Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1019: Using Barbell Complexes for Building Muscle & Burning Fat, How to Fix an Imbalance Between the Right & Left Side of Body, Staying Disciplined & MORE

Episode Date: April 27, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about using barbell complexes for building muscle AND... burning fat at the same time, how to fix a chest imbalance, tools to stay disciplined when the motivation/excitement has run out, and the best investment opportunities right now and for the future. Tobacco company Philip Morris starts life insurance firm that offers discounts to smokers who quit + why Health IQ is superior if you are health driven. (4:09) Adam witnesses the GREATEST Game 7 in NHL history: How momentum is a REAL thing. (10:15) How Justin is using Organifi ‘Immunity’ to prevent a potential viral infection. (20:15) Sal and Justin taking their families to the Grand Canyon. (22:18) Adam and Catrina getaway with friends. (28:32) The outpouring of amazing baby gifts Adam has received from fans and sponsors. (31:30) Mind Pump back on the road!! Limited tickets are available at Vuori flagship in Encinitas, CA. (33:09) Mind Pump recommends The Creative Brain on Netflix. (33:49) 'Fat Sex Therapist' compares fitness trainers to Nazis, children's dieting to sexual assault. (38:16) The importance of using machines vs. free weights, if you are training high volume and feel you are at the brink of overtraining. (43:18) #Quah question #1 - Are barbell complexes suitable for building muscle and burning fat at the same time as claimed by some? (46:04) #Quah question #2 - How do you fix a chest imbalance? Should you switch to dumbbells and go heavier on the bad side? Or could this be from a shoulder issue or something not related to the chest muscle? (53:18) #Quah question #3 – What tools do each of you have to stay disciplined when the motivation or excitement has run out to stay on track with your nutrition or go to the gym? (59:03) #Quah question #4 – What are some of the best investment opportunities right now and for the future? (1:06:44) People Mentioned John Brenkus (@johnbrenkus_)  Twitter Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: MAPS P.E.D. $60 off until Sunday, April 28th at midnight **Code “PED60” at checkout** April Promotion: MAPS Split ½ off!! Code “SPLIT50” at checkout Mind Pump Live Health IQ Organifi Tobacco company Philip Morris starts life insurance firm that offers discounts to smokers who quit Jury Awards $80 Million In Damages In Roundup Weed Killer Cancer Trial Mind Pump 955: John Brenkus- 6x Emmy-Award Winning Creator, Host, & Producer Of Sport Science Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation – Book by Rupert Sheldrake Rapid origin for the Grand Canyon - Graham Hancock The Creative Brain | Netflix 'Fat Sex Therapist' compares fitness trainers to Nazis, children's dieting to sexual assault The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/24/19 MAPS Fitness Prime | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND and then we get into the fitness talk. Here's what we talked about for the first 42 minutes. We started out by talking about Phillips Morris. That's the cigarette company. They're doing their own life insurance. That's kind of weird. And we compared it to the superior life insurance company, Health IQ. Health IQ provides life insurance for fit and healthy people.
Starting point is 00:00:41 So if you're fit and you're healthy, which you probably are, because you listen to the show, you're gonna get better prices through health IQ. Here's what you do. Go to healthiq.com forward slash mine pump and take the health IQ quiz and get a free quote on life insurance. Then Adam brought up the sharks game last night. Most epic game ever. Crazy game. Apparently they did 14 goals, right? That's right. That's not right. But it will go down in history as one of the best game
Starting point is 00:01:06 Sevens ever awesome then Justin was sneezing and coughing Earlier today talking about his allergies or maybe it's a cold So he's been using Organifies immunity which has immunomodulating effects. It should help with allergies Definitely should help with a viral infection like the cold of course Organify is one of our sponsors. They make phenomenal organic, all organic supplements, including protein powders. If you go to organifi.com-mindpump
Starting point is 00:01:33 and use the code MindPump, you'll get 20% off all of their products. Then we talk about this upcoming Grand Canyon trip. That's going to be an absolute blast. We talk about gifts for Maximus. Some of our fans have been sending Adam gifts for his new baby boy, that's about to come. That's really nice to you guys.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Thank you guys, I love you. Then I mentioned the live event we're doing in Encinitas on May 10th at 6 p.m. It's live, it's open to the public. Here's what you gotta do to get invited, go to mindpumpalive.com and get yourself a ticket. Believe there's like 10 left. So hopefully there's some left when this episode airs. Just then brings up a new show on Netflix called the Creative Brain. I talk about how this sex therapist who
Starting point is 00:02:13 did a talk at a college in Minnesota called Trainers Nazis. I think she's crazy. And then we talked about machines versus free weights. And then we get into the fitness portion of this episode. The first fitness question was, are barbell complexes, aka circuits suitable for building muscle and burning body fat? We give our opinion in that part of this episode. Next question, how do you fix a chest imbalance or how do you fix a right to left imbalance? Should you just switch to dumbbells or is this or is there a better approach? The next question what tools do each of us have to stay Motivated when we don't want to go to the gym where we don't want to eat right Adam likes to say
Starting point is 00:02:56 Motivation is what bullshit bullshit self-belief is everything right that right that down everybody and the final question What are some of the best investment opportunities right now and for the future? Of course, we are not investment experts, but we always have an opinion. I'd also like to mention everybody, there's only two days left for our brand new Maps program launch, Maps performance enhancing design, that's Maps PED, this is by far the most hardcore advanced Maps program to date. So this is only for those of you who are super experienced, have great recovery ability and you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:34 You're crazy about getting your body to peak physical condition. You've got everything dialed in, you want to squeeze every bit out of your genetic potential out. This is the program for you. It's $60 off. This promotion ends in two days. You better act now. Here's what you do.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Go to maps, PED, that's MAPS, PED.com, and use the code PED60, no space for $60 off. Now, if you're not super advanced, if you'd like to take a look at our other maps programs, you can find the other ones at mapsfitinistproducts.com. You know who Philip Morris is, right? Of course. He's not my guy.
Starting point is 00:04:12 He's that guy that we got. No. No. The tobacco company, Philip Morris, they started a life insurance firm. Did they really say it? Yeah. That offers discounts to smokers who quit. Now this to me sounds like the ultimate hedging
Starting point is 00:04:30 of your bets. 100% it is. It's so brilliant. We're like, okay, we're making money, but here's the problem. Like how do we make money off of people that stop being our customers? Oh, I got an idea.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, we have to keep them as customers. But like, we have two issues. One, if they remain customers, they don't live that long. So we lose them quickly. Two, if they quit, then of course they're long, long our customers, how can we kill two birds with one stone? Or is my vegan friends like to say, feed two birds with one stone?
Starting point is 00:04:59 What's going on? One stone. Life insurance company. And then give them a discount for quitting. We make more money. blingo, blingo. I mean, blingo, blingo, it's not of everything. I wonder how they compare to ours, health IQ. Oh, come on now.
Starting point is 00:05:12 They, come on now. Health IQ is not for smokers, is it? Yeah, this is the opposite. Health IQ. Health IQ specializes in life insurance for fit and healthy people. So if you did quit smoking actually, it'd be a good idea to go to Health IQ, I bet you the prices are better anyway.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Right, so we're recommending if you're a smoker, maybe you should go to Philip Morris, if you're a non-smoker, you should head over to Health IQ. Health IQ fit and health, because what they do is they take fit and healthy people and they pull them together, because your rates, what determines your rates is your risk of dying,
Starting point is 00:05:45 but also how well they do with the other people that they work with and their risk. So if you're a part of a pool of other fit and healthy people, it means you're going to get a better price. And remember when Doug did the comparisons, Doug used to work in life insurance. A lot of people don't know that. We would cost the company less money being healthy. That's right. So they're going to want us, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:03 give you a good rate to bring you on as a potential way. Yeah, and that's why I get annoyed if I'm get pulled with a bunch of everyday. I would love to get the statistics from them. I bet you they have it. We should ask them. We should ask Rachel to reach out to them and get the statistics of the people
Starting point is 00:06:17 that actually are like, they have to pay out on. Yeah, yeah, right, right. Like how much is good? Like how brilliant of an idea was that for them to create a health insurance that's geared around, or life insurance that's geared around healthy people. Yeah, because you're gonna,
Starting point is 00:06:33 and which means your rate's gonna be cheap, because remember when we figured it out, and we're older, and it was like, what was like 50 bucks a month or something like that? For, I don't remember how much it was a million bucks, or something, it was a low price for a big policy. Yeah, it was very reasonable. It's not a, yeah, it's not a, it's not super expensive.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I think a lot of people get confused and think it's expensive. But yeah, if you're fit and healthy, that's where you want to go. But how funny is that? I'll fill up Morris. Yeah, I'm still thinking about it. It's hilarious that they decided that they just created that company just recently. Yeah, right now it's just in the UK.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And then they're gonna move on. Speaking of non-healthy companies, I didn't, I didn't round up, I get here, get pulled or some shit. Did you guys hear that? No, I don't know about this. Oh, Google that for me, Doug, sorry, I know this was. Well, I faux-sates. I think round up is officially banned now.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I think after that big lawsuit. It can't be banned. Yeah, dude, I heard something. I banned. Yeah, do I heard something? I just broke like I read 90% of our food supply is doused in msanto driven in round up Doug Doug shaking a said no what do you read looks like they're alive and well what did you even know the people who are using it aren't Oh damn yeah dropping it every once in while, Doug drops a killer like that. Yeah, that one just stabbed you.
