Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 070: Supersets, Self-Motivation & Sponsorships

Episode Date: April 29, 2015

In this episode the MindPump Crew answers more of your Instagram questions (@mindpump). Adam gives the Raw Truth about sponsorships and the boys dive into their favorite pre and post-exhaust supersets... and how they keep themselves motivated.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump. We're gonna run the show even though everybody feels like crap right now. That's how hardcore we are. That's how much we love you. That's how much we love you.
Starting point is 00:00:24 This is Salda Steffan. I'm here with the sniffling Adam Schaefer. An ever-coffing. Woo-oo. This is like an- I'm trying to have a cough, I'm sorry. And the, the, the watery-eyed Justin Andrew. Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Wipe your face. Slipper face. Justin Sik, you're not sick anymore though. I didn't make out with you guys like, because you guys were doing the kissing. I stayed out of it. We were feeling well last week either. That was just your STD flare up, right? Stayed away from you. All right. I think it's time for the question and answer portion of this game show About it. Let's give them to you. You know what? Justin I sort of have this show doesn't work out. We are gonna me and Adam are gonna you be your promoters. Okay, because I'm just like a
Starting point is 00:01:11 Jingle guy machine. It's like he's singing to the heavens every time he lets out you know, I like they part every time they part So let's start with the first question. This is from one of our loyal followers look at him up again Right, we this is my boy right here, bro? from one of our loyal followers. Look at him up again, right? This is my boy right here, bro. That's good questions and we will answer them. It's a simple formula. No matter fact, this gentleman,
Starting point is 00:01:30 I think I'm jealous. I think he tags you more than me. Of course he does, bro. So, God, you got like, there's a salaholic. I just salaholic. That's right, bro. Did you see people making the hashtag,
Starting point is 00:01:41 Sal Stradamus? Yes, Sal Stradamus. That's my favorite one. No, I'm just, yeah. Sal Stradamus, like no Stradamus. The, Sal Stradamus. That's my favorite one. No, I'm not. Sal Stradamus, like no Stradamus. The fitness prophet, predictor. I get the word play. He's like, like, not Stradamus.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Do you know? Do you read? Do you know who that is? It's not a physique competitor. It's... Oh, yeah. I thought it was a superhero. All right, so the question is from Indorf and Aholic.
Starting point is 00:02:06 By the way, who posted it wonderful before and after, so you can find them on Instagram. His question is about sponsorships, like a peril companies on social media. So this actually happened to me because as I started getting more and more followers, I'd get these invitations to be sponsored by this new clothing company. So, Adam's probably, I I think Adam cuz you're the most made the most passionate about this conversation
Starting point is 00:02:28 So so he wants to know is it rip off as a scam? Is it just free clothes? What's the deal? Well, could I just start by saying some that's kind of funny, right? So this actually got back to me recently so So one approaches me who's a friend of a friend says hey This company really wants to sponsor you and they want to give you, you know, they want to give you free food, this nap on a butt. I'm like, well, I haven't heard of them. Who are they?
Starting point is 00:02:49 And then she tell me the name. And I'm like, she's like, I'm like, well, why haven't they reached out to me on Instagram or Facebook or email me with that? And she's like, well, you kind of have this thing about you that everyone's afraid to offer you a sponsorship anymore because I've turned down so many of them. I'm kind of a dick about it because here's why. I mean, and I hope we have, I hope we have a lot of men's physique people are going to hear this. Okay. All you guys that are accepting all these sponsorships are fucking it up for everybody. And I'll tell you why, because 10, 15 years ago when
Starting point is 00:03:24 men's physique didn't exist, and there was only bodybuilders and the community was small, these companies used to have to pay these athletes, good fucking money, real money, just like an actor gets paid. When Joe Montana drives around his Toyota on Toyota, he doesn't just get a free Toyota. He gets more than just a free Toyota. He's not driving a Toyota because he likes Toyota. Yeah, he gets a free Toyota, and he gets a nice check in the mail. So, that's how sponsorships should really work. And this isn't to bash the companies because, hey, kudos to the companies for being smart
Starting point is 00:03:55 in early. Oh, yeah. Kudos for the companies for being smart and getting after all these athletes that are too stupid to actually hold out. Yeah, I know. I'm going gonna insult a bunch of people right now because they're fucking it up for everybody. For people like myself who would love to take sponsorships, but I am not gonna take a sponsorship from somebody
Starting point is 00:04:14 who says, hey, we like you to rep our t-shirts, rep our meals, rep our supplement company, rep whatever it is. And we're gonna give you 20% commission. Yeah, we're gonna give you 20% commission. Yeah, we're gonna give you 20% commission and you're gonna get $400 free supplements or some free apparel. Like, fuck off, dude. I can buy my own t-shirts and I can buy my own supplements.
