Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 061: Equipping a home gym, gluten, juicing and more...

Episode Date: April 15, 2015

Q&A time once again! Thank you for your Instagram questions (@Mindpump). In this episode the boys answer your questions about equipping a home gym, gluten intolerance, Lyme disease and joint pain, ste...roid use by physique athletes and making gains on a juicing lifestyle.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump with the three sexiest guys in this room. This is Adam Schaefer. I'm with Salda Stefano. How do you know what I was doing? I'm with south south Because you guys told me This is Adam Shay from here with south to Stefano and you'll Justin Andrews. Yeah, baby
Starting point is 00:00:41 We're coming at you guys. It's our Q&A. Q&A. Oh, Q&A. Oh, yeah. Time to answer some questions with some answers. Did we do all stupid works? That's what you do, right? That's what works usually. Did we do all kinds of different ones or what? What do we stick with here? Yeah, well, we got a bunch of questions
Starting point is 00:00:55 that we like. Like lightning round answering it like super fast. That's, yeah, yeah, no. No, no, no, no. You know what I'm saying? But you know what, you know what? No, what's unfortunate is people don't have enough, if people had thick enough skin
Starting point is 00:01:05 We could do we could have a little fun with Q&A We could say we could always like vote for like the stupidest question asked like we Every week we give like no people. Oh, so so many Ella sensitive That idea, but we'll silently do it. We'll just release one for Nobody will know. Oh, if you're on the you'll need to know. Step up your question game. All right, first question. This is actually from the Mind Pump forum. So this is not on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:01:30 We have a private speaking of the forum. Yeah, we have a private forum that only select group of people can be on. We can see naked pictures of Justin. Of Justin, and the hall is glory. It's getting there, right? Bro, I don't, you guys don't even know. Why don't you have hair down there?
Starting point is 00:01:44 That's weird. It's all, yeah. Let's take care of myself. It's getting there, right? Bro, I don't even know. Why don't you have hair down there? That's weird. It's all right. Yeah. Let's take care of myself. It's all wax. He's been mad skippie ever since the second episode. I'm getting ready for that tanning thing you guys promised. You don't even get tan that.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Okay. The motto is everything. No. No, the mind pump form, it's a, only select people can go on there right now. It's people who enroll in our program. The first question is from actually a personal friend of mine. This is from Mr. Longyear.
Starting point is 00:02:07 John Longyear. That we're really friends. No, no actually I don't like you guys that much. So John, it's a long year. John wants to know, what's essential equipment for a home gym? Like if you had a home gym, what would be like the essential things?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Well okay, essential talking like, we're trying to save some money here, right? In your living room. Yeah. So, I mean, we're not building the bad ass gym. We want to build it. Yeah, I'm like, you're at John, you're asking, you're asking, I have an addict. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Essential, well, you need to have a loaded question. You do have a powerlifting platform, a rubber plate, a gym, a job. Yeah. Definitely dumbbells. You definitely should have dumbbells, right? Yeah, if you have five pounds all the way up to probably 75 pounds to 100 pounds,
Starting point is 00:02:51 I think you could probably get away with that one. You can, the average person could probably do with up to 55, I'm thinking. Dude, yeah, I mean, all those things are kind of staples. I'm thinking like, you know how they have those racks, like Rogue makes these racks, like sometimes they even, they just have like a million attachments for them now.
