Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 102: Test Boosters, SARMs, Problem Clients & Bachelor Party Prep

Episode Date: June 24, 2015

Time for our weekly Q&A! This week Sal, Adam & Justin take on testosterone boosters (do they work?), SARMs, how they deal with problem clients and the best way to spend your time and money when you ar...e 3 months out from a Vegas bachelor party.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, we got some complaints. No, what? We actually got complaints from people who enrolled in the bundle, the maps had evolved in a row. The no BS6 pack, the nutrition survive guy, the fasting guy. So John from Wisconsin, I'm going to redo this complaint. I used to wear lots of t-shirts all the time. I enjoy wearing comfortable clothes.
Starting point is 00:00:24 I've blown out the sleeves on all my shirts now. His arms got too big. So he wants a refund and he wants a story. And he wants us to pay for all his new shirts. Do we refund for that, Doug? I don't think we do, Dewey. I think those are just, I think, isn't that in the warning side effects?
Starting point is 00:00:38 That's expected. I know, we put that as a disclaimer at the beginning. Okay, I thought so. It's expected, I thought so. Yeah. What about, do you guys read his seasons? No, she said so. It's expected. I thought so. Yeah. What about you guys read his seasons? No, she said. Is it about dancing?
Starting point is 00:00:47 I thought I read that. Yeah, so she's a dancer, part-time, just for fun or whatever. After doing the program, she now has been accepted into the Cirque de Soleil. Oh, wow. She's so ashamed. That's not what she's complaining about. She's complaining because she expected to have a six pack. She ended up getting an eight pack.
Starting point is 00:01:08 And they told her she had to go down to a six pack or she can't perform for the circ anymore. Two red simmidating. It's just too creepy. Very intimidating. Eight pack. Wow. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Wow. What about that one you had Adam? About that guy. I think we're going to have to, which one? The guy, the computer guy. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, this guy, I have this guy Richard from over one. The guy, the computer guy. Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Well, this guy, I have this guy, Richard from over in Texas. It could be a dick. Yeah. No, he actually, he was complaining of what had happened to him. He's been doing the program now for like four months. And he said when he got back, the second time back to the phase one, he had noticed that his penis had grown so much that he was no longer fitting in any of his underwear
Starting point is 00:01:45 So he had to go in and redo all all all all new underwear and it ripped holes in them Yeah, it's it's it's it's literally it sounds like it was bursting out of the seams ways like that's funny That you mentioned that because Steve From Ohio I believe he was talking about that was Iowa Iowa from Ohio, I believe, he was talking about. No, no, that was Iowa. Iowa. Iowa is confused. Yeah, well anyway, he apparently, he's got three STDs.
Starting point is 00:02:11 It's because he's having so much sex. God, the last three minutes. Damn it. Well, all right, disclaimer, sorry. I mean, maybe we need to stop selling the bundle. Let's sell condoms, I think. Well, let's just give everyone a disclaimer. Look, if you guys buy the program,
Starting point is 00:02:25 which by the way, it's a super low price, it's basically giving it away, but you get the MAPSANabolic program, the No BS6 pack formula, you get a nutrition survival guide, you get a fasting guide. If you do that, if you enroll in all that, you might get some side effects.
Starting point is 00:02:38 You might have it in large penis. Your arms might explode the sleeves off your shirt. You might get an eight pack. You might get STDs because you're having so much sex. Because you might get way too much booty. There's another one I heard. And a bodacious booty. So just, you know, FY, listen, you know, side effects,
Starting point is 00:02:54 they're not super common, but they may happen, so we wanna let you know, we wanna be honest. Mindpumpradio.com. It happens. Be safe. Click the yellow button. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go
Starting point is 00:03:08 Might might up with your hosts Salda Stefano Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews It's here, we're fucking awesome. I can't see. I can't do that, I was weak. I didn't know where to go with that. I can't either, bro. He was born with it. It's a gift that he was born with.
Starting point is 00:03:31 It is, you know, sometimes you gotta feel like electric bolts are charging your balls, and then you can sing that. Oh, wow, yeah, it burns. Who's your favorite screamer? Do you have a favorite screamer? Do you have a favorite screamer? I mean that white snake guy His name is Bella Donna You know what?
Starting point is 00:03:53 You have the craziest? Yeah, who's your favorite screamer? Oh like scream? Yeah, who's your favorite screamer? Come on, you're a heavy metal guy. No, that's like so hard to narrow down. You know the lead singer, Kill Switch, engage. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Before he left, he's done another project now, but yeah. Yeah, that guy's awesome. Dude, you guys work out today? Yeah, of course. I mean, what a stupid question. Why would I ever ask that? Why would I not? Do you guys have good workouts?
Starting point is 00:04:20 We never talk about our workouts. I figured, fuck, before we do this Q&A, we might have fun. Yeah, I totally focused on power today. It was kind of fun So I was I was doing power cleans. I was doing the duet press. Did you lift all the weights again? All of them Fucking stack I would hate to be in your gym made a brick house out of it How was your workout low energy sleepy? Stuff dude all three of them work tough I had chest and calves.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Before that I actually got up and did a fasted cardio. I just got up and rode the bike. I didn't even have the energy to power walk on a hang climb or even do the lyrical, which is what I normally do. So I sat on the bike and did my emailing and took care of some work stuff while I rode the bike for an hour. And then I came back two hours later after I had my first no carb meal and then came back and lifted chest and calves.
