Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 096: Natalia Fermin- IFBB Pro Figure Competitor

Episode Date: June 12, 2015

The MindPump studio is filled with testosterone. In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin interview their first female guest, Natalia Fermin. Natalia is a badass IFBB Pro Figure Competitor. Were the boys ...gentle with her? Did she stand her ground? Find out in this episode. Oh, and just how badass is she? EFX 2012 San Jose championships women's figure A- First Place EFX 2012 San Jose championships women's figure- Overall Winner 2013 NPC Contra Costa figure championships women's figure A- First Place 2012 NPC Contra Costa figure championships women's figure- Overall Champion GNC 2013 California state championships women's figure A- First Place 2013 NPC USA- 9th Place 2014 Bodybuilding.com 2014 NPC USA CHAMPIONSHIPS FIGURE OPEN B- 2nd Place 2015 (Pro Debut) IFBB PRO California Governor's cup pro master figure- 4th place

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys. What up? Yes. What does all these things, you ready? You can have the guests, you guys ready? I already have a couple of guests, it's just because you're the one who's doing a vibrator. No, close, close, but here we go.
Starting point is 00:00:11 Okay, okay. You get better insulin sensitivity, leptin sensitivity, ghrelin levels, lapolisis and fat oxidation, metabolic rate goes up. Cellular repair increases neurogenesis, you know what that is? Yes. New brain cell growth.
Starting point is 00:00:26 You maintain and gain lean muscle. You increase neuroponephrine and epinephrine levels. You get better glucagean levels. Growth hormone secretion goes up. Calorie partitioning gets better. It actually increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Check this out, I'm not even done. Lower body fat,
Starting point is 00:00:43 lowers your risk for metabolic disease, lower chronic inflammation, blood pressure, oxidative stress, risk for cancer, blood lipids, blood glucose levels, insulin levels, and food related stress. Dear God, is it a Xenodrine? No. Heavy, heavy masturbation.
Starting point is 00:00:59 No, not that, and it's not unicorn poop. That's what I guess. This must be unicorn poop, because that's the only thing. It's a miracle poop. Outcome fasting. Fasting does all of this. But why is fasting so sexy now? It just because we're sexy and we're talking about it.
Starting point is 00:01:15 That must be it. That's the truth. Fasting works great. Here's the problem. Athletes don't know how to do it right. Yeah, yeah. Don't you wish there was a guide that could teach you how to fast,
Starting point is 00:01:24 get all those benefits and increase athletic performance? I wish. Guess what? We got one. It's here and it's not a thousand dollars. No. Twenty-seven dollars. MindPumpRadio.com click on the yellow button for 27 bucks you get a fasting guide that breaks it all down for you. Do it now. Get it man. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Well, you want me to start over, and I said, I don't really talk about your nasty ass hairy legs and everybody talks about that. They're not that hairy dude. How are we recording, Doug? Oh, we are we are here. Okay, listen They're not my headaches are not that hairy. No, they're they're they're extremely not only you know when they're bad Bro when people when people on Instagram pointed out nobody's pointed my hair legs out. Are you kidding me? I do not do not read you're post. No nobody talks about all tag you don't trip You've had at least three people say something about your hairy eyes. My hair. You're a very coarse. Yeah, I don't trip you've had at least three people say something about your hairy ass like my hairy legs very course Yeah, I don't know, but I think they're sexy
Starting point is 00:02:27 Well, if you're into that thing and you know what they're in the 70s women like that ship Or they were all into the like the hairier the more masculine. Yeah, it's like the magnum P. I have legs Why don't we ask the girl? Oh, yeah, that's great. That's in the room. Yes If hairy legs are it turn off or if it's a new period man's keeping all said what? No, no, not just man's capes And you make you know like you don't fucking take care of anything. Well, it's very simple. It's it's hair no hair No, no don't have an on turn off Okay, so I think hair on legs is good unless you're a swimmer or you have like some wrestling
Starting point is 00:02:59 Tournament or bodybuilding competition. Yeah, it looks like it looks like I won that one It appears to me that I actually won that one. Okay, well we're not stopping there though. Adam, do you swim? Do you swim a wrestle? I compete. She said competing to bodybuilding counts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:15 All right, so because right now you're poking the shit out of what you're interested in. What about the pubic range? Is that like what's appropriate for a male? What do you like? Is it need to be like trangles on? No, it's shaved. What do you like to do?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Planned each tree. Just like trimmed. Wow. You can trim your balls, but then shave everything else. Oh, okay. Okay. See, I don't listen Adam. You know what testosterone does to you bro?
Starting point is 00:03:38 It makes you grow hair. You know what I'm saying? Which is why you got the men's caper. Yeah, but that's why you should let this be a head. The sun and water make sure fucking lawn grow. Doesn't mean you don man's cape, bro. Yeah, but that's why you should look at what in the edges. The sun and water makes your fucking lawn grow. It doesn't mean you don't mull it, bro.
Starting point is 00:03:48 You fucking take care of that. I'm in. Or else you have the fucking. Dude, it's function over form all day. Listen, bro, I don't look like Chubaka. Okay, but I don't wax myself, like you do. I don't wax myself either. I've never waxed myself before.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I manscape. I have clippers that are designed to take everything down to a Manageable look so it's just like mowing your lawn Bro when I said you come over my house you become more my house and you walk on my lawn It's what what's your Gillette like who's who's your who's your guy? Oh, no, yeah a peanut What peanut bro if you have to hair style so hair style to tell you a peanut It's the best thing for you to like keep your your five o'clock shadow What the fuck is a peanut? It's just a brand. It's a brand of a clipper that's small to tell you a peanut is the best thing for you to like keep your your five o'clock shadow and what the fuck is a peanut?
Starting point is 00:04:25 It's just a brand, it's a brand of a clipper that's small but very powerful. Oh, yeah. Well, and if you, now you know, of course you guys don't know, you know, this is like the end of GI Joe, you know what I mean when they're like, you know, he's half the battle. Thank you Adam for that. We should introduce our guests. Well, let's fucking start this thing. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Welcome to Mind Pump. We have a, our first, you are, you are fucking start this thing. Let's do it. Yeah, welcome to mind pump. We have a our first you are you are our first female First lady not only the first female guest I think she's the first girl to ever be in this room to ever ever put up with us. Yeah, and thanks for having me This is my her name is Natalia Furman. She is an IF BB figure professional boom and She's a badass. I've actually known her for a long time. How long have I known you, Mattel?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Wow, I don't know. We'd have to date that, but since. Seventh grade? Yeah. Seventh grade. Damn. I feel like she's almost ashamed of it and she's mentioned to me that long.
