Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1033: The Best Time to do Cardio, Fitness Before, During & After Pregnancy, the Most Beneficial Health Biomarker & MORE

Episode Date: May 17, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (www.mapsfitnessproducts.com), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the pros & cons of doing cardio before weight training vs... after, what a woman’s focus for fitness/health be through pregnancy, the biomarker that offers the most benefit to people and what you should look for in a business partner. A discussion of the hip hop of old vs. today. (3:50) A case for why you should AVOID artificial sweeteners. (7:31) Clarifying the differences between the male and female products from Seed + the benefits of probiotics. (17:57) Sal and Jessica are taking a gun training course. (22:32) How the Warriors are crushing + Adam’s case for why they are a better team without Kevin Durant. (28:18) A great example of government hysteria: You can now legally possess nunchucks in Arizona. (35:11) Bayer is bleeding money!! The latest ‘Roundup’ weed killer cancer trial and why you should go organic. (36:34) Mind Pump officially has Spotify custom playlists!! (43:17) #Quah question #1 – Can you explain the pros & cons of doing cardio before weight training vs after? I hate doing cardio, so if I don’t do it first then I won’t do it at all. (46:40) #Quah question #2 – What should a woman’s focus for fitness/health be through pregnancy? Starting before getting pregnant and after giving birth. (54:43) #Quah question #3 - What biomarker, such as blood sugar or blood pressure, do you think will offer the most benefit to people when made conveniently available to the general public? (1:01:17) #Quah question #4 - What should you look for in a business partner and what are some red flags that might not be so obvious? (1:07:27) People Mentioned Kevin Durant (@easymoneysniper)  Instagram Craig Capurso (@craigcapurso)  Instagram Zach Bush, MD (@zachbushmd)  Instagram Stephanie Greunke (@rockyourhormones)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned May Promotion: MAPS HIIT ½ off!! **Code “HIIT50” at checkout** Visit Seed for the special offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Visit Organifi for the special offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Check out Mind Pump Live to get tickets for their next live event! Sal’s Instagram post on artificial sweeteners Mind Pump 1022: Raja Dhir- The Truth About Probiotics You Can Now Legally Possess Nunchucks in Arizona California Jury Awards $2 Billion To Couple In Roundup Weed Killer Cancer Trial 2018 Protein Powder Study Listen to the Mind Pump Spotify playlists To request your song to be on Mind Pump custom Spotify playlist, Email: spotify@mindpumpmedia.com MAPS Fitness Prime | Muscle Adaptation Programming System - Mind Pump Glycemic Index Mind Pump Free

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND talked about in that first 41 minutes. We started out by talking about artificial sweeteners and soda. I had an epiphany about all of them. Yeah. Then I talked about- I involved robots. Then I talked about the company seed. Seed is the leader in the science for microbiome research
Starting point is 00:00:39 and probiotic supplements. Probiotics can be very beneficial, but they're not all created equal. There's a reason why we waited this long to work with a probiotic company. They're the best in the business. They're the best. If you go to seed.com-myimpump
Starting point is 00:00:55 and use the code Myimpump, you'll get 20% off your first month of the daily symbiotic. Then I talked about my new handgun training. I'm taking a course with my girlfriend on how to handle the handgun. I had to reveal that I don't know a lot. Then Adam talked about the warriors,
Starting point is 00:01:12 I guess they're winning in the sports ball games. I brought up the warriors. I brought up how an old law in Arizona got overturned. Thank God we can use nunchucks now in Arizona. Round up, another big fucking lawsuit. Are you guys causing cancer again? And then why we love organify so much? It's because they have all organic supplements.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Protein powders, green juice, red juice for your before your workout. Gold juice to help you sleep at night. Detoxing supplements, immunity supplements. My favorite, organify pure, which is a all-natural organic. What does that think called? Neutropic, thank you very much. I need one right now, don't I?
Starting point is 00:01:51 Wow. Look, must run out of your pure. If you go to organify.com, forward slash mind pump, and use the code Mind Pump, you'll get 20% off. Adam brought up our new playlist on Spotify. If you want to work out to the kind of music that we like to pick, go to Spotify and check us out. Just then brought up his new love of metal music, but it's
Starting point is 00:02:11 a different kinds of metal. What's it called? Gorgrind. Also, I want to mention that we are having a live event soon at Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles. It's coming up. It's on June 6th. You can still sign up. There are some tickets left. Go to mindpumplive.com. All right, then we get into the fitness part of this episode. First question, what are the pros and cons of doing cardio before weights or after weights? The next question, what should a woman's focus be for fitness and health before, during, and after pregnancy? The next question, what biomarker do we think will offer the most
Starting point is 00:02:47 benefit to people to the average person? For example, blood sugar or blood pressure, we think continual glucose monitors are going to be revolutionary. Great part of that episode, of this episode in that part. And the final question, what should we look for in a business partner, and what are some red flags? So we talk about why we like each other so much in that part of the episode. Also, it is May, that means next month is summer. If you wanna get lean in a hurry,
Starting point is 00:03:15 our best calorie burning fat burning program in a short period of time is Maps Hit. Hit stands for high intensity interval training. The program is written expertly with barbell complexes and dumbbell complexes in different levels for different fitness levels. The program's 50% off. It's half off right now. Go to Maps Hit,
Starting point is 00:03:37 M-A-P-S-H-I-I-T dot com, and use the code Hit50. H-I-I-T 50 for the discount. Do it quick, because this promotion will not last forever. That me clear my throat. What song was that? That's a biggie song.
Starting point is 00:03:54 That wasn't biggie. Let me clear my throat. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Justin, help me out here. Do you remember that hip-hop song? That's what it was like. I wanna say 80s. It was the early hip-hop. Oh, you know what that is that I want to say 80s Early oh, you know that is that is
Starting point is 00:04:07 Run DMC was it run DMC let me clear my throat or is it um Are you throwing names out there? No, you got what I need it's not that guy. No not that dude. It's not run DMC DJ cool. Oh, DJ cool. Well, see he was connected to that group though I don't even know what underground as you part of digital underground. I don't even know who DJ cool. DJ cool. DJ cool. Well, see he was connected to that group though. I don't even know. Did you underground as you part of digital underground? I don't even know who DJ cool was. I just knew this song. So I said it like I knew like, oh, it's DJ cool.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I don't remember who DJ. Grandmaster Flash did a hip hop, a hibbidibbid, a hip hop pop. And don't stop rocking to the bang, bang, boogie, that's right. That's right. Boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie. And something like that. Yeah. Yeah. When you're eating at your friend'sogie, a boogie. And something like that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:45 You're probably fucked up all of a sudden. When you're eating at your friend's house and it tastes like wood or something like that. Yeah, yeah. Oh, that's a great. That's back when hip hop loved it though. Hip hop was about parties. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:54 You know, back in those days, it was about fun and parties. Not so much about bitches. And then in the 90s, it got dark. There's still this. That's what it got. It did. Logic just did a new song that is to that beat, that theme.
Starting point is 00:05:07 It's rappers delight. That's the name of that song. Oh, I love rappers delight. Yeah, rappers delight is the name of that song. I couldn't, I was like, it's for the time of time. He did a kind of a, what do you call that? A tribute, I guess, to homage. Yeah, homage.
Starting point is 00:05:18 That's the word I was homage. Thank you. What is it? Oh, I don't know. I was at homage or is it homage? He's homage. He's homage. You pay homage? You pay homage you pay homage was It's a no-mage to it. It's not where which one's right?