Starting point is 00:05:12 After my chest and calves, I stayed around and did another 30 minutes of steady state cardio. So it was, but you know what at this point? He sounds like he likes it. Yeah, no, he's kidding. No, this is, I mean, here we are. You know, I'm in that final week. So we'll get to that in my my my sandals a update or what I thought or I rode to the show or whatever Update, but definitely
Starting point is 00:05:34 We're trying again. Yeah, but the synapses synapses are not firing No, they do not I've been I've been apologizing like the last like seriously the last week I'm like it's just not all there man It's not well, I just give like one word for you. Just like yeah, yeah, well Don't ask me a lot of questions tonight. Yeah, don't worry Sal already put me on the spot with the commercial already is like hit it out of them like Yeah, the quick self that I normally am is just not there tonight So well, I had a great workout today. I felt strong.
Starting point is 00:06:05 It just helped. Well, I saw your big dads with a chain the other day. That's not bad. I did what I do. 515 plus chains. That's all right. You're doing some heavy front squats there. 275.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I was doing some sets. So, oh, you know what I did. So I bought, I don't know what you call them, Olympic lifting shoes or whatever. You know, you use whatever they want to. And because the heel is a little lifted in them, and I'm looking at you at them because you got long legs and your tightest fuck like I am. Yeah. Bro, makes a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I've been looking into them for a while. Huge, bro, I sat right in the hole, like so, normally it's like, I got a fucking like move and it just squeezed into it. It was just nice and I came up and I felt like I could just drive with my legs. You know what I mean? I felt like I didn't have to like use my back so much. Yeah, well they see his blocks for that, you know, before I just squat with a block with my legs. You know what I mean? I felt like I didn't have to like, use my back so much.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah, well they see his blocks for that, you know, before I just squat with a block under my heels. Well, that's cause you're, and, thug. Yeah, thug, thug, life. Yeah, no, I felt strong as shit, dude. So I had a great workout. And I'm hoping to be below 6% body fat when you're 2% body fat on stage. I always
Starting point is 00:07:05 got to try, I got to stay within 4%. Is it the deal? Yeah, can it, can it be 4%? Actually, what I plan on doing and I might as well put it out there is staying leaner than your post show. I don't think so. You know what we're going to do is I'm going to make you take your clothes off and streak on stage. You're going to make me? I was planning on doing that. Throw you out there. I was planning on doing it. Okay, good. Yeah. So I'm the same page. They're gonna see the hairy blur. Are you guys? Are you guys as wives coming? No. No wives. They don't like that kind of shit. What? Really? No shit. No. Oh, that's too bad. Justin just and told me he's like, let's not bring... I want you to steal my wife. Justin's like, he's like, it's not bringing sand to the beach.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah. So that's how guys. Why would we do that? Like, here you go, here, here, here, wolf. Yeah. Here. Eat this. All right, let's get on the questions. Yeah. The questions and answers. All right. First question is from C biscuit underscore fit. And their question is, what is our opinion on testosterone boosting supplements? Test boost.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Test boost. There's a difference between test boosters and pro-home ones, right? Oh, yeah. Pro-home is a test decliner. Well, I think it's important to note that because that's what we've answered a question about pro-home on stuff before. And someone here is testosterone booster. They might think they're similar.
Starting point is 00:08:24 No, a test booster, in the category category of test booster is something that would increase your body's natural production of testosterone or at the very least the it would boost the amount of bio of available testosterone because testosterone can be bound in the blood so you can have high testosterone but a lot of it can be bound, and then it's not usable. So some supplements will actually increase the amount of available testosterone, which in essence gives you more testosterone versus a pro hormone, which which it can is either a the classical definition of pro hormone is a supplement that can get converted into a anabolic hormone.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So like, Andrew Stenodayon, back in the day, was a pro hormone because it was one step away from testosterone. And then there's pro steroids, which are over the counter designer steroids. Basically, there's no difference from them in steroids. It's just, which is the pro hormone stuff, which is close to that, which were, which were you were not fans of that were big fans of test test posters. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Some, some test boosters will work. Now, the problem is not very many of them are backed by studies that show an increase in testosterone. What they show is an increase in the effects that higher testosterone would give you. So for example, horny goat weed. And yes, that's the name, that's the actual name of the supplement. Horny, horny goat weed. It's like, how can you fit three of my favorite things in one sense? That was totally not a good sound. So horny
Starting point is 00:09:59 goat weed contains something that it's called, I think it's called, I think the active ingredients called epimedium or something like that, I'm not pronouncing it wrong, but anyhow, it's a natural nitric oxide booster. It prevents the degradation of nitric oxide in a very similar way to how Viagra works. So if you take horny go weed, you'll get boners and so people are like,, it made my testosterone levels go up. Not really. The studies don't show that it gets your testosterone levels up, but it will give you more boners.