Starting point is 00:05:18 She's like, I need to tell her after his last. Tell me we're gonna put this on air that I actually've known you that long. We actually know each other. I don't wanna make that. Bro, you can ask all the questions you want bro If you want yeah, you want to find out all the dirt about sound good. There's no dirt Well, we we already know I'm sure she can come for was he a nerd was he nerd? You meet him in the library. Oh, was he cool? Was he a cool kid? Or was he a nerdy kid in school?
Starting point is 00:05:36 Kind of nerdy. Yeah, we both are we're in band Together We were the smart so that's in fact in Fletz and he mentioned was real. He was a fluzie flute player. Actually, I was a flute player. He played the clarinet. No, trumpet. Oh, the trumpet.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Trumpet. Trumpet. That's right. And that is slightly more masculine than the flute, bro. Just like one notch. You got the flute is the most feminine, perfect thing for a woman. It's perfect for a woman. Yeah. And then then it goes Clarenette. Who's that rock and roll didn't jethro toll or someone play the flute? You know what's fun you know it's about one what he's a fucking rock star
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yeah, if you were a rock star, you could play whatever you want So so you're you're in pre contest mode, right? Natalia. Yeah, I love and weeks out to the Tahoe Pro. It's August 22nd. Tahoe Pro. Great. Have you done any of their shows? Have you done Tahoe or Fregno? No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:06:31 We're gonna love it. I will. It was one of the best shows that I did Lou Fregno, same people put it on. And it was probably one of the most professional and as far as expediting and organization. So I think you're gonna enjoy it. Thanks. So diet-wise're gonna enjoy it. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:06:45 So diet-wise, how do you use your diet normally breakdown? Do you do the typical low carb, carb cycling? Do you get super tight with your diet as you get closer to the show or does it just go straight out, straight out, 12 weeks out hardcore? No, I do this carb cycling. And then as I get closer to the show,
Starting point is 00:07:03 things start being pulled like water and you know fish and That's all I eat. Mm-hmm. So you so I got an interesting little story about Natalia. So Natalia First of all, you're looking at her now and she's obviously a figure competitor very developed great muscle shape, right very lean she looked Not like this, but she looked almost like this always. Like as long as I've known her, she's got ridiculous. You know, we talk about like super genes. She has super genes.
Starting point is 00:07:35 She was like the fastest kid in school, I think, forever, right? Yeah. There might have been one dude that could beat you in high school. There was. It must have been demoralizing. Yeah, gonna do so.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Bro, especially you, Sal. Bro, first of all, I'm not that fast of a runner unless I'm being chased, but she runs like a zebra. She's so fast. And I think was either, did I get you into like, did I, was I the first one to tell you you need to compete or you've got the jeans for this? Yes, you were the first, yeah. Yeah. So she, what was it? Was it when you came to my gym? Yeah. Yes, you were the first, yeah. Yeah, so what was it?
Starting point is 00:08:06 Was it when you came to my gym? Yeah. Yeah, so she came to my gym and I think you were asking me questions about exercise and we talked about diet and you ate a lot of skittles, was it? Skittles, gummy bears, drive-through Carl's Jr. Yes. But dude, she walked in, bro. I swore to go, she walked in looking better than like 90% of the of the competitors out there
Starting point is 00:08:27 Let's definitely those good you know I sure then and I remember this I look like shit when I ate those things All the muscle pulls off my body and it goes right to my little belly Then I look like a little Indian guy. Yeah skinny ass arms and a little That's exactly what happened to the Skittles and Carl's junior diet does exactly that to me. That was not offensive. And nice. But she walked in looking crazy and then she told me, yeah, I can't even Carl's junior
Starting point is 00:08:52 and I'm like, you need to compete because if you look like this. Yeah, if you're eating that and you look like that for sure. Double C. How soon after that did you start training or what was the process? Would you do it to just start on your own or did you end up hiring someone?
Starting point is 00:09:04 I hired someone and then that was just for like a few weeks just to see what they would teach me in the gym, things that I don't know when it comes to like, strategics and just little different tricks. And so that really didn't go that well. And so I just took off my own and then I made a bet, like, okay, I just have to do this one day. And so I was shy for many, many years
Starting point is 00:09:23 and then one day came and I just jumped on stage kind of as a joke and things got real. Which one was your first contest? It was a San Jose show 2012. How'd you do on that first contest? I won first in my class and took the overall. Did you get overall on your first show? First show. Yeah. first just like smack down. Yeah, first place in your classes, one thing, but first place overall on your very first show is pretty damn impressive. And let's be real here on it. Figures think that.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Editive. Figures very. Oh, yeah, no, very much so. And it's very challenging too, because women already are at a disadvantage when it comes to building muscle. I mean, because they have estrogen, they don't have as much testosterone as we do.
Starting point is 00:10:03 So that's already challenging. But to get on stage, you're very, very first show. And because you can even have the best body. And a lot of times will not reward you a first place. And most certainly, your first place overall, unless your stage presence is on point two. So you obviously rocked it. You're very first time, which is pretty cool. That's that's freaking awesome. Thanks. How now after that, like, that must have been a shock to you to win your first. It was a shock. I was going to leave after I took first place.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I'm like, OK, I'm done. You know, that's literally walking out. And then one of the ushers, I guess, the stage helped. They said, what are you doing? Come for an overall. And I literally said, what's an overall? So I dropped my trophy, broke the leg on it, and then just dropped my sweats and went on stage
Starting point is 00:10:43 and just kind of going, what am I doing here? And yeah, and then to come with sword. Wow. Nick, right. Where do you get, so where do your muscle building genes come from? Mom, dad, both. It's a combination of both. Yeah, I have the muscles for my dad and the shape for my mom.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Oh, say, you won. You won. You mentioned having a coach before. So how many, and if you don't mind me asking, because I know a lot of the coaches and teams, how many teams and coaches have you been a part of and belong to? Who have you all worked with? Only two. Who?