Starting point is 00:05:31 You pay homage is the French pronunciation For our French audience that's listening right That's just what I know things Remember Doug was an English teacher. Yeah, it was in Japan to children. But I stayed at a holiday in last night. Yeah, exactly. No, but hip hop member and then they would do,
Starting point is 00:05:53 remember when dudes would just start breakdancing and they would get cardboard, cardboard box like walls. Yeah, bro. Put it on the ground and that was the way. Did you ever learn how to breakdance? I tried. I knew it. I would spin and that was that was the way did you ever learn how to break dance? I tried yeah, I knew it I would spin and I was a big into spinning. He has a good bottom for that. Yeah Yeah, I did use my ass to speed yeah, I tried a bit or a home
Starting point is 00:06:14 And I do all these like fake moves that were like, you know Like how you get into the flow of it and then I never got the flow That's the easiest part. Yeah, yeah, the easiest part where you're like What's that one? What's that one move that they do? Like, it's like a kicker. It's like a spinner ramma. No, it's like, so it's called flipper ramma. No, it's called continuation.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Is that really a name? Yeah, I think it's called a continuation. No, I didn't even know that. Helicopter spins. There was a one where you spin on your head. That was like, I tried that one. I think that was called a head spin. Yeah, head spin.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'm not mistaken. But the continuation is like the kick flip and skating. Like when you're learning how to skate, it's like there's people who can kick flip and people who can't. It's a big difference. Like the staple move is how you're saying it. If you can do continuation, you're like,
Starting point is 00:06:54 oh, you can break dance. If you can't do that, not really. You ain't no B-boy. I don't think. Yeah. Wow. I think Sal and I have two bony of an ass. We would have tore up the cardboard.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I would have never worked. You know how to drill the hole in the floor? Bro, I had a track suit and everything. Man, I got down. No, you didn't. I did. For like a split second. I still have some, I got some, I brought it one time.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Remember I wore my full track suit. You just look like a, like a, you just look like a moth. You even like a Russian moth. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's like, soundless cars. He looks like a B-boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:24 He looks like a guy selling me a car. I give you a good deal. He is a great price. You gotta share with the listeners, you wrote a really good post yesterday. I saw, and it's getting some really good traction right now, and I loved the way that you presented the information sell on artificial sweeteners.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah, you know, there's always this debate, or there has been this debate with artificial sweeteners in our space. And on one hand, you have the people who are like, it's perfectly safe. Have as much of it as you want. There's no real side effects, nothing to worry about. On the other hand, you have the scaremongering.
Starting point is 00:08:02 It's gonna give you cancer. It's gonna hold in your brain. Super bad for you. Avoid at all costs. And I think if we're being totally objective and honest, and we're looking at the current research, the current research shows that they're probably not toxic and they're probably safe for the periods of time that they're that they're being studied for in these studies. Now, the thing about studies that's important that people need to kind of understand is that studies are never perfect
Starting point is 00:08:33 and they will provide us with some answers, but they can't possibly provide us with all answers. And the thing about human studies that's real difficult is that in order to really nail down as much information as possible about whether or not something is safe or not safe or what the impact has on someone, you have to have a completely controlled study which would require you to take a bunch of humans, have them live in a laboratory and monitor everything that they did, everything that they ate for
Starting point is 00:09:01 years, which is impossible. It's not going to happen. So mostly studies are observational. Nonetheless, artificial sweeteners are probably safe, but I still tell people not to use them or not to eat them. It's not because I think they're necessarily bad for you, although some studies show that they do alter the gut microbiome, which we'll get into. But the reason why I tell people to avoid artificial sweeteners
Starting point is 00:09:26 is because they encourage the overvaluing of food for its hedonistic pleasure. Like if we look at food, food provides so many different things to us. Part of what food provides us is the pleasure of eating the food. That's the hedonistic value. But there's so much more that food provides us is the pleasure of eating the food. That's the hedonistic value. But there's so much more that food provides us, right? Provides us with nutrients, nourishment, energy.
Starting point is 00:09:52 It provides our, there's a context many times connecting with people around you. There's, actually, if I were to make a list and break down all the potential benefits of food, the list would be almost endless. But we focus so much on the hedonistic value of food that whenever we think of whether or not we want to eat something or not, we base it entirely on whether or not we just want to eat it because it tastes good.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Fairly on pleasure. Or because it feels good. Now, the problem with that is if you, with artificial sweeteners, it tends to encourage that because it doesn't come with the natural barriers and limitations that foods with sugar and calories have. So let me explain. If you're a fitness-minded person, if you're somebody that really cares about your body and you want to look good, and you go eat something that has sugar in it, the natural limitations
Starting point is 00:10:39 of the fact that it has sugar and calories will probably get you to monitor how much you consume. Like, okay, I'm only gonna have one because it's 200 calories and 50 grams of sugar. So I'm only gonna have one and I'll have one every once in a while. But now that we have this sugar free, calorie free option, now I feel like I can indulge and always consume this food that's only really being valued for its hedonistic value. And that encourages a bad relationship with food.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It's a poor relationship with food. Because if that's all you ever do with your food, what it's going to look like is I eat really, really strict and restrict or I go away the fuck off and quote unquote, and join myself with the flavors and taste of food. So I have never in my life worked with a client where we have incorporated regular daily use of artificially sweetened sodas and they just had a great healthy life. It was always That was always a part of something that I had to remove and say okay
Starting point is 00:11:37 Let's get rid of this and see what happens and it's funny after I did that post I had a lot of people comment and be like that was me like I know there's no calories, but Because of that I would just consume the shit out of it and then it would encourage other eating behaviors. And that's what we find too, is that people consume lots of artificially sweetened sodas and whatnot, tend to have poor eating habits with other types of foods. And this is true for lots of different things.
Starting point is 00:12:02 For example, if we talk about sex, when we eliminate all the potential consequences of sex, which like pregnancy and STDs might be a couple of consequences, if you completely eliminate all that stuff, and then if you completely eliminate the emotional consequences of sex, let's imagine you could just have sex with whoever you want, and there was no potential consequences.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Could you imagine the negative behaviors that we would create around sex, the the negative behaviors that we would create around sex, the impulsive behaviors that we would... What do you think I'm afraid of robots? Yeah, seriously. And robots are the artificial flavoring of sex. It's dude, 100%. You get a bunch of AI robots that are just like humans.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yeah. And you'll get some poor behaviors as a result of that. So that's my big argument. And if you want to have a long term health and fitness, you got to look at our official sweeteners that way and look at the foods and say, okay, this is not encouraging good behavior patterns. I thought it was just great. That's why I'm glad we were talking about it because I feel like this has been the message
Starting point is 00:13:04 that we've been giving around it since we've started this podcast. But I thought you articulated it so well. Well, yeah. Yeah, I think that's, because people will see me have a Diet Coke every once in a while. And what I remind them is I don't look at it,
Starting point is 00:13:19 I don't demonize it, but I'm also very aware of the behaviors that it leads to. Yes. I'm the first to admit that I can go, no diet coke, so it's whatever, then all of a sudden it's at my house and it's one every couple days, then it's one a day, then it's two a day, then it's four, and it's very easy to justify it because why? I'm not getting fatter from it. It's not making me put on a bunch of weight, so you just keep doing it, keep doing it.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And you're indulging that. Yes. And so, and then, and then there's that side too that like I just think that there, we, there's a lot of things we don't know yet about the body, especially when you talk about gut, like we're still learning so much. And whether I use things like, you know, I don't blame like those,'t blame those artificial sweeteners or maybe all the speed stacks or all the sugar that I consume for these things that have my body. But what has caused me at the age of 26 all of a sudden to get psoriasis and all of a sudden now in my 30s there are certain foods that I eat and I'm shitting myself on the toilet like 30 minutes later. 30s, there's certain foods that I eat, and I'm, you know, shitting myself on the toilet,
Starting point is 00:14:25 like 30 minutes later. Like, you got to ask yourself, like, something, some chemistry inside of you has changed over the course of 15, 20 years of whatever said habit that I was doing to do that. And so for me, I'm not sure what that is, but I've gone through and I'm like, I look at some of my own behaviors and I see the way that I abused ice cream. I see the way that I abused sugar. I also see the way that I've abused artificial sweeteners. And to me, when I look across the board
Starting point is 00:14:56 of all the different foods that I've consumed in my life, those are the main ones that have been major offenders. And so I'm very careful about how much I allow them and I introduce them into my life. Not that I'm demonizing them saying that, oh my god, they're going to cause cancer in me. Oh my god, everything that's gone wrong. My body, it's their fault. It's being objective and self-critical. You know, it's like, what am I actually doing? And, you know, in terms of like, what's reoccurring the most in my day to day process and food is a big part of that. And now consuming these foods for a long period of time,
Starting point is 00:15:30 like what has this done? Has this benefited me or has, have I noticed other things that come along with those choices? And I think that everybody just needs to evaluate that process and stay in tune with that process. So I mean, look, this is true for all behaviors that in this category of where you start to indulge and you become impulsive.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Look at, so you start consuming artificial sweeteners, no calories, okay, that encourages me to consume more and more and indulge more and more. That starts to bleed over into the way you start to view food and it makes your food relationship not as good. This is true for, look at pornography. If somebody's consuming lots of pornography, what they'll find is that their consumption of pornography will become more and more novel.
Starting point is 00:16:18 They'll require more and more, you know, whatever, you know, different and weird categories of porn to elicit the same kind of response. This happens with food as well. So if I'm always having this, because just because there's no calories doesn't mean nothing's happening in my brain. I'm obviously perceiving it as being sweet and palatable, right?