Starting point is 00:10:33 You just more like Viagra. Warm it up a little bit before you go. Yeah. Wait, it's right. You just get a couple of questions. Well, a lot of people ask questions on the pro hormones, the test boosters, and you know, it's, obviously, we can't tell how old these people are, but you know, once you get to 30 years old, I mean, it's actually not that hard to go down
Starting point is 00:10:50 and go see a hormone therapist and actually get some shit prescribed if you want something that's really gonna work. But you have to have low testosterone now. It's scared. Because the vast majority of test booster users don't have low testosterone, they just want higher testosterone. Well, that's what I'm saying too, though.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I mean, if you want higher testosterone and you already have your testosterone levels are fine And you're still seeking that I mean you may as well go see a doctor and get it done the right way get it done fully Yeah, I've never been into these these supplemental testosterone. I mean do the right ideas Yeah, it's either I mean you're in or you're out. Did it. I'll get my testosterone from lift and heavy weights Right, and that's it And if you want more go go go see a therapist or a Exactly. Well, I've used a few of them. You know waste your money on that Well, I've used a few of them just because I like experimenting with supplements and
Starting point is 00:11:37 Okay, so one in particular statistically will definitely work. It will raise your testosterone However, it's a very short-lived, the testosterone boost lasts about 10 days, and it's called deaspartic acid. If you take deaspartic acid, you will have a boost in testosterone for about 10 days, and then after that, it kind of goes away. Do we have any sort of idea, like the, I mean, you see, your natural testosterone levels range between 400 to 200. Oh, it'll give you a good boost. 400 to 1100. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:06 So, you know, what are we talking here? Is it gonna boost you up 50? It depends on the, yeah, yeah. You can get a 50% increase in testosterone. Oh, 50%. Is that show up on test? Yeah, get out of here. Like PDP blood test.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Get out of here. I call bullshit. You can get no 50% off. Bro, over the counter bullshit. No, no, no, no, no. Listen, here's what you get to understand. If an athlete uses steroids, right? The average athlete will use minimum,
Starting point is 00:12:30 and I'm talking like minimum, like what, 200 milligrams of testosterone a week, minimum, right? You boost your natural testosterone levels 50%, you're not even coming close to 50 milligrams of testosterone in terms of an injection. So even if you increase at 50%, you might feel better, you might notice, are you gonna get gains in the gym? No.
Starting point is 00:12:50 You should Google that, because I actually have looked this up before. I believe that 50 milligrams of synthetic testosterone is equivalent to about a thousand. Yeah. I think that's what it is. Yeah, so it's not gonna give you that much. So what do you'll get from test boosters is you might feel better.
Starting point is 00:13:04 It might make the health of your testosterone levels better. But are you going to get gains from them? I mean, no, I mean, maybe a little bit, a little bit of an edge. Yeah. Yeah. You're wasting your time. You're probably better off. I mean, you're definitely better off focusing on the type of workout you're doing. Skip two days. Skip two days and I hitting your macronutrients and it'll have enough adverse effect to cancel out what that one is. Totally, you know. Totally.
Starting point is 00:13:29 But the best test of urcers I've ever used, deuspartic acid is good. Tribulus is an old one that might do a little bit. Hornigote weed. With oxybolic. No, those are the oxyb... Those are the flavones found in plants. There is one called ectosterone,
Starting point is 00:13:43 which is I've used certain brands of Ecti-Stereon, and I definitely notice a benefit using that, but not on a testosterone boosting basis. That's more on just recovery and muscle building. But again, does it compare to creatine? No. Creatine is much more of a dramatic effect. So test boosters, I mean, try them, they're fun,
Starting point is 00:14:00 but it's not gonna give you really that much. Let's see, next question. This is from Raging Weezy Gains 88. That's a great name. Raging Weezy. So his question is thoughts on a chemical called MK677, otherwise known as Ibutamine or Ibutamorin. So here's the thing. Now, he's asking me questions. There's two questions here. He thinks it's the same. Now he's asking me questions, there's two questions here. He thinks it's the same. He's saying that this is considered a sarm. A sarm is an acronym for a selective androgen receptor modulator.
