Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 083: Justin's Road to Ripped: Week 12 Update

Episode Date: May 21, 2015

On Friday morning at 12am Justin’s 90 day challenge is officially over! Did he meet his goals? Are you ready for his final after picture? Check it out by the end of the day this Friday at www.mindpu...mpradio.com!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. My pump radio, I can't believe anything. Without these guys, there's no more lies. It's my pop radio Yeah, oh my god, oh my god, dude reading rainbow bro. That was fucking
Starting point is 00:00:39 Listen, I don't know what's my favorite intro. Don't don't get freaked out. Okay. I don't want you to get freaked out right now I'm not I turned gay for a second when you did that because I was attracted to you. I have that effect I'm in yeah, especially when I sing hey, I'm here with Adam Schaefer. Who I'm here with Sal the Stefano Pector Alice major. I'm Justin Andrews and Dougie Doug the Doug fresh here in Andrews and Dougie Doug the Doug fresh here in the Spencer spinner. Yeah, Doug hates that. Dude, his mind. He does not like that nickname.
Starting point is 00:01:08 He loves that dude. What? It's the spinner. The spinner. Somehow it's sticking, huh? It is. It's the time myself to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:16 What are we doing right now? This is Justin's update. Wait, this is not just Justin's update. This isn't. This is the final. This is the final. This is the final. Just don't know. The final update. Can I just say, bro? final. This is the final. This is the final. Just don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Yeah. The final update. Can I just say, bro, look, I was looking at your beginning pictures. You look like you almost changed a little bit. Oh, I'm just a, yeah. Is it getting close? I only got a couple more days. Yeah, then there's six months you should look at it.
Starting point is 00:01:40 You lost, bro, you lost. How can you say that? You lost a full chin. From this, bro, it's, bro, you're done. You're done, bro, he lost different. How can you say that? He lost the full chin. From his, from his, from his, from his, bro, it's, bro, you're done. You're done, bro, with this whole thing. What, can I ask this? How's it?
Starting point is 00:01:51 What is gonna be the first bad thing you eat, dude? I know you're gonna go enjoy something. What have you been, what's the biggest, good buddy already knows what that's gonna be? Pizza? Fuck yeah. From where? From where?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Okay, I'm gonna give them a shout out because this place is like, oh, it's amazing. Yeah, it's redwood pizza. And the reason why it's so good, I swear they take ingredients from like local farmers and different places that are local in the area. And the ingredients just make it taste so good. I'm getting horny thinking.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Is he salivating right now? He's got a wet spot on his pants, dude. What are the ingredients that you're putting on this thing? What do you ask for? Do I have to disclose that? I feel like a... Dude, come on. I didn't ask you your pin number.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I'm actually putting it on your pin. Okay, this is gonna be dirty. I'm gonna go... I'm going like a large... I might even crush this to myself. I might just do a whole large to my head of pepperoni, of course. You got sausage in there, you got black olives,
Starting point is 00:02:55 and you got like extra cheese, a little bit of extra sauce. Boom, that's it. That's amazing, that's good. But it's so, as if tasty and flatbread or thick crust. It's like medium medium crust. I'm a thin crust guy. Yeah. Yeah. No, I because I like both like I like the deep dish because I was in Chicago, but that's like you can't You can only eat like one slice. You're like, well, so this is what I'm I'm actually really curious because you've been you've been Clean for shit for coming on three months now of
Starting point is 00:03:23 Super clean heating for that long time. Yeah, I'm really interested to see on how you feel after. Oh, God. Oh, you're like dirt. Oh, horrible. I just sick. I, and pizza is one of my favorite things to have. But I've gotten to the point now where because I've been eating clean for so long and, and don't get me wrong, I've gone back and, you know, round table pizza used to be my pizza, right, generic, whatever, you know, and I've, but that was like my go to spot.
Starting point is 00:03:45 We had our other places like Amichi's things I thought that we used to like, but they all just tear me up, bro. I mean, it's like the first two slices are cool. Anything after that, like all of a sudden, I'm on the toilet within 15 minutes. And then the next day, I just feel awful. So that's probably what's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Well, so, so I now, of course, I did that to myself at least 10 times before I finally learned my lesson. Like, so now, like, when I go to this, so we actually make a killer homemade pizza and we take, you can go to a, like a Mediterranean store and you get what's called lavash bread. And it's like this real, and they have different kinds so you want to find the one that's super low calorie. They make it, and it's like this big and those that are online Or those are listening can't see my hands right now. I'm pretty much Showing how big it's about the size. Yes
Starting point is 00:04:31 Ah Take Justin's dick it would be a five it's probably like a 14 inch or 16 inch pizza and this thing's only like 50 calories. It's like ridiculously low. So it's just real, real thin, thin bread. And listen to me, bro. Listen, listen. Listen, you're gonna eat pizza. Fuck, you need some pizza. Yeah, but I'm telling you right now, though.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That's like just putting the tip in, like do it. Yeah, but so many of those places, they have so much grease and they put so much cheese on it that all that oil and grease just tears you up. Well, that's why I like this this this company though the Redwood Pizza. It's clean. Dude, it's not greasy. It's like when I eat it doesn't feel I don't feel like garbage. Yeah, but you have you're but I've been eating so clean yet. It is. So let me let me finish for the audience that was actually actually listening.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Oh, sorry. Hey, this would be great. I was about to give a recipe until the other two dicks interrupted me the whole time. So I don't feel sorry about that at all. Yeah, I know. At all. You have people right now listening in there going like, I'm just going to keep coming back and interrupting the shit out of you. Then what do you do? Then what do you do?
