Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 099: Adam's Road to the San Jose Pro: Week 3 Update

Episode Date: June 18, 2015

Adam just has a little more than a week to go before appearing on the San Jose Pro stage. In this episode he details his diet, workouts and challenges as he builds his best physique ever. The date of ...the San Jose Pro is the evening of June 27th. If you are in the area, join MindPump and Adam's fans to cheer him on! It is being held at the Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome to Mind Pump! I'm here with Justin Andrews. Yeah, yeah! And the trying to get not so fat, Adam Schaefer. Woo-woo!
Starting point is 00:00:24 Because that's been such a problem, DJ DJ mix a lot. I want it You know you know you should mix master. I'll find one to be for me to do a show and not say anything like try and get it I'll just come out there fat as fuck. Oh, I would love that. Oh, that's great Just come awesome come out dude. It just be like you know what that when I decide to Aman titties about eggs at this league Maybe I'll do something crazy like that. Go out like with a bang like that. Do some crazy wild haircut
Starting point is 00:00:49 with like mine pump in the back of my head. Sponsored by, Shave mine pump in the back of my head and then do like some really short, like European shorts, and then come out with just this big ass beer gun. I think that assless chaps on. That would be excellent.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Bro, Adam's girlfriend gave me a a I don't know if it was a compliment. When I saw you guys the gym. I'm not sure if it was a compliment. Yeah, where is it going? So Adam went to the bathroom it was just me and her. We were low. No, so they walk into gold. They walk into gold, right? And I had my my my typical workout apparel, which consists of a wife, beater. And so she comes up. She's like, Oh, look, you look bigger than when you have a shirt on. Because she saw me at a...
Starting point is 00:01:28 She's such a close. She's such a close. And so I'm like, well, it's... She knows just what to say. She's quiet to close it. I'm like, wait a minute. She's being close to me just like... I don't know about the hair though.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Is that a compliment? Is that a compliment or is that a... Yeah. You don't, you don't... Was that it invite? Is that you know? No dude. No. Is this an invite Adam is Adam's girl inviting me right now for him
Starting point is 00:01:50 Isn't that funny when you get a compliment though? She must like me Anybody yeah, yeah, not saying that's what happened saying general. I'm throwing my moves at Adam Yeah, and you know, I might have actually bounced off him and gone to his girlfriend, but that's not what I wanted. I wanted the beef cake. Beef cake. You're always in a while. Bro, you're more beef than cake nowadays.
Starting point is 00:02:13 How's your contest prep going? Um, good, I'm fucking starving right now. Are you, you just ate a bunch of chicken, chicken and vegetables? Yeah, basically. Boiled chicken and vegetables. Oh, boil, that makes it's a taste here. You know what though?
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm telling you guys, it's like, Haggis. I love boiling my chicken. That's like, I actually do it even when I'm not in contest prep. I prefer it that way because I prep my meals ahead of time. And when I love to barbecue chicken, so don't get me wrong. It's a Saturday or Sunday and we're watching NBA final. final or something like that. I'll definitely grill a steak or grill
Starting point is 00:02:47 my chicken because I like it fresh out the barbecue. But if I'm prepping for the week, um, grill chicken, like after you barbecue it and then you put it in the refrigerator, then you reheat it again. It's just like, then it's like, oh, dry as shit. Oh, yeah. So I don't like that. But boiled chicken, when you do boiled chicken and you reheat it, it actually keeps all the moisture in there and it's really really good. It's just you're eating chicken breast, bro Eat the thighs. Well, yeah, when I'm when I'm when I'm not counting my fat And I'm trying to keep my fat down as low as possible No, I would eat thighs and offseason time or like that
Starting point is 00:03:19 But right now breast time anywhere I can I can shave a gram or two a fat here and there are calories I'm always trying to you know You know what goes good with boil chicken. What pizza? Amazing Sometimes I take a big pizza and I put it right on my mouth. This is where getting on stage is totally different I'm just kidding shape because those things can't be in the diet So how's it going because I saw you yesterday? I ran into you at the gym Yeah, by the way, um pretty much lived there right now.