Starting point is 00:16:35 I'm obviously perceiving a sensation. So as I'm perceiving the sweetness over and over again, what's gonna end up happening with my other food choices? Other foods that are healthy are gonna start to taste more and more bland. I'm gonna start deriving less and less of that value from those types of foods. And I'm gonna start craving more and more foods that are hitting that sweet and hitting that hyper-palitability harder and harder. This is why when you come out of a fast, you go and eat a food that normally is like not a big deal, like an apple,
Starting point is 00:17:05 and all of a sudden you're biting into the most delicious sweet tasting thing you've ever had in your entire life. And so it just doesn't fit in with a healthy lifestyle. But back to the gut microbiome. Artificial sweeteners do alter the microbiome. Now to be clear, we don't know if this means it's a good or a bad thing, although sucralose in particular has been shown to kill off what we know and deem to be certain types of beneficial bacteria.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And also, by the way, is stored in the body. We thought that we got rid of it completely, but some of it does get stored in the body. That was something relatively recent. Again, we don't know if it's necessarily bad, but it just goes to show like the more we learn, the more we're like, oh, we didn't know that. Oh, we didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Oh, I'd rather like air on the side of safety, but speaking of the microbiome, we got a lot of questions. I wanted to bring this up. We got a lot of questions on the seed episode when we talked to the CEO from seed. And people were just blown away by the information and wanting to know a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And I wanted to be clear, because I had said something about the difference between the male and female products. So I have the information right here, because I have a male product, a male probiotic, and a female probiotic. And the female probiotic helps with dermatological health and natural folate production in the body which is crucial for fertility and pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:18:32 The male product has two separate strains that help with muscle recovery after high intensity exercise and these are actually backed by by studies which I fucking love. That's why I love this company so much. Is there so like on top of the size? But if you are consuming artificial sweeteners, I think it's probably a good idea to also have a high quality probiotic to potentially offset the maybe negative effects you may have under God.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Now tell me if this is because I was actually just having this conversation with one of our trainer buddies, Ben, and he was asking me my opinion of the probiotics. And he's like, do you take it every day? Can you feel the difference of this, and I said, of all the usage, I've tried on and off probiotics for a very long time. And the biggest difference that I noticed, and this is kind of how I utilize them, and South correct me if this is worth my time or not. But for the most part, I try and eat a very well balanced diet and get most of all my, you know, beneficial, healthy
Starting point is 00:19:36 bacteria through my food. I try and get as much of my nutrients that I need. And then when I feel that I'm lacking or I potentially may be hurting my gut, I try and use it like that. So for example, when I know that whenever I have cheeseburgers, it's either the dairy, the cheese, or it's the bun that affects me. I get I get bloated, I retain a bunch of water, my stool is off, and something that I've noticed is if I get in the habit of always making sure that I have my probiotic, when I consume something like that, it really mitigates those symptoms. I don't seem to be as bloated, I don't seem to hold as much water, my stool isn't off, and so that's kind of how I have used it. Am I doing it wrong and is that okay? No, no, that's symptomatic use.
Starting point is 00:20:26 So you're using it to mitigate a symptom, but it also helps with the, so when your gut is off and you've got like bloating and diarrhea and all that stuff, that's a lot of gut inflammation. And that inflammation tends to become systemic. So the fact that you're noticing less of those effects by taking the probiotic with these types of foods,
Starting point is 00:20:44 that's a great option, because it's mitigating the inflammation that comes, because here's what happens when you get this kind of systemic inflammation, people don't realize studies show this, by the way. People feel irritable and more depressed. So it actually affects your mental state. Well, I mean, I could tell you right away,
Starting point is 00:21:02 like there's part of the, the quote unquote guilt that I get when I eat off of the, the, you know, the plan eating wise is like, just like the day before I was like, man, I'm feeling good. Diet's good, training good, stomach is flat, tight, feeling good for my workouts, then I'm like, oh, I'm an indulge,
Starting point is 00:21:19 and I indulge and I have something off and all right, over consume, and I know I over consume. And part of that guilty feeling is the feedback and the reflection that I'm getting in the mirror and looking down at my stomach all below it and feeling lethargic and then like, I mean, nobody likes a terrible poop. I mean, I don't ruin a day. You know what I'm saying? Like, I get, I get, I have to start over.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Right. Like, I mean, how many times have you like, fuck, I don't want to start this day just because the poop was wrong. You know what I'm saying? You come out, you start your 7 a.m. shit, and it's no good, it's like, oh great, it's gonna be one of those days. I'm gonna write in the shower.
Starting point is 00:21:51 But tell me you, we have a great one, you have a great one, it's like, man, it sets the tone for the day. So I could totally tell how those things have this trickling effect of, I do. Dude, I get irritable, and it's not just because I'm upset that I had a bad poop. I literally, although that happens to them. Yes, although I do, I literally get irritable and it's not just because I'm upset that I had a bad poop. I literally although that happens to them
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yes, although I do I literally get irritate like I'll come home and the kids will just get on my nerves and And I'll even for have forgotten the fact that I my gut was a little off and Jessica will be like are you feeling okay? And I'll stop and think for a second like I feel irritable Yeah, like I feel and it's because I'm a little bit more inflamed You know, and I just kind of feel kind of crappy, but it's funny. That's that's old old man was the my grandfather's Tell me that speaking of you and Jessica. I saw you guys at the at the gun range over there Yeah, look at you, look at you magnum PI I like that reference
Starting point is 00:22:42 We're we're thinking about getting a handgun and wanted to be real responsible. And I have shotguns before and I have a shotgun and I have some experience, but we want to be real responsible. So we signed up for this three day course where we go in and they go over everything, types of ammunition, types of handguns, how to load them, you know, had to hit your target, that kind of stuff, had to be safe, had to clean them, because I want to be responsible, but it's pretty cool. That whole world is like so deep, it's so deep,
Starting point is 00:23:14 like he's going into like the history of, this is why this one's called the 38 Special, and this is why this is a 357 Magnum, and this, that and the other. You see why it creates like fanatical people, right? Fanatic, bro. Right, fanatic. And all the custom parts you can get form Yeah, so I'm leaning towards I
Starting point is 00:23:30 You know, I love bread us my dad had a bread a shot of bread a million times love the way it feels Gluck I like I might want to get a glock. They're they're light The nine millimeter. Yeah, you want it. Yeah, you like the 9mm? It's like how consistently accurate I can shoot with that. Stop talking like you know anything about God. That's it, that's the only one. Yeah. That's like my sound sports analogy. The only one you know is you watch lethal weapon
Starting point is 00:23:57 fucking five times, broken theory. Oh, you watch me in a range, son. Yeah, we should go. I'm down, I'm already taking We should go. I don't know. Yeah, I'm already taking all my tests out. What's the biggest hang-in you've ever f-fired? I've shot it like one of the 44 mags. What's the big dirty hair you want?
Starting point is 00:24:13 That's a 357 mag number. Is that that it? That's got a lot of kick, man. Yeah, no it does. It's because it's got a lot of gunpowder. It's a big ass casing. We did massive kick. So my two best friends, one of them's really into it.