Starting point is 00:05:33 And all you get is fuck dead pizza. Just go around table, dude. My sentence is lavash bread. Yeah, you take the lavash bread. You want like it, we actually cook it on the barbecue. You can do it in the oven in other places, but we take a pizza cooking stone, put it on the barbecue. It only literally takes like three to five minutes to, you know, brown the bread or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:52 However you like it, I like it kind of, you know, I like it crunchy a little bit, so I like to cook over, cook it a little bit. So, you know, three to five minutes on there, cooks it really fast. Then you take tomato sauce, and it just take a real thin layer of that over the bread, thin layer, it's earth. What kind of tomato sauce is?
Starting point is 00:06:08 We use like this organic or agoo. I forget the name of it. Yeah, it's actually some organic brand that I really liked at my girl gets. I don't know the name of it. Okay. But whatever. Find your favorite tomato sauce. Just be careful because some tomato sauces are loaded full of sugar and shit.
Starting point is 00:06:21 So, you know, read the back of a, make a healthy choice on that. If you can't, obviously we're trying to, you're trying to get rid of a craving that you really enjoy something, right? Like pizza, which I absolutely love, just like Justin, but it gives me that satisfaction without all the side effects of feeling like shit afterwards. And I still feel like, hey, I got to deviate from my normal nutrition plan. So then we'll take the tomato sauce, then we take a reduced fat or low fat mozzarella cheese, just sprinkle it over there lightly. I just need enough just a thin cover, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:49 it doesn't mean tons of it all over. I just thin a thin cover of, you know, quarter cup or whatever of mozzarella cheese. Then they actually make turkey pepperoni sausages. And they're actually 60% less fat than pepperoni sausage. and they taste just like them and sprinkle them on them. And I'm a pepperoni guy, so that's my thing. You sprinkle that on there. You could do chickade, you could do all kinds of that. You can get creative with them, but that's my go to like,
Starting point is 00:07:13 I mean, I'm gonna let you continue, but just as the only attire in the room, I'm completely offended right now about what you're saying, but anyway, continue. Well, yeah, because you're Mr. I fast all the time, and then you can eat pizza like that, too. No, no, no, no, no, no,'t need I barely ever eat pizza because I can't have dairy But you know talking about turkey pepperoni and like you know weird bread and stuff like it
Starting point is 00:07:32 It's almost like you it's blasphemy to me. Oh, do shame on you right now shame on you You're trying to the idea is to teach these listeners and people like other alternative choices to because let's be honest Okay, if your X amount years old, okay, meaning you're, if you're listening to this, okay, you're over 18 years old more likely. Hopefully. Hopefully. Hopefully. So, most of your life, unless you had some really cool parents that set you up for success
Starting point is 00:07:56 nutritionally, you've probably had a bunch of shit food a lot in your diet, which means you're going to have these types of cravings for the rest of your fucking life. And so like myself, I was, I was able to eat cereal two, three times a day whenever I wanted it, skip meals, and either was no, had to knock out my veggies, whatever. Like we ate terrible growing up. So I battle and struggle with cravings.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And one of the things that I've had to learn to do is, I'm not gonna be somebody who eats the same, broccoli, brown rice, and chicken, every single meal. You're silly if you think I do that, but I have found lots of alternatives to give me that sensation that I feel like I'm eating one of those cravings without putting on excess weight because you eat that. I can eat four whole pizzas of the ones I'm talking about right now, whole pizzas, which
Starting point is 00:08:42 most people wouldn't even be able to do that. And it would even be equivalent to four to five slices of round table pizza. Did he just convince you Justin, or you're gonna eat your red wood pizza? Yeah, I'm gonna eat my red with pizza. He needs, no, he has to learn like I did, at least four or five times, he needs to fuck us up.