Starting point is 00:07:48 No, there was an article on Roundup, but I don't remember what it was, Adam. I think that's the one you're talking about. Someone sent it to us. Is that, yeah, I imagine it was in our thread. Are you sure, Doug? I know I saw something along the lines. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah, because they come up with, I mean, they have the patent on a, like a majority of the seeds that like farmers use to plant, and they're still ingrained in that whole process. They have a patent on genetically modified crops, on certain crops, which don't die when sprayed with their particular, I mean, from a business perspective, brilliant business model.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Brilliant business model. Hey, we're gonna show you these seeds that you can spray everything and them. It'll kill everything but the seeds. Where do I buy that spray? Oh, we got that too. Yeah, yeah. Oh, we got you.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah. One, two, you know what I'm saying? So that guy got what, 80 million in damages who got cancer from him? 289 million. No, yeah, but I think it went back and forth, didn't it? Now he ended up with 80 or something from that? 289 million. Yeah, but I think it went back and forth, didn't it? Now he ended up with 80 or something like that?
Starting point is 00:08:47 Oh, okay, so the article I read said 289 million. That's kind of a 289 million to groundsmen who blames it for terminal cancer. Wow. Wow. What a shitty way to get money, too, right? I know, right? Yeah, what are you gonna do with it?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah, I mean, what's his, did he have like a lifespan, like they projected for his? It was non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, I believe, which if I'm not mistaken, depending on when they caught it, is a, is one that is relatively treatable if I'm not mistaken. Oh, he's 46. Yeah, there's certain kinds of cancers are just, they're not, you know, if you have it, and you ask your doctor, what is the, what is the number show?
Starting point is 00:09:27 If I treat this and it's not good, some are very treatable, like early stages, prostate cancer and to stick to the cancer, for example, it's like, I don't know, nine, nine out of 10 cases are cured, you know, if something like that. Other kinds of cancers are really bad. And a big reason being that some of them just don't get detected till way later, like pancreatic cancer, one of the reasons why it's such a terrible one or tough one to treat is because by the time somebody has
Starting point is 00:09:54 the symptoms, they get them to go to the doctor to check if things already stage three or stage three. Oh yeah. You know what I mean? That time it shows up, yeah it's already. Same thing with stomach cancer, that's another one. That's because that that was what, you know, my family member had a long time ago. And it's At the time it shows up, yeah, it's already. Same thing with stomach cancer. That's another one. That's because that that was what, you know, my family member had a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And it's by the time she got diagnosed, her said no symptoms up until it was stage four. That's crazy. Yeah, super crazy. Anyway, Adam, were you at that crazy sports ball game last night? Yeah. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Ah, this is where I feel like so out of the loop.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Cause I heard it's like one of the best games they ever had. It was hands down the best hockey game I'd ever seen and most certainly ever been to in my life. Wow. And it was a bold statement. That's not the it's a bolder statement when I tell you that I was there with my good buddy Bruce who oversees like all the the sweets at the arena.
Starting point is 00:10:47 And he's been working for the company for 20 years. So he's seen every shark game for the last 20 years. And last night we were hugging each other going like we just watched the best shark game in ever. Greatness. It was so good. You embraced a man. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Wow. Yes. That's crazy. Like a serious, serious man. Bro, is that you on top or is he Yeah, I know that's a power that was just a roll rolling around thing. Oh Like half one like your bottom arm is down your top ones up. You ever noticed that I used to do that just make sure the power is even Yeah, exactly you're noticed that when two guys hug rarely is like one guy's arms on top
Starting point is 00:11:21 And they can't they have to alternate Well, especially they squeeze when you're When you're a six foot three dude, you always assume the top position. Okay, just all right. In fact, it's all, you know, that... How do you hug me, buddy? Yeah, how do you hug me? No, I side hug him for that reason.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I always get you. Pay attention to it, even when we do photos, we do photos, I'm always on top of you, bro. Yes, let's go back and check that out. I'm curious. I never let either one of you over me. Well, to be tech, to be quite, I put my hand in your lower back.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yes, to be, to be quite honest in grappling, it's the underhooks that give you the advantage. So I'm just ready. That's the overall. That got the overall. I got the under arm. I like how you justify it. I go down, and I was getting frequent flyer miles.
Starting point is 00:11:59 You know it's funny though? I always find it hilarious when I go to give like a hug, and this actually happens a lot for me. And I don't know why that is. And I don't know if other people have this situation, but there's sometimes when I go to like, I go to lean down and like hug like a family member or a girl that's much shorter than I am.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And she actually goes up like she's gonna get above my shoulders. And there's this like awkward, you know. Cause this is like pulling your neck to like throw you down.. Yeah, what are you doing? And I'm supposed to go way down here like, no, I go up high. I go high. I'm six three. That's just the rules. The rules to this. So tell me about what made this game so crazy. So I got to set the table for you. So you understand. Yeah, go for it. This is playoffs. Right. It's challenging. This is not this. The winner of this you said goes to semis. Right. So, uh, so this is this is playoffs. You. It's challenging. This is not this. The winner of this, you said goes the semis. Right. So, uh, so this is, this is playoffs. You're getting the semi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Yeah. All right. You always take my jokes. I was setting it up, Chastain. Anyway, you're there. You still mind the other day. I don't feel the last year we lost to the Vegas nights. They went on to the Stanley Cup championship. Okay. So that's who we're playing right now in the first round. They get up on us three games to one. It's the best of seven. So we're all in a bad situation. Oh, I forget the statistics on that.
Starting point is 00:13:13 When you go down three to one in hockey, I think it's like a 70 something or 80 something percent chance you're for sure going to lose. We're already 20 percent. Yeah. And it's three to one. So I go to that game. So I go to I go to the game. It's at home sharks for the three to three one series. It's a do or die game for us and we win that game. So that was a big deal. So now it's three two three
Starting point is 00:13:35 two but we got to go back to Vegas now. We go back to Vegas. This is two nights ago. Okay. We go back to Vegas. We win in double over time. And that's, and is this the game that everybody was like, Oh, that guy should have been fucking whatever for seven minutes. I saw some posts. No, it's we're not there yet. Okay. So that was I did see something. Did anybody pull the goal here or anything bold move? Like that always happens. Yeah. So this is so now the series is tied three to three. Yeah. Go into a game seven. Now game sevens already. I can only count on one hand, how many game sevens I've been to and play off.
Starting point is 00:14:07 So making a game seven, a game seven, an NBA or NHL, is just already, that just, it means it was a great series, right? Yeah, great matchup to where it's going all the way down to the final game. It's like Frasier always. Yes, but first for hockey. Okay, good, good analogy there.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I got it. So game seven, it's back at the shark tank. We're there. We're playing. We're playing. They are they brought their game, dude, and we're just we were laying an egg. Period one no goal. Period two no goal. We're down Three zero in the final period. Three zero in hockey, but way, hockey scores, average hockey scores like three to two. Yeah, it's less that's almost like soccer. Right. So it's three, I get everything,
Starting point is 00:14:49 look at the sports stuff's coming out just. Except way more exciting. Way more. So it's three zero soccer fans. It's we have 11 minutes left in the third period. I'm looking over at Justin talking about what time, we're we're fri- we're pissed. We're mad at our team right now.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Again, another year, we're excited about being in a playoffs. We get let down. We just we we're not playing with enough emotion What are so we're bitching right like a bunch of fucking fan girls right here like going back and forth about the game and All of a sudden this crazy penalty happens Pavell see gets nailed gets knocked out completely hits the ice blood goes all over the ice like crazy Crowd screaming and yelling. This is our player. Yes, it gets hurt. They give him a five minute penalty.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Now, this penalty is already a rare penalty to get a five minute penalty. Normally times, most times in hockey, when you get a penalty, it's a two minute penalty. And after, if a team scores after that two minutes, you get your player back. So with the penalties in hockey, you have to play with a guy short. Get that? Okay, so you get a five minute penalty. The only difference between this penalty is even if you score when it's that bad of a penalty,
Starting point is 00:15:53 you don't get your guy back for five minutes, you got to play short. And the reason why it was a five minute one was it was such a bad penalty. Yes, such a bad penalty. So, but it doesn't matter, we're down three zero. But this gives us a little, now we're like, okay, are we going to actually respond and at least get a goal up or whatever. And within like 15 seconds, bam, we get a goal. So now it's three one. And so we're going
Starting point is 00:16:15 crazy in a four minute span, four goals we score. Holy shit. We go up at one after another, after another after being shut out the entire game and we come back and we score four and we're up four to three. Oh my god They actually are coach must have been just like losing his mind. Oh, it's everybody just going A shit a I've posted I posted on my story that we had just in film the the goal to take us up four to three So there's a clip on my Insta story right now of the last minute where we went up to take the lead four to three. So the whole game, the whole third period, we're standing on our feet, screaming, yelling, I lost my voice. Then 47 seconds left of the period, they scored a tie it back up. left of the period, they scored a tie it back up four, four. We're going to overtime.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Oh, your balls are just inside your body. Dude, we're crazy last night. And it's a late night. I know it'll be up early the next day, but it doesn't matter. This is just insane. And the sweet, dude, everybody in the sweetest fucking throwing chairs and we're tackling each other like screaming at peers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I mean, this is, you're talking about, especially when you talk about Justin, myself, and then my buddy Bruce, like, fanatics about, I when you talk about Justin, myself, and then my buddy Bruce, like, fanatics about, I'm the least fanatical about the team. Like they're like crazy fanatics. So this is a big deal. Watch everything. They watch Justin does a mis-game ever. Same thing with Bruce.
