Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 035: HIIT, Fat Loss While Building Muscle & Penis Enlargement

Episode Date: February 27, 2015

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer Instagram questions (@mindpump) about HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), simultaneous muscle building/fat loss and whether or not penis enlargement is a... side-effect of THIS anabolic substance...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome to Mind Pump. This is the show that's a natural erection enhancer. Yes, dude, that is my favorite... Yeah, that is a great one. Erection enhancer, and if you disagree
Starting point is 00:00:26 They make up that phrase. I don't know if they get an erection from this. I'm worried for them It's normal. It's normal to get an erection from my I'm talking from your voice not well I wish we I don't want to I don't want to talk about it But there was a study done I wish I had the stats for like how we could actually see every time a new person like joins on listening and every time we lose somebody, because I'm just curious. It happens like right in the beginning. We think we're funny, right? They're also like, we do. It's a nervous idea.
Starting point is 00:00:53 We see like a chart, like a little chart. Oh shit, we lost five. Hey, what are we talking about today? Let's go. So we're gonna do, oh, I didn't introduce us. All right, so Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer. Yeah. And Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Boom. Okay, good. Cause Adam, otherwise Adam Schaefer. Yeah. And Justin Andrews. Boom. Okay, good. Cause Adam, otherwise Adam will get on my shit about that. Well, I get to understand, there's somebody right now, okay. And whoever you are, tag us on Instagram, tell Sal, Adam's right right here. Yeah. There's somebody who was listening to this episode
Starting point is 00:01:17 for their very first episode that they've ever listened to. In Nepal. And they're like, who the fuck am I listening to? So I'm not like, they have no idea if we have a gas, they have no idea if it's just the same three dudes You have no idea that's true. You're right. You're right on that all right on that note. Let's go into a Q&A God these Q&As are popular Dude we just have like some explosion there. I love it. Yeah, we do you like what the explosion is
Starting point is 00:01:39 Comments well, let's let's be let's talk about erection still. No, I mean I don't know about you Where are you guys because I know that we all we all got excited when we decided we're going to do this, but this is where this is the what I envision for this all long as that I couldn't wait to get to a point where we actually had more than four people following us, you know, and they actually had some really good legitimate questions and good topics. The same thing. Yeah, we can't bring that up anymore. Uh-huh. You're for listening. Yeah, we've got to quite a few now. Yeah, no, we've got a lot now.
Starting point is 00:02:06 So, and I think that that makes you guys nervous. That we have a lot. Yeah, that we have a lot of people listening to us. Well, I hope that was a fucking plan from the beginning. I wasn't going to be sitting here recording with all this equipment and shit and spinning hours with you. Yeah, let's talk.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Let's talk it up right now. Talking to four people. Just gotta be careful what we say. Yeah, right. Just kidding, we don't give a shit. We don't. No, but I think this is what we all kind of intended this for was to truly be able to help you.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I mean, that's what's great about these podcasts is they're free, we're not charging you want to do this or listen to this, but yet we have an opportunity to affect thousands and thousands of people that are interested in learning, and hopefully a little bit of entertainment along the way too. Awesome. So let's get into the first question. So this is, if you wanna ask us questions, by the way, go to Instagram at MindPump,
Starting point is 00:02:49 or you can find us on Facebook at what is it? MindPump, right? Yeah, MindPump, right? Whatever. MindPump slash Facebook.com. Okay, so yeah, just find us on Facebook. Jesus, probably don't even have a Facebook.com slash. We'll find one of those.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Commenting on that, dude. Here's what happens today? So what I do is I spend all my time on the Instagram and then once I hit a post I push it out to these other networks. I don't have time to fucking individualize that shit I do the same thing so everybody else, you know if I haven't got back to you on Facebook and Twitter You know, I will do my best go to Instagram. All right, so here's the first question. This is from I will do my best. Go to Instagram. All right, so here's the first question.
Starting point is 00:03:23 This is from Ferry Saul Wahedi. So that's spelled F-A-R-I-S-A-L-W-A-H-E-D-I. Okay, his question is, is it possible to only utilize high intensity training, or hit cardio, basically, H-I-I-T to get lean? So what are the pro, what? High intensity interval training. High intensity interval training.