Starting point is 00:14:36 So, Abudamorin is not a sarm. Abudamorin is a mimicker of growth hormone. It's called a secrete-a-god. Taking Abudamorin is a mimic of growth hormone. It's called a secrete-a-god. Taking a butamorin will increase production of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor. And yes, it does work. Studies do show that it works. Now, serms are substances that bind,
Starting point is 00:15:00 they connect to the Androgen receptor, like testosterone would, except they're not testosterone. So they give you some of the effects that testosterone would, but they're not affecting your hormone levels. That's the theory behind them. It's similar to a serum, like a selective estrogen receptor modulator,
Starting point is 00:15:18 like Novodex, which is a drug that athletes will take to block these estrogen receptors so they don't get gyna when they go on steroids or whatever. I'm so glad our listeners are like, you know, super elementary. Yeah, I'm a beginner fitness patient. Yeah, I'm just blowing everybody's brain.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Yeah, like how do you lose weight? Yeah, no, they're like, tell me about a sarma. Yeah, I'm trying to get like lean muscles. Can I just say the first two questions though, are both tied, or hopefully both these people already have our fasting guide. Right, yeah. Because both those things,
Starting point is 00:15:48 the benefits that you get from fasting would be as equivalent if I'm not. Let's see if we can do this naturally. Yeah, you get a huge growth hormone boost with the fast. But anyway, not necessarily. Nonetheless, so here's a deal with these substances. Great specific questions. These substances are not legal. They are in
Starting point is 00:16:06 testing at the moment, and the only way you can get them online is as research chemicals. It's which is like this gray area loophole. Here's the deal. I would not take one of these because it modulates a receptor, but it's not testosterone. We know what testosterone does. We don't know what these things do in the long term. It could potentially have effect on androgen-sensitive cancers, like prostate cancer. It could have all kinds of bad effects. I've read on the, and this is anecdotal, but I've read on the forums that people say that
Starting point is 00:16:39 there's one SARM in particular that will affect their night vision, so at night they can't see as well. So I'm like, what are you doing? Like, don't take, these are literally experimental chemicals. So I highly do not recommend that you take them or try them. Now, if they get approved in the future, they will be regulated in controlled drugs, which means you'll probably have to get a doctor's prescription
Starting point is 00:16:58 anyway. So now that everybody's tuned out, let's go to the next question. No, we just, everyone tuned out to like, fuck this episode. All right. So fuck this episode. So it just makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Dex and balls and. All right, so here's a good question. I'm off set that one. I'm guarantee you guys are going to have stories on this one. So this one's from Zach Harding. Have you ever disliked a client so much that you basically bailed on them or dropped them on another trainer.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yes. Yeah. Who wants to go first? Yeah. Justin want you to share your stories. Yeah. I sure I shared the, I don't know, is that a pattern to this? You know, there's a pattern to this because we have someone to dress this, I think, and
Starting point is 00:17:37 way back when in one of the episodes. But, you know, there's more meat to be had here. This one for me has the same theme. It was based off of somebody that came in with a real specific idea of what they wanted to experience in the workout. It was very much of an intensity-driven idea. Here's the problem. When you're coming in and you have your own sort of preconception
Starting point is 00:18:05 of what you want to experience, you're coming in and you're trying to determine everything. So that's what was happening in this lady. This lady was trying to like, okay, this is what I want to do today. This is what I want to do today. And me, I'm like a service oriented person. I want to have, make sure everybody has
Starting point is 00:18:26 a great experience. And then I do provide elements of what they like, you know, per se. But I went over and above for this lady. And like, for most of my clients, what I'll do in the beginning is I'll take them even shopping and we'll go and we'll all break down the entire grocery store for them. And that's in a sense where I was coming up with this nutrition guide feel because I want people to understand, have a good concept of how to eat properly, how to navigate, how to get through this and where the starting point is. And all of this, she just was like huh, uh huh, yeah, uh huh. None of the nutrition stuff like she applied zero and would just come in and was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:19:12 now she's telling you what to do your job is. She's telling me how to do my job. She wants to just like some CrossFit style workout and I'm like, listen, you know, like you're gonna burn yourself out. I'm gonna have you, she wanted to train like six days a week and just get blasted. You know, and I'm just like, look, you know, this is very short live.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Like you're gonna, not only, you might have like immediate sort of results from this as far as like weight loss. However, you know, the rebounding effect to this because you're gonna burn out is gonna be substantial and sure enough, like I was just after two weeks, you know, she's like burning out and like,
Starting point is 00:19:51 it was complaining about, you know, certain things. I'm like, listen, I'm not gonna train you like at that intensity and like, and I started like, really like laying my foot down. And then she's like, well, and we kind of had a fallen out and I'm like, well, I'm done. You're not doing any of the nutrition that I'm telling you to do. And you're just, you know, you obviously know what you're done. So, you know, have a good one. Wow. Do you know what
Starting point is 00:20:15 ever happened to her? Yes, you got fat again. That's what happens. They don't fucking listen to me, you get fat. Oh god, I love him for the like that. How about you having more Adam? Yeah, well, I don't know if Zach's been with us for a while. So I don't remember if he or if he's heard the episode where I talked about this. Because so first of all, I was a trainer for only about a year and a half when I first started. After that, I was a trainer for only about a year and a half when I first started after that I moved pretty quickly up into management at a very young age and for most of my career
Starting point is 00:20:51 I trained trainers and I only kept a handful of clients So of course I had the opportunity to to hand pick my clients, but when I was a trainer I was known for taking all the shit clients I was willing I was willing to do all the known for taking all the shit clients. I was willing to do all the worst, all the worst. The shit clients. Yeah, I'm just keeping it real with you. That's, I mean, as trainers, we'd all give it, the clients that nobody wants, the clients that are,
Starting point is 00:21:15 they have all about price, that they, they buck about the nutrition, they don't, they're flaky, they show up late, they're, everything nagging, they don't listen, and just like Justin's time with the client, he's the time I know, I mean, I had them all. And for me, when I first started the competitive side of me, I used to thrive off of that. I used to find it challenging that I would take these clients and turn them into these
Starting point is 00:21:38 long term clients with me and sell big packages and programs to them. Yeah, that's how it all starts out. And I exactly, where I'm heading with this, is that I would do all that and have all these clients, and it was like this challenge for me, like I'll take these people, and it was always like, how do I overcome this? So for a long time, I was that guy as a trainer,
Starting point is 00:21:58 and then when I came a fitness manager, so when I was now leading trainers, I got to hand pick. Now every once in a while, I would still pick a challenging client just to just to challenge myself and see, see how far along I've come as a trainer. But for the most part, I absolutely would delegate all these clients out. And in fact, I got to a point where I had been doing this long enough that I became very picky with my clients. And I am very much so picky right now. I am, uh, there are many, many people sometimes get the bad taste in their mouth when they deal with me
Starting point is 00:22:29 because I've gotten to the point now in my career. What did she say? I don't take, uh, I don't really take shit for many, anybody and I, I know, uh, I know how good I am at what I do. Been doing it for a very long time. I've changed a lot of lives and helped a lot of people at all fitness levels get to where they need to be. And when I get somebody who right out the gates wants to challenge me and is going to like push back at me, I just tell them straight up say, you know, here's a thing like, I'm actually not interested in training you. And I have trainers that are friends of mine.