Starting point is 00:08:58 You know what you do, dude? No, no, here's the thing, like, I'm not that horny for food. Like, I don't have like this, like, I mean, it's just because it hasn't been there, you know, so long I'm like, ah, that would be awesome. For me to eat and not care. Cause yeah, I don't know. I guess I just got in a trap with that
Starting point is 00:09:15 when I wasn't moving enough, you know, on top of it. And now it's like I have, I don't know, I have sort of like the protocol now for me to stay lean. Right. And so that's something that I want to make sure I keep established in my routine. But then every now and then I'm going to have these, you know, whether it's pizza, whether it's a burger, whether it's, you know, whatever it is, it's going to be very infrequent that I do it. Well, I got a secret. I got a secret for when you eat something like that.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Uh, I buy digestive enzymes and I take enzymes and I take them with the first bite and then I take them again halfway through the meal and it lowers the damage that it does to my gut. Like I notice I don't have like a volcanic storm afterwards. Quite as bad, yeah, quite as bad. Yeah, digestive enzymes. Andestive ripens back. And so your life on the toilet.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Let you know glass shards, that doesn't happen as much. Do you know, do you guys, and I don't know, Sal, I don't know if you've, cause I know you kind of do eat like that where you, you're not as crazy as I am with your foods. And you do, I know you are intermittent fasting a lot more than I do. But don't you feel like, I feel like when I introduce a food like that,
Starting point is 00:10:27 let's say pizza or let's say like a five guys in an out burger, which is another, you know, favorite cheat of mine. And when I'm in like eating clean, like as long as Justin has, and then I introduce any of those things, the first one is, first of all, never as satisfying as I think it's going to be. And then secondly, there's something that I always do. I'm like, I have one and then I'm like, I want to do that one more time because I just wasn't it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:10:50 It wasn't good enough that I want to do it again. And then the second, the third and the fourth time you do it, you know, back to back as far as in a week or two weeks, then your body starts to kind of get adjusted to it. And then it's like, oh, that's that. Well, it really craves it. Yeah, then it craves it. And then it doesn't, you don't want to do that. You don't feel as nasty anymore. You, you, you're, it's crazy how your body gets adapted. Well, what's interesting is he just, you know, is, you know, then it really craves it. Yeah, then it craves it. And then it doesn't, you don't want to do that. You don't feel as nasty anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It's crazy how your body gets adapted. Well, what's interesting is he just a a fucking box of lettuce, right? You just had a, basically a salad with like three pieces of chicken. And the rest of it was lettuce. And you've been obviously on this 90 day journey. You fasting today, you said.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And you're eating that lettuce. And I saw he was eating it. And it was like, he was making out with it. The way he was eating it. It does change the way you eat and perceive food. I mean strawberries are like candy. Oh yeah, my flavor profile has totally changed. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Biting into an apple or some grapes dude. Oh my God. Grapes when I've been dieting is like the most amazing thing ever. A banana. Oh, it's like a laffy taffy. Yeah. Well, I mean, I don not afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm and have this like insane like pressure on myself. You can have a drink. Because I do that to myself. You can have a drink. Yeah, I'll probably have a drink. You're gonna get drunk faster. Oh yeah, one.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I'll take that one. I'll take that one and then just be there. Adam will be there to get the advantage of the situation. Absolutely. You know, it's not inviting him. It won't take much for sure. I think, you know, obviously we put a timeframe on you. So that's, and what I thought was cool to watch you do because it's very similar to what
Starting point is 00:12:30 I have to do when I have a show, you know, I've got a show and, you know, coming up in six weeks. And which one is it? San Jose Pro. Oh, hell yeah. Yeah, so it's local. Hey, listeners, we got to go out and support Adam. Well, can I just say pain our bodies? My two ultimate goals for this show.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Scream it. Every show I have goals that I'm trying to achieve. And now being at the professional level, it's pretty much the pinnacle unless I go to Olympia and that obviously that would be great. But my two major goals, one is to bring the best conditioning and physique I've ever brought, which I should. I'm on pace for that. I've put on a lot of lean mass and I feel like I'm more symmetrical than I've ever brought which I should you know I'm on pace for that I've put on a lot of lean mass and I feel like I'm more symmetrical than I've ever been
Starting point is 00:13:07 So and I'll bring that and then the second one is I want to have the largest crowd I've ever had it a show like I literally want to have like three four hundred people there dude We're gonna do some lead-up shows today and just pump the hell out of it I well I already have like there's a I have a ton of people that have already been like let me know like oh for sure We're coming out it's's local stuff. Bring orange theory crowd. It would like, it would make my day to walk on stage, feeling the best I've ever felt. And then like, the fucking crowd goes nuts, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Just loud, hella crazy. I don't give a shit what place I place that point that I just want to have a good time. And that, that right there would make my day. Me and Justin are going to paint our bodies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Adams fans.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yeah. Adams fans. Yeah. We love to hate Adam. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, Adam's fans We love to hate Adam I got some people are making like team Adam shirts and some for the big the big head blow up things and so on So it's gonna be pretty dead. I'm gonna I'm gonna find a way to embarrass you. That's my goal Bro, you can't embarrass me. I don't know if I can't be embarrassed. We'll see. We'll try. You won't try so Justin yeah, buddy bro. You look you you look good dude. You look me. Thanks. It's like you hit like a home stretch the last couple weeks at the last time we had an update and today I've noticed bigger changes than the previous you know weeks or whatever. Yeah, I'm actually excited to
Starting point is 00:14:17 show you guys like my my very last bit of effort here and I even over the weekend, I feel like it's changed. And I'm kind of going through something that Adam preps some of his clients towards when they're going up to a show for this last remaining week and stuff. And so we'll see what happens with that. But I know it's gonna be better than even the last picture. We should let the audience know that we are recording on a Monday,
Starting point is 00:14:47 the actual real final day of the 90-day transformation is what, Thursday, Doug, is that when it is? Okay, so Thursday, we're gonna do the unveiling where maybe we'll take a picture, maybe take a picture of Justin while he's naked. Just a sec. Yeah, we'll take a picture of him. It may not get up till Friday though.