Starting point is 00:03:07 All you need is like a really well built rack that you can have a platform in front of, you can do squats, you can do bench, you can do all the things. Yeah, a cable lift. Just have a cage. That's it. Yeah, if you have a cage, a barbell dumbbells,
Starting point is 00:03:19 and an adjustable bench, you're garage, you're done, man, you got everything. That is pretty special. You know what I mean? You can pull. No, I don't think if I was going, if I had a budget and I was like, okay, what are the cheapest, the probably three staple things, I'd get a cage, you know, so a squat rack basically. Because then you can bench out of it, you can shoulder press out, you pull up, you can
Starting point is 00:03:37 do a platformer. Yeah, even if you didn't have a platform, who cares? Yeah, no, exactly. You need a platform that would just be making it prettier, right? And more money. And you have a straight bar, you know, so you can do all that stuff So your straight bar obviously is going with your squat rack and then a dumbbell rack and then a adjustable wrench a adjustable bench that you can roll around and move you can move it and hang your Suspension trainers from it, you know, all kinds of stuff well
Starting point is 00:04:02 Check this out for the last 12 years, that's exactly all I had. In my personal training studio, we have a cage, barbell dumbbells, and I had, I have a cable machine. It's a divinci, which is similar to your, all right, free motion. Yeah, it's like a free motion with the cables. But I barely ever used that. Honestly, all I ever used was the,
Starting point is 00:04:22 well, that would be, the cage in the dumbbells. That would be awesome too. I mean, you could do, I mean, a free motion would eliminate a lot of other tools you would need, but you're all starting about a $10,000 machine. Yeah, you don't need that, but like I said, and that's all I used.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Literally, ladies and gentlemen, you could look at my Instagram, you could see what it looked like. That's all I used for 12 years. I didn't use anything else. Yeah, you look pretty, you look above average, for sure. Definitely. Yeah, just a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Thanks, Adam. It's such a big day. No, Adam. Such a big day. No, no, no. I think those are the bigger that he gets, the bigger. No, I know, right? So I definitely think those would be at, you can wait for the cock joke. Bro, we're just getting warmed up, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I know. You're throwing it. Now, he's the guy that's going to be in the back. He beats me to it all the time now, bro. I get to like hurry up and get my cock out here before he's got you. He's always got to get out. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Stereous jump on the bad wagon going gluten free Cuz I think it makes me feel better. It invented it right hippies hippies of it. No, you both of you guys are dick I'm just because you just cuz you have an in tall break just because you have an intolerance
Starting point is 00:05:32 That's why you say that but let's be honest. You're one in what how many what's the numbers? You have the numbers? If you're thinking celiac now celiac is completely different. We're not yes. There's celiac which is which is you'll know Your doctor will tell you, and you'll know, you'll eat gluten, get violently ill. Yeah, yeah. And there's varying degrees of gluten intolerance. Is it a real thing? Well, look, the market is showing a huge surge
Starting point is 00:05:56 in gluten-free foods, and part of that is, I think, hype. But the other part of it is people are really having issues. And it's not just in the US, it's happening in other countries as well, Where people now are noticing things like skin issues, digestion issues, issues with weight and that fat gain, but more like water gain, they'll notice that there'll be more, the holding more water in terms of how people feel. Gluten is, basically, it's a protein that's found in the structural protein, right?
Starting point is 00:06:28 For, yeah, and it's found in things, and wheat is the most common thing. So anything with flour will have gluten in it. So let's talk about that first there, though. So how much do we know that a lot of these intolerances are being caused from the actual gluten itself, or it could be something from wheat in itself. I mean, how much wheat is genetically modified and that what are we dealing with?
Starting point is 00:06:49 I mean, this is a great relation more towards sugar. Well, there you go. There you go. It's a process. There you go. As it breaks down. Well, both very good questions, because if gluten intolerance, any type of a food intolerance or a food allergy, which is more of an extreme intolerance. Those are all autoimmune issues. Those are all your own immune system attacking this particular type of food, and that's what
Starting point is 00:07:10 causes this nutrient or whatever that's in food that's causing these issues. And as a whole in modern societies, especially in the U.S. and in Europe, autoimmune diseases have been on the rise now for decades and it's a fast rise. It's not genetic. When you look at how quickly these things are starting to happen, there's definitely something else that's contributing to it and there's a few theories. One theory is that the genetically modified foods, which carry high what are called glyphosate loads. And what we talked about this in the past, which glyphosates are these herbicides that they spray all over GMO foods and kill weeds.
Starting point is 00:07:53 They're finding that glyphosate affect gut bacteria. And we know that now gut bacteria or altered gut bacteria is tied to autoimmune diseases. And so they're seeing that on a large scale. The other one is antibiotic use or antibiotic use in food. That could potentially be the cause. It could be the actual GMOs themselves. But I tend to lean towards more towards the glyphosate theory. And here's something else I just learned recently.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Wheat right now on a large scale is not modified. Wheat, there is no GMO wheat right now that's available on a big scale in the market. However, I just learned this recently. Farmers are using a technique, and I can't remember the term. There's actually a term that they use where they, towards the end of the wheat cycle, they blast all the wheat with glyphosate.
