Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 079: Justin's Road to Ripped: Week 11 Update

Episode Date: May 14, 2015

Justin has just one more week to go before he hits 90 days on his Road to Ripped. Will he make it? Find out exactly what he is doing to hit his target....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Let's get ready to mine, POOOOOO! Dang! Dude. It was the ending part that got me when the when it when it got lower That's when I was like yes, like it's on it's a it's just in
Starting point is 00:00:34 Episode will you hear what Jay? I'm here with Adam Schaeffer Salda Stefano Justin Andrews that's me the handsome and the Dougie Doug Dougerson sp Spinster. This better. It's it, Doug, it's Doug. It is. There's nothing you can do about it.
Starting point is 00:00:51 They're not a god. That's not. I can't think of a better name for me. There you go. Spinner. Justin, how's your progress, bro? How is it? How, what do you guys think, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:03 You look fat today. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha. Yeah, I mean Adam or the hallway and we're like, that's the best. That's the best. You mug his bubble. No, you look, you look, I don't know, you look leaner, but you said you weigh the same. So, yeah, I wouldn't have to shift to phase one, plus you were sick and now you're healthy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:22 So I'm wondering if you gained some muscle in the meantime. Maybe, maybe that's the case. And what's funny is I've, I've upped my cardio exponentially. And what are you doing? So well, I've been doing more hit, hit workouts on top of, I've been doing a little shadow boxing. Well, not shadow boxing, hitting pads with my buddy and doing hill sprints and I mean, running the dog and know you kind of name it and every day I'm doing something so
Starting point is 00:01:49 You know I just started to to really start ramping it up ramping that need up. Yeah. Well, here's a good here's a good nickname going a good way to know is how your strength is Because if your strength is really good or going up then yeah chances are you're building some muscle. Yeah, it is. It is. Yeah. Yeah. So like ever since I switched over to that phase one, I feel like, you know, you know, that feeling when you feel like I have testosterone again.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Getting boners. That's it. Yeah. Well, last week you said you were, I think you were squatting with 400 and then you did something climb chest presses with 275. Yeah. How was that this week did you do the same lifts?
Starting point is 00:02:31 So they are you saying gains in the well I didn't I'd well I kind of backed off as far as weight goes like so Like for instance when me and Adam were doing squats and stuff, like I could have gone with the four plates again, but I was just like, you know, we decided that we were gonna put the chains on, we're gonna kind of scale down and get this pyramid. Yeah, so I just changed it. It was basically like, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:58 the progression would have been the same, but. Wait a minute, let's back up first. You guys worked out together? We did, we did. Wow, he's right. That's for not invited. Nobody said shit to sell. That's alright. You know what's good? Because we weren't deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:03:11 If I was dead, I would have called you. You know, like, you know, like, stopped everything and been like, dude, bro, check us out. No, no, I get it. I understand. It was a, yeah, we weren't deadlifts. We were deadlifts in that day. We were pushing sleds and we were squatting. Yeah, and we're doing some carries some farmer carries
Starting point is 00:03:25 I like to be invited everyone's thoughts. All right I'll just invite you personally just you me buddy. Yeah next time. We're not gonna have Adam single Three is a crowd bro when when has working out with three dudes ever been beneficial Awesome, it's awesome, bro. Yeah, you're all waiting around like you got one guy It's just you've had a workout guy with three people. No dude. It's the one on it's it's awesome, bro. Yeah, you're all waiting around like you got one guy. It's just you're not a workout guy with three people No, dude. It's the one. It's it's buddy system. I had four this weekend I was like fucking you worked out with four dudes three I had three dudes and three dudes and a hot dog and a girl And we were a gangbang
Starting point is 00:04:01 It was it was it was all of us working out together and it's quite quite Yeah, that's definitely too much it is But see phase one or just phase one type training would be okay with like three people I think maybe yeah, the competition would have been great. That's true. That's true If you yeah, you kind of feed off that from from the other guys. It's all right I don't see I don't like that what I like that. I like that when I do Well, sure say well I you know in in sal I know has it in him right. I don't see. I don't like that. What? I like that. I like that. When I knew, I was sure. Well, I, you know, in in Sal, I know has it in him too. Like I don't he go lift. I'm really good about that. I got a long time ago. I don't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:04:33 What? I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Did I just don't I try not to let that get in my head? You know, because I and maybe it was because I was never really, I was never the strongest bencher, I was never the strongest squatter, I was definitely never the strongest dead lifter, like I'm not, I don't consider myself really strong. I mean, now mind you, I say all this stuff and I could probably kick most people's asses in the gym, but it's not like, I don't feel like I'm excel