Starting point is 00:04:34 That's not what I want. I either want a percentage of the company, I want a stock where I want a paycheck that comes in every single month because if I'm gonna market it to 30 to 50,000 people that I like to think I have a pretty decent influence on since they fucking follow me every single day, I want a little bit of money from it.
Starting point is 00:04:49 So now if you're somebody who has no, you have no desire to work in the fitness industry or this and somebody wants to offer you free shit, fine, take it, whatever, I would too. I think this probably has more to do with just social media in general because these companies are using social, the power of social media. So I think this probably has more to do with just social media in general because these companies are using social the power of social media. So I think what they're doing, I'm trying now, but I'm trying to do so. I'm trying to put myself in the head of the people who are doing the who run these companies.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I'm thinking what they're doing is they're going on and they're seeing people with, you know, 2000, 3000, 4000 followers and they're saying, okay, I'm going to give this person free t-shirts and all they have to do is wear them And then post pictures of themselves and if I get enough people doing this then it's like a bunch of free advertising in the meantime You know this guy who's getting a free t-shirt just happy to get a free t-shirt and be able to say that they're sponsored So it's it's kind of like what it sounds. Yeah, here's here's the thing, you know, and here we go You know what this is a good topic. We've been bringing to stir some shit up. I'm gonna stir some fucking shit up right here. So We put so the master let me let me tell you the the baddest of all bad asses at doing this right now is the show the company shreds They're the shit at doing this. Okay, because
Starting point is 00:05:57 The the arvin the the top of this the man has found you know, he found all these athletes They're not even some of them a lot of our athletes. Just a lot of them are kids that have models and yeah, that are good looking people that have good followings, you know, whether they had something great to say or they were funny or they're charming, whatever it was about them. And has got them underneath his wing and has actually helped build this brand
Starting point is 00:06:18 around all these inspiration brands. Yes, let's be honest, can you even, I got a question. Let me finish here though. So what these guys what these guys have done and it's and it's brilliant on his Port so kudos to him for doing this but you know shame on all the rest of us for being suckers because Here's a thing you know you see these kids like let's say a Devon physique kids got like three or four badass whips He's got like a cute little Nixon watch you wears every day and like a cool little little shoe collection, everything going on. I'm not going to say here and guess what his salary is, but I'll tell you right now, if
Starting point is 00:06:50 I had a million fucking followers, I'd be making over a million dollars a year, guarantee it. Guaranteed because with that amount, that amount of power of that many people that are tied to you, this enlist what you could be doing financially. And I guarantee you, he is not making a million plus dollars a year from that company, but I guarantee you, Shreds is making that kind of money for sure. And I'm not picking on them because there's lots of companies
Starting point is 00:07:16 that are doing this and a lot of these companies are modeling that after that. They saw that, they see that, they see what's going on. And anybody like ourselves, smart businessmen, they see that and see right through it. That was the first thing I saw. I didn't see it and fall into it. And go like, oh wow, this must be a really cool company.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I went like, wow, who's the smart guy who fucking figured this out? Oh, it's smart because you just look at everybody else that's hashtagging, wearing their clothes, doing all this, like longing to be one of their athletes. Oh yeah, want to be one. Like they might as well tattoo their logo on their arm And and and they're just buying it and just on the whim that though like pick them up as an athlete
Starting point is 00:07:52 It's it's pretty ridiculous. I have a question are because they sell supplements, right? Yes Are can you buy because I've never seen and I don't know I don't go into tons of supplements stores anymore, but do they sell them in retail stores? No, okay, so this is purely they built their their their their business purely through social media purely through Instagram Yeah, well, I'll say something right now just to get impressive It's impressive number one, but number two this just shows the power of Social media. This is the new medium for advertising. It is not Radio it is not TV where you spend tons of money and you blast a bunch of people who aren't interested in your product.