Starting point is 00:03:43 No, she's asking if it's, you have to. Is it possible to only do that I get in the interval train? It's high intensity interval train. No, it's asking if it's you have to. Is it possible to only do that and get lame? Like, don't do any other types of cardio. Don't do absolutely. Yeah, I mean, ultimately it's about, I mean, you can do no cardio and get lame. Exactly. There's got to be a preference thing there too, right? I think so.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And I think there's some pros and cons to that kind of cardio because of the intensity level. The kind of cardio because of the intensity level. The pros are because of the intensity, you do them shorter. And if you do them not super frequently, you're going to burn more body fat than if you do steady state, low intensity cardio. This has actually been proven. However, the drawback, I would say, is the, again, what makes it good is also potentially
Starting point is 00:04:23 its drawback is the, again, what makes it good is also potentially its drawback is the intensity. And it does require more recovery capabilities or more resources from your body to recover from a 15-minute hardcore interval type cardio than it would be from 30 minutes on the just elliptical or walking on the treadmill. Well, from a time, you know, efficiency perspective, like let's look at somebody that's like really hard up for time to get. That's a good, that's a's really good. You know, like I see that only because so obviously
Starting point is 00:04:49 where we live again, I'm going to bring up the fact that everybody is insanely busy. And they have only X amount of time to a lot to any sort of physical movement. If I'm only going to get like X amount of time with somebody, you know, I might want to approach it from that perspective if, say, their joints would allow me to do so and they don't have too many imbalances that are going to get in the way of that. However, it's not for everybody because of that. And that's not something that I'm going to recommend to anybody starting out that has any sort of, you know, joint issues or past injuries or anything like that because the more intensity
Starting point is 00:05:23 you're going to place and infuse on your joints, the more problems potentially you're going to encounter. What kind of cardio do you guys do? Well, I think, okay, so I'll tell you, and I'll also pick you back up with Justin. I think what you said with preference is one of the biggest keys. Obviously, you said for injuries and postural deviations and going after that starting client beginner, but if we're talking to someone who's pretty advanced and understands what that is, because a beginner probably doesn't even understand what that is.
Starting point is 00:05:48 So I'm sure the question's coming from somebody who's a little more advanced. I actually utilize all of it. I do low intensity cardio, I do high intensity cardio, I do interval training, I do steady state, I do fasted cardio, I utilize every single... The variety king. Well, and the way I do that is,
Starting point is 00:06:05 I mean, of course, when I'm starting to get up for a show, I kind of try and, I try and be strategic about it about how many times per week of each and kind of mathematically figure out how much I'm burning, right? But when I'm just kind of going about my day, it's more like that. It's based off of what I ate and consumed that day, what I need to do.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Like, let's say, for example, I over consumed. I got all my macronutrients and some, and I know or I know I'm going to be, that might be a day that I'm really trying to ramp up my calorie expenditure that day. So I'm gonna do some high intensity for a longer duration than I normally would. Let's say I'm riding dialed in with my nutrition
Starting point is 00:06:37 and everything's perfectly fine. I'm gonna do any cardio whatsoever because I'm already carrying myself in a deficit. I already lift it, waits that day. Like my body is gonna be, I'm gonna carrying myself in a deficit, I already lifted weights that day, like my body is gonna be, I'm gonna be cutting no matter what, I know that for a fact. So, you know, we didn't do actually,
Starting point is 00:06:51 because I'm pretty sure there's some listeners that might not know the difference between steady state cardio and the interval training. So I think I'll need to break it down real quick. I'll break it down. Just very basic black and white, steady state low intensity cardio is your traditional cardio. You get on the elliptical, you go for 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:07:08 at a relatively low intensity. So you can talk to your friend, you're breathing a little bit, but you're not going crazy. Your interval type cardio is shorter, so you're not gonna do 30 minutes. It's gonna be anywhere between 10 to let's say 15 minutes. And you do these bouts of high intensity sprints, if you will,
Starting point is 00:07:26 with gaps in between where you're letting your heart rate drop. So if I were doing, let's say, there's like a 3010, or we're talking about hit with that. Yeah, so let's say I'm on elliptical, I'll turn the intensity way up and just go for it for 30 seconds, and then I'll do 30 seconds or a minute slow. Let my heart rate drop back down and then repeat it again.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And I'll do it for sets. I'll do it for five, six, seven sets. That's the high intensity type cardiness. Yeah, that's the model. Now, for me personally, first of all, you don't need to do any cardio to get lean. That's, you can just do it with diet. But for me personally, I do incorporate both a little bit,
Starting point is 00:07:59 but I enjoy the steady state. I really do. I know it takes more time and people probably think and I'm crazy because cardio sucks. And it does if you're just doing cardio. Steadiestates my favorite. See, this is what I do when I do steady state. I read, I think, I meditate. I get in my zone, I put my music on. He listened to mine pump because you're narcissistic. I listen to mine pump. I fast forward when everybody else talks.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Oh, it's just, this is Justin's part. Luckily, there's not much back forwarding in the vlog. Yeah. Fuck. Oh, I love myself. I don't sound like that. So now that we've broken down all the cardio, I mean, I don't know if you guys just because you maybe don't utilize it the same way, but I would think you would agree with me when