Starting point is 00:03:45 By the way, I don't understand the hoodie, the sleepless sleeves. Yeah, it's almost, I'm yet to understand that as well. It's defeats the purpose almost, you know what I mean? It's like, I got this warm hoodie on, I'm gonna cut the sleeves off. They just confused me.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And where's the hood? And I'm gonna wear the hood. And I'm gonna wear the hood. But besides that, he comes up to me, and I'm like, how you doing, bro? He's like, bro, I fucking ate 600 the hood. I'm gonna wear the hood. Confusion there. But besides that, he comes up to me and I'm like, oh, how you doing, bro? He's like, bro, I fucking ate 600 grams of carbs yesterday because I need to fill out.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I feel so flat this and that's how that go. It went good, although the 600 still didn't fill me all the way out. So that, what I do, it's a lot to fill you. Well, when I cut, when I'm down, when I've been cutting for about two to three days, like that, where I've been depleted and sucked all the way out, it does take, and every show's different.
Starting point is 00:04:27 So each show I've had to, you know, I remember the very first time I did this, I was, it took about 400 grams, and it would load me all the way up. Then it took about 500 to 600, and now I'm finding that 600 isn't even quite enough to load me up. So I'll have to start loading early, earlier than probably,
Starting point is 00:04:44 I'll probably load a day earlier. So I probably had a really high day, 600 to 700, like two to three days before stage time and then kind of try and maintain probably around 400 grams or so as we get closer. So that's like 100 or plus grams of carbs per meal. Yeah. What is it, rice, quinoa?
Starting point is 00:05:06 It varies. It varies. I utilize all and I do it different based off what I'm trying to do. If I want something really quick, I'll use white rice. If I'm trying to, as I get closer to stage time and I need to shuttle carbs in their quick, then I'll use something like white rice. If I want something like slow digesting, I'll use something like, uh, yeah, I'm through sweet potato.
Starting point is 00:05:27 So maybe later in the evening time, I'll start transitioning that way. So I'm always manipulating and playing with like, I mean, this part of the competing, uh, is always trying to figure out like what works best for your body. Like, it doesn't matter, uh, it doesn't matter like as far as, you know, each person has like their formula, right? That, okay, this is what I do or like that. Everybody is different in how they respond to different carbohydrates. So I mean, we know the difference between low and high glycemic carbs, but some people
Starting point is 00:05:56 take in white rice and high glycemic carbohydrate and it totally blots them and doesn't work well for them. And they're very, they're very, they're very carb sensitive. So maybe with someone like that, maybe a competitor like that, I might feed them yams. Instead, they just need, they need to slowly fill it in and they don't need something so quick. So everyone's different, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:17 and I'm always playing with my formula as far as what works best for me. I also would dictate that too based off of what I'm getting ready to go do. Like so, especially when I'm not getting a lot of carbohydrates right now, I try and plant all my carbs around my workout. So I've got a lot, not a lot,
Starting point is 00:06:35 but I'm getting as much fuel as possible prior about an hour and a half or so before I hit the gym. And then instantly as soon as I leave the gym, I'm getting the rest of my carbs. And then the rest of the day is pretty much low to none. I got another question. Have you ever tried, because there's a whole, I mean, I'm going to call it a myth, but
Starting point is 00:06:52 you hear people say how brown rice is better than white rice. You ever try brown rice? Absolutely. And now why do you, why do you typically eat white rice then? I don't always go white. I do brown sometimes. And I've done a whole show where actually I utilize brown and I added fats like avocado in there too And there's din times where I've done lower fats
Starting point is 00:07:11 So I've manipulated both brown rice and and white rice are really really close to saying the glycemic index is even very close to them It's it's not that big of a difference for my body and I like the way white rice ties better. And because it hasn't shown me anything as far as a better result by going one way or the other, I just prefer white rice. What's your preference with that? So you're always bringing that up between like, you know, preferring white rice over brown.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Well, there's brown rice actually has things that are called anti-nutrients. That if you, for example, when they go to cultures that eat lots of rice, you go to certain Asian cultures or Indian cultures that eat a lot of rice. When they eat all brown rice, they'll get vitamin and mineral deficiencies from the brown rice because it prevents the absorption of certain nutrients. White rice is actually superior in almost every way. Yes, it has less fiber, but it's actually easier to digest and it doesn't hamper the absorption of certain key minerals.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Now, we talk a lot about glycemic index, but if you eat rice all by itself, then you're going to get a higher glycemic load than if you eat it with protein or fat. And, you know, most of us don't eat white rice all by itself. We'll have it with chicken or, you know, some fat or some like that. And really the glycemic index is very close. I, you know, I don't know the top of my head, but I know it's like, you know, I'd say rice is 55 and, you know, white rice is 60 and brown rice is 55 or 57. It's like literally that close. It's not like, it's not like comparing a sweet potato to fruit.