Starting point is 00:08:29 You go on social media where people are following fitness people so they're more likely to look at your product and your services. So this is pretty brilliant. For all you fitness people listening right now. Well, let's think about this. And this is, and I saw, I said this the minute I got, it's the reason why I was harping on you to get an Instagram way back when. Think about what it has. Okay, you build this page around yourself, whether it be yourself personally,
Starting point is 00:08:56 or your own business, or whatever it is. And people start to follow you. The people that are following you, either one, like the way you look, like what you have to say, or are similar like-minded people. And what you start to do is you start to attract all these like-minded people. So more than likely, if you're a bunch of like-minded people, you're going to be into the same things and you're going to like the same stuff and we probably purchase the same type of things.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And then you have these little now Instagram has little 15-second blurbs, because you can run commercials almost. It says many commercials, which I don't remember what the science is behind the attention span of a human. But I know it's like, it's a small amount of time. It's like the perfect. It's getting even less with technology. It is getting lasting.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And Instagram is beautifully done and set up. It's a beautiful platform to directly market to your target market. That's it. When you watch it, when you watch a commercial on TV, and let's say the three of us were watching, the NBA playoffs, and McDonald's comes across on a commercial, well that isn't appealed, either one, any of us sitting at the table. No, it's a blast, it's a big blast.
Starting point is 00:09:58 And yes, it's hitting 10 million viewers right now. But out of those 10 million, maybe only 25 to 30% of those people that's even marketing to, and then out of those 20, 30%, how many people that actually go induce them in. Right, whereas if you have 10 million followers, yes, that are all following you. That's legit, right? That all 10 million, those people are interested in what you may have to say or interested in some more things. That they're the ratio of those people that are going to convert into revenue or be able
Starting point is 00:10:23 to monetize is unbelievably higher than what it would be. It's very targeted. And here's the part that frustrates me with all the drones that are following into this is that people don't realize that they've got the power. And like you said, Justin, there's kids right now that on their profile, looking for sponsorship, like basically begging begging for it, like you know, future sponsors in this future, like wanting to be, they want a company to pick them up.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And it's like, dude, you guys are so silly. Like you guys are, this is what happens is people find, they find them. And then it becomes this thing like in our community, like in the men's physique world and the body building world, you know, where people are like, oh, I'm sponsored by boo, I'm sponsored by them, I'm sponsored by them, I'm sponsored by them, I'm sponsored by 15 companies.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Cool, how much money you make. Yeah. Oh, you still live at home with mom? That's crazy. You got 15 companies that sponsor you. You live at home with your fucking mom? Yeah, but I mean bars on that. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:18 You're right. And it's awesome. I've got all the bars I could possibly eat. I got all the supplements I could ever need and I'm totally clothed But I still it's up for days. Yeah, right come on dude seriously think about it for a second You know and silly supplements you guys a bottle of supplements cost that company sense to make literally sense dude And why why would it be in their best interest to make a really high quality supplement?