Starting point is 00:08:43 it comes down to that. If you are somebody who is that detailed, where you're trying to look at most optimal cardio you should be doing. It should really start to play a role in what day to day what's going on with our... Yeah, and let me interject just because... You're getting like in competitive type shape
Starting point is 00:08:57 and you need to be doubtful. Competitive is kind of a different subject. So if you're talking about cardio and conditioning, so my world is strength and conditioning. So athletic, this talking about cardio and conditioning, so my world is strength and conditioning. So athletic, this is your time, athletic performance. We're talking about athletic performance. It's a totally different way to approach it, because you are going to experience high intensity bouts within your athletic event. So, you know, to emulate that, you're going to want to absolutely, you know, incorporate
Starting point is 00:09:22 that into your, into your training. So, for me, I like to make sure that I still keep that a part of my program in order for me to say, I'm going to go do a pickup game of basketball, and I have been doing that on a more frequent basis. So for me to do that, I need to ramp it up. I need to do that and be efficient in it to where conditioning like, conditioning wise, I'm gonna get acclimated to that. But, I wanna make sure that I'm not overdoing it too, so then when I perform, I perform at my greatest ability, so that's why I like the hit workouts,
Starting point is 00:09:58 because I can do it efficiently and in a short, about a time. And you gotta do them short. You don't wanna do that. You get acclimated to that. And that's why I'm intensity. And anyway gotta do them short. You don't wanna do that. And you get acclimated to high intensity. And anyway, and one more thing I'd like to decipher between the two of them, or the difference between the two of them,
Starting point is 00:10:11 the high intensity interval type training, it's gonna wear down your resource, your recovery a little bit, whereas the steady state slow stuff is recuperative. So if you're feeling burnt out, tired, you just had a hard workout the day before with weights or whatever and you're feeling like, man I'm kind of tired today. Going for a stroll outside. Yeah, I live at a moderate pace is going to be recoup recuperative. Getting on a treadmill and doing you know, 30 second sprints is gonna take away from your recovery. That's such a great point because I mean, there's a lot of stuff that we don't even have studies on yet, which goes Justin and I have talked about this top of four is
Starting point is 00:10:47 Understanding what was the the new the new heart rate by training your senior heart rate You know like we don't we don't even know like how much you're affected by that too, you know I'm saying you don't know if that's HRV. Yeah, yeah, so HRV is something that Some people have asked so heart rate variability. Yeah, variability. So it's basically, yeah, it's the very cutting edge and new way of training athletes. Yeah, it's been around the Russians sort of adopt, like, figured this out.
Starting point is 00:11:14 But anyway, it's definitely an emerging science that athletes are starting to understand more because there really is no like efficient way to determine and quantify rest. So, this is one way that you can actually determine how much stress you're placing on, you know, your heart, just by figuring out these variabilities in between sessions of high intensity.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And so, you're actually going to be able to get a number there to refer to. So anyway, it's very interesting to me. And this is something that like we've talked about blood occlusion training and, you know, the emergence. Yeah. So that's something that like I feel like on my end, I'm researching and I'm currently like heavy in the research of it right now. But alongside, you know, that other, the blood occlusion and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:12:05 these are kind of things that interest us and we're gonna wanna make that available to you guys at some point. Oh yeah, absolutely. And I think that's just a great point. And Justin, you did it pretty smart, so to kind of dumb it down a little bit as far as what he's saying is there's studies that are coming out now that are just now with this type of training
Starting point is 00:12:23 that we're getting our hands on it and seeing the benefits of it. If you go and bust your ass Tuesday Wednesday Thursday in a row, your body may not be as efficient come Friday. You may push yourself to that workout, but if you're looking for optimal either performance or aesthetic change, you may not be maximizing it. You may be far, to a point where you may even be far better off taking the day off completely and resting and not pushing your body
Starting point is 00:12:48 and then coming in another day. Well, this is for now, because this is kind of new science. And the way they measure the heart rate variability is with these methods that record, yeah, what they used to do. Exactly. So they're actually recording your heart rate, because right now what we've depended on,
Starting point is 00:13:03 and what we've depended on the past is your how you feel, which is very subjective. You know, because I can't tell you how many times and I'm pretty sure some of our pump head listeners are can relate to this, but we're so hard core that I can literally convince myself that I feel great and go hammer myself in the jam. And it's taken me a long time to really read my own body. Now you're trying to train a bunch of athletes and you're a coach, you know, it's all subjective. You know, how do you feel today?