Starting point is 00:24:24 One of them, that's what he wanted to do for his bachelor party. I think it was the most ironic bachelor party ever. We went to Vegas, which is not ironic for a bachelor party, but did zero of the normal bachelor party type stuff. Like we did like, we raised go cards, we went to a shooting range, we did like all these other things. We did a, what he called it, a man, man to Catalan. Where we had all these things that we did.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And we were all competitive with each other. And one of the things we went to, one of those shooting ranges where they take you out and we shot all these like full machine guns and shit. Oh, fully automatic. Yeah, I'm all about it. Let's do it. Yeah, no, it was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:25:00 There's one where you, they'll take you in a helicopter and you'll fire out of the helicopter and shoot at targets and shit. Like, when there's a little mini gun thing, I don't know if it's a mini gun, but how fucking awesome would that be? Yeah, no, it's dope. Hit that guy, no, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I shot a desert, I think it's called a desert eagle, and it's a 50-cal handgun. If I'm not mistaken, and it was like, that's crazy. Oh, bro, it's like Like holy shit like it gives you a blackout. Yeah, what am I trying to do is shoot down a tank? You know he was going over piercing bro. He was going over all the different rounds and I never knew what full metal jacket Man, you guys know what that means you heard the term full metal jacket. It's like a full bunch of ammo, right?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Full-jiff jacket of ammo. Cut, well, I don't know if you, what do you mean with it? What do you mean? Full metal jacket, it's like the sleeve is all full. I don't know, tell me dude. No, I'm not gonna, hey, nine millimeter. No, no, no, no. So when they switched from black powder to smokeless powder,
Starting point is 00:26:04 smokeless powder produces a lot more heat. And the lead bullets were expanding in the gun a little bit and it wasn't good for the gun. And so guns weren't lasting a little long and there were causing problems. And so what they did is they started to encase the metal, the lead bullet with a, I forgot what kind of metal they used, a jacket fully around the bullet so that the metal, the lead bullet with a, I forgot what kind of metal they used, jacket fully around the bullet so that the metal,
Starting point is 00:26:28 the lead wouldn't, wouldn't melt and they could fire it with this, you know, smokeless pump. Well, you got like the full tour here. Well, this is my, this is my, I love nerdy shit like this, right? So, but what's crazy is that is that these metal, these full metal jackets just fucking pierced shit. So they had to figure something out
Starting point is 00:26:45 because cops would, or people would use them and they'd shoot someone and it would kill like four of the people. I could just see you and Jessica showing up to the range and Jessica's like, oh, I want to shoot this cool shit and sounds like, I want to know the history behind this actually. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Actually, no, it's, no, you know, it's the order. You know, it's just like, let's shoot this motherfucker. It sounds like, let's learn about this actually. It's a museum guys. It was crazy. Why do they make this? Yeah, no, you know what's funny? So the guy teaching the class is, he's in his, he's got to be in his 70s, all dude from a totally
Starting point is 00:27:14 different generation, saying without realizing it, he made a couple sexist comments, Jessica and I were fucking crap. He didn't even, you know, he's like, so what are you guys, where do you guys get this one thing? And nobody answers, and he's like, come on women, you guys should know this. And I'm like, and he was, you shop, you know, he's like, so where do you guys get this one thing? And nobody answers, and he's like, come on women, you guys should know this. And I'm like, you shop, you know, and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:27:30 oh, he's making a sexist joke. He doesn't realize he makes sexist. It is wife of stock and shit to him all the time. But he's actually sitting there and giving us like this history breakdown of the different kinds of guns and why they load this particular way and why there's, you know, whatever, and I appreciate that kind of shit. So that's really cool.
Starting point is 00:27:47 So you're the musket. Yeah. Actually, that would be fun. You can go and you can, there's places where you go and shoot. Do you lack power? I've never seen the viral YouTube video of the, all the people shooting the elephant gun. No. Oh, Doug, you have to do go.
Starting point is 00:28:01 This is where it knocks people over. Yes, go to YouTube, elephant gun. I'm sure that will show the, it's like the number one viral video. And everybody falls over. Yeah, it's just a ton of people that are shooting this elephant gun and watching all of them. It's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Oh man. You know, last night I got a group tech, so I'm in all these group threads, right? And when we're last night, the warriors are playing. And so- Now they crushed, right? Yeah, I know. I got a text from you, which was crushed. So, so funny was, I'm like, I'm in like three of these threads
Starting point is 00:28:30 and we're all going back and forth and, you know, some of them are not warrior fans. And so, they made the most basket. And so, we're talking shit back and forth. And I actually almost fired back on the, on the, because I thought you were being sarcastic because I thought you were another one of my buddies. And I didn't realize I was like, this came from Mind Pumps out.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Let's see, tell you what the warrior did. You didn't watch the game. Did you watch the game last night? Hell no. I was at the gun, the gun class and someone in the class, the instructor, the old instructor, whatever, he wanted, you wanted updates on the game. So when we finished, he's like, all right, what happened? And they said warriors, 100 and something to... So I'll tell you the, that's not the one, though. So I'll tell
Starting point is 00:29:07 you the heat that I'm getting from my buddies and, and some heat on social because some people have heard me say this, I don't give a fuck. Come at me because I'll, I'll have this debate with you all day long. I, yes, I've been saying since the day we brought Kevin to write, as excited as I was, guys, and let me start this with he is in my opinion. If not the best basketball player in the world right now, he's number two right behind LeBron James. For sure, I don't disagree with that, but I 100% believe and have been saying this since beginning, we are a better team without him. And that statement just ruffles so many people's feathers. There's a lot of people that when Kevin Durant came to the Warriors,
Starting point is 00:29:47 everybody, oh, the ruining the NBA, and oh, you have all the best players, oh, five all-star starting, this is lame. Everyone's all upset about it. And I'm over here going like, take him. I don't want him. We're a better team without him. And so I've been in this debate with my buddies,
Starting point is 00:30:03 and it's been, and Kevin Durant got hurt a couple games back. So the last two games we've played without Kevin Durant and we've won. And the first game that we won without him, there's nobody I guarantee that was watching that believe we except for myself and my buddy who I was telling him, I can't wait for this game. It was during our talk. It's why I was outside. I had to hear about it because I called totally predicted it. I called why I was outside. I had to hear about it because I called it. Totally predicted it. I called it before it happened. I said, watch us win this game. We're going into Houston.
Starting point is 00:30:29 By the way, nobody is won in Houston since before February. It's a do or die game for Houston. That's rough. They have to win. They're they're backs in a corner. Okay. Kevin Durant is out.
Starting point is 00:30:40 So our best player is out. We're going to their home to play. But the odds were against us on Vegas. is out. We're going to their home to play. The odds were against us on Vegas. Everybody said we're going to lose. I say watch us be play better as a team and win. We're all odds are because we did. Then we come into our first game against Portland, hammered them there too. We're a better team. We play better without them. And the stats prove it to the last 29 games that we've played without Kevin Durant and Stefan Curry is starting. We are 28 and one.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And this is such a, I love this because it's a micro-casm of what happens in business and in life that doesn't, a collection of all the best people don't always make the best teams. That's true. And the cohesiveness and leadership of a team, whether we're talking about business or we're talking about sports,
Starting point is 00:31:28 is so tantamount to their success. And I'm telling you right now, the warriors are such a cohesive group, and we added the superstar Kevin Durant, and yes, he is the best. How long has he been on the team? Three years now. Oh, okay, so they were already killing it before him.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah, we, so what happened was we won a championship. Then we had a year where we had the best record and then we lost to LeBron James in the championship. Then the next year, then Durant comes on and we went to an arrow and Durant was MVP and no doubt he is that good that he could take over a game, but our entire game changes like you can see the way we coach and we play. It's when he's in, you got a feed on the ball. Yeah, you have to feed on the ball because he's a monster. And everybody backs off and just let's take it. And because he's the best player, 50% of the time, he still makes a bucket. Doesn't matter if everybody's guarding. But now when he's not there, we have to play like a team with a screen. We have to move. Now what if they do both?
Starting point is 00:32:20 That's the problem though. Here's the problem. When you have all these great players, what do you know comes with a bunch of great alphas, great leaders, a bunch of egos, and a bunch of people that want the limelight. And everybody else on the team, Clay, Steph, you know, Dremon, they don't need the limelight. They've all been able to, even though they're all great, they're okay with not scoring any points that game. I'll let you score Sal, you're doing better. I'm very, very much more on self-ashable. Very similar to the cohesiveness of this team right here. I mean, individually, all of you would go on to do something great and fitness and be very successful. Part of what makes the success of this team right here
Starting point is 00:32:57 is the ability to let others lead when they're great, when they, when they, they, they, they, and not carrying. I could go weeks and not be leading the team. Yeah, I don't care Hey, you could you could be leading it for months in a row and then also it shifts the other way like we're okay with it because it's not about us It's about the team and about winning right that's why you whenever we're in our team meetings You always hear me reference the warriors and how are the players and I really feel like Kevin Durant Because completely changes the chemistry of our team. And on paper for all the assholes
Starting point is 00:33:26 that are shaking their head right now that are listening to this on paper? No, no, no. Well, it'd be like us. If we said, let's pick out one of the most famous fitness people right now that are popular and make a lot of money, successful in business, and just add them to our arsenal.
Starting point is 00:33:40 On paper, we would be a better squad. But do we know if we would technically be a better team and be as successful as a business? I think you guys would all agree that that's not necessarily true. We have an example of that when we first started. I mean, Craig Caperso is a very good friend of ours, extremely intelligent person. It's very business savvy person for sure, but the cohesiveness of the team and the dynamic that we had when he was kind of part of the group was completely different than what it is now. And I believe we're stronger even with someone that is that smart, that talented and that
Starting point is 00:34:12 could technically add value, but the cohesiveness of the team matters more. You're almost, you're so close to getting me to want to watch basketball. Not there, not quite, almost still. I'm almost, eh, in their mind. Yeah, so this reference Craig is Kevin Durant. Yeah, it's, and almost happened. Yeah, I don't know if he's the greatest player. I don't know if he's the greatest player.