Starting point is 00:08:44 And this makes the wheat dry faster, and I guess ripen faster, I know what the term is that they use, but it gets them to be able to utilize the wheat faster to make it into a product. Yes. So they're just hammering. And it's not a highly GMO product, it's like corn. Yeah, it's not like that, huh? No, it's not GMO, it's just they sprayed on the wheat
Starting point is 00:09:09 and it makes it a ready faster for production. Okay. And so if you're not eating organic wheat, then you're probably gonna have some glyphosate's in there. Here's, this is, by the way, this is anecdote now. This is not science-raining raining but I know of several people myself included where you know if I gluten here in the US it bothers me I'll notice first thing I'll notice is gastro issues you know like bloating and you know stuff like that
Starting point is 00:09:37 when I went to Italy this last summer it's where my family's from so I went to Italy and I basically said screw it I'm just gonna eat whatever and I ate lots of pasta lots of bread I didn't have nearly as many symptoms. And I'm not the only one. I went online, I did a little search on the forums and lots of people said the same thing that they could eat wheat in other countries and not have an issue. And glyphosate are not used nearly as much in those countries and they're forced to label GMO foods. And that's probably why. So here's what I would challenge somebody is this. I would challenge someone if you think that you have an gluten intolerance is to roll
Starting point is 00:10:14 your eyes, bro. This is why because I'm not completely sold. I lean more towards that. More people have, it's more hype than it is actually something going on. And not to say that there isn't because I've had clients that actually have Celiac, so they have that issue and that's there. But you said they're more like hyperchondriac about it. Yeah, and this is, and here's, and, and, and you could, I believe too, that people
Starting point is 00:10:35 can even have symptoms similar to what Sal is talking about right now. But how I would challenge you is this, put yourself in a caloric deficit for a week, two week straight and introduce gluten in there while you're in a deficit and see how your body responds while eating in a deficit versus consuming in a surplus and adding gluten inside your inside your diet and see the difference on how you feel. And that goes back to kind of what Justin I said, like, I would think of a lot of that feeling, that that bloated feeling, that gassy feeling, all that stuff is eating in a surplus. Yeah. So if you go stuff yourself with a large pizza, that's full of gluten and
Starting point is 00:11:14 shit. After you've already consumed your 2500 calorie, you know, maintenance level for the day, and you go smash another thousand calories and a bunch of it came from gluten. Uh, yeah, you probably are gonna feel pretty shitty later on in the evening. It's not because you're allergic, it's because you're over consumed. I think there's a lot of people like that, but then look, I mean, just speaking
Starting point is 00:11:33 from personal experience, I know what I eat. I eat very healthy. Yeah, and two, I mean, like this is where that whole elimination diet, you know, if you hit, I always sort of recommend if people have, if they feel like they have an intolerance like that, you know, why don't you experiment and figure that out?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Like so for me, and this was something I was gonna share, which I'll probably share on the other episode of my progress, but you know, eliminating certain things have changed the chemistry internally for me. And so that's something that was really, you know, eye-opening, but it was an obvious thing, but at the same time, not doing that long enough, I didn't feel the effects of it. It's just important to go through each potential contributor and tested accordingly. Then you can really know for sure my body is reacting to this.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Well, I will say here, I'll predict here right now that this is, it is emerging science. So there's studies that say gluten intolerance doesn't exist. There's some that say that it does exist. I will say here, and I'll predict right now that this in the future, we will identify that it might not be the gluten,
Starting point is 00:12:39 but there's definitely something that's going on. And I think it has to do more with something called inflammatory bowel disease or what they also call or what's related to that, leaky gut syndrome, which right now the medical community completely says does not exist, but there is some signs coming out saying that leaky gut syndrome does exist and this is where you have an inflamed gut
Starting point is 00:13:03 and things that you eat can permeate the cell wall of your gut, get into your bloodstream, and then create these intolerances as a result. So what sounds like you would need to be pretty stuff for that to happen, too, right? What do you mean? Well, you say that you're permeating and you're just going to push out your cell wall. It sounds like you'd have to be pretty... It's from inflammation.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Oh, okay. It's not from... Yeah, eating too much. It's just from inflammation, because when things get inflamed Then they don't the the cell integrity isn't isn't good. Yeah, so But you know, we'll see we'll see we're moving forward. We'll see if it turns into If it's mostly hype, but I don't think so I think with all the science is coming out right now with glyphosate and Gut bacteria and autoimmune autoimmune diseases
Starting point is 00:13:42 I think Some kind of a, you know, truth there. Yeah, I believe. The best way to test though is just like I said, put yourself in a very clean, like cell, that's the reason why I cell can attest to this and say that he is because he does run a very clean, balanced diet, he does track everything that he's consuming.