Starting point is 00:13:33 Oh, I feel good coach. Now you've got a method of measuring this variability in the heart rate and you can see, like, even subjective things, like you say it's nutrition or say it's, you know, like lack of sleep or say, you know, it's how you're feeling and stress. This is actually something that's cool about HRV is because that's going to affect your
Starting point is 00:13:50 heart. And so now we can actually measure that. So all these like subjective sort of outside influences that like we would prod athletes and everything to kind of tell us like how you're feeling like what's going on. Like we can actually like see, okay, like well, you were obviously in a higher status stress on this day and you know, maybe we need to back off, you know, today and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:12 So yeah, I know we went off on a tangent, but I think they love this kind of shit. I know we love talking about that. No, no, no, I think it's, I think there's more to talk about, even with the cardio. Oh, no, this will be a whole episode. I think when this really starts to come out
Starting point is 00:14:23 and be utilized properly, I think we'll be, I can promise the listeners will be on the cutting edge of it. Definitely. Yeah, there's so much. Are you guys mind if I go in the next question here? Do it. All right, so next question, this is from Cassidy H626. And let me see, is that a guy or a girl here?
Starting point is 00:14:39 It's a young lady. And Cassidy's question is great. I just lost it. Here it is. Teenation. So testosterone nation. This is a publication, a social media publication, which by the way, which has great articles. She commented, she's commenting on a teen nation. No, she's commenting about them, right? And, and I love actually, it's probably one of the best. It's probably the most, it's the most
Starting point is 00:14:59 shared between the three of us for sure. It's the most scientific. It's that they don't, there's no, there's no bro science bullshit. I mean, I've seen some things I disagree with, but it's pretty good. Anyway, the question is that they posted an article about losing fat while building muscle. In other words, I think she's asking, is that possible? Because then the last thing she put was,
Starting point is 00:15:18 I thought that wasn't a thing. That you couldn't build while burning body fat. So you can do it. You can do it and I'll give you an example. Really, really fucking hard. It's hard. That's like your zone. That's like the one little thing.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I feel like it's taken most my life to figure that out for myself. To be able to do that, you have to be in. I think that's why too, you see so much against it being like, and even as trainers, I believe, I don't know about you guys. I know how I train I typically focus on one or the other and keep your client Focused in that area of not to be too concerned if we are trying to rebuild your metabolism I'm trying to build some muscle on your body and so like that if we put a pound or two a fat on the long the way
Starting point is 00:15:58 I'm not concerned because the as long as the ratio stays good that I'm building more muscle than fat Just because it's hard to be that precise, you know It it's hard to be that precise with yourself, much less with another person. So I think that's where a lot of trainers, a lot of coaches, a lot of people come from that direction is just to focus on one or the other, just build muscle, just burn fat, because you just have to be, you got to be dialed in. Well, well, you're going to be feeding the body what it needs to build, but yet staying in, you know, a deficit at some point. I think before all that, step one is you have to,
Starting point is 00:16:29 and I use this term all the time, you have to make your body prioritize building muscle. It has to be in an anabolic zone. It has to be anabolic. When your body's anabolic, a funny thing happens when you eat food, you get something called calorie repartitioning. So calories, don't things that you eat,
Starting point is 00:16:48 go to repairing and building muscle, and your body will burn its own body fat for energy. And this happens all the time. I see, like this happens with beginners, right? When you guys get a first-get-a-beginner, they all lose body fat and build muscle, especially if they're doing what you're telling, right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:17:04 As you become more advanced, it gets a little bit more difficult. But for example, anabolic steroids, they do that. You give anabolic steroids as someone, and their body will automatically repartition. And of course, that's an artificial way of doing it. But if you're exercising with resistance properly and you're eating healthy,
Starting point is 00:17:20 burning body fat and building muscle is not hard. In fact, I have a gentleman that is doing my program, my MAP Santa Ballet program, and he's posting these before and afters, and he's talking about how he's lost three inches off his waist, and he's getting stronger, and you look at pictures of him, and he's obviously burning body fat while he's building muscle.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Well, what's interesting is, because the focus there, I know with your pro, it's very much like on the fact that you're triggering that antibiotic response. It's like this fact that you're triggering that anabolic response. It's like this signal that you're basically adapting to or like finding within your body. Yeah, and so let's be clear though, it hard and hard and what you mean by it's not hard, it's not hard as in the sense fact that if you stick to it and you do it, the hard,
Starting point is 00:18:04 it's not complex. It's not the super complex form of it. Yeah, exactly. There's not like this query, exactly. It's something, but the discipline it takes to do that is, that's where the small percentile policy is, because even like your program, unreal, everything that you do is ideal,
Starting point is 00:18:21 but someone has a logical though. Yes, exactly. It's very simple, makes a lot of sense. It's like, it's frequent stimulation, but like, you know, low intensity, but it's, you know, it's always keeping that signal alive. It's beautiful, but you gotta do it. You can't do it.