Starting point is 00:11:47 It wouldn't. It wouldn't. Why? That costs them money. When everybody spreads, it's so fast and are 100% behind the branding. Yeah. 0% behind the quality.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Oh, yeah, that's the next thing that you're going to do. Why would they spend money on it? Since we're picking on it, we're going to, like, you know, the whole, there's so smart, they take, they've gotten to the level they separate the the same shit like here's a fat burner for a male Here's your fat burner for a female here's your here's your vitamin for a meal. It's like we're not like No, what are you talking about? They're different they have different labels. Yeah, yeah, one's pink and one's blue Exactly, so you know what man when it comes to sponsorships and things, it's the reason, so those of you guys that are followers, my boy who's asking the question right now,
Starting point is 00:12:28 the only reason why you don't see me with any sponsors is for the simple fact that I've turned them all down. And I've had tons of them. In fact, I just signed a contract with somebody the day and I'll tell you why, because I got fucking stock. I got stock in the company. I'm gonna get paid to do shit. It's a company that I did my research on that it's growing.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It got built out by a multi-billionaire that bought it out. And you're going to watch the stock go up like a mof. But it's also a good product. It is. I forgot that. Yeah, that's why. It's a great product. It's something that I won.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I can believe in and I'm behind on 100% and it's the perfect time to get involved with it and I'm getting paid to do it. And you are patient. Yes, exactly. I waited, I waited for it and then, and these are the type of companies. If you guys see me wrapping something or talking about something, that's what it'll be.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It'll be something one, I stand by and two, I'm getting paid like I should get paid to represent it. Bottom line. So that's my, I'm getting off my sofa. I have to cover it. I'm not here, I haven't been talking shit right now, right? I don't know. You know what, that's my, I'm getting off my sofa. I have to cover it. I'm talking shit right now, right? You know what, that's a good question though. I felt like we needed that.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I felt like we were getting it. Well, everybody sees it. I mean, it's like the big, you know, 800 pound gorilla that online as far as like in Instagram, you see nothing but like blasts about like all these companies trying to get you to rep their stuff. And it's like this big hustle game, you know, and they interrupt your feed with, hey, like your picture and like, oh, that's so
Starting point is 00:13:50 sincere. And like it was just some automated response and they've got out of control. They've got these kids repin' their stuff. Then they got them working for like minimum wage-type money to go run their booths across the country and so that because the paper they're flight. It's going to get regulated at some point. Well, you know, for some of these kids, it might be a good opportunity. You know, I think the more, I think it's just, it's opening up a lot of doors. I mean, that's okay. There's, there's, okay, there's, there's an argument right there.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Yeah. Because I think it's opening a lot of doors and I think some, you know, they might meet someone or it gives them introduction to the market. I think it's decentralized a lot of the power and giving it more towards individuals because now you've got individuals on Instagram who simply because they're smart with how they market themselves,
Starting point is 00:14:32 now they've become a brand. So, you know. Well, I think it was too, they shift gears and they realize like, what kind of content they're promoting and what type of like communication is happening on the thread between instead of just looking at somebody's some total of followers right like I think once I think when it's starting to realize that the real value yeah what's what I mean once it but they you know you see that more I think it's really gonna shift that
Starting point is 00:15:03 all being said mine comes looking for sponsor yeah sponsor this show you know, you see that more, I think it's really gonna shift. That all being said, my income's looking for sponsor. Yeah, sponsor the show, you know. You know, no, it's pretty good. We'll love you for life. It's pretty crazy where it's going. It's definitely the future of advertising marketing. I look at it like this though, you know, and not to go on a whole other tangent
Starting point is 00:15:18 with multi-level marketing, but that's how it is. It's like multi-level marketing. It's the same thing. So my father has done like every multi-level marketing thing that exists out there. And of course, he comes to his son who's surrounded by lots of people and I've had a lot of people working for me and with me and got a lot of influence when it comes to fitness related to access. I still got my Goji juice. So my pops would always come to me to try and get on board. And you know, for many, many years, I would just be like,
Starting point is 00:15:46 oh yeah, okay, dad, whatever. And then finally, after the 50th one, we'll just frustrated with him and finally, to him said, dad, listen, I'm never gonna do one of these with you. But the day you come to me and you wanna start one of these things, I'm down. I'm down at you.
Starting point is 00:16:02 At the top of the pyramid, son. If you wanna create one of these and let everybody else fall into the trap and work underneath us I'm all about it daddy. I'm all about it. All right, let's go to the next. Thanks Adam for that. Very cheery. That very happy question. So this next, I just offended like half of our listeners. I love you. Fuck. Dad now. When did we ever care? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:16:26 All right, so the next question is from Chee City Fitness, CHI City. CHI City. CHI City. I'm going to regulate you there. That's my Chicago. That's my Chicago people. So the question is, you know, what are,
Starting point is 00:16:39 I guess the question is about pre and post exhaust supersets and what are favorite combos of supersets are. So I think we should describe what a pre exhaust superset is and what a post exhaust superset is. So pre exhaust superset, which we actually utilize quite a bit in the in phase three of the MAP Santa Ballet program, is when you do an isolation movement for a large muscle group
Starting point is 00:17:00 and then you follow it up with a compound movement. So for example, I was cramping up thinking about it. So for example, for chest, you would do like cable crossovers or peck or flies or peck deck with a bench press. So you pre-exhaust the muscle with the isolation movement and then you move on to the compound movement following that. And you get a crazy pump doing that.