Starting point is 00:15:07 You better get your huge blur ready. Yeah, I mean, Acer wide angle lens. So tell me, during this, so we had three months, what did you start at weight wise and where are you currently at right now? I started at 230 and about 215 right now. Damn, very nice.
Starting point is 00:15:26 15 pounds and I venture to say that you've lost more body fat than that but gained some muscle. Oh yeah, absolutely. Because your arms not only do the not look smaller, they look bigger. And I don't mean illusion-wise. I mean, literally they look bigger.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Your strength is held up. Fantastic. Yeah, it's really weird. I thought for sure that, you know, that was going to be an issue. And I was kind of bitching about it a little bit through the process, but I didn't try. My lips haven't gone down that much. Trigger session. Trigger session. It's like you maps in a ball. Yeah. For real. It works. No, I mean, no, seriously though. I would say you probably gained at least a few pounds
Starting point is 00:16:08 of muscle if not closer to four or five, just based off of the way you look. Well, which would be, and I'm not pumping, I'm not blowing my mouth. It's extraordinary to do while you're in a major deficit like you are. Dude, who the fuck does that? Yeah, yeah, no, it's not,
Starting point is 00:16:19 it's damn nearly impossible, but it is. And here is why, like, I mean, we had mentioned the survival, like the new survival guide that's coming out right, the... Revider Metin. Well, that one and the intermittent... Oh, we're doing a fasting guide, yeah. Which will be available soon, so.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Right, but the thing about it is, I had done it a little bit just to kind of try and stay lean on my own, but this this has been like my go-to You know through this process And like you said, I haven't really lost muscle, you know, and so this to me this this completely Shatterdown is all the myth to that, you know, so you can you can say all you want To negate it, but I'm I'm 100% gonna say you're an idiot. Well, I'll tell you what, it was my biggest fear why I never did for so long.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yeah, you thought you'd lose muscle. Oh yeah, and even knowing the crazy part is even knowing the science and stuff like that, I was so hesitant to incorporate it, and then once I did, I felt the same way. I was so fascinated that. Bro, it's a paradigm shift. I cannot explain to the audience enough as somebody who's been in this industry
Starting point is 00:17:28 I'm speaking for myself now for as long as I have as somebody who's eaten Six seven eight meals a day for years I did this for years With a fear of losing muscle because a lot of us who are fanatics, you know It's like oh don't lose any muscle. I can't lose any muscle. When you do this and then you're like, holy shit, not only did I not lose muscle, I got leaner, and maybe I built some muscle. My body feels more efficient. It shatters your paradigm.
Starting point is 00:17:52 It makes you, it opens you up to questioning the rest of the bullshit that's out there. Exactly. Well, hence where we are today. And also, you know, alongside that, I really feel that whole five, you know, meal a day thing, that works great for somebody that's on steroids. Right?
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah, that works perfectly. Because, I mean, you're constantly need that fuel. You're building so fast, right? In comparison, when you're natural, there's really not a whole lot of tools in your toolbox. Well, I would even say this. I'll even take it a step further. Somebody who's anabolically enhanced, okay? The reason, the. Well, I would even say this. I'll even take it a step further. Somebody who's anabolic enhanced, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:26 The reason, the only reason why I would say that they would benefit from eating more meals is not because of the frequency of the meals. It's because the amount of calories that they need to consume is so much. You know, if you're a big, if you're 250 pound bodybuilder, and you're consuming 4,000 calories,
Starting point is 00:18:44 and that's your diet, that's when you're getting lean, you know, you're not gonna're consuming 4,000 calories and that's your diet. That's when you're getting lean. You're not going to eat one 4,000 calorie meal. You probably need to eat at least three or four. That's the reason why they benefit from it. It's not because of the fucking frequency. The frequency's bullshit. If I eat every other hour, I'm going to have this peak amino acid levels in my blood.
Starting point is 00:19:02 The science actually shows the opposite. You actually desensitize your body to protein when you eat super frequently. You actually reduce the amount of protein synthesis. You're wasting all this extra protein. And when you fast, you get an anabolic boost. When you eat, and you know when you see this, you know when athletes see this, after a show.