Starting point is 00:18:36 You can't like, kinda do it, you know, or like, half and not. Throw off your nutrition, but you do all this. I mean, it takes it all. And that's what the people, I think people have to understand is that, you know, everyone sees these people on social media platforms
Starting point is 00:18:47 and famous people and stuff and they're like, oh, I want to look like this, but the work that it takes to look like that is, it's crazy. You have to do it. I think another key too with the, you know, Burning Body Fat and Building Muscle is, you have to monitor yourself objectively
Starting point is 00:19:03 on a regular basis because it's easy to tip into, now I'm not losing body fat, I'm just building muscle, or I'm losing too much and I'm burning muscle. Exactly. Wouldn't you say that you really have to dial down like everything you're doing as far as I guess. Like, process, like daily and then weekly, it's just about like to get to make sure that you know
Starting point is 00:19:23 those days that you're not gonna have this type of movement, you're not gonna, you know, you're gonna be prone to more going out to eat on those days. And all these things, they, they're gonna contribute and they're gonna take away from results that you wanna see right away. Well, one thing that I do with myself, and this is just, this is my own thing,
Starting point is 00:19:41 I don't, I mean, I bet I can find some studies to support it, but this is just my own thing. If I't, I mean, I bet I can find some studies to support it, but this is just my own thing. If I'm trying to gain a little bit, now keep in mind I'm advanced, so I'm not the beginner who's gonna respond a certain way. But what I'll do is I'll quote unquote bulk. And now I hate using that term because I don't do the typical bulk
Starting point is 00:19:58 where I need a bunch of shit and just get fat. But I'll increase my calories. I'll watch myself in the mirror. I'll watch my performance. And when I start to get a little soft, I'll pull back, and I do this back and forth thing on a weekly or almost on a weekly basis, or maybe every two weeks, so I'll gain a little bit,
Starting point is 00:20:14 and I'll pull it back a little bit. I'll gain a little bit, and I'll pull back in there. And as a result, what happens is I gain muscle, and many times while I burn body fat. Now let's point out to how strategic smart and important that fact is that you just brought up that that is far superior than somebody sticking to like, oh, I'm just gonna bulk and like,
Starting point is 00:20:33 this is all, it's like winter season, right? Oh, dirty bulk. So, well, even if it's a dirty, just in general, even if you're a clean bulgur, so I'm talking to you too. I'm not just talking to somebody who throws much of shit in there, but even a clean bulk. They're always in a surplus. Yes, but you're living in a surplus for three months, four months of trying to build,
Starting point is 00:20:48 trying to build like that. Your body soon gets adapted to even that. So what Sal is talking about where, and this is how I run. My bulks aren't like long-standing at a period of times. Maybe I'll both be bulking for three, four weeks, and then I'll lean out a little bit again and re-set my body, then boom, come back again, go back to the bulk, and I'm constantly doing that, almost like you're slowly manipulating that all the way along, even if your entire plan is over the next six months,
Starting point is 00:21:12 I want a bulk. I still throw cutting and fasting and things like that into my bulk, which people always think that's crazy. It's like, wait a second, you're bulking and you're fasting, I don't understand, this does make sense. It almost sounds very similar to your training. You know, your nutrition, yeah. It follows that sort of intermittent, like speed,
Starting point is 00:21:28 as far as like intensity here, you know, back off. Intensity here, back off. And it's taking all these years for me, or I shouldn't say all these years, it's taking me to get into the competing life to want to take my body to the next level, to really understand my own body, to that crazy science where I told you guys before, on
Starting point is 00:21:45 Tuesdays and Thursdays, I consume a thousand more calories than I do on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And it's crazy that people when I tell someone like that, they're like just baffled by that, it just makes sense to them. But Tuesdays and Thursdays, I am up by, you got legs and oh, you're up all day moving. Yeah, I'm up by 3.45 in the morning and I don't shut down till what I shut down on every other same normal day at 10 o'clock at night. So you're talking about just from me being up and about and mind you, I'm also working.
Starting point is 00:22:13 So I'm like, very, I'm burning an extra 1,500 on those days that I am any other day. So my nutrition reflects that. So does my training. We talked about cardio earlier in the Q&A. My cardio reflects that. Why would I go get on some piece of cardio equipment when I'm already burning 5,000 calories that day and I'm on my doubts?