Starting point is 00:17:22 A post-exhaust super set is the opposite. Compound movement followed by an isolation movement. So like barbell squats followed by leg extensions or sissy squats. Yeah. So there you go. I just did a kind of inventive one today. I do.
Starting point is 00:17:35 A sled drag. So you're walking backwards, right? And a lot of weight. Burning up the quads like a mofo. And then jumped on to do some back squat. Oh, god. It was torture. That's horrible. I did. I did that today. I except right at leg extensions first and then I did heavy squats afterwards. How did your quads feel? They felt actually amazing. So it felt great. I actually to me, one of the things I like about especially with legs, I feel like my legs really got a warm up before I get into it. I don't know about you But it's like set five when I really feel like in squats. I'm like getting after me like it takes I
Starting point is 00:18:09 Slowly have to work my way up before I feel like everything's firing on all cylinders So I hit lady extensions first. I had four sets of that, you know I was high reps So I'm just getting a nice little pump on them But I wasn't like burning them out, you know I've just enough to get a nice real good pump exhaust a little bit than I went over and I did my squats and I just did great pump on my squats You know what you know why I'm laughing? Laughing over here because for someone who's glued dominant like you, that's a good that's a good pre-exhaust to do quads first
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah, because the other day when you moon me This guy this guy moon me the day to like Oh, they both texted me that picture You have the biggest ass That's where you get all your squat power, dude. It's crazy. I was I was teased as a kid for not having I couldn't even keep doing a lot of ass. I have a try to write a train for real. I tried train for a man I've done you know, you know, you. You know, funny, you say that because part of that has to do with a couple of things. Obviously, I trained for it, but I also have an anterior pelvic tilt.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Oh, yeah. So it sticks it out even more. Yes. So I have, so your hips, which is also, you know, those are the great technique ladies when you're taking pictures. Well, it's a great technique for somebody who has a hard time feeling it in their glutes when they squat because a lot of times people will actually have the opposite, will have a slight anterior anterior posterior tilt. Yeah, versus a posterior tilt. So, you know, when you squat down, the hips rotating out a little bit like that really fires those glutes to fire back at them because I naturally have one, which is
Starting point is 00:19:42 a deviation, it actually causes, it causes my glutes to grow more dominant. So yes, you're right. And that was my thinking going into it. Like, you know what? Glutes have been working great. I'm trying to build my quad size up. Pre-exhaust. Yeah, so that was...
Starting point is 00:19:56 That's why you would want to use that. That's perfect. You know what's one of my favorite combos? Dumbbell pullovers to pullups. So Dumbbell pullovers. Got like... Get pullups need any sort of exhausting way. Well, you'reovers to pullups. So dumbbell pullovers get pullups need any sort of exhausting. Well, you're, all right. Well, you pre-exhaust the lats with the pullover or, and then you go straight to the pullups.
Starting point is 00:20:12 That's the best lap pump I ever get. Now I only, just, I mean, I'm sure you guys are saying, like, I only use this for chest back and legs. I don't, I don't pre your postings. Don't do any of that for arm shit. Well, you can't, I mean, you can't really, you mean, you can super set arms, but you can't really pre-exhaust your biceps. It's an all isolation movement. Yeah, that's not much I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:20:30 It's not something that you would do for that. It's basically something you would, and let's keep this in mind also. It's not something that we always do either. No, no. I mean, this is something that's too intense to do all the time. Yeah, it's too intense and just like anything else before long, because I actually used to train a lot like that.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I used to train a lot of times at that where I was pre or post exhausting. And I saw this great spike, I think, in my results. And so I continued carrying on doing it a lot and probably a lot more than I should. And just body gets adapted to body. I used to do power after I would do a stationary. Like I do a bench press and then I would do
Starting point is 00:21:03 some all-close of push-ups. Yeah, I used to tear me up like I do a bench press and then I would do some all sorts of push-ups. Yeah, I love see that's I have a you know, I'll do something like a bench press and then I'll go over and do like Bosu explosive Explosive push-ups on the Bosu ball bouts are backing forth or do jump boxes after heavy squats Yeah, you can get creative with it But yeah, it all serves the same purpose and I think the I think answer to that too, is to keep that in mind, is that, you know, when you're looking for overall aesthetic results, you know, it's more, it's more something you throw into
Starting point is 00:21:32 your workout every once in a while, versus something that we do on a regular basis, right? And because of the recovery time, you have to count for that. Yeah, so. All right, so how we doing on time, Douglas? All right, one more question. This is actually from a personal friend of mine have known her for a very long time Good friend of mine her name Miracle M3
Starting point is 00:21:52 Her name is actually Miracle and she's asking the question. That's what her name her name is Miracle Yeah, that's kind of cool. Is there a story behind her? Yeah, she was actually born at a grateful dead concert What yeah, yeah, her parents were dead heads. That's psychedelic. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Pretty cool. Great, that's great. So the question is, how do you self-motivate? So how do we stay self-motivated to do what we do?