Starting point is 00:19:20 After a show, all that dieting, and then they reach, it's like they've desensitized their body to protein, they've eaten more, and and they build more muscle you kind of get that effect with fasting. Well there's a lot to touch on with what you guys all just said right now so a couple things is one you're exactly right like it's it's not just the three to four meals that makes it challenging to I I never eat less than three is probably the lowest I've ever eaten like when I'm dieting probably the lowest I've ever eaten like
Starting point is 00:19:45 when I'm dieting. Obviously I've had days where I wasn't eating correctly and I wasn't working out and I just not paying attention. I could easily eat only three meals. But if I'm getting all the nutrients and everything that I need for my size, it's typically about four meals on the minimum and six to seven meals on the high end. And one of the things that is just not a lot of people and definitely not a lot of places
Starting point is 00:20:08 if you're gonna go eat somewhere. So let's, for example, if you go eat a chicken salad or you go get a turkey sandwich, you go get a chicken breast and like a side, at any restaurant, the standard serving for protein is like four ounces. Right. So think of it like if you go and then it's like eight ounces
Starting point is 00:20:26 in carbohydrates, which is so fucking backwards. You know, like we, and it's because it's cheaper, you know, that's why they do it. So protein's expensive, but if you're not somebody who's really thinking, but you're thinking in your head, you look at your plate, you're like, oh, I'm doing, I'm balanced, right? I'm having protein, I'm having carb,
Starting point is 00:20:41 and then there's a veggie there. You're a normal person. Well, if you eat three meals that has only four ounces of meat and eight ounces of carbs, you're really backwards. So that's part of the thing that I think portion controlling becomes a lot easier when you spread it out. It is now mind you because I've been doing it for so long. I can't, and I will sit down and I'll eat two pounds of meat.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I can do that. I can crush a big old steak and a half and some veggies. You can definitely take the meat. Yeah. So I think right between the buns, I think we got two theories. I think that that's important to know. The other thing that's really important to know too
Starting point is 00:21:22 with the whole fasting and we've all touched on how we all felt the same way too. Well, I know why I felt that way because not only did I understand the size of my, but I still try to kind of apply it. And one of the things that used to freak me out was, okay, I would do this meal skipping method or I would do like fasting.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And then I would get wake up and I would be down like three pounds. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you say, of course, like you think the average person just, but if you're a skinny ectomore of trying to build muscle, Oh, you freak out. And you lose three pounds right away the first day that you decide to do this faster like that or more,
Starting point is 00:21:57 you're like, holy shit, because you don't understand. What you don't understand, and especially the bigger you are, the more this fluctuation can be, and this is what I was used to get me And I didn't get this until I started competing and I didn't have a choice But to stay lean and get ripped and stay low stay low stay low is I can be when I'm when I'm running low Cal or say Justin's and something I keep reminding Justin because I know that he's had days where he doesn't feel good and He doesn't feel like his abs are popping like they should be and it's because he's flat. You know, the glycogen is pulled out of all of his month. He's in a deficit the entire time. You're running these fast and you're running low calorie. You're doing this and so your
Starting point is 00:22:34 body is completely sucked out. You could literally eat probably four to five thousand calories tomorrow, not put a single pound of fat on, but you'll gain five pounds. And you won't put five pounds of muscle on, but those five pounds is now those muscle bellies just far filled all up. And you're gonna look way better. And this is the game that people don't really understand. And this is the mind fuck that they get when they're doing things like that is you look at yourself
Starting point is 00:22:58 and you're like, oh, I don't like the way I look. Sure, I might be, and I'm losing too fast. And then they don't get it. And they don't understand, like, no, you can fast. You can be like, well, do we want to describe't understand like no you can fast you can be low. Well do we want to describe kind of like the process like you are explaining to me as far as like this sort of this last remaining weeding leading. Oh, just leading up to like the picture day, like how to look your best.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Yeah, so typically and I do I use I wrote an article a couple years back on how to prep for Vegas. I did like a I did this little like two week, get in shape for Vegas. And obviously in two weeks time, I can't take somebody who is 12% body fat and give you make you 5% in two weeks. But we could definitely create the illusion of making you look significantly leaner in those two weeks.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And you can make a big change if I can find out where someone's maintenance is at the time. And so one of the things that we'll do is we take Justin where he's at calorie wise, where he's at carbohydrate wise, and I'm going to taper him down. And he's the, you know, the first three, three days of the week is he's tapering down low, low, low, and he's just completely sucking his body out. So pretty much 24, seven around the clock, he's going to be burning fat. You don't need to exercise.
