Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 085: Johnny Sebastian, Rob Ortiz and Breaking News!

Episode Date: May 25, 2015

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin interview IFBB pros, Johnny Sebastian and Rob Ortiz. Not only is this episode informative and entertaining, but Johnny makes an announcement about a first in the IFB...B world and you are hearing about it before ANYONE ELSE, right here on MindPump!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So guys, we've been selling the MAPS endabolic program. We ended the sale, it's 117 bucks, it's on the site, we got the Nutrition Survival Guide, 47 bucks, Doug is still being a dick, won't let us put it on sale. We're coming out with a bunch of other stuff, right? That's so dumb. What else do we got?
Starting point is 00:00:17 We have the Fast Things Survival Guide. Yeah, new, and it's right there for you. Doug wants to sell that for 27 bucks. And then, the nutrition's for all guys revised. Revised. Oh, and we have a six pack formula. This is a whole workout plan, including videos, trigger sessions, phased workouts, just for your abs,
Starting point is 00:00:35 just to give you a six pack. Doug wants to sell that for 50, 75 bucks. Doug literally told us $248, this is what we're gonna sell it all for. And guess what we're gonna do? We're gonna piss Doug off. We're gonna piss him off. We're gonna put least told us $248. This is what we're gonna sell it all for. And guess what we're gonna do. We're gonna piss them off. We're gonna piss them off. We're gonna put them on the spot.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Go low, low, low. Yeah, how about a, I don't know, 124? Do you know what, here's the thing I feel like. If you do something- Three digits. Well, yes, yeah, I know. I think when you, as soon as you hit over in that- That's a half, no, it's half.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I know it's half, it's half, and half 50% off sounds awesome But don't even think I just think of like when people see over a hundred dollars like oh my god It's so much money, but if it's like just under that I mean it could be just a little bit. It's just sexier under under a hundred I think it's sexier. I say I see 99 I see digit digit ring. Doug is cringing right now Digit ring. Doug is cringing right now Doug how about what do you guys think 99? Fuck it lower Lower lower bro. This is like prices right lower
Starting point is 00:01:37 Upsay lower all right 97 bucks. What do you guys think 90 cents? Everybody in the room right to value everything raise your hand if you like 97 Three out of four. Let's do. You're outnumbered. But what if somebody wants to make payments? What can we do, Doug? Three payments of 57? Is that good? Yeah, that'd be perfect.
Starting point is 00:01:54 What do you guys think? Raise your hand if you like three payments of... Three dudes, 37, everybody. It's not, it has to be like... Something more like along the lines of 40 something. But 43. 43. I love how you just come over these random numbers
Starting point is 00:02:06 out of nowhere. 4 plus 3 equals 7. They're seven days of the week. It makes prolific sense. Oh, that debt, what kind of... It's a magical number. Raise your hand if you like that. I like seven.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Okay, lastly guys, because we have massive, let's be honest, massive balls, okay. We don't bullshit. I can't remind in a wheelbarrow. We don't bullshit So check this out by the program 97 bucks. That's it. You get everything you get the maps and a ballac program You get the six pack formula the revised nutrition survival guide you get the fasting survival guide You get access to our forum check this out. I thought we were charging for the forum. No free. We got to do it for free I already I fucked up. I just said it and now we we gotta do it. So it's free now, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:45 It's included. But check this out. I just the last time we let him. I love not making money. Give it shit away. But check this out. People are gonna do this, and they're gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:02:52 well, what if it's not the best program I've ever seen in my entire life? Here's, how about, how about if we do this? First of all, I'd slap you for talking about this. That's what I did do. All right, so, what if we gave somebody five days to try it out? Five days?
Starting point is 00:03:05 Yeah. There's not much, there's more than, there's five things they're getting practically. So you're not even able to get to reach soon. You need to give more time than that. 15 days? Ooh, no. It, you know, give them at least like a month's time, right?
Starting point is 00:03:17 30 days? 30 days. All right, check this out. Buy the program, try it for a month. If it doesn't blow your brains out of your face, return it, we'll give you your money back. Okay. MinePumpRadio.com, go on our website, click on the big yellow button. One of two things is going to pop up when you do that. Either this package that we're talking about for 97 bucks or a corn ad or a corn ad. Either way, you're going to
Starting point is 00:03:40 be really happy. I promise you. MinePumpRadio.com, big yellow button. You get to look at porn. Or big something in your face. You get to look at porn. Yes. Or you get an awesome deal. Either way, you're gonna get in shape or you're gonna jerk off one of those two things. Hooray.
Starting point is 00:03:54 If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump Radio. The radio podcast that comes you like a swift kick in the nuts when you're trying to brush your teeth. I'm here not with one. What?
Starting point is 00:04:18 You didn't get that? No, okay. Doesn't happen to you? No, think about it. Think about it. Think about brushing your teeth at like six o'clock The morning trying to get ready for work. Yeah, and someone just comes out and fucking kicks you right in the nuts That's never happened. That's a lot like mine pump. It is it's like you're listening
Starting point is 00:04:34 It's like oh, this is great. Oh, that's a nice surprise you and then you're laughing like this aching stuff We're being we're being rude. We have guests in the right. I was trying to get to my shit I'm having a man. You guys didn't get my analogy. I'm gonna hear you. So I'm not here with one, but two actually special guests. Before we get to our guest, let me let me introduce the one and only the magnificent sexy Sal Bicefno. That's me. The used to be fat Justin Andrews. I'm not gonna respond to that. That's right. Congratulations, man. I did see that chance. I did see that. You did. I'm not gonna respond to that. That's right, man. Congratulations, man. I didn't see that chance for me. I did see that chance for me, man.
Starting point is 00:05:06 That job. Thanks guys. Thanks guys. Thanks for transformation Tuesday for the next two years. Hey, John, we'll figure out every two that you repost. I'll just flip it. John, he will make that post into somehow and weed into like a religious god thing, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yes, that's just how good John is. Wow, Johnny. The good look in gentlemen with the great voices that are speaking right now. We're here with IFBB Pros. good Johnny. Wow. Johnny, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good,
Starting point is 00:05:29 the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good, the good with us that I'm pretty excited to hear what he has to say because he says he's going to shock everybody. But we're going to save that towards the end because I just wanted to, I haven't had a chance to bullshit with these guys. This is about the sex change. Dude, how you just go through it?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's really hot news right now. It's pretty close to that though. So, yeah. He'll get it. He'll get into that a little bit later. Trying to steal the Kardashian back there.
Starting point is 00:05:59 That's next week's next week's episode. Stay tuned for next week's episode when Johnny has a sex change. Well, before we got started, you know, we were talking a little bit about it. We should apologize ahead of time. It's fucking hot in here. I apologize gentlemen. And on top of that,
Starting point is 00:06:14 there's a lot of muscle man meat in here. There's so much man meat. Yeah. I easily circulate. Easily the skinniest guy in the room, which makes me so conscious. You and Adam together right there, it's really erotic.
Starting point is 00:06:25 There's a lot of ego on this couch. Yeah, there erotic. And it's ego meat sandwich. There's a lot of heat. You know what's funny, his legs are spiky because it shapes them, and they're rubbing on mine. That is awkward. I'm questioning things about myself right now.
Starting point is 00:06:39 OK. I don't know. I'm going to watch you guys. So I'm in this podcast. Let's stop interrupting Adam now. All right. Go ahead, buddy. Well, no, I just, Let's stop interrupting Adam now. Alright, go ahead buddy. Well, no, just before we went on live to the live, we're not live, we're recorded.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Live! It sounds better than live. I feel like we're coming to you from Wulu Glend. But before we got on here, we were actually chopping it up a bit. And I just wanted to, I'm sure like some of the people that are listening would like to hear a little bit about Johnny and Rob. The reason why we have both these guys guys these guys are both workout partners together and How long now I know Johnny I Johnny and I go way back
Starting point is 00:07:09 And so the salgo's pretty far back with Johnny But how long have you two actually been working out together and how long have you guys known each other? I would say we've been working out together what two years now two years going on two years two years Feels like a relationship. I was gonna say when did this love connection start? He actually took me out for dinner one time and she just asked me right then I said hey, you know I looked them in the eyes. I said are you ready for this, you know? No choice. I've been holding on ever since you know what I mean? It's just it's just like a magical like a magical ride. We met
Starting point is 00:07:40 We met we met through a mutual friend Omar. Okay. Omar was his first original coach. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so that's who actually prepared you guys. And then the sparks flew. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And then I think we had like some, you know, team Ventura workout where all the, you know, athletes, hey, meet at goals at, you know, Saturday and like five people showed up. And then after that, we split up and then, you know, next couple of days, Rob and I we see each other at the gym. It's like, Hey, let's, you want to train with this net? Who's stronger? Tom. Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow. Wow, that's a loaded question. I'm stronger. I'm stronger than Rob in certain lifts. I gotta admit, Rob's got me on certain lifts too. Surprisingly,
Starting point is 00:08:23 he's stronger than me in legs. Oh, really? And arms. Really? Yeah. Really? Uh-huh. I mean, he could squat leg press heavier than me, but, uh, I think they just like they're just not to grow beyond his size.