Starting point is 00:05:01 at any of those categories. Right, right, right. You know, what I do think I excel at, I think I have really good form. I think I have a very good form and technique and to me, like that, and I know how to push myself and I really like to feel how I,
Starting point is 00:05:16 like go off of how I feel. Because some days I tell myself I'm gonna go the gym and I'm gonna go balls to the wall and crush myself and go towards, you know, my max weight and something and then I get going and I'm just like, to the wall and crush myself and go towards my max weight and something and then I get going and I'm just like, you know, shit ain't, I ain't feeling it. That's exactly why I don't work out with people because I do, I am incredibly, I get off on the competition.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Even if I get my ass kicked, I love pushing myself. It brings a whole different animal in me to lift, like that with other people, which is why I typically don't. Or if I do, I work out with someone that's either a lot weaker than I am, or on a completely different goal, because otherwise, I've injured myself doing that.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I have to. I kind of go with both of you guys. So I actually have like exactly what you're talking about. Like if I have somebody that's close to lifting the same amount of weight as me or a little bit more than me, I definitely get that competitiveness, it's crazy. But somebody that's like, you know, not as, I don't know, in the same range. It's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:16 It's- So that's why you invited Adam? No. I'm not saying that at all. He's a strong dude. Yeah. No, no, no, you guys will kill me impresses. I got a bad shoulder
Starting point is 00:06:25 So and Justin fuck 275 on the incline for reps. Well, yeah, I mean you're all yeah, whatever. It's okay No big deal. Um diet wise. Have you changed anything this week? So I'm I'm doing a 24 hour fast this week. Oh shit Yeah, so crazy when is it one of my ins today today's your 20 so nothing Oh shit. Yeah, so that's one of my, when is it? It's one of my ends today. Today's your 20, so nothing till tomorrow. Yep. Wow. Boom.
Starting point is 00:06:51 That's how do you sleep? Great. Pretty good, huh? I've never got energy all day too. It's not a big deal. I've never gone longer than like 18 hours. That's a long, I've pushed 20, 22. Somewhere on there.
Starting point is 00:07:03 He never gone longer than 18, really? Like always I've got I've done it to the point where I didn't eat anything so I ate dinner and then I didn't eat anything at all till the following dinner. Is that let's consider 24 hours isn't it? Oh well I don't know you wait it. Well technically it is but I know what you're saying you're saying you don't eat anything at all the next day. Right. And then you go into the following day and then now what are you gonna do tomorrow? So today's your 24 hour fast. What do you do tomorrow? Yeah. So tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll probably get into eating midday. Something like that. Yeah. After my lift. Now, any changes with macros, carbs, proteins, fats, what's going on with that? Yeah. I've definitely backed out of the carbs
Starting point is 00:07:42 and focusing more on obviously loading as many veggies as I can stand alongside. And I've scaled back a little bit on protein because I'm trying to manage my calories. So I'm around a little under grams of producing that as well? I don't know. Maybe like, I don't know. Are you still at like 200? Yeah, I would say, I would say it's about 200. So pretty much the same. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah. Just not trying to go over. I'm just not trying to go over. Yeah, I got you. The amount of calorie wise. I got you. What about, so any of the changes this week, energy you said, you feel like you have more testosterone?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yes. Now, so this is crazy. This is freaking crazy. Doug, we talked about this. We've talked about this quite a bit. For whatever reason, and we even posted, I even posted this in the forum, phase one training makes people feel like
Starting point is 00:08:41 their testosterone levels go up, and they'll say things like their hungrier and their ornia. That's it. They'll be able us. I can contest that. Yeah, that is the weirdest thing It doesn't make I'm trying to figure out why because the other phases would burn more calories. Yeah, but I would think the The heavy lifting brings out that kind of primal side that right to me like more lizard brain Yeah, like there's something about you know everything everything I mean when you when you go to press like I so we I lifted heavy today
Starting point is 00:09:09 there this week and also so I was lifting heavy heavy chest and I was I had buddy that's one there to spot me so and I rarely have that so if I do have some guys I want to lift have y'all do it then so you know you get in that slapping yourself a little bit and getting all amped up and riled up and And I feel like that kicks up that, that testosterone level on itself, just because you're getting ramped up. Yeah, and then you don't do that when you're about to go rep 12, 15 reps out.