Starting point is 00:22:30 So have you guys ever worn, you guys familiar with the body bug? It was made by a pro. I was on the first guys in the world. So it tells you how many calories you're burning. So this is, this is a basic watch. Let's just talk about it. So I would have clients that would wear these things, right? And on the days that they worked, they would come in and work out.
Starting point is 00:22:48 So Monday, let's say Monday, I train them for an hour, plus they do, let's say, 20 minutes of cardio, and then they work. And their jobs were desk jobs in front of a computer. Then on the weekend, no workouts. But we're going to the mall, they're going to cleaning house. And they're burning way more calories on those days. And so I think that touches on what you're talking about right.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It's look at the total activity. Just because you work out. The activity honestly is always going to surpass like your workout schedule, especially from a burning fat. If you're ever going to want to buy that weight, like that more than anything else. Even just losing weight in general, like honestly, one of the most powerful things you can do just to focus on losing weight is general. Like honestly, one of the most powerful things you can do just to focus on losing weight is to be more active.
Starting point is 00:23:29 So check this out. So you can talk to us. I'm just talking about steady state cardio. This that's how I utilize low intensity cardio where I just know it's Friday. So today would be a day I would do this. It's a day where my one day a week I can get to sleep in. I normally don't schedule a lot of day where I, my one day a week, I kind of get to sleep in.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I normally don't schedule a lot of things where I'm out, I don't work at OTF. So then what I do is I'll just, I have a treadmill in my house and when I'm like, maybe I'm doing mind pump, social media stuff, I just get on it and walk. Just go, walk and just keep moving and I'll do that for an hour or two hours. I'll be in it. And I see a bit sure. At a slow speed. It doesn't even have. I mean, you could literally walk and walk and write. I'm walking so slow, but I'm just walking and not stopping moving because I'm trying to make up for what I normally would be walking around and moving around on a Tuesday, Thursday and other days. So that's how I utilize all different types of the cardio. So I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:18 and then you made a point with the the body bug and stuff. I used to teach my clients the exact same way is understanding that you get so caught up and this me pushing your ass in this workout. And that's where you think is what's gonna help you reduce this body fat or not, but look at your days. Look how different. Like you're actually, you want to do shit all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:35 As far as from a single consistent. Yeah, it's very, very inconsistent. As far as you losing body fat, your Saturday when I don't even see you is more beneficial than me. Seeing me and you can get your ass for an hour And you know how much of a difference it would make if at lunchtime at work, if you work at a desk, every day at lunchtime, you do a 15 minute walk. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Every single day. By the end of the year, and you change nothing else by the end of the year, I guarantee you, you'll lose a considerable amount of body fat. Just sit on that. Little half of the facts, like, we call those life hacks. I've taught Katrina things this way of thinking now, too, that we've been together for so long. And now she's like. Just doing that. Little half of the facts, like, we call those life hacks. Well, I've taught Katrina things this way of thinking
Starting point is 00:25:06 now too that we've been together for so long. And now she's like, she gets that. And she knows like on a day where she knows she can be in meetings all day long with that. She'll like take the stairs and she'll do things that- Little things like that. That makes a huge difference when you're just aware. You're aware of your daily movements and activity
Starting point is 00:25:20 in comparison to other days. It's not always all about the working out and always all about just the traditions about learning to be more active. And I tell you, everything that continues to come out is working against us. All this great technology that we all love and it's got all kinds of great benefits
Starting point is 00:25:34 when it comes to getting fit and staying in shape. So it's actually fucking killing us. So it's just learning to be more active. Doug, how are we doing on time? 25. 25, let's talk about time. Let's 25. 25. Let's, we got time. Let's, let's rock this out. So here's another good question.
Starting point is 00:25:48 This is from item underscore M07. So IDAN underscore M07. The question is, why do you need to cut carbs from your diet in order to lose fat? How does carbs affect that process? So before we answer the question, I'd like to correct the question. Because the beginning of the question is, why do you need to cut carbs from your diet and or to lose that? That's not true.
Starting point is 00:26:12 You don't need to cut carbs from your diet. And essentially carbs are what are giving you that glucose for your brain to function properly. Yeah. You don't have to cut carbs ultimately. And of course, we can get into the details and break things down. And yes, I do understand that a calorie is not exactly a calorie is a calorie. They used to say back in the day, right? Calories of calorie.