Starting point is 00:08:39 So what, what are you definitely starting? Are you, you got more back than he does or what? Well, who's, I think I'm stronger than him in my calves. My calf strength is definitely one. Everything else is kind of there. Just tied. Johnny basically is like, he's stronger but I look stronger. What he's saying right now.
Starting point is 00:08:58 You know what? I mean, I look better. What do you say? I mean, wait a minute. He is like five, two and shit. You know what I mean? I mean, let's throw it out there, you know what I mean? But you know what?
Starting point is 00:09:11 It's varying from the question. Oh, who's stronger enough? So, okay, I had to ask this thing. So, we talked a little bit offline. And we were talking about workout partners. And we were all, all of us have been trainers and fitness ones for a long time. A lot of cheating.
Starting point is 00:09:26 A lot of cheating. Now, how do you pick a guy like that? Did you, when you first met, you guys, Omar, because you guys have a large team, you guys have lots of athletes. So it's not like Rob's the only athlete on team. I mean, there's sure there's 50 guys just in, just in San Jose alone that have trained with Omar and you.
Starting point is 00:09:38 So what made, what made Rob, like, I mean, is there something about his physique that you saw potential in him or did you just... I think it was just, I mean, I think prior to us working out, I think we had traveled down south to LA with like five different people to go watch a body by the competition. And we ended up going out there having a good time,
Starting point is 00:09:59 partying a little bit, and then that's when Rob and I ended up, you know, cheers in having some drinks. And then- One thing in having some drinks and then one thing leads to another one thing. You know what you know what you know what you got to know I was already I was already hitting national national circuit before Johnny was even thinking about jumping into bodybuilder. Oh so you actually go back further. Oh yeah I was already a national level competitor. I was already traveling to get my pro card and Johnny wasn't even we were trying to convince Johnny to Johnny to do what happened. I remember what happened. So Omar was training all these
Starting point is 00:10:29 guys. Rob was one of them. Rob was the last level. My cell. I went out with Omar to Sacramento to go support a couple athletes at a show and then I just saw like I just got motivated by everybody that was competing. Robby one of them and then That's kind of what you know cross my mind. I mean, you know Maybe I should get back into bodybuilding. I think I got I think I have what it takes especially to do men's physique because it's shit You know, I mean this is not like bodybuilding. It's gonna be easier. Yeah, I could be smaller You know, I know how to get shredded. So let's give it a try and then that's when I Got I was only lifting like two or three days out of the
Starting point is 00:11:05 week at that time and you know simple kind of stuff. Partying back then just not really in the lifestyle and then Rob was there and I was like hey let's hook up. How long ago was this? Two years ago. See I remember back now. Shit like three years ago. I've been in it for over two years. I've been in it for three years ago. I was I turned pro in 2012. Okay. Now I remember back way back in the day when you work for me at the 24. That's when you first did your first bodybuilding show. Right. If I recall, I remember you came to work one day and you showed me your abs and I'm like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:11:38 You just shredded. Let me just interrupt and say, how the hell was it working for this guy and this guy? Is that, that was a trick Yeah, well, okay, so I mean as far as the split of personalities I know I know them personally and it would be good to hear like an insight well We got a fill in the listeners here, okay, so Johnny He worked for me for a short period of time and then after that he worked for Adam and I think he worked for you much closer Because you were his fitness manager, right? I was a general manager manager, right? So so basically Justin wants to know who's the better closer
Starting point is 00:12:11 Hey, who's the bigger asshole? I want you to let him answer that. Well, good question You guys you guys are both great closers. Oh here Okay, I learned political in a lot of good tactics from both you guys, you know You could go into two different styles. Yeah. Two different styles, two different angles you guys came at. That sounds like a good fucking porn movie.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I don't know, man. I don't know. What's Adam's style? What's Adam's style? Adam's style is more like, I don't know how to explain it. He just, a little bit more aggressive, you know? Yeah, amateur. A little bit more aggressive and a little bit more like, hey, let's let me point out the facts. And this is why this and this. And with with Sal, Sal was just, he
Starting point is 00:12:58 would just go in there and he would just let them talk. Just more luck. I let them talk. And more like just driven. And then before you know it like Sal would just I don't know what would happen But then they would just be signing off on the credit card. Yeah, you know, no, no, so Adam's talented But I have magic magic But I know we had a fuck we had an incredible team back then when you were there that was with Travis and Travis quick Larry Evans was there and there and we had some heavy hitters and I don't remember you selling that much though. You were a good trainer. I was in the picture. No, I couldn't sell, dude. I mean, here's the thing. Here's the thing. I'll go, I'll go look.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Maybe it wasn't motivating. I'll go look. We could, here's what the deal is or it's close out. You know, it's close out. So apparently we got some sales today. You wanna buy it? No, okay, all right. I don't know. Adam would come through, Hey, Johnny, what happened to that sale? They said no.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah. What do you mean they said no? I'm gonna wallets, they said no. That's like nails, that's like what we're doing. Johnny, Johnny can't close the fucking front door. I'm one of bet Murr, little Murr, I over here is the one the fuck it took him out on a date. Oh, we should, I mean, that's what I'm taking.
Starting point is 00:14:04 That's what I'm taking. That's what I'm taking. Really? We need to acknowledge your lovely girlfriend who's in the room, Mariah. She's all over your social media. I follow you on social media. I always feel like she's the one responsible for your diet, your everything being on track. She just keeps you in line. She does more than that, man.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I mean, she's the backbone with a lot of stuff, you know, and keeping me mentally stable most of the most of the time and and you know kicking me in the butt, you know with a few things and saying, hey, you know, don't go that way. Don't do this way or think twice about doing this so, you know, she's she's a lot of problems to my right. I mean, I mean she handles a lot from this guy, especially when we're on prep You know what I mean? It's just a lot of shit and emotionsiah. I mean, she handles a lot from this guy, especially when we're on prep. You know what I mean? It's just a lot of shit and emotions
Starting point is 00:14:48 that are kind of running through. So, personally, myself, I feel like almost, almost every guy that I've met or came across that are pros, you know, a lot of them, you have to kind of have that solid chick, you know, say, like most the dudes I know that are pretty successful in what they do. They've got a pretty solid girl. I mean, I know, I wouldn't be where I'm saying, most the dudes I know that are pretty successful in what they do. They've got a pretty solid girl. I mean, I know I wouldn't be where I'm at
Starting point is 00:15:09 without my chakshin for sure. Well, it's just a solid team and all together, man. I mean, shit, when you start getting up to this level, we're doing what like inches and shit, you know? I mean, we're just smaller than that. And it takes a certain type of person, dude. I mean, a certain type of woman or guy, I mean, if you're a female competitor, but, I mean a certain type of woman or guy, I mean, if you're a female competitor,
Starting point is 00:15:27 but I mean, you gotta think about it. Bodybuilding is like the most selfish sport out there, dude. I mean, when you're getting ready for a show, it's your show and then, you know, everything else. And you want, I mean, you have to put your show first, you know, if you want to be the best and win and win and win, you know? And like, your significant other has to just like, accept that that's the way it's gonna be during that time when you're training. Yeah. And be there to just support and be there to fricking deal
Starting point is 00:15:56 with you being a fricking, you know, having your tantrums and you being so emotional, you know. That's from the dieting, right? Yeah, the cleaning. All the dieting, the supplements and, cleaning the dieting the supplements and you know Just going up and down with that and then and then on top of that You just don't have a relationship a normal relationship where you're traveling going out to dinner You know going out to family parties. I mean even when we go to our family parties her mom already knows that I
Starting point is 00:16:19 Can't eat the food there so she'll make like plain chicken every single time I go there, you know, and that's what I have so it's like So she'll make like plain chicken every single time I go there, you know, and that's what I have so it's like They have to be willing to to do all that by the same time, you know like for instance right now in the offseason I I know that I got to take advantage of this time to make up for all the shit that I put it through and take her out to dinner Take her out to hear maybe go on some trips, you know You know, I'm a shit because before you know it, you know, you're from now and I'm back in contest prep, it's back to, but it's still not that, it's still not that normal relationship. Never is. It's never. No, I mean, just what you have bodybuilding. You're like, Mariah said the other day, like, it's still not normal.