Starting point is 00:13:58 So all of us are like this. So if you, if I introduce something or take something away from my diet, I'm, I, you know, yeah, I know what it's doing to my body, what I'm, which, for example, my example of that is I can tell that my, how my, my body responds really weird to artificial sweeteners. And I have a habit of wanting that in my coffee. I have, I diet coke is one of my favorite things to, like, what does it do to you? I get this really bloated. I get bloated from it. So I get, I retain a ton of water and I'm, I get this really bloated. I get bloated from it. So I get I retain a ton
Starting point is 00:14:25 of water and I'm I'm majorly bloated and I look soft. The minute I'm I get it out of my diet for like three, four days straight and it's kind of flushed out of my system. Like I instantly look like I get leaner significantly leaner already. Well, that's it. See, that's another great subject because artificial sweeteners have been studied for decades and they'll and they'll say overwhelmingly that it's safe. It doesn't have any bad effects. However, just like with gluten intolerance, just like with glyphosate and gupp, they don't know what they didn't test for things that they didn't know to test for.
Starting point is 00:14:52 So now they're knowing, now they're starting as test for how it affects gut bacteria and they're showing that there's changes, same thing with artificial sweeteners, it changes gut flora. They didn't know to test that for that before. So of course all the studies coming out are gonna show, yeah, it's not toxic. If I gluten or if I take it artificial sweetener right now I'm not going to kill me. I'm not going to poison me. But there's changes that are happening that
Starting point is 00:15:12 you need to know to test for. And if you don't know what to test for then they're not going to show up. So put yourself on a very clean diet. Put yourself in a deficit. So your body is in that and then you know put introduce gluten or take it in or out of your diet and see how you feel it happens. Yeah, see what happens. That would be my it in or out of your diet and see how you feel. It happens. Yeah. Yeah. See what happens. I mean, that would be my best example or best advice to you. Great point.
Starting point is 00:15:29 All right. All right. Next question. This is from Primal for Life with the number four in the middle there. For Life. How do you work with someone who has got Lyme disease or major joint and muscle aches? So let's start with Lyme disease first and foremost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:46 You're, I've trained lots of people who have Lyme disease and exercise is fantastic for anybody who have Lyme disease, but it has to be appropriate. It has to be proper. Very low intensity. You gotta be low intensity because you push the body too hard and you trigger. It's gonna react.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Yeah, you trigger this really bad inflammatory reaction where they get lots of pain, huge inflammation in the joints, they get super fatigued. So you have to move them up in a very, very slow, in a very, very slow way. Question rate. Yeah, and wait.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Like, okay, we added five pounds today. Let's keep this added five pounds for the next two weeks and see how you feel. Oh wow. Before we okay, we added five pounds today. Let's keep this added five pounds for the next two weeks and see how you feel. Oh, wow. Before we move you up another five pounds. So it's a very, very slow progression. As far as, you know, joint aches,
Starting point is 00:16:34 I don't know, what do you guys do with people? What about regular joint aches? Like my knees hurt. Well, regular joint aches. Oh, where is the adjusting muscle imbalance? Yeah, that's exactly. And unless you have arthritis and it's something that you have
Starting point is 00:16:45 chronic pain like that. There you have chronic inflammation from your dietary habits or something like that. Yeah. You can address like that'll help with chronic arthritis and stuff like that. More often than not, it's like what Justin was alluding to, which is the muscle imbalance. You've got a muscle that's super tight. It's pulling on your joints and it's causing that achy feeling from it. So, you know, learning, learning where, just by someone telling me, like, oh, it's my elbow hurts here or my shoulder or my back. I mean, I was just talking to someone earlier today about that and, you know, telling her, like, more than likely, it's probably these muscles, these muscles, these muscles that need to be
Starting point is 00:17:21 worked out, you need to stretch them out, you need to foam roll, you need to get that, and that's going to open that up. And, you need to stretch them out, you need to foam roll, you need to get that, and that's gonna open that up, and then you should automatically, right away, after you do it, you should feel some warm mobility and that pain should be, I mean, I go away right away because it's so bad, but it should alleviate a little bit of the pain, and that's always a good signal.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And then you're providing, well, that's a lot. And you're providing more circulation, and so now that was the next point I was gonna make, is probably the biggest factor is, especially with people like with arthritis and joint pain so that is they think that oh my God, if it's a really bad day,