Starting point is 00:34:34 No, he calls me Kevin Durant. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Oh, no. Oh, no. Fuck you guys, I'm out of here. No, it's a, it's a fun time for me right now watching sports.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I mean, I got the sharks right now in the The finals or the semi finals right so we have about one more series to win before we go off to potentially the Stanley Cup and Warriors now same place It's a it's a really cool time for the Bay Area. Yeah, I'm Dude, I would love it the sharks, especially like right here in our backyard if that took you if we came back Would that be crazy? You think people will go crazy'll have prayed really awesome. Yeah, I'll be there. I did you did you guys see the article? Think it was a Jackie that shared it with us about the Arizona's new law on nun chucks. I didn't know. A lot of nun chucks fans. I didn't know that nunchucks were illegal in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Yeah. Well, remember what weird, like what's, remember we talked about New York, like year, maybe a year ago we brought up that news when they outlawed nunchucks. No, no, New York made ninja stars or something. Ninja stars. Oh, is the ninja stars?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the ninja stars. What a great example of government hysteria. Like kung fu movies come out and they're like, oh shit, these fucking kung fu masters crazy They came with stop them with guns ban all their weapons guarantee the hurting themselves more than anybody else An answer to the rise of all the Ninja Turtle gang I'd be I know we're gonna stop these motherfuckers. I would be more like seriously, if somebody pulled out nunchucks or somebody pulled out a bat, like more scared of the bat.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Somebody pulled out nunchucks, I'd be like, let me see you use those firsts. I'm gonna grab a rock. Yeah, just throw it at your head. You ever try to use nunchucks? L-a-hards. Yes, it's L-a-hards. Oh, you hit yourself in the nuts every time.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I mean, it looks really cool. It reminds me a little bit of Indiana Jones where this guy's doing his fancy moves. Is there any of those? They just shoot some in the head. Yeah, good old fashioned American. Yeah. Did you see the answer?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Did you guys see the another lawsuit for Roundup? Yes. California, Oakland couple. Oh, it was Oakland. And Oakland couple got, I'm gonna pull up the article just so I make sure I'm resonating. Yeah, I got 10. I got 10. They're like bleeding right now money. Well, so they got two billion imputed of so they they got two billion dollars impunitive damages.
Starting point is 00:36:52 After this jury concluded that sustained exposure to Monsanto's Roundup weed killer, which is a glyphosate, which by the way they spray all over the fuck all over your food. It non-GMO crops in particular because that's what they do. GMO crops don't die to round up at everything else does. So it's an easy way to grow plants or whatever. This couple is going to get an additional 55 million for pain and suffering as well. So this was in California and it's because the jury believed
Starting point is 00:37:21 that the exposure to this glyphosate or roundup played a substantial factor in their development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which is the type of cancer that the other guy who won, got also, and this is the kind of cancer that they're trying to make a connection to between glyphosates, is non-Hodgkin's type of lymphoma? Now, what's it called when you get the collective, like everybody bands together,
Starting point is 00:37:46 class action? Class action, isn't that inevitable now? If they're pinpointing that to be a cause. Well, bro, this is a, like, people don't realize, okay? If you take out the organic market, and you just look at the food market, a good 80% of our foods, processed foods, contain some type of a GMO, whether it's corn, wheat,
Starting point is 00:38:12 or soy, there's the major, major crops, and wheat isn't GMO, but wheat does get sprayed with glyphosates as a desiccant in America. So it's a way to kind of get it to get ready faster. So you're consuming these glyphosates all the time and they make a shit ton of money. Monsanto's a massive powerful company. They send billions and millions of tons of glyphosates overseas to China, which is the second, you know, the world's second largest economy.
Starting point is 00:38:44 So I don't know, man, what's gonna happen? Is this company too powerful? Well, this was, I think you're taking down. I feel like this is a lot of the motivation of why we partnered up with Organify. It's like, especially being in the fitness space, if you're gonna be consuming, you know, powdered greens and powdered protein on a regular basis, like organic.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Yeah, yeah. Like 100%. All the products are organic. Yeah, that was a, that was a, that was a deal breaker for us. Is that if we were going to sell your supplements and stuff, they had to be 100% organic. And so because you know a lot of people
Starting point is 00:39:14 are taking this every day or multiple times per day. Like how many people do you know that take a minimum a protein shake or two a day, plus a green juice and then other supplement type products. On top of that, and then on top of that, you're getting a lot of this stuff inside there. Like that just has always concerned. Well, I know when I talk to, and I can't remember his name, Dr. Zach Bush, I believe, who is in triple board certified Dr. Brilliant Man, and a bit of an expert on glyphosates.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And he said that glyphosates, you know, they do interact with the shikamadi pathway of, or just, I should just say, the shikamadi pathway, which exists in plants, doesn't exist in humans. So glyphosates don't bother humans, but it does exist in bacteria. And so glyphos's act like a mild antibiotic. Oh wow, he compared it to that. Yeah, it's because it kills bacteria. And so what we're doing is we're drowning the, our soil in glyphosate.
Starting point is 00:40:14 So we're killing the microbiome that's in the soil. And that stuff is important. The microbiome on the earth is important, just like your microbiome is in your gut. Then you consume it and you get the residues in your gut. Who knows what that's causing. Then he was talking about studies that he saw that showed that glyphosate also can contribute to intestinal hyperpermeability, aka leaky gut syndrome and cause all these food intolerances.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Anyway, I always try to go organic. I don't think it's the most important thing. I think macros and calories are obviously first, but then close second, third is like, try to get it in the sourcing. Yeah, I've always been alarmed by that. It's like if it's killing living organisms, if it's proven to kill bacteria,
Starting point is 00:41:01 we, I mean, how much of our bodies made up of bacteria? Like internally we're ingesting this stuff and it's like, you know, maybe there aren't enough studies out there to really prove that people are dying, you know, like immediately from this, but now we're starting to see this, you know, these cases come forward from chronic use. Yeah, we're pretty good at not approving,
Starting point is 00:41:25 like, immediately toxic stuff. Like, there's only going to buy anything on the market that's going to give you an immediate toxic result or make you sick right away. Yes, otherwise we label rat poison. Yeah, but what we're bad at is looking at long, long-term trends because they're difficult. Like, imagine, like, you look at a whole population of people
Starting point is 00:41:46 and they all live to their 60 and you start noticing some trends, what contributed to the poor health? Was it, was it the glyphosate? Was it the lack of sun exposure? Was it this? Was it the food activity? It's hard to narrow it down, so we end up saying,
Starting point is 00:42:00 it's safe because these three-month studies show that it's safe. We don't know if it's safe long-term with the deal is with that. Organic isn't perfect either, by the way. Organic is interesting in its own right, but it's just another barrier. That was even one of the deals with organifies when we first started working with them was we're not going to present this message to people that you should be taking this every single day. We'll always promote
Starting point is 00:42:26 Whole natural foods first. You know you should always try and target that first the reality of it is that sometimes it's hard to hit protein and takes With natural foods are they if you're going to take a protein powder like I 100% recommend going the organ and then you got to be also You also have to do your research like many times organic plant proteins. They found this not that long ago. High and heavy metals. Now, organify showed us their lab results and they were totally clean. But some of the most popular plant proteins, because organify is all plant, right? There's no dairy, no gluten or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:00 It's really easy for people to food intolerances. But there was other companies, some of the top organic plant-based proteins out there. So, surprising, man. High amounts of heavy metals. Bad, that's toxic. Yeah, reputable companies that were going down to that. Yep, yep, yep. So, you want to stay away from those?
Starting point is 00:43:15 You guys see, I'm happy and excited. I've been talking about this for God probably over a year now. What I see with Spotify, and I just think it's an amazing company. I think it's a smart company to pay attention to and watch. I also think that it's smart for us to get involved on that platform with all the many things that we're doing. And so, MindPump officially has a MindPump Spotify
Starting point is 00:43:39 that Enzo has been organizing, and it's pretty cool. He's got a collection of guys and girls that have certain genres that they love and listen to all the latest and greatest. And so I think we're up to seven or nine custom playlist and he's going to be forever evolving and changing it. And he actually even opened up an email, Spotify at mind pump media.com, which is a place that if you're already listening to the playlist, you'll love the playlist, you have songs that you... Or you're just like one of those critics are like, you don't have this and this and this and this. Right. Okay, tell us. Yeah, right. So you can email Enzo and he'll be taking that information and input,
Starting point is 00:44:17 essentially, I'm not guaranteeing that your song is going to make it to the list because it's got to make it through everybody that's going through all of it, but we have started it, we have created it. It's under mine pump, it's on Spotify. I just did a link on my Instagram. I'll probably do another one in a few days so people can follow it, but check it out. This is so great because at the event, I was talking to some of the guys about music genres
Starting point is 00:44:41 and metal and stuff, and we're talking about liquid death and just how metal it is and the brand and everything. I'm like, yeah, stuff and we're talking about liquid death and you know, just how metal it is and the brand and everything I'm like yeah, and somehow we were talking about like different genres of metal and And then this guy brought up the this one genre that really perked my interest because I had this idea. I was actually in a rockabilly band long time ago where we had a stand-up base And like I was trying to play like old rock and roll kind of like old 50 style kind of rock and roll. And he said that there's actually a genre out there that they've taken that now in the
Starting point is 00:45:13 metal genre. They've taken rock ability with a stand up base and then they've added like, you know, really intense like with the collicles. And so there's it's called Gore Horseman is like one of the bands that embodies this style. I forget what the actual like term of the metal genre is, but that's one of the bands that he turned me onto them. I'm just loving it.