Starting point is 00:16:55 We, you know, we, what do we do? We, uh, we left the gym. And then she was like, okay, so, uh, let's go to, um, uh, let's go to,'s go to what restaurant? BJ's right and we had just worked out so in my head. I'm thinking okay I need to get a post workout meal in 60 minutes after my post workout shape Yeah, right so she mentions this 40 minutes after I had my post workout shake on the road We're all already on the way to home wait what in my house she goes. Let's go to BJ's and like right before we watch the movie. I'm like oh, dude I'm thinking my head to KBJ's waiting in line
Starting point is 00:17:32 I'm gonna come in an hour and a half And a ball window the anabolic window. I started sweating. You know, I was like, hey, no, we can't do this She's all see I told you things don't change. No matter what, no matter what, this is how our lifestyle is. I think we're trying to revolve around you and your bodybuilding. Yeah, I was like, yeah. Yeah. So now you guys, were you guys together before you got back into it or did you, were you already in it when you guys got to know? I was already in it. I was already prepping for my first time. At what point? Because and I know I can share a story someone like this. Do you do you remember like at one point you knew like okay like she's she's the chick man
Starting point is 00:18:09 because she could handle she's gonna be able to handle this or like that. Do you do you remember it just kept building man. I mean it was like from the from the get go when she started helping me prep my meals. That was like okay she's a keeper and then it then it kept going more where she was just like you know we're getting ready to travel to Sacramento for my first show She's just packing on my bags for me, you know asking me what I need to take and she's packing my bags I was like, what the heck, you know?
Starting point is 00:18:33 This is awesome. Yeah, I'm like, you know what? She's the best closer. Yeah in the room. She is She's an angel when it comes to it Everything like hey, you know what B what board shorts do you want to wear? Blah, blah, blah, just packing the stuff. And it just kept going. Things just kept closing me. And I'll top of that, sorry I dropped it in. I've also been in two relationships prior to her, where
Starting point is 00:19:05 I was bodybuilding. This is how my workouts go. And they just, they hated it. And how my everyday goes. You have a ordinance go guys. You know, you want to workout at them? Those women hated everything about bodybuilding. They hated it.
Starting point is 00:19:20 They thought it was stupid. They thought my trophies were dumb. They thought, you know, why are you doing this? It's not even a sport, you know, stuff like that. And they just never understood about Mariah. She totally just accepts it for what it is. And she just lets me be me, you know, and that's the most important thing. I'll throw some more sugar on it, like I said about Mariah. I travel, when we travel, we travel us three together. We're going on she's probably only chick other than my girl that's probably heard me fart take a shit you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:50 What I walk around my underwear and shit during you know doing shows you know listen That is the that is the test What did you do? What did you do, bro? We're getting out. We're getting way too comfortable, bro. I'm going to say it's comfortable, right? Yeah, when you can fart in front of your girl, then you know it's love.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Oh, but in front of your girls, in front of your boys' girl. Yeah, yeah. That's even. What about this? So, especially, you've done so many shows and had some great wins. But then you also had some frustrating losses. So many things. I know how I- Especially recently.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Yeah, so, and how do you handle that? And because one of the things that I know about you, and I'm going to make you come out on here a little bit more because you're always politically correct. I feel like you're always looking out for the league and what's best for, you know, and representing the sport so well. But I mean, I've been there before, so I know that you gotta be going through it inside. Like, how do you keep that in check all the time? Like, well, I express a lot of stuff to Mariah.
Starting point is 00:20:51 I just say, have you been really close sometimes? Just like firing off something crazier? Oh, man, I mean, it's, it's, I'm only human, you know? And the facts are there. And, you know, there's certain facts at shows that just like, come on. This is really like, this is why I think these people got in the first call out.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And at the end of the day, it's all about your personality and how you deal with stuff. And for me, it takes a lot for me to get upset. It takes a lot for me to get angry. You know, it takes a lot for me to get angry. And, you know, if I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. And, you know, like me really talking about it and starting up a storm about it really at the end of the day is not going to do anything for me.
Starting point is 00:21:35 You know, so that's why I kind of kept my mouth shut about stuff. But, you know, I'll voice my opinion to my close, you know, friends, you know, Rob while we're training, I look to the left, look to the right, make sure no one's listening. Mariah on the way home or just talking about it in the hotel room. I always wonder how politics correct us pro should
Starting point is 00:21:57 actually really be at. You know what I mean? Because I agree with Adam. I mean, you do play that card really fucking well, you know what I mean? I think the problem, I think the issue with the sport is it's a judge sport. So if you're too much of a big mouth, they could judge you differently versus like, you play football, like you win or you lose. And that's the part.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And she, because I've been, I've been an athlete, I was a kid. So I know, you know, fighting in the whole bit. You knock a guy out, you win. That's it, right? And the thing is that I see all of us training. I know you're fighting Rob. Yeah, we all train at the gym, right? And we all bus balls. I think this guy trained, you know, any bus balls.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And what sucks about it is that sometimes you don't get recognized on stage for that hard work, you know? And it just sucks. That's the part I was like, what the heck? I got it last time. And other shit sucks. Right. That's the part where I was like, what the, I got it last. And other shit gets, you know, other factors get played. And then you have people like Adam who couldn't keep his mouth shut if you sowed it shut. Well, I mean, I got to respect that.
Starting point is 00:22:56 You know what I mean? I, here's my thing. I feel like, and this is why what, so unique about me being involved in this sport is, I feel like the sport, like I don't mind being the villain I like being the villain. I I relish in those moments with you I like being the guy that that is hated by many and we could be loved by a few hated by many But as long as you're respected by all that's my thing you know, I'm saying like I'll always come out respectful and so With that but I'm not I'm not afraid to say what I believe and you know
Starting point is 00:23:23 I'm and I always approach it that way. This is what I think. Doesn't mean this is a fact or not a fact, but this is how I feel about this situation. And I feel like I get to be that voice for a lot of these guys that go through a lot of that shit. And that's part of what I love doing in the shows. I talk a lot of shit about all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:39 That a lot of guys don't get a chance to talk about that. I feel like the sport needs that. And if I gotta be the villain and I gotta get I won't get placed because of that, I don't get a chance to talk about that. You know, I feel like the sport needs that. And if I gotta be the villain and I gotta get, I won't get placed because of that. Like, I don't give a fuck. Like that's just my attitude. You did, remember yesterday you were looking for fucks and you ran out.
Starting point is 00:23:54 So you have no more to get. You have no more to get. Exactly. You know, call me up, I'm sure they're around. They're around. I, with the sport, I just, I just pay close, close attention to what happens to athletes when they say something or when they act out or when they start talking crap about such and such
Starting point is 00:24:15 or this and that. I pay attention to that and I see what happens to those athletes and it's like, it makes me question myself like, where do I want to go with, you know, with competing? And, you know, and that's, I've learned a lot of stuff from there. And I've also hung out with, you know, some of the higher ups and gotten their input on, on the way they really think and, and, and yeah, the way you act and the way you carry yourself as an athlete, man, has a lot to do with the way you play. So the way that people, the way that people kind of put themselves
Starting point is 00:24:46 on social media is totally different than what people are behind the scenes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Check this out. Check this out. Yeah, I'm not gonna say what show. I'm not gonna say who was, but I'll say it. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, person that I talked to said You know Johnny I've seen you come in a lot better a lot crisper, you know
Starting point is 00:25:10 The only and we really like you and that's probably the only reason why you were put in the second call It so consider it as consider it a gift get out of here. Wow Get out of here out of here. Yeah, wow. Like that. Get out of here. You don't want to say anything. Hey, you never told me this because we like you, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:26 And, and, and then he goes, he goes, it was really disappointing to see, um, you come on stage this way. We expect a little bit more of you. And, and, and, and this is not the Johnny that we see and this is not your best. Wow. You know, so they're like, you need to come back with your best what you had before at our other shows. And I thought about it and I'm like, did I come in better?
