if you would did that even before
Starting point is 00:33:38 I did. Doug's pretty on the up and up when it comes to the screen. Well, he busted the warrior book out when he heard we're just talking about. Okay, okay. Okay. No, the producer. Yeah. So, you know, something real quick before before we we go, I wanted to say something regarding the
Starting point is 00:33:55 fasting. Ah, man, you made me forget you. I did, dang it. I wanted to say, no, I wanted to say something before you cut up pop tarts. No, I thought it was something important that we should left off with an inner Intermittent fasting. Oh long talk about my new haircut. No, I think you know something that we should
Starting point is 00:34:10 Well, something that we should actually if I think we all like we said four thumbs up mind pump for intermittent fasting We all agree that It's later down the road though after finding balance in our nutrition survival guide one of the things that we talk about is Exactly that we break it up and in phases. In three phases of dieting. That's what we intended for that to be is to teach you, hey, first balance, understanding like we talked about earlier in foods, than a little bit, more strategic and more discipline, and then like really restricting and just plant the very end. And then intermittent fasting is not even in the nutrition survival guide, and I would say that would be the next level
Starting point is 00:34:46 of dieting or learning how to incorporate that because there's so many other things that you should address first. So keep that in mind, where you're at and what level you're at. There's many other things that you can do before you get there, but as far as somebody who is advanced, counts as an expert, as a great understanding. Yes, you know, their body and what they're eating
Starting point is 00:35:02 and nutrition in general. Yeah, give it a go. Expl and corporate it into your your diet your diet You will be 100% happy that you did and right to us. Let us know how you what you experience is absolutely Thank you for listening to mine pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin Visitors at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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