Starting point is 00:23:03 So with that, that would probably help you out and that would love to help you out. And normally they're like, who? Well, I don't get what do you mean, you know, I said, because I'm going to point in my career, I don't want to spend half a hard time together explaining why I'm telling you to do this
Starting point is 00:23:16 or fighting you on why you should be doing this. Like, I'm in the business now of people that are looking for the next level of fitness or they're already intelligent and they just cannot figure out this next piece. I want to help put those people together and I want to help take them to that level and they're going to put the work in that I tell them to do. I'm not looking to motivate you every single day to do what I'm telling you to do and
Starting point is 00:23:39 see you fail out at five to six times. I became beyond that as a trainer. I don't want to do that anymore. I got tired of it. It takes a lot of energy out of us when you think, I became beyond that as a trainer. I don't want to do that anymore. I got tired of it. It takes a lot of energy out of us when you think, and those are the clients that fail. And in reality, we've talked about this before, the success rate of a client is, it's less than 50%.
Starting point is 00:23:56 The people that actually reach their ultimate goal as far as their ultimate physique or health or whatever it is they're trying to achieve. So if a guy like all of us who've been doing this for so many years, it takes a toll. And so now I'm at a point in my career where I take the people and don't give me wrong when I say that, I'm not just taking on people that are easy. In fact, I take people all the time that have been obese their entire life since they
Starting point is 00:24:21 were six years old all the way through and they have master's degrees in, you know, in kinesiology and they've been playing sports so they're, they're definitely not, you know, like easy. You want serious is what you're saying. Exactly. I don't serious people. I'll commit me. And it's the trust factor. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:39 You want somebody that comes in, knows you're the professional, you know, actively listens to what you have to say, applies it, and oh my god, it worked. You know, that's really all we hope for. It is. And I feel like I spent the majority of my early 20s and into my mid-20s, trying to convince people, you know, hey, I'm really smart. I know what I'm doing. I promise. You know, like I feel like I was always having to convince people on my level of education and experience in the field that now I'm like I was always having to convince people on my level of education and experience in the field that now I'm like beyond even trying to do that. I'm not trying to do that.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I'm not going to waste my time doing that. We got too much shit to cover and get on with. If you're down and you trust me like that as a professional, then we're going to see great results. Otherwise, on to the next. You used to always trip me out that somebody would spend even you know, even back then, 50 or 60 bucks an hour and not be serious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:29 It used to always trip me out. I know what, essentially. Like you just spend $2,000 and you're showing up, you know, 25 minutes late to your sessions. It's just the weirdest. It's almost like somebody spends that money because it's like, okay, here, this is gonna make it happen. But they don't realize that it's the work.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Well, I also feel like we went through a trend in the, I don't know, early 2000s to mid 2000s where having a personal trainer was, you know, cool. It was cool. Like a status. Yeah, it was like a status thing to say that, oh, yeah, my trainer, you know, but then they're, you know, drinking every weekend
Starting point is 00:26:00 and eating shit food afterwards. And then their friends would be like, why aren't you getting the six pack, ThuTi? Yeah, right. Oh, I know, my trainer, you need to work me harder. Yeah. Like, shut up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I feel like we have a lot of clients like that. We sound like Dix. I know, right? I seriously love people, though. This is what's hilarious. Too late. I'm bitching about, yeah. I'm not gonna backpedal.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Isn't Zach a trainer? Isn't he a trainer? I think so. I think he is a he is a trainer that or inspiring to be one I think he is definitely Yeah, you just got to deal with a lot of funny stupid. I had this lady come in once older woman she's probably I'd say late 60s and I take her through exercises and she would argue with me over the exercise So I'd say okay, that's we're gonna press these up in these first shoulder press or whatever. And she'd do two reps and put them down to be like, I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And they're like, well, why? That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, like that, like you said. Because I don't wanna work on my arms. I don't wanna work on my arms. Well, you've got imbalances, we have to train. You training me like a linebacker. Dude, so one day, so one day, bro.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I got that before. So one day you're gonna love this, right? So I give her five pound dumbbells to press overhead, which she could have handled 10 or 12, right? So she's got five pound dumbbells. She does two reps, she puts them down, she goes, oh, it's too heavy. Give me the one pound dumbbell.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Just give me the one pound. And I'm like, the one pound is way too light. You're not gonna, and she goes, listen, I hire you, so I wanna use the one pound dumbbell, and so that's what I'm gonna use. And so I said, fine, so I give her the one pound double, I'm like 50 reps. You know, and she's like, I'm not doing 50 reps.