Starting point is 00:08:48 You know, it's not that dramatic of a difference on how high glycemic it is. So, and like you said, you know, simply pairing it with a fat and a protein is going to lower the glycemic index. So, yeah, so it's just a preference for me. But sometimes I go brown rice. I like to mix it up and everything like that. But when I'm in a contest prep and I'm this close, I utilize probably white rice the most. But throughout my normal diet, I actually, I rotate. Sometimes I do brown rice and they're just, just, just, I'm just,
Starting point is 00:09:15 I found it. I found it. I found it. I don't know, I found it just because I know people can ask. All right. It's called fighting. Fighting in rice binds to minerals, which renders them largely useless.
Starting point is 00:09:28 No, I like rendels better. Yeah, what? I don't know. So that's why you wanna eat white rice over. And for me, who's got sensitive gut issues, if I let a brown rice, it messes me up. White rice does not. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:41 All right, go ahead. You forgot. It's done. Not scared. I was just gonna ask you You forgot. It's done. Not scared. I was just gonna ask you about benefits. So you've leaned out and you've dropped some weight. Have you noticed any less joint pain when you go through the reach position?
Starting point is 00:09:53 Absolutely. Every time I come down, it's crazy. The inflammation is down on me for sure. You've been doing that crowd therapy too, too. I have what you do again. Just kind of mentioned. Yeah. Super, super, love that. I'm a huge advocate of that.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It's tough right now with my schedule to get in there as much as I'd like to be doing it three, four times a week if I can get there. And maybe when the show is over, I'll get in corporate anymore. Which, that's what, to be honest with you, because my inflammation is down because I am, I'm lower carb, I'm lower calorie, I'm lower weight.
Starting point is 00:10:25 So definitely, I'm not as inflamed as I normally am. When I start to reintroduce more calories, and I'm gonna surplus, I definitely see way more inflammation going on my body and a lot more joint pain, which then I'm really excited to introduce the cryo, you know, and see like, you know, what's helping more? Is it cryo or the fact that I'm really reducing my intake right now? And that just happened just in this last week.
Starting point is 00:10:51 So for me, it's when I start getting this weight, well, typically before it was when I got under 210, but I'm not under 210 right now. I'm hovering, I'm holding a strong 211-213. I have not broken that. And I've got, when I load and, you know, when I refeed, it goes spikes. I've spiked all the way back up just two days ago.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I spiked all the way back up to 2-19. So when I refeed, my weight jumps all the way up to 2-19. When I'm completely flat and sucked out for two days in a row, I wake up in the morning about 2-11 is the lowest I've seen. So tomorrow morning will be the biggest, like, okay, how much have I dropped tomorrow morning? So I predict tomorrow morning, I should be somewhere between two, 10 and two, 11 is probably where I'll be at.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Okay, what was your weight at your last show? Like, where'd you come in at? Two, oh, when I, at Fregno, I came in at two, oh, six, or two, oh, seven. Okay. But that's re-filled up. I came all the way down to 200. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And then I filled up to 207. I'll probably come down no less than probably 208209. This time. Wow, that's a full eight nine pounds bigger. Yeah. Yeah. And then I'll refeed, you know, this last seven months, I definitely, like I said,
Starting point is 00:12:01 and a lot of that's been in my legs, which is kind of a bummer. You're back though. Yeah, my back, my back and my calves will be the two that I will get to show my gains and stuff like that. And you know, I noticed my chest, too, is a rounder and fuller. So there's been some moves there. I've probably lost a little bit of my arms because that's been way put on the back burner since that was always a strength of mine. So they were, I felt like they were overpowering and overdominant on my physique. So, for me, I mean, that's what it's always about.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I feel like this show, I will bring the most symmetrical physique I have built yet, for sure. I mean, I 100% believe that. My conditioning, I did my body fat today, I was a little over 5% flat and sucked out, which to me tells me I'm probably a little less than that because when I do that stupid machine, when I, when I- Is that where you tested it? Yeah. You know you're going to have to do now, we, we got a bod part at the gym I'm at.