Starting point is 00:17:53 that this is the day I take my pain killers and I stay home and I, you know, because I'm in so much pain. And in fact, that's a complete opposite. Like you wanna make, you wanna keep that blood flowing. The best thing you could possibly do is circulate blood through there and get that blood going then to sit still and stationary and not be moving. So, you know, because I mean, you get that point where they feel like they're locking up,
Starting point is 00:18:13 they're freezing up. Yeah. And that's something that you want to avoid by, you know, doing really low moderate type of movements and at least keep it on that level so you get circulating, you know, proper. I can't tell you how many times I've had a client come in and say, I can't squat, or I can't do lunges. My knees are too bad. And you know, five months later, we're doing squats and lunges and they feel fantastic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Just like Justin said, identify muscle imbalances, and then step two, once you've done that, is to train within the range of motion that you can train within. And what you'll find over time is that range of motion will increase. So if I've corrected imbalances and we're doing squats and the person can only go down to, let's say they can stop at 20 degrees above parallel and that's the edge for them. Any below that their knees start to hurt, then that's where I'm going to train them and we're going to slowly move it down.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Just slowly progress it. Progress it down to that full range of motion and then the next thing you know, you've got a full range of motion in that joint. Very rarely have I encountered issues with joints where we're stuck or we can't at least improve upon it. I've had bad situations with clients and at the very least we've just gotten them a lot better. Maybe not perfect, but a lot better than they were. It's good to then to apply tools
Starting point is 00:19:25 where you can actually have some kind of measurement as far as your range goes. Right. So you can bring that up, and you can actually see progress, because I know a lot of times it gets frustrating when you're in that battle all the time where you're fighting these aches and pains.
Starting point is 00:19:40 But if you see, like you said, you really gradually get to that threshold, you let off, you come back, you address the same issue, you back off, you just keep out, it keep out, it keep out, it's gonna increase. So it just takes time. Well, I think the most important to the point out
Starting point is 00:19:56 is what we all say, which is that nine times at a 10, it's muscle related. And I think that's how often have we heard some words, so I'll just say, oh, I can't do this, I can't do that in my back, my neck, all these reasons that I have a bad this have a bad that it's like, no, it's not necessarily a bad knees or a bad back. It's because you've got all these imbalances you've had for fucking 30 years, that you've never addressed. And the more time that goes by it, you don't address an imbalance, the worse it gets. You know, so You guys adapted to those habits you've done
Starting point is 00:20:25 every single day. Absolutely. Well, I think that stems, you know what it all stems from, in the past, when people had aches and pains, it was from overwork. You know, you go back a hundred years and someone has a bad back or bad knees or bad elbow, it's because they did a shitload of,
Starting point is 00:20:39 you know, manual labor a hundred years ago. Ain't nobody, ain't nobody checking 400- They did so many fucking news. nobody's doing that right now. Yeah, and so people weren't so much harder back then. Yeah, and the advice back then was right, you know, oh, your back hurts rest. Well, yeah, you should rest because for 12 hours a day, you're throwing cement over a wall or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Right. You know, that made sense. Well, today nowadays, most people's paying from from, from a desk junkie, comes from an activity right so you're not resting resting is the worst thing I can't remember where I read this I wish I can remember the article so I could actually quote it but I read an article that talked about that women in the 1800s on average used to burn 4,500 calories. That's awesome. The average American female now gains weight
Starting point is 00:21:20 on 1500 calories. Isn't that insane to think that 4,500 calories average woman was burning back in the 1800s and now you're talking about the average woman puts weight on when she consumes more than 1500. Do you know what would happen if we had a time machine and we went back in time 200 years and we told people, hey, in the future, you're going to pay money to go to a place and live heavy objects and run in place to bring them to Braceau. They would kill you because they say you're place. I'm a slap to face off. They would kill you because they say you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Why would anybody pay to lift anything? No, it's to grow your own food. You got to cook it yourself. Yeah. Yeah, let me get this right. You're going to get off work and then you're going to pay to work somewhere. This doesn't make sense. No, they would kill you right on the spot.