Starting point is 00:27:34 So finally, I took the dumbbells from her, and I said, you need to leave the gym right now. Excuse me, I said, you need to leave the gym right now. I'm gonna write you a check for a refund, it'll be in the mail. Bye, see you later. And I literally kicked her out. It's the only time in my life, I'm gonna write you a check for a refund, it'll be in the mail. Bye, see you later. And I literally kicked her out. It's the only time in my life I've ever
Starting point is 00:27:48 kicked somebody out mid-session, but I could not stand this woman. If I did not kick her out, I would have taken that one pound dumbbell and I would have put it inside her eyeball. That takes experience. I would have given her experience to do that too. Like I said, with this lady too,
Starting point is 00:28:02 it was at that point or the breaking point where you're like, listen, I'm not getting anywhere, you know, I see where this lady too, it was at that point or the breaking point where you're like, listen, I'm not getting anywhere, you know, I see where this is going, let's just go ahead and partway. I wrote her along. Amicably. When I gave her the check, I wasn't good. Oh, when I gave her the check, I wrote her the email
Starting point is 00:28:16 and I was like, I have never, I've been a trainer for X amount of years, I have never in my life ever fired a client until meeting you. See, I said, I'm refunding you, even though I could probably fight some of this refund and charge you single session rate because we only did two session or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:33 But I want to, I just want you to never talk to me again. Here's your money. I was an asshole because I have never dealt with anything like that. I see I've only had one person that I've launched and that that was the story. I told last time when she threw away that, you know what I'm saying? That was a breaking point like yeah seven years we've been together and you Fucking throw away
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yeah, just somehow the other way that the other way that I'll stop training someone as I'll just do the old You know, I don't have time to train you you know the passive aggressive thing But I had this lady that I trainer and she just you know she you know she'd make these sounds and she thought she was cute And I try and get her to do a little more intensity and finally, you know, she'd make these sounds and she thought she was cute and I'd try and get her to do a little more intensity and finally, you know, she told me, she's like, I can't do any chest exercises because I don't wanna rupture my breast implants. And I had to bring up the stats and said,
Starting point is 00:29:17 look, this is how much weight it takes to rupture your not gonna rupture him, lifting, what you're lifting. And I mean, come close and she arguing me. So the next time I was like, listen, I don't have any time on my schedule. And that's I just kind of passive aggressively disappeared. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Didn't answer her messages anymore. Just to make a decision your way out of that. At the beginning though, I think Zach, I mean, I think, and something we could all agree on for sure, if he's an early, if you're, you know, in your early years of time. Oh, you have to deal with it. Yeah, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I'm sorry, Paul. I'm sorry, pal. You don't have that luxury for a long time. Yeah, and let's be honest with you guys all agreed that it probably developed a lot of us, right? I mean, yeah, it builds character. You got to put up with a lot of shit, just like any other profession. I feel like more than anything,
Starting point is 00:29:58 it's like, what is it? Apprentice ship almost where you really have to like, you put in hours and hours and hours and deal with all kinds of different personalities and you just gotta be in the shit. That's a great point because I hate this more than anything. I've had a lot of trainers work for me and I hate it when beggars start to be choosers.
Starting point is 00:30:21 If you're a new trainer and you're training three sessions a week and you're talking about, I don't wanna train that client because that's not my favorite kind of, like get the fuck out of my face. You're working three hours a week, you're lazy. That's it. You gotta hustle. But if you're training and you're charging
Starting point is 00:30:34 a hundred and fifty a session or a hundred a session, you're training 30 sessions a week and you're making a lot of money, you're busting your ass, then you can say, I don't wanna train so and so. But if you're new and you're starting off, guess what, you get to train everybody. Well, and that's why I wanted to make sure we circle back around there because we, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:49 we got to remember that we're all 15 years plus in this that we've been doing this. And like I said, when I first started, I prided myself on taking that because I worked with a lot of peers, you know, in my gym, when I first started, there was 15 other trainers besides me. And I was just blown away by how all of them would, they would just not train a client,
Starting point is 00:31:09 oh, they were just, and I was like, dude, that's money. I'm not cranking out the hours, which I was blown away, they weren't either. And I'm like, yeah, I'll take everything. I'll take everything until I don't need to take everything. And for me, it was the best thing I ever did. And I also got that reputation. So then at that point, when I did have a boss,