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Oh, you have to come, you know, to eat on. Absolutely, I'll play with it. I would love to do that. I love- I do all that kind of stuff. I love messing with those things. So far, nothing has been more accurate and consistent than the hydrostatic way. That has been the most consistent.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And I've played with that, trying to manipulate that. Nothing seems to manipulate it more than maybe a half a percent to percent, but the fact that I can move. Yeah. Well, you're the perfect candidate to really experiment with this because, yeah, you see your fluctuations like immediately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Plus, I monitor things like water closely, which most people don't do that. Like, you know what I do that. If you're going to get your body fat tested, you're not like, okay, I've had exactly 72 ounces of water, and I've had, I'm saying most people just test it, so it's really hard for them to tell, but that's why I like enlightening people on those things too, that man, it's very easy to manipulate that. Right now, it says, so I took it today, right? And it says, I'm 201 pounds of lean body mass, which I would be crying right now if that was the case because the last time I did it just a few weeks ago, it was 207, which means I lost six pounds of muscle,
Starting point is 00:13:53 which that's remember that one day when I freaked out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you hit like the pounds of muscle in an hour. Yeah. So I grabbed some quick carbs and yeah. And I went exactly and I went in today. Exactly. I was completely sucked in flat, flat, I had less than a half gallon of water in me, and I had no carbs yet for the day, and I came off a day yesterday of being extremely low carb. So I was completely depleted, and my muscle bellies were completely flat, which I know tomorrow, when I refill my feet up,
Starting point is 00:14:20 also no gain five pounds of muscle, plus on that stupid machine, so. I was just strength right now, because I know we're so close And that you know, and there's the true indicator I was great dude. I could not believe yesterday. I was squatting and I was I was squatting and I just when I after I saw you and I was hitting three plates
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I and I was doing I was wrapping out three to five reps for multiple. So I think it hit five sets, which for me, that's what I'm feeling really good. You know, like I'm and full and fed. And this close to the show. Yeah, I was really surprised. I was really surprised to be kind of still moving that kind of way. And I felt good. Like I felt like I could have pushed, went up, but I didn't want to. You know, I was like, ah, you know, there's no need for me to really,
Starting point is 00:15:02 I don't need to be pushing like that right now. I know I was super low. I'm not going to. I was like, ah, there's no need for me to really, I don't need to be pushing like that right now. I know I was super low. I'm not gonna get major gains right now. So, but to power through a workout like that, that depleted and to push that kind of way that was a nice indicator that I'm holding my strength. That's probably the most objective indicator I can think of, right?
Starting point is 00:15:20 If you're lean, you look a certain way, but then you go to the gym and you're stronger than you were before. That's a great stuff. Real muscle you go to the gym and you're stronger than you were before. That's a great stuff. Real muscle at that point. Well, real muscle and healthier muscles are working. Yeah, you're well. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:31 You know, that's a really good time. Yeah. So this week too, this is now going to be, because I'm in the final two weeks, this is where I really start to push. I'm gonna start entering into what I would consider unhealthy or which is not something I would recommend to a client. I'm going to run four days in a row where I keep my carbohydrate and take under 100 grams, which for me is like starvation
Starting point is 00:15:58 because even when I'm cutting for the show, which I haven't dropped lower than 150 to 170. So yesterday, I think I finished at 50 something grams. Yesterday, I'm at only like 40 something right now, and I'll have one more meal. That'll be pretty low carb before I go to bed by the end of the night. So that'll be day two, or day this will be the end of day three. I'll do one more day and then refeed.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And it all depends on tomorrow morning. If for some reason I woke up and I dropped dramatic amount of weight that I would refeed early. But I actually, I don't feel that way. I'm holding my weight pretty well right now, which typically when I cut for these shows, I shred really easy. And I normally have more of an issue with holding on to my muscle mass.