Starting point is 00:22:14 So I guess I can start off. You know, I love working out. So when it comes to working out, I don't have to self-motivate too much for that. However, there are things I hate to do that I have to give myself more self-motivate too much for that. However, there are things I hate to do that I have to give myself more self-motivation. For example, things that have to do with organization, like writing down plans
Starting point is 00:22:32 and I tend to shoot a lot from the hip. And really, for me, it's about, I just make myself. If I have to do something, if I have a goal, then I'm too hard- headed to not hit my goal. So I have to hit my goal, no matter how much I hated, no matter how much I dread what I'm about to do. I'm planted in your head. It's implanted, I'm gonna do this.
Starting point is 00:22:54 And me not doing it is more painful than me doing it. Absolutely, and I would echo that because I have that same mentality as far as like motivating myself, I would say, like one of the biggest things for me always has been that I just, I had that mentality very early that I'm not a quitter. So if I need to motivate myself for anything,
Starting point is 00:23:21 I will verbalize it to somebody. Once I verbalize it to somebody, you can't let them down. I could never let them down. And so I really hold back a lot as far as like, when I decide to do that, not all strategically think about it, like, you know, is this good timing for this?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Is that because I really don't want to tell people I'm doing something. But if I actually verbalize it to somebody, you bet you're asked,'m going to get that done. And that's just how I've always been. And I just, I feel like it's a really old sort of code, you know, that I've seen through like my dad and through my grandpa and through like older generations that like, your word is your bond.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And that's something that I still live by. So yeah, absolutely. And as far as exercise is concerned, I'll tell you what, activity is better than no activity. bond and that's something that I still live by. So yeah, absolutely. And as far as exercise is concerned, I'll tell you what, activity is better than no activity. So if you're like, oh, I need to go run, you know, three miles every day, but I hate running, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:16 three miles every day, I'd rather ride my bike, ride your bike, you know? Or, you know, do something you enjoy just to stay active and stay consistent at that. And then you'll eventually find yourself being motivated to do other types of things, but you don't have to do the things that we say, okay, you gotta lift weights, you gotta,
Starting point is 00:24:33 if you absolutely hate those things, they just be active because that's better than nothing. Absolutely so much better than nothing. So step one, do something you enjoy and then step two, stay consistent at it. And that's, I think that's pretty much it. So, there, I have a couple of things. First, like you guys, I'm extremely competitive. So if I say I'm going to do something, I'm, I'm going to do it. And I'll, if not, I'm
Starting point is 00:25:01 going to die trying. It's part, it's for sure. It's been in great a me since I was a kid too. So it's been, and like Justin, once I verbalize it, you know, there's a lot of things I think about, I want to do this. Yeah. Maybe I'll like think out loud, maybe just someone like my buddies are like, you know, I'm thinking about doing this and that. But when I say like, Hey, I'm going to do this, like, I'm going to do it. You can guarantee you I'm going to do it. Or I'm going to definitely try my ass off to do it as hard as I can. Which is, you know, it's what I loved about this, like I'm gonna do it. You can guarantee you I'm gonna do it, or I'm gonna definitely try my ass off to do it as hard as I can. Which is, you know what I loved about this
Starting point is 00:25:28 and I expressed this just and it was part of this whole process, the whole Instagram thing when I was like, man, you know, the fact that I had, when I committed to like, okay, I'm gonna go from the worst shape of my life to the best shape of my life. And it was like, okay, it was crazy. It was like I had to do that. I had all this pressure, not only did I have the pressure
Starting point is 00:25:43 that I set it to people, I set it to a lot of people, you know? Yeah. And that weighed on me so much that there was no way I was going to fail. And then when I get that, it was like the next goal. And I was like, I just got to keep doing this because that's my personality. It feeds right into it. So for me, that's where that works. The second thing, and probably one of the biggest things I think that's changed that I older is I've eliminated negative people in my life. I can honestly say I've probably lost three friends that I would consider best friends in my life that we're earlier on, maybe in my teens