Starting point is 00:45:35 It's good. It's great. They're good to like lift to. It's super. Yeah, it's got a, it's got a driving beat to it. Like you know how rockability does, but it's, it's way more intense. I'm totally digging it, but it's just funny because I had an idea of that when I was playing, I was like, it'd be awesome if you'd like incorporate like a standup base and
Starting point is 00:45:52 all that, but it sounds so weird, but it's like somebody thought of it, you know, and they came up with it. I've been lately, I've been lifting to Slayer. Yeah. Slayer, yeah. Going back to the old classics. Slayer's good times, man. You want to break some PRs put on some slayer a little angel of death
Starting point is 00:46:15 Today's calls brought to you by Max and a ballic if you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength Math and the ballic is the perfect place to start with a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk! So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromidia.com and get started today! It's the Bolognian F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F***ing F*** our first question is from Jen Rose Smith. Can you explain the pros and cons of doing cardio before weight training versus after? I hate doing cardio, so if I don't do it first, then I won't do it at all. Oh yeah, so...
Starting point is 00:46:53 Well, then don't do it. Yeah. They've done quite a few studies on cardio before or cardio after. And whichever one's adaptation you prioritize is the one you should do first. So let me explain that. Let's cardio will provide your body with a stimulus
Starting point is 00:47:14 to adapt in a way that will improve your endurance, your stamina and endurance. Weight training sends a signal to get your body to adapt in a way to benefit you with strength or power. Or building muscle. Or building muscle. Now, there's more attached to that.
Starting point is 00:47:32 When your body's trying to get more endurance, it also tries to become more efficient with calorie burn. When your body's trying to get stronger and build muscle, it also starts to speed up, quote, speed up its metabolism and burn more calories. So if you're working out and your goal is to get more endurance because you're an athlete that needs more endurance or you're going to go do a run or whatever. Like for example, if you're a marathon runner, you should do your cardio first. If you're trying to build your body, build muscle, sculpt your body, speed up your metabolism,
Starting point is 00:48:05 or get stronger, I would say go weights first. The vast majority of people that are listening to this podcast probably would do better off lifting weights first. But we're splitting hairs here. It doesn't make a huge, huge, huge difference. I think it's important to address the, I hate I hate doing cardio. So if I, if I don't do it first, then I won't do it at all. Um, this is interesting because it, but it's common, right? A lot of people still think that you need to do cardio. If your goal is fat loss,
Starting point is 00:48:40 you do not need to do cardio, necessarily. If your goal is fat loss. In fact, I've had way more success teaching people how to balance their diet and how to strength train properly with zero cardio with fat loss than I have ever had with somebody saying, I want fat loss and then me prescribing cardio to them. You're going to get way more benefits by learning how to balance out your nutrition with no cardio. And with just hopefully strength training is hopefully you like that. If you are referring to the cardio portion that you hate, I'm assuming that means you enjoy the weight training portion.
Starting point is 00:49:15 So do the portion that you love weight train, give it your all, train the way you want to train, train the way you like to train and enjoy that process. And instead of because by the way, 30 minutes to an hour of cardio, we're talking about somewhere between 200 and 500 calorie difference by not doing that, right? So if you decide to eliminate cardio, if it's an hour, we're talking about closer to four or 500 calories, if it's 30 minutes, we're looking at more like 200, 250 calories of a difference. So you can change your diet, you know, eat 250 calories less in the day, or find a way to do two or three,
Starting point is 00:49:53 10 to 15 minute walks throughout your day to make up for that 200, 250 calorie difference, and you'll get pretty much the same benefits in the scheme of losing body fat. And health, that's the best way to do it. Separate it completely. Yes. You know, do your weights, do your weights.
Starting point is 00:50:11 You wanna do extra calorie burning, just do extra walking and activity throughout the day. That's gotta be, in my opinion, the best approach. Yeah, and two, I think there's still probably a thought process behind the cardio's being like a warm up. Like, I gotta get this blood circulation. I gotta heat up my core temperature before I even get into working out.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I know that's probably still rampant within people's thought process of like how to work out properly, but you know, that's why we had to put out a program prime where we really explain like there's a better way to set yourself up in terms of the movements you're trying to accomplish within your workouts and also just specifically to you, what your joints would benefit from the most,
Starting point is 00:50:53 going into stabilize everything properly and function properly going into these workouts. There's also a belief that you need to do cardio to improve your cardiovascular health. So it's like weights, improves the health of your muscles and your joints and your movement. Like it doesn't improve your cardiovascular. Exactly. Look, if you want to get lots of endurance and you want to really get stamina, cardio is great for that. If you want to just improve the health of your
Starting point is 00:51:19 cardiovascular system, just lift weights faster. I mean, it's mostly going to be strength training. But when you're cutting your rest periods shorter, or you're doing higher reps, like do a set of squats for 15 or 20 reps, you're going to get cardiovascular conditioning as well. So you can, let me put it this way. If your goal is fitness, long-term longevity and health in the context of modern life, and you want to look good, and you have to pick weights or cardio, weights all day long. All day long.
Starting point is 00:51:50 You're gonna get more carryover from the weights than you will get from the cardio. Cardio is not gonna give you the strength and muscle-abbuilding effects at all. It would be interesting, I wish you could do this. I wish we could, instead of a group of random people, we could do this like individual study. Like I wonder what, if I did 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:52:09 to an hour of moderately intense cardio and then went to my hour of weight training, how much that impeded on my performance in the weight room and how much that then impeded on my progression in building muscle and strength. I wonder if you could compare that to not doing cardio whatsoever, which then led to a better, higher performing weight training routine, which then led to more strength and more muscle.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And over the course of three months, six months of training that way, what the difference in fat loss and muscle gain and overall metabolism, what they would be. I don't have that study to show that or prove that, but I do have a lot of experience in helping people, and I would argue that the latter is superior, that the person who has put the energy and focus on the weight training, building the strength, building the muscle over long term is going to get overall better fat loss,
Starting point is 00:53:05 more muscle being built in comparison to the person that is prioritizing something like cardio, which they don't even enjoy doing. And last year really, like trying to pursue the skill of running or biking or cardiovascular related. Totally different. That's a different subject completely. Totally different.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Which is totally a valid way to train, but that has a totally different mentality. And there's no way this person is that person. Like you don't say I hate doing cardio and you have a cardio, you have a marathon, you're training. Right, you know what I'm saying? That's not gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:53:34 This is somebody 100%, which is totally normal. So I don't want Jen to feel like I'm ragging on you. This is super common with clients that think that they need to do cardio because their goal is foul loss. Yeah. You absolutely do not need to do cardio if your goal is foul. It's been embedded in us with marketing.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Right. And you know how I love to teach it is if we can figure out the right caloric balance that you need to be eating without any sort of cardio and just strength training. And then ever once in a while you intermittently use cardio to either one combat a larger calorie day because, oh, you decided you're going to go to dinner with your girlfriends tonight. Therefore, I'm going to spend 30 minutes to an hour on the cardio today to help combat the extra calories that my body is going to be consuming far more, far more beneficial to use it that way than it become a ritual that you do it every single time you train
Starting point is 00:54:25 because like Sal alluded to earlier, that sends a signal to the body to become more efficient with calories. It then adapts to it. It doesn't give you the response that you're probably looking for if the ultimate goal is fat loss. No, ideally, it's weight training with a good level of just natural steps throughout the day. Next question is from Shay goes west. What should a woman's focus for fitness and health be through pregnancy, starting before getting pregnant to after giving birth? Oh boy. Before, so I've seen firsthand the effect of different approaches and strategies with fitness
Starting point is 00:55:01 has had on women who are pregnant. I remember, you know, when I managed gyms, I had aerobics instructors who would have it, we get pregnant, and then I had some trainers who got pregnant. And the difference was in their training modalities. The aerobics instructors were super big on the classes, super big on the cardio, lots of running, lots of aerobics classes, lots of dance classes, the trainers were into lifting weights.