Starting point is 00:11:13 I would just like to say where am I right now. Yeah. Let's cyber body shop with Matt Allen. He's been the bus and I've been with him for four years. Okay. He's the one who actually took me to the show. So I've been with him ever since I've started competing. Oh, okay. Yeah. Nice you are you sponsored at the moment? Who sponsors you?
Starting point is 00:11:29 It's everybody's shop. Oh, same place. Yeah, and then Max Muscle. Awesome. Oh, good deal. So is it like when you turn pro, do you all of a sudden get phone calls? How does that work? Do like people start calling you like, hey, you're a pro. We want to work with you? Or is it just not that big of a? It's a little bit of both. You can have that happen and it has happened. And then I was even approached before I turned pro. And it was just because of the industry and the connections that I had and my interest in it. So there's a lot of people who are not pros who have tons of sponsors and they're just doing
Starting point is 00:11:58 amazing. And then there's some pros who they're just doing on their own. That's not. Now, you, you're, we talked earlier, you're a massage therapist. You've been doing that for a long time. Yes. And do you find that massage helps you with what you do either on stage or with your training, you know, in terms of knowing the body and, you know, my alfash release loosening muscles
Starting point is 00:12:19 up? Is that something that you would consider it's important? Because I've heard competitors say getting massage was, you know, instrumental in developing their physique. I would highly agree. Yes. 100%. What kind of massage is the best for that?
Starting point is 00:12:33 You know, it depends on where you're at with your muscles because there's certain times, I think you should always get a massage first of all, but then there's different kinds that you should get. And it just depends on how your body is. Honestly, if you, I would say deep tissue all the way until maybe you're, when you're in prep, when you're in your 12-week prep, 12-week should be deep tissue massages,
Starting point is 00:12:52 but then you should get a relaxing one too, you know, when you're off stage, just to calm your mind and just relax your body, it's not always grinding hard, so. What is it, now Adam, your girlfriend's a... I was just gonna ask her what if you went to the school you didn't go to the school over here off a bird did you I did you did yeah so you know the Garcia is very well then yeah that's yeah that's my girlfriend oh yeah she's amazing
Starting point is 00:13:16 oh my god yeah that's yeah I went when they were teaching so yes that's amazing yeah I know they own that they just actually sold for the they sold it to about two years ago. They had it in like 30 years in the family. Yeah, so that's my girl. That's funny. I think that's the first, because she's in the area by far the most recognized certification place. In fact, for the longest time,
Starting point is 00:13:35 she was the only place that you can get certified. So how the feeling of there might be, I, you're connected to a lot of people. And I was trolling through your Instagram the other day. And saw you rog and Lisa, I really good friends. I love them. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And then I'm sure if you're with cyber that you know Mike and Janine, so Mike and Janine are good friends of mine. So who else I see? You saw all kinds of people that were connected to. Yeah. That's pretty cool. So you do personal training also.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I do. You just started, you said? I just started. How is it so far? You have clients? I do. And it's awesome. Is it like way different? It's different than training yourself, right?
Starting point is 00:14:09 Completely different. I think I train my clients better than I train myself. Yeah. 100%. 100%. So, what kind of challenges that you've noticed with training or? I'm going to say diet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Because everybody's body is built different. and I don't work with any competitors. So just knowing, you know, someone's just been on account, and they want to get up from that, that's confusing for someone like me who's always been working out since I've been seven. So I had to learn a lot about the basics. Yeah, because it's one thing to work with someone who's highly motivated, like a competitor, then you work with just like an average job. Night and day difference, for sure.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I was just going to ask too, what's your, I always find it very challenging when you, you think about ourselves, like, you know, if you take someone like you, and for example, or vice versa, if you're coaching me, and you say, Adam, do this, do this, do that. It's like, it's not a question of, I don't want to do it, or I don't like that, or oh, I messed up, because I had this in, it was do this, do this, do that. It's like, it's not a question of, I don't wanna do it or I don't like that or,
Starting point is 00:15:05 oh, I messed up because I had this in, it was a long day at work, but as a trainer, here come all those, you know, you get excuses 24, seven, that definitely challenge, I think it's very challenging being a trainer and also being in the competing world where it's not about that, it's not about like, I don't wanna do it or I don't like to do it. It's just like, you just need to know and then you give these people
Starting point is 00:15:25 the great information and then the half the battle, I'd have to say is probably them not following through or not doing what you tell them to do, right? Exactly. Yeah, for sure. I have a question, I've always wondered this. I know obviously you're competing your own stage, you're showing off your physique,
Starting point is 00:15:41 you're definitely gonna have some fans. Do girls get dudes that kind of become like groupies where they just every picture, yes, okay, you're not even. It goes both ways, girls and guys. Oh, you got girl groupies and guy groupies. Any weird funny stories and crazy stories from guys or girls, I don't know. She can add what your last, what your last,
Starting point is 00:16:04 what your last, what your last, what your last, what your last, what your last, what your last, what your last, what your last, what your last what your last prepy DM you've gotten what your last creepy DM. Yeah, of course, yes, of course we get that. That yeah, that's you've gotten dick pics. I have wins elastic. Pick it up. Couple days ago. Oh my god. Oh, let's see if let's see the racial case.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So if you've heard Adam Adam has a formula. Here is a formula. Yeah, so I this is I tell these guys all the time. You're not insta famous as a male until you receive four cockpicks and one vagina pick a week So that's kind of my ratio. So I wonder what it is on the female ratio like how would you flip that around? You know for vagina's one. No, I don't think so I think it's different because guys are more in South talk about this a little bit Either big floods the market. Yeah, yeah I mean vagina is like the golden the gold gold. It'd be like 10 cocks.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah, it's like for, it took me forever. I think I had to get to like 20 or 30,000 people before I saw a vagina finally. It's like I got cock right away. I was right away as soon as I started doing Instagram. It wasn't, I was now on the Instagram market, but more than maybe like, I don't know, six months and then my thing was flooded with cock.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And it was like, took me a year before I finally saw some vaginas coming. So I was care, how fast would, how fast did the cock pictures come and do you ever saw some vaginas coming. So I was how fast would help fast the cock pictures come? And do you ever get sent vaginas from other women? Okay. So the cock pictures really just started happening recently. And I have no idea why I don't know why. I maybe I just learned how to use that Instagram thing.