Starting point is 00:26:35 But at the end of the day, if your total caloric intake is lower than what you're burning, you're going to lose weight. And if you're exercising properly and if the food is healthy, then it's probably gonna be body fat. So that's this one right here. Yeah, which one is this one right here? Yeah, so it sounds like he's interested in like,
Starting point is 00:26:53 this to me, so like my wheelhouse, probably cause he's like, inspiring competitor or somebody wants to get into fitness. Maybe. And all coaches coach this one. So you just say, that's all carbs. Yes, right away. Carbs, carbs cycling, that is like the,
Starting point is 00:27:06 everybody builder, every, not shouldn't say every, 98% of all competitors, this is their, their theory of doing things. Well, let's get into that. Why then, if that, if you don't have to cut carbs, because now I'm sure he's probably thinking, well, then why does everybody, why do I always hear?
Starting point is 00:27:21 Why do I always hear? So what are the benefits of cutting carbs to get lean? What happened? Well, there's lots of benefits to it for sure. So what are the benefits of cutting carbs to get lean? What happened? Well, there's lots of benefits to it for sure. So that's the reason obviously why it's around and people doing it, it's not like all these people are idiot. It's like, I utilize carb cycling, I utilize reducing my carbohydrate shoot,
Starting point is 00:27:35 but it's the last thing I want to do. I want to keep my carbohydrates as high as I possibly can while still losing body fat because just- Interational way though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, obviously, I'm not going to be it would be air if it was air. I'd be 2500 calories a pasta all day and then have you know, yeah. No, no, no. Well, I would I wouldn't lose body fat. I've done that. Obviously, if I was eating, if I was eating an irrational number of carbohydrates, then I you would get fat bottom line. You know, so that's yeah. And there's the benefit of keeping them low, so by staying away from being way too high. But here's the thing like Justin said,
Starting point is 00:28:07 I mean, your brain functions on that. I mean, that's primarily all your brain utilizes two functions. So to cut it off is silly in itself. There's so many beneficial things that are found micro and macronutrient-wise in carbohydrates too for your body by taking away. It's never anybody who takes anything away
Starting point is 00:28:24 from the diet is not completely. Completely. Yeah, completely out of that. You never want to do that. That's, and I think that's why this, this drives me so crazy and why I even got into coaching. I had no desire to get in coaching athletes until I did it and I realized how these fucking coaches coach and it drives me crazy when I see it because they, they're, they're fucking up so many athletes, metabolism's by following right in this trend of, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:48 you do all this carb cutting and it gets to a point where your athlete isn't showing enough results fast enough for you. Your next result is it give them no carbs. Take out fruit, take out everything I was dying. He's eating no carbs for, I know athletes at 30, 60 days, no fucking carbohydrates, no fruit, no, that's fucking retarded. Well, all your mac and nutrients and fiber and everything out of your way.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Well, to be fair, with carbohydrates, when you reduce them, first of all, carbohydrates do tend to stimulate appetite. So when you cut carbs and you replace them with say fats and proteins, you appetite tends to drop. This is probably the primary reason why lower carb diets are more successful is because
Starting point is 00:29:27 that satiety effect. When you eat more fats, you'll feel longer. It'll satiate. That's probably the number one thing. Number two, carbohydrates are a preferred source of energy. And if you're not burning that many calories, then carbohydrates can be more readily stored as body fat, than say proteins or fats.
Starting point is 00:29:47 So if you lift weights three days a week and that's all you do, you don't need a lot of carbs. Now if you're an endurance athlete, you'd be hard pressed to find like a marathon runner or a triathlete who doesn't need a lot of carbs. Well, yeah, and that's a no brainer. But this look at the kid's picture and some of that. He looks like he's more cosmetic thinking
Starting point is 00:30:04 and asking a question and Here's a here's a thing with Depleting the carbohydrates and why it's also successful You're talking you're messing with your blood sugar levels and insulin and by doing that by keeping them low like that Yeah, or if we were to do the reverse if you were to eat a ton of carbohydrates a bunch like you said before a ton of pasta like that What happens is it elevates your blood sugar levels and insulin's released from the pancreas. And now your body is in a state that it's primed for storing. It's not burning. You're not shredding. Where if you're flatline with no carbohydrates in there, you're pretty much as long as you're
Starting point is 00:30:34 keeping your calories or in a deficit and you have no carbohydrates in your system, you're pretty much catabolic. You know, non-stop around the clock. And what would change that is by slamming 400 grams of carbohydrates and you're no longer catabolic. When I want to touch on what the carbs is, the big mistake that I see people do, so you have your proteins, fats, and carbs, those are the macronutrients. To only two of those are essential to be alive, fats and proteins. You don't need carbohydrates to live. Now, that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them.