Starting point is 00:22:01 So all right, I think we have time for one more question. This is from, well, this one might be a little controversial, but we'll go forward anyway. That's our middle name, right? This is from Brandon underscore Mulhall. Their question is about steroids in the physique world. Is everybody on steroids in the physique world? Who's on them and how many people are on them? I know everybody's on them, right? Yeah, you know, it's like the first thing It's that's impossible to know if everyone's on them. I'm Adam Adam's in the world. You should yeah, you know It's I get asked this a lot and you know a couple things. I'll tell you for well first of all It's if you're in the NPC or if BB it's completely within the rules
Starting point is 00:22:44 So chances are a good majority of guys. And you mean by that, the process of elimination. Yeah, it's not tested. So and if you're in the bodybuilding world or men's physique world or any competitive world, whatsoever, and it's not tested and it's competitive, a majority of people are probably going to use synthetics to get the competitive edge. Now that being said, in men's physique, it's not always in your best interest to run a bunch of synthetics because you don't, you, they don't want a very big looking dude.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I mean, I, I got docked points in my, my second show I didn't play, I didn't play top five, I got six plays because I was told I was too big. So, that was the first show I tried to come in really full. Most of my shows I come in very fat because I get told that I'm too big. So, which to which is weird because I spent my whole life trying to get bigger, thinking I'm not big enough. But, and you know, anabolic, you know, if you're, if you're running a bunch of antibiotics,
Starting point is 00:23:45 you most certainly can't get to it. But as far as other types of gears and things that are, that people are utilizing, I mean, yeah, I'm sure there's a lot of men's physique athletes. I'm sure there's a lot of, especially at the professional level. I mean, it's a pro sport like we've talked about before. It's, I think, all sport, all professional sport.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Yeah, a question to me. Well, you know, I mean, people don't, people don't, they, you know, I guess the, the physique, men's physique puts on that facade. And, okay, now, and here's where I say, it's exactly it. I don't really, I don't spend too much time worrying about it because there's been guys who I would have sworn
Starting point is 00:24:19 are taking juice and I happen to know them very, very well and they're completely all natural. And then there's guys who I thought were all natural and they're on times of juice so you know it doesn't It's just because someone looks like it or someone you think doesn't it like it doesn't really matter I mean and at the men's physique level You know there isn't a real advantage to taking a lot so you know Yeah, is there guys probably yeah, probably a lot do because they can and it's professional sport. You kind of silly if you don't. I mean, if you're trying, if you're doing it to win and you're trying to be the best at it,
Starting point is 00:24:51 yeah, you know, more than likely they are. And I know a lot of, my thing is I know a lot of guys out there, you know, trying to build this whole claim to fame of all 100% natural lifetime natural. And they look crazy. And what's like, you know, don't get caught up and shit like that. That shouldn't even matter or detour how you train your body just because he is or isn't on juice because there is a lot of men's physique. The men's physique look can be a guy can build that all natural. Now, will it take somebody pretty genetically gifted to look like that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I mean, that's with any sport. Is there NFL players that don't take juice? Absolutely. There's some people that are genetically gifted that can run a four four and you know, jump through the building and do great, you know, feats all natural. But then there's some guys that it takes, you know, 500 mil cams of test oscarone and some V ball in order to do that shit. So, you know, it's not worth your time to even try and figure that out or justify how you would train yourself. Well, the fact, I don't worry about it really too much. The vast majority of people who work out to look better do not want to compete. The vast majority of people are dudes, we'll just say.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And by the way, we're talking about the men, women use them too. Don't kid yourself. Oh yeah, no. Women in these, you know, figure and of course, even bikini. And bikini, they use stuff too. So, but you know, for the average person who wants to really look fit and muscular,
Starting point is 00:26:12 you can get really far naturally. I mean, I had a guy come up to me today. I was working out today and someone came up to me and asked me what I was on. And I'm natural, I don't take anything. So, you can go pretty far. If you don't want to compete, you're not a pro. Do you, you know, why, why take anything?