Starting point is 00:17:19 But I don't know. And then as for the Vajejays, yeah, that's been happening since like my space. Oh my God. Adam. She is a vagina OG. Yeah, she's so giant. So we get this is crazy here. I don't think we realize what just happened.
Starting point is 00:17:38 She shattered our theory completely destroyed it. No, no, no, no, because we are theory was that cock floods the market. They're just everywhere. That was your theory. But she's been getting the jays, like crazy, all over the place. And then just recently started getting the dicks. Yeah. This is OK now.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That's why this is such a great, great top. I'm so glad she's here right now because I don't think it's shattered your theory. Adam is very adamant. This is something he's very, I'm very passionate about. I'm very passionate about it. That's what lady is this. I want to get like a picture of this You creep you said like I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm creepy you got all comfortable on your seat
Starting point is 00:18:13 It's pretty hot, you know, like that changes the game. Yeah, that's that's so good So if I'm a guy and I'm sending my cock to you and you receive this are you do Do you respond to me do you not say are you do Do you respond to me? Do you not say anything? Do you say something funny to me? Do you let me down really? I was like, hey, you know, I've seen much better than that or what do you do? What do you do when you get it? Do you just ignore it or do you do you respond sometimes? It depends on how it's delivered So if I if I deliver it with like some like a little charisma to it I have somebody who would like to meet you. I have a sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Exactly. I have a sense of humor, you know. I'm in wrong people and so I'm definitely putting myself out there. So when I get things back, I feel flatter and it's nice, you know, and I just, you know, I'm thankful and I kind of make a little comment back but that's pretty much it. I'm not going to carry on.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Can I just say I have a- You're about to get a whole bunch of dick-iccatches. No, I'm just scared. So not going to carry on. Can I just say I love you? You're about to get a whole bunch of dickic messages. No, I just, after this guy, you're going to get a- Can I just say I love her attitude and I appreciate her because nothing annoys me more than girls that are really good looking that do put your out there on Instagram. You have a lot of bikini pics and things like that. And they're like repulse that people send them stuff like, oh, no, no, no, another guy sent me the- it's like bitch, be happy sent you your dick you know you can be on the
Starting point is 00:19:27 other side of the boat nobody's gonna talk right at least you get some cocks into your way I will say this I will vouch I've known her for a long time she's one of the coolest people like she doesn't trip out like it's not nothing's not that big of a deal she's super cool and so that's just classic Natalia that's good to know heading into this interview right now because yeah things are about to take a left Are you gonna elaborate even more at them? What are we talking? No, I just I I feel like my my brains in a explode because we've done like 80 something episodes and so many times that we've referred to like
Starting point is 00:19:56 God, I wish you know a female perspective I was trying to kind of go back like well. Here's one for you, Dex. We talked one time about men approaching you in the gym. Is there a way, if you're working out, which obviously with a competitor, you're somebody who takes their workouts very seriously, is there a chance I'm getting your number at all? If I see you cross the gym and I'm like, okay, she's pretty hot.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And I'm like, oh, okay, should I approach you? Yeah, what would be the way to? Can I even approach you? Or would you be like, no, get away, I'm working out? If I'm would be the what would be the way to can it first? I can't even approach you or would you be like no get away. I'm working out If I'm coming into the gym or leaving the gym maybe or by the water otherwise Maybe you can help me the spot I Mean I'm really not into meeting the gym her bad ass level just one of 15 15 points because she's in there to train Adam
Starting point is 00:20:43 She's in there to train seriously. You know what I'm saying? Hey, I'm that's I'm I'm a hundred percent that way to a lot of people I actually I have to I feel like I kept an ounce it on this radio show and whenever we're on my Instagram is that I'm not an asshole Everybody thinks I'm a dick because I have this like sign on my head that says fuck off because you sound like a dick But you know, no, no, I shut up. I think it's because I'm very very similar. I'm very Very serious when it comes to my lifting. I don't want it. Of course.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Same way too. If you say hi to me when I'm coming in or out, like that's the time to talk to me, not when I'm in the middle of a fucking set. Not when I'm timing my rest periods and I'm like, focused on what I'm doing. I don't want to, yeah, I don't want to talk about anything. I have a question for you. Like, so you got into physique or I'm sorry, I was a behavior figure. Figure. Shit, I just totally messed up. It's all right. Go for it. So you got into physique or I'm sorry, I was a bigger figure. Shit, I just totally messed it up.
Starting point is 00:21:27 It's all right. Go for it. It's all right. No, I was going to ask you about any other sports like prior to that, like when you grew up, like were you into besides band of course. Okay, so there was track, there's Jiu Jitsu kickboxing. Yes, CrossFit. Oh, you're the CrossFit pro. I'm all for giving you for that one.
Starting point is 00:21:45 How long did you, how long did you do CrossFit for one. Well, forgive me for that one. How long did you CrossFit for? Not for very long. Not for very long, because when I was doing kickbox in Jiu-Jitsu, there was CrossFit right after. So I had all the energy, all the stamina. I would just jump right into it because it's awesome for cardio and whatnot. But then shortly after that, I'm going to say within like three months or less, I started bodybuilding and everything had to come to a halt. So the first thing to go is CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah. Where did you train your Jitsu? A.K.A. Oh yeah, good school. Good school right here in San Jose. That's awesome. I got a good question for you. So let's say you're at the pool hanging out with your girlfriends and a dude walks by and he's you know He's he's relatively attractive and you look down and his toenails are He's got French manicured toenails. Is this does this make you want to approach him? Or are you like what or and I'll tell you why I asked that question afterwards
Starting point is 00:22:40 But what yeah, I know she's like why are you asking that is that weird or is that like hey? I want to talk to that guy with the French manicured toenails. He seems to be the most interesting. All the above, I would look at the feet, I'd look at his face again and I'd be like, I have to talk to him. Boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Thank you very much. Adam and Adam, and I want you to take that. I want to point out that you set the table horribly. I did, I did, I did. You couldn't have made it, made me look before like an asshole. That way, the relatively good looking, it is an icebreaker in a half for sure And that's exactly that's exactly the response you get there like what the fuck
Starting point is 00:23:13 I'm not but I got asked I got asked and as long as you carry yourself with confidence when a beautiful woman like that comes up And says why the fuck are your toenails painted and you can respond without going oh I lost the bet. That's why I do it if you can if you can say in confidence that you know I rock it same reason why you fuck are your toenails painted? And you can respond without going, oh, I lost the bet, that's why I do it. If you could say in confidence that, I rock it. Same reason why you probably paint your toenails because it looks fucking good, right? It looks good, I take care of my feet.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And if you can handle that, then it's okay, but most guys can't. But yeah, thanks for setting the table on your dick right there. Hey, you still got it, bro, you still pull it out. That was beautiful when in doubt pull out. So, God, that was inappropriate. So let's talk about diet wise right now. So, do you do six meals a day, you're doing the traditional, when does it get crazy? When does your diet
Starting point is 00:23:54 get like extreme? Is it the last couple weeks? You know, for me, my diet really doesn't get extreme. It really doesn't. I'm not one of those people who, oh, goes without carbs and are anything like that. My diet is healthy. And since I prep ahead of time, I easily go into my prep and end my show just fine. Yeah, I mean, you guys have seen her pictures, right?