Starting point is 00:09:31 No, no, no, no, no, no. Like, you guys kinda hype yourself. And it does speak a lot to last update where you mentioned the, you know, central nervous system. That's what I was thinking. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Because like, it is. It's like I'm listening to heavy music and I'm just getting more stimulated going into the workout and so maybe all that is contributing to that. I think it has to do with central nervous system adaptation because a lot of the strength gains that you get from phase one come from the fact that your muscles can fire harder. And you know what, here's something that a lot of people don't talk about a lot. Strength is as much a skill as it is something your muscles do. So you can get stronger at a lift just because you learn how to do it better.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You might not even build more muscle. Oh, absolutely. You might not even get. Absolutely. Yeah, so people forget like, if you're trying to get stronger at let's say the squat then doing 10 sets of squats Would probably do you better more benefit than doing you know three sets of squats and then doing a bunch of other leg exercise Yeah, like supplementary exercises. Yeah, because you're it's a skill. You're learning how to do it very very well So some of the strength gains come from that also. I would presume. Yeah, that's a very good point
Starting point is 00:10:44 It's a very very good point. I think some of uh, you know here's also, I would presume. That's a very good point. It's a very, very good point. I think some of, you know, here's, I actually was just given this kid this tip. He's got a similar bill as far as being a real tall. This kid's younger, he was like 22 years old. And he was telling me like, you know, hey, what have you done like to build your legs? Like, man, I just, I have such a hard time building my legs. And every time I train legs, it just fucking kills me. And it, oh, it's just so hard for me.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And I took for them to grow and me to push through it. I said, you know what? Like I can relate to that. And part of that is the stigma of, you know, the whole like, you got to crush them because their legs, they can handle way more. And so you got a, you know, 20 to 26 sets of, you know, of legs.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And it's an hour and a half workout and you go to you throw up. I used to train like that all the time forever for legs and then my legs are fucking toast for like five days and I don't wanna do anything near them again. And in the last two years, I don't know, the last time I train legs and did 20 sets. To destroy them.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah, to destroy them. I now, but I train them three times a week, you know, and sometimes I'll just come in and just do six to eight sets of squats, and then I'll go do the rest of my workout. And then, I'm not a turn, you're burning more calories by doing that, right? Right, yeah, over a period of time, you definitely are. And then when you think about it from a volume standpoint,
Starting point is 00:11:56 you end up doing just as much volume, if not more. Yeah. And it's like nowhere near is daunting, because it's like, you know, I can blast out six to eight sets of squats and then move on to biceps and triceps all day long and not be gassed and thrown up and not so sore the next two to three days that I can't fucking move. Well, this is one of the, this is one of the components or I should say one of the focal points of the program, the, the map center ball program is that the concept. So, you know, you have volume, you have intensity and and you have frequency, and he's all applied to training, right? Volume is how long your workout is, how many sets you do, intensities, how hard you apply the workout, and then frequencies,
Starting point is 00:12:33 how frequent you do that workout, or how frequent you train that body part. Frequencies, I think, in my personal opinion, in today's muscle building world, or muscle building advice, it's overlooked. It's just so overlooked. Nobody utilizes it. Well, you have lots of people applying volume and you have people everybody overdoing intensity. But that frequency isn't there. And I've used this example before,
Starting point is 00:12:57 I'm gonna use it again. When you look at people who don't even work out, but they have a job where they use the same muscle group over and over again at low intens, but they have a job where they use the same muscle group over and over again at low intensities, they have developed muscles. You look at a mechanics forums. They're not twisting wrenches to failure. They're just doing them every single day
Starting point is 00:13:15 at low intensity and they have muscular forms. You look at, you ever walk or ride your bike or drive behind a bicyclist? Oh yeah. They don't lift, I guarantee you, a very small percentage of cyclists actually work out their calves. And yet they have these muscular,
Starting point is 00:13:30 especially the soleus. The quad, their quad's your car. And their quads, it's that frequency of stimulation. And this is something that's completely overlooked. And this is what we utilize in the program. Of course, the trigger sessions comes to mind. But even the phases, even the workouts, because you're doing, you're not specifically training
Starting point is 00:13:48 a body part once a week, you're actually working them all out, you know, two or three days a week. Oh, I can't, I could not agree more with that statement and how much it's impacted my own personal growth in my physique. And I know this is an RQ&A section, but somebody asked a question that was regarding, I don't even remember what muscle group was,