Starting point is 00:24:05 You can just be walking around doing your thing and your body's gonna be forced to utilize fat as it's primary source of fuel because you're not really giving it any fuel. And once you start getting closer to a photo day, so let's say Friday, we're gonna take photos, then two days before we begin loading. And sometimes three, two to three days,
Starting point is 00:24:21 depends on each person's different. It normally takes me about three days to load my body. It just takes a while to get it all in there. And you don't want to, you don't want to smash it with six thousand bad calories. You could, but you don't need to do that. You want to slowly bring it back up. And that's what we'll do is we'll reintroduce it, loading more and more carbohydrates and calories into his diet, the leading up in the photo.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And what it's going to do is going to fill all those muscle bellies out. And the goal is to fill them out, make them all the muscle bellies type. But we don't want to do too much to where you overspill and actually store some of those fat. No, like I said, you're so depleted, you couldn't, you couldn't, you couldn't eat enough calories to put a pound of fat on. I mean, because you're so low, your maintenance level for your BMR is probably three thousand, close to three thousand, probably 2600 or so calories a day.
Starting point is 00:25:10 You add in the fact that you have activity and exercise. So your body needs 3,300 calories a day, just to maintain what you have on it. If you're at a deficit at 2,000 to 2,300 calories for three days in a row, well, your body is so flat and sucked out that then let's say you have 10,000 calories. Well, the first four of that is going to go to good use. Your body is going to need that. So, you know, and then in reality, if 3,500 calories, it goes a pound of fat,
Starting point is 00:25:36 the likelihood of you even putting a pound on from consuming that much is very important. It still takes days to gain, but people think they'll gain body fat in a day. It takes a few days. So even if you ate really shitty in you weren't going to gain fat. It wouldn't show up to the following week. But you guys, do you guys know the origins of carb depleting and carb loading, where that all started? What, were carb cycling runners? Car cycling or depleting?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, depleting and loading, in particular. Oh, I would imagine athletes. Athletes, yeah, because you also feel you're it's the most Anabolic I've ever felt well the reason that what what ends up happening is your body Supercompensates its ability to store glycogen Because you've been in glycogen depleted and glycogen by the way is as a form of energy that your body Takes carbohydrates and turns into glucose and so and that's what your body runs off of in particular when you're doing athletic endeavors. Well, when you deplete for a long time, for so hard, and then you refill back up, your
Starting point is 00:26:31 body actually over fills. And there's different numbers out there between 15 to 20% more glycogen being stored than before. And what these athletes were noticing, that only was a performance better, but their muscles look pumped. And of course, as soon as bodybuilders got their hands on that, they smelled wind of that. Then they started playing with that.
Starting point is 00:26:49 So, that's where it came from. I also credit that to what you said earlier about the desynthetizing too. You take it away from the body, and then the body starts to learn how. And then you slam it with it, and it goes, bro, hello. I'm researching right now on how to increase protein
Starting point is 00:27:06 Sensitivity and do protein loading and there's some actual research and I'm not gonna talk too much about it now Only because I'm not fully educated on it I don't want people to listen or so try this shit, but depleting protein and increasing protein Has got some interesting potential effects. Hmm. Well, it makes sense if you think about how the fasting works It's asking you're pretty much if you think about how the fasting works because the fasting you're pretty much not you're kind of the similar, yeah, concept already. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And you know how you guys know I've told you this in the past, how I'll go vegetarian. Uh huh. You know, every once in a while, I'll just do like a day or two. I may, yeah, that would fall right in line with you. And when I do that, and then the following day when I eat proteins, I do get that. I do notice, and it's, of course, it's all,
Starting point is 00:27:41 it's my own subjective feeling, but I do notice a little yeah yeah I notice a boost muscle start to feel harder I get kind of vaniere and it feels like it feels different. The thing to keep in mind too I believe there's also the flip that happens that which is something that I'm a victim of a lot is I'll come out of a show and of course I want to load and I want to you know load all the way up I look great and then I go ahead and enjoy myself for a normal couple days afterwards so and what happens I've loaded and then I overload and I'm overloaded for two or three days. And then I think just because I'm eating clean the next two or three days and balanced, but maybe still my carbs are at 350 grams or so that I'm still not
Starting point is 00:28:18 going to still be putting fat on, but because I've never depleted out that the glycogen stuff of that. I'm still running in a half to three quarters of a tank full time and then I'm loading it all the way up and then getting a little spillage and loading it up and then getting over spillage. So, you gotta be careful that. I think that's one of the common things that happens to people is they don't realize that
Starting point is 00:28:34 and they do that like on a weekend or some of that, which is also why I'm not a big fan of the whole cheat meal concept that like so many people are all about, which is the clean for five or six days and you cheat and then you cheat like crazy and then you. And we should clarify, it's not that we're against a cheat meal, we're against scheduling cheat meals. Like, you know, saying on Sundays,
Starting point is 00:28:52 I eat, you know, whatever the fuck I want. Cause that's how you end up being fixated. Yeah, it's, no, scheduling them, no. If you need to have one, then have one. But this whole scheduling on a weekly basis, it's like you're adding one more, you know, ridiculous regimen to your already OCD life of dieting. And it just seems to me, you know, we're just, we're just pushing you closer and closer
Starting point is 00:29:13 towards having a OCD disorder. Well, I have most of us are on the, on the frickin' line of anyway. I also feel it perpetuates that bad relationship with food too. Exactly. You know what I mean? Your body is your temple. It's your only thing, it's what it is. I mean, your body is your temple, it's your only thing, it's the only one you get, okay?