Starting point is 00:24:17 She's like, I mean, diced. She's just thinking, do you know what body fat you compete at normally? Do you get it tested or is it just? No, I don't know. Maybe it's like six. It's probably your abs are fantastic. You've got the really tight, you know, visible six back. Thank you. Do you train your abs any particular way or are you afraid of training them too much to get them blocky or anything like that?
Starting point is 00:24:39 I do not train obliques. It's strictly abs. So for the most part, my average team is just the roller. I just do that. And lately, I've been trying to step up because I want my abs to pop, so I've been doing raises. And that's really it. It's not a lot. It's mainly, like everyone says, it truly is diet.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And then I think abs are genetic, I swear. Would you say that there's different challenges for female competitors versus male competitors getting on stage? What would you say they are? Legs and hips. Women hold a lot naturally just down in that lower area and so when it comes to water or your period or things like that, you just never know. I'd even think of that.
Starting point is 00:25:21 That's right. When you're on your cycle, you're going to hold more water But I assume your cycle probably stops the closer you get to the contest because you get so lean right well I don't have one. I mean personal note burst control sure sure. I'm done with all that. Yeah Cuz I would wonder that right don't they usually stop when that a lot of my female competitors that I coach Psychics it's one of the things that I have to call especially if you're first time or obviously she's advanced in approach She's been doing this for a long time, so it would be different anyways even if she was having her period.
Starting point is 00:25:48 But I have to like remind them that as we come in, so let's say we're four weeks out and all of a sudden here comes, you know, Ant-Flo and a hit that, you know, she's going to look softer, she's going to look puffier for a few days, and that's why too, we take pictures every single day. So like all my clients are taking photos every single day and it's more like a snapshot of, let's compare our physique at the end of this week compared to the previous week Don't get so caught up in the day to day because day to day we've talked about this before the way sodium just sodium intake and water intake She drinks an extra two gallons of water extra two three glasses of water and she and takes a little extra sodium and am flows in town
Starting point is 00:26:20 I mean you literally can fluctuate three four pounds on the scale and show it looking all sorts. Especially when you're really lean. Yeah, expect, yeah, you know that. The leaner we are, the more sensitive we are to everything. So, and the more shows. And so it's very easy to be discouraged as a male or a female going into a show. So, yeah, that's one of the things I have to constantly stay in my lady's head.
Starting point is 00:26:39 It's like, you know, don't freak out. You're doing great. You're right on pace. That's just part of it, you know what I'm saying? That it's gonna come all out in just a couple days relaxed. Now, do you do steady state cardio getting ready for short? Do you do high intensity type cardio? Like the shorter, more intense spouts versus the long traditional, I'm on a elliptical
Starting point is 00:26:56 treadmill. It's been different every show. Really? Do you notice any difference between the two, like one better than the other or one you might like more than the other? You know what I've noticed is that high intensity works best for me in interval training. That is the best.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And I've been taking my cardio outdoors and doing hillsprints, and that allows me to shred, but keep like all of my muscle. So you know how a lot of people do a lot of cardio at the end, and then there's legs go to nothing. Well, I can run all day, and for my body type, I have my legs. How long is a session last and for Hill Sprints? How does that typically work for you?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Super fast. Like I'm done in maybe 15 minutes. How many sprints are you doing? I do 10. So you do them in sets like if you're working out? No, 10 and I'm done. So what I mean by sets is like you run one sprint, then you rest a little bit and then you run another one,
Starting point is 00:27:46 or do you just do 10 in a row? Well since I'm going uphill, my resting is when I'm walking down the hill. Oh, okay, I see. That's, see, I see that's the crazy thing is I've never really done high-intensity cardio for myself like that. What?
Starting point is 00:27:58 So to get lean, I've done it to compete when A-C-C-C-C-C I'm sorry, I did get ready for a football. We would do that all the time. Same thing, 10s, yeah. We do that all the time same thing tens. Yeah So we'd also do hundreds So I do a very similar. I don't go out door by do the same thing Indoor and I actually do Mining phases so I start and I do mostly hit and then the only time I really do a lot of steady state or fasted
Starting point is 00:28:20 Is when I get really close and then I'm tired and just need a move and I don't want to sprint and I don't want to do anything I'm just but I'm still trying to kick up the kill cows The best thing is that you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay
Starting point is 00:28:44 where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay at a place where you stay So your body is already cataballic. It's already been like that. We're doing long durations of these, some of these coaches have these athletes to an hour of cardio in the morning, hour at night and they're like bus and balls and they're in a deficit. It's like the likelihood of you hanging on to all your muscles can't be really tough, man. I feel like it would be hard to do that and a really low carb to pleated today. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I've done that. And what's that like? You just get dizzy? No. No, it's in your mind. You just have to know that this is what it takes. I mean, do you want to place, do you want get dizzy? No, it's in your mind. You just have to know that this is what it takes. I mean, do you want to place? Do you want to win? Do you want to be the best that you can be? And where did you mess up to get yourself there? Because some people have to do that because
Starting point is 00:29:15 they've been cheating on their diet. And I'll raise my hand to that. That was me at times. Or, you know, I missed some training sessions, so I had to hustle. Favorite cheat meal? Strawberry cheesecake. Oh, shit. For more. Anywhere. No, I like, I guess cheesecake factory
Starting point is 00:29:36 would have to be my favorite. Straw, everybody says pizza. No, I love it. So I have a great little recipe for you then. That's a, it could be my, so do you have like little go-to things that's a, so do you have like a little go-to things that case, so for example, strawberry cheesecake, which cheesecake happens to be one of my favorite things,
Starting point is 00:29:50 although I'm an Oreo cheesecake guy from Cheesecake Factory. But I do this rice cake. I get my nuts and more peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, and I do a layer of chocolate peanut butter on a rice cake, and then I do Greek yogurt faja and do a real thin layer of that, and I sprinkle some stevia on it,
Starting point is 00:30:07 and then I slice up strawberries and put it on top of it, and it is bomb. That's so delicious. It is delicious. It tastes like strawberry cheesecake, a little little chocolate cake to it. So do you have anything that you like when you're in prep and you're eating clean
Starting point is 00:30:20 that takes care of a sweet tooth, or gives you something like of a different, different than obviously the fish and broccoli. Yes, so my go-to is a half a cup. Well, sometimes it's a cup of strawberries and they're frozen and so I'll put that on the microwave for maybe like 10 seconds. It melts really nicely and then put like Stavya or some type of artificial sweetener on there and it's like melting your mouth. So good.