Starting point is 00:14:05 but it doesn't matter whether it's shoulders, buys, tries, they're trying to develop a certain area. Like, what would you do to do that? And honestly, the number one thing you can do is frequency. Let's say work out more frequently. More frequently. And the workouts, when we say that, it doesn't mean you need to do buys and tries.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Like, let's say your biceps are underdeveloped. And so, and I think the way people think, and the same way I used to think at least, when I thought, when someone would tell me like, oh more, hit them more often, I'm more free, I'm like, God, well then I'm gonna, I'm not gonna have time to hit this other muscle groups and this and that will, you don't need to hit 15, 16 sets every time you do. You hit, maybe you have one day where you put that much emphasis on that muscle group, and then the other two times, maybe you do five sets, that's it. You know what I always touch them. You know what I always tell people, if you look at the emphasis on that muscle group. And then the other two times, maybe you do five sets. That's it. You know what I always touch on.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You know what I always tell people, if you look at the total sets that are typically prescribed per week per body part, right? If you look at all the routine open flex magazine, muscle infiction. 12 to 20. Yeah, I have muscle infiction. Muscle infiction.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Love it. They say between 12 to 20 sets per body part. So let's just pick 15, because it's in the middle, right? 15 sets for your biceps. Rather than doing one workout, I would bet my house that most people, not all, because there's always exceptions, but most people will respond better
Starting point is 00:15:13 to doing 15 sets split up into three workouts during that week versus 15 sets in one workout a week. Oh yeah. So you're doing the same volume. The intensity might even be similar, but the difference is rather than doing one workout a week, where you're doing 15 sets, you're doing the same volume. The intensity might even be similar, but the difference is, rather than doing one workout a week, we're doing 15 sets, you're doing three workouts a week, we're doing five sets each workout.
Starting point is 00:15:30 So what you've done is you've dramatically increased the frequency of stimulation. And here's what the science says. The science says, especially in the natural athlete, that protein synthesis increases and stays elevated for about 48 to 72 hours. After that, it starts to drop. So that muscle building signal starts to drop after two or three days, even though you might still be sore because recovery is not the same as building.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Recovery is, it can contribute to building, but it's not the same. So just because you're sore and you recover, it doesn't mean you built. So that frequency assimilation, apply that. And look, if you disagree with full body workouts, okay, fine, whatever, try it. Try just working, pick one body part,
Starting point is 00:16:11 work it more frequently, divide up the sets throughout the week, watch what happens. Well, that would be my stupidity. And that's how I do it. Being a men's physique guy, I don't, I don't follow, like we kind of talked this before. I take our MAP Santa Ball program and I modify it because I do still do somewhat
Starting point is 00:16:27 of a body split, but then I always have, you know, two to three things that I'm really trying to focus on and I'm trying to develop. And I'm very excited to show those that have been following me since the very beginning of my journey and have seen me develop stuff. You know, I said at the beginning of this last year, so eight months ago was my back and legs. My back and legs has been the big focus this last like eight months. And let me tell you, I've made some gains. So I'm about to show you some shit when I get dialed.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Your back looks like a different person. Yeah, and you have depth to it. Whereas before, it was definitely muscular. You always had width because you have a small waist. You got this really wide looking back. But the depth, especially in the thoracic area, completely different. I mean, remember Justin, we were looking at a picture,
Starting point is 00:17:09 I was pointing it out, it looks like, it looks like, and I'm saying, you look more three-dimensional. I'm saying this with all the respect in the world because you look phenomenal before, but it looks like your back went from amateur to pro. It looks that big of a difference from what you've done. So I can't wait till you reveal this.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah, I know. It's pretty exciting to see. I mean, to give you a little idea, so I had my last test taken in of my lean body mass. And when I first started way back here, and I first leaned all the way down, this was two over two years ago now, I got down to 7% body fat. And I had about 187 pounds of lean body mass. And I just went and got tested again right now and I'm at 207 in lean mass.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Wow. Wow. I'm talking about 30 pounds of lean mass that's been added to my frame. That's quite a 20 pounds, excuse me, 20 pounds of lean mass and I know a majority of almost all of that is my legs and my back because it's been my two biggest focus points,
Starting point is 00:18:05 and I can tell the difference in my lifts, I'm squatting more than I've ever squatted, I'm deadlifting more than I've ever deadlifted, and the two biggest factors to that is the frequency. His I've taken the same concept of our MAP Santa Bob program, but I've applied it just for those two muscle groups, and then I still kind of run my typical body splits,