Starting point is 00:17:37 He's there at all the games. So this is just like a crazy moment to be a part of. All of us be watching it together. This happened. And then what happens and over time we score. We win and the whole entire place just fucking erupts and goes down. It's already been talked about right now on sports center and ESPN as the greatest game seven in arguably all of sports for sure in NHL. Dude, that's so crazy. Did they like so on that four goal streak? Did they do a lot of
Starting point is 00:18:04 one timer like shots, to get them in quick, how did it work out? Yeah, you had a wrap around, you had a one-timer, you had a tip, you had. So all different variables. I mean, it was, you just, you, and what's cool about it is you felt the energy. That's what I was just gonna say.
Starting point is 00:18:19 We were, we were just in the zone. People talk about momentum and pretend like it's not a real thing. It is a real thing. And you get that momentum and I don't care what you're doing, whether it's making a sale, whether it's scoring points on a game. This is one of those things that we don't have yet the science to measure and prove.
Starting point is 00:18:37 That's why they do timeouts and sports. That's why I'll stop the momentum. John Brink has brought up a book. I'm trying to forget it's something more fallogy or more, that's right. He said there was a book that literally covers this topic and I really want to read it Well, this is such a great example or testament to that theory because you're talking about a game where We are being shut out completely. We can't get anything in the net for an entire game. And then all of a sudden in four minutes, we put four on them.
Starting point is 00:19:08 That's just like unheard of. It is unheard of. And that penalty must have just charged up our guys. Yeah, well, we saw how hurt. I mean, he got hit completely lights out. And he's head, and we're looking at it. And I can see his head laying on the ice. You can see he's not moving.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Burns come slide over and they're flagging over the emergency people right away, heading over on the ice. So we're kind of freaking out. And then also do you see the ice turning red? Oh my God. And that's, it is the okay. So I haven't actually seen any, I haven't seen any clips. So that was last night.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I came in early this morning. So I haven't even had a chance to get caught up on my sports center and see exactly how it happened. Yeah, how nasty the hit was. I'm assuming what it looked like happened is this jog got clipped by an elbow. Looks like he got knocked out. And then the ice is what split his head open when he hit the ice because he went, he went out cool. That's what I think. I'll watch it and I'll find out. But you could see the ice just turned completely red. So that charged them. Yeah, it was nasty.
Starting point is 00:20:06 So that's why your voice is a little bit raspy or the normal. I thought you were catching Justin's cold. No, I was screaming. Well, if it's a cold, I'm like still, I'm in limbo as to whether or not it's a cold or if it's allergies, like, because I have the runny nose thing
Starting point is 00:20:23 and I have the eye watering thing, but then also I have this cough and it's really annoying. Maybe post nasal drip. Have you noticed because the organify immunity, the new immunity, I have been taking it. Yeah, I just started it early yesterday and I just was drinking that to, as something to try and preventatively, you know, and I just was drinking that as something to try and preventatively, you know, you know, not hopefully it catches it before it progresses. So theoretically, the ingredients in that not only will help strengthen an immune system
Starting point is 00:20:53 to fight off things like viral infections but also should have some immunomodulating effects to help with allergies. So, oh really, so it's helpful for that too. It should be. We'll see if you notice any benefits from drinking that either way, right? Two birds one skin. That's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Wasn't that their answer to emergency or airborne? Is that like a better version of that? Yeah. That's what it's supposed to be. Much better version. Yeah, emergency and airborne is just vitamin C fizzy. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:24 There's not really a ton of vitamin C, it's all to that. That's all it is. I mean brilliant marketing, but yeah, it's not much of that. Is that really that's all in there? There's a bunch of other herbs and stuff in there, but probably not efficacious doses. Yeah. So, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So this, like I said, it's a better version of that. I definitely, yeah, I mean, it's, we'll see. Like I definitely feel like it's on a better path than it was like last night I was like really not feeling it last night dude you better not get sick right before you guys take off to your trip right now I better not get me sick is what he was like dude, I mean of course every time you know It's like oh, yeah, we're gonna slow down a minute and then your body's like oh you're gonna slow down Just like fucking punches you yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I're gonna slow down? Oh, boy. And it just like fucking punches you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've had a lot of people comment that they like
Starting point is 00:22:08 the Organifi immunity, just the flavor and the effect. So I'm really excited. Yeah, it's not like super sweet. It's like pretty smooth and yeah. Yeah, so we'll see how the effects are. Yeah, but I am excited, dude. We're going to take the kids to the Grand Canyon. That's gonna be fun.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Now, has everyone already been? Never. I don't think anybody I have when I was a kid and what's kind of nostalgic for me is, I mean, I went with my brother and my family and that was when Star Wars was first released like in theaters. I think it was Empire Strikes Back.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And so we actually, I watched it as a kid there. There's like a movie theater that's that's around there. Avengers endgame will be out. Yeah. Maybe we can watch that. I'll leave. We'll do that. But yeah, leave the kids with that. That's all I remember. I remember the stars. I don't remember the Grand Canyon. So we'll see how this goes. No, I'm you know what I'm like. So here's a thing. When you travel with a lot of kids, you'll you'll learn this too, Adam. Soon. When you travel with a lot of kids, you just have to lower your expectations in terms of I'm soon when you travel with a lot of kids you just have to lower your expectations in terms of What you're gonna do
Starting point is 00:23:13 When you when you when you don't have kids with you like oh, we're gonna see this we're gonna see that we're gonna stay out all day when you have kids It's like yeah, you know We were able to see the grandcain for 30 minutes and then you know someone you know crap themselves or the head real Bathroom or whatever and yeah, whatever and stuff like that But I'm really looking forward to just hanging out, you know, with like the families together in the house and dude, how hot, I'm hiking and all of hot as it's supposed to be over there. 70s.
Starting point is 00:23:33 It's not bad. It'd be like, like what, 50 degrees at night. At night, it's gonna be a little lower. Yeah. But during the day, it'll be in the 70s. What? Are you sure? Yeah, you looked at it.
Starting point is 00:23:42 That's what the internet said. The internet was lying. Yeah. It might be, wow, I would assume it was much hotter over there right now. No, no, no. We're getting some good Instagram picks, so I'm gonna guess. It's gonna be awesome. Yeah, I was going to stand too close to the edge. Are your kids, do your kids have camel backs and stuff for the hiking? Well, we actually thought about that. Courtney was asking about that. I'm like, yeah, you should probably get one. She might just have one and then I actually just, I like carrying shit and I make like a workout out of it.
Starting point is 00:24:08 So I'm just gonna care about a couple of other balls. I have a couple of other balls. I have some for my kids. And it's just for fun. I mean, we don't even hike long enough to need them, but the kids get excited because it's to wear something. Yeah, if I were you, throw some liquor and stuff in there and have a good time.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Now you're attacked. Right on the rim of the Grand Canyon. Have you seen that there's been like, I think three deaths at the Grand Canyon over the last eight days? Yeah. Has it really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:32 People taking selfies apparently. Right, trying to get close. Yeah, sure. Well, I know they have that like invisible catwalk thing now, right? Have you seen that? No, what is it? Yeah, there's like, it's like some kind of plexiglass
Starting point is 00:24:43 where it like extends over, you walk like you can see underneath you like how far down it is. My feet are sweating right now. I think yeah I think my balls will just you know completely like go all the way inside me all the way up my chest. Well they have a cat walk. I thought that's cool. They didn't have that. That is that new? Was that newer or what? It's newer. Yeah. I think it was the last 10 years ago. I just as I've gotten older I didn't appreciate the shit when I was a kid. You know, as a kid, I'd go see nature and be like, okay, like whatever, I wanna go back and watch TV.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Now, there it is right there. Like a skywalk, there you go. That's a skywalk, that's cool. Now is an adult when I see these incredible, just wonders of the world, like Yosemite or, you know, the Grand Canyon, for example, or just nature, it's breathtaking to me now. Literally, I find myself not losing my breath
Starting point is 00:25:31 and being in complete awe. Yeah, this has been a new thing for you over the past couple of years, huh? It's just getting out in nature and really observing. It's life changing. You know, I watched a documentary on the Grand, so you guys know what the story is
Starting point is 00:25:43 with the Grand Canyon, right? How it was formed, like over, you know, what is it? Millions of years with the Colorado River. A racial 40, you know, is that what, they're saying how the river kind of carved it out? Or right? There was this one guy who tried to make the case that
Starting point is 00:25:57 he thinks it happened all at once with a massive flood or something. Not Graham Hancock with the other, God, I forget his name. But yeah, I've heard Randall, Randall something. Did you see that? Randall Carlson. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah, and so he's, I mean, it's part of like this big cataclysmic theory that, you know, a meteor, and actually just found and uncovered a humongous like six mile wide like meteor like crater. In Greenland, that just got uncovered because of the ice. Really? Yeah, and so like all these theories are coming in and being somewhat verified.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, because Graham Hancock talks about how he thinks there's been advanced human civilizations way before the ones that we know about. And that the earth is so old. So, all... Go back to Tepearity, prove that. Yeah, the earth is so old that these civilizations were just wiped out through meteor blasts or through just erosion because they're so old, they lasted for so long.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Yeah, so all these flood myths around the world have, you know, were true. So it's like an account that was passed on from generations of humans. Well, apparently we're in like the tail end of a long, cool period for earth. That the earth was a lot warmer for most of the, for a long time, and that were kind of towards the tail end of it.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And some people are saying, it's going to warm up regardless, it's supposed to warm up regardless, it's supposed to warm up anyway. Yeah, I love all that stuff too. I love to, and you know, scientists, like, make their life's mission to disrupt a lot of information that we've known to be true forever, but they get shit for it, their whole lives, and then it starts being verified.