Starting point is 00:30:45 It tastes simple. See, I'm not the mix that with what I do. Give it more of like a gel type of, oh, okay. Well, especially when you're dieting, it probably tastes like candy at that point. And I have a sweet tooth. Oh, yeah. I know that from before. The skittles and starbursts and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Good deal. So, lifts. I know, obviously, you lift weights. What are your top lifts? Do you know? What do you work out with in squats and dead lifts and bench press and all that stuff? What are your strongest that I guess would be a better question? I believe in strongest at back and shoulders.
Starting point is 00:31:21 It's kind of a combination. Do you deadlift or do you stay away from those? Rose. Yeah, rose. Rose? So when you say you're good at them, that means you're strong at them. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah, you can hang with a lot of people. Oh yeah. Yeah, when I look at you on stage, when I look at your pictures on stage, I would say those are probably, like I said, midsection, shoulders and back, are probably some of your best body parts. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Do they respond the quickest to you? Definitely. Okay. How often do you train each body part? Legs I've been doing three times a week and then the other body parts just like once, maybe twice depending on how heavy I'd go. How long have you been doing the three days a week for legs? Just like a couple months.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Have you noticed any changes from the three-quick? A lot. Yeah. my legs look better. My legs look a lot better training three days a week than when I was just training twice a week. See, this is right along. So we talk a lot about that. We talk a lot about how people, frequency seems to be the factor in resistance training
Starting point is 00:32:19 that people are missing. Everybody's doing the really hard ones a week, per body part top workouts, but increasing the frequency and maybe dropping the volume a little bit. A lot of people respond really well to that and you're noticing that with your legs. And I love it. Yeah. Was that anybody recommend that to you? Or was that you just saying, you know, I'm gonna try this? It was me. Actually, my coach fought me on that.
Starting point is 00:32:37 So I don't know if he's listening, but he'd probably be upset right now. But he likes what I look like. So, yeah, it was my football buddies who were just like, yeah, you should do legs three times a week. I'm like, okay, I'll give it a shot, right? So I tried it and I love the results, but I don't have fans on my side. I don't have my coach really saying, do it. It's just, it's what I want to try out.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And it's working. Good for you. You can apply that to almost anybody part. If you do it right, if you do it right, so if you train super, super, like two intensely three days a week, you're gonna burn yourself out. Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Well, I'll tell you what I do. For each show, in my off season or between shows, I always pick one to two body parts that are a main focus. So let's say like you did just did legs. So I'm trying to bring up my legs or sharpen my legs, whatever it may be. And then those become the things that I hit two, three times frequently throughout the
Starting point is 00:33:26 week. And each show, it's, I mean, they dramatically improve just from frequency alone from that way. So it's kind of hard to do all your body parts. And if you already have very strong shoulders and back, it wouldn't be necessary to do that obviously. But that's exactly how, you know, that's what we're working on right now with our next maps phase.
Starting point is 00:33:43 It'll be maps for the athlete or competitor And that's how I build my program is I take our staples and how will you kind of train? You know the person just overall trying to condition the entire body and then okay Well as competitors we always have things that are weak points and things that we're trying to focus on so our training is different than The average person so how do I do that? And that's been a big question that people ask. So we're working on that right now. And that's basically what I do is I take one or two,
Starting point is 00:34:10 and one or two meaning that when it's a big muscle like legs, that itself can be enough attention for, and you know how much it takes for us to work out as it is. So I don't have a lot of time to do three muscle groups that I'm doing three times a week. It's like it'll be a lot of working out. So are you, are you, are each workout different? When you're doing a three times a week. It's like, it'll be a lot of working out. So, are you, are you, are each workout different when you're doing the three days a week for legs? Like, when, when workout you'll do maybe squats and then leg press, are you alternating type?
Starting point is 00:34:31 Exactly. Okay. How many sets for, just set a curiosity? Are you doing, you typically? Typically five. So five, three times a week. Yeah. See, 15 sets. Just, and that's normally what you're doing one workout. Okay, type of deal.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Right. Do you find yourself doing more big movements because you're more fresh each time or are you still doing like the same exact exercises just split up? No, I get kind of creative. You know, I need to. I get creative by mixing it up and that keeps me fresh.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Any favorite leg exercises if you had to pick? I'm gonna say uphill sprints. Really? Yeah, I love sprinting. I know it's cardio, but it's legs too, and I'll put a little weighted backpack on and run, and that's my legs. Well, you look at sprinters legs. Sprinters have legs, like, I mean, my bodybuilders.
Starting point is 00:35:23 No, absolutely. So that makes sense. What's like, as far as from a female perspective, you're most frustrating thing. You see being told to women as far as getting in shape and marketing-wise. Being told to get in shape, let's see. Yeah, just like some trends, you see, like, for instance, like you know quick fixes the things. Okay so I'm really
Starting point is 00:35:49 not a big fan of the waste trimmer in the course. Oh I love it. I love it. You know so buddy it was Justin wanted to ask you that I could tell. Yes I could tell. I was just like I wanted to tell him. I wanted to ask this is the shy side of him right tell. I was just like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I was just like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I was just like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know.
Starting point is 00:36:10 I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was like, I wouldn't even know. I was built, strong physique is all about. You're basically deteriorating your core muscles, which are pretty important to us. I'd rather remove a couple ribs.