Starting point is 00:25:51 Yeah, I did. And I did, you know, and I did place higher at those shows. I did beat out the athletes that were on the teams that sponsored those shows. And that was a proven fact that, you you know you can beat out the politics. And so when he said that, that I consider it as a gift, that was all of my, you know, that promoter and show and all those judges there, they like me. And they want me to do their shows because they know I pump out the shows. They know I pump out the show on social media
Starting point is 00:26:25 and talk about it and say follow this, you know, show, follow this promoter, these guys on Instagram, this is where I'm gonna be at. They know I bring, you know, people to come to the show. Yeah, yeah, you know, so, you know, like here in that kind of story, like you guys, like me who really don't give a shit about social media, right? And just to come out there and just kind of say
Starting point is 00:26:43 whatever they want, you know what I mean? I missed her 14 weeks since your last post. Hey, yeah, you know what I mean? I don't really give a shit, you media, right? And just come out there and just kind of say whatever they want. You know what I mean? I missed her 14 weeks since your last post. Hey, yeah, you know what I mean? I don't really give a shit. You know what I mean? But then, but then you got guys like John, hearing that kind of shit, when I'm over here bustin' my balls off, maybe I didn't post shit for the past 14 weeks,
Starting point is 00:26:55 but you guys haven't seen me miss a day out of the gym. Right, right. You know what I mean? And then just kind of get, just on that part. That sucks man. That's all part of it now. It's all part of it now.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And that's what totally sucks man. It ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't that, it ain't, it ain't that, it ain't, it ain't that, it ain't, it ain't that, it ain't, it ain't that, it ain't, it ain't, it ain't, it ain't, it ain't, it ain't, it ain't, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain't, it ain ain, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain ain, it ain, it ain, it ain, it ain ain ain, it ain, it ain, it ain ain, it ain, it ain, it. It's interesting, it's absolutely not. It's all part of it now. It's all part of it. And that's what totally sucks, man. It ain't that hand up and knock out. Yeah. Well, even if we go back and look back in time to bodybuilding during what they call a golden era, right, the 70s, Schwarzenegger, if it wasn't for Arnold, bodybuilding would have remained in the back. It would have remained a circus freak act. But because of Schwarzenegger, because of pumping iron,
Starting point is 00:27:25 because of his personality, it made a big, big impact on the sport. It made it kind of more mainstream. So I think that's why these promoters take that probably so seriously, or they look at that, because they're like, hey, this isn't just you on stage, it's the whole thing. Yeah, yeah, I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:27:40 And that's why I see some of the guys that are kind of up down the higher ups, it is that social media kind of what they do outside the gym that kind of brings them up a little more, you know. But at the end of the day, it's a business. You know that that's it. They look at somebody who's got, you know, 50, 60, 100,000 followers that are following their connected.
Starting point is 00:27:59 They know that that person's gonna be able to influence a lot more people to go to the show and buy more things. And I see that. I see that from a business standpoint. It's just I'm looking at more as an athlete kind, you know what I mean. I'm not here. I'm not trying to make this a career. You know what I mean? I'm trying to compete and win. Right, right, right. And I felt like I brought my best package on stage. And I don't think I've ever been, I don't think I've been been recognized for that for those days. I don't want to sound...
Starting point is 00:28:28 No, I don't want to sound gay. Rob actually has one of my favorite physiques. I actually admire your physique. I think you have great symmetry. I think you have one of the best physiques out there. But that's my opinion on what I think looks great. You've always been that way. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:28:46 No, no, no, sure. So we do have a lot of listeners who follow this for, and then we have a lot of listeners who don't. So what, if you guys get, because you guys are both, the three of you, Adam included, are pros, what are they looking for? What is the ideal, you know, physique competitor in terms of their body?
Starting point is 00:29:04 I think that's still something that they're trying to figure out till this day because, you know, Mens physique has evolved so much since what the inception in 2011 when I as a bodybuilder, when I first saw it on stage, I was like, okay, what is this? I mean, these guys aren't even that shredded. They look skinny and they're in these board shorts and they're just standing there with one hand on the hip and then they turn around.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And then they go back in line and that's all they're doing. Well, those guys eventually ended up turning pro, okay? And that was the first group of men's physique guys. and that was the first group of men's physique guys. And then once the pro card was handed out, then everyone's like, wait a minute, I can become a pro. This is what? I can, you know, you got really, really popular. Guy started getting a little bit more shredded,
Starting point is 00:29:58 a little bit bigger, you know, guy started incorporating different poses and it just evolved and now look at it. Now it's just, I mean, it's just, I think, it's just muscular, it's just super, super, super small ways, wide taper, you know. That's exactly what I mean. And, you know, the conditioning is much, it's there, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:17 much more detail in the abs and the back. It's just getting, it's, the judging is getting harder and harder and harder. I think what they're looking for is it's slowly coming. That being said, being a guy who's been in both sides, whose body build and done men's physique, how much different is your diet and your training in comparison to it? It's not different at all.
Starting point is 00:30:41 That's crazy. It's not different at all. No, it's different. The training is different. You, see, that's crazy. It's not different at all. Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, it's different. Oh, the training is different. Oh, yeah. The training is different. You're getting knocks for it now.
Starting point is 00:30:48 The training is different. The dieting, as far as getting shredded is the same. You have to stop a little sooner though, because a bodybuilding you want to get extreme shredded, right, or no, it doesn't matter. No, I mean, I got to the point where I got extreme shredded for men's physique. I think I got more shredded for men's physique
Starting point is 00:31:03 than I did as a bodybuilding. You'll agree. But as far as the diet when you're a bodybuilder, you're trying to get as shredded as possible while being as big as possible and muscular and full as possible with insu-seek. They don't want that. They don't want the big, full, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:22 they want just shredded. So with me, it's hard to do that because, you know, they want just shredded. So with me, it's hard to do that because, you know, my body just continues to grow and grow and grow as I train and train. And my physique has changed over the past two years. And I feel like two years ago, I think my physique was more of what the judges are looking for now. And I think my physique now has just become a little bit more muscular and away from what the judges are looking for now. And I think my physique now has just become a little bit more muscular and away from what the judges are looking for. Adam told me, I don't know if this is true, but Adam, because sometimes he makes shit up,
Starting point is 00:31:52 but he said that you don't really train your arms. I don't. I never train arms. That is fucked up because your arms are huge. Yeah. And I'm really, really, really, really jealous. So take it as a training partner. I don't train arms. This guy actually skips out on me.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And we're doing arms when it's like back and buys. This guy's gone after back. I'm on card. He's like buy. He's like on a cardio machine. I'm doing by the well. Yeah, because your arms are fucking man. He doesn't work that out.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And he doesn't work his legs out. Yeah, and then I go to a show and the judge just say, you got to stop working out your arms. And I'm like, I do. That's my training partner. I don't train my arms. And it sucks because my chest, my presses and my lifts, and my pulls have gotten, have suffered because my arms
Starting point is 00:32:35 are not or weaker. Right. Yeah. So bent over, bent over dumbbell rows. It's just, it's hard to hold onto the barbell because my, my forearms aren't as strong and it sucks, you know, so I'm just totally I feel like I'm just trapped, you know, in in my training and the way I want to train, I'm same thing with my legs, you know, I can't get them any bigger than they are because
Starting point is 00:32:57 they're they're already big and you know I fit in your shorts. I don't fit in my shorts, you know, I could get bigger shorts, but then my waist will be so big, you know Where it'll look weird. He'll look weird. Yeah, so I mean this last show the head judge said you know Johnny I looked on stage and I saw a men's physique competitor men's physique competitor Johnny the bodybuilder Men's physique competitor men's physique competitor men's physique competitor He goes you need come in 10 pounds 10 pounds lighter He goes, you need to come in 10 pounds lighter, and your waist needs to be smaller, and your abs need to be much more crisp,
Starting point is 00:33:28 and your back not so aggressive, not so aggressively muscular, and your arms need to shrink down a lot more. See, this is, this is like, this must be torture, because for guys like us who, we enjoy, because look, you've been trained, you've been lifting for, what, 20 years years. I mean a long time, right?
Starting point is 00:33:47 It's like to train but to not train to your full potential That's got to be almost impossible. It sucks man. I mean we all train hard at Gold gym and we all train like bodybuilders at Gold gym Mm-hmm I've been told the same exact thing, you know the main thing mean it's just it's just to me. It's kind of actually I got told my ahead judge That I should stop working out and start and start doing Pilates or start doing some fucking cardio class Why don't you start why don't you start doing CrossFit? Yeah, he was there. I think you fuck I think you're insinuated on that
Starting point is 00:34:21 And I was like, you know what? I mean, but you know what? We love to lift. You know what I mean? And we I think gradually the sport is gonna have to evolve into something bigger as much as they don't want it to. It's gonna have to, look at Adam. Adam's fucking huge, you know what I mean? I actually have to come in. So I've placed better at my shows where I come in and completely flat.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I've placed better when I'm completely soft. Yeah, that's what I, when I don't load, when I don't load myself back up and I keep my car, I'm just walking there totally depleted. It's like, I have pictures backstage where I'm just looking bloated. I'm flexing as hard as I can. I don't even, the apps don't even come out.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And it's just, I place a lot higher, you know, than what I did, like let's say at New York Pro. You know what I mean? I come in flat, I get a better placing and then it would sucks too because the next day I'm like I love the way I look yeah when I eat you know saying the next day when I love to present that on stage But the one I I did present that one time on stage and that was my worst showing So I got six place on that and they were like no that's you're too big your way your way too big now We were talking a little bit off air
Starting point is 00:35:26 about how lucrative or non lucrative the sport is. In other words, can you make money competing in this sport? I mean, what does it look like? And how does it compare to bodybuilding in terms of, how much money? You have sponsorships, right, John? Your sponsor for some companies. I mean, how is it in comparison, would you say to bodybuilding in terms of how much money
Starting point is 00:35:47 you can make? I think now in the industry, with how saturated is with athletes and companies, it's not really a big money maker for the typical IFBB pro or national level competitor. I think back in the 90s, 80s and 90s, when I mean, Jay Cutler was getting paid in the six figures by Muscle Tech. They're Ronnie Coleman getting paid so much by whoever he was sponsored by at the time.