Starting point is 00:27:43 It's great to see that things get verified like that. Yeah, wasn't the sphinx in Egypt? They're like, there's water erosion on it. There hasn't been water here for way longer than what we think the Egyptians were around for. So they had, I mean, that's the thing. And they don't want to address certain inconsistencies like that because then it uproots a lot of their entire education
Starting point is 00:28:02 that they could pass it on. Crazy, but I love doing things like this and just getting that feeling, that breathtaking, like wow, this is so incredible. But the thing I'm really looking forward to, to be quite honest, is hanging out at night in the house with everybody. I got the scary stories, the old stories.
Starting point is 00:28:19 You got that covered, I got some cool board games. Do you? What the meme and I forget the other one, but yeah, there's some pretty ridiculous ones that will have fun with. Oh, I love that stuff. So it'll be a good time. So Adam, you're going to Tahoe, is that you said? Yeah, we take off the Tahoe tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:28:34 We were going to go tonight, but it's looking like we could train and I got a bunch of stuff. We got to handle work wise before we get out of here. So I think tomorrow morning we'll hit the road. And I'm just going up there with my best friend. The one that actually was at the shark's game with. So him and his wife and his newborn. That's a one year old. What do you guys do together when you go?
Starting point is 00:28:53 He rides too. So he's a snowboarder. So we'll have our boards. Although I don't know what the weather's going to look like. So it's been really nice. The last like week or so. I don't know how fresh the powder. I don't like I'm snobby when it comes to that. I like to love to ride. But if it's crap snow, so. I don't know how fresh the powder. I don't like, I'm snobby when it comes to that.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I like to love to ride, but if it's crap snow, I don't care to ride that bad that I have to go right. We had a huge base from the season. Like they got a ton, but yeah, I'm sure it's like all like ice packed and then put it on top. What I was hoping, what would happen during, if we time it right where I get like a day, one of these days we're actually reigned
Starting point is 00:29:24 and then snows up there and then I could ride powder one morning and then call it a trip where we do that. Regardless though we wanted to get away somewhere where we could relax and just hang out with the baby and chill. Do you have a boy or girl? Boy, hold. Hold.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Oh, cool, so be close age with your boy. Yeah, and he's the oldest. The other one has got a daughter that six months. So he's got a six, my two best friends have a six month old, the, the six month old girl and then the, so one girl, two boys. Yeah. No, no, no, no, there's one has a girl. Yeah, your buddy's got a boy, you're gonna have a boy.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Yeah, oh cool. Yeah. And it's funny because she's gonna have two like brothers, you know, the guy, the guy who had the, you know, my friend who had the daughter, and so it comes from a family where it's all, all boys. And so he's like the, she's like the first girl, like in the family. So it's interesting to watch him navigate, you know, being a new father and having a baby girl.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And then now my buddy who has the boy, and now I have a boy coming. Are you finding yourself now? No, because now you know you have one on the way. Are you finding yourself even more drawn to babies now? No, I don't think I'm anymore drawn to other babies as much. Now, I have a special place like that.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I'm the Godfather for this kid. So he's like a kid to meet my kid. I mean, these two best friends, I think they're family. They're family. Yeah, they evolve beyond. In fact, I think, I don't, they're family. They're family. Yeah, they've evolved beyond. In fact, I don't even think of them as like friends.
Starting point is 00:30:48 We don't even hang out like friends used to. It's more like seeing family when we see each other. And so I think of them as like my, you know, nieces and nephews that they've had. So yeah, I don't, I don't notice that. The things I notice, I have caught myself like, you know, what they call nesting, right? So I'm doing things. I'm cleaning the house up and organizing closets and doing things that I would normally not do.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I would probably lean on Katrina to do or have somebody else do. And so I'm doing that right now. I'm finding myself and also creating new habits and patterns. Like I told you guys before, the rower and getting downstairs and I've been getting up really early every single morning now. And I've always said on this podcast, I hate mornings, I don't get up in mornings, but I also recognize that if I'm going to have these productive days where I get the same shit done now with the kid, I'm going to have to get up really early. So awesome. There was a couple people at the live at the event that we
Starting point is 00:31:38 went to that we did that actually brought Adam and Katrina a baby gift. I know, I was thinking man, I was like, oh, I had my kids too soon. Yeah, like Adam's getting hooked up from like butcher box and you know, from the fans. We've actually got a bunch and I haven't, in part of why I haven't seen anything on the show is I feel bad because we've actually got that many that I don't remember all the names.
Starting point is 00:32:00 It's so touching though that people know it's awesome. Oh, dude, I've got, so I got a baby rattle that is a dumbbell Right, so that was right. Did you add resistance to it? It's cranked in his little baby arms. So we got that I got a quite a few little Like educational type books to read them that I think are really cool If I've now got a couple ones these butcher your box sent the custom onesie for us. And then I got the Mind Pump onesie sent to me from Cody that was super rad. Sandra got me the night light that's all that you can control through the app on your iPhone.
Starting point is 00:32:40 That's for them. I mean, people have found out that Katrina is, I think she's, I don't even know what she's registered, how to out bad is this. I think she's registered at a baby, whatever, and target, but people figured that out. I'd never said anything. People have figured that out and have gone and already started buying things on the way.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Yeah, that's insane. And we've gotten, I've gotten shit in the mail and gotten stuff sent that I have no idea like who it came in. Some people don't even sign it and say who it's from, they just send it. Oh, everybody's excited. That's rad. That's so nice. I know, it's from. They just said it. Oh, everybody's excited. That's rad.
Starting point is 00:33:05 No, I know it's cool. It's really cool. Oh, speaking of live events, Incinitas coming up, I wanna make sure I mention that for the audience because we have a limited amount of tickets left. It's getting full too. Yeah, I hope by the time this airs, that there's still some available,
Starting point is 00:33:20 because I'm talking about it. Yeah, we want a packed house. Yeah, so to do that, you gotta go to mindpumplive.com. And this is a live event. So we meet everybody, answer questions, have a good time. Justin is going to do his naked dance. Yeah. Only does a live event.
Starting point is 00:33:35 So if you want to see Justin naked, I'm just going to be who doesn't. Yeah. But anyway, it's on the 10th of May at 6 p.m. Mindpumplive.com. I wanted to mention that, but we'll see if there's any tickets left. Hopefully there is. Anyway, what was that show on Netflix, Justin?