Starting point is 00:55:28 The women that lifted weights bounced back way faster than the women who did the cardio. Now don't get me wrong, they both bounced back, both bounced back very well, but the weight training women did the best. Now as a trainer, when I started training women Through pregnancy my focus was always let's get you strong Let's get you mobile and let's get your metabolism nice and fast because what ends up happening is
Starting point is 00:56:00 You get pregnant your activity starts to decline. We're still doing strength training after you have your baby You're not active at all, and you want to, obviously, a big concern is can I get back to my pre-pregnancy weight? And of course, what you're, like, the other thing too, is giving birth is a, that is a very exhausting endeavor. And it requires a lot of physical strength. It really, really does. And so, and they've done studies on this. Women who are physically fit have a higher percentage of successful births
Starting point is 00:56:27 than women who are not. So, although all activities important, I would say the focus would be on strength training, the focus would be on, you know, your big compound movements, getting good mobility, getting good with your squats, your dead lifts, your bench presses, your overhead presses, and then during pregnancy, maintaining as many of those exercises as long as you can,
Starting point is 00:56:48 listen to your body, of course, and start removing exercises as they start to feel uncomfortable. And you should be able to stay active and lift weights appropriately all the way up until the day you give birth. This is kind of an interesting one for me right now, because I'm in the middle of going through this with Katrina. And all of my years of training, I've trained lots of pregnant women. And I would say my advice goes right along with Sal.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I think addressing the common mistakes I see. Common mistake is I just got pregnant. Oh God, I don't want to get super fat. Oh God, I want to be healthy. Time to get in shape. Right time to get in shape. Like that's a common mistake that I've seen before. That is not the time to start your New Year's resolution or this all sudden, this vigorous routine of lifting weights or doing cardio. Like that is not a good thing and that's not ideal, right? like that is not a good thing and that's not ideal, right? So, and then also, if you're somebody who has already been training consistently, whether that be two times a week
Starting point is 00:57:50 or seven times a week, doesn't matter. If you've already been training very consistently, whatever amount of days a week, and then you get pregnant, I've seen plenty of women that I've trained that I've maintained that level of fitness, that they just keep right on pace with that. Now, little mistakes sometimes, you're just keep right on pace with that. Now, little mistakes sometimes,
Starting point is 00:58:07 you're not trying to progress during this time. Good chance you'll lose some strength. Some of your nutrients and energy is being diverted into growing a baby inside of you. So this is, and this is, I guess, maybe even newfound knowledge for me having to actually witness Katrina go through some of these challenges herself and talking her through that.
Starting point is 00:58:28 She had a moment probably three months ago where she kind of broke down a little bit because she felt so weak and coming from an athletic background, a girl who's trained consistently forever to see herself go in the gym and do some of these exercises that she's two, three, four times stronger normally on having to reduce the weight significantly, it was a shot to her ego. And that was, I opened her for me and I feel that this was something that I had to kind of coach her through that process of, hey, it's okay. Again, you're making a baby inside you. We're not trying to hit PRs. We're not trying to see, you're supposed to lose some strength right now. That's totally
Starting point is 00:59:11 okay. Don't beat yourself up over it. What we want to do is just keep moving, keep the mobility up, keep your overall strength up. You don't need to be seeing gains right now. And if you do see a little bit of regression, that's totally okay. There's lots of benefits too to training your pelvic floor muscles. Another common thing I had with clients when they went through labor, the ones that had the most success put a lot of attention here. The muscles responsible to helping you push through this pregnancy are related to that. And so if you are somebody who is doing exercises that promote that, it's really important
Starting point is 00:59:49 because you have to have a good mind muscle connection to all those muscles before you go into, especially if you are somebody who does opt to take some of the painkillers and the drugs that kind of numb that whole area. If you already have a poor connection to those muscles down there. You won't be able to push.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Yeah, you just won't be able to push. And this is, I see a lot of C sections happen because of this. You already have a poor connection to your pelvic floor muscles. And then on top of that, you go into a pregnancy and then you get decided to take the numbing drugs. And then now you can't feel it.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Now you're asking, it's like asking somebody to flex like their lats. Like flexing your back is a really never really worked it. And then on top of it, you're blocking the side. Yeah, and then now, these have it. And then your numb on top of it, it's like good luck, trying to do it. And then those are responsible
Starting point is 01:00:36 or helping push this kid along. Well, no shit, you had a hard time and no shit. It also is like, oh shit, we gotta go do a C section because you can't push this kid out. So if you're somebody who wants to have a natural birth and you want to go that route, I can't stress that enough how important it is to train those muscles during pregnancy. Yeah, we just actually had a really in-depth conversation about this with Stephanie Grunk, who was on the show and really helped to kind of highlight basically everything,
Starting point is 01:01:03 we're bringing up right now, I can just echo their points, but, you know, taking you through that pre-during and post-pregnancy process, that's a great episode for you to look out for here in the future. Next question is from Christian Rilo. What biomarker such as blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. Do you think will offer the most benefit to people when made conveniently available to the general public?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Oh, interesting. Blood sugar. I think blood sugar, I think continual glucose monitors have the potential to revolutionize the way people look at food. Mainly because of the individual variance, right? Exactly. I mean, highlighting that like crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Well, the studies on this are insane. Right. And I also think this is why there's so much controversy in what's good foods and what's bad foods. And that's because- It's polarizing everywhere. There's so, there's, I've, and this is what's cool about the glucose monitors
Starting point is 01:01:58 and the ability to do this to Salis Point is that I could have one client that eats a cookie and, you know, through the roof and there's just super not ideal for that person. And then another person like, nothing. And this explains a lot of what all of us have seen before. We've all had friends or that person who can eat certain things that you know you can't eat and they totally get away with it. And it's not like magic.
Starting point is 01:02:23 There's just a reason for it. There's a biological difference that you have there genetic difference between the two of you. You guys is makeup, your epigenetics and that causes that person to totally be able to have that their body regulates completely normal and is fine and doesn't respond. Yours freaks the fuck out or the other way around. There's freaks to fuck out. Yours is totally fine. And that's why you got to be very careful with giving nutritional advice and i think that this is going to this ability is going to highlight that and just blow people's was another fingerprint you know it's and we're figuring that out like this biodiversity like we're
Starting point is 01:02:59 so diverse uh you know chemically and uh you know genetically that uh it's been such a problem for us to kind of, there are valid ways to eat and some people find it through structure in certain directions. Here's a thing, it highlights that, and here's why. Here's why it doesn't work for this person. We have more insight, these continual glucose glucose monitors, that's going to be nothing but helpful for coaches and for, you know, nutritionists out there. Yeah. So what they do basically is here's how it continual glucose monitor works. And here's how they'll probably work on the future. So I'll explain the glycemic index first and how that works.
Starting point is 01:03:38 And then the glucose monitor. Well, the glycemic index tells you it gives us food a score. And it shows just how quickly that food is going to impact your blood sugar and how much is going to impact your blood sugar. So a continual glucose monitor, you wear all the time, I'll eat a food and I'll see in real time, oh, there goes my blood sugar, oh, there goes my insulin following right afterwards. Now what's weird about these, since they've come out with these is they've had situations where a person's
Starting point is 01:04:09 blood sugar will spike after they eat like an avocado. An avocado being a no sugar, no carbohydrates in it, whatsoever, it's a fat food and it's very, very low on the glycemic index. Although this person eats it and their glucose monitor goes off and they have a spike, what the fuck ismic index, although this person eats it and their glucose monitor goes off and they have a spike, what the fuck is going on, right? And so what they're speculating is that there's an immune response.
Starting point is 01:04:32 So like this person may have a food intolerance to an avocado, they get an immune response, that causes the liver to release sugar very quickly. When you get an immune response, your liver's response typically is to release sugar into your bloodstream because it's a stress. Any kind of stress will do this. Even working out, I remember learning this with one of my clients was diabetic and after a good workout, his blood sugar would be controlled.