Starting point is 00:36:22 BSN, I think. I think BSN. I mean, they were just making so much money because it was just BSN and Ronnie Coleman. It was just muscle tech and Jay Cutler, you know? I mean, they were the face of it. That was it. Sean Ray and Twin Lab, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:37 No, Sean Ray was with Max Muscle back then and Twin Lab, I believe. But now it's like, I mean, you mentioned it before, when we're off of air, you know, it's like, or I think Adam mentioned it, where it's just, you know, you got all these companies, and you know, all these athletes who just want to be sponsored. And dude, I mean, I've worked for, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:00 it's a couple companies, and I've worked the expo. And these athletes, they'll just come out to me and to be like Johnny What does it take to be a sponsored athlete? I want to be a sponsored athlete. Yeah, like they don't even care They just want to be sponsored. Yeah, and they just want to they just want a shirt It says yeah the company and they just want to be able to post on social media Hey guys, I'm working the booth. She's like a wet dream for the company At the auto class it comes see me blah, blah, blah. And that's all they want.
Starting point is 00:37:29 That's all they want. You know what people don't understand? It's a spotlight. They want the spotlight, you know? And to them, that's what they want. So you guys both have jobs. Yeah, you both work. Yeah, what do you guys do?
Starting point is 00:37:43 I have a real estate office in San Jose, in San Jose. Uh huh, and I'm a probation officer. Oh, good deal. So hold on, so you sell. That's why you know about, you were talking about closing and this and that, you're gonna say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty good at it.
Starting point is 00:37:56 That's why I like you. I knew right away, right away, dude, I can always spot a closer. Those are just smell closer. And then I'm like, Johnny's not a close. No, no, no. I'm just Johnny's not a close. No, no. I'm just like, dude, put your hands behind your back. You're black and white.
Starting point is 00:38:13 You used to just to not to get off the subject of physique, but you used to do jujitsu, right? I did for a little bit after bodybuilding. I wanted to get into something that was, you know, something with fitness. And I thought this would get me in pretty good shape and keep me in shape. And I thought it was cool to learn. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Where did you train? I trained at Heroes Martial Arts on right there on Market Street downtown. I used to compete in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu so that's how far did you go? I got my blue belt. Oh, fantastic. I got my blue belt and it fantastic. I got my blue belt and
Starting point is 00:38:47 It got harder. I mean training got harder And it got fucking harder actually I was thinking about You got a blushing When I grapple I get harder. Yeah, I mean I love that culture's awesome though Dude the Brazilian jiu jitsu culture is it's it's a whole different world in there bro You go in there. Let me tell you might let me tell you what happened to me right? So I did judo as a kid so I wasn't like I was a beginner But I definitely wasn't a jitsu guy I walk in and I'm at the time You know and you remember I used to bulk up a lot more and I maintain myself a little later
Starting point is 00:39:24 But I was about 220 and I'm a pretty strong 220 and I go in there and there's this little Indian dude who's teaching the class It's a purple belt. Yeah, and when I say little he's like 150 pounds and he's not a strong 150 Yeah, he's like a skinny Flexible 150 and so he lets me try the class out and at the end, you know, they spar right? That's when you roll or whatever. And I asked him, I said, can I, you know, can I roll? He said, well, it's your first class. You probably shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I said, well, I have a little judo, but he said, okay, why don't you roll with me? And that way, you know, because you're a big guy and, you know, you don't know what you're doing or whatever. So it's all right. And I'm thinking to my head like, I'm gonna fold this, I'm gonna fold this asshole. Yeah, I'm gonna fold him up and put him on my pocket and it's, you know, I'm gonna go home. So that fucker tapped me out five times in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:40:06 In five minutes, I tapped out like I was like a typewriter. That's a humbling sport, man. Bro, look to this even fighting. It's all technique. All technique, man. No strength. His leverage was just ridiculous. And I went outside and I puked because of course I was like embody building fit in it,
Starting point is 00:40:21 you know, shape. I wasn't in Jiu Jitsu shape and signed up man right on around the spot Now you you talked about this we brought this up one time I'm curious with with this this background like when was it have you actually had to use it at all Have you got it was last time you got a fight outside of? Oh, that's a good question And did you use it? Yeah, well, so I'm not I am absolutely not a violent person whatsoever. I don't like fighting However So I'm not, I am absolutely not a violent person whatsoever. I don't like fighting. However, if I have to, I definitely will. But I just don't like, I don't like violence,
Starting point is 00:40:51 I competition, I like sport. I like to fight in a ring. I don't like to fight on the street. I feel like you're dancing around the question. I just, well, I'm gonna tell you, I, did you get your ass kicked? Is that why we're not talking about it? No, I just would have what happened.
Starting point is 00:41:01 So I competed in Jiu Jitsu, but as an adult, I never, I haven't been in a fight. The last fight I got into, probably high school. And, oh wow. Yeah, and now back then, I still knew Judo, and let me tell you something about fighting. And I, you'll attest to this.
Starting point is 00:41:17 If you know a little bit of how to fight, and you're a relatively tough guy, you're gonna, you fight someone who doesn't know what they're doing. It's like you're eating a sandwich. Yeah, but it's different now. Look at, you have all these kids now. You got Brazilian, you got all this whole MMA thing
Starting point is 00:41:31 that's popping off. Yeah. Everybody knows literally now. Everybody now is a fighter now. Yeah. When I was a kid, yeah, you just knew a little bit of something. You could have some, you could have some serious, you know, ass whooping.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Well, I remember now. I got to fight, I guilla team, someone, choked him out, put him do some serious, you know, ass whooping. Well, I remember now. I got in a fight. I geoteamed someone, choked him out, put him to sleep. Everybody freaked out, thought he died. And I was like, no, he's gonna wake up in a little bit. And that was over. Well, I know Justin's been in a fight, Maurice and that was fucking there. So I know.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Oh, I know. Rob, when was the last time you got into this, Cuffle? Oh, shit, man. He's all with today. He's all with. Last week, this motherfucker pulled down in front of me. You know what? I don't I it's been a while since I've gone to fight I have gone to finance an adult. I think I've always get jumped though, man. I don't know why oh I'm like a jump like that. I get jumped kind of guy
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah, man It's cool though, man. I honestly I'm I'm obviously. Honestly, I'm obviously, I love to fight. I love to fight. I love, I kind of, I kind of love to test boundaries and just kind of push limits. Right, John? He even mentioned stuff like, you know, hey, Johnny, dude, if they ever mess with you, it shows, but I do.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Oh, yeah, I will. Yeah, throw me in there. Yeah. Hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm like, I'm like, John, if that's why you're training partner, right? It's just bodybuilding. No, excuse me. I don't have to fight somebody else.
Starting point is 00:42:49 You know what I mean? I mean, that's just me. I just, I kind of like that. I might be the testosterone kind of, kind of, kind of speaking for me, but shit, I don't care. I'll fucking you it up. What are you training? What have you training?
Starting point is 00:43:01 I've done, I've just done tech window, man. I got up to, I got to, I got to, I got to Olympic, I got to Olympic. I got to the yellow belt. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no. I got to the Olympic. I got to the Olympic. Actually, Ernie Reyes was, came out of our studio.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Bro, let me tell you the difference, so here's a deal with martial arts. I wanna hear Johnny. Oh, yeah, oh no, we're gonna get, Johnny Dey out of something? No, Johnny Dey out of something. I'm using my skills, I've used my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills Look at you. I have a variety of eyes got wide and I
Starting point is 00:43:29 Brass like sometimes I can I can kind of not get away with it But you know, I can I have avenues to use it more often because of my my field of work, you know, so There have been times when actually most of the time if I'm involved in a scuffler or an arrest There's always one or two officers, you know, so One guy always has control of one arm and the other guy which would be me. I would take control the other arm, you know My bread and butter when taking control of someone come on the ground is a comeora. Yeah Yeah nice. It's always comeora That's like standard for you guys and then and then and then they're trapped and they don't know what to do on the ground is a Camurra. Yeah. Yeah. Nice. It's always Camurra.