Starting point is 00:33:49 I wanted to do, because you were going to start telling me and I said, why don't you save it for the show? Yeah, no, I loved this show. It was like getting into the neurology of the creative brain. So like, how do you create the environment that fosters this process further? And they took a bunch of different examples of people, whether they're like a performing artist,
Starting point is 00:34:10 like at this jazz musician, this person that actually created like monsters and animation. And then also they did this example of a school. So one of the ones that I thought was the most interesting was the school had like underperforming test results with all their kids and they were like the one of the lowest in their district and they just decided, you know what, we got to do something about this. And this was completely on the staff and everybody else like, you know, in the school just decided, hey, we're going to like, change our curriculum.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And so they changed it to foster more, more of this, like, artistic, you know, planned and designed curriculums. So that way they're learning math, but they're learning math by creating art and like, drawing for, you know. Interesting. Yeah, so, you know, it was a really, really cool idea
Starting point is 00:35:08 and it worked very well. Like they, they had high performing, you know, across the board, and they did this with all subjects, which was interesting. So they, they, they took a creative artistic approach as an outlet for these kids to kind of own, like they weren't wrong with their answers, but they had to explain everyone of their answers through their art. And so this sort of put the emphasis that you can fail, you can be wrong, but you know, as you're refining the process, like you're going to learn so much as a result of it. And it showed in their test scores, like how much they really adopted, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:46 the concepts that they were learning. I love it. I love it. So what is different? What did they talk about the environment that fosteres creativity? Did they say anything in specific? Yeah. So they were just saying that, like, in terms of being able to immer-, like, so for different
Starting point is 00:36:03 people, they had different processes, like they'd have a book of things they'd collect and things that were inspiring to them that they'd put in front of them. In order to structure their actual room or their office to be able to get these types of imagery and different like things that fostered like this creative process for them, but really to create the environment. So a lot of like some people left
Starting point is 00:36:33 and very similar to what we do in our creative process where we go somewhere, it has to be a certain, you know, distance away. That cause the drive is part of it. So a couple of people have built like actual studios that are like a certain like mileage away from their house and that's where like they, it's like the separation of, you know, your day to day process and then in order to then immerse yourself completely in that thought process and allow your brain to just run wild. Yeah, that's the thing
Starting point is 00:37:01 about creativity is it oftentimes feels spontaneous like oh shit, you know, I'm feeling creative. But when you start to piece together the environment that promotes that spontaneity, then you can kind of recreate it. You can place yourself in these situations that tend to create the environments that increase the odds for that spontaneity of creativity. And we've identified that with our program writing process, right? And that's just something that, and now,
Starting point is 00:37:27 whether it's true or not, the fact that we believe it's to be true, it's going to increase the creative process. It's going to make us more creative. And they were trying to find that edge, that line where socially or whatever acceptable wise, like what was acceptable, what wasn't acceptable, and where's that balance between those two thoughts? And like what works, what doesn't work?
Starting point is 00:37:52 And so to be able to kind of like push that threshold, like created an opportunity for them to kind of live on that line, you know, they found if the closer they get to that line of like, you know, what's been done before, but where could I take it, you know, even further that people are too scared to go? Interesting, I wanna check that out.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah. So, did you guys see this, there was this sex therapist who was on, she was speaking at a college. Oh, it was on the, in Minnesota. I got, the Glenn Beck podcast, did her, or had her on the two. Now she's a relatively obese lady, and this is part of,
Starting point is 00:38:33 this is an important piece of the story. So she's a pretty large lady, and she basically compared personal trainers to Nazis and said it's assault. It's assault. Yeah, that's aggressive. Yeah, I'm gonna read to her a quote that she said during this. Oh, it's assault. It's assault. That's aggressive. Yeah, I'm going to read to her a quote that she said during this. Oh, you got a quote on her.
Starting point is 00:38:49 We should be critical of the use of science and the production of knowledge to continue promoting this idea that certain bodies are fit, able, and desirable. It is my fatness that causes my blood pressure or is it my experience of weight stigma? She then connects the science suggesting that obesity isn't healthy to Nazism, saying that fat phobic science is often actually eugenic science and eugenic science is not to science. Wow. First of all, I'm the first person to support, like, you got to care about yourself. You got to truly love yourself if you're going to make any real changes. Which is different than saying, you're fat, you need to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yeah, and also, if you actually are caring for yourself and taking care of yourself like someone you care for, you're not gonna be obese, unless there's some kind of medical condition, because how do you take care of something you really care about, right? You prevent that from happening. But the fact that she's trying to take the science and say that it's,
Starting point is 00:39:49 she's trying to say that the fact that she has weight stigma, that's what gives her high blood pressure, not the fact that she's 350 pounds, you understand? So her health is bad, not because she's massive and she doesn't eat a good diet. She's not healthy because of all the stigma she faces being massive. Like talk about taking responsibility.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah, she's not taking ownership for action. And just throwing it at everybody else. Yeah, I'm saying. Deflecting. It's great. And this you said this made, this is making the news, huh? Well, I got, no, someone sent me a DM
Starting point is 00:40:21 that it was on a, they were talking about it on a podcast. I think it was Glenn Beck or someone I forget. But when you said that, I was like, oh, that's so funny, I was literally just reading. So isn't that just like term thrown out there for everything now? Like if you don't agree with something, you're a Nazi. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I just like, I wish they wouldn't do that too, because it trivializes the word. Right. Like not to say. That offends me that too because it trivializes the word right like not That offends me that people throw that term. Yeah, like like Nazi racist like those are terrible terrible things to be The fact that we call everything, you know, Nazi that we don't like right it trivializes the word it makes it seem like Nazis Won't that bad. Oh well for trainers of Nazi then I guess because that's it eventually will happen I mean as history continues to pass now I feel guilty. I call Katrina the calendar
Starting point is 00:41:08 Nazi. Whenever anybody wants to do something with me, or they like want to, like, you have to go talk to the calendar, Nazi. That's not my job. So here's, here's what she's saying. My son called me the food Nazi. Yeah, she says that there's a clear communication that there's an idealized body. And Nazis really love the idea of an idealized body. So it makes a lot of sense to me that a fitness instructor might also think an idealized body in his thin white supremacist way. Oh, they have to throw a white in there.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Oh yeah. Yeah, I don't know what that is. A proximity to fat shaming. I don't have any, I don't know what that has to do with anything. But first of all, the idealized body, I understand how media works and I know that media makes us feel terrible and they have this ideal that they push out and all that stuff. But the reason why that's pushed out is because that's what we buy and pay for and some of
Starting point is 00:41:59 its rooted in our own instincts. Like why are we naturally more attracted to a relatively lean person than somebody who's very, very overweight? Why? Evolutionarily speaking, the person who's relatively lean, the odds that they're going to be able to have a healthy offspring are much higher
Starting point is 00:42:20 than somebody who's severely... Then how do you explain like my buddy who's like really into fat chicks? Uh-huh. I don't know. You everyone has that buddy, don't you mean? Well, that's what I'm saying. than somebody who's severely. Then how do you explain my buddy who's really into fat chicks? You everyone has that buddy, don't you? Well, doesn't everybody have the one friend? I'm speaking in generalities, but you're right. Humans are so complex. We're such complex creatures that we can sexualize anything.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I mean, there's people that have sex with trees and cars. He was my favorite guy to go to the, to like go to a house parties and shit with. Because you would use it. Yeah, he's the fall guy. He's the perfect wingman, dude. He's the perfect wingman. You'd be looking over at a group of girls
Starting point is 00:42:53 and there's like three of them and you'd be chatting with your buddy and you'd be like, oh bro, she's hot and you're like, and you're thinking to yourself like, fuck, we're both into the same grown. And then you'd be like, no, no, the one with the red pants on you're like, oh shit, you, okay, cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the one with the red pants on you like, oh shit, you okay cool.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Yeah, right on. Let's go talk to him. Yeah, by everybody drink. Yeah, you want to go to the party with a buddy who likes different girls in you. Yeah, absolutely. That makes sense. Anyway, that's hilarious. But dude, after this, I'm going to go do another one of those crazy long trying to work up my
Starting point is 00:43:21 body's capability to handle more volume and frequency because I want to try at some point doing a double split routine like like mass feed I want to see if I can handle it and get my body that point So I'm going to go again today to the gym and do I'll be doing something like Close to 60 total sets in the workout full body. Wow. Yeah, so it's a lot of but here's what I found about Volume I can handle way more than this is true for clients to I can handle way more volume with a lot of, but here's what I found about volume. I can handle way more, and this is true for clients too. I can handle way more volume with a lot of it for machines. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Free weights just tear you up way more. Way more, you know what I mean? Like three sets of squats. Even the most mess in my legs that way more than I meant. And that's an obvious one, like squats, but even like the most basic thing, like dumbbell girl. Oh yeah, dumbbell curls compared to like machine girls. Way more, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Way more damaging. Yeah. So it's something girls compared to like machine girls. Way more, yeah. Way more damaging. Yeah, you know, so it's something to keep to some to take note if you're listening like if you are trying to add volume to your workout and you think you might be tiptoeing the line, maybe the first step you do is machines, test that out and then if you think you can go free weights, then go to free weights just cause I take a lot more.
Starting point is 00:44:24 This is something that I think a lot of body builders have mastered really well. Of course, this is what they've done really well, is that because a lot of them are in the gym for hours. But the only reason they're in the able to be in the gym for hours and not go backwards on their physique and see still progresses, they do a couple, maybe compound lifts, maybe, and they do
Starting point is 00:44:42 our couple of free weight exercises, and then they go to a lot of machines and cable work. And when you do a machine and cable work, I can be in there for two hours plus, just touching up on everything versus going, I mean squatting, deadlifting, and there's some benefit to it. That sort of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:44:58 And there's some benefit to it, right? Increasing the volume, getting the blood, it's good for hypertrophy, if it's added to a routine appropriately. So, yeah, just to know. Especially when you're trying to develop specific small muscles on your body versus get what's the best bang for your buck. There's a big difference when I'm speaking to somebody about exercises and what is the
Starting point is 00:45:19 best exercise or what's the best exercise or the best bang for your buck on when you're doing a back exercise versus, hey, I want to work on specific parts of my back and, you know, what's the best exercises for that. And I want to do more volume. What does that look like? There's a different conversation. This quad brought to you by Organify. For those days, you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge. Try Organified, totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organified.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. Our first question is from DeZack. Are barbell complexes suitable for building muscle and burning fat at the same time as claimed by some? Mm, it's claimed by who?