Starting point is 00:29:28 Why the fuck would you not wanna always try and put the best thing you can in it? Does it mean that you're human? You're not gonna go have a burger everyone, it's well, of course not. But you should always strive to put the best thing in it. Always, you should not, and it's so silly to schedule this bad thing that you're gonna eat.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Like, no, don't do that to yourself. Try and eat clean all the time, and then you know what's it's so silly to schedule this bad thing that you're gonna eat like no Don't do that to yourself try and eat clean all the time and then you know what? Hey if there is a time you're out with family you're doing something like that then be normal have exactly Eat it a restaurant enjoy there enjoy the meal out be sensible about it But this whole scheduling a cheat day like yeah do that. That's stupid. I was it Doug Do we have time? I wanted to ask Justin about his workouts. What are we looking at here? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Okay. So, Justin, you've been through the three phases of the MAPS Antibolic Program. What can you say the differences are in those, that you've noticed for yourself between the three phases, and then which ones are your favorite? I'm acting already, I can probably guess. Yeah, I mean, you know, phase one's my home boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:26 What about differences in your body and how you feel and the workouts? Yeah, I just felt really tired in phase two. Mm-hmm. And, you know, or no, phase three. Oh, the supersetting. Yeah, supersetting. I was really tired.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Phase two was pretty much normal. I mean, I felt like phase two, I was getting more definition. And then phase three, I felt like I was just beating the crap out of myself. And it was fine because it promoted different type of change. And I think that my muscle growth, hypertrophy from the sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, is what made it feel like my arms got bigger,
Starting point is 00:31:06 even through this depleting process. So I felt like that was interesting. And then going back into phase one, realizing that I still had a decent amount of strength was encouraging, right? So I feel like those different ways that I worked out through this really helped to promote the, you know, keeping the size and the muscle, but then also keeping the strength. So it's not just all about like, what kind of hypertrophy I can get. It's about like still being able to, you know, keep that. So I had a pretty decent density, you know, to my muscle before. So I feel like that was something I didn't want to lose.
Starting point is 00:31:46 We're getting a lot of comments on people going who, because now we've had the program for sale for a little bit. So we've got people who've been through all three phases, you know, twice, you know, not just once. And one of the comments that we keep seeing that I love is that they'll go back to phase one. And it's as if they expected to lose those that maximal strength, right? Because phase two, you're doing more reps, more bodybuilder style, phase three, it's all the supersets and pump. And they're like, okay, I'm gonna go back to phase one.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I wonder if I'm gonna be as strong as I ended phase one. Right. At first I, and you are. I mean, you're close. And you end up coming up a little more. So let's like a little step ladder with each phase each time you go through it Mm-hmm. You get a little bit better and better and better and then your body's starting to look better So you can't you can't hate on that absolutely. I mean
Starting point is 00:32:32 Here's the other thing. I don't know if you guys saw this. I might have tagged you guys on Instagram But this is the fourth female that has said this okay, so number one we've explained to women look There's no such thing as toning and sculpting your muscles either build or not. If you want tighter muscles, if you want more, you know, quote unquote, tone muscle, then you need to build muscle. And I've actually have women, and I've tagged you guys a couple of times, saying to me,
Starting point is 00:32:56 okay, Sal, I've been through the program, I've been through the phases now twice, and I've built all the muscle I wanna build. It's so done. How do I maintain now? Okay. That is to build. They're like, how do I maintain now? Okay. That is a fucking, that's an awesome problem. That is a great, I mean to have a woman tell you,
Starting point is 00:33:13 I'm as toned as I want to get. I just want to maintain now. That just shows you the effectiveness of, you know, doing these type of phase workouts and adding the trigger sessions. That is. Every time I hear that, I freaking love it. I'm like, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:33:24 Like someone's actually telling me, Sal, this is too effective, I need to slow down. Well, because it's so interesting, because the entire thought process of you creating this, I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, is to increase muscle mass for men, primarily. Well, it was to increase muscle mass, but I designed it, the advertising at least,
Starting point is 00:33:41 to gear towards men. Right. And let me explain my, and I'm gonna be very transparent. And I, again, as the Mind Pump Crew, for the listeners, we're always gonna be very transparent. There's never gonna be any bullshit. We're gonna tell you straight up how it is. And here was my thinking, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:56 If you come out with a product, cause I came up with a map centabolic philosophy, one late night, I was up one night, I read that study from the New England Journal of Medicine we talked about and I was up till 5am taking notes and doing research and it just kind of came to me and I started writing things out. And I said, okay, this is something
Starting point is 00:34:12 that's gonna benefit everybody. However, if I sell a program to everybody, everybody knows you're less successful that way. You wanna kinda, you need to aim to... I'll speak to a niche audience. You wanna speak to what your particular audience now. If I aim and sold the program specifically to women, it would be almost impossible then to switch gears
Starting point is 00:34:30 and sell to men. Because men don't buy things that women did first. It's just the way we are. It's very true. Yeah, it's a really good boy. It's true. You're not going to buy a hair product or any kind of product that was popular for women.