Starting point is 00:44:05 That's like standard for you guys, huh? And then, and then, and then they're trapped and they don't know what to do. And I don't do it to the full, you know, but I just say, Hey, man, you got to cooperate, you know? And then from there, once they're ready to cooperate, boom. And then what I'm doing, put them together. And it's the best thing. And I also teach for my department, the all the different self-defense moves,
Starting point is 00:44:26 and one of the things we are certified to teach the staff is the Kimura, but we just call it a straight arm lock. Hey, do you ever wish for an earring to have that? No, I would talk to the shit- I would talk to the shit, dude. I'm not a drag-kid, yeah. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I'm a second away from snapping. I'm like Rob, I beat his ear. Just do something about the love right there, you two. Yeah, that's what I mean. Hey, hey, it's all good. Don't worry about it. So I'm gonna look around. You're not gonna look around tonight, bitch.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Adam, you were saying Justin's been in a fight as an adult? Justin's kind of a hothead, aren't you? No, it depends if I'm drinking. So what happened? I want to hear about this fight. This one? I don't know about this one, but've been in the couple in a couple scuffles it yeah He's just in his like your typical like
Starting point is 00:45:12 Super football jock like fucking get some drinks in him and he's art like instantly He gets like that rooster pose right away, and it's just like I mean it's fun guys I mean I got I got a lie. I mean I mean getting in fights. It's it's just like I mean, it's fun guys. I mean, I got I got a lie I mean, I mean getting in fights. It's it's fun. I mean as long as like We come out we come out As long as we come out winning, you know what I mean? I look at it. You know I got a lot of friends that are that are state champions and wrestling I mean, you know, so friends with the Palamitos from independence. Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:45:43 So they're a big family out here and they always, still doesn't mean you can wrestle, but. I can wrestle. I can wrestle. I can wrestle. Actually, he was on the wrestling team. He has a hoodie, which he hasn't cut in half yet. Right?
Starting point is 00:45:57 The only one that's not cut now. Yeah. I love that he does it, though, because nobody else does it. Yeah. You know what I am? I am getting tagged in a lot of those pictures now. A lot of people start to cut their hoodie. So I, I, I, I, wait, wait, wait, wait, explain this.
Starting point is 00:46:08 What do you mean cut the hoodie? What do you mean? In 1980s, you know, cut in half. When, when we were, like, let the, let the, let the midriff show. Yeah, I get shown the abs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Showing the abs. Yeah, well, what about, what about, what about,
Starting point is 00:46:18 I have a shuddering. Imagine how I feel, bro. I got a shuddering. I got a shuddering. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. It's, it's, it's strange, people think it's strange, but when I was growing up, high school students,
Starting point is 00:46:28 like in a football team would cut their sweaters up and put their pads on top. When I was in the wrestling, we'd call her thoughts. Yeah, it was under-shirt and you'd rock it around. Yeah, just do it that way. There's nothing wrong with it. Or you would put up a sleeve and put it on as a beat. Not wearing that to the gym, though.
Starting point is 00:46:42 You know what, I'm watching a video of you right now. Let me see, what's it? You got your asshole. You're doing your front raises? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It looks like the ones that Johnny convinced you to do because you want to do the other ones. And I can see, it's like it covers your tits. Like it covers the boob area.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the rest is just hanging out. Yeah, my girl gives me shit because they're starting to get caught a little bit higher than the nipple now. So you know what I mean? It's like I mean now, bro. There's like a limit You inspired me to bring mine back out because I actually have a bunch of Minor minor I cut them three quarters here and I cut them here Okay, I have a take and then I cut them open here
Starting point is 00:47:18 So I mean you need to bring back the old school Max muscle ones where they're cut right here Oh, yeah, yeah, the big man. Yeah. And then you can see their string or tank top still. Yeah. So that's what mine is like. I cut it all the way here. So it's a big opening like drapes over your shoulder. And then it's a three quarter sleeve on the sweater.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And then it's cut on the bottom. You know what sucks though? I don't do it for a trend thing. It's a functional thing that that that works for me. It's easy to pull off with the mesh shirt, right? I mean, I mean, if that. Yeah, the hair, the hair, the hair, the right set. On your body. right? I mean, I mean, if that Yeah, the hernet the hernet right set Fred kind of look. Yeah, I got too sexy a little air coming in their mat You know I'd be I it's more of a function thing man. It's not so much. I mean these guys these guys can all the test
Starting point is 00:47:57 I'm probably the smelliest kid in the in the in the gym. Oh big time. I mean I mean I really don't give a shit Big time. I mean, I mean, I really don't give a shit. See how I know Lucky Shirt always wears. I got a veggie strap. He has these Versa grips, dude. These rubber Versa grips that just stink. Like, they smell like, I don't even know, man, like this.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It's like, it smells like a cat. Like, but holy shit. It's like a cat, it's like a cat pee on some dried mango. Oh. Oh. And then you, and then you kept that dried mango in a ziplock bag for like five weeks and then you open it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:31 That's what I'm talking about. That's unique. That's what it smells like. It's a smell of possibility. Those are great. That's great. And when you're spotting them, dude, it just, you get a whiff of it every single time.
Starting point is 00:48:40 It smells like a champion. It's called. See, Adam plans out his wardrobe. Like, he's talked about this. Get out of here bro. First of all, look at him right now. Look at him right now. Do you think he just put that shit together?
Starting point is 00:48:49 Oh, he knew what he was gonna wear yesterday. Get out of here. I don't know that far. No, he laid it out on his bed. But last night, I take pride in what I wear, even when I'm in the gym. For me, it for me. It's because you're the Poon Whisperer.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I have to like, when I feel like I look good, I feel good and when I feel like I look like shit, I feel like shit. Oh, you're a trainer, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I mean for you I can see why trainers are gonna have to kind of like you know finnester finnester wardrobe, but for me I really don't give a shit. If it's an out of your life here, you gotta go out out and about like go downtown or dinner with this dude. I spend many hotel nights with this guy and he takes fucking like I don't know dude three hours to get ready And he has get this he has a hair straightener bro No extra gold hair straightener
Starting point is 00:49:40 Not one of those not one of those fucking Chi ones, okay, but little little small one Why about the size of this thing hey, hey, buddy? I didn't realize we're kicking the balls now I'm put in my shit away put in my little thing away my duffel bag or whatever What do you call the toilet trip back? Oh, and I'm like my first time rooming with this dude. I'm like, what the fuck is, oh my god, almost like our demons are coming out. Our demons are coming out. Yeah. You're like, is your girl leave that in their room?
Starting point is 00:50:14 Or like, who has the worst smelling parts between the two you guys? You got us in the right one, that part. I mean, we're all kind of spelled both of them. I feel bad for the girl, but. She said, she said Johnny. Probably. That of them. I feel bad for the girl, but... She said Johnny. Probably. That's because you're like a thick shake.
Starting point is 00:50:28 You know what sucks is that we end up taking like these crazy ass like shitters, like a competition-wise, before we jump on shows. And this girl just hears it, man. It was like no mercy. We just like, oh for it. Yeah. So the pre-game down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:42 It's because you eat like 300 grams of protein. What did you write? You read in Johnny? Like 300? I don't know, man. Sometimes it's the pregame dump. Yeah. It's cause you eat like 300 grams of protein. What did you write? You read in Johnny? Like 300? I don't know, man. Sometimes it's 300. Sometimes it's 250. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:52 That's like an elephant sized shit. Yeah. You know. Imagine the smell. Yeah. Mine are the worst after I do my binge. It's probably anabolic just to smell it. Yeah, you know, I look to you.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I know that's awesome. Some epic meals. Oh yeah. I had posted, man. Yeah, you know, I looked to you, but you know, that's awesome. Some epic meals. Oh yeah, I had posted, man. Yeah, tell us about like your favorite like cravings. You know what, I mean, after a show, it's always sweet, man. So it's like, I would just, I don't, I don't wanna go straight for the burger.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I wanna go straight for like the ice cream and cookies, right away. And then I get that out of the way and then I get all sick of it and then I wanna do some burgers and then I wanna do some bur it and then I want to do some burgers and then I want to do some burritos and shit you've actually thought about that huh? Yeah, that's a protocol. How much how much weight do you guys gain like the week after? Faa. Instantly at least 20 pounds.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Johnny and I are probably the worst guys after after a show to gain the most weight. A lot of a lot of the guys They try to keep that physique at least for going for at least a couple of weeks, we really don't give a shit. We were in New York this one time, remember? We were in New York, we just got off the New York Pro, and we were just wandering the streets to like two o'clock in the morning, just bingeing on food. It got to a point where all the stores were closed, so we hit up the vending machines and shit. That's a bad and fucking one. Like Cheetos, yeah. Just like a just a reed-o chip, just fucking throwing it. Yeah, you got it more quarters. Throwing the fucking quarters down the fucking shoot.
Starting point is 00:52:07 And we mostly discovered that in New York, they don't have real burritos. Like they don't have Mexican food out there. Not everything's hot. Is that a halal but never moving there? So, yeah, dude. Yeah, so we went to this like, kiosk in the middle of the street
Starting point is 00:52:19 and this like a little shop where they sell pizza, they sell donuts, everything there. It was like, it was a freaking golden find, right? Yeah, yeah. And then on the menu, I saw burrito, super burrito. And I'm like, shit, fuck, that's what I want. I want a burrito. Super burrito, so I get it.
Starting point is 00:52:33 And I take a bite of it, I'm like, Rob, you got a taste of shit, dude. This ain't no freaking burrito, man. And remember, I'm Mexican, Doc. I know this kind of shit. You get a couple of fast ones over the street. They use the halal meat. They use the halal meat from whatever they use to make a fake burrito.