Starting point is 00:46:14 So first off, fat loss is a result of calorie deficit. Okay, so you can lose fat. There's the first thing. Yeah, doing whatever workout, okay. Now, barbell complex, otherwise known as a circuit, is several exercises put together, typically three or four or more, without any rest. It's cardio with weights. That's really what it is. I mean, the barbell complex portion of it is just convenient because you know, you're transitioning to another movement in place pretty much.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Now as far as building muscle is concerned, there's definitely more of a muscle building signal with a barbell complex or a circuit than there would be with just traditional cardio, but there's way less muscle building signaling happening than a traditional straight set, barbell dumbbell type workout. Yeah, you're already gonna have to compromise the load.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I mean, that's something like, you know, to be able to get through every one of those movements efficiently and, you know, without, because you gotta, you gotta like, amount for the fact that you're gonna be, you know, in a state of fatigue pretty quickly by like repeating these different movements back to back. So you have to scale down the weight, you know, some to be able to handle that kind of stress.
Starting point is 00:47:28 This reminds me of all the clickbait stuff. This is how people can get away. I mean, it's true. If you do a barbell complex, can you build muscle, can you burn fat? You can make a case for that 100%. That's the hard thing, I think, for the average consumer when they're going through Facebook and getting hit with ads. There's a window for it. Right. And there's an argument to be made that you can do that. But most of this stuff is just a marketing ploy to get you to get excited. Like, oh shit, this is what I was missing. I didn't realize that if I did these barbell complexes, I could be building fat or building muscle and burning fat at the same time. It's like, well, that kind of happens in everything that you do.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And you can make that case for just about anything, including cardio. You said just, I mean, if you just got a traditional list cardio, that's one thing, but I mean, hit cardio, you can make the same claim. But nothing will build muscle better than straight sets and lifting compound lifts with rest periods and focused on that adaptation. Nothing is going to burn faster than you burning more calorie, having a larger calorie deficit, but in turn would be burning more calories in that cardio session. So what I like about, here's what I like about Barbell Complex.
Starting point is 00:48:45 First off, before I get into it, they have to be done right. Programming still matters. I think a lot of times when people put together complexes with weights, they pretend like programming doesn't matter. And what they do is they just take their favorite exercises and they put them together. So, they're like no rest and here we go. No, no, programming still matters. In fact, maps hit, uses complexes with weight.
Starting point is 00:49:07 And as much energy and effort as we put into the programming of other maps programs went into that as well because what you do, the order you do them in and what exercise you put together makes a big difference. That being said, here's what I like complexes for. Conditioning and calorie burning. That's what they do very well. Conditioning in the sense that you're going to get good strength endurance from doing these types of things.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Now if you're an athlete, there's definitely some value here, especially for when I sit train other athletes like MMA fighters or wrestlers or whatever. If we wanted to increase their stamina and they weren't going gonna do any more mat time, then I'd do a complex with them, for example, because you can kind of build that. As far as calorie burning is concerned, you're gonna burn a ton of calories. There's no rest.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Cardiovascular, at least speaking, your heart rate's going up quite high. A 30 minute, barbell complex workout is gonna burn. More calories than an hour of straight set weight training or maybe even an hour and a hour of straight set weight training or maybe even an hour and a half of straight set weight training. See, I use it completely different. I don't look at it like that.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I look at it like a time thing. It's a great way to get a good workout in when I happen to be short on time that day. Sure. So, if you're going to catch me doing a circuit or a barbell combo. It's going to be intermittently into my normal training routine where this is a day. And let's use today's example because this is something that I may consider to do today. I've got some stuff to handle right after work. I may only have about 30 minutes to 40 minutes tops after we get done podcasting. But I want to get a lift in really quick.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I'm not going to do what I would love to have do as to just follow a normal foundational master. Okay, well here's an example of where I can intermittently throw in a barbell complex type of a routine. Now what's cool about it is that it does have some muscle building benefits from it. It does have some fat burning benefits from it.
Starting point is 00:51:01 And it's also something that I don't train on a regular basis, so my body is going to be like, whoa, this is a very good disruptor, right? That's a great word for that. And and then I'll go right back to my normal routine. I think what happens is people read, you know, clickbait things like this. I want to burn body fat in the muscle. And then they start, then they follow it day in and day out, like it's a superior routine to a, a program that's laid out to, you know, build muscle or to burn fat. What, no, it's just, it's a, it's a great way to interrupt like a, a long,
Starting point is 00:51:34 50 minute, 60 minute type of routine. That's personally how I use it. That's how I typically use, use it for clients. That's where I see the most value in training like this. I don't think that it is superior to a straight like foundational day, like what we recommend in most of all of our products. Most online programs advertise to women or these types of programs. And they're just in the long term, they're just not nearly as effective. They're great in the short term,
Starting point is 00:52:01 like Adam said, but in the long term, they're not effective. I love taking female clients who follow online programs like this. I'm like, I've been working out for six months. I've been doing, I look at their workout and it's all circuit. And I go, cool. I know when I move you to my abs and a ball, like your body is going to love it and sure enough, every time they're like, holy cow, my metabolism's faster, building more muscle and getting lean much easier. And it's like, okay, it's because you got stuck in this cycle for too long. It's so funny because it is the popular workout style that's out there. And it's still like one that people really find themselves being gravitated towards. Where for me, it's like, I probably do it once, maybe twice a year.
Starting point is 00:52:41 And usually I just feel like I want to get in good condition again. And so I use it more for like, I've been working on my movement, I'm working on my strength. Okay, now I want to express that a little bit with more intensity and then get my conditioning and my durability back up. And so that's how I use it typically. And for anything, in terms of like, I don't, I hate like traditional cardio. And so this is another thing where I can like, I can get a really tough cardiovascular style workout with, you know, working with weights to where I don't feel like I'm bored,
Starting point is 00:53:17 you know. Next question is from B-Mor04. How do you fix a chest imbalance? Should you switch to dumbbells and go heavier on the bad side? Or could this be from a shoulder issue or something not related to the chest muscle? So this brings up a good a good topic here. I think it's important for everybody to go through cycles regularly of unilateral training where you're only working one side at a time, because barbells do some things very, very good.
Starting point is 00:53:51 But one thing that they don't do very good is help address a right to left imbalance. If you have a really bad right to left imbalance, you can actually compensate quite a bit with a barbell, and if you don't change it up, you'll never fix the issue. Now as far as going heavier or whatever, you know, the best way I love to do this and do this with clients and do this with myself is I'll do one arm at a time, excuse me, or one leg at a time and I'll start with the weaker side first and then I'll only do that many reps with my stronger side.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Even though the stronger side might feel like you could do more. So for example, let's say we're doing a chest press and I feel like I have an imbalance in my chest, I'll do a one arm dumbbell chest press and let's say the weaker side is my left. So I'll start with the left and I'll do as many as I can and let's say I get to 10 reps with a 60 pound or 70 pound dumbbell.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I'm gonna do the exact same thing with my right arm, even if I feel like I can do more with my right arm. Because if I continue to push my right arm during the workout, then I'm going to maintain that gap. I'm going to improve both of them, but I'm still going to have that gap. Instead, what I do is I push the weak side and I lay back on the other side and use the weak side as a guide. And that allows me to bring that gap together. Now, here's the side effect of this. The side for those of you who think
Starting point is 00:55:06 you don't have any imbalances between right and left, doing a full cycle of unilateral training, you'll build more muscle. It is very different. It's a very, very different stimulus. You go from two feet together, go to one leg, and you'll see how much weight you have to take off the bar because you're not used to it.
Starting point is 00:55:21 So I'm gonna add to this because one, I literally just had a conversation with Taylor maybe a week ago in regards to the exactly this question, two, this was a major issue for me for at least five to eight years of my lifting. So for the longest time, I had a significant imbalance on my chest, even as I started to strengthen my chest. And even as I started to learn some of the things that Sal just mentioned to do, like starting to do unilateral work and making sure that I wasn't doing more reps on the more dominant side and mirroring and matching. And for some reason, I just could not catch that other side up.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And it was really frustrating and pissing off. And this is where CES really trying to change my life way back when I took the first NASM CES, which is a corrective exercise specialist and was one of the best certifications I did as a trainer. And what I realized was I had a rolled forward shoulder on one side more than the other. So most everybody has somewhat of a protracted shoulder girdle where they had the forward shoulder on one side more than the other. So most everybody has somewhat of a protracted shoulder girl where they have the forward shoulders because we do everything in front of us. Now what happens, and it's actually really common, Taylor has this, I had it for sure,
Starting point is 00:56:34 and I see it all the time in clients, is especially guys that were, guys or girls that were athletes and they threw with one hand, they were playing with sports. And so the dominant hand tends to have that shoulder rolled in excessive in comparison to the other side. And so what happened was I wasn't able to, I wasn't retracting my shoulder on that side enough to get the chest to take over a lot of the movement. So what was happening was the shoulder on that side was rolled forward so much that my anterior delt
Starting point is 00:57:07 and my triceps were taking over most of that work and it wasn't developing the chest as well as the other side. And so I actually had to fix my ability to retract my shoulder and that thoracic mobility. I had to fix that first before I could actually build and develop my chest. And that's the problem with somebody who takes the advice that Sal is giving right now.