Starting point is 00:16:44 But I seem to have the right formula down for I haven't before I had pushed I would push earlier like this and I've saved this low of a carb till the very end and I haven't been doing I just now really started ramping up my cardio like now I'm getting a solid hour of cardio in every single day and then then when I have chandelier today was a Monday, Monday, I'm not up very early. So not only did I do my hour of cardio, plus my weight training, and then I did hit cardio for 12 minutes post workout.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Is blood occlusion gonna be something you're gonna be using here the next two weeks? Oh, I actually always incorporate blood occlusion. So blood occlusion is just part of my rotation when we're going through here. So I just did blood occlusion calves So blood occlusion is just part of my rotation when we're going through here. So I just did blood occlusion calves two days ago. I don't do it so much on my arms because I'm not trying to make any more gains on it. Although I might do it because I just want to get a quick workout on it. I'll just get a quick pump. It seems like an idea for like, you know, like a low
Starting point is 00:17:41 intensity, like when you have to plead it. Yeah, yeah, no, it's exactly, it's a great, and I'll probably do more of those days than the coming week and a half because of that, because of the simple fact that I don't quite have the energy to get going, but that's a little bit easier or weight-wise to move. There's some studies that show that when you do occlusion, because you can really only do occlusion on extremities,
Starting point is 00:18:00 you can't do occlusion and target your pecs or your lats. However, there seems to be this radiating effect to muscles that surround the occluded area. So when they do studies, they'll have people occlude their arms and then they'll notice some strength and some muscle gains in their chest and in their back also. So it's not just the local effect of occlusion. There's also some other stuff. Well, it's not really isolating anyway, right occlusion. There's also some other-
Starting point is 00:18:25 Well, it's not really isolating anyway, right? Well, there's some systemic effect that's happening. That's not just isolated to the area. I mean, I think it's safe to say that the area that you're occluding probably gets most of the benefit of the effect. But there seems to be a systemic effect that happens throughout the whole body.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I can tell you with 100% certainty since I added occlusion because I do occlusion after every workout. I'll do a few sets from arms and then for my calves. And I can tell you with 100% certainty, I can definitely tell my arms are close to a quarter inch, bigger at this body weight, which for someone like myself has been working out
Starting point is 00:19:02 as long as I have, that's a huge thing. This is new because I've seen pictures of when you used to lean down as well, and it's like you weren't doing it back then. No, yeah. No, I'm bigger now. I'm trying to get, so Adam's dieting and stuff getting shredded and it's kind of motivating me
Starting point is 00:19:17 to do the same thing, although I have the luxury of not having a date to get lean by, so like this weekend, I felt kind of shitty, so I just ate a bunch of food, but you know, I wanna kind of get lean just to see where I'm at. So I can compare to the previous time I got this lean to see if I've made any gains. And plus I like the challenge.
Starting point is 00:19:35 But make no mistake, when you get below, you start to get below 7, 6% body fat. It's a whole nother game, man. Your body isn't like it. It's self. It does not like it and it doesn't feel good. I'm very in touch with my body and I can tell that it's not really ideal. That's the hardest part about where I'm at right now is you're flirting with that line all the time. You know,
Starting point is 00:19:58 like every day it's, you know, it's push, you want to push as hard as you can, but you don't want to go so far that you have an at which I've gotten super sick before. I'm just going to say like, if you're exposed to something right now, you'll get sick. Oh yeah, exactly. So I'm so, I got to be so careful with the kids. I got to be careful of that.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I got to be careful pushing so hard that I lose muscle at just as fast of a rate as I lose fat, you know, because then that's really not getting my physique any better. You know, I'm just burning everything up. Like, and that's, I think that's really not getting my physique any better. You know, I'm just burning everything up like and that's, I think that's the most common mistake I see with the average person or even a competitor is that the mentality of, you know, I've got X amount of time to get in shape or you have a goal or a date that you have a wedding