Starting point is 00:52:49 What? Yeah, I totally jipped it. I'm like, what is it? Why would New York not have burritos? Because it's not Mexicans, it's not Mexicans. It's not Mexicans, it's not Mexicans. And California has the best burritos ever. I've heard even everybody in California is even better than Southern.
Starting point is 00:53:05 That's a that's a debate if you it's a debate. Yeah, but we got some we got to know you could drive up and down McKee and Santa Clara bro and you could hit at least. Oh, no, no, no, no, go in the hood, a lot of people what they're doing now is they're converting their garages into small little makeshift restaurant. That's true. And they're making them right out of their,
Starting point is 00:53:29 out of their, like, fried eggs, fresh tacos, like the, yeah, the fresh tacos, and then you got the Mexican family just coming in there. That's the part where you gotta get in there. Here's the formula, the shittier, the shithole looks. Yep. The better the Mexican food. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:53:42 The small little garbage, and you look inside and it looks like Aunt, you know, Aunt Juanita, and she's in the back cooking, and she's like 75 years old. You know you're about to eat some amazing. Yeah. Amazing. Yeah. And you guys see Takaria Corona right there on White Road.
Starting point is 00:53:56 No. On the east side, no. Right next to that self-car wash. No. Old school, oh, dude. Well, yeah, that's, it looks like shit. Yeah. But you go in there and you have a burrito. It's like the size of this thing right here. It's. Oh, dude. Well, yeah, that's it looks like shit. Yeah, but you go in there and you have a burrito It's like the size of this thing right here. It's like delicious, dude. Yeah, oh
Starting point is 00:54:10 Amazing, Doug. What are we looking on time here? Do you know where out here? Beautiful are well, uh, we got asked we got to ask Johnny. He had he had this and we're so this is a major announcement He's told me he was gonna save something for the show and I was really curious to what it had to deal with. First time in history? Yeah, first time in history. Tell us what you're doing. Let's go on down, bro. Well, I pretty much, I'm going to transition to two 12 bodybuilding. Oh, yeah. I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to waste time. So you're the first physique competitor ever
Starting point is 00:54:45 ever to do that to go from physique, like a pro physique to bodybuilding. And are you, are they gonna let you compete in pro? How does this all work? Well, I didn't even know how it would happen. And then I had to investigate because I thought I would have to get out of the IFBB pro league and go back to the NPC and work my way up and get my pro card in bodybuilding Well, I've talked to a few of the some a few very well-known judges and some people that are
Starting point is 00:55:13 Connected with the IFBB and they said no once you're a pro once you're an IFBB pro you can go into whatever division you want to do Holy shit, that's a myth. So you're gonna to be able to compete against the right away, right away. Yeah, it's a big deal, guys, because when you guys, a body builder pro card is so, so much tougher to get than a mens physique pro card. Yeah. And it's it's going to be, and I've expressed this, Johnny, it's going to be amazing to kind of see the reaction that that bodybuilders get from Johnny. It almost sounds like you're gonna start,
Starting point is 00:55:49 you might start a flood of people trying to go. Yeah, you know, but you gotta be able to hang though. Yeah, that's a thing, you gotta be able to hang. So, as a training partner and as a friend of Johnny, you know, if this is something that he was gonna make this transition, there's no half-ass in it, you know, and I mean, especially now that he's announced it, you know what I mean, he's got to go full bore, you know, taking that year to years off to compete because I mean, you
Starting point is 00:56:14 got to, you just got to get bigger. But you were just saying how you've been basically fighting to not get bigger. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Here's the thing is, you know, I started out bodybuilding. I started my whole career in this sport starting out It started out as a bodybuilder. So my foundation as a bodybuilder has already it's already been there, you know
Starting point is 00:56:31 I've trained the legs. I've done shows. I've been on stage before at a smaller weight or a lighter weight And I know that I have the genetics for bodybuilding because I've competed in it totally totally so then I When I compete in men's physique, I didn't really say, oh, dude, I want to become men's physique pro. I just wanted to compete in it and see where it went and the next thing you know, I turned pro the next month. And it's like, okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:56:56 And at the time, I was coming off of like a seven year hiatus of not competing. So my physique was a lot smaller. Well, you put someone like me back in the gym every day, day in and day out, living the bodybuilding lifestyle, and my genetics just grow, you know, and that's where I'm at. That's where I've been at for the past two years, and now that my physique has gone to this size,
Starting point is 00:57:17 it's like, I can't get any smaller. I mean, I'm already not training my arms. I'm not already not training my back. I'm already not training my legs. Training is not fun anymore. I'm diet not training my arms. I'm not already not training my back. I'm already not training my legs. Training is not fun anymore. I'm dieting like a bikini competitor. I'm eating minimal calories. And I'm doing two hours of cardio a day,
Starting point is 00:57:33 just to keep my physique small, right? But then I thought, you know what? What if I take a year off and just let my body grow and train my arms the way I want to train them? Train my legs the way I want to train them. Train my legs the way I want to train them and eat like a bodybuilder. I could definitely know with ease put on 15 to 20 pounds because I'm letting my body go in the direction it wants to go. I'm letting it thrive. And I'm a bodybuilder in board shorts
Starting point is 00:58:00 and that's the way it is, man. And I have really good feeling that, you know, since I've never been able to give my body a chance to reach its maximal potential as a bodybuilder, and now that I'm closer to it, I have a good feeling that, you know, I'm not only going to crossover, but I feel that I'm going to do pretty good in the 2.12 class. I'm not going to beat out Flex Lewis, I'm not gonna beat out the top level guys right now, but I feel like I'm gonna bring a good shape.
Starting point is 00:58:32 I feel like I'm gonna bring a good package. I'm definitely not gonna bring the biggest package on stage, but I looked at the guy who took second place at the New York Pro, his name is Kim Jun Ho, he's from Korea. He took second place there, New York Pro, his name is Kim Jun Ho, he's from Korea. He took second place there weighing in at 176 pounds with great lines, great shape, great conditioning. He beat out guys who were way into 12, 205, 210.
Starting point is 00:58:56 And when I saw that happen, I was like, okay, this could go, this could work, you know. Do you have an idea of what you're going to want, what your weight, what your goal weight is going to be to compete at? Well, with holding my, with limiting myself and the training and my food, I'm at 165 on stages as men's physique competitor. I think with, if I go full force with everything and give myself a year to pack on size, I think I'd probably step on stage at about 180, 185. Damn.
Starting point is 00:59:23 And for me, I've been told, and you guys can probably agree with me that I tell you, okay, I look, I weigh about 155, 160, maybe 165 on my heaviest, right? But you would be like, no way, dude, your structure, you look like you're 180, 190. Yeah, you look bigger. So I think by adding 5, 10 pounds, I could get away with it on stage and it could look like I'm 200 pounds. Yeah, you know, because of my shape and my insertions and muscle belly. So I have a good feeling about it. And I finally feel like I'm going to be myself and I finally feel like I'm like a set free bird and you know I'm just
Starting point is 01:00:06 super excited man to just bring that to the stage and also just excited because I'll be the first men's physique pro to ever ever ever cross over into bodybuilding and I just I have a feeling that a big huge buzz is going to happen within the industry it's going to be a good buzz and I bet you a lot of people are going to wait to see how you do what happens. And then if you do well, you're going to see that you started, you're going to start a trend. Right. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:00:35 There's going to be a lot of guys who are going to say, oh, Johnny did it, you know. And so the men's fizzy competitors who started out as men's fizzy competitors and ever competed in bodybuilding, they're going to have to really, really think about things because they're going to say, wait a minute, I haven't been training my legs at all, you know, going into this, going into men's physique. And now I want to do this. I got a big huge upper body, you know, but can I hang with the legs department? Yeah, you'll get killed if you ain't got nothing else.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Especially in bodybuilding. We know that wheels are everything in bodybuilding. Right. So it's the guys who have competed in bodybuilding competitions prior to men's physique, who did fairly well, who would have a chance at doing it. I think this just kind of helps open the eyes up and just kind of creates a brand new division. You know what I mean? Like a division between a physique and, because honestly, all of us pros are getting bigger.