Starting point is 00:36:29 That's high. Have you heard any horror stories from people using those? You know, like, her backs or anything like that? No. People that I know that use them have been pretty safe. I've never heard of anyone getting hurt, but I do notice that abs stay super flat. So I noticed that when people look amazing, they use them, and I've seen them change. I mean, it works, but their abs are flat. And since my whole, my training, I want to get my abs to pop more. I'm not
Starting point is 00:36:56 going to flatten them out with a course. I, you know, so that's my goal. Exactly. You're, you're, you're core muscle, your core, core muscles are built up of 28 different internal and external muscles and you wear it like a core set, you wear a core set, it's just like you have a cast on your forearm for three months and what happens when you do that, all that muscle is going to go away. Abdominals are a hard muscle that you're trying to get to pop out, it's totally counterproductive. It may bring your waist in and intro at that but then you lose, you lose the upper chest.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Well, we know people who have herniated discs because they've gotten so weak. Because you keep in mind, you train in the gym, your upper body's strong, your lower body's really strong, but you've just weakened your core. So I've heard of people herniating discs, and there was even a young lady who obstructed a bowel. Oh my God. From wearing one too tight, and then she had to have surgery,
Starting point is 00:37:43 had to have some of her bowel removed as a result. Yeah, so we are big anti-screen. So, I'll tell you that on the Kardashians, I love watching Justin try to put that out. I was like, I do right where he was going. I'm not even like, he's like, he's a scared to say that. I don't want to offend her in case she is all about him right now. She's totally talking out your ass.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I can totally tell you. I love seeing it. I was trying to say, hey, I love you. I love you. I do, that's how well I know you. I knew where you're going with that dude. I do. I try to give her a chance to like speak. Like, case is where I'm coming from.
Starting point is 00:38:12 You know, these are things I see. I feel like you can call it an Natalia and I, we talk about fitness stuff all the time and competing, though, I actually want to ask her some questions that, having a woman on, having some estrogen on here, I'm so excited about it. And I feel like it gives us some butter for butter for there's other things that are important to me I'm a guy in here building my physique. I want to look good in a part of why I like to look good is
Starting point is 00:38:30 I like to I like to appeal to a female so as a female What what are you? How awesome am I? No? Tell me what what the hottest guy? What for you? What you're thinking in your head. It is Yeah, what for you what you're thinking in your head it is It's called me out right I call you come here. Yeah, just so tell me I might sexy What I doing this right and I doing this right Sorry, I'm too shay. I'm too. No too. Shea too. Shea so
Starting point is 00:39:06 From your perspective what what are like a must as far as like the way a guy is built or how he looks, what muscle groups are that you like or the sexiest to you and what do, whatever type of deal. What do you build the perfect physique for me right now for me? The perfect physique has to have broad shoulders and a big chest and an awesome back. Boom and boom. Okay, I'm doing all right.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Check, check, check. Harry, I'm doing all right. Check. Check. Check. Harry legs, check. Harry legs. If she said, if she said, no ginormous catholes is gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:39:32 fuck. Oh, yeah, no. She's gonna leave it with that one. Oh, damn it. I hate that. Pop the bubble and half the room here. So now, okay, and I don't want to get too much into your personal life
Starting point is 00:39:44 and so like that, because I don't like it when people get into your personal life and so like that, because I don't like it when people get into mind, but as far as dating goes, are you somebody who leans towards another competitor or are you somebody who actually likes the opposite? Complete opposite. Yeah, it's not my thing, I don't want to do it. It's too much to have to work.
Starting point is 00:40:01 It's like lifestyle-wise though. I mean, I think it could be pretty awesome actually. I really do, but the thing is, is that before you find like the one or someone who's gonna be around for a while, you have to go through a few, right? So this is what I love. This is my passion. This is my business.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I'm not gonna excuse my language but shit where I eat, right? So that's why I choose not to date guys, because you can go on many dates and I just don't want to. You don't want to date a bunch of competitors. No, I would have to see them all the time and get all these shows and, you know, I'm pretty smart. So what kind, so you said opposite.
Starting point is 00:40:33 So I'm gonna guess here, you're into kind of like creative artsy people who read it a lot of like psychopedias. And that was a wrong choice of words. I just, no, not opposite. I, I said, I said opposite. Like I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I just know not opposite. I said I said I said fitness You know the up you health and fitness, you know minded. Oh, okay, okay athletic now that being said though, right? I just say yeah, you do you you're not you want somebody who still takes care of themselves?
Starting point is 00:40:56 That's an absolute must like you have to have a Should all the more half of there By Justin. Nice to hear that. Yes. Yes. Yeah. She is cool.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Okay. So, we figured out he's got to be in shape a little bit and stuff that are, he has to have a gym worship in pretty good shape. Obviously, he doesn't need to compete. What time of personality are we looking for? We looking for a guy that is outgoing, more conservative. You looking for somebody who does, would want to sit home and read an encyclopedia all time or you know outgoing I mean I know being somebody who who competes those cool
Starting point is 00:41:31 shit constantly we're so in short is all this presentation ready I'm not I'm not pitching myself right now what I'm trying to say I'm trying to say that the is in the Star Wars you know where's Darth Vader mask sometimes I actually a people We're doing things. I'm quite opposite at home that I am here So I always people are always surprised they think that I'm gonna this loud outgoing person at home I'm actually quite quiet and reserved because I'm go all time and
Starting point is 00:42:02 Now you guys obviously don't live with me. You could ask my girl when my girl finally comes on the show, she'll speak up here. You know, it's true. He'd be really horse otherwise I would feel. He holds it in. If he kept, I can just let him out. So do you? And so for me, I have to have like, my girl is like, for sure, my yang, you know, I have to have somebody who is, you know, kind of opposite with kind of brings me down, comes me down and is easy going and very laid back. What about yourself? You know, I think what I really enjoy is someone
Starting point is 00:42:30 to have a sense of adventure and a sense of humor. And as long as you have that, you can be quiet, you can be meek, you can be shy. But as long as you have a sense of humor and you're down for an adventure, that's great. Now, what about cox sizes? Is that anything else? Oh my God, here we go.