Starting point is 00:57:30 And if they've tried unilateral training and they still can't seem to balance the chest out, what it could be is that shoulder, that shoulder. And it'll be the side, the chest that's the side that's flatter is probably that same, not probably, it will be that shoulder that's rolled forward in. And if you do like our zone one test in maps prime, you will see this, or excuse me, the maps prime program, you'll see in the zone one test, when you go to do the wall test with the glaring problem, you'll see that you won't be able to get your wrist and your elbow back as equal on both sides.
Starting point is 00:58:08 And that's your red flag right away that it's, you got that shoulder roll forward. And you've got to fix that in balance. And you've got to train the shoulders to keep peeled back equally on both sides while you do any of these, whether they're unilateral or barbell movements to fix that. And once you do that, it'll make a world of difference. And it took me five years of fucking around before I realized what was going on. Once I addressed it, I completely eliminated it,
Starting point is 00:58:33 but then it took a good year or two of addressing it and working towards it to balance it out. Now I can get under, you know, do a nice prime real quick, get under a barbell and my chest evenly works and develops evenly, but this was a major issue for me when I was first getting into lifting for the first five years.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Yeah, that's great advice. I mean, I don't really have much to add to that. I mean, the priming and unilateral training alone will do massive things for you in terms of being able to equalize that imbalance. Next question is from Emily Ann Mady. What tools do each of you have to stay disciplined when the motivation or excitement has run out
Starting point is 00:59:10 to stay on track with your nutrition or go to the gym? Shot collar. I went around my testicles and then whatever I'm not doing good. Wow, that's different. Some people pay a lot of money for that. So you get that from that wee vibe that we did. You know, this is the big difference between motivation and discipline. Some people pay a lot of money for that. So you get that from that wee vibe that we've been doing. You know, this is the big difference between motivation and discipline.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Yeah. Okay. People who wait to take action when they're motivated are the people who sometimes work out and sometimes don't. These are the people that are sometimes productive and sometimes are not. These are the people that tend to not be satisfied with their current level of success. And this is not because these people are lazy or terrible people, it's normal.
Starting point is 00:59:53 It's completely normal for all people to go through periods of high motivation. You can't be super motivated all the time. It just doesn't work that way. Very few people can live that way. And people that do live that way tend to have issues being balanced with the rest of their life. They tend to be fanatical about certain things.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Most of us go through periods of, sometimes I'm super motivated, sometimes I'm not. The difference between the people who are successful and the people who aren't are the ones that just stay disciplined and continue to do what they're supposed to when they're not motivated. Now, so when I don't feel most, first of all, I go to the gym and I work out whether I'm motivated or not, it's just, I've been doing now so long, it's like brushing my teeth in
Starting point is 01:00:36 the morning. Imagine if someone came up to you and said, hey, how do you stay motivated to brush your teeth every morning? We would look at them like they're crazy. Because you're breast. Yes. You just do it. Or, how do you stay motivated to brush your teeth every morning? You know, we would look at them like they're crazy. Because you're breast. Yes. You just do it. Or, you know, how do you stay motivated? Why, if you're asked, I have to take a shit. You just do it, right? I, that's the way you got to look at some of these things is you just do it.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Hunter. And then it becomes discipline. And this is, I guess this is kind of our initial, like, disdain for a lot of the massive, like, motivational driven pages and business, you know business motivation, like always having to be on this high because it's just not realistic.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And I know people can find themselves really charged by that and I get that. Like it fills you with something. It gives you a spark. And there's benefits to that. There's benefits to feeding off of that energy on some level, but then taking that and doing something with it, but realizing that,
Starting point is 01:01:31 you know, that's not the will. That's not where you always need to go to continue this. Like, to be able to find that intrinsic motivation is so much more powerful and we'll do so much more for your life. So, yeah, it's, you know, psychologically speaking, here's what ends up happening, right? You're at home and you think,
Starting point is 01:01:49 oh, I'm supposed to work out right now. I don't want to work out right now. Okay, change your language. You might want to say, I don't have the typical energy and drive to go work out that I normally would. Therefore, my motivation is low. Does that really mean I don't want to work out? No, it just means it's feeling, it my motivation is low. Does that really mean I don't wanna work out? No, it just means it's feeling,
Starting point is 01:02:07 it's a different feeling. It's no different than somebody who says, I can't eat that food versus someone who says, I don't wanna eat that food. You, first off, if you value doing something, then you actually do wanna do it. It's just sometimes it's harder to do than other time. And it's okay to acknowledge that.
Starting point is 01:02:24 It's okay to say, that's totally normal. Yeah, oh, I don't, this time, I know this time going to the gym is gonna not be as fun as last time. Okay, acknowledge it. Does that mean you really don't want to go? No, it just means it's not as fun.
Starting point is 01:02:37 But now that you've looked at your value system and you've considered this something that you want to make as a part of your life, you actually do want to go. Listen, listen, motivation is bullshit, self-belief is everything. It's, this is, it's, the motivation, this has been something that I've been saying since I started on Instagram and it drives me fucking crazy,
Starting point is 01:02:54 all the motivation stuff. And I think a lot of that is because I remember training clients for so long and seeing what they needed. They needed this hype and they wanted this, you know, get me all excited to do this and they would tell you, oh, I love going to these classes because my friend goes and it gets me all this energy and we play the music loud.
Starting point is 01:03:13 And what I know now from doing this for so long is those are always the same people too who don't make the lifestyle change. They stay motivated for six months or whatever time frame until the beach comes or until the wedding comes or whatever happens or when that person, the new instructor that's no longer there is changes classes
Starting point is 01:03:35 and they have a difference. And they rely on this all this external shit to get them to go to the gym or get them to do these things like brushing your teeth like you should be doing anyways. And it's gotta be something that you get from within. You have to find that out. If you rely on the motivation, if you're looking for that external motivation forever, it will always be fleeting. And you at one point will be faced with this, I've got to figure this out for myself. And the sooner you get started on the path, the sooner this will become a behavioral
Starting point is 01:04:05 change and it will change your life for the rest of your life. But you have to let go of all that stuff. And I think that's really the meaning behind all of us always talking trash about all the motivation hype is because I know it's not real. I know it's not something that it's not sustainable and it's not. And people think it is because they're like, yeah, man, I saw that video or oh, man, that guy was just so motivated and that kick started me. But honestly, if you're somebody who that kick started and then you ended up becoming a lifer and following through and say,
Starting point is 01:04:35 it wasn't him who did that or her who motivated you. It was whatever you did, behaviorally, that kept you going forever. You're continuing to do. Yes. Nobody needs, nobody has a problem doing what they need to do when they're super motivated. And that's I think why people want that, right?
Starting point is 01:04:52 People think, gosh, if I could just feel like I did last week where I was so hyped to go to the gym, where I was so hyped to eat right, if I could just have that feeling, it's a good feeling, then that'll save me. And now here's what you need to understand. Forget that. It's never gonna happen. I promise you, you could try drugging yourself. You could take drugs to make, to push your dopamine through the roof, and that'll make you feel motivated, but we know where that's gonna end up, right? There is no way to maintain that super motivated feeling all the time. So just get good at doing things
Starting point is 01:05:25 when you're not feeling that way. And the way you do that is be disciplined. This is why too, we don't like the whole intensity push all the time because it's reality is, there's gonna be days when you're tired and you don't feel good, but because you've disciplined yourself,
Starting point is 01:05:37 you've created habits of going to the gym and this is where you modify. It's like, you don't need to go to the gym and crush it every time. You don't need to crush it when you're motivated. That's right. And you modify. Yeah. It's like, you know, you don't need to go to the gym and crush it every time. You know, when you crush it, when you're motivated. That's right. And you're feeling great. You're slab good, you ate well, you'll watch some Tony Robbins
Starting point is 01:05:51 on the way to the gym, you're fucking fired up. Go get it. You know what I'm saying? Go get it that day. But then some days you're gonna not gonna, you're gonna not gonna slab very well. And you're gonna be frustrated. You're gonna have other things on your plate.
Starting point is 01:06:02 But you still need to get to the gym. But it's okay. Maybe that day is more recuperative. It's funny, I was talking to Max Lugavir about writing, and I was like, you know, and we were having this conversation, and he says, if you ever, if you want to be a writer,
Starting point is 01:06:15 you need to do schedule time to write. Right, he blocks you up. And he says, even if you're inspired or not, he goes, sometimes I sit down and I literally get one sentence out, and I have to go through and figure out, this is a frustrating. And sometimes I get through, I get through pages. It goes, but the fact that it's scheduled, it's disciplined.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Same thing with your workouts. It's just shipping away. When you're motivated, you can have a great workout. When you're not motivated, go to the gym anyway. Do something easy, go like, you know, go stretch or relax or whatever, but maintain that discipline, that's the secret. Next question is from Eva Bennett. What are some of the best investment opportunities
Starting point is 01:06:49 right now and for the future? Oh yeah. We've been getting all kinds of investments. But we are in, we're like no stardomuses over here. We're having to keep telling people, like I'm not the right guy to ask this. Oh yeah, and none of us are experts in investments, but I just wanna be very, very clear.