Starting point is 00:20:36 or something like that. And it's like full throttle all the way down, all the way as much and adding as much shit as you can. Well, it's not always like that. I always try and tell people, this is like a marathon, it's not a sprint. Getting in shape is not a, you know, the harder you go, the more you do, not necessarily is the better thing for you all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Not even close. Yeah, I mean, and there is that fine line that you could be familiar with. And then there's that, like you push so hard, that your, our bodies are so smart. They figure out what you're doing to it, and it wants to survive. And when you're not feeding it very much food
Starting point is 00:21:07 or not what it wants or what it needs to survive, it automatically goes in the defense mode. And the more you push, why it's in the defense mode, the more defensive it gets. You know, so you're really working against your body, the harder you put, it's like, Oh, it's, it's not just hunger. You'll get, you'll notice mood swings.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I was getting headaches Yeah, I was noticed how it's getting kind of depressed My sleep was interrupted so I kind of wake up in the middle night those awful chemistry Everything my body will either get cold or hot Yeah, I mean, it's like you just I can tell like this is not this is not good. Yeah, it doesn't feel good I noticed I I what I always notice, I get dirty dirt. And what I mean by that, dirty dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, what I mean by that.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Your brain isn't working. Yeah, it's, I, the, even the, the mind muscle connection, it's so wild to me. And I always know, like, that's what I know I'm really low and I've been low for a while. Just the simplest thing, I'm like picking my keys up. The motor skills are different. Like, I'll, I'll go to grab a pair of my keys, like to go, like, I'm in a hurry, so I'm moving kind of fast. And I reach for them, and'm like picking my keys up. The motor skills are different. Like I'll go to grab a pair of my keys,
Starting point is 00:22:05 like to go out, like I'm in a hurry, so I'm moving kind of fast, and I reach for them, and I like miss them. Or then after I miss them, I grab them, and then when I grab them, I don't grab them hard enough, then they fall out of my hands. Like weird stuff like that happens to me all the time, or I go to grab the door handle,
Starting point is 00:22:17 and I miss the door handle, or I kind of trip over my feet a little bit, just my motor skills are not exactly the same. So it's pretty wild. I notice that always when I get close to it. The brain is, I mean, you know, being deprived. Well fat, body fat is essential for nerve function. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And there's been cases of athletes, not like sick people, like athletes getting so lean that they die because their nerves can't communicate. They require that fat in order to do so. So yeah, you definitely plan, I mean, you're not playing in that zone. So, so yeah, you definitely, I mean, you're not playing in that zone, you'd have to get down to levels that will kill you, but you're getting so low that it's definitely affecting
Starting point is 00:22:52 how your body functions. Oh yeah, absolutely. And I find it fascinating too though, I guess the nerve, you like the challenge too. Yeah, the nerdy side of me does enjoy the challenge and I do like, I like flirting with that line and trying to keep it as healthy as possible. Like I'm still eating fruit in my diet,
Starting point is 00:23:08 which I know a lot of competitors at this point haven't had fruit in forever. I still have lots of sodium in my diet. Those are the tricks that you pull towards the end. Yes. Yeah, and the very, very end, where a lot of people cut that way early. And I don't wanna cut that as long as I possibly can.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I wanna be as healthy as I possibly can, for as long as I possibly can. And I try my best to listen to the body while trying to stay, you know, on pace for the day and the time. So is there, um, are there any competitors that, well, I guess the best question would be who are the favorite, are there favorites for the sound as a pro? Are there people who, you know, people are expecting to see do well? Well, you're looking out for, well, you have my buddy James Hurst, who is already qualified for Olympia. And is he in your category? We're all in the same category.