Starting point is 00:31:26 my boss always dropped me to clients. Anybody that was challenging, I got all those people. And you do, you go through that and it's good for you. So you do not, like Sal said, you do not wanna be that pussy trainer. Who is whining about clients when you first are like, suck it up, dude, suck it up, get good at your craft. And then you could punk people.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah, we could. I mean, we might be a little, yeah, we might be a little jaded, you know, after all these years of time put in, but at the same time, we still love it. You know, I absolutely love it. And I love changing people and making sure that, you know, I'm over servicing them. So if I take you on, I'm going to over service the shit out of you.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Like, so don't even kid yourself. Like, I'm doing, I'm gonna over service the shit out of you. So don't even kid yourself. Like I'm bending over backwards to do everything I can to get you where you need to go. So to be clear, just bending over and you'll over service you if you hire him. Take everything you possibly take everything. However that sounded is exactly what I do. Take everything you possibly can.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I don't know if I shared the story that the very first fit I ever took was, I also was a guy too, who was I was willing to take appointments that were free and you didn't get, I paid minimum wage on, and I'd get up and I meet people at five in the morning and I'd stay out and meet you at 10 o'clock a night. I would take anything. If you were willing to see me and you had questions
Starting point is 00:32:42 you had help, I would take everything. And my buddy, who was a trainer, had been a trainer already for like eight months there, you know, he pulled that like, pawning someone off of me. Because if you're a trainer and you know, like, okay, if you got a young girl, who's like, you know, 19 to 23 years old
Starting point is 00:32:58 and she wants to come in at five in the morning, the likelihood of her buying training is very slim to none. Cause she's 19, 20 years old, probably doesn't have the money to afford That kind of training and it's that early the morning. So of course my buddy ponds that off on me And he shows up to work three hours later and looks at the you know the SMR Which is the computer it shows what all the sales were the day and there's 1500 bucks up that Adam's sold first thing in the morning On my very first appointment and so that for me was one of the best lessons I ever had
Starting point is 00:33:26 as a trainer starting off was like, fuck yeah, I'll take everything in anything, man. I ain't too good for nothing yet. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. All right, next quit. This is a great question. I feel like Adam's gonna have a good answer for this one.
Starting point is 00:33:38 All right. So this is from Nostra Kaplan, who I believe you guys are good friends with. Dave. Yeah, buddy. And his question is, okay, so three months out from a bachelor party Do I Spend money on protein shakes
Starting point is 00:33:50 Get it or get a three-month gym membership with a trainer and In a spray tan or save it For strippers and rock Rock the dad bod. Oh and rock the dad bod. I thought it's an rock like co- like a bell. So strippers and rock the dad bod. Oh my god. So where does he use? I love I love Dave. I love Dave. Three months out. Well, you know what? Here's yeah because you're a dad, this answer is different. Yeah. Because you're a dad, I kind of like to save it for the strippers and rock the dad bot. Just because you're a dad, you're not out shopping, right? But
Starting point is 00:34:29 if you were single, I definitely, I definitely would put my money in the three month membership in the spray 10. The trainer, if you find a good trainer, if you could get one of us for that, for that price, I don't know how much money we're trying to stick. That's, that's a lot of strippers. It's a, you hang out with me or Sal or Justin for three months. You could have paid for a lot of, you could have paid for a lot of strippers and a lot of fun stuff with a stripper to do at your biggest instant.
Starting point is 00:34:55 It'll get weird. Yeah, real fast. That'd be, and mind you, you're paying for it. So she don't give a shit if you got a dad bod or you got a rock and mince vizique bod. It don't even fucking matter to her because she's getting paid. So I, well, the way I look at it shit if you got a dad-bot or you got a rocket men's physique body don't even fucking matter to her because she's getting paid so I think well the way I look at it is if you're out on the pool in Vegas unless
Starting point is 00:35:09 you're like shredded then the guy who has a dad-bot versus the guy that's kind of fit it's not gonna be that big of a difference it's all up to career it's all about charisma if you show up in your ripped yeah that makes a big difference but if you're kind of fit versus the good your body that's hanging out of the crap stable. Yeah, there's nothing. I have to say, I've been to Vegas with all physiques. I've had even though I'm not a dad,
Starting point is 00:35:31 I've had the dad bought in physiques before. Okay. And notice like, I guess for me, when I was at a shape like that, the only downfall is it's summertime, it's pool parties and some like that. Like you wanna be able to pull your shirt off and feel good, you know? Even if you don't feel like the buffest guy or the ripped this guy out there.
Starting point is 00:35:49 So, you know, that's me personally. So, you know, even though I joked around and said save your money for the strippers, you know, I'm going pool three months. Like, I'm getting in shape for sure. It's best to shape, I can get in three months depending how far out you are from that. If you're already in decent shape and you can get in, months depending how far out you are from that. If you're already in decent shape, and you can get in, I mean, three months time is a long time. You can get pretty, I mean, I start
Starting point is 00:36:10 dieting for a show eight weeks, so it's two months. So I guess you're right, if you get the average, I don't know, 17, 18% body fat guy in three months, you could get him down to 10%. Oh yeah, I just, I have a client right now that is one of my clients has been with me for a year. I mean, they don't have to do what you tell them. Yeah, I have, I literally a client right now that is one of my clients has been with me for me. I didn't have to do what you tell him. Yeah, I have, I literally have one of my, on my online clients.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I love this dude too. Uh, is, uh, his Instagram page I'm gonna give a shout out right now is, uh, shit, fries and, uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, something I fuck I just forgot what it's what it is my bad bro. Oh, he uh, I'll think of it. I'll give it to you guys later. But anyway, so you guys can check him out and see how good a shape he's in.