Starting point is 00:18:23 but then those are getting hit, you know, more frequent, more often and getting that extra stimulation. I think the two takeaways, and I'm glad you said that you had modified it. You had modified it. And Justin, you've done quite a bit of modification yourself. Yeah, I have. And I actually am excited to get back
Starting point is 00:18:38 into more of my power lifts and Olympic lifts that I do, because I would do them so much frequent, but like you're mentioning, like even with these types of power lifts just to get the technique and the frequency of them, not quite as intense as I was doing it, more previously doing it for ego, right? That's one of those workouts where everybody watches and so then it gets ramped up easily into a very high intense range.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And so to be able to kind of come back to that and address it more with a level head and just touch on power cleans, just touch on specific lifts that I want to master and gain in weight as far as moving the weights up. That's going to be exciting because I know that it's going to pay off and I've seen this already just by working through physique training and what it does as far as just taking
Starting point is 00:19:43 that mindset and that approach towards your workouts and making sure you're spreading everything out and not getting to ego about everything. It really does work. It's mind-blowing almost in comparison to where I was. Well, if you look at, there's two takeaways. First of all, we all appreciate when people take our advice and mold it to themselves. And that's the thing about this program.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Is it's definitely, if you don't work out or you just wanna get started, you should follow it exactly. But as you do it, you can take it and modify it to your body, because everybody's body responds a little differently. But if you look at the history of muscle building, if you go back in time, and I like to go, I like to do pre-steroid and post-steroid,
Starting point is 00:20:28 because before antibiotics weren't introduced into the market, weight lifters and muscle builders, the guys at Venice Beach and stuff like, they worked out a certain way, and how did they work out? Full body, three or four days a week, they did lots of frequency, low volume, the intensity, none of them went to failure. Steroids were introduced, and all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:20:46 you had this move into once a week type training. Now, why is that? Changes protein synthesis. It does. Your body's protein synthesis is elevated all the time. And once you set that signal, it stays up higher. So you might very well progress a better that way. I still think that the frequency still applies.
Starting point is 00:21:04 However, it moved into this, you know, workout once a week thing. But even if you go into the, into the 1970s, even if you go into like Arnold Schwarzenegger, right? He did high volume, 20 sets for chest, but he worked his chest like three days a week. So he even applied lots of frequency. It really didn't get popular to go
Starting point is 00:21:21 to do the once a week, one body part per week thing, I think, until like the 90s,, the era of Doreen Yates when he was doing one set to failure, blood and guts type workouts, and then all of a sudden that kind of became popular. But if you're working out now and you're lifting weights, try that, try increasing that frequency, and then the trigger sessions,
Starting point is 00:21:41 that's another big one. I want to ask you, Justin, because you've modified the trigger sessions. You haven't changed the. I want to ask you Justin, because you've modified the trigger sessions. You haven't changed the concept of it, but you've modified it in the sense that you've used things like Indian clubs and then more functional type training. How are you noticing,
Starting point is 00:21:55 because when I first started doing trigger sessions, I noticed each time I would do the same type of trigger session, I'd either get a better pump or almost like I'd notice more of a connection to it. Are you noticing that with? Yes. Okay. Yeah. And I've added in like some just basic carries. So basic functional moves where like, you know, I'm loading my body with more weight, but it's not super high intense or anything. I'm just moving. And so if I'm moving, you know, I'm going to add weight to that. And I'm going to carry things around. You know, I'm going to, I'm going to do a front loaded, you know, kettlebell walks. You know, I'm gonna add weight to that and I'm gonna carry things around. I'm gonna do a front loaded kettlebell walks.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I'm gonna do all kinds of stuff like that where it's just about movement, but now I'm loading my body just enough so I'm stimulating the muscle further. So that's been the mentality the whole time. Yeah, I can't wait until we have time, until you in particular start putting this together for more, for more a functional athletic perspective. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I'm really excited about it. Because I can see athletes benefiting tremendously from some of these concepts. Yeah. And I think that, I mean, it's, I have seen like trainers that have that, you know, like the good ones get that right away, right? They know that their athlete know, like the good ones get that right away, right? They know that their athlete is performing on the field. And so now it's all about, you know, establishing those movements frequently and, you know, not blasting the shit out of them. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:17 I'm excited really to make an impact with that. Fantastic. All right, gentlemen. Well, listeners, program is still available. MindPumpRadio.com. Go on there, click is MindPump.

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