Starting point is 01:01:29 You know what I mean? It's just happening. It's just what's happening. And if we're not getting bigger, we're busting balls to get smaller. You know what I mean? So I'm kind of hoping that we end up, you know, there's a new division
Starting point is 01:01:39 that actually kind of looks out after us, because that'd be fun. Let's show legs. Let's show. I have a theory on a new division. And I don't think a new division will come out anytime soon because you got to keep in mind that bodybuilding was dying before Mans Fizzy came out. Okay. It was not. It was, it was a sport where it's like the teenager looked at these huge guys and they're like, there's no way I could look like Ronnie Coleman. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:05 So the reason why they developed the men's physique division was to draw in a crowd for people who could achieve a certain, what's doing that like crazy? Oh, it's not that. That's achievable, right? And look what happened. The sport is alive. Sponsors everywhere. Shows are making money.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Money, money, money, everywhere, right? If they develop this new division of bodybuilders slash the classical physique, it's going to be just like bodybuilding, you know what I mean? So they're going away from the reason why they competed, they develop mens physique. On top of that, you got to look at who's being rewarded lately at the shows, is it the bigger guys or is it the smaller guys if you look at it More the smaller guys are rewarded now, right more the smaller guys again rewarded so they're they're they're they're funneling it and Watch mark my words watch the guys who get their pro cards at the national level this year
Starting point is 01:02:58 It's gonna be the smaller aesthetic Athletic looking guys. Oh, yeah,, well I picked up on that real fast and I always like it when I know there's gonna be another two or three big guys up there so it doesn't make me look so big. Cause I look terrible when I have four dudes and I've been in shows like that where no guy even is even close to my size
Starting point is 01:03:20 and then I see the guy that wins and I'm like, oh my god, like really? But they're trying to make that point. Yeah, it does It sucks for the guys like us, you know what I mean that I mean it's only natural you go to the gym You're gonna get bigger, you know what I mean? And what sucks is you have guys that have been doing this now for you know Years now not just the last year. We're gonna get bigger. It's just gonna happen, right? Yeah, right it's bodybuilding. That's why it's called bodybuilding. George Ferris said it goes This is the sport of bodybuilding.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Every time you step on stage, you're supposed to be better and bigger. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, question. What, name your favorite bodybuilder of all time? Ooh. Yeah, like when you look at,
Starting point is 01:03:57 I know, you have some good input on this too, because you know your bodybuilding is. Oh, I love it, I love it. But yeah, I mean, in the 90s, I was of course, I was a huge fan of the 90s. So I mean, when I first started out, man, because of because he had the same physique as me, I mean, I likely priest. Oh, I love his insertions and everything. Crazy long muscle bellies. But then I started getting into like the, the look in the structure. I saw Sean Rae's look. And I'm like, I love Sean's, Sean Rae's
Starting point is 01:04:22 look. Then I started getting into men's physique. And I started going back old school. And I'm like, I love Sean's race, Sean race, look. Then I started getting to Men's Fuseek, and I started going back old school, and I'm like, I actually like Bob Paris' body. Bob Paris was a nice boy. I mean, I thought he was more aesthetic than Frank Zane. I was saying Frank Zane's pretty sick, though. Well, the thing about Paris had bigger legs than Zane. That's so he looked more bodybuilder-ish.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Right. Frank Zane didn't really weigh that much. No. He was like, well, 170s, I think? 180 right, right? They didn't really weigh that much. No, he was like well 170s I think 180s if I'm not One 80 yeah Yeah, I was a huge fan. I still am a huge fan of I think in his top condition Was Kevin LeBron. I think he was oh I think he was the best uncrowned yeah the best uncrowned bodybuilder crazy triceps He's dealt his dealt to his wheels,
Starting point is 01:05:05 and he's just, he looked, I don't remember what contest it was the night, I think it was a 97 classic or Olympia, and he just looked, I mean, just, What was this again, Dorian? It might have been, I don't remember,
Starting point is 01:05:16 you know, but then you, I mean, look at the people who were competing back then, you had flex thrown it in there, and flex was another guy. Yeah, flex was another guy. I think we were, I think we looked amazing, and then he started to look kind of crappy afterwards. But in the beginning he looked when like when you won the Arnold Classic his first classic.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Oh my god. That he looked like a cartoon character. Yeah. Yeah. And I watched the video Kevin the Vrony recently and he was like, you know what competitors he goes, I look at the guys on stage nowadays. He goes, I don't see the conditioning. It's gone. No, nobody hit the 90s. The conditioning is not there anymore.
Starting point is 01:05:48 And then he goes, nobody wants to die at like we used to die at. He goes, I used to do no carbs for like four weeks. You know, no, no, seven days. He said, I would go no carbs for seven days. And then I would do all fish for four weeks. And he goes, he goes, that's that's all I did. And he goes, I did. That's just the way we dieted back then. And... Hey, nobody reaching level conditioning, like... Andreas Munster or...
Starting point is 01:06:14 Well, wait a minute. I mean, what do you think these... I think Mens-Fizika has a really push in the limits on conditioning ones. No. I think... I think... I think... I mean, I think... I think the new trend of these younger competitors
Starting point is 01:06:26 doing the doing the if it fits your macros and eating these process I think you know I think that I I I even do if it fits your macros in the offseason, you know, offseason But when it comes contest prep when it comes contest prep If there's no need I would crossfit when it comes contest prep I feel like you listen to our show Contest prep and you got like Kevin LaVroni. You got Sean Ray. You got Ronnie Coleman who all ate the same It was it was there's no secret about it. It's chicken breast, you know, freaking rice or whatever it was in Asparagus and it was yeah, plain and boring, whatever. But they got them bone dry, got them strided glutes and it was hard and there's no need to reinvent
Starting point is 01:07:19 the wheel. You know what I mean? Do you guys prefer when you're dieting to get really, really, do you prefer a lower fat or a lower carb diet? Because I know there's a lot of, because some guys like the low carb high fat, right? And then there's guys I know, like, I think Cutler used to diet and have a lot more carbs than most guys, but he would go low fat. Yeah, yeah. Well, Cutler was coached by Chris Isito.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Chris Isito is a high carb. High carb rider goes fat. And I've gotten both ways where you, where I've done the high fat moderate protein and the moderate protein high carb. For me personally, I like the higher carb with a carb cycle where you bring it down really low and then refeed with high carbs, but keeping my fats low the entire time.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Why? Because I feel that throughout my prep in the gym, I have a better pump. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat, but I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat, but I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat.
Starting point is 01:08:18 I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high-fat. I prefer to be able to do it with high I feel flat. I don't have a pump. I don't feel like I'm progressing, but I always kept mine. But it's all good. What matters is how you look like on stage on the day of the show. It doesn't matter how you look now.
Starting point is 01:08:36 So I know that when I load the carbs in at the very, very end, I'll be nice and plump where I need to be. But I don't want to, I'm not competing to look good just the day of the show. I wanna compete because I wanna enjoy this journey. Yeah, you wanna enjoy it with myself and the mirror. And look at myself and get shredded and every week I'm getting more and more shredded.
Starting point is 01:08:52 So with carb cycling, that's what worked for me. Also, carb cycling allowed me, I think, to constantly keep my metabolism thriving. It's, you know, no hitting plateaus. If I hit a plateau, I would do a refeed and my metabolism would just spark right back up Well, you know it just for our listeners who don't compete and this is something I've always recommended. I think your carbs should match your activity level. Oh, yeah Yeah, so if you're if you know if you're you have a day job and it's at a computer all day and you'll work out a couple days a week at the gym
Starting point is 01:09:21 You don't need that many carbs. No now being said, for athletes, it's a fact, I don't give a sh- we can debate this all day long, but it's an absolute fact that you're gonna perform better with some carbs. So you need them in order to perform, and that's what Johnny's talking about. When he's lifting weights, he's getting a better pump, he probably feels stronger,
Starting point is 01:09:40 because he's eating some of those carbohydrates. Correct. It is. I also have something that's coming on that too. After I'm done competing, when I'm retired, I'm gonna wanna just look good and shredded and lean year round. I'm not gonna eat nearly as many carbs as I eat now. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Because I just wanna look good with the least amount of work. Right. And for anyone like my coworkers who ask me, Hey, Johnny, I just wanna look good, this and that. I type them up pretty much more of a ketogenic diet. Right, right, right. Because if you think about it, the body carbohydrates, carbohydrates are not essential.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Fat and protein are essential, right? I mean, the K-mand in, wake up and say, oh, I'm going to eat from a bread tree. You know, he didn't say, I'm going to eat from a bread tree. He ate some nuts, you know, or whatever. Some little berries maybe once in a breetry. He ate some nuts, you know or whatever some little berries Maybe once in a while, but mostly meat and fat, you know, so Anyway, that's a whole different topic. Yeah, it is well. I'll tell you what I don't know if you guys want to cover Anything else, but this has been absolute pleasure brother. Oh, we're gonna have to bring him on more. She's gonna picture. Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:43 Yeah, we got we got I have we got to have you on more you get one like this. You're jive right off. He's all flexing and shit What yeah, when I was arms are like so this is how we're gonna do it I'm gonna stand in the front and then about six feet back Johnny's gonna flex because I don't want this because I can't be seen. I was in a little Yeah, we'll take one after we're done, but yeah, basically, Johnny announced he will be going into compete as a professional bodybuilder. You heard it here first on Mind Pump.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Quarter turn to the right. That's it. Thanks for tuning in. Listen to the next episode where Adam reveals his favorite pub-saving techniques. Excellent. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Until next time, this is Mind Pump. you

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