Starting point is 01:07:04 But we are in right now this economic growth period that is really this market, this bull market is looking very interesting. It has a lot of people a little bit afraid because 2008 wasn't that long ago and that was a huge crash. And since then we've seen this just consistent growth, especially recently. And I think what happens when things start to kick ass is you have a lot, or they kick ass for long enough. You have a lot of people who look at investments
Starting point is 01:07:32 and think, how can I make a lot of money in a short period of time? That's a big mistake. That's what gets people in trouble. The smart way to invest is to think long term. Very, very few people are good enough to be able to be like cool in five years or ten years, I'm going to be a millionaire and invest. Those people, you're not like them, don't compare yourself, look at things long term and this
Starting point is 01:07:53 is something that I learned through my family members who all work in investment. Rather, for example, when you go buy property, a lot of people buy property and they try to speculate on the price of the property. Like, oh, I'm going to buy this house for 300,000 and then in three years it's going to go up to 400,000 or whatever and I'm going to make $100,000. That's one way to invest in property, but that's a lot more risky. The long term approach would be to try to make income on that property through rent, for example. So, okay, I'm going to buy this $300,000 property.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I'm going to put this much down. My mortgage is going to be, you know, whatever $1,000 a month, but I can gonna buy this $300,000 property. I'm gonna put this much down. My mortgage is gonna be, you know, whatever, $1,000 a month, but I can rent it for $1,200 a month. I'm gonna make $200 in income above my mortgage. It's gonna pay off in 30 years or 15 years or however, you set it up. And then at the end of that, you know, 15 year period, houses paid off.
Starting point is 01:08:41 And now I have this rent that I'm gonna collect every month. It's more of a long-term approach. So that's probably the best advice anyone's ever given me with investments is, be smart and look at retiring later on and setting yourself up that way, so that you're not playing that crazy, kind of gambling game that I think a lot of people play.
Starting point is 01:08:58 I like gold and silver right now. I like gold and silver right now because I'm fearful of the dollar. So I think that's a decent buy. We've talked about Disney. I think that was I still think that's a great buy. I think HubSpot we've talked about. I think that's a great buy.
Starting point is 01:09:18 I you follow the marijuana stocks more than I do. So you could probably put super risky still, but GW Farma is where I, you know, I had bought a lot of shares of them way back when they were over the counter. I'm skeptical of real estate right now. It's why I'm not buying anything right now. I've been, I've been sitting on my money and I've been Katrina and I talk about this
Starting point is 01:09:37 on a very regular, whether we get an investment property out of California, what I mean, it real estate's really high right now. It's really, really high, especially when you look at it for the average. Well, California is interesting, because we have, I don't know how many IPOs coming up, you're gonna have like 10 or 15 or 1000 more millionaires
Starting point is 01:09:55 in a very short person. Well, that's what I know. I shared that just the other day. That just scares me even more, because that's going to inflate it, right? It's gonna artificially inflate the Bay Area when you have 5,000 new millionaires that are out buying multi-million dollar properties. And so it'll look like there's
Starting point is 01:10:09 less available properties, which will then drive up the real estate even more and with the economy going well. So it scares me on, and it just seems impossible, right? When you look at the average income here, and then you look at what the average house is, it just doesn't add up. And so it seems like something's got to give. So I'm reluctant to do that here right now. So I don't like, I don't like that. Um, I think a good message too for younger people listening, like if you're in your 20s, if you can start to invest your money now, even if it's a hundred bucks a month. Boy, I don't know, have you ever seen those charts of like a 25 year old investing, you know, this much money versus a 35 year old and where they end up in their 60, the difference
Starting point is 01:10:55 in their wealth is insane. Yeah, I really, I mean, people, I've been getting a lot of people asking this and my honest answers, I don't think that I'm wise in this at all. I think that I made a lot of mistakes. I think, let me tell you what I did well. What I did well was I worked really fucking hard. I worked really hard to make enough money that I could make a lot of mistakes. And the things that have paid off the most for me investment-wise was investing on myself. So of all the stock, the bitcoins, the real estate,
Starting point is 01:11:26 everything else that I've done in my life that I've bought or put money into, nothing has paid more dividends than reinvesting in myself. And that's everything from education to taking risk on companies to things like that. Nothing has paid more than that because it's something I can control.
Starting point is 01:11:42 There's nothing that's been better than me going, you know, take it, for example, a business that didn't work out for me that was a failure when I bought the mobile card to join business. I bought it for like $2,500 or $5,000, I don't even remember how much it was. And I busted my ass to try and build that business that didn't work out.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I turned around and I sold it for like $10,000 and the whatever money I made on the way. And that was, I made good money on that, even though I consider that a loss and the business didn't take off. So I've got examples of that where I've invested in ideas that I thought would have been a great business idea and it didn't pan out, but I still made money off of it. And more importantly, I learned a fuck ton doing that and the education was worth it in
Starting point is 01:12:19 gold. I have a similar experience that in terms of like investing in myself, but also like I like the idea of Tangibles more so it's for me to not have a say or have any kind of skills to then apply towards like a company feels a lot like Gambling but I know there's a very smart and sound way to approach it and like think more long term And so I'm definitely like you definitely seeking counsel with that with investment people. But in terms of having property and having things where I do have a skill set that I can apply to then say, where's case scenario I can come in and remodel and do some handiwork myself. I feel like I have a little bit of a better grip with that in terms of like me, like pouring
Starting point is 01:13:05 money into it. So I have to kind of think in terms of like how can I pour myself on some level worst case scenario. And then also like, you know, the more, you know, I build upon this, you know, portfolio, that's, I just want to make sure I'm educated. And like I know, you know, the companies are track record and all those things like the dive in, you know, before I make, you know, serious investments. Start looking at, here's nothing to pay attention to,
Starting point is 01:13:32 is you're gonna start seeing Silo Sybin, which is magic mushrooms. You're gonna start seeing that potentially be used as medicine in the near future. And the hype alone should blow that stock up You know just just the hype around it and so as soon as that starts to happen where you start to see Because laws are gonna start to loosen on that because the science coming out on on treatments with side of the side But it's pretty remarkable
Starting point is 01:13:58 So as they start to loosen up laws if you see a pharma company come out, even if they're whatever, the fact that they're in that space, it's risky, but it could be a beneficial gamble because the hype, just like when the marijuana stocks hit, at first, everybody got excited because they were the first marijuana stocks. This doesn't mean they were successful companies, but I remember when MedBox, which was, MedBox was this this like
Starting point is 01:14:31 Like this dispensary mechanical dispensary for marijuana and just cuz it was one of the first marijuana stocks I remember when that stock went from like a dollar share to $600 a share Yeah, I was rich then then lost everything on that one. Oh, yeah, so you good example, right? So pay attention to the to that market because as soon as Silas I've been laws start to loosen up or whatever around that Watch companies that get into that space because just it's gonna be a lot of I like me a lot of shit moving I like Pinterest. I like Airbnb and VRBO stuff. So Airbnb as far as an IPO I've lived in Uber I'm less interested in that just because I think that they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna dogfight each other to death I like Pinterest better and I like Airbnb better as far just because I think that they're gonna, they're gonna, they're gonna dogfight each other to death.
Starting point is 01:15:05 I like Pinterest better and I like Airbnb better as far as the IPOs that are coming. And I like, like if I were to do real estate, I think too, I like the idea of doing it with the intentions of it being a VRBO, like buying a property maybe in like a place like Las Vegas or North. That's a big growth so fast. Yeah, I just think that the, I mean, we have an example right now, right? So we are just in a meeting about this,
Starting point is 01:15:35 we have, you know, we have a, when we have a, we fly a guest in, we take care of him in a hotel or whatever. And we were just talking about how outrageous some of these hotel prices are like, you know what, we haven't even, as much as we use VRBO, we haven't even looked at that. And I was like, holy shit, we can actually put our guest
Starting point is 01:15:49 in this badass place in Santana Ro. For half the price. For half the price of what it was costing us to put them in a little shitty ass hotel, not shitty, but a nice hotel room. And now they're in this badass place. It's like, to me, that's crazy. And it's only a matter of time
Starting point is 01:16:03 before they just start to take out a lot of these hotels. So I love the Airbnb's. I love the Airbnb. That's gonna be an interesting thing to watch for sure. Absolutely. And with that, go to minepumpfree.com and download our guides. They're all free.
Starting point is 01:16:16 We have guides on everything from developing arms to your midsection to your legs. We have guides for personal trainers. Also, you can find us all on social media. We're all on Instagram and you can contact us individually. Justin's page is Mind Pump Justin. Adam is at Mind Pump, Adam and I'm at Mind Pump Sound. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 01:16:35 If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
Starting point is 01:17:09 Sal and an adjustment as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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