Starting point is 00:26:28 You can look pretty impressive to get natural. Literally today, I had this guy, right? And this is actually someone who's picking our program up right now. And this is what we talked about having sushi. So if you listen in, bro, this is a little shout out to you right now, and he asked me, I won't roll my bus, he's his name, but he asked me today and when people meet me in person
Starting point is 00:26:48 and we talk and you ask me a very serious question like that, like my opinion on anabolic and this and that and my thoughts on this. So he was coming out, he's asking me a straight up a question about that. He said, you know, I'm, my buddy told me I should just take this trend. What is that?
Starting point is 00:27:00 He didn't even know what it was. He was being told that he should just take this trend. I'm like, you know, is your diet dialed in? You know, no, Adam, you know, I'm 30 years old and I've never really worked out and I'm like, do listen, your body's gonna change so rapidly and fast just by you touching some weights and actually eating correctly.
Starting point is 00:27:15 You don't even need some shit like that. And I said, you know what? Do that for a couple of years and see how much your body changes. And then if all of a sudden you think you want to get in the competitive world and you want to make this life like a living off of it and you want to get crazy and get in and be competitive about, then we can talk about things like that that you can take to take you to the next level faster. But to be honest,
Starting point is 00:27:35 like you be blown away at what your body can do. And to be honest, if you don't dial in the nutrition, you don't figure out how to train correctly and you take a bunch of shit like that, any sort of gains you get are going to go right away. And they look horrible anyway. You guys ever see those how to train correctly and you take a bunch of shit like that any sort of gains you get are gonna go right away And they look horrible anyway you guys you guys ever see those guys in the gym that you don't know how to work out That each shitty and they just take a bunch of steroids blow up and then it's like whoa They look like a hard attack walking around it red face big puffy. They look like shit Yeah, wait some time. Wait for a minute. Yeah, you're breaking the law for no reason Yeah, if you're gonna break the law at least do it for a good reason
Starting point is 00:28:02 You're breaking the law from a reason. If you're gonna break the law, at least do it for a good reason. Okay, it's not a good reason. No, I feel the same way too. So yeah, to answer your question, Min's physique, do we think that at a box of penetrated, fuck yeah, it's penetrated. Is it a majority sport?
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah, exactly. It's especially at the professional level. At the amateur level, maybe not so much at the national level, a little bit more professional level. Yeah, dude, I mean, it's a professional sport, but I don't know This penetrated everything once once you figure it When somebody figured out like, you know, okay, this is a performance enhancement for you know, whatever physicality Whether it's acting, you know, and I you know, I got to be captain America in
Starting point is 00:28:41 Three months. Oh, yeah, you know, oh, yeah, we could please did yeah, we could totally get into that shit. Yeah, don't be fooled when you look at people magazine and you see like, you know, after 48 years old that look like a naive. It's everywhere, man. Yeah. It's a matter of like personal preference in your value system or whatever,
Starting point is 00:29:01 it is that you're trying to do um, to do and like accomplish. And we're not knocking. Look, if you want to do stuff like that, we're not knocking. No, absolutely. I told you guys, hey, dude, if you want to run them, you can run them. But I, if you're about to, you know, it's free. I would most certainly do all this. Free country stuff. Yeah. So I would be like, I would do all the shit that's free. Isn't going to mess with my hormonal levels. I'm going to do anything like this. I would do all the other options and exhaust that before I,
Starting point is 00:29:24 I took it to the next level right there. I mean, this, I think that's the best way to respond to someone. If you're an inspiring men's athlete and you're on your journey and you're an amateur right now, there's a ton of stuff you can do way before you get into that. I'm sure you're on how to be disciplined first. Yeah, exactly. The bottom line. Yeah, take yourself, take yourself all naturally to as far as your body can go before you make a decision like that, you want to do that. And I guarantee that you'll, you'll do much better with or without it, you know, if you decide to do it, you'll be a lot happier that
Starting point is 00:29:53 you did it. You waited till you do it then. If you decide you're never going to do it, you'll be happy because you'll realize that, oh, shit, I can actually totally change my physique all naturally. Yeah, you did. Hey, Doug, what are we doing for time here? We have about 33. 33, this next question's a quick, this one, this one, this will take two seconds answer. This is from haveyoumet.brion. His question is, we haven't met Brian. No, we haven't.
Starting point is 00:30:14 This is easy one, we can answer this in two seconds. His question is, can you make gains on the juicing lifestyle? No, no. Diaria. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Until next time, this is Mind Pump. you

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