Starting point is 00:34:44 And then now, with our male version of secret, no one's gonna do that. So you're saying Adam's male douche isn't gonna do that? That was a good idea. A whole other company has to come out with a male, like a masculine company. I think we have a different strategy for that. We should die. But offline. But if you sell a product to men and men, and it's established with men,
Starting point is 00:35:05 it ends up building in the fitness world. And I hate to say this, it gets credibility because then women look at it and say, oh, this is a hardcore, serious product or program, and I'm gonna do it. And you have this trend now in fitness, it's starting to grow, but I kinda, I wanna grab onto it now,
Starting point is 00:35:19 in that women are identifying that programs that are specifically designed for women are full of shit. And really the ones that work are the ones that are hardcore, the ones that really specifically designed for women are full of shit. And really the ones that work are the ones that are hardcore, the ones that really, those are the ones that they want to do. So I knew if I advertised this towards men that A, some women would buy it, some women would buy it, excuse me, but B, then I could repackage it and not change the program, but just change the advertising.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And women would take it seriously. What I did not anticipate was the amount of women that would buy the program It did it anyway outright at least half of our people Defu bought it have been pretty interesting, which is which is interesting So so just to be transparent listeners that was my strategy and and so now you know Trigger session wise. Are you still doing the the clubs and the mace the Indian clubs and mace? Yeah, how about stuff? Yep, okay. Yep, still keeping it super functional
Starting point is 00:36:06 on my trigger session days. And I love it. I love to do that because I want to maintain that athleticism and dexterity and all these different things that I had leading up to. That's one of the reasons why I pulled myself out of the bodybuilder type mentality and a workout because I don't like to be stiff and walk around with that sort of mobility.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I want that athleticism and coordination that I had going into it. I want to ask you on that, because I definitely feel that worse than I've ever felt my life being in the whole bodybuilding world. So, and I miss being just a trainer and focusing on those things sometimes. Now, what I notice now, at least, when I sort of lean out and I reduce my body fat significantly,
Starting point is 00:36:59 I feel like the aches and pains go away and my flexibility gets significantly better. Yes. Have you been someone who already stays good on his flexibility or like that? Have you noticed a difference on that or has that still been kind of the same? What is it like for you? Yes, it's you've gotten leaner. Have you noticed?
Starting point is 00:37:12 Yeah, because you're somebody who's already incorporating that. Is it? It's pretty much the same. I mean, yeah, I could say that actually, well, obviously, my pull-ups have gotten a lot easier. And I actually messed around with the Olympic rings today and stuff and was able to do things that I could have done when I was leaner before this. So I guess I guess I really only notice it more when I'm doing body weight, you know, type intensive stuff like that, like some gym master.
Starting point is 00:37:44 You're strength, you're strength weight ratios better. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's it. I'm more efficient and I do have, I do have better movement patterns right now because I'm more responsive and just being leaner, I'm lighter on my feet and so yeah, I really can move pretty well. So yeah, that was one, I was actually worried about that because I didn't wanna just start pounding my body
Starting point is 00:38:10 and work on hypertrophy and get stinted. And lose rest of the work. And yeah, so that, I'm glad that I, I followed the program, but also, still incorporated, yeah, exactly modified it a bit. So, and then this would sort of segue into what I'm gonna work on next with the athletic maps. There's something else I wanted to bring up,
Starting point is 00:38:31 and I don't wanna get in trouble. I just not gonna get in trouble. Yeah, me and Adam have noticed this. The ladies, the ladies on Instagram are liking steel. I know, it's steel in a bro still I know it's still no problem. You know what? Let me just explain here.
Starting point is 00:38:47 So, I mean, this has happened a few times now, or someone will say, oh, you know, Sal is good at this and Adam is good at this. And Justin is the cutest or the most handsome. And it's like, we've created a monster. Oh man. I think they just like, they wanna, I don't know, they felt bad for me and then they're like now they're pulling. They're in my camp now, right?
Starting point is 00:39:10 You don't, you don't, you don't, you're, you're, you're, listen to his humble self trying to get him. He doesn't know his own power. I think he's like the chubby kid that's all, you know. He's unaware of approachable. Yeah, he's got some poon whisperer, you know. He does, he's undercover. Yeah, he's got some Poon Whisperer, you know, he does do undercover. Yeah, it's very undercover very undercover Poon Whisperer. All right, so Ladies and gentlemen the map Santa Ballac program and the nutrition survival guide available still on our site MindPumpRadio.com click on the yellow button Enroll get yourself for it look out for what's coming ahead get it or be fat. Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:44 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Yeah!

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