Starting point is 01:04:55 If I pushed him too hard, his blood sugar would skyrocket. And when I was a young trainer, I didn't realize, I didn't understand this, how the fuck can that happen? And his doctor explained, oh, if it's too intense, his liver is gonna just pump, it's gonna release a bunch of stored sugar. And so what's cool about this is, people are gonna wear these things,
Starting point is 01:05:13 it's gonna be attached to an app. They're gonna eat regular foods or whatever, enter into what the foods are, and over time, they're gonna develop an understanding of their glucose fingerprint. And then when you're hungry, it's gonna recommend certain things to you. Oh, I'm going to develop an understanding of their glucose fingerprint. And then when you're hungry, it's going to recommend certain things to you. Oh, I'm going to Carl's Jr.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Oh, here's the options that you have a better response to. Here's the ones you don't. Oh, here's foods that work better for you. Here's ones that don't. And you'll start to correlate that and connect it to how you feel. Like when you eat a food that's dramatically spikes your blood sugar, you can tell if it happens really fast and real high, you tend to get nauseous.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And then when it drops and crashes, you feel lethargic and you wanna fall asleep. That's kind of the feeling of that. There's a lot of connections to cravings and stuff with all this, too. And that's the stuff that I think that's really gonna open people's eyes. Because at the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:06:01 calories are the most important thing, right? So if all things are said the same with calories it is what is but it'll start helping people connect like how they feel right oh shit when I eat this food and that my glucose monitor reads this I also tend to want to over indulge and eat more of these foods and so you go oh wow I see that's that's good information for me to know now it's not that I can't have that and as long as I stay in my calories I'm okay but what I need to be aware of is those Oh, wow, I see. That's good information for me to know now. It's not that I can't have that, and as long as I stay in my calories, I'm okay, but what I need to be aware of is those types of foods
Starting point is 01:06:29 promote more cravings and me to have more, where if I make this choice, I also enjoy this food, but it doesn't cause that. Oh, wow, if I'm trying to be in a calorie restricted diet right now, I'm probably better off heading for these foods. This is why, like, old-school trainer stuff stuff, like we used to teach people to eat more low glycemic foods just in general. This is gonna be more specific to that.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Way more specific. Yeah, way more. I used to just be a generic thing. It's like, oh, instead of you having, you know, sugar or fruit, it might be better to have a sweet potato here. Well, that's just because we know the difference in general as far as the glycemic index, where we're now gonna be able to tell.
Starting point is 01:07:07 And you know what'll be cool about this too, is you'll be able to see how stress affects you through your glucose. Like you have an argument with your spouse, and you'll see your glucose monitor will show a spike in blood sugar. And you're like, holy shit. Yeah, you stress me out.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Look at this. Yeah, look at this. You're not good for my goals. Calm down. Next question is from this. You're not good for my goals. Calm down. Next question is from Mr. James J. Cho. What should you look for in a business partner and what are some red flags that might not be so obvious? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:36 She needs to be handsome or sexy. Yep, yep, that's how we pick each other. She needs to be handsome or sexy. Why are we leaving she? Yeah, see. What's going on? I'm confused. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:07:44 You know, getting a business partner, people need to take that as seriously as like picking a life partner or a marriage. You're tying up your finances, you're tying up your business. If you succeed, you could very well be working with this person or these people for decades. So do you want to meet with this person for decades and talk to them and deal with them?
Starting point is 01:08:09 If they annoy you now a little bit, they're probably going to annoy you way to fuck more in five or 10 years. So those are important things to pay attention to, do you like this person? For me, a big one is honesty. That's number one. Like I need to know what I'm going to get with this person.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I don't want to question someone's motives. I don't want to decipher their language and think, are they trying to communicate something? I don't want to work with someone who isn't honest with the staff or employees who's manipulative. These are common behaviors that you see in people. And some people think that this is what you need to be successful is to have these kind of, you know, behave, you know, this type of characteristics. I personally, for me, integrity was number one, and there's no number one reason why I enjoy
Starting point is 01:08:54 working with the guys that I work with now. Oh, I can totally echo that. I mean, integrity is everything. Like, you know that right away based off of a lot of factors, but I think, too, in terms of terms of just trying to pinpoint one thing to kind of like keep your eyes peeled towards is when you get in rough patches and when you have those failures that occur and how everybody reacts to those failures. And is it the pointing finger mentality
Starting point is 01:09:22 or is it the ownership of the failure or the collective? Like, okay, that was something that all of us can do better on versus like, I am now coming after you for this and this for that. And it's a deflection more than internalizing it. If I could go back and think of things that I would have told my younger self that got into partners on like a thing and exercise that I would have done before I went into partnership with anything. One of the things that I would have taught myself to do, which is sit down in a room, decide
Starting point is 01:09:56 before you go into business with this person, write down your five personal core values. What are your five absolute non-negotiables, extremely important to you at the top five. And then I would ask that person what theirs are. I wouldn't do the exercise with them. I'd want them to do it on their own time. And then I would wanna do it myself. And then I would like to compare the two of them to see how exactly those align.
Starting point is 01:10:22 And I would hope that I would have at least three or four of those similar core values in each other's five. If you have none that you share, that's probably a pretty good red flag that you guys may not be the best blend ever because their five most important things aren't even a single one of yours. And I think the less of them that they have,
Starting point is 01:10:45 the less of the ideal partnership, and the more of them that you guys share, the better the partnership will probably be, because when I look at our business and the core values, we all 100% agree on those. But identical. Yeah, they are. They're all identical.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And something that I think that, these, something that I've realized that I found has been important, and we didn't write this down as one of our core values, but I think of when I think of Sal, Justin, and Doug, it's the selflessness. It's crazy how selflessness, each one of these guys have.
Starting point is 01:11:23 It's, we don't need to be the man. We are always willing to allow the other person to take charge of something or have something this time and then the next time someone, and there's never been like this bickering over that. I think that the humility piece was so important to the success of this business. And that was something that I think that I wouldn't have thought to really look deep into that, that I recognized now later on. Like, wow, that quality became so important later on in the business.
Starting point is 01:11:58 But I definitely would recommend to myself to write the core values down, make them write them down, see if they line, have a discussion around that, and to Salis Point, 100%. It's maybe even more important than the considering who you're going to marry for the rest of your life, because you could take the money and have less of legal issues that you would have in a business with businesses, with finances, with employees, with lawsuits, with the money that is being consumers. There's so many other factors that are being touched that if you don't align with your partner,
Starting point is 01:12:39 like right in line with them on all those things, it could just be nice. The only thing worse than a failing business because of a bad business partner is a successful business with a bad business partner. In my opinion, could you imagine having a wealthy company but working with pieces of crap that you don't trust or you don't want to work with?
Starting point is 01:12:56 That would be a nightmare. More common than not. I know, I know. Here's the other one. Can this person take criticism? That's a big one. That is a big one because you don't want to be in a position with a partner that you feel like you get the hold your tongue because that'll build into resentment.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Just like with a marriage or with a girlfriend, a boyfriend, you want to be able to tell them, like sit him down like, hey, this thing that you're doing, not working so well, this thing is dumb, maybe you should do more of this. How does that person take that criticism and then do they hold a grudge or do they take it, you know, in internalized and say, okay, this is something I need to work on.
Starting point is 01:13:32 That's a big one right there. To that point, you have to respect them as much as you respect yourself. I think the ability for us to do that is that there's this equal respect and admiration that we all have for each other. The ability for us to do that is that there's this this equal respect and admiration that we all have for each other that if Sal or Justin or Doug sit me down and they're like, hey bro, you're fucking up or hey bro, you know, I didn't like what you did here or I don't I disagree. I mean, we can we openly use that to disagree.
Starting point is 01:13:57 I disagree. No, I disagree. And we do. We say that a lot with each other. And it's completely well received, I think, on both ends because when we've already learned this about each other a long time ago, when one of us is arguing and saying, I disagree, it's not a personal thing like, I disagree, you're wrong, I'm right, it's a, I disagree that it's not the best idea for the business.
Starting point is 01:14:17 And let's hash this out. Let's challenge that. Let's argue about it right now so we can all hear it and then we can all come together and agree or disagree on something. I mean, it's, I fuck yesterday, we had a conversation around potentially bringing in some sort of a consultant and we're all talking and it's not personal and agreeing, disagreeing all back and forth and it just creates this great dialogue. Yeah, eventually when it ends up happening, not always, but eventually when it ends up happening
Starting point is 01:14:41 is somebody makes a good point and I love this because at one point, like I'll use example of yesterday, we're all kind of going back and forth and we're on the fence about something. And then Adam said something and he says, well, I met with the person and they just didn't sell me on the idea. And immediately because I respect him, immediately, I'm like, okay, well, I'm going to go with your, I respect you enough to know that, you know, if the guy sold you, he would have sold you on it. If you didn't, it's probably not gonna sell me either.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And that only comes from respecting the people that you work with. If you don't respect the person you're work with, boy, you're gonna have a tough one. That's rough. You're gonna have a rough one. That's really rough. Look, go to minepumpfree.com and download our guides.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Do it now, they're all free. Also, check us out on Instagram. Justin can be found at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Cup zero. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:15:38 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sound and an adjustment as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus
Starting point is 01:16:19 other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing minepump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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