Starting point is 00:31:01 It just means it's not essential for survival. So when people cut their carbs, and in terms of energy, the kind of energy that your body uses, carbohydrates are preferred source of energy. Fats are second place. And your body turns fats into what are called ketones, which then it uses for energy. So your body's either gonna use glycogen from carbohydrates,
Starting point is 00:31:21 or ketones from fat. Well, here's the mistake people make, is they drop their carbs, but they don't increase their fats. So now they've just got a high protein, lower moderate level of fat, and lower no carbs. And so what your body does is it takes protein and through a kind of a nasty process, it turns it into glycogen.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And it turns it into what the carbs would be. And so you kind of miss the whole goal of going low carb, which would, which should be, if you're going really low carb, your goal should be to be antiquitosis. Because ketones are a source of energy. Your brain will run on them, your body will function on them. You're teaching your body to run off of fats more frequently. And it's also pretty important.
Starting point is 00:32:02 That diet is so famous too right now. Right. You know, that's one of the most popular diets that are out right now. The ketone diet or whatever it's called. pretty weird word. That diet so famous too right now. Right. That's one of the most popular diets that are out right now, the ketone diet or whatever it's called, I don't know what they named it. Ketogenic diet. Ketogenic, I don't know. Well, that's pretty extreme.
Starting point is 00:32:14 The actual ketogenic diet. It's pretty extreme. Yeah. The real reason why, by the way, a ketogenic diet was invented. A lot of people don't know this, was initially it was invented for epileptics. So, you know, back in the day, there was no medication for people who had epilepsy, and they found that when a person's body
Starting point is 00:32:33 runs off of ketones instead of glycogen, for some people with epilepsy, it controlled their seizures, it controlled their symptoms. So that's how the ketogenic diet was invented, and the original ketogenic diet was invented. And the original ketogenic diet was not this bodybuilder style high protein variety. It was actually a no carbohydrate low protein very high fat diet because again, too much protein will kick you out of ketosis, even if you have no carbs. So if your goal is to go into ketosis, then you got to watch
Starting point is 00:33:02 eating the chugas protein. What chisels said is a very good point right there because I know a lot of competitors also that they think that they are by depleting all their carbohydrates, but then their protein levels are at 400 grams, which I mean, ridiculous. And that'll kick you right out of it. Yeah. Absolutely. So as far as athletic performance is concerned, it's pretty conclusive. Study after study after study will show that you are going to perform better if you consume
Starting point is 00:33:30 carbohydrates. In particular, long chain starchy carbohydrates, which are basically glucose molecules, long chains of glucose molecules. So things like rice and potato are going to give you more stamina and more energy For your athletic event. So if you're an athlete and you're competing in a sport and you go low carb You're you're stupid. It's that that's not a good idea. You're gonna perform better if you have carbs So well, what do you think about the fact that it you're also by introducing more carbs at a great slow rate and This is kind of how I approach like my bulk. It's you know, I find one point after I come out of a cut
Starting point is 00:34:07 that, okay, I'm gonna start it, you know, 300 grams of carbohydrates per day. And my goal is really to continue to increase my carbohydrate and take slowly over time without getting, like you said, I'm kind of checking my weight and my softness in the mirror, like, okay, I've gone too far. But what all, and then I'll come back okay I've gone too far but what all and then I'll come back the other way and cut for a little bit and then flip it back and flip it back
Starting point is 00:34:28 again but ultimately I'm trying to train my body to be more efficient on utilizing carbohydrates so it keeps my metabolism up where if you run low carb unless you are really kicking up the fats or like that a lot of people will get their calorie maintenance level will start to reduce. You'll slow your metabolism down. And the flip is true is if I'm continually you're trying to press my carbohydrate and take slowly and moderately as I'm building muscle and building my metabolism, hopefully I get to a point where, you know, and I've been here where I'm burning 4,500 calories a day in my body's natural metabolism. And I've also been on the flip where I've been cutting for so long for a show, that now my calorie maintenance level is down to like 15, well, I would say 1500, probably about 2000, yeah, about 2000 is about as low as I've probably ever seen
Starting point is 00:35:13 my body get down to. So awesome. Wow, dropping some knowledge. I love it. All right. We have time, Doug's signaling, we have time for one more question. One more. Now, this is a real question. I swear to God, go to app mind pump. On Instagram, you'll see this. So I'm not making the shit up. Who said it, yeah? This is from physique beast. And he starts off by saying Mr. Owl.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I don't know why he says that. Mr. Owl. This is commercial. Yeah, the commercial, bro. Yeah, I know why, but why would he put it in? How many licks does it take to get to? It's a lot. That's right.
Starting point is 00:35:41 So Mr. Owl does growth hormone give you a bigger penis. Absolutely. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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