Starting point is 00:23:53 If you're a pro, men's physique, you compete against all size and size. I see. Okay. So, um, yeah, so James is going to be in the show and he's already in Olympia. And so if you're already in Olympia and you're already considered. You're a badass. Yeah, you're a badass top of our class. So I'm sure he's already an Olympian. So if you're already an Olympian, you're already considered. You're a badass. You're a badass top of our class. So I'm sure he's a top five favorite. You have John
Starting point is 00:24:09 Kakes, who just came off. I believe a second place, second place show and another top five show in the last two pro shows he's done. So he's he's pretty solid for a top five placing. So he most certainly could be there. Craig, Craig is gonna be there. Craig just came off a seventh place. And you know, in Craig's in a situation where I always like to be, which is a show right after another show. You know, like right now he just got Shreddy
Starting point is 00:24:37 look great for this show. And then, you know, knowing Craig, he's got the discipline to probably maybe have one huge hard refeed right after a show and then right back to the diet again. So, you know, he's going to come in probably even tighter than he did on the last show. So, and I know, I know him, he's working hard. So, I mean, he'll be a threat for sure in the, you know, possible top five guys. Who else do I know that's going to be in our show? Those guys are just guys off top of my head that are local, that are
Starting point is 00:25:04 right, that right around us. Where do you have to place to qualify for? First place. So first, only first will give you a limpia. All first. You have to take first. What's the date of it? We got to make sure we keep saying this
Starting point is 00:25:16 so people can do it. Saturday the 27th at the conventions that are Santa Clara convention center, right next to Great America. And I will, I'll be there all day long, but I'll probably hit stage somewhere between five and eight PM at night. And I'll know the exact time when I hit stage
Starting point is 00:25:34 as we get a little bit closer because, you know, they have to figure out how many athletes there's gonna be, and then you have a kind of a better idea. But somewhere, you know, I'll know, somewhere between five and eight PM, I'll hit stage on Saturday, June 27th, which is less than two weeks away. Is there a, what can mean Justin do to support you on that day, aside from, you know, giving hand jobs and stuff like that? Yeah, which is there at state.
Starting point is 00:25:56 You know, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm pretty excited. My girl was, I know my girl's been buying shirts for family and friends and so that are going to be out there. So there's going to be, and she told me already that just from her side, there's over a hundred people that are coming out. So I have no, if that's with no listeners, that's with no orange theory people. So we're going to have a pretty cool crowd. And you know, honestly, more than anything else, I'm more excited about that. I'm excited about coming out.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I'm gonna bring the baddest physique I ever had, where the judge placed me, you know what, I can't control that shit. I can't control if they want a smaller guy on the stage, I can't control if they want somebody who's more conditioned this time or someone who's more bubbly at this time. And I've seen it go so many different ways every time.
Starting point is 00:26:41 So I'm not really worried and stressed about that. I know I'm gonna bring the best me and hopefully the best crowd. And I'm pretty sure as with the way things are striking other words. So if you guys are loud as a motherfucker out there and having fun in a good time, like that's what I'm going to ask. I'm sitting on Joe's. I'll sit on your shoulders. Just because that pumps me up when I hit stage. It's, you know, you know, you're just a spinner. Dude, you're too heavy. Here's a thing for me too. Like I am not, I'm not, this whole men's physique thing is believe it or not, it's not me.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Like I am, I am not the guy to model and pose and do that. But you're gonna kiss for us, right? Oh, absolutely. I will blow kiss. Kiss my move. That's my last. Yeah, I will do all faint. I will do that for you.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But you know what? It's just like I said, it's it's not my thing It's not something I did not grow up Wanting to hit the stage and I don't know if I'm breaking anybody's heart that's a fan or you know that I inspire or what I'm with that But for me like it's about my physique and building the ultimate physique that I've always wanted I love that part of it. I love the fact that it's competitive and it challenges me But I don't really get too caught up in, you know, everybody else and the placing and this and that, but I'd be lying if I said, I don't want fucking first
Starting point is 00:27:49 place every time I hit that stage. I mean, I want to win. I want to win, but I do my best not to celebrate the wins too much and not to let's okay. We'll just talk mad shit. That's wrong. This show. It's what we call, we'll call everybody else out. Well, either way, whether you're disappointed or you're elated, we're gonna have an epic post, you know, show, blowout. Yes, we are. We're gonna get drunk, cause you're pissed,
Starting point is 00:28:13 and we're gonna get drunk, cause you're happy. It's gonna be ridiculous. I'm always... My favorite thing about cutting really hard and getting low like this, working out the next week is just so fun. When you're all full of carbs, you get to load all up with food. I mean, great food and I'm still down probably three or four. I'm down to three or four percent body fat and in my skin feeling,
Starting point is 00:28:33 it's going to tear off me every time I do a push up or anything. It's just, it's the most epic feeling when I work out. I wish, I wish I could maintain that year around that feeling. You know, it's pretty, pretty awesome. So I look forward to that. All right, pump heads come show your support. We got one more update before the big show. Bring it.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Pump Radio dot com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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