Starting point is 00:26:16 in early 20s that I was really close to that. We're just kind of, you know, and maybe one of them was really negative. Another one was kind of pessimistic and wasn't always about support and helping. And you know, the people that if you, if you get a chance ever meet, you know, the friends or the people or the guys
Starting point is 00:26:33 I'm sitting out with this table, the people that I surround myself with now are the complete opposite. You know, that to me is huge. When you have people that, because we all have bad days, we're all down, we all get frustrated, we all, everyone has that, that's fucking human, that's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And you're a fool to think it wouldn't happen. And when it does, there's nothing worse than having people who are just gonna pile on that or like chime in with you, like, oh, that sucks, I can't believe they did that to you. Oh, this, no, dude, you want somebody who's gonna be there for you and then someone's gonna be positive
Starting point is 00:27:06 and help uplift you and bring the best of you out. And if you don't surround yourself with people like that, it's fucking really hard to be so. Yeah, it's really hard to be even more self motivating because it's already hard to be self motivating. And then if you find yourself with around other people that are not so, you know, as I've continued to get older, I've shrank my circle.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And, you know, I used to pride myself on being like this, you know, the friendly guy who was friends with everybody. And I had lots of friends. And, you know, I still do have a lot of friends. But, you know, now I like to say I've got, you know, a lot of acquaintances. And then I have a real tight circle of people that, you know, I talk to you on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:27:45 And the people I talk to you on a daily basis are extremely positive, successful, intelligent, very motivating, very self-motivated people themselves. And I mean, that helps a lot. When you are surrounded by other people like that, you know, there's nothing like me feeling like I'm dragging ass one day. And I talk to Sal or Justin and these guys are bust, they're sick, they're tired, they're bustin' ass towards business or bustin' ass in their workouts and stuff like that. I'm like, fuck, I ain't sitting on my ass.
Starting point is 00:28:12 My boys are fuckin' workin' their asses off. There's no way out. Absolutely. There's no way out. There's no way I'm lettin' off the throttle right now. And yet, even though it's, and I don't know if you consider that self-motivating or not, but to me, I still got to self-motivate myself, but a lot of that, you know, I lean on that energy around the people that I choose to surround myself around. And, you know, I see a lot of circles like that.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Everybody has like, you know, a couple of friends that are that are positive, then they always got that one or two. One or two that are like that. You don't get them motherfuckers out your life. You can get them out of your life. And it's tough because, and let me tell you, man, I'm talking about kid and round. Some of these people were friends of mine since I was a kid. That was really hard to do.
Starting point is 00:28:48 It's hard to cut those people your life, but at one point in your life you start to realize what's more important to you. And for me, like, having a positive life and I tell you what, I've seen huge growth in my own personal life when I started to do that. When I tighten that circle up and start to surround around myself around people that are like that. And now I have a nose for it. Somebody knew comes in my life, I mean, I'm like, that, when I'd tighten that circle up and start it surrounding around myself, around people that I like that. And now I have a nose for it. Somebody knew comes in my life, I mean,
Starting point is 00:29:08 I'm like, oh, they're cool. And I know any sort of negativity, or any sort of like, you know, bad attitude or anything like that. It's just like, yeah, I'm cool. You know what I'm saying? See you around, dude. Yeah. See you around, catch you next week or more like that.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Not, you know. Exactly. So for me, those are two, two big things. I'm extremely competitive. I I will die trying and then to put myself around other people that are leaving on the field. Don't surround yourself with that. That's right. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump. you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you

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