Starting point is 00:36:50 But he was somebody already that was in good shape. And he hired me to get him to like that next level shape. And literally for that reason, for pool parties and fucking Coachella and stage coach, like this dude fucking gets down at parties all the time. Is it friesrizen Ranch? Yes. I got it for you, bro. My boy.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Frizen Ranch. Frizen Ranch. So that's one of my clients. And he's a man, he's one of my favorite clients to help because I've had him for a while now. And that is exactly like he's like Adam, we got fucking Vegas in 12 weeks, bro. What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:37:22 And I tell him exactly what to do. He follows everything to a tee. And then I love the dude because he sends me pictures of like his Vegas trip. I'm looking at it right now. I said pictures with chicks. Oh, bad. Notches too.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Dying pieces every time all over him, all over the place. And I might see that's what happens when you take that. You go out there and five to six percent body fat. It's that good. So there is a difference between rocking a dad bod or Vegas pool and walking out there shredded. It's pretty wild. I mean, because let's be honest, that's what it's Vegas, man. Vegas have to people are out there with the 90% of the girls are out there with the mentality of what happens in Vegas. They just
Starting point is 00:38:00 are working already. Yeah, like on a whole other, on a whole other level. Stays the truck in our like on a whole other on a whole other level They are not looking for they're not looking for a dad. They're not looking for someone to raise their children They are looking for the guy who they can sleep with that night They're yeah, they're looking for that. Uh, what's that movie with the the guys that are stripping? Magic Mike. Yeah, they're looking for the magic Mike experience. Yeah, you know, you You guys realize that you've completely like I can never go to Vegas now because of all the shit you've just said Like it sound like yeah, all these chicks are just you know you work around horn, but horn you weren't going there anyways Yeah, I'm out bro. I go to Vegas almost every year. Yeah, I go. Yeah, huh? Why not on a family trip? No, I like watching the shows
Starting point is 00:38:44 Sweet beyond got a nice show over there. Yeah. Watch a little, you know, magic tigers. I think we should go to a pool party bro after your show sometime. Oh, I would, I love that. Yeah, I think I'm gonna, I'm gonna go out and see the toes in action.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I want to see the painted, the, the freaking man I have to say a comparison between fungus toe and pain. I have to say this is another reason why I love my girl because she's been with me. She was with me in Vegas after USA's when I went pro and that is hands down the most epic time for me ever. It'll go down as a long, long memory for me. Aside from the whole competing and winning and doing all that stuff, that that was amazing in itself and a huge goal for me. But the feeling of being at that pool, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:34 and literally, I don't know, I don't know what fits, what do you think fits an MGM of a thousand, a couple thousand people? I don't know. Probably. I mean, I mean, it was packed, completely sold out, packed shoulder to shoulder. And knowing that you are the rippedist dude
Starting point is 00:39:47 in the entire place, I mean, crowds of people were like standing around watching me like dance and stuff. It was pretty wild, dude. And I had my girl. And it wasn't because you don't know how to dance. And I don't, and that's no, I actually do a lot of room. No, yeah, I can't dance, bro.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I was doing like, you know, keep the hands closed by your side, I was kind of, I was like, oh, it was a little shoulder bounce. That's my move. Yeah, it's like sounds move. It wasn't even a good move. And so we were up in this like VIP area at the end of your app, at the end of your app.
Starting point is 00:40:12 At the end of your app, and the end of your app, and groups of girls were trying to get up in there so they could come talk to me. Why I'm with my girl, and the bouncer guy comes over to me, and he's like, hey, dude, do you know these people? And I'm like, no, I'm not. He's like, well, these girls want to come up and talk to you like that. And I'm like, look, I look over at my girl. My girl's like whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:30 You know, so we would let we started letting in like, you know, we'd let three girls in. They come over, take pictures with me, talk to me for a little bit. Then we'd send them out that another group of girls would come in. And my girl just right or die. No, no, true. It didn't even trip. Dude, dude. Dude, doesn't phaser. So, I mean, that's cool. That's the type of chick that you can go to Vegas without like that and not phaser and stuff like that. I thought that was pretty awesome. So, epic feeling though to feel that.
Starting point is 00:40:52 I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy that moment of feeling like that, you know, it was pretty rad. So, if you've got the dedication and the commitment to getting shredded, then do that. Otherwise, save it for strippers. Yeah, and rock the dad. And if you can be honest with yourself and say that, because I know a lot of people too,
Starting point is 00:41:09 be, oh, I don't really care about that stuff. And, you know, I'm not really into that. Is it, you know what, bro? Like, I'll tell you right now. They don't care about it because they're like, I ain't gonna do it. I don't like when that chicks touch me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:21 It's kind of weird. It's, I'll be the first to admit that it's not like, it's not, I mean, I'm with my girl. So it's definitely not the first thing that I was, my mind is winning a competition. That was the number one focus for me. But if the byproduct was what happened of that, that type of attention and feeling like that,
Starting point is 00:41:36 it was the closest feeling of famous or whatever you want to get. It's like coming. It was like coming. It was like coming all the time out there. It was pretty ridiculous and pretty epic. So, excellent. All right, I guess that concludes our question and answer.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Woo-hoo. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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