Starting point is 00:42:45 It's important to ask this, because I feel like we fit in this truth. We talk about that and the, we think it's an important. Why don't we do it this way? Why don't we do this way? It's more important with their length. Why don't we just do more specific, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:57 Goers. No, that hurts it, because maybe for her it's different. So is now, and obviously I'm sure you've dated a man before where you're like, oh wow, that's very bad. And I'm sure you've dated a man before we're like oh wow That's very that is impressive. I'm sure there's other times you dated guys and it's like oh Here we go again, so tell me I'm curious how big of a difference. Yeah, is it important? Yeah, how big of a difference is it for you? And does that matter? Okay, so like the NPC their little logo says size matters. So yeah, size does matter
Starting point is 00:43:25 And I like Adam afterwards goes. Yes. Yes. That's right. I'm gonna I'm gonna make everybody know that I have a big That's not what I was saying yes, I'm just being honest, you know So I wanted from where I wanted to hear the truth. I don't want to hear sugar coated and be like Really he's a nice guy. It doesn't really matter hear sugar coated and be like, well, it's just a really nice guy. It doesn't really matter. No, say it, it matters. It matters. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Now, is it matter enough that, okay, does it, like if he's got supercock, does it make up for having a, not so great personality or maybe he's not so much fun if he's putting it down, than that really outweigh stuff? Or he's got to have all that other stuff and the bedroom, as long as it's got to have all other stuff and you know, the
Starting point is 00:44:05 bedroom, you know, as long as it's up to par, I'm happy. I would say that, as long as he has everything else and the bedrooms up to par, that would be ideal because putting it down, having the biggest cock ever and the worst personality, that's really ugly. There you go. See. Just as like, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Take that. Take that. And don't think everybody else. I just feel like, man, there's so many things that we've talked about on the show where we've missed out on having a woman's perspective. I love to hear that, you know? I've been doing all this culture, I want to know that it's going to pay off, you know what I'm saying? I don't want to be doing all this culture. And do you guys, okay, so like, if we're just wearing normal pants and stuff, is this something that women scope out? Can you do okay? So like if we're just wearing normal pants and stuff, is this something that women scope out?
Starting point is 00:44:47 Like, can you do no? Yeah. Like legitimately we are getting, oh my god, this is for real. Yes, and we are slier and quicker than you boys are, so we don't get caught and you never are gonna know. Wow, I knew it. See, there's like this whole little society with them.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yeah, it is, they are. And then you guys tell each other, do women tell each other about the dude they were with? Like, he has a big one, he has a small one. For me personally, if I really like the guy, then no, I'm not gonna share anything, but if he's just someone... Just a random dude or whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah, then it's just so much fun. You would so get along with my girl, wow. That's my girl, see, she said, what did she say? She says, I don't like to advertise my man. You know what I'm saying? So if some other woman asks about me, she downplays the fuck. Nobody's gonna ask, bro, because it's downplayed. She put it out there so much.
Starting point is 00:45:32 She downplays the fuck. That's, you know, she says about me when she, because I do talk about all this stuff on my pump. She's like, I love that you talk about how you pick cockers. You do all your own advertising. You say all your own shit and everybody knows you're bullshit. Everyone just thinks you're bullshit. And then when they ask me, I just tell them, no, it's little, you don't put it down.
Starting point is 00:45:46 That's like, fuck, man. Thanks a lot, honey. She knows that a lot for me down. I go nowhere for sure, you know. She's like, he's really hopped. That's small. Yeah, you know, he's a great guy. He's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:45:58 He really tries hard. Yeah. He just rubs it on you. That's what he does with it. It just rubs on you. Okay, perfect date. Perfect date. I take you out where we go on What's the perfect date? The perfect date would be flying into Bermuda and seen if we can get lost in the Bermuda the Bermuda triangle and then
Starting point is 00:46:15 Diving well the great white sharks are mating. Oh Step your damn Bermuda's like a, that are listening right now. Do not even send your cock pick over unless you have got the money to get a jet, unless a shark is almost biting it off. That couldn't have been more specific. I feel like that's something that you've had in your mind. It is.
Starting point is 00:46:39 There was nothing vague. She's like, well, flying to Bermuda Triangle get lost, swim with great whites while they're mating. Yes, they're mating. Is this in cage or out of cage? Oh, definitely in the cage. Oh, yeah. That's right. Die on her first day. With the harpoon by my side.
Starting point is 00:46:52 It's pretty hardcore. I don't know. That's pretty original though. I like that. All right, so how would your perfect normal date look? You know, like something that would actually happen. For those of us that get afforded private jet, I'm monetarily stepped down. Something that would actually happen for those of us like get a for the private I'm monetaries step down something that would actually happen Okay, that would that would be very classic You know a very elegant restaurant with maybe some like fireplace or some candles and a juicy steak
Starting point is 00:47:19 Yes, yeah, okay, that's better. That is better. That's some great. I can afford that. Yeah I can afford that I can afford I can afford it. That's so great. I can afford that. Yeah. I Can afford that. I can afford it. I can afford it. I don't know if I can afford the private jet out to the room You can try go with the white sharks. No, that sounds like it You can run a lot these days. That's an expensive You can really show off. That's it. That's an expensive first day. It's gonna be a one-time deal It's gonna be a one-time deal and you know, I'm not gonna take a house anymore Do you gonna take her they're gonna go swimming with sharks and she's gonna be a one-time deal and you know, I'm not gonna take a house anymore Do's gonna take her they're gonna go swimming with sharks and she's gonna be like I'll marry you And he's like well, we got to wait for years guys save up all my money again
Starting point is 00:47:51 Just spend it on the swimming with the great white. I mean it better be epic. Yeah. Yeah, no, I don't know if I'd ever do that Too many sure how we do on time 50 minutes all right, right, I think you got any more questions? You look at me like you said. Well, I don't know. You got fucking crazy ass time on Dixon. Dixon, like typical Adam Faw. I know that there's a lot of people that were listening to another. So we appreciate it. They want to know that stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:17 We are very happy that you came on the show. Thank you so much. I'm happy to be here. Thank you for coming on and breaking the ice. We had, we had, we had, you're the first girl on there and I feel like we can have other girls on here too now. It's safe ladies. It's Harmless. We are harmless. You've blessed this place. All right. Well, thanks for listening listeners and tune in next time We're Adam talks more about his dick Hurray. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.MinePompRadio.com. Until next time, this is MindPomp.

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